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MODULE 1 – Lesson I.

Activity 1: Spin a Win: Agree or Disagree

Directions: Read each statement and decide whether you agree or disagree.
AGREE 1. It is a reality that there exist more than one curricula in the teacher’s classroom.
AGREE 2. A teacher can say with confidence that learning has occurred, if the curriculum has
been assessed.
AGREE 3. Some curricula in the classrooms or schools are unwritten.
AGREE 4. To establish national standards, teachers should be guided by recommended
curriculum in basic and higher education.
AGREE 5. Teacher should expect that school curricula are dynamic and changing.
AGREE 6. Evaluated curriculum makes judgement about learning.
AGREE 7. Textbook and modules are written curricula that represent the recommended
DISAGREE 8. Only the Department of Education can recommend a curriculum.
AGREE 9. In the heart of all the types of curricula, the teacher ha a major role.
AGREE 10. Supported curriculum makes the teaching and learning meaningful.

Activity 2: Evaluation
Case 1: I have a good idea on how to make my learners pay attention to the lesson. I will use the
new idea and find out if it will work. Innovates the Curriculum
Case 2: DepEd sent the standards competencies and guidelines in teaching the Mother Tongue in
Grade 1 in our school. I will study and use it in the coming school year. Initiates the
Case 3: There is so much to do in one school day. I seem not able to do all, but I have to
accomplish something for my learners. I have made a daily activity plan guide me. Implements
the Curriculum
Case 4: I need a poem to celebrate the World Teachers Day. I composed one to be used in my
class in Literature. Knows the Curriculum
Case 5: My class is composed of learners from different home background and culture. I cannot
use a “one size’ fits all strategy” in teaching so I can respond to the diverse background. In my
readings, I discovered that there are ways of teaching. I tried one myself and it worked.
Implements the Curriculum
Case 6: Knowledge is limitless. What I learned in college is not enough. I need to know more, so
I enrolled in the graduate school to advance my learning. Knows the Curriculum
Case 7: At the end of the year, my performance as a teacher is reflected in the school
performance of my students. So I need to provide a monitoring tool to measure how they are
progressing. The result will inform me how I will address my learner’s weakness and enhance
their strength. Evaluates the Curriculum
Case 8: I am teaching in a very far away barangay with no electricity yet. Many of the
instructional aids for teaching set our school are films and video tapes which need power.
Innovates the Curriculum
Case 9: My principal asked me to attend a write shop to make the lesson exemplars in the
teaching of Science in Grade 7. In the workshop, I used my experiences as a Science teacher for
ten years, and my knowledge of the subject matter. At the end of three days, I was able to
produce lesson exemplars which I am proud of. Plans the Curriculum
Case 10: From the Grade 7 to Grade 10 of the K-12 curriculum, science as a subject is presented,
taught, and learned in a spiral manner. This is part of the DepEd implementing guidelines of the
curriculum. I am a Biology major, and I have insufficient knowledge about the other areas of
science such as Physics and Earth Science. Because of this dilemma. I have to request the
principal that we have team teaching. Which role of the curricularist, am I trying to do? Plans
the Curriculum
Activity 3: SELF REFLECT

Case 7: At the end of the year, my performance as a teacher is reflected in the school
performance of my students. So I need to provide a monitoring tool to measure how they are
progressing. The result will inform me how I will address my learner ’s weakness and enhance
their strength.

As a student, we always needed to wear our best weapon in life and that was our strength but we
cannot used our strength if we don’t have confidence so it is more important that we have this
both and as a learner too, day after day we all know that every student has strengths and
weaknesses and it is the job of a teacher and a parents to help their students and child to utilize
their strengths and talents to the best of their abilities and to avoid their weaknesses in life. When
we help students find their strengths it can help with motivational level and internal drive to
improve and it helps them to determine positive attributes and talents and also we need to
encourage them that they can do it because they are capable and it is important for them to feel
showing their strengths and to believe themselves. Learners can be develop themselves through
combining their talents and abilities with existing skills and knowledge to help learners take in
new information their strengths are ways of thinking, feeling, or acting that can be used
effectively. It is all matter that we always wear our strengths and cover it with confidence.
As we enhance our strengths we also cannot avoid our weaknesses and if there is strengths then
the weaknesses occur but you can turn a weaknesses into strength if you’re busy denying the
weaknesses exist. The number one thing that can overcome our weaknesses is digging deep into
ourselves and putting it all out. Let’s face it, as a humans, we all have strengths and weaknesses.
Sometimes we have difficulty overcoming our weaknesses because we haven’t fully
acknowledge what those weaknesses are and we don’t know that it hidden from our inner mind
and to overcome our weaknesses especially to the learners is to be humble enough to accept
reality whether you’re discovering the weaknesses on your own or your being told about it by
one who are close to you, another is to be consistent in working on yourself in that area to
strengthen the weakness and learners can find a mentor or someone who is stronger than you in
that are to guide you into becoming stronger.

We cannot avoid both strength and weaknesses because it can feel anytime around for our
everyday living. Many of weaknesses do not have to overcome alone and it was right decision to
seek advice. This can help learners when they are starting applying to work on their career and to
have a better result without interfering there weaknesses and just only strengths to avoid lack of

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