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Head - Neck - Body - Tail

(all this will be crocheted as one detail)

Start crocheting the head (muzzle).

1 row: 2 ch, in the second chain from the hook 8 sc (8)
1 row: 8 sc in mr (8)
So here we use a thread of a contrasting color (next - thread-marker) to mark the beginning of
the row.
2 row: 8 inc (16)
3 row: (1 sc, 1 inc) x 8 (24)
4 row: 24 sc (24)
5 row: (5 sc, 1 inc) x 4 (28)
6-7 rows (2 rows): 28 sc (28)
8 row: mark the beginning of the row with contrasting thread - (1 sc, 1 inc) x 3, here we put one
more thread-marker - 8 sc, here we put the third thread-marker - (1 inc, 1 sc) x 3, here we put
the last thread-marker then - 8 inc (42)
So we have a total of 4 threads-marker in this row
9 row: 42 sc (42)
10 row: mark the beginning of the row with first thread-marker (1 inc, 2 sc) x 3, here second
thread-marker - 8 sc, here third thread-marker - (2 sc, 1 inc) x 3, and the last thread-marker –
1 inc, 6 sc, 2 inc, 6 sc, 1 inc (52)
11-16 row (6 rows): 52 sc (52)
17 row: (1 dec, 2 sc) x 3, 8 sc, (2 sc, 1 dec) x 3, 1 dec, 6 sc,
2 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec (42)
18 row: (5 sc, 1 dec) x 6 (36)
19 row: 2 sc, 1 dec, (4 sc, 1 dec) x 5, 2 sc (30)
20 row: 4 sc, 1 dec (8 sc, 1 dec) x 2, 4 sc (27)
21 row: (7 sc, 1 dec) x 3 (24)
stretch the detail and fill a little bit
spread the hollow fiber evenly
Here we start crocheting the Nessie’s neck
22 - 26 rows (5 rows): 24 sc (24)
stretch the detail a little
fill more (here we fill the Monster's head fully)
spread the hollow fiber evenly
27 - 31 rows (5 rows): 24 sc (24)
stretch the detail a little
spread the hollow fiber evenly
32 -36 rows (5 rows): 24 sc (24)
stretch the detail a little
spread the hollow fiber evenly
37- 41 rows (5 rows): 24 sc (24)
stretch the detail a little
spread the hollow fiber evenly
42 row: (5 sc, 1 inc) x 4 (28)
43 row: 28 sc (28)
44 row: (6 sc, 1 inc) x 4 (32)
Start crocheting the body
45 row: 3 sc, now there is a new beginning of the row - put a thread-marker here, 1 inc, 3 sc,
1 inc, here we put one more thread-marker - 10 sc, here we put the third thread-marker - 1 inc,
3 sc, 1 inc, here we put the last thread -marker - 1 inc, 10 sc, 1 inc (38)
46 row: 30 sc, 2 inc, 6 sc (40)
47 row: 1 inc, 22 sc, 1 inc, 7 sc, 2 inc, 7 sc (44)
48 row: 1 inc, 5 sc, 2 inc, 10 sc, 2 inc, 5 sc, 2 inc, 2 sc, 1 inc,
2 sc, 1 inc, 4 sc, 1 inc, 2 sc, 1 inc, 2 sc, 1 inc (56)
49 row: 56 sc (56)
50 row: 1 inc, 7 sc, 2 inc, 12 sc, 2 inc, 7 sc, 2 inc, 22 sc, 1 inc (64)
Here I ended up with the first skein of fluffy yarn
51 -54 rows (4 rows): 64 (64)
55 row: 1 inc, 9 sc, 2 inc, 14 sc, 2 inc, 9 sc, 1 inc, 26 sc (70)
56 - 65 rows (10 rows): 70 sc (70)
Here we stretch the Monster's body a bit
66 row: 1 inc, 11 sc, 1 inc, 18 sc, 1 inc, 11 sc, 2 inc, 24 sc, 1 inc (76)
67 - 72 rows (6 rows): 76 sc (76)
Here we ended up with the second skein of fluffy yarn!
From now we will decrease the body of the Monster.
You can fill in the neck a bit at the intersection with the body!
73 row: 1 dec, 11 sc, 2 dec, 14 sc, 2 dec, 11 sc, 1 dec, 28 sc (70)
74 row: 70 sc (70)
75 row: 1 dec, 9 sc, 1 dec, 16 sc, 1 dec, 9 sc, 2 dec, 24 sc, 1 dec (64)
76 row: 64 sc (64)
77 row: 1 dec, 7 sc, 1 dec, 16 sc, 1 dec, 7 sc, 1 dec, 26 sc (60)
78 row: 60 sc (60)
79 row: 1 dec, 5 sc, 1 dec, 12 sc, 1 dec, 5 sc, 2 dec, 26 sc, 1 dec (54)
stretch the Monster's body a little to give it shape
80 row: (4 sc, 1 dec) x 9 (45)
81 row: 1 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec, 11 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec, 9 sc, 1 dec, 9 sc (40)
82 row: (1 dec, 1 sc) x 3, 7 sc, (1 sc, 1 dec) x 3, 15 sc (34)
Here we will stretching and fill the body of the Monster.
do not fill the body completely
don't fill it too tightly
83 row: 24 sc, 4 dec, 2 sc (30)
84 row: 4 sc, 1 dec, 16 sc, 3 dec, 2 sc (26)
85 row: 1 dec, 18 sc, 1 dec, 4 sc (24)
86 row: 24 sc (24)
87 row: 2 dec, 10 sc, 2 dec, 6 sc (20)
stretch and fill (not completely)
spread the hollow fiber evenly
also here we start crocheting the tail
88 row: 18 sc, 1 dec (19)
89 row: 17 sc, 1 dec (18)
90 row: 16 sc, 1 dec (17)
91 row: 15 sc, 1 dec (16)
stretch and fill more (here we fill the Monster's back fully)
92 - 95 rows (4 rows): 16 sc (16)
stretch and fill a bit
96 - 99 (4 rows): 16 sc (16)
stretch and fill a bit
Oh my god, can you believe you're already on row 100?
100 row: 14 sc, 1 dec (15)
101 row: 15 sc (15)
102 row: 13 sc, 1 dec (14)
stretch and fill a bit
103 -107 rows (5 rows: 14 sc (14)
stretch and fill a bit
108 - 112 rows (5 rows): 14 sc (14)
stretch and fill a bit
113 row: 12 sc, 1 dec (13)
114 row: 13 sc (13)
115 row: 11 sc, 1 dec (12)
116-117 rows (2 rows): 12 sc (12)
stretch and fill a bit
118 - 121 rows (4 rows): 12 sc (12)
stretch and fill a bit
122 row: (4 sc, 1 dec) x 2 (10)
123 row: 10 sc (10)
124 row: (3 sc, 1 dec) x 2 (8)
fill a bit
125 row: 8 sc (8)
pull out our fluffy thread and leave the long end of the fluffy thread
close and hide the loose ends

Fins (make 4 details)

1 row: 2 ch, in the second chain from hook 6 sc (6)

2 row: (1 sc, 1 inc) x 3 (9)
3 row: (2 sc, 1 inc) x 3 (12)
4 row: (3 sc, 1 inc) x 3 (15)
5 row: (4 sc, 1 inc) x 3 (18)
6 row: (5 sc, 1 inc) x 3 (21)
7 row: (6 sc, 1 inc) x 3 (24)
8 row: (7 sc, 1 inc) x 3 (27)
9 row: (8 sc, 1 inc) x 3 (30)
stretch the detail a little bit
10 - 15 rows (6 rows): 30 sc (30)
stretch the detail a little bit
16 row: 3 dec, 24 sc (27)
17 row: 1 dec, 25 sc (26)
18 row: 1 dec, 24 sc (25)
19 row: 1 dec, 23 sc (24)
20 row: (10 sc, 1 dec) x 2 (22)
21 row: 22 sc (22)
22 row: 1 sc
We do not fill fins!
Fold the detail in half and crochet 11 sc across to close the fins. Leave the long end of the thread
to sew this detail to the body of the Monster.

Ears (2 details)

Left ear
1 row: 12 ch, start crocheting into the second chain from the hook - sc across next 10 ch, insert
4 sc in last ch (4 sc in the last ch), bringing you around to other side of the ch with a row of
unworked loops, 10 sc on the opposite side.
Place contrast thread-marker at the beginning of the row.
2 row: 1 inc, 5 sc, (1 inc, 1 sc) x 4, 10 sc (29)
3 row: 1 sc, 1 inc, 8 sc, 6 inc, 13 sc (36)
4 row: 2 sc, 1 inc, 33 sc (37)
Pull out our fluffy thread! And leave the long end of the thread to sew this detail to the head of
the Monster.

Right ear
1 row: 12 ch, start crocheting into the second chain from the hook- sc across next 10 ch, insert
4 sc in last ch (4 sc in the last ch), bringing you around to other side of the ch with a row of
unworked loops, 10 sc on the opposite side.
Place thread-marker at the beginning of the row.
2 row: 10 sc, (1 sc, 1 inc) x 4, 5 sc, 1 inc (29)
3 row: 13 sc, 6 inc, 8 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc (36)
4 row: 33 sc, 1 inc, 2 sc (37)
Pull out our fluffy thread! And leave the long end of the thread to sew this detail to the head of
the Monster.

Rainbow horns

Here we need 6 colors of plush yarn pink, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple!
And we need to crochet 3 horns of each color. There will be 18 horn details in total.

1 row: 2 ch, in the second chain from hook 6 sc (6)

2 row: (1 sc, 1 inc) x 3 (9)
3 row: 9 sc (9)
Pull the end of the thread inside the detail. Turn it out. Tighten the thread of the beginning. Turn
it out again. Hide all the threads inside. Fill it a little.
Rainbow detail

Rainbow detail will be crocheted with back-and-forth-rows.

We start with pink colour!
1 row: 21 ch - start crocheting from the second chain from the hook - 5 sc, 5 hdc, 5 dc, 5 tr, 1 ch,
turn the crochet, flo - 20 sc, change colour to orange, 1 ch, turn the crochet
2 row: blo - 5 sc, 5 hdc, 5 dc, 5 tr, 1 ch, turn the crochet, flo - 20 sc, change colour to yellow,
1 ch, turn the crochet
3 row: blo - 5 sc, 5 hdc, 5 dc, 5 tr, 1 ch, turn the crochet, flo - 20 sc, change colour to green,
1 ch, turn the crochet
4 row: blo - 5 sc, 5 hdc, 5 dc, 5 tr, 1 ch, turn the crochet, flo - 20 sc, change colour to blue,
1 ch, turn the crochet
5 row: blo - 5 sc, 5 hdc, 5 dc, 5 tr, 1 ch, turn the crochet, flo - 20 sc, change colour to purple.
Finish crocheting, cut the purple thread.

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