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Catalo, Geoana M.

Chu, Mark Vincent
Gilbang, Mhar Bezalel C.
Odiaman, Rex Gilbert O.

1. Effective (3)
- The statement was clear and direct to the point. It also prompts the receiver to
provide constructive feedback as to what the sender was clarifying.
2. Effective (6)
- The statement was clear, considerate, and thoughtful since it considers the
receivers emotions before giving the feedback.
3. Effective (2)
- Although it may seem confrontational, the statement is actually an effective
feedback in the manner that it conveys a specific consequence of a behavior,
thus making it firm and direct.
4. Effective (5 and 8)
- The statement specifies consequences of a behavior, it also includes the
sender’s real feelings about the behavior, insofar as they are relevant to the
5. Ineffective (1, 5 and 9)
- The statement was evaluative and judgmental. It was also dismissive and
sarcastic, and was imposed on the receiver, for reasons not stated.
6. Effective (3 and 6)
- The statement was direct, from sender to receiver. It also includes the sender’s
real feelings about the behavior, insofar as they are relevant to the feedback.
However, it does lack the element of specificity and may come off as
destructive rather than constructive.
7. Effective (2, 4 and 5)
- The statement comes as soon as appropriate after the behavior. It is also
owned by the sender by the use of “I.” Moreover, it expressly conveys the
senders real feelings. Finally, the statement was very constructive, trusting,
and relevant, as it addresses a genuine concern.
8. Effective (1, 3 and 4)
- The statement is direct, and it describes the behavior which led to the
feedback. It is also owned by the sender since it discusses consequences, and
it conveys his genuine feelings. Although it may seem evaluative and
judgmental, it still highlighted clarity and relevance, furthermore, it also
prompts self-perception and reflection.
9. Ineffective (1 and 5)
- The statement was blunt, evaluative, and judgmental. It was also overly-harsh,
critical, and it was delivered in a confrontational manner, that may eventually
lead for the receiver to feel attacked or humiliated – eradicating any chance of
the conversion being productive.
10. Effective (3, 5 and 7)
- The statement was clear, direct, and it included the real feelings of the sender.
Moreover, it is observational, making it less subjective. A non-confrontational
way of sharing his feeling of confusion, and openness to understanding the
situation – a catalyst for constructive exchanges. It is non-accusatory and
encourages communication.
11. Effective (1 and 3)
- The statement was clear, direct, and concise. It also describes the reason
which led to the feedback.
12. Effective (3, 4 and 5)
- The statement comes as soon as appropriate after the behavior. It also includes
the sender’s real feelings about the behavior, insofar as they are relevant to the
feedback. It, as well, makes use of “I,” thus expressly providing accountability
in the sender’s perspective.
13. Effective (3 and 7)
- The statement was direct, from sender to receiver. It also asks relevant
questions which seek information, with the receiver knowing why the
information is sought.
14. Effective (3 and 6)
- The statement was clear and direct. It, as well, checks for clarity whether the
receiver was able to fully comprehend the thought being conveyed.
15. Ineffective (3)
- The message was clear and direct. It also includes the sender’s real feelings
about the behavior, asks relevant questions, and subtly specifies consequences
as to the main concern of the message.
16. Ineffective (1 and 9)
- Although the statement started out on openness and providing constructive
feedback, it was actually backhanded, evaluative, judgmental, and misleading.
It was also imposed on the receiver, without expressing a sufficient cause
17. Ineffective (2, 5 and 8)
- The statement was vague and confrontational. It wasn’t able to provide a clear
and direct reason to back it up in itself. It, indubitably, induces guilt, or other
unwanted emotions on the receiver’s end.
18. Ineffective (3, 5 and 8)
- The statement was indirect and ricocheted – it was vague and subtly induces
an unwanted emotion, such as guilt, on the receiver’s end.
19. Ineffective (3, 5 and 7)
- The statement was indirect, sarcastic, and it was expressed in a manner that it
sounded like a trap.
20. Effective (1 and 3)
- Although it may seem rude and confrontational, the sender was actually
direct, descriptive, and clear in expressing his sentiments.

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