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First Semester Examination - March 2022

Subject : Christianity Paper = 85

Oral Test = 10
Class : 5 …....... Handwriting = 05
Total = 100
Duration : 2 periods
Candidate's name : ................................................................... Date : .........……….................…

1. Underline the correct answer.

(i) ------------------------------------- was called the father of great believers.

(a) Moses (b) Joseph (c) Abraham (d) David

(ii) What was the special talent that Joseph had?

(a) To play the harp and compose songs
(b) Fine arts and sculpture
(c) Archery
(d) To interpret dreams

(iii) Deborah sat ------------------------------------- to judge the Israelites.

(a) under an olive tree (b) in the temple of God in Jerusalem
(c) under a palm tree (d) in her tent

(iv) King Ahasuerus wanted to give Esther

(a) 1000 chariots. (b) gold and silver.
(c) half of his kingdom. (d) 50000 foot soldiers.

(v) ------------------------------------- was the son of Elizabeth and Zacharias.

(a) Samuel (b) David (c) John the Baptist (d) Joseph

(vi) Who spoke to Moses on mount Horeb?

(a) Aaron (b) Jethro
(c) God (d) The Pharaoh

(vii) Where did Elkanah and Hannah go to worship God every year?
(a) Jerusalem (b) Shilo (c) Samaria (d) Jericho

Grade 5 Christianity - First Semester Examination March - 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
(viii)God gave the rainbow as a sign of promise to
(a) Abraham. (b) Noah.
(c) Moses. (d) John the Baptist.

(ix) What is the gospel that says that Jesus dwelt among the wild beast?
(a) Matthew (b) Mark (c) Luke (d) John

(x) What did the sinful woman break to apply on the feet of Jesus?
(a) A bottle of olive oil
(b) An expensive perfume in an alabaster jar
(c) A pot of pure camel milk
(d) Holy water
[Total = 2 × 10 = 20 marks]

2. Mark () or ().

(i) Queen Esther was a power-hungry woman. ( )

(ii) After the battle, Barak ruled over Israel. ( )

(iii) The Pharaoh saw the growing population of the Israelites as a great threat. ( )

(iv) Jacob had 12 sons but his favourite was Joseph. ( )

(v) The disciples of Jesus wanted to bring down fire from heaven to
destroy the Samaritans. ( )

(vi) If you have forgiven somebody, you will also forget what they have done. ( )

(vii) Jesus showed love to His enemies on a wooden cross. ( )

(viii)Abraham did not know where he was going when God called him at Haran. ( )

(ix) Joseph wanted to take revenge from his brothers, but did not do so
because Pharaoh advised him. ( )

(x) The Jewish people compared the wind to the power of God. ( )

[Total = 2 × 10 = 20 marks]

Grade 5 Christianity - First Semester Examination March - 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
3. Match A and B and write the correct letter in the grid.
(i) He was sold as a slave by his own bothers. a. 120 people

(ii) Was chosen to become queen because of her simplicity. b. Joseph

(iii) Received the Holy Spirit. c. Moses

(iv) Kept her promise by giving her firstborn son to serve God. d. Hannah

(v) Prayed for a son even when she was very old. e. Esther

(vi) She was a fearless woman. f. Deborah

(vii) Fasted and prayed before he started his mission. g. Children

(viii)Did ask God to send someone else to speak to the Pharaoh. h. Elizabeth

(ix) Called a blessing from God. i. angel

(x) Brought the message about a son to Zacharias. j. Jesus

A i ii iii iv v vi vii viii Ix x

[Total = 2 × 10 = 20 marks]

4. Fill in the blanks.

(people/communicate/gift/women/angels/human being/talents/can/prophet/queen)
(i) The responsibility of John the Baptist was to bring the --------------------------- back to God.

(ii) If we have faith in God, we ------------------------------------- step in to our future.

(iii) God has given each of us different -------------------------------------.

(iv) When God wants to redeem His people, He always uses a --------------------------------------.

(v) ------------------------------------- were not given any place in the Israel society.

(vi) The Israelites were not suppressed and given relief because of a brave -----------------------.

(vii) Israelites believed that children are a ------------------------------------- of God.

(viii)Samuel was made a ------------------------------------- of God.

(ix) ------------------------------------- were used to deliver God’s message to man.

(x) Our God can ------------------------------------- to us.

[Total = 2 × 10 = 20 marks]

Grade 5 Christianity - First Semester Examination March - 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
5. Write your own experience during the covid-19 pandemic and how God helped you to
overcome/ face/ get over some difficult moments.









[Total = 2.5 marks]

6. What was your favourite lesson you learnt from the text book so far? Write why you like
it so much.









[Total = 2.5 marks]


Ref: IM
Grade 5 Christianity - First Semester Examination March - 2022
Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

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