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Human Spermatogenesis and Its Regulation

Chapter · April 2017

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-53298-1_3


34 6,963

4 authors, including:

Haiqi Chen Xiang Xiao

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center The University of Hong Kong


C. Yan Cheng
Population Council


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Human Spermatogenesis and Its
Regulation 3
Haiqi Chen PhD, Dolores Mruk PhD, Xiang Xiao PhD
and C. Yan Cheng PhD

Contents Introduction
Introduction ................................................................ 49
Structure and Composition of the Seminiferous In human spermatogenesis, undifferentiated
Epithelium .................................................................. 50 spermatogonia derived from spermatogonial
Sertoli Cells and the Blood–Testis Barrier (BTB).... 52 stem cells give rise to diploid spermatocytes
Cell–Cell Interactions in the Testis ........................... 53
Spermatogonia and Self-renewal ............................... 54 which undergo meiosis I/II to produce haploid
Spermatocytes and Meiosis ....................................... 56 spermatids [1–3]. Spermatids, in turn, undergo
Spermatids and Spermiogenesis ................................ 58 spermiogenesis to form functional spermatozoa
Cycle of the Seminiferous Epithelium ...................... 58 [3–5]. After puberty at *12 years of age, a
Factors that Regulate Spermatogenesis ..................... 59
Hormonal Regulation................................................. 59 healthy man produces upwards of 200 million
Small Non-coding RNAs (sncRNAs)........................ 62 sperm daily from his 20 s through 50 s [6, 7],
Obesity ....................................................................... 63 which declines gradually with a reduction of
Summary .................................................................... 64 *50% by his 80 s [8, 9]. Spermatogenesis is
References .................................................................. 64 composed of a series of cellular events which
includes (i) self-renewal of spermatogonial stem
cells and spermatogonia via mitosis, (ii) trans-
formation and differentiation of spermatocytes,
(iii) generation of haploid spermatids via meiosis
I/II, and (iv) final morphological maturation of
spermatids to become spermatozoa via spermio-
genesis. These processes thus involve multiple
H. Chen  D. Mruk  C.Y. Cheng (&) cellular events in the testis and are under com-
Center for Biomedical Research Population Council, plex controls by regulatory hormonal and sig-
1230 York Ave., New York, NY 10065, USA
naling axes. The most important of these
regulatory pathways is the hypothalamic–pitu-
H. Chen
itary–testicular axis involving both FSH and LH,
and testosterone and estradiol-17ß as key regu-
D. Mruk
e-mail: lators [10–14]. Since the subject of hormonal
regulation of spermatogenesis in men has been
X. Xiao
Department of Reproductive Physiology,
extensively reviewed [10–15], we focus our
Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences, Hangzhou, discussion herein on other topics in which
Zhejiang, China advances have been made in recent years.

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 49

S.J. Winters and I.T. Huhtaniemi (eds.), Male Hypogonadism,
Contemporary Endocrinology, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53298-1_3
50 H. Chen et al.

A better understanding of human spermatogen- tubules combined per pair of testes is *400
esis is necessary since about 15% of married meters, and each tubule has a diameter of
couples are infertile, and half of these cases are *200 µm [3, 33]. Spermatogenesis occurs as
attributed to male factors, indicating that about shown in the cross section of a tubule (Fig. 3.1),
7% of men in the general population are infertile consisting of Sertoli cells and germ cells at dif-
[16]. In this context, it is of interest to note that ferent stages of development. These germ cells
male reproductive health can be considerably include undifferentiated spermatogonia, dark type
altered by the environment and life style factors A spermatogonia, pale type A spermatogonia,
[17–21]. Semen quality is believed to be type B spermatogonia; preleptotene, leptotene,
declining [22–25], illustrating the global trend of zygotene and pachytene primary spermatocytes,
impaired male reproductive health. While 6–18% and secondary spermatocytes; as well as Sa, Sb,
of non-obstructive azoospermia or severe oligo- Sc, Sd1, and Sd2 spermatids until Sd2 transform
zoospermia cases can be attributed to Y chro- into spermatozoa [34]. Sertoli and germ cells near
mosome microdeletions [26], as many as 25– the base of the seminiferous epithelium are in
40% of infertile men have no identifiable cause close contact with the basement membrane,
for hypospermatogenesis [27, 28]. In fact, infer- which is a modified form of extracellular matrix
tility is an emerging global public health issue and is composed of mostly collagen (type IV) and
right after cancer and cardiovascular diseases. laminins, heparin sulfate proteoglycan, and
Interestingly, experiments using mouse genetic nidogen/entactin [35, 36]. Behind the basement
models, including membrane is the type 1 collagen layer, to be
knockout/knockin/gene-trapped, transgenic, and followed by the myoid cell layer, lymph, and then
chemical-induced point mutant mice, have iden- lymphatic endothelium. Collectively, they con-
tified more than 400 genes pertinent to sper- stitute the tunica propria [35, 36] (Fig. 3.1).
matogenesis [28, 29], and the use of proteomics, During spermatogenesis, germ cells, in particular
epigenomics, and genomics have identified post-meiotic spermatids, rely almost solely on
>2300 genes pertinent to spermatogenesis and/or Sertoli cells for structural, nutritional, and para-
testis function. However, how this information crine support since haploid spermatids are
applies to humans remains largely unknown [30]. metabolically quiescent cells with relatively little
Future directions in “omics” research pertinent to cytosol to support their cellular functions [37,
human spermatogenesis have been recently 38]. Thus, the Sertoli cell is known as the
reviewed [30, 31]; herein, we focus on the local “mother” or “nurse” cell, with each Sertoli cell
regulation of spermatogenesis and highlight areas supporting *30–50 developing germ cells based
of research which can serve as helpful examples on morphometric analysis in the rat testis [39].
to guide future investigations. In humans, Sertoli cells undergo mitotic pro-
liferation in two separate phases. The first phase
takes place shortly after birth during the
Structure and Composition neonatal-infantile period when the Sertoli cell
of the Seminiferous Epithelium population increases via mitotic proliferation
[40]. During puberty, Sertoli cells again rapidly
In adult humans, as in rodents, the functional unit divide mitotically [40], giving rise to
that produces sperm via spermatogenesis is the *500  106 Sertoli cells per testis (each adult
seminiferous tubule. Spermatogenesis is sup- human testis weighs *18–19 gm). The Sertoli
ported by testosterone produced by Leydig cells cell number declines to *300  106 by
in the interstitium, and by estradiol-17ß produced 50–85 years of age, associated with a reduction
by Sertoli and germ cells [10–15], although there in daily sperm output [8]. Each testis has
is evidence that human Leydig cells also produce *4.5  106 Sertoli cells in mice [41] and 30
estradiol-17ß [32]. In men, each testis has *400– −40  106 Sertoli cells in rats [42–44] compared
600 seminiferous tubules, the length of all the to 500  106 in men [8], and a daily sperm
3 Human Spermatogenesis and Its Regulation 51

Adluminal (Apical) compartment F-actin bundle

Apical ES protein
Elongated complex
spermatid Endoplasmic

Tight junction
Elongating protein complex
Basal ES
protein complex
Sertoli cell
Pachytene Gap junction protein
Sertoli cell Desmosomal protein

Intermediate filaments

Basement membrane

Sertoli cell Sertoli cell Type 1 collagen

Preleptotptene nucleus layer
Type A spermatogonium Myoid cell layer
propria Type B spermatogonium

Blood Blood
vessel vessel
Leydig Leydig
cell cell

Fig. 3.1 Structure and cellular composition of the sem- the apical compartment. The most notable junction in the
iniferous epithelium in the human testis. The seminiferous mammalian testis including humans is the ES, which is
epithelium, as seen in this schematic drawing of a cross typified by the presence of actin microfilament bundles
section of a seminiferous tubule, is composed of Sertoli sandwiched in-between cisternae of endoplasmic reticu-
and germ cells. The BTB is constituted by actin-based lum and the apposing Sertoli cell–cell plasma membranes.
tight junctions, basal ectoplasmic specialization (ES), and The ES at the BTB is called basal ES while the ES at the
gap junctions, as well as the intermediate filament-based Sertoli–spermatid interface is designated apical ES. Since
desmosome. As one of the tightest blood–tissue barriers in developing germ cells (e.g., preleptotene spermatocytes)
the human body, the BTB divides the seminiferous and developing spermatids are being transported across
epithelium into the adluminal (apical) and basal compart- the seminiferous epithelium, Sertoli cell–Sertoli cell and
ments. Spermatogonia (both type A, B and undifferenti- Sertoli–germ cell junctions are continuously remodeling
ated) and preleptotene spermatocytes reside in the basal throughout the 6 stages of the epithelial cycle of
compartment, whereas the other primary and secondary spermatogenesis in the human testis
spermatocytes and post-meiotic spermatids are found in

production of 8x [41], 70x [45], and 200x106 macrophages and microvessels (Fig. 3.1). Leydig
[46], respectively. The number of Sertoli cells is cells produce testosterone (T) under the influence
determined by FSH, thyroid hormones, growth of luteinizing hormone (LH) since LH receptors
hormone, and several paracrine growth factors are limited to Leydig cells in human and rodent
[40]. Outside the tubules in the interstitial space testes. Interestingly, the T level in the interstitial
lay the Leydig cells, fibroblasts, and some fluid and seminiferous tubule fluid is at least
52 H. Chen et al.

70- and 50-fold higher than the T level in the divide and become fully differentiated, con-
systemic circulation in the rat [47]. In humans, comitant with the onset of meiosis I/II [40]. It is
the intratesticular T (e.g., interstitial fluid) level is of interest to note that human Sertoli cells, sim-
also 100-fold higher than the systemic circulation ilar to Sertoli cells in rodents, can be
[48–50], illustrating a considerably higher T de-differentiated, becoming mitotically active
level is maintained in the testis to support when they are exposed to fetal bovine serum
spermatogenesis. [40], such as cultured in media containing 5–
10% fetal bovine serum (v/v) [56]. Under such
conditions, Sertoli cells can be maintained
Sertoli Cells and the Blood–Testis through multiple passes in vitro without detect-
Barrier (BTB) able changes in their functional and physiologi-
cal properties [57].
The seminiferous epithelium of the mammalian BTB function in rodents is dependent on
testis is further divided into two functional testosterone [58–61]. However, treatment of nor-
compartments: (1) the basal, and (2) the adlu- mal men with testosterone plus levonorgestrel
minal (apical) compartments (Fig. 3.1), due to (LNG), which is capable of suppressing sper-
the presence of the Sertoli cell blood–testis bar- matogenesis and causing azoospermia or
rier (BTB) located near the basement membrane. oligospermia with suppression of intratesticular
The BTB is constituted by coexisting actin-based androgen levels, did not affect BTB function since
basal ectoplasmic specialization (basal ES) and the distribution of claudin-3 remained relatively
tight junction (TJ), as well as coexisting basal ES unaltered [62]. However, in a more recent study in
and gap junction, and intermediate which healthy men were treated with T plus LNG
filament-based desmosome [51, 52]. As such, together with the GnRH antagonist acyline or the
undifferentiated spermatogonia, both type A and 5a-reductase inhibitor dutasteride (in order to
B spermatogonia, and preleptotene spermato- provide added suppression of spermatogenesis),
cytes differentiated from type B spermatogonia there was considerable down-regulation of
reside in the basal compartment. More advanced claudin-11, connexin-43, and vinculin at the BTB
primary spermatocytes, secondary spermato- compared to men treated wth T + LNG alone [63].
cytes, and all haploid spermatids including Collectively, these findings suggest that human
spermatozoa reside in the adluminal compart- BTB is regulated in a manner similar to rodents.
ment (Fig. 3.1). Some species differences exist, however, such as
Briefly, the BTB provides a unique microen- the extent of androgen-dependency, since it
vironment in the adluminal compartment for appears that a considerable reduction in the
meiosis I/II and post-meiotic spermatid devel- intratesticular T level is necessary to suppress the
opment so that these events are segregated from BTB integrity in humans.
the systemic circulation, behind an immunolog- Due to the limited access to normal human
ical barrier. Studies have shown, however, that testes for functional analysis, it is difficult to
the BTB contributes minor significance to the compare the regulation of the human BTB
immune privilege of the testis since germ cells integrity with that of rodents. With advances in
residing in the basal compartment are equally cell and tissue culture techniques, however,
immunogenic, containing multiple testis-specific human Sertoli cells, using media containing fetal
antigens [53, 54]. Instead, the testis immune bovine serum, have been cultured and main-
privilege is maintained mostly by Sertoli cells tained successfully for several weeks in vitro [56,
through their secretory immunosuppressive bio- 57, 64–66], with a functional tight junction-
molecules: cytokines, bioactive lipids and pep- permeability barrier [56, 64]. Using this
tides, and androgens from Leydig cells [55]. approach, the organization of F-actin that sup-
The BTB in humans is established at puberty by ports BTB integrity has been investigated at the
*12–13 years of age when Sertoli cells cease to human Sertoli cell BTB. It is now known that
3 Human Spermatogenesis and Its Regulation 53

human Sertoli cell F-actin organization is main-

tained, similar to that of rodents, by actin binding
proteins, including Arp2/3 (actin related protein
2/3) complex and Eps8 (epidermal growth factor
receptor pathway substrate 8) that confers bran-
ched actin network and bundled actin microfila-
ments, respectively [57]. Furthermore, exposure
of human Sertoli cells to environmental toxi-
cants, such as CdCl2, or bisphenol A (BPA),
rapidly perturbs F-actin organization in these
cells. Changes in the distribution of cell adhesion
proteins at the BTB, including the TJ-protein
ZO-1, and the basal ES proteins N-cadherin and
ß-catenin, from the cell surface to the cell cytosol
[57], likely reflect degradation via an
endosome-dependent degradation pathway.
These changes disrupt integrity and function of
the BTB. It is expected that much information
will be obtained using this in vitro system to gain
insight into the biology of the human BTB.

Fig. 3.2 Cell–cell interaction within the testis and its

Cell–Cell Interactions in the Testis functional relationship to the hypothalamic–pituitary–
testicular axis. The classic hormonal regulatory axis that
Due to the presence of the BTB, germ cell exerts its regulatory effects on the testis through the
development, in particular post-meiotic spermatid release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from
the hypothalamus, which in turn regulates the secretion of
development, relies almost exclusively on the
luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hor-
structural, nutritional, and paracrine support of mone (FSH) from the pituitary gland. Testosterone pro-
Sertoli cells. This is mediated via cell junctions at duced by interstitial Leydig cells provides the feedback
the Sertoli–germ cell interface, involving multiple loop to modulate the production of GnRH from the
hypothalamus and thereby LH and FSH from the pituitary
genes and their proteins [37, 38, 67, 68]
gland. In humans and primates in contrast to rodents,
(Fig. 3.2). Even though undifferentiated sper- testosterone has no direct feedback effect on the pituitary
matogonia [e.g., spermatogonial stem cells [240]. Inhibin produced by Sertoli cells provides selective
(SSCs)], type A and type B spermatogonia, and feedback to the production of FSH. There is cross talk
among germ cells (including spermatogonial stem cells)
preleptotene spermatocytes reside outside the
and Sertoli cells in the seminiferous epithelium, as well as
BTB, they also rely on the Sertoli cell for func- Leydig cells and peritubular myoid cells in the intersti-
tional and structural support through the expres- tium. Studies have shown an array of growth factors,
sion of unique genes (Fig. 3.2). This is genes and hormones are involved. Abbreviations: CSF1,
colony stimulating factor 1; BMP4, bone morphogenetic
particularly true for SSCs which are located at the
protein 4; GDF9, growth differentiation factor-9; GnRH,
stem cell niches—usually at the base of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone; P-Mod-S, peritubular
seminiferous epithelium wherein three seminif- myoid cell modulates Sertoli cell factor; TGF-b1, trans-
erous tubules meet, adjacent to the microvessels forming growth factor-1; Wt1, Wilms’ tumor 1
in the interstitium. In short, SSCs rely on Sertoli
cells for structural and functional support, besides
biomolecules from the microvessels [69, 70]. Leydig cell steroidogenesis [71–73]. One of the
Sertoli cells also modulate spermatogenesis paracrine factors produced by Sertoli cells that
through cross talk with Leydig cells. Sertoli cells modulates Leydig cell function has been partially
stimulate Leydig cell differentiation but inhibit characterized [74]. Studies using genetic models
54 H. Chen et al.

have shown that Sertoli cells maintain Leydig modulated by peritubular myoid cells, unequiv-
cell number (both fetal and adult Leydig cells) ocally demonstrating that Sertoli and peritubular
and support Leydig cell development [75, 76], as myoid cells are functionally connected. Interest-
well as determine Leydig cell differentiation ingly, studies using Amh-Cre to induce expres-
status and cell fate through the Wt1 gene [77]. On sion of the Diphtheria toxin receptor in Sertoli
the other hand, Sertoli cells also interact with cells to cause controlled, cell-specific, and acute
germ cells to support spermatogenesis through ablation of the Sertoli cell population in adult
multiple paracrine factors [37, 78, 79] (Fig. 3.2). mice have shown that Sertoli cells also control
There is also functional cross talk between peritubular myoid cell fate, including its differ-
Sertoli cells and the tunica propria, in particular entiation status and cell population [76]. Using
peritubular myoid cells (Fig. 3.2). For instance, this approach, Sertoli cells were shown to mod-
Sertoli cells work in concert with peritubular ulate testicular vascular network development,
myoid cells in the production and deposition of including modulating circulating testosterone
extracellular matrix (ECM) components [80] to levels in adult mice [86]. It should be noted that
produce and maintain the basement membrane, much of the information stated above and
which is a modified form of ECM [35, 36]. depicted in Fig. 3.2 is derived from studies in
Studies have also suggested that peritubular rodents. Clearly, further studies are needed to
myoid cells modulate Sertoli cell function understand the cell–cell interactions between
wherein myoid cells produce a paracrine factor Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and peritubular myoid
known as P-Mod-S that regulates Sertoli cell cells in the human testis.
function [81]. However, the identity of this factor
remains to be clarified. Another report has shown
that while peritubular myoid cells do not secrete Spermatogonia and Self-renewal
clusterin or a2-macroglobulin (a wide-spectrum
protease inhibitor [82]), co-cultures of myoid Spermatogonia are the progenitor cells of all
cells with Sertoli cell promote Sertoli cell a2- germ cells and are designated type A and type B
macroglubulin and clusterin secretion [83]. It [87, 88]. In humans, type A spermatogonia are
must be noted, however, that unlike Sertoli cells, further categorized into progenitor dark type A
which can be maintained in culture in serum-free spermatogonia (Ad) and pale type A spermato-
medium (e.g., F12/DMEM with several growth gonia (Ap) which are capable of undergoing
factors [84]) for up to *2-wk, peritubular myoid mitotic proliferation for self-renewal [89]
cell cultures require the presence of serum pro- (Fig. 3.3). Ap are the predominant spermatogonia
teins, such as *5–10% fetal calf serum for their that survive radio- and chemotherapy while Ad
survival [83]. are largely eliminated during such treatment,
The most conclusive study thus far to illus- illustrating that Ap are the potential spermato-
trate the importance of peritubular myoid cells in gonial stem cells [90]. At present, it is generally
spermatogenesis is the generation of a peritubular accepted that Ad constitute a pool of reserve
myoid cell-specific androgen receptor spermatogonia which remain quiescent but can
(AR) knockout (PTM-ARKO) mouse model give rise to Ap when needed and are considered
[85]. PTM-ARKO male mice have reduced to be the ‘true’ spermatogonial stem cells in
seminiferous tubule fluid production and are humans [4, 91]. The molecular basis for the
azoospermic and infertile, with reduced expres- regulation of human spermatogonia remains lar-
sion of certain androgen-dependent Sertoli cell gely unknown. cKIT, a transmembrane protein
genes [85]. These findings illustrate that ARs in tyrosine kinase receptor (also known as stem cell
Sertoli cells fail to assume the function of ARs in factor receptor or CD117), and its ligand cKIT
myoid cells to sustain spermatogenesis. Further- ligand (also known as stem cell factor (SCF)) are
more, these findings demonstrate that Sertoli cell known to be involved in the differentiation of
androgen-dependent gene expression is spermatogonia in humans, rodents, and primates
3 Human Spermatogenesis and Its Regulation 55
56 H. Chen et al.

b Fig. 3.3 Comparison of germ cell development in the stage III (concomitant with spermiation that takes place at
human versus the rat testis. While the development of late stage II) of the epithelial cycle are transported across
germ cells through spermatogenesis is similar between the the BTB to enter the adluminal compartment to prepare
two species, there are some notable differences such as for meiosis I/II which takes place at stage VI of the
during spermatogonial self-renewal and differentiation. In epithelial cycle, and Sa spermatids, the equivalent of
the rat, Asingle spermatogonia (As) divide and form round spermatids in the rat, are found in stage I. In the rat,
Apaired spermatogonia (Apr), which further divide to a single diploid As can give rise to 4096 haploid sperm;
form Aaligned spermatogonia (Aal). The differentiating whereas in the human, only 16 sperm are derived from
Aal undergo 5 cell divisions (A1-4 and In) to form type B one type A spermatogonium. The number of different
spermatogonia. In humans, both Adark spermatogonia types of germ cells that can be derived from a single
(Ad) and Apale spermatogonia (Ap) are capable of committed type A spermatogonium is indicated. This
undergoing self-renewal through mitosis, and Ap also figure was prepared based on the information of earlier
give rise to type B spermatogonia, the latter of which are reports [1, 51, 127] and in the model of rat spermatoge-
then differentiate to form preleptotene spermatocytes. In nesis it is noted that Apr and Aal spermatogonia have been
the human testis, preleptotene spermatocytes formed in shown to be able to revert to As [241]

[91]. cKIT is expressed in spermatogonia, round spermatogenesis in humans is based on findings

spermatids, and spermatozoa as well as in Leydig that bisdichloroacetyldiamine WIN 18,446, an
cells whereas its ligand or SCF is primarily inhibitor of retinoic acid synthesis, inhibits
expressed in Sertoli cells in humans [92]. How- ALDH1A2 and induces reversible infertility in
ever, cKIT is not expressed in spermatocytes or mice, rats, monkeys, and men [100–103]. More
elongating spermatids [93]. Expression of cKIT study is needed to define the role of retinoic acid
in type A spermatogonia varies across the semi- in human spermatogonial differentiation.
niferous tubules, being highest in proliferating Spermatogonial differentiation is a
Ap spermatogonia and type B spermatogonia gonadotropin-dependent event in primates [104]
[93–95], illustrating the involvement of since FSH treatment increases the number of Ap
cKIT/SCF in spermatogonial self-renewal and and type B spermatogonia in monkeys [105,
differentiation. The reduced staining of cKIT in 106]. Emerging evidence suggests that FSH
type A spermatogonia has been shown in men plays a role in spermatogonial differentiation in
with subfertility, and its reduced expression is men [107]. However, in normal adult men,
associated with an increase in apoptosis in type A gonadotropins (FSH and LH) serve as sper-
spermatogonia [96]. matogonial survival factors by regulating the
GFRA1, a6-INTEGRIN, PLZF, GPR125, intrinsic apoptotic pathway to promote germ cell
SALL4, and THY1 are undifferentiated sper- survival but have no effect on germ cell prolif-
matogonia markers in mouse, monkey, and man, eration [108].
whereas UTF1 (undifferentiated embryonic cell
transcription factor 1) and FGFR3 (fibroblast
growth factor receptor 3, also known as CD333) Spermatocytes and Meiosis
are molecular markers specific for human type A
spermatogonia [91]. The molecular basis for the Spermatocytes, namely leptotene, zygotene,
transition of undifferentiated spermatogonia to pachytene, and diplotene spermatocytes are
type A spermatogonia has been established in found in the human seminiferous epithelium
rodents and involves retinoic acid (RA), the [109] following the initiation of meiosis in
active metabolite of vitamin A, which is also humans at puberty [110] (Figs. 3.3 and 3.4).
involved in the initiation of meiosis [97]. Indeed, Diplotene spermatocytes undergo meiosis I to
treatment of mice with the pan-retinoic acid form secondary spermatocytes (with haploid
receptor antagonist, BMS-189453 that blocks the number of chromosomes but 2n content of
action of RA in the mouse testis, leads to DNA), which rapidly progress to meiosis II so
reversible infertility due to meiotic arrest [98, that a single secondary spermatocyte produces
99]. The notion that RA is involved in two haploid round Sa spermatids. In this context,
3 Human Spermatogenesis and Its Regulation 57

Fig. 3.4 A schematic drawing illustrating the six stages the entire epithelial cycle takes 16 days to complete. The
of the epithelial cycle (I-VI) in the human testis, and the duration of each stage, from I to VI, is also annotated.
associated germ cell types in the seminiferous epithelium This drawing was prepared and modified from earlier
in each of these stages. It is noted that spermiation takes reports [4, 34, 242], and recent advances in the staging of
place in late stage II, and preleptotene spermatocytes arise human spermatogenesis have recently been discussed
in stage III, which are being transported across the BTB in [243]
stage III. Meiosis takes place at stage VI of the cycle, and

it is of interest to note that, unlike other somatic Sertoli cells by a monocarboxylate transporter
cells, neither spermatocytes nor spermatids MCT1 and taken up by meiotic and post-meiotic
metabolize glucose; instead, they rely on lactate germ cells via their specific monocarboxylate
supplied by Sertoli cells as their energy source transporter, MCT2 [111]. Studies have shown
[111, 112]. In brief, glucose is taken up by Ser- that energy metabolism of Sertoli and germ cells
toli cells via the specific glucose transporter is regulated by FSH, steroids, insulin and para-
GLUT1 and is processed into lactate glycolyti- crine factors, and their disruption leads to male
cally [113] by testis-specific lactate dehydroge- infertility [112, 114]. It is also noted that defects
nase C4 (LDHC4). Lactate is transported out of in meiosis, such as meiotic maturation arrest
58 H. Chen et al.

(or early maturation arrest) is found in *10% of molecules such as p-FAK-Tyr407, as well as actin
men with non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA), binding/regulatory proteins (e.g., the Arp2/3
with the histopathological features of reduced complex, Eps8), involving degeneration of api-
tubule diameter, reduce germ cell number, and cal ES and generation of laminin fragments [5,
degenerating spermatocytes [115]. 119]. However, this process is poorly understood
in humans except that it is likely dependent on
FSH and testosterone. So far, human male
Spermatids and Spermiogenesis infertility has not been attributed to defects of
spermiation alone [3].
The process during which spermatids undergo
extensive morphological transformation through
round Sa spermatids, Sb1, Sb2, Sc, Sd1, and Sd2, Cycle of the Seminiferous Epithelium
and eventually to spermatozoa is known as
spermiogenesis [116] (Figs. 3.3 and 3.4). During In human as well as rodent testes, the distinctive
this process, no further cellular divisions occur, cellular associations in the seminiferous epithe-
newly formed round spermatids from secondary lium along the tubule can be defined into different
spermatocytes are characterized by a small stages which appear cyclically throughout sper-
spherical nucleus with the usual array of cyto- matogenesis, known as the epithelial cycle of
plasmic organelles, including the Golgi appara- spermatogenesis [88, 120, 121]. In the testis of
tus, mitochondria, and centrioles [116]. Each rats, mice, and humans, an epithelial cycle is
spermatid undergoes considerable morphological composed of I-XIV, I-XII, and I-VI stages,
changes that begin with a large granule called the respectively [4, 122, 123]. It is of interest to note
acrosomic granule which is generated by several that spermiation and meiosis I/II take place at stage
small proacrosomic granules in the area of the VIII and XIV, VIII and XII and II and VI, in the rat,
Golgi apparatus that grows over the nucleus. As mouse, and human testis, respectively. It takes
spermiogenesis continues, the acrosome trans- about 16 days to complete an epithelial cycle in
forms further, and nuclear chromatin condensa- the human [124] versus 8.6 days in the mouse
tion begins [117]. At the final steps, the [125] and 12.8 days in the rat [126]. This is the
spermatid nucleus completes its chromatin con- time it takes for a given spot in a seminiferous
densation, and the majority of the cytoplasm tubule at a specific stage of the epithelial cycle,
eventually detaches from the spermatid to form such as at stage II, when observed under the
the residual body, which is engulfed by the stereomicroscope, to undergo cyclic staging and
Sertoli cell and processed into a phagosome. The become stage II again. However, the duration of
phagosome is then transported to the base of the spermatogenesis, i.e., from type A spermatogonia
Sertoli cell for lysosomal degradation [118]. In to spermatozoa, is *68 days (4.2 cycles) in
humans, spermiogenesis can be disrupted, lead- humans versus *35 days (4 cycles) and
ing to: (i) late maturation arrest, manifested by an *58 days (4.5 cycles) in mice and rats as noted in
arrest in development in early spermatids with Fig. 3.4 for humans (for reviews, see [1, 127,
dark round nuclei, and (ii) hypospermatogenesis, 128]). This is the time it takes for a single human
with an arrest in further development of con- diploid Ap spermatogonium (progenitor germ cell,
densed oval spermatids [115]. Mature sperma- wherein Ad spermatogonium is the regenerative
tozoa, once formed, are released into the tubule reserve stem cell) to develop into multiple haploid
lumen via the final cellular process of sper- spermatozoa which requires *4.2 cycles. In this
matogenesis at spermiation [5, 119]. While the context, it is noted that the staging of the epithelial
molecular mechanism underlying spermiation cycle is largely defined according to changes in the
remains relatively unexplored, studies in rodents Golgi region of developing spermatids, namely the
have shown that spermiation is tightly regulated acrosome, when it is visualized by the periodic
by the spatiotemporal expression of signaling acid Schiff’s reaction (PAS). In mouse, rat, and
3 Human Spermatogenesis and Its Regulation 59

human, spermatids can be divided into 16, 19, and panoply of Sertoli cell genes. FSH promotes
6 steps, respectively, throughout spermiogenesis Sertoli cell proliferation before puberty, while
before they develop and transform into sperma- after puberty, FSH activates Sertoli cell to sup-
tozoa. The classification of human spermatids into port germ cell development. Despite the impor-
6 steps of Sa, Sb1, Sb2, Sc, Sd1, and Sd2 was tant role of FSH in spermatogenesis, this
based on the use of osmium-dichromate as fixative hormone, unlike testosterone (see below), is not
for the human testis, which was then stained with considered essential to, but rather fine-tunes
osmium and examined by transmission electron spermatogenesis. For instance, deletion of the
microscopy [117]. FSH-ß subunit in mice led to infertility in
FSH-deficient females due to a block in follicu-
logenesis, but FSH-deficient males were fertile
Factors that Regulate even though the testes of these mice were
Spermatogenesis reduced in size [140, 141]. Furthermore, men
with inactivating mutations of the FSH-b gene or
Numerous factors are known to affect human the FSH receptor have impaired spermatogenesis
spermatogenesis. Below, we highlight regulators but generally remain fertile—an observation
that are well established or are rapidly develop- explained in part by the finding that the FSH
ing in the field. receptor possesses low-level constitutive activity
in the absence of FSH [129, 142–144] (see
Chap. 6). On the other hand, it is of interest to
Hormonal Regulation note that men with congenital complete hypog-
onadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) are usually
Hormonal regulation of spermatogenesis in treated with hCG (human chorionic gonado-
humans is a complex biological event involving trophin) together with FSH to induce testis
both testosterone and estradiol-17ß [10, 13, 14, development, spermatogenesis, and fertility (see
129, 130] and is tightly regulated by the Chap. 20). Also, men with idiopathic oligoas-
hypothalamic–pituitary–testicular axis by thenoteratozoospermia treated with recombinant
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteiniz- FSH for 3 months were found to have consid-
ing hormone (LH) that exert their effects on Sertoli erable improvement in seminal parameters vs.
and Leydig cells, respectively. Besides these hor- untreated controls [145, 146].
mones, inhibins, activins, follistatin, and other
paracrine factors are also involved. Since the LH
hormonal regulation of spermatogenesis in The primary function of LH is to stimulate
humans has been eminently reviewed recently [11, the production of testosterone by Leydig cells
13, 131–136], interested readers are encouraged to [147]. LHCG-receptor (luteinizing hormone/
seek further information from these earlier choriogonadotropin receptor, also called
reviews. Below is a summary of recent findings LHCG-R or LHR) expression begins in fetal
pertinent to the hormonal regulation of human Leydig cells [148]. Human males with inacti-
spermatogenesis. vating mutations of the LHCG-R develop
ambiguous genitalia and are testosterone-
FSH deficient indicating that hCG/LH signaling is
FSH is an important regulator of spermatogenesis essential for testosterone production in the fetus
through effects on Sertoli cells where FSH and adult [149–151]. LH stimulates testosterone
receptors are expressed. FSH activates at least production by stimulating the expression of key
five signaling pathways in Sertoli cells: steroidogenic enzyme genes as well as tran-
cAMP-PKA, MAPK, PI3 K-AKT, intracellular scription factors that are required for testosterone
Ca, and phospholipase A2 [137–139]. Gene biosynthesis to support spermatogenesis and
expression profiles indicate that FSH regulates a other male reproductive function [152]. Ligand
60 H. Chen et al.

binding to the LHCG-R stimulates adenylate (i.e., to obtain ITT) and serum of fertile men in
cyclase, increases cAMP production and phos- samples obtained simultaneously were strongly
phorylates target proteins through protein kinases and positively correlated (r = 0.67) [158]. The
A and C, activates ERK1 and 2, and increases different results in the two studies may be due to
calcium signaling [148]. Interestingly, accumu- different assay approaches. In this context, it is of
lating evidence supports the notion that interest to note that a recent report has shown that
steroidogenesis in human fetal testes is highly high ITT is not necessary to support spermatoge-
sensitive to environmental toxicants or elected nesis in humans [159], and proposed that the ITT
lifestyle (e.g., cigarette smoking) which are dis- level may be high only because T is synthesized
ruptive to LH-mediated testosterone production locally by Leydig cells in the interstitial space of
by Leydig cells [17, 153]. the testis. Thus, the physiological significance of
the ITT level to support spermatogenesis requires
Intratesticular Testosterone additional further studies.
(ITT) Microenvironment Importantly, the earlier report of Roth et al.
Testicular aspirations of normal men have shown also demonstrated considerable variations in ITT
that T is the predominant intratesticular sex steroid levels in fertile men which correlated very
[48, 49, 154]. ITT concentration in men averages strongly with serum LH levels (r = 0.87). It was
609 ± 50 ng/ml, which is much higher than the hypothesized that LH secretory pulsatility might
average serum T level of 3.7 ± 0.3 ng/ml [48– cause pulsatility in ITT concentrations [158]. In
50]. This gradient between the testis and serum is fact, ITT pulsatility was suggested by an earlier
similar to findings in rodents, wherein ITT in rat study that quantified T and estradiol concentra-
testes is *100-fold higher than the serum T level tions over 4 h in cannulated gonadal veins of
[47, 155]. Collectively, these findings support the men with varicocele [32]. While the importance
notion that a high ITT level is necessary to main- of ITT pulsatility to spermatogenesis remains to
tain spermatogenesis. For instance, the high level be established, it may influence the cyclic nature
of T in the testis is known to support spermatid of spermatogenesis during the epithelial cycle.
adhesion, spermiogenesis, and BTB function in For instance, the requirements of the seminifer-
rodent testes [5, 51, 156]. In this context, it is of ous epithelium to support androgen-dependent
interest to note that the ITT concentration at cellular events at late stage II during spermiation
*2000 nM vesurs *12 nM of T in serum in are quite different from stages VI when meiosis
normal men is considerably higher than that of takes place. As such, it is likely that the ITT level
SHBG/ABP (sex hormone binding globulin/ required at stage II is different from stage VI and
androgen binding protein, *50 nM; note: other stages to support spermatogenesis.
SHBG/ABP reduces androgen bioavailability), Nonetheless, the ITT concentration necessary to
suggesting that most ITT is bioavailable [154]. support spermatogenesis in humans has not been
Studies by Jarow et al. found that *70% of the established by quantifying T levels in intrates-
total ITT is bioactive based on a novel androgen ticular fluid obtained during micro-TESE (mi-
bioactivity assay [154]. Interestingly, neither ITT crodissection testicular sperm extraction) [160].
concentrations nor intratesticular bioactive Furthermore, studies in rodents have shown that
androgen levels were strongly correlated with T, besides playing a crucial role in maintaining
serum T concentration (correlation coefficients, germ cell adhesion in particular developing
r = 0.38) nor serum bioactive androgen level spermatids, modulates endocytic vesicle-mediated
(r = 0.46). Yet SHBG/ABP levels in the testis and protein trafficking [161]. Due to the high level of
serum in humans were strongly correlated [48, cellular activities in the epithelium to maintain
154]. These data thus fail to explain the disparity the daily sperm production rate, many cellular
between intratesticular and serum bioactive proteins, in particular those found at the Sertoli–
androgen levels [48, 154, 157]. In contrast, Roth Sertoli or Sertoli–germ cell interface, are being
et al. found that T levels in testicular aspirations re-cycled [162]. Studies have shown that the
3 Human Spermatogenesis and Its Regulation 61

relative ratio of ITT/cytokines within the neurological disorder spinal and bulbar muscular
micro-environment of the seminiferous epithe- atrophy in which affected men have small testes
lium may be crucial to govern these protein and gynecomastia (SBMA) [172]. Attempts to
recycling events during the epithelial cycle [163]. correlate the severity of spermatogenic dysfunc-
These studies, while recently performed in tion with CAG-encoded polyglutamine length
rodents, can now be extended to humans by polymorphism in the AR gene have, however,
using the human Sertoli cell in vitro system [57]. yielded inconsistent and conflicting results [173–
176]. Interestingly, an insertion mutation near the
Androgen Receptor (AR) beginning of the CAG repeat in exon 1 of the AR
T exerts its effects through AR signaling [156, gene was found in an azoospermic man [177].
164–166]. In humans, AR expression is restricted Treatment of an infertile man who had a point
to Sertoli cells [167, 168]. Studies using murine mutation of p.Val686Ala in the AR
models have shown that specific deletion of AR ligand-binding domain with prolonged high-dose
in Sertoli cells (SC-specific AR KO) leads to testosterone therapy was found to produce
meiotic arrest and early spermatogenic matura- marked improvement in sperm count and semen
tion arrest [169, 170], and also terminal differ- quality [178]. Combined with intracytoplasmic
entiation of haploid spermatids [171]. microinjection, testosterone treatment resulted in
Collectively, these findings illustrate the signifi- fertility. A point mutation in the transactivation
cance of AR-mediated action in spermatogenesis, domain (TAD) of the AR gene was found in an
in particular murine meiosis and spermiogenesis. infertile man with gynecomastia with a high FSH
In men, the AR expression level visualized by level, small testes, and Sertoli cell-only syn-
immunohistochemistry in Sertoli cells was higher drome [179]. However, a fertile man with
in those with NOA (non-obstructive azoosper- gynecomastia was found to have a p.Pro69Ser
mia) vs. OA (obstructive azoospermia), and a mutation within the AR ligand-binding domain
significant positive correlation was observed but to display no considerable defects in semen
between FSH levels and Sertoli cell AR expres- quality [180]. Taking these data collectively, it is
sion in OA patients [167]. However, efforts to anticipated that more AR mutation-associated
relate AR function or distribution to infertility in male infertility cases will be identified. As more
humans have been unsuccessful. For instance, no data are available, a systemic analysis is war-
correlation was found between AR expression in ranted to relate mutation(s) of the AR gene with
Sertoli cells with serum T levels, or serum LH, idiopathic male infertility. At this point, based on
and FSH levels in men with NOA [167]. Also, the available data, it is likely that FSH-dependent
exogenous FSH was shown to trigger an increase AR expression is crucial for spermatogenesis.
in AR expression in the human testis [167]. However, more accurate functional assays are
However, hCG therapy had no apparent effect, necessary to pin-point the importance of AR in
thereby underscoring the significance of male infertility.
FSH-dependent Sertoli cell AR expression [167].
Exon 1 of the AR contains a CAG trinu- Estrogen
cleotide repeat that encodes a polyglutamine tract Testes are known to produce a considerable
in the N-terminus of the AR. This region is amount of estradiol-17ß via aromatase, which is
required for AR interaction with transcriptional essential to maintain spermatogenesis [10, 12,
co-regulators, and variation in CAG repeat 181]. In humans, the role of estrogen in sper-
length, even within normal alleles, influences AR matogenesis remains a subject of debate. Emerg-
function in that shorter repeats are associated ing evidence, however, supports the notion that
with a more transcriptionally active receptor. estrogen is involved in testis development, fluid
Furthermore, an expanded polyglutamine resorption in the rete testis, maintenance of sper-
tract confers toxic properties responsible for matogenesis, and in the maturation of spermatozoa
neuronal and non-neuronal degeneration in the [10, 181, 182]. Most importantly, aromatization of
62 H. Chen et al.

T to estradiol-17ß in the hypothalamus provides an illustrate the significance of estrogen in human

important negative feedback signal to gonado- spermatogenesis. Furthermore, genetic and
tropin secretion [10]. Aromatase is expressed by pharmacologically induced estrogen deficiency
human Leydig cells, Sertoli cells, spermatocytes, leads to reduced libido in men [191, 192]. In
spermatids, and spermatozoa (its presence in summary, estrogen is known to be involved in
spermatogonia remains unknown) [181] while the development of the testis, maintenance of
estrogen is produced mostly by Leydig cells in the male reproductive tract, fluid resorption in the
adult human testis [10]. rete testis, and in particular sperm maturation in
Estrogen exerts its effects via estrogen recep- humans [12, 181, 193, 194].
tors ERa (ESR1) and ERß (ESR2) [10, 12].
Studies in rodents have shown that ERa is
expressed by Leydig cells and peritubular myoid Small Non-coding RNAs (sncRNAs)
cells; whereas ERß is found in some Leydig
cells, but mostly in Sertoli cells and germ cells As noted above, spermatogenesis is a highly
[183, 184]. In short, ERa is predominant in the complicated process that requires the intriguing
interstitium and ERß in the seminiferous epithe- participation of multiple genes at the transcrip-
lium. Subsequent studies, however, have tional and post-transcriptional levels to produce
demonstrated that ERa is also expressed in Ser- spermatozoa. Studies have shown that germ cells,
toli and germ cells in the rat testis [185]. In including spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and
human testes, the binding of estradiol-17ß to post-meiotic spermatids all contain abundant
human sperm was first reported in 1981 [186]. In levels of non-coding RNAs, such as siRNA
1998, human sperm were shown to express both (small interfering RNA, 20–25 nucleotides),
the ERa mRNA and protein [187]. Subsequent miRNA (microRNA, 21–24 nucleotides), and
studies have confirmed the presence of ERß as piRNAs (Piwi-interacting RNA, 26–31 nucleo-
well as ERa in human sperm [12]. It is now tides) [195–197]. The most important sncRNAs
generally accepted that ERa is expressed in that are involved in spermatogenesis are miRNAs
spermatogonia, pachytene spermatocytes, and and piRNAs and the associated pathways based
early round spermatids; whereas ERß is expres- on studies of genetic models in rodents [198–
sed in pachytene spermatocytes, early round 201]. These small RNAs are short single-stranded
spermatids, Sertoli cells, and Leydig cells in non-coding nucleotides that are known to directly
human testes [188, 189]. A genetic analysis study disrupt target mRNAs through degradation,
in 300 infertile Indian men and 255 fertile nor- causing translation repression to block protein
mal subjects identified single nucleotide poly- synthesis [20, 202]. Since miRNA can bind to
morphisms (SNPs) (found in 4 subjects) and more than one mRNA, a specific miRNA can
mutations (found in 8 subjects) in the ERß gene, regulate the function of more than a single gene.
suggesting ERß gene mutations are a cause of Small RNAs including miRNAs and piRNA are
spermatogenesis failure in men. These infertile mostly stored in the chromatoid body which is a
men displayed normal reproductive tract and dense structure in the germ cell cytosol composed
serum hormone levels [190]. The few men of mainly RNAs and RNA-binding proteins and
identified with aromatase deficiency due to are involved in the regulation of germ cell apop-
autosomal recessive inheritance of mutations in tosis, proliferation, and differentiation, as well as
the CYP19A1 gene tend to have small testes and spermatogonial stem cell self-renewal [200, 203,
an abnormal semen analysis. Additionally, hor- 204]. Studies have shown an alteration in the
mone levels in men with mutation in ERa and expression patterns of small RNAs in infertile
deficient in aromatase have considerable changes men [205–207]. For instance, miR-141, miR-429,
in serum T, estradiol, LH, and/or FSH compared and miR-7-1-3p were up-regulated in men with
to normal subjects (see Chap. 1). While the idiopathic non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA)
number of patients is small, these findings [206] while miR-34c-5p, miR-122, miR-146b-5p,
3 Human Spermatogenesis and Its Regulation 63

miR-181a, miR-374b, miR-509-5p, and gonadotropin levels, or other sperm parameters

miR-513a-5p were markedly down-regulated in despite reduced testosterone levels [215, 216].
men with NOA. These miRNAs are possibly The reason(s) behind the different conclusions is
involved in regulating germ cell apoptosis [207]. not immediately known. Nonetheless, studies
In this context, it is of interest to note that have demonstrated possible mechanism(s) by
miRNAs and siRNAs are processed by an which obesity might lead to reduced spermato-
RNase III endonuclease Dicer, the deletion of genesis capacity and daily sperm output, as well
which in mice leads to infertility. Dicer is essen- as reduced sperm count and sperm quality. One
tial for haploid spermatid differentiation [208] proposed mechanism is hyperestrogenism in
and for the assembly and maintenance of cell which serum estrogens are considerably higher in
junctions in the seminiferous epithelium during obese men due to an increase in peripheral con-
spermatogenesis [209]. Specific deletion of Dicer version of testosterone to estrogens by aromatase
in Sertoli cells also leads to infertility with com- in adipose tissue [217–219], coupled with a
plete absence of spermatozoa in seminiferous reduced testosterone production [214]. The
tubules and progressive testicular degeneration excessive estrogens in the systemic circulation
[210]. While the role of Dicer in human fertility thus inhibit the release of LH and FSH from the
remains to be elucidated, it is obvious that small pituitary gland via the negative feedback on the
regulatory RNAs represent a tempting target for hypothalamus, thereby reducing T production,
non-hormonal male contraception. Also, much intratesticular T levels, and the testosterone/
work is needed to better understand the role of estrogen ratio. The reduced T and FSH levels
small RNAs in human spermatogenesis, and their result in suppressed spermatogenesis. However,
use as diagnostic markers to monitor infertility, the correlation between high levels of estradiol
for example, men who are at risk because of and obesity is controversial and is further affected
industrial exposure to toxicant-induced infertility. by low SHBG [220], suggesting the need for
additional studies. Nonetheless, this mechanism
is supported by findings that obese men have
Obesity considerably lower levels of inhibin B than
healthy men [221–223]. Elevated levels of
According to NIH guidelines (see http://www. cytokines are another potential cause of hypospermatogenesis in obese men [224]. Other
diagnosis), adults with a body mass index mechanisms that might cause defects in human
(BMI) >30 (kg/m2) are obese. Based on the latest spermatogenesis in obesity include reduced levels
statistics in 2014, the obese adult population in the of SHBG, insulin and leptin resistance, sleep
U.S. is at 27.7% ( apnea, and adiponectin deficiency [225–229].
181271/obesity-rate-inches-2014.aspx), which is Additionally, factors involved in the pathogenesis
double the world’s average of 13% (http://www. of obesity, such as high calorie diet, genetic, and, illus- epigenetic disorders, might also play a role in
trating an alarming trend given the health risks perturbing sperm production [230, 231].
associated with obesity. A lower sex hormone Besides the disruptive effects of obesity on
binding globulin (SHBG) level is found in men spermatogenesis, there is emerging evidence that
with obesity and/or diabetes, which in turn lowers obesity also affects the molecular structure of
the total testosterone level (see Chap. 16 and testicular germ cells and mature spermatozoa,
[211]). Emerging evidence suggests a negative such as an impairment of acrosome reaction
correlation between rising BMI and sperm count, [232], leading to altered growth in offspring,
sperm concentration, and motile sperm, which increased susceptibility to disease in adults [233],
impedes male fertility [212–214]. Interestingly, and erectile dysfunction [234]. Studies also
while other studies suggest that obesity has no suggest that high-fat diets can affect the epige-
major impact on fertility, semen quality, netic content of sperm or the endocrine content
64 H. Chen et al.

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