Carol D. Ryff Burton Singer - Psychological Well-Being Meaning, Measurement, and Implications For Psychotherapy Research

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Special Article

and Psyehosomatics Psychother Psychosom 1996;65:14-23

Carol D. Ryff*
Burton Singerb
Psychological Well-Being:
a Department of Psychology. Meaning, Measurement, and
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wise.,
b Office of Population Research, Implications for Psychotherapy
Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., USA

Key Words Abstract

Self-acceptance A model of positive psychological functioning that emerges from diverse
Purpose in life domains of theory and philosophy is presented. Six key dimensions of wellness
Positive relationships are defined, and empirical research summarizing their empirical translation
Personal growth and sociodemographic correlates is presented. Variations in well-being are
Autonomy explored via studies of discrete life events and enduring human experiences.
Environmental mastery Life histories of the psychologically vulnerable and resilient, defined via the
Sociodemographic differences cross-classification of depression and well-being, are summarized. Implica­
Vulnerability tions of the focus on positive functioning for research on psychotherapy, quali­
Resilience ty of life, and mind/body linkages are reviewed.
Quality of life

Introduction sûrement properties and sociodemographic correlates is

briefly described. Life event and life history studies
Historically, mental health research is dramatically attempting to explain variations in well-being are also
weighted on the side of psychological dysfunction. That is, reviewed. Pertinent to psychotherapy research, final sec­
studies of positive psychological functioning are minus­ tions examine the implications of a focus on well-being for
cule compared to investigations of mental problems. In studies of vulnerability to psychological dysfunction, re­
fact, the meaning of basic terms, such as mental health, covery from psychological disorders (resilience), and the
are negatively biased - typical usage equates health with need to expand quality of life indicators to include assess­
the absence o f illness rather than the presence o f wellness. ment of the positive in people’s lives.
Such formulations ignore human capacities and needs for
flourishing as well as the protective features associated
with being well. The Meaning and Measurement of Well-Being
This article summarizes the development of a multidi­
mensional model of positive psychological functioning An extensive theoretical literature has addressed the
and reviews empirical research folllowing from it. The key meaning of positive psychological functioning. This work
components of well-being are first presented, with empha­ includes Maslow’s [1] conception of self-actualization
sis given to their theoretical and philosophical underpin­ Roger’s [2] view of the fully functioning person, Jung’s [3,
nings. Operational definitions of the six dimensions are 4] formulation of individuation, and Allport’s [5] concep­
provided, and empirical research regarding their mea- tion of maturity. A further domain of theory for defining - 6/21/2018 9:55:02 PM

l/A O rt £ © 1996 S. Karger AG. Basel Carol D. Ryff. PhD

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psychological well-being comes from life-span develop­ Individuation is seen to involve a deliverance from con­
mental perspectives, which emphasize the differing chal­ vention, in which the person no longer clings to the collec­
lenges confronted at various phases of the life cycle. tive fears, beliefs, and laws of the masses. The process of
Included here are Erikson’s [6] psychosocial stage model, turning inward in the later years is also seen by life-span
Buhler’s [7, 8] basic life tendencies that work toward the developmentalists to give the person a sense of freedom
fulfillment of life and Neugarten’s [9, 10] descriptions of from the norms governing everyday life.
personality change in adulthood and old age. Jahoda’s Environmental Mastery. The individual’s ability to
[11] positive criteria of mental health, generated to re­ choose or create environments suitable to his or her psy­
place definitions of well-being as the absence of illness, chic conditions is defined as a characteristic of mental
also offer extensive descriptions of what it means to be in health. Maturity is seen to require participation in a sig­
good psychological health. nificant sphere of activity outside of oneself. Life-span
When one reviews the characteristics of well-being development is described as requiring the ability to ma­
described in these formulations [12], it becomes apparent nipulate and control complex environments. These theo­
that many theorists were writing about similar features of ries emphasize one’s ability to advance in the world and
positive psychological functioning. These points of con­ change it creatively through physical or mental activities.
vergence in the prior theories constitute the core dimen­ Successful aging also emphasizes the extent to which the
sions of the model of well-being pursued in the following individual takes advantage of environmental opportuni­
program of research. Each dimension is briefly described ties. These combined perspectives suggest that active par­
below. ticipation in and mastery of the environment are key
Self-Acceptance. The most recurrent criterion of well­ ingredients in an integrated framework of positive psy­
being evident in the previous perspectives is the individu­ chological functioning.
al’s sense of self-acceptance. This is defined as a central Purpose in Life. Mental health is defined to include
feature of mental health as well as characteristic of self- beliefs that give one the feeling that there is purpose and
actualization, optimal functioning, and maturity. Life­ meaning to life. The definition of maturity also empha­
span theories also emphasize acceptance of one’s self and sizes clear comprehension of life’s purpose, a sense of
one’s past life. Thus, holding positive attitudes toward directedness, and intentionality. The life-span develop­
oneself emerges as a central characteristic of positive psy­ ment theories refer to a variety of changing purposes or
chological functioning. goals in life, such as being productive and creative or
Positive Relations with Others. Many of the preceding achieving emotional integration in later life. Thus, one
theories emphasize the importance of warm, trusting who functions positively has goals, intentions, and a sense
interpersonal relations. The ability to love is viewed as a of direction, all of which contribute to the feeling that life
central component of mental health. Self-actualizers are is meaningful.
described as having strong feelings of empathy and affec- Personal Growth. Optimal psychological functioning
ton for all human beings and as being capable of greater requires not only that one achieve the prior characteris­
love, deeper friendship, and more complete identification tics, but also that one continue to develop one’s potential,
with others. Warm relating to others is posed as a criterion to grow and expand as a person. The need to actualize
of maturity. Adult developmental stage theories also em­ oneself and realize one’s potential is central to clinical
phasize the achievement of close unions with others (inti­ perspectives on personal growth. Openness to experience,
macy) and the guidance and direction of others (genera- for example, is a key characteristic of the fully functioning
tivity). Thus, the importance of positive relations with person. Such an individual is continually developing,
others is repeatedly stressed in conceptions of psychologi­ rather than achieving a fixed state wherein all problems
cal well-being. are solved. Life-span theories also give explicit emphasis
Autonomy. There is considerable emphasis in the prior to continued growth and to facing new challenges to tasks
literature on such qualities as self-determination, inde­ at different periods of life. Thus, continued growth and
pendence, and the regulation of behavior from within. self-realization are prominent themes in the aforemen­
Self-actualizers are described as showing autonomous tioned theories.
functioning and resistance to enculturation. The fully In sum, the integration of mental health, clinical, and
functioning person is described as having an internal life-span developmental theories points to multiple con­
locus of evaluation, whereby one does not look to others verging aspects of positive psychological functioning.
for approval, but evaluates oneself by personal standards. Conceptually, these criteria are distinct from prominent

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Measurement, and Implications for

Psychotherapy Research
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empirical indicators of well-being such as happiness and and pursuing goals, attempting to realize one’s potential,
life satisfaction [13, 14], most of which lack theoretical experiencing deep connections to others, managing sur­
foundation. There are, however, notable parallels between rounding demands and opportunities, exercising self-
the formulation of wellness emerging from the literature direction, and possessing positive self-regard. We posit
and philosophical perspectives on the meaning of ‘the that such features of human wellness are not culture-
good life’ [15]. Diverse philosophical frameworks give bound, although their phenotypic forms (i.e., how pur­
emphasis to the individual’s potential to choose and then pose is expressed), and the relative emphasis given to dif­
carry out projects that are valuable; that is, to have active ferent components, may be quite varied. Life purpose in
pursuits that give life dignity [16-18], akin to the above Africa, as we have described elsewhere [15], may be
formulation of a purpose in life. Mastery is also evident in expressed with a focus on maintaining the social order, in
philosophical descriptions of self-command, which in­ contrast to more individualized pursuits in our own con­
volve decision-making and taking action. Ideas of self- text. Similarly, people everywhere have abiding needs for
love, self-esteem, and self-respect are also evident in lists deep, meaningful connections to others, although external
of criterial goods [16], showing parallels to self-accep­ manifestations of these social ties may vary from expres­
tance. Philosophical writing about benevolence, involving sions of obligation and responsibility to experiences of
the concern and affection one feels for others [16], com­ companionship, intimacy, and love.
panionship [18], love [17], and deep personal relations
[19] underscore the importance of positive relations with
others. The dimension of personal growth parallels Aristo­ Empirical Translation
telian conceptions of human excellence, human flourish­
ing, and the realization of one’s true potential [20], Eudai- Scale Construction and Evaluation. Self-descriptive
monistic accounts of ethics and the good life [21 ] point, in items were generated to operationalize both high and low
fact, to the imperative to know onself (one’s daimon) and scorers for each of the six dimensions of psychological
to choose to turn it, as completely as possible, from an well-being (table 1). Extensive item analyses were con­
ideal to an actuality. Finally, philosophers emphasize a ducted to refine the final measurement scales [23], The
focus on whole lives, that is, the importance of looking at 20-item parent scales demonstrate high internal consis­
all aspects of an individual’s life through time - an argu­ tency reliability (alpha range = 0.86-0.93) and temporal
ment elaborated in a long succession of texts on the histo­ reliability (test-retest coefficients range from 0.81 to
ry of ethics [16]. 0.88). The scales also correlated modestly and positively
Definitions of the good life that emphasize happiness, with existing measures of positive functioning (e.g. life
pleasure, and satisfaction (more hedonistic and epicurean satisfaction, affect balance, self-esteem, internal control)
views) have been criticized by philosophers, using well- and negatively with extant measures of negative function­
known historical figures who experienced pleasure in ing (e.g. depression, powerful others, control, chance con­
their lives, but were so unjust, evil, or pointless in the pur­ trol), thereby demonstrating convergent and discriminant
suit of their lives as to preclude a description of being validity. Recent data from a national probability sample
good. Alternatively, other historical figures led desolate [24], using a dramatically reduced version of the well­
lives in terms of personal well-being, but were nonetheless being scales, supported, via confirmatory factor analyses,
profoundly noble, creative, courageous, self-sacrificial the hypothesized six-factor structure.
[16]. John Stuart Mill [22] extends the critique of happi­ Among the many descriptive questions that can be
ness, arguing that it is not to be attained if made an end in asked about well-being, we have addressed whether pro­
itself. It is rather a byproduct of other pursuits - ‘Those files of positive functioning vary' across the life course,
only are happy who have their minds fixed on some object whether men and women differ in basic dimensions of
other than their own happiness, on the happiness of oth­ wellness, and whether well-being varies by social class sta­
ers, on the improvement of mankind, even on some art or tus and across cultures.
pursuit, followed not as a means, but as itself in ideal end. Age Differences. To explore differences, we have asked
Aiming thus at something else, they find happiness by the young, middle-aged and old adults to rate themselves on
way [p. 115]. each of the dimensions of well-being [23, 25, 26]. Ratings
Taken together, these many lines of philosophical and from the original validation study revealed a diverse pat­
scientific inquiry converge in their depiction of the good tern of cross-sectional differences (see top half of fig. 1).
and healthy life as one that involves processes of setting Certain aspects of well-being, such as environmental mas-

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Table 1. Definitions of theory-guided dimensions of well-being

High scorer Possesses a positive attitude toward the self; acknowl­
edges and accepts multiple aspects of self including
good and bad qualities; feels positive about past life
Low scorer Feels dissatisfied with self; is disappointed with what
has occurred in past life; is troubled about certain per­
sonal qualities; wishes to be different than what he or
she is
Positive relations with others
High scorer Has warm, satisfying, trusting relationships with oth­
ers; is concerned about the welfare of others; capable of
strong empathy, affection, and intimacy; understands
give and take of human relationships
Low scorer Has few close, trusting relationships with others; finds
it difficult to be warm. open, and concerned about oth­
ers; is isolated and frustrated in interpersonal relation­
ships; not willing to make compromises to sustain
important ties with others
High scorer Is self-determining and independent; able to resist
social pressures to think and act in certain ways; regu­
lates behavior from within; evaluates self by personal
Low scorer Is concerned about the expectations and evaluations of
others; relies on judgments of others to make impor­
tant decisions; conforms to social pressures to think
and act in certain ways
Environmental mastery
High scorer Has a sense of mastery and competence in managing
the environment; controls complex array of external
activities; makes effective use of surrounding opportu­
nities; able to choose or create contexts suitable to per­ Fig. 1. Significant age differences in the validation (a) and
sonal needs and values national (b) samples. Dimensions of well-being: □ = Positive rela­
Low scorer Has difficulty managing everyday affairs; feels unable tions; A = personal growth; A = purpose in life; • = environmental
to change or improve surrounding context; is unaware mastery; O = autonomy.
of surrounding opportunities; lacks sense of control
over external world
Purpose in life
High scorer Has goals in life and a sense of dircctedness; feels there
is meaning to present and past life; holds beliefs that tery and autonomy, showed incremental patterns with
give life purpose; has aims and objectives for living age, particularly from young adulthood to midlife. Other
Low scorer Lacks a sense of meaning in life; has few goals or aims, aspects, such as personal growth and purpose in life,
lacks sense of direction; does not see purpose in past
life; has no outlooks or beliefs that give life meaning
showed décrémentai patterns, especially from midlife to
old age. Still other aspects, notably positive relations with
Personal growth
High scorer Has a feeling of continued development; sees self as others and self-acceptance, showed no significant age dif­
growing and expanding; is open to new experiences; ferences across the three age periods and thus are not
has sense of realizing his or her potential; sees im­ shown in the figure. Initial samples were based on com­
provement in self and behavior over time; is changing munity volunteers, and as such, lacked generalizability.
in ways that reflect more self-knowledge and effective­ Data from a probability sample [24] further underscore
Low scorer Has a sense of personal stagnation; lack sense of the consistency of the cross-sectional age patterns (see
improvement or expansion over time; feels bored and lower portion of fig. I ). Environmental mastery continued
uninterested with life; feels unable to develop new atti­ to show incremental patterns with age, purpose in life and
tudes or behaviors personal growth showed declines with aging, and self­
acceptance revealed no age differences. For self-ratings of

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Measurement, and Implications for

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autonomy and positive relations with others, the results being is also evident for those with higher occupational
across studies varied between no differences and incre­ status [29], Findings from The National Survey of Fami­
mental age patterns. lies and Households, a nationally representative US sam­
Longitudinal studies are needed to clarify whether ple, also show large education differences on all six mea­
these age patterns reflect developmental changes or co­ sures of well-being [30]. Viewed from the perspective of
hort differences. Whatever the explanation, the recurring the growing scientific literature that links social class
reports of lower self-ratings among older adults on pur­ standing to health, these findings indicate that lower posi­
pose in life and personal growth warrants attention. These tions in the social order not only increase the likelihood of
patterns point to possibly important psychological chal­ negative health outcomes, they also decrease the likeli­
lenges of later life, and related arguments that contempo­ hood of positive well-being [31]. We submit that the pres­
rary social structures lag behind the added years of life ence of these goods in life affords important protective
many people now enjoy. That is, opportunities for contin­ factors in the face of stress, challenge, and adversity, and
ued growth and development and for meaningful experi­ for those lacking such goods, creates vulnerabilities.
ence may be limited for current cohorts of older persons. Cultural Differences. How culture bears on fundamen­
An alternative hypothesis is that older persons place less tal conceptions of self, self-in-relation-to-others, and
value on personal growth and purpose in life than younger health is an increasingly prevalent theme in social scien­
age groups. We have also had respondents rate their ideals tific inquiry [28].
of well-being, and these data challenge the notion that the Much discussion involves contrasts between individu-
aged no longer idealize continued self-development or alistic/independent cultures with those that are more col-
purposeful living. lectivistic/interdependent. These ideas suggest that more
Sex Differences. Across multiple datasets, we have self-oriented aspects of well-being, such as self-acceptance
found that women of all ages consistently rate themselves or autonomy, may have greater salience in Western cul­
higher on positive relations with others than do men, and tural contexts, while others-oriented dimensions of well­
that women tend to score higher than men on personal being, such as positive relations with others, might be of
growth. The remaining four aspects of psychological well­ greater significance in Eastern, interdependent cultures.
being have consistently shown no significant differences To examine these issues, self-reported psychological well­
between men and women [25]. These findings are particu­ being was investigated in a midlife sample of US adults
larly relevant in light of prior mental health research, and a sociodemographically comparable sample of adults
which repeatedly documents a higher incidence of certain from South Korea [33].
psychological problems such as depression among women It was found that, on the whole, Americans were much
[27], When the positive end of the mental health spectrum more likely to see positive qualities in themselves than
is considered, however, women are shown to have greater Koreans, a finding consistent with formulations of un­
psychological strength compared to men in certain aspects derlying cultural variation in self-presentation (i.e., ten­
of well-being, and comparable profiles with regard to oth­ dencies toward modesty in the East, proclivities for hono­
er dimensions. To miss these findings is to tell an incom­ rific self-evaluation in the West). Despite these main
plete story about the mental health of women. effects of culture, analyses within cultures revealed that
Class Differences. Whether socioeconomic status, typi­ Koreans, as predicted, showed highest self-ratings on the
cally defined in terms of education, income, and occupa­ measure of positive relations with others, and lowest rat­
tional standing, is linked with profiles of psychological ings for self-acceptance and personal growth. Among US
well-being has been examined in the Wisconsin Longitu­ respondents, personal growth was rated highest, especially
dinal Study of educational and occupational attainment. for women, while autonomy, contrary to the purported
Based on a sample of midlife adults who have been fol­ emphasis on self-determination in our own culture, was
lowed since their senior year in high school, the research rated lowest. Sex differences were the same in both cul­
shows higher profiles of well-being for those with higher tures - women rated themselves significantly higher than
educational attainment [28], with differences particularly men on positive relations with others and personal
evident for the dimensions of purpose in life and personal growth. Supportive of cultural similarities in basic fea­
growth (for both men and women). Education remains tures of wellness, qualitative data revealed themes of self­
strongly linked with well-being, even after controlling for hood (e.g., self-realization, self-knowledge, self-reliance)
prior life history variables (e.g., high school IQ; parental as well as connection to others (e.g., faithfulness, responsi­
education, income, and occupational status). Higher well­ bility, kindness, trust) in both Korean and US responses. - 6/21/2018 9:55:02 PM

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Understanding Variations in Well-Being my, depression, and anxiety. Importantly, this work
shows that older women in poor physical health who
The above sociodemographic profiles point to social engage in positive social comparison processes, have com­
structural variations in psychological well-being. Prior parable psychological well-being to that of women in good
research on subjective well-being [14] suggests that these physical health. Our longitudinal research on community
broad factors, even in combination, rarely account for relocation among aging women shows how changes in
more than 10% of the variance in reports of happiness central features of the self-concept can enhance well-being
and life satisfaction. We propose that understanding who during a life transition. Thus, multiple experiences and
does and does not possess high well-being requires closer diverse avenues for interpreting them point to gains or
examination of the actual substance of people’s lives, that losses in psychological well-being through time.
is, their life experiences. The findings from two avenues of Life History Agenda: Pathways to Vulnerability and
empirical inquiry are briefly summarized. The first per­ Resilience. The above works focus on particular life
tains to studies of particular life events or experiences and events or experiences and how they influence well-being.
their effects on well-being. The second addresses more Individual’s lives are, however, a composite of many
complex life history analyses, and how they have been events and experiences. To capture this richer, more com­
linked with psychological vulnerability and resilience. plex set of antecedents, we are currently conducting life
Life Event/Experience Studies. In a series of studies, history research with the members of the Wisconsin Lon­
we have investigated life experiences, and individuals’ gitudinal Study (WLS). We approach the life histories
interpretations of these experiences, as key influences on from the perspective of the limited differences theory
psychological well-being [34-40], The experiences range [41], which emphasizes the events to which individuals
from the having and raising of children, to growing up are exposed over their lives and their reactions to these
with an alcoholic parent, to health problems and reloca­ events. Over short time intervals, events and reactions to
tion experiences in later life. These experiences vary by them produce small, or limited, differences in outcome
their location in the life course, by the nature of the chal­ measures. Such small differences tend to accumulate,
lenge or task posed, and by their typicality (whether the however, and over the life course, these cumulative effects
experience is shared by many or few). Our formulation of can substantially influence mental health.
how experiences are interpreted draws extensively on We elaborate and extend these conceptual principles in
social psychological theory. For example, we are inter­ the WLS [42], Key hypotheses are that: (a) adversity and
ested in how people make sense of their life experiences its cumulation over time have negative metal health con­
by comparing themselves with others (social comparison sequences; (b) advantage and its cumulation over time
processes), by evaluating the feedback they perceive from have positive mental health consequences; (c) reactions to
significant others (reflected appraisals), by their under­ adversity and advantage can heighten or reduce the im­
standing of the causes of their experiences (attributional pact of life experiences; (d) position in social hierarchies
processes), and by the importance they attach to such through time has consequences for mental health, and
experiences (psychological centrality). Specific hypothe­ (e) social relationships can heighten or reduce the impact
ses regarding the influence of these interpretive processes of life experiences and enduring conditions. The life histo­
on well-being outcomes are detailed in each study. ry data to which we apply these principles consist of 36
Collectively, these investigations demonstrate that life years of information regarding the respondents’ family
experiences and how they are interpreted provide useful background, intelligence, adolescent aspirations and re­
avenues for understanding human variations in well­ sources, education and training, job characteristics, mar­
being. The research on midlife parenting shows, for exam­ riage and parenting, social support and social participa­
ple, that considerable variance in adults’ environmental tion, health and health-related behaviors, social compari­
mastery, purpose in life, self-acceptance, and depression sons, and acute events.
is accounted for by parents’ perceptions of how their Using the above conceptual guides, we examine the life
grown children have 'turned out’ and how these children histories of four specific mental health groups that emerge
compare with themselves. In later life, we have found that from the cross classification of positive and negative men­
the physical health problems of aging women, combined tal health indicators. The depressed/unwell are those with
with their assessments of how they compare with other prior episode(s) of major depression who also lack high
older women, explain substantial variation in reports of psychological well-being (across the six dimensions). The
personal growth, positive relations with others, autono­ healthy are those with high levels of well-being and who

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have no history of depression. The resilient are individu­ While not described here, we emphasize that our life
als with a prior history of depression, but who report high history analyses elaborate within-group variability (e.g.,
current well-being. The vulnerable arc those with no histo­ different routes to resilience) as well as between-group dif­
ry of depression and who have low levels of well-being. ferences (e.g., how life histories of the healthy and vulner­
Our methodology begins with detailed biographies of able differ from those of the resilient). The larger aim is to
individuals and progresses toward a formulation of gener­ utilize the tensions created by working simultaneously
ic life histories within each of these four groups (as well as with thickly described, finely nuanced details of individu­
separately for men and women) [43]. The central objec­ al lives and thinner, less textured summaries of groups of
tive of the life history analyses is to understand how a giv­ lives. Other dialectics are embodied in the general ap­
en outcome (e.g., depression, resilience) came about; that proach as well, such as our efforts to work inductively up
is, what particular experiences of adversity, advantage, from the life history data and deductively down from the
social position, and so on, are associated with each of the guiding principles, and back and forth between qualita­
four mental health groups. tive and quantitative data sources. These combined strat­
Analyses to date have characterized the life histories of egies, we believe, advance understanding of the diverse
vulnerable men and resilient women [44]. Vulnerable human pathways to psychological well-being, depression,
men are distinguished from other men in the mental resilience, and vulnerability.
health typology by their low starting resources (family
background) and persistently high work stress. These
cumulative adversity factors are not offset by the presence Implications for Psychotherapy Research
of significant advantage experiences. With regard to so­
cial orderings, these men tend to lack post high school What are the implications of the above program of
education, are in consistently low-status jobs, and have research on largely healthy community and national sam­
low perceived success about their own lives. Finally, they ples for the study and treatment of mental disorders in
tend to have little closeness with a spouse or confidante clinical populations? Does the study of wellness offer any­
and have experienced conflictual relationships (some­ thing of merit to those attempting to alleviate psychologi­
times because of drinking). Such profiles of negative cal distress and dysfunction? We propose four avenues of
cumulative experience provide a partial explanation for linkage. A first point pertains to the evaluation o f treat­
the men’s lack of positive well-being in midlife. We pro­ ments, be they pharmacological or psychotherapeutic, for
pose that the absence of positive ‘goods’ in these men’s mental problems. To determine the effectiveness of such
lives creates in them a vulnerability to possible future interventions, researchers often assess quality of life. Cur­
adversities, particularly those associated with aging pro­ rent and evolving indicators of quality of life [45,46] give
cesses. We will test such ideas as their mental and physical emphasis to patients’ self-reported problems or com­
health is tracked through the transition to old age. plaints across multiple domains (physical, cognitive, af­
Resilient women have lives that also include adversity, fective, social, economic). Much less attention is paid to
typically growing up with an alcoholic parent or exper­ their self-reported strengths or gains. Understanding the
iencing early family deaths, but these women possess presence of the positive in patients’ lives provides a more
important factors of advantage (high IQ, high grades in complete picture of their overall functioning, and thereby,
high school, good physical health). With regard to social a more comprehensive analysis of treatment effective­
orderings, many have experienced upward mobility in the ness. Interventions that bring the person out of negative
workplace and tend to have supervisory work status. functioning into a neutral position are one form of suc­
Their social relationships are also frequently character­ cess. Facilitating progressions toward restoration o f the
ized by closeness with a spouse or confidante as well as positive (e.g., possessing mastery, self-regard, purpose,
high participation in social organizations. We propose quality relations) is quite another.
that the presence of these positive work and relational Second, knowledge of psychological well-being pro­
experiences have contributed to their high profiles of life vides insight and direction regarding the factors that
purpose, mastery, growth, and quality connections to oth­ influence the occurrence o f mental disorders. Etiologically
ers. Further, we predict that such features of well-being speaking, most formulations include both genetic and
will offer important protective resources as these women enviromental influences. The latter are frequently con­
confront the vicissitudes of growing old. strued in terms of life stresses in the workplace, the home,
the neighborhood, or community. An underlying assump­ - 6/21/2018 9:55:02 PM

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tion is that the presence of such adversity is part of what Future Studies of Well-Being:
contributes to the incidence of depression, anxiety, and The Connection of Mind and Body
other disorders. Recognition of the positive in human
experience suggests another etiological route: that the A final implication of the study of well-being is that
absence o f goods in people’s lives may also affect why they knowledge of positive mental health poses new directions
become despondent about their lives. Viewed in this light, for age-old quandaries about how the mind and body are
the explanatory task is broadened to encompass how the connected. Existing knowledge of physical health, like
presence of the negative as well as the absence of the posi­ mental health, is dramatically skewed toward the nega­
tive work together to influence mental health. tive, focusing almost entirely on indicators of disease,
Such a dual emphasis has further implications for chronic conditions, functional impairment, and general
understanding recovery from psychological dysfunction dysfunction. Building on theoretical and empirical work
[47], Feelings of mastery and self-regard, the possession of summarized herein, we reconfigure the meaning of posi­
quality relations with others, the capacity to set goals for tive human health and suggest new scientific agendas
living, and a sense of self-realization may play critical regarding the physiological substrates of human flourish­
roles in the process of regaining mental health. Again, the ing [15]. The challenge in such future inquiries is to map
message is that the route to recovery is not exclusively the biochemical and neurophysiological underpinnings of
about alleviating the negative, but about engendering the positive mental states; that is, what occurs in the body
positive. It may be the appearance (or reappearance) of when the mind is actively engaged in meaningful pursuits,
such salubrious goods in life that provides a critical impe­ quality relationships, and salubrious self-regard.
tus in the capacity to rebound from distress. Recognition Animal and human literature on stress demonstrates
of these pluses may also define important protective fac­ extensive links of mental perceptions and behavioral
tors in the face of future challenges and adversity. responses to stress with physiological and biochemical
Our life history studies give emphasis to understanding processes, and ultimately neuroendocrine, immune and
the cumulation o f adversity and advantage experiences autonomic systems tied to disease outcomes [42]. McEw-
from the distant past. Psychotherapy, particularly in the en and Stellar [48] propose, for example, that a high ‘allo-
psychoanalytic tradition, emphasizes the need to examine static load’ (i.e., the strain on multiple organs and tissues
critical experiences from early childhood, although the resulting from repeated fluctuations in physiological re­
focus is primarily on negative, traumatic events. We pro­ sponse to perceived threat) leads to organ-system break­
pose that there is much to be gained in therapeutic con­ down, compromised immune response, elevated cortisol
texts from investigating lives of the mentally healthy and and insulin secretion, and thereby to disease. The impact
the resilient. Our data show that among the healthy are of stress on biological function is not, however, explained
individuals who have experienced considerable adversity in strictly physical terms, but involves emotions,
over the course of their lives. Understanding the factors thoughts, and an array of psychological factors. Mood
that protect them from becoming physically or mentally states associated with depression illustrate this linkage via
ill provides critical preventive knowledge. Such factors, we dysrégulation of the pituitary-adrenal system and chroni­
note, are not restricted to early life events, nor are they cally elevated levels of glucocorticoids in the blood [49].
limited to experiences in the family sphere (i.e., adult Generally missing in this prior literature is the positive
experiences, including those in work and community con­ counterpoint in mind/body research, although there are
texts are also relevant). The lives of the resilient convey glimmers in the direction of beneficial connections. For
further important information about factors involved in example, while overshadowed by the pervasive focus on
the recovery from depression. In sum, life history data negative emotions and immune responsiveness, there is a
about the healthy, the distressed, and those who traverse growing body of work on positive emotions and immune
both realms over the course of their lives enriches think­ modulation [50], Included are studies that demonstrate
ing about relevant influences and targets in the treatment links between positive feelings and spontaneous remis­
of mental illness. sions of cancers, intensive daily meditation and regres­
sion of metastatic sarcomas, positive life outlooks and
wound healing, quality social relationships and increased
survival from cancer. Such investigations underscore the
power of positive beliefs, emotions, and relationships in
recovery from physical health challenges.

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Positive experience, we assert, plays further, perhaps shift abruptly when patterns of the attachment bond are
more important roles in protecting and enhancing the disrupted. In man, attachment behavior persists for years
integrity of the organism. Optimal human functioning, after the young have become self-sufficient and with mod­
embodied by individuals who lead lives of purpose, pos­ ifications by symbolism motivates a lifetime of socialized
sess deeply felt and meaningful ties to others, exercise behavior [56].
mastery over their environments, engage and realize their Positive psychological functioning, exemplified by the
true capacities, has, in short, its own biological underpin­ acquisition of mastery over the environment, possession
nings. These are the least understood of the mind/body of quality relations with others, utilization of innate capa­
connections, but again there are hopeful signs on the hori­ bilities, etc., represents elaborated versions of complex
zon. Research on the transformation from rural to urban adaptive behaviors requisite to survival. These latter re­
industrial society indicates that a purpose in life, stable finements, like their evolutionary predecessors (e.g., terri­
social relations and social position, and individual moti­ torial protection, caring for the young), have behavioral
vation provide protection against excessive neuroendo­ components, mental components, and underlying physio­
crine response [51]. While such radical social changes dis­ logical profiles. Modern day science provides unprece­
rupt familiar environments and pose new demands, those dented opportunities thus to map these multiple facets of
with positive social and psychological assets are buffered healthy, adaptive functioning. Viewed from the vantage
against emotional upheavals and ensuing neuroendocrine points of psychiatry and psychotherapy, well-established
disturbances involving release of catecholamines, orcorti- practice treats mental and behavioral problems with phar­
coids, or both, that may eventuate in cardiovascular and macological agents intended to alter the chemistry of the
coronary heart disease. brain. Mind/body connections, in short, are far from nov­
The benefits of social assets also appear in church el in the clinical context. What is innovative is the call to
societies such as monastic orders and other religious shift the treatment focus to that of fostering positive
groups showing a lower incidence of coronary heart dis­ human experience, which sets in motion its own biochem­
ease. The stable, orderly life of these societies successfully istry. Quality ties to others, feelings of purpose and self-
blunts potentially harmful psychosocial stimuli, thereby realization engender unique mind/body spirals, but un­
maintaining the intensity of neuroendocrine responses like those in the realm of stress, these move toward protec­
below levels that would lead to pathophysiologic change tion and enhancement of the organism.
[52], Meditation and prayer activities play further physio­
logically protective roles by leading to reduced oxygen
consumption, heart rate, and blood pressure, all conse­ Acknowledgements
quences of reduced activity of the sympathetic nervous
This research was supported by the John D. and Catherine T.
systems. Interestingly, the incidence of coronary heart dis­ MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Successful Midlife
ease is much lower in cloistered Benedictine Brothers Development and a grant from the National Institute on Aging
than in Benedictine Priests who eat the same food at (1R01AG08979) (C.D.R.) and the MacArthur Foundation planning
refectory tables (i.e., dietary control) [53]. The Priests’ initiative and Socioeconomic Status and Health (B.S.).
parochial and teaching duties in a competitive environ­
ment were seen to produce Type A persons in Type A
Evolutionary perspectives emphasize the prepro­
grammed ‘biogrammar’ that governs flexible behavior
used to attain desired goals [54]. This biogrammar is seen
as a vital but prerational element of behavior dependent
on subcortical structures. The limbic and striatal regions
of the brain are the locus for neuronal complexes mediat­
ing the emotions and behavior critical for self- and species
preservation [55]. These complexes are the result of genet­
ically determined wiring and result in the organism engag­
ing in territorial and attachment behavior appropriate for
the occasion. Illustrating such substrates, neuroendocrine
changes associated with the mother’s care of her young - 6/21/2018 9:55:02 PM

22 Psychother Psychosom 1996;65:14-23 Ryff/Singer

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