SP-03-018 Interface Specification, MC-LINK-DN With B-Series Software

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Interface Specification, MC-LINK-DN with B-series Software

Document number

Revision 1 2 3
Date 2003.11.14 2009-04-22 2009-05-15
Prepared by JanL CN CN
Checked by A.Leren JanL JanL
Approved by JanL CN CN

Path G:\03\SP\SP-03-018-02 Interface Specification, MC-LINK-DN with B-series


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Micro-control as Interface Specification, MC-LINK-DN with B-series Software Page 2 of 17

Table of Contents
1. General ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Revision history ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Purpose .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 References ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Terms and abbreviations .......................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Quick startup guide................................................................................................................... 4
2. System description .................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Different system types .............................................................................................................. 4
2.2.1 Duplex system ................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.2 Simplex system ................................................................................................................. 4
2.2.3 Polled system .................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Optional system features.......................................................................................................... 5
2.3.1 Multiple radio frequencies ................................................................................................. 5
2.3.2 Multiple remote controls .................................................................................................... 5
2.3.3 Multiple select functions .................................................................................................... 6
2.3.4 Dynamic polling ................................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Optional hardware features ...................................................................................................... 6
2.4.1 E-stop relay output ............................................................................................................ 6
2.4.2 Remote stop relay output .................................................................................................. 6
2.4.3 Function relay outputs ....................................................................................................... 7
2.4.4 Radio/Cable switch............................................................................................................ 7
3. Interface specification ............................................................................................................... 7
3.1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Compliance ....................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.2 EDS-file ............................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.3 Byte to word mapping........................................................................................................ 8
3.1.4 Error handling.................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Uplink data................................................................................................................................ 8
3.2.1 Duplex and Simplex systems ............................................................................................ 8
3.2.2 Polled systems .................................................................................................................. 9
3.3 Downlink data ......................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.1 Simplex systems ............................................................................................................. 11
3.3.2 Duplex systems ............................................................................................................... 12
3.3.3 Polled systems ................................................................................................................ 12
3.4 How to configure DeviceNet ................................................................................................... 13
3.4.1 Troubleshooting DeviceNet configuration ....................................................................... 13
4. Hardware description .............................................................................................................. 14
4.1 Setup file................................................................................................................................. 14
4.2 Configuration switches ........................................................................................................... 14
4.3 DeviceNet connector .............................................................................................................. 15
4.4 Indicators on DeviceNet interface module.............................................................................. 15
4.5 Indications on 4-digit LED module on MC-LINK-DN .............................................................. 16
4.6 Error conditions ...................................................................................................................... 17

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1. General
1.1 Revision history
Revision Description
1 First revision.
2 New FW revision of Anybus-module and new EDS-file. Added chapter 3.1.2.
3 Changed chapter 3.1.2 to specify difference between old and new revision.

1.2 Purpose
This document will be used by both customers and Micro-control as when developing and
maintaining the MC-LINK-DN and the DeviceNet master software.
This document only describes how the data exchange and error handling in this
communication link is handled. The layout of the user data from/to the remote controls is
described in a separate document specific for that remote control. Note that the interface
specification is not complete without this document.

1.3 References
[1] SP-99-016 Module specification, MC-LINK-PM.
Made by: Micro-control as, homepage www.micro-control.no
[2] DeviceNet specifications
Made by: ODVA, homepage www.odva.org or www.devicenet.org

1.4 Terms and abbreviations

MC Micro-control as
TBD To bee determined; Part of document not completed yet.
MC-LINK-DN A unit made by MC, working as a «link» between the Micro-control family
of radio remote controls and DeviceNet systems.
MSB/LSB Most Significant Byte / Least Significant Byte (of a 16-bit word).
DeviceNet Industrial standard communication interface based on CAN and CIP
(Common Industrial Protocol), see http://www.odva.org for further
DeviceNet master One of the nodes in a DeviceNet network must be set up as a DeviceNet
master. The DeviceNet master is responsible for network management.
DeviceNet slave Nodes in a DeviceNet network that is not a master.
Downlink Data reported from DeviceNet master to remote controls.
Uplink Data reported from remote controls to DeviceNet master.
0x…. All numbers starting with 0x are hexadecimal numbers.

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1.5 Quick startup guide

To successfully install and integrate a MC-LINK-DN unit into a DeviceNet system, the
following steps should be fulfilled:
Step Reference
Select DeviceNet address and communication speed on MC-LINK-DN. Chapter 4.2
Connect MC-LINK-DN to DeviceNet network. Chapter 4.3
Configure DeviceNet network using DeviceNet configuration tool. Chapter 3.4
Add software in DeviceNet master to update Downlink Message counter Chapter 3.3
Add software in DeviceNet master to monitor Uplink message counter Chapter 3.2
Add software in DeviceNet master to monitor MC-LINK-DN status Chapter 3.2
Add software in DeviceNet master to handle data from/to the remote Chapter 3.2
control(s). Chapter 3.3

2. System description
2.1 Introduction
The MC-LINK-DN works as a communication link between one or more remote controls and a
DeviceNet network. Switches and buttons on the remote control are read by the DeviceNet as
digital inputs. Joystick positions are read as analogue inputs. In the same way, LED’s and
LCD-displays on the remote control are controlled by setting digital outputs, analogue outputs
and ASCII data from the DeviceNet Master.

2.2 Different system types

The MC-LINK-DN may be used in all the different system types described below.

2.2.1 Duplex system

In a duplex system, the MC-LINK-DN transfers data in both directions between a DeviceNet
master and a remote control. The MC-LINK-DN may communicate with only one remote
control at a time.
A duplex system may be configured with the following optional system features:
• Multiple frequencies, see chapter 2.3.1.
• Multiple remote controls, see chapter 2.3.2.
• Multiple select functions, see chapter 2.3.3.

2.2.2 Simplex system

In a simplex system, there is no downlink data to the remote control. The MC-LINK-DN may
communicate with only one remote control at a time.
A simplex system may be configured with the following optional system features:
• Multiple frequencies, see chapter 2.3.1.
• Multiple remote controls, see chapter 2.3.2.
• Multiple select functions, see chapter 2.3.3.

2.2.3 Polled system

In a polled system, the MC-LINK-DN communicates with up to 4 remote controls
simultaneously using TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access).

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In a polled system all remote controls shares the available communication channel
bandwidth. This means that many simultaneous remote controls increases the systems
response time.
A polled system may be configured with the following optional system features:
• Dynamic polling, see chapter 2.3.4.

2.3 Optional system features

2.3.1 Multiple radio frequencies

Multiple radio frequencies may be configured on simplex and duplex systems.
The purpose is to allow the operator to switch radio frequency in case of radio interference.
The remote control is equipped with a frequency selector. The MC-LINK-DN scans all
configured frequencies until a communication link is established. When another frequency is
selected on the remote control, or the remote control is switched off, the MC-LINK-DN
resumes scanning after 5 seconds.
The MC-LINK-DN may be configured with up to 16 different radio frequencies.

2.3.2 Multiple remote controls

The MC-LINK-DN in simplex and duplex systems may be configured with multiple remote
controls. The purpose of this is twofold:
• Allows several operators (each with it’s own remote) to control a system, one at a time.
• Allows one operator to control more than one system with a single remote, one at a time.
The remote is equipped with a selector switch used to select the system to communicate
with. This digital function used to select a MC-LINK-DN is called the base select function.

When configured with multiple remote controls, the MC-LINK-DN works like this:
• First the MC-LINK-DN scans all configured remote controls, searching for a remote to
communicate with.
• When a suitable remote is found, the MC-LINK-DN locks to this remote. It then functions
like a regular simplex or duplex system, and does not communicate with the other
• When the MC-LINK-DN becomes unlocked, it resumes scanning, and may start to
communicate with another remote.

When scanning, MC-LINK-DN is configured to lock to a remote control in one of two ways:
• If the remote is equipped with a base select function, this digital function must be active for
the MC-LINK-DN to lock to this remote control.
• If the remote is not equipped with a base select function, the MC-LINK-DN will lock to the
first found remote control. These remote controls will then be served in a “first come first
serve” basis.

Once locked to a remote control, the MC-LINK-DN will stay locked until one of the following:
• The base select function is deactivated on the remote control.
• The remote control communication has been down for a configurable timeout. This
function may also be disabled.

The MC-LINK-DN may be configured to search for up to 8 remote controls.

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2.3.3 Multiple select functions

When the MC-LINK-DN is configured both for multiple remote controls and with base select
function, it may also be configured with multiple select functions.
When configured with multiple select functions, the DeviceNet master writes a base unit
number to the MC-LINK-DN, and the MC-LINK-DN uses this number to find it’s base select
The multiple select functions allows the MC-LINK-DN to be automatically configured:
• When connected to a DeviceNet network, the DeviceNet master writes the base unit
number to the MC-LINK-DN. The MC-LINK-DN then knows which base select function that
shall be used to select this base unit (and this DeviceNet master).
• If the MC-LINK-DN is disconnected and connected to another DeviceNet network, the new
DeviceNet master writes another base unit number to the MC-LINK-DN. The MC-LINK-DN
then automatically picks the new base select function.

The MC-LINK-DN may be configured with up to 8 base select functions.

2.3.4 Dynamic polling

In a polled system, the MC-LINK-DN may be configured with dynamic polling, meaning that
the MC-LINK-DN is configured to scan for more remote controls than it can communicate with
As an example, the MC-LINK-DN may be configured to scan for 5 different remote controls,
and to communicate with up to 3 remote controls simultaneously. The 5 remote controls will
then be served in a “first come first serve” basis. This means that as soon as the MC-LINK-
DN has established communication with 3 remote controls, it will stop scanning for additional
remote controls. When one of the 3 remote controls is switched off, the MC-LINK-DN will start
to scan for new remote controls after 5 seconds.
The MC-LINK-DN may be configured to search for up to 8 remote controls in a dynamic
polling set.

2.4 Optional hardware features

2.4.1 E-stop relay output

The MC-LINK-DN may be equipped with an E-stop relay. This relay will be activated when
the radio link is operative, and the emergency stop function on the remote control has not
been activated. The relay may be an ordinary relay or a duplicated monitored safety relay.
The purpose of the E-stop relay is to increase safety, as E-stop functionality can be
implemented independent of other equipment.
In polled systems with E-stop relay, there will be one E-stop relay for each remote control the
MC-LINK-DN may communicate with.

2.4.2 Remote stop relay output

The MC-LINK-DN may be equipped with a remote stop relay. This relay will be activated
when the MC-LINK-DN is fully operative, and the stop function on the remote control has not
been activated. The relay may be an ordinary relay or a duplicated monitored safety relay.
The purpose of the remote stop relay is to increase safety. It may be used to ensure that the
system enters a safe state in case of errors in the MC-LINK-DN or in case of an activation of
the stop function on the remote control. Unlike the E-stop relay, the remote stop relay does
not deactivate in case of radio link failure, and allows eg. battery replacement without
activating the stop functionality.

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The remote stop relay will only be deactivated by the stop function on a remote control if the
remote control has an operative radio link with the MC-LINK-DN. If the radio link for any
reason is inoperative (eg. due to a empty battery), the stop function will not deactivate the
remote stop relay. This makes the remote stop relay unsuited as an emergency stop.
Remote stop is NOT emergency stop, and should not be used as such!
In polled systems with remote stop relay, there is a single relay used for all remotes.

2.4.3 Function relay outputs

The MC-LINK-DN may be equipped with up to 16 functional relays. These functional relays
are controlled directly by digital inputs in the remote control.
The purpose of the function relays is to implement simple digital functions independent of the
DeviceNet master.

2.4.4 Radio/Cable switch

The MC-LINK-DN may be equipped with a radio/cable switch used to select between radio
communication and cable communication.
The MC-LINK-DN may also be configured to automatically check both cable communication
and radio communication. This functionality is similar to the “multiple radio frequencies” option
described in chapter 2.3.1.

3. Interface specification

3.1 General

3.1.1 Compliance
The MC-LINK-DN unit is a DeviceNet slave fully compliant with the current DeviceNet
standards. See http://www.odva.org for a detailed description of DeviceNet.
The MC-LINK-DN supports all transfer modes specified by the DeviceNet specification:
• Strobed
• Polled
• Change Of State
• Cyclic

The DeviceNet interface module has been tested by ODVA’s authorized Independent Test
Lab and found to comply with ODVA Conformance Test Software Version A12.

3.1.2 EDS-file
The MC-LINK-DN is delivered with two different EDS-files. You should select EDS-file
depending on the revision of the DeviceNet interface module.
For revision B (labelled ART#4004-B) the EDS-file MC-LINK-DN_1_x.eds should be used.
For revision C (labelled ART#4004-C) the EDS-file MC-LINK-DN_2_x.eds should be used.

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3.1.3 Byte to word mapping

This document specifies the interface as a sequence of bytes. The Allen Bradley PLC used to
test the MC-LINK-DN is word oriented, and the mapping between word and byte is like this:
PLC word Byte found at bit 15-8 (MSB) Byte found at bit 7 –0 (LSB)
Word 0 Byte 1 Byte 0
Word 1 Byte 3 Byte 2
… … …
Word N Byte 2*N+1 Byte 2*N
With another DeviceNet master, this mapping may vary, and is easiest found by reading the
uplink message counter by using the DeviceNet master programming tool.

3.1.4 Error handling

Errors in the MC-LINK-DN or in the remote controls are handled by the MC-LINK-DN unit, and
causes the MC-LINK-DN to report an appropriate error status to the DeviceNet master. This
error status should be trapped and handled in a proper way by the DeviceNet master.
Errors in the DeviceNet communication is detected by using two «message counters», one for
uplink data and one for downlink data. For the downlink data, the procedure is:

• For each valid data update, the DeviceNet master should increment the message
• This message counter is transferred via the DeviceNet network to the MC-LINK-DN.
• The MC-LINK-DN continuously checks this counter. If the DeviceNet master fails to
update this counter within a configurable timeout, it means that the DeviceNet master has
stopped, or communication is faulty. The MC-LINK-DN detects this error condition, brings
the system to a safe state and indicates “E010”. See chapter 4.6.
A similar error handling procedure should be implemented in the DeviceNet master for the
uplink data transfer.

3.2 Uplink data

3.2.1 Duplex and Simplex systems

The MC-LINK-DN generates up to 256 bytes of data like this:
Byte Offset Size Description
0 1 MC-LINK-DN status byte
1 1 Uplink message counter
2–X Up to 254 Uplink data from remote control MC-LINK-DN status byte

The MC-LINK-DN status byte is divided into the following fields:
Bit Interpretation
0-3 MC-LINK-DN status
4-7 Remote control number

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MC-LINK-DN status
Value Interpretation
0 Remote absent.
1 Remote present. Uplink data area contains valid data from the remote control.
7 Emergency stop. The emergency stop switch has been activated on the remote
control. LED display shows “E007”. See chapter 4.6.
0xA DeviceNet master failure. LED display shows “E010”. See chapter 4.6.
0xB Failure in DeviceNet interface module. LED display shows “E011”. See chapter 4.6.
0xF Polled systems, see chapter 3.2.2.

Whenever the MC-LINK-DN status is different from 1, the uplink data area contains all 0’s.
The DeviceNet master should then bring the system to a safe state.

If the MC-LINK-DN is configured for multiple remote controls, the remote control number is:
Remote control number
Value Interpretation
0 The MC-LINK-DN is not locked to a remote control.
1-8 The MC-LINK-DN is locked to remote control number 1 to 8.
If the MC-LINK-DN is only configured for a single remote control, the remote control number is
always 0. Uplink message counter

This message counter is incremented by the MC-LINK-DN for each valid data update. Should
be used by the DeviceNet master to trap communication breakdowns. See chapter 3.1.4. Uplink data from remote control

The size and the layout of the uplink data area is described in a separate document specific
for each remote control.
Remember that whenever the MC-LINK-DN status is different from 1, this area contains all
0’s. The DeviceNet master should bring the system to a safe state.

3.2.2 Polled systems

The MC-LINK-DN generates up to 512 bytes of data like this:
Byte Offset Size Description
0 1 MC-LINK-DN status byte
1 1 Uplink message counter
2 1 Uplink data area size
3 1 Downlink data area size
4 1 Remote control status byte, remote 1
5 1 Remote control status byte, remote 2
6 1 Remote control status byte, remote 3
7 1 Remote control status byte, remote 4
8–A Up to 254 Uplink data from remote control 1 *)
(A+1) – B Up to 252 Uplink data from remote control 2 *)
(B+1) – C Up to 168 Uplink data from remote control 3 *)
(C+1) – D Up to 126 Uplink data from remote control 4 *)
Present only when the remote control status is different from 0xF.

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The MC-LINK-DN status byte is a single byte divided into the following fields:
Bit Interpretation
0-3 MC-LINK-DN status
4-7 Always set to 0 on polled systems.

MC-LINK-DN status
Value Interpretation
0 or 1 Simplex or duplex system. See chapter 0.
0xA DeviceNet communication failure. LED display shows “E010”. See chapter 4.6.
0xB Failure in DeviceNet interface module. LED display shows “E011”. See chapter 4.6.
0xF Polled system normal mode.

Whenever the MC-LINK-DN status is different from 0xF, the remote control status is set to 0
and the uplink data area contains all 0’s. The DeviceNet master should then bring the system
to a safe state. Uplink message counter

This message counter is incremented by the MC-LINK-DN for each valid data update. Should
be used by the DeviceNet master to trap communication breakdowns. See chapter 3.1.4. Uplink data area size

Contains number of uplink data bytes for each remote control. Downlink data area size

Contains number of downlink data bytes for each remote control. Remote control status byte 1 to 4

The remote control status byte is divided into the following fields:
Bit Interpretation
0-3 Remote control status
4-7 Remote control number

Remote control status

Value Interpretation
0 Remote absent.
1 Remote present. Uplink data area contains valid data from the remote control.
7 Emergency stop. The emergency stop switch has been activated on the remote
control. LED display shows “E007”.
0xF Remote not used. Uplink and downlink data area for this remote is not present. If a
system for instance is configured for 2 simultaneous remote controls, the status of
remote 3 and 4 is set to 0xF.

Whenever the remote control status is different from 1, the uplink data area contains all 0’s.
The DeviceNet master should then bring the system to a safe state.

Remote control number

Value Interpretation
0 Uplink and downlink data area is not reserved for a remote control.
1-8 Uplink and downlink data area contains data from/to remote control 1 to 8.

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In a system without dynamic polling, the remote control number will be fixed. In systems with
dynamic polling, the remote control number will vary as the different remotes are included or
excluded in the polling operation. Uplink data from remote control 1 to 4

The size and the layout of the uplink data area is described in a separate document specific
for each remote control.
The size of each uplink data area is found in the uplink data area size, see chapter
The number of uplink data areas is found by checking the remote control status for remote
control 1 to 4, see chapter DeviceNet master programming considerations

In a polled system, the DeviceNet master should either:
• Read the layout variables and automatically adjust input and output processing to
match data area sizes and number of simultaneous terminals.
• Check the layout variables against expected values, and bring the system to a safe
state if a mismatch is detected.

Failing to do so may lead to a dangerous situation if one of the units (the MC-LINK-DN or the
DeviceNet master) is reconfigured for instance to support more terminals, without
reconfiguring the other.

3.3 Downlink data

3.3.1 Simplex systems

The MC-LINK-DN consumes 2 bytes like this:
Byte Offset Size Description
0 1 Base unit number
1 1 Downlink message counter Base unit number

If the MC-LINK-DN is configured for multiple select functions, the DeviceNet master should
write a valid base unit number into this byte. The base units are numbered from 1 and
If the MC-LINK-DN is not configured for multiple select functions, this byte is not used. Downlink message counter

This message counter should be incremented by the DeviceNet master for each valid data
update. This message counter is used by the MC-LINK-DN to trap DeviceNet master stop and
communication breakdowns.
If this counter stops, the MC-LINK-DN will show an error status on the built in LED display.
The DeviceNet master should increment this number at least every 500 ms.
On simplex systems without multiple select functions, the DeviceNet master does not report
any data to the MC-LINK-DN. This causes the MC-LINK-DN to skip monitoring of the
downlink message counter.

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3.3.2 Duplex systems

The MC-LINK-DN consumes up to 256 bytes like this:
Byte Offset Size Description
0 1 Base unit number
1 1 Downlink message counter
2–X Up to 254 Downlink data to remote control Base unit number

Same as for simplex systems. See chapter Downlink message counter

Same as for simplex systems. See chapter Downlink data to remote control

The size and the layout of the downlink data area is described in a separate document
specific for each remote control.

3.3.3 Polled systems

The MC-LINK-DN consumes up to 512 bytes like this:
Byte Offset Size Description
0 1 Base unit number.
1 1 Downlink message counter
2–A Up to 254 Downlink data to remote control 1 *)
(A+1) – B Up to 254 Downlink data to remote control 2 *)
(B+1) – C Up to 170 Downlink data to remote control 3 *)
(C+1) – D Up to 126 Downlink data to remote control 4 *)
Present only when the remote control status is different from 0xF. Base unit number

Reserved for base unit number. Not used on polled systems. Downlink message counter

Same as for simplex systems. See chapter Downlink data to remote control 1 to 4

The size and the layout of the downlink data area is described in a separate document
specific for each remote control.
The size of downlink data area is found in the downlink data area size, see chapter
The number of uplink data areas is found by checking the remote control status for remote
control 1 to 4, see chapter

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3.4 How to configure DeviceNet

This chapter describes the configuration process using the RXNetWorx tools to configure MC-
LINK-DN connected to a Allen Bradley DeviceNet Master. When using other tools, the
process may be a bit different, but the principal method will always be the same.
First configure the MC-LINK-DN:
• Load the correct EDS file into your configuration tool, see chapter 3.1.2..
• Connect MC-LINK-DN to network. Use configuration tool to view device parameters:
• “Input1 length” is the input data size generated by this MC-LINK-DN.
• “Output1 length” is the output data size consumed by this MC-LINK-DN.
• Set the following parameter values using the configuration tool:
Parameter Value
Polled production Input 1
Polled consumption Output 1
Strobed production Input 1
Strobed consumption Output 1
COS production Input 1

• Download new configuration into the MC-LINK-DN.

Then configure the DeviceNet Master using your configuration tool:

• Add the MC-LINK-DN unit to the DeviceNet Master’s Scanlist.
• Select “Edit I/O parameters”. Select data transfer method (“Polled”, “Cyclic” or “Change
Of State”). Set the “Rx Size” equal to the “Input1 length” read from the MC-LINK-DN. Set
the “Tx Size” equal to the “Output1 length” read from the MC-LINK-DN.
Verify operation using the DeviceNet master programming tool. Please note that update of the
“downlink message counter” is required before the E010 message disappears from the MC-
Please note that all data from the MC-LINK-DN must be transferred using the same transfer
method. The same goes for all data to the MC-LINK-DN.

3.4.1 Troubleshooting DeviceNet configuration

By entering the wrong parameters, it is possible to get a lockup situation where the MC-LINK-
DN stops communicating on the DeviceNet. The following procedure is required to restore
proper operation:
• Disconnect (or power down) DeviceNet master.
• Cycle power to MC-LINK-DN.
• Use your configuration tool to restore proper parameters in the MC-LINK-DN
• Reconnect DeviceNet master.
• Use your configuration tool to restore proper parameters in the DeviceNet master.

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4. Hardware description
The MC-LINK-DN consists of the following major units:
• MC-LINK-PM. See reference [1] for a description of jumpers and indicators.
• DeviceNet interface module.
• Radio module. See appropriate module specification for a description of jumpers and
• 4-digit LED module.
• Optional relay module(s), see optional features described in chapter 2.4.

4.1 Setup file

Each MC-LINK-DN contains a setup file describing several features:
• Terminal ID of all remote controls the MC-LINK-DN shall communicate with.
• Radio frequency of all remote controls the MC-LINK-DN shall communicate with.
• Radio modem type (2400 bps or 9600 bps).
• Data amount exchanged between the remote controls and the MC-LINK-DN.
• Optional features as described in chapter 2.4.
• ……………….

These parameters can only be changed by MC. The easiest way to do this is to order a new
processor from MC with the new parameters. Reference [1] describes how to replace the

4.2 Configuration switches

The DeviceNet interface module has a DIP switch block of 8 switches marked 1-8.
Switch 1 and 2 is used to set up communication baudrate for the DeviceNet interface:
Switch 1 Switch 2 Baudrate
OFF OFF 125 k
OFF ON 250 k
ON OFF 500 k
ON ON Reserved

Switch 3 to 8 is used to select DeviceNet node address:

Address Switch 3 Switch 4 Switch 5 Switch 6 Switch 7 Switch 8
… … … … … … …

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4.3 DeviceNet connector

The DeviceNet connector is a 5-pin plugable screw terminal according to the DeviceNet
Connector pin Signal Description
1 V- Negative supply voltage
2 CAN_L CAN_L bus line
3 SHIELD Cable shield
4 CAN_H CAN_H bus line
5 V+ Positive supply voltage

The MC-LINK-DN uses maximum 30mA of supply current from the DeviceNet power supply.

4.4 Indicators on DeviceNet interface module

The DeviceNet interface module has 4 bicolor LED’s stacked as a square rightmost on the
interface module. Of these leds, only the upper rightmost and lower rightmost leds are in use:
Indications on upper rightmost led (Network status):
Colour Frequency Description
Off - Not powered or not online
Green Steady On Link OK, On line, Connected
Green Flashing On line, Not connected
Red Steady On Critical link failure
Red Flashing Connection timeout

Indications on lower rightmost led (Module status):

Colour Frequency Description
Off - No power to interface board
Green Steady On Device operational
Green Flashing Data size bigger than configured
Red Steady On Unrecoverable fault
Red Flashing Minor fault

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Micro-control as Interface Specification, MC-LINK-DN with B-series Software Page 16 of 17

4.5 Indications on 4-digit LED module on MC-LINK-DN

The MC-LINK-DN is equipped with a LED display.
During power up this display shows the 4 last digits of the terminal ID of the remote control
this unit is configured to communicate with. If the unit is configured for multiple remote
controls, all terminal ID’s are shown in sequence.
When configured for a single remote control, the display shows one of the following:
Display Comment
“0 ” Does not communicate with the remote control.
“- ” Communicates with the remote control.

When configured for up to 4 remote controls and old fashion display, the display shows:
Display Comment
“000 ” No remote control communication. The number of 0’s indicates the number of
remote controls scanned by the MC-LINK-DN.
“ 0 ” Simplex or duplex operation. Locked to a remote control, but does not
communicate with this remote control. The position of the 0 indicates the remote
control number as shown on the label below the display.
“ - ” Simplex or duplex operation. Communicate with a remote control. The position of
the “-“ indicates the remote control number as shown on the label below the
“-0- ” Polled operation. Each digit indicates a single remote control number as shown
on the label below the display. A “-“ indicates that the MC-LINK-DN
communicates with the remote control. A “0” indicates that it doesn’t

When configured for multiple remote controls, advanced display and simplex or duplex
operation, each digit has a separate interpretation like this:
Position Value Comment
“X ” <blank> Unit is not configured with multiple select functions.
1-8 Base unit number received from DEVICENET MASTER.
“ X ” <blank> Unit is not locked to a remote control.
1-8 Remote control number this unit is locked to.
“ X” 0 Does not communicate with a remote control.
- Communicates with the indicated remote control.

When configured for multiple remote controls, advanced display and polled operation, each
digit corresponds to one of the 4 possible simultaneous remote controls:
Value Comment
<blank> Unit is not configured to communicate with this remote control. For instance
shown on remote control 3 and 4 on a system with 2 simultaneous remotes.
1-8 Communicates with remote control number 1 to 8.
0 Does not communicate with a remote control.

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Micro-control as Interface Specification, MC-LINK-DN with B-series Software Page 17 of 17

4.6 Error conditions

In case of an error condition, the display shows one of the following:
Display Comment
“E001” Failure in MC-LINK-PM main processor or in the MC-LINK-PM itself.
“E003” Failure in radio module. Check cabling to radio module. Replace radio module if
“E007” Emergency stop function is activated on the remote control.
“E010” DeviceNet master failure. Either the DeviceNet communication is down, the
DeviceNet master fails to update the downlink message counter or fails to write a
valid base unit number (if configured for multiple select functions).
“E011” Failure in DeviceNet interface module. Check that the DeviceNet interface
module is properly seated. Replace interface module if required.
<blank> No power, blown fuse, faulty MC-LINK-PM or faulty LED display.

The system behaviour in the different error conditions are:

Display Data to DeviceNet master Data sent to remote(s) Relays
“E001” None. Data exchange with None. All relays are
DeviceNet master is not deactivated.
“E003” As normal. Error condition is As normal if the remotes As normal.
only reported locally. operates on cable. Data
exchange via radio is not
“E007” Emergency stop condition is No downlink data is All relays are
reported to DeviceNet reported to the remote. In deactivated. In a
master. Uplink data from the a polled system, data to polled system, relays
remote is blanked. In a the other remotes are controlled by other
polled system, data from the reported as normal. remotes are
other remotes are reported activated as normal.
as normal.
“E010” If possible, error condition is None. All relays are
reported to DeviceNet deactivated.
“E011” If possible, error condition is None. All relays are
reported to DeviceNet deactivated.

SP-03-018 Rev. 3

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