Campaign Outline Cyberpeace

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Campaign Outline:

Cyber Peace - Anti-Cyber Bullying Campaign

Grade-12 Emerald (HUMSS)

Ester Jean S. Asa

Nicole Anne S. Mabalot


I. Goal of the Campaign:
The goal of the "Cyber Peace" campaign is to combat cyberbullying by raising awareness, promoting
empathy and kindness online, and providing resources and support for those affected by
cyberbullying. By the end of the campaign, we aim to achieve the following:

 Increase awareness: Raise awareness about the prevalence and impact of cyberbullying
among youth and adults.
 Promote empathy and kindness: Encourage online users to practice empathy, kindness, and
respect towards others in their online interactions.
 Provide support: Offer resources and support for individuals who have experienced
cyberbullying, including guidance on how to seek help and cope with the effects.
 Foster a safer online environment: Contribute to creating a safer and more inclusive online
environment where everyone feels respected and valued.

II. Target Audience:

Our ideal target audience includes:

 Adolescents (13-18 years old) who are active on social media platforms.
 Parents and guardians concerned about their children's online safety.
 Educators and school administrators involved in addressing cyberbullying issues.
 Online influencers and community leaders with a reach among young audiences.

III. Channel:
We will utilize the following social media channels to reach our target audience:

Facebook: Facebook remains one of the largest and most diverse social media platforms, making it
essential for reaching a broad audience. We'll use Facebook to share longer-form content, including
articles, blog posts, and in-depth discussions about cyberbullying prevention and support.
Additionally, we'll engage with Facebook Groups relevant to our target audience to foster community
and dialogue around our campaign.

Page Link:

IV. Content Creation:

Outputs for the 3-week campaign:

1. Photograph:

a. Concept: The photograph will depict a powerful visual representation of the

emotional impact of cyberbullying.
b. Focus: To capture attention and evoke empathy from viewers, illustrating the real-life
consequences of cyberbullying.

c. Week of Release: Week 1, to kickstart the campaign with a compelling visual

2. Infographic:

a. Concept: The infographic will present key statistics, facts, and tips related to
cyberbullying prevention and support. It will include graphs, icons, and concise text
to convey information effectively.
b. Focus: To provide informative content that educates the audience about the
prevalence of cyberbullying, its impact on mental health, and practical steps for
prevention and intervention.
c. Week of Release: Week 2, to engage the audience with data-driven insights and
encourage sharing for wider awareness.

3. 1-minute Video Infomercial:

a. Concept: The video infomercial will feature personal stories of cyberbullying

survivors, messages of support, and a call to action. It will combine emotional
storytelling with informative content to inspire action and empathy.
b. Focus: To evoke emotions, share authentic narratives, and motivate viewers to join
the movement against cyberbullying.
c. Week of Release: Week 3, to conclude the campaign with a compelling video
message and encourage ongoing engagement and advocacy.

Week Date Activity

Week 1 Day 1 Campaign launch
announcement on Facebook
Day 3 Release photograph depicting
cyberbullying impact
Day 4 Engage with audience
comments, encourage sharing
Day 5 Recap of Week 1 highlights,
encourage participation
Week 2 Day 6 Share infographic on
cyberbullying prevention
Day 7 Mid-week check-in, encourage
continued participation
Day 8 Release 1-minute video
Week 3 Day 9 Engage with audience
comments, encourage sharing

I. Social media analytics:

Total campaign reach on Instagram: 50-100 audience

Total engagement (likes, shares, comments) on Instagram: 57 likes,18 shares,75 followers

II. Impact assessment:
Goal achievement:

Campaign goals were met, the campaign not only attained its objectives by garnering
substantial engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, and shares on the Facebook platform, but
also received an abundance of positive feedback from its audience. This positive reception serves as
a testament to the campaign's efficacy in achieving its stated goals, highlighting its resonance and
effectiveness in promoting its message of combating cyberbullying and fostering empathy and
kindness online.

Audience Reach:

The campaign demonstrated its efficacy in audience outreach by successfully reaching a

minimum of 50 individuals from the intended target demographic on the Facebook platform, thereby
enhancing its reach and impact within the specified audience segment.

Message delivery:

The campaign effectively harnessed the visual and capabilities inherent to Facebook, skillfully
crafting content that not only raised awareness about the harmful effects of cyberbullying but also
inspired individuals to cultivate a culture of empathy and kindness in their online interactions,
thereby contributing to a safer and more compassionate digital community.

III. Challenges and difficulties:

During the planning and execution phases on Facebook, several challenges were
encountered. These included technical issues like difficulties with post scheduling and content
formatting, as well as hurdles in creating engaging content that resonated with the target audience.
Additionally, maintaining consistent audience engagement proved to be a challenge, as competing
content and changing algorithms sometimes hindered the campaign's visibility and reach.

IV. Improvement suggestions:

To improve future Instagram campaigns based on lessons learned, it's recommended to
conduct thorough audience analysis for better targeting on Facebook, diversify content formats,
maintain a consistent posting schedule, encourage meaningful engagement, consider paid
advertising for wider reach, collaborate with influencers, and regularly monitor and optimize
performance metrics.

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