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1. Compare and contrast the following types of influenza vaccines.

Please include ACIP

recommendations for each type.
a. Live attenuated Influenza Vaccine
b. Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine
c. High-dose Flu Vaccine
d. Adjuvanted Flu Vaccine
e. Cell-based Flu Vaccine
f. Recombinant Flu Vaccine
g. Flu Vaccination by Jet Injector

2. IF is a 12 yo male with no health conditions. His previous vaccination history is listed below. His
mother is agreeable to pharmacist administered vaccines. Please provide vaccine
recommendations that you can provide at the pharmacy today to get him up to date. What
additional vaccines does he need that cannot be administered by a pharmacist? If applicable, list
the catch-up vaccination schedule.

3. KR is a 61 yo male with HTN, hyperlipidemia, and T2DM. His vaccination history is listed below.
He is amendable to all pharmacist recommendations. Please provide vaccine recommendations
to get him up to date.
4. LO is a 23 yo female who is 22 gestational weeks pregnant. She does not know her vaccine
history, but she does know that she received her flu shot in 2022 and is up to date on her
vaccines prior. What vaccines should LO get during her pregnancy? Please include specific
brands and scheduling.

5. TM is a 23 yo male who is traveling to Kenya for a mission trip. He leaves on March 1st and
returns March 25th. He is up to date on all routine vaccines, but he wants to know if there are
additional vaccinations that he needs to receive. Please recommend additional vaccines (not
medications) that TM should receive, when he should receive them, and additional
administration counseling points.

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