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Adv Physiol Educ 44: 145–152, 2020;


ILLUMINATIONS Curricular Integration of Physiology

Teaching an intuitive derivation of the clinical alveolar equations: mass

balance as a fundamental physiological principle
Michael C. Wang, Thomas C. Corbridge, X Donald R. McCrimmon, and X James M. Walter
Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois
Submitted 16 May 2019; accepted in final form 2 January 2020

INTRODUCTION that are the building blocks for the derivations and come
directly from the application of mass balance.
Every student of pulmonary physiology comes across two
Here, we demonstrate how we teach the derivations and
essential equations of ventilation and gas exchange, the alve-
highlight how we link applications of these equations to clin-
olar ventilation equation (“the CO2 equation”) and the alveolar
ical practice. While the clinical examples provided often center
gas equation (“the O2 equation”). These equations are partic-
on a critically ill patient, we believe the foundational principles
ularly relevant for health professions students, given both their
discussed can and should be used to guide clinical decision
physiological significance and tremendous utility in clinical
making outside of the intensive care unit. This approach was
presented as an optional learning supplement to first-year
For equations of such importance, it may be surprising that,
in educational resources, they are typically presented outright medical students at the Northwestern University Feinberg
with minimal justification (2) or derived with abbreviated or School of Medicine, which follows an organ system-based
simplified methods (3); seldom, even in medical textbooks, are curriculum, as a resource for the pulmonary module in Febru-
complete and rigorous derivations presented.1 Sometimes der- ary 2019.
ivations are omitted when teaching equations because they are
either not intuitive or overly complex. However, in the case of Review of Foundational Concepts
the alveolar equations, there is a wealth of physiological We introduce terms (Table 1) and prerequisite physiological
reasoning behind their derivations, which involve only algebra, concepts by briefly reviewing three essential pulmonary topics:
and are accessible across all levels of medical training. dead space, the respiratory quotient, and ventilation-perfusion
Central to deriving and understanding the equations is the mismatch. Consistent with the modern literature, we use New-
principle of mass balance, the idea that substances accumulate ton’s dot notation with volumes to convey rates of volume
within and leave systems based on the relative rates with which change or flow.
they enter and exit these systems. Steady-state equilibrium Dead space. The ultimate goal of breathing is to maintain
occurs when the rates of entry and exit are equal. The concept homeostasis by replenishing O2 and eliminating CO2 in pro-
of mass balance is relevant to the physiology of multiple organ portion to the demands of ongoing aerobic respiration. The
systems. motivation for considering dead space is that gas exchange
The intuition and utility of mass balance is perhaps best only occurs in the alveoli, whereas standing in between the
illustrated with the pulmonary alveolar equations because of environment and the alveoli are the conducting airways, air
the multistep process needed for their derivations. While the passages with no gas exchange potential. This means that the
seminal paper by Fenn et al. (5) on the alveolar gas equation rate at which air is moved in and out of the lungs (the minute
presents fascinating graphs that have been cited as a learning ventilation, V̇E) is not the rate at which fresh air is moved in
opportunity (4), their derivation uses antiquated notation, is and out of the alveoli (the alveolar ventilation, V̇A). This is
difficult to follow for the typical medical student, and does not because a portion of every breath can be thought of as
include the alveolar ventilation equation. This paper presents a “wasted,” or stuck in the conducting airways without any gas
unified framework for deriving both alveolar equations (and exchange potential, the so-called dead space ventilation (V̇D).
their clinical simplifications) that pedagogically highlights
Thus, we can write:
mass balance through the novel concept of “ventilation iden-
tities.” We coin this term to emphasize the fundamental im- V̇E ⫽ V̇A ⫹ V̇D
portance of equations for nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide (1)
V̇A ⫽ V̇E ⫺ V̇D

Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: J. M. Walter, During normal breathing, the brain controls the respiratory
Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Div. of Pulmonary and rate (RR) and the volume of air inhaled/exhaled, termed the
Critical Care Medicine, 240 East Huron St., Suite M-300, Chicago, IL, 60611 tidal volume (VT). Just as cardiac output can be broken down
Boron and Boulpaep, authors of one of the most comprehensive physiol-
into heart rate times stroke volume, V̇E can be expressed as RR
ogy texts (1), only include them in online-only web notes. The framework times VT, and V̇D as RR times dead space volume (VD). Thus,
presented here draws inspiration from their derivation. with RR, VT, and VD, we can rewrite Eq. 1 as:
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Table 1. Terms and definitions

Ventilations and Rates Other Terms

Term Definition Term Definition

V̇A Alveolar ventilation (L/min) VT Tidal volume (Liters)

V̇AI Inspired alveolar ventilation (L/min) VD Dead space volume (Liters)
V̇AE Expired alveolar ventilation (L/min) RR Respiratory rate (1/min)
V̇E Minute ventilation (L/min) RQ Respiratory quotient
V̇D Dead space ventilation (L/min) FIX Inspired fraction of gas X
V̇N2 N2 ventilation (L/min) FAX Expired (alveolar) fraction of gas X
V̇O2 Rate of O2 consumption (L/min) PIX Inspired pressure of gas X (mmHg)
V̇CO2 Rate of CO2 production (L/min) PAX Alveolar pressure of gas X (mmHg)
Q̇ Perfusion or cardiac output (L/min) PaX Arterial pressure of gas X (mmHg)
PB Barometric (atmospheric) pressure (mmHg)

V̇A ⫽ RR共VT ⫺ VD兲 The coefficients in this equation show that, for glucose, an
equal amount of CO2 is generated as O2 is consumed (RQ ⫽ 1). By
V̇A ⫽ RR · VT 1 ⫺ 冉 VD
VT 冊 (2) changing the starting material, one can derive the RQ for any
substrate; for example, RQ ⫽ 0.7 for myristic acid. This
explains why we adjust RQ for a hospitalized patient on
These forms of the dead space equation tell us three impor- intravenous sugar solution (RQ ⫽ 1) or a patient with starva-
tant things: tion ketosis (RQ ⫽ 0.7). RQ ⫽ 0.8 is a clinically accepted
• If all else is constant, V̇A decreases with increasing VD. value for a Western diet.
• If all else is constant, V̇A increases with increasing RR and VT. Ventilation-perfusion mismatch. Thus far, the discussion has
• Holding V̇E ⫽ RR·VT constant, V̇A decreases with increasing treated the lungs as a single unit of gas exchange that ventilates
RR (and corresponding decreasing VT). at V̇A. In fact, gas exchange occurs within heterogeneous
alveolar-capillary units that differ not only in their V̇A, but also
Breathing faster or deeper can both enhance gas exchange. their capillary perfusion Q̇ (largely due to gravity). As a result,
However, rapid shallow breathing tends to be less efficient at ventilation relative to perfusion, or the V̇A/Q̇ ratio, varies
gas exchange than slow deep breathing. This is important in the within the lungs. If this ratio is high, then ventilation domi-
Intensive Care Unit (ICU), where assessing a ventilated pa- nates, and alveolar gas more closely resembles atmospheric
tient’s status requires review of not only V̇E but also VT. gas, with low CO2 and high O2 (the extreme case where Q̇ ⫽
In addition to the anatomic dead space of the conducting 0 then V̇A/Q̇ ¡ ⬁ is dead space). If this ratio is low, then
airways, physiological VD includes the volume of alveolar air perfusion dominates, and alveolar gas more closely resembles
that does not participate in normal alveolar respiratory gas venous gas, with high CO2 and low O2 (the extreme case of
exchange. For example, destruction of alveolar walls can result V̇A/Q̇ ¡ 0 is shunt). Put another way, the gas composition of
in the coalescing of multiple alveoli, giving rise to enlarged air each alveolar-capillary unit depends on its individual V̇A/Q̇
spaces that are relatively poorly perfused (e.g., emphysema). ratio, and all units together compose overall gas exchange.
Conditions such as pulmonary embolism may entirely block This concept has major clinical significance because CO2 and
perfusion to alveolar capillary units. Increased alveolar dead O2 are transported differently in the blood. A significant fraction
space explains how these diseases lead to decreased gas ex- of blood CO2 is transported as bicarbonate, with smaller fractions
change with an unchanged V̇E. Anatomic and alveolar dead transported as carbamino compounds (including carbaminohemo-
space together are referred to as physiological dead space, globin) and dissolved CO2. The dissociation curve for CO2 trans-
which is the true value of VD as represented in the equations. ported in this fashion is roughly linear in the physiological range.
The respiratory quotient. The respiratory quotient (RQ) is Consequently, high V̇A/Q̇ units compensate for low V̇A/Q̇ units in
the ratio of CO2 generated to O2 consumed in metabolism: overall CO2 elimination. In marked contrast, blood O2 is mostly
transported as oxyhemoglobin, with a miniscule dissolved com-
V̇CO2 ponent. The oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve is markedly non-
RQ ⫽ (3)
linear in the physiological range, being quite flat at PO2 ⬎ 60
mmHg and quite steep at PO2 ⬍ 60 mmHg. Thus high V̇A/Q̇ units
Where V̇CO2 is the rate of CO2 generation, and V̇O2 is the rate with a PO2 ⬎ 60 mmHg are on the flat portion of the curve, and
of O2 consumption. The value of RQ is substrate dependent there is little increase in O2 content as PO2 is increased further
and changes with the diet. RQ is exactly 1 for all carbohy- above 60 mmHg. In contrast, V̇A/Q̇ units with a PO2 ⬍ 60 mmHg
drates, ⬃0.8 for proteins, and ⬃0.7 for fats. We demonstrate are on the steep portion of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve,
this concept by considering the balanced chemical equation for and small further decreases in PO2 correspond to comparatively
the complete oxidation of glucose: large decreases in O2 content. Because of this asymmetry in the
effects of changes in PO2 on O2 content between high and low
C6H12O6 ⫹ 6O2 ¡ 6CO2 ⫹ 6H2O V̇A/Q̇ units, increasing PO2 in high V̇A/Q̇ units cannot compensate

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for low V̇A/Q̇ units in overall blood oxygenation; the high V̇A/Q̇ Then, we can express inspired and expired ventilation of gas
units contribute far less additional O2 content relative to the X, respectively, as FIX · V̇AI and FAX · V̇AE. It is important to
decreased O2 content contributed by the low V̇A/Q̇ units. Thus any separate these terms because V̇AI is not necessarily equal to
exacerbation of baseline V̇A/Q̇ heterogeneity in the lungs, termed V̇AE. Ignoring water vapor (assumption 2), V̇AE is usually
V̇A/Q̇ mismatch, decreases overall blood oxygenation, even at a slightly less than V̇AI, since for RQ ⫽ 0.8, on average there are
constant overall V̇A and Q̇. It is important to emphasize that only about 8 molecules of CO2 expired for every 10 molecules
mismatch occurs not only in pathological states, but also in of O2 inspired. The difference is frequently ignored in casual
normal, healthy lungs; understanding this fact is key to under- discussions of breathing, but is crucially important for the
standing the clinical utility of the alveolar equations. derivations that follow.
On balance, the body may consume X, generate X, or not
The Ventilation Identities interact with X at all, and each of the three major gases
involved in human respiration interacts with the body in one of
In this section, we split V̇A into its component gases by using these three ways. One confusing point for learners is that,
the principle of mass balance to derive fundamental statements depending on the gas X, the quantity V̇X will not necessarily
about the relationship between the gases in the atmosphere, the denote a ventilation, i.e., not necessarily a volume inhaled or
gases in the body, and V̇A. Together, the following three exhaled like V̇A; it may represent a rate of generation or
equations regarding N2, O2, and CO2 (Eqs. 4, 5, and 6, below) consumption, depending on the gas.
underpin the clinical equations to follow. To highlight their Nitrogen. N2 is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere, but,
importance, we call them the “ventilation identities.” for the respiratory system, it is considered a metabolically inactive
We derive the “ventilation identities” with several assump- gas. It is neither produced nor consumed by the body, but rather
tions: freely diffuses down its partial pressure difference to equilibrium,
1. Gas transfer in the lung is at steady state. Steady-state such that, at steady state, the same amount of N2 is inspired as
equilibrium is safely assumed in most clinical scenarios. expired.
However, with acute changes, such as during the transi- Considering inspired and expired N2 content as equal, we
tion between different activity levels or during interval can express the volume of N2 inspired or expired in 1 min as
training incorporating bursts of high-intensity exercise, (see Fig. 1A):
steady state may not be achieved. Sometimes this even
N2 ventilation ⫽ inspired N2 ⫽ expired N2
leads to the respiratory exchange ratio, the empiric mea-
surement of CO2 production versus O2 consumption from V̇N2 ⫽ FIN2 · V̇AI ⫽ FAN2 · V̇AE (4)
inspired and expired gases, differing from RQ at the
cellular level due to, e.g., lactate production or removal where, as above, F is mole fraction, A is alveolar, I is inspired,
and subsequent bicarbonate buffering. The mathematics and E is expired. V̇N2 is defined, consistent with terms like V̇A
of non-steady-state solutions are complex and not ade- and V̇E, as a ventilation.
quately represented by the equations we present. In the derivation of the alveolar gas equation, the ventilation
2. Argon and other gases present in trace amounts in the identity for N2 balances the V̇AI and V̇AE values. Teaching this
atmosphere are considered as part of nitrogen. This sim- equation also allows students to think explicitly about the
plifying assumption groups the metabolically inactive physiology of N2 in respiration, presenting an opening to
gases together (defined in Nitrogen below). discuss important clinical considerations for N2:
3. There is no CO2 or water vapor in the atmosphere. For
simplicity, we assume CO2 is only expired, not inspired, • Nitrogen’s inertness is thought to be a desirable property in
and the only gases contributing to atmospheric pressure reducing atelectasis; the presence of N2 helps maintain a
are N2 and O2. sufficient gas tension within the alveoli to resist collapse (6).
4. All gases are dry when measured. The airways humidify • Nitrogen’s inertness also explains the use of O2 therapy in the
air, and the presence of water vapor would complicate the management of pneumothorax: washing out the nitrogenous com-
application of mass balance to the gases of interest. ponent of the ectopic gas facilitates absorption back into the
However, imagine that, for all measured quantities, the bloodstream and a decrease in the pneumothorax volume (8).
water vapor is removed, and the gas is then expanded to Oxygen. O2 is inspired from the environment and flows to
occupy its initial volume (which laboratories actually the alveoli (Fig. 1B), where some of it diffuses into the
perform!). Because the saturated partial pressure of water bloodstream, mostly binds to hemoglobin, and diffuses into
vapor is constant at a given temperature, we can make metabolically active tissues to become the final electron accep-
this assumption and then account for water vapor in a tor of the electron transport chain. Some O2 remains in the
simple way in the derivation of the alveolar gas equation. alveoli and forms part of the expired breath. Thus, like N2, O2
The reasoning behind the “ventilation identities” can then be is present in both inspired and expired gas, but, unlike N2, O2
expressed as follows: Consider an arbitrary gas X that may be is consumed by the body, so less is expired than inspired.
present in the environment or in the body. As a person inspires We can express the volume of O2 consumed per minute as:
at inspired alveolar ventilation (V̇AI), some molar fraction of
the inspired breath consists of X; call it FIX. Similarly, as a O2 consumption ⫽ inspired O2 ⫺ expired O2
person expires at expired alveolar ventilation (V̇AE), some V̇O2 ⫽ FIO2 · V̇AI ⫺ FAO2 · V̇AE (5)
molar fraction of expired breath consists of X; call it FAX
(capital A for “alveolar” to emphasize that the source for where it is important to note that V̇O2 is not a ventilation: it
non-dead space expiration is alveolar air). denotes rate of O2 consumption, not inspiration or expiration.

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Fig. 1. Mass balance diagrams for N2, CO2, and O2 in a representative alveolar-capillary unit. The principle of mass balance implies that, at steady state, the
rate at which each gas enters the alveolus is equal to the rate at which each gas exits the alveolus. A: the rate N2 is inspired equals the rate it is expired, denoted
by V̇N2. There is no net movement of N2 between the alveolus (green outline) and the associated capillary (c). B: O2 enters the alveolus by inspiration and leaves
by two routes: 1) net diffusion into the capillary, denoted by V̇O2, and 2) expiration. C: CO2 present in inspired gas is negligible. There is net diffusion of CO2
from the capillary into the alveolus, a quantity denoted by V̇CO2, which equals the rate of CO2 expiration. See Table 1 for definitions of terms used.

Carbon dioxide. CO2 is present in negligible amounts in the tion identity for CO2. Substituting the dead space Eq. 2 for V̇A
atmosphere, and we can safely assume it is not a significant yields the clinically useful form.
part of inspired gas (assumption 3). Assuming a constant V̇A, The alveolar gas equation results from the combination of all
it reaches a steady-state pressure in the alveoli, such that it is of the “ventilation identities.” A simplifying assumption yields
eliminated at the same rate that it is generated, and thus we can the clinically used form and understanding the nature of this
express both the volume of CO2 eliminated per minute and the assumption is crucial for grasping its limitations.
volume of CO2 generated per minute as (see Fig. 1C): The alveolar ventilation equation. DERIVATION. Consider Eq.
CO2 production ⫽ CO2 expiration 6, the ventilation identity for CO2. By Dalton’s law of partial
pressures, the partial pressure of a gas (PX) is directly propor-
V̇CO2 ⫽ FACO2 · V̇AE (6) tional to its mole fraction (FX).
We then have:
Note that there is no inspired term because we consider the V̇CO2 ⫽ kPACO2 · V̇AE
atmosphere to have negligible CO2 content. Also note that the
definition of V̇CO2 is again different, this time denoting rate of where P denotes partial pressure, and k is a proportionality
CO2 generation or expiration, not inspiration or consumption. constant. Rearranging terms, we have:
Accounting identities. The “ventilation identities” addressed kV̇CO2
mass balance for individual gases. Their independent contri- PACO2 ⫽ (9)
butions to V̇AI and V̇AE compose total ventilation (Dalton’s V̇A
law). We can easily derive:
where it is understood that V̇A refers to V̇AE, and we redefine
V̇AI ⫽ inspired O2 ⫹ inspired N2 k as its reciprocal to follow convention. This is the basic
alveolar ventilation equation.
V̇AI ⫽ FIO2 · V̇AI ⫹ FIN2 · V̇AI
1 ⫽ F I O2 ⫹ F I N2 Table 2. Building blocks of the alveolar equations

V̇AE ⫽ expired O2 ⫹ expired N2 ⫹ expired CO2 Equation Description

V̇AE ⫽ FAO2 · V̇AE ⫹ FAN2 · V̇AE ⫹ FACO2 · V̇AE V̇N2 ⫽ FIN2·V̇AI ⫽ FAN2·V̇AE Ventilation identity for N2
(8) V̇CO2 ⫽ FACO2·V̇AE Ventilation identity for CO2
1 ⫽ FAO2 ⫹ FAN2 ⫹ FACO2
V̇O2 ⫽ FIO2·V̇AI ⫺ FAO2·V̇AE Ventilation identity for O2
obtaining the simple intuition that the mole fractions of con- 1 ⫽ FIO2 ⫹ FIN2 Accounting identity for inspiration
stituent gases sum to 1.
1 ⫽ FAO2 ⫹ FAN2 ⫹ FACO2 Accounting identity for expiration
The Clinical Alveolar Equations V̇CO2
RQ ⫽ Respiratory quotient definition
We now have all of the ingredients necessary to derive the V̇O2
alveolar equations used in clinical practice and conceptually
understand them; Table 2 summarizes the building blocks of
these equations. The basic road map is as follows: the alveolar
V̇A ⫽ RR·VT 1 ⫺冉 VD
VT 冊 Dead space clinical equation

ventilation equation is a simple transformation of the ventila- See Table 1 for definition of terms used.

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At body temperature (TB) of 37°C (310K), k ⫽ 863 mmHg. raphy. Additionally, patients on ventilators have both known RR
This constant comes from the fact that, by historical conven- and VT values. Thus most of the values in the equation are known,
tion, the three quantities in Eq. 9 are expressed under different especially for mechanically ventilated patients. As such, while Eq.
conditions of temperature, pressure, and humidity. The con- 9 clearly illustrates the fundamental relationship between the
stant k accounts for physical conditions as well as for propor- generation of CO2, the elimination of CO2 through breathing, and
tionality. It is possible to derive k ⫽ RT ⫽ (760/273) TB, where the CO2 that remains in the body, Eq. 10 provides a more
R is the ideal gas constant expressed in L BTPS·mmHg·L clinically oriented variant that we believe can help clinicians
⫺1 ⫺1
STPD ·K , 760 mmHg is standard pressure, and 273K is reason through the differential diagnosis of perturbations in PaCO2.
standard temperature (5, 9). Thus, while k is TB-dependent, the CLINICAL APPLICATIONS: THE DETERMINATION OF CARBON DIOX-
physiological range of TB, e.g., during a fever, is relatively IDE STATUS. We present three short clinical applications to
small, making k ⫽ 863 mmHg an appropriate value for most illustrate the utility of the clinical V̇A equation to students:
physiological applications of the alveolar ventilation equation. 1. V̇CO2 can be measured with exhaled gas analysis, but is
Two adjustments to Eq. 9 greatly increase its clinical utility. more commonly estimated in clinical practice. Perhaps even
First, due to the approximately linear CO2 dissociation curve more powerful than knowing this parameter at discrete
and the resultant compensation of high V̇A/Q̇ units for low points in time is the fact that it depends directly on the rate
V̇A/Q̇ units with respect to CO2 elimination, the arterial CO2 of metabolism. This means that the more metabolically
pressure (PaCO2) is a reasonable surrogate for alveolar CO2 pres- active a person is, the greater the rate at which he/she will
sure (PACO2). Second, while V̇A is not a readily accessible value in generate CO2 (and require O2). That is why intensive care
clinical practice, Eq. 2 expresses V̇A in terms of clinical parame- unit clinicians may deeply sedate or even paralyze severely
ters. Substituting PaCO2 for PACO2 and Eq. 2 for V̇A, we have: hypoxemic patients; by lowering their metabolic rate, they
are helping to keep their CO2 levels down (and O2 levels up)
kV̇CO2 and reduce their ventilatory demand (Fig. 2A).

冉 冊
PaCO2 ⫽ (10)
VD 2. A clinical case example: An intern leaves a mechanically
RR · VT 1 ⫺ ventilated patient stable, sedated, and paralyzed at the end of
a shift. The next morning, an arterial blood gas is performed,
We call Eq. 10 the clinical alveolar ventilation equation be- and the PaCO2 has risen substantially, despite no change in
cause of its utility in clinical practice. PaCO2 can be measured on ventilator settings. What happened overnight? From Eq. 10,
a routine blood gas or approximated through waveform capnog- the right-hand side of the equation must have increased.

Fig. 2. Key relationships in the clinical alveolar ventilation (V̇A) equation. These stylized relationships assume all variables not in the figures are constant and
do not provide physiological compensation. Default values are as follows: k ⫽ 863 mmHg; V̇CO2 ⫽ 0.2 L/min; RR ⫽ 12/min; VT ⫽ 0.5 Liters; VT ⫽ 0.15 Liters.
A: at constant V̇A, the higher the rate of CO2 generation (V̇CO2), the higher the PaCO2. Metabolic rate determines V̇CO2, such that agitation increases V̇CO2, and
sedation decreases V̇CO2. B: PaCO2 increases as dead space (VD) increases, decreasing V̇A when V̇E is constant. Dead space diseases such as pulmonary embolism
can cause hypercapnia through this mechanism. C: the same V̇E can result in markedly different PaCO2, depending on the respiratory rate (RR) and VT. As RR
increases at a constant V̇E, VT necessarily decreases, resulting in increased dead space ventilation (V̇D) and increased PaCO2. Thus, in general, slow, deep breathing
is more efficient for gas exchange than rapid, shallow breathing. See Table 1 for definitions of terms used.

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Assuming the patient was sedated, still, afebrile, and had no 共A-a兲PO2 difference ⫽ PAO2 ⫺ PaO2 (11)
change in nutrition, then V̇CO2 should not have changed.
Additionally, the ventilator maintained a constant RR and PaO2 is determined with an arterial blood-gas measurement.
VT. Therefore, the physiological dead space must have Getting at PAO2 is the goal of the alveolar gas equation. We will
increased. A sudden rise in physiological dead space in a exploit the fact that the RQ ties O2 and CO2 levels together and
critically ill patient should raise concern for venous throm- is a clinically obtainable value.
boembolism (Fig. 2B). DERIVATION. Almost all of the equations in Table 2, the
3. An oft-cautioned fatal mistake in clinical medicine is the “ventilation identities” (Eqs. 4–6), the accounting identities
case of a patient who presents to the emergency room in (Eqs. 7 and 8), and the RQ formula (Eq. 3), compose this
distress and breathing rapidly. The trainee who sees him/her derivation. Specifically, substituting all of these equations into
prescribes a benzodiazepine to help calm his/her “hyperven- each other yields the alveolar gas equation.
tilation.” The patient subsequently becomes severely aci- Ultimately, we want to isolate FAO2, which is directly pro-
demic. It turns out that the rapid breathing was not hyper- portional to our quantity of interest, PAO2. The easiest place to
ventilation, but rather a physiological response to an ele- start is by substituting Eqs. 5 and 6 into Eq. 3:
vated CO2. When respiratory drive was depressed by the
drug, CO2 levels increased even further. For example: V̇CO2
RQ ⫽
RR ⫽ 30 breaths/min 共tachypnea兲 V̇O2
VT ⫽ 0.3 Liters 共shallow breathing兲 FACO2 · V̇AE
VD ⫽ 0.2 Liters 共increased dead space兲 ⫽
FIO2 · V̇AI ⫺ FAO2 · V̇AE
V̇CO2 ⫽ 0.25 L/min 共elevated metabolism; in distress兲
We know RQ (we are prepared to approximate it as 0.8), we
kV̇CO2 know FIO2 (0.21 in ambient air, or set by an assisted breathing

冉 冊
PaCO2 ⫽ device), and we know FACO2 (determined by PACO2). What to
RR · VT 1 ⫺ do about V̇AI and V̇AE? They are related by the fractional N2
VT concentration because, by Eq. 4, N2 content is equal in inspired
863 · 0.25 and expired air (Fig. 1A), and by Eqs. 7 and 8, N2 is related to

冉 冊
⫽ O2 and CO2 by their mole fractions summing to 1! By Eq. 4:
30 · 0.3 1 ⫺
0.3 V̇N2
V̇AI ⫽
⫽ 72 mmHg (normative : 40 mmHg) F I N2

This case illustrates the fact that multiple variables impact CO2 V̇N2
status, and, specifically, a tachypneic patient is not necessarily V̇AE ⫽
F A N2
hypocapnic (Fig. 2C). A disciplined analysis of Eq. 10 shows
that RR is only part of the expression that determines PaCO2, And substituting in Eqs. 7 and 8:
which means one cannot assume a carbon dioxide level by
simply observing a patient’s RR. The only way to know PaCO2 V̇N2
V̇AI ⫽ (13)
is to draw a blood gas (or approximate a level through wave- 1 ⫺ F I O2
form capnography), highlighting the value of blood-gas anal-
ysis in clinical care. V̇N2
The alveolar gas equation. RATIONALE AND METHOD. Unlike V̇AE ⫽ (14)
1 ⫺ FAO2 ⫺ FACO2
the case for CO2, a simple blood test is not a good proxy for the
alveolar partial pressure of O2 (PAO2); arterial partial pressure Substituting Eqs. 13 and 14 into Eq. 12, we get:
of O2 (PaCO2) is normally less than PAO2. This is largely due to
the relatively flat oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve at PO2 FACO2 ·
values greater than 60 mmHg. Recall from Ventilation-perfu- 1 ⫺ FAO2 ⫺ FACO2
sion mismatch above that, for overall blood oxygenation, high RQ ⫽
V̇A/Q̇ units cannot compensate for low V̇A/Q̇ units. Therefore, V̇N2 V̇N2
when oxygenated blood from all the alveolar-capillary units F I O2 · ⫺ F A O2 ·
1 ⫺ F I O2 1 ⫺ FAO2 ⫺ FACO2
mixes in the systemic arterial system, O2 content is less than
that which corresponds to overall PAO2 (PaO2 ⬍ PAO2). There is FACO2
also a small contribution from natural shunts of venous blood 1 ⫺ FAO2 ⫺ FACO2
from the bronchial and thebesian veins to arterial blood. These ⫽
vascular shunts occur downstream from the pulmonary capil- F I O2 F A O2
laries, decreasing arterial O2 saturation from what would be ⫺
1 ⫺ F I O2 1 ⫺ FAO2 ⫺ FACO2
expected based on pulmonary gas exchange.
The difference between PAO2 and PaCO2 is referred to as the From here, careful algebraic manipulation isolates FAO2, giv-
(A-a)PO2 difference: ing:

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FAO2 ⫽ FIO2 ⫺ FACO2 FIO2 ⫹ 冉 1 ⫺ F I O2

冊 (15)
We call Eq. 17 the clinical alveolar gas equation because of
its utility in quickly generating an estimate for PAO2 at the
bedside. We use this along with PaO2 to compute the (A-a)PO2
The final step is to transform mole fractions into pressures. difference. In brief, the utility of this number is that we can
What’s the proportionality constant? It may at first appear to be separate problems with oxygenation into problems with O2
the barometric pressure PB. However, as stated in assumption supply to the alveoli (associated with a normal (A-a)PO2
4, we have assumed that gases are dry, whereas the alveoli difference) and problems with gas exchange between the alve-
actually contain “wet” air; that is, air saturated with water oli and pulmonary capillaries (associated with an elevated
vapor, which at TB is approximately 47 mmHg. That means, of (A-a)PO2 difference). The former includes low PB, low FIO2
PB, only (PB ⫺ 47) mmHg is available for other gases. (Fig. 3A), and hypoventilation (Fig. 3B). None of these affect
Multiply the fractional concentrations in Eq. 15 by (PB ⫺ gas exchange, so PAO2 and PaO2 drop about equally, and the
47) to obtain pressures: (A-a)PO2 difference is unchanged. The latter includes shunt,

PAO2 ⫽ PIO2 ⫺ PACO2 FIO2 ⫹ 冉 1 ⫺ F I O2

冊 (16)
V̇A/Q̇ mismatch, and diffusion limitation. With respect to O2,
unaffected lung has little ability to compensate for affected
lung, so PaO2 drops without major effects on PAO2, widening
where PIO2 ⫽ FIO2 (PB ⫺ 47). the (A-a)PO2 difference. Thus the (A-a)PO2 difference is a
This is the full alveolar gas equation. With information useful tool in narrowing the differential diagnosis of hypox-
about inspired O2, RQ, and PACO2, one can calculate PAO2. As emia.
was true for the alveolar ventilation equation, a few modifica- Equation 17 should be used with caution for patients on
tions will increase its clinical utility. First, as before, we can supplemental O2, for two reasons. First, as FIO2 increases, the
substitute PaCO2 for PACO2. Next, focusing on the term in assumption that simplifies Eq. 16 to Eq. 17 becomes increas-
parentheses: ingly inaccurate (although this inaccuracy is negligible when
low levels of supplemental oxygen are used). Using Eq. 16
1 ⫺ F I O2 FIO2 · RQ ⫹ 共1 ⫺ FIO2兲 overcomes this limitation. Second, the (A-a)PO2 difference in
F I O2 ⫹ ⫽ healthy lungs increases as FIO2 increases due to amplified
effects of physiological V̇A/Q̇ mismatch and physiological
1 FIO2 · 共1 ⫺ RQ兲 vascular shunts. (A-a)PO2 difference increases from roughly 10
⫽ ⫺
RQ RQ mmHg at FIO2 to 40 mmHg or higher at FIO2 ⫽ 0.9 (7). Thus the
evaluation of whether a patient on supplemental oxygen has an
As RQ approaches 1 and FIO2 approaches 0, the second term abnormal (A-a)PO2 difference requires adjustment for FIO2, and
approaches 0. For a person with a mixed diet and breathing there is no universally accepted clinical standard for making
room air, when RQ ⫽ 0.8 and FIO2 ⫽ 0.21, the second term is this adjustment. Rather than revert to Eq. 16 and reference an
0.21· (1 ⫺ 0.8)/0.8 ⫽ 0.05. For these values, the approximation FIO2-dependent (A-a)PO2 difference, clinicians more com-
is good enough to simplify the expression to 1/RQ.
Making the simplifying substitutions, we get: monly use the P/F ratio, defined by P/F ratio ⫽ PaO2/FIO2. This
indicator has utility in diagnosing gas exchange pathology in
PaCO2 patients on supplemental O2, but, as merely an estimate itself,
P A O2 ⫽ P I O2 ⫺ (17) also has important limitations (10).
It may be tempting to examine the inverse relationship
where PIO2 ⫽ FIO2 (PB ⫺ 47). between PACO2and PAO2in the alveolar gas equation and con-

Fig. 3. Key relationships in the clinical alveolar gas equation. These stylized relationships assume all variables not in the figures are constant and do not
contribute to physiological compensation. Default values are as follows: PB ⫽ 760 mmHg; FIO2 ⫽ 0.21; PaCO2 ⫽ 40 mmHg; RQ ⫽ 0.8. A: PAO2 changes linearly
as a function of the fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2). Thus, supplemental oxygen, e.g., nasal cannula, readily raises PAO2, while a fire may introduce additional
gas into the local environment, lowering FIO2 and, therefore, PAO2. At altitude, each breath contains less gas overall, resulting in a lower PAO2 at the same FIO2.
Airline cabins are pressurized, but not to sea level, which can be problematic for passengers with underlying lung disease. B: PAO2 decreases as PaCO2 increases;
here, PaCO2 is a proxy for ventilation status. For example, hypoventilation simultaneously increases PaCO2 and decreases PACO2. Respiratory quotient can also
affect PAO2, as it indicates the rate of CO2 elimination relative to O2 consumption. Thus, in fasting ketosis (RQ ⫽ 0.7), V̇CO2 is reduced relative to V̇O2, and,
if PaCO2 were to be maintained at 40 mmHg, the reduction in alveolar ventilation would reduce PAO2. See Table 1 for definitions of terms used.

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clude it is causal. However, the concept of RQ implies that in respiratory physiology and link these concepts to the care of
CO2 production and O2 consumption are tied together in acutely ill patients.
metabolism by the contents of the diet and cannot vary inde- Although asking students to independently derive these
pendently. A common misconception identifies disease pro- equations will never be a required part of a health professions
cesses that cause both hypercapnia and hypoxemia, such as curriculum (and, indeed, is not the goal of this approach), many
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and global hypoventi- find their understanding of pulmonary physiology enhanced by
lation, as primary problems with excess carbon dioxide. This exposure to the derivations. For the pulmonary module of our
reasoning contains an error of confounding; it fails to take into organ system-based curriculum, we offered a document cov-
account that alveolar carbon dioxide cannot exogenously ering the derivations and a review session covering the docu-
increase (unless it is given by medical intervention), but ment as optional resources to students. Students who attended
rather is endogenously determined by factors in Eq. 10, such rated this session 4.08/5 and found it a helpful adjunct to the
as V̇A and dead space, which simultaneously affect alveolar content provided in lectures. Narrative feedback focused on the
oxygen (Fig. 3B). utility of linking foundational physiology with clinical practice
CLINICAL APPLICATION: TWO PATIENTS WITH HEROIN OVERDOSE. and the satisfaction of knowing the origin of these key equa-
We use the following simple application with example num- tions.
bers to show students how calculation of the (A-a)PO2 differ- We encourage educators to consider incorporating the
ence can inform the care of an acutely ill patient. framework in this document when teaching pulmonary physi-
Assume two patients present simultaneously to an Emer- ology. We hope the clinical applications that were mentioned,
gency Department with a heroin overdose. They are breathing in particular, help curriculum leaders in the health professions
ambient air but appear somnolent with slow, shallow breathing. think about integration of physiology with clinical medicine
You perform an arterial blood gas on each patient: across the basic medical sciences.
• Patient A: PaCO2 ⫽ 60 mmHg; pH ⫽ 7.24; PaO2 ⫽ 65 mmHg DISCLOSURES
• Patient B: PaCO2 ⫽ 60 mmHg; pH ⫽ 7.24; PaO2 ⫽ 45 mmHg No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the authors.
From the elevated PaCO2, you conclude both patients are AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
hypoventilating; however, you wish to know if further evalu-
ation is necessary. You now calculate the alveolar O2 tension M.C.W. conceived and designed research; M.C.W. and D.R.M. prepared
figures; M.C.W. drafted manuscript; M.C.W., T.C.C., D.R.M., and J.M.W.
(note that it is the same for both patients) assuming RQ ⫽ 0.8 edited and revised manuscript; M.C.W., T.C.C., D.R.M., and J.M.W. approved
and a PB near sea level: final version of manuscript.
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