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“The story behind my name” 1

“This is who I am”

Hey there! I'm Caren Joy, but my classmates Hello, I'm Caren Joy! My friends often call me "Dam" or "Ren." I'm an avid
affectionately refer to me as "Dam." Admittedly, gamer, enjoying both online and offline games. Marvel movies are a huge
I've had mixed feelings about my name. While it passion of mine; I'm particularly fond of Spider-Man. Filipino cuisine,
lacks uniqueness, it holds a significant especially dishes like Lechon, Sinigang, Adobo, and Paksiw, tops my list of
connection to a renowned female news reporter,
favorites. Soft drinks and shakes are my go-to drinks, and I have a sweet
Karen Davila, whom my mom admired. My second name,
spot for mangoes and grapes.
Joy, stems from my mom's first husband's daughter,
Despite my love for food, I'm not a fan of okra and tend to avoid
Interestingly, my mom envisioned my name during my vegetables. While Korean dramas and K-pop aren't my cup of tea, I
birth while watching Karen Davila on ABS-CBN news. thoroughly enjoy Hollywood movies. Volleyball is a sport I love playing,
If given the choice, I'd opt for the name Rose, my even if I'm not as skilled as some others. I occasionally delve into books
mom's teenage nickname. It's a nostalgic choice, and find joy in cooking, with chicken adobo being my signature dish.
as it allows her to reminisce about her youth
whenever she looks at me. She often shares stories On a personal note, I'm a lively and talkative person, especially around
of her teenage years as Rose, and adopting that those I connect with. I consider myself generous, always giving without
name would be a tribute to her past. So, that's expecting much in return. Academically, I've been a consistent honor
the unique story behind my name, along with the student from elementary to high school, striving to make my parents
name I'd choose if given the chance - Rose. proud. I value genuine connections and am friendly to those who

“My Family”

Our Damon family exemplifies an extended family dynamic, with two Achieving my dreams may pose challenges, but I am determined to give
older brothers and two older sisters; I happen to be the youngest. Meet my very best. Foremost among my ambitions is becoming an attorney—a
my oldest brother, Resterjames, and the other, Dexter. My sisters, Cendie profound aspiration shared with my father. His dream is to see his
and Maris, complete our unique ensemble. Our amazing parents, youngest daughter, me, holding the title of attorney, believing it will pave
Estrelleta and Elmer, anchor our family. Dad is a dedicated gold miner, the way for a brighter future.
while Mom gracefully manages our home.
My desire to be an attorney goes beyond personal and familial
We may not be affluent, but the hard work of my parents sustains our aspirations; I yearn to defend the rights of those in need. I envision using
simple yet contented lifestyle. Each family member has distinct my knowledge to ensure justice is served, and those deserving find their
aspirations. Encouraged by my parents, I'm pursuing law, aspiring to way to confinement.
become an attorney. Resterjames is employed at Fiesta Appliances and
runs his own business, supporting his daughter. Dexter, a college The substantial salary that comes with the legal profession is a driving
graduate, works as a cashier at HB1. Cendie is a thriving businesswoman force, promising financial stability for my family. The idea of putting
with a beautiful family, while Maris is diligently working towards "Atty." before my name is not just a professional achievement but a
becoming a Criminologist. symbol of triumph for our family.

As for me, the youngest, I'm a senior high student, set to graduate next Beyond personal success, I dream of supporting families on the streets,
year. Our collective goal is success, not just for ourselves but to uplift our providing them with food, shelter, and a comfortable bed. Their struggles
parents and grant them a better life. fuel my motivation for success, emphasizing the importance of giving
Reflecting on our family's history, I have faint memories of my paternal
grandfather, whom we occasionally visited when I was younger. As I navigate my journey, I aim for personal growth, independence, and
Unfortunately, I've forgotten his name and can't recall his face. Despite happiness. Becoming the best version of myself, both strong and content,
the gaps, I hope to reconnect with their memory, even if it's just in a is integral to realizing these dreams and creating a meaningful impact on
dream. those around me.


“My dreams in life” “My three great wishes”

used to sneak out to visit friends without my parents' knowledge, a
decision I now regret. One incident almost led to a serious accident when
In this piece, I'd like to share my three heartfelt wishes. Firstly, my
my lack of focus nearly caused a collision with a truck. I kept this close call
foremost wish isn't solely for myself but for my parents. I yearn for the
a secret, fearing my mom's disapproval.
joy of having them witness my achievements, making them the happiest
Another regret dates back to my younger years when intrusive thoughts
parents. I hope we'll celebrate together, and their sacrifices will be
led me to take coins from my mother's wallet without thinking of the
justified as we share the moment of my graduation.
consequences. The next day, as she cried over our lack of food, I realized
My second wish revolves around navigating the challenges of college life, the gravity of my mistake.
particularly as a law student. Aware of the hardships, I aspire to not just Perhaps my biggest regret is entering a relationship at a young age.
survive but thrive in this journey, defying the notion that it may lead Despite recognizing that it wasn't a healthy connection, I allowed
some to quit. I am determined to persevere and complete my studies. manipulation to persist for almost three years. Thankfully, we're no
longer together, and I've learned valuable lessons from this chapter of my
Lastly, my ultimate wish is to realize my childhood dream of becoming an
life. These regrets serve as reminders of the importance of mindfulness
attorney. This aspiration is deeply tied to my desire to make my parents
and the consequences of impulsive decisions.
proud and happy. Since elementary school, when asked about my future
profession, my consistent response has been, "to become an attorney."
The motivation from those who believe in me has been invaluable, and I
am grateful for their support. Despite the hurdles, I am committed to this
enduring journey, trusting in God's will to see it through.

5 “My top 5 priorities in life”

“My biggest regrets in life”

In this reflection, I'll candidly share some of my life regrets. It's

undeniable that I've had my share of missteps. During the quarantine, I
This piece delves into the priorities shaping my life. Foremost among simple pleasures of school without the weight of being the best student
them is graduating as one of the top students in our class. This goal holds on my shoulders. Those were the days when I reveled in my mother's
immense importance as it aligns with my parents' expectations, care, cherishing her preparation of my meals to ensure I went to school
particularly my father's wish for me to excel. Striving to be at the pinnacle with a full stomach.
of our class, I am committed to making my parents proud and not letting
them down. I reminisce about the time when my father spoiled me, treating me like
his princess. He used to buy me the foods and things I wanted, defending
Second on my list is the aspiration to fulfill my parents' plans for me after me fiercely from anyone who dared to hurt me. I was undeniably a
completing high school. This involves excelling in school, earning awards, daddy's girl, and those memories are etched in my heart.
and ultimately contributing to their pride. Especially for my father, who
serves as my driving force and motivator, I aim to become the successful As I entered high school, the dynamics changed, and the carefree days
"kimod" he envisions. faded away. In my early years, my father was my best friend and shield.
He would proudly accompany me to the stage when I received awards,
Ensuring my personal happiness and cultivating a peaceful life stands as and I cherished the moments of kissing his cheeks before heading to
my third priority. Amidst life's challenges, creating a tranquil environment school. However, the inevitable shift occurred, and the once unbreakable
for myself becomes crucial for my overall well-being. bond transformed.
Fourthly, completing activities and exams with passing scores takes Reflecting on these memories, especially the happy moments of
precedence. Recognizing that these are integral steps toward securing a childhood, I long for the days when our bonds seemed eternal. If given
top position in our class, I am dedicated to meeting these academic the chance to turn back time, I would choose to relive those old,
milestones. cherished days, basking in the simplicity and warmth that defined my
early years.
Finally, the fifth priority centers on making myself proud. This involves
acknowledging that the risks I undertake are worth it, culminating in a
sense of accomplishment. In the pursuit of these priorities, I aim to create
a fulfilling and successful journey for myself.

“My first love”
“If I could go back in time”

In this narrative, I'll unravel the story of my first love. His friends
If I had the chance to revisit any moment in my life, I'd choose my
affectionately call him Paopao, a nickname that resonates in their
elementary years. Back then, I was a carefree little girl, finding joy in the
community. Our journey began in grade 7, sharing the same school and God-centered, someone with whom I can build a lasting relationship
creating lasting memories together. centered around our faith. This spiritual connection holds immense
importance to me.
Paopao stands tall, complemented by captivating brown eyes and a
perfectly pointed nose. His fragrance is delightful, leaving a sweet Secondly, I desire a partner who understands me thoroughly, capable of
impression. While he possesses intelligence, there's a touch of laziness in navigating through my moods and attitudes. Acknowledging my
his demeanor. He's a talkative extrovert who finds joy in driving fast—a occasional mood swings, I seek someone who can handle these aspects
hobby that adds to his vibrant personality. Like me, he holds the position with patience and understanding.
of being the youngest in his family.
Financial stability ranks high on my list of priorities, making it the third
Paopao is not just a first love; he's the catalyst for my personal growth, criterion. I envision a life with a partner who has a stable job, ensuring we
encouraging the best version of myself. During my lowest moments, he can comfortably meet our financial needs without constant worry.
stands as my savior, providing a sense of safety and happiness. His
compliments, delivered daily, create a warm and loving atmosphere. His Appreciation is paramount to a healthy relationship, marking my fourth
sweetness is unparalleled, and I hold deep admiration for him. requirement. I yearn for a man who takes pride in having me in his life,
who values spending time together, and who consistently puts effort into
Together, we share laughter sparked by his corny jokes, and he ensures expressing his love. Imperfections are part of who I am, and I seek a
that problems are kept at bay, valuing my peace of mind. Paopao partner who loves me despite them.
appreciates my efforts and stands as a constant source of support. In him,
I found not just a lover but also my best friend, creating a bond that Lastly, my ideal partner is someone who strives to be an exceptional
brings perpetual joy to my heart. companion, mirroring the love and care he has for his mother. To
conclude, my preferences extend to physical attributes, where I find
attraction in tall men who exude a fragrant aura and maintain a clean and
well-groomed appearance. These are the qualities that would truly
resonate with me in a future partner.
“My dream family”

“What do I look for a future Partner?”

In this narrative, I will delve into the qualities and characteristics I seek in
a future companion. First and foremost, I aspire to be with a man who is
In envisioning my dream family, simplicity is the key, adorned with presence in our lives. Seeing you in pain is something I cannot bear,
abundant happiness. However, I've set a personal goal—I won't embark prompting us to make the painful decision to let you go. The ache in my
on building a family until I achieve my dream profession, becoming an heart is profound, as I had envisioned numerous grand plans for you and
attorney. This choice stems from my determination to provide a stable our family.
and secure foundation for my future loved ones. From the moment of my birth, you have been my unwavering support,
my backbone, alongside Tatay, forming the pillars of my world. Through
Understanding the risks and significance of the decision, I believe it's every twist and turn of life, your support and encouragement have been
crucial to ensure financial stability before venturing into family life. My my guiding light. In times of trouble, you held my hand, steering me
dream is to establish a family radiating love and contentment, blessed towards the right path. You, Nanay, are my everything, my superhero.
with a daughter and a son. I aspire for an eldest son who will treat his For the times I've disappointed you, for my hard-headed moments, and
baby sister like a princess, fostering a bond of care and protection. for ever making you doubt your motherhood, I am genuinely sorry. I
My commitment is to shower them with love, sparing no effort in meeting regret the times I went out in anger without informing you, and if only I
their needs. Their well-being is my priority, and I vow not to let them go could turn back time. My heart aches at the thought of bidding you
hungry. Academically, I won't impose undue pressure; instead, I'll offer farewell, and the void left behind will be immense.
unwavering support, accepting them wholeheartedly. I am endlessly grateful for your unconditional love, care, support,
guidance, and advice. Your place in my heart is irreplaceable. As I say
I aim to create a beautiful and harmonious family where love flourishes. goodbye, I hope you'll remain by my side, visiting me in my dreams. Your
While perfection might be elusive, I seek completeness and strength, love and presence will forever linger in my thoughts.
trusting in God's blessings. In God's will, I hope for a complete and
enduring family, built on love, understanding, and lasting joy. Your Youngest,
Caren Joy

December 6th 2023
Dear Tatay,
December 5th 2023
As I pen down these words, my heart aches with the realization that I
Dear Mama, must bid you farewell. The void your absence leaves is already palpable,
and I miss you dearly. Letting you go is undoubtedly one of the toughest
As I pen down this farewell letter, my hands tremble with the weight of tasks, but I can't bear to see you suffer.
emotions. I never anticipated this moment, hoping you'd be a constant
Tay, I can't fathom life without you. I miss our shared bonds and wish I beautiful family and providing me with a friend who stands by me when I
could turn back time to spend every precious moment with you and our need support. Your generosity has not gone unnoticed.
family. Your dream of having an attorney daughter will not go unfulfilled; Regrettably, I apologize for my transgressions, for not adhering to your
I promise to pursue law and make that dream a reality. commandments, and for succumbing to intrusive thoughts beyond my
The thought of a life without you is daunting. Mama is weakened by your control. I've prayed, I've cried, and I've poured my heart out to you,
absence, and we all feel the void you've left behind. I apologize for recent trusting that you hear me and know what to do. Now, more than ever, I
disappointments and my moments of stubbornness. Your efforts in
understand the importance of trust and faith in you.
supporting my studies have not gone unnoticed, and I'm grateful for the
Seeking your forgiveness, I commit to changing my character for the
times you stood by me when I needed you.
better. I appreciate the lessons you've instilled in me, and I am
Thank you for making me feel loved and for being the best father. No
determined to grow into a person you can be proud of. Thank you for
man can replace you in my heart. I love you immensely, Tay. As I strive to
become an attorney, it will be for you. Though you may not be physically your unwavering guidance and love.
with us, your "kimod" will always miss you. Please find happiness up
there, and know that your legacy lives on in our hearts.
Caren Joy
Your Youngest, 14
Caren Joy December 9th 2023

13 Dear Caren,
December 5 2023
Caren, I want you to know that I am immensely proud of you, and that
Dear God, pride will always be there. Keep moving forward, keep learning, and
continue to blossom into the beautiful person you are meant to become.
With sincerity, I pen down this letter to express my profound gratitude for Although you may not be exactly where you want to be, remember, you'll
bringing me into existence. While at times I've convinced myself that my get there – I believe in you.
existence is a mistake, I acknowledge my confusion and occasional
sadness. However, deep within, I know there is a purpose for my being.
I am sorry for the moments when I questioned your care, for in my soul's
depth, I recognize your constant presence. Thank you for granting me a
I understand that you've faced tough times, broken into pieces, and dealt
with shattered dreams. It's crucial to acknowledge that it's okay; life can
be challenging, dreams may break, and expectations may go unmet. 2 FREE-VERSE POEMS
Always recognize your worth, and don't be disheartened by being
different. Embrace your uniqueness.
Leave the past behind; it doesn't define your future. You're still young, so
explore, enjoy life, and stay true to yourself. Don't change for others, and
hold on to your goals and ambitions. Prioritize self-care and things that
bring you happiness.
You may be far from your dreams, but remember, persistence pays off.
Keep going, make your dreams a reality, pursue your goals, and never
give up. You are strong, and you can overcome any challenge. Be happy,
and make your family proud. Je t’aime, Caren!

Yours Truly,

15 “HER”

She had a language of her own;

Her own way to show her love and care,
She would meet people as if
It has been years to the bond they

Her eyes can touch the scars

You’ve been hiding for long. Of love that felt so true
She would carries the flaws, Of moments that we shared with those,
As that made one strong. Whom we bid a fond adieu.

Some people started to envy her, Memories of struggles and pain,

Of leaves we shed alone
And tried to bring her to their size,
Of hardships that we overcame,
As it isn’t easy to appreciate someone
To make our hearts a home.
When you’ve made up of endless lies.
Memories, they shape our lives,
So she realized her own, In ways we cannot measure,
World was enough strong They’re woven into our very souls
And she has been looking for beauty A treasure we’ll always treasure.
But it lies right where she belongs.

16 17
“It is okay”

It’s okay not to have answers.

Memories, like wisps of smoke,
It’s okay not to be strong.
Drifting in and out of mind,
It’s okay not do anything at all.
Some are bright and clear as day,
It’s okay, so okay, to be wrong.
Others faded, hard to find.
It’s okay to just be you.
Memories of laughter and joy,
It’s okay to lose a game or fight.
It’s okay to take a nap. With your entire class
It’s okay to cry in bed at night.
When we place our garbage
It’s okay to go on your way. In the right bin
It’s okay to play for fun. Both us and nature,
It’s okay to fail a test. Will clearly win
It’s okay to not be number one.
Thanks for keeping the environment
It’s okay to be alone. Healthy and clean,
It’s okay to make a mistake. Recycling is fun
It’s okay to stare out a window. And also quite green.
It’s okay to need a break.

“Let us recycle”

Look around,
There’s so much plastic
Let’s recycle,
It’s fantastic.

Don’t forget,
About paper and glass
Recycle together,
5 TANKA Humihiga sa amin
Kasama aking ate,
Siya ay galit
Sa kanyang bunso.”


Ate Ko Na
Ang Ate Kong Mapanakit
Palaging Galit

“Ako ay nasa bahay “Siya’y galit sa akin,

Hindi ko alam bakit;
Sinampal niya ako. Bigla akong nagtaka,
Nagising ako; Nagalit ako;
Ako’y tulala.” Umalis ako.”


Ate Kong
Nananampal Nang
Aso Ko na si Rose
Walang Dahilan

“Tinanong ko si ate;
“Pumunta ako kay Rose;
Sagot niya ay wala.
Siya ay aso. “Hindi ako umalis,
Nilalaro ko siya, Sinamahan ko siya
Bumalik aking saya.
Masaya ako.” Hanggang sa makatulog.
Tulog na si Rose,
Umalis ako.”


Mahal Kong si
Rose 5 HAIKU
“The bird is flying,
Is it possible
If it is color maroon?”


Walking in
the Park
Maroon “By the way, I’m at the
Bird park.
I’m walking slowly “I saw many kids.
Looking from afar.” They are all happy
And they are laughing."



Happy Kids
My Friend,
“We saw an arcade.
“Nika is with me, We are going to arcade;
I forgot to mention her; We are having fun.”
We are both happy”


Hello there! I'm Caren Joy Damon, an 18-year-old currently navigating the
realm of senior high school. Within the pages of this Literature book lies a
tapestry of random yet meaningful contents, offering a glimpse into the
mosaic of my life.
In these written passages, I've candidly shared facets of my existence—
Arcade my personality, hobbies, preferences, and familial connections. Get ready
to delve into the intricacies of my family, learning about their names and
current pursuits. Moreover, I've provided insights into my parents,
shedding light on the pillars of my support system.
Within this book, you'll discover my three great wishes, priorities, dreams for persevering, utilizing my knowledge and experiences in bringing this
for the future, and an exploration of my character. The narrative unfolds project to fruition. Lastly, a heartfelt appreciation goes to my mother,
with various snippets, including the intriguing story behind my name and whose understanding and support were instrumental. She graciously
the qualities I seek in a future partner. refrained from assigning additional tasks, enabling me to dedicate my
Writing these contents has been a gratifying journey, serving as focus to completing this book.
motivation for self-improvement. They've allowed me to reflect on both
the achievements and regrets in my life, fostering a deeper understanding
of my experiences. This book has become a canvas for expressing
emotions, sharing secrets, and even crafting letters—a letter to God, for
my mother, for my dad, and one addressed to myself.
Amidst these pages, you'll encounter my composed poems, from free
verses to Haiku and Tanka samples. I invite you to enjoy the reading
journey, where surprises await at every turn.


I dedicate this book to myself, and to my v

parents. Personal Information


I extend my profound gratitude to God, whose unwavering

strength empowered me to complete this book. I also commend myself
CAREN JOY R. DAMON Acknowledgement v Table of contents vi
Personal Information

Birthdate : July 19, 2005

The story behind my name 1
Birthplace : Pantukan Hospital This is who I am 2
Age : 18 year old My Family 3
Address : Urban poor, Kingking, My Dreams in Life 4
Pantukan Davao de Oro My three great wishes 5
Civil Status : Single My biggest regret in life 6
Citizenship : Filipino My top 5 priorities in life 7
Parents : Estrelleta Damon If I could turn back in time 8
Elmer Damon My first love 9
Religion : Catholic What do I look for a future partner 10
My dream Family 11
Spoken : Cebuano, Filipino, English
Educational backgrounds
Academic level Name of school
Letter to Mama 12
Elementary Sacred Angel Learning Center Letter to Papa 13
Secondary Nueva Estrella Santiago Dulos Letter to God 14
Academy vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter to advice to Self 15

Title Page
HER 16
Blank page i
Memories 17
Best picture ii
Title page iii
Introduction iv
It is okay 18
Dedication v
Let us recycle 19

Ang ate kong palaging galit 20

Ate ko na mapanakit 21
Ate kong nananampal nang walang
dahilan 22
Aso ko na si Rose 23
Mahal kong si Rose 24


Maroon bird 25
Walking in the park 26
Happy Kids 27
My friend, Nika 28
Arcade 29

My Literature


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