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USN ETDAU1c 1h 18CS553

Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology

(An Autonorous Institution, Aided by Government of Karmataka
Amiliated to Visvesvarnya Technological Universily, Belgaum & Approved by AICTE, New Delli)
BDA Outer Ring Road. Near JnanaBharathiCompus. Mallathaly, Bengaluru-560056, Karmataka

FIFTH Semester B.E. Degree (Autonomous) Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE )

ODI) Semester 21-22
Date : 26-1-21 Sub. Title :Artificial Jntelligence Timings:1.30-2.30
Day: Friday Sub. Code:18CS553 Timeduration : 60 mins
Branch:CSE Max marks:25
Semester/ Sec th CIE-I Staff in-charge: ArathiP
Coure RBT
Note : Answer ALL the questions Marks Out Cognitive
Q. No. evel

4M C01 L2
a) Explain acting humanly approach of artificial intelligence.

with pseudo 6M C02 L3

b)Explain uniform cost search method of searching
code. Derive the minimal cost path for the following .here S is
start node and G is a goal node.

Explain utility based agent with proper diagram. 5M C02 L2

2. a)
C02 L3
b) Explain Breadth First Search technique. Derive this for the M
given graph. (consider 0 as root node & 6 as goal node)


c) Define a problem and its components. Derive these 5M CO1 L3

components for 8-Queen problem.

Staff incharge: ARATHIP MOD (Dr. Siddaraju)

the questions
Note: Answer ALL

bechavior is
described by
D Environment
C Agent program
B Agentfunction
A Percept sequence

Intelligence was
coined by
The term Artificial
Warren McCulloh D Alan Tuing
B John Mc Carthy C
A Aristotle
artificial intelligence'
for agents in
What is the composition None
B Architecture
C Both (A) &(B)
A Program

approach" illustrates Acting

The laws of thought

Thinking C Acting humanly rationally

A Thinking humanly rationally
Which agent deals
with happy and unhappy Utility based

C Learning agent
D agent
B Model basel agent
Simple reflex agent
as an output.
as an input and returns
. A search algorithm takes

Input, output B Problem, splution C Solution, problem sequence of


performance through
Agents can improve their Learning
B Goal C Environment
A Happiness
which is
for theenvironment
o Cross word puzzle is an example DAll ofthese
C discrete
B statie
A Deterministic
9. less memory?
which search algorithm requires
Among the given options,
Uniform chst C Depth first search None
Breadth First
Search search
10 is responsible for selecting external actions in learning agent.
nPerformance C Critic D generator
Learning element
USN1DAL1 e Soh
Ambedkar Institute of of Karnataka
Afiliated (AnAAutonomous Institution, Aided by GovernmentTechnology
BDA Outer
Outer Rino vraya Technologrcal niversity.Belgaum &Approved by AICTE, New Delhi
Ring Road, Near Inana Bharathi Campus, Mallathally,
Bengaluru-560056. Karmataka
FIPTH Semester B.E.
Degree (Autonomous) Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE
ODD Semester 21-22

Date: 29/12/21 Sub. Title
:Artificial Intelligence Timings: 1.30-2.30
Day:Wednesday Sub. Code:18CS553
Branch:SE Time duration : 60 mins
Semester/ Sec5 th Max marks: 25
CIE-II Staff in-charge: AP
Q. No. Course RBT
Note: Answer ALL the questions Marks Outco Cogniti
me ve level
a) Explain wumpus world problem.
different steps through which Derive and explain the 5M CO3 L3
agent is exploring the world with
b) Derive PDDL Descriptions for the given blocks world problem. 5M C04 L3

StartState oal State

2. a) Explain planning. Give any three diiferences between problem 5M C04

solving and planning L2

b) Explain syntax and semantics of propositional logic and derive 5M CO3 L3

the truth tale for five logical

5M C04 L3
Derive partial order planning for simple flat tire problem.


Faculty: ARATHLP

ln planning searching backwards is known as

a) regression b) Partial order c) Total order d) progression

Following is/are the components of the partiai order planning.

a) Bindings b) Goal C) Causal Links d) All of the

Knowledge base is a set of

a) problem b)sentences logic d) reasoning

The following approach encodes the desired benaviours as program codes

b) declarative c)Both a) & b) d) none of these

a) procedural

Logic must define the following

b) semanties c) Both a) & b) d) none of these

a) syntax

Propositional logic consists of

a) facts b) objects c)relations d)time

In classical planning the environment is

b) static c) finite d) all of these

a) fully observable

8. The general strategy of delaying the choice during search is called

a) least commitment b) full commitment c) admissible d) ordering

In wumpus world problem the environment is


d) none of these
a) episodic b)sequential c) dynamic

10 The method of deriving new sentences from old is called

c) interference d) derivation
a) representation b) inference
USN A1 o 7 18CS553
FIFTH Semester BE Degree Semester End Examination (SEE), FEB/MAR-2022

ITime: 3 Hours [Maximum Marks: 100
Instructions to students:
() Answer FIVE FULL Questions as per the choice.
(i) Any Missing Data can be assumed suitably.
(ii)Use BLACK ball point pen for text, figure, table, etc.
Marks CO
1. a) Explain the properties of differe Task Environments in detail. [08 Marks) CO1 L2
b) Discuss the structure of a learning agent and compare its functioning 08 Marks CO1 L2

with utility based agent with the help ofa diagram.

c) Explain the structure of intelligent agent. Write a pseudo code for 104 Marks COi L3

simple table driven agent.


Discuss the structure of a utility based agent with the help of a [08 Marks CO1 L2
diagram and example.
Derive and Tabulate simple agent functions for vacuum cleaner and 106 Marks) CO1 L3
explain in detail.
[06 Marks] CO1 L3
c)ExplainPEAS? Derive PEAS descriptions for:
i) self-driving car
ii) Part picking robot.
3. a) Define a problem and its components. Derive these components for [10 Marks] CO2 L3

8-puzzle problem.
b) Explain the pseudo code for Min-Max algorithm in game playing. [10 Marks CO2 L3

Derive the optimal path for the following game tree by applying
Alpha-Beta pruning with Min-Max algorithm.






Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore

(An Autonomousinstitute affiliated to VTU, Belagavi, Karnataka, India) Page1
4. a) Explain A* search strategy in detail. For the given graph using A* 10 Marks CO2 L3
technique find the path from node A to goal nodeG.

11 G0

b) Explain uniform cost search technique with pseudo code. apply this 10 Marks) CO3 L3
tothe given graph and find the
path from node S to goal node G.

5. a) Explain forward chaining technique. Apply the same to derive the

10 Marks CO3 L3
prooftree for the given scenario:
The law says that it is a crime for an American to sell weapons to
hostile nations. The country Nono, an enemy of America, has somne
missiles, and all of its missiles were sold to it by Colonel West, who
is American. Prove that Col. West is a criminal.
b) Explain syntax and semantics of propositional logic. Derive the truth [10 Marks co3 L3
table for the five logical connectives used in
propositio nal
6. a) Explain the following inference rules with an example: |10 Marks CO3 L3
i) Modus Ponens (i) And Elimination. Construct AND OR graph
for the given set of horn clauses:


Dr. Ambedkar Institute of

Technology, Bangalore
(An Autonomous institute affiliated to VTU, Belagavi, Karnataka, India) Page 2
b) Describe the ontology of situation L3
calculus. Explain the process of 0 arks
describing actions in situation calculus.
7. a) Explain in brief GRAPHLAN
algorithm. And derive the planning 1O Marks C04 L3
graph for "have cake and eat cake too.
b) Derive the partial order
explain its sequence of events.
planning for the simple flat tire problem and 10 Marks C04 L3

8a) Write a PDDL description for the blocks word
problem shown. 10 Marks C04 L3

Start State Goal State
b) Explain forward and backward
state-space search method for 10 Marks C04 L2
planning with an example.

9. a) Develop a
simple decision network for airport sitting problem and 10 Marks C04 L3
discuss the major three types of nodes used.
b) Explain decision tree learning. Find entropy and information gain for [10 Marks C04 3
the attributes al and a2 also derive the
decision tree for the following:
Instance Classification a2

10. a) Explain diferent forms of learning with an example for each. [10 Marks CO4
b) Explain the following: [10 Marks C04 L2
i. Ordinal utility function.
ii. Framing effect
ii. Dominance
iv. Expert systems

Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore

(AnAutonomous institute afiliated to VTU, Belagavi, Karnataka, India) Page 3

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