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competitive actions of two

REVIEWER IN HOPE 4 Categories of Recreation:
contending players or groups of
Active Recreation - Refers to
recreational activities that require players. Examples: running,
Lesson 1: Traditional games in the walking, jumping, etc.
physical exertion that will contribute to
Philippines as Recreational one’s tness and well-being. 5. Pre-game - The term “pre-game”
Activities. Passive Recreation - Refers to the is short for “preparations for a
recreational activities that are game” or “preliminaries to game”.
Laro ng Lahi - Was coined and commonly unorganized and This includes all preliminary
popularized by the Samahang non-competitive which relatively activities prior to the start of the
Makasining (Artist Club), Inc. involve inactive or less energetic competitive action in a game.
(commonly known "Makasining") with pursuits.
the help of National Commission for
Examples of Pre-Game:
Culture and the Arts and being used by Common Terms Used in Larong Lahi:
the other Philippine Local Government 1. Selecting Leaders - Special
1. Laro - Filipino generic term qualities are generally needed in
Units, other organizations and pertaining to all forms of
institutions. Imparting these Filipino persons who are to be the leaders
recreational games. (liders) or captains (kapten). A leader
games to young Filipinos is one of the
2. Palaro - These are the games that may be a person who is stronger, taller,
organization's main activities.
take place during wakes, festivals, or older.
and town estas. 2. Choosing Sides - In team
Laro ng Lahi 3. Labanan - Filipino term for
➢These are Filipino indigenous games competitions, the players are divided
competitive games. into two or more opposing teams or
that are commonly played by
children, usually using native groups. A group or leader is rst
Components of Philippine Games: elected or chosen and then each
materials or instruments.
1. Players - Provide an idea of who choses his own players.
➢These are social games or team-
and what kind of players generally 3. Who will be the “it”? - There are
building activities.
engage in a game games that require one player to take
Usually played outdoors and involve
much physical activity. 2. Setting - When and where each on a role di erent from the rest. Such
game is commonly played. players is called “taya” by the
3. Props - Short term for ‘properties’ Tagalogs, “bunsao” by the Tausugs,
Types of Activity:
a borrowed word from the drama and is commonly known in various
Indoor Activity - when the activity is term ‘stage properties’ to apply to
within the premises of your comfort regions of the Philippines by the
the animals and objects used by English borrowed term “it”.
zone at home or inside a building. the players in the Philippine
Outdoor Activity - When the activity is Games.
undertaken in a natural, rural, or open Ways to Determine the “IT”:
4. Movement - Actions or movements
space outside the con nes of • Counting rhymes
in every game are presented in a
buildings, usually large land area that is • Bunutan ng patpat
skeletal pattern showing the
close to nature. • Tao o ibon (Head or tails)
sequential interplay of the

• Tihaya o Taob and sheer stamina. Usually there are

• Gansal o Pares between six and twenty controls
• Jack En Poy situated in varying degrees of di culty
and over courses of di erent lengths,
Module 2: Orienteering as an depending on the level of the
competition. Each control is ringed in
Recreational Activities:
red ink on the master map and the
order in which it is to be visited is also
ORIENTEERING AS RECREATIONAL clearly marked. Sometimes the nish is
ACTIVITY at the same place as the start, but this
Orienteering is the sport of navigation, is not essential. All the controls must
using a highly detailed map. Whether be clearly described on the description
you’re an experienced hiker, sheet.
competitive runner, or just a family or 2. SCORE ORIENTEERING
group out for an activity in a park, this The area chosen for this type of
sport helps you improve your competition is dotted with a large
navigation each time. Orienteering can number of control points, care being
gradually build your map-reading skills taken to ensure that there are more
from exploring a local city park full of controls sites that can be possibly
obvious structures to navigating visited by any one person or team in
remote terrain with few, if any, man- the allotted time. The near controls
made features. A person who engages carry a low point value (for example,
in orienteering is called an orienteer. ve points) while those at a greater
Orienteering events are timed. If you’re distance and more di cult to nd carry
a runner, running against the clock is a corresponding higher point values.
familiar experience, but orienteering Other types of orienteering events
provides added challenges of a include:
staggered start and deciding where 3. LINE ORIENTEERING
your own course goes as you are This form of orienteering is staged in
running. And if you’re a non-runner, much the same way as cross-country
automatic timing from control to orienteering in terms of master map,
control provides a way to measure your starting intervals, but there is one major
navigational e ectiveness across di erence: No controls are marked on
routes and compare later with others TYPES OF ORIENTEERING EVENTS the map, only the route. The
who made di erent choices. Good 1. CROSS-COUNTRY competitor transcribes this line on his
route choice often beats raw speed. ORIENTEERING map then seeks to follow it as carefully
Every competitor must visit the same as possible over the terrain. At various
controls in the same order, therefore it points along this line, hidden controls
is a direct challenge in route choosing

are sites, the location of which is

known only the organizer. The
competitor will only nd a control by
following the line.
It is similar to line orienteering, only the
route is marked by streamers in the
woods. The competitor will mark on
their map the location of each control.
A penalty is given for distance from the
correct locations.
This is the most popular team
competition. The number of legs in the
relay depends on the number of
persons on a team.

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