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Name:____________sebastian bobanga______________________________________


Safe Food Handling Web quest

Use this link to find the answers:

Click on ‘At the grocery store’ Find and write down the tip for the following categories:

Meat department: ____Keep your raw meat poultry and seafood cold refrigerate them as soon as you get




Deli department: _________use pre packed deli meats within 2-3 days ,after opening the packege




Frozen food: _______buy frozen food at the end of your shopping


Shopping cart: _______________Keep your raw meat, poultry, fish and seafood away from other food in your

grocery cart so you don't spread foodborne bacteria from raw food to ready-to-eat food.Put raw food in

individual plastic bags and pack them separately in your reusable grocery bags.If you use reusable grocery

bags, make sure to use a specific bag or bin just for raw meat, poultry, fish and seafood. Label the bag with the

type of food it can carry raw meat seafood and more fresh food Put raw food in individual plastic bags

and pack them separately in your reusable grocery bags.

Plastic produce bags: ________Put raw food in individual plastic bags and pack them separately in your

reusable grocery bags. Wash your reusable grocery bags frequently, especially if you are carrying raw meat,

poultry, fish or seafood._____________________________________________________________

Shopping bags: ________If you use reusable grocery bags, make sure to use a specific bag or bin just for raw

meat, poultry, fish and seafood. Label the bag with the type of food it carries.

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Click on ‘In your kitchen’ Find and write down the tip for the following categories:

Microwave: ________Food that has been defrosted in the microwave should be cooked immediately after

thawing. _____________________________________________________________________


Pots: __Bring gravies, soups and sauces to a full, rolling boil and stir during the


Stovetop: ______Always remember to cook raw meat, poultry and seafood to a safe internal temperature to

avoid foodborne



Paper towels: ___Consider using paper towels to clean up kitchen surfaces. If you use cloth towels, wash them

often in the hot cycle of your washing



Fresh Vegetables: ______Wash fresh fruits and vegetables under cool, running drinkable water, before eating

them or cooking them.___________________________________________________________________


Sink: ______Wash your hands with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds before and after handling food,

using the washroom and changing



Cutting Board: ___Cut and prepare raw meat, fish and poultry on a separate cutting board from that used to

cut ready to eat vegetables, fruit or other


Raw Meat: _____Never leave raw meat, poultry, fish, seafood or leftovers out on the counter for longer than

two hours.__________________________________________________________________________


Countertop: ____________Wash countertops with warm soapy water after preparing each food


Meat Thermometer:________Remove the food from the heat and insert the digital food thermometer through

the thickest part of the meat, all the way to the middle. Thermometer must not be touching any




Mixer: ___Avoid consuming any raw or lightly cooked eggs or egg products such as cookie dough or cake


Plates:_____Always place cooked food on a clean plate. Do not use the same plates for raw and cooked meat,

poultry, fish or seafood because cross-contamination can occur and this can cause foodborne



Cooking Utensils: _________If you've used utensils to handle raw food, don't use them again until you've

cleaned them thoroughly in the dishwasher or in warm, soapy



Reusable Grocery Bag: ___Wash your reusable grocery bags frequently, especially if you are carrying raw

meat, poultry, fish or



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Click on ‘In your fridge’ Find and write down the tip for the following categories:
Temperature Dials:____Make sure your refrigerator is set to 4°C (40°F) or lower and your freezer at -18°C

(0°F) or lower. This will keep your food out of the temperature danger zone, (between to 4°C (40°F) to 60°C

(140°F)), where bacteria can grow



Frozen raw meat: _____Defrost your raw meat, poultry, fish or seafood in the refrigerator, in a microwave or

immersed in cold water. Don't refreeze thawed food!



Ice: _____Use ice packs or frozen drinking boxes to keep lunches


Hot dogs: __________Never eat hot dogs straight from the package. Hot dogs must be thoroughly cooked to a

safe internal temperature. The middle of the hot dog should be steaming hot or 74°C



Leftovers: _You can cool leftovers quickly by placing them in shallow containers. Refrigerate as soon as

possible or within two



Raw meat: __Place raw meat, poultry, fish and seafood on the bottom shelf of your refrigerator so raw juices

won't drip onto other



Marinating Meat: _____Marinate meat in the refrigerator, not on the counter. Do not use leftover marinade from

the raw food on the cooked


Fridge door shelf: __Don't pack your refrigerator with food -- cold air must circulate to keep food safe. Check

the temperature in your refrigerator using a



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Click on ‘In your dining room’ Find and write down the tip for the following categories:

Pets: ___________Don't pack your refrigerator with food -- cold air must circulate to keep food safe. Check the

temperature in your refrigerator using a


Devilled Eggs: At risk populations (older adults, pregnant women, children aged five and under and people with

weakened immune systems) should avoid eating raw or lightly cooked eggs. Eggs should be cooked until yolk

is firm.____________________________________________________________________________


At risk populations should also avoid which 2 additional food items:__________________________________

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