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Jl. Pemuda No. 72 RT 2 RW 5, Sepanjang Jaya, Kec. Rawalumbu, Kota Bekasi 17114


TAHUN AJARAN 2023/2024

Subject : English Name : ____________________

Time : 60 minutes Class : III __

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d! (Pilihlah jawaban yang benar
dengan memberi tanda silang (x) pada a, b, c atau d)

1. My mother is … in the kitchen

a. reading b. cycling c. cooking d. sleeping
2. I use a bycicle to … in the field.
a. reading b. cycling c. playing d. sleeping
3. I like sing a song, so my hobby is …
a. reading b. cycling c. singing d. sleeping
4. A : what is your hobby?
B : … hobby is playing basketball
a. I b. my c. your d. his
Read the text below to answer the questions 5 – 7 (bacalah text dibawah untuk
menjawab soal no. 5 – 7)
Lucy likes reading books. She collected a lot of books. From story books to history
books. She usually buys books at regular bookstore.
5. What is Lucy’s hobby?
a. riding b. singing c. reading d. swimming
6. Where is Lucy buy the books?
a. market b. bookstore c. mall d. online shop
7. A : Is Lucy likes collected a lot of books?
B : ……………………
a. yes he is c. no, he is not
b. yes she is d. no, she is not
8. We have breakfast in the …
a. morning b. afternoon c. evening d. night
9. We have luch in the …
a. morning b. afternoon c. evening d. night
Read the text below to answer the questions 10 – 12 (bacalah text dibawah untuk
menjawab soal no. 10 – 12)
Vanya and her friends goes to canteen when the school break bell has rang. They
bought various snacks. Vanya bought some dumplings and a glass of iced tea. Then she
paid it and went back to the class.
10. Where did Vanya go?
a. classroom b. canteen c. office d. schoolyard

11. What did snacks did Vanya buy?
a. ice cream b. meatball c. chicken d. dumpling
12. What is Vanya doing in the canteen?
a. lunch b. dinner c. breakfast d. drink
13. The mean of “meatball” is …
a. mie ayam b. bola c. bakso d. siomay
14. The mean of “fried rice” is …
a. mie ayam b. ayam goreng c. nasi d. nasi goreng
15. What day before Sunday?
a. Saturday b. Friday c. Thursday d. Monday
16. What day after Wednesday?
a. Sunday b. Tuesday c. Thursday d. Friday
17. What day after Saturday?
a. Sunday b. Monday c. Tuesday d. Wednesday
18. The mean of behind is …
a. di samping b. di antara c. di bawah d. di belakang
19. The mean of rest room is …
a. tempat ibadah b. kamar mandi c. laboratorium d. lapangan
20. In the classrrom, where is the blackboard? The blackboard is … class.
a. in front of b. beside c. between d. under
II. Answer these questions below! (Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan dibawah ini!)
A : What are you doing?
B : We are …………………. a book in the library.
A : What are you doing?
B : I am ……………………………. in the field.


A : Does he like vegetables?

B : ……………………………………

24. Saturday
Joshua like ……………….. on ………………….

Aisyah have ………………………….. in the morning.

III. Look at the picture and answer the questions!

Classroom 3 Prayer room

Library Laboratory

Classroom 2
Canteen 2

Classsroom 1

School yard
Rest room

Canteen 1
School Gate

26. Where is the laboratory?

It is ………..……….. the library and prayer room.
27. Where is the canteen 2?
It is in front of ……………………..
28. Where is the classroom 3?
It is behind the …………………….
29. Where is the library?
It is ……………
30. Where is the school gate?
It is ……………

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