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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE 6

School: Malabon Elementary School Grade: Grade 6

Time Duration: 50 minutes Subject: TLE

Date: Wednesday - April 24, 2024 Quarter: Fourth Quarter/ Fourth

Grading Period

I. Learning Objectives

Content Standard:
● Demonstrates an understanding of and skills in recycling waste materials.
Performance Standard:
● recycles waste materials following the principles of “five S”.
Learning Competency:
● repairs simple gadgets/furniture/ furnishings at home and school. (TLE6IA-0h-10)

II. Subject Matter

Content Repair simple furnitures/ furnishings at home and school.


Reference ● Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)

in TLE 6
● Technology and Livelihood Education Industrial
Arts – Module 10: Simple Gadgets/ Furniture/
Furnishing at Home and in School.n
si=bXIfv7mxfwsP6TOVg at Home and in S

Materials PowerPoint Presentation, LED TV

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

Opening Prayer
To start our day, everybody stands for our opening
prayer, are you ready to pray grade six (6)
- john?

“Yes, we are!”

“In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, We ask that you give us the strength and courage to
do our daily tasks with a positive attitude and an eagerness In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
to learn. Let my learners fully understand our lesson today,


“Good afternoon grade 6 john.”

“Good afternoon ma’am, Mj.”

“Let’s watch a short video.”


1. What is your insight about the video?

- “Student 1”
- “student 2”
B. Lesson proper
Today’s lesson focuses on repair simple furnitures/
furnishings at home and school. And how repair materials
benefits us. But before we dive into our lesson, let me ask
you one question.
“Are you experience recycling or repairing some furniture
at your home?”

-”student 1”
C. Presentation -”student 2”
Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
[Teacher present some situational problem of different
damage furnitures.]




 “What will happen if we ignore these broken furniture
and other gadgets?”

D. Discussion “students”
Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1
“Repairing furniture, gadgets and other things that are
inside of our home or even at our school can be a cost-
efficient and is a practical way to make our belongings
more durable and sustainable. By learning basic repair skills
such as fixing loose screws, patching up minor damages,
etc. can help us to save money and reduce waste. It is
essential to have the right tools and materials on hand, as
well as following safety precautions when working on

[Teacher will discuss the procedure for repairing broken

furnitures at home and school.]

Procedure For Repairing

STEP 1. Prepare all the materials and tools.
STEP 2. Identify the materials and tools.
STEP 3. Find the loose or damage part where fixing
materials are placed or lost screws.
STEP 4. Either replace the broken/damage part of the table
or transfer where to fasten.
STEP 5. To fasten the part or parts thoroughly, place a
brace to support the broken/damage part.

[Presenting examples of repairing furniture before and after.

Student will tell something about the pictures]

“ What did you observe in the picture?”

Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #2


“What are the parts of the chair that need to repair base
on the picture? “
[Teacher will execute infront of their class on how to repair
a broken chair or have a simple damage.]

Developing Mastery
[Teacher will present three (3) group activities to the class.]
“Class, you only three (3) minutes to do your work and
two (2) minutes each group for presentation.”

Perfect Group/s
score score
- Did the skills
required to perform 20
the job acquired by
the students?
Speed in Working
- Did the students
finished their job on
Skills in handling
- Did the students
use the tool for the

Correctness of
- Did the students follow 30
the procedure properly?

TOTAL 100%

“Class count 1 to 3.”

Group 1 – repair the broken chair and tell what are the
process you did while repairing it.

Group 2 – repair the broken chair and tell us what are the
materials you needed to fix/repair it.

Group 3 – repair the broken chair if you’re done repairing

it, present and prove to the class the durability of it.

Answer the following statement:
Tell True if the statement is true about gathering data and
False if it is not.

1. Inspect the table.

2. Knowing the tools needed.
3. Hammer and saw are not needed.
4. Measurement must be considered.
5. Ignore the loose part of the table.

E. Making Generalizations and Abstraction about

the Lessons
[presenting their group work]
“How to gather the data in repairing furniture?”

“What are the importance of gathering data before


F. Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily


“What will you do when you observed one of your furniture

at home is having

G. Evaluating Learning “students”

Sequencing Steps Directions:

Arrange the steps of the procedure for repairing. (In
chronological order) Write 1-5 to indicate their order.
(1 is the beginning and 5 is the last)

______ 1. Find the loose or damage part where fixing

materials are placed or lost screws. -3
______ 2. Identify the materials and tools. -2
______ 3. Prepare all the materials and tools. -1 ______
4. Either replace the broken/damage part of the table or
transfer where to fasten. -4
______ 5. To fasten the part or parts thoroughly, place a
brace to support the broken/damage part. -5

“Grade 6 john, that’s all our discussion about repairing

simple furnitures at school and home.

Thank you for listening, goodbye class!!

[The students answered all questions correctly]

-students; “goodbye, ma’am mj”

H. Remarks

I. Reflection

A. Numbers of learners who earned 80% in the


B. Numbers of learners who require additional

activities for remediation who scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners

who have caught up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue to require


E . Which of my teaching strategies worked well?

Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me?

G. What innovations or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other
Student Teacher Critic Teacher

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