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Department of Education

Region III
Schools Division of Nueva Ecija
Putlod, Jaen, Nueva Ecija
S.Y. 2022-2023

March 23, 2023

At the end of the lesson the students are able to:

a. define Egyptian literature; and

b. analyze the story of “The Two Brothers’ and answer the questions about the story.


a. Topic: Analyzing Literature as a Mirror to a Shared Heritage of People with Diverse Backgrounds
b. Reference: Self-Learning Module
c. Materials: Laptop, Television, Printed Materials, PowerPoint Presentation


1.Daily Routine
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Environment
d. Checking of Attendance
2. Review of the Past Lesson
The teacher will ask the students the following:
1. Define literature.
2. What are the literary devices?
a. Simile
b. Metaphor
c. Imagery
d. Personification
e. Symbolism

3. Motivation
The teacher will play a short video clip and the students will answer the following questions:
Directions: Carefully watch the video clip entitled “Hey Brother” by Gravity Falls. Pay attention with
the lesson that it could give it to you.
1. What is the video clip all about?
2. What if one day your brother is mad at you because he accuses you of doing things that you never
did? What would you do?

The teacher will first discuss what is Egyptian literature is and will give the students a printed
copy of the story entitled, “The Two Brothers”.
What is Egyptian literature?
Egyptian literature was written in the Egyptian language from ancient Egypt's pharaonic period
until the end of Roman domination. It represents the oldest corpus of Egyptian literature. Along with
Sumerian literature, it is considered the world's earliest literature.
Ancient Egyptian literature has been preserved in a wide variety of media. This includes
papyrus scrolls and packets, limestone or ceramic ostraca, wooden writing boards, monumental
stone edifices and coffins.
The Two Brothers
Folktale from Egypt
Once, there were two brothers. Anpu was the elder and Bata was the younger. When their
parents died, Anpu was already married and had a house of his own, so he took his little brother to live
with him and treated him like a son. When the lil' bro grew into a young man, he was an excellent
worker. He did the plowing and harvested the corn; there was not an equal in the land. Behold the spirit
of a god was with him.
Every morning, the younger bro followed his oxen and worked all day in the fields and every
evening he returned to the house with vegetables, milk, and wood. He laid all these before his elder
brother and at dawn, he took the bread with him which he had baked and laid it before his elder brother;
and he took with him his bread and drove the cattle into the field.
Because Anpu loved his brother very much, his wife became jealous and wanted to destroy Bata.
One day when Anpu and Bata were in the fields, they needed some corn so Anpu sent Bata home to get
some. The younger brother found the wife combing her hair and said, "Get up and give me some corn so
that I may run to the field for my elder brother is in a hurry. Do not delay."
At eventide, Anpu returned home earlier than his brother because Bata had much work to do in
the fields. Anpu was met by his wife who was crying bitterly. She showed him her arms and legs which
she had painted black and blue, and accused Bata of having beaten her. She pretended to be in great
pain. She didn't give him water to wash his hands with, she didn't light the fire for him, she pretended
that she was very sick. And Anpu became very angry; he sharpened his knife and waited for Bata in the
When the sun went down, Bata came home as usual loaded with herbs, milk, and wood. And as
he entered the door, he saw the feet of his brother and the sharp knife hanging by his side. The brother
sprang at him and Bata fled praying to Ra, "My good lord! Save me from death, thou who divines the
evil from the good." And Ra heard his cry; he made a river flow between one brother and the other and
filled it with crocodiles. And Bata said to his elder brother, "Why do you seek to kill me? Am I not your
brother and have you not always treated me as if you were my father?
And has not your wife been as a mother to me? Now, since you want to kill me, I shall go to the
Valley of the Acacia." Anpu answered, "Why did you beat up my wife and almost kill her?" Bata
answered, "I did no such thing. Have I not told you that I have always looked upon her as my mother?"
So Anpu went home. He found his wife near the river washing off the black and blue dye with which
she had painted herself. Filled with great anger, Anpu killed his wife and cast her to the dogs. Then he
sat down, poured ashes on his head, and mourned for his younger brother. Bata reached the Valley of the
Acacia. There was no one with him; he slew wild beasts for food and built himself a house under the
acacia tree, which is sacred to the gods.
One day as he walked out of his house, he met the Nine Gods who knew of his innocence and
goodness. Ra said to the god Khunumu, "Behold, frame a woman for Bata that he may not remain alone.
And Khunumu made for Bata a wife to dwell with him. She was indeed more beautiful than any other
woman in the whole land. She was like a goddess and Bata loved her very much.

The teacher will ask the following questions:
1. What is the title of the story?
2. What is the story all about?
3. What did the wife do to get Anpu's attention?
4. Do you agree with what Anpu's wife had done?
5. If you were Bata, what would you do? Do you agree with him that you should leave the
house? Explain your answer.
The teacher will divide the class into four groups. The students will need to pick lines from the
story entitled, "The Two Brothers" and they will need to choose three members from their group that
will play the characters of Anpu, Bata, and Anpu's wife. The students will act out the parts of the
characters and attempt to reenact some of the lines they have chosen from the story. The students will
have 6 minutes to prepare, and each group will have 2 minutes to perform in front of the class.
Direction: Answer the following questions:
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. When does the story happen?
3. Where is the setting of the story?
4. Why did the wife get jealous to Bata?
5. What did the wife do to get the attention of Anpu?
1. The characters of the story are Bata, Anpu, and wife.
2. The story happens long time ago in Egypt.
3. The setting of the story is in long corn field in Egypt.
4. The wife gets jealous to Bata because Anpu loves his brother very much.
5. She pretends to be in great pain.

DIRECTIONS: Following the DepEd Memorandum No. 392.


Prepared by:

Ma. Angela P. Eduardo

Teacher Intern

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