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IS 623

Information Systems Design and Development

Group Project Proposal

Professor: James J. Curry Jr.

Group 3:
1. Jing Li
2. Shruti Salvi
3. Moin Hasan
4. Viraj Nitin Sambre
5. Aastha Kalpeshbhai Maniya
Table of Contents:

1.1 Introduction & Problem Statement…………………………………………………………………………3

1.2 Project Description…………………………………………………………………………………………..4
2. The 4 Chapter Choices…………………………………………………………………………….…………..5
3. Brief Overview of the 4 Chapters and their Importance in our Project’s Success…………..……………..5
3.1 Chapter 5: Initiating and Planning System Development Projects…………………….………………….5
3.1A Brief Overview of Chapter 5……………………………………………………………….………………7
3.1B Importance of Chapter 5 in our Project’s Success……………………………………….……………….7
3.1C Diving Deep in the Project using Chapter 5: Initiating and Planning System Dev Projects….……….14
3.2 Chapter 6: Determining System Requirements………………………………………………….………..14
3.2A Brief Overview of Chapter 6……………………………………………………………………………...14
3.2B Importance of Chapter 6 in our Project’s Success………………………………………………………15
3.2C Diving Deep in the Project using Chapter 6: Determining System Requirements………….…………16
3.3 Chapter 7: Structured System Process Requirements……………………………………………………18
3.3A Brief Overview of Chapter 7………………………………………………………………….…………..18
3.3B Importance of Chapter 7 in our Project’s Success………………………………………………………19
3.3C Diving Deep in the Project using Chapter 7: Structured System Process Requirements……….…….20
3.4 Chapter 8: Structuring System Data Requirements……………………………………………………...21
3.4A Brief Overview of Chapter 8……………………………………………………………………………...21
3.4B Importance of Chapter 8 in our Project’s Success……………………………………………………...23
3.4C Diving Deep in the Project using Chapter 8: Structuring System Data Requirements…………..……24
3.5 Conclusion for the 4 Chapter Choices……………………………………………………………….…….25
4. Key Features and Technical Specifications of Craft Quest…………………………………………..…….26
5. Future Development and Scope……………………………………………………………………….…….27
6. Statement of Project Importance……………………………………………………………………………28
7. Closing Statement……………………………………………………………………………………………29

“Craft Quest – Empowering Artisans, Enriching Journeys”
An online platform for travellers to discover and shop local artisans’ crafts and exchange skills

1.1 Introduction & Problem Statement:

In a world where technology has seemingly shrunk the globe, there exists a poignant paradox: a profound
disconnect between travellers yearning for authentic experiences and artisans eager to share their craft with a
global audience. It is within this space of untapped potential that our project proposal arises – the creation of an
innovative online platform that seamlessly bridges these worlds, fostering cultural exchange, economic
empowerment, and the flourishing of creativity. There is a growing demand for authentic experiences and unique
products. However, travellers often struggle to discover local artisans and craftsmen during their journeys, while
artisans face challenges in reaching a global audience. To address this gap, we propose to develop an online
platform that connects travellers with local artisans and facilitates cultural exchange, economic empowerment,
and skill-sharing opportunities. By leveraging technology, this platform aims to create a vibrant community where
creativity flourishes, and unique experiences abound.

Many artisans struggle to gain visibility beyond their local markets, resulting in missed opportunities for growth
and financial stability. Travellers, on the other hand, often miss out on the rich tapestry of local cultures and
traditions, gravitating towards mainstream tourist attractions. Additionally, there is a lack of dedicated spaces for
individuals to exchange skills and services, hindering collaboration and mutual support. During one of our group
meetings, we pictured this scenario: a weary traveller, wandering the cobbled streets of a quaint village, seeking
not just souvenirs but stories to carry home. Yet, amidst the bustling markets and tourist traps, the true gems of
local craftsmanship remain hidden, waiting to be discovered. Similarly, the artisans, with their hands imbued with
centuries of tradition, find themselves confined within the confines of their workshops, yearning for a wider
canvas on which to showcase their artistry.

Our proposed solution encompasses a multifaceted online platform that addresses these challenges through key
features such as geo-location-based discovery, secure payment processing, a review and rating system, a skill-
sharing marketplace, and a cultural content hub. By integrating these features, we aim to create an intuitive and
user-friendly platform that fosters connections between travellers and artisans while promoting transparency,
accountability, and cultural exchange. At the core of our platform lies a vibrant marketplace, where artisans

showcase their masterpieces and travellers find treasures that tell stories of distant lands. But our vision transcends
mere transactions; we envision a dynamic ecosystem where skills and services are bartered and exchanged,
fostering a community of mutual support and growth.

To enrich the tapestry of experiences, we will curate a kaleidoscope of cultural content – from artisan profiles
that breathe life into their stories, to craft tutorials that inspire creativity, and destination guides that beckon
travellers to explore beyond the beaten path. Each interaction will be a celebration of diversity, a testament to the
richness of human expression. The platform will boast a user-friendly interface, mobile compatibility, scalability,
data security, and seamless integration with third-party services to enhance functionality and user experience. By
meticulously attending to these technical specifications, we ensure a robust and reliable platform capable of
accommodating growth in user base and transaction volume over time.

In all, the development of an online platform that seamlessly connects travellers with local artisans holds immense
potential to transform the way people experience and engage with cultures around the world. By providing artisans
with a global platform to showcase their craftsmanship and facilitating meaningful exchanges between
individuals, this project aims to foster a sense of community and empowerment that transcends geographical
boundaries. With meticulous attention to technical specifications and features, we are confident that our platform
will not only address real-world challenges but also generate sustainable revenue streams for investors and
founders while making a positive impact on local economies and artisans' livelihoods.

1.2 Project Description:

In today's interconnected world, the fusion of technology and craftsmanship has the potential to transcend
geographical boundaries and unite artisans from diverse cultural backgrounds. Our project aims to harness this
potential by creating a robust online platform that connects local artists and artisans worldwide, facilitating the
sharing of their creative processes through videos and images, and enabling them to sell their handmade products
to a global audience. At the core of our project lies meticulous planning and feasibility assessment. Chapter 5
guides us through the essential steps of project initiation and planning. We will meticulously organise a project
team, define the scope, and develop a comprehensive project management plan. Through feasibility studies, we
will assess the economic, technical, and operational viability of our platform, ensuring its sustainability and
alignment with our objectives. By identifying potential risks and engaging stakeholders, we are poised to navigate
challenges and ensure the success of our endeavour.

Understanding the needs and preferences of our users, both artisans and consumers, is paramount. Chapter 6
provides invaluable insights into requirements determination. Through interviews, observations, and prototyping,
we will identify the complete set of requirements necessary for our platform's success. By prioritizing user-centric
design, we aim to create a platform that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of our diverse user base. The
logical modelling of processes and data flow is crucial for the effective functioning of our platform. Chapter 7
equips us with the tools to create accurate process models using data flow diagrams. By visualizing the flow of
information within our platform, we will gain a clear understanding of how artisans and consumers interact,
facilitating system functionality assessment and continuous improvement.

A comprehensive data model forms the backbone of our platform. Chapter 8 emphasizes the importance of
conceptual data modelling in the analysis and design of information systems. By developing a robust data model
that encompasses all system requirements, we will ensure seamless data flow and effective translation into a
physical design. Through entity-relationship modelling and decision tables, we aim to create a structured platform
that optimizes user experience and supports business processes effectively. Craft Quest represents more than just
a project; it is a testament to the power of collaboration and creativity in the digital age. By leveraging the insights
from Chapters 5 to 8, we are poised to create a transformative platform. As we embark on this journey, we invite
artisans and consumers alike to join us in redefining the landscape of craftsmanship in the digital era.
2. The 4 Chapter Choices:

2.1 Chapter 5: Initiating and Planning System Development Projects

2.2 Chapter 6: Determining System Requirements
2.3 Chapter 7: Structured System Process Requirements
2.4 Chapter 8: Structuring System Data Requirements

3. Brief Overview of the 4 Chapters and their Importance in our Project’s Success:

3.1. Chapter 5: Initiating and Planning System Development Projects:

3.1A Brief Overview of Chapter 5:

Chapter 5 focuses on project initiation, planning, and feasibility assessment in the context of information systems
development. It outlines the steps involved in the project initiation and planning process, including organizing a
project team, defining scope, creating a project charter, conducting feasibility studies, and developing a project
management plan. It emphasizes the importance of building a baseline project plan that outlines project objectives,
scope, deliverables, timelines, and resource requirements.

Furthermore, the chapter discusses various methods for assessing project feasibility, such as economic feasibility
(identifying financial benefits and costs), technical feasibility (evaluating the organisation's ability to construct
the system), operational feasibility (aligning the system with business needs), and legal, contractual, and political
feasibility. It highlights the significance of assessing risks and consequences to ensure project success and
stakeholder satisfaction.

Additionally, the chapter explores the activities and participant roles within a structured walkthrough, where team
members and stakeholders engage in reviewing project documentation, identifying risks, clarifying requirements,
and validating project scope. This collaborative review process aims to enhance project quality, mitigate risks,
and ensure alignment with organisational objectives.

(Example Gantt Chart Above, Own Gantt Chart Below)

3.1B Importance of Chapter 5 in our Project’s Success:

a. Feasibility Assessment:
1. Economic Viability: Chapter 5 discusses assessing project costs and benefits. This is essential for Craft Quest
to ensure financial sustainability and profitability.
2. Technical Feasibility: Understanding technical aspects like system architecture and integration is vital for
developing a robust online platform that meets the needs of both artisans and travellers.
3. Operational Efficiency: Evaluating operational requirements helps in designing a platform that functions
smoothly, enhancing user experience and efficiency.

b. Baseline Project Planning:

1. System Definition: The system definition section helps in outlining alternative solutions for Craft Quest,
guiding decisions on the platform's structure and functionality.
2. Project Scope: Defining the project scope ensures clarity on the platform's objectives, target users, and
features, aligning development efforts with project goals.
3. Resource Planning: Estimating human resource requirements is crucial for allocating the right talent to
different aspects of the project, and optimizing productivity.

c. Risk Management:
1. Identifying Risks: Chapter 5 emphasizes the importance of assessing risks, enabling Craft Quest to anticipate
and mitigate potential challenges that could impact project success.
2. Stakeholder Engagement: Involving stakeholders in the planning process ensures their needs and expectations
are considered, fostering support and collaboration for the project.

d. Project Initiation:
1. Project Charter: Creating a project charter formalizes the project's authority, objectives, and scope, providing
a clear roadmap for Craft Quest's development and implementation.
2. Feasibility Studies: Conducting feasibility assessments helps in determining the project's viability and
potential obstacles, enabling proactive planning and risk mitigation.

3.1C Diving Deep in the Project using Chapter 5: Initiating and Planning System Development Projects:

a. Project Charter:

Project Title Craft Quest Project Team ISDD Group 2

th th
Start Date May 20 , 2024 End Date April 20 , 2025 Project Sponsor James Curry


Craft Quest is an online platform that connects local artisans worldwide, enabling them to showcase their crafts,
share their creative processes, and sell handmade products to a global audience. Craft Quest aims to empower
artisans, enrich cultural journeys, and foster a vibrant community centred around skill-sharing and cultural

The Craft Quest project is driven by a core objective to
establish a sustainable and user-centric online platform
that serves as a transformative space for artisans Craft Quest emerges from the intersection of technology and
worldwide. Through this platform, artisans are craftsmanship, aiming to transcend geographical boundaries and
empowered with a global marketplace where they can not unite artisans from diverse cultural backgrounds. In today's
only showcase their unique handmade products but also interconnected world, the project recognises the potential of
engage with a diverse audience. By bridging the gap online platforms to empower artisans by providing them with a
between artisans and travellers, Craft Quest endeavours to global stage to showcase their talents and connect with a broader
enhance cultural journeys by facilitating authentic audience. By facilitating the exchange of creative processes and
interactions and exchanges. Moreover, the project seeks to handmade products, Craft Quest not only supports artisans in
go beyond commerce by promoting opportunities for reaching new markets but also enriches the cultural experiences
skill-sharing among artisans and fostering a vibrant of travellers seeking authentic and meaningful interactions. The
community that celebrates the richness of craftsmanship project's significance lies in its ability to foster economic
and cultural diversity. Craft Quest's vision encompasses empowerment for artisans, promote cultural exchange, and create
economic empowerment for artisans, cultural enrichment a platform that celebrates craftsmanship while enhancing the
for travellers, and the creation of a dynamic online travel experiences of users.
environment that embodies the spirit of creativity and


The platform must have a user-friendly interface that allows artisans to easily upload images and descriptions of
their handmade products. The system should support secure payment processing to ensure a safe and reliable
transaction experience for both artisans and customers. Craft Quest should include a review system where users
can provide feedback and ratings on products and artisans, enhancing transparency and trust within the
community. The platform must have geo-location-based discovery features to help travellers find local artisans
and their current location and travel destination.


The project is expected to take 11 months to complete, with the following milestones:

Month 1-2: Project Initiation and Planning - Establish project team roles and responsibilities. Define project
scope and objectives. Develop a comprehensive project management plan.

Month 3: Feasibility Assessment - Conduct economic viability analysis. Evaluate technical feasibility and
system architecture requirements. Assess operational efficiency and platform requirements.

Month 4: Requirements Determination - Gather user requirements through interviews, observations, etc.
Define the complete set of requirements for the Craft Quest platform.

Month 5: System Definition - Outline alternative solutions for Craft Quest. Guide decisions on platform
structure and functionality.

Month 6: Baseline Project Planning - Finalize project scope and objectives. Estimate human resource
requirements and allocate talent effectively.

Month 7: Structured System Process Requirements - Develop accurate process models using data flow
diagrams. Visualize information flow within the platform for system functionality assessment.

Month 8: Structuring System Data Requirements - Design a robust and efficient database system to support
platform functionalities.

Month 9-10: Implementation and Testing - Develop the Craft Quest platform based on defined requirements
and system architecture. Conduct thorough testing to ensure platform functionality and user experience.

Month 11: Deployment and Launch - Prepare for platform deployment. Launch Craft Quest to the public and
begin connecting artisans and travellers.


In the case of the Craft Quest project, the project scope includes the following key elements:

1. Development of an Online Platform:

- Designing and developing a user-friendly online platform that connects local artisans with travellers.

- Creating a marketplace where artisans can showcase and sell their handmade products to a global audience.

- Implementing features for travellers to discover local artisans and their crafts based on geo-location or travel

2. Secure Payment Processing:

- Integrating a secure payment processing system to facilitate transactions between artisans and customers.

- Ensuring the platform complies with industry standards for online payment security.

3. Review System:

- Including a review system where users can provide feedback and ratings on products and artisans.

- Enhancing transparency and trust within the community by allowing users to share their experiences.

4. Skill-Sharing Marketplace:

- Establishing a skill-sharing marketplace where artisans can offer workshops or tutorials to travellers
interested in learning traditional crafting techniques.

- Providing a platform for artisans to share their skills and knowledge with a global audience.

5. User Experience Enhancement:

- Prioritizing user-centric design to create an intuitive and engaging platform for both artisans and travellers.

- Ensuring a seamless and enjoyable user experience through thoughtful interface design and functionality.

6. Community Building:

- Fostering a vibrant community centred around cultural exchange, skill-sharing, and appreciation for

- Encouraging interactions and connections between artisans and travellers to create a dynamic and supportive

By defining these project scope aspects, Craft Quest aims to deliver a comprehensive online platform that
empowers artisans, enriches cultural journeys, and fosters a sense of community and collaboration.


Personnel - Project Manager $10,000

- Software Developers (2) $20,000
- UI/UX Designer $8,000

- Quality Assurance Tester $6,000

Hardware - Development Laptops (4) $6,000

Software Licenses - Development Tools (e.g., IDEs, Version Control) $2,000

- Project Management Software $1,500

Marketing and Promotion - Website Hosting and Domain $1,200
- Marketing Campaigns (Social Media, Advertising) $5,000

- Printed Materials (Business Cards, Brochures) $800

Travel and Accommodation - Client Meetings and Conferences $3,000

Miscellaneous - Contingency (10% of total budget) $5,620


Project Manager – Viraj Nitin Sambre

Software Developers – Jing Li & Shruti Salvi

UI/UX Designer – Moin Hasan

Quality Assurance Tester – Aastha Kalpeshbhai Maniya

b. Feasibility Assessment:

1. Economic Feasibility:
- Cost-Benefit Analysis: Evaluate development and maintenance costs against expected benefits.
- Market Analysis: Assess market demand, trends, and competitor analysis.
- ROI: Calculate expected financial returns compared to initial investment.

2. Technical Feasibility:
- Infrastructure Assessment: Evaluate hardware, software, and IT infrastructure.
- Development Resources: Determine the availability of skilled personnel.
- Integration Challenges: Identify and overcome technical hurdles.

3. Operational Feasibility:
- Business Process Analysis: Streamline existing processes.
- User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Gather feedback on usability.
- Scalability and Flexibility: Assess ability to adapt to growth.

4. Legal, Contractual, and Political Feasibility:

- Regulatory Compliance: Ensure adherence to laws.
- Contractual Obligations: Define and fulfil agreements.
- Political and Social Factors: Consider impacts on adoption.

c. Risk Assessment:

1. Market Acceptance Risk:

- Risk: Lack of market acceptance may lead to low user adoption.
- Mitigation: Thorough market research and user feedback mechanisms.

2. Technical Challenges:
- Risk: Technical issues could delay the project timeline.
- Mitigation: Close collaboration with experienced developers, and regular testing.

3. Competition:
- Risk: Intense competition may impact user attraction.
- Mitigation: Differentiation through unique features, and effective marketing.

4. Financial Risks:
- Risk: Budget overruns could strain financial resources.
- Mitigation: Close budget monitoring, cost-control measures, and contingency plans.

5. Data Security and Privacy:

- Risk: Data breaches could damage the platform's reputation.
- Mitigation: Robust security measures, and compliance with data privacy regulations.

6. Supplier and Artisan Relationships:

- Risk: Disputes or challenges may affect product availability or quality.
- Mitigation: Establish clear communication channels, transparent agreements, and fair practices.

7. Regulatory Compliance:
- Risk: Non-compliance could result in fines or legal issues.
- Mitigation: Stay informed, adhere to regulations, and seek legal counsel.

d. Incorporating the SDLC:

As per Chapter 5 of the project document, the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process plays a crucial
role in guiding the development and implementation of the Craft Quest platform. Here is how our group have
been using and will continue to utilize the SDLC for the project:

1. Project Initiation:
- Define the scope, objectives, and requirements of the Craft Quest platform.
- Create a project charter outlining the project's purpose, stakeholders, and deliverables.
- Conduct feasibility studies to assess the economic, technical, and operational viability of the platform.

2. Planning:
- Develop a comprehensive project management plan that outlines timelines, resources, and milestones for the
Craft Quest project.
- Identify and allocate roles and responsibilities within the project team.
- Establish communication channels and reporting mechanisms to ensure effective project coordination.

3. Requirements Gathering and Analysis:

- Gather and analyse requirements from stakeholders, including travellers, artisans, and platform users.
- Use techniques such as interviews, observations, and prototyping to determine the complete set of requirements
for Craft Quest.
- Prioritize user-centric design to ensure that the platform meets the needs and expectations of its target audience.

4. Design:
- Create a detailed design plan for the Craft Quest platform, including the layout, navigation, and features of the
- Develop wireframes and mock-ups to visualize the user interface and user experience.
- Ensure that the design aligns with the branding and messaging of Craft Quest - Empowering Artisans, Enriching

5. Development:
- Implement the design specifications and requirements into the development of the Craft Quest platform.
- Use agile development methodologies to iteratively build and test features, incorporating feedback from users
and stakeholders.
- Conduct regular quality assurance testing to identify and address any issues or bugs in the platform.

6. Testing:
- Perform thorough testing of the Craft Quest platform to ensure functionality, usability, and performance.
- Conduct user acceptance testing to validate that the platform meets the requirements and expectations of
travellers, artisans, and other users.
- Address any issues or defects identified during testing before moving to the deployment phase.

7. Deployment:
- Roll out the Craft Quest platform to users, ensuring a smooth and seamless transition from development to
- Monitor the platform's performance and user feedback post-deployment to make any necessary adjustments or
- Train users and stakeholders on how to use the platform effectively and provide ongoing support as needed.
3.2 Chapter 6: Determining System Requirements:

3.2A Brief Overview of Chapter 6:

Chapter 6 delves into the topic of determining system requirements in today’s world of systems analysis and
design. It thoroughly covers aspects related to requirements determination, such as conducting interviews
observing workers analysing business documents and utilizing prototypes. The chapter aims to give an
understanding of methods available for gathering essential system requirements through interviews. It also
discusses the benefits and challenges involved in observing workers and analysing business documents for
requirements determination.

The second part of the chapter explains how computing supports requirements determination. It helps readers
understand how technology can be used to streamline and improve the process of determining requirements.
Additionally, it introduces Joint Application Design (JAD) sessions and their importance. It also offers guidance
on participating and organizing them effectively. This chapter also teaches how to use prototyping as a tool during
the requirements determination stage.

Lastly, this chapter introduces us to the up-to-date and effective strategies for requirements determination in
today’s market. It applies these techniques to developing electronic commerce applications while acknowledging
the challenges and considerations present, in this field. The information learned in this chapter plays a role, in
guaranteeing the progress of phases, in designing and developing systems matching the overall goal of
establishing productive and streamlined information systems.

3.2B Importance of Chapter 6 in our Project’s Success:

To express the concept of 'Craft Quest - Empowering Artisans, Enriching Journeys' in the narrative context of the
proposed e-platform that connects tourists and local artisans, Chapter 6's concepts and techniques can be useful
for our group. These key points from this chapter can assist in the development and implementation of the Craft
Quest platform.

a. Requirements Determination: The methods mentioned in the chapter, like talking to users (in this case, the
users are the travellers and the artisans), observing them, analysing business documents, and using prototyping to
determine the complete requirements that Craft Quest must fulfil to do its job well.

b. User-Centred Design: Requirements gathering can emphasise on traveller and artisan preferences and
expectations, making users full participants in the process of determining the requirements. Craft Quest
requirements can be designed to capture the clients’ needs and preferences which will provide an experience a
particular target audience might enjoy.

c. Electronic Commerce Application: Using this technique for determining requirements to develop an online-
course platform for Craft Quest. That is, considering the layout of the system, the characteristics of its navigation,
its tools for site management, specifications for extracting customer information, and so forth, to create a site that
allows users to buy online.

d. Joint Application Design (JAD): To fully develop Craft Quest with its dialogues between travellers and local
craftspeople into reality, applying the beginning steps of Joint Application Design (JAD) by soliciting details for
JAD meeting to be conducted by a leader and involving participants such as users, managers, sponsors, systems
analysts, IS staff and a scribe. Utilizing the team participation way of JAD sessions to hold requirements
collection/negotiation, and facilitate decision-making, our group will be able to document all conversations
properly. Embedding JAD principles within the handicraft selling platform will align collaboration efforts, voice
out diverse experiences, and build a structure-oriented platform in which artisans' lives are enhanced while the
customers can acquire a positive traveling experience.

e. Planning and Execution: Planning will help us to have a systematic approach for analysing requirements
preparation activities for Craft Quest. This will involve considering all aspects of the platform, such as geo-
location-based discovery, secure payment processing, review system, as well as a skill-sharing marketplace. This
will make the execution part easier and smoother.

3.2C Diving Deep in the Project using Chapter 6: Determining System Requirements:

a. User Interviews:
- Understand User Profiles: Conduct interviews to grasp the goals, needs, and pain points of artisans and
- Identify Aspirations: Uncover users' aims, such as increased sales for artisans and authentic experiences for
- Explore Current Solutions: Gather insights on existing platforms, including frustrations and limitations.
- Envisioning Usage: Gather user insights on desired features and use cases for Craft Quest.

b. User Observation:
- Workflow Analysis: Observe users to understand their workflows and decision-making processes.
- Usability Study: Identify usability issues and pain points in current solutions.
- Insights Gathering: Gain insights into how artisans manage businesses and travellers research and book

c. Competitor Analysis:
- Feature Comparison: Analyse features of similar platforms to understand strengths and weaknesses.
- Strengths and Weaknesses: Identify competitor strengths and weaknesses to inform Craft Quest's feature
- Market Trends: Stay updated on market trends for innovation and competitiveness.

d. Business Objectives Alignment:

- Strategic Alignment: Ensure Craft Quest's development aligns with overarching business goals.
- Balancing Act: Balance user needs with revenue generation and user engagement objectives.

e. Documenting Requirements:
- Central Repository: Use a central repository for organizing requirements to facilitate team access and
- Categorisation: Categorize requirements by type and priority to aid planning and development.
- Definition: Clearly define each requirement, including purpose, user stories, and acceptance criteria for shared

f. Prototyping Process:

1. Research Artisans and Travellers: Conduct surveys, interviews, and focus groups to understand user needs.
2. Low-Fidelity Prototype: Create a basic prototype using paper or cardboard to visualize initial design concepts.
3. Stakeholder Testing: Gather feedback from stakeholders to refine usability and design.
4. Positive Feedback: Progress to a mid-fidelity prototype if feedback is positive.
5. Address Negative Feedback: Make necessary adjustments based on stakeholder input before advancing.
6. Mid-Fidelity Prototype: Enhance the prototype with additional features tailored to user needs.
7. Usability Testing: Conduct usability tests with target users to identify any further issues.
8. High-Fidelity Prototype: Finalize the design to closely resemble the intended user experience.
9. Platform Launch: Introduce the final prototype to the public for user interaction and feedback.
10. Continuous Improvement: Monitor user interactions and gather feedback for ongoing updates and
enhancements to meet evolving user needs.

g. Joint Application Design (JAD):

1. Stakeholder Involvement: Pre-JAD workshops gather expectations and pain points. Facilitators guide
discussions with artisans, travellers, and project team members.
2. Requirements Elicitation: Structured techniques like brainstorming and group discussions gather detailed
requirements. Methods include mind mapping, card sorting, and user story creation.
3. Collaborative Design: Build user personas and map user journeys. Conduct low-fidelity prototyping exercises
to visualize solutions.
4. Decision Making: Prioritize features using techniques like dot voting. Assess risks associated with design

3.3 Chapter 7: Structured System Process Requirements:

3.3A Brief Overview of Chapter 7:

Chapter 7 focuses on the logical modelling of processes and the use of data flow diagrams (DFDs) as a key tool
in analysing information systems. This chapter delves into the mechanics of drawing data flow diagrams following
specific rules and guidelines to create accurate and well-structured process models. It emphasizes the importance
of representing both physical and logical systems using only four symbols in DFDs, making them useful for
depicting purely logical information flows. DFDs detailing physical systems differ from system flowcharts, which
focus on the details of physical computing equipment.

Furthermore, this chapter discusses the deliverables and outcomes of logical modelling processes through
examples of data flow diagrams. It introduces the concept of context data flow diagrams to define the scope of
the system and highlights the significance of DFDs in illustrating how processes move and transform data within
the system. By creating DFDs of current logical systems, our group can understand the existing system and
abstract it to showcase how a new system should meet user requirements, facilitating effective system analysis
and design.

This chapter also covers process modelling, which involves graphically representing functions and processes that
capture, manipulate, store, and distribute data within a system. It explains how DFDs provide a visual
representation of data movement between external entities, processes, and data stores within a system, aiding in
understanding the flow of data and processes. Additionally, this chapter introduces decision tables as a tool to
represent the logic of choice in conditional statements within process modelling, enhancing the analysis process
for electronic commerce applications.

In summary, Chapter 7 equips us with the knowledge and skills to understand the logical modelling of processes
through data flow diagrams, draw accurate DFDs following specific guidelines, decompose DFDs into lower-
level diagrams, and balance higher-level and lower-level data flow diagrams. By utilizing DFDs as a tool to
support the analysis of information systems and discussing process modelling and decision tables, this chapter
provides a comprehensive overview of essential concepts and techniques for analysing and designing efficient
and well-structured information systems.

3.3B Importance of Chapter 7 in our Project’s Success:

a. Visual Representation: Chapter 7 provides insights into the logical modelling of processes and the use of data
flow diagrams (DFDs) to analyse information systems. Understanding the logical modelling of processes through
DFDs can help us in visualizing data flow within the Craft Quest platform.

b. Clear Feature and Process Definition: Drawing DFDs following specific rules and guidelines can aid in
creating accurate process models for Craft Quest. Decomposing DFDs into lower-level diagrams and balancing
higher-level and lower-level DFDs ensures clear process definitions for features like geo-location discovery and
payment processing.

c. Clear Understanding of Information Flow: DFDs help in structuring and visualizing the flow of data and
processes within the platform. They allow for a better understanding of how information moves between
travellers, artisans, and the platform, facilitating system functionality assessment.

d. Enhancing Platform Functionality with Decision Tables: Incorporating decision tables in process modelling
streamlines decision-making processes on Craft Quest. Decision tables can be useful for scenarios where
travellers are matched with artisans based on specific criteria, improving user experience and platform efficiency.

3.3C. Diving Deep in the Project using Chapter 7: Structured System Process Requirements:

a. Login (Admin, Artisan, Traveller):

1. Description: This process allows users (admin, artisan, traveller) to authenticate themselves into the system.
2. Inputs: Username, password.
3. Outputs: Authentication status.
4. Activities:
- User provides login credentials.
- System verifies the credentials against the database.
- If credentials are valid, the user is granted access to the system; otherwise, access is denied.
- If artisan visits for the first-time registration is required and it is verified by the admin.

b. Manage System (Admin):

1. Description: This process involves system management tasks performed by the admin.
2. Inputs: System management commands, data.
3. Outputs: Updated system configuration, logs.
4. Activities:
- Admin performs tasks such as user management (adding/removing users), configuration changes, system
updates, etc.
- System updates configuration based on admin's actions.

c. Search Product, Skills (Traveller):

1. Description: This process enables travellers to search for products or artisans based on specific criteria.
2. Inputs: Search keywords (product name, artisan name, skills, etc.).
3. Outputs: Search results (products, artisans).
4. Activities:
- Traveller enters search keywords into the system.
- System retrieves relevant products or artisans matching the search criteria.
- System displays search results to the travellers.

d. Add to Cart (Traveller):

1. Description: This process allows travellers to add selected products to their shopping cart for purchase.
2. Inputs: Selected product, quantity.
3. Outputs: Updated shopping cart.
4. Activities:
- Traveller selects a product and specifies the quantity.
- System adds the selected product to the traveller’s shopping cart.
- System updates the shopping cart with the newly added product.

e. Make Payment (Traveller):

1. Description: This process facilitates travellers to make payments for the products in their shopping cart.
2. Inputs: Payment details (credit card, PayPal, etc.).
3. Outputs: Payment confirmation, transaction record.
4. Activities:
- Traveller initiates the payment process.
- System securely processes the payment using a payment gateway.
- System confirms successful payment and generates a receipt.

f. Post Art or Product (Artisan):

1. Description: This process enables artisans to upload details of their art or products for sale.
2. Inputs: Product details (description, price, images).
3. Outputs: Uploaded product details.
4. Activities:
- Artisan fills in product information including description, price, and uploads images.
- System validates and stores the product details in the database.
- Uploaded product becomes available for display to travellers.

g. Skill Exchange (Artisan, Traveller): (Additional feature in future development)

1. Description: This process enables travellers and artisans to exchange skills or knowledge, fostering a
collaborative community within the platform.
2. Inputs: Skill exchange requests, skill details.
3. Outputs: Skill exchange confirmation.
4. Activities:
- Travellers and artisans initiate skill exchange requests through the system.
- System facilitates communication between the parties to discuss skill exchange details.
- Upon agreement, the skill exchange takes place, and confirmation is recorded in the system.

3.4. Chapter 8: Structuring System Data Requirements:

3.4A Brief Overview of Chapter 8:

Chapter 8 delves into the critical aspect of structuring system data requirements, focusing on conceptual data
modelling as a fundamental step in the analysis and design of information systems. This chapter emphasizes the
importance of developing a comprehensive data model for both the current system and any new system being
implemented. By creating a conceptual data model that encompasses all requirements for the new system, our
group can ensure that the final data model aligns with system inputs/outputs and can be effectively translated into
a physical design. The project repository serves as a central hub that links all design and data modelling steps
taken throughout the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), facilitating a cohesive and organised approach
to system development.

This chapter provides a structured approach to gathering information for conceptual data modelling by posing
key questions related to data entities, attributes, primary keys, security controls, and time dimensions of data. By
addressing these requirements determination questions, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of the
subjects/objects of the business, unique characteristics of data entities, data usage patterns, security
considerations, and temporal aspects of data. This information-gathering process lays the foundation for creating
an effective entity-relationship model that defines entity types, attributes, identifiers, relationships, and business
rules essential for structuring system data requirements.

Furthermore, this chapter explores the representation of entity-relationship models, distinguishing among unary,
binary, and ternary relationships, as well as associative entities. It also delves into the definition of supertypes
and subtypes, showcasing how these can be represented in entity-relationship diagramming notation.
Additionally, this chapter highlights the significance of understanding and defining four basic types of business
rules in a conceptual data model, along with the role of pre-packaged database models (patterns) in data
modelling. By mastering these concepts and techniques, our group can effectively structure system data
requirements, design robust data models, and ensure the successful implementation of information systems that
meet organisational needs and support business processes effectively.

3.4B Importance of Chapter 8 in our Project’s Success:

Chapter 8 is crucial for our project "Craft Quest – Empowering Artisans, Enriching Journeys" as it provides
essential guidance on conceptual data modelling, which is fundamental for designing the data structure of our
online platform.

a. Conceptual Data Modelling: By understanding the role of conceptual data modelling, we can develop a
detailed model that captures the overall structure of organisational data independently of any specific database
management system. This will help us in defining the entities, attributes, relationships, and business rules that are
essential for structuring the data requirements of your platform.

b. Information-Gathering Process: Describing the information-gathering process for conceptual data modelling
will assist us in collecting and analysing the data requirements for our platform. This step is crucial for ensuring
that our platform effectively connects travellers with local artisans, facilitates cultural exchange, and supports
skill-sharing opportunities.

c. Entity-Relationship Modelling: Understanding how to represent entity-relationship models and

distinguishing among different types of relationships will be beneficial for designing the database structure of our
platform. This will enable us to create a system that efficiently connects travellers with artisans based on their
locations, skills, and products, enhancing the user experience and promoting cultural exchange.

d. Pre-Packaged Database Models: Exploring the role of pre-packaged database models in data modelling can
provide insights into utilizing existing patterns or models to streamline the development process of our platform.
This can help in structuring the data effectively and ensuring that the platform is scalable and user-friendly.

e. Identify Data Entities: We can begin by identifying the key data entities in our project, such as travellers,
artisans, crafts, skills, locations, transactions, reviews, and cultural content. We can consider what types of
information need to be stored and maintained to facilitate the interactions between travellers and artisans on our

f. Define Attributes and Relationships: For each data entity, we can define the attributes that describe them and
the relationships between different entities. For example, a traveller entity may have attributes like name, location,
and preferences, while an artisan entity may have attributes like craft type, location, and bio. We can establish
how these entities are related, such as a traveller purchasing from an artisan or a skill-sharing interaction between

g. Determine Primary Keys and Secondary Keys: We can identify the unique characteristic that distinguishes
each entity (primary key) and any other important attributes that can be used for referencing, sorting, or
categorizing the data (secondary keys). This will help in ensuring data integrity and efficient data retrieval within
our platform.

h. Consider Security Controls: Thinking about how data will be used, accessed, and protected within our
platform, we can establish security controls to safeguard sensitive information, manage user permissions, and
ensure data privacy for both travellers and artisans interacting on the platform.

i. Incorporate Time Dimensions: Considering the time aspect of your data requirements, we can determine if
historical data, real-time updates, or future projections are necessary for our platform. For example, tracking the
availability of artisans' crafts over time or maintaining a record of past transactions for both travellers and artisans.

j. Ensure Scalability and Integration: Designing our data structure with scalability in mind to accommodate
future growth in user base and transaction volume will ensure seamless integration with third-party services for
functionalities like secure payment processing, geo-location services, and content management to enhance the
overall user experience.

3.4C Diving Deep in the Project using Chapter 8: Structuring System Data Requirements:

a. Data Modelling:

1. Information-Gathering: Gather data on entities like "Travellers," "Artisans," etc., and their attributes and
3. Pre-Packaged Database Models: Utilize existing database models for e-commerce or social networks to
streamline the process.

b. Process of creating an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD):

1. Entity Identification: Gather stakeholder input to identify essential entities such as Travellers, Artisans,
Crafts, Skills, Locations, Transactions, Reviews, and Cultural Content. Document entity characteristics and
attributes accordingly.
2. Attribute Definition: Create a detailed attribute list for each entity, specifying data types, lengths, and
constraints to ensure comprehensive data representation.
3. Relationship Establishment: Analyse entity interactions to define relationship nature (e.g., one-to-one, one-
to-many, many-to-many) and specify cardinality and participation constraints.
4. Keys: Determine primary keys (e.g., Traveller ID, Artisan ID) and secondary keys for efficient data retrieval
and sorting.

5. Normalisation: Apply normalisation techniques to eliminate data redundancy and maintain data integrity by
breaking down complex entities and establishing relationships.
6. Security Measures: Implement data encryption, access controls, and user authentication to protect sensitive
information and ensure regulatory compliance through regular security assessments.

3.5 Conclusion for the 4 Chapter Choices:

Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 have been meticulously chosen for their direct relevance to the current stage of our project
and its overarching objectives. As we had to select only 4 chapters that resonate most with our project, we feel
these 4 are the best choices. Chapter 5 delves into the crucial aspects of project initiation, planning, and feasibility
assessment, setting a solid foundation for our endeavour by emphasizing the importance of defining scope,
creating a project charter, and conducting feasibility studies. Chapter 6, on determining system requirements, is
instrumental in guiding us through the intricate process of gathering essential requirements for our platform,
ensuring that the needs of both travellers and artisans are met effectively. Chapter 7 focuses on structured system
process requirements, providing a structured approach to modelling processes and utilizing data flow diagrams
for accurate analysis. Lastly, Chapter 8 delves into structuring system data requirements, essential for designing
a robust and efficient database system to support our platform's functionalities.

As we progress further in the development of "Craft Quest – Empowering Artisans, Enriching Journeys," we
anticipate the need to incorporate certain elements from chapters 1, 9, and 11 to address the evolving requirements
of our project. Chapter 1, focusing on the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), will guide us in
implementing a structured approach to project management, ensuring that each phase of development is
meticulously planned and executed. Chapter 9, which delves into designing databases, will be instrumental in
creating a robust and scalable database architecture to support the growing data needs of our platform as it expands
to accommodate a larger user base and more diverse offerings from artisans. Additionally, Chapter 11,
emphasizing interfaces and human-centred design, will play a crucial role in enhancing the user experience by
designing intuitive interfaces that prioritize usability and accessibility, ultimately ensuring a seamless and
engaging interaction for both travellers and artisans on the Craft Quest platform.
Craft Quest Prototype

4. Key Features and Technical Specifications of Craft Quest:

a. User-Friendly Interface: The platform will feature a user-friendly interface that allows artisans to easily
upload images and descriptions of their handmade products. This interface will also enable travellers to browse
and purchase products effortlessly.

b. Secure Payment Processing: Craft Quest will implement secure payment processing to ensure a safe and
reliable transaction experience for both artisans and customers. This feature will include encryption protocols and
secure payment gateways to protect sensitive financial information.

c. Review System: The platform will include a review system where users can provide feedback and ratings on
products and artisans. This system will enhance transparency and trust within the community, allowing users to
make informed purchasing decisions.

d. Geo-Location-Based Discovery: To help travellers find local artisans and their current location or travel
destination, Craft Quest will incorporate geo-location-based discovery features. This functionality will enable
users to easily locate artisans in specific regions or while traveling.

e. Data Security: Craft Quest will prioritize data security by implementing measures such as data encryption,
access controls, and user authentication. Regular security assessments and audits will be conducted to identify
vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

f. Mobile Application Optimisation: The mobile application of Craft Quest will be optimized for different
devices and operating systems to enhance accessibility and convenience for users on-the-go. The app will offer
similar functionalities as the web platform, providing a seamless user experience across various platforms.

g. Data Analytics Integration: The platform will leverage data analytics and AI technologies to analyse user
behaviour, preferences, and trends. This data will drive personalized recommendations and targeted marketing
strategies, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

h. Scalability and Performance: Craft Quest will be designed with scalability in mind to accommodate a
growing user base and increasing data volume. The platform will be optimized for performance to ensure fast
loading times and responsiveness.

i. Responsive Design: The platform will be developed with responsive design principles to ensure optimal
viewing and interaction across a wide range of devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
This will provide a consistent user experience regardless of the device being used.

j. Real-Time Communication: Craft Quest will incorporate real-time communication features such as instant
messaging or chat functionality to facilitate direct interactions between artisans and customers. This will enable
quick responses to inquiries and enhance user engagement.

k. Search and Filter Capabilities: Advanced search and filter capabilities will be implemented to allow users to
easily find specific products, artisans, or workshops based on various criteria such as category, price range,
location, or ratings. This feature will improve the overall user experience and help users discover relevant content.

l. Integration of Emerging Technologies: Craft Quest will explore and integrate emerging technologies such as
augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), or blockchain to enhance the platform's features and functionalities.
These technologies can be used to improve product visualisation, secure transactions, and provide traceability of
artisanal products.

m. API Integration: Craft Quest will integrate with third-party APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to
enhance functionality and provide additional services. For example, integrating with payment gateways, shipping
services, or social media platforms can streamline processes and improve user convenience.

n. Performance Monitoring and Optimisation: Continuous performance monitoring and optimisation will be
conducted to ensure the platform operates efficiently and delivers a seamless user experience. Monitoring tools
will be used to identify and address any performance bottlenecks or issues in real-time.

5. Future Development and Scope:

a. Artisan Network Expansion:

- Future plans for Craft Quest involve global expansion of the artisan network, collaborating with diverse
craftsmen worldwide to showcase traditional crafts and promote cultural exchange.
b. User Experience Enhancement:
- Continuous improvement of user experience is a priority, focusing on intuitive design, usability testing, and
innovative features to boost engagement and satisfaction.

c. Mobile Application Enhancements:

- Enhancing the mobile app for Craft Quest aims to enhance accessibility and convenience, offering similar
functionalities as the web platform based on user experience and feedback.

d. Community Building:
- Craft Quest aims to foster a vibrant community of artisans and travellers, organizing workshops and events to
facilitate interactions and celebrate traditional craftsmanship.

e. Sustainability and Ethics:

- Emphasizing sustainability and ethical practices, Craft Quest promotes eco-friendly materials and fair trade,
partnering with sustainable brands and educating users on responsible consumption.

f. Data Analytics and Personalisation:

- Leveraging data analytics and AI, Craft Quest aims to provide personalized recommendations and optimize user
experiences based on individual preferences and browsing behaviour.

g. Integration of New Technologies:

- Exploring emerging technologies like AR, VR, and blockchain, Craft Quest seeks to enhance user engagement,
product visualisation, and transaction security.

By focusing on these future development areas and expanding the scope of Craft Quest, the platform can evolve
into a dynamic and inclusive online marketplace that empowers artisans, enriches cultural journeys, and fosters a
global community passionate about traditional craftsmanship and cultural exchange.

6. Statement of Project Importance:

Craft Quest is a project that aims to connect travellers looking for genuine experiences with artisans who want to
share their craft with the world. In today's interconnected world, where technology has seemingly made the world
smaller, this project is our take on a hopeful initiative that fosters cultural exchange, economic empowerment,
and the flourishing of creativity. Our platform will help travellers discover authentic local artisans and their unique
products. Often, people struggle to find these talented craftspeople during their travels, while the artisans
themselves have a hard time reaching a global audience. It will provide a central place where travellers can easily
find and purchase locally crafted treasures while also engaging directly with the artisans. By using technology, it
aims to create a vibrant community where creativity thrives and cultural exchange flourishes.

Our project is an important initiative because it has the potential to empower artisans worldwide. Many artisans,
especially those from marginalized communities, face challenges in gaining visibility beyond their local markets.
This lack of exposure means missed opportunities for their growth, financial stability, and the preservation of
their cultural heritage. To change this narrative, Craft Quest will offer artisans a global platform to showcase their
talents and sell their handmade products. By providing artisans with access to a wider audience, it also aims to
empower them economically, preserve traditional crafts, and celebrate cultural diversity. Our platform will help
promote sharing cultures and keeping traditions alive. Our diverse cultures are very important, so we should
celebrate and preserve them. Craft Quest connects travellers with local artisans, helping them share different
cultures while showing appreciation for their traditions. When travellers use Craft Quest, they can learn about the
rich histories behind artisanal products, and understand more about the communities they visit. It also encourages
artisans to share stories, methods, and cultural practices, ensuring traditional knowledge gets passed down.

Craft Quest aims to create a positive social impact by using technology. In today's digital age, where
commercialism and consumerism dominate, it stands out as a unique platform that promotes sustainable practices
supports artisans, and facilitates economic development in underserved communities. By leveraging e-commerce
and online communities, it will demonstrate the potential of technology to empower individuals, strengthen
communities, and promote cultural diversity. It will serve as a testament to how technology can be used for social
good and bring attention to the transformative power of technology.

Our platform showcases how technology can create a positive social impact. In a digital age where commercialism
and consumerism dominate, it stands out by using e-commerce and online communities to support artisans,
promote sustainable practices, and facilitate economic development in underserved communities. It serves as an
example of how technology can be harnessed to empower individuals, strengthen communities, and promote
cultural diversity. This is a testament to the transformative power of technology for the greater good. It will also
emphasize on focusing user-centric design and experience, meeting the needs and preferences of both craftsmen
and tourists to create an effortless experience for all users. The intuitive platform will be built for easy navigation,
safe transactions, and transparent communication. It also values user feedback and is continuously working
towards making its user experience more inclusive, accessible, and engaging for everyone involved.

Economically, Craft Quest serves as a significant milestone in the sense that it brings about new ways of
generating income as well as accelerating economic growth. It will help artisans to sell more of their works
worldwide; consequently, leading to increased sales volumes by artisans, and expansion of businesses through
access to other markets. This will consecutively cause poverty reduction, and job creation as well as foster
economic resilience among artisanal communities globally. In this regard, Craft Quest stimulates local economies
through entrepreneurship and sustainable tourism practices which therefore accrue long-term benefits to artisans
themselves, travellers, and host communities at large. In addition, Craft Quest promotes ecological conservation
and sustainability. Thus, eco-consciousness and sustainable practices will be often embodied in handmade crafts
as well as provide environmentally friendly substitutes for mass-produced commodities. By promoting artisanal
products rather than mass-produced ones, it will also advocate for sustainability and environmental conservation.
This is even more important during this time of climate change crisis when consumers are now looking for eco-
friendly alternatives while also supporting ethical and sustainable businesses.

Craft Quest is driven by community development and cooperation ideologies too. Artisans, travellers as well as
other stakeholders can hence register on the platform to feel part of a wider community that thrives on shared
interests, experiences, values, etc. Through Craft Quest artisans can find like-minded people to join together to
make projects together with sharing knowledge and abilities being at the core of its principles. In the same way,
tourists may communicate with artisans learning about how they do their crafts thereby contributing towards their
earnings hence creating significant connections beyond geographical limitations therefore both fostering
connection and crossing boundaries concerning geography. Therefore, we believe that this is a platform that
transforms the way we engage with cultural heritage, craftsmanship, and technology. It enables artisans and
travellers to interact and exchange ideas, enriching journeys and fostering global cultural exchange.

7. Closing Statement:

Craft Quest represents a transformative initiative that bridges the gap between artisans and consumers worldwide,
fostering cultural exchange and economic empowerment. By leveraging technology to showcase the
craftsmanship of local artisans, our platform not only facilitates the sale of handmade products but also promotes
skill-sharing and community building. The meticulous planning and feasibility assessment conducted in the initial
stages of the project have laid a solid foundation for its success. Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 have been instrumental in
guiding us through essential aspects such as project initiation, requirements determination, process modelling,
and data structuring. These chapters have equipped us with the knowledge and tools necessary to develop a user-
centric and efficient online platform.

As we move forward, incorporating insights from chapters 1, 9, and 11 on the Software Development Life Cycle,
Database Design, and Human-Centred Interfaces will further enhance the functionality and user experience of
Craft Quest. By integrating these elements into our project roadmap, we aim to create a sustainable and engaging
platform that not only connects individuals with artisanal treasures but also fosters a vibrant community centred
around cultural exchange and skill-sharing opportunities.

Craft Quest is not just a project; it is a vision of empowerment, enrichment, and connectivity. Through our
collective efforts and dedication to craftsmanship, we are poised to make a meaningful impact on the lives of
artisans and consumers alike. Join us on this journey of creativity, collaboration, and cultural celebration with
Craft Quest – Empowering Artisans, Enriching Journeys. This project is our testament to the power of technology
to uplift communities and preserve cultural heritage. By providing a platform for artisans to showcase their skills
and connect with a global audience, Craft Quest opens doors to new opportunities and economic growth. The
comprehensive data model at the core of Craft Quest ensures that every interaction on the platform is seamless
and efficient. By incorporating time dimensions and designing for scalability and integration, we are building a
robust foundation that can support the platform’s growth and evolution over time.

In conclusion, Craft Quest embodies the spirit of innovation and collaboration. It is a platform that transcends
boundaries, celebrates diversity, and empowers artisans to share their craft with the world. As we continue to
develop and refine our project, we invite you to join us in this journey of creativity, community, and cultural
exchange. Together, we can make Craft Quest a beacon of inspiration and empowerment for artisans and travellers
around the globe.


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