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Glory Mae Bangud BSED SCIENCE 3

ED 105 (Facilitating Learner – Centered Teaching)

1st Semester, A.Y. 2020 – 2021
Module 2

Activity 1: Application
From the point of view of Freud no one is meant to be anything, whatever parents and
teachers do, the child will hopefully become neurotic if every goes well but if it does not goes
well, the child become psychotic. So what the parents and teachers should do to help children
develop? Parents and teachers tremendously influences the children's development in
different ways. Personalities are usually set at a young age, the parents begin shaping thier
children from birth while the techers molding the children when they were sent to school.
Parents and techers can influence the child's emotional, social and physical well being as a
strong role models and by providing other strong examples for them. Children are sponges.
They absorb all around them.
Beliefs such as religious beliefs, lifestyle choices like Veganism or attitudes is usually
set at a young age too, and it is believed that most young people will follow their parents in
theseareas. Usually parents and teachers organise activities and opportunities for social
interaction, the environment the children are exposed to and their experiences. It is good to
try to give the children a variety of experiences in thier young lives.
Sadly, parents who do not consciously involved themselves in thier children's
development or are absent in thier lives or who have a negative view of life can have a bad
effect on their children. The effects of bad parenting are physical, mental and growth to
struggling at school and low self esteem. A child who is deprived of basic love and care at
home might seek compensation in gangs and criminal behavior or by self medicating.
Erikson’s theory of phychosocial development is based on generalisation. Almost
every stage in Erikson's theory shows us how much we involve ourselves in self reflection. It
is a positive social experience where everyone is learning something fascinating together. It
develops camaraderie and strong bonds or at least, that's the goal. Erikson's psychosocial
theory is a very powerful way for building self awareness and for improving oneself.
Parent was take an active part in the child education by attending parents-teachers
conferences,assist in obtaining the appropriate tutoring for the child when necessary and
helping with school project.Teachers incouraging a child to be punctual in school and also
help build or her ethics thus preparing him/her for the future.
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Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz
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Parents and Teachers must emphasize the critical role that experiences of child
surrounding environment. Teacher have to help child to learn more knowledge teach them
self confedence,self esteem and initiative make a child different and significants.
Everybody hopes their children will grow up to be people with integrity and high moral
standards.Teach children moral behavior such as being kind and putting needs of others,first
encourage role-playing of pretend so children can learn to think from other people’s point of
Parents and Teachers can guide and prompt what the child already knows;helping the
child to learn more about the world around himself/herself and also help their child repeating
the language they hear in everyday life from parents and teacher.
Parents and teachers perceive that their relationships with children directly impact
children's learning outcomes. Parents and teachers percieve the role of professional
development, parental involvement, and the parents and teachers relationships on children's
Bronfenbrenner's ecological model focuses on the connection between home and school
that influence children's development and learning. The parents and teachers are very
important in children's growth and development, working together as partners in education
helps to increase children's learning outcomes.
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Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz
Mobile No. 09176202894

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Activity 2: Assessment Tasks

Theory/Concept Applications

Freud- Personality It is a tool for taking people by surprise.

People underestimate it, and are
surprised when it gets the measure of
them. We all have our secret motivations
and we are pretty sure that no-one can
have access to them. So much so, that we
lock them up in our subconscious and
throw away the key. But Freud's theory is
the master key, though most of us don't
recognize our motivations until they are
brought to our attention.
Erikson-Culture Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial
development includes a principle that
significant others in a child ‘s life impact
growth and development of that child.
Adults who work with young children can
set physical and emotional environments to
help children develop healthy eating
Erikson identified developmental crises that
typically developing children face as they
grow emotionally and socially. Each
developmental period brings skills to be
Piaget-Intelligence Difficulties encountered in attempting to
apply Piaget's theory to education stem from
intrinsic ambiguities within the theory itself.
This is illustrated (a) by a review of
curricula that derive their educational
objectives from Piaget's developmental
stage sequences, and (b) by an examination
of programs whose educational methods are
derived directly from Piaget's theories about
the process of cognitive development. To
achieve more comprehensive developmental
theory and more effective application, the
efforts of educators to utilize developmental
theory and the efforts of developmental
theorists to construct a more adequate theory
of cognitive development must be integrated
Kohlberg-Cognitive Development Teachers can apply Kohlberg's theory of
moral development in the classroom to help
Republic of the Philippines
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz
Mobile No. 09176202894

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students gain respect for the rights of others

instead of making decisions based on their
own self-interests.
Understanding Kohlberg's theory of moral
development can help you to better
understand your students and help you to
guide them in their moral development.
Elementary-aged students will typically
remain in stages 1-3. Some students may
reach the higher stages of moral
development more quickly than their peers,
but you can introduce your students to
different classroom activities designed to
help strengthen their moral character at any
Vygotsky-Proximal Development The most important application
of Vygotsky's theory to education is in
hisconcept of a zone of proximal
development. A second important aspect
of Vygotsky's theory is the role of play in
histheory. According to this perspective
teachers need to provide children,especially
young children, many opportunities to play.
Bronfenbrenner-Complexity Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory is an
important model to illustrate the complexity
of reciprocal interactions between growing
persons and their multilevel socioecological
milieus. In higher education, students'
achievement may be similarly affected by
manifold bioecological systems. The
applications of this holistic theory have been
widely considered in higher education
across the world, but it seems that a
simplistic reductionist approach is popular
in higher education of Ethiopian to
determine educational outputs
Republic of the Philippines
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz
Mobile No. 09176202894

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Activity 3: Five Minutes Non-Stop Writing

From the review of theories related to learner's development I realized that every
individual has own ways to learn, learnings and developments contributed by the people
and environment an individual's interacting with to live, acquire, learn, gain knowledge, and
improve skills. The theories about children's development presented by Freud, Erikson,
Piaget, Kohlberg, Vygotsky, and Bronfenbrenner gives mass of knowledge and
understanding to the viewers included me. That theories are the derivation of different
perceptions that used in various applications such as psychology, teaching techniques,
parenting methods, self comprehension, and self control etc..
The discussion was useful as it provoked opinion on pros and cons of learning
theories and the realities of practice. It was accepted that learning theory has a place in
teaching and learning but, to be successful, it may require elements of some or all theories
depending on the context and the objectives. I believe that it is for practitioners to critically
analyse the merits of a theory and than employ principles where and when appropriate.
Through practice we can refine our approach and evaluate what works and what does not.
As a future educator, I was enlightened by these theories that, the reality is the
traners and educators need to be adaptable. A strong knowledge and understanding of
learning theories can help a teacher to choose the right techniques for a given learning
event. Knowing these theories helpe me to become better one in socializing other people,
as well as in my special skill that kind of psychology to psycho or know someone's
personality where in very useful for me because I could be able to adjust very well wherever
I am, whoever I am with, and whenever I have to.

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