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Irregular verbs exercise 1-1


a) Fill in the blanks. Rellena espacios en blanco.

1. beat ____________ beaten
2. begin began ___________
3. ___________ ____________ bet
4. bleed bled ___________
5. ___________ broke ___________
6. build ____________ built
7. buy bought ___________
8. choose ____________ chosen
9. ___________ cost ___________
10. dig ____________ dug
11. draw drew ___________
12. __________ ____________ drunk

b) Do the crossword. Haz crucigrama.


1 7 2

9 10

Clues across (definiciones de izquierda a derecha)

1. infinitive of past simple “bent”
2. past simple and participle of “bring”
3. past participle of “become”
4. past simple of “come”
5. past participle of “drive”
6. infinitive of past simple and participle “caught”

Clues down (definiciones abajo)

1. past irregular form of “burned”
2. infinitive of “blew”
4. past simple of “cut”
7. past regular form of “dreamt”
8. past participle of the past simple “did”
9. past participle of “bite”
10. infinitive of past participle “been”

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