Janus DFT VARios

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Intriguing electronic and optical properties of

two-dimensional Janus transition metal
Cite this: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,
2018, 20, 18571 dichalcogenides†
Published on 21 June 2018. Downloaded by Cinvestav IPN on 6/21/2022 9:21:22 PM.

Jun Wang,a Haibo Shu, *a Tianfeng Zhao,a Pei Liang, a

Ning Wang,b Dan Caob
and Xiaoshuang Chenc

Atomically thin Janus transition metal dichalcogenides (JTMDs) with an asymmetric structure have emerged
as a new class of intriguing two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor materials. Using state-of-the-art density
functional theory (DFT) calculations, we systematically investigate the structural, electronic, and optical
properties of JTMD monolayers and heterostructures. Our calculated results indicate that the JTMD
monolayers suffer from a bending strain but present high thermodynamic stability. All of them are
semiconductors with a band-gap range from 1.37 to 1.96 eV. They possess pronounced optical absorption
in the visible-light region and cover a large range of carrier mobilities from 28 to 606 cm2 V1 s1,
indicating strong anisotropic characteristics. Significantly, some monolayer JTMDs (e.g., WSSe and
Received 24th April 2018, WSeTe) exhibit superior mobilities than conventional TMD monolayers, such as MoS2. Moreover, the
Accepted 20th June 2018 absolute band-edge positions of the JTMD monolayers are higher than the water redox potential, and
DOI: 10.1039/c8cp02612b most JTMD heterostructures have a type-II band alignment that contributes to the separation of carriers.
Our work suggests that the 2D JTMD monolayers are promising for nanoelectronic, optoelectronic, and
rsc.li/pccp photocatalytic applications.

1. Introduction mechanical exfoliation (ME),7 hydrothermal synthesis,8 physical

vapor deposition (PVD),9,10 and chemical vapor deposition
Two-dimensional (2D) layered transition metal dichalcogenides (CVD).11–14 Most TMDs are semiconductors with band gaps in
(TMDs) with unique structural, physical, and chemical proper- the range 0.8–2.2 eV.15–17 Some representative TMD materials
ties have attracted dramatically increasing interest due to their such as MoS2 and WS2 undergo an indirect-to-direct band gap
potential in nanoelectronics, valleytronics, optoelectronics, and transition from the multilayer to monolayer form.18,19 Moreover,
catalysis.1–4 Coupled by weak van der Waals (vdWs) layer single-layer TMDs possess high carrier mobility, good flexibility,
interactions, each TMD layer with a standard chemical formula and transparency, which makes them ideally suited for fabricating
MX2 (M = Mo, W, Sn; X = S, Se, Te) consists of a transition metal high-performance nanoelectronic and optoelectronic devices,
atomic layer sandwiched between two chalcogen atomic layers.5,6 such as field-effect transistors,20,21 sensors,22 solar cells,23
The unique layered structure makes few-layer and monolayer photodetectors,24,25 and photocatalysts.26,27
TMDs also thermodynamically stable. Therefore, they were Owing to various potential applications of 2D TMDs inherently
widely synthesized by various experimental methods, including linked to their fundamental electronic structures, extensive effort
was devoted to exploiting feasible methods to tune the electronic
College of Optical and Electronic Technology, China Jiliang University, properties of these 2D materials. One feasible strategy is to control
310018 Hangzhou, China. E-mail: shu123hb@gmail.com the stoichiometric ratio of TMDs, which has been demonstrated in
College of Science, China Jiliang University, 310018 Hangzhou, China
CVD-grown MoSxSe2x,28 WSxSe2x,29 and MoxW1xS30 alloys. The
National Laboratory for Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics,
Chinese Academy of Science, 200083 Shanghai, China
creation of TMD heterojunctions implemented by combining two or
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Structural and energetic more TMD materials is also an important way to tune the electronic
parameters of JTMD monolayers, stability and band structures of disorder MoSSe structures. For example, vertical and lateral heterostructures of
structures, the bending strain trend of JTMD monolayers, band structures of six MoS2/WS2,31 MoSe2/WSe2,32 and MoS2/MoSe233 have been success-
JTMD monolayers with different methods, the parameters for calculating the
fully fabricated, and they possess some novel and tunable electronic
carrier mobilities of JTMD monolayers, interface and stacking configurations of
MoXY/WXY vdW heterostructures, structural stability of MoSSe/WSSe and
and optical properties. Recently, a Janus-type TMD material
MoSeTe/WSeTe heterostructures, and band structures of MoSSe/WSSe vdW (i.e., MoSSe) has been synthesized experimentally by selective
heterostructures. See DOI: 10.1039/c8cp02612b selenization of the top atomic layer in single-layer MoS2 using

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the CVD method.34,35 Unlike conventional TMDs, the Janus TMD

(JTMD) monolayers lack both in-plane and out-of-plane symmetry,
which brings an additional degree of freedom to regulate their
properties.36–38 Subsequent theoretical calculations demonstrated
enhanced piezoelectricity and Rashba polarization in JTMD
monolayers along the out-of-plane direction.39,40 Despite these
preliminary achievements, the fundamental electronic and optical
properties of freestanding JTMDs remain unknown.
In this work, we perform a systematic theoretical study on the
basis of density-functional theory (DFT) calculations to reveal the
structural, electronic, and optical properties of six JTMD monolayers.
All these JTMD monolayers have a standard chemical formula MXY
Published on 21 June 2018. Downloaded by Cinvestav IPN on 6/21/2022 9:21:22 PM.

(M = Mo, W; X/Y = S, Se, Te and X a Y). Ab initio molecular dynamics

(AIMD) simulations provide robust evidence for the stability of JTMD
monolayers. We find that all JTMD monolayers, except for MoSSe,
are indirect band-gap semiconductors due to the band splitting
induced by the strong spin–orbital coupling (SOC). The JTMD
monolayers present moderate band gaps (1.37–1.96 eV), pronounced
visible-light absorption, and a wide range of carrier mobility from 28
Fig. 1 (a) Top and side views of the atomic structure of Janus monolayer
to 606 cm2 V1 s1. Moreover, most of the JTMD van der Waals
transition metal dichalogenides MXY (M = Mo and W; X = S, Se, Te). The
heterostructures exhibit type-II band alignment. These results dashed frames indicate the range of the unit cell. (b) The energy profiles of
suggest that JTMD monolayers are promising candidates for WSSe, MoSTe, and MoSeTe monolayers as a function of AIMD simulation
electronics, photovoltaics, and photocatalysis. time. The insets show the final atomic structure of three Janus TMD
monolayers after 6 ps. Charge density distributions of (c) WSSe and
(d) MoSeTe monolayers.
2. Computational details
coordination (i.e., the H phase),34–36 as shown in Fig. 1a. Never-
All DFT calculations were performed with the Vienna ab initio
theless, Janus TMD monolayers have a formula MXY where M is
Simulation Package (VASP)41,42 using the projector augmented
a transition metal element (M = Mo, W) and X and Y are
wave (PAW) method.43 The electronic exchange–correlation energy
different chalcogen elements (X/Y = S, Se, Te and X a Y), and
was treated using the generalized-gradient approximation of
apparently they lack inversion and mirror symmetry. Table S1
Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (GGA-PBE)44 and the Heyd–Scuseria–
(ESI†) lists the optimized lattice parameters, Bader charges,
Ernzerhof hybrid functional (HSE06).45 Moreover, the spin–orbit
and cohesive energies of six JTMD monolayers. Owing to the
coupling (SOC) was also considered in the calculations. A kinetic
difference in electronegativity and atomic number of X and Y atoms,
cutoff energy of 500 eV was used for the plane-wave expansion set.
there are inequivalent M–X and M–Y bond lengths and in-plane
The k-point sampling in the Brillouin zone was implemented
lattice constants in these JTMD monolayers. The bond lengths
using the Monkhorst–Pack scheme with the grid 12  12  1 for
of JTMD monolayers follow the trend dM–Te 4 dM–Se 4 dM–S,
the JTMD monolayers and heterostructures. A vacuum layer of
consequently resulting in planar bending strain. For example,
B15 Å in the z-direction was introduced to avoid spurious
the bond length of Mo–Te is 0.21 Å larger than that of Mo–Se in
interactions between the neighboring slabs. The interfacial inter-
MoSeTe, which gives rise to slight bending from the Te plane to
actions of JTMD heterostructures were treated by using the PBE
the Se plane. Therefore, the bending strain (e) of the JTMD
functional with the vdW correction (DFT-D2).46 For the geometry
monolayers can be defined as, e = (dM–Y  dM–X)  100%/dM–X.
optimization, the convergence criteria of energy and forces acting
As listed in Table S1 (ESI†), MoSSe and WSSe present the relatively
on each atom were 104 eV and 0.02 eV Å1, respectively. AIMD
smaller bending strain (B4.8%) and MoSTe and WSTe have the
simulations were used to examine the thermodynamic stability of
larger bending strain (B11.7%). The calculated cohesive energies
JTMD systems. Here a 5  5 supercell was used to expand the
in all six JTMD systems are negative (Table S1, ESI†), implying an
structural constraints, and the simulations were performed in the
exothermic process for the formation of 2D JTMD structures. In
canonical (NVT) ensemble using 6000 time steps with a 1.0 fs time
order to further examine the thermodynamic stability of JTMD
step at 300 K. Owing to the huge amount of time consumed in
systems, AIMD simulations have been performed at 300 K for
running an AIMD calculation, a k-point mesh of 4  4  1 was
6 ps. The total energies of WSSe, MoSTe, and MoSeTe as a
used for the Brillouin-zone integration.
function of time are plotted in Fig. 1b. The energy oscillation in
the three MXY systems is very small. Moreover, the final struc-
3. Results and discussion tures of the JTMD monolayers do not show obvious structural
distortion after 6 ps (see the insets of Fig. 1b). Therefore, these
Similar to conventional TMD monolayers, the single-layer Janus JTMD monolayers are thermodynamically stable even if they are
TMDs have a sandwich structure with trigonal prismatic subject to bending strain. In addition, we also have made a

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Fig. 2 Band structures of monolayer (a) MoSSe, (b) MoSTe, (c) MoSeTe, (d) WSSe, (e) WSTe, and (f) WSeTe from the HSE06 + SOC method. Two bands
near the Fermi level are projected to M atoms (M = Mo, W) by red circles. The red and blue squares denote the position of the CBM and VBM, respectively.
The insets show the charge-density isosurfaces of the VBM and CBM. The horizontal dashed lines denote the position of the Fermi level.

stability comparison between the ordered JTMD monolayers moment and different electronic structures of the Janus mono-
and disordered ternary TMD structures with the same anion layers as compared to conventional TMDs. Thus, the difference
ratio (i.e., 1 : 1). Taking MoSSe as an example, its disordered in electronegativity of X and Y atoms can be expressed by the
structures are energetically more favorable than the ordered difference between DQX and DQX (i.e., DQY–X). We plot the
Janus structure (see Fig. S1, ESI†). The result implies that the bending strain e of JTMD monolayers as a function of DQY–X in
JTMD monolayers may not be directly synthesized in experi- Fig. S2 (ESI†). It can be found that the bending strain of the
ment. This is why the growth of monolayer MoSSe requires the JTMD monolayers presents a nearly linear increase with the
selective selenization of the top atomic layer of an as-prepared DQY–X values, which can be expressed by e = 26.82DQY–X  0.7.
MoS2 sample.34,35 Meanwhile, we find that the transition of the The result confirms that the difference in electronegativity of
Janus MoSSe monolayer into the disorder structures leads to X and Y atoms is responsible for the bending strain of these
the band-gap reduction (Fig. S1, ESI†), suggesting the structural JTMD monolayers.
dependence of the band gap in 2D TMD materials.47 We now turn to investigate the electronic structures of
The difference in electronegativity of X and Y atoms can be JTMD monolayers. In order to provide an accurate prediction,
directly reflected by the asymmetric charge distribution of the the band structures of six JTMD monolayers shown in Fig. 2 are
JTMD monolayers along the out-of-plane direction. For instance, calculated by using the HSE06 + SOC method. As shown
the calculated charge density distributions indicate that the in Fig. 2a, MoSSe is a direct band-gap semiconductor with
S atom has a higher charge density than the Se atom in WSSe both the conduction band minimum (CBM) and valence band
(Fig. 1c) and the charge density of the Se atom is also obviously maximum (VBM) at the K point. The charge density isosurface
larger than that of the Te atom in MoSeTe (Fig. 1d). The result (CDI) distributions indicate that the CBM state mainly origi-
originates from the fact that the charge transferred from the M nates from the out-of-plane Mo-dz2 orbital and the VBM state
atom to X and Y atoms is different. Based on the analysis of is mainly composed of Mo-dx2+y2 and Mo-dxy orbitals. On the
Bader charge, it is clearly seen that the charge transferred from contrary, the other five Janus MXY monolayers are indirect
the M atom to the S atom (DQS) is the largest, followed by the band-gap semiconductors (Fig. 2b–f). The CBM of WSSe, WSTe,
charge transferred from the M atom to the S atom (DQSe), and WSeTe, and MoSeTe located at the K–G valley is contributed to
the charge transferred from the M atom to the Te atom (DQTe) is by the dz2 orbital of the M atom (M = Mo and W) and their VBM
the smallest (Table S1, ESI†). Taking WSSe as an example, DQS is located at the K point is mainly contributed to by the in-plane
0.16e larger than DQSe, which suggests more charge transferred dx2+y2 and dxy orbitals of the M atom. For MoSTe, its CBM
from W to S than from W to Se. The imbalance of the charge located at the K–G valley also mainly arises from the Mo-dz2
distribution is responsible for producing a vertical dipole orbital but its VBM state located at the G point originates from

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the Mo-dz2 and S-pz orbitals. The difference in the band in the electronic structures of some JTMD monolayers. For
structure characteristics and distribution of band-edge states of example, the band gaps and band-structure characteristics of
JTMD monolayers is related to the SOC effect discussed below.48 Mo-based JTMDs are inconsistent from previous literature,
The band gap of 2D materials is an important parameter which arises from the different calculation methods used in
for potential electronic and optoelectronic applications. The these studies.36,38,49
band-gap values of six JTMD monolayers calculated using The optical absorption properties of JTMD monolayers
the HSE06 + SOC method are shown in Fig. 3a. The JTMD are studied by computing the complex dielectric function
monolayers have a band-gap range from 1.37 to 1.96 eV, which e(o) = e1(o) + e2(o), where the imaginary part e2(o) is related
make them ideally suitable for fabricating electronic and opto- to the absorption at a given frequency o and the real part e1(o)
electronic devices. Furthermore, their band gaps decrease with can be obtained from e2(o) by the Kramers–Kronig relation.
the increasing atomic number of M, X, and Y. For instance, the The absorption coefficient can be evaluated by the following
band gap of WSSe, WSTe, and WSeTe is 1.82, 1.56, and 1.37 eV, formula,
Published on 21 June 2018. Downloaded by Cinvestav IPN on 6/21/2022 9:21:22 PM.

respectively. Meanwhile, the band gap of Mo-based Janus !1

monolayers is B0.14 eV larger than that of W-based ones. This 2o e12 þ e22  e1 2
aðoÞ ¼ (1)
demonstrates the composition dependence of the band gap c
h 2
in the Janus monolayers. In addition, the small difference
(o0.15 eV) between the band gap (Eg) and the direct band where c represents the speed of light in vacuum and o is in
gap at the K point (Eg  K) in the Janus monolayers (Fig. 3a) energy units. Fig. 4 indicates the optical absorption spectrum of
contributes to their higher optical absorption efficiency. six Janus monolayers as a function of photon energy. It can be
It should be emphasized that the band-gap values and band found that the absorption spectrum a(o) exhibits strong aniso-
structure characteristics of the JTMD monolayers are sensitive tropy along two polarization directions. Overall, the spectrum
to the exchange–correlation functional and the SOC effect. In of a>(o) has an obvious blue shift as compared to that of a8(o),
order to provide a comparison, the band structures of six Janus resulting in weak visible-light absorption along the out-of-plane
monolayers are also calculated using the PBE, PBE + SOC, and direction. Therefore, as the optical absorber for solar cells and
HSE06 methods (Fig. S3–S5, ESI†), and the corresponding band photocatalysts, the JTMD monolayers should be parallel to the
gaps are plotted in Fig. 3b. The band gaps of JTMD monolayers light source so as to obtain high absorption efficiency.
with the PBE method are B0.5 eV correspondingly smaller than For the in-plane direction, the JTMD monolayers exhibit
the band-gap values from the HSE06 method, and the use of strong absorption when the photon energy is beyond 2 eV (see
SOC leads to the band-gap reduction by 0.1–0.4 eV due to Fig. 4a). Remarkably, the absorption coefficient of MoSeTe,
the band splitting induced by the SOC. It can be found that WSeTe, and WSTe can reach 3.5  105 cm1 in the visible-light
notable band splitting appears at the K point of the top valence region, which is comparable to conventional optical-absorber
band (VB-K) and the K–G valley of the bottom conduction band materials, such as CdTe, CIGS, and hybrid halide perovskites.50
(CB-L), as shown in Fig. S6 (ESI†). Especially for the W-based Moreover, a prominent absorption peak located at 2.4–3.3 eV
Janus monolayers, the band splitting of WSSe, WSTe, and can be identified in six Janus systems, which arises from the
WSeTe at VB-K (CB-L) is 0.58 (0.23), 0.55 (0.21), and 0.62 d–d transitions. As mentioned above, the band-edge states of
(0.25) eV, respectively. The large band splitting is responsible the Janus monolayers are mainly contributed to by the d
for the indirect band gaps in W-based Janus monolayers. In electrons of Mo or W atoms that possess larger dispersion than
addition, the above results can be used to explain the controversy s and p electrons. Therefore, the d–d transitions are responsible

Fig. 3 (a) The comparison between the band gaps (in circles) and direct band gaps at the K point (in squares) in six JTMD monolayers from the
HSE + SOC method. (b) The comparison of band gaps of six JTMD monolayers obtained from different methods, including HSE06, HSE06 + SOC,
PBE, and PBE + SOC.

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Fig. 5 Room-temperature electron (upper panel) and hole (lower panel)

mobilities of six JTMD monolayers. The filled and shadow bars represent
the carrier mobilities along the x and y directions of JTMD monolayers,

Fig. 4 Optical absorption spectra of six JTMD monolayers along the (a) elastic constant (C2D) of six JTMD monolayers have been listed
in-plane (a8(o)) and (b) out-of-plane (a>(o)) directions calculated using the
in Table S2 (ESI†). The electron and hole mobilities of the Janus
HSE + SOC method. The dashed lines denote the range of visible light
from 360 to 780 nm. monolayers indicate anisotropic characteristics, and they have
different values along the x (armchair) and y (zigzag) directions.
Except for MoSTe and WSTe, the hole mobilities of Janus mono-
for the high absorption efficiency of the Janus monolayers along layers are higher than their electron mobilities due to the
the in-plane direction. Meanwhile, the position of absorption relatively smaller deformation potentials. Electron mobilities
edges and peaks in the Janus systems is different due to the of the JTMD monolayers can be observed in the range from
difference of band structures. Obviously, the increase of band B70 to B245 cm2 V1 s1 and their hole mobilities in the range
gap leads to a blue shift of the absorption edges/peaks. This is from B28 to B606 cm2 V1 s1, indicating a strong composition
why the narrower band-gap MoSeTe, WSeTe, and WSTe possess dependence of carrier mobilities. Moreover, the W-based
higher absorption efficiency in the visible-light range relative to Janus monolayers possess higher carrier mobilities than the
other wide band-gap Janus systems. Mo-based ones. Especially for WSSe and WSeTe, the electron
In addition to the band gap and optical absorption coefficient, and hole mobilities reach 245 and 606 cm2 V1 s1 and 182 and
the application of 2D materials in electronic and optoelectronic 394 cm2 V1 s1, respectively. The higher carrier mobilities of
devices depends on the magnitude of carrier mobilities to a large WSSe and WSeTe benefit from both the small effective masses
extent. Therefore, the room-temperature carrier mobilities (m2D) and large elastic constants. Compared to the conventional TMD
of six JTMD monolayers are estimated by using the acoustic monolayers such as MoS2 (60–200 cm2 V1 s1),51,52 WSSe and
phonon-limited approach with the following equation,51 WSeTe also exhibit higher carrier mobilities.
2ehC2D For electronic, optoelectronic, and photocatalytic applica-
m2D ¼ (2) tions, the absolute band-edge positions are also of particular
3kB Tm ma E12
importance. Fig. 6a indicates VBM and CBM positions of six
where m* is the carrier effective mass along the transport direction, JTMD monolayers relative to the vacuum level from both the
ma* is the average effective mass defined as ma* = (mx*my*)1/2, PBE + SOC and HSE06 + SOC methods. It can be found that the
and T is the temperature. E1 is the deformation potential (DP) use of HSE06 + SOC leads to the upshift of CBM positions and
constant that denotes the shift of the band edges (CBM for the downshift of VBM positions with respect to the PBE + SOC
electrons and VBM for holes) induced by the strain with the values. However, no matter which method is used, the CBM
formula E1= DE/(Dl/l0). C2D is the elastic constant of a uniformly positions are higher than the water redox potential for hydrogen
deformed 2D crystal for emulating the lattice distortion activated evolution (4.44 eV) but the VBM positions lie above the oxida-
by the strain, and it can be determined by C2D = [q2E/qd2]/S0, tion potential of H2O/O2 (5.67 eV), suggesting that these JTMD
where E is the total energy of the supercell, d is the applied monolayers can be used as the photocatalysts for hydrogen
uniaxial strain, and S0 is the area of the equilibrium supercell. evolution from water splitting. As shown in Fig. 6a, the distinc-
Fig. 5 displays the room-temperature electron and hole mobilities tive band-edge positions imply that JTMD heterostructures
(me and mh) of six JTMD monolayers, and the corresponding electron formed by combining two different JTMD monolayers can
and hole effective masses (me* and mh*), DP constant (E1), and create the confinement of carriers. Based on the result of

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structures are TeMoSe/TeWSe, TeMoSe/SeWTe, SeMoTe/TeWSe,

and SeMoTe/SeWTe, respectively. For a given interface structure,
there are two AA-stacking and four AB-stacking configurations
(see Fig. S8, ESI†), and the most stable one is obtained by the
comparison of total energies (see Fig. S9, ESI†). Fig. 7 displays
the projected band structures of the MoSeTe/WSeTe hetero-
structure with four stable interface configurations. All these
configurations exhibit the type-II band alignment, which agrees
well with the prediction of band-edge positions. However, the
band gap and distribution of band-edge states of the hetero-
structure are found to be dependent on the interface structures.
For example, the VBM of SeMoTe/SeWTe is contributed to by
Published on 21 June 2018. Downloaded by Cinvestav IPN on 6/21/2022 9:21:22 PM.

the MoSeTe layer and its CBM comes from the contribution
of the WSeTe layer. On the contrary, the other three stacking
configurations present a reversed distribution of VBM and
CBM states. The band-structure difference among the four
configurations mainly arises from the change of interfacial
interactions induced by the stacking sequence. A similar
phenomenon has been also found in the MoSSe/WSSe vdW
heterostructure (Fig. S10, ESI†). Therefore, the band gap and
band alignment of JTMD heterostructures can be tuned by the
Fig. 6 (a) Band alignment of six JTMD monolayers. The numbers indicate interface structure of JTMD heterostructures, which is essential
the absolution positions of the VBM and the CBM. (b) The band-offset type
for electronic and optoelectronic applications.
of JTMD heterostructures formed by two different Janus monolayers. The
circles and squares represent type-I and type-II band alignments, respectively.

4. Conclusions
band-edge positions, the band-offset type of various potential
JTMD heterostructures has been plotted in Fig. 6b. We find that In summary, we performed systematic DFT calculations to gain
except for MoSSe/WSTe and MoSeTe/WSSe heterostructures deep insight into the structural stability, electronic structures,
with the type-I band offset, other heterostructures present and optical properties of JTMD monolayers MXY (M = Mo, W; X/
the type-II band offset that contributes to the separation of Y = S, Se, Te; and X a Y). Owing to the asymmetric bonding
electrons and holes. structure, JTMD monolayers suffer a planar bending strain but
In order to verify the band alignment of JTMD heterostruc- exhibit high thermodynamic stability. All JTMD monolayers are
tures mentioned above, electronic band structures of MoSSe/ semiconductors with a band-gap range from 1.36 to 1.97 eV.
WSSe and MoSeTe/WSeTe vdW heterostructures have been They present strong visible-light absorption and their carrier
calculated. Owing to the lack of mirror symmetry, each JTMD mobilities cover a large range from 28 to 606 cm2 V1 s1.
heterostructure has four potential interface structures along Importantly, some JTMD monolayers (e.g., WSSe and WSeTe)
the out-of-plane direction (Fig. S7, ESI†). Taking the MoSeTe/ present superior carrier mobilities than conventional TMDs
WSeTe vdW heterostructure as an example, the four interface such as MoS2. Moreover, the band-edge positions of JTMD

Fig. 7 Projected band structures of the MoSeTe/WSeTe vdW heterostructure with the interface structure of (a) TeMoSe/TeWSe, (b) TeMoSe/SeWTe,
(c) SeMoTe/TeWSe, and (d) SeMoTe/SeWTe. Blue and red lines represent the contribution from MoSeTe and WSeTe, respectively. The dashed lines
denote the position of the Fermi level.

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