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© 1994 Last Unicom Games Permission granted to photocopy for personal use Sociery Name: Sooieey Concepe: Socieey Age Society Age Value: Society Age (yrs.) Founding Date: Phniocopincat Owenee Orientation Posture: Orientation Aspects: Ceehnotogsy Technology Value (avg) Areas of Technological Emphasis: Rate of Advancement Rate of Assimilation: Available Technology: Sodsiarence Major Classification: Minor Classification: Suibsistence Description: Poirieat Inpassuctke Infrastructure Class (Prim. oF Adv} Infrastructure Type: Power Authority: ‘Consent: ‘Constitutional Support: Legal Complexity: @ Ghvronmenc Summary @ ARIA Canmicle of the Monooyth™ Wonta Prscemens: Scope: Location: Geographic Size: Population Size: Foundations of Society otacion Isolation Value: Isolation Description: Inveraction Interaction Value Interaction Description: Technology & Innovation Innovaeion Seates ‘Dominant Material Value: Power/ Manufacturing Value: Agriculture/ Environment Value: Building / Architecture Value: ‘Transport /Communication Vale: Military Value: Miscellaneous Vaitie: Subsistence & Mobility Socteat Docutvey Mobility Classification: Suibclassification: Mobility Description Polivies & Kinship Kinship, Kinship Ascendant: Lineage Determinant: Inheritance Patter: Notes: Se __ = Interests oF Society Hierarchy of Social Estates Seacun Facedom nn eos soy Adcooroyd oy pouei# worse SUD UICOIUA ISL REE G) ARIA semen Canticle of the Monomyth Sociery Name: ‘Wort Ptacemene Society Age — Sooery Age Dice Bsengicion Age Value: Historic Periods Phases: ‘Age (years): é Founding Date: Calendar Founder q Founding Description: Founder's Origins: Time ine of Evenes Historical Notes/Event Inventory: tocopy for personal use Philosophical Oxierrrarion ————____— Phutosophicat Oaencacion (Other Historical Notes: Orientation Posture: Orientation Aspects: Orientation Demographic Orientation Followers (% of population): Divergent Philosophies / Aspects: Diverging Philosophy Proponents: © 1994 Last Unicorn Games Permission granted Diverging Philosophy Followers (%): ®@ [oundacions of Sociecy @ © 1994 Last Unicom Games Permission granted to photocopy for personal use ARIA SEG Caricle of the Monomyth pevery Name: ‘World Ptacemene: Domestic Innovation $$ Technotogy Technology Value (Avg, all Innov. Scales): Most Recent Innovation: Technological Rate of Advancement: Last Advancement Attempt (years): Technological Rate of Assimilation Next Opportunity for Advancement: Oommnane CDaceniat Seate Poxuer/Danupaccuxing Seate Scale Value: Scale Value: Emphasis (Y/N): Emphasis (Y/N): Exploitable Materials: Innovations: Buriding/Anchrceecune Seate Agarcuteune/ Coviwonmere Seale Scale Value: Scale Value: Emphasis (Y/N) Emphasis (Y/N): Innovations: Innovations: ‘Cranspore/Communicarion Scate Diiteaay Seate Scale Value Scale Value: Emphasis (Y/N): Emphasis (Y/N): Innovations: Innovations: snted to photocopy for personal use ‘Wisceitancous Seate Seale Value: Emphasis (Y/N): Innovations: © 1994 Last Unicorn Games Permiss @ Technology GC Innovation @ © 1994 Last Unicorn Games Permission granted to photocopy for personal use © 1954 Last Unicom Games Permission granted to photocopy for personal se @ Sudsiscence OC MDoaitry @ i | i © 1994 Last Unicorn Games Permission granted to photocopy for personal use Sociery Name: Potiees OC Govesnmene Infrastructure Type Infrastructure Classification: Power Power Description /Notes: Consent: ‘Consent Description /Notes: Authority Authority Description Notes Constitutional Support Constitution Description /Notes: Rotng Agency Oeserpcion Political Leaders Factions Name Political Agenda/ Philosophy: Political Vehicle Methodology: eS Cancle of the Monoayth Wosid Placemene Polrrical Ingrasteuctune Potreicat Cmotem Affiliation(s) Legat Code Legal Compleaity Legal Description /Notes: Doticies OC Kinshp & © 1994 Last Unicorn Gaines Permission granted to phtocopy for personal use © 1994 Last Unicom Games Permission granted to photocopy for personal use © Incercses of Socery @ { i | I © 1994 Last Unicom Games Permission granted to photocopy for personal use Sociecy Name: Canticle of the Monomyth World Piacemene Retigion Tolerance Value: ‘Tolerance Description: Prevalence Value: Prevalence Description: Religious Orders/Onganizations/Schools Religion Diversity Value: Diversity Description Primary Belief/ Faith: Other Beliefs / Faiths: Religious Government (Hierarchy) Name ‘Affiliation, Purpose Religion Office /Title Function ARTS Aves Tolerance Value: Diversity Value: ‘Tolerance Description: Diversity Description Prevalence Value: Prevalence Description: @ Social Dumancies B Primary Art Discipline Other Disciplines: Scholastics Diversity Value: Di i ; [ | | © 1994 Last Unicorn Games Permission granted o photocopy for personal use © 19941as-Unicom Games Permission grant to photocopy for personal se © 1954 Last Unicom Games emission granted o photocnpy for personal use ~ ARIA Cannicle of the Monooyth ‘Word Ptacemenz: Environment Notes, Map, Etc. © Gnvironmenc Noes @ © 1994 Last Unicom Games Permission granted to photocopy for personal use @} Envixonoent Notes, Map, Erc. @) \e @) Canticle of the Monoamyth Peasona Name: Ptayee Name Pesce of Bes icenge Cumsene Residence: Species: Persona Concepe: ier culture: Cultural Orientation: Heritage Restrictions: Kinship & Status mity Sreaacion Family Background Family Status Description (Background Aspects,Notes, History) Status Level (Fam. Head): Legitimacy: Family Orientation: Sibling Rank: Estrangement: Reaction Orientation: Inheritance: Seacus Family Renown Status Archetype: Renown Value: Renown Aspect(s): Status Level: Innace Renown: Characteristics Accaiuces ‘Physical Chaxaceeniseies Attribute/ Aspect Rank Potential Age: Frame Value: Description: Height Value: Description: Physique Value: Description: Weight Value: Description: Coloration: Ocxived Chanaceeniseies ‘Carrying Capacity Physical Characteristics: Lifting Capacity Movernent Rate Miles per Day: Yands/Action Interval: ‘Trauma Resistance: © 1994 Last Unicom Games Permission granted to photocopy for persona use @ Persona Record @ a @) Background Aspects & Traits Background Aspeers Aspect Rank Description. Trares Charisma (Intuition + Will+ Presence)/3: Faith: Object of Faith: Insight: Insight Aspect: Renoumn/Caceem Reputation (Fav. or Unfav:) Value Tateneo Base/ Rank Dodge ( Cquipmene Apercudes Personatey Trares Ingiuence Pots Object Origin Expetises Equipment & History Piscory Base/Rank Disciplines Leverage Poots Rank ‘Object Rank Renown Scope (Limited or Expansive) Base /Rank Language (Native 5+) SD WOON HE FOL aDcopiging i q i i © 1994 Last Unicorn Games Peision granted to Photocopy for personal se ARIA “seamen Canmicle of the Monoayth Variation (both sexes): Physique Average Physique Value (male) Min./Max. Values: Average Physique Value (female) Min./ Max. Values: Variation (both sexes Appearance: Psychological Trarts Inherent Aspects: ‘Recommended Aspects: IP gained per Interval (Avg. Lifespan/70 = Interval in yrs): Gender Ratio: % male/—_% female Inherent Aspects: Recommended Aspects: Unique Abilities: Mental & Sprxrtual Trarrs Inherent Aspects: Recommended Aspects: Unique Abilities: @Dericage Templace @ Name of Deieage Group: Spee Indigenous Regionieh Race Coteure: Physical Tratrs Frame Resitience r ‘Average Frame Value (male): Min. /Max. Values: Ne “Average Frame Value (female) ‘Average Lifespan: Min./Max. Value: ‘Age Category ‘Age Range Variation (both sexes): Child ~ yt Adolescent - yes Deigive pore : oh. Average Height Value (male): Adult - yrs Min./Max. Values: Ola - yrs Average Height Value (female): Elderly - yrs Min./Max. Values: Venerable + yrs sen youosind oy Kosovo on NET WOKEN SUE MOMEALIEET Hot com Games Permission granted to photocopy for personal use Name of Voeazionat Seccings Geass m Seceings Carmicle of the Monowyth Name of Presson Vocacional Pachs Availadte Itinerant or Official? Official Title: Description: Prominence of Office (if different from Setting: Responsibility Official Performance: Serting Profile Locacion: Prominence: Grvwon Clase: Specializazion: Puspose Inceana Povenciat Exeexnat Poceneiat Cos of Seceing: —— Expertise Development ——_—_— Incemnat Pozencrt Available Expertise Chuster(): Expertises Available (# per year) Expendable IP (# per year): Gxpeseme Oevetopmene Expertise/ Aspect IP spent/Current Rank Exeennat Porencrat Available Areas of Expertise Development: Universal: AUlTalents Language (Native) History (Local) Healing (First Aid) Status Archetype: Environ Class: Special: Expertises Available (# per year): Expendable IP (# per year): Gxpexeise Oevetopmene Expertise/ Aspect IP spent/Current Rank © Vocational Setting @ | I | © 1994 Last Unicom Games Permission granted to photocopy for personal use Soctecy Name: Foundations of Scacus Primary Foundation: —T Other Foundations: Description: Srarus Demographic Status Archetype Canticle of the Monomyth ad ARIA ‘Status Foundation Description: Secondary Founclation: Foundation Description: ‘Population/# Individuals ‘Wortd Pracemene & Personal Freedom Personad fitcedom Vertical Freedom Aspects Description Horizontal Aspects: Description Scacus Cuscoms Custom of Status: Rigidity of Status: Unique Customs/ Traditions @b crarchy of Social Escaces @ © 1994 Last Unicorn Games Permission granted to photocopy for personal use eG a : FE i ff © 1904 Last Unicorn Games Permission granted to photocopy for personal use Pensona Name Screngeh Carrying Capacity uictmness: ‘Movement (Action) Rate: Option Points: ‘Adjusted Option Points: Initiative Modifier: Davedinesss “Trauma Resistance: Comear-Retaced Background Aepeces “Aspect Rank Description Favored Weapon Expercises Cannicle of the Monomyth Ptayer Caunprmene Nores isms, Aeros, CDseettaneous Missile Inventory: Encumdrance ‘Current Encumbrance Physical Penalty: Pace Restrictions: Option Point Penalty: Fatigue Modifier: Ofpensive Progile Weapon Rank — Speed/DamageBonus Accuracy Modifier (Optional) Quality Modifiers Aams Prope ‘Melee Weapon ‘Attack/ParryMode Modified A/P'Value Modified A/PSpeed Reach Missile Weapon ‘AtiackMode Modified Attack Value Speed (Fire/Prep.) Range (S/M/L/XL) Depensive Progile. —— ‘Weaeng Armor Expeerises Derense Value ‘Aspect Rank —_Encumbrance Modifier ‘ype/Style Crush/Chop/Slash/Thrust/Pierce Aemor Type “otal Weight/Encumbrance: ‘Construction Type Design Style Modified Encumbrance: Damage Noves Quality: Modifiers: @ Comoac Propile @ @) Aamo Ocsenipeian (Operonsi) Location Armor Type Defense Value (Chop/Crush/Slash/Thrust/Pierce) Wt. /EG 1 Face 2 Skull 3 Neck 4-5 Presented Arm 6 Presented Hand 7 Refused Arm 8-12 Torso 19-15 Abdomen 16 Groin 17-18 Presented Leg 19 Refused Leg 20 Foot Total Weight/Encumbrance: Armor Damage Description Modified Encumbrance: Farigue (Check (¥] new Cursene sracus as argue progresses) Endurance: Fatigue ATC (Base 3 + Endurance - modified Difficulty) CiRNER Fengue \ Physical/Fatigue Penalty Pace Restrictions Fresh None None Winded +1 Difficulty No Dashing Tred +2 Difficulty [No Sprinting Weary +4 Difficulty No Running Fatigued +6 Difficulty No Jogging Exhausted Incapacitated ‘No Movement Tnyary (Check (¥] new Currene seacus as Injury progresses - Physical Denateies axe cumalarive) “Trauma Resistance: Injury Status V Physical Penalty Shock Trial Base Difficulty Uninjured None None ‘Light Wound +1 Difficulty 2 ‘Wound +20 +3 Difficulty 4 Major Wound +4 t0 45 Difficulty 6 ‘Mortal Wound +6 to +8 Difficulty 8 ‘Wounds Description: Shock (Cheek (V Inc Camnene Srarus as Shock progaesses - CDeneal and Pexeeperon Trial Denatires ave curnutacie) ‘Trial Base (Trauma Resistance) ‘rial Rank (Hardiness): ‘Degrees of Shock V Mental Penalty Perception Trials Pace/Other Restrictions 0. Normal ‘None None ‘None 1. Minor Disorientation None None No Dashing, 2 Disorientation None a No Sprinting 3 Daze +1 2 No Running 4 Minor Detisium 2 8 ‘Only Walking - Willpower THal (Diff 2) to ‘engage in strenuous Action 5 Delirium 8 “4 ‘Only Stumbling - Willpower Trial (Diff. 3) to engage in strenuous Action 6 Stun 4 +5 Onily Crawling - Willpower Trial (Diff 4) to engage in strenuous Action 7 Incapacitation +8 a No Movement = Will. Trial (Diff. 6 to ‘maintain Consciousness w/o Aid 8 Unconscious nla nla Will. Trial (Diff. 8) to regain Consciousness 2 Coma n/a nla ‘Unconscious until Aided or Death 10 Death, nfa fa Death comes in 2410 minutes \e some an09R IT HE ponuer# uorssanay © 190s Last Unicorn Games Permission granted to photocopy for personal use me ARIA » Canticle of the Monomyth Persons Name Payer Name Omni Agpiiacion Dersonat Orienzacion (rotuaad Omni: Auras Prcrarchy Rants: Pach: Tener Levet: Inaighe: Oomt Summary yy (Onn Desemipeion ia ‘Omnessence Philosophy: Form: Politics: Size: Initiation: ‘Sponsorship: Hierarchy: Renown: Customs: ‘Orientation: ‘Tenets: Demeanor: Incidentals: @ Persona Dagic @ © 1994 Last Unicorn Games Permission granted to photocopy for personal use {Games Permission granted to photocopy for personal use © 1994 Last (Org Name: (Onagin Form: Onagin Genesis: Origin Comections: Onin Omencacion: Comencions Primary Trait: Affinity: Onnevscnce Province Archetypes Province Aspects: Canticle of the Monomyth ~ Reality Suamaxy Reaticy Nacure Number of C ‘Origin Notes: Onin Template Onaga Nacuse: Onygin Retacrons: Aporheosne: Oomessence Fundamental. —§£$ ———————— Comencions Noces/Oeseripcion Configuration Might Power Dominions Facility ‘(Power + Facility) Origin Tem,place ig iS Avaiaditiey Category: Manifestation: Availability Level: Amoune Category: Amount Level: Amount Aspects (Restrictions): Seorage Category: Capacity Storage Aspects: Onneseence Nacure Prcponacion Category Aspects: Crpeees Paradigm Method: Casting Time: Fatigue from Casting: ‘Distance(Range and Range Increment): ‘Area (Area and Area Increment): Duration (Duration and Duration Interval): Participation: Access Category: Restriction Aspects: Ease of Access: Access Time: Paradigo Notes Limacion Aspeexs: Preparation Time: Variation Facility: Preparation Trial: Interruption ? ‘Temper Aspects: Resistance: Incidentals: is 1 panel woSSTuUag SMES wooNuT We ranted to photocopy for persoral we © 1994 Last Unicorn Games P Sociecy Name Discoric Period Current Age/Period: Current Date: Length of Last Interval: ‘Time Elapsed (since last Interval Length of Current Interval: Repercussions from Last Interval Description Drreaxy Military Value: Force Type Description: Phosophicat Owieneacion Orientation: (Orientation Aspects: Technology, Technology Value: Materials Resources ResourcesValue: Description Exploreacion Exploitation Value: % ‘Cradle Trade Value: Description (Trade Partners, ei) Econoane Detexonnants @lnceracewe Discory @ ARIA —

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