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Difference between Schema & subschema

A schema is a formulation of the scheme in the language interface offered by a DBMS Or Schema is the physical arrangement of the data as it appears in the DBMS. As a result of this formulation not only the scheme, and therefore the conceptual schema can be represented in the computer but guidelines for creating and maintaining a conceptual data base are also laid down. In order to be able to do both the things, the schema is being defined in two parts. They are:A. Logical schema B. Physical Schema A. Logical schema: The logical schema is concerned with exploiting the data structures offered by a DBMS in order to make the scheme understandable to a computer. B. Physical Schema: The physical schema, on the other hand, deals with the manner in which the conceptual database shall get represented in the computer as a stored database.

In order to make the specification of both the logical and the physical schema easy for the DBA, data base management system provide two languages, called Data Definition Language (DDL) and the Data Storage Description Language (DSDL). It gives facilities for controlling the manner in which the data structure gets represented in the computer. This involves, among others, allocation of storage space, selection of access methods and a specification of the manner in which different objects which enter into a relationship with each other are linked together. The efficiency has to be considered both from the point of view of space as well as of time. After the logical and physical schema have been processed by the respective language translators, a null database is created in the computer. This means that a data base with no data in it is created. Therefore, the database corresponding to the conceptual database loaded in the computer. This database can then be operated up on to reflect any changes that may occur in the conceptual database. A conceptual schema is normally split up into a number of external schemas and it is through these that users view the real world. Consequently, a means must be provided to capture the notion of an external in the DBMS. In DBMS terms, this is achieved by the notion of a subschema. The subschema is subset of the schema.

SUB-SCHEMA is the logical view of the data as it appears to the application program.The subschema inherits the same property that

an external schema has. It gives to a user a window through which he can view only that part of the database which is of interest to him. This property which it inherits from the external schema, a subschema has a number of other good qualities. It can act as a unit for enforcing controlled access to a database. Further, the subschema can made the basis for controlling concurrent operation on the data base. A language called the Subschema Definition Language (SDL) is used to specify a subschema. The nature of this language depends up on the data structure on which a DBMS is based and also up on the host language, if any, within which DBMS facilities are used.

Filters & Its Functions

A database filter enables you to extract information from database file(s) that you want to print on the report. The ability to use filters in database programs has always been one of the strongest features of database applications (dBase, Foxpro, Access, etc). While they can be a little confusing at first, if you understand some basic concepts of how to create a database filter you will find them to extremely helpful in creating useful reports. Filters do not change any information contained in database file, they don't copy information to another file either. A filter simply "hides" information that you don't want to see, which explains why they are called "Filters". No matter how many times you create or use a database filter, you are guaranteed that they will NEVER harm your database information. Hopefully this will give you the confidence to try creating filters for various purposes. Understanding database filters is crucial to printing useful reports. Once you learn some basics of database filters you will find them extremely useful in building your reports. Some database programs may provide a "wizard" that enables you to easily create / use / save database filters. If this is the case with this database application then please consult it's documentation on how to use this feature. This help file breaks down database filters into smaller pieces to help you in understand what a filter is, and how to create increasingly complex filters. It is recommended that you at least glance over each topic; if you get stuck you can always reference these help topics when creating your database filter.

Functions Or Methods Of Filters

There are four methods that you can use to filter records in a form or a datasheet. Filter by Selection, Filter by Form, Filter for Input, and Advanced Filter/Sort.

1. Filter by Selection1. Start Microsoft Access, and then open the database that you are working with. 2. In a field on a form, a sub form, a datasheet, or a sub datasheet, select one instance of the value that you want to filter by (for example, a name or a number). 3. On the Records menu, point to Filter, and then click Filter by Selection. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have the set of records that you are looking for. NOTE: You can also filter for records that do not have a certain value. After you select a value, right-click, and then click Filter Excluding Selection.

2. Filter by Form1. Open a form in Form view, or a table, a query, or a form in Datasheet view. To filter records in a sub datasheet, display the sub datasheet by clicking its expand indicator. 2. On the Records menu, point to Filter, and then click Filter By Form to switch to the Filter By Form window. 3. You can specify criteria for the form, the sub form, the main datasheet, or any sub datasheet that is displayed. Each sub form or sub datasheet has its own Look For and Or tabs. 4. Click the field in which you want to specify the criteria. 5. Enter your criteria by selecting the value that you are searching for from the list in the field (if the list includes field values), or by typing the value into the field. To find records in which a particular field is empty or not empty, type Is Null or Is Not Null into the field. 6. To specify additional values that records can have in the filter, click the Or tab for the form, the sub form, the datasheet, or the sub datasheet that you are filtering, and then enter more criteria. 7. On the Filter menu, click Apply Filter to view the filter results.

3. Filter for Input

1. Open a form in Form view, or a table, a query, or a form in Datasheet view. To filter records in a sub datasheet, display the sub datasheet by clicking its expand indicator. 2. Right-click in the field in the form, the sub form, the datasheet, or the sub datasheet that you are filtering, and then type the value that you are looking for in the Filter For box on the shortcut menu. 3. Press ENTER to apply the filter, and then close the shortcut menu

4. Advanced Filter/Sort
1. Open a form in Form view, or a table, a query, or a form in Datasheet view. 2. Click in the form, the sub form, the datasheet, or the sub datasheet that you want to filter. 3. On the Records menu, point to Filter, and then click Advanced Filter/Sort. 4. Add the fields that you need to specify the values or the other criteria that the filter will use to find records to the design grid. 5. To specify a sort order, click in the Sort cell for a field, click the arrow, and then select a sort order. Microsoft Access first sorts the leftmost field in the design grid, and then it sorts the next field to the right, and so on. 6. In the Criteria cell for the fields that you have included, enter the value that you are looking for or enter an expression. 7. On the Filter menu, click Apply Filter to view the filter's results.

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