Scenario Modelling in The Context of Foresight Studies

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Scenario Modelling in the Context of Foresight


Michael Zgurovsky, Serhiy Nayev, Iryna Dzhygyrey, Kostiantyn Yefremov, Ivan

Pyshnograiev, Andriy Boldak and Sergii Gapon

Abstract Foresight projects can have different goals and applications, and take
various forms and scales. Within the European Foresight Platform framework, mon-
itoring covers thousands of studies. The prevailing number of foresight use scenario
approach, and the higher the horizon the higher the share of scenarios in FL studies.
Types of scenarios and development procedures are considered in the context of three
schools of scenario development, Shell approach, PMT school and La Prospective.
Foresight studies of the World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable De-
velopment are presented as cases of FL research’s results implementation in policy-
and decision-making. It’s noted the efforts of the COVID-19 Foresight project team
of the Center in the area of coronavirus pandemic scenario development. Also, arti-
ficial intelligence application prospects for forward-looking studies are highlighted
in the context of The Kyiv School of mathematicians and system analytics activity.

Michael Zgurovsky
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
Serhiy Nayev
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
Iryna Dzhygyrey
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
Kostiantyn Yefremov
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
Ivan Pyshnograiev
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
Andriy Boldak
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
Sergii Gapon
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:

2 Michael Zgurovsky, Serhiy Nayev et al.

1 Introduction

The Information and Analytical Situation Center of the World Data Center for Geoin-
formatics and Sustainable Development operates in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic
Institute to study the behaviour of complex socio-economic systems. One of the
main components of its software and methodological complex is scenario modelling
technologies in the mode of the situation centre, which makes it possible to build the
future states of the mentioned systems, choose the preferred one and determine the
necessary actions to achieve it.
Currently, the scenario approach is a powerful tool used in various spheres of
analytical, expert and scientific activities for various scale tasks, from planning the
activities of enterprises [1, 2] to predicting the future of humanity [3]. Prospective,
so-called forward-looking (FL) research can significantly strengthen the concept of
sustainable development, raise to a new level a holistic, systemic perception, and not
interpret only from the point of view of the three-pillar model "Society-Economy-
Environment" [4]. Conversely, the sustainable development concept is the driving
force for changing FL research itself that ensures the inclusiveness, participation and
representativeness of such projects in particular [5].
This review aims to show the place of scenario modelling in the implementation
of modern FL research, foresight in particular.

2 Foresight

Foresight study enables process participants to get clearer ideas about the research
object, its future changes, and the consequences of the decisions made [6]. The
measures taken will affect the object, will create new challenges that will require a
reassessment of the situation, that is, an iterative foresight process. Thus, repetitive
foresight studies of a complex object with high uncertainty are not interpreted as
"predictions" but rather as a cyclical process of gradually acquiring new knowledge
and adapting to improve judgments about the best actions to take regarding future
risks and opportunities. Foresight research is conducted under TUNA or TUUNA
conditions (abbreviation from turbulence, unpredictable uncertainty, novelty, and
ambiguity) [7].
As part of the international initiative "Foresight4Food" [8], an integrated scheme
of the foresight process is proposed. The scheme covers the identification of partici-
pants ("actors"); establishing the purpose of the foresight; determination of bound-
aries and relationships of the analyzed system; determination of key driving forces
(drivers), trends, and uncertainties, which becomes the basis for scenario modelling;
understanding interested parties’ visions for the future and, thus, determining the
preferred strategies of influence and adaptation to change. The process scheme is
based on the so-called adaptive or exploratory approach to foresight, so it reflects
an iterative process designed to change the future, requiring flexibility and constant
refinement. There is another approach to foresight studies - a strategic foresight
Scenario Modelling in the Context of Foresight Studies 3

based on planning that allows one to determine measures for the preferred future
implementation [9, 10]. A strategic foresight project can include such stages as "
Framing" (result is project plan), "Scanning" (result is information), "Forecasting"
(result is a baseline and its alternatives, scenarios), "Visioning" (result is preferred
future, goals), "Planning" (result is a strategic plan, strategies), "Acting" (result is
an action plan, initiatives) [11].
The Scientific Foresight (Science and Technology Options Assessment or STOA)
Unit of the European Parliament proposed six phases of scientific foresight (Fig. 1),
one of the goals of which is to provide European parliamentarians with reviews of the
possible impact of technical and scientific trends regularly in the form of a ’What-
if?’ series of publications [12]. The development of scenarios in the foresight cycle
is of great importance. This stage aims at the development of several exploratory
scenarios, which provide not a prediction of the future, but rather an exploration of
a range of possible ways of development of events.

Fig. 1 Foresight cycle (based on [12])

Foresight projects can take different forms and scales in terms of stakeholder
involvement, from very "closed" scientific studies to widely involved processes. It
is also worth noting that there is significant interpenetration and layering, a deep
integration of approaches in the field of foresight research, in particular, such con-
cepts as strategic foresight, future studies, scenario analysis. Thus, the approaches
of scenario thinking cover many aspects of foresight in its general sense on the other
hand, many foresight approaches contain elements of scenario analysis [6].
The results of the review [13] show that FL research can be divided convention-
ally into several large groups, to which the author of the bibliographic study [13]
gave the names "Corporate foresight" (1760 publications), "Past and futures" (1934
publications), "Humanity at the limen" (955 publications), "Environmental futures"
(593 publications), "Post-normality and complexity" (70 publications) and "Tech-
4 Michael Zgurovsky, Serhiy Nayev et al.

nological trends" (69 publications), with the largest share of research after 2004
belonging to the cluster of corporate foresight.

3 European Foresight Platform

Developments in the field of foresight are so diverse, multi-scale and multi-sectoral

that, with the financial support of the EU Sixth Framework Programme, the Eu-
ropean Foresight Monitoring Network (EFMN) initiative was created in 2004 and
the ForLearn project [14] aimed at consolidating and improving the availability of
knowledge in the field of foresight in Europe. Over time and with the support of the
EU Seventh Framework Programme these projects acquired a new quality and scale.
In 2009, the EFMN was reorganized into the European Foresight Platform (EFP)
[15]. The EFP consortium was formed by four partners - the Austrian Institute of
Technology (AIT), the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), the
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) and the Manchester
Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR) of the University of Manchester.
The objects of EFP monitoring are projects, tools, methods and organizations,
and scientific and expert groups are involved in FL activities (FLA), which include
foresight studies, forecasting, horizon scanning, and impact assessment [16]. Here,
foresight is understood as a systemic, participatory, prospective and policy- oriented
process, which is aimed at actively involving key stakeholders in a wide range of
activities for predicting the future, preparing recommendations and implementing
transformations in technological, economic, environmental, political, social and eth-
ical (TEEPSE) spheres. Horizon scanning is a structured, ongoing activity for moni-
toring, analyzing, and positioning frontier issues important for strategy development,
policymaking, and research planning. Horizon scanning covers the identification of
new and emerging trends, policies, practices, stakeholders, services and products,
technologies, behaviours, surprises ("jokers", that is, hard-to-predict factors that can
significantly change the state of the object under study) and weak signals [17], etc.
Forecasting is considered as an activity based on subjective and statistical sources
of information aimed at forming ideas about the future. Impact assessment is the
identification and analysis of short- and long-term TEEPSE consequences of po-
litical initiatives, programs, legislation implementation or the application of new
technology [16].
If within the framework of the EFMN, the monitoring of FLA projects covered
hundreds of studies [18], among which Ukraine was also represented by the study
"Forecast of scientific, technological and innovative development of Ukraine" [19],
now within the framework of the EFP, monitoring covers thousands of studies,
which makes it possible to effectively use monitoring results in practice, improve the
quality of FL research projects and stimulate new foresight studies [16]. Due to the
systematization of knowledge about completed projects, in particular the methods
and approaches used, the European foresight platform itself will eventually become
a super-tool for future FL projects.
Scenario Modelling in the Context of Foresight Studies 5

EFP monitoring is based on three upper-level elements, namely, FLA practices,

players and outcomes, and 33 lower-level elements (Fig. 2), which are divided by
phases of FL processes into scoping, mobilising, anticipating, recommending and
transforming (SMART) futures [16, 20]. The characteristics of 263 FL programmes,
projects, methods, and other case studies are presented on the EFP web resource [21].
The European foresight platform evaluates the context of FL research from the point
of view of belonging to the EU Framework Programme, the thematic direction of the
Framework Programme and the level of project implementation (global, national,
corporate, etc.).

Fig. 2 The EFP mapping concept (based on [20])

4 The Place of Scenario Modeling in Foresight Studies

The European Foresight Platform used R. Popper’s foresight diamond to assess the
contribution of 44 methods to each project. In the analysis [20], it is indicated that
most FL studies use at least one method of each "vertice" of the diamond, which
have the names "creativity", "expertise", "interaction", "evidence" (Fig. 3). Foresight
researchers use a wide variety of foresight diamond methods, from the analysis of
information flows to expert predictions, separated into four groups mentioned as the
vertices of the foresight or futures diamond, namely exploratory, advisory, partic-
ipatory and explainatory methods. Popper emphasizes that each of the approaches
has its advantages and limitations: (1) the use of creativity-based tools requires
original thinking and an imagination; (2) expertise-based methods are based on
knowledge and competence in particular subject areas (expert panels, Delphi, etc.);
(3) interaction-based methods are used to obtain additional information from non-
experts (scenario seminars, voting, polling, stakeholder analysis, etc.); (4) evidence-
based methods are tools for understanding and forecasting phenomena, assessing the
6 Michael Zgurovsky, Serhiy Nayev et al.

actual state of problems, effects of technologies (benchmarking, bibliometrics, data

mining and indicators work, etc.).

Fig. 3 Foresight diamond [20]: qualitative, quantitative and semi-quantitative methods; SMIC is
cross-impact matrices and systems methodology, SNA is social network analysis

The filling of the foresight diamond expands and supplements over time. Cur-
rently, the set of used methods includes [22, 23]
• qualitative methods: back-casting; brainstorming; citizens’ panels or focus groups;
expert panels; futures wheel [24]; idea networking; genius forecasting; horizon
scanning; mind mapping; morphological analysis; relevance tree; scenario art;
scenario development; serious gaming; SWOT analysis; wild cards and weak
• semi-quantitative methods: causal layered analysis [25]; cross-impact analysis;
Delphi survey; driving force-pressure-state-impact-response frameworks; futures
triangle [26]; roadmapping; STEEP analysis [27]; stakeholder analysis; structural
analysis; utility maximization and choice modeling,
• quantitative methods: bibliometrics; trend extrapolation; trend impact analysis;
system dynamics modelling; global value chain analysis.
It is clear the presented list of tools used in current foresight studies, including
foresight diamond methods and approaches, is far from complete. For example, in
Scenario Modelling in the Context of Foresight Studies 7

the UNDP "Foresight" guide [27], such methods as agent-based modelling, wind-
tunnelling, and others are mentioned. With the expansion of the goals and scope
of foresight, the number, quality and variability of the methods involved in such
research also increases.
As part of the "The Millennium Project" [28], which was founded in 1996 by the
American Council of the United Nations University and which has now turned into
an independent, non-profit scientific centre for FL research at the world level with
63 centres, encyclopaedic dictionary [29] and electronic edition ’Futures Research
Methodology Version 3.0’ have been created [30], which is one of the largest,
most comprehensive peer-reviewed collections of methods and tools for FL studies.
Particular sections of this publication are devoted to the development of scenarios
and interactive scenarios. The Millennium Project annually publishes the State of the
Future [31] survey, which covers an overview of 15 global challenges, and launched
the Global Futures Intelligence System (GFIS) web project, which integrates all
available information, groups and software and enables updating both the study
"The State of the Future" and the publication ’Futures Research Methodology’, not
periodically, but continuously [32].
A significant part of the publication ’Recent Developments in Foresight Method-
ologies’ [33] and components of other monographs, collections, and individual publi-
cations are also devoted to scenario modelling use in foresight studies. The European
Environment Agency understands FL studies as some platform for supporting long-
term decision-making based on cooperation and six components [34, 35]: drivers
and trends, indicators, scenarios, methods and tools, networking, capacity building
and governance and use of information about the future, one of which, as we can
see, is the development of scenarios.
Thus, multivariate event scenarios design and roadmapping with practical mea-
sures are key features of a significant amount of foresight studies. The results of the
analysis [36] based on 1296 FL studies show that the frequency of scenarios use
increases with the increase of the time horizon, and for studies with a horizon of
more than 50 years it is 100% (Table 1). Scenarios are among the top five widely
used foresight methods in the global context, among which (in order of decreasing
frequency of use, without taking into account the literature review) expert panels,
scenarios, trend extrapolation, futures workshops, brainstorming [36, 37], and there
are one of the three tools that are often used in Northern Europe, and is the most
used method in Eastern Europe [37]. Scenarios were used in one way or another in
almost half of the thousand evaluated foresight projects [37]. The use of scenarios,
along with expert panels and literature reviews, can be attributed to "geographically"
independent research methods, as opposed to, for example, roadmapping and futures
workshops, which are more often used in countries with significant expenditures on
scientific and scientific and technical activities [36].
However, the above list of the most used methods should not limit future foresight
researchers. As shown in paper [38], methods choice for a project is often unsystem-
atic, impulsive, inexperienced etc. It bases on the nature of the methods themselves
and their interconnectedness and interdependence in most cases, the so-called "mix-
ture of methods". The nature of the methods dictates that quantitative methods are
8 Michael Zgurovsky, Serhiy Nayev et al.

Table 1 Widely used FLA methods (based on [36])

Frequency of use, %
Time horizon up to Time horizon 51-
10 years 100 years

Literature review 54 50 56
Expert panels 50 49 47
Scenarios 42 33 100
Trend extrapolation 25 24 53
Futures workshops 24 22
Brainstorming 19 12 28
Interviews 17 14 12
Delphi 16 12 1

preferred over qualitative methods. And the "mixture of methods" means that some
methods "go side by side" in practice, as, for example, brainstorming results are input
data for the Delphi method [38]. The depth of the forecast significantly influences the
choice of particular methods. Scenarios are often combined with trend extrapolation,
modelling, relevance trees, and various types of analysis (cross-impact, structural,
or morphological) [39]. According to the results of the analysis of more than two
thousand foresights at the regional, national and subnational level [36], in 25% of
cases, scenarios are combined with futures workshops.
A significant part of the mentioned methods is difficult to implement without
special software tools use. In general, ICT use both to obtain data for further analysis
and to process this data is necessary. Foresight studies are now supported by a va-
riety of software applications, including databases, analytical applications, scenario
packages, and more. Here it is worth mentioning the package of strategic foresight
tools of the "La Prospective" school [39] by Michel Godet, which contains appli-
cations for structural analysis, scenarios building based on morphological analysis,
etc. Components of the package were turned into web applications in 2013 and are
currently maintained by the Futuribles foresight centre [40].
ICT tools for foresight studies are diversifying, becoming more qualitative and
may soon move into a new integrated quality - foresight support systems (FSSs),
as they not only allow for the involvement of a greater number of diverse experts
in projects but also more efficiently collect and analyze and interpret large arrays
data [41]. The idea of implementing FSSs in the form of web platforms deserves
special attention. Platforms such as Google Trends, Twitter Sentiment Analysis or
Palantir applications are already actively used. Their integration in the future with
web-oriented platforms of FL-projects, more complex and bigger than the current
"Futurescaper", "SenseMaker", "Wikistrat", or others, can form large-scale trend
monitoring systems that will work in real-time [42].
Scenario Modelling in the Context of Foresight Studies 9

5 Classification of Scenarios and Scenario Development

The scenario component commonly used in foresight studies enables the devel-
opment of multiple scenarios based on quantitative approaches to represent the
consequences of various likely changes of the driving forces and components of the
analysed object. Scenarios are used both for planning the activities of enterprises and
for the purpose of formulating strategies for social, ecological, and economic systems
development [43]. Scenarios are not an attempt to predict the future, but they provide
decision-makers with a deeper understanding of the potential consequences of their
decisions and explore new opportunities for responding to future changes [44]. Or, as
one of the working documents of the IGLO-MP 2020 project [45] eloquently noted,
the fundamental aspect of scenarios is that they “handle” uncertainty.
Among the scenario approaches, the following types of scenarios can be distin-
guished [11, 44, 46, 47]: baseline, reference or predictive scenarios, which try to
investigate what is expected to happen within the given context without external
changes (the "Forecasts" and "What-if" subtypes are distinguished); explorative sce-
narios, which try to find out what might happen, in other words, investigate how the
future state of the object or system will be affected by internal or external drivers and
build scenarios from the present to the future state (external and strategic research
scenarios are distinguished); normative scenarios illustrate how a target might be
reached and may include a backcasting to evaluate conditions, options and ways to
achieve particular goals (divided into preserving and transforming subtypes), form
the specified six subtypes. Since the scenarios differ from the point of view of the
quantitative and qualitative application, it is possible to highlight qualitative scenar-
ios, which mainly represent the development of the future in the form of phrases,
storylines, and images; quantitative scenarios, mainly presented in the form of tables,
graphs and maps, which are the result of simulation modelling [44, 47]. Qualita-
tive scenarios are usually built based on stakeholder and expert knowledge, while
quantitative scenarios make greater use of mathematical models and other tools
under certain assumptions about driver changes and interactions [47]. However, in
many foresight projects, both approaches are combined, which gives the advantage
of flexibility next to the application of proven scientific knowledge and the validity
of assumptions. In contrast to prediction and projection, which require a better un-
derstanding of the studied system, scenarios make it possible to delve into the issues
of uncertainty and complexity (Fig. 4).
Philip van Notten proposed a classification of scenario characteristics based on
the goals of scenario studies, design of the scenario process and content of scenarios
[48]. These three macro scenario characteristics involved ten micro characteristics
(Teble 2). There are other classifications of scenario types in the field of foresight.
In particular, a group of scientists from the Finland Futures Research Centre clas-
sified foresight research frames based on existing typologies of scenarios and as a
result identified predictive, planning, scenaric, visionary, critical and transformative
foresight frames [49].
Scenario planning covers the entire foresight study, while scenario development is
only an element of scenario planning [11]. Scenarios are parallel "stories" or models
10 Michael Zgurovsky, Serhiy Nayev et al.

Fig. 4 The role of scenario

modelling in projections and
predictions [47]

Table 2 Van Notten’s typology of scenarios [48]

Macro characteristics Micro characteristics

The goal of scenario studies The function of the scenario exercise

Exploration – Pre-policy research Process – Product
The role of values in the scenario process
Descriptive – Normative
The subject area covered
Issue-based – Area based – Institutional based
The nature of change addressed
Evolutionary – Discontinuity
Design of the scenario process Inputs into the scenario process
Intuitive – Analytical Qualitative – Quantitative
Methods employed in the scenario process
Participatory – Model-based
Groups involved in the scenario process
Inclusive – Exclusive
Content of the scenarios The role of time in the scenario
Complex – Simple Chain – Snapshot
Issues covered by the scenario
Heterogeneous – Homogeneous
Level of integration
Integration – Fragmented

of expected images of the future which include certain assumed events and are built
on the basis of the synthesis of data obtained using various foresight methodologies
[50]. Different types of scenarios are developed using different types of scenario
Scenario Modelling in the Context of Foresight Studies 11

procedures. Each of these procedures has its advantages and disadvantages and re-
quires different support tools, including special software applications. Peter Bishop
and Andy Hines in their study [11] attempted to systematize the procedures of sce-
nario development but it should be noticed that this field of knowledge has expanded
considerably nowadays. These authors identified and evaluated eight categories of
such procedures:
1. ’Judgment’ is a category that covers genius forecasting, visualization, role playing,
and the Coates and Jarratt domain procedure.
2. ’Baseline’ (expected) is a category that contains trend extrapolation, the Manoa
technique, systems scenarios, and trend impact analysis.
3. ’Elaboration of fixed scenarios’ is a category whose procedures make it possible
to obtain several scenarios, as opposed to the first two categories. This category
includes incasting and SRI-matrix.
4. ’Event sequences’ is a category that includes probability trees and modification,
the sociovision procedure, as well as Harman divergence mapping.
5. ’Backcasting’. This category includes John Anderson’s horizon mission method-
ology, IBM Corporation’s Impact of Future Technologies, and David Mason’s
future mapping.
6. ’Dimensions of uncertainty’ is a category that contains Schwartz’s GBN matrix,
morphological analysis and FAR (field anomaly relaxation), Option Development
and Option Evaluation (OS/OE) applications by the Parmenides Foundation (Ger-
many), and MORPHOL computer program by Michel Godet.
7. ’Cross-impact analysis’ was implemented in the FL sphere by Michel Godet
(SMIC and PROB-EXPERT applications) and the Battelle Memorial Institute
(IFS application or Interactive future simulation using Monte Carlo simulation).
8. ’Modelling’ includes trend impact analysis (TIA method by Ted Gordon), sen-
sitivity analysis and dynamic scenarios, which are a combination of scenario
development and system analysis using causal models.
Separately, it is possible to note the integrated approach to scenario planning of
Inayatullah, the developer of causal layered analysis (CLA), which covers ’the used
future’; ’the disowned future’; ’alternative futures’; ’alignment’; ’models of social
change’; and ’uses of the future’ concepts of futures thinking. [26]. He also suggested
ways to combine several FL procedures, namely macro-history, scenarios, futures
wheels, integral futures, and emerging issues analysis, to improve the efficiency
of conducting and the quality of scenario planning results. It is worth mentioning
Schwartz’s eight-step scenario building model and Schoemaker’s ten-step model,
Dator’s scenario approach of four archetypes, and its modifications, for example,
Bezold’s aspirational futures, Slaughter, Hayward and Voros’ integral framework for
scenario development, List’s flexible scenario network mapping (SNM) approach
[51]. Since there are so many procedures, models, and approaches to develop different
types of scenarios, some FL researchers call this field "methodological chaos" [51].
In general, it is customary to distinguish three schools of approaches for the
development of scenarios, which are associated with two geographical centres, the
UK/USA and France [45]. Thus, the first two are attributed to ’the American’ centre
12 Michael Zgurovsky, Serhiy Nayev et al.

of scenario planning, and the last one to ’the French’ (further in detail, based on
research [51]):
1. ’Qualitative’ school of intuitive logic or "Shell approach" [52]. A method based
on the fact that the decisions made are complexly dependent on the interrela-
tionships of economic, political, social, resource and environmental factors. The
resulting scenarios are sequences of events built with regard to causal processes
and decision points. There are many models for building scenarios of intuitive
logic, but the SRI methodology is most often used.
2. ’Quantitative’ school of probabilistic modified trends (PMT-school), which uses
trend impact analysis and cross impact analysis. These matrix methods include
probabilistic modifications of extrapolated trends. The most popular procedures
and applications in this area are, already mentioned, IFS of the Battelle Memorial
Institute and SMIC by "La Prospective", as well as INTERAX by Enzer from the
Center for Future Research of the University of Southern California.
3. The French school "La Prospective", which is an integration of two previous
schools and based on four concepts, ’base’ (analysis and scanning of the current
state of the object), ’external context’ (study of the environment of the system, that
is, external social, economic, environmental, political, national, and international
factors of influence), ’progression’ (simulation based on the dynamic ’base’ and
constraints of the ’external context’) and ’images’ of the future [53]. Michel
Godet developed a mathematical and computer-based probabilistic approach for
generating scenarios, the best-known implementations of which are now widely
used as web applications, MORPHOL and SMIC PROB-EXPERT.
The most popular quantitative methods used in scenario development include
INTERAX, SMIC, IFS, TIA and fuzzy cognitive maps [51].
It should be noted that the further into the future the foresight study tries to
"look", the less useful quantitative procedures are and the more preference is given
to qualitative FL procedures. However, any FL project or, more narrowly, the foresight
process is built on a flexible combination of widely used, specialized and unique
techniques [54], such as network analysis and the network format of data presentation
in a particular system foresight [55] or the construction and analysis of families of
scenarios based on many previous FL-projects of other researchers using a unique
qualitative iterative method [56], or the use of global databases [57], or the creation
of participatory perspective analysis for the co-development of scenarios [58].

6 Foresight Studies in the Countries of the World and in Ukraine

Activities in the field of foresight and, in most cases, the use of the scenario approach
in foresight studies differ in actions, coverage and level in countries of the world.
For example, Great Britain (Foresight Programme), Singapore (Risk Assessment
and Horizon Scanning system), the Netherlands (Horizon Scan Project), Finland
Scenario Modelling in the Context of Foresight Studies 13

(Finnsight forum), and other countries and the European Union have achieved sig-
nificant development in the field of national strategic foresight [59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64].
As for Ukraine, in 2012, experts of the WikiCityNomica, the organizing com-
mittee of the Human Capital Forum, and the Kyiv Business School conducted a
foresight study of "Human Capital of Ukraine 2025" with the involvement of a wide
range of experts and entrepreneurs [65]. The researchers attempted to determine
the main trends in the transformation of Ukraine’s human capital and developed the
four most likely development scenarios ("Totalitarian corporation", "Mafia", "GM
society" and "Kaleidoscope"), as well as strategic project initiatives that can become
a factor of change [66].
In 2014, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, with the support of financial and
industrial companies of Ukraine (Group DF, SCM and Smart-Holding), the study
"Scenarios of the economic development of Ukraine" for the period until 2030 was
presented [67]. As part of this strategic foresight, three alternative scenarios ("Start-
ing a virtuous cycle", "Back to the future", and "Lost in stagnation") were developed
based on such factors as the institutional environment and the external economic
situation. The ways of their development and the consequences of implementation
were determined. The study covered three stages - synthesis of opinions of interested
persons (about three hundred experts), scenarios development and discussion of the
consequences of scenarios and actions necessary for the implementation of a certain
The World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development based
on the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was created in 2006, which con-
tinued and expanded the FL research [68], in particular, based on the modelling of
sustainable development processes, and performed the following foresight studies:
• Foresight of Ukrainian Economy: mid-term (2015–2020) and long-term (2020–
2030) time horizons [69];
• Foresight and construction of the strategies of socio-economic development of
Ukraine on mid-term (up to 2020) and long-term (up to 2030) time horizons [70];
• Foresight 2018: systemic world conflicts and global forecast for XXI century [71],
and others.
A key component of research [68, 69, 70, 71] was scenario modelling, along with
the use of SWOT analysis and the Delphi method. For example, within the frame-
work of "Foresight-2016" [70], eight scenarios of the socio-economic development
of Ukraine until 2030 (Fig. 5) were specified using the methodology of scenario
modelling and SWOT analysis, and an expert study of the socio-economic segment
of society’s development was carried out, the presence of human capital capable
of carrying out preferred transformations, and fifty main actions of the govern-
ment were formed in the form of a strategy for socio-economic development in the
medium and long term. The advantage of these studies is comprehensiveness from
the point of view of the three-pillar model of sustainable development, systematicity
and repeatability.
However, it is not so much the scenario modelling or foresight research based on
it that is crucial but the implementation of the research results and their influence
14 Michael Zgurovsky, Serhiy Nayev et al.

Fig. 5 Scenarios of social and economic development of Ukraine on the mid-term (up to 2020)
and long-term (up to 2030) time horizons

on the further development of the evaluated system. Thus, in 2012, Dirk Meissner
[72] attempted to analyze the impact of national foresight studies in OECD countries
and the European Research Area on the development of national innovation systems
and concluded that the contribution of foresight to the development and change of
innovation systems is significant.
The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the need for FLA tools usage for
better preparedness, coordination and response to future infectious threats. Thus, in
2022, the World Health Organization launched its 1st foresight report, “Imagining
the Future of Pandemics and Epidemics” [73]. Since the beginning of the pandemic,
a lot of FL studies different in scale and techniques were conducted in this field.
The coronavirus pandemic development scenarios developed by the scientific team
of the COVID-19 Foresight project of the World Data Center for Geoinformatics
and Sustainable Development should be mentioned [74]. These scenarios helped
answer the questions of how the Ukrainians are going to live under the pandemic
conditions during the months to come, how the world and Ukraine will change after
the pandemic is over, and when can it happen. Since the time that the COVID-19
pandemic began, the COVID-19 Foresight project presented short-term COVID-19
forecasts and about twenty foresight studies, "Impact on economy and society" [75],
"The middle phase of development" [76], "Transition to the phase of pandemic
attenuation" [77], "Fourth stage of the quarantine measures weakening" [78], "Ex-
acerbation during the adaptive quarantine" [79], "The rise of the pandemic at the
school year beginning" [80], "The World transformation after the COVID-19 pan-
demic, European context" [81], "Analysis of the vaccination impact on the pandemic
attenuation in Ukraine and the World" [82], "COVID-19 waves analysis caused by
Scenario Modelling in the Context of Foresight Studies 15

Fig. 6 Comparison of real number of infected (blue color) with predicted by a forward perceptron
neural network distribution (red color) of the Delta variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in August-
December 2021

Delta and Omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2" [83], and others. The COVID-19
Foresight project team focuses on predicting the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic
using neural networks: back-propagation neural network, long-term memory neural
network, multilayer perceptron-type neural network. Fig. 6 shows an example of
using a forward perceptron neural network to predict the spread of the Delta virus
SARS-CoV-2 in August-December 2021.

7 The prospects for the Use of Artificial Intelligence for Forward

Looking Research

As can be seen from the previous case of the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g. Fig. 6), the
use of artificial intelligence for foresight and scenario development looks promising
[84, 85], from machine learning to natural language processing applications for
policy- and decision-makers.
The Kyiv School of mathematicians and system analytics considers artificial
intelligence (AI) as a branch of computer linguistics and informatics. AI deals with
the formalization of problems and tasks similar to human actions. At the same
time, this powerful tool should not replace a human in thinking and creativity
but only serve a human. This Ukrainian scientific school carries out a cycle of
fundamental theoretical and applied research in the field of the theory of artificial
and computational intelligence, neural networks, and their practical applications.
The main results of these studies are presented in a series of monographs [86, 87,
88, 89] and analytical reports of the World Data Center for Geoinformatics and
16 Michael Zgurovsky, Serhiy Nayev et al.

Sustainable Development, located at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The Kyiv scientific

school concentrates its efforts on the artificial intelligence area, which is commonly
called computational intelligence (CI). This is a set of methods and software tools
that are designed to solve problems using formal apparatus and logic of human
mental activity, namely qualitative and intuitive approaches, creativity, fuzzy logical
conclusion, self-learning, classification, pattern recognition, etc.
The structure of CI consists of two components: technologies (neural networks;
fuzzy logic systems; fuzzy neural networks, evolutionary modelling) and meth-
ods and algorithms (learning methods; self-learning methods; methods of self-
organization; genetic algorithms; swarm and ant algorithms). The applied tasks
of CI include forecasting; classification and recognition of images; cluster analysis;
data mining. Considerable attention of The Kyiv Scientific School of mathematicians
and system analytics is paid to wide practical application and improvement of the
classic back propagation neural network, recurrent neural networks with feedback
(by Hopfield and Hamming), and neural networks with Kohonen self-organization;
to fuzzy logic systems and fuzzy neural networks.
The use of hybrid neural networks [88] for solving practical problems is very wide,
from the task of classification in medicine [90] to intelligent system of distribution
of road traffic flows. In context of FLA the task of forecasting and decision-making
is an important, e.g. in the conditions of attacks on the civilian population and fires
(evacuation plan). One of the cases is the problem of optimal exit of people from
complex buildings (big offices, multi-story shopping and entertainment centres).
One of the practical problems that scientists of the School solved in the field
of modern economics was the problem of forecasting the risk of bankruptcy of
corporations in conditions of uncertainty. Fuzzy neural networks were used to solve
this problem. The results of predicting bankruptcy risk using different methods for
26 companies that later went bankrupt show that the classic methods of Altman
and Nedosekin gave a prediction accuracy of 61% and 81%, respectively, and fuzzy
neural networks – 90%.

8 Conclusion

In this paper, an attempt was made to show the place of scenario modelling among
the methods of FL studies. Some classifications of scenario types are presented,
from simple quantitative-qualitative to six subtypes and van Notten’s typology. The
unification problem of approaches to scenario planning and the development of
different types of scenarios is highlighted based on Bishop and Hines’s categorisation
of scenario development procedures.
Attention is paid to the experience of using scenarios in national foresight studies
with a focus on Ukraine’s background, the World Data Center for Geoinformatics
and Sustainable Development in particular. Scenario modelling, SWOT analysis and
the Delphi method in the context of sustainability concept are key tools for foresight
studies of the Center in areas of the socio-economic development of Ukraine, world
Scenario Modelling in the Context of Foresight Studies 17

conflicts and global development processes. The contribution of scenarios to the

development of the government’s actions is shown. The COVID-19 Foresight project
team of the World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development also
has wide experience in foresight studies with the use of neural networks.
Prospects for the use of artificial intelligence in the field of FLA are considered.
The latest achievements of the Kyiv School of mathematicians and system analytics in
the field of computational intelligence are presented and their application for solving
practical problems, including cases of forecasting in the conditions of attacks on
the civilian population and forecasting the risk of bankruptcy of corporations in
conditions of uncertainty.


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