Chapter 5 - Question Bank

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5

Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Chapter 5 Food and humans

Multiple-choice questions

* Directions: The following three questions refer to the diagram below, which
shows the percentages of different food substances in four foods.

0 20 40 60 80 100

Key: carbohydrates proteins

lipids others

Which of the following correctly identifies the foods?

A rice fish cabbage beef
B rice carrot pork fish
C carrot pork fish bread
D pork bread beef carrot

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Excess amino acids are broken down in the liver. People suffering from liver
disease should avoid taking in too much
A P and Q.
B P and R.
C Q and S.
D R and S.

* A student performed different food tests on food P. Which of the following
results would he get?
Iodine test Grease spot test
A positive positive
B positive negative
C negative positive
D negative negative

* The table below shows the daily nutritional requirements per kg of body mass of
four people (W, X, Y and Z) aged between 8 and 30.
Energy (kJ) Proteins (g) Calcium (mg) Iron (mg)
W 325 0.95 40.0 0.50
X 178 0.86 15.4 0.12
Y 160 0.84 18.2 0.33
Z 176 1.3 18.2 0.50

Which person is most likely to be an 8-year-old boy?


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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Directions: The following two questions refer to the diagram below, which
shows an enzymatic reaction.

+ H2O +


The reaction is an example of

A condensation.
B oxidation.
C hydrolysis.
D hydrogenation.

If Q is glucose, which of the following is a possible combination of P and R?
A maltose glucose
B maltose fructose
C sucrose glucose
D lactose fructose

Which of the following food substances most readily provide energy for the
A lipids
B proteins
C monosaccharides
D vitamins

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Which of the following correctly arranges the subunits of proteins, from the
simplest form to the most complex form?
(1) amino acids
(2) polypeptides
(3) dipeptides
A (1), (2), (3)
B (1), (3), (2)
C (2), (1), (3)
D (2), (3), (1)

* Taking fish liver oils may help people suffering from rickets to obtain the
nutrients they are deficient in. This is because fish liver oils are rich in
A iron.
B lipids.
C vitamin D.
D vitamin A.

* Which of the following correctly arranges the foods in a meal, from eating most
to eating least, in a balanced diet?
(1) bread
(2) butter
(3) ham
(4) corn
A (1), (3), (2), (4)
B (1), (4), (3), (2)
C (3), (1), (4), (2)
D (4), (1), (2), (3)

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Directions: The following two questions refer to the diagram below, which
shows a food test on a sample of orange juice. The DCPIP solution changed to
colourless at the end of the food test.

orange juice

DCPIP solution

Which of the following is a possible explanation of the result of the food test?
A Orange juice contains vitamin C.
B Orange juice contains sucrose.
C Orange juice contains starch.
D Orange juice contains proteins.

* The diets of vegetarians usually include beans to make up for the lack of
A proteins.
B carbohydrates.
C vitamins.
D lipids.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Different people may have different dietary requirements. Which of the
following people requires the largest amount of iron in his/her diet?
A a pregnant woman B a child

C an office worker D an athlete


The table below shows three types of vitamins (X, Y and Z) and the symptom
that may appear if a person is deficient in each type of vitamin.
X Soft bones
Y Drying up of cornea and skin
Z Weak and bleeding gums

Which of the following correctly identifies the vitamins?

A vitamin A vitamin C vitamin D
B vitamin C vitamin D vitamin A
C vitamin D vitamin A vitamin C
D vitamin D vitamin C vitamin A

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Which of the following diet is most suitable for a person suffering from
constipation and anaemia?
A cheese, wholemeal bread and coffee
B fried eggs, white bread and milk
C beef, wholemeal bread and milk
D sausages, cookies and orange juice

* Why do people need vitamin D to keep bones and teeth strong?
A Vitamin D prevents the loss of calcium and phosphate.
B Vitamin D stimulates the production of calcium in the body.
C Vitamin D is a component of bones and teeth.
D Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphate.

Which of the following are monosaccharides?
A glucose, galactose and fructose
B glucose, galactose and sucrose
C glucose, sucrose and lactose
D glucose, fructose and lactose

* Which of the following are not a source of energy even under starvation?
A carbohydrates
B lipids
C proteins
D vitamins

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

People who suffer from bleeding gums may lack
A calcium.
B iron.
C vitamin C.
D vitamin D.

People who suffer from anaemia may lack
A calcium.
B iron.
C vitamin C.
D vitamin D.

Calcium is important for the formation of
A haemoglobin.
B bones and teeth.
C hair.
D skin.

Which of the following can be used to test for the presence of reducing sugars?
A Benedict’s test
B iodine test
C DCPIP solution
D grease spot test

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Which of the following foods is/are rich in dietary fibre?



Which of the following is the fate of excess carbohydrates in the human body?
A They are stored as glycogen in the liver or muscles, or as lipids under the
B They are stored as glycogen in the liver or muscles, or as proteins under the
C They are stored as proteins in the liver or muscles, or as lipids under the
D They are stored as lipids in the liver or muscles, or as glycogen under the

A deficiency of vitamin C in humans may lead to
A night blindness.
B anaemia.
C rickets.
D scurvy.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Directions: The following two questions refer to the nutrition label below, which
shows the nutritional information of a food.
Nutrition Facts
Serving size: 258 g
Serving per container: 1
Amount per serving
Energy 1134 kJ From fat 294 kJ
% Daily value
Total fat 8 g 12%
Saturated fat 3.5 g 15%
Cholesterol 30 mg 9%
Sodium 500 mg 20%
Total carbohydrates 28 mg 9%
Dietary fibre 3 g 13%
Sugars 5 g
Proteins 21 g
Vitamin A 8% . Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 35% . Iron 6%

The recommended daily intake of energy of a 5-year-old girl is 6500 kJ. If she
eats only this food, how many grams of this food does she need to eat in order to
obtain the amount of energy she needs per day?
A 5.7 g
B 25.2 g
C 1478.8 g
D 5704.1 g

* In which of the following food tests will the above food give a negative result?
A Benedict’s test
B mixing it with DCPIP solution
C iodine test
D grease spot test

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions


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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Which of the following are the functions of proteins in humans?
(1) for making enzymes
(2) for growth
(3) for repairing body tissues
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

* Which of the following combinations of a food substance and its major food
source is correct?
Food substance Major food source
A sugars beef
B proteins pork
C lipids bread
D dietary fibre cheese

* Which of the following food substances cannot be stored in large amounts in the
human body?
(1) lipids
(2) carbohydrates
(3) proteins
A (2) only
B (3) only
C (1) and (3) only
D (2) and (3) only

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* The table below shows the percentages of food substances (by weight) present in
a kind of food.
Food substance Percentage
Carbohydrates 4.7
Proteins 3.3
Lipids 3.8
Dietary fibre 0
Water 88.2

Which of the following is most probably the food?

A beef
B milk
C potato
D bread

Poor vision in dim light is probably due to the deficiency of
A vitamin A.
B vitamin C.
C calcium.
D iron.

Fruit juice is usually rich in
A starch.
B cellulose.
C glycogen.
D fructose.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Directions: The following three questions refer to the experiment below, which
was designed to show the effect of temperature on the activity of enzyme X.
Six set-ups (each consisting of a pair of test tubes containing enzyme X
and solution Y respectively) were put in beakers of water at different
temperatures. After 10 minutes, enzyme X and solution Y in each set-up were
mixed. A drop of each mixture was then added to an iodine drop on a spot
plate at 2-minute intervals. The iodine drop turned blue-black after each
mixture was added to it at time 0. The time taken for the blue-black colour of
the iodine drop to disappear was recorded.

The results are shown in the table below.

Temperature Time taken for the disappearance of blue-black colour
0 C The drop still turned blue-black after 10 minutes.
20 C 10 minutes
40 C 6 minutes
60 C 4 minutes
80 C The drop still turned blue-black after 10 minutes.
100 C The drop still turned blue-black after 10 minutes.

Enzyme X and solution Y are

A catalase and sucrose solution respectively.
B protease and protein solution respectively.
C amylase and starch solution respectively.
D lipase and lipid solution respectively.

* The blue-black colour of the iodine drops in three of the six set-ups disappeared
at the end of the experiment because
A enzyme X reacted with a substance in solution Y to form a new substance.
B enzyme X catalysed the breakdown of a substance in solution Y into
simpler substances.
C enzyme X was denatured by a substance in solution Y.
D enzyme X combined with a substance in solution Y to form a complex.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions


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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Which of the following is the best conclusion of this experiment?
A Enzyme X cannot work at 20 C, 40 C and 60 C.
B Enzyme X is denatured at 0 C and temperatures above 80 C.
C Higher temperatures favour the activity of enzyme X.
D The optimum temperature of enzyme X is about 60 C.

Directions: The following two questions refer to the photographs below, each of
which shows some foods.


What are the main types of food substances present in the foods shown in the
above three photographs?
A carbohydrates minerals proteins
B dietary fibre carbohydrates lipids
C lipids carbohydrates proteins
D proteins lipids dietary fibre

If the main food substances of the foods shown in Y are in excess in the body,
what kind of substances will they be converted to?
A glycogen only
B lipids only
C glycogen and lipids
D glycogen and starch

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

Directions: The following two questions refer to the table below.
The food substance Food source(s) for
Deficiency disease
that is in deficiency supplement
Scurvy R T
P Vitamin A Fish liver oils and eggs
Anaemia S U
Q Dietary fibre Vegetables

What are P, Q, R and S?

A rickets constipation vitamin C calcium
B night blindness constipation vitamin C iron
C night blindness osteoporosis vitamin D iron
D constipation rickets vitamin C calcium

What are T and U?
A fresh vegetables and fruits liver and spinach
B fresh vegetables and fruits milk and cheese
C liver and spinach liver and eggs
D milk and cheese fish liver oils

Which of the following statements is not correct?
A People at different ages and of different body sizes have different dietary
B A balanced diet consists of three main food substances in the right amounts.
C A balanced diet is essential for maintaining health.
D Obesity is a health problem caused by improper diets.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Multiple-choice questions

* Extract of a food sample was prepared and food tests were carried out on it. The
table below shows the results of the food tests.
Food test Result
Using protein test paper Negative
Using glucose test paper Positive
Iodine test Positive

Which of the following is most probably the food sample?

A a steak
B an apple
C butter
D a fish

Obesity can increase the risk of
A stroke.
B rickets.
C scurvy.
D anaemia.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Short questions

Short questions

* A Petri dish was filled with agar jelly containing blue DCPIP.
Three holes were cut out of the agar jelly.
One hole was filled with 1 cm3 of water, one with 1 cm3 of fruit juice X and one
with 1 cm3 of fruit juice Y.
The fruit juices contained different concentrations of vitamin C.
The Petri dish was left for 60 minutes.

Start After 60 minutes

water agar jelly containing

blue DCPIP

clear agar
fruit juice X fruit juice Y jelly

Use the results found after 60 minutes to help answer the following questions.
a i What conclusion can be drawn about the concentration of vitamin C in
fruit juice Y compared to fruit juice X? (1 mark)
ii How did you reach this conclusion? (1 mark)
iii Explain the changes shown in the jelly around the fruit juices.
(2 marks)
b Why was water added to one of the holes? (1 mark)
CCEA GCSE Biology Foundation Tier Unit 1 2013 Q3

-- answer --
a i Fruit juice Y contains a higher concentration of vitamin C. 1m
ii Fruit juice Y had a larger circle of clear agar. 1m
iii Vitamin C moved to the agar jelly by diffusion 1m
and decolourized DCPIP. 1m
b It acted as a control set-up. 1m

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Short questions

* The table below shows the recommended daily intake of energy and proteins of
three different people.
Body Recommended daily intake
weight Proteins (g per kg Energy (kJ per kg
(kg) of body weight ) of body weight )
Clerk 77 0.91 162
Labourer 72 0.95 292
70 1.4 200

a Calculate the amount of energy the clerk and the labourer should take in per
day. Show your workings. (2 marks)
b Explain the difference in the daily energy requirements per kg of body
weight between the labourer and the clerk. (2 marks)
c Explain the high daily protein requirements per kg of body weight of the
breast-feeding mother. (1 mark)
-- answer --
a The clerk:
162 × 77 = 12 474 kJ 1m
The labourer:
292 × 72 = 21 024 kJ 1m
b The labourer is more physically active 1m
and needs more energy for muscular activities. 1m
c The breast-feeding mother needs an extra supply of proteins for milk production.

* Vegetarians eat only foods of plant origin.
a Vegetarians are often recommended to include beans or bean products in
their diets. Explain why. (2 marks)
b Foods of plant origin usually contain a lot of dietary fibre. What is the
function of dietary fibre in our body? (2 marks)
-- answer --
a Most foods of plant origin are low in protein content. 1m
Bean or bean products are rich in proteins. Including them in the diets ensures the

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Short questions

vegetarians get enough proteins. 1m

b Dietary fibre holds a lot of water. 1m
This allows the faeces to remain soft. 1m
Dietary fibre adds bulk to food 1m
to stimulate its movement along the gut / peristalsis. 1m

** You are given three test tubes, each containing one of the following three
solutions but without labelling:
albumin, sucrose, invertase
Albumin is a plasma protein and invertase is an enzyme that catalyses the
breakdown of sucrose.
Describe how you can use Benedict’s solution and protein test paper to identify
the solution in each test tube. State clearly the procedures and the results of the
tests. (5 marks)
-- answer --
Dip the test ends of the protein test paper into the three solutions. 1m
The solution that does not lead to a colour change in the test end of the test paper is
sucrose solution. 1m
Mix the two unknown solutions with an equal volume of sucrose solution and wait for
30 minutes. 1m
Add Benedict’s solution to the two mixtures and boil the mixtures for 5 minutes. 1m
The one that gives a brick-red precipitate with sucrose solution is invertase, while the
one that does not give a brick-red precipitate with sucrose solution is albumin. 1m

The table below shows some nutritional information of two brands of burgers.
Mass of food substances (g per 100 g of burger)
‘Healthy’ burger Chicken burger
Proteins 13.1 30.0
Lipids 2.8 13.0
Dietary fibre 3.5 0

a John is 16 years old. He needs 50 g of proteins per day.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Short questions

i Calculate the amount of ‘Healthy’ burger John needs to eat in order to

obtain the amount of proteins he needs per day. (1 mark)

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Short questions

ii Calculate the amount of chicken burger John needs to eat in order to

obtain the amount of proteins he needs per day. (1 mark)
b The manufacturer claimed that the ‘Healthy’ burger is good for health and
less likely to lead to obesity. Use information in the table to give one reason
to support their claim. (1 mark)

-- answer --
a i 381.7 g 1m
ii 166.7 g 1m
b ‘Healthy’ burger contains less lipids. 1m

a Name the reaction in which two monosaccharide molecules combine to
form a disaccharide. (1 mark)
b The diagram below shows a monosaccharide molecule.


Draw a diagram to show how two monosaccharide molecules join together

in the reaction answered in a. (2 marks)
c Name two disaccharides formed by the reaction answered in a. (2 marks)

-- answer --
a Condensation 1m


+ H2O

c Maltose / sucrose / lactose (any 2) 1m x 2

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Short questions

* Sucrose, a disaccharide, is formed from two monosaccharides. The diagram
below shows the breakdown of sucrose.



glucose Y

a Name monosaccharide Y. (1 mark)

b What type of reaction is the breakdown of sucrose? (1 mark)
c The breakdown of sucrose is catalysed by an enzyme called invertase. The
diagram below shows a column used to break down sucrose. The enzyme
invertase is fixed onto the glass beads.

sucrose solution

glass bead with

invertase fixed
on it

wire gauze


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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Short questions

Describe a test to find out whether the solution collected at the other end of
the column contains
i the products. (2 marks)
ii the enzyme. (2 marks)

-- answer --
a Fructose 1m
b Hydrolysis 1m
c i Boil the solution with Benedict’s solution. 1m
If the products, which are reducing sugars, are present in the solution, a
brick-red precipitate will be formed. 1m
ii Dip the test end of protein test paper into the solution. 1m
If the enzyme, which is a protein, is present in the solution, a colour change
will be observed. 1m

* Sucrose, a disaccharide, can be broken down into monosaccharides. The reaction
is catalysed by invertase. A student carried out an experiment. He first tested
whether sucrose is a reducing sugar.
a i Describe a test that can be carried out to find out whether a sugar is a
reducing sugar. (3 marks)
ii State the result of the test on sucrose. (1 mark)
The student then mixed the sucrose solution with invertase. The mixture was left
at room temperature for 5 minutes. The test described in a i was carried out on
the mixture.
b State and explain the result of the test. (2 marks)

-- answer --
a i Mix equal volumes of the sugar solution and Benedict’s solution in a test
tube. 1m
Boil the mixture in a water bath for 5 minutes. 1m
If the sugar is a reducing sugar, a brick-red precipitate will be formed. 1m
ii No brick-red precipitate is formed. 1m
b A brick-red precipitate was formed. 1m
Sucrose was broken down into glucose and fructose, which are reducing sugars.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Short questions

The diagram below shows an investigation carried out to compare the vitamin C
content in three fruit juices (X, Y and Z).

fruit juice

DCPIP solution

The table below shows the results.

Volume needed to decolourize 5 ml of
Fruit juice
DCPIP solution (ml)
X 6
Y 20
Z 12

a State the change in the colour of DCPIP solution when fruit juices
containing vitamin C are added to it. (1 mark)
b Arrange the three fruit juices in the ascending order of their vitamin C
content. (1 mark)
c If the experiment is repeated using boiled fruit juices, will the results be the
same? Explain your answer. (2 marks)

-- answer --
a The DCPIP solution changes from blue to colourless. 1m
b Y, Z, X 1m
c No 1m
Boiling destroys vitamin C. Therefore, the colour of the DCPIP solution will not
change. 1m

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Short questions

* The table below shows the amounts of food substances in 100 g of three brands
of cornflakes.

Brand X Brand Y Brand Z

Carbohydrates (g) 65 70 60
Lipids (g) 10 2 5
Proteins (g) 10 15 10
Dietary fibre (g) 5 15 15

a Which brand of cornflakes provides the largest amount of energy per 100 g?
Show your workings. (Given that 1 g of carbohydrate, lipid and protein
provide 17.1 kJ, 38.9 kJ and 18.2 kJ of energy respectively) (4 marks)
b Cornflake manufacturers often claim that their products are good for health.
According to the information above, which brand of cornflakes is the
healthiest? Explain your answer. (2 marks)

-- answer --
a Brand X 1m
Energy of brand X = 17.1 × 65 + 38.9 × 10 + 18.2 × 10 = 1682.5 kJ 1m
Energy of brand Y = 17.1 × 70 + 38.9 × 2 + 18.2 × 15 = 1547.8 kJ 1m
Energy of brand Z = 17.1 × 60 + 38.9 × 5 + 18.2 × 10 = 1402.5 kJ 1m
b Brand Y 1m
Brand Y contains the smallest amount of lipids and more dietary fibre. 1m

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Short questions

* The nutrition label below shows the amounts of some food substances in
Banana, raw, edible parts
Nutritional value per 100 g
Energy 370 kJ
Carbohydrates 22.84 g
- Sugars 12.23 g
- Dietary fibre 2.6 g
Lipids 0.33 g
Proteins 1.09 g
Vitamin A 3 μg
Vitamin C 8.7 mg
Calcium 5 mg
Iron 0.26 mg

a A person having scurvy is advised to eat more bananas. Explain why.

(2 marks)
b The banana is often regarded as a healthy food. Using the information
above, state how the banana is beneficial to our health. (3 marks)

-- answer --
a The person may lack vitamin C. 1m
Banana contains a large amount of vitamin C. 1m
b It contains dietary fibre, which stimulates peristalsis. 1m
It contains only a small amount of lipids. Eating it is not likely to increase the risk
of heart attack and stroke. 1m
It contains various vitamins and minerals, which are necessary to stay healthy.

Calcium and iron are two essential minerals.
a Calcium is one of the main components of some tissues in our body. Give
two examples of these tissues. (2 marks)
b Name the molecule in blood that contains iron. (1 mark)
c What diseases may result if a person is deficient in calcium and iron?

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Question Bank Short questions

(2 marks)
-- answer --
a Bones and teeth 1m x 2
b Haemoglobin 1m
c A deficiency in calcium may lead to rickets. 1m
A deficiency in iron may lead to anaemia. 1m

Women need more energy when they are pregnant or breast-feeding.

a Why do women need more energy when they are pregnant or breast-
feeding? (2 marks)
b For the healthy growth of the foetus, what types of food substances do
pregnant women need in larger amounts? Why? (3 marks)

-- answer --
a During pregnancy, more energy is needed for the growth of the foetus. 1m
During breast-feeding, more energy is needed for the production of milk. 1m
b Proteins and iron 1m
Proteins are needed for the growth of the foetus. 1m
Iron is needed for the formation of foetal red blood cells. 1m

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Question Bank Short questions


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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Short questions

The diagram below shows the structure of an amino acid, alanine.

a Which two substances are formed when two alanine molecules join
together? (2 marks)
b Name the bond between the joined pair of alanine molecules. (1 mark)
-- answer --
a Dipeptide 1m
Water 1m
b Peptide bond 1m

a Give two functions of lipids in the human body. (2 marks)
b More carbohydrates could be found in liver tissue than in heart tissue.
Suggest a reason for this. (1 mark)
c State one health problem that may arise if we have improper diet. How is
the problem caused? (2 marks)
-- answer --
a Lipids act as energy reserves. /
Lipids act as an insulator to reduce heat loss. /
Lipids act as a shock absorber to protect the internal organs. /
Lipids are involved in transporting and storing lipid-soluble vitamins. /
Lipids are involved in making some hormones. /
Phospholipids are a major component of cell membranes. (any 2) 1m x 2
b Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in the liver. 1m
c Overweight / obesity 1m
The energy intake is greater than our energy needs. The excess energy is stored
as fats in our body and we gain weight. 1m

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Question Bank Short questions

a Describe how you would test for the presence of lipids in a liquid food
sample. (4 marks)
b Lipids can provide more than twice the amount of energy of carbohydrates
per gram. Would you advise people to take in more lipids to replace the
carbohydrates to provide energy? Explain your answer. (2 marks)

-- answer --
a Add a drop of the liquid food sample on a piece of filter paper. 1m
Let the drop dry in the air for 20 minutes and observe any translucent spot. 1m
Immerse the filter paper into an organic solvent. Let it dry and observe again.
If lipids are present in the liquid food, a translucent spot will be formed on the filter
paper. The spot will disappear after the paper is immersed into the solvent. 1m
b No. Taking in too much lipids can lead to high blood cholesterol levels. 1m
High blood cholesterol levels will increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology (Second Edition) Chapter 5
Question Bank Structured questions

Structured questions

* The table below shows the masses of different food materials (per 100 g sample)
and the energy content of potatoes prepared in different ways.
Treatment of Protein Fat Carbohydrate Vitamins Energy
potato (g) (g) (g) (μg) (kJ)
Raw 2.1 0 18.0 10.42 318
Boiled in water 1.4 0 19.7 6.23 331
Thick-cut chips
3.8 9.0 37.3 8.4 989
fried in oil

a i Describe how boiling affected the vitamin content of the potatoes.

(1 mark)
ii Suggest two reasons for this effect. (2
b Describe a test that you could do to show that starch is one of the
carbohydrates found in potatoes. (2 marks)
c i Explain why a person who is overweight would be advised to eat
boiled potatoes rather than chips. (3 marks)
ii If this overweight person still decides to eat chips, suggest why it
would be better to eat 100 g of thick-cut chips rather than 100 g of
thin-cut chips. (3 marks)
Edexcel GCE (O) Human Biology Paper 1 Jan 2010 Q1
-- answer --
a i Boiling decreases the vitamin content of potatoes. 1m
ii Heat breaks down vitamins. 1m
Some vitamins are water-soluble. 1m
b Add iodine solution to the potatoes. 1m
The solution will turn blue-black if starch is present. 1m
c i Energy in chips is about 3 times of that in boiled potatoes. 1m
Chips contain 9 g of fat while boiled potatoes contain no fat. 1m
Chips contain 37.3 g of carbohydrates while boiled potatoes contain 19.7 g.
ii Thin chips have a larger total surface area. 1m
More oil is coated on the surface / absorbed by the thin chips. 1m
More energy / fat will be taken into the body. 1m

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* Vitamins are an important part of the diet.
a You are provided with:
- a sample of fresh orange juice,
- a sample of 1-week-old orange juice and
- the reagent used to test for vitamin C.
Describe the steps you would take to compare the amount of vitamin C in
the sample of fresh orange juice with that of the 1-week-old orange juice.
How would you ensure your results were reliable? (6 marks)
b The table shows the amount of vitamin C in different fruit juices.
Mass of vitamin C in 1 cm3 of juice (mg)
Fruit juice
Measurement 1 Measurement 2 Average
Fresh 0.4 0.6 0.5
Orange Carton 0.2 0.4 0.3
1-week-old 0.1 0.1 0.1
Fresh 0.9 0.5 0.7
Blackcurrant Carton 0.2 0.8 0.5
1-week-old 0.3 0.5

i Complete the table by calculating the average mass of vitamin C in the

1-week-old blackcurrant juice. (1 mark)
ii Explain which juice produced the least reliable results. (2 marks)

The graph shows the average mass of vitamin C in 1 cm3 of different fruit juices.

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mass of 0.5
vitamin C in
1 cm3 of fruit 0.4
juice (mg)



fresh carton 1-week-
orange juice

Complete the graph using the information in the table. (3 marks)
Describe the trend shown by the results for fresh juices compared to
carton juices. (1 mark)
v Use evidence from the graph to explain why you are advised to use
juice within 1 week. (1 mark)
An adult is recommended to have a daily intake of 60 mg of vitamin C.
vi Calculate the volume of carton orange juice which would provide an
adult with their daily recommended intake of vitamin C. Show your
workings. (2 marks)
vii Does this investigation provide sufficient evidence to support the
conclusion that fresh blackcurrant juice contains more vitamin C than
fresh orange juice? Explain your answer. (1 mark)
CCEA GCSE Biology (New Specification) Foundation Tier Unit 1 2012 Q8

-- answer --
a Measure the volume of fresh orange juice 1m
needed to decolourize a known volume of DCPIP solution. 1m
Measure the volume of 1-week-old orange juice 1m
needed to decolourize the same volume of DCPIP solution. 1m
Repeat 3 times. 1m
Calculate the average. 1m
b i 0.4 mg 1m
ii Carton blackcurrant juice 1m
The range of results is the widest. 1m

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iii Labels on x-axis 1m

Accurate plots 2m
iv There is more vitamin C in fresh juices. 1m
v 1-week-old orange juice has 0.1 mg vitamin C compared with 0.5 mg in
fresh orange juice. / 1-week-old blackcurrant juice has 0.4 mg of vitamin C
compared to 0.7 mg in fresh blackcurrant juice. 1m
vi There is 0.3 mg vitamin C per cm orange juice.
60 / 0.3 = 200 cm3 1m
vii Yes. It is because the average amount of vitamin C in fresh blackcurrant
juice is higher.

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* The table below shows some of the recommended daily dietary requirements for
people of different ages.
Energy Proteins Calcium Iron Vitamin Vitamin
(J) (g) (mg) (mg) A (μg) D (μg)
Boy aged
11 725 70 700 14 725 2.5
12 to 14
Girl aged
9 630 58 700 14 725 2.5
12 to 14
Man 12 560 75 500 10 750 2.5
Woman 9 210 55 500 12 750 2.5

a Suggest why there is a difference in the energy requirements of the boy and
girl. (2 marks)
b Give a reason for each of the following differences.
i the protein requirements of the girl and the woman (1 mark)
ii the calcium requirements of the boy and the man (1 mark)
iii the iron requirements of the woman and the man (1 mark)
c What would be the result if a person did not take in enough vitamin D?
(1 mark)
d The energy values given in this table are average values for people in
certain categories. Suggest one factor that could alter the energy
requirement and explain how it would change the value. (2 marks)
Edexcel GCE (O) Biology Paper 2 May 2010 Q2
-- answer --
a Boys need more energy. 1m
Boys are more active. 1m
b i Girls need more proteins for growth. 1m
ii Boys need more calcium for the formation of bones. 1m
iii Women need more iron to replace the loss of iron during menstruation.
c The person may have rickets / poor bones / poor teeth. / The person may not
absorb calcium. 1m
d Mass of the person 1m
The energy requirement increases with mass. 1m
Level of activity / job of the person 1m

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The energy requirement increases with the level of activity. 1m

Pregnancy 1m
Pregnant women need more energy for the growth of the foetus. 1m

* The table below shows the amounts of different food substances in 100 g of three
brands of breakfast cereals.
Brand X Brand Y Brand Z
Energy (kJ) 1515 1600 1511
Carbohydrates (g) 75 68.7 77.1
Lipids (g) 0 6.4 2.1
Proteins (g) 12.8 9.5 6.1
Dietary fibre (g) 2.5 8.0 4.8
Iron (mg) 8.3 6.6 0

a Which food substance(s) shown in the table contribute(s) to the energy of

the cereals? (3 marks)
b Brand Y cereal also contains nuts and dried fruits. Name three kinds of
carbohydrates that may be found in brand Y cereal. (3 marks)
c A 30-year-old woman is dieting. She replaces all meals in a day with brand
Z cereal and skimmed milk to reduce her daily energy intake.
i Why can people lose weight by reducing the daily energy intake?
(2 marks)
ii State one disease that may result if the woman keeps having this diet
for a month. Give one symptom of this disease. (2 marks)

-- answer --
a Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins 1m x 3
b Fructose / glucose / maltose / starch / cellulose (any 3) 1m x 3
c i If the daily energy intake is lower than the daily energy expenditure,
the body will break down the subcutaneous fat to release energy.1m
ii Anaemia 1m
Dizziness (or other correct answers) 1m

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* In a supermarket, Anna saw a can of liquid food that is designed for dieters.
a The package of the food states that it contains ‘no fats’. Suggest a test to
find out if the food really contains no lipids. Describe how the test can be
carried out. (5 marks)
b Even though the food contains no lipids, dieters eating too much of it may
still gain weight. Why? (2 marks)
c The protein content of the food is high. Suggest how its high protein content
may affect our health if all meals in a day are replaced with this food.
(2 marks)
d The food has vitamin C added to it. State two functions of vitamin C in our
body. (2 marks)

-- answer --
a Grease spot test 1m
Add a drop of the liquid food sample on a piece of filter paper. 1m
Let the drop dry in the air for 20 minutes and observe any translucent spot.
Immerse the filter paper into an organic solvent. Let it dry and observe again.
If lipids are present in the liquid food, a translucent spot will be formed on the filter
paper. The spot will disappear after the paper is immersed into the solvent.
b The food may contain sugars / carbohydrates / proteins which also provide
energy. 1m
Excess energy will be stored as fats in the body. 1m
c Excess amino acids cannot be stored in the body. They are deaminated in the
liver. 1m
Taking food with high protein content increases the workload of the liver. This may
cause liver problems. 1m
d Vitamin C is needed for the growth and repair of connective tissues. /
Vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron from plant foods. /
Vitamin C helps the immune system work properly to protect the body from
diseases. (any 2) 1m x 2

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** In recent years, more and more people have followed vegetarian diets. According
to vegetarianism, people’s diets can be generally categorized into three groups as
shown in the table below.
Type of diet Content of the diet
Non-vegetarian diet All kinds of food
Lacto-ovo vegetarian diet All kinds of food without meat
Strict vegetarian diet Plants only

The bar chart below shows the percentages of proteins (by mass) in the above
three types of diets.


proteins in
the diet (%)

non- lacto-ovo strict

vegetarian diet vegetarian diet vegetarian diet

a i From the above bar chart, which type of diet contains the greatest
percentage of proteins? (1 mark)
ii Explain why this type of diet contains the greatest percentage of
proteins. (1 mark)
b List two kinds of food that can act as a source of proteins in lacto-ovo
vegetarian diets but not in strict vegetarian diets. (2 marks)
c Considering the nutritional content, state two benefits of vegetarian diets.
(2 marks)
d Why may the strict vegetarian diet not be suitable for young children?
(2 marks)
e Vitamin B12 can only be naturally obtained from animal-based food. Suggest
how vegetarians can obtain sufficient vitamin B12. (1 mark)
-- answer --
a i Non-vegetarian diet 1m
ii Non-vegetarian diet generally contains meat which is a major source of

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proteins. 1m
b Dairy products and eggs 1m x 2
c Vegetarian diets generally contain more dietary fibre, which can stimulate
peristalsis of our alimentary canal and thus prevent constipation. 1m
Vegetarian diets generally contain less saturated fats / cholesterol. They help
reduce the risk of heart attack / stroke. 1m
d The strict vegetarian diet contains less proteins. It may not be able to supply
enough proteins for the growth of young children. 1m
The digestive system of young children is still developing. It may not be able to
handle the high dietary fibre content of the strict vegetarian diet. 1m
e Take vitamin B12 supplements. / Take cereals or foods with extra vitamin B 12
added. 1m

* The table below shows the amounts of food substances in 100 g of three foods
(X, Y and Z).
Vitamin (g)
Food Water (g) Dietary fibre (g)
X 995 0 125 0 0
Y 420 0 0 0 0
Z 20 100 0 30 30

a A 15-year-old young boy needs a lot of proteins for growth. In addition to

proteins, which vitamin does he require in greater quantity for his growth?
Which food in the above table is the most suitable to be a source of this
vitamin? (2 marks)
b Peter suffers from constipation. Which food in the above table is the best for
him? Explain your choice. (3 marks)
c State two eye problems that may be caused by the deficiency in vitamin A.
(2 marks)
d Name one disease that is caused by the deficiency in vitamin C. What is the
function of vitamin C? (2 marks)

-- answer --
a Vitamin D 1m
Food X 1m

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b Food Z 1m
It contains the largest amount of dietary fibre 1m
which can stimulate peristalsis. 1m
c Poor vision in dim light / night blindness 1m
Drying up of the cornea 1m
d Scurvy 1m
Vitamin C is needed for the growth and repair of connective tissues / promotes
the absorption of iron from plant foods / helps the immune system work properly
to protect the body from diseases.

* Daniel carried out an experiment to study the diets of two bats. He suspected that
one bat fed on blood and the other fed on fruit juice. He took some food samples
from their stomachs and performed several food tests.
Food sample from Food sample from
bat P bat Q
Appearance Red liquid Colourless liquid
Using protein test paper Positive Negative
Benedict’s test Positive Positive
Using DCPIP solution Negative Positive
a There were some solids suspended in the food sample from bat P. What
process did Daniel carry out to separate them out from the sample before
starting the food tests? (1 mark)
b Describe how we can test the food sample using Benedict’s test. (3 marks)
c Describe how we can test the food sample using DCPIP solution.
(2 marks)
d What conclusion about the diets of the bats could he draw from the results
of the food tests? (4 marks)
-- answer --
a Filtration / centrifugation 1m
b Mix equal volumes of the food sample and Benedict’s solution in a test tube.
Boil the mixture in a water bath for 5 minutes. 1m

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If reducing sugars are present in the food sample, a brick-red precipitate will be
formed. 1m
c Add the food sample into DCPIP solution drop by drop. 1m
If vitamin C is present in the food sample, DCPIP solution will decolourize. 1m
d Food sample from bat P contained proteins and reducing sugars, and had no
vitamin C. 1m
The composition matched that of blood. Bat P may feed on blood. 1m
Food sample from bat Q contained reducing sugars and vitamin C, and had no
proteins. 1m
The composition matched that of fruit juice. Bat Q may feed on fruit juice. 1m

** Obesity is a common nutritional disorder in wealthy countries. Eating too much
will increase our weight to an unhealthy level.
a Two people of the same age and sex have been eating the same diet for a
year. One becomes overweight but the other is still slim. Explain for such a
difference. (3 marks)
b An obese person tried to get slim by eating only protein foods but he did not
i Suggest a possible reason to explain why he did not succeed.
(2 marks)
ii A diet consisting of only protein foods is not good for health. Why?
(1 mark)
iii Suggest a healthy way to get slim. (1 mark)
c Which snack contains less energy, deep-fried potato chips or baked potato
chips? Explain. (2 marks)

-- answer --
a Whether we gain weight depends on the relative amount of energy intake and our
energy needs. 1m
The two people may have different energy needs 1m
due to their different body status and different levels of activity. 1m
b i Proteins also supply energy to the body. 1m
The person might eat a large amount of food. The excess energy provided
by proteins was stored as fats in the body. 1m
ii The body may not get enough minerals and nutrients that are absent /
present in only small amounts in the protein foods. 1m

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iii Doing physical exercise 1m

c Baked potato chips 1m
Less oil is used for baking than for deep-frying. 1m

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The photograph below shows the teeth of a person who is suffering from a
disease. The disease is caused by a deficiency of a kind of vitamin.

a Name the disease. (1 mark)

b What kind of vitamin is the person probably deficient in? (1 mark)
c This disease was common in sailors on long journeys in the past. Explain
this phenomenon. (2 marks)
d i Describe how we can test for the presence of the vitamin answered in b
in a liquid food sample. (2 marks)
ii Explain why there is no common test for all vitamins. (1 mark)
e State one advantage of taking fruits and vegetables as a source of this
vitamin over taking supplementary tablets. (1 mark)

-- answer --
a Scurvy 1m
b Vitamin C 1m
c Their diet lacked fresh fruits and vegetables 1m
which are the main source of vitamin C. 1m
d i Add the liquid food sample into DCPIP solution drop by drop. 1m
If vitamin C is present in the food sample, DCPIP solution will decolourize.
ii The chemical structures of different vitamins are quite different. 1m
e Fruits and vegetables contain a large amount of dietary fibre while supplementary
tablets do not contain dietary fibre. 1m

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The diagram below shows the procedure for testing a type of food substance in
immerse in
organic solvent
allow to dry and allow to dry

paper translucent

a Name the test and the type of food substance it tests for. (2 marks)
b Does milk contain this type of food substance? Explain with reference to the
result shown in the diagram. (2 marks)
c State how skimmed milk is different from ordinary milk. Why is it not
recommended for babies as food? (3 marks)
d What kinds of vitamins and minerals abundant in milk are essential for the
growth of babies? What is their importance? (3 marks)

-- answer --
a Grease spot test 1m
Lipids 1m
b A translucent spot was formed, which disappeared after the filter paper was
immersed in the organic solvent. 1m
This indicated that milk contains lipids. 1m
c Skimmed milk contains less lipids. 1m
Babies need lipids to make cell membranes for growth. 1m
Lipids are needed for transporting and storing some essential vitamins. 1m
d Calcium and vitamin A 1m
Calcium is essential for the formation of bones and teeth / is involved in blood
clotting / muscle contraction / sending messages in the nervous system. 1m
Vitamin A is important for keeping the cornea, the skin, the lining of the alimentary
canal and the breathing system healthy. 1m

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A food company plans to manufacture a synthetic food which contains all the
essential food substances for a healthy diet.
a What food substances other than water should be included in the food?
(3 marks)
b Which of the substances answered in a do not supply energy to the body?
What are their functions? (4 marks)
c Even though the food contains all essential food substances in the right
proportions, a person depending solely on it may still become too fat or too
slim. Why? (3 marks)
d Name two functions of water in the human body. (2 marks)
-- answer --
a Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, minerals, vitamins and dietary fibre 3m
b Minerals, vitamins and dietary fibre do not supply energy. 1m
Minerals are important in regulating many metabolic activities and building body
tissues. 1m
Vitamins are important in regulating many metabolic activities. 1m
Dietary fibre adds bulk to food to stimulate its movement along the gut / holds a
lot of water to allow faeces to remain soft. 1m
c Whether we becomes too fat or too slim depends on the relative amount of
energy intake and our energy needs. 1m
The energy intake is affected by the amount of food taken. 1m
The energy needs depends on various factors like age, sex, body status and the
level of activity. 1m
d It serves as a solvent to dissolve chemicals in the body. /
It serves as a medium of chemical reactions. /
It serves as a transport medium. /
It acts as a cooling agent to help regulate body temperature. /
It is a reactant in some metabolic reactions. (any 2) 1m x 2

a Explain what is meant by a balanced diet. (2 marks)
b i State and explain the difference between males and females in the
requirements for iron. (3 marks)
ii Name one deficiency disease of iron. Explain why deficiency in iron
causes this disease. (2 marks)
iii State two kinds of foods that are rich in iron. (1 mark)

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-- answer --
a A balanced diet is a diet that consists of all the food substances 1m
in the right amounts and proportions. 1m
b i Females aged 11 and 50 need more iron than males of the same age. 1m
Excess iron is needed to replace the loss of iron during menstruation. 1m
They also need more iron during pregnancy for the formation of foetal red
blood cells. 1m
ii Anaemia 1m
Iron is a component of haemoglobin. 1m
iii Beef / liver / beans / cabbage / spinach / raisins (any 2) 1m

a Draw a labelled food pyramid. (3 marks)
b State one function of carbohydrates in our body. (1 mark)
c State three functions of lipids in our body. (3 marks)
d In our body, there are body structures or substances that are made up of
proteins. State four examples. (2 marks)
e State the function of vitamins in our body. (1 mark)

-- answer --

Fat, oil, salt

and sugar

eggs and

Vegetables Fruits

Cereals and grains


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b They are the main energy source of body activities. / Glycogen acts as energy
reserves. / Cellulose acts as a source of dietary fibre. 1m
c They act as energy reserves. /
They act as an insulator to reduce heat loss. /
They act as a shock absorber to protect the internal organs. /
They are involved in transporting and storing lipid-soluble vitamins. /
They are involved in making some hormones. /
Phospholipids are the major component of cell membranes. (any 3) 1m x 3
d Cell membranes / muscles / skin / enzymes / hormones / haemoglobin /
antibodies (any 4)
e Vitamins help regulate many metabolic reactions. 1m

* The photograph below shows several pieces of meat. Part X is rich in food
substance Y.

a Describe how we can test for the presence of food substance Y in a liquid
food sample. (4 marks)
b State three functions of food substance Y in our body. (3 marks)
c What are the main products of food substance Y after it is digested in our
body? (2 marks)
d Suggest one reason why it is unhealthy to consume meat containing a high
proportion of part X. (1 mark)
e Give one other example of food that contains a high level of food substance
Y. (1 mark)
-- answer --
a Add a drop of the liquid food sample on a piece of filter paper. 1m
Let the drop dry in the air for 20 minutes and observe any translucent spot.
Immerse the filter paper into an organic solvent. Let it dry and observe again.

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If lipids are present in the liquid food, a translucent spot will be formed on the filter
paper. The spot will disappear after the paper is immersed into the solvent.
b It acts as energy reserves. /
It acts as an insulator to reduce heat loss. /
It acts as a shock absorber to protect the internal organs. /
It is involved in transporting and storing lipid-soluble vitamins. /
It is involved in making some hormones. (any 3) 1m x 3
c Glycerol and fatty acids 1m x 2
d Part X is high in cholesterol which increases the risk of heat attack and stroke. /
Part X contains lipids that have a high energy value. If we eat too much of it, we
may gain weight and become overweight or obese. This increases the risk of
diabetes, heart disease, stroke and arthritis. 1m
e Seeds / nuts / milk / dairy products (or other correct answers) 1m

A student tested three foods (X, Y and Z) for the presence of proteins and starch.
The table below shows the results.
Food Test for proteins Test for starch (iodine test)
X Negative The iodine solution remains brown
Y Positive The iodine solution remains brown
Z Negative The iodine solution turns blue-black

a It is known that the foods under tests are rice, milk and sugar cane. Identify
X, Y and Z. (3 marks)
b How did the student test for the presence of proteins and starch in the food
respectively? (4 marks)
c Which food, X, Y or Z, is most effective in keeping the bones and teeth
healthy? Explain your answer. (3 marks)
-- answer --
a X: sugar cane 1m
Y: milk 1m
Z: rice 1m
b Test for proteins:
Dip the test end of protein test paper into the extracts of the foods. 1m

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If proteins are present, a colour change will be observed. 1m

Test for starch:

Add a few drops of iodine solution to the food. 1m
If starch is present in the food, a colour change from brown to blue-black will be
observed. 1m
c Food Y / milk 1m
It is rich in calcium. 1m
Calcium is essential for the formation of bones and teeth. 1m

a Complete the following table. (3 marks)
Food substance Function in our body
Helps repair of connective tissues
Keeps bones healthy
Forms haemoglobin
b i Explain why a boy aged 7 needs more energy than his grandmother.
(2 marks)
ii Suggest two food substances that he needs for growth. Explain your
answer. (2 marks)
c Besides the age, state two other factors that affect human dietary
requirements. (2 marks)
-- answer --
Food substance Function in our body
Vitamin C Helps repair of connective tissues
Calcium Keeps bones healthy
Iron Forms haemoglobin
1m x 3
b i The boy has higher growth rate and higher metabolic rate. 1m
He also has a higher rate of heat loss as his surface area to volume ratio is
higher. 1m
ii Proteins / calcium / iron 1m
Proteins are needed for building muscles. / Calcium is needed for the
formation of bones and teeth. / Iron is needed for making haemoglobin.

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c Sex / level of activity / body status (any 2) 1m x 2


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Discuss the structure and functions of lipids in humans. (10 marks)
-- answer --
Lipids are mainly made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. 1m
One example is triglycerides. They are formed from the condensation of three fatty acid
molecules and one glycerol molecule. 1m
Lipids act as energy reserves. /
Lipids act as an insulator to reduce heat loss. /
Lipids act as a shock absorber to protect the internal organs. /
Phospholipids are the major component of cell membranes. /
Lipids are involved in transporting and storing lipid-soluble vitamins. /
Lipids are involved in making some hormones. (any 5) 1m x 5
Communication 3m

* Contrast the structure and functions of triglycerides and phospholipids.
(11 marks)
-- answer --
A triglyceride molecule consists of glycerol and three fatty acids, while in a phospholipid
molecule, one of the fatty acids is replaced by a phosphate group. 2m
A triglyceride molecule is non-polar while the phosphate group in a phospholipid
molecule is polar. 2m
Triglyceride is insoluble in water, while the phosphate group in phospholipid is soluble
in water / hydrophilic and the fatty acids are insoluble in water / hydrophobic.
A major function of triglycerides is to act as energy reserves, while the major function of
phospholipids is to act as a major component of cell membranes. 2m
Communication 3m

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Discuss the structure of carbohydrates as well as their functions in human body.
(10 marks)

-- answer --
Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. /
They can be classified into monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. /
Monosaccharides are the simplest form of carbohydrates. /
Disaccharides are formed when two monosaccharide molecules combine by
condensation. /
Polysaccharides are long chains of monosaccharides joined together by
condensation. /
Starch, glycogen and cellulose are polysaccharides made up of glucose. /
The arrangement of the glucose molecules in these molecules are different.
(any 3) 1m x 3
Carbohydrates are the main energy source of body activities. 1m
Glucose is directly broken down in respiration to release energy. 1m
Glycogen is stored in the liver or muscles as energy reserves. 1m
Cellulose is not digested in our body. It is a source of dietary fibre that stimulates
peristalsis of the alimentary canal. 1m
Communication 3m

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