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What Should Oakland Do About


● As you watch the video, listen to arguments in favor and
against sideshows and write them in the left or middle columns.
● After watching the video, complete the right column with your ideas.

Evidence in favor of safe, Evidence against safe, legal venues Evidence I find most
legal venues for sideshows for sideshows convincing

rowdy crowd shutting down a massive the evidence I do find

intersection in broad Daylight. convincing that sideshows
Oakland should view should be illegal is where the
sideshows as a business violence and riots come in
opportunity, rather than a Violence (such as fights, shootings, etc.) because those are people’s
problem. children and we all make
enemies unfortunately and
tensions between police and teen drivers they can go as far as to kill
have been going on for decades, people but allowing racing
especially in America with the popularity as NASCAR is a perfect and
of drag races going back to hot rods in safe way to do such things
the 1950s (not safe people still die but
the cops don’t get involved
or get you in trouble)

Draft your response to this question: What should Oakland do about sideshows, should they
legalize them? Must be at least two paragraphs and include your notes from above.
I honestly believe that Oakland shouldn’t legalize sideshows it is a very dangerous thing to do
especially in public areas unless the people and law are willing to make an exception in a
deserted area where no one or nothing can be harmed is fine but doing it in public places can
be a disturbing the peace not only that but they can hurt people and animals in the way of their
stunts or tricks you see people online all the time getting hit by the car or in the way of the car
while doing certain things like donuts n such I cannot choose aside for this one there rights and
wrongs to this.

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