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02 - 42 16 100 103 -
Calculation of Gross Tonage, No GT
Amount of Crew, Fresh Water,
Fuel Oil and Lubricant Rev.


Tonnage is the measure of the overall size of a ship. Tonnage is a function of the
volume of all enclosed spaces of a ship from keel to funnel and does not refer to the
ship weight. Particularly, the gross tonnage (GT) is the common metrics to estimate
harbor and registration fees for a ship. To design a general arrangement of the ship.
Designers take a concerted accurate information includes the volume enclosed vessel
(GT) as a whole. Gross Tonnage is a measure of the ships total interior volume and is
calculated by multiplying the interior volume “V” of the ship in cubic meters by a
variable known as “K” (which varies depending on the ships overall volume). To
design the existing space on the vessel as on the superstructure deck, designers take a
concerted information so that the number of crew aboard the ship deck can be
designed to support the activities of crew aboard. Calculation of the mass to be moved
as the fuel of main engine, fuel of auxiliary engine, lubricating oil, fresh water is also a
consideration in designing the general arrangement. That is because the placement of
each of the mass must be placed specifically and follow the rules, on a ship in this
document will follow the rules of the ICC.


To determine the Gross Tonnage (GT) or volume enclosed in the vessel and to
determined number of crew on board, as well as calculate requiremnet of fuel,
lubrication and fresh water.


1. International Convention of Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 (Regulation 3)

2. Ketetapan Menteri 70, Tahun 1998
3. Tentang Rencana Umum Gaguk Suhardjito


1 Wfw1 The water needs to be consumed
2 Wfw2 The water needs for washing and sanitary
Doc. 02 - 42 16 100 103 -
Calculation of Gross Tonage, No GT
Amount of Crew, Fresh Water,
Fuel Oil and Lubricant Rev.
3 (Wfm) The water needs for main engine and auxiliary engine


The number of crew has been regulated in the country where the ship is registered. In this
design 3, MV. Genevieve was registered in Indonesia (Indonesian flag). Thus, to determine the
number of crew, Minister of Transportation Decree No. 70 of 1998 ( concerning Commercial
Vessel stature as a basis for determining the number of crew members. For gross tonnage
vessels more than GT 10,000, the number of crew members is 12 (twelve) persons with the
number of positions and certificates as follows:

1. 1 (one) Captain (Master) who has a certificate of nautical expert of level I (ANT I),
who has obtained inauguration as Master and has certificate as referred to in Article 9
letter a.2) up to 8);

2. 1 (one) person Muliam I (Chief Mate) who has a certificate of nautical expert level I
(ANT I) and has certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter a.2) to 8);
3. 1 (one) Mutor who has a certificate of nautica expert level II (ANT II) and has
certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter d.2) to 7);
1 (one) operator of a radio operator possessing at least a certificate of REK II or 2
(two) persons concurrently captured by the Skipper and the Maitim who has at least
an ORU certificate or 2 (two) persons concurrently possessed by the Officer having at
least 3 lack of ORU certificate;
5. 1 (one) person who has a certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter f;
3 (three) Quarter Masters who has the certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter f;

7. 2 (two) Ordinary Sailors who have certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter g;

8. 1 (one) Chef who has the certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter g;
> 1 (one) Steward with certificate referred to in Article 9 letter g;
9. 1 (one) Servant who has the certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter g;

Minimum requirement of Position number, maritime certificates, crew on machinery in the

merchant vessel to all ocean regions are determined as follows:

a. For boats with a driving force of 3000 KW up to less than 7500 KW, the number of crew
members 8 (eight) persons with the number of positions and certificates as follows:
Doc. 02 - 42 16 100 103 -
Calculation of Gross Tonage, No GT
Amount of Crew, Fresh Water,
Fuel Oil and Lubricant Rev.
For boats with a driving force of 3000 KW up to less than 7500 KW, the number of crew
members 8 (eight) persons with the number of positions and certificates as follows:
1. 1 (one) Chief Engineer who has a certificate of expert tehnika level I (ATT I), and has
a certificate as referred to in Article 10 letter a.2) to 5);
2. 1 (one) Engineer II who has a certificate of tehnika expert II (ATT II) and has
certificate as referred to in Article 10 letter a.2) up to 5);
3. 1 (one) Engineers who have certificate of technical expert level III (ATT III) and have
certificate as referred to in Article 10 letter c.2) up to 5);
4. 1 (one) engine foreman who has certificate as referred to in Article 10 letter d;
5. 3 (three) oilers having certificate as referred to in Article 10 letter d;
6. 1 (one) wiper having certificate as referred to in Article 10 letter e;


No Key Equipment Reference Parameter Design

1 Calculation of GT International Convention GT = k1 x V, with K1
of Tonnage Measurement =0,2 + 0,02 logV
of Ships, 1969 (Regulation

2 Determining The Number of Ketetapan Menteri 70, Based on Gross Tonnage

Crew Tahun 1998 of the ship

3 "Tentang Rencana Umum"

Determine the water needs to Gaguk Suhardjito 2006 hal Wfw1 = c1 x n x E
be consumed 17
4 Determine the water needs for "Tentang Rencana Umum" Wfw2 = c2 x n x E
washing and sanitary Gaguk Suhardjito 2006 hal

5 Determine the water needs for Tentang Rencana Umum Wfwm1 = BHP x c x t /
main engine and auxiliary by Gaguk Suhardjito 2006 106
engine cooling page 18
Wfwm = 0,2 x Wfwm1


7.1 Gross Tonnage

Doc. 02 - 42 16 100 103 -
Calculation of Gross Tonage, No GT
Amount of Crew, Fresh Water,
Fuel Oil and Lubricant Rev.
GT = k1 x V
GT = 0.2825 x 13268.24016667
GT = 3747.69758

7.2 Number of Crew

Based on KM 70 the number of crew of MV. Genevieve = 21

7.3 Total Consumable

Wconsum = Whfo + Wmdo + Wlo1 + Wlo2 + Wfw + Wprov + Wcr
= 185.797527 ton
Doc. 02- 42 16 100 103 -
Calculation of Gross Tonage, No GT
Amount of Crew, Fresh Water, Fuel
Oil and Lubricant Rev.
1. Data of Vessel

Ship's Type = Container Carrier

Length Between Perpendicular (Lpp) = 104.72 m
Length of Waterline (Lwl) = 106.81 m
Breadth (B) = 17.62 m
Depth (H) = 9.67 m
Draught (T) = 6.51 m
Service Speed (Vs) = 12.36 knot
Block Coefficient (Cb) = 0.72
Midship Coefficient (Cm) = 0.983
Prismatic Coefficient (Cp) = 0.734
Displacement Volume (V disp) = 8681.73 m³
Displacement (∆) = 8898.77 ton
Ship Resistance (Rt) = 47.649 kN
Route = Tanjung Perak (Surabaya) - Port Of Singapure
Distance = 2024 nm (www.searates.com)
Endurance = 69 h = 2 days 21 h

2. Gross Tonnage Calculation

Doc. 02- 42 16 100 103 -
Calculation of Gross Tonage, No GT
Amount of Crew, Fresh Water, Fuel
Oil and Lubricant Rev.

2.1. Volume Calculation Under Maindeck

Ship's volume below the water surface can be assumed
equal with volume displacement, so :

V = L x B x T x Cb
= 8681.73 m3

Volume Calculation Freeboard

WL Area fs A*fs
6.51 1492.34 1 1492.34
8.09 1580.1949 4 6320.7796
9.67 1634.3474 1 1634.3474
Total 9447.467
h = 1.58 Simpson 4975.6659533 m3

2.2. Volume Calculation of Superstructure

Deck Area (m^2) Heigh (m) Volume (m^3)

Main Deck simpson simpson 1359.72

Poop deck 1048.39 2.5 2620.98
Deck A 660.75 3.5 2312.63
Deck B 168.00 4.5 756.00
Deck C 168.00 5.5 924.00
Deck D 168.00 6.5 1092.00
Bridge deck 660.75 7.5 4955.63
Forecastle deck simpson simpson 284.26
Navigation deck 572.65 2.5 1431.63
Total 15736.82
2.3. Total Volume Calculation of Closed Deck
V = V ship under poop deck + V ship superstructure
= 29394.22 m³

2.5. Gross Tonnage Calculation

with k1 = 0,2 + 0,02 logV
= 0.2 + 0.02 log (v)
Doc. 02- 42 16 100 103 -
Calculation of Gross Tonage, No GT
Amount of Crew, Fresh Water, Fuel
Oil and Lubricant Rev.
= 0.29

GT = k1 x V
GT = 0.29 x 39050.93
GT = 8505.66

3. Determining the Number of Crew

The number of crew has been regulated in the country where the ship is registered. In this
design 3, This ship was registered in Indonesia (Indonesian flag). Thus, to determine the number
of crew, Minister of Transportation Decree No. 70 of 1998 ( concerning Commercial Vessel
stature as a basis for determining the number of crew members.

Chapter V: Requirements of Position Number, Maritime Certificate and Number of Crew,

Article 11 a
Minimum requirement of Position number, maritime certificates, crew on deck parts and service
in the merchant vessel to all ocean regions are determined as follows:
a. For gross tonnage vessels more than GT 10,000, the number of crew members is 12 (twelve)
persons with the number of positions and certificates as follows:
1 (one) Captain (Master) who has a certificate of nautical expert of level I (ANT I), who
has obtained inauguration as Master and has certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter
a.2) up to 8);
2. 1 (one) person Mualim I (Chief Officer) who has a certificate of nautical expert level I
(ANT I) and has certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter a.2) to 8);
3. 2 (two) Mualim who has a certificate of nautica expert level II (ANT II) and has
certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter d.2) to 7);
1 (one) operator of a radio operator who have at least a certificate of REK II or 2 (two)
people that is held by Captain and Chief Officer who has at least an ORU certificate or
2 (two) persons who held by the Mualim having at least ORU certificate;
5. 1 (one) person who has a certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter f;
3 (three) Quarter Masters who has the certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter f;

7. 2 (two) Seamans who have certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter g;

8. 1 (one) Chef who has the certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter g;
9. 1 (one) Steward who has the certificate as referred to in Article 9 letter g;

Chapter V: Requirements of Position Number, Maritime Certificate and Number of Crew,

Article 12 a
Doc. 02- 42 16 100 103 -
Calculation of Gross Tonage, No GT
Amount of Crew, Fresh Water, Fuel
Oil and Lubricant Rev.
Minimum requirement of Position number, maritime certificates, crew on machinery in the
merchant vessel to all ocean regions are determined as follows:
a. For boats with a driving force of 7500 KW or more, the number of crew members 9 (nine)
persons with the number of positions and certificates as follows:
1. 1 (one) Chief Engineer who has a certificate of expert tehnika level I (ATT I), and has a
certificate as referred to in Article 10 letter a.2) to 5);
2. 1 (one) Engineer II who has a certificate of tehnika expert II (ATT II) and has
certificate as referred to in Article 10 letter a.2) up to 5);
3. 2 (two) Engineers who have certificate of technical expert level III (ATT III) and have
certificate as referred to in Article 10 letter c.2) up to 5);
4. 1 (one) engine foreman who has certificate as referred to in Article 10 letter d;
5. 3 (three) oilers having certificate as referred to in Article 10 letter d;
6. 1 (one) wiper having certificate as referred to in Article 10 letter e;

No. Position Number

1 Captain / Kapten 1
Navigation Department
2 Chief Officer / Kepala Mualim 1
3 Second Officer / Mualim II 1
4 Third Officer / Mualim III 1
Deck Department
6 Boatswain / Serang 1
7 Quarter Master / Juru Mudi 3
8 Seaman / Kelasi 2
Engine Department
9 Chief Engineer / Kepala Kamar Mesin 1
10 2nd Engineer / Masinis II 1
11 3rd Engineer / Masinis III 1
12 Mekanik 1
13 Elektrician 1
14 Oiler / Juru Minyak 3
15 Wiper 1
Catering Department
16 Chef / Koki 1
17 Steward / Pelayan 1
Total 21
Doc. 02- 42 16 100 103 -
Calculation of Gross Tonage, No GT
Amount of Crew, Fresh Water, Fuel
Oil and Lubricant Rev.

4. Fresh Water Needs Estimation

At sailing time or while leaning for loading & unloading, crews need fresh water for
consumption, washing, and sanitary needs. Therefore, fresh water needs (Wfw) needs to be
Number of Crew (n) = 21 crews

4.1. The water needs to be consumed (Wfw1)

Water needs to eat and drink per person every day is about 5-10 kg / person / day. So here is
taken an estimated 7 kg / person / day. It is estimated that the water needs to be consumed
by each crew is as c1 = 5 kg in a day (2 kg for drink and 3 kg for cooking).

Wfw1 = c1 x n x E
= 5 x 21 x 7
= 301.875 kg
= 0.30188 ton

4.2. The water needs for washing and sanitary (Wfw2)

The need for fresh water to bathe and wash each person per day between about 80-200 kg /
person / day. It is estimated that water needs for washing and sanitation by each crew is as
c2 = 140 kg in a single day.

Wfw2 = c2 x n x E E= endurance
= 140 x 21 x 7
= 8452.5 kg
= 8.4525 ton

4.3. The water needs for main engine and auxiliary engine cooling (Wfm)
Cooling water for Main Engine
It is estimated that the need for cooling the main engine as much as 5 kg / BHP (based on
"Tentang Rencana Umum" by Gaguk Suhardjito 2006 page 18)
Wfwm = BHP x c x t / 106 BHP = 12000 kW
= 15600 x 4 x 168 / 1000000 = 16092 HP
= 3.312 ton

Cooling Water for Auxiliary Engine

It is estimated that the need for cooling Auxiliary Engine as much as 0.2 times the needs of
the Main Engine
Wfwm = 10.483 x 0.2
= 0.6624 ton
Doc. 02- 42 16 100 103 -
Calculation of Gross Tonage, No GT
Amount of Crew, Fresh Water, Fuel
Oil and Lubricant Rev.

Total Water Needs for Engine Cooling

Wfm = 10.483 + 2.0966
= 3.974 ton

4.4. Total Fresh Water Needs (Wfw)

Wfw = Wfw1 + Wfw2 + Wfm
= 0.735 + 20.58 + 12.58
= 12.73 ton

Vfw = Wfw/1
= 33.89 / 1
= 12.73 m3

4.5. Calculation of crew weight (WCP) and luggage (WCP)

> Crew Weight Averages
Assumed that crew weight averages is 75 kg/crew
Wcr = 21 x 75
= 1575 kg
= 1.575 ton

> Luggage
Assumed that luggages is 25 kg / crew
Wprov = 25 x n / 10³
= 25 x 21 / 10³
= 0.525 ton

5. Fuel & Lubricant Needs Estimation

Main Engine Brands MAN B&W

Type 20V32/44CR
Power 12000 kW
Number of Cylinder 20 Cylinders
RPM 750 rpm
Bore Diameter 320 mm
Stroke 440 mm
SFOC (at 100% Power) 172 g/kWh
SLOC (at 100% Power) 0.5 g/kWh
Doc. 02- 42 16 100 103 -
Calculation of Gross Tonage, No GT
Amount of Crew, Fresh Water, Fuel
Oil and Lubricant Rev.

This Main Engine use MDO

5.1. MDO Needs (for Main Engine)

Wmdo = P x SFOC x t x c / 106 (Based on "Tentang Rencana Umum" by Gaguk

Suhardjito 2006 page 17)
with P = Engine Power
c = corrections, value between 1.03 - 1.05 = 1.05
t = Endurance = 69 hour

Wmdo = P x SFOC x t x c / 106

= 15600 x 173 x 168 x 1.05 / 106
= 149.54 ton

To be able to design the fuel tank, the necessary data is the fuel volume
Vmdo = Wmdo/ρ

with ρ = MDO Density

= 0.88 ton/m^3

Vmdo = 476.07/0.95
= 169.93 m³
Correction of fuel volume by 4% due to the construction of the tank and expansion by
temperature (Ship Design And Construction)
Vhfo tank = (1 + 0,04) x Vhfo
= (1 + 0.04) x 501.12
= 176.73 m³

5.2. MDO Needs

MDO fuels used for an auxiliary engine and main engine starting estimated value of
15% of MDO needs
Wmdo = 14% Whfo
= 14% x 521.17
= 20.94 ton

Vmdo = Wmdo/ρ

with ρ = MDO density

= 0.88 ton/ m³
Doc. 02- 42 16 100 103 -
Calculation of Gross Tonage, No GT
Amount of Crew, Fresh Water, Fuel
Oil and Lubricant Rev.
Vmdo = 71.41/0.89
= 23.79 m³

Correction of fuel volume by 4% due to the construction of the tank and expansion by
temperature (Ship Design And Construction)
Vmdo tank = (1 + 0,04) x Vmdo
= (1+0.04) x 26.06
= 24.74 m³

total MDO need = 201.47 m³

5.3. Lubricant Needs

> Lubricants for Main Engine
Wlo1 = P x SLOC x t / 106 (Based on "Tentang Rencana Umum" by
= 15600x0.8x 168/106 Gaguk Suhardjito 2006 page 17)
= 0 ton

> Lubricants for Generator

Wlo2 = 20% Wlo1
= 20% x 2.097
= 0.0828 ton

> Lubricants Tank Volume

Vlo = (Wlo1+Wlo2)/ρ

with ρ = Lubricant density

= 0.85 ton/m³

> Vlo = ( 2.097 + 0.4913 ) / 0.85

= 0.584 m³

Correction of fuel volume by 2% due to the construction of the tank and expansion
by temperature (Ship Design And Construction)
Vlo tank = (1 + 0,02) x Vlo
= (1 + 0.02) x 1,080
= 0.596 m³

6. Total Consumable Calculation

Doc. 02- 42 16 100 103 -
Calculation of Gross Tonage, No GT
Amount of Crew, Fresh Water, Fuel
Oil and Lubricant Rev.
Wconsum = Whfo + Wmdo + Wlo1 + Wlo2 + Wfw + Wprov + Wcr
= 185.798 ton
Ship's Volume Calculation
1. Volume Displacement
= 8681.73 m3
2. Volume Main Deck
Station Area fs A*fs
9.67 233.5716 1 233.5716
10.92 278.3208 4 1113.2832
12.17 284.8033 1 284.8033
Total 1631.6581
h = 2.5 Simpson 1359.7150833 m3
4. Volume Forecastle Deck
Station Area fs A*fs
9.67 46.2446 1 46.2446
10.92 57.7485 4 230.994
12.17 63.8675 1 63.8675
Total 341.1061
h = 2.5 Simpson 284.25508333 m3
5. Volume Superstrucutre
T = 2.5 m BV book, Part B Ch 1, Sec 2, 3.19.1 (table 2)
A superstructure is a decked structure connected to the freeboard
deck, extending from side to side of the ship or with the side plating
not being inboard of the shell plating more than 0,04 B.

BV book, Part B, Ch 1, Sec 2, 3.13.1 General

Poop Deck = P x L x T
= 23.8 x 17.62 x 2.5
= 1048 m3
Boat Deck = P x L x T
= 15 x 17.62 x 2.5
= 660.75 m3
Bridge Deck = P x L x T
= 15 x 17.62 x 2.5
= 660.75 m3
Navigation Deck = P x L x T
= 13 x 17.62 x 2.5
= 572.65 m3
6. Total Volume
Enclosed spaces Volume = 13268.2401666667 m3
7. Calculation of Gross Tonnage
GT = k1 x V
GT = 0.2825 x 13268.2401666667
GT = 3747.69758

8. Amount of Crew
Based on KM 70 the number of crew of MT. Apriyanda = 31

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