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Unit 1

A. Listen


 Her teacher

 On Jalan Manggis


 Bintang

 I live at Jalan Manggis No. 15


1) b

2) d

3) a

4) c

B. Speak

2. Accept any possible answers

Wulan : Hi, Reza? How are you?

Reza : Hello, Wulan. Fine. And you?

Wulan : You come to school so early. Is your house near?

Reza : Yes. My house is on Jalan Pepaya. Where do you live? You also come
early today

Wulan : yes, I live on Jalan Mangga. It’s only 100 meters from here

Reza : I know that area. OK then see you at class

Wulan : OK

D. Write


1) dancer

2) runner

3) drawers

4) rulers

5) erasers

6) sharpeners

7) books

8) flowers

9) grasshoppers

10) cucumbers

3. Accept any possible answers

 I can find fried chicken at the canteen

 I can find a map at my class

 I can find a dustbin at my class

F. Check

1. Accept any possible answers

Chika : Where do you live Lauren?

Lauren : I live on Jalan Jeruk No.9

Chika : is it far?

Lauren : Not really

Chika : You can go to school on foot

Lauren : Yes. Sometimes I go to school on foot

Chika : That’s great

Lauren : Yes, I take that as an exercise

2. Accept any possible answers

a) There is a picture in my class

b) There is a ruler in my pencil-case

c) There is a cucumber in the refrigerator

Unit 2

A. Listen
 May I borrow your marker?
 May I go out today, mother?
 May I draw a picture on the wall?


 talk to
 the test for tomorrow
 tell about the test next week


 sit
 borrow
 see
B. Speak
Rudi : May I see your drawing book, Toni?
Toni : Sure
Rudi : May I borrow your ruler?
Toni : Why not
Rudi : May I borrow your eraser?
Toni : Yes, of course
Rudi : May I borrow your book?
Toni : Yes, here you are.
D. Write
1) Park
2) T-shirts
3) Girl
4) T-shirt
5) Skirt
6) Clown
7) Ladybird
F. Check
1. Accept any possible answers
You : Excuse me, Miss. May I clean the board?
Your friend : Of Course, John. Thanks
You : May I borrow you pen?
Your friend : Yes. Here you are. I have two
You : May I go to the toilet?
Your friend : Yes. Hurry up
2. Accept any possible answers
a) May I catch the bird?
b) May I borrow your T-shirt?
c) May I wear that shirt?

Unit 3

A. Listen
 Shall we do homework together?
 Shall we play soccer after school?
 Shall we buy a box of crayons?
3. the conversation is about locking the door before leaving

D. Write
1) Nurse
2) Purse
3) Furniture
4) Turtles
5) Turkeys

F. Check
1. Accept any possible answers
Yudi : Shall we go out and play, Doni?
Doni : Certainly, Yudi
Yudi : Shall we go to playground?
Doni : Of course, Yudi
Yudi : Shall we play swing or even slide?
Doni : Yes. I like them
a) Shall we practice singing after school?
b) Shall we stop by the bookstore later?
c) Shall we play Snakes and Ladders after school?
d) Shall we buy a drawing book?

Unit 4

A. Listen
 Orange juice
 Sausages
 Sausages
 Monopoly and Snakes and Ladders
 Scrabble
 Watermelons and star fruits
 Grapes

D. Write
1) Store
2) Seashore
3) Forefinger
4) Crowd
5) Forehead

F. Check
1. Accept any possible answers
Yono : Tomorrow is a day off, Rino?
Rino : Right. Shall we play football, Yono?
Yono : I don’t really like playing football. How about other things?
Rino : Do you like board games?
Yono : Yes, shall we play it?
Rino : Great. I have scrabble
2. Accept any possible answers
a) Do you like milk? No. I don’t
b) Do you like hamburger? Yes, I do
c) Do you like grapes? Absolutely

Unit 5

A. Listen
2. helping father holding the lamp
4. helping father fixing the car

B. Speak
3. Accept any possible answers
A: Look at those goldfish. They are beautiful
B: Yes, you are right.
A: See, how beautiful they are
B: Right.
A: I think I’ll take one home
B: No, you can’t
A: Just let them free. It’s better for them to live in this pond
B: I think you’re right. Thanks for the advice.

D. Write
1) Thief
2) Strawberry
3) Handkerchief
4) Police

F. Check
1. Accept any possible answers
Father : Hold this lamp for me, plase
Son : Yes, Sir.
Father : That’s good. Hold it tightly
Son : Okay
Father : Thank so much my boy.
Son : You’re welcome Dad
2. Accept any possible answers
a) Give me that strawberry please
b) Take this cookie please

Unit 6

A. Listen
2. They are talking about a drawing book containing good pictures
 Delicious cookies
 Some cookies
B. Speak
A: What do you have there, Runi?
B: Some brooches
A: Wow, they are beautiful, aren’t they?
B: Yes, they are
A: Where did you buy them?
B: My aunt sent them yesterday
A: May I take one, please?
B: Yes, of course. This is for you
A: Thank you
B: You’re welcome
D. Write
1) House
2) Mountain
3) Blouse
4) Trousers
5) Mouse
6) Hole
E. Have Fun
1) I walked to school
2) I cried because I fell down from the tree
3) I played dolls
4) I did some pantomime
5) I sang some Indonesian songs
6) I rode my bicycle
F. Check
1. Accept any possible answers
A: What are you doing Budi?
B: Oh, Hi Ucok. I just want to eat .
A: What do you have?
B: some cookies
A: May I take one. They seem delicious
B: Yes. Let’s eat together
2. Accept any possible answers
a) Whose shirt is that? That’s Tino’s
b) Whose turkey is that? That’s Mimi’s

Unit 7

A. Listen
2. the location of laboratory
 Yes
 It is near the teacher’s room
 They’re going to the playground
 They want to play on the swing

B. Speak
3. Accept any possible answers
A: Where is the nearest bookstore?
B: It’s on Jalan Cemara
A: Is it far from here?
B: No, it’s only 500 meters from here. Next to Berlian shop
A: Oh, I know that. So, I just walk along Jalan Durian?
B: Yes, you are right. Then, turn right.
A: Could you accompany me?
B: I’m sorry. I should go home early. I will have English course

C. Read
 It is as a small as a peanut
 It lives in the mother’s pouch
 At night

F. Check
1. Accept any possible answers
A: Do you know where the principal’s office is?
B: Of course, I do
A: Where is it?
B: It’s near to the teacher’s room. Just, go straight, then turn left.
You will see the sign there
A: OK. Thank you
B: You’re welcome
2. Accept any possible answers
a) Where you can see some grasshoppers? at the farm
b) Where you can see some flies? at the dustbin

Unit 8

A. Listen
 This Friday
 Her house at 5 p.m.
4. Ratna’s birthday party

B. Speak
3. Accept any possible answers
Dino : I’m having a party, Dini
Dini : What party, Dino
Dino : My birthday party
Dini : Wow. Congratulations
Dino : Here is the invitation
Dini : Oh, thank you. When?
Dino : on Saturday at 4 pm at my home. Don’t be late OK
Dini : OK

2. Accept any possible answers
Dear Friends,
I’m having a birthday party On Friday, February 8. At Jalan Skuadon at 5 pm
I hope to see you there.


F. Check
1. Accept any possible answers
Teo : This Friday is my birthday, Ellen?
Ellen : Really?That sounds great, Teo
Teo : this is your invitation
Ellen : Thank you
Teo : Don’t forget to come!
Ellen : Okay. I’ll be there

a) The cow is drinking some water
b) Ratna is wearing a pink gown

Unit 9

A. Listen
 Bintang is going to join
 Tri Dharma Elementary
4. Bintang who are going to join the speech contest

B. Speak
3. Accept any possible answers
A: Are you going to join badminton competition?
B: Yes. I think.
A: What day is it?
B: It will be held next moth in Gelora Bung Karno
A: You’d better practice a lot since now. You can do it. We’ll watch you there.
B: Thanks. See you there

D. Write
1) Paw
2) Claw
3) Saw
4) See-saw
5) Jig-saw

F. Check
1. Accept any possible answers
A: I heard you want to join singing contest?
B: Yes. I want to join singing contest
A: What is it?
B: it is Indonesian Idol
A: Hope you can make it
B: Yes.
2. Accept any possible answers
a) That is see-saw
b) It is jig-saw puzzle
c) This is a saw

Unit 10

A. Listen
2. it’s about Ratna who got a flu
 Pale
 Sickbay, the nurse

B. Speak
3. Accept any possible answers
A: Hello, how are you feeling this afternoon?
B: Hi, guys. I feel worse
C: are you sick?
B: Yes, I am. I’ve got a cold
A: You should take a rest and drink the medicine
C: yes, that’s right
B: Thanks guys
(a few minutes later)
A: all right then. You should take a rest. We’d better home
B: thanks
C: get well soon.OK. Bye
B: Bye. Take care of yourself
A: We’ll wait for you at school. Bye…

C. Read
3. hall, small, wall, balls, calls

D. Write
1) wall
2) student
3) balls
4) calls

F. Check
1. Accept any possible answers
Anto : You look pale, Mario?
Mario : I’ve got fever
Anto : You’d better go home and take a rest
Mario : Yes, that’s what I want to do
Anto : let me help you to meet Miss. Anna
Mario : hope she will permit me to go home
2. Accept any possible answers
a) That boy is holding a ball
b) Anto is calling his friends


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