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Maheens Thank You Ma'am paragraph

Edited by Mohit

After reading the passage/story Thank You Ma'am, I believe Roger should not face punishment for his
actions, but rather be reconsidered. During their first encounter, following Rogers' failed theft, Mrs.Jones
observes Roger and says, “Um-hum, and your face is dirty, i got a great mind to wash your face for you.”
This quote Phrase/saying suggests that Mrs.Jones immediately notices Roger’s unkempt appearance,
particularly his dirty face, a reminder of his current situation, struggling to fulfill his needs, let alot his
wants. After, Roger mentions “There’s nobody at my house.” This implies that he has no trusted adult to
teach him the right ways, leading him to believe there are no consequences for his actions, which
proceeds to him attempting theft on Mrs.Jones. Towards the end of the story, the author wrote “The boy
wanted to say something to Mrs. Wella Bates Washington Jones, but he couldn’t.” This sentence captures
a lot of Rogers' emotions emotions, proving how Roger’s young mind evolves into one of humility and
gratitude as he attempts to thanks Mrs.Jones sincerely, affirming his growth from his mistakes. In
conclusion, Roger has the ability to change and Mrs. Jones was right to teach him that lesson herself and
not punish him.

Overall, this paragraph was very well constructed. The only fixes or changes I could find were..

Rephrasing some words to be more clear

Grammar mistakes

Missing words to add more clearness to the story

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