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Shows illusion of space in drawing objects and persons of different sizes
Key Concepts /
The smaller the object, the farther its distance from the viewer. On the other hand the bigger
Understandings to be
the object, the nearer its distance from the viewer.
I. Objectives:
Knowledge Explain the concept of illusion of space
Skills Create an artwork that shows the illusion of space
Attitudes/Values Appreciate the ability and skill of the artist in using lines to create the illusion of space
Living with MAPEH p. 104-106, Code: A3EL-lb
III. Learning
Resources/ Materials /
2 pictures with people of different sizes, artwork of Manuel Baldemor (local artist) and
Giovanni Antonio Canal (foreign artist)
IV. Procedures
A. Prayer
B. Checking of Attendance
C. Checking of Assignment (optional)
D. Review:
 The teacher will ask the children to look at the picture they drew in the previous
A. Introductory
 Let them examine the picture: the sizes of objects, the distance, etc.
 Ask: How do we know that an object is near or far from the viewer’s eye?
E. Motivation:
 Show 2 pictures with people of different sizes.
 Let the pupils give their own opinion or idea on the sizes and distance of objects in
picture A and B.
Say: The use of illusion of space is a technique or process used by an artist to show
distance and depth.
B. Activity
 Show some example of a picture of objects and or people that shows illusion of
 Throw some questions about it.
The teacher will ask the following questions:
 What is illusion of space?
 Why artist use this kind of technique?
C. Analysis

Show them also the artwork of Manuel Baldemor (local artist) and Giovanni Antonio Canal
better known as Canaletto (foreign artist) who have good works that emphasize cityscape
and Philippine Community/daily life.
The teacher will ask:
 How can you show the illusion of space in your work?
In a drawing, the smaller the object, the farther its distance from the viewer. On the
D. Abstraction other hand the bigger the object, the nearer its distance from the viewer.

The teacher will ask:
 How can you show appreciation for your own artwork and the works of others?
 Let the pupils share their thoughts and ideas.
E. Application
Let the pupils do art Activity on page 108

V. Assessment
Assess the artworks of the pupil using the rubrics below.
Very Evident Evident
Criteria Not Evident (1)
(3) (2)
1. Illusion of space is shown in the
Analysis of Learner’s
2. Persons and objects are included in
the drawing.
3. Creativity is shown in the artwork
by making it different from others.
4. The artwork is finished according to
the time allotted.
VI. Assignment
Preparation for new
Bring the following materials tomorrow: pencil, color pencil, and bond paper
VII. Wrap-Up/
Concluding Activity Everybody will perform COCA-COLA clap for a job well done today!!!

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