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Engoo / Materials / Vocabulary

Call Around | Catch Up | Give In | Show Off

| Work Out
7 Advanced

Exercise 1

call around /kɔl əˈraʊnd/ to call many people in order to get some information
Phrasal Verb
The police are calling around in order to find more information
about the missing girl.
catch up /kæʧ ʌp/
Phrasal Verb to find out about what has happened while you were away or during the
time you haven't seen someone

We haven’t seen each other in a long time, so we spent all day

catching up at the coffee shop.
give in /gɪv ɪn/
Phrasal Verb to finally agree to what somebody wants after refusing it for some time

The board finally gave in and promised her the salary she had

show off /ʃoʊ ɔːf/ to show or talk about something one is proud of
Phrasal Verb
Many bodybuilders like to show off their muscles.

work out /wərk aʊt/ to prove to be effective or successful

Phrasal Verb
I was not sure about your plan, but I'm really glad it worked
Exercise 2
Dialogue Practice

Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Lauren was on her way to university when she ran into Hannah.

Hey, Hannah! It’s been a while. We need to catch up. How's the job

Well, it’s quite tiring. I’ve been calling around various companies to ask
if they have any vacancies. I’ve had three interviews so far. I’d say I’m
Hannah getting there.

Keep it up! Things will work out. Just try to find a job you really like,
there's no need to rush.

Yeah, but it's difficult. My dad has been pressuring me to get a job
already. I was about to give in to the first job offer when the other two
Hannah companies called for an interview.

It's good that you didn't! Find a job that makes you happy, or else you
are not going to be good at it.
I know. But I’m just so tired of all our friends showing off and talking
about their work all the time. I feel left out sometimes.

Exercise 3

Read the passage aloud with your teacher.

Better Days Are Coming for Adam

Adam was catching up with his friend Dave, whom he hasn't seen in a while. He was
expecting they would spend some good quality time together, but instead, during all
that time Dave kept showing off and talking about his new job and the new car. After
that, Adam decided it was about time he found a good job in his own field of work. So,
he quit his job at the restaurant and started calling around companies to see if there
were any vacancies. After a while, as he hadn't had any luck in finding a new job, the
manager of the restaurant where he used to work started convincing him to get back
to his old job. However, Adam didn't want to give in this time. He knew that if he kept
trying, things would work out eventually.

Exercise 4
Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct phrasal verbs to complete the dialogue.
Nina and Yan-ting are talking about their friend Roy’s stolen

Did Roy ever get his motorcycle back?


Not yet. They’re still (1) to see if anyone has seen it. Where
did you hear about it?

I was (2) with Josh the other day, and he told me all about it.


Oh. Well, serves Roy right. He kept (3) ever since he bought

Don’t be like that. He really worked hard to save for it. He was just so
excited when he finally managed to buy it, so that's why he was
Yan-ting 'showing off', as you say.

Really? That's not what I heard. I was told that Roy was asking his
parents to buy him a motorcycle. And, after a while his father
Nina (4) and bought it for him.

No, no, he really did save up for it by himself. Anyway, do you think
Roy’s plan to catch the thief might (5) ?

I hope so. He is getting desperate. I don’t blame him, that motorcycle

was really expensive.
Choose answers from the options below that fit in blanks 1 to 5

Answer Pool (Questions 1-5)

work out

calling around
showing off

gave in
catching up

Exercise 5
Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the correct phrasal verbs to complete the sentences.

1. Rachel, you're finally back! We have a lot of to do!

2. Seth is all the brand new tools he will use for the construction project.

3. He to find out what has been going on at work while he was away.

4. Denny, it's been ages! We should meet sometime next week to .

5. I don’t think Franny's plan will .

6. My father finally and bought me a new car.

7. Don't worry about it too much, I'm sure things will in the end.

8. The boy is his dancing moves to his friends.

9. He's been to find out where the conference will be held.

10. After a while, she finally and agreed to go on a date with him.
Exercise 6
Sentence Building

Create sentences using the following phrasal verbs.

call around
catch up
give in
show off
work out

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