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A review of dental treatment of IN BRIEF

• Describes the immediate and long term

head and neck cancer patients, oral side effects of radiotherapy

• Highlights the importance and need for
pre-radiotherapy assessment.

before, during and after

radiotherapy: part 1
H. Jawad,*1,2 N. A. Hodson3 and P. J. Nixon4

The incidence of head and neck cancer is on the rise. Most head and neck cancers are treated with surgery, radiotherapy,
chemotherapy or a combination of these modalities. Patients undergoing radiotherapy can experience several unwanted oral side
effects, which have both short and long term implications. Dental general practitioners should be aware of these implications
and should liaise closely with the restorative consultants and the oncology team to establish the best oral care pathway. This
two-part series is a review of the oral changes that occur during and after radiotherapy and the oral management of head
and neck oncology before, during and after radiotherapy. This article deals with both immediate sequelae such as cellulitis,
mucositis, dysphagia, dysguesia and weight loss as well as long term sequelae such as rampant caries, trismus, xerostomia and
osteoradionecrosis. It also encompasses the importance and need for pre-radiotherapy assessment.

INTRODUCTION consider which treatment(s) may be the best alcohol consumption. Patients should be made
option. Optimum management of patients aware that smoking and regularly drinking in
The National Head and Neck Cancer audit 2011 with head and neck cancer requires the active excess can increase their risk of oral cancer.
stated that there are approximately 7,354 new involvement of experts from a particularly wide The importance of attending dental appoint-
cases of head and neck cancer diagnosed in variety of fields. The members of the team con- ments must be highlighted to all patients. They
England and Wales each year, of which the sist of: maxillofacial consultant surgeons; ENT should be mindful that dental visits are not
audit had received 6,879.1 Approximately 90% consultant surgeons; consultant oncologists; only about treating dental disease but to pre-
of all malignant head and neck tumours are consultant radiologists; consultant pathologists; vent, screen and manage other conditions of
squamous cell carcinomas (SCC). The disease consultants in restorative dentistry; head and the mouth such as mouth cancer, which may
burden of head and neck cancer is significant; neck cancer specialist nurse; speech and lan- be life threatening.
patients require intensive multimodality treat- guage therapist and dieticians as well as other Awareness and diagnosis of oral cancer is
ments and prolonged rehabilitation with long doctors and health professionals with an inter- one of the primary responsibilities of any den-
term support to achieve an adequate recovery. est in cancer. The restorative consultant has a tist, as the earlier the lesion is found the better
The disease significantly impacts on eating, key role to report and treat any dental problem the outcome. A diagnosis of intraoral carci-
drinking, speech, swallowing, smell, breath- which may interrupt or compromise the course noma is primarily clinical but should always be
ing, social interaction and work capabilities. of cancer treatment. There is an increasing body confirmed histologically; however, this should
Most head and neck cancers are treated with of evidence demonstrating that unplanned not be undertaken in general dental practice
surgery or radiotherapy or, a combination of interruptions of radical radiotherapy treatment because a biopsy will alter the appearance of
both. Chemotherapy alone is rarely appropri- results in prolonged overall treatment time, the lesion and consequently makes it more
ate for these forms of cancer, but chemothera- which can detrimentally affect local control and difficult for a hospital specialist to examine
peutic agents are increasingly used to enhance cure rates for patients with certain tumours. The and assess it. GDPs should immediately refer
the effects of radiotherapy; this is known as tumour types reported in the literature as being a patient with a suspicious lesion to the local
chemoradiation. most affected by interruptions include head and oral and maxillofacial department.
When a diagnosis of head and neck cancer neck squamous cell carcinomas2,3 and cancer The MDT are responsible for ensuring that
is made, each individual case is discussed at of the oesophagus.4,5 The consultant in restora- specialised dentistry is available for head and
a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) meeting to tive dentistry also has a key role in helping to neck cancer patients who require it. The British
improve quality of life post-cancer treatment Association of Head and Neck Oncologists’
Oral and Maxillofacial Speciality Doctor, St Lukes by maximising oral rehabilitation opportunities recommend that every patient, not just those
Hospital, Bradford; 2Community Dental Officer, Shipley
before and following oncological care. planned for radiotherapy, should have a den-
Health Centre; 3Senior Lecturer/Honorary Consultant in
Restorative Dentistry, School of Medicine and Dentistry, tal assessment. Many of these patients have
UCLAN, 4Restorative Consultant, Leeds Dental Institute THE ROLE OF THE GENERAL complex needs which cannot be satisfactorily
*Correspondence to: Miss Huda Jawad DENTAL PRACTITIONER met by the primary care dental services. It is
Email: H.jawad@nhs.net
General dental practitioners (GDPs) play an essential that expert dental care is provided
Refereed Paper important role in the primary prevention of before, during and after radiotherapy.
Accepted 24 November 2014
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2015.28 oral cancer through patient education and life- It is important that dental practitioners have
© British Dental Journal 2015; 218: 65-68 style counselling in relation to smoking and an understanding not only of the effects of


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malignant disease on their patient, but also Table 1 Clinical oral dryness score a total score. Symptoms of xerostomia will not
the specific problems and side-effects from the necessarily progress in the order listed, but any
1 Mirror sticks to buccal mucosa
cancer treatments. Patients undergoing radio- cumulative score higher than three is likely to
therapy can experience several unwanted oral 2 Mirror sticks to tongue be a high-risk patient.
side effects, which have both short- and long- 3 Saliva frothy Recording the Challacombe for every patient
term implications. GDPs should be aware of 4 No saliva pooling in the floor of the mouth before, during and after radiotherapy is desir-
these implications and should liaise closely with 5 Tongue shows generalised shortened papillae able as it can be a great benefit for both the
the restorative consultants and the oncology clinician and the patient
6 Altered gingival architecture (ie smooth)
team to establish the best oral care pathway. Currently the scale is being targeted at all
7 Glassy appearance of oral mucosa especially medical professionals who may have to diag-
THE SIDE-EFFECTS OF RADIOTHER- palate nose xerostomia. This will include all members
APY ON THE ORAL ENVIRONMENT 8 Tongue lobulated/fissured of the dental team, GPs and practice nurses, all
Therapeutic radiation to the head and neck 9 Cervical cavitations on more than two teeth care assistants and many more.
causes both immediate sequelae such as
cellulitis, mucositis, dysphagia, dysguesia, 10 Debris on palate or sticking to teeth Radiation-associated caries
weight loss and severe pain of varying inten- Caries has been seen as an important problem
sities, as well as long term sequelae such is not a disease, but it may be a symptom of in head and neck radiation patients for many
as rampant caries, trismus, xerostomia and various medical conditions, and is a side effect years (Fig. 2). It is well documented that ‘radia-
osteoradionecrosis.6,7 of radiation to the head and neck (Fig. 1). tion caries’ can start within three months of the
The effects are variable and often difficult Xerostomia is accountable for the most com- completion of radiation.7–9
to predict. The effects are dose-related and mon long-standing problems following oro- Head and neck radiation therapy patients
are significant above an absorbed dose of facial radiotherapy. Salivary flow is reduced are at high risk of developing caries due to
60 Grays (Gy). Intensity-modulated radiation from the first week of radiation treatment and the amalgamation of permanent diminution of
therapy (IMRT) can help to reduce the side- this may result in long-term or permanently saliva, high sugar consumption and the high
effects of radiation by producing a custom dry mouth. Xerostomia is particularly severe level of cariogenic flora.8
tailored radiation dose that maximises dose when both parotid glands are in the radio-
to the tumour while also minimising the dose therapy field. Oral candidal infections
to adjacent normal tissues. IMRT allows for The Challacombe Scale is a clinical oral dry- Radiation induced xerostomia can result in
the radiation dose to conform more precisely ness score which was developed from research increased oral candida counts (thrush). This
to the 3D shape of the tumour by modulating conducted at King’s College London Dental may persist for several months after treatment,
or controlling the intensity of the radiation Institute and its purpose is to visually iden- thus increasing susceptibility to candidiasis,
beam in multiple small volumes. IMRT also tify and quantify xerostomia. It uses a simple particularly when dentures are worn.8
allows higher radiation doses to be focused numeric system which enables the clinician to
to regions within the tumour while minimis- quantify the severity of the xerostomia and to Loss or alteration of taste and
ing the dose to surrounding normal critical decide if the condition needs treatment or not. weight loss
structures. Treatment is carefully planned by The Challacombe Scale works as an addi- Many head and neck oncology patients expe-
using 3D computed tomography or magnetic tive score of one to ten, with one being the rience problems with swallowing either as a
resonance images of the patient in conjunc- least severe xerostomia and ten being the most result of surgery (for example, to the tongue
tion with computerised dose calculations to severe xerostomia (Table 1). Each of the ten or pharynx) or as a result of fibrosis and scar-
determine the dose intensity pattern that will aspects observed scores one point, providing ring secondary to radiotherapy. This can result
best conform to the tumour shape. The disad-
vantages of IMRT are apparent; it is not only
more complex to plan and deliver but is much
more costly. None the less, the advantages of
IMRT are such that it is increasingly used for
delivery of head and neck radiotherapy.

Mucositis is a particularly distressing and pain-
ful condition arising from damage to the oral
mucosal lining. It presents as a widespread oral
erythema, pain, bleeding and ulceration. Oral
mucositis is a common and often debilitating
complication of cancer treatment. The symp-
toms of mucositis may occur during the second
or third week of radiation therapy. The symp-
toms are common, temporary and gradually
subside within two or three weeks of complet-
ing treatment.

Xerostomia is defined as a dry mouth resulting Fig. 1 Xerostomia due to radiotherapy Fig. 2 Radiation-associated caries
from reduced or absent saliva flow. Xerostomia


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in difficulties or an inability to eat certain The most decisive factor in whether trismus patients and careful clinical assessment of any
foods. A diet consisting of only fluids, pureed develops or not is probably the inclusion of prosthesis worn by the patient.6 The aim of
or mashed foods may be required. This can the medial pterygoid muscles in the treatment the pre-radiotherapy dental assessment is to
result in difficulties with gaining adequate portals.13 There is some evidence that osteora- maximise the patients quality of life following
nutritional intake. Patients are subsequently dionecrosis and trismus risk may be genetically oncological treatment. Maximising quality of
often prescribed high-sugar-containing food determined by alleles of the TGFß1 gene.15 life may involve retaining teeth for function,
supplements to aid in calorie intake and are aesthetics and speech. Conversely, multiple pre-
encouraged to add sugar and fats to foods Osteoradionecrosis radiotherapy extractions may be more appropri-
when possible. Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) is a potential long ate to avoid the complication of ORN developing
Alteration of taste sensation occurs as a term and arguably the most serious side effect from extracting teeth post-radiotherapy. Where
result of the direct effect of radiation on taste of radiotherapy (Fig. 4). The definition of IMRT is to be used, it is essential to arrange the
buds and due to changes in the saliva. This osteoradionecrosis is an area of exposed devi- assessment and management of the patient as
ranges from the inability to taste (ageusia), talised irradiated bone that fails to heal over swiftly as possible to allow the oncologist the
decreased ability to taste (hypogeusia) or dis- a period of three to six months in the absence maximum time to plan the therapy.
torted taste (dysgeusia). Dysgeusia occurs rap- of local neoplastic disease.16–20
idly and exponentially up to 30 Gy, after this Early presentation of ORN, within two years, Oral hygiene instruction
taste diminishes at a slower rate until reaching is thought to be related to high doses of radi- The importance of general dental care and oral
ageusia. Taste acuity is partially restored in otherapy (>70 Gy) whereas late presentation hygiene, especially for head and neck cancer
20–60 days after the completion of radiation is usually secondary to trauma and delayed patients, cannot be over emphasised and a pro-
and in most patients is restored almost com- wound healing within compromised tissue.21 active preventative/preventive treatment plan
pletely within four months.10 However, some Tooth extraction has been considered one of is mandatory. In order to resolve any gingivitis
patients may experience life-long alteration or the main risk factors for the development of and to maintain a relatively plaque free mouth,
loss of taste.10 Dysgeusia or ageusia generally ORN. The incidence of ORN varies widely in dentate patients should use 10 ml of chlorhex-
causes malaise in patients as they quickly lose the literature ranging from 1–37%.22 The exact idine gluconate mouth rinse at a concentra-
interest in food, which may lead to compro- incidence of ORN after post-irradiation extrac- tion of 0.2% (Corsodyl) twice daily for a week
mised nutritional status and weight loss. tion is unknown. In general the data showed before radiotherapy and chemotherapy.30,31
a downward trend of the risk of developing
Trismus ORN after extractions in recent years. The inci- Which teeth to extract and timing
Trismus occurs as a side effect of radiotherapy, dence of ORN after post-irradiation extractions of extractions
especially in cases where the tumour invades performed after 1990 was 2%, compared with Dental extractions in the field of radiation
the muscles of mastication and in cases requir- 16% before then.21 The risk of post-extraction put patients at risk of ORN and consequently
ing surgical intervention. Surgery may induce ORN is widely reported to be greater for the it is advisable to extract teeth with a poor
scar tissue which reduces mouth opening due to mandible compared with the maxilla.21 The long-term prognosis that will be within the
scar contraction in the muscles of mastication pattern of blood supply to the mandible has radiotherapy field. All viable teeth should be
(Fig. 3). Additionally, radiotherapy may induce been implicated as a primary reason for this retained for aesthetics and functional needs,
fibrosis in these muscles as a late radiation finding.25 Other more simple explanations denture stability and maintain quality of
effect.11–13 Seventy-eight percent of patients claim that the mandible is included in the life. The less motivated the patient, the more
experience severe difficulties in mastication radiation field more often than the maxilla. aggressive one should be in extracting teeth
following major head and neck surgery with Patients are at particular risk of ORN when:26 before radiotherapy.
implications for normal social adaptation.14 • The total radiation dose exceeded 60 Gy It is generally agreed that teeth with a poor
• The dose fraction was large with a high prognosis must be extracted before radiother-
number of fractions apy.32 This includes:
• There is local trauma as the result of a • Advanced caries lesions with questionable
tooth extraction, uncontrolled periodontal pulpal status or pulpal involvement
disease or an ill-fitting prosthesis • Extensive periapical lesions
• The patient is immune-deficient • Moderate or advanced periodontal disease
• The patient is malnourished (extensive attachment loss), especially
• Proximity of tumour to bone27 with advanced bone loss and mobility or
• Primary site of tumour. Posterior mandible furcation involvement
is more commonly affected by ORN • Residual root tip if not fully covered by
Fig. 3 Trismus – Patient shown is at because of its compact and dense nature28 alveolar bone or showing radiolucency
maximal opening
• State of dentition – odontogenic and • Impacted or incompletely erupted teeth,
periodontal disease29 particularly third molars that are not fully
• Poor oral hygiene29 covered by alveolar bone or that are in
contact with the oral environment.16,32,33
THE ORAL MANAGEMENT OF The extractions should be performed as
ONCOLOGY PATIENTS BEFORE atraumatically as possible and with primary
It is imperative that certain head and neck can- Ideally, any extractions should be done as
cer patients have a pre-radiotherapy assessment soon as possible before radiotherapy starts,
before the commencement of any radiotherapy however, this is not always practicable due
Fig. 4 Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) treatment. The pre-radiotherapy assessment to time constraints. Preferably the extrac-
must include a radiographic survey for dentate tion should be undertaken up to three weeks


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