AM BING (Edited)

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Jl. Setu-Cisaat, RT: 003/RW: 008, Desa Cikarageman, Kecamatan Setu,

Kab.Bekasi, Jawa Barat 98068971 KodePos 17320

Nama Siswa/i : ................................. Mata Pelajaran : B.INGGRIS
Kelas : VI ( Enam ) No Peserta UM :...........................
Hari/tanggal : ................................. Waktu : 60 Menit

1. Bacalah basmallah sebelum mengerjakan soal.
2. Isilah biodata diri anda dengan lengkap di lembar yang digunakan untuk menjawab (ditulis di kertas lembaran
yang diisi biodata seperti nama lengkap, kelas, dan mata pelajaran).
3. Silahkan dibaca soalnya dengan teliti dan jangan terburu-buru.
4. Sebelum mengakhiri evaluasi, pastikan kembali jawaban dari soal-soal yang telah dikerjakan, sudah terisi semua
atau belum.
5. Bacalah hamdalah jika sudah selesai mengerjakan ujian.

I. Match the correct words! (5 Point)

1. Twenty (.....) A. 20
2. Twenty Five (.....) B. 62
3. Fifty (.....) C. 45
4. Fourty Five (.....) D. 25
5. Sixty Two (.....) E. 50

II. Match the words with the correct number! (5 point)

1. Garden ● ● A. Kamar mandi

2. Kitchen ● ● B. Kebun
3. Bathoom ● ● C. Ruang makan
4. Bedroom ● ● D. Kamar Tidur
5. Dining room ● ● E. Dapur

III. Look at the table and decide True(×) or False! (10 Point)

No Statement True False

(T) (F)
1 Vegetables artinya sayuran

2 Fried fish artinya nasi goreng

3 Meatball artinya mie

4 Fried rice artinya nasi goreng

5 Slice of pizza artinya sepotong pizza

IV. Look at the table and decide True(×) or False! (10 point)
No Statement True False
(T) (F)
1 Today is Monday, tomorrow is Wednesday

2 Yesterday was Sunday, today is Monday

3 The day after Tuesday is Wednesday

4 The day before Saturday is Tuesday

5 Today is Saturday, tomorrow is Sunday

V. Arrange the scramble words into a correct sentence! (8 Point)

a. Studying – my sister - Is
b. Are – they - talking

VI. Write the activity from these following picture! (12 point)
a. b. c. d.

............. ............. ............ ............

VII. Complete the sentence with am/is/are! (20 point)

a. She . . . . . cooking right now

b. I . . . . . studying in my room
c. They . . . . . swiming in the pool
d. You . . . . . eating breakfast
e. He . . . . . going to the mall

VIII. Draw the hands! (6 point)

c. d.

IX. Translate into Bahasa Indonesia! (12 point)

e. Post Office
f. Hotel
g. Cinema
h. Hospital

X. Translate into English! (12 point)

a. Sakit kepala
b. Sakit perut
c. Sakit gigi
d. Demam

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