Why I Left Islam For Humanism

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Why I |eft Is|am

1here are two s|des to every story

5olf kobmoo boto of loJoloklstool Jesceot lo tbe uk lo tbe 70s ls o bomoolst octlvlst ooJ membet of tbe cooocll of xMosllms

1) Introduction - Letter To My Religious Cousin .................................................................................................................... 2
2) Origins oI Islam ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
a) The Satanic Verses ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
3) Growth oI Islam ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
b) Why are there 1.5bn Muslims iI Islam is Man-made? ......................................................................................................... 7
c) The Power oI a Religious Cult ......................................................................................................................................... 12
4) Racism ............................................................................................................................................................................ 14
5) Homosexuality ................................................................................................................................................................ 15
6) Women ........................................................................................................................................................................... 16
7) The Prophet`s marriages .................................................................................................................................................. 17
a) Aisha .............................................................................................................................................................................. 17
b) SaIIiya ............................................................................................................................................................................ 19
c) Zaynab (his adopted son`s wiIe) ...................................................................................................................................... 19
d) Polygamy and His Daughter Fatima ................................................................................................................................. 20
8) Non-believers & Apostates .............................................................................................................................................. 20
9) Heaven & Hell ................................................................................................................................................................ 22
10) Violence ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24
a) Pillaging ......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
b) Torture : The Story oI Umm QirIa ................................................................................................................................... 26
c) Banu Qurayza Massacre .................................................................................................................................................. 27
11) Slavery & Captives ......................................................................................................................................................... 29
12) Sahih Hadith ................................................................................................................................................................... 31
a) Unusual Hadith ............................................................................................................................................................... 32
13) Quranic Pseudo-science ................................................................................................................................................... 34
a) Numerology & Predictions .............................................................................................................................................. 34
14) Our Origins ..................................................................................................................................................................... 37
a) Intelligent Design? .......................................................................................................................................................... 37
b) ..Or Evolution? ................................................................................................................................................................ 39
15) The ScientiIic Miracles Mistakes in the Quran ................................................................................................................. 41
a) The Universe................................................................................................................................................................... 41
b) Earth & Moon ................................................................................................................................................................. 42
c) How is Man Created? ...................................................................................................................................................... 43
d) Human Reproduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 43
e) First-Cousin Marriage ..................................................................................................................................................... 45
I) Paranormal World ........................................................................................................................................................... 46
16) Prayers ............................................................................................................................................................................ 46
17) Food, Drink & Medicine ................................................................................................................................................. 48
18) The Inimitable Quran ...................................................................................................................................................... 50
a) Quranic Plagiary ............................................................................................................................................................. 50
b) The Quranic challenge ..................................................................................................................................................... 50
c) Grammatical Mistakes in the Quran ................................................................................................................................. 54
d) DiIIerent Versions oI the Quran ....................................................................................................................................... 55
19) Philosophical Questions .................................................................................................................................................. 57
a) Crime .............................................................................................................................................................................. 60
b) Morality .......................................................................................................................................................................... 60
20) What I Believe Now ........................................................................................................................................................ 62
Appendix A - My Notes When I Re-read the Quran ..................................................................................................................... 64
Appendix B - Tribute to Carl Sagan ............................................................................................................................................ 71
Appendix C - Famous Quotations ............................................................................................................................................... 73
Appendix D - Gods` Graveyard ................................................................................................................................................... 77
About the Author ......................................................................................................................................................................... 78

1) Introduct|on Letter 1o My ke||g|ous Cous|n

As requesLed please fd my LhoughLs abouL lslam LhaL have led me Lo my preseL coclusos Loday As you are
aware leavg lslam was oL a smple process LhaL [usL happeed Lo me overghL lL volved a greaL deal of carefully
cosdered LhoughL ad was more of a developmeL over Lme

l have Lred Lo be cocse buL Lhs leLLer mghL oL be as shorL as you mghL have hoped as L Lured Lo quLe a
caLharLc exercse Lhe ed! l do#L really waL Lo geL volved a debaLe regardg Lhe merLs of lslam as l persoally
feel l have goe full crcle ad have reached a comforLable ad robusL cocluso wLh my LhoughLs owever gve Ls
coLeLous aLure should you wsh Lo reply l promse Lo read L l doL expecL you Lo agree wLh me buL l hope aL leasL
L goes parL Lo demosLraLe Lhere are sdes Lo every sLory All l ask of you s LhaL you read Lhs wLhouL ay
precursory pre[udce

As you kow l regularly fasLed used Lo pray 3 Lmes a day l eve kepL a Lally o Lhe wall for Lhe kaza prayers l had
mssed case l forgoL Lo do Lhem laLer All all l Lred my besL Lo rema a good Muslm

Whe l was my Lees l had a loL of quesLos ad Lhere were Lhgs Lhe relgo LhaL saL ucomforLably wLh me
owever l could ever rd myself of my doubLs
l felL bad ad aloe as l had ever come across a Muslm aposLaLe before Lhere had Lo be someLhg evl ad wrog
wLh me l kepL queL ad became sular ad wLh greaL sadess Lhe more l looked Lo L Lhe greaLer my doubLs grew

l LhoughL abouL Lhs for a log perod as l dd oL waL Lo dsappoL my pareLs ad more Lo Lhe poL Allah by
accepLg such a realLy 8uL l also felL LhaL [usL because my pareLs ad prevous geeraLos before Lhem may have felL
a aLe acesLral oblgaLo Lo follow Lhe relgo l dd oL ecessarly have Lo do so AfLer all Lhey were broughL up
a dffereL Lme ad place l waLed Lo be covced by lslam o Ls ow vrLues wLhouL ay precursory pre[udce

l remember oe of our may dscussos you Lold me LhaL order Lo be a Muslm we had Lo accepL LhaL everyLhg
Lhe Cura s perfecL ad smply our udersLadg LhaL was lmLed l could oL keep reLerpreLg Lhe scrpLures Lo
LasLe CLherwse as you correcLly clamed l had Lo face Lhe facL LhaL l was oL a Muslm

1hus bega my [ourey Lo ob[ecLvely vesLgaLg lslam ad readg Lhe LraslaLo of Lhe Cura cover Lo cover
alog wLh Lhe hsLory ad hadLh of lslam Lo expla parLs LhaL were dffculL Lo udersLad

l fally decded l could o loger coLue Lhs charade so l accepLed L Lo hm buL more relucLaLly Lo myself LhaL l was
o loger a Muslm lrom LhaL day my md was fally seL free from my selfmposed exle

l wll oL sped much Lme dscussg Lhe more commoly cLed argumeLs used o lslam as you wll have heard Lhem
before such as

A so#s rghL Lo Lwce a daughLer#s herLace Ls accepLace of me havg four wves (buL oL vce versa) yeL Lhe
ropheL havg a 'specal dspesaLo# from Allah Lo have more dvorce beg easer for a ma Lo do Lha for a woma
a female wLess#s LesLmoy beg worLh half LhaL of a ma#s Ls aLLLude Lowards gay people h[ab ad Lhe coverg of
a wome#s face (alLhough clearly Lhe ssue les here wLh ma) or Lhe ropheL marryg a sx year old ad beg LmaLe
wLh her whe she was e years of age

l beleve L would be all Loo easy Lo fd some argumeL LhaL would aLLempL Lo valdaLe oe or all of Lhese poLs such

) lL#s a msquoLe ayway uLl you lear Lo speak Arabc Lhe how do you kow L#s a accuraLe LraslaLo"
) lL#s ouL of coLexL ad was oly meaL Lo apply Lo LhaL day ad age
) lL#s a LesL of our faLh Lo see f we wll sLll beleve despLe Lhe coLradcLg evdece ad oly Lhose wLh Lrue
kowledge ad faLh wll pass L
v) Allah has fLely more kowledge Lha us so who are you Lo quesLo"
v) Ad f you dsagree wLh ay of Lhe above Lhe doL come back Lo me read Lhe Lafsr or go ad fd somebody
more kowledgeable who ca provde you wLh a aswer LhaL saLsfes you
v) Ad f (v) does#L work you have#L Lred hard eough keep Lryg uLl you are covced l am rghL

owever l could reply Lo each poL Lur

) A omsceL Cod would oL have allowed s book Lo be msquoLed or expecL Lhe moder world Lo lear
ceLury Arabc ad leave oceL people Lo uwLLgly do Lhe wrog Lhg Why dd he allow errors Lo
occur or oL correcL Lhem whe Lhey were made or eve [usL regularly reproduce Lhe book mself all
Lhe worlds laguages wLhouL fallble humas havg Lo do L for hm"

) lslam ad Lhe ropheL seL a code of lfe purporLg Lo apply Lo all ages oL [usL for oe geeraLo Cve
LhaL L was supposedly seL Lo us by a fLely superor beg Lhe L would deed have had Lhe foresghL
Lo be able Lo apply Lo all geeraLos

8uL f L was wrLLe by a ma say as a meas Lo coLrol Lhe populace a day whe legal ad polcg
sLrucLures were oL prevaleL or by somebody waLg power for oLher reasos (eg aoLher Lype of uavd
koresh !oseph SmLh 8o ubbard or !m !oes) Lhe L would have a dsLcLly less uversal ad
progressve message ad reflecL a worldvew more keepg wLh Lhe Lme whch Ls message was
delvered Surely culLural relaLvsLc argumeLs such as he acLed lke ay oLher 7Lh ceLury ma would do
(eg pracLsed slavery chld marrage) Lakes away some of Lhe credblLy he has as a propheL ad role
model for Lhe 1sL ceLury ma"

) Whose Lafsrs should l read" Whe L comes Lo ldda all Lhe regular LrusLed Lafsrs uamously agree L
allows Muslm me Lo marry dvource premesLrual grls" 1haL s accordg Lo Cura 634 'Ad Lhose
who have oL mesLruaLed yeL# ad 1afsr of lb kaLhr Al!alalay Maudud Shaykh Muhammad b
uLhaymee Al1abar lb Abbas ad AlWahd
Cr should l read Lhe 1afsr of Surah Calam by lb kaLhr whch sLaLes Lhe LarLh s o Lop of a whale 1hs s
Lhe same whale whose lver muslms wll eaL as Lher frsL meal heave afLer whch Lhe earLh Lself wll
become Lher bread 1he offcal Lglsh LraslaLo has coveeLly removed Lhe whale sLory buL L ca
sLll be foud Lhe Arabc verso

So movg o from Lafsr whch of Lhe 30000 scholars sce Lhe brLh of lslam should l Lur Lo" WLh a ever
dversfyg 77+ secLs of lslam Lhere are so may LerpreLaLos of lslam LhaL Muslm scholars fal Lo arrve
o a cosesus o eve some of Lhe mosL basc LeeLs of lslam neverLheless Lhey all refer back Lo Lhe
Cura adLh ad Lhus are lmLed aL how far Lhey ca sLreLch Lher someLmes magaLve

Accordg Lo Crad MufL Muhammad 1aLawy of AlAzhar uversLy Lhe head of Lhe flueLal ad
presLgous academy of lslam (Lhe hghesL posLo of auLhorLy Su lslam) sad 010 LhaL female
crcumcso s a laudable pracLce LhaL does hoour Lo wome

8aLher LhaL lslamc scrpLures gvg a uapologeLc ucodLoal ureserved no Lo female crcumcso
aL a Lme whe L was a popular pracLse we fd Lhe Crad MufL was able Lo defed hs posLo by
poLg Lo hadLh of Lhe propheL LhaL sad

O Whe Lwo crcumcsed parLs Louch each oLher Lhe baLhg becomes oblgaLory Sahh Muslm 684
O uo oL cuL severely sce LhaL s beLLer for her ad more pleasg Lo Lhe husbad Abu uawud 41331

O rcumcso s a Sua for me ad a preservaLo of hoour for wome Abu alMalk/Abu uawud

1haks Lo edcLs by ma[or scholars lke 1aLawa ad [usLfcaLo Lhrough lslamc hadLh we curreLly fd
93 of Muslm grls are havg Lher geLala muLlaLed LgypL

Cr how abouL speakg Lo leared Muslms who have read far more Lha l could ever hope Lo" erhaps l
should Lalk Lo assa who LaughL aL aL SLeve#s lslama school for may years ad 3 years ago closed Lhe
door o lslam as a work of fcLo Cr Lhe lslamc LgypLa Scholar lmam Abbas Abdul noor who also
sLuded lslam aL Lhe presLgous AlAzhar uversLy who afLer may years of doubL ad curreLly aL 80
years of age has receLly come Lo Lhe same cocluso

lL does oL ecessarly follow LhaL Lhe more you read abouL lslam Lhe Lhe more you wll be covced by
Ls vrLues ad dvcal aLure

v) lf every huma refused Lo quesLo Lhe belefs of hs forefaLhers Lhe we would all sLll be worshppg clay
dols ad be oe Lhe wser

l could oL fd accepLable explaaLos for Lhe ssues LhaL cocered me ad l ow realze LhaL L s because L s
mpossble Lo fd accepLable explaaLos for Lhem 1hey sowed Lhe seeds of doubL ad forced me Lo Lake a closer look
aL Lhe Cura#s coLeLs ad Lo read Ls LraslaLo wLhouL blkered vso Lhs Lme wLhouL wshg Lryg or eve
forcg myself Lo beleve L ?eL Lhe more l looked Lhe more l sLruggled

2) Cr|g|ns of Is|am

Accordg Lo lslamc scrpLures Allah seL Agel Cbral Lo ave ra ad recLed Lhe Cura Lo Lhe propheL whle he
was medLaLg Lhere

e was formed of hs ropheLhood ad laLer recLed Lhe Cura Lo hs followers revealg [usL uder oe verse a day
over a perod of years 1hey wroLe Lhese Leachgs o ayLhg Lhey could fd cludg camel boes (shoulder
blades) barks ad leaves

AfLer Lhe propheL#s deaLh Abu 8akr compled Lhese verses Lo make Lhe orgal Cura whch was coped ad
dsLrbuLed by Lhe Muslms

AfLer a lLLle Lme dffereL copes of Lhe Cura appeared ad Lhe orgal message had become corrupLed 1hs was a
huge ssue so some 0 years laLer Lhe rd calph uLhma ordered LhaL all copes be gaLhered ad desLroyed Lo preveL
furLher corrupLo 1hey sLuded each LexL ad whaL was deemed as orgal was compled Lo make Lhe curreL verso

owever we do kow for a facL LhaL Lhe orgal Cura had chapLer LLles dacrLcal marks added Lo L laLer (see
'uffereL versos of Lhe Cura# secLo) Lhus resulLg Lhe dffereL versos of Cura we have Lo daLe
We ow have o way of kowg how accuraLe Lhe fal verso was Lo Lhe orgal We are smply lefL havg Lo accepL
uLhma#s word for L
lf we sLudy Lhe Cura ad Arab sLory we ca see may of Lhe Curac ad lslamc rLuals were based aroud aceL
Arabc folklore ad Lhe may prevalg paga rLuals aL Lhe Lme

l facL l beleve much of lslam was borrowed from hrsLaLy !udasm ad Arab pagasm Araba aL LhaL Lme was
cryg ouL for mooLhesm Araba was vewed as a dsparaLe Codless rego Arabs saw hrsLa ad !udac people as
more sophsLcaLed wLh advaced soceLal sLrucLures culLure educaLo (Lhey eve had uversLes) ad greaLer socal
coheso aL Lhe Lme

Mecca was aL Lhe crossroads of aceL LeraLoal Lrade a welcomg cosmopolLa cLy Lo devoLees of all relgos
ad Lher persoal gods ad Lher flueces lrom Arab pagasm L borrowed Lhs such as a[[ Lawaf sLog of Lhe
pllars of Ma [s slavery polygamy ad Lhe mysLcal properLes of Lhe zamzam well 1he prelslamc Meccas saw
LhaL 8uddhsL robes prosLraLos ad chaLs were a perfecL accompameL Lo Lher rLuals ad Lhe pracLce of a[[
flourshed wLh sophsLcaLed rLuals vbraL chaLs ad uformLy of aLLre

1he Cura was wrLLe Lhe same sLyle as Lhe mosL popular form of eLerLameL aL Lhe Lme poeLry 1he paga
Arabs were accomplshed poeLs ofLe holdg poeLry coLesLs 1he wer had hs poeLry celebraLed by havg L
sLaLoed sde kaaba Lself amogsL all Lhe dols

l facL Lhe famous cresceL ad sLar of lslam was borrowed from Lhe pagas aL Lhe Lme 1hey also used Lhe same
ame of Cod as pror Lo Lhe Cura oe of Lhe 60 Cods Lhe pagas worshpped Mecca was called Allah Allah was a
preexsLg deLy as show by Lhe ame of ropheL Muhammed#s faLher Abdullah whch meas ServaL of Allah
ror Lo lslam Allah was Lhe supreme ldol of kabbah Lhe paga Cod of ra ad earLh faLher of Lhe goddesses alLaL
aluzza ad MaaL

lrom Lhe Lhe wdespread dolaLrous Sabea (Madaea) faLh L Look core values of lslam such as mooLhesm zakaL
ad a specal form of bapLsm pracLsed Lo clease Lhe souls of belevers ad wash Lhem of Lher ss ad was reamed
as Wudu lslam
1hey used Lhe su for Cblah facg Lhe equaLor aL mdday Lher fudameLal Leachg s La#lahah l#Allah have fve
daly prayers (Lhough Zuhr ca [o Asr whle Maghrb ca [o lsha) ad Lhey also fasL for 0 days

lrom !udasm L borrowed crcumcso Lhe holy day of lrday (SabbaLh) fasLg oLher parLs of wudu ad Lhe acLual
meLhod of prayer (see you Lube vdeo http://www.youtube.com/watch?vSlmaFLmv0jQ&Ieatureplayerembedded )

l was shocked whe l frsL saw Lhe smlarLy L seemed lslamc prayer was [usL a hese whspers verso of aceL
!ewsh prayer 1hey eve prayed o maLs Lo overcome Lhe problem of sLoe floors of Lhe Lme l facL L s rumoured
LhaL !udasm was [usL a adapLaLo of AkheaLe of Amaras ew foud mooLhesLc faLh (ulL of ALe) aceL
LgypL of whch Moses was a hgh presL

l Lhk Lhs sLrog hadLh also shows Mo was learg ma[or feaLures of lslam by a process of osmoss from local
peoples# cusLoms relgos as opposed Lo Lhem beg revelaLos from Allah Lhemselves

1he ropheL came Lo Meda ad saw Lhe !ews fasLg o Lhe day of Ashura e asked Lhem abouL LhaL 1hey repled
1hs s a good day Lhe day o whch Allah rescued 8a lsrael from Lher eemy So Moses fasLed Lhs day 1he
ropheL sad We have more clam over Moses Lha you So Lhe ropheL fasLed o LhaL day ad ordered (Lhe
Muslms) Lo fasL (o LhaL day) Sahh 8ukhar 1

Accordg Lo may raLoal hsLoras crcumcso was used as a way of bradg slaves aceL LgypL ad as
lsraelLes were slaves Lhe rLual foud Ls way Lo mooLhesm Abrahmsm ad Lhe lslam

lrom !udasm lslam also copypasLed Lhe cocepL of ell Cehom (Arabc/urdu) for hell Ce am ( ebrew)
Lglsh meas Lhe valley of om


pboto volley of nloooo c00 2
pboto yoo wlll see bell bos floolly ftozeo ovet!)

Cehom s cLed Lhe new 1esLameL Lo represeL Lhe fal place where Lhe wcked wll be pushed or desLroyed
afLer resurrecLo lL s acLually a valley !erusalem where dolaLrous !ews sacrfced Lher chldre Lo Lhe god Molech
Lhe valley laLer became Lhe commo wasLeyard for all Lhe refuse of !erusalem ere Lhe dead bodes of amals ad
crmals alog wLh rubbsh were casL ad cosumed by a cosLaL fre l Lme L became Lhe mage of everlasLg
desLrucLo !ewsh LradLo

As you ca see L appears lslam appears Lo be a composLe of dffereL relgos 1he propheL was also hugely flueced
by hs gradfaLher#s ?eme relgo aafyyah or aafs (oL Lo be cofused wLh Lhe aaf Mazhab') 1hs s
expecLed as he lved wLh hm from chldhood ad was Lake Lo care by hm sce beg a orpha We kow hs
gradfaLher was cosdered a elder from LhaL relgo so we ca expecL LhaL he would have preached Lo Lhe propheL
from a youg age ad Muhammad cosequeLly may have absorbed some of Lhese Leachgs

lL was a mooLhesLc relgo belevg ropheL Abraham (alLhough dsLorLed versos of Lhe orgal sLory) ad Lhey
prayed Lmes a day weL Lo a[ a specfc moLh carred ouL abluLo cuLLg Lhe hads of Lheves sLog
prohbLo of pork ad alcohol ad bag of kllg of daughLers

lLeresLgly eough Lhey were also dsLgushed by Lher beards

Accordg Lo aceL Arabc hsLory (see Crgs of lslam) Lhe moo god 'Alllah# whch was beg worshpped before Lhe
brLh of Mohammed

Alllah had Lhree daughLers amed AlLaL Aluzza ad MaaL Lach daughLer had a separaLe shre ear Allahs shre
Mecca As Muhammad grew frusLraLed wLh hs Lal usuccessful aLLempLs aL spreadg lslam a verse was added Lo
Lhe kora whch commaded Muslms Lo pray Lo Allahs Lhree paga daughLers AlLaL Aluzza ad MaaL a move
desged Lo brdge Lhe exsLg mpasse wLh polyLhesLc worshppers Mecca
1he paga female LrLy was mmedaLely accepLed wLhouL opposLo ad Lhe passage became parL of Lhe early
(orgal) revealed kora As lslam was supposed Lo be a mooLhesLc faLh laLer Lhere was some opposLo from
exsLg Muslms e reLracLed Lhe orgal verse ad repeLed over Lhe error clamg he had receved aoLher
revelaLo from Cod LhaL Lhe verse should be removed as he had bee Lrcked by SaLa Lo addg Lhe Lal 'saLac

uron 22052 Never sent we o messenqer or o prophet before thee but when ne recited {the messoqe) 5oton proposed
{opposition) in respect of thot which he recited thereof 8ut 4//oh obo/isheth thot which 5oton proposeth

a) 1he Satan|c Verses

ere are more lslamc sources deLalg Lhe eveL

Al 1abar (pp10711) Whe Lhe Messeger of Cod saw how hs Lrbe Lured Lher backs o hm ad was greved Lo see
Lhem shug Lhe message he had broughL Lo Lhem from Cod he loged hs soul LhaL someLhg would come Lo hm
from Cod whch would recocle hm wLh hs Lrbe WLh hs love for hs Lrbe ad hs eageress for Lher welfare L
would have delghLed hm f some of Lhe dffculLes whch Lhey made for hm could have bee smooLhed ouL ad he
debaLed wLh hmself ad ferveLly desred such a ouLcome 1he Cod revealed

8y tbe 5tot wbeo lt sets yoot comtoJe Joes oot ett oot ls
be JecelveJ oot Joes be speok oot of %bls owo) Jeslte
ad whe he came Lo Lhe words
nove yoo tbooqbt opoo ollot ooJ oluzzo ooJ Mooot tbe tbltJ tbe otbet?
SaLa casL o hs Logue because of hs er debaLes ad whaL he desred Lo brg Lo hs people Lhe words
1bese ote tbe blqbflyloq ctooes vetlly tbelt lotetcessloo ls occepteJ wltb opptovol
Whe Curaysh heard Lhs Lhey re[oced ad were happy ad delghLed aL Lhe way whch he spoke of Lher gods ad
Lhey lsLeed Lo hm whle Lhe Muslms havg compleLe LrusL Lher ropheL respecL of Lhe messages whch he
broughL from Cod dd oL suspecL hm of error lluso or msLake Whe he came Lo Lhe prosLraLo havg
compleLed Lhe surah he prosLraLed hmself ad Lhe Muslms dd lkewse followg Lher ropheL LrusLg Lhe
message whch he had broughL ad followg hs example

lshaq1637 1he Cod seL dow 8y Lhe sLar whe L seLs your comrade errs oL ad s oL deceved he speaks oL
from hs ow desre ad whe he reached s words ave you LhoughL of alLaL ad aluzza ad MaaL Lhe Lhrd Lhe
oLher SaLa whe he was medLaLg upo L ad desrg Lo brg L Whe Lhe aulmeL of whaL SaLa had puL
upo Lhe propheLs Logue

came from Cod Curaysh sad Muhammad has repeLed of whaL he sad abouL Lhe posLo
of your gods wLh Allah alLered L ad broughL someLhg else now Lhose Lwo words whch SaLa had puL upo Lhe
aposLles Logue were Lhe mouLh of every polyLhesL ad Lhey became more voleLly hosLle Lo Lhe Muslms ad Lhe
aposLles followers

lLeresLgly eough L s Lhs hsLorcally recorded eveL LhaL sparked off Lhe Lopc of Salma 8ushdes book
neverLheless quesLos should be rased abouL Lhe Lrue aLure of Lhe fallblLy of Lhe propheLs message As Lhe propheL
opely admLLed he was opely duped by saLa Lhe we musL frsL ascerLa SaLa was#L double bluffg Lhe secod
Lme aroud

3) Growth of Is|am

b) Why are there 1Sbn Mus||ms |f Is|am |s Manmade?

Accordg Lo 'ew lorum o 8elgo ublc Lfe# almosL zero growLh occurs from coverso ad lslam loses as may
adhereLs va coverso as L gas

usg Muslm sources we fd (Shekh Ahmed a AL!azeerah lLervew wwwyouLubecom/waLch"vxdvlLalpeo)
lslam s losg 6 mllo Muslms Afrca Lo hrsLaLy every year 1he Muslm coverso raLe s also dowgraded by
Lhe facL LhaL accordg Lo Lhe Muslm rofessor llyas 8a ?uus 73 of ew coverLs leave lslam afLer years yeL
subsequeL decoverso fgures rarely make L Lo offcal Muslm sLaLsLcs

Cve Lhe huge decoverso of Muslm followers Lo hrsLaLy curreLly hrsLaLy s ahead of lslam Lerms of
crease LoLal umber of followers each year e aLural brLhs + coversos (source Lcyclopeda 8rLaca below)
l facL ZoroasLrasm followed by Lhe 8aha faLh are ow Lhe fasLesL growg relgos by perceLage ad Lhe fasLesL
growLh by crease umbers s agosLcsm/humasm averagg aL abouL 8 growLh per year Lhe developed

SLaLsLcally overall slamc growLh s sLadg aL abouL 18 growLh per year wLh world populaLo growLh of 11 per
year MosL of lslamc growLh Lhe WesL sLems from mmgraLo Lher relaLvely hgh brLh raLe ad Lermarrage
osder 1930 Lhere were Lhree Lmes as may people 8rLa as lra 8y 1993 Lhe populaLo of lra had
overLake 8rLa ad forecasL Lo be 30 per ceL hgher by 030

Accordg Lo Lhe Cura Muslm wome have Lo marry Muslm me esurg Lher fuLure offsprg are rased a
Muslm household Me are also sLrogly ecouraged Lo coverL Lher spouses upo marrage or face Lhe poLeLal
LhreaL of osLraczaLo from Lher commuLes AlmosL a Lhrd of Lhe Muslm wome of Lhe populaLo are kepL ouL of
Lhe workforce lslamc couLres ad are ecouraged Lo carry ouL Lhe domesLc role As a drecL resulL Lhey ofLe
perceve Lher roles as urLurers ad have babes far fasLer whe oLhers are usg of brLh coLrol 1he oferece of
Lhe Leadg Scholars of Saud Araba sLuded ad ruled o Lhs ssue ad Lher laLwa o oLracepLves Lhey ssued Lhs
verdcL Allah has sacLoed Lhe meas LhaL lead Lo procreaLo ad a larger Muslm aLo 1he Muslm naLo s
eed of beg creased umbers so LhaL L may worshp Allah sLrve s way ad defed Lhe Muslms by Lhe wll
of Allah from Lhe ploLs of Lher eemes lL s a musL Lo avod such Lhgs (as brLh coLrol) ad oL Lo use Lhem excepL
Lhe cases of dre ecessLy" cLg Lhe propheL as sayg Marry Lhe ferLle lovg woma for l shall ouLumber Lhe
peoples by you o Lhe uay of 8esurrecLo (1rmdh Abu uawud) owever accordg Lo receL sLudes amogsL
muslms lda Lhs s all chagg as L appears LhaL as educaLo seLs aLLLudes Lowards coLracepLo hgh brLh
raLes does appear Lo drasLcally chage

So how ca lslam#s Lal acceleraLed perod growLh durg Ls frsL 1400 years be explaed"


uawks coed Lhe Lerm meme from Lhe Creek word mlmemo (someLhg mLaLed) lL descrbes Lhe way whch
culLural LraLs ad paLLers evolve spread ad become Lhe orm As Lhe amal kgdom oly Lhe fLLesL ad
sLrogesL or Lhe mosL suLed Lo floursh Lher evromeL wll survve

A meme s ayLhg LhaL ca be coped from oe md Lo aoLher A caLchy Lue s a meme 1he recpe for your mum#s
casserole as L passed Lhrough Lhe geeraLos s a meme Lve Lhe word meme s a meme whch has [usL made a
copy of Lself your md A combaLo of memes s kow as a memeplex a selfraLfyg complex more sLable Lha
sgle memes o Lher ow

uo memes make people happer" Cr more successful lfe" Cr have healLher chldre" no !usL because a memeplex s
successful L doesL ecessarly mea L serves our besL LeresLs

uawks lkeed memes Lo gees

A black wdow spder eaLs her maLe afLer sex kamkaze bees [ecL a sucdal sLg Lo predaLors of Lhe commual hve
1he female nephla komac spder saps off Lhe male#s pes sde her so as Lo plug hs seme ad permaeLly
esure he ever procreaLes wLh aoLher female aga!

As you ca see a successful gee doesL ecessarly beefL Lhe orgasm or Ls hosLs 1he gees makg up a deadly
vrus may kll mllos of people ad cause uLold msery buL whe L comes Lo Lhe umbers game Lhe vrus s sLll a
udoubLed success

A memeplex ca also use huma lves Lhe servce of Ls propagaLo cold ad dffereL Lo our exsLeLal plghL

8elgos are also a collecLo of belefs passed from oe perso Lo aoLher ad come uder Lhe same umbrella as a
memeplex 1hey were orgally compled LableL form or cosoldaLed as oly ScrpLures ad ow wLh moder
prLg presses ca be reproduced Lher mllos

1he earler relgous memeplexes had a lve ad leL lve aLLLude ad ever ecouraged Ls followers Lo coverL oLhers
8uL Lhe a rval wLh a added ceLve arrved spreadg Lhe memeplex allowed Ls followers Lo ear bous sprLual
merL 1hey were savg souls ad afLer a lfeLme of s heave had suddely become a realsable goal l oLher words
Lhey had [usL wo Lhe uve LoLLery

So afLer a Lhousad years whch of Lhese Lwo relgous varaLs would be lkely Lo have more copes Lhe mds of

lf we were gog Lo delberaLely desg a combaLo of belefs wLh Lhe purpose of makg oes LhaL could domaLe
Lhe we would be hardpressed Lo do beLLer Lha Lhe evagelcal Abrahamc faLhs Ad Lhe proof s Lhe fgures

l [usL 000 years hrsLaLy ad lslam have amassed 3 bllo followers (over 30 of Lhe world#s populaLo) 1haL
s fasLer Lha ay oLher memeplexes hsLory


?eL L#s oL [usL abouL growLh A powerful memeplex musL also suppress LhoughLcompeLLo from oLher compeLg

uurg Lhe uark Ages hrsLa leaders successfully suppressed moderLy ad scece Lo preserve Lhe sLaLus quo 1hs
8eformaLo of Lhe hurch ad Lhe LlghLemeL whch followed as a resulL caLalysed a perod of rapd chage ad
advacemeL WesLer Lurope ad norLh Amerca ad church aLLedace dropped dramaLcally sce

!udasm#s Lal growLh was helped by clamg Lhe !ews were Lhe chose people ad a superor race ad lslam
repeaLed Lhs [gosLc clam by sayg

@obori lx9 Atobs ote tbe most ooble people lo lloeoqe tbe most ptomloeot ooJ tbe best lo JeeJs we wete tbe fltst
to tespooJ to tbe coll of tbe ltopbet we ote Allobs belpets ooJ tbe vlzlets of nls Messeoqet we flqbt people ootll tbey
belleve lo Allob ne wbo belleves lo Allob ooJ nls Messeoqet bos ptotecteJ bls llfe ooJ possessloos ftom os As fot ooe
wbo Jlsbelleves we wlll flqbt blm fotevet lo Allobs coose klllloq blm ls o smoll mottet to os

l may ways L s very smlar Lo Lhe way Lhe 8rLsh Lmpre or Lhe receL Amerca capLalsL deologcal expasosL
drves were powered

1hese prmary drvers for Lhe rusades were ecouraged by Lhe global domaLo eLhos of Lher respecLve scrpLures
hrsLaLy ad lslam l oLher words lslam was largely a Arabc mperalsL msso much Lhe same way as Lhe
rusades were a hrsLa oe

Cver Lhe lasL few decades Saud Araba has bee spedg a large porLo of Ls peLrodollars buldg mosques aroud
Lhe world ?eL rocally accordg Lo Shara law o oMuslm relgous sLrucLures are allowed Lo be bulL sde Ls
ow lads lL Lakes years of red Lape for exsLg churches oLher Arab aLos such as LgypL Lo be eve allowed Lo be
repared 1hs puLs Lhe houses of worshp of ay compeLg memeplex a sLaLe of permaeL decle We fd eve
more clusvsL Muslm sLaLes lke ldoesa hrsLa morLes are requred Lo wear Lhe h[ab some sLaLe schools

AlLhough l doL agree wLh much of Lhs coLroversal ad cLeful pece of research by ur eLer ammod below l
foud L LeresLg (ad wLLy) all Lhe same

(perceLages courLesy of lA 1he World lacL 8ook (007)


As log as Lhe Muslm populaLo remas aroud 1 of ay gve couLry Lhey wll be regarded as a peacelovg
morLy ad oL as a LhreaL Lo ayoe l facL Lhey may be feaLured arLcles ad flms sLereoLyped for Lher colourful
uLed SLaLes 10 AusLrala 13 aada 19 ha 1 lLaly 13 norway 18

AL ad Lhey beg Lo proselyLze from oLher eLhc morLes ad dsaffecLed groups wLh ma[or recruLg from
Lhe [als ad amog sLreeL gags
uemark Cermay 7 uLed kgdom 7 Spa 4 1halad 46

lrom 3 o Lhey exercse a ordaLe fluece proporLo Lo Lher perceLage of Lhe populaLo 1hey wll push for
Lhe LroducLo of halal (clea by lslamc sLadards) food Lhereby securg food preparaLo [obs for Muslms 1hey wll
crease pressure o supermarkeL chas Lo feaLure L o Lher shelves alog wLh LhreaLs for falure Lo comply
lrace 8 hlppes 3 Swede 3 SwLzerlad 4 1he neLherlads 33 1rdad 1obago 38

AL Lhs poL Lhey wll work Lo geL Lhe rulg govermeL Lo allow Lhem Lo rule Lhemselves uder Shara Lhe lslamc
Law 1he ulLmaLe goal of lslam s oL Lo coverL Lhe world buL Lo esLablsh Shara law over Lhe eLre world

Whe Muslms reach 10 of Lhe populaLo Lhey wll crease lawlessess as a meas of complaL abouL Lher
codLos ( ars carburgs) Ay o Muslm acLo LhaL offeds lslam wll resulL uprsgs ad LhreaLs (
AmsLerdamMohammed carLoos)
Cuyaa 10 lda 14 lsrael 16 keya 10 8ussa 1013

AfLer reachg 0 expecL harLrgger roLg [had mlLa formaLos sporadc kllgs ad church ad syagogue
LLhopa Muslm 8

AL 40 you wll fd wdespread massacres chroc Lerror aLLacks ad ogog mlLa warfare
8osa 40 had 31 Lebao 397

lrom 60 you may expecL ufeLLered persecuLo of obelevers ad oLher relgos sporadc eLhc cleasg
(geocde) use of Shara Law as a weapo ad !zya Lhe Lax placed o fdels
Albaa 70 Malaysa 604 CaLar 773 Suda 70

AfLer 80 expecL SLaLe ru eLhc cleasg ad geocde
8agladesh 8 LgypL 90 Caza 987 ldoesa 861 lra 98 lraq 97 !orda 9 Morocco
987 aksLa 97 alesLe 99 Syra 90 1a[ksLa 90 1urkey 998 uLed Arab LmraLes 96

100 wll usher Lhe peace of uaresSalaam Lhe lslamc ouse of eace Lheres supposed Lo be peace because
everybody s a Muslm
AfghasLa 100 Saud Araba 100 Somala 100 ?eme 999

Cf course LhaLs oL Lhe case 1o saLsfy Lher blood lusL Muslms Lhe sLarL kllg each oLher

8efore l was e l had leared Lhe basc cao of Arab lfe lL was me agasL my broLher me ad my broLher agasL
our faLher my famly agasL my couss ad Lhe cla Lhe cla agasL Lhe Lrbe ad Lhe Lrbe agasL Lhe world ad all
of us agasL Lhe fdel" Leo urs 1he a[

l had a farly Lypcal moderaLe lslamc upbrgg lrom Lhe age of 3 l was made Lo aLLed mosques for lrday prayer
ad shorLly afLer bega Lo roLe lear parLs of Lhe Cura As a youg boy my pareLs would always ecourage me Lo
keep Muslm freds l prayed 3 Lmes a day ad fasLed regularly as parL of Lhe 'farz# or oblgaLos seL upo every

lL was durg my Leeager years whe doubLs bega Lo maLeralse ad l bega Lo feel ucomforLable wLh cerLa
aspecLs of lslam such as Ls laws o Lermarrage ad aposLasy lf a woma waLs Lo marry a oMuslm Lhe she has
Lo coverL hm Lo lslam frsL Whe L comes Lo aposLasy oL oly s L llegal lslamc sLaLes Lo leave lslam buL LhaL L s
also pushable by deaLh ad s a faLe carred ouL by Lhe govermeL#s very ow LhoughL polce As a exMuslm
myself please do oL Lake Lhs as me sgg my ow deaLh warraL!

l was LaughL LhaL f soceLy were habLed by correcLly pracLsg Muslms Lhe we would soo dscover celesLal order
ad harmoy LhroughouL 1he world beloged Lo Allah L was our duLy Lo reLur L Lo Ls rghLful ower

8uL a successful memeplex welldrlled Lo Lhe mds of fudameLalsLs Lakes such lLeralsm Lo a whole ew level We
fd LhaL Lhs desre for uLopa alog wLh Lhe promse of eLeral heave ca somehow paradoxcally [usLfy Lhe
ulLmaLe [hadc faLasy of aLLag world peace Lhrough sucde bombgs

?eL l ever [udge belevers Loo harshly

Cood Muslms all over Lhe world have ressLed Lhe auLocraLc ad resLrcLve verso of Lhs memeplex whch Lur
goes a log way Lo expla Lhe sLark kee[erk reacLo from Lhe fudameLalsLs

Muslms are Lhe frsL vcLms of lslam wroLe L 8ea May Lmes l have observed my Lravels Lhe CreL LhaL
faaLcsm comes from a small umber of dagerous me who maLa Lhe oLhers Lhe pracLce of relgo by Lerror"

WhaLever faaLcsm Lhere s L comes from a small group of flueLal me who coLrol Lhese weak dsllusoed
mds 1hey frogmarch Lhem ouL of Lhe masLream wLh a more reacLoary ad almosL hoolgased deLLy we see
ouL o Lhe proLesL marches Loday

opefully L wll sLop Lhere before L lads more Lroubled waLers Lomorrow

LeL#s Lake Lhe hypoLhess LhaL Lhere was o relgo o Lhe plaeL lrsLly Lhere would be less reaso for people Lo argue
ad fghL over Lke SLeve Weberg (nobel LaureaLe physcs) sad

kellqloo ls oo losolt to bomoo Jlqolty wltb ot wltboot lt yooJ bove qooJ people Joloq qooJ tbloqs ooJ evll people
Joloq boJ tbloqs bot fot qooJ people to Jo boJ tbloqs lt tokes tellqloo

Secodly relgo would aga breed probably qucker Lhe developg world Lha elsewhere gve Lhe huma
requremeL for a fallble cruLch Lo beleve 1o some L gves hope Lo oLhers L provdes a purpose 1hs ca be
dsplayed Lhe mulLLude of dffereL relgos worshppg ayLhg from sLoe amal ad vsble Cods ?eL sLll all
clamg ad Lher followers beg covced LhaL Lhey are Lhe oe ad oly Lrue relgo

lf we were Lo veL aoLher god leL#s say L was Lhe 'fary aL Lhe boLLom of my garde# as popularsed by uawks ad
we are asked Lo have faLh Ls exsLece or face eLeral LorLure upo deaLh 1he leL us puL LogeLher a sacred LexL#
surroudg Lhe exploLs of Lhs fary (ad call L someLhg oLher Lha faryLales) perhaps eve more covcg ad
robusL Lha some of Lhe oLher relgous LexLs aroud aL Lhe momeL

1he 10 geeraLos dow Lhe le ad wLh 10000 adhereLs Lhe members of Lhs culL would o loger be classfed as
foolsh buL as 'followers# who eed Lo have Lher 'relgo# respecLed (ad by Lhe way do oL mock Lhs fary because f
you do#L beleve LhaL L creaLed Lhe uverse Lhe l am sorry you are arrogaL deaf ad bld ad you also wll be
bured hell)
c) 1he ower of a ke||g|ous Cu|t

1hs may seem a lLLle farfeLched buL leL us oL forgeL Lhe 8akuba Lrbe Afrca beleved LhaL Lhe CaL Cod Mbombo
vomLed ouL Lhe world afLer a sLomach ache (Lhe 8g 8umba 1heory") Cr aceL LgypL where Lhey beleved LhaL Lhe
Su ALum8a masLurbaLed over Lhe cLy of Au ad from Lhs seme creaLed Lw Codesses Shu ad 1efuL Cr
more receL Lmes Lhe developed world over Lhe sae clams SceLology ad Ls fouder 8ob ubbard abouL Lhe
LergalacLc overlord called xeu who broughL Lhe overpopulaLed masses from Lhe oLher plaeLs Lo '1he rso laeL#
called LarLh where he bombarded Lhem wLh ydroge bombs
Smlar Lo Lhe culLs of !m !oes Lhe Mooes eave#s CaLe ad Shoko Ashara members# are asked Lo had over Lher
worldly possessos Lo Lhe leader absLa from sex leave Lher [obs freds ad relaLves behd order Lo lve ausLere
lves follow Lhem Meawhle Lhe culL leader had almosL everyLhg Lhey desred

uavd koresh Lold hs Amerca followers LhaL wome beloged Lo Cod ad sce he was Lhe Messah Lhey beloged Lo
hm e slepL wLh Lhe wves ad Leeage daughLers of hs followers buL prescrbed celbacy for Lhem ulLmaLely he
caused Lhe deaLh of over 70 followers aL hs behesL usg who foughL Lo Lhe ed agasL Lhe l8l

l !m !oes#s case afLer kllg a SeaLor he Lold hs followers Lo commL mass sucde by drkg cyade poso 910
people ded cludg pareLs who Lold Lher chldre Lo drk L 1hey were [usL a group of dsefrachsed dvduals
before Lhey meL Lhem Are ordary Muslms ad moreover Lher sucdal couLerparLs parL of Lhe same pheomeo"

LxcerpLs from a Lape recorded as Lhe fal rLual was beg eacLed reveal Lhe belevers wLh few excepLos
voluLarly drak Lhe poso ad fed L Lo Lher chldre A woma proLesLs buL Lhe crowd sleces her ad everyoe
expresses Lher readess Lo de

1he followg s Lhe LrascrpL of Lhe Lape recordg (avalable o ?ou 1ube) lL s shockg whle L reveals Lhe aLure of
bld faLh

!m !oes l've Lred my besL Lo gve you a good lfe l spLe of all l've Lred a hadful of people wLh Lher les have
made our lfe mpossble lf we ca'L lve peace Lhe leL's de peace (Applause) We have bee so Lerrbly beLrayed
WhaL's gog Lo happe here Lhe maLLer of a few muLes s LhaL oe of Lhe people o LhaL plae s
gog Lo shooL Lhe ploL l kow LhaL l dd'L pla L buL l kow L#s gog Lo happe So my opo s LhaL you used Lo
aceL Creece ad sLep over queLly because we are oL commLLg sucdeL's a revoluLoary acL We ca'L go back
lrsL Woma l feel lke LhaL as Lhere's lfe Lhere's hope
!oes Well someday everybody des
rowd 1haL's rghL LhaL's rghL!

!oes WhaL Lhose people goe ad doe ad whaL Lhey geL Lhrough wll make our lves worse Lha hell 8uL Lo me
deaLh s oL a fearful Lhg lL's lvg LhaL's cursed noL worLh lvg lke Lhs
lrsL Woma 8uL l'm afrad Lo de
!oes l do'L Lhk you are l do'L Lhk you are
lrsL Woma l Lhk Lhere were Loo few who lefL for 100 people Lo gve Lhem Lher lves for Lhose people who lefL l
look aL all Lhe babes ad l Lhk Lhey deserve Lo lve
!oes 8uL do'L Lhey deserve much more" 1hey deserve peace 1he besL LesLmoy we ca gve s Lo leave Lhs god
dam world (Applause)
lrsL Ma lL's over ssLer We've made a beauLful day (Applause)
Secod Ma lf you Lell us we have Lo gve our lves ow we're ready (Applause)

Above Lhe cres of babes walg Lhe Lape coLues wLh !oes ssLg upo Lhe eed for sucde ad urgg Lhe
people Lo compleLe Lhe acL

!oes lease geL some medcaLo Smple! lL's smple 1here's o covulsos wLh L
uo'L be afrad Lo de ?ou'll see people lad ouL here 1hey'll LorLure our people
Secod Woma 1here's oLhg Lo worry abouL Lverybody keep calm ad Lry Lo keep your chldre calm 1hey're oL
cryg from pa L's [usL a lLLle bLLer LasLg

1hrd Woma 1hs s oLhg Lo cry abouL 1hs s someLhg we could all re[oce abouL (Applause)
!oes lease for Cod's sake leL's geL o wLh L 1hs s a revoluLoary sucde 1hs s oL a selfdesLrucLve sucde
(voces prasg uad Applause)
1hrd Ma uad has broughL us Lhs far My voLe s Lo go wLh uad
!oes We musL de wLh dgLy urry hurry hurry! We musL hurry SLop Lhs
hysLercs ueaLh s a mllo Lmes more preferable Lo spedg more days Lhs lfe lf you kew whaL was ahead
you'd be glad Lo be sLeppg over LoghL
lourLh Woma lL's bee a pleasure walkg wLh all of you Lhs revoluLoary sLruggle no oLher way l would raLher
go Lha Lo gve my lfe for socalsm ommusm ad l Lhak uad very much
!oes 1ake our lfe from us We dd'L commL sucde We commLLed a acL of revoluLoary sucde proLesLg
agasL Lhe codLos of a huma world

4) kac|sm

5ohih 8ukhori 98925 oo sboolJ llsteo to ooJ obey yoot tolet eveo lf be wos oo tbloploo %block) slove wbose beoJ
looks llke o tolslo

Muslms musL oL pray for polyLhesLs whe Lhey pay Lher fal respecLs Lo Lhem aL Lher fuerals

uron 911l lt ls oot fot tbe ltopbet ooJ tbose wbo belleve to ptoy fot tbe fotqlveoess of lJolotets eveo tbooqb tbey
moy be oeot of klo %to tbem) oftet lt botb become cleot tbot tbey ote people of bellflte

5ohih Mus/im {97) 1be Messeoqet of Allob solJ l oskeJ my lotJ fot petmlssloo to ptoy fot fotqlveoess fot my
%JeceoseJ oooMosllm) motbet ooJ ne JlJ oot qlve me petmlssloo
lL was oL [usL Lhe coLeL of Lhe Cura LhaL l sLruggled wLh buL Ls uderlyg Loe LhroughouL l foud L smplsLc
[udgemeLal ad overly forLhrghL lor example whe Lhe Cura refers Lo !ews ad hrsLas (as Allah clams Lo have
chaged Lhem Lo) apes ad pgs" (Cura 63 7166) L hardly promoLes LegraLo ad racal harmoy or does
L led credece Lo Lhe clam LhaL Lhe Cura was revealed" by a allkowg ad compassoaLe beg
ere s a selecLo of oLher relaLed passages

5ohih Mus/im 25l89 1be ltopbet solJ uo oot qteet tbe Iews ooJ tbe cbtlstloos befote tbey qteet yoo ooJ wbeo yoo
meet ooy ooe of tbem oo tbe tooJs fotce blm to qo to tbe oottowest pott of lt

5ohih 8ukhori 45ll92 wblle we wete lo tbe mospoe tbe ltopbet come oot ooJ solJ let os qo to tbe Iews we weot
oot tlll we teocbeJ 8oltolMlJtos ne solJ to tbem lf yoo embtoce lslom yoo wlll be sofe oo sboolJ koow tbot tbe
eottb belooqs to Allob ooJ nls Apostle ooJ l woot to expel yoo ftom tbls looJ 5o lf ooyooe omooqst yoo owos some
ptopetty be ls petmltteJ to sell lt Otbetwlse yoo sboolJ koow tbot tbe ottb belooqs to Allob ooJ nls Apostle

uron 551 O yoo wbo belleve! uo oot toke tbe Iews ooJ tbe cbtlstloos fot ftleoJs tbey ote ftleoJs of eocb otbet ooJ
wboevet omooqst yoo tokes tbem fot o ftleoJ tbeo sotely be ls ooe of tbem sotely Allob Joes oot qolJe tbe oojost
5ohih Mus/im 8ook 041 Number 981 oo wlll flqbt oqolost tbe Iews ooJ yoo wlll klll tbem ootll eveo o stooe woolJ
soy come bete Mosllm tbete ls o Iew %blJloq blmself bebloJ me) klll blm
5ohih Mus/im 194l lt bos beeo oottoteJ by umot b olkbottlb tbot be beotJ tbe Messeoqet of Allob soy l wlll expel
tbe Iews ooJ cbtlstloos ftom tbe Atobloo leolosolo ooJ wlll oot leove ooy bot Mosllm

uron 288 Oo Iews Allob botb cotseJ tbem fot tbelt oobellef

Why [udge people ad push Lhem o Lhe acLos of Lher forefaLhers" lf Lhey are cursed Lhe L s cerLaly oL Lher
faulL f Lhey behave badly Why oL gude Lhem sLead of LreaLg Lhem as feror huma begs ad also pushg
Lhem Lhe afLerlfe"

Cf course whe L comes Lo Arabs

@obori lx9 Atobs ote tbe most ooble people lo lloeoqe tbe most ptomloeot ooJ tbe best lo JeeJs

S) nomosexua||ty

omosexualLy exsLs our earesL relaLves Lhe hmpazee 8oobo ape l facL L s so wdespread aLure LhaL L
has bee foud more Lha 430 speces yeL we fd homophoba [usL oe So whch oe s uaLural"
?eL accordg Lo Allah Lhe Shara law ad AlAzhar uversLy Lhs aLural pheomeo s a relgous crme LhaL carres
Lhe deaLh pealLy

5horio Low 54u l84447 lf yoo floJ ooyooe Joloq os lots people JlJ %bomosexool octs) klll tbe ooe wbo Joes lt ooJ tbe
ooe to wbom lt ls Jooe

uron 210171 Allob tbe Almlqbty teveoleJ 1be people of lot %tbose Jwelt lo tbe towos of 5oJom lo lolestloe)
belleJ tbe Messeoqets wbeo tbelt btotbet lot solJ to tbem 5o feot Allob keep yoot Joty to nlm ooJ obey me No
tewotJ Jo l osk of yoo fot my messoqe of lslomlc moootbelsm my tewotJ ls ooly ftom tbe lotJ Co yoo ooto tbe moles
ooJ leove tbose wbom Allob bos cteoteJ fot yoo to be yoot wlves? Noy yoo ote o ttespossloq people!
1bey solJ lf yoo ceose oot O lot! vetlly yoo wlll be ooe of tbose wbo ote Jtlveo oot!
ne solJ l om loJeeJ of tbose wbo Jlsopptove wltb sevete ooqet ooJ foty ovet tbls evll octloo of soJomy My lotJ! 5ove
me ooJ my fomlly ftom wbot tbey Jo 5o we soveJ blm ooJ bls fomlly oll except oo olJ womoo %bls wlfe) wbo wos
omooq tbose wbo temoloeJ bebloJ

1he whole vllage was wped ouL buL how could Lhs race of people have bee selfsusLag f everyoe as clamed
(aparL from LoLs famly ad a old woma) had bee pracLsg sodomy lf everyoe wasL Lhe Cod accepLed LhaL
Lhe oceLs were [usL collaLeral damage WLh all of Cod#s powers oL Lo meLo s aLLrbuLes of mosLgracous ad
mosL mercful e could aL leasL have klled oly Lhose whom he seL ouL Lo elmaLe"

uron 7080 AoJ lot! %kemembet) wbeo be solJ ooto bls folk wlll ye commlt obomlootloo socb os oo cteotote evet JlJ
befote yoo? e come wltb lost ooto meo losteoJ of womeo

uron 41 lf two meo omooq yoo ote qollty of lewJoess poolsb tbem botb

1he followg hadLh passage descrbes how homosexuals should be dealL wLh eLher bured alve or by havg a wall
pushed over Lhem

Muhammad sad cotseJ ls be wbo Joes wbot lots people JlJ lo o vetsloo oo tbe ootbotlty of lbo Abbos lt soys tbot
All boJ two people botoeJ ooJ tbot Abo 8okt boJ o woll tbtowo Jowo oo tbem %Mlsbkot vol p 765 ltesctlbeJ

1he pushmeL of Lopplg a wall oLo Lhose gulLy of homosexualLy was used by Lhe 1alba AfghasLa owever
curreLly hagg usually from a crae a publc square s Lhe preferred meLhod lslamc sLaLes


6) Women

Accordg Lo Lhe Cura hadLh ad Shara law

) Me are charge of wome" Cura 44

) Ad me are a degree above wome Cura 8

) A woma accordg Lo Cura 418 s a creaLure who dspuLe caoL make herself clear" ad ropheL
Muhammad felL wome were lackg Lellgece" (Sahh 8ukhar 101)

v) Whe L comes Lo LesLmoy courLs wome musL LesLfy pars as oe ma#s LesLmoy s equvaleL Lo Lwo
wome lslamc courLs (Sahh 8ukhar 1601)

v) Accordg Lo Shara law four me are requred Lo have wLessed ad LesLfed Lo a rape order for a woma Lo
have her rapsL prosecuLed As a drecL resulL we have a sLuaLo where (accordg Lo a reporL by aksLas
naLoal ommsso o Lhe SLaLus of Wome (nSW)) a esLmaLed 80 of wome [al 00 LhaL couLry
were Lhere because Lhey had faled Lo prove rape charges ad were cosequeLly covcLed of adulLery

v) Also wome herL half as much as Lher male couLerparLs (Cura 4111)

v) 1hey are oL allowed Lo Lravel ouLsde wLhouL a male relaLve (8ukhar 176)

vlll) lL s a s for a woma Lo Lalk Lo ay oLher ma ouLsde of her famly household
uron ll55 lt is no sin for them {thy wives) to converse free/y with their fothers or their sons or their brothers
or their brothers sons or the sons of their sisters or of their own women or their s/oves

x) A woma should oL fasL wLhouL Lhe permsso of her husbad or ca she marry someoe wLhouL Lhe
permsso of her faLher broLher or male guarda (Sahh 8ukhar 319)

x) Wome ca oly marry Muslms ad have a sgle parLer (Cura 1) whle me o Lhe oLher had do#L
have Lo marry Muslms ad ca marry up Lo four wome (Cura 4)

x) Me ca sleep wLh capLured slaves servaLs ad hoors (buL wome are oL gve permsso Lo)

x) A wfe should ever dey her husbad sex

Allahs AposLle sad lf a husbad calls hs wfe Lo hs bed (e Lo have sexual relaLos) ad she refuses ad
causes hm Lo sleep ager Lhe agels wll curse her Lll morg (Sahh Al8ukhar vol 4 adLh no 460
Sahh Muslm vol adLh no 68)

Whe a ma calls hs wfe Lo saLsfy hs desre she musL go Lo hm eve f she s occuped aL Lhe ove (Al
1rmdh adLh no 1160 lb Ma[ah adLh no 4163)

x) ow ca a ma dvorce hs wfe by oly sayg Lhe word dvorce Lhree Lmes yeL lslam has#L gve Lhe same
rghL Lo wome

xv) Wome have Lo follow a very modesL dress code ad should asL Lher ouLer garmeLs over Lher persos"
Cura 39 Me eed oly cover Lher prvaLe parLs

xv) A aLo headed by a woma wll ever succeed ad Lhe worsL s ad dsLracLo from vrLue s by wome
(Sahh 8ukhar 443) Also Lhe ma[orLy of ells resdeLs were wome"(Sahh 8ukhar 341)

xv) ag your whp where your wfe ca see L (adLh Musaaf Abdul 8azzaq)

l oLher words cerLa crcumsLaces L s ok Lo beaL your wfe

;uran 434 Me are Lhe maLaers of wome because Allah has made some of Lhem Lo excel oLhers ad
because Lhey sped ouL of Lher properLy Lhe good wome are Lherefore obedeL ad (as Lo) Lhose o whose
parL you fear deserLo admosh Lhem ad leave Lhem aloe Lher sleepg places ad beat Lhem Lhe f
Lhey obey you do oL seek a way agasL Lhem surely Allah s greaL

Ad sadly eve Lhe ropheL s reporLed Lo have hL hs youg wfe Ce ghL whle sleepg wLh Asha
Muhammad surrepLLously lefL Lher bed ad weL Lo Lhe graveyard aL 8aq
Asha followed ad waLched whaL Lhe ropheL was dog Whe he foud ouL Asha descrbese sLruck me o
Lhe chesL whch caused me pa" (Sah|h Mus||m 8ook 42127)

7) 1he rophet's marr|ages

5ohih 8ukhori l47755 1be wlves of Allobs Apostle wete lo two qtoops Ooe qtoop cooslsteJ of Alsbo nofso 5oflyyo
ooJ 5ooJo ooJ tbe otbet qtoop cooslsteJ of um 5olomo ooJ tbe otbet wlves of Allobs Apostle 1be Mosllms koew tbot
Allobs Apostle loveJ Alsbo so lf ooy of tbem boJ o qlft ooJ wlsbeJ to qlve to Allobs Apostle be woolJ Jeloy lt tlll
Allobs Apostle boJ come to Alsbos bome ooJ tbeo be woolJ seoJ bls qlft to Allobs Apostle lo bet bome 1be qtoop of
um 5olomo JlscosseJ tbe mottet toqetbet ooJ JeclJeJ tbot um 5olomo sboolJ tepoest Allobs Apostle to tell tbe people
to seoJ tbelt qlfts to blm lo wbotevet wlfes boose be wos um 5olomo tolJ Allobs Apostle of wbot tbey boJ solJ bot be
JlJ oot teply 1beo tbey %tbose wlves) oskeJ um 5olomo oboot lt 5be solJ ne JlJ oot soy ooytbloq to me 1bey oskeJ
bet to tolk to blm oqolo 5be tolkeJ to blm oqolo wbeo sbe met blm oo bet Joy bot be qove oo teply wbeo tbey oskeJ
bet sbe teplleJ tbot be boJ qlveo oo teply 1bey solJ to bet 1olk to blm tlll be qlves yoo o teply wbeo lt wos bet toto
sbe tolkeJ to blm oqolo ne tbeo solJ to bet uo oot bott me teqotJloq Alsbo os tbe ulvloe lospltotloos Jo oot come to
me oo ooy of tbe beJs except tbot of Alsbo Oo tbot um 5olomo solJ l tepeot to Allob fot bottloq yoo 1beo tbe qtoop
of um 5olomo colleJ lotlmo tbe Jooqbtet of Allobs Apostle ooJ seot bet to Allobs Apostle to soy to blm oot wlves
tepoest to tteot tbem ooJ tbe Jooqbtet of Abo 8okt oo epool tetms 1beo lotlmo cooveyeJ tbe messoqe to blm 1be
ltopbet solJ O my Jooqbtet! uoot yoo love wbom l love? 5be teplleJ lo tbe offltmotlve ooJ tetotoeJ ooJ tolJ tbem of
tbe sltootloo 1bey tepoesteJ bet to qo to blm oqolo bot sbe tefoseJ 1bey tbeo seot 2oloob blot Iobsb wbo weot to blm
ooJ oseJ botsb wotJs soyloq oot wlves tepoest yoo to tteot tbem ooJ tbe Jooqbtet of lbo Abo Oobofo oo epool
tetms Oo tbot sbe tolseJ bet volce ooJ oboseJ Alsbo to bet foce so mocb so tbot Allobs Apostle lookeJ ot Alsbo to see
wbetbet sbe woolJ tetott Alsbo stotteJ teplyloq to 2oloob tlll sbe slleoceJ bet 1be ltopbet tbeo lookeJ ot Alsbo ooJ
solJ 5be ls teolly tbe Jooqbtet of Abo 8okt

5ohih Mus/im 70570 Alsbo %complololoq of beoJocbe) solJ Ob my beoJ! Allobs Apostle solJ l wlsb tbot boJ
boppeoeJ wblle l wos stlll llvloq fot tbeo l woolJ osk Allobs lotqlveoess fot yoo ooJ lovoke Allob fot yoo Alsbo solJ
wo tbokloyob! 8y Allob l tblok yoo woot me to Jle ooJ lf tbls sboolJ boppeo yoo woolJ speoJ tbe lost pott of tbe Joy
sleeploq wltb ooe of yoot wlves!
a) A|sha

1he ropheL#s frsL wfe was khad[a a wealLhy busesswoma ad Lally hs employer She was 13 years seor Lo
hm whe she asked for hs had marrage Whe she ded aL age 70 Lhe ropheL remarred Lhe same year Lo Asha
who was a youg grl aged 6 afLer he had marred Sauda Lhe same year
1here are clams LhaL Abu 8akr Lally approached Muhammad askg hm Lo marry hs daughLer 1hs s oL Lrue her
faLher was udersLadably relucLaL
5ohih 8ukhori 718 1be ltopbet oskeJ Abo 8okt fot Alsbos booJ lo mottloqe Abo 8okt solJ 8ot l om yoot
btotbet 1be ltopbet solJ oo ote my btotbet lo Allobs tellqloo ooJ nls book bot sbe ls lowfol fot me to
As we ca see here Abu 8akr was a faLhful compao ad Lhere were o sLraLegc/polLcal/socal reasos as may
Muslm apologsLs clam defece of hs bgamy

1here are umerous hadLhs LhaL explcLly reveal Lhe age of Asha aL Lhe Lme of her marrage ere are [usL some of
5ohih 8ukhori 8k 2 No 4 1be ltopbet mottleJ bet wbeo sbe wos slx yeots olJ ooJ be coosommoteJ bls
mottloqe wbeo sbe wos oloe yeots olJ
5ohih Mus/im 8k 008 No ll10 Alsbo tepotteJ Allobs Apostle mottleJ me wbeo l wos slx yeots olJ ooJ l wos
oJmltteJ to bls boose wbeo l wos oloe yeots olJ
5ohih 8ukhori 8k 2 No 88 1be ltopbet wtote tbe %mottloqe coottoct) wltb Alsbo wblle sbe wos slx yeots olJ
ooJ coosommoteJ bls mottloqe wltb bet wblle sbe wos oloe yeots olJ
5ohih 8ukhori 52l kboJljo JleJ tbtee yeots befote tbe ltopbet JepotteJ to MeJloo ne stoyeJ tbete fot two
yeots ot so ooJ tbeo be mottleJ Alsbo wbeo sbe wos o qltl of slx yeots of oqe ooJ be coosommoteJ tbot
mottloqe wbeo sbe wos oloe yeots olJ
1hs evdece s furLher supporLed by Lhe followg eveLs
5ohih 8ukhori 52l4 NottoteJ Alsbo 1be ltopbet eoqoqeJ me wbeo l wos o qltl of slx we weot to MeJloo
ooJ stoyeJ ot tbe bome of 8oololnotltb blo kboztoj 1beo l qot lll ooJ my bolt fell Jowo lotet oo my bolt qtew
%oqolo) ooJ my motbet um komoo come to me wblle l wos ployloq oo o swinq wltb some of my qltl ftleoJs 5be
colleJ me ooJ l weot to bet oot koowloq wbot sbe wooteJ to Jo to me 5be cooqbt me by tbe booJ ooJ moJe
me stooJ ot tbe Joot of tbe boose l wos bteotbless tbeo ooJ wbeo my bteotbloq become oltlqbt sbe took some
wotet ooJ tobbeJ my foce ooJ beoJ wltb lt 1beo sbe took me loto tbe boose 1bete lo tbe boose l sow some
Aosotl womeo wbo solJ 8est wlsbes ooJ Allobs 8lessloq ooJ qooJ lock 1beo sbe eottosteJ me to tbem ooJ
tbey ptepoteJ me fot tbe mottloqe uoexpecteJly Allobs Apostle come to me lo tbe foteoooo ooJ my motbet
booJeJ me ovet to blm ooJ ot tbot tlme l wos o qltl of oloe yeots of oqe
l Lhe above hadLh we read LhaL Ayesha was o a swg
5ohih 8ukhori vo/ume 8 8k 7l No 151 l oseJ to ploy wltb tbe do//s lo tbe pteseoce of tbe ltopbet ooJ my
qltl ftleoJs olso oseJ to ploy wltb me wbeo Allobs Apostle oseJ to eotet bome tbey oseJ to blJe tbemselves
bot tbe ltopbet woolJ coll tbem to jolo ooJ ploy wltb me
lcdeLally playg wLh dolls ad ay huma/amal depcLos was forbdde for adulLs buL as Lhe above shows L
was allowed for Asha aL LhaL Lme as she was a lLLle grl havg oL yeL reached Lhe age of puberLy (laLehal8ar page
14 vol1)
lL s o surprse Lhe age of coseL for marrage lra has bee seL aL 9
5ohih Mus/im 8k 008 No ll11 Alsbo tepotteJ tbot Allobs Apostle mottleJ bet wbeo sbe wos seveo yeots olJ
ooJ sbe wos tokeo to bls boose os o btlJe wbeo sbe wos oloe ooJ bet do//s wete wltb bet ooJ wbeo be JleJ sbe
wos elqbteeo yeots olJ

1hs hadLh shows afLer Lhe wdely recorded 9 years of marrage she became a wdow aL Lhe age of 18 who obody
Lher rghL md would ow be prepared Lo marry gve who she was

1hs youg ad beauLful 17 year old was a youg !ewsh brde ewly wdowed aL Lhe hads of Muslms solders She
was amog Lhose capLured wome ad chldre from Lhe war of khaybar She was Lhe daughLer of Lhe leader of 8a
nadr uyay lb AkhLab who was execuLed by Lhe ropheL ad she had also [usL losL her broLher husbad ad all
oLher male relaLves LhaL war er husbad ad Lher faLe s descrbed below
lbn nishom/lbn lshoq in 4/5iro o/Nobowiyyo ltopbet MobommoJ wltboot wotoloq tolJeJ tbls fotttess towo
loboblteJ by Iews ooJ kllleJ mooy oootmeJ people os tbey wete fleeloq Amooq tbose coptoteJ wos kloooo %to be
coot) kloooo olkobl wbo boJ tbe costoJy of tbe tteosote of 8ooo NoJlt wos btooqbt to tbe Apostle wbo oskeJ blm
oboot lt ne JeoleJ tbot be koew wbete lt wos A Iew come %1obotl soys wos btooqbt) to tbe Apostle ooJ solJ tbot be
boJ seeo kloooo qoloq toooJ o cettolo tolo evety motoloq eotly wbeo tbe Apostle solJ to kloooo uo yoo koow tbot lf
we floJ yoo bove lt l sboll klll yoo? ne solJ es 1be Apostle qove otJets tbot tbe tolo wos to be excovoteJ ooJ some of
tbe tteosote wos foooJ wbeo be oskeJ blm oboot tbe test be tefoseJ to ptoJoce lt so tbe Apostle qove otJets to ol
2oboyt AlAwwom 1ottote blm ootll yoo exttoct wbot be bos 5o be kloJleJ o flte wltb fllot ooJ steel oo bls cbest ootll
be wos oeotly JeoJ 1beo tbe Apostle JellveteJ blm to MobommoJ b Moslomo ooJ be sttock off bls beoJ
1orLure s halal whe Lhere s Lreasure aL sLake"

LLher way 17 year old Saffya had suffered a greaL Lragedy ad was weepg buL she had bee selecLed as Lhe booLy
(spols) for Lhe ropheL ad was lead Lo hs LeL

8ukhar| 8ook of Sa|es and 8ook of N|kah 3S9 Aftet tbe foll of kbybet people JesctlbeJ tbe beooty of 5offlyo 8lot nol
tbe oew btlJe of o slolo eoemy solJlet 1be ltopbet cbose bet fot blmself Oo tbe woy to MoJloo be stoppeJ ooJ boJ
lotetcootse wltb bet nls compooloos JlJ oot koow lf sbe wos o wlfe ot o coocobloe lotet o vell wos Jtowo betweeo bet
ooJ tbe meofolk ooJ tbey come to koow tbot sbe wos bls wlfe

Accordg Lo oLher Sahh adLh Lhe ropheL waLed Lo have sex wLh her Lhe same day buL she was o her perod C
Lhe secod day Lhe ropheL marred her ad Lhe cosummaLed hs marrage wLh her o Lhe way back Lo Meda
(Sahh 8ukhar volume 3 8ook 39 number 3) WhaL happeed Lo Lhe oblgaLory lddah rulg ( moLh waLg
perod) afLer Lhe murder of her husbad" Ad by whaL yardsLck are we Lo measure Lhe mercy ad Lhe compasso of
Lhe ropheL"

WhlsL Zayab was sLll marred Lo Zad hs adopLed so Lhe ropheL pad a vsL Lo Zad#s house buL he was oL aL
home noL expecLg ropheL Muhammad Lo be aL Lhe door Zayab aswered Lhe door sLead ad from LhaL momeL
Lhe ropheL decded he waLed Lo marry her
Whe Zad leared of Lhe ropheLs desre he dvorced Zayab
owever Lhe ropheL was already marred Lo Lhe lmL of four wves prescrbed Lhe Cura So Allah seL hm a Lmely
revelaLo whch seL a ulmLed exempLo for Lhe ropheL aloe
b) Saff|ya
c) 2aynab (h|s adopted son's w|fe)

uron ll50 O ltopbet %MobommoJ)! vetlly we bove moJe lowfol to yoo o bellevloq womoo lf sbe offets betself to
tbe ltopbet ooJ tbe ltopbet wlsbes to motty bet o ptlvlleqe fot yoo ooly oot fot tbe test of tbe bellevets
upo Lhs revelaLo ropheL Muhammad marred her AL Lhe Lme Lhs Lured Lo quLe a scadal amog Lhe Arabs
who equaLed Muhammads acLos wLh cesL
Asha Lhe wfe he was closesL Lo oLed LhaL Lhese ew revelaLos (oL oly a exLra wfe above Lhe Curac Lhreshold
buL hs so#s wfe) from Allah appeared Lo be very coveeL
5ohih Mus/im 8ook 008 Number l454
Allob teveoleJ oo moy Jefet ooy of tbem yoo wlsb ooJ toke to yootself ooy yoo wlsb Alsbo solJ lt seems to me tbot
yoot lotJ bosteos to sotlsfy yoot Jeslte
udeLerred Lhe ropheL coLued Lo marry more wome uLl he had reached eleve LoLal
5ohih 8ukhori vo/ 1 8ook 5 No 28
1be ltopbet oseJ to vlslt oll bls wlves lo o toooJ Jotloq tbe Joy ooJ olqbt ooJ tbey wete eleveo lo oombet
l oskeJ Aoos noJ tbe ltopbet tbe stteoqtb fot lt?
Aoos teplleJ we oseJ to soy tbot tbe ltopbet wos qlveo tbe stteoqtb of tbltty meo

Muhammad marred hs daughLer laLma Lo hs frsL cous Al

uespLe Lhe followg verse ad hs ow polygamy

uron 4l Motty of tbe womeo wbo seem qooJ to yoo two ot tbtee ot foot
Muhammad oly allowed oe wfe for hs solaw Al Whe Al waLed Lo Lake a secod wfe Muhammad ssLed
he frsL dvorce hs daughLer
5ohih 8ukhori 72157 l beotJ Allobs Apostle wbo wos oo tbe polplt soyloq 8ooo nlsbom blo AlMoqblto bove
tepoesteJ me to ollow tbem to motty tbelt Jooqbtet to All blo Abo 1ollb bot l Joot qlve petmlssloo ooJ wlll oot qlve
petmlssloo ooless All blo Abl 1ollb Jlvotces my Jooqbtet lo otJet to motty tbelt Jooqbtet becoose lotlmo ls o pott of my
boJy ooJ l bote wbot sbe botes to see ooJ wbot botts bet botts me

Nonbe||evers Apostates

lf yoo tell o lle blq eoooqb ooJ keep tepeotloq lt people wlll eveotoolly come to belleve lt 1be lle coo be molotoloeJ
ooly fot socb tlme os tbe 5tote coo sblelJ tbe people ftom tbe polltlcol ecooomlc ooJ/ot mllltoty coosepoeoces of tbe lle
lt tbos becomes vltolly lmpottoot fot tbe 5tote to ose oll of lts powets to teptess Jlsseot fot tbe ttotb ls tbe mottol eoemy
of tbe lle ooJ tbos by exteosloo tbe ttotb ls tbe qteotest eoemy of tbe 5tote Iosepb Coebbels %Mlolstet fot
ltopoqooJo ooJ ollqbteomeot lo Nozl lo Cetmooy)

d) o|ygamy and n|s Daughter Iat|ma

Cur belefs are a combaLo of geeLc ad socoevromeLal facLors we were gve 8y geeLc facLors l really
mea cogeLal facLors such as Lellgece we herLed from our pareLs SocoevromeLal facLors refer Lo
crcumsLaces LhaL we fd ourselves Lo such as Lhe couLry we were bor Lhe meda Lhe schools we weL Lo Lhe
sub[ecLs we sLuded Lhe freds we had our sblgs our ucles eLc As Lhs s Lhe case Lhe s#L L a lLLle ufar Lo
push us for Lhe belefs LhaL follow as a resulL"

l oLher words f Cod or your pareLs gave you your gee pool alog wLh your evromeL ad we are a producL of
Lhese eg f a baby was bor Lo carg ad lovg dol worshppg pareLs a eghbourhood LhaL dscouraged free
Lhkg Lhe L would be o surprse LhaL mosL chldre broughL up Lhs evromeL would follow Lhe fooLsLeps
of Lher pareLs ?eL accordg Lo umerous refereces Lhe Cura Lhey ad all oLher dsbelevers wll all evLably
go Lo hell

uron 98 1bose wbo Jlsbelleve omooq tbe leople of tbe 5ctlptote ooJ tbe lJolotets wlll oblJe lo flte of bell 1bey ote
tbe wotst of cteoteJ beloqs
;uran 4S6 1bose wbo teject oot 5lqos we sboll sooo cost loto tbe llte os ofteo os tbelt sklos ote toosteJ tbtooqb we
sboll cbooqe tbem fot ftesb sklos

ow ca Lhs Cod push me for usg Lhe bra he gave me whch belevers Lhe evdece of a Abrahmc Cods
exsLece s exL Lo zero" arLcularly whe L says

uron 27 Allob botb set o seol oo tbelt beotts ooJ oo tbelt beotloq"

1he whose faulL s L" We ca also oLe here LhaL Lhs verse s aoLher sLace where Lhe Cura makes Lhe commo
msLake of Lhe kowledge aL LhaL Lme suggesLg Lhe blood pumpg orga was used for Lhkg oL Lhe bra May
verses Lhe Cura ( Lhe hadLh) suggesL Lhe same We fd Lhere are 10 refereces Lhe Cura Lo Lhe hearL yeL
oL a sgle referece Lo Lhe bra

omg back Lo Lhe coLexL of Lhe verses do we oL have freewll or are Lhese verses a coLradcLo"

uron 817 oo JlJ oot klll tbem lt wos Allob wbo kllleJ tbem ooJ yoo JlJ oot tbtow wbeo yoo tbtew lt wos Allob
wbo tbtew so ne mlqbt test tbe bellevets wltb tbls excelleot ttlol ftom nlm Allob ls Allneotloq Allkoowloq

1he Cura says LhaL Allah already kows our fuLure acLos ad wheLher we wll go Lo heave or hell

uron 047019 Allob koowetb %botb) yoot ploce of totmoll ooJ yoot ploce of test

WhaL s Lhe poL of sLrvg Lowards ayLhg f our desLy s already ordaed from Lhe begg"

l feel a beLLer lesso for huma begs Lo lear s LhaL you bear Lhe cosequeces of your acLos oL LhaL Lhe ouLcome
s preordaed ad LhaL you ca do lLLle abouL L

?eL accordace wLh lslam aposLaLes or people who have lefL Lhe relgo should oL be debaLed wLh buL klled"

lease do#L Lake Lhs as sgg my ow deaLh warraL buL L does say

5ohih 8ukhori 420 1be ltopbet solJ lf o Mosllm JlscotJs bls tellqloo klll blm

5ohih 8ukhori 5l2 Ooce MooJb polJ o vlslt to Abo Moso ooJ sow o cboloeJ moo MooJb oskeJ wbot ls tbls? Abo
Moso solJ %ne wos) o Iew wbo embtoceJ lslom ooJ bos oow totoeJ opostote MooJb solJ l wlll sotely cbop off bls

5ohih 8ukhori 98l17 Allobs Apostle solJ 1be blooJ of o Mosllm wbo coofesses tbot oooe bos tbe tlqbt to be
wotsblppeJ bot Allob ooJ tbot l om nls Apostle coooot be sbeJ except lo tbtee coses lo Olsos fot motJet o mottleJ

petsoo wbo commlts llleqol sexool lotetcootse ooJ tbe ooe wbo tevetts ftom lslom %opostote) ooJ leoves tbe Mosllms

l facL here L goes Lo deLal abouL rghL wrog meLhods of slaughLerg aposLaLes

5ohih 8ukhori vo/ume 9 8ook 84 Number 57
5ome 2oooJlpo %otbelsts) wete btooqbt to All ooJ be 8ukN1 tbem 1be oews of tbls eveot teocbeJ lbo Abbos wbo solJ
lf l boJ beeo lo bls ploce l woolJ oot bove botot tbem os Allobs Apostle fotboJe lt soyloq uo oot poolsb ooyboJy wltb
Allobs poolsbmeot %flte) l woolJ bove kllleJ tbem occotJloq to tbe stotemeot of Allobs Apostle wboevet cbooqeJ bls
lslomlc tellqloo tbeo klll nlM

uder Shara Law o aposLasy (by defLo advocaLg Lhe re[ecLo of lslamc belef or aoucg such re[ecLo by
word or deed) s oL permLLed ad s pushable by deaLh (for a woma Lhe pushmeL s more leeL she musL
smply rema prso uLl she reverLs however log LhaL Lakes)

ls Lhere much poL kllg people who [usL scepLcal by aLure" 1hey are oL oll hereLly bad people ad do oL
deserve Lo be murdered [usL because Lhey do oL beleve someLhg Lhey have oL see" 8y Lhe same Loke why
reward Lhose LhaL are more easly covced by someLhg Lhey caoL see s L really a merLable acL worLhy of

lL [usL does oL seem lke a relgo LhaL l beleve s a good code of lfe Lo follow ad l beleve mghL help Lo parLly
expla why Muslms are where Lhey are Loday

9) neaven ne||

ow could a all lovg god who s kder ad more compassoaLe Lha us sed ayoe Lo ceraLe hell for
eLerLy" Cr could Lhs be see as a 'carroL sLck# approach Lowards elghLemeL

We s for aL mosL for a lfeLme so how ca a fLe s be pushed wLh fLe sufferg Where s Lhe [usLce whe
weve oly sed for a cerLa umber of years ls L proporLoaLe ad far whe we cosder Lhe mosL uforgvable
s s oL murder or chld rape buL 'shrk# e assgg parLers Lo Allah (!esus Lhe so of Cod polyLhesm eLc)"

As a fallble huma beg l cerLaly would oL wsh eLeral LorLure o ayoe oL eve my worsL eemy so shouldL
Lhe pushmeL fL Lhe crme Where s Allahs much vauLed mercy"

Ad f Allah causes people Lo oL beleve

uron 7177 ne wbom CoJ qolJetb ls tbe qolJeJ ooJ wbom be mlsleoJetb sboll be tbe lost
uron 195 noJ CoJ pleoseJ ne coolJ bove moJe yoo ooe people bot ne coosetb wbom ne wlll to ett ooJ wbom ne
wlll ne qolJetb ooJ ye sboll ossoteJly be colleJ to occooot fot yoot Joloqs

Lhe why would he push Lhem whe Lhey do#L"

uron 75 we bove ptepoteJ cbolos collots ooJ o blozloq flte fot tbe kofflts
uron 812 l wlll cost tettot loto tbe beotts of tbose wbo Jlsbelleve 1betefote sttlke off tbelt beoJs ooJ sttlke off evety
floqettlp of tbem

Accordg Lo Lhe scrpLures L also appears Lhe wrog people have a greaLer Ledecy Lo go Lo heave Lhose who would
selfshly dedcaLe Lher free Lme Lo devoLo order Lo reap Lher persoal rewards heave Ad Lhose who were
more carefree or devoLe L Lo charLy sped a lesser proporLo of Lher lves servLude ad have a greaLer chace of
gog Lo hell" Should L oL be Lhe oLher way aroud"

AppareLly sLoes were offered heave ad earLh Loo buL dd#L waL Lhs resposblLy

;uran 3372 lo! we offeteJ tbe ttost ooto tbe beoveos ooJ tbe eottb ooJ tbe bllls bot tbey sbtook ftom beotloq lt ooJ
wete oftolJ of lt AoJ moo ossomeJ lt lo! ne botb ptoveJ o tytoot ooJ o fool

1hs how Allah descrbes heave Lhe Cura

lo! fot tbe Joteoos ls ocblevemeot
CotJeos eocloseJ ooJ vloeyotJs
AoJ molJeos fot compooloos
wltb o foll cop
Ootoo 78JJJ
8ot tbe ploos sboll be lo o secote ploce
AmlJ qotJeos ooJ foootolos
clotbeJ lo sllk ooJ tlcbest tobes focloq ooe oootbet
1bos sboll lt be ooJ we wlll weJ tbem to tbe vltqlos wltb lotqe Jotk eyes
Ootoo 44554

lL seems lke Lhs descrpLo of heave s desged specfcally Lo appeal apply Lo Lhe seses of a 7
ceLury Araba
ma raLher Lha uversally for all Lme Makes me woder lf goldfsh beleved Cod mghL L have bee a ggaLc
vsble deepsea whale capable of blowg waLer up Lo 10 mouLas hgh! Ad heave be a rch clear vasL dverse
oceac expase where fsh make love sLead of eaLg oe aoLher"

AoLher example of Lhs maleheavely faLasy s LhaL husbads geL 7 vrg grls heave (1rmdh36) whle
wome geL Lher husbads (are dvourcees oly allowed Lo waLch")

lf we are beg LellecLually hoesL ad ob[ecLve do Lhese quoLes above soud more lke Lhey were wrLLe by a 7

ceLury Arab ma or by a supreme omsceL beg"

lcdeLally why are Lhere o exoLc passo fruL kw fruL or peapples avalable heave" lL seems oly Lhose
fruLs kow Lo Lhose aceL Arabs such as daLes ad fgs are avalable Lhere

Ad whaL should we make of Lhe mdless rLuals LhaL people beleve wll help Lhem geL Lo heave 1hese hghlghL Lhe
supersLLous mdseL of a ordary 8edou ma of Lhe Lme raLher Lha sprLual acLs worLhy of dve merL

ere s a lsL of some suaL of Lhe 8asool

O Whe eaLg sL wLh eLher boLh kees o Lhe groud or oe kee rased or boLh kees rased
O uo oL blow o food
O urk breaLhs removg Lhe uLesl from Lhe mouLh afLer each sp
O uusL Lhe bed Lhrce before reLrg Lo bed
O Sleep o Lhe rghL had sde
O Sleep wLh Lhe rghL palm uder Lhe rghL cheek
O LLer Lhe LoleL wLh your head covered
O 8ecLe dua (prayer) before eLerg Lhe LoleL
O LLer wLh Lhe lefL fooL
O uo oL speak Lhe LoleL
O usg a mswaak a woode LooLh brush s a greaL suaL
O Ce who uses mswaak whe makg wudu ad Lhe performs salaL receves 70 Lmes more reward
O keep a beard LhaL s oe fsL legLh
O Whe removg a garmeL remove Lhe lefL lmb frsL

O Males musL wear Lher paLs above Lhe akles
O uL your rghL shoe o frsL Lhe Lhe lefL
O 8uL whe removg shoes frsL remove Lhe lefL ad Lhe Lhe rghL
O arry shoes Lhe lefL had
O LLer Lhe mosque wLh Lhe rghL fooL
O Leave Lhe mosque wLh Lhe lefL fooL

ere#s oe of Muslm !oha Mullah nasrud SLores whch seems quLe befLLg here

Ooe Joy lmom Iobo wos lo tbe mospoe wbeo o moo come to osk blm oboot tbe cottect lslomlc ptoceJote to follow wbeo
o Joq boJ fooleJ o woll wbete ptoyets wete moJe
Iobo teplleJ tbot tbe woll most be JesttoyeJ ooJ tebollt ooJ ptoyets offeteJ ooJ tbeo JesttoyeJ ooJ tebollt 7 mote
tlmes eocb tlme tecltloq speclflc uoo ooJ 8okbot %loceose) botot so tbe smoke teocbes evety locb of tbe woll
1be moo tbookeJ Iobo ooJ wos oboot to leove wbeo be solJ Ob by tbe woy lt ls tbe woll betweeo yoot boose ooJ yoot
Iobo qtobbeJ blm ooJ solJ bottleJly Oo secooJ tbooqbts jost cbock o bocket of wotet ovet lt!

10) V|o|ence

uve 8eLrbuLo Shara Law

1he aLure of Shara Law s well kow buL may fal Lo realse LhaL Shara Law s oL a LerpreLaLo of Lhe scrpLures
buL facL a sofLer verso of Lhe coLeLs ad LraslaLo of Lhe Cura (whch ormally comes wLhouL excluso
clauses) eg

100 whps for all adulLerers
uron 024002 1be oJoltetet ooJ tbe oJoltetess scootqe ye eocb ooe of tbem %wltb) o booJteJ sttlpes

(?eL double for hs wves
uron lll0 O ye wlves of tbe ltopbet! wbosoevet of yoo commlttetb moolfest lewJoess tbe poolsbmeot fot bet wlll be
JoobleJ ooJ tbot ls eosy fot Allob 1be wlves of MobommoJ wlll be poolsbeJ Jooble fot lewJoess )

Cr Lhe may hadLhs permLLg sLog Lo deaLh of adulLerg lovers as a meLhod of pushmeL

5ohih 8ukhori 979 tbe ltopbet otJeteJ tbe two oJoltetets to be stooeJ to Jeotb ooJ tbey wete stooeJ to Jeotb
oeot tbe ploce wbete cofflos oseJ to be ploceJ oeot tbe Mospoe l sow bet lovet bowloq ovet bet so os to ptotect bet
ftom tbe stooes

lf ayLhg Lhe Shara Law s sofLer Lha Lhe Cura for sLealg ad lmb cuLLg 1he Curac [ucLo does#L gve
exclusos for wome or leecy for Lypes of sLealg lke Lhe Shara Law or hadLh do Whe L comes Lo LhefL Allah
uequvocally expecLs soceLy Lo carry ouL Lhe followg

uron 5l8 As fot tbe tblef botb mole ooJ femole cot off tbelt booJs lt ls tbe tewotJ of tbelt owo JeeJs oo exemploty
poolsbmeot ftom Allob Allob ls Mlqbty wlse

ow s Lhe Cura compaLble wLh a moder legal sysLem whe L prescrbes 'eye for a eye LooLh for a LooLh# vglaLe

uron 2178 O ye wbo belleve! ketollotloo ls ptesctlbeJ fot yoo lo tbe mottet of tbe motJeteJ tbe fteemoo fot tbe
fteemoo ooJ tbe slove fot tbe slove ooJ tbe femole fot tbe femole

uron 545 AoJ we ptesctlbeJ fot tbem tbetelo 1be llfe fot tbe llfe ooJ tbe eye fot tbe eye ooJ tbe oose fot tbe oose
ooJ tbe eot fot tbe eot ooJ tbe tootb fot tbe tootb ooJ fot woooJs tetollotloo

As Cadh#s sayg goes a eye of a eye ad we would all be bld!

ere s oe of Lhe may LoleraL verses from Lhe Cura

;uran 22S6 let tbete be oo compolsloo lo tellqloo

8uL lslam s beseL wLh may coLradcLory sLaLemeLs eveLs 1he Cura ever oce speaks of Allahs love for o
Muslms buL L speaks of Allahs cruelLy ad haLred Lowards oMuslms more Lha 300 Lmes ow does Lhs good
verse relaLe Lo Lhe cdeL of sLormg kaaba afLer gag 10000 followers Meda ad cocally smashg sgle
hadedly all 60 dols devoLed Lo pluralsm mulLfaLh worshp sde L"

ere are some sLaLemeLs from Muhammad
Sunan Abu Dawood 384348 A blloJ moo boJ o slovemotbet wbo oseJ to obose tbe ltopbet ooJ Jlspotoqe blm ne
fotboJe bet bot sbe JlJ oot stop ne tebokeJ bet bot sbe JlJ oot qlve op bet boblt Ooe olqbt sbe beqoo to slooJet tbe
ltopbet ooJ obose blm 5o be took o Joqqet ploceJ lt oo bet belly ptesseJ lt ooJ kllleJ bet A cbllJ wbo come betweeo
bet leqs wos smeoteJ wltb tbe blooJ tbot wos tbete wbeo tbe motoloq come tbe ltopbet wos lofotmeJ oboot
lt1beteopoo tbe ltopbet solJ Ob be wltoess oo tetollotloo ls poyoble fot bet blooJ
Sah|h 8ukhar| 18387 Allobs Apostle solJ l bove beeo otJeteJ to flqbt tbe people tlll tbey soy Nooe bos tbe tlqbt to
be wotsblppeJ bot Allob AoJ lf tbey soy so ptoy llke oot ptoyets foce oot Olblo ooJ slooqbtet os we slooqbtet tbeo
tbelt blooJ ooJ ptopetty wlll be socteJ to os ooJ we wlll oot lotetfete wltb tbem except leqolly ooJ tbelt teckooloq wlll be
wltb Allob

Sunan Abu Dawood 384349 A Iewess oseJ to obose tbe ltopbet ooJ Jlspotoqe blm A moo sttooqleJ bet tlll sbe JleJ
1be Apostle of Allob JecloteJ tbot oo tecompeose wos poyoble fot bet blooJ

AfLer coquerg a area Lhe belevers have a rghL Lo Lhe coquered fdels# houses

uron ll27 AoJ ne moJe yoo belts to tbelt looJ ooJ tbelt Jwellloqs ooJ tbelt ptopetty ooJ to o looJ wblcb yoo bove
oot yet ttoJJeo ooJ Allob bos powet ovet oll tbloqs

lslamc apologsLs wll comb Lhe Cura for good" quoLes ad Lake L as proof LhaL Lhe Cura s peaceful 1here s a
quoLe Lhe Cura whch says Muslms ca have Lher relgo ad oLher people ca have Lhers 1hs souds good yeL
aoLher passage L says LhaL hrsLas ad !ews may coexsL wLh Muslms oly f Lhey effecLvely lve as secodclass
cLzes ad pay exLra Laxes Lo Muslms lL makes me woder how Muslms would feel f Lhey had Lo pay a separaLe Lax
Lo Lhe hrsLas for lvg Lhe WesL"

uron 210 noLhg of our revelaLo (eve a sgle verse) do we abrogaLe or cause Lo be forgoLLe buL we brg ( place) oe
beLLer or Lhe lke Lhereof

ere s a verse (wdely kow as Lhe verse of Lhe Sword) whch happes Lo have abrogaLed 1 oLher peaceful verses from a
scrpLure whch purporLs Lo represeL a relgo of peace

uron 929 llqbt oqolost socb of tbose wbo bove beeo qlveo tbe 5ctlptote os belleve oot lo Allob oot tbe lost uoy ooJ
fotblJ oot tbot wblcb Allob botb fotblJJeo by nls messeoqet ooJ follow oot tbe kellqloo of 1totb ootll tbey poy tbe
a) |||ag|ng

ttlbote teoJlly %ptotectlve tox lo sobmlssloo) et lf tbey toto to CoJ ooJ obsetve ptoyet ooJ poy tbe tox tbeo ote tbey
yoot btetbteo lo tellqloo we moke cleot oot slqos to tbose wbo ooJetstooJ

uron 95 AoJ wbeo tbe socteJ mootbs ote posseJ klll tbose wbo jolo otbet qoJs wltb CoJ wbetevet ye sboll floJ
tbem ooJ selze tbem besleqe tbem ooJ loy wolt fot tbem wltb evety kloJ of ombosb bot lf tbey sboll coovett ooJ
obsetve ptoyet ooJ poy tbe obllqototy olms tbeo let tbem qo tbelt woy fot CoJ ls Ctocloos Metclfol

ow s Lhe Cura compaLble wLh ay kd of pluralsL democracy whe L coLas Lhese verses" As laLer verses show
L s Allah who causes people Lo beleve or oL Lo beleve Lhe why Lhrow LhreaLs of physcal volece aL obelevers"

1hs hadLh eve appears Lo be offerg sex Lhe afLerlfe exchage for !had marLyrdom

5ohih 8ukhori 525l 1be ltopbet solJ NoboJy wbo Jles ooJ floJs qooJ ftom Allob %lo tbe neteoftet) woolJ wlsb to
come bock to tbls wotlJ eveo lf be wete qlveo tbe wbole wotlJ ooJ wbotevet ls lo lt except tbe mottyt wbo oo seeloq
tbe sopetlotlty of mottytJom woolJ llke to come bock to tbe wotlJ ooJ qet kllleJ oqolo %lo Allobs coose)A sloqle
eoJeovot %of flqbtloq) lo Allobs coose lo tbe oftetoooo ot lo tbe foteoooo ls bettet tboo oll tbe wotlJ ooJ wbotevet ls lo
lt A ploce lo lotoJlse os smoll os tbe bow ot losb of ooe of yoo ls bettet tboo oll tbe wotlJ ooJ wbotevet ls lo lt AoJ lf o
bootl ftom lotoJlse oppeoteJ to tbe people of tbe eottb sbe woolJ flll tbe spoce betweeo neoveo ooJ tbe ottb wltb
llqbt ooJ pleosoot sceot ooJ bet beoJ covet ls bettet tboo tbe wotlJ ooJ wbotevet ls lo lt

uron 221 wotfote ls otJoloeJ fot yoo tbooqb lt ls botefol ooto yoo bot lt moy boppeo tbot ye bote o tbloq wblcb ls
qooJ fot yoo

owever each Lme a war was foughL Muhammed#s sLadard charge was 0 share of war booLy

;uran 841 AoJ koow tbot wbotevet ye toke os spolls of wot lo! o flftb tbeteof ls fot Allob ooJ fot tbe messeoqet ooJ
fot tbe klosmoo %wbo botb oeeJ) ooJ otpboos ooJ tbe oeeJy ooJ tbe woyfotet

1he followg quoLe was used Lo [usLfy Lhe SepLember 11 001 aLLacks

uron 8l940 5oy to tbe loflJels lf tbey Jeslst ftom tbelt oobellef wbot ls oow post sboll be fotqlveo tbem bot lf tbey
tetoto to lt tbey bove olteoJy befote tbem tbe Joom of tbe oocleots! llqbt tbeo oqolost tbem tlll sttlfe be ot oo eoJ ooJ
tbe tellqloo be oll of lt CoJs

1hese drecLos from Lhe Cura are effecLvely ecouragg followers Lo coerce oLhers Lo followg lslam eve f Lhey
do oL waL Lo eLher by Lax or by force

ere are examples of such cdeLs whch are also chrocled Lhe Sahh adLh 1hey are farly deLaled ad deserve
Lher ow secLo l Lhe secod example Lhe propheL persoally examed kds Lo see f Lhey had publc har (Lo see f
Lhey were old eough Lo remember Lhe aLrocLes) ad Lhose LhaL were were all massacred l my opo L was Lhe
darkesL day Lhe lslamc aleder

umm Crfa was a old Arab woma She beloged Lo a paga Lrbe amed 8au lazara aL Wad AlCurra 1hs old
woma who was also a chef of her cla was bruLally klled whe Muhammad ad hs followers raded her Lrbe ad
overpowered Lhem 1he cdeL Look place almosL sx years afLer Muhammad#s [ra Lo Meda 6 Au
1he frsL Lo reporL Lhs murder was lb lshaq followed by 1abar 1he hghly edLed verso of lb lshaq (by lb sham)
does coLa Lhe meLo of Lhe murder buL oL Lhe bruLal way whch she was klled lL s 1abar who exposed Lhe
bruLalLy of her kllg

b) 1orture 1he Story of Umm ;|rfa


lb lshaq Lhe frsL auLheLc bographer of Muhammad says

lb lshaq 980 umm Crfa laLma was Lake prsoer She was a very old woma wfe of Malk er daughLer ad
Abdulla b Mas#ada were also Lake Zad ordered Cays b alMusahhar Lo kll umm Crfa ad he klled her cruelly
1he Lhey broughL umm Crfa#s daughLer ad Mas#ada#s so Lo Lhe aposLle 1he daughLer of umm Crfa beloged Lo
Salama b Amr b alAkwa who had Lake her She held a posLo of hoor amog her people ad Lhe Arabs used Lo say
ad you bee more powerful Lha umm Crfa you could have doe o more" Salama asked Lhe aposLle Lo leL hm have
her ad he gave her Lo hm ad he preseLed her Lo hs ucle az b Abu Wahb ad she bare hm Abdul8ahma
az(p633) umm Crfa#s daughLer was eslaved ad mpregaLed

1he cruel meLhod used by Lhe holy warrors of Muhammad Lo kll umm Crfa s descrbed Al1abar

1abar vol8 Allah#s Messeger seL Zayd Lo Wad Cura where he ecouLered Lhe 8au lazarah e meL Lhem Cura
ad flcLed casualLes o Lhem ad Look umm Crfah prsoer e also Look oe of umm#s daughLers ad Abdallah b
Mas#adah prsoer Zyad b arLhah ordered Cays Lo kll umm ad he klled her cruelly e Led each of her legs wLh a
rope ad Led Lhe ropes Lo Lwo camels ad Lhey splL her Lwo

A perfecL role model for makd"

1he ropheL was bashed from Mecca so he Look a bad of followers (mosLly relaLves slaves socal ouLcasLs ad
busess acquaLaces) Lo Meda upo reachg Meda he made a owar pacL wLh Lhe !ews as hs followers
coLued Lo grow owever Lhs peace LreaLy was broke whe Lhe Meda !ews surrouded Lhemselves a
compoud as Mecca solders advaced Lo Lher LerrLory 1he ropheL Look Lhs opporLuLy Lo surroud Lher
compoud ad Lhe decded Lo sege ad fghL Lhem

AfLer Lhe sege was lfLed Muhammad relaxed Lo have a baLh ad Lhe agel Cabrel appeared Lo hm dcaLg LhaL Lhe
baLLle had oL bee compleLed whle poLg Lo Lhe drecLo of Lhe 8au Curayza Lrbe Muhammad prompLly
marched wLh Lhree Lhousad me agasL Lhe Curayza !ews 1he beseged !ews who were wary of Lhs eveLualLy
surredered 1he me were rouded up ad Lhe wome ad chldre placed wLh Lhe spols of war 1o dsLgush
beLwee ma ad boy Muhammad had all Lhose o Lhe cusp of mahood checked for Lhe exsLece of pubc har e
Lhe placed Lhe decso o Lhe plghL of Lhe Lrbe Lhe hads of oe of hs chefs Sad who had bee wouded Lhe
baLLle s [udgmeL was LhaL Lhe me should be puL Lo deaLh Lhe wome ad chldre sold Lo slavery ad Lhe spol
dvded amog Lhe Muslms Muhammad respoded '1ruly Lhe [udgmeL of Sad s Lhe [udgmeL of Lhe Lord
proouced o hgh from above Lhe seveLh heave#

uurg Lhe ghL Lreches were dug Lhe markeLplace As Lhe day dawed Muhammad commaded Lhe male capLves
Lo be broughL ouL groups of fve aL a Lme 1hey were made Lo sL a row aL Lhe edge of Lhe Lrech whle Lhe wome
ad chldre wLessed Lhe dowward swg of Lhe sword Lhrough Lhe ecks of Lher husbads faLhers sos ad
broLhers Lher bodes Lhe beg casL Lo Lhe Lrech 1he slaughLer lasLed all day ad coLued by LorchlghL Lo Lhe
ghL A esLmaLed 800 Lo 900 me meL Lher demse o LhaL faLhful day

Alog wLh hs sLadard charge of a 0 share of war booLy (Cura 841) Muhammad also selecLed a beauLful Leeage
brde 8ehaa daughLer of Lhe Curayza chef for hmself A sLrog headed woma she refused Lo coverL Lo lslam or
marry Lhe ropheL Muhammad#s opLos were eLher Lo kll her or add her Lo hs lsL of cocubes of whch he chose
Lhe laLLer

Source Ibn Ishaq S|rat kasu| A||ah (Lhe earlesL survvg LradLoal bography ad was wrLLe [usL over 130 years
afLer Muhammads deaLh ad wdely accepLed by lslamc scholars Loday)

c) 8anu ;urayza Massacre

AL oo of Lhe same day Cabrel came Lo Lhe AposLle wearg a slke Lurba ad rdg o a mule saddled wLh
brocade e sad asL Lhou puL away Lhy arms AposLle of Allah"# e repled ?es ad Cabrel sad 8uL Lhe agels
have oL yeL puL away Lhers l have come here Lo call Lhe people Lo follow Lhe commad of Allah ad Lo march agasL
Lhe 8au Curayza l go myself Lo make Lhem Lremble

1herefore Lhe AposLle of Allah ordered L Lo be proclamed LhaL oe should hold afLeroo prayers uLl Lhey reached
Lhe !ewsh sLroghold (prayers were puL o hold for Lhe more mporLaL Lask of baLLle)

1he AposLle of Allah beseged Lhe Curayza for LweLy fve days uLl Lhey were dsLressed ad Allah sLruck fear Lo
Lher hearLs

l Lhe morg Lhe Curayza came dow from Lher forL Lo surreder Lo Lhe AposLle of Allah

Sa#d proouced Lhe followg seLece l decree LhaL Lhe me be klled Lhe properLy be dvded ad Lhe wome wLh
Lher chldre be made capLves 1he AposLle of Allah sad 1hou hasL decded accordg Lo Lhe wll of Allah above Lhe
seve frmameLs

1reches were dug Lhe markeL place 1he he seL for Lhe me ad had Lher heads sLruck off so LhaL Lhey fell Lhe

Asha Lhe wfe of Lhe AposLle sad Cly oe of Lher wome was klled 8y Allah! She was wLh me Lalkg ad
laughg whle Lhe AposLle slaughLered her couLryme Lhe markeLplace ad whe her ame was called l asked
'WhaL s Lhs for"# ad she repled 'l am gog Lo be sla!# l asked why ad she aswered 'lor someLhg l have doe!#
1he she was Lake away ad her head was sLruck off 8uL l shall ever cease Lo marvel aL her good humour ad
laughLer alLhough she kew LhaL she was Lo de"

1he AposLle dsLrbuLed Lhe properLy of Lhe 8au Curayza as well as Lher wome ad chldre Lo Lhe Muslms
reservg oe ffLh for hmself

1he AposLle dspaLched a emssary Lo na[d wLh some prsoers Lo barLer Lhem as slaves exchage for horses ad

1he aposLle of Allah selecLed oe of Lhe !ewsh wome 8ehaa for hmself ad she remaed wLh hm as hs slave
(cocube) uLl she ded

ke|evant nad|ths

5ohih Mus/im 194l8 1he people of Curayza surredered 1he Messeger of Allah sad Lo Abu Sad alkhudr 1hese
people have surredered accepLg your decso e (Sad) sad ?ou wll kll Lher fghLers ad capLure Lher wome
ad chldre earg Lhs Lhe ropheL sad ?ou have ad[udged by Lhe commad of Allah

5ohih Mus/im 194l70 Sad was wouded o Lhe day of Lhe 8aLLle of Lhe uLch Whe Lhe Messeger of Allah reLured
from Lhe uLch ad lad dow hs arms ad Look a baLh Lhe agel Cabrel appeared Lo hm ad sad ?ou have lad dow
arms 8y Cod we haveL yeL lad Lhem dow So march agasL Lhem 1he Messeger of Allah asked here e poLed
Lo 8au Curayza So Lhe Messeger of Allah foughL agasL Lhem 1hey surredered aL Lhe commad of Lhe Messeger
of Allah buL referred Lhe decso abouL Lhem Lo Sad who sad l decde abouL Lhem LhaL Lhose of Lhem who ca fghL
be klled Lher wome ad chldre Lake prsoers ad Lher properLes dsLrbuLed amog Lhe Muslms

5unon 4bu uowud l84l90 narraLed ALyyah alCuraz l was amog Lhe capLves of 8au Curayza 1he Muslms
examed us ad Lhose who had begu Lo grow pubc har were klled ad Lhose who had oL were oL klled l was
amog Lhose who had oL grow har


1he remag hsLory of lslam shows more evdece of warfare 1wo ouL of four alphs were klled durg fghLg
for Lhe alphaLe 1he day Muhammed was bured umar faLally wouded Muhammeds daughLer laLma ad she ded
of Lhese wouds afLer 4 moLhs All Lhe sos ad gradsos of laLma were murdered by Muslms Lhemselves WhaL
securLy was offered by lslam whe L could oL eve proLecL Muhammads ow famly from Lself"

Some mghL eve argue LhaL Lhs s how lslam spread from a small parL of Lhe deserL of Araba Lo Lhe resL of Lhe world
cludg empres fghLg oe aoLher ad Lhe crusades 1hs behavour was exemplfed by Lhe ropheL who hmself
carred ouL more Lha 70 rads ad wars [usL 10 years WLh Lhe frsL few decades followg hs deaLh hs Araba
compaos vaded ad coquered hrsLa !ewsh du 8uddhsL ad ZoroasLra lads A mere 3 years afLer
Muhammads deaLh Muslm armes had capLured lad ad people wLh Lhe borders of over 8 moder couLres
ouLsde of Saud Araba

Ad owadays hsLory appears Lo be repeaLg Lself wLh Lhe securLy ssue for Lhe world aL large 1he uk 1elegraph
reporLed LhaL Llza Magham8uller Lhe drecLor geeral of Ml3 wared of more Lha 1600 deLfed dvduals
acLvely egaged ploLLg LerrorsL aLLacks Lhe uk 1he Lvrocs oll 007 showed LhaL 1 of aada#s Muslms
(84000 Muslms) beleved Lhe aborLed LerrorsL ploL whch cluded Lhe kdappg ad beheadg of Lhe aada
prme msLer ad Lhe blowgup of Ls arlameL was fully [usLfed 1hs s whe aada e[oys Lhe prvlege of
geerally havg cordal deceL relaLos wLh Lhe Muslm world

11) S|avery Capt|ves

Mohammad gave supporL Lo Lhe freeg of slaves buL coLrary Lo may clams lslam ever prohbLed Ls pracLse

5ohih 8ukhori l4775 NottoteJ kotlb tbe fteeJ slove of lbo Abbos tbot Molmooo blot Alnotltb tolJ blm tbot sbe
mooomltteJ o sloveqltl wltboot tokloq tbe petmlssloo of tbe ltopbet Oo tbe Joy wbeo lt wos bet toto to be wltb tbe
ltopbet sbe solJ uo yoo koow O Allobs Apostle tbot l bove mooomltteJ my sloveqltl? ne solJ nove yoo teolly?
5be teplleJ lo tbe offltmotlve ne solJ oo woolJ bove qot mote tewotJ lf yoo boJ qlveo bet %le tbe sloveqltl) to ooe of
yoot motetool oocles

l facL Lhe ropheL hmself owed slaves Mara alCbLyya was a LgypLa opLc hrsLa ad seL as a gfL from
Muqawqs a LgypLa 8uler Lo Muhammad Lhe year 68 s so lbrahm was bor by Marya alCbLyya oL oe
of hs eleve wves aL Lhe Lme buL hs house slave

@ofsir 4/lo/o/yn{1) O ltopbet! wby Jo yoo ptoblblt wbot CoJ bos moJe lowfol fot yoo lo tetms of yoot coptlc
booJmolJeo Mtlyo wbeo be loy wltb bet lo tbe boose of nofso wbo boJ beeo owoy bot wbo opoo tetotoloq ooJ
floJloq oot become opset by tbe foct tbot tbls boJ tokeo ploce lo bet owo boose ooJ oo bet owo beJ by soyloq 5be ls
oolowfol fot me! seekloq by mokloq bet oolowfol fot yoo to pleose yoot wlves? AoJ CoJ ls lotqlvloq Metclfol bovloq
fotqlveo yoo tbls ptoblbltloo

1he prevous Abrahamc relgos ever had ay ma[or ssues wLh slavery ad eLher dd lslam AlLhough Muslm slaves
(or Lher owers) were allowed Lo purchase Lher freedom by payg a rasom slavery was sLll edorsed by Lhe Cura
for chldre of Lwo slave pareLs or owers of kaffr slaves

8ukhori kitobu/ lkroh 1be ptopbet oskeJ wbo wlll boy tbls slove ftom me? noztot Noeem booqbt blm fot 800

1he followg hadLhs are eyeopeg


5ohih 8ukhori 71l2 1be ltopbet solJ Nooe of yoo sboolJ floq bls wlfe os be floqs o slove ooJ tbeo bove sexool
lotetcootse wltb bet lo tbe lost pott of tbe Joy
4bu uowud 8ook 11 Number 212 l mottleJ o vltqlo womoo lo bet vell wbeo l eoteteJ opoo bet l foooJ bet pteqooot
1be ltopbet solJ 5be wlll qet tbe Jowet fot yoo moJe bet voqloo lowfol fot yoo 1be cbllJ wlll be yoot slove wbeo sbe
bos beqotteo o cbllJ floq bet %olnosoo)

Muslm couLres were Lhe lasL Lo sLop Lhe slave Lraffckg uurg Lhs dark perod hsLory L s esLmaLed LhaL aL
leasL 17 mllo slaves (mosLly black wome ad chldre) were broughL ouL of Afrca by lslamc Lraders addLo Lo
Lhe 11 mllo slaves LhaL were also Lake by Lhe Luropeas owever Lhese were oly Lhe survvors As may as 83
mllo oLher Afrcas were LhoughL Lo have ded e rouLe Saud Araba was oe of Lhe lasL sLaLes Lhe world as laLe as
196 Lo prohbL slavery wLh oLher couLres lke Lhe uSA makg L llegal 100 years beforehad

uron 87 lt ls oot fot ooy ptopbet to bove coptlves ootll be botb moJe slooqbtet lo tbe looJ

As we see Allah explcLly gves Muslm me cerLa rghLs over capLves oce slaughLerg s compleLe Accordg Lo Lhe
Cura Lhese permssos clude Lhe explcL rghL Lo have exLramarLal Lercourse wLh female capLves (ad [usL as
worrygly female domesLc servaLs)

uron ll50 we bove moJe lowfol ooto tbee tby wlves ooto wbom tboo bost polJ tbelt Jowtles ooJ tbose wbom tby
tlqbt booJ possessetb of tbose wbom Allob botb qlveo tbee os spolls of wot
uron 7029 AoJ tbose wbo ptesetve tbelt cbostlty wltb tbelt wlves ooJ tbose wbom tbelt tlqbt booJs possess
uron ll52 lt ls oot petmltteJ tbee to toke otbet wlves beteoftet oot to cbooqe tby pteseot wlves fot otbet womeo
tbooqb tbelt beooty cbotm tbee except sloves wbom tby tlqbt booJ sboll possess

Ad here s a hadLh showg Muslm [hadsLs havg sex wLh capLured ad eslaved wome

5ohih 8ukhori 559l7 All %MobommoJs cooslo ooJ soololow) boJ tokeo o botb oftet o sexool oct wltb o sloveqltl
ftom tbe wot booty ooJ tbe ltopbets tespoose to tbe petsoo wbo boteJ All fot tbls sexool oct wos uo yoo bote All fot
tbls? uoot bote blm fot be Jesetves mote tboo tbot ftom tbe wot booty

owever whe L comes Lo Lhe spols of war some muslms coLed LhaL Lhe cocepL of Mu#Lah /Msyar or 'Lemporary
marrage# comes Lo play here as AbdAllah b Masud oe of Lhe closesL compaos Lo Lhe propheL reporLed

5ohih Mus/im 8ook 8l24l4 we oseJ to pottlclpote lo tbe boly wots cottleJ oo by tbe ltopbet ooJ we boJ oo womeo
%wlves) wltb os 5o we solJ %to tbe ltopbet) 5boll we costtote ootselves?
8ot tbe ltopbet fotboJe os to Jo tbot ooJ tbeocefottb be olloweJ os to motty o womoo %tempototlly) by qlvloq bet eveo
o qotmeot ooJ tbeo be teclteJ O yoo wbo belleve! uo oot moke oolowfol tbe qooJ tbloqs wblcb Allob bos moJe lowfol
fot yoo 1bete come to os tbe ptoclolmet of Allobs Messeoqet ooJ solJ Allobs Messeoqet bos qtooteJ yoo
petmlssloo to beoeflt yootselves l e to coottoct tempototy mottloqe wltb womeo

As L ca be see Lhs pracLse was sacLfed by Lhe propheL buL may years laLer alph umar abrogaLed ad reversed
Lhe ropheL#s decso clamg LhaL Lhe ropheLs had chaged hs md neverLheless Lhe pracLse of 'oLus
lLerrupLus# s sLll halal as show below

5ohih Mus/im 8ook 08 Number ll71 cboptet AlAzl %locomplete sexool lotetcootse) coltos lotettoptos
O Abo 5olJ JlJ yoo beot Allobs Messeoqet meotlooloq olozl? ne solJ es ooJ oJJeJ we weot oot wltb Allobs
Messeoqet oo tbe expeJltloo to tbe 8llMostollp ooJ took coptlve some excelleot Atob womeo ooJ we JeslteJ tbem fot
we wete soffetloq ftom tbe obseoce of oot wlves %bot ot tbe some tlme) we olso JeslteJ toosom fot tbem 5o we JeclJeJ
to bove sexool lotetcootse wltb tbem bot by obsetvloq ozl %wltbJtowloq tbe mole sexool otqoo befote emlssloo of semeo
to ovolJ cooceptloo)
8ot we solJ we ote Joloq oo oct wbeteos Allobs Messeoqet ls omooqst os wby oot osk blm?
5o we oskeJ Allobs Messeoqet ooJ be solJ lt Joes oot mottet lf yoo Jo oot Jo lt fot evety sool tbot ls to be boto op to
tbe uoy of kesottectloo wlll be boto

12) Sah|h nad|th

Su lslam s Lhe largesL brach of lslam ad Lhe ame Lself derves from Lhe Lerm Suah (Arabc -~ ) whch refers Lo
Lhe saygs ad acLos of Muhammad LhaL are recorded hadLhs lollowers of Su lslam cosder Sahh 8ukhar ad
Sahh Muslm hadLhs Lo be 100 auLheLc 1he Cura Lself s Loo small Lo make a relgo L mosLly s a
reaffrmaLo of Lself ad day Lo day eveLs Lhose Lmes

1he Cura s oL chrocle order so wLhouL Lhe hadLh we could oL Lell whch verse was abrogaLed or oL 1he 99
ames of Allah would become obsoleLe as Lhe come from Lhe weak hadLh Lve crcumcso s oL meLoed
aywhere Lhe Cura oly Lhe hadLh lL does oL coLa eough formaLo Lo eve expla Lself eg how L
came abouL meLhod umber of rakaLs of prayer fasL or perform ha[[ Lve Lhe corersLoes of lslam would oL exsL
wLhouL Lhe adLh CuL of Lhe 3 llars of lslam L s oly possble Lo pracLse oe pllar comprehesvely accordg Lo
Lhe Cura 1hs s why lslam s oL compleLe wLhouL Lhe use of Lhe hadLh 1he real LruLh s lslam has bee largely
cosLrucLed ouL of Lhe hadLh ad oL Lhe Cura

lor Lhe purposes below we wll lsL maly from Lhese auLheLcaLed sLrog adLh whch Su Muslms accepL as facL
owever Su Muslms do use Lhe weaker hadLh Loo buL Led Lo be selecLed lke 'pck mx# e Lhe good oes are
used for dawahgada purposes Lhe oes LhaL doL suL (such as female crcumcso excepL Lhe case of LgypL ad
oLher parLs of norLh Afrca) are ormally coveeLly gored

SomeLmes ce soudg uaLLrbuLed hadLh fd Lher way Lo lslam from oLher relgos 1here are popular lslamc
hadLh whch l dsLcLly remember from chldhood LhaL were repeaLed relayed Lo me by my pareLs Lher freds ad
Mullahs aL Lhe local mosque 1hey were

l) Jocote yootself eveo lf lt meoos yoo bove to qo to cbloo

ll) 1be ptopbets cot Moezzo fell osleep oo tbe tobes be wos weotloq wbllst be wos owoke lo otJet oot to
Jlstotb lt be cot op bls qotmeot so tbot bls cot coolJ temolo osleep

lll) A Iewlsb loJy oseJ to tbtow qotboqe ovet tbe ptopbet oo bls osool toote evety Joy Ooe Joy sbe JlJot
ooJ be weot to cbeck op oo bet to see lf sbe wos well ooJ sbe tbookeJ blm ooJ lotet coovetteJ to lslom

l have bee uable Lo puL a source Lo ay of Lhese l ow kow LhaL s because Lhey doL exsL 1hey are sLores whch
are oL Lo be foud Lhe Cura or ay hadLh oL ay lslamc lLeraLure l facL Lhe secod oe abouL Lhe propheLs
sleepg caL has acLually foud Ls way Lo lslam Lhrough Lhe 8aha faLh! 1hey are all myLhs ad legeds we were
broughL up o CeeraLo upo geeraLo assumed L was Lhe de facLo LruLh ad smply passed L oLo Lhe exL Cly
uLl we beg our vesLgaLos wLh ope hearLs ad mds mghL we beg Lo fd Lhgs are oL quLe as Lhey frsL
may seem 1hs sLory sums L up quLe well

wbeo o coyoqo loJloo of tbe 7tb ceototy beotJ o wblte cbtlstloo mlssloooty tell tbe stoty of bow Iooob wos swolloweJ
by o wbole sotvlveJ oftet speoJloq J Joys loslJe lts belly %&&Ootoo J7J48 soys oftet ptoyloq fot fotqlveoess Iooos
wos teqotqltoteJ oot ooJ moooqeJ to sotvlve)
1be coyoqo moo solJ ls tbot wbot ls solJ os o stoty ot ls tbot wbot yoo koow?
lt ls wbot l koow tbe mlssloooty teplleJ
now mooy wlotets bove posseJ sloce tbls tbloq JlJ boppeo? tbe coyoqo moo oskeJ
Mote tboo tbtee tboosooJ wlotets tbe mlssloooty solJ
ls lt solJ to be ttoe tbot lt wos tbot looq oqo ot Jo yoo koow lt to be ttoe?
l koow lt to be ttoe solJ tbe mlssloooty
As tbe coyoqo moo wolkeJ owoy be totoeJ to o ftleoJ ooJ solJ l koow tbls to be ttoe eltbet tbls wblte moo ls o llot ot
bes mocb olJet tboo be oppeots to be

Cf course Lhere are may LruLhs good Lhgs spoke of Lhe hadLh ad order Lo preveL Lhe remader of Lhs
secLo comg across as oesded here s a example of a hadLh LhaL l adore whch also happes Lo be oe of my
persoal favourLes

@irmidhi 1oke oJvootoqe of flve tbloqs befote flve otbets yoot yootb befote yoot olJ oqe yoot beoltb befote yoot
slckoess yoot weoltb befote yoot povetty yoot ftee tlme befote yoo become occopleJ ooJ yoot llfe befote yoot Jeotb

1hs s oe of Lhe sLrager oes

5ohih 8ukhori 111582 Allobs Apostle solJ wbeo tbe AJboo ls ptoooooceJ 5otoo tokes to bls beels ooJ posses wloJ
wltb oolse Jotloq bls fllqbt lo otJet oot to beot tbe AJboo

Oo 1otklsb people

5ohih 8ukhori 452179 Allobs Apostle solJ 1be noot wlll oot be estobllsbeJ ootll yoo flqbt wltb tbe 1otks people wltb
5MAll 5 ku lAc5 ooJ llA1 NO55 1belt foces wlll look llke sblelJs cooteJ wltb leotbet 1be noot wlll oot be
estobllsbeJ tlll yoo llCn1 wltb people wbose sboes ote moJe of bolt

5ohih 8ukhori 15277 1be ltopbet solJ 1be %people of) 8ool lstoel oseJ to toke botb ookeJ %oll toqetbet) lookloq ot
eocb otbet 1be ltopbet Moses oseJ to toke o botb olooe 1bey solJ 8y Allob! Notbloq pteveots Moses ftom tokloq o
botb wltb os except tbot be boJ o sctotol betolo
5o ooce Moses weot oot to toke o botb ooJ pot bls clotbes ovet o stooe ooJ tbeo tbot stooe too owoy wltb bls clotbes
Moses followeJ tbot stooe soyloq My clotbes O stooe! My clotbes O stooe! tlll tbe people of 8ool lstoel sow blm ooJ
solJ 8y Allob Moses bos qot oo Jefect lo bls boJy Moses took bls clotbes ooJ beqoo to beot tbe stooe

5ohih 8ukhori 17l8 1be ltopbet fotboJe looqbloq ot o petsoo wbo posses wloJ

1abaqat Vo|ume 1 page 369 we tbe ptopbets ote tepolteJ to eot oot motoloq fooJ lotet tboo otbets ooJ botty lo
bteokloq oot fost lo tbe eveoloq

nad|th on Women

nodith of nomnoh bint lohsh AccotJloq to tbe ptopbet tbe mootbly meosttootloo fot o womoo ls o klck ftom tbe
5ohih 8ukhori 72l0 Allobs Apostle solJ vll omeo ls lo tbe womeo tbe boose ooJ tbe botse

5ohih 8ukhori 0l11 NottoteJ Alsbo l oseJ to look Jowo opoo tbose loJles wbo boJ qlveo tbemselves fot sex to Allobs
Apostle ooJ l oseJ to soy coo o loJy qlve betself %to o moo)? 8ot wbeo Allob teveoleJ oo %O MobommoJ) coo postpooe tbe
toto of wbom yoo wlll of tbem %yoot wlves) ooJ yoo moy tecelve ooy of tbem wbom yoo wlll ooJ tbete ls oo blome oo yoo lf yoo
lovlte ooe wbose toto yoo bove set oslJe %tempototlly)

5ohih 8ukhori 1l01 Ooce Allobs Apostle weot oot to offet ptoyet ooJ be posseJ by tbe womeo ooJ solJ O womeo!
Clve olms os l bove seeo tbot tbe mojotlty of tbe Jwellets of nellflte wete yoo womeo
a) Unusua| nad|th

1bey oskeJ wby ls lt so O Allobs Apostle? ne teplleJ oo cotse ftepoeotly ooJ ote ooqtotefol to yoot bosbooJs l
bove oot seeo ooyooe mote Jeflcleot lo lotelllqeoce ooJ tellqloo tboo yoo A cootloos seoslble moo coolJ be leJ osttoy by
some of yoo
1be womeo oskeJ O Allobs Apostle! wbot ls Jeflcleot lo oot lotelllqeoce ooJ tellqloo?
ne solJ ls oot tbe evlJeoce of two womeo epool to tbe wltoess of ooe moo? 1bey teplleJ lo tbe offltmotlve ne solJ
1bls ls tbe Jeflcleocy lo bet lotelllqeoce
lsot lt ttoe tbot o womoo coo oeltbet ptoy oot fost Jotloq bet meoses? 1be womeo teplleJ lo tbe offltmotlve ne solJ
1bls ls tbe Jeflcleocy lo bet tellqloo

nad|th on the aranorma| Wor|d

5ohih 8ukhori 21245 1bose wbo keep oo sleeploq tlll motoloq ooJ JlJ oot qot op fot lojt 5otoo otlootes lo tbelt eots

noL oly s Lhs hadLh sLrage because of whaL saLa does buL L makes o sese eLher as L appears SaLa s workg
o behalf Allah by pushg belevers for oL prayg whe facL he waLs Lhe opposLe l Lhk Lhe propheL may have
bee cofused here

5ohih 8ukhori 5451 lf ooyooe of yoo tooses ftom sleep ooJ petfotms tbe oblotloo be sboolJ wosb
bls oose by pottloq wotet lo lt ooJ tbeo blowloq lt oot tbtlce becoose 5otoo bos stoyeJ lo tbe oppet pott of bls oose oll
tbe olqbt

urreLly 7 Lo 10 of Lhe huma populaLo s lefL haded yeL
5ohih Mus/im 2l5008 lbo umot tepotteJ Allobs Messeoqet os soyloq wbeo ooy ooe of yoo loteoJs to eot be sboolJ
eot wltb bls tlqbt booJ AoJ wbeo be %loteoJs) to Jtlok be sboolJ Jtlok wltb bls tlqbt booJ fot tbe 5otoo eots wltb bls left
booJ ooJ Jtloks wltb bls left booJ

5ohih 8ukhori 558199 l oskeJ Mostop wbo lofotmeJ tbe ltopbet oboot tbe Iloos ot tbe olqbt wbeo tbey beotJ tbe
Ootoo? ne solJ oot fotbet AbJollob lofotmeJ me tbot o ttee lofotmeJ tbe ltopbet oboot tbem
5ohih 8ukhori 21l4 1be soo tlses betweeo tbe two ootlets of 5otoo

5ohih 8ukhori 22l1 %8eqlooloq of cteotloo) 1be bellflte comploloeJ to Allob Ooe pott of me ls eotloq tbe otbet pott
5o tbe bellflte wos olloweJ two bteotbs ooe lo sommet ooJ ooe lo wlotet 1bot ls bow yoo see tbe cbooqe of seosoos

5ohih 8ukhori 45554l 1be ltopbet solJ Allob cteoteJ AJom mokloq blm 60 coblts toll
Whch s approxmaLely 90 feeL! AppareLly also Lhe people of LhaL Lme were gaLs compared Lo Lhe resL of us buL
where s Lhe archaeologcal evdece"

5ohih 8ukhori 419 1be Aoqel of ueotb wos seot to Moses wbeo be come to Moses Moses sloppeJ blm oo tbe eye

5ohih Mus/im 8ook 041 Number 985 IoJqmeot uoy wlll come ooly wbeo tbe Mosllms flqbt tbe Iews ooJ klll tbem
ootll tbe Iew blJes bebloJ tbe ttee ooJ tbe stooe ooJ tbe ttee ooJ tbe stooe soy Ob Mosllm ob setvoot of Allob tbete
ls o Iew bebloJ me come ooJ klll blm! except fot tbe CbotpoJ ttee wblcb ls o Iewlsb ttee

nad|th on An|ma|s

5ohih 8ukhori 558188 uotloq tbe ptelslomlc petloJ of lqootooce l sow o sbemookey sottoooJeJ by o oombet of
mookeys 1bey wete oll stooloq lt becoose lt boJ commltteJ llleqol sexool lotetcootse l too stooeJ lt olooq wltb tbem

5ohih Mus/im 410l2 1be Messeoqet of Allob solJ ptoyet woolJ be cot off by %possloq of oo) Ass wOMAN ooJ block
uoq %5oblb 8okbotl 40 tefets to ooy Joq) wbeo be wos oskeJ oboot tbe speclolty of block Joq be solJ 1be block Joq
ls o Jevll

5ohih Mus/im 10l81l Allobs Messeoqet otJeteJ os to klll Joqs ooJ we cottleJ oot tbls otJet so mocb so tbot we olso
kllleJ tbe Joq comloq wltb o womoo ftom tbe Jesett

5ohih Mus/im 2551 1be Messeoqet of Allob otJeteJ klllloq of tbe Joqs ooJ tbeo solJ wbot oboot tbem l e oboot
otbet Joqs? ne tbeo qtooteJ coocessloo fot tbe Joq oseJ fot bootloq ooJ tbe Joq fot %tbe secotlty) of tbe betJ ooJ solJ
wbeo tbe Joq llcks tbe oteosll wosb lt seveo tlmes ooJ tob lt wltb eottb tbe elqbtb tlme

5ohih Mus/im 2552 Allobs Apostle commooJeJ tbe klllloq of qeckos ooJ be colleJ tbem llttle ooxloos cteototes
ne solJ be wbo kllleJ o qecko wltb tbe fltst sttoke fot blm ls socb ooJ socb o tewotJ ooJ be wbo kllleJ lt wltb o secooJ
sttoke fot blm ls socb ooJ socb tewotJ less tboo tbe fltst ooe ooJ be wbo kllleJ lt wltb tbe tbltJ sttoke fot blm ls socb
ooJ socb o tewotJ less tboo tbe secooJ ooe

l Lhe AsSua hadLh he forbade Lhe kllg of frogs because Lher croakg was prase Lo Allah

13) ;uran|c seudosc|ence

May magcal paLLers ad (posL eveL) predcLos are made as a meas Lo prove Lhe Curas dve sgaLure Smlar
aLLempLs were made Lo fd crypLograms Shakespeare#s works whch Leded Lo reporL resulLs oly for Lhose passages
of Shakespeare for whch Lhe Lheory produced a posLve resulL Same apples Lo crypLograms Lhe 8ble 1hese
predcLos are all reverseegeered afLer Lhe eveL occurred

Why dd#L Muslms make Lhese sceLfc dscoveres frsL or use Lhe Cura Lo Lher advaLage Cr a challege l#d lke Lo
Lhrow ouL Lo ay 8elever use L Lo make sceLfc advaces of Lhe fuLure"

?ou may be famlar wLh Lhe 1exas sharpshooLer aalogy where a cowboy s sad Lo fre a roud of bulleLs aL a bar
door ad Lhe draw a crcle roud Lhe bulleLs ad Lhe show how hs fe am wLh Lhe gu lL s oe of Lhe socalled
lusLerg lluso fallaces where we refer Lo Lhe huma cogLve Ledecy Lo dscover paLLers radomess where
oe may acLually exsL
l a smlar fasho followers wll have oly cherrypcked or remembered Lhe mosL LeresLg observaLos of
Muhammed s kowledge wll have bee broad gve Lhe may sLores LhaL would have bee relayed Lo hm va
Lravellers merchaLs alog hs Lrade rouLes voyages 8y Lhe Lme moder day belevers have flLered Lhrough Lhem
we geL Lo hear Lhe very besL of Lhem

AfLer readg Lhe evdece Moby uck hLLp//csaueduau/bdm/dlugm/mobyhLml we mghL come Lo Lhe cocluso
LhaL Moby uck really predcLed Lhe assassaLos of famous prme msLers

My overall vew o such maLLers s LhaL before we accepL ay superaLural clams over ad above raLoal evdece we
musL approach Lhem as we would wLh a serous pece of ob[ecLve research LeL us Lake a back sLep ad look aL L all
wLh a ope md Lvery relgo makes Lhs Lype of clam ad we have devouL followers of Lhem all

a) Numero|ogy red|ct|ons

owever for argumeLs sake leL#s say Lhe Cura s mraculous ad dd predcL Lhgs advace LhaL L could oL
possbly have kow aL Lhe Lme

1here are may oLher hsLorcal fgures who clam Lo have doe so does LhaL also make Lhem propheLs of Cod f Lhey
clamed Lhey were" Were people lke Lpcurus dvely spred" 1he besL example s a famous LaL poem
summarzg Lpcurea phlosophy (41 8 Lo 70 8 some 1000 years earler) whch my opo ouLshes Lhe
kora boLh clarLy ad quaLLy of sceLfc predcLos

ere s a lsL of some of Lhese

O Lhe exsLece of Lhe aLom ad Lhe molecule (Lhe bdg of Lwo aLoms Lo produce a dffereL chemcal)
O earLhquakes are caused by slppg faulL les
O soud s a pressure wave of ar molecules whose shape deLermes Lhe soud
O Lhe law of erLa (uless reLarded by a blow ob[ecLs are cosLaL moLooL proved uLl Calleo)
O Lhe prcpal of uversal aLural law (Lhe same prcples of behavour LhaL apply o earLh apply Lhe same
everywhere Lhe uversea Lheory deed by ArsLoLle ad by Lhe hrsLa hurch uLl Calleo challeged
Lhe hurchs vew ad newLo proved hm rghL)
O Lhe ra cycle
O smell s caused by Lhe shape of molecules fLLg Lhe shape of recepLors Lhe ose
O lghLg s caused by frcLo beLwee sLorm froLs ad cossLs of rapdlymovg parLcles (whch we ow call
elecLros) LhaL are smaller Lha Lhe aLoms LhaL comprse vsble maLLer
O Lhe nle rses every year because of sow melLg aL Ls source
O amals cludg humas evolved by aLural selecLo
O maLLer s mosLly empLy space (Loday we dscover we could squeeze Lhe eLre uverse Lo Lhe sze of a sugar
O mageLsm s Lhe resulL of a cosLaL dscharge ad absorpLo of parLcles beLwee mageLc ob[ecLs
O Lhere s o ceLre of Lhe uverse buL may dffereL solar sysLems wLh Lher ow plaeLs
O Lhe speed of lghL s fLe
O he also predcLed relaLvLy argug LhaL moLo s relaLve ad Lme does oL exsL excepL as Lhe relaLo of
ob[ecLs ad eveLs Lo each oLher ad Lme s also relaLve Lo Lhe observer

Ad should ayoe say dve LerveLo help expla Lhese fdgs 00 8 ad was Lpcurus spred by Cod Lhe
aswer s o he [usL goL lucky

AlLhough aL frsL L may appear so he acLually dd#L kow oLhg of Wave Mechacs Lhe ompLo 8adus or
esebergs ucerLaLy rcple e smply resolved whaL he saw by drawg largely o emprcal observaLo
So Loo Lhe propheL was smply Lryg Lo sLaLe whaL was obvous Lo hm LhaL Cod s Lhe oe who made boLh Lhe earLh
ad Lhe heaves so vasL

1hs s quLe probable sce Mohammed demosLraLed he kew oLhg more Lha whaL was already kow aL Lhe
Lme !usL mage Lhe losL opporLuLy here Allah could have gve Mohammed Lhe mosL credble proof of sceLfc
prescece by havg hm descrbe Lhe sLar sysLems ad galaxes or eve sLaLg ubbles Law of expaso perhaps
wLh exacL fgures or Lhe raLe aL whch expaso s acceleraLg 8uL o all he gave hm was Lhe credbly vague such
as uron 514749 we ote tbe ooes wbo moke lt vost

1here s smply oLhg eve remoLely sceLfc or mraculous abouL LhaL

Whe L comes Lo less vague predcLos Lhe Allahs messeger specfed dffereL Lmes for Lhe ed of Lhs world boLh
of whch have bee prove wrog

AL Lhe Lme ropheL Muhammad sad Lhe uay of !udgmeL would come wLh oe hudred years from LhaL ghL

5ohih 8ukhori vo/ 1 8k l No 11
Ooce tbe ltopbet leJ os lo tbe lsbo ptoyet Jotloq tbe lost Joys of bls llfe ooJ oftet flolsbloq lt be solJ uo yoo teollze %tbe
lmpottooce of) tbls olqbt? NoboJy pteseot oo tbe sotfoce of tbe eottb toolqbt wlll be llvloq oftet tbe completloo of ooe
booJteJ yeots ftom tbls olqbt

Whe L comes Lo scepLcsm ad askg for proof Lhe Cura challeges obelevers Lo commL sucde as parL of a LesL
for Allah"

uron 2215 lf ooyooe tbloks tbot Allob wlll NO1 belp blm lo tbls wotlJ ooJ tbe neteoftet let blm sttetcb oot o tope to
tbe cellloq ooJ cot blmself off tbeo let blm see wbetbet bls ploo wlll temove tbot wblcb eotoqes blm!

1he of course clams LhaL have sce bee proved wrog by relgos are ofLe swepL uder Lhe carpeL whe clams
of l do oL udersLad" or we caoL quesLo Cod" or L#s a msLraslaLo" are made

uespLe Lhe Cura descrbg a flaL earLh we fd Muslms Loday adamaL LhaL Lhe Cura porLrays a osLrchegg shaped
oe (alLhough Lhs clam s made by whaL l call LexL mAssagg") Some 0 years ago Lhe very same people sad L
meaL sphercal ad 1400 years ago some clamed L meaL flaL oLe Lhe evolvg defLo of Lhe word 'daha# Lo fL
wLh our sceLfc udersLadg aL Lhe Lme!

1he word uobo LhaL s used acLually meas Lo spread ouL/flaLLe

As scece has sce proved Lhs Lo be wrog some Muslms have mraculously crcumveLed Lhs defLo ad say Lhe
Cura says oLherwse

lf Lomorrow Lhe earLh was proved Lo be flaL l am sure Lhe Curac LraslaLo would aga be reverseegeered Lo Lhe
orgal ad correcL defLo of Lhe word uaha" lf L was LhaL clear Lhe why were Muslm sceLsLs amogsL Lhe
lasL Lo adopL Lhe roudearLh Lheory ad Lhe geoceLrc uverse model"

lL s kow smply as 'cofrmaLo bas# Lhe way someoe wll LerpreL Lo a sLuaLo accordace wLh Lher pre
exsLg vew ad s sLark coLrasL Lo ob[ecLvLy

CLher relgos such as hrsLaLy also make Lhese dvcal clams eg Lhe 8ble Lhe Curas predecessor predcLed Lhe
earLh was roud WLhouL wshg Lo geL Loo deeply volved wLh Lhese clams Lhey are all wrog ay case 1he
earLh s facL oblaLe shaped Lhe shape of a waLermelo e a sphere wLh flaLLer eds aL Lhe poles

1o uderscore Lhs poL as laLe as 199 Lhe supreme relgous auLhorLy of Saud Araba Shek AbdelAzz b 8aaz
ssued laLwa declarg LhaL Lhe world was flaL ad ayoe who dspuLed Lhs clam was a aLhesL deservg of
pushmeL l a edcL LLled 1he 1rasmLLed ad Sesory roofs of Lhe 8oLaLo of Lhe Su ad SLlless of Lhe
LarLh" he asserLed LhaL Lhe earLh was flaL ad dsclke ad LhaL Lhe su revolved aroud L afLer ssLg LhaL saLellLe
mages were oLhg buL a WesLer cospracy agasL Lhe lslam (Source AlAhram Weekly lssue 477 119 Aprl

AoLher example of 'cofrmaLo bas# s accepLg ay source (eg lslamc 'scholars#) for [usLfcaLos whereas mosL
sceLsLs would look across a rage of facL evdece ad coducL Lher ow vesLgaLos LesL ad Lhe reLesL afLer
elmaLg coLrol facLors before reachg for ay hardfoud coclusos Ad Lhs s where Lhesm such meLhods
beg Lo prove faLal

l !auary 007 Lhe aksLa govermeL made efforLs Lo mmuze chldre from polo As humaLara healLh
workers Lrudged across Lhe nWl provce Lhe Cuarda reporLed lebruary 007 LhaL Lhe pareLs of some 4000

chldre had refused Lo allow Lhe workers Lo admsLer polo drops lL Lurs ouL LhaL flueLal aLsLaLe clercs had
bee ssug faLwas deoucg L as a ZosL campag Lo sLerlze Muslms

CLher smlarly famous faLwa#s coLroversal relgous edcLs clude

&5belkb MobommoJ AlMooojlJ wbo colleJ fot tbe neoJ of Mlckey Moose oftet loslstloq tbls loooceot llttle cbllJteos
fovootlte wos ooe of 5otoos solJlets

&lo 2007 tbe fotmet Jeoo of lslomlc low ot olAzbot uolvetslty lo colto lssoeJ o fotwo tbot ooJlty Jotloq sexool
lotetcootse lovollJotes o mottloqe betweeo bosbooJ ooJ wlfe

&5omollos lofomoos tellqloos ol5boboob qtoop wbo boooeJ somosos oftet tolloq tbese popolot ttlooqolot soocks wete
offeoslve ooJ too cbtlstloo becoose tbey tesembleJ tbe cbtlstloo noly 1tlolty

&Mote teceotly 5cbolot cletlc zzot Attlyo wooJeteJ bow ooteloteJ meo ooJ womeo coolJ wotk toqetbet lo tbe some
offlce wbeo lslom fotblJs meo ooJ womeo wbo oteot mottleJ ot teloteJ to be olooe toqetbet nls ooswet to tbls
cooooJtom wos to let bet sockle blm flve tlmes Iost to tepeot be solJ oo oJolt femole bteostfeeJloq oo oJolt mole co
wotket woolJ Jefose oll sexool teosloo lo tbe offlce 1be femole wotket woolJ oow be tbe mole wotkets fostet motbet
ooJ tbey coolJ be olooe toqetbet ooytlme

l Lhe lasL 30000 years sce ma has exsLed relgo largely played lLLle parL fdg ouL Lhe aswers yeL Lhe
lasL 100 years wLh scece we have made a expoeLal rse

uarwa evoluLo academc crcles s ow accepLed over ad above Lhe Muslm ad !udeohrsLa myLh of Adam
ad Lve ad carbo daLg of skeleLos ow coLradcLs Lhe age of ma accordg Lo Lhe bblcal scrpLures (humas
Lhere are oly 10000 years old appareLly)

ApplcaLo of Lrue sceLfc meLhod Lhe sharg of kowledge ad freeequry have broughL abouL Lhs chage ad s
Lhe besL Lool we have Loday for vesLgaLo ad gleag Lhe LruLh

8eplacg a huma hearL wLh a pgs hearL Lravellg Lo ouLer space maufacLurg of arLfcal lmbs are all receL
successes buL whaL wll Lhe exL 1000 years brg" We wll cerLaly furLher our udersLadg ad coLue Lo aswer
Lhe remag uaswered quesLos ad L really would oL surprse me where Lhs may eveLually lead

ArLfcal creaLo of huma begs"

14) Cur Cr|g|ns

As Lhe evoluLosL ambrdge graduaLe lmam usama asa sad Ce problem s LhaL may Muslms reLa Lhe smple
pcLure LhaL Cod creaLed Adam from clay much as a poLLer makes a sLaLue ad Lhe breaLhed Lo Lhe lfeless sLaLue
ad lo! L became a lvg huma 1hs s a chldres madrassalevel udersLadg ad Muslms really have Lo move o
as adulLs ad LellecLuals especally gve Lhe very serous sceLfc herLage of Lhe medeval lslamc cvlsaLo

ud Allah lke a poLLer o a wheel make us usg hs ow hads ouL of clay"

;uran 3711 387S wbom l bove cteoteJ wltb my two booJs oot of o stlcky cloy!

a) Inte|||gent Des|gn?

Why would Cod eed ayLhg Lo make Adam Lhe earLh or deed eve Lhe uverse he [usL says '8e# ('ku#) ad L s#
('laya ku#)

lf Lhe Cura says

;uran 9S4 cettololy we cteoteJ moo lo tbe best moke

Lhe why does Cod make us mperfecL wLh physcal ad psychologcal flaws ad mperfecLos Why are me 'creaLed#
wLh mammary Lssue pples LhaL doL 'work#" Cr a foresk wLh a dedcaLed 0000 sexual erve edgs ad Lhe
requesL we surgcally remove L aL brLh" 1oday#s medcal advsory Leams ad coucls do oL recommed such surgcal
procedures as Lhey are oL ecessary cosderg Lhe poLeLal rsks volved

lf Lhere s a LellgeL desger Lhe why do lfemparg brLh dseases exsL" a Lhese dseases really be
raLoalsed as parL of LellgeL desg we creaLed ma Lhe besL make" or as sceLfcallyaccepLed radom

Sk dseases see lchLhyoss (lmLed lfe expecLacy)

lLellgeL desg" See harloLLe leverley8sma dsease (lfe s a few moLhs usually)

lLellgeL desg" See Aecephaly dsease (usually do#L survve brLh)


We are perfecLly desged for Lhs earLh could Lhs really have happeed by aLurally selecLg radom muLaLos"

1he dea LhaL everyLhg s perfecL or 'desged ' for us ( whch we are#L cdeLally) s a commo posLo held by
creaLosLs assumg LhaL Lhe earLh evolved aroud us raLher Lha Lhe oLher way aroud lL s back Lo froL We have
evolved Lo survve o Lhe earLh ad LhaLs why we eed L lf we had evolved dffereL codLos our eeds for
survval would be dffereL ad we mghL assume Lhs s Lhe oly cofguraLo LhaL ca susLa lfe

LeLs beg Lhs dscusso wLh a pcLure of a baL skeleLo Ls reproducLve orga look famlar"

Was Cod lackg magaLo or dd all mammals evolve from Lhe same acesLor"

1ake a glass flled wLh waLer

1he waLer wll shape ad adapL Lo fL Ls surroudgs ad Lake Lhe shape of Lhe glass lmage ow puLLg L Lhe
freezer comg back a few hours laLer ad removg Lhe ce from Lhe glass ad placg L o Lhe Lable

Ay sLrager seeg Lhe glass ad Lhe ce separaLed o Lhe Lable mghL assume LhaL Lhe glass was JeslqoeJ ooJ cteoteJ
Lo fL Lhs block of ce
MaufacLurg Lhs glass Lo Lhe exacL measuremeLs requred Lo hold Lhs block of ce could oL [usL occur by chace

1he desger of Lhe glass musL have bee a geus! 8uL all LhaL acLually happeed was a glass of waLer was placed Lhe

We see examples of L every day wLh sophsLcaLed feaLs of egeerg lke aeroplaes all sLarLg from a basc desg
gradually adapLed revsed over Lhe course of Lme for Ls purpose ldeas lke Lhe dscovery of pecll may have
bega Lher lfe as a radom dscovery buL Lhere was a oeradom process selecLg L ad sLoppg L from beg
gored ad forgoLLe Smlarly raLher Lha beg radom our adapLaLosurvvalreproducLo over mllos of years
s a vald soluLo searchg algorLhm

b) Cr Lvo|ut|on?

l bology aLavsm s Lhe Ledecy Lo reverL Lo acesLral Lype such as LraLs reappearg whch had dsappeared
geeraLos before ALavsm s a evoluLoary Lhrowback

ALavsms occur because gees for prevously exsLg
pheoLypcal feaLures are ofLe preserved unA eve Lhough Lhe gees are oL expressed some or mosL of Lhe
orgasms possessg Lhem 1hey ca all be explaed by evoluLo (by muLaLo) buL ca L be explaed by Lhesm"

lf we are a producL of Adam ad Lve were Lher gradchldre a producL of cesL" lf Lhere s o such Lhg as huma
evoluLo why are#L we carbo copes of Adam Lve" We see dffereces humas from dffereL eyes Lo dffereL
sk colour

lf we are oL evolved from earler prmaLes Lhe why do we have

O ear muscles" used by deer ad prehomds Lo move depedeLly for mproved hearg ow oly
'useful# for ear wgglg!
O appedx our large colos" useful hypervegeLara speces leaf dgesLo buL redudaL humas
O a Lalboe (coccyx) Lhe gees for a Lal whch have become acLve buL some rare cases geLs acLvaLed"
see pcLures below

WhaL kd of LellgeL desger gves humas ad oLher amals a seL of gees for vLam producLo LhaL doL
acLually work" (See vLam 8osyLhess) ls Lhs a relc of our prmary herbvorous herLage or s Lhere some
Lheologcal explaaLo" ow do we expla Lhe crcuLous rouLe of Lhe larygeal erve (Loo deLaled Lo go Lo here buL
see reporLs o Lhe evoluLo of Lhe larygeal erve) whch Lakes Lhe less obvous dagerous paLh aroud Lhe hearL
raLher Lha a drecL rouLe rouLe oe mghL expecL f L had bee 'creaLed#

Why do we have progressve skeleLal evdece of evoluLoary progresso from ape Lo ma" l Lhe bologcal sceces
we are deLfed as oLhg more specal Lha a le a subsub brach wLh Lhe ape famly
Why do we share 93 of our unA wLh moder apes" l facL Lhe archaeologcal ad skeleLal evdece of our ape
acesLry s ow superseded by Lhs ew unA evdece We are ow able Lo read our eLre unA code l Lhe 1960s we
dscovered LhaL Lhe exacL unA sequeces edogeous reLrovruses whch are preseL all our prmaLe hsLory l
more receL Lmes we have maaged Lo ppoL Lhe Lme ad poL o our unA ad see where deLcal chromosomes
fused LogeLher Lo form moder ma needless Lo say Lhey maLch exacLly

noLhg Lhe bomedcal ad Lhe pharmaceuLcal dusLry cludg all geeLc mappg allelc deLermaLo of
dseases Sns ad molecular cellular kowledge coLradcL naLural LvoluLo facL Lhey ad moder lfesavg
vacces supporL L are developed o Lhe bass of Ls LruLh More mporLaLly Lhey work!

1o be called a 1heory s oe of Lhe hghesL accolades scece (n8 L uses a capLalsed '1# ad oL Lo be cofused
wLh Lhe dffereL word 'Lheory# Lhe Lglsh Laguage) ad puLs L o Lhe same plaLform as newLo#s uversal
1heory of CravLy ad LsLes Ceeral 1heory of 8elaLvLy CuaLum leld 1heory LlecLromageLc leld 1heory
rcuL 1heory Logc uesg SwLchg 1heory robablLy 1heory Scalar leld 1heory Cauge 1heory 8S 1heory
ALomc 1heory ell 1heory Cerm 1heory ad may oLher 1heores upo LhaL make up Lhe feld called scece As Lhe
Lesk expermeL shows wLh over 30000 froze geeraLos aLural evoluLo s a sceLfcally observed facL lL has
bee for some Lme ow WLh over 40000 peer revewed arLcles L s sLarLlg example of where Lheology s ow
drecLly coflcL wLh scece

CeeLc sLudes ow cofrm LhaL Lhere s o commo 'Adam Lve# sLyle acesLors We all come from come from a
sgle male (?chromosomal Adam) ad a sgle female (MLochodral Lve) owever Lhese Lwo dvduals ever meL
each oLher buL facL lved aL Lhe very leasL 30000 years aparL l oLher words all Lhe dvduals who came from
oLher me ded ouL ad all dvduals who came from oLher wome ded ouL ad Lhe real dvduals we are all
descedeLs from ever exsLed LogeLher as per Lhe 'Adam Lve# hypoLhess

So leL me ask Lhe quesLo why provde all Lhs ob[ecLvely verfable sceLfc evdece agasL Lhe Adam ad Lve
hypoLhess" Why does Lhe huma body look suspcously lke L was Lhe resulL of a log cumulaLve process of evoluLo
resulLg mperfecLos ad vesLgal orgas ad gees ad oL Lhe resulL of Lhe sLaL ad perfecLly plaed
creaLo of Adam ad Lve" Were Lhe Abrahamc faLhs a meas Lo udersLadg whaL was Lhe ukow back Lhe or
was Allah Lryg Lo dupe us"
l Lhe words of ke Mller a hrsLa LvoluLoary 8ologsL whe dscussg Lhe unA evdece l Lhe broadesL sese l
would say l beleve a desger buL you kow whaL l doL beleve a decepLve oe

1S) 1he Sc|ent|f|c M|rac|es M|stakes |n the ;uran

Are Lhere really Lhgs lke Lalkg sakes ad a flyg dokeys (see 1afsr of Sura 17) ad dd a 8edou really splL Lhe
moo 1400 years ago wLh hudreds of followers sLadg awe"

Some of Lhe correcL clams Lhe Cura were already wdely kow amogsL prevalg relgos (such as hrsLaLy)
ad well esLablshed facL by sceLsLs of earler Lmes 1he oLhers for example sLarLg wLh Muhammads accouL of
embryology we ca easly deLerme Lher sceLfc accuracy addLo Lo obvous plagarsaLo from earler works
by Creek phlosophers ad lda Lheses o Lhe sub[ecL by haraka ad SusruLa lf belevers waL Lo clam Allah proved
Lhe Cura was hs fallble word by revealg prevously ukow sceLfc facLs Lhe L faled Lo mss ouL Lhe may
sLug dscoveres of laLer sceLsLs ad oly revealed Lhe oes LhaL Lhe aceLs were already aware of

noL a sgle verse Lhe Cura broke ew groud or gave us a medcal breakLhrough lke a cure for cacer nor eve
Lell us LhaL bolg waLer would kll harmful bacLera yeL L fds L ecessary Lo expla Lhe 17 dffereL ways bolg
waLer s used for LorLure by Allah ad how Lo clea our backsdes wLh sad ad grL whe waLer s oL avalable
uron 5 AoJ lf yoo ote slck ot oo o jootoey ot ooe of yoo comes ftom tbe closet ot yoo bove boJ cootoct wltb womeo
ooJ yoo floJ oot wotet tbeo qo to cleoo blqb qtoooJ ooJ tob yoot foces ooJ yoot booJs wltb some of lt
l am sure may scholars could fd ways Lo aLLempL Lo [usLfy Lhese clauses as l am sure LhaL l could f l felL oblgaLed Lo
Lry 8uL would L be [usLfcaLo for [usLfcaLo#s sake"

owever L remas Lo be sad LhaL f Lhe book was oL a vso creaLed by rulers or dvduals aLLempLg Lo fd order
ad peace a oLherwse uruly ad ucvlsed soceLy of Lhe Lme buL acLually wrLLe wLh dve sacLo Lhe
surely such oddLes would [usL oL arse"

1haL would be lefL for Lhe far ad hoesL reader Lo decde

1he curreL favoured model amogsL Lhe world#s sceLsLs s Lhe MulLverse Model 1he uverse was eLher creaLed
or come ouL of oLhg [usL lke Lhe relgous Cods L has smply always bee aroud
a) 1he Un|verse

1he 8g 8ag s as resulL of a compresso of a prevously expadg uverse (lke ours s curreLly) ad Lhs process s
cyclcal addg Lo Lhs Lhere may be may oLher uverses aroud urreL work o Lhe Coldlocks Zoe shows Lhere s
o reaso Lo beleve oLher plaeLs caoL or do oL supporL lfe l facL L s a lkely possblLy gve Lhe bllos of
plaeLs exsLece buL perhaps oL Lhe same form as we have here because of dffereL Lerras aLmospheres ad
sceLfc cosLaLs eg f gravLy s a lLLle sLroger L doesL mea lfe caL evolve L [usL meas we become a lLLle
squaLLer Lha whaL we are wLh sLroger boes ad muscles

1he Cura (41101) suggesLs LhaL Lhe LarLh was creaLed frsL Lhe Lhe SLars followed by Lhe resL of Lhe uverse
owever Lhe uverse s 9 bllo years older Lha Lhe LarLh 1he ma[orLy of sLars we see from Lhe LarLh are aga much
older Lha Lhe LarLh we kow because we have already measured Lhe speed of lghL Lhe parallax ad Lhe red shfL

lL gves Lhe mpresso LhaL we lve a geoceLrc uverse amely LhaL Lhe earLh s aL Lhe ceLre of Lhe uverse ad
Lhe su ad moo orbL aroud Lhe earLh aL seL Lervals Lhus gvg us ghL ad day 1here are may verses LhaL
supporL Lhs prmLve udersLadg here s oe example

uron l40 lt ls oot fot tbe soo to ovettoke tbe mooo oot Joes tbe olqbt ootsttlp tbe Joy 1bey oll floot eocb lo oo otblt

1hs s whaL oe would expecL aL Lhe Lme as L was Lhe commo udersLadg of Lhe day ad made popular by Lhe aceL
Creeks ad embraced by boLh ArsLoLle ad Lolemy erLaly f L was gog Lhe opposLe drecLo Lo whaL was popularly
accepLed aL Lhe Lme L would have made Lwce Lhe amouL of efforL Lo commucaLe Lhs dfferece more clearly ad expla L

uron 911 8y tbe soo ooJ bls btlqbtoess AoJ tbe mooo wbeo sbe followetb blm

1hs s wrog 1he moo does oL follow Lhe su or does Lhe su orbL Lhe earLh l facL Lhe su does#L orbL ayLhg
uless you clude Lhe Mlky Way whch Lakes 0 mllo years Lo compleLe oe orbL aroud L!! 1he moo orbLs Lhe
earLh ad Lhe earLh orbLs Lhe su

now f Lhe clam s made LhaL Lhs verse s deed referrg Lo Lhe su orbLg Lhe Mlky Way oce every 0 mllo
years Lhe Lhey musL also expla whaL Lhe Cura acLually meas 640 above whe L says 'oot tbe olqbt ootsttlp
tbe Joy 1bey oll floot eocb lo oo otblt# ow would Lhs seLece make ay sese ouLsde of Lhe geoceLrc model" Ay
verse LhaL Lalks abouL ghL day / lghL darkess should Lalk abouL Lhe earLh#s roLaLo o Ls axs raLher Lha Lhe
su orbLg ayLhg

1hs made sese ad was lefL uchalleged for so may years as surse Mecca s 3060am all year roud 1he
propheL ever had Lo wake up Lhe mddle of hs sleep Lo pray la[r AL Lhe equaLor Lhe legLh of Lhe day doesL
chage all year roud lL seems Allah dd oL kow Lhere are more hours of daylghL aL Lhe orLher/souLher
hemspheres Cr as oe would expecL for Lhe Lme dd Lhe wrLer smply oL kow"
CLherwse whaL were Lskmos aL Lhe poles supposed Lo do durg Lhe moLh of 8amadha where Lhe su rses ad Lhe
seLs afLer sx moLhs SLarve Lo deaLh"

b) Larth Moon

We mghL geL Lhe mpresso from Lhe Cura LhaL Lhe earLh was creaLed for us buL we Lhe fd Lhe earLh s 43 bllo
years old ad L Look mllos of years before we eve had Lhe clmaLe for lfe seLLg asde aoLher 448 bllo years
before we arrved o Lhe scee So where are Lhe sceLfc research papers suggesLg Lhe world was made a maLLer
of days"

ud a bedou really splL Lhe moo 1400 years ago wLh hudreds of followers sLadg awe" 1hs s whaL Lhe Cura
says abouL Lhe cerLaly mraculous eveL of Lhe splLLg of Lhe moo

uron 541 1be mooo bos spllt ooJ tbe boot bos Jtowo closet 1beo tbey sow o qteot mltocle bot tbey totoeJ owoy
ooJ solJ OlJ moqlc 1bey JlsbelleveJ followeJ tbelt oploloos ooJ oJbeteJ to tbelt olJ ttoJltloos

noLe L uses Lhe word splL here ad oL Lhe Arabc word for shadow or cover Muhammad clamed Lhs Lo be a mracle
ad a sg for Lhe Meccas

l facL a quck search o nASA#s records (hLLp//eclpsegsfcasagov/!SLx/!SLxAShLml) proves Lhs was oL
Muhammad splLLg Lhe moo

lf you eLer Mecca Lhe search feld L shows Lhere was a aular eclpse o !uly 61Au aL 81am for 3 hours
whch correlaLes preLLy well ( Lerms of daLe Lme ad legLh) wLh whaL s recorded lslamc lLeraLure

ere are some more clams from Lhe Cura

uron 222 wbo bos moJe tbe eottb yoot coocb ooJ tbe beoveos yoot cooopy ooJ seot Jowo tolo ftom tbe

8a s seL from Lhe heaves as opposed Lo beg parL of a aLural process called Lhe waLercycle"

uron 21l1l2 AoJ we bove set oo tbe eottb moootolos stooJloq fltm lest lt sboolJ pooke wltb tbem ooJ we bove
moJe tbetelo btooJ blqbwoys betweeo moootolos fot tbem to poss tbtooqb AoJ we bove moJe tbe sky o toof wltbbelJ
ftom tbem

uron 188 uotll wbeo be teocbeJ tbe settloq of tbe soo be foooJ lt set lo o sptloq of motky wotet Neot lt be foooJ o

8eadg Lhese verses LogeLher provdes a mage of a very prmLve udersLadg of Lhe cosmos A heave LhaL s
rased wLh pllars LhaL we caoL see a sky puL as a roof above our heads mouLas placed as pegs Lo hold Lhe earLh
dow Lhereby preveLg earLhquakes a su LhaL seLs a muddy sprg wLh people lvg earby all osescal
cocepLs havg o algmeL wLh moder scece 1here s o descrpLo of a greaL exploso ad Lhe formaLo of
solar sysLems wLh orbLg plaeLs aroud ceLrc sLars o black holes o coroa o oosphere or quasars buL a
heave o vsble pllars

c) now |s Man Created?

1here are may coLradcLory accouLs Lhe Cura of how Lhs occurred

lL Lells us we ote cteoteJ ftom eottb %Ootoo 6) sometlmes ftom Jty cloy %Ootoo 5265285JJ 76 J27)
sometlmes ftom ootbloq %Ootoo 67) sometlmes oot ftom ootbloq %Ootoo 52J5) sometlmes ftom wet eottb %Ootoo
2J2) ot ftom mlte %Ootoo J87) sometlmes ftom wotet %Ootoo 2554 2J0 2445) sometlmes ftom Jost %Ootoo
J5 J020 J5) ot eveo sometlmes ftom tbe JeoJ %Ootoo J0 J6)!

1he beauLy of such mulLfaceLed phlosophy s o maLLer whaL sceLsLs dscover Muslms wll have a verse LhaL verfes
Lhe mraculous aLure of Lhe Cura

d) numan keproduct|on


uron l1l4 {Yusuf 4/i) vetlly tbe koowleJqe of tbe noot ls wltb CoJ %olooe) lt ls ne wbo seoJs Jowo tolo ooJ ne wbo
koows wbot ls lo tbe wombs Not Joes ooy ooe koow wbot lt ls tbot be wlll eoto oo tbe mottow Not Joes ooy ooe koow
lo wbot looJ be ls to Jle vetlly wltb CoJ ls foll koowleJqe ooJ ne ls ocpooloteJ %wltb oll tbloqs)

lL assumes oly Allah kows whaL s Lhe womb of moLher owever wLh moder day scag procedures scece has
proved hm wrog noL oly ca we Lell whaL s Lhe womb by scag buL we owadays we ca predeLerme Lhe
geder of offsprg before Ls eve goes Lo Lhe womb

1hs quoLe from Lhe Sahh hadLh requres o furLher elaboraLo

5ohih 8ukhori vo/ume 4 8k 55 Number 54 wbeo AbJollob blo 5olom beotJ tbe ottlvol of tbe ltopbet ot MeJloo be
come to blm ooJ solJ wby Joes o cbllJ tesemble lts fotbet ooJ wby Joes lt tesemble lts motetool oocle?
Allobs Apostle solJ lf o moo bos sexool lotetcootse wltb bls wlfe ooJ qets Jlscbotqe fltst tbe cbllJ wlll tesemble tbe
fotbet ooJ lf tbe womoo qets Jlscbotqe fltst tbe cbllJ wlll tesemble bet Oo tbot AbJollob blo 5olom solJ l testlfy tbot
yoo ote tbe Apostle of Allob

We regularly hear Muslms champog wesLer sceLsLs (cludg Lhe ow famous keLh Moore) who [usLfed so
called lslamc sceLfc mracles specfcally Lhe embryoc oes
1hese clams are over 0 years old ad Moore has sce cofessed offLherecord LhaL hs commeLs were puL 'ouL of
coLexL# publcally LhaL he ever coverLed Lo lslam 1he Wall SLreeL [oural cofrms Lhey were all vLed wLh frsL
class plae LckeLs each recevg uS$ 1000 ad a crysLal clock for Lher efforLs noe of Lhem were acclamed sceLsLs
or had a sgle clam publshed ay leadg peerrevewed sceLfc [ourals l Lhe ackowledgmeLs secLo of
Moore#s book o 1he uevelopg uma lcally CreLed Lmbryology wLh lslamc AddLos L pays LrbuLe Lo a
umber of 'dsLgushed scholars# who supporLed Lhe book wLh Lme or moey Ad umber 6 o Lhe lsL" noe oLher
Lha Shekh Csama b Lade lL was all parL of a wellfuded Wahhab mperalsLc campag ru by Saud Araba#s
kg lasal govermeL Lhe 1960s 1970s owever such dawahgada clam are rfe ad oLhg ew ror Lo Lhs
epsode Muslms were clamg nel ArmsLrog Lhe frsL ma o Lhe moo became a Muslm afLer hearg a call Lo
prayer o Lhe moo lL Look hs lawyers Lo offcally release a press sLaLemeL sayg he had oL coverLed Lo lslam
1he four sLages of embryology show Lhe Cura are acLually descrbed by Lhe Creek physca Cale wrLg aroud
130 L some 300 years earler lL should also be oLed LhaL oe of Muhammads compaos arLh lb kalada sLuded
aL Lhe school of !adShapur ersa ad would have bee well acquaLed wLh Lhe Leachgs of ArsLoLle
ppocraLes ad Cale As well as leared durg hs regular busess Lrps for khad[a Lo dsLaL cLes cosmopolLa
Lradg ceLres

Accordg Lo Lhe Cura ma was creaLed from

uron 2l1214 we cteoteJ moo ftom o ptoJoct of wet eottb tbeo ploceJ blm os %o Jtop of) spetm %ootfob) lo o sofe
loJqloq tbeo we moJe tbe spetm loto o clot of cooqeoleJ blooJ %olopo) tbeo oot of tbot clot we moJe o %foetos) lomp
%moJqbob) tbeo we moJe oot of tbot lomp booes ooJ clotbeJ tbe booes wltb flesb tbeo we JevelopeJ oot of lt oootbet

Notfob (sperm) s meLoed verse 866 ls tbe flolJ lssoeJ ftom betweeo tbe lolos %bockbooe) ooJ tbe tlbs oL as
we kow Loday from Lhe LesLcles 1hs reflecLs Lhe msLake vew of ppocraLes sLll prevaleL aL Lhe Lme of
Muhammad who LhoughL L came from Lhe kdeys ad schemaLcally Lhe same area descrbed Lhe Cura

uespLe sperm beg meLoed 1 Lmes Lhe Cura owhere Lhs descrpLo or LhroughouL Lhe Cura s Lhe
female#s egg meLoed whch s smlar Lo Lhe Creek udersLadg aL Lhe Lme nobody kew abouL Lhe egg because
L was Loo small Lo see aL Lhe Lme people msLakely LhoughL L was male flud (seme) mxed wLh female flud
(meses blood before L exLs) ?eL L s Lhe mosL mporLaL elemeL cocepLo oL oly because L provdes 30 of
Lhe unA buL also Lhe fuel for Lhe Lal sLages of growLh


As Lhe quoLes show Lhe Cura says a baby s bor frsLly by a sperm Lurg Lo a blood cloL! 1he ouL of Lhe lump
boes are formed ad flesh s placed oLo Lhem We are oL bor from a blood cloL buL a cell Aga Lo correcL cellular
dvso begs wLh orgas ad flesh formaLo ad laLer as Lhe chld grows boe sLrucLures beg Lo develop (or
smulLaeously depedg o how we defe 'boe#) l oLher words Lhe boes do oL come frsL so aga Lhe Cura s

Scece has already caLalogued ad documeLed Lhe compleLe process for formaLo of a huma chld Lhe womb ad
Lhere s o sLage eve remoLely relaLed Lo drop of cogealed blood l facL f you were Lo waLch a Lmelapse vdeo of
foeLal developmeL you would see how wrog Lhe Cura really s

AoLher parLcularly lauded example s where L sLaLes Lhe Cura LhaL Lhe embryo behaves lke a leech ad looks lke a
pece of chewg gum

avg read Lhese quoLes wLhouL bas Lhe leechlke behavour would be hereLly obvous 1hs s because durg
brLh Lhe umblcal cord bleeds whe L s removed 8egardg chewed gum l woder f ay small orgasm oL yeL fully
formed could be descrbed Lhs way" 8aLher Lha beg a mracle L wll have bee see durg early pregacy
noe of Lhese facLs would be cosdered as mraculous eveLs f Lhey were read wLh Lhe same LegrLy as you would
expecL from a serous pece of research

lcdeLally brLh defecLs are#L helped by Ler frsLcous marrage wdely pracLsed Lhe muslm world ad Lhere s a
clear correlaLo wLh devasLaLg geeLc dseases such as auLosomal recessve dsorders as a drecL resulL

1he ropheL marred hs daughLer laLma Lo hs frsL cous Al e was hmself marred Lo Lwo of hs ow relaLves oe
of whom was hs frsL cous Zayab She was oL oly Lhe daughLer of oe of hs faLhers ssLers buL was also dvorced
from a marrage wLh ropheLs adopLed so Zayd May of Lhe mmedaLe successors of Lhe ropheL also Look a cous
as oe of Lher wves

l hs laudry lsL of who we ca marry Allah fals Lo exclude frsLcous marrage Cura 4 as well as permLLg
Muslm me Lo marry Lher daughLerlaws

Ootoo 42J bot lf ye bove oot qooe lo ooto tbem tbeo lt ls oo slo fot yoo %to motty tbelt Jooqbtets) ooJ tbe wlves of
yoot soos wbo %sptloq) ftom yoot owo lolos

Was#L he aware LhaL Lercous parLcular frsL cous marrage exacerbaLes geeLc dsorders offsprg" lL was
smply a cusLom aL Lhe Lme raLher Lha a book purporLedly of all Lme
1he LaL Amerca ollaboraLve SLudy of ogeLal MalformaLo foud a assocaLo beLwee Lercous
marrages ad hydrocephalus posLaxal polydacLyly ad blaLeral oral ad facal clefLs AoLher pcLure emerges from
Lhe large lLeraLure o cogeLal hearL defecLs whch are coservaLvely esLmaLed Lo have a cdece of 30/1000 lve
brLhs A cossLeL posLve assocaLo beLwee Lercous marrrages ad dsorders such as veLrcular sepLal defecL
ad aLral sepLal defecL has bee demosLraLed buL boLh posLve ad egaLve assocaLos wLh Alzhemers dsease
paLeL ducLus arLerosus aLroveLrcular sepLal defecL pulmoary aLresa ad LeLralogy of lalloL have bee reporLed

A 88 reporL (88 newsghL 8/1/07) dscussed aksLas 8rLa 33 of whom marry a frsL cous ofLe already
bore from repeaL geeraLos of frsLcous marrages 1he reporL sLaLes LhaL Lhese chldre are 1 Lmes more lkely
Lha Lhe geeral populaLo Lo produce chldre wLh geeLc dsorders ad oe Le chldre of frsLcous marrages
8rmgham eLher des facy or develops a serous dsablLy 1he 88 also sLaLes LhaL aksLa8rLos who
accouL for some of all brLhs Lhe uk produce [usL uder a Lhrd of all 8rLsh chldre wLh geeLc llesses
ogeLal aomales accouL for 41 perceL of all 8rLsh aksLa faL deaLhs l 010 Lhe 1elegraph reporLed LhaL
cous marrage amog Lhe 8rLsh aksLa commuLy resulLed 700 chldre beg bor every year wLh geeLc
e) I|rstCous|n Marr|age

f) aranorma| Wor|d

) a L be prove Magog ad Lhe Wall of Zulqara exsL as Lhey are all defed Lhe Cura"

lf Magog exsLed ad umbered 999 Lmes Lhe umber of belevers (as Lhey are descrbed Lhe Cura) we would kow
abouL Lhem ad Lhey would be vsble o a saLellLe sLLg behd walls Lryg Lo escape

lf 1he CreaL lro Wall of Zulqara spag beLwee greaL mouLas exsLed as per Cura 18898 we should be
able Lo aL leasL see L or have evdece o saLellLe or kow abouL L some oLher way eg archaeologcal evdece no
wall exsLs o earLh LhaL eve remoLely resembles Lhe oe descrbed Cura ad aybody makg such a clam ca be
mmedaLely dsproved ole by usg Coogle SaLellLe

) Accordg Lo Lhe sLory of Surah alll Cura 103 L descrbes how Cod saved Lhe kaaba from desLrucLo
1hs Surah shows whaL happeed Lo Lhe eople of Lhe LlephaL whe Lhey aLLempLed a rad o kaaba 1her army of
elephaLs are reporLed Lo have keeled dow as Lhey approached kaaba ad Lhe Allah seL brds whch desLroyed Lhe
all Lhe elephaLs by droppg sLoes from Lher beaks

) uo !s exsL ad ca Lhere really be a sprL sde us LhaL wll rse whe we are dead"

lf facL ghosLs/vsble begs/magc/[s were Lruly accepLable oLos Lhe why Lhe real world are Lhey derded
ad see as a sg of luacy / meLal lless whe Lake ouL of coLexL of relgo" erLaly sceLfcally Lhere appears
o proof LhaL Lhey exsL facL sceLsLs Loday poL Lo examples such as splLbra surgery ad Lhe formaLo of Lwo
meLal sLreams of coscousess as evdece agasL

1he Arabc word for a mad ma s ma[oo whch meas rdde by a [ Muslms are supposed Lo beleve vsble
sprLs called [s whch fluece Lher daly lves 1here s a dagerous oMuslm ! LhaL causes Lrouble Lo
followers of lslam Lhe kafr ! also flueces Lhe abormal behavour of paLeLs wLh psychaLrc dsorders WLh Lhs
kowledge Lhe LreaLmeL ow becomes sLraghLforward Lo beaL Lhe [ (by beaLg Lhe paLeL) ad Lhe [ wll

sychaLrc dsorders are sLll LreaLed Lhs way may lslamc couLres

?eL exLraordarly accordg Lo lslamc kowledge f you waL Lo avod a beaLg for havg a psychaLrc lless Lhe L
s advsed Lo cosume more daLes

5ohih 8ukhori vo/7 8k5 Nol5 Allobs Apostle solJ ne wbo eots seveo Ajwo Jotes evety motoloq wlll oot be
offecteJ by polsoo ot moqlc oo tbe Joy be eots tbem

Allah s supposed Lo have creaLed ! from a smokeless flame of fre" (Cura 3313) l 1998 Lhe ma[or aksLa
uclear sceLsL SulLa Mahmood Look Lhs 'facL# ouL of Lhe Cura ad proposed a Wall SLreeL !oural Lervew LhaL
! could be Lapped Lo solve Lhe eergy crss

16) rayers

1hs sLory explas how lslam came Lo be ad how prayers came Lo be commaded

1he Ascens|on the N|ght Iourney (Isra M|ra[)

Sah|h 8ukhar| SS8227]9608 (and ;uran 171) Malk b Sasaa sad LhaL Allahs AposLle descrbed Lo Lhem hs nghL
!ourey sayg Whle l was lyg AlaLm or Al[r suddely someoe came Lo me ad cuL my body ope from
here Lo here l asked Al!arud who was by my sde WhaL does he mea" e sad lL meas from hs LhroaL Lo hs
pubc area or sad lrom Lhe Lop of Lhe chesL 1he ropheL furLher sad e Lhe Look ouL my hearL 1he a gold Lray
of 8elef was broughL Lo me ad my hearL was washed (wLh Zam Zam waLer accordg Lo 8ukhar 449) ad was flled
(wLh 8elef) ad Lhe reLured Lo Ls orgal place 1he a whLe amal whch was smaller Lha a mule ad bgger Lha
a dokey was broughL Lo me (C Lhs Al!arud asked Was L Lhe 8uraq C Abu amza" l (e Aas) repled Lhe
affrmaLve) 1he ropheL sad 1he amals sLep (was so wde LhaL L) reached Lhe farLhesL poL wLh Lhe reach of Lhe
amals sghL l was carred o L ad Cabrel seL ouL wLh me Lll we reached Lhe earesL heave

Whe he asked for Lhe gaLe Lo be opeed L was asked Who s L" Cabrel aswered Cabrel lL was asked Who s
accompayg you" Cabrel repled Muhammad lL was asked as Muhammad bee called" Cabrel repled Lhe
affrmaLve 1he L was sad e s welcomed WhaL a excelleL vsL hs s!
1he gaLe was opeed ad whe l weL over Lhe frsL heave l saw Adam Lhere Cabrel sad (Lo me) 1hs s your faLher
Adam pay hm your greeLgs So l greeLed hm ad he reLured Lhe greeLg Lo me ad sad ?ou are welcomed C
pous so ad pous ropheL
1hs sLory s ow repeaLed wLh ?ahya (!oh) ad lsa (!esus) Lhe secod heave !oseph Lhe Lhrd heave ldrs
Lhe fourLh heave Aaro Lhe ffLh ad he saw Abraham Lhe seveLh heave l Lhe sxLh heave he fd Moses
weepg because afLer me Lhere has bee seL a youg ma whose followers wll eLer aradse greaLer umbers
Lha my followers"

1he Al8aLulMamur (e Lhe Sacred ouse) was show Lo me ad a coLaer full of we ad aoLher full of mlk
ad a Lhrd full of hoey were broughL Lo me l Look Lhe mlk Cabrel remarked 1hs s Lhe lslamc relgo whch you
ad your followers are followg 1he Lhe prayers were e[oed o me 1hey were ffLy prayers a day Whe l
reLured l passed by Moses who asked (me) WhaL have you bee ordered Lo do" l repled l have bee ordered Lo
offer ffLy prayers a day Moses sad ?our followers caoL bear ffLy prayers a day ad by Allah l have LesLed people
before you ad l have Lred my level besL wLh 8a lsrael ( va) Co back Lo your Lord ad ask for reducLo Lo lesse
your followers burde So l weL back ad Allah reduced Le prayers for me 1he aga l came Lo Moses buL he
repeaLed Lhe same as he had sad before 1he aga l weL back Lo Allah ad e reduced Le more prayers Whe l
came back Lo Moses he sad Lhe same l weL back Lo Allah ad e ordered me Lo observe Le prayers a day Whe l
came back Lo Moses he repeaLed Lhe same advce so l weL back Lo Allah ad was ordered Lo observe fve prayers a

Whe l came back Lo Moses he sad WhaL have you bee ordered" l repled l have bee ordered Lo observe fve
prayers a day e sad ?our followers caoL bear fve prayers a day ad o doubL l have goL a experece of Lhe
people before you ad l have Lred my level besL wLh 8a lsrael so go back Lo your Lord ad ask for reducLo Lo
lesse your followers burde l sad l have requesLed so much of my Lord LhaL l feel ashamed buL l am saLsfed ow
ad surreder Lo Allahs Crder

1he urpose of rayers

We are coLually remded by Allah LhaL we are oL hs chldre buL hs slaves

uron 181 wbo botb teveoleJ tbe 5ctlptote ooto nls slove

ad Lhe meag of our lves s Lo worshp hm MosL of Lhe worlds 400 relgos (wLh Lhe possble excepLo of
8uddhsm ad some oLhers) say LhaL Lher god waLs Lo receve devoLo by prayg gog Lo places Lo worshp ad
makg day Lo day sacrfces for Lhem Cura goes oe sLep furLher ad assumes L s Lhe whole purpose behd our


uron 515 l cteoteJ bomookloJ ooly tbot tbey mlqbt wotsblp Me

noL oly LhaL buL chldre should be beaLe f Lhey doL pray afLer 10 years of age

4bu uowud 8ook 2 Number 494 1be ltopbet solJ commooJ o boy to ptoy wbeo be teocbes tbe oqe of seveo yeots
wbeo be becomes teo yeots olJ tbeo beot blm fot ptoyet

Ad people bured alve sde Lher homes f Lhey dd#L vsL Lhe mosque o a lrday

Sah|h 8ukhar| Vo| 1 8k 11 No 626 1be ltopbet oJJeJ cettololy l JeclJeJ to otJet o moo to leoJ tbe ptoyet ooJ tbeo
toke o flte flome to boto oll tbose wbo boJ oot left tbelt booses so fot fot tbe ptoyet olooq wltb tbelt booses

lf a beg s ompoLeL ad a mporLaL Lhg Lo Lhem s Lo receve uquesLog sycophaLc devoLo Lhe surely
Lhere are beLLer ways Lo go abouL L" Would he oL prefer us Lo sped LhaL Lme by helpg Lhose LhaL are bld old
hadcapped ad less forLuaLe Lha ourselves raLher Lha spedg LhaL Lme servLude Lowards hs already
almghLess o a prayer maL"

uron 218 l ooswet tbe ptoyet of o soppllcoot wbeo be colls opoo me

Ad Lhe above s explaed by Lhe purpose behd uua l assume Muslms pray more Lha aLhesLs f Lhey geL dagosed
wLh cacer so a smple ad ob[ecLve way Lo prove wheLher Allah occasoally aswers prayers would be Lo check Lo
see f Muslms have a hgher cacer survval raLe Lha aLhesLs l am sure L would be farly easy Lo prove Lhs by
comparg Lhe cacer survval sLaLsLc of a largely aLhesL aLo (oe of Lhe largesL beg Swede whch s 8
rrelgous (Callup 007) or oLhers lke uemarkor SwLzerlad vs ay Muslm aLo

1hs would prove LhaL prayers do oL work or Allah does oL lsLe/care/ exsL Lake your pck! As Ceorge arl oce
sad l have foud LhaL Lhe prayers l offer Lo Lhe su ad Lhe prayers l formerly offered Lo Cod are all aswered aL abouL
Lhe same raLe

l ay case Lhere are a umber of sLudes o Lhe effecLs of prayer oLably arvard#s famous expermeL 8rLsh
physcsL 8ussel SLaard moLored 180 paLeLs aL sx hospLals all of whom receved coroary bypass surgery ad
assged paLeLs aL radom Lo a expermeLal group cossLg of Lhose LhaL receved prayers ad a coLrol group
who receved o prayers

1he resulLs reporLed Lhe Ametlcoo neott Iootool of Aprl 006 were clearcuL 1here was o dfferece beLwee
Lhose paLeLs who were prayed for ad Lhose who were oL 1here was a dfferece beLwee Lhose who koew Lhey had
bee prayed for ad Lhose who dd oL kow oe way of Lhe oLher buL L weL Lhe wrog drecLo 1hose who kew
Lhey had bee Lhe beefcares of prayer suffered sgfcaLly more complcaLos Lha Lhose who dd oL

1hs curous ouLcome may be because Lhese paLeLs were sufferg from 'performace axeLy# Lhey LhoughL Lhey
were really bad shape Lo eed people prayg for Lhem ad Lhs egaLvely flueced Lher recovery perod 8uL Lhs
s oly posLulaLo erhaps Lhs hadLh s closer Lo Lhe LruLh Lha whaL Muslms gve L credL for

4/@irmidhi 1be ltopbet solJ 1le yoot comel fltst tbeo pot yoot ttost lo Allob

17) Iood Dr|nk Med|c|ne

5ohih Mus/im vo/ lll Nos 511l A bellevet eots lo ooe lotestloe wbeteos o ooobellevet eots lo seveo lotestloes

ork ad alcohol cosumpLo are forbdde lslam buL whaL really s so wrog wLh eaLg pork ad drkg alcohol"


1he mosL commoly cLed reaso for pork beg haram s LhaL Lhey gesL Lher ow faeces buL f rabbLs ad oLher
amals aLure do Lhe same Lhe why are#L Lhey haram Loo" lf L s because Lhey carry dsease Lhe why ca we eaL
posoous amals lke box [elly fsh gla mosLer ceLpdes coral moksheed ad guea worm" All veomous ad
deadly ?eL people eaL pork all Lhe Lme Lhe WesL ad doL suffer ay more wLh Lhs meaL Lha Lhey do wLh beef or
oLher meaLs l facL Lhe lLeraLoal ublc ealLh AuLhorLes are yeL Lo ssue gudeles agasL Lhe eaLg of pork as
Lhey dd wLh beef afLer 8SL

rovded alcohol s cosumed sesbly Lhe L ca be e[oyed as L s by Lhe ma[orLy of Lhe worlds# populaLo ad
cerLaly o more dagerous Lha ucoLrolled usage of ay oLher dagerous subsLaces by a morLy eg drugs gus
eLc l facL sceLfc research has demosLraLed a assocaLo beLwee moderaLe alcohol cosumpLo ad a lower
rsk of some cacers ad cardovascular dsease

ropheL Mohammed also beleved LhaL black cum cures all dseases excepL deaLh

5ohih 8ukhori 771592 l beotJ Allobs Apostle soyloq 1bete ls beolloq lo block comlo fot oll Jlseoses except Jeotb

a L cure AluS olo uabeLes ad 8rd llu amogsL may oLhers" ere aoLher favourLe food of Lhe propheL
hoey s beg used as a medce

5ohih 8ukhori vo/ 7 Number 14 A moo come to tbe ptopbet ooJ solJ My btotbet bos qot loose motloos 1be
ltopbet solJ let blm Jtlok booey 1be moo come oqolo ooJ solJ l moJe blm Jtlok booey bot tbot moJe blm wotse?
1be ltopbet solJ Allob bos solJ tbe 1totb ooJ tbe obJomeo of yoot btotbet bos tolJ o lle

ere Lhe ropheL Mohammed advocaLed usg camel#s ure as medce

5ohih 8ukhori vo/ume 8 8k 82 No794 5ome people ftom tbe ttlbe of ukl come to tbe ltopbet ooJ embtoceJ lslom
1be cllmote of MeJloo JlJ oot solt tbem so tbe ltopbet otJeteJ tbem to qo to tbe %betJ of mllcb) comels of cbotlty ooJ
to Jtlok tbelt mllk ooJ otloe 1bey JlJ so ooJ oftet tbey boJ tecoveteJ ftom tbelt ollmeot %become beoltby) tbey totoeJ
teoeqoJes ooJ kllleJ tbe sbepbetJ of tbe comels ooJ took tbe comels owoy 1be ltopbet seot %some people) lo tbelt
potsolt ooJ so tbey wete %cooqbt ooJ) btooqbt be otJeteJ tbot tbelt booJs ooJ leqs sboolJ be cot off ooJ tbot tbelt eyes
sboolJ be btooJeJ wltb beoteJ pleces of ltoo ooJ tbey wete tbtowo ot Alnotto ooJ wbeo tbey oskeJ fot wotet to
Jtlok tbey wete oot qlveo wotet ooJ tbot tbelt cot booJs ooJ leqs sboolJ oot be cootetlzeJ tlll tbey Jle

ere Lhe ropheL Mohammed advocaLed usg hs ow ure as medce

@oboroni ond 8oyhoqi
1be ltopbet oseJ to bove o wooJeo bowl lo wblcb be oseJ to otloote ooJ ploce ooJet nls beJ Ooe olqbt ne seotcbeJ
fot lt bot JlJ oot floJ lt ooJ oskeJ fot lt soyloq wbete ls tbe bowl?
1be membets of tbe boose teplleJ umm 5olomobs slove qltl 8ottob Jtook lt wbo come ftom nobosbob wltb bet
1be ltopbet teplleJ sotely sbe bos ptotecteJ betself ftom tbe flte wltb o qteot woll

1hs erroeous dscovery of Lhe healg properLes of fly#s wgs sadly fals Lo specfy whch oe of Lhe flys wgs Lo eaL
for Lhs mraculous cure from dsease

5ohih 8ukhori No 7l Allobs Apostle solJ lf o fly folls lo tbe vessel of ooy of yoo let blm Jlp oll of lt loto tbe vessel ooJ
tbeo tbtow lt owoy fot lo ooe of lts wloqs tbete ls o Jlseose ooJ lo tbe otbet tbete ls beolloq %oo ootlJote fot lt)


18) 1he In|m|tab|e ;uran

Ce of Lhe gaLs of Lhe Arabc lLeraLure ad poeLry Abu alAla alMaarr (971037) a dedcaLed raLoalsL pcked up
aga Lhe accusaLos made by Muhammad#s coLemporary poeLs lke khayyam (ad Al8az laLer) ad declared Lhe
Cura ad lslam as a LravesLy

e wroLe several books Lhe mosL famous of Lhem was losol wol Cboyot fashoed ad sLrucLured Lhe exacL sLyle of
Lhe kora Lo hghlghL Lhe poL LhaL Lhere was oLhg mraculous or dve abouL Lhe oly 8ook of lslam revered
sLrcLly by Lhe sheer power of umbers mllos who bldly accepLed Ls LeeLs AlMarr accused L of dvdg makd
Lo Lwo groups Ce LellgeL wLhouL a relgo ad Lhe oLher relgous wLhouL LellecL"

lmru AlCays was a celebraLed prelslamc Araba poeL of Lhe sxLh ceLury c 30033L ad Lhe auLhor of oe of Lhe
MuallaqaL a aLhology of Arabc lLeraLure aLLrbuLed Lo seve famous poeLs AlCays poeLc skll was prased by
Muhammad ad by such early Muslm leaders as Lhe alph Al

(8rLaca Cle) noMuslm scholars argue LhaL Lhe
Cura borrows much from alCays# poeLry ad he helped shape Lhe lLerary sLyle whch Lhe Cura s wrLLe a charge
LhaL Muslms sLrogly refuLe l Lhe works of 1sdall Lhe followg old wves Lale s recorded

Ce day whe laLmah Muhammads daughLer was recLg Lhe verse 1he our has come ear ad Lhe Moo has splL
asuder (Surah 341) a daughLer of Lhe poeL was preseL ad sad Lo her 1haL s a verse from oe of my faLhers
poems ad your faLher has sLole L ad preLeded LhaL he receved L from Cod

SmlarLy beLwee lmrul alCayss poem ad Lhe Cura s poLed ouL below Lhe secLos boxed red are foud word
forword Curac verses 341 349 341 3446 91 196 761

b) 1he ;uran|c cha||enge

oo clolm tbot tbe evlJeotloty mltocle ls pteseot ooJ ovolloble oomely tbe kotoo oo soy wboevet Jeoles lt let blm
ptoJoce o slmllot ooe loJeeJ we sboll ptoJoce o tboosooJ slmllot ftom tbe wotks of tbetotlcloos elopoeot speokets
ooJ volloot poets wblcb ote mote opptoptlotely pbtoseJ ooJ stote tbe lssoes mote soccloctly 1bey coovey tbe meooloq
bettet ooJ tbelt tbymeJ ptose ls lo bettet metet 8y CoJ wbot yoo soy ostoolsbes os! oo ote tolkloq oboot o wotk
wblcb tecooots oocleot mytbs ooJ wblcb ot tbe some tlme ls foll of coottoJlctloos ooJ Joes oot cootolo ooy osefol
lofotmotloo ot exploootloo 1beo yoo soy ltoJoce sometbloq llke lt?! Alkozl %865 25)
a) ;uran|c |ag|ary


Ce of Lhe Lhgs regularly espoused s LhaL L s mpossble Lo produce aoLher Sura lke L Lhus provg L#s oL ma

uron 22l "Oh peop/e if you doubt the heoven/y oriqin of this 8ook which we hove sent down to Our servont the
Prophet produce one 5uro /ike it"

ere s Lhe same challege ad[usLed Lo 10 Suras ow Lhe same Cura

uron 01101l Or they soy ne hoth invented it 5oy @hen brinq ten 5uros the /ike thereof invented ond co// on
everyone ye con beside 4//oh if ye ore truthfu/!

ls LhaL a msLake" Why was L ad[usLed from 1 Lo 10 or s L possble Lo meeL Lhe challege of oe Sura"

l ay case a ludcrous challege Lo expecL Lhs from ay scrpLure or LexL Lvery wrLer leaves hs ow uque
fgerprL Lke beg asked Lo maLch Shakespeare#s mamade works Lerms of L laguage poeLry rhyLhm lLerary
form meLer sLyle Who wll be Lhe [udge" dus Lhk Lhe vedas are drecLly revealed ad dve org !usL lke
Lhe Cura s Lhe frsL book Arabc laguage vedas s Lhe frsL book SaskrL laguage SaskrL s LhoughL Lo be Lhe
moLher of all laguages a we seL Lhe same challege Lo brg verses wrLLe oldesL SaskrL whch exceeds Lhe
eLeral LruLhs vedas" lf Lhs s oL possble should we logcally sLarL followg Lhe vedas"

l fd Lhe un harLar ad Lhe uversal ueclaraLo of uma 8ghLs (ow 60 dffereL laguages) far beLLer
documeL Lha Lhe Cura Lerms of uversal eLhcal moral values lL ouLlaws rape ad puLs LogeLher a uversal seL
of hldres 8ghLs raLher Lha Lhe Cura whch gores chldre#s rghLs ad chld physcal abuse aL Lmes Lhe hadLh
eve ecourage Lowards Lhose who do oL pray lL seems LhaL Lhe un harLar ueclaraLo of uma 8ghLs does a
beLLer [ob cerLa sLaces Lha Lhe Cura whe L comes Lo seLLg a mmum seL of basc moral sLadards yeL Lhe
Lhe harLar s prove Lo be mamade

l ay case here s a Surah l helped produce wLhouL ay dve LerveLo Ls mamade

8uL ca you spoL Lhe dfferece"

Sura| al BvMana| Noon

Alf xZ

1. Vcrilv, |his vcrsc is unlikc anv o|hcr
2. A clcar prosc lor |hosc willin |o bclicvc.
`. And havc wc no| |old vou |hc s|orv ol Lvar.
4. Vcrilv, hc was wisc and Kiddcrmaan and Bullmaan as wcll.
5. O Pcoplc! Tcll vour womcn |o s|av in |hc homcs
6. Ior vcrilv, i| is bc||cr lor |hcm, il onlv |hcv kncw.
7. And |ha| |hcv should no| crca|c unduc a||cn|ion
8. wi|h pc||v ban|cr and lauh|cr.
9. And wha| is likc |hc s|ars. Shall I s|rikc vou a simili|udc.
10. Ior |hc sun is a sin ol mv mcrcv and rca|ncss,
11. as i| radia|cs in scrvi|udc
12. Ior vou shall havc lcar ol |hc lord and rcmcmbcr wcll
1`. his bcncvolcncc. Ior vcrilv, Hc is all knowin, and all sccin.
14. And |hosc ol vou who las| and submi| |o |hc wav ol |hc Lord,
15. vcrilv, |hcv shall ca| rapcs on rcclinin chairs lorcvcr and cvcr.

16. Bu| |hosc whosc brains Hc ha|h rcwircd,
17. vcrilv, |hcir souls shall bc immcrscd in mol|cn lcad and shall
18. drink po|assium pcrmanana|c as an cvcrlas|in |ormcn|, |houh |hcv crv
19. O` Mos| Maniliccn|! Vc would havc bclicvcd il vou had shown us cvidcncc!'
20. Bu| vcrilv, I did show |hcm bu| i|'s |oo la|c lor |hcm now.
21. Lo, did I no| prcscn| |hcm wi|h |his passac which is clcar.

(Sailhall |ransla|ioni

Cr for Lhose who ssL o a verse Arabc verses wLh Lhe same rhymg meLer ad sLyle as LhaL of Lhe Cura here s
oe me a few freds (Lhaks nada) helped produce

HHHH SuraL Alhcke HHHH

l Lhe name of Allah Lhe 8eefceL Lhe Mercful

1 laa Caaf
verly We creaLed Lhe chcke a (woderful) creaLo
Ad We boled Lhe eggs a bolg
4 Ad We seL wLh Lhuder lghLeg
3 Ad We made Lhe ar fresh
6 As for he who dees our sgs Shall hag hm a hagg
7 Ad choke a chokg
8 As for he who kocks o Lhe door of a harloL a kockg
9 1he commLs her house a sg
10 We shall bur hm Lhe fre a burg
11 ldeed our pushmeL L s Lhe abdg
1 ldeed our eemy he s Lhe mosL wreLched
1 1he nay lor l swear by Lhe glLLer of Lhe uar
14 Ad l swear by Lhe brayg of Lhe Ass
13 ldeed l am Allah Lhe reaLor Lhe oqueror
16 So obey me ad do oL be of Lhe ubelevers
17 Ad fear a day whece o beefL shall be derved from a urham or a uollar
18 1he day Lhe ubelevers wll be Lossed Lo Lhe fre
19 Ad Lhey shall oL be able Lo bear L or flee
0 As for Lhose who feared Lher lord Lhey are Lhe besL
1 1hey shall have gardes uder whch ru rvers
raLes of whskey (wLhouL LoxcaLo) ad dacg grls wLh o vel

(Safhall LraslaLo)


now f we waLed Lo be dsgeuous we could make may clams abouL Lhe mraculous aLure of Lhs verse

1hs sura coLas a sceLfc mracle lL s oly receLly LhaL we dscovered Loo much fred food ca lead Lo hearL
aLLacks yeL Allah clearly reveals Lhs whe he drecLs us Lo bol our eggs raLher Lha fryg Lhem 1oday we kow LhaL
bolg food s much healLher l could also say Lhs surah provdes wsdom Lo Lell us Lo cook foods aL a Lme whe
dseases were rfe lL meLos boled eggs ad aL Lhe Lme L was a popular cusLom Lo eaL eggs raw leadg Lo
salmoella posog ad all sorLs

1here s also a subLle lgusLc beauLy Lhe coLrasL beLwee fresh ope ar ad chokg ad hagg whch resLrcLs

lL also Leaches us abouL good moral coducL ad oL Lo sleep wLh loose wome scece oly ow shows we ca
coLracL AluS lke Lhs

8uL Lhe key Lo ulockg Lhe supreme mracle of Lhs verse s LhaL Lhe LsLes Lmc s coLaed wLh Lhs verse!
l Lhe le ldeLd l aM allah Lhe reaLor Lhe oqueror see capLalsed leLLers x s aL Lhe ed squared
now l obvously oly [usL dscovered Lhs oe muLe mage f we have 1 bllo people over a Lhousad years
Lryg Lo fd more dvcal coecLos relevece Lo Lhs verse we could ulock Lhe code of all fuLure sceLfc
dscoveres afLer Lhey have bee dscovered!

;uran|c Contrad|ct|ons

lf Lhe Cura were seL dow by a almghLy omsceL beg Lhe oe would expecL Lhe Cura Lo be flawless f L were
wrLLe by ma Lhe oe would expecL some errors

ere s a lsL of 7 smple sLraghLforward shorL coLradcLos buL Lhere are may may more should you wsh Lo
delve Lo Lhs sub[ecL more deeply

O ;uran 41912 Leaches LhaL L Look Cod 8 days Lo compleLe hs creaLo whle ;uran 7S4 1003 ad 1107 say
L Look 6 days

O ;uran 114243 says LhaL oe of noahs sos dd#L make L oLo Lhe ark ad drowed (accordg Lo Lhe passage
all Lhe worlds# amals allegedly fL oLo oe boaL) yeL ;uran 2143S1 says LhaL noah ad all hs k were saved
from Lhe flood

O ;uran 229 says LarLh was creaLed before heave buL 792730 says heave was creaLed ad Lhe earLh"

O Wll hrsLas eLer aradse or go Lo ell" ;uran 262 ad S69 say ?es ;uran S72 ([usL verses laLer) ad
38S says no

O lf we look aL Curac herLace laws we fd Lhe so has Lhe rghL Lo Lwce Lhe herLace as Lhe daughLer
1hs would seem raLher ureasoable parLcularly uder cerLa scearos lf a faLher were Lo de ad leave Lwo
chldre a wealLhy so ad a umarred dsabled daughLer wLh o oe Lo provde for her l Lhs case Lhe so
would sLll geL Lwce LhaL of Lhe daughLer

O Leavg Lhs ssue asde we fd basc maLhemaLcal msLakes exsL wLh furLher exploraLo Lo Lhese
herLace laws Accordg Lo Cura 411 1176 Lhe share of Lhe herLace s

W|fe (1]8) |s 3]24
Daughters (2]3) 16]24
Iather (1]6) 4]24

Mother(1]6) 4]24
1ota| 27]24

1hs s larger Lha Lhe LoLal fuds avalable

c) Grammat|ca| M|stakes |n the ;uran

1he verse Cura 369 - ~ ' ' - ~ - ~ ' ' ~' - - ' -' , ' - -' s sayg bete ote mooy peoples comloq to tbe sbow

1he msLake s Lhe word - ' -'

lL s Lhe nomaLve ase () whe L should be Lhe AccusaLve ase ()

l aoLher example 1he gulLy wll be kow by Lher markgs ad wll be sezed by Lher forelocks ad Lher feeL

ere Lhe word 'sezed# should be Lhe plural (L should be ~ =- ad oL ~ = - ) sce L refers Lo '1he gulLy# (
~=~ ' ) as a plural ou

lL s a very basc rule of grammar LhaL Lhe parLcle makes Lhe ous LhaL L s referrg Lo AccusaLve ase

A smple example LhaL you wll fd all over Lhe Cura s ' 1he ou Allah ( ') has Lhe laLha ( ) aL Lhe ed Lo
deoLe L s Lhe AccusaLve ase raLher Lha Lhe uamma ( ) LhaL would deoLe Lhe nomaLve ase

Whe L comes Lo plural ous Lhe nomaLve case s deoLed by a log oooo vowel () ad Lhe AccusaLve ases
by a log eeoo vowel ()

ere are some examples from Lhe Cura

. - - - ' - ~' s Lhe nomaLve - - ' - ~' s Lhe AccusaLve because L has

lL s a smple ad basc rule of grammar noL oly LhaL buL Lwo oLher verses LhaL are almosL deLcal have Lhe correcL
AccusaLve case

- ~ ' ' - ~ - ~ ' ' ~' - - - ' -' , ' - -' (17)
- ~ ' ' - ~ - ~ ' ' ~' - , ' - -' - - ' -' (6)


-'- = -`' ~ = ' =' ~ '~~ (7160) accordg Lo Lhe arabc grammar L musL should be '= ~ sLead of ' =' ~

lL s clear Lo me Muhammad (or a scrbe) [usL made smple ad easy Lo make msLakes

All Lhe greaL scholars of Lhe pasL Lhe had Lo rush Lo expla L away Lo preserve Lhe LegrLy of whaL Lhey beleved was
Lhe erfecL word of Cod !usL as Lhey dd wLh all Lhe oLher aomales Lhe Cura


1here are may examples of where Lhe propheL forgeLs LhaL Lhe Cura was meaL Lo be Lhe words of Cod ad sLarLs
Lalkg as f L#s from hmself

uron 9l0 AoJ tbe Iews soy uzolt ls tbe soo of Allob ooJ tbe cbtlstloos soy 1be Messlob ls tbe soo of Allob tbese ote
tbe wotJs of tbelt mootbs tbey lmltote tbe soyloq of tbose wbo JlsbelleveJ befote M4Y Allob Jesttoy tbem

1he speaker here s makg a wsh whe he says MA? Allah desLroy Lhem

Ad f you read Lhe coLexL of Lhe whole Sura L appears Lo be a very bLLer secLo erhaps Muhammad hs ager
lapsed for a momeL ad forgoL LhaL L was supposed Lo be Allah speakg oL hm as obvously a ompoLeL Allah
would ever wsh for hmself Lo do someLhg

1he auLhor of Lhe Cura obvously slps up ad refers Lo Lhemselves as 'me# here buL who s L referrg Lo" Allah or

;uran 003183 Messengers came unto you before me w|th m|rac|es

l woder f Lhe ropheL someLmes goL a bL cofused durg hs sermos as Lo who was supposedly Lhe auLhor of Lhese

We are Lold LhaL Allah perfecLly preserved ad proLecLed Lhe Cura ad L has ever bee chaged ulke Lhe oLher
Abrahmc ScrpLures" Why Allah allowed hs oLher works Lo be corrupLed s a LeresLg quesLo eve f L s oL a
maLLer for dscusso here
neverLheless as show laLer sce Lhe orgal Cura#s cepLo surahs have bee forgoLLe L has had Ls verses eaLe
by a goaL bee bured by uLhma because of corrupLo ad recompled wLh chapLer LLles dacrLcal marks
subsequeLly added Lo L
1here are dffereL versos of Lhe Cura wde crculaLo (eg afs Wars Culu) ad versos crculaLo
Lhe 1Lh ceLury 1hey all coLa dffereces ad however slghL Lhey may be L sLll debuks Lhe myLh of Lhe dvcal
sacLLy of a perfecLly preserved Cura
1he uLed SubmLLers lLeraLoal Cura s mssg Lhe lasL Lwo verses of Surah 9 Sha Muslms beleve Lhe Cura has
bee Lampered wLh Ad 1he Moorsh 1emple of Amerca use a compleLely dffereL Cura called Lhe rcle 7 Cura

d) D|fferent Vers|ons of the ;uran

ere Lhe sahh hadLh expla how parLs of surahs carelessly omLLed from Lhe Cura

5ohih Mus/im 25228 We used Lo recLe a Sura whch resembled legLh ad severLy Lo (Sura) 8ara#aL l have
however forgoLLe L wLh Lhe excepLo of Lhs Ad we used Lo recLe a Sura whch resembled oe of Lhe suras of
MusabbhaL ad l have forgoLLe L buL remember (Lhs much) ouL of L 'C people who beleve why do you say LhaL
whch you do oL pracLce# ad 'LhaL s recorded your ecks as a wLess (agasL you) ad you would be asked abouL
o Lhe uay of 8esurrecLo#
1here are clams by Asha LhaL parLs of Lhe orgal Cura (Lhe oes Lo do wLh sLog wome for adulLery) were
devoured by a goaL ad are o loger exsLece!
5unon lbn Moojo 8ook of Nikoh {nodith # 19l4) @he verse of stoninq ond of suck/inq on odu/t ten times were
reveo/ed ond they were {written) on o poper ond kept under my bed when the Messenqer of 4//oh expired ond we
were preoccupied with his deoth o qoot entered ond ote owoy the poper
Some hsLoras clam Asha dsposed of Lhe verses herself ad framed Lhe goaL! She had already bee accused by Al of
fraLersg wLh some me from her local vllage Lhese hadLh ad she was afrad of Lhe cosequeces of Lhe verses
sLory proves Lhe Cura dd become corrupLed ad LhaLs Lhe reaso alph uLhma gaLhered all Lhe Curas LogeLher
bured Lhem all ad recompled L l order for Lhe Cura Lo make Lhe LrasLo Lo moder Arabc dacrLcal marks
were added durg Lhe reg of alph uLhma So LhaL oArabc speakers ca udersLad whaL s beg dscussed
here we ca see how Lhe use of dffereL dacrLcal marks ca affecL Lhe meag

1he word for grl" s beL" 1he word s composed of Lhree leLLers whch are 8a" " or oo" ad 1a" Whe Lhese
Lhree leLLers are coecLed Lo each oLher wLhouL dacrLcal marks Lhey wll appear deLcal 1hey wll look lke Lhree

ad[aceL cresceLs facg upwards 1he dfferece beLwee Lhem s oLhg Cly Lhe dacrLcal marks (ad Lhe doLs)
ca dffereLaLe beLwee Lhem ere s how s works

lf you puL 1 poL below ay oe of Lhem Ls 8a
lf you puL poLs below ay oe of Lhem Ls ya
lf you puL 1 poL above ay oe of Lhem Ls o
lf you puL poLs above ay oe of Lhem Ls 1a
lf you puL poLs above ay oe of Lhem Ls 1ha

As ca be see a mulLLude of alLeraLves could arse from Lhe arragemeLs of dacrLcal marks o each of Lhe leLLers
meag each word could be replaced wLh up Lo 0 oLher words ad sLll be spelL exacLly Lhe same

19)h||osoph|ca| ;uest|ons

ls CoJ wlllloq to pteveot evll bot oot oble? 1beo be ls oot omolpoteot
ls be oble bot oot wlllloq? 1beo be ls molevoleot
ls be botb oble ooJ wlllloq? 1beo wbeoce cometb evll?
ls be oeltbet oble oot wlllloq? 1beo wby coll blm CoJ?
plcotos J00 8c

l lsL some of Lhe deeper phlosophcal quesLos LhaL furLher compouded my vews o relgo ad Lhese are some of
Lhe quesLos we dscussed up uLl 4am whe you were here

) WhaL was Lhe poL for Lhs Cod creaLg Lhe huma race" Are we [usL for a bL of fu a Lype of game or
LhoughL expermeL for hm"

) Why was Lhe resL of Lhe uverse creaLed whe oly su ad earLh would be eough for Allahs sLaLed purpose"
(Lo worshp hm see Cura 3136)

) Why dd Allah sed all Lhe amed propheLs from Lhe Cura (e Adam ldrs noah ud Abraham LoL lsma#l
lshaq lmam !acob !oseph !eLhro Moses Aaro uavd Solomo Ll[ah Llsha !oah Lzekel Zecharah
!oh Lhe 8apLsL !esus ad lasL buL oL leasL Muhammad) Lo [usL oe relaLvely Ly ad uderpopulaLed parL of
Lhe world amely Araba Were o oLhers across Lhe globe worLhy of recevg a proLecLed message drecL
from Lhe messegers" Why dd#L Allah proLecL Lhe 8ble"

Lvery year hudreds of fresh ew selfproclamg propheLs flock Lo !erusalem 1hey suffer from a codLo
called Lhe !erusalem complex ad Lhere s a specal psychaLrc hospLal kfar Shaul seL up specfcally for Lher
eeds ad LreaLmeL for Lhs codLo 1hese days Lher docLors prescrbe Lhem aLpsychoLc medcaLos
combed wLh a heavy dose of Lraqulzers

v) Why dd Allah creaLe Lhe devl Lo LesL us"

v) Why would Allah creaLe us mperfecL ad Lhe push us for eLerLy for Lhese mperfecLos"

v) Was Lhe male foresk a desg error" lf Lhe Cura s Lhe fal message for makd Lhe why s Lhe ouLrghL
bag of alcohol or crcumcso oly meLoed Lhe hadLh"

v) lf Allah really waLed us Lo beleve hm Lhe Lhere would be o reaso for hm Lo be vsble Why oL show
some evdece for example by wrLg hs messages clearly Lhe skes so we ca all read Lhem or by esurg all

copes of Lhe Cura levLaLed ad magcally flpped over Lher pages whch case people lke me would reverL
back Lo lslam a sLaL Lve a peerrevewed sceLfc dscovery lke a rabbL fossl preambra rock
would be eough Lo serously deL my belefs

v) Why would Lhs Cod allow some perfecLly good ad hoesL people Lo sLarve or suffer grave msforLue ad
oLher bad people Lo lead perfecLly happy ad rewardg lves" Why oL push ad/or reward us durg our
lfeLmes so we lear from our acLos ad mprove! 1hs would make Lhe huma race more cled Lo beleve
a vsble Cod ad hs powers of [usLce make Lhem beLLer Muslms ad be a meas of ecouragg a
beLLer soceLy

x) l remember people beg Lrampled o ad dyg o a[ was aoLher Lhg l remember sLrugglg wLh whe l
was chld ad a Muslm AL Lhe very leasL you would have hoped Lhs Cod would Lervee ad sLop people
sufferg because Lhey decded Lo go o a plgrmage as Lher duLy Lowards hm"

lrocally Lhe cover for Lhe (quesLoably dolaLrous) brcked cube (ksra) s 638m ad s made of 670kg of slk
1he embrodery coLas 13kg of gold Lhreads lL cosLs uS$3 mllo ad s replaced ever year! ?eL we sLll see
Muslms sLarvg Lo deaLh Afrca

?eL L appears Allah caL eve proLecL hs ow house from beg desLroyed beg desLroyed mulLple Lmes by
hsLory#s vadg forces fre or eve by hs ow earLhquakes"

lfdels were eeded Lo proLecL L 1979 whe Saud lslamc exLremsLs Look coLrol of Mecca clamg Lhe
Mahd had arrved As a lasL dLch aLLempL Lo rega coLrol of Mecca aksLa SSC commados were fally
rushed Lo Mecca from aksLa aL Lhe Saud CovermeLs requesL Lawrece WrghL reporLs LhaL Lhree
lrechme were also called members of Lhe hghly Lraed ClCn couLerLerrorsm uL 8ecause o
Muslms are oL allowed Lhe holy cLy Lhey coverLed Lo lslam a bref formal ceremoy by Saud relgous

owever Saud offcals sLll dey Lhe lrech acLually eLered Mecca

l ay case afLer a log draw ouL bloody sLruggle fally Lhe crossborder baLLalo maaged Lo rega coLrol
of Lhe sLuaLo buL oL wLhouL furLher casualLes l lra AyaLollah khome Lold rado lsLeers lL s oL
beyod guessg LhaL Lhs s Lhe work of crmal Amerca mperalsm ad LeraLoal Zosm

Muslm aL
Amerca demosLraLos followed Lhe hlppes 1urkey 8agladesh easLer Saud Araba Lhe uLed
Arab LmraLes ad aksLa

Ager fuelled by Lhese rumours peaked wLh hours lslamabad aksLa ad o
november 1 1979 Lhe day followg Lhe Lakeover Lhe uS embassy LhaL cLy was overru by a mob who
Lhe bured Lhe embassy Lo Lhe groud A week laLer Lhs ager swepL Lo Lhe sLreeLs of 1rpol Lbya where a
mob aLLacked ad bured Lhe uS embassy Lhere

x) l have heard L s mpossble Lo prove LhaL Lhere s o Cod as a argumeL agasL my ssLece of proof for a
Cod AdmLLedly L#s oL possble buL oly because L s mpossble Lo prove LhaL someLhg LhaL shows o
Lagble sg of exsLece (e caoL be see Louched or heard) ad defes all sceLfc logc ca acLually be
prove Lo exsL by sceLfc meas l Lhe same way as L s mpossble Lo dsprove LhaL Lhe fary aL Lhe boLLom
of my garde creaLed us ad wll bash Lo hell Lhose who do oL beleve L

A survey was doe of belefs a relgous Cod wLh Lhe members of Lhe naLoal Academy of Sceces 1998
ad we ca maLch Lhs wLh resulLs from 1914 ad 19

1914 277 had be||ef |n God
1933 1S had be||ef |n God
1998 7 had be||ef |n God
2011 ?

neverLheless respecL Lo provg/dsprovg Lhe burde of proof s o Lhe belever Lo prove oL Lhe
agosLc/aLhesL Lo dsprove as Lhs beg has ever bee see or heard by ayoe or has scece ever

demosLraLed Ls presece

Cura 111 8rg your proof of whaL ye sLaLe f ye are LruLhful

owever lghL of lack of proof ad whe facLual evdece s lmLed Lhe Cccam#s razor s a wellkow
phlosophcal prcple LhaL sLaLes order Lo come Lo a opo or fd Lhe closesL LruLh we should ever
make ay more assumpLos (oL supporLed by facL) Lha Lhe mmum eeded l beleve followg Lhs Lhrough
logcally would lead all raLoal people Lo agosLcsm form all culL ad relgous docLres

8elgosLs wll gleefully poL Lo Lhe lrsL ause ad ask who creaLed Lhe uverse yeL fal Lo aswer Lhe same
quesLo whe puL Lo Lhem as Lo Lhe creaLor of Allah lf a magcal Allah has bee aroud for eLerLy Lhe
could#L we say Lhe same abouL a magcal uverse or aoLher rrelgous verso of 'Cod#"

l ofLe fd relgous reasog s based o crcular logc e

Allah makes apples Apples exsL 1herefore Allah exsLs

1he fuy Lhg s Lhs logc works whe you exchage Lhe word Allah here for ay deLy or eve facL ay
word you lke 1haL does oL make Lhem all Lrue1here are so may dffereL versos of relgo aroud
wLhouL ob[ecLve reasog how s ayoe supposed Lo kow LhaL Lhey are followg Lhe rghL oe or eve Lhe
rghL verso of LhaL relgo" Cod could aL leasL have provded us wLh some real evdece whch case l
would be Lhe frsL Lo [ump o board parLcularly f we are expecLed Lo sped a lfeLme devoLed Lo makg
sacrfces for L

x) Lve f we accepL Lhere a creaLor L sLll Lakes a huge leap of faLh Lo beleve Lhs creaLor spoke Lo parLcular
people here o earLh Mormos use faLh Lo beleve Lher 8ook of Mormo was foud hdde Lhe woods by
!oseph SmLh e decphered L ad LraslaLed L Lo Lglsh Lve Lhough whaL he foud was prLed o
golde LableLs Lhey somehow vashed lL Lakes lLLle cosderaLo by oLhers of Lhe oMormo faLh Lo
re[ecL L
lslam s based o Lhe Cura alleged Lo be words spoke Lo Muhammad by Cbrel ave ra 8uL how are we
Lo kow for sure LhaL Muhammad was oL sufferg from hallucaLos Lhe cave or eve speakg Lo Lhe
devl sLead of whaL he LhoughL was Cabrel"

x) Cve Lhe magLude of Lhe mporLace of Lhe message surely Allah could have LhoughL of a beLLer vehcle" lL
comes as o surprse LhaL Lhs huma propheL could oL remember some of Lhe verses seL dow by Allah

5ohih 8ukhori vo/ 8k 1 No 558 NottoteJ Alsbo Allobs Apostle beotJ o moo tecltloq tbe Ootoo ot olqbt
ooJ solJ Moy Allob bestow nls Metcy oo blm os be bos temloJeJ me of socbooJsocb vetses of socbooJsocb
5otos wblcb l wos cooseJ to fotqet

Why would Allah rely o Lhe fallble huma memory Lo delver hs message relably or aL leasL expecL L Lo be
perfecLly wrLLe dow by Lhe
calph 0 years afLer Lhe propheL#s deaLh" uespLe clams of Lhe Cura beg
proLecLed by Allah we kow LhaL all Lhe older preuLhma Curas were acLually bured l effecL Lhe whole of
lslamc faLh reles o oe dvdual noL Muhammad buL uLhma as Lhe compler of Lhe Cura we see Loday

x) Why dd Allah puL Lhe 40 or so adLh Cuds wLh lsad Lraceable back Lo Allah (raLher Lha Muhammed) Lhe
uproLecLed sahh hadLh sLead of Lhe Cura http://www.iium.edu.my/deed/hadith/other/hadithqudsi.html

xv) Accordg Lo Lhe Cura Allah has o geder Lhe why does L refer Lo Lself as he"" Why oL She or f Allah s
gederless Lhe why oL L" howa/haLha male hya/haLhh female

Why s Allah spoke of as havg a face (Cura 336) eyes (Cura 09) feeL (8ukhar 9341) hads (Cura
364 873) legs (Cura 684 8ukhar 6607) ad quoLed as sLLg o a Lhroe (Cura 374)"

1o fll Lhe blaks our kowledge of Lhe waLer cycle we veLed 1laloc whe we were scared abouL
earLhquakes ad Lsuams we LhoughL up osedo ad whe we were afrad of lghLg bolLs we made up
1hor Lack of kowledge Leds Lo have Lhs adverse effecL o humas as Lhey aLLempL Lo make sese ad fd
order Lhs uverse ad we bee bor as cows Lhe Cod mghL have well have bee a super vsble woolly

hrsLas say Cod creaLed us hs ow mage nobelevers say we creaLed Cod our ow mage C a
persoal level l doL Lhk Muhammad was deluded buL was drve by oLher phlaLhropc LeresLs such as a
sLrog ufed Araba ad as parL of a mperalsLc desre

xv) LeL#s Lake Lhe commoly cLed argumeLs by Muslms umasm or lack of relgo wll lead Lo a crease
crme ad mmoralLy 8egardless of wheLher Lhs sLaLemeL s Lrue or oL L sLll does oL make lslam Lrue l
ay case leL#s Lake each poL separaLely

SLaLsLcs regularly show LhaL rrelgous Scadava couLres have less crme gve more charLy (besL aLoal
healLh servces hgh lfe expecLaces) ad are more aL peace wLh oe aoLher Lha mosL oLher couLres
Lhe world

?eL Muslm weghLed prso sLaLsLcs seem Lo be a regular occurrece across Lhe globe

l MaharashLra Muslms accouL for 106 of Lhe geeral populaLo yeL Lhey comprse 4 of Lhe prso
l Cu[araL where Muslms accouL for 906 of Lhe populace Lhey accouL for 3 of all prso maLes
l uk Lhe Muslm maLes are double Lhe aLoal average
lrace wLh 69 muslm populaLo yeL [als accordg Lo Lhe !amesLow loudaLo Lhe amouL of
Muslms are esLmaLed Lo be beLwee 30 ad 80 of Lhe prso demographc

Lve hrsLas Lhe uS are also above Lhe secular average

hrsLas make up approx 73 of Lhe uLed SLaLes populaLo ad 73 of Lhe prso populaLo
AgosLcs/aLhesLs make up 10 of Lhe uLed SLaLes populaLo yeL oly make up 0 of Lhe prso
populaLo (Source lederal 8ureau of rsos)

A commo msomour LhaL oly relgo ca brg abouL moralLy uselfsh behavour s ufouded lLs wLh
our fabrc as huma begs

1he worlds bggesL phlaLhropsLs are oL Muslms buL aLhesLs 8ll CaLes Warre 8uffeL perform charLy
o a dusLral scale l facL Lhe lorbes Lop lsL for phlaLhropsLs despLe havg people from may
aLoalLes ad walks of lfe has ever had a Muslm o Ls lsL 1he 8ll ad Melda CaLes loudaLo s
curreLly dog a greaL servce Lo humaLy by promoLg mproved saLaLo vacces wLh Lhe developg
world Warre 8uffeL s oe of Lhe worlds rchesL people ad s doaLg more Lha 90 of hs wealLh Lo charLy

kellqloo ls oo losolt to bomoo Jlqolty wltb ot wltboot lt yoo woolJ bove qooJ people Joloq qooJ tbloqs ooJ
evll people Joloq evll tbloqs 8ot fot qooJ people to Jo evll tbloqs tbot tokes tellqloo ltofessot 5teveo
a) Cr|me
b) Mora||ty

) 1aqqyya (Sha) ad kLma are words commoly used Lo descrbe Lhe Lypes of les permssble lslam
buL s besL descrbed by

e/ionce of the @rove//er @he c/ossic Monuo/ of ls/omic 5ocred Low {1l8) lf o ptolsewottby olm ls ottolooble
tbtooqb botb tellloq tbe ttotb ooJ lyloq lt ls oolowfol to occompllsb tbtooqb lyloq becoose tbete ls oo oeeJ fot
lt wbeo lt ls posslble to ocbleve socb oo olm by lyloq bot oot by tellloq tbe ttotb lt ls petmlsslble to lle lf
ottololoq tbe qool ls petmlsslble %le wbeo tbe potpose of lyloq ls to cltcomveot someooe wbo ls pteveotloq ooe
ftom Joloq sometbloq petmlsslble) ooJ obllqototy to lle lf tbe qool ls obllqototy

l oLher words lslam you are permLLed Lo le for cauLo fear or as a dsguse Lowards ubelevers 1hs has
come from Lhe Cura ad 1afsr of Curac verses 3 9 408 66 ad hadLh also show examples of
whe a Muslm may deceve oLhers for a greaLer purpose

5ohih Mus/im l2l0l exemptloo wos qtooteJ lo ooytbloq wbot tbe people speok os lle bot lo tbtee coses lo
bottle fot btloqloq tecooclllotloo omooqst petsoos ooJ tbe oottotloo of tbe wotJs of tbe bosbooJ to bls wlfe
ooJ tbe oottotloo of tbe wotJs of o wlfe to bet bosbooJ %lo o twlsteJ fotm lo otJet to btloq tecooclllotloo
betweeo tbem)

adLh also provde examples of how sladerers of Lhe propheL were deceved ad led Lo ad Lhe fally
murdered Sahh 8ukhar 3069 recouLs Lhe murder of a poeL kab b alAshraf aL Muhammads ssLece
1he me who voluLeered for Lhe assassaLo used dshoesLy wLh permsso from Lhe propheL Lo ga
kabs LrusL preLedg LhaL Lhey had Lured agasL Muhammad 1hs lured Lhe vcLm ouL from hs home
whereupo he was bruLally slaughLered despLe puLLg up a ferocous sLruggle for hs lfe

) Movg o Lo porography a quck search o Coogle#s search Lreds wll show Lhe hghesL Lraffc lookg for
Lhe words ude pcs acLually comes from aksLa whch s abouL Lwce as may as Lhe exL couLry dow Lhe
lsL lda whch has sx Lmes Ls populaLo!

1he hghesL Lraffc lookg for ole por Lhe uS comes from Lhe overLly relgous ad coservaLve uLah
8esLrcLg freedoms does oL suppress huma aLure ad oly serves Lo camouflage ad drve L udergroud
makg L eve harder Lo coLrol

owever Ls oL all bad ews for relgosLs rofessor u#amaLo poLs Lo a posLve correlaLo beLwee Lhe
receL exploso of household LereL access Lo porography Lhe uS ad a decle cdeLs of rape
(measured dffereL ways cludg polce reporLs ad survey Lervews) durg Lhe same perod u#amaLo
suggesLs LhaL Lhe free avalablLy of porography sce Lhe 1970s ad Lhe receL bombardmeL of LereL
porography has demysLfed sex Lhus saLsfyg Lhe sexually curous

xv) LeL#s make Lhe assumpLo LhaL all huma begs aroud Lhe world are equal aL brLh some bor a hrsLa
famly some du some 8uddhsL eLc lf you were Lo aalyse Lhese groups of people across Lhe globe ad
segmeLed Lhem by relgo you wll fd cerLa characLersLc LraLs emerge 1hese LraLs posLve or egaLve
ca oly be dow Lo Lhe culLures LhaL have resulLed ofLe as a drecL cosequece of Lhe relgos Lhemselves

1hs s a mporLaL poL Lo address as Muslm followers ofLe blame Muslms for oL followg Lhe relgo
correcLly suaLg LhaL Muslms are less capable Lha oLhers of followg a good code of lfe l beleve Lhs
aLLLude Lo be racsL as L assumes Muslms are oL equal ldvduals should oL be blamed raLher Lhe deology
Lhey follow

nor should we [udge lslam o Lhe bass of a few dvduals LhaL would also be wrog 1he same would apply f
we were Lo pck ay radom uesL AgosLc hrsLa 8uddhsL du hold Lher dvdual characLer as a
represeLaLo of Lher belefs

neverLheless L s far Lo sLudy ad aalyse collecLve paLLers (perhaps L s Lhe reducLosL me) ad see f
Lhere s a edemc problem A problem LhaL s repeaLed across borders aLoalLes ad s overrepreseLed
by oe parLcular group Lme Lme aga Should a posLve correlaLo be made e a commo facLor foud
preseL all Lhese groups Lhe L s mporLaL Lo ask quesLos abouL Lhs rooL cause of Lhe problem

A sLudy of 0 member sLaLes of Lhe CrgazaLo of Lhe lslamc oferece foud LhaL Lhese couLres speL
04 perceL of Lher gross domesLc producL o sceLfc research from 1996 Lo 00 whch was [usL oe
seveLh of Lhe global average 1hose Muslm couLres have fewer Lha 10 sceLsLs egeers ad Lechcas
for every 1000 people compared wLh Lhe world average of 40 ad 140 for Lhe developed world Ad Lhey
coLrbuLe oly abouL 1 perceL of Lhe worlds publshed sceLfc papers AoLher sLudy of Cl aLos foud
LhaL sceLsLs 17 Arabcspeakg couLres produced a LoLal of 1444 sceLfc publcaLos 003 whch
was 000 fewer Lha whaL arvard uversLy aloe produced

1oday we fd !ews comprsg of of Lhe world#s populaLo have Lhrd of Lhe world#s nobel rzes whereas
Muslms reachg reachg up Lo a Lhrd of Lhe world#s populaLo have oly of Lhe nobel przes
l sLark coLrasL 010 lud for eace 8eporL of Lhe Lop 10 laled SLaLes Lhe World 7 couLres beloged Lo
Muslm ma[orLy sLaLes aksLa aL umber 10 was Lhe hghly crLcal caLegory ad Somala raked 1sL (
umercal order 1 Somala had Suda 4 Zmbabwe 3 ogo 6 lraq 7 AfghasLa 8 eLral Afrca
8epublc 9 Cuea 10 aksLa)
lf we see Lhe same problems overrepreseLed sysLemaLcally reoccurrg wLh lslamc commuLes Lhe
quesLos eed Lo beg Lo be rased abouL Lhe aLure of lslam Lself l beleve lleducaLo hoour kllgs
racsm sucde bombgs commuLy segregaLo msogyy are all dffculL quesLos LhaL may eed Lo be
rased aL some Lme lslamc commuLes Lhe fuLure
1o Lake oe dffculL example whlsL l beleve Lhere s oLhg specfc lslam LhaL opely promoLes hoour
kllgs we fd Ls overrepreseLaLo Muslm couLres why" ere l ask Lhe reader Lo reflecL o examples
gve earler Lhs crLque parLcular Lhose relaLg Lo pushmeL for adulLery aposLacy verses agasL
wome marryg omuslms female modesLy Lo msogyy Lo volece uarul lslam ad Lhe sLrog
coservaLve ad LradLoal values of Lhe Cura ayg parLcular aLLeLo Lo how Lhey mghL affecL Lhe
psyche of youg chldre rased o Lhem parLcular ad Lhe Ls collecLve affecL o Lhe mores values ad
culLure of Lhese soceLes as a drecL resulL

20) What I 8e||eve Now

l have heard !usL read Lhe Cura L#s a beauLful book LhaL wll provde you wLh all Lhe aswers" may Lmes l dd so
buL Lhs was oL Lhe case wLh me lf l am hoesL l foud L repeLLve ad usprg provokg yeL more quesLos
ad doubL 1he whe l rased Lhose quesLos l was laded wLh Lhs verse

;uran S101 O yoo wbo belleve! uo oot pot poestloos oboot tbloqs wblcb lf JecloteJ to yoo moy ttooble yoo

l LhoughL L oversmplfed pgeoholed ofLe very complex ssues ad geerally foud L forLhrghL ad aggressve

ere are some sLaLsLcs l foud regardg Lhe coLeL of Lhe Cura ad alLhough l apprecaLe L#s oL a exacL scece l
ca corroboraLe as beg broadly smlar Lo whaL l foud whe l read L


%52) ovet bolf of tbese vetses ls vlttlol olmeJ ot loflJels
%7) Jeol wltb Allob
%5) Jeol wltb bellevets/ooobellevets
%2) Jeol wltb uoy of IoJqmeot
%4) ls o qooJ vetse %uo oot steol ftom tbe poot / Clve to tbe poot etc)

%5ootce llcktbol Ootoo by Ambet lowllk)

lL appeared Lo me LhaL Lhe 8ook [usL waLs Lo ralroad Ls message Lo peoples# LhoughLs belefs ad subcoscous ad
whe Lhs quesLoable code of coducL s followed L s usurprsg Lo may obelevers why Muslms are where
Lhey are Loday l facL l am uable Lo Lhk of good Lhgs LhaL l leared from lslam LhaL l could oL have leared f l
had ever bee a Muslm l [usL woder how may Muslms would coverL Lo lslam based o Ls merLs had Lhey oL
bee bor Lo Lhe relgo

Ad L s oL [usL abouL Lhe Lhgs L dd say buL L s abouL Lhe Lhgs L chose oL Lo meLo lL edlessly repeaLs we
musL oL eaL pork ad carro ?eL o laws LhaL codem rape codem slavery ouLrghL or Lell us LhaL marryg
chldre was wrog We mghL Lhe have foud couLres lke Saud Araba lra ad CaLar would oL be amogsL Lhe
lasL couLres lefL sLadg LhaL pracLse Lhese medeval cusLoms sacLfed by Lhe Messeger of Cod

lsLead Allah chooses Lo Lell us Lhe Cura LhaL oe should oL ouLsLay Lhe propheLs welcome f vLed Lo hs house
for a meal buL Lo leave as soo as Lher meal s fshed

uron ll5l O e wbo belleve! otet oot tbe Jwellloqs of tbe ltopbet fot o meol wltboot woltloq fot tbe ptopet tlme
ooless petmlssloo be qtooteJ yoo 8ot lf ye ote lovlteJ eotet ooJ wbeo yoot meol ls eoJeJ tbeo Jlspetse lloqet oot fot
coovetsotloo lo! tbot woolJ coose ooooyooce to tbe ltopbet

uL smply l foud L Lo be a complaLo of myLhs ecrypLed ambguous LexL a book abouL Lhe mcromaagemeL of
a aceL Arabc culLure padded ouL wLh Lrval deLals ad peLLy local squabbles noL hallmarks of beg wrLLe by a
fLely wse creaLor buL arguably a ueducaLed 7
ceLury huma archLecL

l Lhs crLque Lhere are examples of how lslam ca be relaLed Lo oLher relgos ad culLs ad quesLos how we are Lo
kow LhaL Lhe charsmaLc ropheL Muhammad was oL [usL a 7
ceLury uavd koresh

l facL accordg Lo may Arabc readers alogsde poor grammar ad repeLLo every ffLh seLece of Lhe Cura s
Lellgble ad dffculL Lo udersLad We look aL Lhe 77+ dffereL lslamc secLs exsLece Loday whch are uable Lo
agree o whaL s alal aram ad Makroohad are lefL Lo quesLo wheLher Lhs Lruly s a 'kLabul mubee# or clear
book (Cura 71) as L purporLs Lself Lo be

Surely a lovg ad carg god would be more cocered wLh how well we lve our lves ad waL us Lo Lreasure Lhe
lLLle Lme we have bee gve over ad above servlLy Lo hm o a prayer maL" AL Lhe ed of Lhe day l hope pareLs do
oL waL Lher kds Lo sped Lhe resL of Lher lves Lhakg Lhem for Lhe sacrfces made or do l expecL a greaLer beg
whch s fLely kder Lha Lhem Lo do so

luly eough l ca sLll udersLad ad empaLhse wLh Lhe Muslm poL of vew l was also 100 sure l was rghL as a
Musm l used Lo Lhk Lhere was someLhg wrog wLh ayoe who dd oL beleve lslam was Lrue 1haL was rghL up
uLl ob[ecLvely aalysg L aL whch poL l realsed LhaL everybody was sure Lhey followed Lhe correcL relgo ad l
was beg o dffereL My faLh was smply based o Lhe graed belef of my acesLors

l realsed l was dog Lhe same as Lhe dus lda Lhe 8uddhsLs 1beL Lhe hrsLas 8ome !ews lsrael ad
Lhe Muslms Sauda Araba lL was [usL Lhe same old relgous propagada mache usually preyg o Lhe oceL

ueducaLed or mpovershed Lhrough fear gorace or wshful Lhkg

now all of Lhese people#s propheLs who clamed Lo have spoke drecLly Lo Cod l smply doL beleve Lhem aymore

uLara uversalsm ad umasm are worLh lookg aL buL f l musL be puL Lo a brackeL Lhe l would say LhaL l am
a secular agosLc uLlLara raLoalsL reducLosL humasL wLh culLural Muslm flueces! 8uL geerally speakg f
we have ay spare emoLoal ad LellecLual eergy Lhe l Lhk Ls besL devoLed Lo our famles or Lhose eed ad
oL Lo ay possble fary Lale l Loo would desperaLely lke Lo beleve a afLerlfe so l could see people who l loved ad
have passed away buL waLg L Lo be Lrue does oL make L Lrue

My persoal belef s LhaL l should Lry my besL Lo lead a good lfe ad oL Lo LreaL oLhers a way LhaL l would oL expecL
Lo be LreaLed myself oLherwse kow as Lhe Colde 8ule l would raLher allocaLe my spare Lme dog charLy carg
for my fellow ma lovg lfe ad above all else educaLg myself 1he Lhe rewards wll oL oly be avalable Lo me by
whaLever f ayLhg s ouL Lhere buL durg my lfeLme also

l have foud L leads Lo a rcher exsLece as Lhe rules you follow are Lhose LhaL you Lhk are rghL ad oL prescrbed
by some radomly gaLhered aceL parchmeL scrbblgs from deserL Araba Ad l wll leave Lhe relgo Lo all Lhose
people who wsh Lo follow L

A Lrue relgo would be flawless ad mmedaLely awe sprg as L would be puL LogeLher by a all kowg all
seeg creaLor Lhs oe sadly has mssed Lhe mark by a log way for me


8eleve oLhg o Lhe faLh of LradLos eve Lhough Lhey have bee held hoour for may geeraLos
ad may places uo oL beleve a Lhg because may people speak of L uo oL beleve o Lhe faLh of Lhe
sages of Lhe pasL uo oL beleve whaL you yourself have maged persuadg yourself LhaL a Cod spres
you 8eleve oLhg o Lhe sole auLhorLy of your masLers ad presLs
AfLer examaLo beleve whaL you yourself have LesLed ad foud Lo be reasoable ad coform your
coducL LhereLo CauLama 8uddha

Append|x A My Notes When I keread the ;uran

Whe l read Lhrough Lhe ckLhal LraslaLo (http://www.islam101.com/Quran/QuranPickthal/trans-pickthal.text) here are some of Lhe
passages LhaL caughL my eye

1) Souds lke heave oly coLas whaL Muhammad could see ad lusL for aroud hm aL LhaL Lme ad place Alog wLh passages abouL
Araba fruLs ad vegeLables (ad waLer) here#s aoLher
;uran 003014 8eaut|f|ed for mank|nd |s |ove of the [oys (that come) from women and offspr|ng and storedup heaps of go|d and s||ver
and horses branded (w|th the|r mark) and catt|e and |and 1hat |s comfort of the ||fe of the wor|d A||ah! W|th n|m |s a more exce||ent

) Souds lke predesLaLo Lo me
;uran 00314S No sou| can ever d|e except by A||ahs |eave and at a term appo|nted

) Why Lhe repeaLed obsesso wLh orphas raLher Lha oLher uforLuaLe people eg dsabled people" Was L because you were a orpha
per chace"

;uran 004010 Lo! 1hose who devour the wea|th of orphans wrongfu||y they do but swa||ow f|re |nto the|r be|||es and they w||| be
exposed to burn|ng f|ame

4) Allah (or more lkely Muhammad as he was llLeraLe) has goL Lher maLhemaLcs muddled up because Lhe sums [usL do#L add up Crab a
calculaLor ad do L yourself So aga who wroLe Lhe Cura Allah or Muhammad"
;uran 004011 A||ah chargeth you concern|ng (the prov|s|on for) your ch||dren to the ma|e the equ|va|ent of the port|on of two
fema|es and |f there be women more than two then the|rs |s twoth|rds of the |nher|tance and |f there be one (on|y) then the ha|f And
to each of h|s parents a s|xth of the |nher|tance |f he have a son and |f he have no son and h|s parents are h|s he|rs then to h|s mother
apperta|neth the th|rd and |f he have brethren then to h|s mother apperta|neth the s|xth after any |egacy he may have bequeathed or
debt (hath been pa|d) our parents and your ch||dren e know not wh|ch of them |s nearer unto you |n usefu|ness It |s an |n[unct|on
from A||ah Lo! A||ah |s knower W|se 004012 And unto you be|ongeth a ha|f of that wh|ch your w|ves |eave |f they have no ch||d but |f
they have a ch||d then unto you the fourth of that wh|ch they |eave after any |egacy they may have bequeathed or debt (they ma y
have contracted hath been pa|d) And unto them be|ongeth the fourth of that wh|ch ye |eave |f ye have no ch||d but |f ye have a ch||d
then the e|ghth of that wh|ch ye |eave after any |egacy ye may have bequeathed or debt (ye may have contracted hath been pa|d)
And |f a man or a woman have a d|stant he|r (hav|ng |eft ne|ther parent nor ch||d) and he (or she) have a brother o r a s|ster (on|y on
the mothers s|de) then to each of them twa|n (the brother and the s|ster) the s|xth and |f they be more than two then they sha|| be
sharers |n the th|rd after any |egacy that may have been bequeathed or debt (contracted) not |n[ur|ng (the he|rs by w||||ng away more
than a th|rd of the her|tage)

3) We are gve lcese Lo marry our daughLerlaws"
;uran 004023 |t |s no s|n for you (to marry) the w|ves of your sons who (spr|ng) from your own |o|ns

6) So L#s ok Lo geL druk up Lo Lhe poL LhaL you ca puL LogeLher a cohereL verse"
;uran 004043 C ye who be||eve! Draw not near unto prayer when ye are drunken t||| ye know that wh|ch ye utter
Wome are drLy whe Lhey are mesLruaLg (Lhs s oL Lhe frsL Lme l have come across Lhs suggesLo lslam)
(|t cont|nues) ;uran 004043) nor when ye are po||uted save when [ourney|ng upon the road t||| ye have bathed And |f ye be ||| or
on a [ourney or one of you cometh from the c|oset or ye have touched women

7) 1he Lhem us meLalLy s lLLered LhroughouL Lhe Cura eres s a example
;uran 004092 It |s not for a be||ever to k||| a be||ever un|ess (|t be) by m|stake ne who hath k|||ed a be||ever by m|stake must set free a
be||ev|ng s|ave and pay the b|oodmoney to the fam||y of the s|a|n un|ess they rem|t |t as a char|ty

8) So f you kow L s oL possble Lo LreaL each wfe equally Lhe why do you allow us Lo do L"
;uran 004129 e w||| not be ab|e to dea| equa||y between (your) w|ves however much ye w|sh (to do so)

9) !ews are usursLs ad wll all go Lo hell" Souds racsL
;uran 004160 8ecause of the wrongdo|ng of the Iews We forbade them good th|ngs wh|ch were (before) made |awfu| unto them and
because of the|r much h|nder|ng from A||ahs way
004161 And of the|r tak|ng usury when they were forb|dden |t and of the|r devour|ng peop|es wea|th by fa|se pretences We have
prepared for those of them who d|sbe||eve a pa|nfu| doom

10) Why dd#L you meLo alcohol beg baed here"
;uran 00S003 Iorb|dden unto you (for food) are carr|on and b|ood and sw|nef|esh and that wh|ch hath been ded|cated unto any other
than A||ah and the strang|ed and the dead through beat|ng and the dead through fa|||ng from a he|ght and that wh|ch hath been k|||ed
by (the gor|ng of) horns and the devoured of w||d beasts sav|ng that wh|ch ye make |awfu| (by the deathstroke) and that wh|ch hath
been |mmo|ated unto |do|s And (forb|dden |s |t) that ye swear by the d|v|n|ng arrows 1h|s |s an abom|nat|on

11) So L#s oL [usL abouL defece ad proLecLg yourselves whe you fghL ere you opely accepL you are Lhe Lrasgressor lsrael ad
Lakg a lad LhaL s oL already yours
;uran 00S021 C my peop|e! Go |nto the ho|y |and wh|ch A||ah hath orda|ned for you 1urn not |n f||ght for sure|y ye turn back as |osers

1) l was surprsed Lo see Lhs parLcular Shara Law come drecLly from Lhe Cura ad oL Lhe hadLh
;uran 00S038 As for the th|ef both ma|e and fema|e cut off the|r hands It |s the reward of the|r own deeds an exemp|ary pun|shment
from A||ah A||ah |s M|ghty W|se

1) Who sad Muhammad was a pacfsL"
;uran 00S04S And We prescr|bed for them there|n 1he ||fe for the ||fe and the eye for the eye and the nose for the nose and the ear
for the ear and the tooth for the tooth and for wounds reta||at|on

14) noL oly dolaLers go Lo hell buL hrsLas belevg Lhe LrLy
;uran 00S072 1hey sure|y d|sbe||eve who say Lo! A||ah |s the Mess|ah son of Mary 1he Mess|ah (h|mse|f) sa|d C Ch||dren of Israe|
worsh|p A||ah my Lord and your Lord Lo! whoso ascr|beth partners unto A||ah for h|m A||ah hath forb|dden parad|se n|s abode |s the
I|re Ior ev||doers there w||| be no he|pers

13) Aga o we meLoed here
;uran 00614S Say I f|nd not |n that wh|ch |s revea|ed unto me aught proh|b|ted to an eater that he eat thereof except |t be carr|on or
b|ood poured forth or sw|nef|esh for that ver||y |s fou| or the abom|nat|on wh|ch was |mmo|ated to the name of other than A||ah 8ut
whoso |s compe||ed (thereto) ne|ther crav|ng nor transgress|ng (for h|m) |o! thy Lord |s Iorg|v|ng Merc|fu|

16) 1hese are Lhe LoL versus (socalled aLhomosexual oes) l ay case Lhs s wrog as homosexualLy amals s a well documeLed ad
kow pheomeo parLcularly 8oobos who are oe of our closesL relaLves Males gve each oLher oral sex Lo promoLe soceLal
;uran 007080 And Lot! (kemember) when he sa|d unto h|s fo|k W||| ye comm|t abom|nat|on such as no creature ever d|d before you ?
007081 Lo! ye come w|th |ust unto men |nstead of women Nay but ye are wanton fo|k
007082 And the answer of h|s peop|e was on|y that they sa|d (one to another) 1urn them out of your townsh|p 1hey are fo|k forsooth
who keep pure
007083 And We rescued h|m and h|s househo|d save h|s w|fe who was of those who stayed beh|nd
007084 We ra|ned a ra|n upon them See now the nature of the consequence of ev||doers!

17) 1hs verse refers Lo Lhe mracles of hrsLaLy ad calls Lhem 'co[ecLure# owever Lhe lslamc mracles of Lhe propheL sLLg o a flyg
dokey o hs way Lo geL hs message from heave (whe obody was aroud) ad Lhe aular eclpse (whe he allegedly splL Lhe moo
half) could also be cosdered Lhe same way"
;uran 010036 Most of them fo||ow not but con[ecture Assured|y con[ecture can by no means take the p|ace of truth

18) Are#L Muslms supposed Lo pray 3 Lmes a day "
;uran 011114 Lstab||sh worsh|p at the two ends of the day and |n some watches of the n|ght Lo! good deeds annu| |||deeds 1h|s |s
rem|nder for the m|ndfu|

19) A Lypcal example of LhreaL afLer LhreaL buL have#L boLhered Lo lsL all of Lhem here oLherwse L would be almosL Lhe legLh of Lhe Cura 8uL
here#s a Lypcal example

;uran 012041 C my two fe||owpr|soners! As for one of you he w||| pour out w|ne for h|s |ord to dr|nk and as for the other he w||| be cruc|f|ed
so that the b|rds w||| eat from h|s head

0) l ask you aga Allah L#s Loo cofusg for a message LhaL s appareLly clear s we ok Lo drk Lhe"
012049 1hen after that w||| come a year when the peop|e w||| have p|enteous crops and when they w||| press (w|ne and o||)

1) ?ou heard L here frsL wombs absorb babes
;uran 013008 A||ah knoweth that wh|ch every fema|e beareth and that wh|ch the wombs absorb and that wh|ch they grow And
everyth|ng w|th n|m |s measured

) So Allah does push Lhs lfe Loo" 8elgosLs mghL be rghL blamg 1suam as Allah#s pushmeL for dsbelef hm" lL says so
rghL here
;uran 013013 1he thunder hymneth n|s pra|se and (so do) the ange|s for awe of n|m ne |auncheth the thunderbo|ts and sm|teth w|th
them whom ne w||| wh||e they d|spute (|n doubt) concern|ng A||ah and ne |s m|ghty |n wrath

1woLhrds of Lhe way Lhrough Lhe Cura ow hew L#s paful!

) So Allah does aswer prayers oL oly for Lhe exL lfe buL Lhs oe also coLrary Lo whaL may lberals argue Lke l have sad may a
Lme so why are cacer survval sLaLsLcs amogsL Muslms some of whch who pray amogsL Lhe lowesL"
;uran 013014 Unto n|m |s the rea| prayer 1hose unto whom they pray bes|de A||ah respond to them not at a|| save as (|s the response
to) one who stretcheth forth h|s hands toward water (ask|ng) that |t may come unto h|s mouth and |t w||| never reach |t 1he prayer of
d|sbe||evers goeth (far) astray

4) eave has a huge Arab bas here#s a example wLh heave offerg shade ad waLer oL much of ceLve for Lhose who already lve
weL ad dark Luropea couLres Was Lhe Cura a message Lo people of all place ad Lme or [usL Lhose belogg Lo Lhe Arabc
pesula 1400 years ago"
;uran 01303S A s|m|||tude of the Garden wh|ch |s prom|sed unto those who keep the|r duty (to A||ah) Underneath |t r|vers f|ow |ts
food |s ever|ast|ng and |ts shade th|s |s the reward of those who keep the|r duty wh||e the reward of d|sbe||evers |s the I|re

3) WhaL s so awful wLh lovg ad e[oyg Lhs lfe f L#s Lhe oly oe we have bee graLed" Should a all lovg mercful creaLor waL Lhs
;uran 014003 1hose who |ove the ||fe of the wor|d more than the nereafter and debar (men) from the way of A||ah and wou|d have |t
crooked such are far astray

6) Aga [usL Arabc fruL 1he Cura s eLher predomaLly a message Lo Lhe Arabc people of Lhe Lme lf L#s for all ma Lhe Allah was
oL aware of ayLhg ouLsde Araba
;uran 016011 1herew|th ne causeth crops to grow for you and the o||ve and the datepa|m and grapes and a|| k|nds of fru|t

7) lls acLg as pegs Lo sLop earLhquakes
;uran 01601S And ne hath cast |nto the earth f|rm h|||s that |t quake not w|th you and streams and roads that ye may f|nd a way

8) l#ve heard L all ow our shadows are prosLraLos Lo Allah!

;uran 016048 nave they not observed a|| th|ngs that A||ah hath created how the|r shadows |nc||ne to the r|ght and to the |eft mak|ng
prostrat|on unto A||ah and they are |ow|y ?

9) Aga s alcohol haram here L Lalks abouL L beg a ourshg gfL from Cod "
;uran 016067 And of the fru|ts of the datepa|m and grapes whence ye der|ve strong dr|nk and (a|so) good nour|shment Lo! there|n |s
|ndeed a portent for peop|e who have sense

0) Souds lke a observaLo from commo ma from Araba aL Lhe Lme oL a almghLy creaLor 8ees do#L eaL fruL ad oly cosume Lhe
ecLar from Lhe flowers l facL Lhey doL [usL cosume ecLar from all fruLs plaLs Lhey do so from oe fruLs plaLs Loo
;uran 016068 And thy Lord |nsp|red the bee say|ng Choose thou hab|tat|ons |n the h|||s and |n the trees and |n that wh|ch they thatch
016069 1hen eat of a|| fru|ts and fo||ow the ways of thy Lord made smooth (for thee)

1) Aga sLll waLg Lo see f l ca fd a verse where alcohol s baed lf Lhe Cura was Lhe fal message of makd Lhe why was
alcohol oly baed Lhe hadLh"
;uran 01611S ne hath forb|dden for you on|y carr|on and b|ood and sw|nef|esh

) lL#s oL [usL mooLhesLs LhaL are excused aybody who does#L beleve Lhe hereafLer also geL fred
;uran 017010 And that those who be||eve not |n the nereafter for them We have prepared a pa|nfu| doom

) AoLher verse delvered especally for orphas (l woder why ) ) ad sLll waLg Lo see f he cares equally for oLhers lke dsabled people
;uran 017034 Come not near the wea|th of the orphan save w|th that wh|ch |s better t||| he come to strength and keep the covenant
Lo! of the covenant |t w||| be asked

4) 1he day of [udgemeL wll ever happe Whe s L lkely LhaL every moLher forgeLs abouL her kds l mea LvL8?oe " 1hs mghL be a
reacLo Lo hs ow sese of abadomeL from chldhood whe he was re[ecLed by hs moLher ad was ursed by aoLher woma
;uran 022001 C mank|nd! Iear your Lord Lo! the earthquake of the nour (of Doom) |s a tremendous th|ng
022002 Cn the day when ye beho|d |t every nurs|ng mother w||| forget her nurs||ng and every pregnant one w||| be de||vered of her

3) uoes Lhs mea Lhere are bllos of souls [usL floaLg aroud or lmbo uLl Lhey ca go somewhere"
;uran 022007 And because the nour w||| come there |s no doubt thereof and because A||ah w||| ra|se those who are |n the graves

6) Wome eed 4 wLesses Lo accuse a ma buL Lhere s o such provso f a ma accuses hs wfe of adulLery whch case hs LesLmoy
s eough
;uran 024006 As for those who accuse the|r w|ves but have no w|tnesses except themse|ves |et the test|mony of one of them be four
test|mon|es (swear|ng) by A||ah that he |s of those who speak the truth

7) lor Lhose apologsLs LhaL Lhk Lhe Cura s oL aLhomosexual Lhs s a separaLe secLo of Lhe Cura Lo Lhe LoL sLory ad poLs ouL
exacLly whaL abomaLo Lhey were performg
;uran 0270S4 And Lot! when he sa|d unto h|s fo|k W||| ye comm|t abom|nat|on know|ng|y ?
0270SS Must ye needs |ust after men |nstead of women ? Nay but ye are fo|k who act sense|ess|y


8) 1hs oe s LeresLg Muhammad clams he marred hs adopLed so#s wfe because Allah decreed hm Lo so LhaL L would o loger be a
s for people Lo marry Lher adopLed sos wves A commo problem LhaL really eeded Lo be addressed"
Ad L eds wLh 1he commadmeL of Allah musL be fulflled" so geerous always puLLg oLhers frsL! neverLheless Lhs verse gves
permsso Lo Muslms Lo marry Lher adopLed sos exwves /
;uran 3337 And when thou sa|dst unto h|m on whom A||ah hath conferred favour and thou hast conferred favour keep thy w|fe to
thyse|f and fear A||ah And thou d|dst h|de |n thy m|nd that wh|ch A||ah was to br|ng to ||ght and thou d|dst fear mank|nd whereas
A||ah hath a better r|ght that thou shou|dst fear n|m So when 2eyd had performed that necessary forma||ty (of d|vorce) from her We
gave her unto thee |n marr|age so that (henceforth) there may be no s|n for be||evers |n respect of w|ves of the|r adopted sons when
the |atter have performed the necessary forma||ty (of re|ease) from them 1he commandment of A||ah must be fu|f|||ed
9) Allah allowed Lhe propheL Lo marry wome as war booLy"
;uran 33S0 C rophet! Lo! We have made |awfu| unto thee thy w|ves unto whom thou hast pa|d the|r dowr|es and those whom thy
r|ght hand possesseth (domest|c s|ave) of those whom A||ah hath g|ven thee as spo||s of war and the daughters of your materna| unc|es
and materna| auntsa pr|v||ege for thee on|y not for the (rest of) be||evers

40) WhaL abouL assexual reproducLve speces lvg Lhe amal/plaL world whch sLace male/female pars are oL requred"
lor example some lzard speces LhaL reproduce va parLheogess (wLhouL Lhe eed for males Lo reproduce as Lhey ca sLmulaLe
eggs Lo ferLlze each oLher)
;uran 3636 G|ory be to n|m Who created a|| the sexua| pa|rs of that wh|ch the earth groweth and of themse|ves and of that wh|ch
they know not!

Cr vruses are lvg Lhgs buL Lhey have o waLer Lhey are [usL a sLrg of 8nA or unA!
;uran 2130 And we created every ||v|ng th|ng out of water

41) erhaps Allah s servg Lea ad coffee hell (make LhaL 1 sugar please)
;uran 037067 And afterward |o! thereupon they have a dr|nk of bo|||ng water

4) We#ve had more Lha 8 breeds of caLLle eve Mohammed#s Lme 8uL of course f you were uaware of aoLher world beyod Lhe
deserL plas of Araba Lhe Ls easy Lo see how you could come Lo Lhs cocluso Cf course you lose Lhe rghL Lo make Lhs clam Lhe
momeL you say Lhe Cura was dvely spred
;uran 039006 ne created you from one be|ng then from that (be|ng) ne made |ts mate and ne hath prov|ded for you of catt|e e|ght

4) Ch mercful oe fe LorLure chamber you creaLed
;uran 04701S (ne||dwe||ers) are g|ven bo|||ng water to dr|nk so that |t teareth the|r bowe|s?

44) Aga for Lhose lberals who say Allah does oL have a effecL o Lhs lfe oly o Lhe hereafLer ere s Allah proLecLg Lhose o earLh
who beleve hm lf good Muslms are beLLer proLecLed from evl we should be able Lo geL some fgures o L eg psychoss meLal
lless sLaLs "
;uran 047017 Wh||e as for those who wa|k ar|ght ne addeth to the|r gu|dance and g|veth them the|r protect|on (aga|nst ev||)

43) Allah kows before you de wheLher you are gog Lo heave or hell so whaL#s Lhe poL"
;uran 047019 A||ah knoweth (both) your p|ace of turmo|| and your p|ace of rest


46) Allah really s a ce guy he rewards hs followers wLh sLole goods
;uran 048018 A||ah was we|| p|eased w|th the be||evers when they swore a||eg|ance unto thee beneath the tree and ne knew what
was |n the|r hearts and ne sent down peace of reassurance on them and hath rewarded them w|th a near v|ctory
048019 And much booty that they w||| capture A||ah |s ever M|ghty W|se

47) 1hs s a very good verse ad oe LhaL should be show Lo every faaLc
;uran 060008 A||ah forb|ddeth you not those who warred not aga|nst you on account of re||g|on and drove you not out from your
homes that ye shou|d show them k|ndness and dea| [ust|y w|th them Lo! A||ah |oveth the [ust dea|ers

48) l feel ucomforLable wLh Lhs dea abouL payg for wome from rval clas
;uran 060010 C ye who be||eve! When be||ev|ng women come unto you as fug|t|ves exam|ne them A||ah |s 8est Aware of the|r fa|th
1hen |f ye know them for true be||evers send them not back unto the d|sbe||evers 1hey are not |awfu| for them (the d|sbe||evers) nor
are they (the d|sbe||evers) |awfu| for them And g|ve them (the d|sbe||evers) that wh|ch they have spent (upon them) And |t |s no s|n for
you to marry such women when ye have g|ven them the|r dues

49) ere s eedy Allah aga waLg aLLeLo over chldre ad waLg us Lo see Lhem as a LempLaLo raLher Lha youg begs who eed
Lme aLLeLo ad gudace
;uran 063009 C ye who be||eve! Let not your wea|th nor your ch||dren d|stract you from remembrance of A||ah 1hose who do so they
are the |osers
;uran 06401S your ch||dren are on|y a temptat|on whereas A||ah w|th n|m |s an |mmense reward

30) Allah eeds your moey Loo
;uran 064016 So keep your duty to A||ah as best ye can and ||sten and obey and spend that |s better for your sou|s And whoso |s
saved from h|s own greed such are the successfu|
064017 If ye |end unto A||ah a good|y |oan ne w||| doub|e |t for you

31) Lo SLop Lhe ress Allah Lurs supergrass ad formaL over peLLy wfe gossp
;uran 066003 When the rophet conf|ded a fact unto one of h|s w|ves and when she afterward d|vu|ged |t and A||ah appr|sed h|m
thereof he made known (to her) part thereof and passed over part And when he to|d |t her she sa|d Who hath to|d thee ? ne sa|d 1he
knower the Aware hath to|d me

3) l am geLLg Lred up of Lhs same pharaoh sLory lL has bee repeaLed so may Lmes Lhe Cura 1hrLye Lmes ad oL oce has he
Lold us Lo help Lhe dsabled or how Lo cure cacer (aparL from LreaLmeLs such as eaLg hoey or black seeds)
;uran 07301S Lo! We have sent unto you a messenger as w|tness aga|nst you even as We sent unto haraoh a messenger

3) 1hs oe caoL be repeaLed eough as L#s a compleLe error Ma s oL creaLed from a gushg flud beLwee Lhe los ad Lhe rbs buL
from a flud Lhe LesLcles ad Lhe female embryo
;uran 08600S So |et man cons|der from what he |s created
086006 ne |s created from a gush|ng f|u|d
086007 1hat |ssued from between the |o|ns and r|bs

34) 1hs marks a Lypcal example of Lhe Lype of repeaLed paraod rheLorc Lhe Cura no surprse Lo me why belevers Loday are
obsessed wLh cospracy Lheory uder Lhe su aparL from Lhe oe supposedly rghL udereaLh Lher oses 88 s wrog nn s

wrog for 8roadsheeL ewspapers are wrog lrom Lhe olocausL Lo 911 Lo 8 Lades deaLh s wrog LveryLhg LhaL s LhaL
coLradcLs a aceL scrpL wrLLe 1400 years ago by a ma from Lhe dues of Saud Araba so Lhe LruLh be Lold!

;uran 08601S Lo! they p|ot a p|ot (aga|nst thee C Muhammad)
086016 And I p|ot a p|ot (aga|nst them) g|ve a resp|te to the d|sbe||evers Dea| thou gent|y w|th them for a wh||e
088004 Scorched by burn|ng f|re
08800S Dr|nk|ng from a bo|||ng spr|ng
088006 No food for them save b|tter thornfru|t

33) Ayoe kow ayLhg more abouL Lhs ma hs ucle appareLly souds lke a LeresLg characLer buL whaL happeed abouL Lhe
message LhaL we musL love all our famly cludg our ucles" Cr s L yeL aoLher rule LhaL does oL apply Lo propheLs"
;uran 111 001 1he power of Abu Lahab w||| per|sh and he w||| per|sh
111002 n|s wea|th and ga|ns w||| not exempt h|m
111003 ne w||| be p|unged |n f|am|ng I|re
111004 And h|s w|fe the woodcarr|er
11100S W||| have upon her neck a ha|ter of pa|mf|bre

lL may oL surprse you Lo hear LhaL afLer readg Lhe Cura aga l am ever more surprsed aL how log Lhs Curac charade has lasLed
wLh whaLever lLLle subsLace L has

My revew has mosLly bee egaLve order Lo add balace Lo oLherwse sugarcoaLed areas amogsL Lhe ummah

l have Lred Lo be ob[ecLve wLh my crLcsm buL l musL add Lhe Cura s oL all bad l came across some ce verses l e[oyed Loo

;uran 090013 (It |s) to free a s|ave
090014 And to feed |n the day of hunger
09001S An orphan near of k|n
090016 Cr some poor wretch |n m|sery

Append|x 8 1r|bute to Car| Sagan

1be lole 8loe uot cotl 5oqoo oo voyoqets tetoto ftom ootet spoce


1he spacecrafL was a log way from home l LhoughL L mghL be a good dea [usL afLer SaLur Lo have Lhem Lake oe
lasL glace homeward lrom SaLur Lhe LarLh would appear Loo small for voyager Lo make ouL ay deLal our plaeL
would [usL be a poL of lghL a loely pxel ardly dsLgushable from Lhe may oLher poLs of lghL voyager would
see earby plaeLs faroff sus 8uL precsely because of Lhe obscurLy of our world Lhus revealed such a pcLure
mghL be worLh havg

lL had bee welludersLood by Lhe sceLsLs ad phlosophers of classcal aLquLy LhaL Lhe LarLh was a mere poL a
vasL ecompassg cosmos 8uL o oe had ever see L as such here was our frsL chace ad perhaps also our lasL
for decades Lo come

So here Lhey are a mosac of squares lad dow o Lop of Lhe plaeLs ad a backgroud smaLLerg of more dsLaL
sLars 8ecause of Lhe reflecLo of sulghL off Lhe spacecrafL Lhe LarLh seems Lo be sLLg a beam of lghL As f Lhere
was some specal sgfcace Lo Lhs small world buL Ls [usL a accdeL of geomeLry ad opLcs

1here s o sg of humas Lhs pcLure noL our reworkg of Lhe LarLhs surface oL our maches oL our selves
lrom Lhs vaLage poL our obsesso wLh aLoalsm s owhere evdece We are Loo small o Lhe scale of worlds
humas are cosequeLal a Lh flm of lfe o a obscure ad solLary lump of rock ad meLal

osder aga LhaL doL 1haLs here 1haLs home 1haLs us

C L everyoe you love everyoe you kow everyoe you ever heard of every huma beg who ever was lved ouL
Lher lves 1he aggregaLe of our [oy ad sufferg Lhousads of cofdeL relgos deologes ad ecoomc docLres
every huLer ad forager every hero ad coward every creaLor ad desLroyer of cvlzaLo every kg ad peasaL
every youg couple love every moLher ad faLher hopeful chld veLor ad explorer every Leacher of morals
every corrupL polLca every supreme leader every supersLar every saL ad ser Lhe hsLory of our speces
lved Lhere o a moLe of dusL suspeded a subeam

1he LarLh s a very small sLage a vasL cosmc area

1hk of Lhe edless cruelLes vsLed by Lhe habLaLs of oe corer of Lhs pxel o Lhe scarcely dsLgushable
habLaLs of some oLher corer how frequeL Lher msudersLadgs how eager Lhey are Lo kll oe aoLher how
ferveL Lher haLreds 1hk of Lhe rvers of blood splled by all Lhose geerals ad emperors so LhaL glory ad
Lrumph Lhey could become Lhe momeLary masLers of a fracLo of a doL


Cur posLurgs our maged selfmporLace Lhe deluso LhaL we have some prvleged posLo Lhe uverse are
challeged by Lhs poL of pale lghL Cur plaeL s a loely speck Lhe greaL evelopg cosmc dark l our obscurLy
all Lhs vasLess Lhere s o hL LhaL help wll come from elsewhere Lo save us from ourselves

Lke L or oL for Lhe momeL Lhe LarLh s where we make our sLad

lL has bee sad LhaL asLroomy s a humblg ad characLerbuldg experece 1here s perhaps o beLLer
demosLraLo of Lhe folly of huma coceLs Lha Lhs dsLaL mage of our Ly world lL uderscores our resposblLy
Lo deal more kdly wLh oe aoLher ad Lo preserve ad chersh Lhe oly home weve ever kow

1he pale blue doL

Append|x C Iamous ;uotat|ons

8uL who prays for SaLa" Who eghLee ceLures has had Lhe commo humaLy Lo pray for Lhe oe ser LhaL
eeded L mosL" Mark 1wa

lL#s a credble co [ob whe you Lhk abouL L Lo beleve someLhg ow exchage for someLhg afLer deaLh
Lve corporaLos wLh Lher reward sysLems do#L Lry Lo make L posLhumous Clora SLeem

1wo hads workg ca do more Lha a Lhousad clasped prayer Ao

l prayed for LweLy years buL receved o aswer uLl l prayed wLh my legs lrederck uouglass escaped slave

1he facL LhaL a belever s happer Lha a scepLc s o more Lo Lhe poL Lha a druke ma s happer Lha a sober
oe Ceorge 8erard Shaw

no ma ever beleves LhaL Lhe 8ble meas whaL L says he s always covced LhaL L says whaL he meas Ceorge
8erard Shaw

1hose who are wllg Lo sacrfce lberLy for a lLLle Lemporary securLy wll lose boLh ad deserve eLher" 8e[am

lL s ofLe argued LhaL relgo s valuable because L makes me good buL eve f Lhs were Lrue L would oL be a proof
LhaL relgo s Lrue 1haL would be a exLeso of pragmaLsm beyod edurace
SaLa laus makes chldre good precsely Lhe same way ad yeL o oe would argue serously LhaL Lhe facL proves
hs exsLece 1he defese of relgo s full of such logcal mbeclLes" L Mecke

All LhaL s ecessary for evl Lo Lrumph s LhaL good me do oLhg" 8urke

1hose parLs l doL udersLad Lhe Cura doL boLher me Ls Lhe parLs LhaL l do udersLad Mark 1wa (adapLed)

?ou ca#L reaso people ouL of posLos Lhey ddL reaso Lhemselves Lo CsmaLhus

lf you Lell a le bg eough ad keep repeaLg L people wll eveLually come Lo beleve L" Ller (Me kampf 193)

?ou ca educaLe a fool buL you caoL make hm Lhk 1almud

1he supreme arrogace of relgous Lhkg LhaL a carbobased bag of mosLly waLer o a speck of roslcaLe dusL
aroud a borg dwarf sLar a mor galaxy a uderpopulaLed local group of galaxes a ufashoable suburb of
a superclusLer would look up aL Lhe sky ad declare 'lL was all made so l could exsL!#" eLer Walker


8ld faLh auLhorLy s Lhe greaLesL eemy of LruLh" AlberL LsLe

never argue wLh doLs 1hey brg you dow Lo Lher level ad Lhe beaL you wLh experece ColdLhwaL ggso

l hereby bear wLess Lo Lhe oe Lrue mracle of Lhe Cura LhaL over a bllo people acLually beleve Lhs credulous
Loxc morass of bra blsLerg bullshL barfed up by a eplepLc deserL badL

A sLupd mas reporL of whaL a clever ma says ca ever be accuraLe because he ucoscously LraslaLes whaL he
hears Lo someLhg he ca udersLad 8erLrad 8ussell

Ad f Lhere were a Cod l Lhk L very ulkely LhaL e would have such a ueasy vaLy as Lo be offeded by Lhose
who doubL s exsLece 8erLrad 8ussell

LxLraordary clams requre exLraordary evdece" Lches

ow ca we expecL Lhe Muslm commuLy Lhe uk Lo LegraLe whe 97 of mosques have foreg mams"
Cullam loudaLo

nearly 130 years afLer uarw uveled hs Lheory of evoluLo we have yeL Lo grasp oe of Ls mosL useLLlg
mplcaLos havg dsabled chldre s as aLural as havg healLhy oes Lvery ew lfe s a gamble a expermeL
wLh ovel gee combaLos LhaL could be a brllaL success or a Lragc falure new SceLsL
neLzsche s dead Cod

lf we doL fgure ouL a way Lo sLrp Lhese coflcLs of Lher relgous cooLaLos Lhe we wll ever fgure ouL a way
Lo puL a ed Lo Lhem 8ecause as log as Lhese rema cosmc coflcLs Lhey wll go o for eLerLy 8eza Asla o
lsraelalesLa coflcL

Lve a good lfe lf Lhere are gods ad Lhey are [usL Lhe Lhey wll oL care how devouL you have bee buL wll welcome
you based o Lhe vrLues you have lved by lf Lhere are gods buL u[usL Lhe you should oL waL Lo worshp Lhem lf
Lhere are o gods Lhe you wll be goe buL wll have lved a oble lfe LhaL wll lve o Lhe memores of your loved
oes" Marcus Aurelus

My sLyle s mpeLuous my defece s mpregable ad lm [usL ferocous l waL your hearL l waL Lo eaL your chldre
rase be Lo Allah Mke 1yso

Scece s Lhe poeLry of realLy 8chard uawks

unA swarm huge coloes safe sde ggaLc lumberg roboLs ad mapulaLg L by remoLe coLrol 1hey are
you ad me Lhey creaLed us ad Lher preservaLo s Lhe ulLmaLe raLoale for our exsLece We are Lher survval
maches" 8chard uawks
lf all aLhesLs lefL Lhe uSA L would lose 9 of Lhe naLoal Academy of Sceces buL less Lha 1 of Lhe prso
populaLo e !lleLLe

Whe l was a kd l used Lo pray every ghL for a ew bcycle 1he l realsed LhaL Lhe Lord doesL work LhaL way so l
sLole oe ad asked m Lo forgve me ad l goL L Lmo hllps

Muslms are oL happy Caza Lebao LgypL Lbya Morocco lra lraq ?eme AfghasLa aksLa 8agladesh
Suda Algera Syra Somala ldoesa kazaksLa Azerba[a 1a[ksLa Serra Leoe eLc
Where are Lhey happy"
1heyre happy AusLrala uSA Lglad lLaly lrace Cermay Swede norway eLc
Ad who do Lhey blame"

noL lslam noL Lher culLure noL Lhemselves
1L? 8LAML 1L Cun18lLS 1L? A8L A? ln!

We musL quesLo Lhe logc of havg a allkowg allpowerful Cod who creaLes faulLy umas ad Lhe blames
Lhem for hs ow msLakes Cee 8oddeberry reaLor of SLar 1rek

lL s oL accepLable Lo have a relgo where Lhe alLeraLve Lo faLh s pushmeL LhaLs how you Lra dogs oL
develop people ueg Mguao

1he vsble ad Lhe oexsLeL look very much alke uelos 8 Mckow

lrsL Lhey came for Lhe ommusLs
Ad l dd oL speak ouL
8ecause l was oL a ommusL
1he Lhey came for Lhe Lrade uosLs
Ad l dd oL speak ouL
8ecause l was oL a Lrade uosL
1he Lhey came for Lhe !ews
Ad l dd oL speak ouL
8ecause l was oL a !ew
1he Lhey came for me
Ad Lhere was o oe lefL
1o speak ouL for me
nemoller o Lhe nazs

1he kora! Well come puL me Lo Lhe LesL
Lovely old book hdeous error dresL
8eleve me l ca quoLe Lhe kora Loo
1he ubelever kows hs kora besL

Ad do you Lhk LhaL uLo such as you
A maggoLmded sLarved faaLc crew
Cod gave Lhe SecreL ad deed L me"
Well well whaL maLLers L! beleve LhaL Loo

Cmar khayyam (ersa hlosopher 11)

8elgo s regarded by Lhe commo people as Lrue by Lhe wse as false ad by Lhe rulers as useful" Lucus Aaeus

l have always cosdered 'ascals Wager# a quesLoable beL Lo place Ay Cod worLh belevg would surely prefer
a hoesL agosLc Lo a calculaLg hypocrLe" Ala uershowLz

8ld faLh s a roc gfL Lo reLur Lo Lhe reaLor of huma Lellgece" Aoymous

l sLll say a church sLeeple wLh a lghLg rod o Lop shows a lack of cofdece uoug McLeod

lf Cod doesL lke Lhe way l lve LeL hm Lell me oL you Ao

8elgos are lke farLs ?our ow smell ok buL everyoe elses sLks" ckeL leces

1he Lrue beauLy of a selfqurg seLeL uverse s losL o Lhose who elecL Lo walk Lhe LellecLually vacuous paLh of
comforLable paraod faLases" 1huderf00L

lf you were LaughL LhaL elves caused ra every Lme L raed youd see Lhe proof of elves Arex

8elgous faLh deserves a chapLer Lo Lself Lhe aals of war Lechology o a eve fooLg wLh Lhe logbow Lhe
warhorse Lhe Lak ad Lhe hydroge bomb 8chard uawks

1ake advaLage of fve Lhgs before fve oLhers your youLh before your old age your healLh before your sckess your
wealLh before your poverLy your free Lme before you become occuped ad your lfe before your deaLh" 1rmdh

l Lhe ed we selfpercevg selfveLg locked mrages are lLLle mracles of selfreferece" uouglas

A uruya o her laLe husbad arl Saga l doL Lhk lll ever see arl aga 8uL l saw hm We saw each oLher We
foud each oLher Lhe cosmos ad LhaL was woderful

1o lve hearLs we leave behd s oL Lo de" 1homas ampbell

eople who waL Lo share Lher relgous vews wLh you almosL ever waL you Lo share yours wLh Lhem" Ao

1he 8rLsh came Lo our lads wLh Lhe 8ble 1hey gave us Lhe bble ad Look away our lad" resdeL keyeLLa

?our belefs become your LhoughLs ?our LhoughLs become your words ?our words become your acLos ?our acLos
become your habLs ?our habLs become your values ?our values become your desLy MahaLma Cadh

LvoluLo s a vald soluLosearchg algorLhm" 1laloc

lf Lhe people of Lhs relgo are asked abouL Lhe proof for Lhe soudess of Lher relgo Lhey flare up geL agry ad
spll Lhe blood of whoever cofroLs Lhem wLh Lhs quesLo 1hey forbd raLoal speculaLo ad sLrve Lo kll Lher
adversares 1hs s why LruLh became Lhoroughly sleced ad cocealed" Muhammad Al8az (863 93)

8elgo supporLs obody lL has Lo be supporLed lL produces o wheaL o cor L ploughs o lad L fells o foresLs
lL s a perpeLual medcaL lL lves o Lhe labours of oLhers ad Lhe has Lhe arrogace Lo preLed LhaL L supporLs Lhe
gver" 8oberL C lgersoll

ow dreadful are Lhe curses whch Mohammedasm lays o Ls voLares! 8esdes Lhe faaLcal frezy whch s as
dagerous a ma as hydrophoba a dog Lhere s Lhs fearful faLalsLc apaLhy Sr WsLo hurchll 1899

l have Lherefore foud L ecessary Lo dey kowledge order Lo make room for faLh" kaL

1o mosL Muslms Lhe Cura s lke a compuLer sofLware lcese nobody acLually reads L Lhey [usL scroll Lo Lhe boLLom
ad wLhouL Lhkg clck 'l Agree# because 8ll CaLes has hs ame o L"

lslam s oLhg more Lha a successful LhoughLsuppressaL memeplex dressed relgous garbe" Saf

Should poverLy lless ad deaLh oL exsL ma would oL bow Lo ayLhg" lmam usse

l doL waL broze age deserL docLors Lo LreaL me whe lm ll l doL waL broze age deserL cooks Lo prepare my
food for me l doL waL broze age camels Lo covey me Lo work Lhe morgs so why would l waL broze age
deserL phlosophers wLh much less kowledge of how Lhe world works Lha l have myself Lo Lell me how Lo Lhk"
nel Muro


l have repeaLedly sad LhaL my opo Lhe dea of a persoal Cod s a chldlke oe ?ou may call me a agosLc buL l
do oL share Lhe crusadg sprL of Lhe professoal aLhesL whose fervour s mosLly due Lo a paful acL of lberaLo
from Lhe feLLers of relgous docLraLo receved youLh l prefer a aLLLude of humlLy correspodg Lo Lhe
weakess of our LellecLual udersLadg of aLure ad of our ow beg
AlberL LsLe leLLer Lo Cuy 8aer !r SepL 8 1949

A no uLLered from deepesL covcLo s beLLer ad greaLer Lha a ?es merely uLLered Lo please or whaL s worse Lo
avod Lrouble MahaLma Cadh

lL seems really very ufar LhaL ma should have chose Lhe gorlla Lo symbolse everyLhg LhaL s dumb ad aggressve
whe LhaL s oe Lhg LhaL Lhe gorlla s oL ad LhaL we are uavd ALLeborough

noLhg demosLraLes faLh god more Lha Lhe 4 ches of bulleL proof glass used o Lhe popemoble" aL odell

May Lmes afLer dace parLes Amerca have swappg of wves may say you sleep wLh my wfe ad l wll sleep
wLh your wfe lf you eaL pgs Lhe you behave lke pgs Zakr nak

LasL year l prayed Lo solve Lhe food problem ad Cod dd L MosL of Lhe people LhaL were hugry are dead ow"
Sarah Ahmad

Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! LasL words from llghL 9 cockpL
Append|x D Gods' Graveyard

AgdsLs Ah uch Ahura Mazda Alberch AmaLerasu A Aas AaL Advar Ashar Au AphrodLe Apollo
Apsu Ares ArLems Asclepus ALhea ALhraL ALhLarL ALlas ALum8a 8aal 8a xa 8acchus 8alder 8asL
8elloa 8ergelmr 8es 8xa ?ua[ 8rag 8rahma 8rgL amaxLl eres erdwe eruos hac
halchuhLlcue haru hemosh heghuag ybele uago uamka (uumka) uavl uaw uemeLer
uaa u ag uoysus La Ll Lk Lll Los Lpoa Lreskgal larbauL lerr lorseL lreya lreyr lrgg
Caa Caesha Caga Caruda Caur Ceb Ceog S ades auma aLhor ecaLe (ekaLe) elos ego
(hago) ephaesLus era ermes esLa od oder oor orus oLe uLzlopochLl sWagMu
ygea laa lL lrs lshLar lss lxLab lzaak lzaam !esus !uo !upLer !uLura kaguLsuch karLkeya
khepr k kgu kch Ahau kshar krsha kukulca Lakshm Lza Lok Lugh Lua Maga MaLer Maa
Marduk Mars Mbombo Medb Mercury Mmr Merva MLhras Morrga MoL Mummu Muses nammu
naa naa (norse) nase neLh nemess nephLhys nepLue nergal nazu nhurzag nLu nurLa
n[ord nuL Cd Chkuush ChyamaLsum Crgelmr Csrs CsLara a arvaL haeLho hoebe hoebus
Apollo lumus osedo CueLzalcoaLl 8ama 8e 8hea Sabazus SarasvaL Selee Shva SeshaL SeL (SeL)
Shamash Shapsu She ? Shva Shu SWagMu S Sroa Sol Surya Susaoh 1awareL 1efuL
1ezcaLlpoca 1haaLos 1hor 1amaL 1laloc 1oaLuh 1oyouke8me 1yche 1yr uLu uzume veus vesLa
vshu volLurus vulca xpe x Wagmu xochpll xochqueLzal ?am ?arkh ?hwh ?mr ?uhuag ?um
kml Zeus

ad ow for me aL leasL Allah



About the Author

5olf kobmoo

l om oo oqoostlc bomoolst boto lo tbe uk ooJ of loJoloklstool Jesceot

l bove pot toqetbet tbls ctltlpoe becoose llokeJ bete oo 5ctlbJ bttp//wwwsctlbJcom/Joc/J04J/wbylleftlslom
fotnomoolsm becoose l Joot woot ooyooe else to qo tbtooqb tbe some feelloqs of qollt ooJ soJoess tbot l expetleoceJ
Jotloq my ptocess of teevolootloo l bope tbot lt ptovlJes tbe otbet slJe of tbe stoty lo o bolooceJ fosbloo ooJ soves
otbets oo tbe yeots of teseotcb tbot leoJ me to my pteseot Joy cooclosloos

l Joot expect Mosllms to oqtee wltb me bot ot leost lt qoes lo pott to Jemoosttote tbete ote 2 slJes to evety stoty

lf yoo woolJ to Jlscoss ooy of tbe lssoes tolseJ bete tbeo pleose vlslt me ot tbe fotom fot tbe cooocll of xMosllms
%bttp//wwwcooocllofexmosllmscom/loJexpbp?octloofotom ot emoll me ot oolooqetmosllmqmollcom) ooJ yoo
wlll floJ o ftleoJly qtoop of people fot o cbot lttespectlve of wbetbet yoo ote Mosllm ot oot nete l wlll olso be pleoseJ to
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