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Quarter 3 – Week 2

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No.2


Determining the relevance of the ideas presented in the materials viewed

I. Learning Competency with Code

Determine the relevance and the truthfulness of the ideas presented in the
materials viewed (EN9VC-IVa-10)

Determine the relevance of the ideas presented in the material viewed

II. Background Information for Learners

This lesson will introduce you to real-life experiences, and in your journey
to work well with others, you will be guided to determine the relevance of the
ideas presented in the material viewed to the materials read.

To know the relevance of something is to know why it matters or how it is


Relevance is the concept of one topic being connected to another topic in

a way that makes it useful to consider the second topic when considering the
first. The concept of relevance is studied in many different fields, including
cognitive sciences, logic, and library and information science. Most
fundamentally, however, it is studied in epistemology (the theory of knowledge).
Different theories of knowledge have different implications for what is considered
relevant and these fundamental views have implications for all other fields as

An information is relevant when it helps you to answer the questions. In

addition, relevant information supports the topic.

The use of videos in a subject can be effective to enrich your learning

experiences as students. Videos can also spark discussions, supplement key
concepts, provide real-life examples, demonstrate problem solving or bring in the
views of outside experts.

In this lesson, not only that you will know how relevant the word
kindness is to the lives of others, but most importantly how the materials you are
going to view present ideas that surround around the topic.

How will you determine if the topic in the material viewed relevant?
Consider these questions:
• Is the material viewed organized and focused on a topic or story?
• What is the goal of the material?
• Is there a central theme?
• Is there narrative structure?

• Does it make linear sense? (Some items may be designed to be
deliberately obtuse, but others are flat out badly made.)

Is it relevant? Ask these questions:

• How is the information useful to you? How does it answer the
• What details are provided that specifically answer the questions?
• Relevance is intermixed with all the other evaluation criteria: What is
the purpose of this source? Is it to sell a product, educate, advocate,
persuade, or to entertain? Who is the intended audience? Are
political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional, or personal biases

III. Accompanying DepEd textbooks and Educational sites

• A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature - Grade 9 ,pp 217-218,
• › part_1_lessons_1_4
•› research-process IV. Activity Proper

Activity 1. Kindness Begets Kindness

View the video titled Life Vest Inside – Kindness Boomerang through
this link


Video from Youtube Channel: LifeVestInside
Guide questions:

1. What is the video all about? 2. In what way is

“working with others” shown in the video?
3. Why is it entitled Kindness Boomerang?
4. Do you believe that people nowadays can help and work with each
other with kindness? Support your answer.
5. Do the ideas presented on the video focus on the topic? Support your
6. Is the content of the video relevant to the title itself? Support your

Activity 2. Fun in Acrostic

One way also to determine relevance is to associate words to the given topic,
create an acrostic poem featuring your own version of “kindness”.

Exceeding standards Meeting standards Approaching standards
4pts 3 pts 2pts
Meaning and Poem is creative and Poem is thoughtful Most of the poem is
originality original. It is evident that and creative. A creative but appears to be
the poet put thought into couple of phrases or rushed. This is evident in
their words and uniquely ideas may be revised, the poet’s redundancy or
conveyed their ideas and but the overall product use of cliches.
emotions. is carefully written.
Sensory details Vivid, detailed images and Clear sensory images Some use of image, idea,
intensely felt emotion make are used to portray or emotion.
the poem come alive. ideas or emotions.
Form The poem is complete and The poem is written in The poem is somewhat
follows its intended form. its proper forms with a written in its proper form.
few mistakes.
Grammar Proper use of English A couple of spelling or The poets intended
spelling and grammar is grammar mistakes are meaning is confusing by
used consistently evident, but do not several spelling or
throughout each poem. diminish the meaning grammar errors.
Punctuation is utilized when of the poem. Punctuation maybe
necessary. Punctuation is utilized misused.
when necessary.
Activity 3. “Teens Can”
View another video clip on this link: , produced by the Durham
Region Health Department, then try to determine the relevance by answering
the questions.

1. What is the video clip all about?
2. What is the main point of the material you just have viewed?
3. What is the relevant information that supports the main point?
4. Are the data presented in the material viewed relevant to the whole video?
Support your answer.

V. Reflection

Lord Alfred Tennyson once said, “I am a part of all I have met.” What you
are and what you will become, therefore, is significantly linked with the people you
worked with.

It made me realized that…

__ ________________

I therefore commit to…

__ ________________

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