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Republic of the Philippines


Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz
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Glory Mae Bangud BSED SCIENCE 3

ED 105 (Facilitating Learner – Centered Teaching)

1st Semester, A.Y. 2020 – 2021
Module 9

1. Reflect on your own learning experiences. Can you recall some examples of extrinsic
and intrinsic motivation in your life as a student? Please specify that experienced.

Answer: Extrinsic motivation helps students become driven and competitive, while intrinsic
motivation supports seeking knowledge for its own sake. Ultimately, fostering both types of
motivation help students develop good study habits and an investment in learning. Intriguing
research shows that when students have intrinsic motives for learning when they engage not
for external reward but because they find the activity itself interesting and gratifying — they
become more likely to attach meaning to their work, explore new topics, and persist in the
face of learning challenges. My experience of intrinsic motivation is: participating in a sport
because it's fun and you enjoy it rather than doing it to win an award. learning a new
language because you like experiencing new things, not because your job requires it. For
example, Intrinsic examples are Cleaning because you enjoy a tidy space. Playing cards
because you enjoy the challenge. While extrinsic Cleaning to avoid making your partner
angry, playing cards to win money. Intrinsically motivated behaviors are performed because
of the sense of personal satisfaction that they bring, while extrinsically motivated behaviors
are performed in order to receive something from others. Intrinsic motivation comes from
within the individual, while extrinsic motivation comes from outside the individual. In
reality, our motivations are often a mix of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors, but the nature
of the mix of these factors might change over time (often in ways that seem counter-
intuitive). There is an old adage: “Choose a job that you love, and you will never have to
work a day in your life,” meaning that if you enjoy your occupation, work doesn’t seem like .
. . well, work.
Republic of the Philippines
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz
Mobile No. 09176202894

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2. According to psychologist Carol Dweck “motivation is often more important than

initial ability in determining our success.” Do you agree? Why?

Answer: Yes, I agree because Children's motivation generally improves when parents take
the steps discussed. However, patience may be required: Many young teens need the gift of
time to develop the maturity that allows them to complete homework assignments and chores
with a minimum of supervision. Make sure that your child knows, deep in his heart, that you
love him for what he is and not for what he does. Motivation is often more important than
your initial ability in determining whether you succeed in the long run. In fact, many creative
geniuses were often fairly ordinary people who became extraordinarily motivated. By
motivation, I mean not only the desire to achieve but also the love of learning, the love of
challenge, and the ability to handle obstacles. These are the greatest gifts we can give our
students. Finding ways to increase motivation is crucial because it allows us to change
behavior, develop competencies, be creative, set goals, grow interests, make plans, develop
talents, and boost engagement.

3. “The higher the extrinsic motivation, the lower the intrinsic motivation and vice
versa. Do you agree? Justify.

Answer: Studies have shown that intrinsic motivation will decrease over time if extrinsic
incentives are introduced for behaviors that an individual already found motivating. The
efficacy of extrinsic motivators varies depending on factors such as self-esteem, locus of
control, self-efficacy, and neuroticism. Understanding the motivation, a person has to do
something because it is inherently interesting to them is characterized by which theory?
Extrinsic motivation is a stronger influence than intrinsic motivation. The correct answer is
'False'. Learning a new skill' so that you can use it on a project you are 'excited to tackle' in
your workplace is an example of 'intrinsic motivation'. Explanation: 'Intrinsic motivation' is a
form of motivating behavior that is steered by internal rewards. You are intrinsically
motivated when you do something simply because it makes you feel good, is personally
challenging, and/or leads to a sense of accomplishment. For example, a student may be
intrinsically motivated to read because it satisfies their curiosity about the world and brings
them a sense of calm. Intrinsic motivation refers to behavior that is driven by internal
rewards. In other words, the motivation to engage in a behavior arises from within the
individual because it is naturally satisfying to you.
Republic of the Philippines
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz
Mobile No. 09176202894

website: email address:

4. As future educator, cite specific example of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation that you
may apply in your students to help improve their retention and performance.

Answer: We know that the essential ingredient that enables motivation to facilitate deep
student learning is engagement. And as educators, we are very aware of how important it is
for our learners to be engaged. Engagement has been defined as the extent to which students
are connected to what they are learning, how they are learning it, and who they are learning
from. Engagement can be behavioral – concerned with attention, effort, persistence and
participation. It can be cognitive — concerned with values and goals, or emotional —
concerned with belonging to a group or interpersonal relationships. Engagement can be
perceived as the “hook” that captures students’ attention so that the students feel that the
experience has value and relevance to their learning and their personal goals and needs. It’s
important to note that as engagement draws on behavioral, social, emotional and cognitive
dimensions, engagement in one dimension relates to the level of engagement in another. It’s
also important to note that one can be motivated, but not necessarily engaged in a learning

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