Applicant Guide Internal Observations

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NSW Education Standards Authority

Applicant Guide - Internal


Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT)


November 2022
Table of Contents
Introduction ...........................................................................................................................3
Internal observation requirements ....................................................................................................... 3

Related documents .............................................................................................................................. 4

Roles and responsibilities ...................................................................................................4

Applicants ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Colleagues ............................................................................................................................................ 5

Observation of teaching practice four-step process ........................................................5

Internal observation of an applicant’s teaching practice by a colleague ........................6

Pre-observation reflection ............................................................................................................... 6

Pre-observation discussion ............................................................................................................ 6

Observation of teaching practice .................................................................................................... 7

Completing the internal observation report .................................................................................... 8

Post-observation discussion ........................................................................................................... 8

Internal observation of a colleague’s teaching practice ...................................................8

Pre-observation reflection by the colleague ................................................................................. 10

Pre-observation discussion .......................................................................................................... 10

Observation of teaching practice .................................................................................................. 11

Completing the internal observation report .................................................................................. 11

Post-observation discussion ......................................................................................................... 12

Appendix 1 ..........................................................................................................................13

Appendix 2 ..........................................................................................................................20

Applicant Guide – Internal Observations Page 2 of 23

This guide provides advice to applicants about the requirements for internal observations of
teaching practice for Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) accreditation.

The foundation of the accreditation process is the Australian Professional Standards for
Teachers (the Standards). The Standards are a public statement of what constitutes quality
teaching. The Standards define the work of teachers and make explicit the elements of high-
quality, effective teaching in schools/early childhood services that result in improved
educational outcomes for students/children.

The Standards are a framework that describe the knowledge, practice and professional
engagement required of teachers at each career stage. They present a common
understanding and language for discourse between teachers, employers, teacher educators,
teacher organisations, professional associations and the public.

Internal observation requirements

The role of teacher colleagues is critical to supporting the HALT accreditation process.
Accreditation at HALT requires teachers to demonstrate that their practice consistently meets
the Standards at the relevant career stage.

Applicants seeking voluntary accreditation at HALT invite or negotiate with colleagues to

participate in internal observations of teaching practice to meet HALT application requirements.

Teacher observations are mutually beneficial for both the observer and applicant. Observations
of teaching practice allow the applicant to demonstrate their capacity to give and receive
productive, professional feedback, as well as providing both participants the opportunity for
support, feedback, and reflection.

Internal observations of teaching practice contribute to the multiple sources of evidence,

strengthening the direct assessment of an applicant’s practice against the Standards.

As part of the applicant’s HALT submission, at least three internal observations must be
▪ At least one observation by the applicant’s principal/service director (or their delegate) of
the applicant teaching students/children in a classroom/learning environment

▪ One observation by a teacher employed in the same school/service as the applicant and
who is accredited at Proficient Teacher or above1,of the applicant teaching
students/children in a classroom/learning environment

▪ At least one observation by the applicant of a colleague2 teaching students/children in a

classroom/learning environment.

These observations of teaching practice are additional to, and separate from, the observations

Where the applicant is the only teacher accredited at Proficient Teacher or above in the school/service the applicant should
contact NESA at for further advice. For applicants in early childhood contexts, the observer/s may
be from outside the teacher’s current teaching context and must be an accredited teacher, or a teacher eligible to be accredited.
This colleague must be a teacher accredited at Conditional or Provisional level or above.

Applicant Guide – Internal Observations Page 3 of 23

completed by the External Assessor during the Site Visit.

The colleague observing the applicant, and the colleague being observed by the applicant, can
be different people.

Optional internal observation report templates (appendices 1 and 2) are provided but
school/system/service templates may be used, as long as the Standard Descriptors nominated
for observation are identified.

Related documents
This guide should be used in conjunction with the:

▪ NSW Teacher Accreditation Manual (the TA Manual)

▪ Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (the Standards)

▪ relevant Evidence Guide:

˗ Highly Accomplished Teacher Evidence Guide (school or early childhood); or

˗ Lead Teacher Evidence Guide (school or early childhood).

▪ Colleague Guide - Internal Observations

▪ Principal/Service Director Guide - Role of Principal/Service Director

▪ Appendix 1

▪ Appendix 2

Roles and responsibilities

Applicants are required to participate in observations of teaching practice in the role of both
observer and the teacher being observed as part of the HALT application requirements.

The applicant is responsible for:

▪ arranging and participating in internal observations of their own teaching practice

▪ arranging, undertaking, and reporting on an observation of a colleague’s practice

▪ co-ordinating and organising all internal observations of practice required. Applicants are
advised to use a four-step observation process

▪ guiding and supporting colleagues to fulfil the requirements of the observations

▪ submitting the completed internal observation reports as part of the HALT application

Applicant Guide – Internal Observations Page 4 of 23

A colleague (including the applicant’s principal/service director) observing the applicant is
responsible for:
▪ participating in the pre- and post-observation meetings as guided by the applicant

▪ completing an observation of the applicant teaching students/children in a school/learning

environment and

▪ writing the internal observation report.

A colleague being observed by the applicant is responsible for:

▪ participating in the pre- and post-observation meetings as guided by the applicant and

▪ having their teaching practice observed by the applicant.

Observation of teaching practice four-step

‘Observation of teaching practice’ refers to an observation of teaching students/children in a
classroom/learning environment.

Observation of teaching practice is a process designed to promote teacher professional

growth. It provides time to focus on teaching practice and encourages reflection on the direct
impact of teaching practice on student/child learning progress and achievement.

For observers, it provides the opportunity to build skills in using the Standards to provide
constructive, effective feedback based on evidence from direct observation of teaching

Observations of teaching practice should follow a four-step process:

▪ Pre-observation reflection by the person being observed

▪ Pre-observation discussion between the observer and the person observed, including
establishing an agreed time and date for the observation and post-observation feedback

▪ Observation of teaching practice (including completing the observation report)

▪ Post-observation discussion and feedback between the observer and the person being

Applicant Guide – Internal Observations Page 5 of 23

Internal observation of an applicant’s teaching
practice by a colleague
Applicants will invite or negotiate with a colleague accredited at Proficient Teacher or above,
who works at the same school/service as the applicant to observe their practice3.

Applicants should consider the suitability of the colleague to participate in the observer role
based on the expectations and requirements for colleagues outlined in this guide. They should
thoroughly brief their colleague on the requirements for internal observations before asking
them to accept the role of observer.

Applicants identify the Standard Descriptors that are the focus of the observation.
The colleague must complete an internal observation report on the applicant’s practice against
the Standard Descriptors identified for the observation. The observation report is submitted as
part of the applicant’s documentary evidence for accreditation.

Applicants must not annotate internal observation reports written by colleagues.

Pre-observation reflection
Before meeting with their colleague for the pre-observation discussion, applicants should
consider their practice and reflect on which Standard Descriptors are the focus for observation.
Some Standard Descriptors are more suited to demonstration through observation than others.
Applicants should refer to the relevant Evidence Guide for additional information.

Applicants should consider both the practice and the impact of practice identified in the
Standard Descriptor to determine suitability for observation. Applicants should also consider
whether they will need additional supporting evidence to fully demonstrate the scope of any
Standard Descriptors selected for observation.

Pre-observation discussion
At the pre-observation discussion, both participants should thoroughly discuss the context,
focus, and content of the observation of teaching practice, and come to a shared
understanding about the practice and the impact of practice identified in each Standard
Descriptor nominated for observation.

The applicant should share with the observer the types of visible evidence of practice and
impact the observer will see and hear to confirm a Standard Descriptor is met.

The observer may ask questions to clarify what to look for and/or raise questions regarding the
nominated Standard Descriptors.

The applicant and observer should agree on the protocols for the observation, including
whether the observer will talk directly with individual students/children and if they will move
around the classroom/learning environment.

See footnote 1.

Applicant Guide – Internal Observations Page 6 of 23

Applicants should give the teacher colleague a copy of the internal observation report template
(appendix 1) used to record observations and evidence of practice. Both participants should
come to a common understanding of what kind of observations and evidence of practice will be
demonstrated using the Standards.

Applicants should explain the context for the intended observation, including background
information on the observation and the students/children involved. Examples of background
information are:
▪ where the observation of teaching practice fits in a unit of work or scope and sequence of

▪ a profile of the classroom/learning environment for observation

▪ students/children with identified learning needs

▪ the learning objectives/learning outcomes for the observation session

▪ the curriculum requirements addressed during the observation session

▪ teaching strategies and practice for observation.

The Standard Descriptors provide the criteria for what is to be observed. Standard Descriptors
can be analysed to identify the:
▪ focus – identifies a specific aspect of teaching practice for that Standard Descriptor across
all career stages

▪ actions – identifies aspects of teacher action and behaviour and includes verbs such as
model, support, initiate, lead, coordinate and evaluate. Demonstrating actions in evidence
and annotations is key to demonstrating the level of practice required at each career stage

▪ practice – identifies specific professional skills, behaviour and application of knowledge

shaped by context, teacher experience and belief and informed by theoretical and practical

▪ impact – identifies the change/result/outcome of the specific teaching practice/s within the
Standard Descriptors. Inherent in each Standard Descriptor is an outcome or impact that
may be explicit or inferred. The impact of teaching practice should be apparent in
annotated documentary evidence.

Applicants should refer to the following resources provided by NESA for further information
about unpacking the Standards:
▪ HALT Orientation Course

▪ HALT applicant workshops offered by NESA

▪ the relevant Evidence Guide

Observation of teaching practice

The purpose of the observation of teaching practice is to collect evidence of the applicant’s
practice and impact against the nominated Standard Descriptors. During the observation of
teaching practice, the colleague records visible examples of teaching practice that meet the
focus of each Standard Descriptor, as agreed in the pre-observation meeting. The observer
should describe what they see and hear from both the teacher and student/child perspective as

Applicant Guide – Internal Observations Page 7 of 23

Completing the internal observation report
Colleagues observing the applicant must complete an internal observation report of the
applicant’s teaching practice. The observation report must include:
▪ a list of the Standard Descriptors nominated for observation
▪ description of the practice observed relevant to the practice identified in each Standard
▪ evidence of the impact of practice identified in each Standard Descriptor
▪ evaluative comments about the teaching practice in relation to the nominated Standard
Descriptors and
▪ reference to any Standard Descriptors observed in addition to the nominated Standard

Post-observation discussion
The post-observation discussion should occur promptly, ideally within 48 hours of the
completed observation of teaching practice. During this conversation, the observer and
applicant discuss the evidence the observer has collected in relation to what they saw and
heard. The applicant and observer may share reflections on the practice and impact
demonstrated during the observation and the applicant may pose questions to assist with

The observer should ensure their feedback is reflective of the focus, action, practice, and
impact described in the nominated Standard Descriptors.

The aim of the discussion is to enhance professional growth to improve student/child learning
progress and achievement. As such, ideas for improvement should be co-constructed. The
observer is not providing the applicant with a summative or supervisory report. Through
reflection, both the applicant and observer will decide what was learnt and how it will inform
future practice. Asking questions such as: ‘Where I am now?’, ‘How I am going?’, and ‘Where
to next?’ may be helpful.

Internal observation of a colleague’s teaching

The purpose of observing a colleague’s teaching practice is to demonstrate the applicant’s
capacity to work in a supportive and collaborative manner to improve the practice of

Colleagues who agree to allow an applicant to observe their teaching practice provide valuable
assistance to the applicant and demonstrate support of quality teaching in NSW
schools/services. Applicants must seek consent from colleagues to have their teaching practice
observed in the context of a supportive and collaborative environment underpinned by a culture
of trust.

Applicant Guide – Internal Observations Page 8 of 23

Applicants should be well-prepared to guide a colleague through the purpose and
requirements for an observation of their practice.
The colleague whom the applicant observes must be accredited at Conditional or Provisional
level or above.

Applicants demonstrate the capacity to work with and support colleagues through their
annotation of the internal observation report (appendix 2) on the colleague’s practice using
relevant Standard Descriptors. The colleague observed is not required to demonstrate their
practice meets any Standard Descriptors at their level of accreditation.

Applicants must include at least one annotated report on an observation of a colleague

teaching students/children in a classroom/learning environment in their documentary evidence
as part of one or more evidence modules.

Applicants should refer to the professional capabilities for Highly Accomplished and Lead
Teachers outlined in the Standards. The capabilities describe the role and attributes of
teachers at each of these career stages to support, guide, advise or lead colleagues in ways
that increase effective teaching practices and improve educational outcomes for

Observations of practice can be valuable professional learning opportunities, supporting

teachers to build capacity to provide and receive feedback. Observing a colleague in a
classroom/learning environment creates professional learning opportunities to collaborate,
support new teaching strategies, reflect on and improve practice, and consider the impact of
teaching practice on student/child learning progress and achievement.

Observations of a colleague’s practice should occur in the context of a supportive and

collaborative environment underpinned by a culture of trust. Observations also provide
opportunities to exchange feedback and discuss practice, supporting teachers to develop a
deeper understanding of the Standards and the role these play in identifying quality teaching

Applicants may have worked with the colleague in a collaborative and/or support role to
improve teaching practice prior to the observation.

It is important to recognise that teaching is inherently complex, often requiring plans to be

altered as situations arise. Teachers adapt lessons/learning experiences in response to
learning needs or as student/child learning and understanding is not progressing as expected.
These are all situations that provide a valuable opportunity for professional reflection and
should not be viewed negatively.

It is recommended that observations of practice follow the four-step process.

Applicant Guide – Internal Observations Page 9 of 23

Pre-observation reflection by the colleague

Colleagues may choose to engage in a process of reflection before meeting with the applicant
for a pre-observation discussion. Colleagues may also choose to be supported collaboratively
by the applicant to engage in a pre-observation reflection on their practice to determine areas
for professional growth and improvement.

Applicants and colleagues may choose to refer to the Standards to guide decisions about the
professional learning needs of the colleague to support improvements to practice through
observation and feedback.

Pre-observation discussion

During the pre-observation discussion applicants should collaborate:

▪ to unpack the purpose of the observation

▪ to agree on the focus areas for the observation and the evidence that will enable the
applicant to confirm their capacity to support and collaborate with colleagues to improve
practice. To effectively demonstrate working with colleagues in a supportive and
collaborative manner to improve practice applicants may consider:

▪ how support/collaboration to improve teaching practice is provided prior to the


▪ how a colleague may implement or demonstrate the impact of an applicant’s

support and collaboration during the observation of the colleague teaching

▪ the feedback and discussion following the observation.

▪ to outline how the applicant intends to annotate the internal observation report, assisting
colleagues to come to a shared, common understanding of each Standard Descriptor
selected to demonstrate a capacity to work in a collaborative and supportive manner

▪ to determine where the applicant will be seated or positioned in the classroom/learning

environment and the extent of interactions they will have with students/children, including
whether they will move around and engage with students/children or observe
unobtrusively. It is important that the applicant is well positioned to see and hear
student/child interactions.

The pre-observation discussion should focus on the observation of the colleague’s practice.
The applicant and colleague should use collaborative discussion to determine the agreed
areas of practice the applicant will work with and support the colleague to improve.

The pre-observation discussion provides the colleague with an opportunity to thoroughly

discuss the context, focus, and content of the lesson/learning experience to be observed and
explore with the applicant the areas of teaching practice for observation and feedback.

Applicants should ensure they understand the context for the intended observation, including
background information on the lesson/learning experience and students/children involved.
Examples of background information are:
▪ where the observation of teaching practice fits in a unit of work or scope and sequence of

Applicant Guide – Internal Observations Page 10 of 23

▪ a profile of the classroom/learning environment for the observation session

▪ students/children with identified learning needs

▪ the learning objectives/learning outcomes for the observation session

▪ the curriculum requirements the observation session addresses

▪ teaching strategies and practices for observation

Applicants should use the outcome of the pre-observation discussion to consider and adjust
the range of Standard Descriptors selected to annotate the observation report, demonstrating
their capacity to work in a supportive and collaborative manner to improve the practice of
colleagues. Applicants may choose to discuss this with the colleague being observed.

Observation of teaching practice

The purpose of the observation is to collect evidence of the colleague’s teaching practice
agreed to in the pre-observation discussion. During the observation the applicant should record
visible examples of teaching practice and impact, noting what they see and hear from both the
teacher and student/child perspective.

During the observation of teaching practice applicants should consider how to demonstrate
their capacity to work in a supportive and collaborative manner to improve the practice of
colleagues. The impact of the practice identified in each Standard Descriptor selected must be
demonstrated in the annotated documentary evidence and explained in the annotation.
Applicants may consider a range of documentary evidence, including the observation report, to
best demonstrate the impact of their capacity to work in a supportive and collaborative manner
to improve the practice of colleagues.

Completing the internal observation report

The applicant must complete the internal observation report (appendix 2) of a colleague’s
teaching practice.

The evidence recorded during the observation is the basis for completing the internal
observation report to provide feedback to the teacher colleague about what was observed. The
completed observation report forms the basis of the post-observation discussion.

The internal observation report should include:

▪ evidence of the practice observed relevant to the agreed focus for observation determined
during the pre-observation discussion. Colleagues are not required to use the Standard
Descriptors at their career stage to demonstrate practice. The Standards however, may be
used to identify or determine areas of practice for support and collaboration

▪ evaluative comments, where relevant, about the colleague’s teaching practice in relation to
evidence observed about the agreed focus for observation.

The detail of the report provides applicants with the opportunity to demonstrate their capacity to
collaborate with and support the colleague to plan and engage in opportunities for professional
growth and improvement.

The applicant annotates the observation report using selected Standard Descriptors. The

Applicant Guide – Internal Observations Page 11 of 23

purpose of the Standard Descriptors selected, and the accompanying annotation, is to
demonstrate the applicant’s capacity to work in a supportive and collaborative manner to
improve the practice of colleagues using the observation report as the documentary evidence.

Post-observation discussion
The post-observation discussion is an important part of the observation of teaching practice
process. Adequate time should be set aside to have a considered professional discussion. The
post-observation discussion should occur promptly, ideally within 48 hours of the completed
observation of teaching practice.

The post-observation discussion and feedback session provides a significant opportunity for
the applicant to demonstrate collaborative support of their colleague. The session should assist
reflection and provide the colleague with professional feedback and support on the agreed
aspects of practice for observation.

The applicant’s feedback should be factual, evidence-based, and directly aligned to the agreed
focus and areas of practice for observation. It is an opportunity to:

▪ discuss any challenges faced during the lesson/learning experience and celebrate success
with a trusted colleague

▪ engage in informal/formal professional learning, drawing on collaborative expertise

▪ provide opportunities for the colleague to ask clarifying questions on feedback given by the

▪ for the colleague to reflect on what they have learnt as part of the observation process and
how they may apply this learning to their own practice

▪ discuss with the colleague the impact of prior collaboration and support, the observation
and feedback from the lesson/learning experience observation to improve teaching

The observation report is not a summative assessment or evaluation of a colleague’s practice.

It provides an opportunity to engage in a supportive professional discussion to reflect on
specific agreed focus area/s of teaching practice. The post-observation discussion should
mutually enhance the effectiveness of both participants to give and receive professional

Applicants may consider how the post-observation discussion is included in the documentary
evidence demonstrating collaboration and support of colleagues to improve teaching practice.

Applicant Guide – Internal Observations Page 12 of 23

Appendix 1
Colleague observing the applicant: internal
observation of applicant’s practice
To be completed by the applicant and observer

Applicant name:

Observer name and role:

Observer NESA number:


Date of observation:

Nominated Standard Descriptors (completed by applicant)

Standard Descriptors nominated for observation (please write these in full).

Appendix 1 – Colleague observing applicant – observation report Page 13 of 23

Teaching and learning overview – context (completed by applicant)

Outline specific information about this group of students/children.

Outline specific information about the classroom/learning environment.

Teaching and learning overview – content (completed by applicant)

Briefly describe the curriculum requirement/s, subject/content focus of the lesson/learning

experience including:
▪ How does this lesson/learning experience fit within the teaching and learning cycle?

▪ What are the learning objectives/learning outcomes for the lesson/learning experience?

▪ What requirements/aspect/s of the curriculum does the lesson/learning experience


Appendix 1 – Colleague observing applicant – observation report Page 14 of 23

Focus of the observation – teaching practice

(agreed during pre-observation discussion, completed by the applicant)

Explain how the practice identified in the nominated Standard Descriptors will be made
visible to the observer. What will the observer see and hear that demonstrates the practice
identified in the nominated Standard Descriptors?

What are the agreed types of evidence of practice that will be made explicit and visible
during the observation?

Appendix 1 – Colleague observing applicant – observation report Page 15 of 23

Focus of the observation – teaching Impact

(agreed during pre-observation discussion, completed by the applicant)

Explain how the impact of practice identified in the nominated Standard Descriptors will be
made visible to the observer. What will the observer see and hear that demonstrates the
impact of practice identified in the nominated Standard Descriptors? What actions and
behaviours will be observed?

What are the agreed types of evidence of impact to be made explicit and visible during the

Appendix 1 – Colleague observing applicant – observation report Page 16 of 23

Observation notes (completed by observer)

During the observation the observer refers to the pre-observation discussion and records
examples of visible evidence aligned to nominated Standard Descriptors.

The observer may consider:

▪ what was seen and heard in relation to the agreed focus for observations of practice?

▪ what actions and behaviours were observed in relation to the agreed focus for
observations of practice?

▪ what teaching and learning strategies were observed?

▪ How did the applicant respond to the learning needs of students/children?

What was the colleague’s response to the learning needs of students/children?

Evidence of practice

Evidence of impact

Points for further


Appendix 1 – Colleague observing applicant – observation report Page 17 of 23

Observer feedback and evaluative comments (completed by the observer)

Colleagues share the sections of this internal observation report completed by them with
the applicant. Feedback provided must be factual, evidence-based, and directly aligned to
the agreed lesson/learning experience focus.

Does the evidence of practice observed fully demonstrate each of the Standard Descriptors
nominated for observation? List each Standard Descriptor and provide reasons for your

Verify the extent to which each Standard Descriptor was demonstrated and met. Provide
reasons for your judgement.

Post-observation discussion may also focus on:

▪ celebrations of success

▪ challenges faced during the observation

▪ opportunities to ask clarifying questions

▪ opportunities for the participants to reflect on the experience of observation and

feedback as professional learning and how they may apply the learning to their practice

▪ opportunities to co-construct areas for professional growth and development to improve

teaching practice and impact student/child learning progress and achievement.

Appendix 1 – Colleague observing applicant – observation report Page 18 of 23

Applicant’s reflection on how each Standard Descriptor was demonstrated

(completed by the applicant during post-observation discussion)

The application may consider the following questions:

▪ How will I reflect on my colleague’s feedback as professional learning and how the
learning may be applied to practice?

▪ How will I plan for professional growth and development to improve teaching practice
and impact student/child learning progress and achievement based on the observation

Appendix 1 – Colleague observing applicant – observation report Page 19 of 23

Appendix 2
Applicant observing a colleague: internal
observation of colleague’s practice
To be completed by the applicant

Applicant name:

Colleague being observed:


Date of observation:


Planning the observation

The purpose of the observation of a colleague’s practice is twofold:

▪ to observe a colleague’s practice and provide supportive, collaborative feedback

▪ to demonstrate an applicant’s capacity to work in a supportive and collaborative manner

to improve the practice of a colleague.

Applicants may consider:

▪ the agreed focus for the observation of teaching practice

▪ working with colleagues using the Domains, Standards and focus areas to determine
areas of professional knowledge, practice or engagement for support and/or
development and/or improvement

▪ outline the support and collaboration agreed to between applicant and colleague prior to
and/or during the observation and/or post the observation of teaching practice

▪ how colleagues may demonstrate the impact of the agreed support and collaboration
during the observation of teaching practice

▪ planning for feedback and discussion that will follow the observation

Appendix 2 – Applicant observing colleague – observation report Page 20 of 23

Teaching and learning overview - context

Outline specific information about this group of students/children and/or classroom/learning


Teaching and learning overview - content

Briefly describe the curriculum requirement/s, subject/content focus of the lesson/learning
experience including:
▪ How does this lesson/learning experience fit within the teaching and learning cycle?

▪ What are the learning objectives/learning outcomes for the lesson/learning experience?

▪ What requirements/aspect/s of the curriculum does the lesson/learning experience


Appendix 2 – Applicant observing colleague – observation report Page 21 of 23

Observations of practice
Applicants record visible examples of teaching practice aligned to the agreed lesson/learning
experience focus and the areas targeted for improvement and support by considering:
▪ what was seen and heard in relation to the agreed focus for observations of practice?

▪ what actions and behaviours were observed in relation to the agreed focus for
observations of practice?

▪ what teaching and learning strategies observed?

▪ what was the colleague’s response to the learning needs of students/children?

▪ describe the learning environment.

Record any examples of the colleague implementing or demonstrating the impact of support
and collaboration.

Appendix 2 – Applicant observing colleague – observation report Page 22 of 23

Observation feedback and evaluative comments

Applicants share this internal observation report with their colleague. Feedback provided
must be factual, evidence-based, and directly aligned to the agreed lesson/learning
experience focus.

Discussion may focus on:

▪ celebrations of success

▪ challenges faced during the observation

▪ opportunities for the colleague to ask clarifying questions

▪ opportunities for the colleague to reflect on their learning and and how they may apply this
learning to their own practice

▪ the impact of prior collaboration and support, the lesson/learning experience observation,
and feedback from the lesson/learning experience observation to improve colleagues
teaching practice

▪ opportunities to co-construct areas for professional growth and development to improve

teaching practice and impact student/child learning progress and achievement.

Appendix 2 – Applicant observing colleague – observation report Page 23 of 23

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