Sienna Statton - Cornell Notes Template

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What does AI help with? AI helps with many things such as understanding more about artists in
the 21st century and training it to understand as well. We can make it
How understand art history, and computer science by showing it examples
How does AI work/how do we and ideas so it can possibly find better solutions for certain problems in
make it improve? the categories (this wasn't in the article but i thought it would be good to
What type of results is AI AI works by Inputting an Image, this image is the example for the AI.
giving? Then the AI starts to generate a model that then generates images that
take from the original photo. Lastly, it finishes and sends it back to the
History person who imputed the photo (user), this process can take a short or
What does AI have to do with long while. They mainly use AI as a creation tool for art, of course not all
history? results will be perfect due to the AI still learning but the past few results
in the years have improved.
Real art
Should AI be considered real AI’s results are very questionable for the moment, of course they've
art? improved and continue to improve with more information being handed
and put in the databases. The earliest ones have had blurry faces, and
mostly blurry everything even if you can still make out certain things but
the recents seem more neat and more efficient on details.

AI has to do with history on many levels, many people fear that AI will
take over the art community and take away that creativity of art and its
history. Of course AI was not made to take over many communities but
it helps us understand how our history will make us grow by showing AI
paintings from the past to interpret into its own way. They use this to see
if AI or AICAN can make a somewhat presentable work to count as art.
They also use photography to hopefully make art look more life-like or
help AI understand better. They believe that AI will hopefully replace
repetitive trends and tourist areas to make things less often seen.

Many artists and people believe that AI should not be classified as art
because their definition of art is very different from what AI presents.
Many people believe AI isn't real art because over the years many
people have worked together or alone to make art, not some machine
and many people believe this could be taking away the creativity of art
and making artists less desirable to people. And since AI is made to
make similar or parallel art/human actions such as translations and
decision making but people make points such as AI just being an
algorithm using tools, not an actual artist.

Summary In this article it talks about how AI improves and what people think about
it. Many believe that it's taking over art and takes away that creativity
while others don't mind. Over the years AI improves more and more as
we give the algorithm more information to produce things such as art
and translations and since AI is also included in our history and could
make us improve our knowledge, AI is growing faster with this much

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