Ethics 100

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The man stabbing Miss X - The act of stabbing is never a right thing to do. The vices
in this scenario is what made him do that certain action.
Whatever his reason may be he was thinking Sinister
which is a bad and undesirable character trait.

One man yelling “leave the girl alone” - Words are very powerful. Virtue, bravery are a few good
or desirable character traits that this man has shown in
the scene. Though he was not able to stop the murderer
he still was able to do something other than just

People overlooking the scene and not doing anything. - Cowardly and ignorance are vices that were shown in
this scenario. As the girl shouted for help, her neighbors
did wake up but did not do anything but watch except for
one. Either because they were too afraid or did not know
what to do in that situation.

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