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ology Center Social _ Interaction Presented by Permias & Bayson What is Social Interaction ? Social interaction refers to how an individual interacts to one another, which includes exchanging information, emotions, and interacting using verbal and non-verbal means. It can be any various forms of communication, such as conversation, gestures, and body language, occurring within social settings. IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL SUPPORT IN EXERCISE BEHAVIOR Family support can significantly influence individual goals and which then boost our determination to stay active Family support and support of significant others as important factors for exercise adherence behavior of a one person. Social support is a source of motivation as it motivates people to stick to their fitness routines. Having a social support can help provide emotional stability during trying times, which can lessen tension and worry that comes with working out. INFLUENCE OF GROUP DYNAMICS ON EXERCISE PARTI * Individuals who continue to exercise get inspired by groups sharing their personal stories. * Group workouts promote enjoyment, making exercise feel less like a chore and more like a social activity. * Sharing Experiences to one another can enhance motivation and will to do the chosen physical activity. * Exercising in groups can enhance motivation through friendly competition, group goals, and shared achievements. PROMOTING SOCIAL CONNECTIONS THROUGH EXERCISE Other's finding enjoyment in increasing their physical activity since it allows them to socializewith their friends. Doing exercise with friends, family members, or workout partners can strengthen mutual bonds which then creates encouragement, and mutual support. Shared Goals creates a bond in both individuals we're they support each other in achieving their objectives. Positive social interaction also promotes individuals engagement like conversation, laughter, and shared enjoyment, which overall enhances the social well-being of both parties.

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