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Professor W. S. Milner
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1. THE design of this book is to meet the requirements of an English student of Italian
rather than those of an Italian student of English. The English-Italian vocabulary is merely
for the practical convenience of English-speaking people who may have occasion to speak or
write in Italian. Obsolete words have therefore been excluded from this part of the book.

2.Geographical names which differ in the two languages have been entered in alphabetical

order among the ordinary words.

3. The sources drawn upon have been as follows. For marine and engineering matters
the authorities utilised are the marine and technical dictionaries of Dabovich, Guglielmotti and
Paasch, the last named of which is distinguished by a beautiful series of plates. The names of
land animals otherwise unknown to me have been ascertained by taking the scientific names
given by Bulle and Rigutini and looking these out in Baird's Cyclopaedia of Natural Science,
those of birds in a similar way by comparing the scientific names in the list of birds in the
Manuale del Cacciatore, one of the series published by Hoepli, with those in Morris's British
Birds, those of fishes directly from Dabovich, and those of plants from the Catalogo poliglotto
delle piante by the Contessa di San Giorgio. The bulk, however, of the volume is of course
occupied with general literature, and has been compiled from Petrocchi (Dizionario universale
delta lingua italiand), Tommaseo and Bellini {Dizionario italiano, in eight quarto volumes), Bulle
and Rigutini (Italienisches-Deutsches WorterbucK), and Rigutini and Fanfani {Lingua italiana
parlatd). From one or another of these all the idioms and illustrative phrases are taken, most
of them being from Petrocchi. Occasional use has also been made of most of the dictionaries
enumerated in the list below.

4. meaning of obsolete words are given, generally speaking, without

Illustrations of the

specifying their sources, but on account of the position held by

Dante in Italian literature
reference to canto and verse. References
quotations from the Divina Commedia are followed by
are also supplied in a few other cases when the interest or peculiarity of the word seemed to
make this desirable, as in the instance of the word Capere.
5. It may be convenient to set out here the method pursued in arranging the information
presented. The head word, together with any variants in its spelling and with any obsolete
variants in a parenthesis, is followed by m. or /. to mark its gender, when a substantive, and by

a statement of its etymology in another parenthesis when this can be given with suitable
brevity, as mentioned below. This is followed by an exposition of the meaning or meanings
and of the principal idiomatic phrases in which the word occurs.

6. Obsolete and local words are distinguished by an asterisk and dagger respectively, and
the obsolete or local meanings of words which in some senses are still in general use, as well as
the corresponding idioms and phrases, are similarly distinguished and in addition are numbered
in Roman numerals i, ii, the current phraseology being separated into sections with Arabic

numerals i, 2, 3.... This numbering is purely for convenience of reference, and is not intended

to imply that the word in question has so many different senses. Where a word represents
one or more words really different in origin the article upon it is divided into separate parts

distinguished by Roman capitals A, B, C.... This separation, however, is not carried into the
account of the obsolete uses of a word for instance, Granata. ;

7. be noticed that apart from the distinctive characters of the head words in their
It will

alphabetical order, there are two sizes of print throughout the dictionary. The larger of these
has been used for those words which will be most looked for, and the smaller type for the rest.
In the latter category are included all obsolete and local expressions and technical terms, words
which are immediate derivatives of other words, such as substantives in -amento, -atura, and so
on, known as verbal substantives, as well as adjectival substantives and verbs and adjectives
formed from substantives, and also words which are practically identical in Italian and English.
The local terms are marked with a dagger, as stated above they are for the most part Tuscan, ;

and Petrocchi's collection of them seems to be a fairly full one. They are distinguished by him
according to the districts where they are in use, but it did not appear necessary from the point
of view of the present book to state these localities.
An intermediate size of type has been employed for the Anglo-Italian vocabulary.
8. The derivatives above referred
together with their sub-derivatives and all the
" "
diminutives, augmentatives, peggiorativi and so on, which are so abundant in Italian, when
the alphabetical order makes them follow their primary, are marked with the abbreviation Aff.
(affiliated), and as a rule it is left to the common sense of the student to see their meaning ;

there is really no more reason for giving a separate translation of a word like Borbottamento,
a verbal substantive of Borbottare, to stammer, than of, say, Borbottano, the third person
plural of its present tense. Such groups of words might perhaps have been labelled Derivatives,
but sometimes, as for instance under the word Platino, they include compounds partly formed
from other words left untranslated because the second element is practically identical with a
corresponding English word and sometimes they are sub-derivatives ;
thus both Causare and
Causazione are in this book affiliated to Causa. Sometimes, again, an word is from a
Latin original ;
thus Flatulento from the Latin flatulentus, 'not from Flato, the word to which

it is affiliated. The abbreviation Aff. is therefore to be taken to indicate that the words against
which stands are for the most part left untranslated, and that their
meaning is then to be
ascertained by reference to the preceding head word. A
slight departure from alphabetical
order has sometimes been made with words of this class for instance, a verbal substantive in

-amento affiliated to the corresponding verb in -are follows instead of preceding it.

9. The same principle of leaving out unnecessary translations has been followed with
the head words where the Italian and English are sufficiently similar no one would look ;

out such a word, for instance, as Educare, since it obviously means Educate. The abbrevia-
tion as E." has been employed in these cases, and may be regarded as indicating that the
word is employed in thesame way as the corresponding word in English. Words of this
character might really be omitted altogether; it is,however, just possible that a dictionary
might be consulted by a person wishing to know if there was such a word in Italian as Educare.
For this reason no uncompounded word has been intentionally excluded from the book which
could possibly be met with in an ordinary newspaper as Italian, with the
exception of purely
technical terms of science which have been included
only where the of the Italian meaning
expression might not be self-evident to an English master of the science concerned, or where
there is some feature of special interest in the word or its derivation, No
e.g. Lucilia.
English doctor or chemist could possibly fail to see the meaning of such terms as Pericardite,
Trimetilamina, or wish to see them translated into their English dresses as Pericarditis,
Where an Italian word and its English equivalent have the same variations of

meaning no notice of such variations is taken, however widely the several meanings may differ
from each other. Thus Caso, like the English Case, means grammatical case, legal case, chance,
circumstance Piede, like Foot, is used for a foot of a verse.
The context would make it
clear what sense was intended, whilst, if in some peculiar instance it was not clear, the setting
out of the various possible significations in a dictionary would make the matter no clearer.

11. In some the explanation is given in Italian, and in

instances of obsolete words
all such casestranscribed from
isPetrocchi. The reason of this is that it is not always possible
to tell without the context what is intended, but anyone using the dictionary to find the

meaning of a word will have a context before him, which will probably make the matter plain.
Examples will be found under Cofoggiata, Cofollo, Daghesciare.

1 A1J changes of spelling are not given

2. many words are spelt variously with double

or single consonants such as Commento or Comento, seam in the deck of a ship, and with
or without a final e, like Agon or Agone, the gar-fish, but it is hoped that all variations are
entered which are necessary to enable any word to be found.


13. A supplied to the head word in all cases where it seemed desirable
tonic accent is

to indicate the pronunciation, that is, to the majority of words other than verbs in -are or
-ire, of more than one syllable. The hard and
soft s and z are distinguished by having a dot
over them when they has the sound of an English z, and z of dz, the undotted z
are soft ;
thus s

being pronounced ts and the undotted s hard as in this.' These dots are only given to the

head words, not where the s or z occurs in any of the illustrative phrases, and the same rule
" " " "
has been followed as regards the tonic accent. The open and close pronunciation of the
vowels E and O is indicated in the head words by a grave and acute accent respectively.
No marks of accentuation, except on a final vowel, have been supplied to the obsolete words.

Diminutives and other accessory forms.

14. There
is a great variety of these in Italian, indicated in the text by abbreviations

corresponding to the meanings. Of these abbreviations dim. for diminutive and augm. for
augmentative speak for themselves, \>\A pegg., scherz., spreg. and vezz., which stand for Italian
words with no simple English equivalent, may need a little explanation. A peggiorativo,
that is a word with a suffix of this, so to say, pejorative character, in Italian usually -accio,
denotes a bad quality of the primary, as Ragazzo, boy, Ragazzaccio, horrid boy scherz., for ;

Ital. scherzando, means that the term is used jestingly spreg., for Ital. spregiante, indicates;

contempt or disparagement and vezz., for Ital. vezzeggiativo, denotes endearment or some kind

of prettiness.
It may be remarked here, a propos of diminutives, that when a word has two diminutives,
viz. in -ina and -ino, the termination -ino indicates the smaller of the two, and both of them
are in many cases not only of a diminutive character but also are vezzeggiativi." Thus
Ragazzino is marked in the dictionary dim. vezz., i.e. dear little boy. All these suffixes can
be freely piled upon one another, as Abatucciaccio, marked dim. spreg. pegg., meaning something
like horrid dirty little abbot," Fratacchione, marked augm. pegg. scherz., meaning that it is a
term employed jestingly for "great lout of a monk," or something of that sort. Almost the
entire set of such formations will be found under the word Donna.


15. Every principal word, the source of which has been traced by philologists, has its
derivation stated shortly in a parenthesis preceding its explanation, unless the interest of the
word or of its connections is such as to justify a longer account. Where this is the case such
an account has been appended in small type. The most complete account of Italian etymology
is that by Prof. Pianigiani, whose book on the
subject is accordingly the one chiefly followed
here, but extensive use has also been made of Korting's Lateinisch-Romanisches Worterbuch,
Walde's Lateinisches etymologisches Worterbuch, Prellwitz's Etymologisches Worterbuch der Grie-
chisctien Sprache and Skeat's Etymological English Dictionary, whilst the other
books mentioned below have occasionally been consulted.
16. Where there is an English word, or words, akin to the word under discussion the
immediate parentage and connections of the Italian word are briefly given, coupled with a
reference to Skeat for readers desirous of more information. Such references may be taken
as being made either to Prof. Skeat's Concise Etymological Dictionary, Oxford 1901, or to the

1910 edition of his larger etymological dictionary, except where specific reference is made to
the latter.

17. All Italian words in ordinary use are discussed by Pianigiani, but there are a consider-
able number of obsolete or technical terms, especially seafaring terms, which are not touched

upon by any writer and which there seems to be no cognate form in any other of the Romance

languages. nothing can be said about the derivation, and the observation
In such cases
which occurs here and there in the present book that an etymology is doubtful or unknown
is to be taken as shewing that though the word is discussed by the authorities no definite

is obtainable, the etymology given being only guess-work, not indeed the wild
history guessing
of former days, but still guessing.
The derivation of words of learned formation from Greek has been given only in a few
exceptional cases where it could not readily be traced by anyone with a smattering of Greek by
reference to a Greek lexicon.
1 8. A word marked thus (Z.) is to be taken as derived from an almost exactly similar
word in Latin, with the implication that little or nothing is known of its remoter origin. Thus
Sanie is from the Latin saniem, accusative of sanies, but nothing is known of the origin of this.

19. An commonly used by etymologists to mark a word, the former existence

asterisk is

of which can be inferred from known forms, though it may not be found in any author whose
writings have come down to us. In the Romance languages many words occur which point
clearly to a Latin original of this kind. Such hypothetical forms are marked in the present
book with a double asterisk, a single asterisk having been appropriated as above stated to words
occurring in old Italian authors but now obsolete.
20. The algebraical signs >, <, are employed to signify "source of" and "derived from"
respectively, after the example of Prof. Skeat.
cannot pass on without expressing the great

I was under to Prof. Skeat for the unfailing kindness with which he replied
obligation personally
to numerous questions on knotty points and saved me from many mistakes.

In referring words to a Latin original, the nominative case has been generally used,

though the actual source of Romance words is not the nominative but the accusative. It
seemed more convenient to give the reference in this way to a word which would be found in a
Latin dictionary by its nominative, and could not mislead, since no one would suppose that such
a word as Vindice would be from Vindex rather than Vindicem.



22. No pains have been spared to make the book as accurate as possible, but mistakes
must inevitably have crept in, the correction of any of which will be gratefully received. The
work was begun in the autumn of 1906, and the first draft completed in the spring of 1911 its ;

aim throughout is the practical one of explaining only what needed explanation for an English
student, not that of presenting a thesaurus of the Italian language. The book is not written
for children a competent knowledge of English in the reader is assumed but it is framed to
; ;

cover the requirements of a beginner, and anyone should be able to make out the meaning of
ordinary Italian books by its aid, as soon as he has obtained some rudimentary knowledge from
a grammar. Lastly, I wish to express my best thanks to Signorina Bianca Castelli, who has
acted as my referee on all points where it seemed desirable to have the assistance of a native
of Italy.

January, 1915-



Italian, like the other Romance languages, French, Provengal, Spanish, Portuguese,
Roumanian and sundry dialects less widely spoken, is a modified form of ancient spoken Latin,
but has embodied in itself considerable accretions from Germanic and other sources, introduced
by invaders from the north and off the sea. It is, in fact, the nearest of these languages to old
popular Latin, or Folk-Latin, as it what one would expect from the
has been called, which is

fact that Italy was the home of Latin. In tracing the etymology of a word, it is often the case
that we can take it back to a Latin or Old High German original, but no further; these
languages form a wall behind which it is frequently impossible to go so as to reach the
primitive root. The loose way in which Italian was developed out of popular ungrammatical
Latin is well illustrated by the numerous feminine substantives formed in the singular number
from an original neuter plural, e.g. Battaglia from Battualia.


is quite different from the

Italians make use of stops in a way which sometimes way in
which they are used in English, and it desirable for an English reader to be on his guard

upon this point. An illustration is given under the word Punteggiare.


All words are pronounced as they are spelt. As regards the accentuation this is indicated
in the book as stated in the Introductory remarks, 13, but there are one or two general rules
which a student may find it convenient to bear in mind. The termination -ano in the third
tenses of a verb has the a short, -ano, the stress
person plural of the present and imperfect
falling upon the antepenultimate, as Erano, they were, Mandavano, they were sending. But
-ano as the termination of a substantive generally has the a long, -ano, as Milano, the city
of Milan, Pastrano, cloak. It will be found also that derivative words ending in -olo, or with

the Florentine pronunciation -uolo, which express implements, occupations, or trades, have the
accent on the penultimate, and the o open," as Fumaiolo, smoke-stack, whilst words in -olo of
other descriptions are accented on the antepenultimate, as Bossolo, box.


To the rules in the grammars may be added that scientific terms in -ite are feminine.

First person plural of verbs.

There a usage, which to an English person seems curious, of substituting the indefinite

third singular for the first person plural, as Noi si dice, for Noi diciamo, we say.

Sequence of tenses in a conditional sentence.

When the verb of the protasis is in the perfect tense, the past conditional must be used in
the apodosis even though it refers to future time, as, If he went to France he would get what
he wants, Se fosse andato in Francia avrebbe trovato ci6 che vuole. To make the simple
conditional admissible the protasis must be taken out of the perfect tense, as Se andasse in
Francia troverebbe cio che vuole. When the protasis is in the perfect the exact meaning of the
Italian phrase might be ambiguous in the absence of a context, viz. either If he went to France
he would get what he wants, or If he had gone to France he would have got what he wants.

Etymology of the open and close E and 0.

be found that an open E in Italian corresponds to a Latin E and a close E to a

It will

Latin Similarly an open O corresponds to a Latin O, and a close O to a Latin U.

I. For the
meaning of the terms open and close see the Dictionary at the beginning of the letters E and O.

Italian suffixes.

The might be expected, nearly all of Latin origin, as -accio and -azzo,
Italian suffixes are, as
< L. -aceus, -uccio < L. -uculus, -aggio < L. -aticum, and amount altogether to several hundreds.
A very few are Germanic, as -ardo, explained on p. 47, -ingo, meaning "son of" or "descended
from," e.g. in Casalingo. It would be beyond the scope of these stray notes to deal with the

subject of suffixes in any detail, but a word or two by way of illustration is subjoined.
The suffixes of the Indo-European languages fall into two main classes, those with a
definite meaning and those without one. The force of the latter is quite vague, expressing mere

relationship with the stem or root of the word. Thus the Latin testitnonium consists of the stem
testi-with three indefinite suffixes, mon, io, m
(of which the last, being substantival, ought
perhaps to be ranked as definite), and means thing having to do with witnessing," that is,
"evidence." The piling up of suffix upon suffix does not seem to add anything more than
would have resulted from the use of only one. Definitive suffixes, on the other hand, are often,
possibly always, the addition of an element from another root, and add something to the
meaning of the stem, as -bruin in Latin, see -bro, p. 101. To this class also belong the suffixes
which form the grammatical inflections of words; thus from the stem ama-, in Latin, are formed,
by addition of the suffixes o, s, t, meaning I," "thou," "he," the words amao (contracted to
amo), amas, amat, I love, thou lovest, he loves.
Word-formation of this kind not only contributed to the development of languages in pre-
historic times but is seen in the inflections of the Romance languages thus Amero, the future of

Amare, is for an earlier Ameraggio, = L. Amare habeo.

A list of English suffixes, many of which are also Italian, is given in Chambers' Twentieth
Century Dictionary, 1907 edition, p. 1154.


1. Baretti's dictionary. Last revised in 1854.
2. Bulle and Rigutini, Italienisches-Dentsches Worterbuch, 1902.
3. La Crusca, Vocabolario, still in course of publication.
4. Dabovich, Technical and Marine Dictionary in Italian, German, English, and French, 1884 1900.
5. Darchini, in French and Italian, no date given, but about 1905 the best small dictionary of the

kind yet published.

6. Edgren, Italian-English and English- Italian Dictionary, 1904.
7. Fanfani, Vocabolario, 1865.
8. Ferrari e Caccia, in French and Italian, no date. A useful book.
9. Florio, Queen Anna's World of Wordes. Now rather rare, published in 1611, full of curious
and interesting old English words.
10. Guglielmotti, Vocabolario marine e militare, 1889.
M. Lessona e A' Valle, Dizionario di scienze, lettere e arti, 1882.
12. Melzi, English-Italian and Italian-English Dictionary, 1906.
13. Millhouse and Bracciforti, English- Italian and Italian- English Dictionary, 1906.
14. Paasch, Dizionario di Marina, in English, French, Spanish, German, and Italian, with illustrative
plates, 1908.
15. Petrocchi, Novo
dizionario universale, 1906.
16. Premoli, Vocabolario nomenclatore, 1910, illustrated.
17. Rigutini e Fanfani, Vocabolario italiano della lingua parlata, 1871.
1 8.
Salveraggio, Vocabolarto illustrate della lingua italiana, 1908.
19. Sergent, Nuovo Vocabolario italiano domestico, 1869.
20. Sergent, Nuovo Vocabolario italiano d' arti e mestieri, 1869.
21. Stokes, A
Pocket Dictionary, no date, about 1906.
22. Tommaseo e Bellini, Dizionario della lingua italiana, 1865.
23. Tommaseo e Rigutini, Dizionario dei sinonimi, no date, about 1875.

The above is of course by no means exhaustive.

list But, though it seems a fairly long one, it contains
no book which very convenient for an English student of Italian language and literature; how far the

present writer has succeeded in compiling one from the materials afforded by these works is for critics to say.


1. Brachet, Etymological Dictionary of the French Language, translated by G. W. Kitchin, 1882.
2. Bre"al et Bailly, Dictionnaire dtymologique Latin,
3. Diez, Etymologisches Worterbuch der Romanischen Sprachen, 1869.
4. Hatzfeld et Darmesteter, Dictionnaire gMral de la
langue Franc_aise, 1890.
5. Kluge, Deutsches etymologisches Worterbuch, 1905.
6. Korting, Lateinisch-Romanisches Worterbuch, 1907.
7. Littre, Dictionnaire de la langue Fran^aise.
8. Pianigiani, Vocabolario etimologico della lingua italiana, 1907.
9. Prellwitz, Etymologisches Worterbuch der Griechischen Sprache, 1905.
10. Schade, Altdeutsches Worterbuch, 1882.
n. Skeat, Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, 1910.
12. Skeat, Concise Etymological Dictionary, 1901.
13. Walde, I.ateinisches etymologisches Worterbuch, 1906.
14. Zambaldi, Vocabolario etimologico italiano, 1889.

For Arzillo read Arzillo.

Insert Automobile f. ; motor-car.

For Buzzuro read Buzzurro.

Under Carcere, insert m. or f., only / in //., m. in sense of imprisonment.

For Casone (B), read Casone.
Under Codino 2, add the translation "pigtail."

Under Crespolina, for Carrapecchia read Canapecchia.

Insert Flemmasfa f. ;
febrile inflammation.

Insert Maggioritk / ; regimental staff.

Under Meccanica, Aff., for -ico, -ismo, read -o, Meccanismo.

For Parazzo read Parazzo.

Under Pignoratario, delete "pawnbroker," inserting "bailiff."

InsertPodismo m. marching.

Under Rompicapo, add the meaning "severe task."

For Vocabulario, read Vocabolario.

A. e M. ; Arti e Mestieri. etym. etymology. ; lit.; literal, literally.
absol. ;
absolute. euph. i. euphemism. ;
2. euphony. liter.; literary, in literary use.
adj.; adjective. Ex.; Exodus. Lith. ; Lithuanian.
adv.; adverb. ext; extension.
Aff.; affiliated, see Introductory re- m. ; masculine.
marks, 8. f. feminine.
M. E.; Middle English.
agric. ; agriculture. fam. familiar term.
M. H. G. Middle High German. ;

Amer. Ind. ; American Indian. fig.; figurative, figuratively. Mach. Machiavelli. ;

anat. ;
anatomical term. fortif. ; in fortification. mar.; marine term.
antiphr. ; antiphrastic, using a word Fr. ;
French. math.; mathematical term.
ironically to mean its direct opposite. freq. frequentative. 1 1 is to be observed
med. medical term.

anton. ; antonomasy, using a term which that the frequentative form of a verb metall.; in metallurgy.
points to the thing intended, instead is in effect a mere diminutive. mil.; military.
of the proper word for it. fut. ;
future. min.; in mineralogy.
arch.; architectural term. mlt.;medieval Latin, see p. 331, Latinita.
archae. archaeological term. ; genealog. genealogical term, ;
mus. in music. ;

Ar. ; Ariosto. geogr. geographical term, ; myth.; mythological term.

art.; article. geol. geological term,

art ill. ; term of artillery. geom. geometrical term. ;

n. ;
as E. ;
see below, E. Germ.; German, neg. ; negative.
astr. ;
astronomical term. glassm. in glassmaking. ;

astrol. ;
in astrology. goldsm. ; goldsmith's term. O. Fr. Old French. ;

augm. augmentative. ; Gr. Greek, ;

O. H. G. Old High German. ;

augm. vezz. augmentative con vezzo, ; gram.; grammatical term. orig. ; origin, originally.
meaning a nice big thing of its kind. Orl. Fur. ;
Orlando Furioso, the poem
harnessm. harnessmaker's term, ; by Ariosto.
B. and R. ;
Bulle and Rigutini, in their hatm.; in the hat-making trade, ornith. ; ornithological term.
Italian-German dictionary. herald. heraldic term, in heraldry.

B.C.; before Christ. hist.; as an historical term, paint.; in painting.

bit.; base Latin, popular spoken Latin hydraul. ; in hydraulics, Par. ; the Paradise of Dante.
of late date, say, later than the 5th hyperb. ; by way of hyperbole. part., parts. ; participle, participles ; the
century, A.D. term has been extended in this book
Bocc.; Boccaccio. i.q. ;
idem quod, the same as, see below, to include the gerunds of verbs.
bookb. term of bookbinding. ; under the sign =. pegg. peggiorativo. pegg. vezz. peg-
; ;

bootm. term of boot-making. ; ichth.; in ichthyology. giorativo vezzeggiativo, a kindly sort

hot.; botanical term, in botany. id. ; idem, the same. of "peggiorativo," as Burlonaccio,
butch. butcher's term. ; imit. imitative, formed by imitation
abominable joker, see Introductory
of natural sounds, a mode of word- remarks, 14.
chem.; in chemistry. formation sometimes called onoma- perf. ; perfect.
cogn. ; cognate to. topceic. perh. ; perhaps.
collect. ; collective term. imperf. ; imperfect. pers. ; personal, belonging to human
com.; commerce, commercial term.
in ind. ;
indicative. beings.
com. leg.; term of commercial law. indecl. ; indeclinable. pharm. ;
in pharmacy.
cond. ;
conditional. Inf.; the Inferno of Dante. phys. ;
in physics.
conn.; connection, connected. inf.; infinitive mood. pi.; plural.
cook. in cookery. ; init. initium, beginning.
; Sub init., poet.; poetic, poetry.
corr. corruption, corrupted.
near the beginning. pop.; popular.
cp. ; compare. intens. ;
intensive. Portug. Portuguese. ;

interj. ; interjection. prep. preposition. ;

D.; Dante, intr. ; intransitive. pres. ; present tense.

desid. desiderative. ; iron. ironical, in irony.
; print.; in printing.
dim., dim. vezz.; see Introductory re- It., Ital.; Italian. priv. ; privative.
marks, 14. prob. probable, probably.

diz. ;
dizionario. jewel.; jewellers' term. prov. proverb. ;

dub.; dubious. Provenc..; Provencal.

Korting ; the etymological dictionary of Purg.; the Purgatorio of Dante.
E., as E. English, used as in English,
; the Romance languages (in German),
see Introductory remarks, 9. in relation to Latin, by Prof. Korting. q.v. ; quod vide, which see.
e.g. exempli gratia, for example,

ecrl. ecclesiastical term,

; L. Latin, see Introductory remarks, 18.
; rep.; republic,
eel.; eclogue, Ib. libra, pound weight,
; repet.; repetitive.
emph. ;
emphatic, leg.; legal term, in legal phraseology.
esp. ; especially. Lex.; Lexicon. S. ;
sailm. sailmaker's term.
; theat.; theatrical term, zool.; in zoology.
Sanskr. Sanskrit. ;
theol. in theology, ;

sb.; substantive, see below, vbsb. tr. ; transitive,

sc. ; scilicet, that is to say. transl. ; translation. + ;
plus, together
scherz. scherzando, see Introductory
= ;
is the equivalent of. As used in
remarks, 14. scherz. augm., an the explanatory text the sign implies
unkn. unknown, that the word under discussion,
augmentative used jestingly.

usu. usually.
seq. et sequentia, and so on,
; and the ;
though not obsolete, is obsolescent
rest of it, what follows. and unusual, and is the equivalent
sing.; singular. in meaning of the commoner word
v. vide, see, refer to.
In the etymology =

Span.; Spanish. var. ; variant. following it.

spreg. spregevole, spregiante, indicat-
; vb. verb. ;
means either "borrowed from," or
ing disparagement, see Introductory vbsb. verbal substantive, substantive
"corresponding to." Thus Seppia
remarks, 14. formed regularly from a verb. is derived by regular development

square. from the Latin sepia, but when this

sq. ;
vet. veterinary term.
stated to be = Gr. <rrj7rla the

sub. substantive. is
vezz.; vezzeggiativo, endearing, see In-
sub fin.; sub finem, near the end. meaning intended to be conveyed is
troductory remarks, 14.
sub init. sub initium, near the begin- vit. that the Latin word is not native
vita, life.

ning. viz.; videlicet,

in Latin,but borrowed from Greek.
subj. ; subjunctive. But the sense of " = " in the etymo-
vulg. ; vulgar, low.
superl.; superlative. logy of Schiappare is simply that of
surg. ; surgical term. corresponding to." Common sense
syncop. syncopated, a syncopation of
Walde ;
the Latin etymological diction- and the context will show which
or from. ary (in German) by Prof. Walde. meaning is intended.
Wallach.; Wallachian. >, < these algebraical signs are used

T. and B. ; the dictionary by Tommaseo watchm.; in the watch-making trade. to denote "source of" and "derived
and Bellini. Wtbch. ; Worterbuch, dictionary. from respectively.

*. Words so marked are obsolete or at least not in common use.

f indicates a word of local, generally Tuscan, use.

**. The double asterisk is used in the etymology to indicate theoretical or hypothetical forms, the
existence of which is evidenced by known forms, see Introductory remarks, 19.
A/; .; the letter A.
rarely Essere Abba-chfno m.; dim. -co. Far gli bark. 2. fig. to make an outcry.
3. of
all' be at the beginning. Dall' -
to -chini, to begin arithmetic. a bad singer, to yell. 4. dalla fame,
alia zeta, from beginning to end. Rifarsi dalla sete, to be perishing (lit. barking)
Abbachista m.\ one who makes silly
dalF to do one's work again from the with hunger or thirst.
calculations. 5. alia luna,
beginning. *arithmetician, accountant.
al vento, i.e. with no result; Per me
A ;
prep. (L. ad, akin to A.S. czt > E. Abbacin-are ind. abbaci'no; i. to
con tutta le vostre maldicenze abbaiate
at), to, by, at, etc. casa, at home. alia luna, as far as I am concerned, with
blind with a red-hot Bacino, q.v. 2. to
cavallo, on horseback. mente, by all your abuse, you are
wasting your
injure the eyes by excessive light. 3. fig.
heart. Oggi otto, in a week's time. breath. 6. Non trovar un can che
to blind (the judgment). 4. part, -ato,
Tiro quattro, team of four. A', contr. of eyes, dimmed by disease of glass, abbai, not to find a dog to bark at him,
of Ai, to the. ;
i.e. to be utterly neglected, or of a
dulled of light, dim
; of inscriptions
Abaca/; a species of plantain, MUSH textilis,
or writing, worn out or faded.
woman to receive no offer of marriage.
from which Manilla hemp is obtained. Aff.
Abacchio v. Abbacchio. ; -amdnto. 7. prmi. E' v' abbaia la volpe, it is there
A'baco m. (L., r<. Abbaco); (arch.) abacus, a that he is barking at the fox, i.e. it is a
*i. to obscure a lesser light
greater. II sole by a
level tablet on the capital of a column
supporting the nascendo abbacina le stelle, the rising sun extin- dangerous place.
guishes the stars, ii. part, -ato, deprived of a friend
*Abaday!; an African animal mentioned by early
by death. Abbaiata/; i. prolonged baying, or
perhaps the rhinoceros.
of several dogs at once. 2. shouting of
Abadalillare; = Stare a bada,
v. Bada. A'bbaco ;.; i.
calculating frame, the
Abadessa v. Badessa. street boys after a person. 3. severe
abacus Pythagoricus. 2. board strewn
*Abadia; ?/. Abbazia.
Abalienazidne/j with sand on which to draw figures, scolding. 4. hooting an actor or
(leg.)zs E., the act of trans-
ferring the title to property. used by the ancient mathematicians. singer.
t Abalociare; Abborracciare, to bungle. Abbai-atore, .atorcllo dim.,
3. art of counting.
-attira, -atrice,
Abac m. (hist.) the
Capitano del popolo in the 4. school of arith- -atura, vbsbs. of -are.
Genoese republic (said to be a corr. of Abate). metic. arithmetic book; Far 1'
5. ,

Abdte (Abbate) m. (L. abbas < Gr., to do arithmetic. 6. skill in Abbalno m. (contr. of **Abbadino,
<Syriac abba father) I. abbot. Parere ;
or intelligence generally Aver
poco ;
place of observation, Abbadare) < ;

un padre i.e. to be to be stupid Ti ci vuol 1' i. sky-light. 2. garret window.

very fat. 2. priest.
, ?, is cleyer-

3. one of the secular clergy. 4. semi-

ness wanted for this?, i.e. can't you Abbaio m.; barking.
narist, one in training for ordination. understand ?
Abbaio in.; multiplied barking.
Aft. Abat-accio /*-., -mo dim,, -dne augm.,i.e. Etym. L. abacus (<Gr. a/3a|, ajSaKot, slab), the
an Abate either personally big, or wealthy; -<5nzolo b being doubled as usual. Abaco with one b is taken Abbai6ne m. quarrelsome fellow, ;
f'gf-, -ucciaccio Jim. spreg.pegg.,.u,<xx> dim. spree., direct from Latin writers on architecture, so that this
, =Fare

-ucolo dim. pegg.

brawler. Far 1 il
baione, to
spelling is used for the architectural abacus, v. Abaco.
AT)avo m. (L.) great-great-grand- cry out at.
; Abbac6n-e ;., -a/; idle dreamer, *
Abbaire = Sbigottirsi, to be alarmed.

father, in//, ancestors. v. Abbacare. Abbaliare (It. balia); to put out to nurse.
Abbac-are ind. Abbadare ind. t Abbaliciare = Abborracciare, to bungle.
talk or
abbaco; to abbado; pop. for Badare, to

think aimlessly, to the thoughts
let * Abbaliare to roll
to spend a long time in consideration. (It. balla); up
wander abroad. Aff. -amento. *Abbad-essa *-ia; v. Bad-essa, -ia. for packing. 2. to talk nonsense.
t Abbaccare = Saltare, Accavalciare. Abbagli-aggine, -ame'nto ; vosos. of -are.
Abballinare ind. abballino (var. of
Abbacchi-are or Bacchiare (It. bac- Abbagli-are ; (A) (perhaps from a Abbaliare); to turn up the mattresses so
chio, club); I. to knock down fruit, bit.form, **nd-bar-lucolart!, v. Bagliore, as to air the bed.
esp. nuts or olives. 2. le acerbe e Sbagliare an alternative would be

Abballott-are (It. ballotta); i. to

le mature, fig. to act without discrimi- **ad-variculare); i. to dazzle or intr.
be dazzled. handle roughly, toss about. 2. -arsi, of
nation, behave with no regard for 2. (paint.) to deaden
melted iron, to cake into lumps. * to
decorum, make love to young and old. (colours). 3. -arsi, to lose clearness of
to sell too cheap, to waste one's vision; Mi si abbagliano gli occhi, my
submit (names) for voting upon. Aff.
to on eyes are getting dim ; *-arsi, to be mis- -amdnto, -atura.
property. 4. marry (a girl) off
any terms. taken. Abbollottfo tn. i.
prolonged ill ;

*i. = Sbatacchiare, *(B)(It. bagaglio); to wrap up.

to beat.
= Sbigottire,
bang about, ii. =BasMn.ire, usage. 2. rough dancing. Dopo un

humbled, depressed.
to terrify, iv. part, -ato,
Abbaglio in.; = Abbagliamento,
i. quarto d' ora di quell' fu messa su
Aff. -ame'nto, -ata, bang. All' -ata, like a lunatic, dazzling. 2. fig.
= Sbaglio, mistake. la quadriglia, after romping like that
anyhow; -atura, the knocking down fruit or the for a quarter of an hour they arranged
season for doing it. Abbaglfo in. ; severe or continued
Con questo a quadrille.
Abbacchio (Abacchio) m. dazzling. d' occhi non
lamb, ;
tAbballucciare; i.q. Abbaliciare.
when killed and dressed ready for c' e modo ch' io
possa leggere, my eyes t Abbaluccicare = Abbag!iare, to dazzle.

have become so dazzled that I cannot t Abbaluginare ;
to begin to feel sleepy.

read at all. *Abbambagiare ;= Imbottire, to quilt.

Etym. Prot.zcorr.olL,.miicula(~>**i>vacula),
dint, of ovis, sheep ; the alteration of form
may be Abbagliore m. ;= Bagliore, glare. Abbambinare ind. abbambfno to ;
due to the influence of Abbacchiare, the lamb being Abbai-amento
considered as killed by a blow from a club. For mis
m.; vbsb. of -are. move heavy logs or stones by twisting
v. Skeat, sub Ewe. Abbaiare (imit., cp. bit. baubari, old them on their ends, as if teaching a
Abbachicr-e m., - = Abbachista. Fr. Fr. aboyer, E. bay); i. to
/. ;
baier, baby, Bambino, to walk.
Abbambolato (It. bambolo, baby); Abbatacchiare ; strengthened form of Abbac- Etym. Cogn. Fr. abreuver, <old Fr. abevrer,
of eyes, half-closed, heavy with sleep, chiare, to knock down. Proven^, and Catalan abeurar, Span, abrevar <blt.
**ad-biberare<\<. bibere, v. Bere.
usu. Ammammolato. Abbatt-ere per/, abbatte'i, part. *
Abbeverato m. ; dregs.
Abbampare; = Avvampare, to blaze up. abbattuto (It. battere with prefix a
Abbanc-are ; to stretch out (hides) for dress- = L. to throw down. 2. to Abbeyeratdio m.; i. cattle-trough.
* ad} ;
2. Caccia catching birds by
ing. Imbancare, to fit a boat with thwarts. Aff. ,
fell (trees). to overthrow. 4. of a
-atura. 3.
spreading bird-lime along their drink-
door or window, to put to, partly to
Abbandon-are ind. abbandono; i. to 6. to be
ing places.
shut. 5. to discourage, -ersi
*Abbli.; = Abbicd.

abandon. 2. to drop. 3. to lay down -

alarmed, lose courage. in, to
(arms). 4. to forfeit (caution money). Abbiabbe m. Essere all' to be ; ,
meet by chance. 8. a vedere, to
-arsi: 5. to give oneself up for lost.
bene or male, learning to spell, lit. to say A, B Ab ;

6. of workmen, to become slack. happen to see. 9. Essere sempre all' never to get
7. to ,
to have good or ill fortune in marriage
let oneself fall. Part. -ato. 8. foundling. or getting into some employment, etc. beyond the beginning.
9. in pi. Gli -ati, the foundling hospital t Abbiaccare; to squash with the foot.
* -arsi, 10. impers. Se
abbattesse che, if it s'
formerly existing at Florence. should happen n. {mar.} to that.... Abbiad-are; to break a horse to oats,
to permit oneself. D. Inf. 2. 34. after being out at grass ; Ben -ato, in
cast, to fall off. 12. --in carena, to
Etym. Cog. old Fr. and Proven9- battdon, per- good condition.
mission, authorisation old Fr. a bandon^ at liberty.
heave (a ship) down, to careen her.
Cp. bit. bandum, a proclamation ; Gothic, banvjaH^ *to abate, deduct. g~To feed with oats is Biadare.
to show by signs; O. H.G. ban, proclamation; akin *Abbiato 7. ; i. = Prova. ii. = Abbiabbe.
to L. /ama, root bha, to say. Abbattififeno m. ; trap-door in a hay- Abbic-are ind. abbi'co (It. bica,
Abbanddno m. ; i. abandonment. loft.
sheaf) ;
to pile up.
2. Lasciare in to neglect, leave to , Abbattim4nto m.; i. -vbsb. of Ab- *-arsi, to cling. Sinche alia terra ciascuna s" ab-
bica, each one grovels on the ground. D. Inf. 9. 78.
chance. 3. Correre or Fuggire in , battere. 2. representation of a battle
to run helter-skelter. on the stage. Abbiccl m. ;
i. A, B, C. 2. an
Abbarattare ;=Barattare, to barter. Abbattuta/; (mar.) casting, falling oft". *i. fall alphabet mounted for hanging on a
of trees. ii. (mil.) breastwork of trees, abattis. wall.
Abbarbagli-are, strengthened form Jig. defeat.
Abbicocca_/T; = Albtcocca, apricot.
of Abbagliare to dazzle. Aff. -ame'nto,
Abbattuto; \.part. Abbattere. 2. as Abbientare = Abilitare, to qualify.

-o,freq. s6.
adj. looking poorly. Abbiente
(L. habens, v. Avere); own-
Abbarbic-are ind. abbdrbico (It.
Gli -i e i non -i, the haves and the
i. to strike root, -arsi:
Abbatufol-are ;
i. to make up into ing.
barba, root); have-nots.
become a pad, Batufolo. 2. to tangle. 3. -arsi, *capable.
2. to rooted. 3. to hold on by
to scuffle. Abbiettare; (A)z/. Abietto. (B) to affix Bictte,
fibres, as ivy. 4. of any passion or * wedges.
Abbavagliato;=Tmbavagliato, muffled up.
vice, to take firm hold. Aff. -ame'nto. A'bbavi HI. baobab tree, Adansonia dzgitatct.
; Abbigliam6nto m. ;
Abbarc-are (It. barca); to heap up. Abbazi-a (Abazia) f.
Aff. -atura. or convent. 2.
*i. ornament on a dress, ii. decoration of a
* Abbarrare =
to bar up.
abbacy, abbotship. theatre, iii. Jig. rhetorical ornament.

3. revenue of an abbot. Aff. -iale.

Abbaruff-are i. to Abbigliare (Fr. habiller, lit. to make
(It. baruffa);
make 2. to come
Abbecedario m. ; ABC Book, v. habile L. habilis, presentable) to dress
untidy, rumple, -arsi
; ;

Abecedario. smartly.
to blows, scuffle. 3. of the sea, to get
"Abbellare; i. = Abbelltre. ii. to be pleasing. *
i. to put tidy. ii. to decorate.
rough. 4. to squabble.
Aff. -amento, -io. i.
scuffling. 2. disorder. Abbellim^nto m. ;
i . vbsb. of Ab- Abbigliatura / style of dress. ;

Abbassaluce HI. *>K/r/.; =

ParaIume, Ventola. in
bellire sense, v. Abbellitura.
Abbiglio in. setters., a poor sort of ;

(It. basso); i. to lower,
2. in the printing of vocal music, sign smart dress.
either as a whole, e.g. a sail, or, by of what is called in German Koloratur, *Abbinare; i. to join into a pair. ii. to sort into

removing the top, e.g. of a wall. 2. to runs, trills, etc. pairs.

reduce the price of, or intr. to fall in Abbell-ire (Abellare, Abellire) ind. Abbindol-are ind. abbmdolo ;
I. to
price. 3. to diminish the reputation -isco (It. bello) i. to embellish. deceive, to humbug (a person), -arsi :

to take down 2. of a rope of a well, etc., to

of. 4. Allo scoppiare ; 2 - fig- to embellish (a tale), or in get twisted
della guerra 1' ambasciatore -6 le armi, up. 3. fig. to be perplexed v. Bindolo.
questionable fashion to embellish (an

on the outbreak of war the ambassador * to wind

excuse with to adorn -irsi (the skein) upon the bobbin.
lies), :
took down his insignia from the front oneself. - d' una cosa, to take AJf. Abbindot-ame'nto, -ato>a, -atrice, -atura
4. trick.
of his house. 5. to strike (a blow). what you like from a large store ; Sono to cluck like a hen.
tAbbioccare; i. ii. avvil-
6. to send down (an order) to the andato alia libreria e mi sono -ito, I X irsi, to feel weak.
servants. Also intr. 7. of clouds, to went to X
the bookseller's and got all Abbiosciarsi ;
i. to become languid,
come down low. 8. of a river, to drop, I wanted C' e da Bioscio to lose spirits. of plants,
fam., there is
; ^/. ; 2.
after a flood. Aff. -ame'nto.
heaps of it.
AJf. -itore, -itrice. to droop.
f. r. v. -are. 2. a measure of ihe
m Jig.
*to give in, give up the struggle, t of snow, to
amount of work done at a loom. Abbell-itura/; vbsb. of -ire
Abbass-at6re m. i. v. -are. 2. (anat.) de-
sense, embellishment of a
story, v. tAbbirucciarsi; to scuffle.
pressor muscle.
Abbasso adv.; below. Stanza d' Abbenche conj. pop. for Benche, though.
Abbisciatura (It. biscia, snake); /
(mar.} range of a cable chain, that part
, ;

room in the basement. Giu la scesa, *Abbendare; i.

=Bendare, to tie up. ii. =
further down the slope. il
Affollare. which lies ranged on the deck.
cappello, tAbberlinare; Abbisognare = Bisognare, to need.
to confound, distract.
take off your hat. tiranni, down
i Abbertescare (It. bertesca); to fortify. Abbittare ; (mar.) to bitt (a
cable), v. Bitta.
with tyrants. In the last two phrases
Abbever-are ind. abbeVero i to ; .
Abboccamento m.; i. interview.
Giu is better Italian.
water (cattle). 2. Jig. Tu m' -i di 2. (anat.) anastomosis of blood vessels.
Abbastante ad~u.\ pop. for Abbastan/a. * hostile encounter.
assenzio e di fiele, you are giving me
Abbas tanza adv. I.
enough. 2. be- wormwood and gall to drink, i.e.
fore an = Piuttosto,

bitter news to hear.

Abbocc-are ind. abbocco (It. bocca) ;
adj. some-rather, to 2. of a course of action
what. 3. Aver to have had enough, *i. to stupefy with drink, ii. to overwhelm
i. snap up.
to snatch at.
with.... iii. to fill (a mould) with molten metal, 3. to seize with the jaws
i.e. too much, of a
thing. iv. to irrigate, v. to taste (a beverage), vi. altrui of any tool. 4. to fit (two mouth-pieces)
Abbastare pop. for Bastare, to suffice.
; d' una
cosa, to make him acquainted with it. -arsi :
Abbastonato (arch.) of a pillar, ridged, the vii. = Imbeversi, to be saturated, together. 5. to place the mouth of a
; viii. to quench
ridges being laid on to the general surface. one's thirst vessel in position for pouring out. 6. to
fill to the brim. 8. of a Abbondanza f. abundance. *i. overflow of (It. bottino); i. to make prize of
7. to re-fill.

water, public stores of grain,

ii. iii. the adminis- in war. to plunder,
ii. iii. con, to divide the
boat capsizing, to go gunwale under. tration of the same. spoil with, -arsi : iv. to mutiny, v. di, to be an-
9. to fix (a nail) but not hammer it *
Abbondanziere m. ; official of the public stores. noyed at. vi. da, to separate oneself from.
* =
Abbott olare; i. Abborracciare, to work care-
down. 10. of a river to fall (into the Abbondare ind. abb6ndo (L. abun- ii. to roll (a man) over.
sea or another river). dare, to overflow < ab, unda, wave) ;
Abbotton-are ind. abbott<5no to
-arsi : 1 1. to an interview.
have i. to abound. 2. tr. to overwhelm ;

button up (Uomo) -ato, Jig. close, re-

12. di, to come to an agreement with a flood of words.

about.... (mil.) to come to an
engagement, to
13. Abbond6n-e >., -a / ; one wise in
Abbottonatura /. i. buttoning.
his or her own conceit.
Part, -ato 14. brimful. :
15. of a 2. set of buttons. 3. line along which
bottle, with the rim unbroken. 1 6. pers.
Abbon-ire ind. -isco (It. bono) ;
i. to buttons are placed.
pacify. 2. to bring (land) into good =
ready to eat anything, -ato e segnato, Abbovinare ; Imbovinare, to
with an extraordinary appetite this ;
order. Quel pesco aveva un carico
spread manure.
di pesche, me n' ha -ite dieci, that peach
expression was formerly applied to Abbozzacchiare to make useless
bottles filled and sealed. tree was loaded with peaches, it has ;

17. open to V. Bozzacchio.

the influence of a good dinner ; hence, ripened ten of them. schemes,
Abbozzachire;=Imbozzacchire, to shrivel.
generally, open to a bribe. 18. of wine, Abb6no or Abbudno m.
Abbozzam^nto m. = I mbozzamento,
; passing
sweet. So also as s6., vino che ha Un an account as correct. 2. discount ;

a wine that is too sweet. allowed off an account. bringing the broadside to bear.
troppo , 3. start, handi-
Abboccato /. sweetness, v. Abboccare ;
(18). cap v. Abbonare.
Abbozzare ind. abbozzo (A) (It.
Abboccatdio m. mouth of a furnace. *
Abbordabile I. to sketch out. 2. (mar.)
; accessible, affable. bozza) ;

Abboccatura f.\ i. vbib. of Ab- the laying a

= Bozzare, to stopper (a cable).
Abbordaggio in.; i.
boccare. joint or meeting of the
ship alongside of another. 2. boarding (B); to put up with things because
segments of a folding door, or pair of in a sea-fight. one must. Con prepotenti di quel
3. affability.
shutters, or of a door with the door- genere bisogna che abbozzi, when you
Abbord-areind. abboVdo (It. bordo); have to do with such powerful people
post. 3. the liquid added to that in a
1. to lay a ship alongside of another,
jug to fill it up, v. Abboccare (7). you must put up with what they do.
- del esp. in battle. 2. pers. to accost, go up
Similarly, when friends are wrangling,
4. pane, part of a loaf not to. 3. -arsi, of ships to come into col-
baked through, from having been too * Abbozzate, abbozza, Come, leave off
lision. to approach
near the mouth of the oven. 5. that (a question), quarrelling, lit. put up with what you
discuss it.
are saying of each other.
part of the contents of a sack which is *
Abbordellare to make a brothel of.
near the mouth. 6. flour that first
Etym. In this sense the word goes back ulti-
comes from the mill-stones. 7. flour Abb6rdo m. the laying a ship i. mately to the same source as Abbozzare (A), but
seems more immediately akin to It. Buzzo, belly,
that remains in the mill La farina ha ; alongside of another,either in a sea-fight, /.-.-.. so that the literal meaning is, as we say, to
avuto buona, o cattiva, or accidentally from bad seamanship, stomach an affront.
the flour has ,

or dragging the anchor, with a collision Abbozz-ata, rough sketch, -atamente, -atore,
met with good, or bad, residue in the -atrice, -atura ; v. -are (A).
mill. in consequence. 2. Andare all' , to
Abbozzatfccio i. sketchy. 2. as ;
*i. rim of a jar. ii. mouth of a river, iii. calli- approach the admiral's ship for orders, sb. sketch supposed to be finished but
pers, an instrument for measuring the calibre, e.g. of or to approach an enemy's ship of ;

a ball. looking half finished.

superior force in obedience to his
Abbocch^vole ; of little stability, v. orders. 3. readiness of speech ; Sehti
Abbozzicchiare ; to make poor
Abboccare (8). che see what a ready talker he is
, ;
Abbocconare; to cut up into raouthfuls,Bocconi. Uomo di grande loquacious man , ; Abbdzzo m. (O.H.G. butze, hump;
Abboddire (cp. A.S. bodig> E. body); to cram
with food. Quel professore e di molto ma il through Bozza, q.v. rough hewn stone) ;
Abbombare = Inzuppare, fondo si trova presto, that professor Un
: to moisten.
sketch, roughly formed model.
(It. bonaccia); to calm. AJf. makes a impression fine but at first d' uomo, a deformed man.
Abbon-amento m. ; vbsb. of -are. you soon get to the bottom of him. Abbozzolarsi ind. m' abbozzolo ; of
4. Uomo di facile affable man, easy ,
Abbon-are ind. abbono; (A) (It. of access. Di or Sul primo at flour, etc., to cake (lit. toform a cocoon,
5. ,

bono) to verify (an account or

i. v. Bozzolo).
first sight, on first impression.
bill). to recognise as accurate, usu.
Abbordone m. who Abbracciaboschi m. honey-suckle,
with neg. ; Non te 1' dev' essere una ; chatterbox, one ;
calunnia, I do not believe it of you, it
willaccost people familiarly whom he Caprifoglio.
= Abbracciaboschi.
t Abbracciadonne m.
hardly knows.

must be a slander. 3. to allow a dis- Abbracciafusto ;//. ; sessile leaf, without stalk.
count. 4. -arsi, to grow calm. *i. to Abborracciare (Abalociare, Abbali- Abbracciamento in. ; prolonged embrace.

improve, ii. to pacify. ciare, Abballucciare) (It. borra, borrac- Abbracci-are i. to em brace, i.prov. ;

(B) (Fr. abonner<u\& Fr. abourner, cia) tr. or intr. to work hurriedly and
Chi troppo -a meno stringe, who em-
consequently a var. of aborner< borne badly e.g. of a schoolboy, to do a
braces too much clasps little, i.e. he
boundary, and cognate to bit. abonare, careless exercise of a priest, to hurry ;
who attempts too many businesses suc-
abonnare, to mark out land, also to over (a mass). ceeds in none Abbraccerebbe questo ;

redeem feudal rights, so that the lit. *t. to stuff with poor wool. ii. to eat or drink mondo e quell' altro, he would embrace
meaning of abonner is to prescribe regardless of how or what. this world and the next, i.e. wants to
AJf. Abborracci-amento,-atamente, -attire, -atrice,
limits) ; to take a season ticket for (a
-atura, -<5na, -onaccio, -<5ne.
have a hand in everything. 3. San
person) ; Ragazzi, se state savi v' abbono Pietro, to deny Martino or 1' orso, ;

al teatro, if you are good, Abborracclo m.; i.

perpetual hurry. to drink too much.
my boys, I
once and doing
will take a season ticket for you at the
2. doing many things at *-arsi, to fight.
*-ato, sustained, supported.
theatre. them badly. Ajf. Abbracci-atdre, -atrice, -<5ne, -dna person
Abborrare; i. to stuff with fluff, ii. to amplify who attempts too much at a time, -ucchiare to em-

AbbonatO m.; season-ticket holder. overmuch, v. Borra. brace amorously.

Abborrire v. Aborrire.
(Subscriber to a newspaper, Fr. abonnt, *
Abboscato =Frondoso.

Abbracciata / i. hasty embrace. ;

is Associate.) *Abbotire(It. boto); to take a vow. 2. embracing all round of numbers of

i. = Abborracciare,
Abbonazzare = Abbonacciare. Abbottacciare ; to work
carelessly, ii. to believe blindly. people.
Abbottamento m. increase of weight in flour Abbracciat 6ie /. fl. watchmaker's nippers.
Abbondant-e; abundant. Tremiglia \ ;
* *
(through absorption of water). Abbracci-atoio nt.\ wrestling-ring. -atura,
-i, three good miles. Aff. -emdnte. *
Abbottarai to swell out, like a cask, Botte.
; /. armful.

I 2
Abbrumato *Abenay! (L. habena); bridle.
Abbraccio m.; embrace. ; (mar.) worm-eaten, v. * Abentare
(L. a vento, out of the wind) ; to calm.
Bruma (B). Aff. *Abento, a calm.
Abbracclo m. repeated embraces, ; Aberddnta Aberdeen. ;

or embraces of many people. Abbrun-are; to drape with black *

Aberenunziare; to renounce (a Latinism from
Bruno. (Lettera) -ata, the baptismal formularies).
for mourning, v.
of lovers, to be Aberinto tft. pop. labyrinth.
Abbracciucchiare ;

Aff. -ame'nto. Aberrate (L.); to err, to deviate.

too demonstratively affectionate. Aberrazidne/. i. error. 2. (astr.) aberration ;

Abbraciare (Abbragiare, Abbrasciare, Abbra- Abbrun-ireind. -isco (It. bruno) to ; of light. 3. (medj irregular action of
some bodily
siare) (It. brace); to make red hot. ii. fig. of
i. make or become brown. Aff. -ime'nto. organ.
* tribes.
love. * Abbrusc-are Aberrigeni ; wandering
=Abhnistolire. ii. -arsi, to be
; i. *
Abesto v. Asbesto.

Abbranc-are (A) surly. **

Abetaia f. = Abetina.
; (It. branca, claw); t Abbruschino w.; = Tostino, coffee-roaster.

to seize, -arsi, to cling fast. Abbrustiare = Abbruciacchiare.

Ab6t-e or pop. -o in. abies)
(L. ;

(B) (It. branco, herd); to collect in Abbrustol-ire (Abbrostire, Abbros- i. (hot.} fir tree. 2. fig. ship. 3. rud-
a drove, or of galley slaves, to chain der.
tolare, Abbrostolire, Abbrustire, Brus-
together. ind. -isco (**ad-per-ustulare Varieties of
fir : (a) bianco, silver fir, Picea
t Abbrancolito numb with cold. dim. of **its/are, pecthiata (b) rosso, spruce fir, Picea excelsa ;

* Abbras-ciare or
-iare; v. Abbraciare.
where ustulare is

balsamifero, Canadian balm of Gilead fir, Abies

to burn) i. to singe
Abbrevi-are ind. abbrevio (L.); as E. Aff. freq. of L. itrere, ; balsamifera ; (d) bianco del Canada, white spruce,
-amento, -atamente, -ativo. Abies alba (<) del Canada, hemlock spruce, Abies
(fowls), toast (bread), roast (coffee). ;

Abbrevi-atdre /. i. vbsb. of -are. 2. secre- Cftnadensis ; (_f) nero or americano, American

to burn (meat intended to be only

tary at the Vatican chancery. These officials made 2. black spruce, Abies nigra.
themselves so obnoxious that the office was abolished roasted). Aff. -fta sb.
by Paul II in 1466 but was re-established later. Abet^lla f.\ \. fir cut down and
Abbrevi-atrice, -atura, -aturina, dim. vezz., Abbrut-ire ind. -isco ;
to brutalise. trimmed. 2. scaffold pole.
azione, v. -are.
Abbrezzare (It. brezza); i. to feel cold. ii. to Aff. -ime'nto. Abetfello in. ;
dim. Abete.
be caught by the breeze. Abbucciato; of cheese, with a hard rind.
Abetia J. ;
= Abetina.
* to whisper abroad, v. Bucinare.
Abbuccinare ;

Abbriccagnolo m. (It. bricco, in sense t Abbucinare ; to deafen with shouting. Abetina (Abetaia, Abetia)
* = Abetella.
/ ;

of projection, broken off, cp. Abbric- Abbui-are (It. buio); I. to darken. forest.
care iv.) i. anything to climb up by,
; 2. fig. to hush up. 3. -arsi, to become i. sb.; dim. Abete.
Abetlno; 2.
such as a projecting hook. 2. excuse gloomy, either lit. of the weather, etc., or made of deal. * (wine) flavoured with
alleged for the purpose of escaping fig. of a person's temper. Aff.
-ame'nto. fir needles.

punishment. 3. any tree-creeping bird, Abbuna nt. (Arabic word meaning our father, *Abezzo w. = Abete. ;

such as the nut-hatch, woodpecker, etc. cp. Abate) ; head of the Abyssinian Church. * Abi
;;/.; Abbicci.
Abbudno v. Abbono.
; Abiatic-o m. (L. aviaticjis) i. grandson,
(It. bricco, fragment); i. to throw

tAbbricc-are Abburare = Abbronzare.

; ii. as atij.; Eredita -a, inheritance from the grand-
stones at. ii. un colpo, to deliver a violent blow, *Abburattai-o m., -a f. = Cruschino, person ; father.
-arsi to take root. iv. to take hold and
: iii.
who works the Buratto, bolting sieve.
climb up.
* Abietlna/; turpentine.
Abbricchin-o m., -a/ ; hanger on, spunger. (It. bu ratio) ;
Abburatt-are i. to
t Abbriccic-are (It. briccica); to trifle, -arsi, to sift to discuss, sift a matter
2. (L.); abject, low.
Abi6tt-o *humble.
climb. (meal).
t Abbriccichino m. i. tree-creeper (bird), ii. thoroughly. 3. uno qua e la, to send Aff. -amdnte, -dzza.
a person uselessly about ; -ato da Erode
tAbbriccico m. trifle.
Abiezi6ne / ; misery.
a Pilato, i.e. sent from pillar to post.

t Abbriccicdne *. one who makes ; i. his living Abigeato ;;/. ; cattle-stealing.

out of odds and ends. ii. meddler.
4. le parole, to choose words care- Abigeo in. (L. ab, agere); cattle-thief.
fully, allusion is implied to the Academy i. skilful. 2. legally
Abbrivare (L. abripare, to leave the "Delia Crusca" which has a bolting suitable.
qualified. 3.
bank, ripd); (mar.} tr. or intr. to get sieve for its emblem. 5. le questioni,
under way. Abbriva ! full speed ahead ! to discuss things ad nauseam. Abilita/. ;
ability. 2. Abilita a,
*i. to humbug (a person), deceive him. ii. to talk and Abilita di
general the former is
Abbrivid-ire (-are) ind. -isco; = Rab-

to lose the thread of one's argument.

pointlessly. iii.
a far questo, capacity to do this the ;

brividire, to shudder. Aff. Abburatt-amgnto, -atdre.

latter is particular di finir questo in ;

Abbrivo m. ;
l. way of a ship. Abburattata i the sifting of / ; .
tre giorni, ability to finish this in three
to go ahead applied, meal. 2. the bran that results from
2. Pigliare 1' , ; days. 3. (iron.) Dopo avergli fatto
miller's charges for the work. tante cortesie ha avuto 1' di dirmi
as in E., to many things besides ships. it. 3.
* Abbronciare
= Imbroncire, to be angry. ;
Abburatt6n-e HI., -a/; silly talker,
chesono uno villano, after I have
v. Abburattare shown him so much kindness he has
Abbronzacchiare; to scorch slightly. (i).
* Abbuttinarsi ;=Abbottinarsi, to mutiny. had the face to tell me that I am a
Abbronz-are ind. abbrdnzo (It. boor Bella what courage. 4. legal
l. to scorch. 2. to colour Abbuzz-ire ind. -isco (It. buzzo) ;
; ,

bronzo) ;

i. to cram to repletion. 2. of the sky, qualification. 5. faculty; Fate a quel

brown (without fire).
signore tutte le che desidera, give
-aticcio dim. to become cloudy.
amento, -ata, -atcllo dint.,
that gentleman every facility he de-
spreg. Abdicare or Addicare ind. dbdico sires.
i.v. -are. 2. rust,
Abbronz-atura/; (L. <ati, dicare= dicere, v. Dire); i. to
in plants. Abilit-are zW. abi'lito; i. to qualify;
abdicate. 2. a, to abdicate from, to
renounce. * to La Camera ha chiunque sa -ato al voto
Abbronz-ire ind. -isco to be sun- repudiate (a wife).
leggere e scrivere, the Chamber has

burnt. *-ito = Abbronzato, scorched. Aff. Abdic-atario, -azidne i. the act, 2. the docu-
* Abbronzo m. = ment of abdication. qualified for the franchise all who can
i. Abbronzamento, ii. the
discoloration of old paper.
Abdito; hidden. read and write, -arsi 2. to qualify :

yellow Abdollao in. Egyptian melon.

oneself (for some profession). So
Abbrost-ire, -olare, -olire; r/. Abbrustolire. Abduttdre in. (anat.) abductor muscle. 3.

without reference to any particular line,

Abbruciabile ; combustible. Abecedario or Abbecedario m.;
Quel giovane non si e ancora -ato, that
Abbruciacchi-are i. to singe, e.g. child's reading-book.
young man has not yet adopted any
a fowl after it has been plucked before *i. book arranged in alphabetical divisions, ii. in
pi. a section of the Anabaptists who deemed ignor-
boiling of very hot weather, to
it. 2.
ance of the alphabet necessary to salvation and seem
scorch (plants) ; the word is also used to have received this nickname on the "lucus a non
Abilitazidne f. ; qualification.
for the discoloration due to frost. 3. to lucendo principle, iii. child beginning its letters.
Abilm^nte; cleverly.
adj. alphabetical.
char (the surface of wooden stakes). Aff. Abele ; Abel. t Abinare ; Combaciare, to couple.
-amento. Abelire; v. Abbellire.
* Abindue ;
Abelmdsco m.
(Arabic word); (but. ) one of the Abisso m.
(L. Gr. afivtraos, bottomless < <a
Abbruci-are ;
to burn. Aff. -ame'nto. mallows, with an odour of musk. priv,, /3u<r(r6, depth); abyss.
Abissare ;= Inabissare, to sink. Etym. A
strengthened form of L. omasum, acche, to have a smattering of know-
Abitabile habitable. ;
bullock's tripe, which is prob. for **op-massom, where
Abitacolo m. i. dwelling. 2. (war.) binnacle,
; op- is akin to ops, v. Opulento, and -nuissotn to ledge.
compass box. (Binnacle is for bittacle, a corruption tnotlec, Hiadidus, wet. 7'. Walde, sub Omasum. t Accacchiare ;
i. = Acquattare, to cause to lie

of Fr. hal'itacte, which like Abitacolo is from L. /;<!/>/ Abomin-are ind. abomino as E. Aff. -azione, ; down. ii. to squander.
taculum.) -evole. Etym. L. ab-ontinari, to put away a bad
Abitante ;//.;
inhabitant. omen. Omen is<old L. ostnen, prob, akin to Gr. Accademia /. (Gr. oKaSrj/ma from
abito; i. to dwell, live; of men
Abitare ind. mo/""- to believe. the name of Academus who once owned
or animals. 2. con se, to live alone. 3. insieme, Abominio m. i.q. Aborainazione. ',

the piece of land near Athens where

to cohabit. Also tr. 4. to inhabit. 5. to populate. *Abondare; =Abbondare. tii.=Abbordare.

Paese molto -ato, a thickly inhabited country. iii. = Imbrogliare. iv. =Sbalordire. Plato met his pupils) i. the Academy ;

Efyin. L. habitare, freq. oWtabere, lit. therefore, Aborigene (L.) ; as E. of Plato. 2. academy generally. 3. meet-
to have frequent intercourse with a place.
Aborniello m.; (bot.) laburnum, v. ing place of an academy. 4. Oggi c' e
Abitato m. the inhabited ; part of a Citiso. the academy sits to-day. 5. school,

district. campi santi oggi si fanno

study from the nude.
*Aborrare; to err. esp. of art. 6.
fuori dell' burying grounds are ,
now 7. set reading, recitation, or public
kept outside inhabited localities. Aborrire (Abborrire) ind. aborr-o or musical performance. 8. In or Per
vbsbs. of -are. -isco (L.
Abit-at6re, -atrice, -azi<5ne ;
abhorrere<horridus, v. Skeat, , i.q. Accademicamente.
Abitlno m. i. dim. Abito. 2. a sub Horrid); i. to abhor. 2. intr.
AccadAmicay;; academy student.

sort of scapulary formed of two pieces da, to shrink back from. 3. pop. to Accademicamente; not seriously, academi-
of cloth with the figure of the Virgin scold, dress down. Accademico; i. Saggio academy essay.

fastened by two ribbons near the neck. Abort-ire ind. -isco (\..,<ab parlor, to arise; 2. academic, unreal. 3. academic generally. As
7'. Oriente); as E. Aff. -ivo, -o, sb. abortion.
sb. academy student.
4. 5. philosopher of the
AJ})ito/>i.(L. habitus, attire, <habere; tAbosino m. (forr. of Almosino Arabic al- < Academic school.
rtiesmas) ;=Susino, plum-tree.
lit. therefore, plight, state, specialised * Abraciare (Abragiare) Infiammare.
Accadre ind. accddo or *accaggio,
later into state of dress) ; i. suit of ;

Abr-adere -asione as E. ;
fut. accadro, per/, accaddi -cadesti,
clothes, dress, uniform ; Abramare
lungo, cas- Bramare. ;

part, accaduto (strengthened form of

Abrog-are ind. abrogo (L., v. Rogare); as E.
sock corto, clergyman's coat reach-
-azio'ne. Cadere) i. to happen. 2. to be
Aff. ;

ing down
to the knee ; Farsi un or
requisite, usu. with a negative Potrei ;
- complete, to ge.t a suit of clothes ; Abrdstin-e or -o m. (prob. a meta-
thesis from Arbustino); (bot.} wild grape,
aggiungere altre ragioni ma non accade,
Staccare un ,
to buy the material for I could adduce other reasons but there
a suit ; taglio d' Un material for one Vitis labrusca it has a use in wine
, ;
is no occasion.
suit. 2. smart dress,
a lady's dress, i.e. making. *
Accaffare (prob. <L. ad, caput, lit. to seize by
not a working gown. gentleman's the head, v. Caffo) ; i. = Ac-
3. Abrdtano m. or / (an Oriental caput^ becoming caffo
D. Inf. 21. 54.

coat. habit of a religious Order, chiappare, to seize, ii. to pilfer.

4. word, through Gr. dfiparovov, and very *
Accaggente ; suitable, v. Accadere.
cowl Vestire, Lasciare 1" to enter
(bot.) i. m. southern-
: ,
variously spelt) ;
or quit the Order. 5. i.q. Abitino. wood or old man, Artemisia abrolanioit, Accagionare accagidno (It
to accuse. * to
6. habit, habitual practice (usu. Abi- a herb used in Southern Europe in cagione) ; inculpate,
Far 1' - a una cosa, to - cause.
tudine) ;

accustom oneself to, acquire a taste

making beer. 2. / lavender cotton,
Accagiu or Acagiu in. ; (bot.) i. Porno d' ,

v. Crespolina. cashew nut, fruit of the cashew-nut tree, nacarttium A

for. 7. dell' arte, familiarity with occidentale the words Accagin, cashew, and Fr.
Abrotan6ideyC; one of the coral insects. ;

an art, mastery of its technique. 8. (med.) Abruzzi m. //.; a district to the east of Rome. acajou are from the native Brazilian name for the
A'bside (Asside) /. (Gr. ii^i's, 01^605, rim of a nut acaiit, the tree which produces it being named
habit of body scrofuloso, the scro- ;
acaiaba. 2. da farmacie, Siuietenia febrifuga.
wheel, hence any curved form ; ai/us oypaci'a, the
fulous habit. AJf. Abitone augni. vault of heaven ; <dirTiu, to fit); apse. *i. vaulting 3. da mobili, mahogany, Suiietenia Mahogani,
Abitual-e; habitual. Febbre continued over the choir, alsotermed Magogano, Mogano. 4. da tavole,
, ii.
episcopal throne in the apse, Honduras cedar, Cedrela odorata. della
fever. Grazia the abiding grace of God.
(tlieol.), iii. canopy over the high altar, now termed Bal-
Nuova Olanda, Eucalyptus robusta.
Aff. -mnte. *
Abitu-are as E. part, -ato, arrayed. D. Abus-are ; i. to indulge in excesses. 2. di
Purg. 20,. 146.

or -arsi di, to abuse, a person's kindness, to make

Accagli-are (It. caglio); to curdle.
Abituazidne /.; pop. for Abitudine. excessive use, as of wine. AJf. -amento, -atura. t-ata, curds.
Abitudinario m.\ man of fixed habits. Abusione /. ; overstrained metaphor, cata- Accalappiacani ;//.; dog-catcher.
chresis. *=Abuso.
Abitudine /. (L. habitude, lit. mode Abus-o ti:.', i. abuse, i.e. mis-use. 2. excessive Accalappi-are i. to catch with a ;

of behaving, <.habere) I. habit, custom. use. 'disuse. Aff. -ivame'nte, -ivo. 2. fig. to deceive,
snare, Calappio.
2. natural disposition, bodily constitu- ensnare. Aff. -atore, -atura.
Abuzzago (Abuzzagando, Bozzago,
tion. Some authorities regard Abitudine
Hozzacchio, Bozzagro, Buzzagro) m. (L. Accalcare (It. calca); to crowd (peo-
as simply a Gallicism for Abito, others
buteo); buzzard, v. Poiana. ple) together.
would use Abito for a habit that was
Acabbo; Ahab.
being developed, as in the phrase Far *
Acace / = Agata, agate.
Accaldarsi (It. caldo); to be heated
abito, to accustom oneself, and Abi- Acacia f. (L. <Gr. oxoxia, root ac, to pierce;
by violent exercise.
v. Acuto); (bot.) i. arabica, gum Arabic tree,
tudine for the fully formed habit. Acacia Arabia, also termed Albero da t Accallare ;=Socchiudere, to half-shut,
gomma t Accalognare; to calumniate.
arabica. 2. comune bianca, acacia tree, Robinia
Abituro m. ; hut, hovel, 'habitation
fieri rosei, rose acacia, Robinia.
Accalor-are or -ire (It. calore); pers. to warm
psfudacacia. 3. ^da with emotion or anger.
generally or of animals. kispida. 4. spinosa, honey-locust tree, Gledit-
Abiur-a scliia triacattthos.
/. (L.,<yj): abjuration. Aff. -are. Accampan-are ind. to
'Ablaqueare (L. word, root lac, hollow); to Acagiu m. ; cashew-nut tree ; v. Accagiu. accampdno;
clear the roots of a plant. Acalefi m. pi. (Gr. aaX^>), nettle); sea- train (vine-branches) into the shape
Ablasmare = Biasimare, ; to blame. nettles, jellyfishes, Acalephtr.
* of a bell, Campana, by bringing them
Ablasto ; infertile (egg). Acanino a word of unknown meaning, perhaps

Ablativo m. (L., v. Skeat ntb cruel. together and tying them up at one
voc.)\ ablative,
Essere all' assoluto, a punning phrase for being
Acanto m. (L., <Gr. axavQi), root ac sharp);
point, -ato, bell-shaped.
i. (bot.) acanthus, v. Erba (75). 2. the same
Abluente (med.) cleansing, abluent.
sculptured on the capital of a column.
A'caro m. (L.<Gr.,
Accamp-amento m. vbsb. of -are. ;

Abluzidn-e/: (L.,<abluo; luo is a contracted origin unknown); acarus,

form of lai'O, originally **ltrvo, cp. Gr. **Ao^w Aoiicu ;
mite. Accampare; i. to encamp. 2. fig.
for cogn. forms Skeat, sub Lather, Lye); i. wash- to set up (excuses)
Accampa certe

ing. 2. ritual ablution, esp. the dipping of the Acasciaio m.; acacia plantation. ;

he touches the ragioni da

ridere i polli, he is
priest's finger in holy water before Acatalettico (A) trt. (Gr.,<a prh>., KaraAap-
Host. Aff. -cella, dim.
ftavia, to grasp) one who holds that things are not
bringing out the most absurd argu-
Abneg-are ind. abnego : to renounce. Ajff. what they seem. ments, lit. such as to make the fowls
Abol-ire ind. -isco (L. abolere where *>lere (B) (Gr.,<d/ri7'.,KaTaAijy<u,to stop); complete
(verse). *
represents some lost word corresponding to Gr. Acattdlico non-catholic. to serve as an ensign to an army encamping.
oAAufu, to destroy) ; to abolish. Aff. -itivo, -izidne.
La vipera die i Milanesi accampa, the viper which
Abolla /
(L.); ancient soldier's cloak. Acca marks the Milanese camp, D. Purg. 80. But
Abomaso ni. ; Abomasum, the fourth stomach / ; i. the letter H. 2. fig. another reading here is, che il Milanese accampa,

in ruminants. for a mere nothing ; Saper quattro which the Milanese leader blazons upon his shield.
ind. accampiono (It.
Accampionare Accappiatura/; i.
running noose. Accattare (bit. **accaptare L. ad, <
i. to obtain by
campione); to register (a house or
i. 2. weaver's knot. captare,freq. of capio) ;

land) for assessment. 2. to register a

Accappiettare ind. accappidtto ; to begging, whether as a gift or a loan.
road for maintenance by the local 2. to collect (alms), esp. in church.
fasten a little string, Cappietto, on the
to stamp (a weight or intr. to be the collector, to go in
authority. 3. end of a stocking, handkerchief, etc., in 3.

measure) as correct. quest of alms. 4. by ext. lodi, to go

the wash, to distinguish it from others
Accamuffare = Camuffare. ; or to hang it up by.
in search of applause ragioni, to ;

Accanalare ind. accandlo i. to

ferret out excuses pretesti, to find

Accappon-are ind. accapp6no to be

pretexts. 5.
Esser ridotto ad ,
hollow out. 2. to dig out in the shape
cappone) ; i. to castrate, make a
reduced to beggary. 6. (aritkm.) to
of a canal. 3. (arch.) to channel, flute, capon of. 2. Far la pelle, to pro- "
borrow " in subtracting.7. to borrow
chamfer, i>. Scanalare and Scannellare. duce a cold shiver, -arsi, to shiver with
Accanare to set (a dog) on, either on the trail
invarious^, senses, as in E., e.g. of the
a feeling of goose skin. Aff. -atura.
of an animal, or to attack a beggar. moon, to borrow light of a language, to ;

Accaneggiare to worry. ;
Accappucci-are to put a hood ; i. borrow foreign words.
-ato, of a horse, carrying his
Accanimgnto m.; i. bitterness ;
on. 2. Accattatozzi
* Accat t eria
m. indecl. ; beggar.
he always head so that he is not under the control f. mendicancy by a sort of recog-
Lo perseguitb sempre con ,

nised order of beggars in the cities of the Middle

of the
persecuted him savagely. 2. obstinacy, bit.
extraordinary perseverance. Accaprettare accaprdtto ind. ; to tie
Accattino m. i. collector of alms

Accan-irsi ind. -isco to all four feet together of a kid, Capretto, dim. Accatto (5), tax.
(It. cane) ; i. in church. 2.

get"mad " in the American sense, lit. to or other animal.

Accatto m.; \. Vivere d' to live
make oneself a dog, to go wild. 2. to Accarezzare ind. accardzzo (It.

by begging. the collecting of alms

go to work with feverish determination.
carezza) i. to caress. 2. fig. to
Part. -ito.
in church. 3. the amount of the col-
3. dogged. 4. Partigiano cherish (an idea). 3.
- le spalle
lection. 4. loan. the extraordinary
Aff. Accanitame'nte.
bitter partisan. 5.
(iron.), to drub. tax which was sometimes levied in the
Accannat6io tn. ; a certain implement used by Accarezz-am^nto, -atdre, -atrice.
Aff. d'
weavers for moving the stay of the loom. Accarn-are or -ire (It. came); i. to stick (the Florentine republic. 6. Sapienza ,

Accannell-are ind. accanello; i. to claws) in, to penetrate (through the skin), ii. fig. to second-hand knowledge.
understand rightly.
wind the thread upon the spool. 2. (arch.) Accattblica /. (scherz.)
= Accatto,
Accarpion-are ind. accarpi6no; to

to flute, v. Scanalare. Aff. -amento. beggary.

cook like a carp, to lay in vinegar. Aff.
Accanto adv. alongside. Stare
to make up a


due birboni e
-amento. Accatt6n-e in -a /
vagrant, pro- ;

Accartocciare ind. accartbccio; i. to fessional beggar, Aff. -dggio or -eria,
per me possono stare 1' uno all' altro,
twist up paper into a cone for holding vagrancy.
they are both rogues and to my mind
- sugar or tea, etc., v. Cartoccio. 2. to Accavalcare ( strengthened form of
they are just alike very close, :

dog's ear (the leaves of a book). Cavalcare) i. to climb over (a hedge

very near, or (of time) immediately make and

afterwards. 3. (arch.) to spirals scrolls. or wall). 2. una maglia, to draw

Aff. Accartocci-amento, -atura. one mesh over another in knitting,
Accantonamdnto m. ; (mil. ) canton- Accas-amento ;//.; vbsb. of -are.
make anachronisms,
3. tempi, to

ment. to obtain a home for a

Accas-are ;
confuse dates.
Accantonare ind. accant6no (It. daughter, i.e. to marry her, v. Casa.
Accavalciare to bestride, v.
-arsi, to be married (of either a man or
i. ;

cantone) ; (mil.) to quarter (soldiers). 2. fig. of an arch, to ex-

woman), or (of a man) to settle down Cavalciare.
Accapacci-are or -arsi (It. capac- and marry. tend across (a road). 3. le gambe,

cio) to feel heavy in the head.

Con i. to build houses, ii. to settle down. to cross the legs when sitting.
questo sole c' e da accapacciare, or
* to be requisite.
Accascare ; i. to happen, ii.
Accavalci6ne or -6ni adv. astride.
accapacciarsi, this sun is too much for Accasci-are ( prob.
bit. ad, **quas- < ;

my head. Aff. -amdnto, -atura. siare,freq. of L. quassare, to shake);

to Accavall-are cavallo; orig. (It. a,
therefore, to put on a horse)
* to
Accapare (It. capo, end); to finish. weaken, relax, -arsi, to lose courage.
i. ;

Accaparrare or Oaparrare; i. to Ajf. -amento. make things ride upon one another as
stones or boards or coils of a rope.
engage by paying a deposit, v. Caparra. Accasermare ;
to place (troops) in
2. pers. to engage, e.g. a band for a 2. (in weaving or knitting) to skip (a
barracks, v. Caserma.
few threads or meshes). 3. (vet.) a
party. Accastell-amento m. i. v. -are. \
trick in horses of not placing their feet
ind. accape"zzo (**ac-
Accapezzare 2. (mar.) upper works, that part of
a to stalk (a wild animal)
properly. 4.
capitiare <
L. caput, cp. Cavezza) ; i. to vessel's hull which is above water when
by keeping hidden behind a horse.
dress (stone, etc., for building). 2. to laden.
finish. As refl. -arsi 5. (surg.) of a tendon

Accastell-are ind. accastello; i. to

or muscle fibre, to be displaced or of
arrange fruit on a pile of shelves for
Accapigli-arsi (It. capegli //. of
the ends of a broken bone, to ride over
i. lit. to seize each drying. 2. -arsi, to fortify oneself in a
Capello, hair) ;
each other. 6. of waves which in ap-
other's hair. 2. to fight (in the manner castle.
of low women). 3. fig. to have an angry *
i. to build castles on ships, ii. to fortify a camp. proaching the shore appear to ride
Accastellinare = Accastellare.; successively upon each other (whence
dispute (like politicians). Aff. -amento, the term Cavalloni, breakers).
-atura. Accatarr-are to catch cold, ; -ato,
Accapitellare ind. accapitello ; to' fix the head- suffering from a cold. Aff. Accavall-amento, -atura.
bands, Capitelli, in hook-binding.
to pile up into a
Accatast-are i.
Accavigli-are i. to wind silk, etc.,
Accappare; (A) (It. capo): to finish. (B) (It. ; ;

cappa); to seize, lit. seize in a cloak. (C) (root cap, heap, v. Catasta. 2. to register pro- upon a bobbin, Caviglia. 2. to wind
to cut ; v. Cappone) lo choose, lit. choose by cutting.
perty for assessment, v. Catasto. 3. to (a rope) round a bundle of sticks or the

le rose dalle spine, i.f. to distinguish good from

bad. assess it.
Aff. -amento. like for convenience of carrying. Aff.
t Accatricchiarsi; = lncatricchiarsi, q.v. -atore, -atrice.
Accappat6io m. (It. accappare, B);
Accattabrighe in. indecl.; i. mis-
loose gown, bathing wrapper. Accecamento m. i. the act of ;
chief-maker. busybody. 2.
blindness (bodily or
Accappiare (It. cappio); i. to hold blinding. 2.
Accattaglimpacci m. indccl.; = Accaltabrighe.
with a running knot. 2. to snare. * mental). 3. obstruction of a pipe or
Accattamori f. ; flirt.
3. fig. to ensnare. *Accattapane t. ;
Accecare accieco (It. cieco) ;
ind. announce of a certain Accerrare itid. accerro (It. cerro<L. cirrus,
(the holding
fringe) in weaving, to make the selvage, to fringe.
(the bodily or mental asso, to announce
1. to blind card) at Briscola,
; 1'

vision). 2. to tarnish (a picture or holding the ace. 4. Questovinoaccenna Accert-are ind. accerto (It. certo);
to assure ; Accerto, I assure you.
3. to deaden (a colour). la muffa, this wine shows signs of musti- 1.
glass). 4. to
to ascertain (the truth of a statement,
wall up (a window). 5. to stop up (a ness. 5. at Tarocchi, coppe e dar 2.

drain or pipe). 6. to hammer (a nail) danari, to signal one suit and show the amount of an income, etc.). 3. -
right down so that its head does not another hence, fig. to seem as if about
colpo, la mira, to make sure of one's
project. 7. to prune (a vine or other to do one thing and then <1o another. blow, one's aim. 4. S' -i or.Accertati,
una cosa, to hint at a thing either assure yourself, i.e. you may depend
plant) of its young shoots. 8. to scratch 6.
out (a word) with pen and ink. 9. inir. in writing or speech. 7. una figura, upon the truth of what I have said.
to go blind Ch' i' acciechi se non b
; to indicate a figure in outline. 8. (In Aff. -amdnto, -atamdnte.
vero, strike me blind if it isn't so. silver chasing) to outline the work with Accertello m. ;
= Acertello, kestrel.
the point of a special tool termed Pun- *
Accerto m. ; i. trustworthiness, ii. assurance
Accecatdio ;. a tool for
(It. cieco) ;
of a satisfactory result, iii. delta lingua, assured
making a Cieca or bed for the head of
tellino per .
9. (in fencing) to feint.
manner of speaking.
a screw round the hole for the screw Accdnno m. ;
sign, indication. Acceso part. Accendere.

itself in an iron plate or if necessary in Accessibil-e, -it.'i; v. Accesso.

2. advice, recommendation.
a wooden board.
Accensare ind. accdnso ;
to agree to Accessidne/ (L. < accedere} ;
i. ac-
vfots. of -are. a fixed rent, v. Censo. cession one country
(of to a treaty
Accec-atdre, -atrice ;
made between two others). 2. increase,
Accecatura/; i. vbsb. of Accecare. Accensibile v. Accendere. It is ;
growth. 3. of a fever, increase. 4. (leg.}
2. the blinding of birds, a cruelty some- chiefly used fig. for irascible, quick "accession," e.g. the acquisition of a calf
times practised for the supposed purpose tempered. by its birth from a cow already agreed
of making them sing better. 3. =Cieca, Accensidne to be bought. *i. the conjunction of
ignition, e.g. of
/. ; i.
bed for the head of a screw, v. Acceca- sun and moon, new moon. ii. sunrise.
fireworks. 2. flushing of the
face. 3. of colours, vividness, glow ;
Accessit tn. (Latinism) extra prize ;

Accfedere perf. accedetti or accedei, of temper, animation.

given to a competitor \yho was nearest
it. Cedere, part, acceduto (L. accedere meteors, the glow of the sunset, or other
in //.
to the prize-winner.
<ad, cedere, to go); i. to come up; glow in the sky.

a, to approach (an object) or to go Accenso /.; i. supernumerary sol- Accesso m. (L.); i. access. 2. ac-
dier in the ancient Roman army. court cessibility ; Uomo di facile a man
right up to it. 2. to accede, agree (to 2. ,

a proposal or treaty). 3. in un luogo messenger. *= Acceso. readily approached. 3. (leg.) judicial

visit to a place document Atto d'
(of the police), to make a domiciliary Accent-are mark with ;
ind. accento; i. to ,

an accent, with a mark of expression.

or, in music, whereon the observations made on such
visit, to search there. to give good expression to musical phrases in
Acceffare (It. ceffo); of animals, to snatch up.
a visit are noted. 4. fit (of anger or
playing or singing. Aff. -atura.
Accento tn. (L. ad catitus, lit. that which passion). 5. fit (of ague or other inter-
Accdggia (Aggeggia) / ; woodcock, accompanies singing) ; accent, emphasis. mittent fever). 6. Canon law, a right
Scolopax, v. Beccaccia. Pigliar 1' ,
Accentdre m.; to a benefice on the death of the
to stand waiting in the cold by night cantarino, hedge-
incumbent. transfer of a vote in
sparrow, v. Passera (B, i, d). 7.
(like a sportsman waiting for the flight a Papal election if no candidate has ;
of the woodcock). Accentrare ind. accentro ;
to cen-
received enough votes to complete the
Etym. Cogn. Fr. acie, Span. arcea<\>h. acceiti tralise.
or accia<L. acits. root of sharp, referring to the election, the Cardinals may hand in
Aff. Accentr-amento, -atdre, -atrice. on
bird's beak. another voting ticket which is
Acceler-are inrl. accelero (L. celer, quick ; Accentu-are ind. accentuo; i. to written Accedo domino N, or else
root kel, to urge; cp. Gr. icc'AAw, to drive on, <ce'A7js,
speak clearly. to play music with
2. Accedo nemini.
a courser) ; as E. Ajff". ame'nto, -atame'nte, -ativo,
atcre, -ati-ice. expression. AJf. -atamdnte, -azidne. Accessdri-o; accessory. Aff. -amente.
AccellanayC (It. accia, thread +lana, wool);
= Mezzalana, Acceppare acceppo (mar.} toind. Accestato
; i.q. Accestito, tufted.
fix the stock, Ceppo, upon an anchor.
Accenciare accencio ind. ; to rub Accestimento ;.; the forming of a
clean with a rag, Cencio. Accerchiare ind. accdrchio (It. tuft or head of leaves.
cerchio, hoop) to encircle, surround.
Accendere perf. acc-dsi -enddsti ;
Hanno accerchiato il castello, they
Accest-ire ind. -isco to form a head ;

part, -dso (L., root can to burn, v. Skeat, Al suo such as that of a lettuce. Strictly it
have surrounded the castle.
sub Candid); i. to kindle; 1'
altare, ritorno lo accerchiarono gli amici e i
applies to herbaceous plants, but might
to kindle the altar lights ; Amore acceso, be said of any kind of cluster growing
enkindled love, D. Par. 24. 82, meaning parent! per domandargli chi una cosa on one stem v. Cesto.
e chi un' altra, upon his return his ;

St Peter. 2. una partita, to open a friends and

relations came all round Accdtta a dim. of Accia,
f. (either
debtor and creditor account. 3. un'
him to ask this, that and the other. battle-axe, or <
Fr. hachette, v. Azza) ;

iscrizione, to make an entry of a mort- *i. =Cerchiare, to enclose, ii. to march round hatchet, chopper. Cosa fatta con 1" ,
gage in the land registry. 4. 1' animo, (a fortified place), of feelings of fear, etc., lo
done clumsily. Fatto con 1' , pers.
to inflame or fire the mind. take possession of a man's mind. Lo Sforza accer-
chiato dalla paura repentina de' Kranzesi e delle arm! clumsily built or of uncouth manners.
Part, acceso, as adj. 5. Colore ac-
Viniziane..., suddenly taking alarm at the French su' piedi (of a

Darsi 1' prisoner on

ceso, vivid colour ; Rosso acceso, fiery and Venetian armaments.
Con quel discorso si dette 1' -
red. 6. Partita accesa, Debito -o, open Aff. Accerchi-amento, -at(5re.
Accerchiellare ;
= Cerchiettare, to put light su' piedi, he gave himself away by what
account, unpaid debt. bands on a box. he said. Far la giustizia con 1' to

Aff. Accendi-bile, adj., -foco, fire- Accerchiellato i. of round shape. Far le

; give ill-considered judgments.
lighter ; -gas, gas-lighter ; -mdnto, 2. Croce -a (herald.') = Croce ancorata, parti con 1' to divide unfairly.

-si'gari, cigar-lighter -t6io, any con- an anchor cross. *

allotment given to an ancient Roman colonist.
Piede (vet.}, a

trivance for lighting lamps ; -tore, -tora, *

Accettamente warmly, eagerly.
form of disease in a horse's hoof. ;

Accercinare ind. accdrcino; to roll Accettante m. i.
acceptor (of a
Accennare ind. accdnno
cenno); (It. into a pad, Cercine.
bill of exchange). 2. e stipulante
to make a sign with the hand or up
(leg.), a party to a contract the expres-
I. ;

head ;a una cosa, to point to it, Accerito much flushed in the face.
; sion is also used familiarly for a person
refer to it in a speech. 2. tr. to Etym. unkn. Perhaps as suggested by Caix< who has disagreeable things said to him
point a bit. form **accerilus<.\J . ad, +**ctritMS, a con-
out, with the finger. 3. at cards, to tracted form based upon cerebrum, brain. and has to put up with it.
-atore, -atura,
to cobble, put to- Ajf. Acciarp-arnento, -atamente,
Accettare ind. accetto (L. acceftare, freq. of Acciabattare ;
continual bungling; -line, -<5na, bungler.
accifere<ad, cafere, v. Caccia) ; to accept. Accetti,
gether hastily and clumsily,
worse than Accidentale; accidental, both in the ordinary
or Accettera, il buon cuore, i.e. accept my humble
gift in the spirit in
which it is offered, when the giver Abborracciare. Originally the word re- and in the musical sense.
Accidentalita /; i. accidental character (of
cannot do more. ferred to the cobbling of shoes, Ciabatte. some occurrence). 2. the occurrence itself.
Aff. Accett-abile, -abilila, -atdre, -atnce, -evole, Acciabatt-amento, -at<5re, -atdra, -atrice, Accidentalmente ; i. accidentally. 2. inci-
evo!me"nte. Aff.
-<5na. dentally.
-atura, -io (continual cobbling), -<5ne,
Accettata / blow with a hatchet, Accidentare; to have a fit, Accidente.
Acciacc-are (It. acciacco); i. to
Accetta. to trample
crush in, e.g. a hat. 2.
Accidentato; i. struck by a fit.
Accett-azirjne/.; i. D*J. of -are. 2. accept- to beat down
bill of exchange or upon. 3. of heavy rain, 2. ground) broken, irregular.
ance, i.e. either the accepting a (of
the bill after it has been accepted. (flowers, etc.). 4. -ato, crushed (by ac-
Accettdvole ; v. Accettare. Accid&nt-e m. (L. accidere) ;
the weight of years or troubles). Aff. as
Accetto ; welcome, agreeable.
cident, unforeseen event. 2. accident
Accezi6ne/ (L. acceptio<accipere); opposed to essence in philosophy. 3. (in
Acciaccatura i. i.q. Acciacca- music) an accidental. 4. apoplectic fit ;
acceptance (of persons), undue par-
f. ;
mento. 2. an embellishment in music a secco, a diaccio, a campana, a fer-
tiality. 2. acceptation (of a word into
of an extra note lightly such a fit as is violent and
general use). 3. meaning (of a word consisting raiuolo,
* or = Eccezione, touched, v. Appoggiatura. immediately fatal. 5.
in pi. -i as a
or phrase). 4. pop. * Acciacciare = Ciacciare, ;
to meddle.
mild oath, blast it -i al signify

Acciaccinarsi ind. m' acciacci'no; that out of a number of persons or
Acchet-are Acquietare, to
i.q. one.
to bustle about a great deal without things there is not a single good

Aff. -amento. non

offi- much result, v.
Acciapinare, etym. 6. fig. Quell' accidente di vecchia
Acchiappacani /.; dog-catcher, municipal fa altro che brontolare, that confounded
cer charged with the duty of seizing unmuzzled dogs. Acciaccinio /. continual bustling.
i. to
old woman does nothing but grumble.
Acchiapp-are (It. chiappa) ;
Acciacc-O m. (Span. achaqve< Ara- Accidentoso: i. sudden, unexpected, ii. serious
catch by a sudden and dexterous move- bic asriaqA, indisposition); Aver degli (illness).
ment or to seize one who is running have a complication of disorders < Gr.
2. of
-hi, to Accidia /. (late L. acedia
away Acchiappalo, catch him.
either of body or estate. La malattia i. sloth,
dici)di<i<a priv., KrjSof, care);
a severe cold, to catch it but the phrase della moglie e stato un bell' per lui, one of the seven deadly sins. 2. slack-

is better inverted L' infreddatura m' :

his wife's illness has been a great burden ness of a temporary kind, Gli e un tempo
Fare ad -arsi, of
ha -ato bene. 3. to him. pieno d' -hi, a man with
Uomo che fa venire 1' this weather makes
children to play at catch who catch * insult, ,

a complication of disorders. one feel slack. the same phrase,

chi mi 3.
can. 4. Se acchiappo la porta used of a person, means
to the
outrage. Far venir 1'
raggiunge k bravo, if I can get

Acciai-are; to convert iron into steel. to produce a feeling of irritation and

door it will take a clever man to catch Insomnia ti
ennui in another person
Aff. -atura.

me. 5. fig. Acchappiarci uno, to take do

spied che m' hai fatto venir
1' ,

him in, catch him with a trick. 6. la Acciaieria / ; steel foundry.

do annoy
a hare in her get on for goodness' sake, you
lepre al covo, to surprise Acciaino in.; i. steel bead. 2.= me with your slowness. Aff. Accidi-osa-
form similarly uno al covo, to catch
Acciaiolo. me'nte, -oso.
him where he thinks himself safe. the eye-
Acciaio or Acciaro (Aziale) m. (bit. Accigli-are (It. ciglio): i. to sew up
-tello ;.; = Chi- lids of a hawk for the purpose of taming it.
2. -arsi,
Acchiappa-r&llo or
v. acinrium, sharpened steel < L. odes, to knit the brows, frown. Aff. -amento, -atamente.
apparello, catch, tricky question, root ac, sharp, v. Skeat,
sharp edge
Acchiappare (5). sub Acrid) steel.

Accigliatura / ; frowning.
gap between

shape of the eyebrows.


Acchiappato adj.; pop. in a wretched


Acciaiolina /. small steel nail in a ; them.

boot. Acciglionare ind. accigliono; to con-
Acchiappat6io m. i. booby trap. ;
Acciaiollno m. i. small steel bead. struct a rampart to a road or fortress,
* ;

2. fig. any kind of trap. adj. deceitful, 2. in //. embroidery of beads. v. Ciglione.
ensnaring. Accignere; = Accingere, to gird.
to nail up. Acciai-61o or -ublo m.\ (A); steel for
*Acchiavare;=Inchiodare, * dealer in
tAcchinare; = Chinare, to lower, to bow down, Accileccare ind. accilecco (It. cilec-
* to humiliate. sharpening carving-knives. a thing out for
= Chinea, ambling steel. ca); i. to lure, to hold
Acchinea / ;
veil made of thread, Accia. somebody to come and take without
acchibcciolo him. Usu.
Accbiocciol-are ind. ;

Acciambellare ind. acciambello to any intention of giving it to

to twist up like a snail-shell, Chioc-
fig. as Lo
accilecca con la speranza di
make into the shape of a bun, Ciam-
ciola. 2. to wind up a spring upon a un impiego, he is alluring him with the
drum or cylinder. 3. -arsi, to curl
hope of employment.
* Acciannarsi = Acciaccinarsi, to bustle.
oneself up. Aff. -amdnto.

*Accimarsi: = Azzimarsi, to dress up.

Acciapin-are ind. acciapmo, or *

Accincigliare; to ornament with Cincigli,
Acchit-are pallino, to break il
to be furiously busy.
-arsi fringes.
to crush,
-arsi, to play a stroke

(at billiards), Accincignare;=Incincignare,

Etym. Formed by successive ^strengthenings
up the skirt of a dress to the waist-band so as not
with a view to the adversary's stroke, from L. agere, beginning with Agina, ?.?'., from trail.
to play for safety. which came Aginarsi corrupted first into Acciannarsi
and thence, probably as suggested by Caix under the Accfng-ere perf. accinsi accingdsti,
Etym. A strengthened form of Chitare, an influence of Attapinarsi, into Acciapinarsi.
obsolete word, corresponding to Fr. quitter. The part, accinto (L.) to gird up (the loins),
other player, and
player quits the ball, leaving it to the Acciarfno m. steel (of a flint to prepare (for
v. Chitare.
gird on (a sword), -ersi,
steel or flint-lock musket). Batter 1' , some considerable work).
Acchito (Achito) m. ;
i. playing for to strike fire,yff. to act as a go-between Accintolare ind. accmtolo to attach a Cintolo, ;

the lead at billiards. Hence, small strip of protecting material along the border of
linch-pin of a wheel.
safety. 2.
for lovers. 2.
Di primo at the outset; a piece of cloth where it is not desired that it should
generally: 3. ,
3. i.q. Accaiuolo, sharpener. take the dye.
gli domandb
Di prim' cento lire, at A'ccio (A) m. the suffix that gives a bad sense

Acciaro m.

the very first go off he asked for a ; i.q. Acciaio, steel, esp. to a word or intensifies a word which itself has a bad
in poetry. sense. It is the L. -aceus which from its sense in L.
hundred francs.
of likeness passed into that of inferiority. Also used

Accia f. (A) (L. OCM, thread < adts,

Acciarpare (It. ciarpa, rubbish) ;
/am. as an adj., bad. Questo vino non e poi
wine is not so bad after all. Era un cosaccio ma
, this

needle, v. Ago) flaxen or hempen thread ;

i. bungle one's work, worse than
bene, he was a bad 'un and such a bad 'un too.

in a skein. Abborracciare. 2. to take or pick up *(B) adv.; soon, v. Avaccio. tardi o accio, O
(B) ( var. of Azza) ;
battle-axe. something unsuitable or worthless. sooner or later.
Accio, Acciocche, or Acci6 che, cottj. ; in
entangled by the bird-lime, but those Accoccovarsi the same as Accoc- ;
order thai.
which escape will not be so readily colarsi and formed in a somewhat
Acciocch-ire ind. -isco to sleep, or ;
caught again. 2. fig. of a woman, to analogous way, from Cocco, egg, and
make one sleep, like a log, Ciocco. endeavour to entice and entrap men. Covare, to sit as a hen.
Acci6cc-0 (bot.); tutted, having its Part, -ato 3. cunning, shy of the
Accod-are accddo i.
ind. bestie ;
L' uccellino di nido non
flowers in bunches, Ciocc'ie. Viola -a, trap aforesaid; da soma, to put pack animals in single
e di quegli -ati Posa 1' incauto pie dove
wall-flower. file, lit. tail to tail, from Coda, tail. 2. fig.
di pania Sono intrise le bacchette, the to arrange other things in similar fash-
Acciottol-are ind. acciottolo; i. to
nestling is not one of those which ion, or to do things in regular succession
pave with cobble-stones, Ciottoli. 2. to having once been 'caught are shy, but
rattle (plates and dishes) about when
one after another. 3. to tie up the tail of a
places his unwary foot where the twigs decoy-bird by fastening a feather across
washing them. are smeared with bird-lime. 4. fig. of the base of its tail-feathers. 4. -arsi, to
Ajf. -ato, cobbled road paving ; -atura, -io freq. a man, wide awake, knowing the world
sb. follow close behind a man, or of wag-
and its wiles whether amatory or other.
Accipigliare to knit gons to follow one behind another, or
(It. cipiglio); *Acciv-ire (L. cibus, food); i. to provide,
at a theatre door to 'form a "queue."
the brows, frown. ii. ititr. to be successful. iii. -irsi, to provide
oneself with money. Aff. -ame'nto, -atura.
Accipitrlna / (bot.) ; hawkweed, Acclam-are (L.); to acclaim. Ajfr. -atdre,
Hieracium murorum, so called because, -atrice, -a/inne.
i. part. -are. 2. (mar.)
Acclim-are or -atare (a form based on the
according to Pliny, Lib. xx. cap. vii., Capo, Punta, Banco, or Scoglio ,
part, of -are); to acclimatise. AJjf. -azione or -ata-
when their zione. Elym. It. clima. prolonged like a long tongue or tail
sparrow-hawks, accipitres, under water.
is strike this plant with
beak and claws to make the juice
Accliv-e ;
sloping ; -ita, / slope.
Accofacciare to squash flat, e.g.
Etym. L. aclivis<ad, clivus, slope ; root cli- ,

spirt into their eyes, which has the virtue if. Chinare (A). one's hat by sitting on it like a Cofaccia, ;

of restoring their sight. Accliidere perf. acclusi accludesti, flat cake.

Accipitrfni in. //. the sparrow-hawk class of
part, accluso (L. ad, clandere, to shut) /

Accoglienza i. reception. ;
for Acci- to enclose.
Accipressi or Accipreti euphemisms ;
(com.) the honouring (a draft).
Accismare (var. of Azzimare); to dress. Un Acclusa/ enclosure.
Acc6gli-ere or Accbrre ind. accolgo
dtavolo che n' accisma s"i crudelmente. who dresses
us in this cruel way, i.e. splits us up. D. Inf. 28. 37. Accocc-are ind. accocco; i. to fit -cogliSmo -coglidte -col-
-cogli -coglie
(the notch, Cocca, of an arrow to the gono, perf. accolsi -coglie'sti..., fut.
Acciucch-ire ind. -isco; i. to lose
bow-string) or fit (the thread to a notch accoglierb or accorro, part, accolto
one's senses. 2. tr. to stupefy, v.
in the spindle) ; by extension it
may be (strengthened form of Cogliere) i. to ;
said of any more or less similar act ; E '1 receive. 2. to agree to (some view or
Acciuff-are to seize (//'/. to seize by
capo presto tra gambe gli accocca Per opinion), or to some proposal. 3. (com.)
a lock of hair, Ciuffo). -arsi, i.q. Acca- modo che da terra il sollevava, and to honour (a draft).
pigliarsi (of low-class women), to tear quickly thrusts his head between his *i. =
Raccogliere, to collect. ii. = Contenere.

iii. = Sorprendere, to surprise, catch in the act.

each other's hair and so generally to (opponent's) legs so as to raise him off iv. = Intendere, Comprendere. v. (of the fntits of
brawl and fight. the ground is also used inlr., or
; the earth) = Ricogliere. vi. = Accrescere, Aggiun-

with the object suppressed, to include gere. vii. = Raccapezzare, to find out; consiglio=
Acciu-gayC (the usual derivation is Prender consiglio. viii. in mezzo= Sen-are in
from Gr. a<f>iirj, sardine, through the Lat. the entire action of fitting the two ix. = Radunarsi.
mezzo, to seize. As reft, -ersi :

form apua, and an assumed transition things together ;

sempre (Margutte) x. =Esser contento. xi. Ricoverarsi. xii. -ersi ad
in mano avea il bicchiere o '1 dado O uno = Serrarsi, Unirsi a lui.
to apittca and acciuca, as saccente from
Another suggestion is that brodo che succiava come il ciacco, Poi Accogliticcio ; hastily gathered to-
si cacciava qualche penna in bocca Per
it comes through Spanish from the gether.
vomitar quand' egli ha pieno il sacco, Poi Accolitato m. the fourth of the Orders of
Basque word antsua, dry) I. anchovy; ;

lo riempie e poi di nuovo accocca, he priesthood.

provs. Benedette le -ghe, said to one Accdlito (Gr. a6Aou0os, follower; lit. one
who has a headache, you must envy constantly had a glass or dice in his who follows the same path, Ke,\eu0os) ; i. member of
the anchovies (which have no heads hands, or some stew which he would the fourth minor Order. 2. acolyte, assistant at
Mass. 3. by ext. adherent of some political leader.
when salted); Secco come un' Ser- suck down like a hog, then he would

rate come le -ghe, thin as an anchovy, poke a feather down his throat to make Accollacciato adj. strengthened ;

himself vomit when he was full, he then form of Accollato, with the coat but-
packed together like anchovies. 2. fig.
Valere un' to be worth nothing. refills himself and repeats the operation; toned up to the chin.

Erba v. Erba where accocca means that he again

3. , marjoram, (5). Accoll-are ind. accollo (It. collo,
tickles his throat with the feather.
Acciugaia / ; (bat.) summer savory, 2. un colpo, to deliver a blow (with
neck some, however, of the senses

v. in which the word is used suggest a

Santoreggia. the fist or any weapon) or Jig. -aria a ;
connection with Colla, glue) i. to put
uno, to play him a trick;

Acciugaio tn. an old torn book la lingua,

upon the neck
(a load) bovi, to ;

(only fit for wrapping up dried fish). to say insulting things prov. Tal ti ;

ride in bocca che dietro te I accocca,

yoke or to accustom oxen to the yoke ;

Acciugata/; anchovy sauce. un carro, to put the weight forward

such an one smiles to your face who
in a carriage. 2. fig. un debito, to
Acciughfna / ;
i . dim. vezz. Ac- shoots at you from behind, i.e. pretends
-arsi un debito, to
ciuga. 2. sugar-louse insect, Lepiama to be your friend while injuring you or lay a debt upon ;

assume responsibility for a debt -arsi

saccharina. fam. and thin ;

speaking ill of you behind your back.

3. fig. tall
un lavoro, to undertake a job. 3. intr.
girl. to bring together the four corners,
(of a dress) to come high up the neck
Accivanz-are or more usu. -arsi to procure, ;
Cocche, of a handkerchief.
provide oneself with, to make good use of one's
Accoccati tn. pi. grooves in the side-pieces of
Questo abito non -a, this dress does not
advantages. ;
cover my neck Veste -ata, high dress
a loom for holding the frame. ; ;

also (of a boot) to cover the ankle.

Acciyett-are ind. accivdtto i. to ;
Accoccolarsi ind. m' accoccolo to
make (birds) shy through trying unsuc- ;
Part, -ato 4. Sostegni idraulici -ati,

squat down on one's heels. continuous locks in a canal, i.e. where

cessfully to catch them by placing a From same base clo as the Spanish
captive owl, Civetta, in some bush with aclocarse, Portuguese Estar en cocaras, referring to
the upper gate of one lock is the lower
the twigs round about it smeared with the way in which a hen sits on her nest, akin to gate of the next, as in the Glasgow and
clueca brooding hen, cloyuearta cluck as a hen, and
bird-lime small birds always mob an
more or less related to the words Cocco and Coccolo Edinburgh canal which surmounts a
owl in daylight and may come and be in the sense of egg, as it were to squat upon an egg. considerable hill in this way. 5. (min.)
conjoined (crystals), where crystals of (money) into such a company. Fare ,
viz. when articles subject to duty on
regular or irregular shape are promis- to form a company. entering a town are accompanied across
it by an official who sees that nothing is
cuously adherent together. 6. (herald?) *in in trust; Dare in
, ,
to entrust; di
bestiame = Soccio, partnership
conjoined Arme -ata, coat of arms
Accomandolare accomandolo
in cattle.
to tie or unpacked within the town con let- ;

conjoined with a helmet. take up (the broken threads of a warp). tera una persona, una istanza, to give a
m. contractor written introduction, a written support
Accollatdrio ; (for Accomiat-are(It. comiato); to dis- to a petition. 2. to enclose or send
public works). miss with all courtesy (* formerly, to
with ; Accompagno colla presente il
Accollatico m. price for hiring a
dismiss without ceremony), -arsi, to
mio ultimo libro, send my
with this I
take courteous leave (of one's host).
yoke of oxen. latest book. 3. una porta, to keep a
collar of a dress.
Accomignolare (arch.'} to form a ridged ; roof.
hand on a door to prevent its slamming.
Accollatura/ ;

2. opening of a dress at the neck. Acc6moda m.; the one in a family 4. una cosa con un altra, to find a
3. mark of the yoke upon the neck or party who will do what no one else match or fellow to something. 5. to
of an ox. volunteers for. accompany (a singer).
Accollettare ind. accolle'tto ; i) corpo, to Accomod-abile; -. -are. As re/I, -arsi 6. to keep company.

fasten the cords to the collars of a Jacquard loom.

to cohabit. 8. to marry. of
Accomodame'nto m. i.
good ar- 7. 9.
Accdllo m. i. pressure upon the people, colours, etc., to match, har-
rangement, convenient disposition. 2. ac-
neck of the animal of that part of the monise -are may also be used intr.
commodation, settlement (of a dispute),

weight which is thrown forward, or the in the last sense Le seggiole non ;
composition (with creditors), compro-
amount, the actual weight of such pres- mise (of a litigation). accompagnano col canape, the chairs
sure. contract for some public work.
2. do not match with the sofa. 10. -arsi
3. (arch.) the overhanging part of a
Accomod-are ind. accomodo (L. < uno, to take him for a companion S" ;

ad, commodus, v. Comodo) to

building, which is supported on stones
accompagno il patriarca suo fratello, he
or beams jutting out from the main repair (clothes, machinery, roads or took with him his brother the patriarch.
anything). 2. to correct (mistakes in
wall Esser, Stare in
; to overhang. ,
a composition). 3. to put (a room or Accompagn-at6re >/:., -atrice/; ac-
4. (mar.) the part of a sail which falls
things in it) tidy, to put (one's affairs) companyist.
against a mast, receiving the wind on
the wrong face and urging the vessel in good order, to settle (an account) ; Accompagn-atura f.\ \ v. -are. .

backwards. t Un po d' prov. P uova nel panierino, to arrange 2. of fly-drivers; Fare un' to take
, slight ,

intoxication. the eggs in the basket, i.e. to make the a passenger for a drive. 3. fee given
As adv. 5. or A collo, of a sail,
best use of one's means il fornaio ; to a priest for accompanying a funeral.
or -arsi di fornaio, to provide the baker, 4. D'
receiving the wind on the wrong face, matching; Servire d'
, to ,

v. supra (4). 6. of a rope, with vbs. i.e. to secure a provision for the rest of serve as a match to some other article.
such as Cogliere, Raccomandare, Assi- one's life. 4. to effect the accommoda-
tion of a dispute (between other parties).
Accomun-are ;
i . to put in common,
curare, Mollare, etc., with a turn round, throw open to be familiar
all. 2. -arsi, to
the rope being wound once or twice 5. una, to adorn, dress her smartly ;

hence iron. uno pel di delle feste, to with, associate with persons of lower
round a fixed object so as to fix it rank
decorate for the feast day, i.e. to treat than one's own. AJf. -abile,
firmly or to allow of its being paid out -amdnto.
6. - una
gradually. cruelly, punish severely.
persona con alcuno, to place a person Acconc-4zza / ; v. -io (2). -labile,
Accblta/ assemblage.
in the service of someone. 7. intr. to v. -iare. -iamente, nicely.
Accoltell-are ind. accoltello; i. to be agreeable Faccia come le -a, do as
Acconciame'nto ///.; i. adaptation,
stab. Part, -ato 2. of a wall, built : suits you Lei non scomoda mai,
preparation of things for use. the
with the bricks on edge (per coltello). accomoda sempre, you are never in the serviceableness resulting therefrom.
3. as sb. a pavement of like construc- way, on the contrary, your company is
3. decoration. 4. settlement (of a
tion. always welcome. As reft, -arsi 8. to :

Accoltell-atdre m. i. vbsb. of -are. accommodate oneself (to discomfort or
; Acconciapadelle /. iiuiecl. pot-cleaner.
bad treatment). 9. (of disputants or ;

gladiator. 3. generally, ruffian.

Acc61to part, Accogliere; *as sb. = Accogli- litigants) to arrive at an accommodation. Acconci-are ind. acconcio (It. con-
10. to make oneself to prepare for use, to arrange in
* comfortable, i.e. usu. cio) ;

Accomanda /. ; i. deposit, trust, ii. =Acco- to take a seat. 1 1. to be well dressed. any kind of way, e.g. to get rooms
Accomandagione f. ; i. protection, trustee,
12. to pose (for one's portrait).
13. -arsi ready, to finish up and leave in good
ship. ii. deposit (of valuables or money). la testa, or,queste quattro dita di cer- order, to provide a situation for, to
Accomandante m. depositor (with arrange the head or these
vello, (///.) to dispose of in marriage, to train an
a company whether as shareholder or four finger-breadths of brain, i.e. to animal, to punish, to dress a lady's
lender), v. Accomandita. modify one's opinions and sentiments hair, to pickle or preserve, to mend,
Accomand-are : i.= Raccomandare. a according to circumstances without dis- etc. -arsi, to dress for a party, -arsi a,
_* ii.

Dio, to take leave, iii. to deposit for safe

custody, credit. 14. -arsi lo stomaco, to streng-
to adjust or accommodate oneself to
iv. to lend. v. to hand (to someone), vi. to fasten
then oneself with food and drink. (some slightly unpleasant circumstance),
(the end of a rope), vii. to attach in
any way ; -arsi,
to seek the protection (of a patron). Accomodatamente conveniently, nicely, suit-
-arsi di una cosa, to avail oneself of it.
Accomandatario /.
ably. -are il fornaio, to earn a living ille-
bailee, one
who receives valuables for safe Accomodaticcio m. ; anything gitimately.
hastily patched up.
2. depositor (of valuables). 3. share-
Accomodativo i.
Acconci-atura / ;
i.g. -amento.
convenient, suitable. ac-
holder, 11. Accomandita. commodating

2. 2. way of dressingthe hair, head-dress.
Accomandigia / Compact whereby a; i. Accomodatizio; i.g. -ativo (2). 3. Perdere or -ersi 1' , to miss the
commune placed itself under the protection of another
commune or of the Church, ii. i.g. Accoman- Accomoda-t6re w.,-t6ra/; mender. opportunity.
Accomodatura / i. mending. 2. Acconcfme :., usu. in pi. ; repairs

Accomandita/;(com.) association (of farm buildings, etc.).

arrangement. 3. way of doing the hair
where the liability of the shareholders, (usu. Acconciatura). Acc6nc-io i. syncop. part, of -are.

Accomandatarii, is unlimited whilst that Accompagnamento /.

accompaniment 2. as sb. opportunity, utility, advantage
(in ;
of the depositing members, Accoman- all senses).
Mi cade in di dire, it seems expedient
danti, is limited to the amount of Accompagn are i. to that should say. As adj. 3. suitable,
: I :

their subscriptions. Dare in to put le merci, to accompany merchandise,

serviceable, dressed out Scrivere , ;

to write in a flowery style. Acc6rci-at6ia f. (tax. Scorci-); short cut; be on intimate terms, usu.
8. to
4. ready prince.
prepared. 5. of
preserved; Acqua fruit,
-aloio, adj.
shortening ; .atura, f. (HSU. Scorci-),
with a neg. Da poi che mi fece quel

-ia, lemonade, sugar-water Ulive -e ;

Accorcire ; pop. for Accorciare. brutto tiro non mi ci sono piu accostato,
Accord-are; ind. accbrdo (bit. ** accordare< I have never been on intimate terms
Lupini -i, olives or lupins prepared in L. ad, chorda) i. to tune (an instrument), harmon-
with him since he played me that trick.

lye and kept in salt or fresh water (usit. ise (colours, etc.). 2. to grant, accord. Aff. -dbile,
termed Indolciti). -atole, -atura.
9. -arsi all' opinione d' uno, to follow his
Acc6rdat6io tn. tuning-key. ;

Accondiscendere ;
to yield to entreaty, v. Accord-atura f. :. vbsb. of ; -are. 2. the opinion. 10. -arsi ai Sacramenti, to
Condiscendere. pitch to which a given instrument is tuned. Andar- communicate, ii. to resemble; un
*Accone in. = Pontone, barge. sene in^e, to have endless discussions with no result.

Acconfarsi = Confarsi, to conform.

vino che s' accosta al Chianti, it is a
Prav. E come la veglia del Padella che se n' and6 in
Acconigliare(It. coniglia, the last bench in the -ature, it is like the party given by Padella where wine of the Chianti type.
fore part of a galley, prob. from Coniglio, because it Persona ac-
after long discussion nothing was decided. In pres. part. 12. :
was there that the worst of the galley slaves were
placed) to draw in the oars of a galley so that half of
Accordellareind. accordello (It. costante, near relation.
each oar is inside and half outside. *
Accost-arello in.\ = -atore.
corda) ; to twist up into a cord. Accostatbre in. ; man who leads the cattle to
Acconsent-ire ind. acconsento ; i. Accordellatino m. cloth woven in the usual ; the threshing floor to tread out the corn.
lint: lines.
to consent Chi tace -e, i.e. silence gives

consent, to which in Italian there is the Accordellato m.\ i. ribbed cloth. Acc6st-0; i.
prep, near, alongside.
rhyming repartee, chi sta zitto non E 2.secret understanding for some bad
2. D 1

close by. 3. as sb. supporter ;

dice niente, and he who keeps silent Aver di buoni -i, to have good support.
purpose; Essere dell' to be one of ,
As adj. -- a,
says nothing, i.e. does not consent. 4. neighbouring.
the gang. 5.

2. of cloth, to stretch (on being pulled), Accordio ttt. continual tuning. ;

supported upon. 6. intimately con-
or of a spring, to yield to pressure La Accdrdio m. accordion. ;
Accbrdo m. (vt>s6. of Accordare) accord D' Accostolato m. ; (mar.) ribs of a ship.
toppa non lavora bene perche la molla
; ; ,

agreed. Prov. E meglio un magro che una grassa Accostolatura f. wrinkle made in pressing
non -e come dovrebbe, the lock does sentenza, a thin agreement is better than a fat ver-

not work well because the spring does diet, i.e. a poor compromise is better than winning Accost umare = Avvezzare, to accustom. ;

with heavy damages, viz. because the law-costs are Accoton-are ind. accotdno; to comb cloth so
not give properly. 3. of a shot or less. as to give it a nap or covering of fine hairs combed
blow, to achieve the desired result; so. out of its substance and lying smoothly in one direc-
Accordon-are ind. accordono to tie tion. la barba = Arricciarla, to curl it. to
fig. of an argument, to be convincing,
; *i. ii.

or of food, to do (the eater) good -irsi, ;

up with cord, -ato, ornamented with line with cotton. Aff. -attire, -atura.
to submit (to the will of another). Accottimare ind. acc6ttimo ;
to agree to, accept, approve of. Acc6rgersi ind. mi accdrgo, perf. take, or let out, upon contract, v.
*Accont-are; i.=contare, to count, ii. uno, accorsi -corge'sti, part, accorto (L. ad, Cottimo.
to make friends with him. hi. d' una cosa, to
corrigere) ; i. to perceive. 2. part.
give information about it. iv. -arsi con uno, to enter Accovacciarsi of animals, i. to
Accorto, v. infra, in loco.
into conversation with him.
Accontentare ; pop. for Contentare.
run into a hole. 2. to squat so as to
Accorgimnto m. ;
i. acuteness. be hidden, v. Covare.
Accdnto m. ; payment on account. 2. stato un it was a brilliant
* familiar felice,
friend. idea. 3. cunning. Accpvacciolarsi ind. m' accovdc-
Accori m. timbers to shore up a ship, dog-
ciolo i.q. Accovacciarsi, but
; said of
Accoppare ind. accoppo (bit. **ad- shores.
pi. ',

the smaller animals.

colpare, v. Colpo) ; to kill. Accorpato (L. corpus) ; of animals, with young. Accovonare ind. accovdno ; to tie up into
Accorre; . Accogliere. sheaves.
Accoppi-are ind. acc6ppio ; i. to
Accdrrere perf. accorsi Accozz-abile, -aglia lot of miscellaneous rub-
couple, arrange in pairs una parola ;
bish, .ame'nto, -o sbs., v. -are.
con un' altra, to put a word in gram- part, accdrso to run up, come together.;

matical connection with another. As Accorruomo; Gridare to call for help. , Accozz-are ind. acc6zzo(It.cozzare) ;
Accorso part. Accorrere.
i. to
jumble up together. 2. to sort (a
refl. -arsi: 2. to go in
couples as in a Accortamente, -feta; v. Accorto.
to marry, but usu. to Accortinare; i. (mil.) to connect fortifications hand at cards). 3. to piece together
procession. 3.
curtains. to put curtains round a bed.
by 2.
(the parts of a thing) ; il desinare
marry badly. 4. to pair, as animals.
Acc6rt-0; i.^ar/.Accorgere. 2. wary, con la cena, to join supper to dinner,
Aff. Accoppi-amento, -atdre, -atrice, "-atura.
wide awake ; of animals, wary, suspi- i.e. to live comfortably, usu. in neg. ;
Accoppiat6io >. i. leash for hold- ; cious. 3. Stare -i, to be on the look out. Fo e fo, eppure non mi riesce d' , etc.,
ing dogs. nesting-place for pigeons,
2. 4. Male or as one word Malaccorto,
do what I can I cannot make a comfort-
etc. 3. in machinery (a) a labbro per incautious. to caution.
5. Fare ,
able living ; i
pentolini, to jumble
assi o tubi, flange joint (6)
- - a
*of the bodily frame, in good trim; Sua persona pots, i.e. to live in common ; Non il

manicotto, coupling-box (c )
- -
per ;
acconcia di beltate colle sue parti -e, with a handsome nome col verbo, not to put noun and
figure well proportioned in all its parts.
manichette o tubi di pompe, hose- verb together, i.e. to be unable to
coupling. Accosciarsi ;
to squat down upon (or write) two words consecutively, to
Accoppiatori m. fl. ; magistrates in the the thighs. be a dunce. 4. poet. = Cozzare, to butt,
Florentine republic who presided at the scrutiny Accost-amento m.; vbsb. of -are. -arsi :
5. Una
cosa non s' -a con un'
for election of the Signoria.
Accor-amento m, : v. -are. Accost-are ind. acc6sto (L. costa, altra, a thing does not go with some
other (when they do not look well to-
Accor-are ind. accoro to stab rib); i. to bring nearer together. 2. to
; i.
set ajar (a door), half close (a window). gether). 6. to meet (esp. when the
to the heart, esp. in killing pigs.
meeting is for some mischief); Quelle
2. fig.
to wound deeply. 3. to attend (a person of rank) ; Accosta
3. -arsi, to be heart- due s' accozzano bene fra di loro, those
principe, he is an attendant upon the
to be in close contact; Le two are worthy of each other.
*i. to touch the feelings of. ii. to encourage. prince. 4.
*-are un soldo, to save a halfpenny. -arsi to
pietre devono bene, the stones should
: i.
*AccoratO; Kgregiamente ,
this is a literal
unite, ii. to have an interview, iii. to fight, iv. to
version of the L. egregie contains, man of great fit closely together ; Questa
porta non take up a position for a battle, v. to be in con-
accosta bene, bisogna ritoccarla, this formity, vi. nozze, to marry, v. Cozzare.
Accorat6io m. i. butcher's knke of a par- Accrebbi ; perf. Accrescere.
ticular shape for killing pigs. a. hunting spear. door does not meet the frame properly,
Accorci-are ind. acc6rcio **ad- you must give it another touch. 5. fig. Accreditare ind. accre'dito ; i. to
Accostano piii i
figliuoli che gli amici, accredit (an envoy). 2. to make (a
curtiare, v.
Corto) ; to shorten. Aff. children are dearer than friends. 6. of thing) be well thought of, bring it
-ame'nto, -atamente.
food, to be comforting to the stomach. into credit, to confirm (the truth of a
Accorciatiyo ; shortened (name). As refl. -arsi :
7. to approach Si ac- ; story). 3. (com.) Lo accreditai per
Momo e di Girolamo. costa al principe, he is approaching the cento lire, I gave him a letter of credit
fora hundred francs Accreditante, per- ; Acer6t-a/, -o m. ; maple-copse. romana, French sorrel, Rumex scutatus.
son issuing a letter of credit in favour 2. vinegar water.
A'cero m. (Acera/) (L.); (hot.) i. Acetosella f. wood Oxalis
of a customer, Accreditato, to be ; (bat.) i. sorrel,

honoured by a third party, the Ac- comune, maple tree, Acer campestre, acetosella. 2. sensitiva delle Indie, East Indian
also termed Oppio, Loppio, Testucchio, sensitive wood sorrel, Oxalis sensitiva.
creditario. della Acetositay^ acidity.
Galluzzo, Stucchio, Tascollo. 2.

Accresc-ere Perf. accre"bbi part. Fer-

Virginia, maple-leaved box elder, Acer
accresciuto (L. ad, crescere}\ to increase. Ajff.
Acetdso; acid, vinegar-like.
-imento. negundo. 3. di montagna, syca- mentazione -a, acetic fermentation.
Accrescitiv-o; v. Accrescere. In grammar it
more, Acerpseudo-platanus, also termed Acetume m.; i.= Forti,
is applied to the strengthened forms of Italian sub- pickles.
stantives and adjectives. Aff, -amente. Loppone, Falso platano, Sicomoro. 4. acidity. 3. acid smelling drink.
Accresciuto; part. Accrescere. da zucchero, sugar maple, Acer sac-
Accrespare (It. crespa} ; to wrinkle. Acheay^; (l>ot.) an Australian genus, Hakea.
charimim. Acheo Achaean.

Accrespatura/ wrinkle in cloth. Acherdo in. (Gr.) a kind of wild pear.

Ac&rrimo superl. of Acre ; only Acheront-eo

(Gr. 'A.%epuiv = b axea peW, the

Accrezi6ne_/^ intestinal accretion.
-ei, the other world.
* used stream of woe); Templi
Accroccare to take with a hook.
; fig.
Accruscagliare to mix up a thing with some-
Acherdntico; sepulchral.

Acert&llo or Accertfello (Agertello) *Achigiare; an old Sicilian word, to come to

thing where it should not be, like bran amongst
flour. m. (prob. a contracted dim. from L.
*Accubito /. ; i. heaviness in the eyelids,
ii. the recumbent attitude in which the ancient accipiter, hawk) ; kestrel, v. Grillaio. Achilla/; (bot.) yarrow, Achillea
Romans took their meals, or the mattress on which Acervale adj. ; the "sorites" (argument); millefoliitm.
they lay. sillogismo a string of syllogisms in which the
Achilleo adj. of a certain kind of sponge,
conclusion of one step forms the basis of the next. ;

suitable for painters' sponges. Also as sb.

Accucci-arsi or -olarsi ;
of dogs, to * Acervo
/.; (L.) heap.
*Acesmare; v. Accismare. sponge of this character.
lie curled up. *
Achitto m =Acchito, the lead at billiards.

Acesc-6nte turning sour ;

-enza f.
tAciare: to wheeze.
a, to attend
Accud-ire ind. -isco ; Acicolare (tot.): needle-shaped (leaf). ^

to. * to assist. acidity. Acicula or Acuculay". (bot.) shepherd's needle, ;

Scandix pecten.
Etym. \J .accudere(<ad,cudi're t to beat, stamp), Acetabolo m. (L. acetabulum) ; A'cid-o (L., root ac sharp); as E. Aff. -e^to,
hammer out, v. Skeat, sub Hew,
vinegar jar of the ancient Romans.
lit. therefore to dim. -ita, -ulare vt>.
1. ezza, -ificare, -ificazione, -ino, t

Hay. -ulo dim.

2. an ancient measure of capacity about
Acidume m. ; pickles, or anything very acid.
Accul-are ind. acculo ; i. to place the eighth of a pint. 3. socket of the Acinace tn. (L. aclnax Persian ahen, iron, <
(a horse) with his hind-quarters against hip-joint, acetabulum. 4. dice-box. 5. a
with dim. suffix ek); ancient Persian dagger.
2. to rest the body of a cart
Acinatico m. wine made from shrivelled
cryptogamous plant, sea navel-wort.

(a wall).
on the ground with the shafts in the air. Acetaio m. ; vinegar maker or dealer. Acinif6rme ; shaped like a bunch of grapes.
3. -arsi, to sit on the haunches, sit up,
as a rabbit or dog. * i. to be a settled Acetario suitable for eating in salad.
A'cino m. (A) (L.) i. one berry in ;

inhabitant, ii. to be doing nothing. Acetato i.

; smelling of vinegar. 2. mixed a bunch of grapes or currants. 2. bunch,
with vinegar, Rame verdigris. 3. as sb. acetate
, ;
cluster of fruit. 3. pip of a grape. 4. ker-
to pick di piombo. acetate of lead, sugar of lead.
(B) a kind
Acculattare(It. culatta); acidified water, nel or seed inside the pip.
Acet-eliayl -ico, -ificazidne,
a boy up by his arms and legs and bump

asE. of thyme, Thymiis acynos.

him on the ground. 2. il ciro, to
wrap Acetilene m. ; acetylene gas.
Acetino in. (win.) r. small oriental garnet Acin6so; having fruit in clusters.
paper round the base of a wax candle.
; i.
of bright colour. 2. in pi. small imitation garnets
2. with plenty of such clusters. 3. i.q.
3. panche,_/a/n. to sit idle.
le made of glass.
as E.
Accumul-abile; -are. -atdre, -atrice, -azidne,
Actito m. (L. ace turn < acere, to be Acinuzzo m. dim. Acino. ;

* Acio m. hard breathing, wheezing.

Accurat-o; as E. Aff. -ame'nte, -ezza. sharp, v. Acido) i.
vinegar. 2. ; ;

de' quattro (or sette) ladri, four thieves'

Acioa f. a tree in Guiana with edible
Accus-a f. i. accusation. 2. ex- ; Acirologia f. (Gr. oitvpoAo-yi'a) ;
inaccurate use
vinegar, a scented vinegar made speci- of words, catachresis.
amining magistrate taking the part of A'clid-e or -o m. short dart of the ancient
Camera d' -e, a ally at S. Maria Novella in Florence, ;

public prosecutor. 3. Oscans.

court exercising functions analogous to supposed to have hygienic properties, Acme or Acne / (Gr. ix" a ) ; pimples on the
those of an English grand jury, -flbile, and to be efficacious against the plague. face.
a corymbiferous plant, native of
Acmella /.
3. Prendere or Pigliare
1' ,
to acquire ;

Ceylon, formerly used in medicine.

a sour smell, to go sour. 4. Mettere Acdnito m. (L. <Gr. aitovirov); i. aconite,
Accus-are (L. ad, causa); i. to ac- sotto 1' to pickle.
, 5.
II suo e di Aamilam napellus. 2. medicinale, medicinal
cuse. 2. to acknowledge; aconite, AconitHm anthora.
peccati, i
vin dolce, i.e. he is a mischievous person Aconzia/ (Gr. indirioi', a dart); a kind of
to confess one's sins un malore, ;
under an appearance of harmlessness. viper supposed to spring.
to admit not feeling quite well una ;
6. Prima d' esser fui vino, i.e. I was A'cor-e or -o m.; scald head, scabby eruption.
lettera, acknowledge receipt of a letter ;
driven to evil courses by harsh treat- A'coro;. ;(bot.) i. sweet flag or sweet
tre assi (at cards), to call three aces ment. 7. Per forza si fa 1' a pro-
sedge, v. Canna (i, g).
, 2. falso,
-arsi morto, to give oneself up for lost. verbial retort to the threat, If you will
yellow flag, v. Coltellacci.
Accusata/l ; (at cards) call, declara-
not do it of your own accord you shall
Acqn-a aqua) 1. water.
tion. be made to ;
I know no corresponding /. (L. ;

2. rain of weather, rainy.

Accusative: accusative (case). retort in English ; the mean- ; ,
proverbial in reference to jewels, as in E.,
Accus-atore, -atora, -atrice, -atorio ing is obvious, vis. that ill-feeling will
; v. -are. 3. ,

Acefalo (Or. i priv., Kt*Aij, head) i. head- ;

be the result. 8. Non metterci nfe sale means transparency Ametista di un' ;
less Libro
; book from which the beginning is
- nericcia, amethyst of dark water.
missing Concilio
; council not presided over by
, ne ,
usu. ne sale ne olio, v. Olio.
the Pope. 2. as sb. pi. -i (a) sect of heretics who Phrases 4. accoricia, scented water. 5. Al-

9. Non credere neanche all' -, pop. lacciiire


to collect the water of various springs

recognised head; (b)(anat.') acephalous monsters; ,

(c)(zool.) acephalous molluscs. of a person who does not believe in for making waterworks; Allacciatura dell' ,
*Acer-a.X; v. -o. *-aia,yi= -eta. 10. Par la vecchia dell' of dell' -e, the works necessary for such collection.
religion. ,
6. oenedetta, lustrale, or santa, holy water.
Acerbo a small or worn out woman who looks a bigoncioli, a catinelle. a orci, or a secchie,
(L. acerbus root ac, sharp)
; ; 7.

Bacchiar le -e e le old. ii. radicale, pure vinegar. heavy rain, coming down in buckets full. 8. in
unripe, acid, bitter ;
bocca; hold your tongue, silence. 9. Cader 1'
down unripe and rinforzato, avaricious man.

mature, to knock ripe *fig. bollita addosso ad uno, or Avere avuto 1* bollita
* Acetone m. a cattle epidemic of unknown addosso, i.e. to be as limp as a wet rag, to have no
(olives or nuts), i.e. to indulge one's ;

nature. energy left.Cappello a due, a tre, or a quattro

whims without regard to the feelings -e scherz. of a hat with a large drooping brim, v.
of anyone, or to make love both to Acet6sa/; i. (hot.) (a) coltivata, infra (50). a catinelle, v. svpra (7). M. Las-
car- ciare andare, or c >rrer, 1' alia chitui, i.e. to let
young girls and old women, and so on, garden sorrel, v. Soleggiola ; (6)
to baptise at home on
things slide. 13. Dare 1'
pigna, Oxalis corniculata (c)

to act indiscriminately. minore, ; account of urgency. 14. dolce\

fresh water.
Aff. Acerb-ame'nte, -etto, -ezza, -ita. sheep's sorrel, Rumex acetosella (d) ; 15. Tra le due -e, or A mezz' midway between ,
the surface and the bottom of a stream. 16. Fare Acquaborra f. ; i. a kind of mineral water, Acqueddtto (Acquidotto) m.\ aqueduct.
, of a roof, or of a ship, to leak. 17. Filo d' , ii. fie. a thing of no value.
A'cqueo; as E.
direction of Acquerecci-ayi or -o m.', water-bottle.
minute stream of water; Filo dell' ,
Acquaccia f. pegg. Acqua. ;

Acquacchi-are i. to weaken, -arsi=Ac-

the current. 18. Ajfor d' ,
on the surface. 19. ;

cower down.

Acquerell-a/ fine rain. * = -o.

forte (cAein.) aqua fortis, nitro-hydrochloric acid. quattarsi, to squat, ;

20. alle .//, or alle ruote, water to the ropes,

or wheels, i.e. help when needed. The allusion as Acquacedrataio m. ;
lemonade sell- Acquerell-are ind. acquerMlo ; to
regards the ropes is to an incident when the large er. paint in water-colours. Aff. -ista.
obelisk in the piazza before S. Peter's at Rome was
Acquadernare = Acquidernare. Acquerello or Acquarello m.
being hoisted into position, and at a critical moment

a sailor among the crowd of lookers on, seeing that Acquafort ista m. etcher (on copper or ; steel),
v. Acqua (10). i. water-colour picture. 2. water colour,
the engineers were in difficulties, shouted 'Accjua
alle funi.

The shrinking of the ropes upon being *Acquagione in. = Acquazzone, storm. ; the colour material for painting. 3. a
wetted produced the desired result. 21. di latte, *Acquagliare ;= Accagliare, to curdle. sort of poor wine made by pouring
whey of curdled milk. 22. Lavare a piu -e, to wash Acquaio ?. washing up
several times, each time with clean water.
i. sink, water on the wine lees, also termed
lustra??, v. supra (6). 24. Piu grosso dell' -e di place ; fig. E una gola d' mangerebbe Vinello. Prov. Perdere or Rimetterci i!
maccheroni) thicker than water in which macaroni 1'inferno, i.e. there is nothing he will not mosto el' /;/. to lose both wine and
has been boiling, i.e. very stupid; Puro, Innocente
eat ; Mandar tutto per la gola dell' after-wine, i.e. to lose both one's labour
come, or pin dell' -e di maccheroni, of one who while

really vicious or morose wishes to pass as virtuous or to spend one's fortune on gluttony. 2. in and expenses. *wine and water.
maestm, lye from which soap is
di the colour aquamarine. agriculture, a water lead, shallow trench. Acquerell-uccio tn.'t dim. spreg. of -0(1).
26. mart, * =
A mess' 28. Metter in i.
Doccipni, water pipes,
in fi. ii. any re-
27. , v. supra (15).
moltf, scherz. to get refreshments ready, lit. to put

ceptacle for water, iii. lavatory basin Andarsene ;

Acquerugiola or Acquanigiola / ;

the water to soak. Or iron, as of a useless servant per il buco dell' ,

to run away down the sink, i.e. fine drizzle.
to come to nothing; Ogni casa ha cessp e , every
girl, Non sa neanche metier 1* in molle. 29. = Vin-
nanfa t orange flower water. 30. da occhi, eye house has a privy and a sink, i.f. has imperfections Acquetta/ i. ; light rain. 2.
lotion ; Essere da occhi, to be of no value. It and worries, iv. trench round chestnut trees, v. as
ello, second make of wine. 3. di
might be said to anyone who made no account of adj. Vento rain bringing wind.

Perugia, or simply ,
a kind of slow
some valuable article and was using it accordingly,
Non e mica da occhi, or O che e da occhi ? Acquaibla / ; water ousel, v. Mer- poison.
lo (2).
/ =
31. a orci, v. supra (7). 32. Janata, toast
and water. Passar I
to drink aperient Acquicella ; Acquerella, fine
water. 34.
tinta, weak wine and
pazza or
Acquai61o ( Acquaruolo) m. water- ;
i .
water. 35. Pelo dell' the surface of water with
, bearer, water-seller. 2. Flower-pot holder
reference to the height to which a lake or river with a circular channel which can be Acquidern-are (Acquadernare, Ac-
has risen. 36. di Perugia^ poison, v. Acquetta.
piovana, rain water. 38. render foco nell' P filled with water so as to prevent ants quinternare) ind. acquiderno ; to fold
, to catch fire in water, i.e. to be very quick- from getting to the flowers. 3. man (paper for copybooks); v. Quaderno.
tempered; Premiere tant' to get wet through ,

employed to water the streets. 4. work- Aff. -atdre.

with rain. 39. di ragia t turpentine. 40. Rovescio,
or Scossa, d

sudden heavy shower of rain. 41.

man who applies the necessary water Acquiddccio m. (L. aquee ductio] ;
alle ruote, v. supra (20). 42. santa, v. supra (6). in fulling cloth, finisher.
Scossa d' v. su^ra (40). scrudita t
walled water course for receiving water
43. 44.
water with the

chill taken off but not quite warm. As adj. 5. watery, belonging to :
from the smaller watercourses of the
45. a secchie, v. s upra (7). 46. Lavorare soft' , water Topo water-rat
; Ciliegia , ; fields. *sewer.
i.e. to work secretly. 47. S' intende e non
tempesta, or e non tempesta, or Acqua alone, an -a, an early cherry with very watery *
Acquidoso ;=; Acquoso, watery.
exclamation signifying excess of something more or pulp Bolla -a, water-blister
Vaiuolo ; Acquid6tto //;.; = Acquedotto.
less unpleasant ; S' intende e non tempesta le Acquiescen-te, -za; as E. (the verb ob-
(meti.), a variety of chicken-pox;
; - is
tasse s' hanno a pagare ma a questo modo si va in solete).
rovina, let us have rain not a tempest, taxes must be
Merlo ,
water ousel, v. Merlo (i, b\ Acquiet-abile, -amento, v. -are.
paid, but if this sort of thing goes on we shall be Acquamarina f. aquamarine, a jewel of a ; Acquiet-are or Acchet-areiW. -etp; to quiet,
ruined, 48. Tendere all' to set snares for birds ,
sea-green colour ; it is a variety of the beryl. to satisfy, -arsi, to resign oneself. to give up con-
by their drinking places. 49. Esser 1' in terra, testing. I Sanesi acquietarono il castello a' Fioren-
to be just going to rain. 50. Tftto a una, a due, Acquapend-ere of a mountain side, ; tini, the Siennese acquiesced in the possession of the
a tre, or a quattro -e, a roof sloping in one, two, to slope (towards some river). Part. castle by Florence.
three, or four directions. 51. tinta^ v.
supra (34). Acquinternare; Acquidernare, to fold. =
52. Aver la voglia dell' , to be unable to keep still. -ente, as sb. tn., a slope, cp. Fr. versant, Acquirente; (leg.) purchasing, or as sb. pur-
Proverbs 53. Da : che 1' bagna, since rain which under the Italianised form Ver- chaser.
has been wet, i.e. since the world began. 54. Non Acquisire (/<?*.)= Acquistare, to acquire.
si btnv, or Non saper in che -e pescare
sante is often used instead of it. ;

saper che Acquisitive; {leg.) Titolo , right to acquire.

Acqua-pendenza./; = -pendente,
or navigare, i,e. to be uncertain what course to adopt. slope. *-pio-
55. Affogar in un bicckier d' to drown in a glass ,
vere = -pendere, to slope. Acquist-are (L. ad quaerere)\ \. to y

Acquare; =
of water, i.e. to be embarrassed by a small difficulty. Tnaffiare, to water. 2. to acquire (a disease).
56. In cent* anm e cento mesi torna 1' a su' paesi,
in a hundred years and a hundred months rain re- Acquarello ;.;= Acquerello. 3. to procure fede a una cosa, to ;

turns upon the country-, i.e. what has happened

Acquar6ne m. = Acquazzone. ;
make it believed ; spazio, to go for-
before will happen again. 57. Cerchio lontano wards un luogo, to reach a place ;
vicina, cerchio vicino lontana^ i.e. a large circle
round the moon is a sign of rain, a small one of
AcquaroSa / rosewater. ;
una persona, to gain his adherence.
Acquartier-are to quarter (troops).
fine weather. 58. \\fiutne non ingrossa d' chiara, ;
4. intr. to succeed, do well, gain ground
a flood does not come with clear water, i.e. great
wealth is not quickly acquired honestly. 59. Friggere AJf. -ame'nto. in any sense. Aff. -abile.
con 1' to fry in water, i.e. to try to do something Acquanigiola v.
, ; Acquerugiola. Acquisto m. acquisition.
with unsuitable means or tools. 60. del mal ;

Acqu-aruolo; = Acquaiolo.
* *-arzente (Span.
villano che par non piuya e passa il gabhano^ the *
-astrino sb. = Acquitrino. Acquitrina f.\ Acquerugiola, drizzle.
rain of the odious rustic which seems not to be aguardiente) brandy. ; ; i.

ii. adj. = Acquitrinoso.

falling but gets through your overcoat. 61. Aver Acquitrin-o (Acquastrino, Acqua-
-&\\* gola, i.e. to be up to the neck in difficulties.
Acquata/.; i. 2. (mar.) trino)m. i. water slowly oozing from
62. Fuggir sotto le grondaie, to get out of the

rain* under the gutter-spouts, out of the frying-pan

store of fresh water. the ground. 2. marshy, boggy place.
into the fire. 63. Mantello per ogni cloak for ,
Acquatico (Acquatile) as E, ;
Aff. -6so.
any kind of shower, i.e. capacity to adapt oneself to Acquatrino .; = Acquitrino, bog.
Etym. bit.
acqnatorinus < L. agitator, water-
all circumstances. 64. L* va al mare, said when
a man already rich inherits a fortune. 65. Alle tre Acquattarsi (I t. a, quatto) ; to crouch. *
Acquivento m.\ storm of wind and rain.
nebbie lit. rain after the appearance of three

clouds, i.e. when there have been repeated signs /. (L. aqua vita, an al-
of a thing being about to happen it does happen. chemist's term, cp. Fr. eau de vie, Irish
Acquolina / ; i. little quantity of
66. Sotto 1' fame, sotto la neve pane, i.e. a snowy water. 2. fine rain.
winter is followed by a good harvest, a rainy winter uisge bheatha, lit. water oflife,>usque-
Acqu6s-o; watery. Aff. -ita.
by a bad one. 67. L' fa marcire Pali, or rovina i
baugh) ; brandy. Ajf. -aio, brandy
i ponti, it is water which rots piles, or undermines
seller. Acre (L. acer y
root ac^ sharp) ;

bridges the drunkard's indictment of water. 68.

passata non macina piu, water which has passed the
sharp, pungent.
Acquazzone (Acquagione, Acqua-
mill does no more work, i.e. either, an opportunity Acredine^:; (med.) acidity (of the humours of
rone, Acquazione) m. (It. acqua, with
gone cannot be recovered, or, let bygones be bygones. the body). ,

69. Fare quattrini in sull' i.e. to make money out , pegg. and augm. suffixes -azza, -one) ; Acreme'nte; pungently.
ot everything and in every way. 70. che corre
heavy shower, 'temporary pool due "Acrigno; somewhat pungent.
non port veleno, running water is not poisonous, Acrimoniay;; i. sharpness, pungency, acidity
i.e. one who gives vent to his feelings soon recovers
to flooding. (of the blood, etc.). 2. bitterness, acrimony.
* *
his temper. Acquazzoso ;=Piovoso. Aero ; i. adj. Acre. ii. sb. acre (of land
Acroamatico (Gr. axpoa/iartKoc from axpoao- *Adasti-are (It. ad-, astio); i. to envy, hate. act as attendant upon a prince on horseback, or to
/iai, to listen); abstruse, obscure, lit. requiring viva -arsi: ii. as recip. to be envious rivals, iii. as refl. hold the stirrup for him to mount, iii. to adorn,
voce explanation. to set vigorously to work. iv. -arsi, to adapt or train oneself, e.g. for going out
Acr6bat-a in. (Gr. a*pos, jSatVw, to walk on Adattare (L. ad, aptare, to fit, from old L. in the cold. Aff. -abile, -amento.
high); acrobat. Aff. -ico, -ismo. apere, to fit, v. Atto, C); to adapt.
Acr6gene(Gr.);(<5oA) growing at the extremity, Aff. Adatt-abile, -abilita, -acchiare (to adapt as
Add^tto (L. addictus) I. belonging, ;

as ferns, so that they emerge from the ground with best may be), -amente, -amento, -atamente, -ezza. attached (to some corps or society), or
the same thickness of stalk as they have when fully Adatt-o, for adattato adapted, suitable, dis-
specially devoted (to some purpose).

grown. posed. Non e un corredo ,

it is not a suitable
Acromati-co, -smo (Gr. a priv., xpw/xa, outfit. Non siamo -i a sopportare ingiurie, we are i. given up (to some virtue or vice), ii. of a
colour) ;
as E. not disposed to put up with insults. debtor, bound as a semi-slave to his creditor.
Acrdpoliy:; (Gr.)asE. Addanaiato; rich.
Acrdstico ?n. (Gr. aicpos, ITTI^OS, ends of a row) ; (herald). Arme

, a field with
ii. spotty (hide),
little circles on

it Addl adv. ; i.q. A di. quattor-

as E. like coins. dici d' agosto, on the I4th of August.
(Gr. atcpoi, high); pedestal for a
statue on the top of the facade of a building. Addarsi ind. me n' addo,te n' addai, Addiacciare (A) = Ghiacciare, to ;

tAcuccodo jn. = Muggine, mullet. ; se n' adda perf. me n' addiedi, or n' ad- freeze.
Acucula /; (fo/.) = Acicula, shepherd's needle. ;

*Acu-ire (L. acus, needle); to sharpen. *-itk; detti perf. subj. se me n' addessi fut. (B) (from the same root as Giacere,
; ;

sharpness. me n' addar6 (It. a, darsi, to give one- L. jacere} to bring flocks and herds

self); to perceive.
sharp pointed. ;
i. 2. (of into shelter for the night.
*i. to devote oneself, ii. al maligno, al rustico,
insects) possessing a sting. to become Addiaccio (Agghiaccio) m. (L.
spiteful, boorish. ad,
Aculeo m. (L. aculeus) I.
sting (of Addaziare to levy a jacfre, to lie down) sheep-fold. ;
(It. dazio);
an insect). 2. point of any natural duty on. Addicare, tr. or intr. ; i.q. Abdicare,
body. 3. fig. point, sting (of a sar- *Addebbiare debbio); to bum wood upon (It. to abdicate.
casm). ground with the object of improving it for culti- Aff. Addic-ativo, -azione.
Acume (Acumine) ;. intelligence, acumen.
point, end, pointedness as opp. to floweriness of

ind. adde"bito to debit
(pop. Addreto, Addrieto)
style (D.). adv. behind, behindhand, backwards.
person) with something, whether

Acuminare Dare intr. to go backwards, lit. or
ind. aciimino ;
to sharp- money or fig. some fault in character. Per 1'

in the past.
en to a point. fig. ,

Acustica /!; acoustics, science of sound.

Add4bit-o m. imputation. Non ha ;
Addimandare; = Dimandare, to ask.
Acustico (Gr. aKOuu, to hear) ; acoustic, re- -i di sorta, there are no imputations Addimesticare; i.y. Addomesticare, to tame.
Addimostrare ;=Dimostrare, to prove.
ferring to the sense of hearing. against him of any kind.
Acutezza f. ; sharpness, physical or moral,
* *Addecimare (L. deciius)\ to assess for tithe. Addio interj. (It. a Dio); i.
intensity esp. of eyesight. acidity (of blood). Addemmo ist //. perf. of Addare, Ci we
; ,
2. La e
observed, D. Purg. 21. 12. bye. haphazard. 3. iron. ,

Acut-0 (L. acutus, root ac, sharp); Addens-are ;

to thicken. Aff. -amento. to a person whose statements we do not
sharp Male typhus
; , ;
al camino, trust, cosino, tu non me ne vendi !,
desirous to proceed, D. Inf. 26. 122 Addent-are zw</.add6nto (L. dentem,
; that will do, my dear sir what you say !

Questo latte ha preso d' this milk tooth, for edentem, from edere, to eat) ;
i. to seize with the teeth; II cane -a i
is hardly good enough for me.
has got a sour smell. 2. (mus.) Gli -i,
the top notes of an instrument or voice ;
sassi che tu gli giri, the dog is picking Addipanare ind. addipdno; = Di-
Andare up the stones you are throwing at him ; panare, to wind a ball of wool. Gua'
negli -i, to go very high.
La rota della macchina 1' addento per com' addipana, look how he is running
*Acuzie./; acidity of blood.
*Adabile; = Abile. la gonnella, the wheel of the machine (lit. winding), said of a short person
Adacquare = Annaffiare, ;
to water.
caught in her skirt. 2. to injure (a per- moving his legs quickly to keep up
Aff. Adacqu-ame'nto, -atoio, watering-pot, -atura.
3. (carp.) to make a
son's reputation). with a long-legged companion.
ad-, agio) ; i. to lay
Adagi-are (It. swallow-tail, a kind of dovetail. 4. -arsi, Add-ire
ind. addi'co, perf. addissi
down gently; -arsi, to make oneself of cog-wheels to catch. Aff. -atura. -icesti, fut.addiro, part, adddtto (It.
comfortable ; part, -ato as adj. 2. in : Addentell-are ind. addentello (arch.) to leave i. to ad
assign, allot. 2.
a, dire) ;
the end of a wall toothed with the view of extending
good circumstances, living comfortably. it by further building at a future date.
un incanto, to bid at an auction. As
Aff. -atura.
3. well arranged, well furnished (rooms). to be becoming, befitting,
reft, -irsi :
i. to put away_ in the right place, to provide Addentellato m.; i. toothing, v.
suitable. 4. to devote oneself.
with necessaries,
all to furnish comfortably.
iii. Addentellare. For the distinction be-
3. in.
intr. to be useful,
-arsi: v. to be slow, D. Inf.
a' consigli, alle opinion!, to accept
tween and Morsa, v. Morsa. 2. fig. Addiritto or A diritto adv. ; straight
advice, opinions. any work left for future development ;

Adagino adv. ; dim. of Adagio, adv. La scienza d' oggi e un' a quella di Addirittura or A dirittura adv.;
Adagio m. (A) (L. adagium, i.e. domani, the science of to-day is as it 1.
positively, plainly. 2. immediately.
ad were a toothed end of a wall to which
agi um, where the foundation 3. in reality.
of the word is agi; this corresponds an addition is to be made to-morrow ;
Addirizzare (strengthened form of
to Sanskr. dha, Gr. ri/ii, whence the servire di to serve as a connection ,

with what is to be added. Dirizzare) ; i. to straighten, of fig. to

Homeric $, spake, and the L. aio, to
correct, to put (a person's ideas) straight ;
speak) ; adage, proverb. Addentr-are (Adentrare) ind. ad- le gambe a' cani, to straighten dogs'
d^ntro to drive (a thing) -arsi, to legs, as an illustration of the impossible.
(B) agio) (tuns.} slow
(It. ad-, ;

movement. As adv. slowly, carefully. penetrate. 2. to set upright, e.g. a plant that has
un po', or Adagio adagio, or Adagio Addentro (pop. Addrento, Addrien-
been blown down.
biagio, steady a bit, not so fast. *con- to) ;
i. adv. quite inside. 2. fig. Essere Aff. Addirizz-abile, -abilita, -amento, -atore,

venience, comfort. - in una cosa, to have inside know-

Addirizzatdio in. ; tail-comb for parting the
Adamant-C ;. (Gr. a5a/ia?, a not, Sa/iauj to ledge of it Voler saper to desire
; ,
subdue); adamant (mostly poetical as in E.). 'dia-
accurate knowledge, D. Inf. 2. 85. Addirizz-atura/; i. i.q. -amento, the act of

mond. Ajff. -mo. straightening. 2. parting of the hair.

Addestr-are ind. addestro (It. a, Addiscere ;
to learn.
Adamic-o ;
i. of Adam. 2. dating *Addisiare; to desire.
I. to drill or train (a
from all time. Terra alluvial destro) ; person) in *Additamento /. (A); (L. additamentunt);
3. -a,
military exercises, public speaking, etc., addition, note. (B) (It. additare); reference.
or on the other hand in knavery and Additare ind. addfto ; i. to point
Adaraita in. ;
one of a sect of heretics who
stripped naked to pray. fraud, but not in a handicraft. 2. to out with the finger, Dito. 2. fig. to
Adamc4t. ; Adam. Quel d' , the weakness accustom the body or the mind to
of humanity, D. Purg. 9. 10, show, generally.
Adasperare ;= Inasprire, to sharpen, acidify.
severe use. 3. to break in (a horse). Addived^re; = Divedere, to perceive.
*Adastare; (A) = Adastiare, to stimulate. (B) *i. to show respect to a person by placing oneself Addivenire; = Divenire, to become.
(L. adt stare) to loiter. ',
on his right hand side, a custom of early times, ii. to Addizion-e f.\ addition. Aff. -ale, -almente.
Addobb-are or Adobbare ind. ad- Addoppiatoio nt. ; the implement used by a -empimmo -iste -irono fut. Adempiro ; ;
dobbo (A) i. to decorate II tempio
; ;
Addoppiat6r-ew/.,-a./I; silk-winder, throwster. part, adempito or adempiuto (L. adim-
fu magnificamente -ato, the temple was Addoppi-atura or -o the twisting or throw- ;
plere, v. Empiere) i. to fulfil, carry ;

ing" of silk.
splendidly decorated. 2. to furnish a Addormentare ind. addormento (Addormire) ; out. to grant (a request).
2. 3. Ad-
house or room handsomely; Addobba to put to sleep. empirsi, of a prophecy, to be fulfilled.
un bel salotto, he is furnishing a beauti- Aff. Addorment-abile, -ativo, -atore, -atora,
Aff. Adempime'nto.
ful drawing-room, -arsi, to dress one- Adenlte./ (Gr. iSyv, gland); (nted.) inflamma-
self in finery. Addoss-are i. to lay (something) ;
tion of the glands, adenitis.

on the back (of another thing) un' Adenoso glandular. ;

to arm (a knight), arme, of the knight,
i. ii. I'
Adenzi6neyT (L. adentptio)\ (leg.) revocation
to put on his armour, iii. to give a pleasant ex- impresa ad uno, to entrust the conduct (of an authority, a legacy,
pression ; La bocca dell' ingrato addobba forma e of an enterprise to him la colpa ad Adepto ni. (L., part, of adipiscor, to obtain);
voce, man A
who is showing himself really ungrate-
an alchemist who believed himself to have dis-
uno, to lay the blame upon him

ful will put on a pleasant expression, iv. to supply

fu ; covered the real secret, ii. = Iniziato, one who is
seasonings and sauces in cooking meat. v. to dress addossata la casa a uno dei muri dell' initiated.
So fig. Che con tanto lucore
(a person) splendidly.
e tanto robbi M' apparvero splendor dentro a'_ duo' antica chiesa, the house was built AdeCjuazi6neyC;=Pareggiamento,
O against one of the walls of the old
raggi Ch* io dissi, Elios che si gli addobbi? for Aderbare to feed (an animal) on grass.

with such brightness and so ruddy there appeared to church le aiuole, to throw up the Aderente pres. part. Aderire adherent. Also ;

me splendours within two rays that I cried, Sun, is O ;

as sb.
it thus that thou adomest them? D. Par. 14.^ 96.
north side of flower-beds so as to make
vi. to put fine trappings on a horse, vii. -arsi, to them slope to the south. As refl. -arsi :
Aderenz-a/; i. adherence. 2. in
take up regular order.
2. un ufficio, to undertake an office. pi. Aver molte
to have powerful -e,
(B) ; to give the first bath (Addobbo), viz. of
alum water, to hides in the process of tanning. 3. of a closely packed crowd,
to be connections, friends in high authority.
Etytn. Under (A) the word belongs to a root forced up on each other's backs. 3. disposition, aptitude. 4. (mech.) re-
meaning a blow, whence the E. "dub" in the ex-
sistance (of the surfaces of two bodies
pression "to dub him knight." The knight would Add6sso prep, or adv. upon, upon ;

be dressed up for the occasion of receiving his knight-

to be burdened with. contact at rest) to sliding motion,
hood, and the sense of "decorate" would readily be
the back. Avere , jn
///. to have the
initial friction.
transferred to other occasions and other kinds of Avere il minchione ,

decoration, cp. Anglo-Saxon dubbait, Icel. dubba, to blockhead on one's back, i.e. to be
strike, Old Fr. at/outer a chevalier. Under (B) Ad-ergersi ind. m' adergo, perf.
the meaning suggests a different origin ; cp. E. stupid. Tirarsi to bring upon one- , m' adersi -ergesti (L. erigere) to rise. ;

dubbing, a dressing used for leather, Irish dob a self. Dare a, to attack. Gli ha
stream, Welsh divor water.
1 amore, love has attacked him,
Aderime'nto m. ; adhesion.
Aff. Addobb-amento, -atore.
i.e. he has fallen in love. Stare a, to Ader-ire ind. -isco (L. adhaerere) ;

Add6bbo m. (A) (v. Addobbare, stand over (a workman) to see that he i. to adhere. 2. a una domanda, to
A) decoration.
i. 2. furnishing, fur-
; works. D' , off; Si leva i panni grant a request.
niture of decorative character. 3. finery d' he is taking off his clothes. Por- *
Aderpicare ;= Inerpicare, to climb.
in dress. * ,

sauce, seasoning. tare ,

to wear. Metterseli tutti ,

to spend all one's money on dress.

Adescare (Aescare) ind. addsco (L.
Addobbare, B); i. the first
(B) (v.
Avere il male il malanno e 1' uscio esca, bait) to entice, lure.
dipping of hides in the process of tan-
* i. to
2. the trough in which they are to have every kind of misfortune. II give (a person) an insufficient meal. ii. to
ning. allure (in good sense), iii. to put the priming to a
dipped. caldo mi da I feel the heat very , gun. iv. to bait (a hook), v. to throw out as a

Addocciare ind. addoccio to form a groove ; in much. bait.

wood in the shape of a gutter, Doccia. Aff. Adesc-abile, -amento.
Addocil-ire ind. -isco; i. to make (a child or Add6tto ; part. Addurre.
colt) docile. 2. to soften (leather). Adesi6ne _/C ; i. adhesion. 2. dis-
(It. doga, stave); (herald.) to bar.
i. to confer the Voto
Addogare position, inclination. d'
3. (leg.)
Addolcare i. (of the weather)
= degree of a doctor. 2. Jig. to teach declaration by which a lawyer binds

(a boy) mischief. Essere -ato in himself in writing to a declaration drawn

Raddolcare, to turn soft and warm

2. = Raddolcire, to soften. butroque, to be a conceited ass. Aff. up by another.

-amento. Adesivo i. adhesive. 2. Parere ;i.q. Voto ,

Addolc-ire ind. -isco ;

i. to sweeten. Addottrin-are ; to indoctrinate, esp. with mis- d' adesione, v. Adesione (3).
2. to soften. chief.
Aff. Addottrin-Abile, -amento, -atamente. Adeso ; attached, stuck on.
A(f. Addolci-m6nto, -tivo. Addove ; pop. for Dove, where.
* to
Addolorare ind. addoloro, to grieve. * draw up Adespoto (Gr. A friv., Je<7iroTi)s) ; i. without
Addrappellare to (troops) in small an owner. (of an old MS. or book) anonymous.
cause bodily pain. 2.
= La Madonna bodies.
Addolorata f. de' dolori, the
Addrento pap. for Addentro, within.

Mother of Sorrows. ;

Addrfcto (Addrieto) pop. for Addietro, behind. ;

Adesso (L. ad ipsum, sc.tempus)
Addrie'nto pop. for Addentro, within. now. - in a moment.
Addomandarsi; to bear the name of. Adducibilc adducible.
; adv.; i. 2. ,

Add6m-e abdomen. A$. -inale.
in.', Addurre itt't. adduco #erf. addussi -duc^sti,_//. Adiacciare ; Ghiacciare, to freeze.

Etym. L. abdomen, of doubtful origin. The Adiacen-te (L. adjacent); adjacent. Aff. -za.
addurro, parts, adducente, addotto (L. addvcere);
view to which Walde inclines is to derive it < ab, i. to adduce. 2. (poet.) to bring.
dutnen, where dunten is akin to Gr. Jwofitu, to Adduttore or Abduttbre tti. ; (anat.) abductor Adianto in. (Gr. dSiavrov, <d priv.,
plunge into, and so has the meaning of concavity muscle. maiden-hair
8iaiva>, to wet) fern.

ab-dvmen therefore = the remote concavity, as op-

Adduzione f. (anat.) abduction (of a limb).

posed to that for the thoracic viscera. Adib-ire ind. -isco

(L. adhibere)
Addimesticare, Adeguame'nto m. ; right relation,

Addomestic-are, due proportion. (leg.) to produce (proofs or witnesses).

or Addomestichire ind. addomestico,
etc.; to tame, to improve land for cul- Adegu-are addguo (L. ad, ind. Adice ; poet, for Adige, a river of
to flatten, smooth N. Italy.
tivation, or to improve a plant by cul- aquare, v. Equo) ;

al suolo, to level (a building) Adiettivo etc. = A^gettivo, adjective etc.

tivation, -arsi (with double accusative), out. 2. ',

Adimandare = Dimandare, to ask. ;

to make oneself familiar with. to the ground -arsi, to consider itself; * Adimare (L. ad, linns from infintus)\ to lower.
* Adimoranza y^;=Dimora, residence.
Aff. Addomestic- (or Addimestic-) -abile, -amento, (be considered) equal ; ne la bellezza
Adinami'a f. (Gr. d, 8vvafjn^, power); (med.)
atore, -atrice, -atura, -hevole, -hevolezza. di Venere si puo alia tua, nor can weakness.
Addomiciliarsi =
; i.q. Addpmesticare.
Domiciliarsi, to be domi-
the beauty of Venus be compared with
A'dip-e m. ( L. adipem^ Gr.

ciled. cp.
Addon are Adonare, to subdue. ofA<a, ointment, XtVor, fat) fat. Aff*

(It. a, dopo); to hide behind (a

Adeguatamente ; adequately.

tAddopparsi -osita, -oso.

Ad-empire or Ad-e'mpiere, iud. Ad-
Adipocera f, (L. adefa fat; ccra, wqx);
Addoppi-are ind. addoppio ; to e'mpio -e'mpi -e'mpie -empiamo -em- adipocere, a fatty substance developed by animal
matter buried in a damp place or preserved in a
double, to use two together of anything ; pite -^mpiono, or Adempisco -empisci
to increase by as much again is Rad- -empisce -empiamo -empite -empis-
*Adiracinare (L. ad, de, radico, to root); to
doppiare. Aff. -amdnto. cono perf. Adempii -empisti -empl
; tear up.
him Adunco hooked. fur the Homeric
anger) to make ha giudizio e piu n' adopri, let

Adir-are (L. ad, ira, ; piii

rijs, crafty.
angry. Prov. La lingua s' -a coi denti, use most judgment who has
most, i.e.

the tongue can be angry with the teeth, do not refuse a compromise unless you Adunghiare (Adugnare, Augnare);
to seize greedily as a cat with its claws.
i.e. the best friends may quarrel. are sure of winning your case, prudence
Adustione /. ; i. scorching. ii. burning.
is the better part of valour.
Ajf. Adir-amento.-atamente, -aticcio <//;. spreg,> iii. cauterization, iv. = RibolHmento, a heated
ato. to produce, give rise to. to state of the blood,
*i. to work. ii. iii. v. combustibility.
take effect, iv. to be useful, v. to succeed. Adust-o (L. ustus, part, of nrere, to burn);
Ad-ire ind.
-isco (L. ad^ ire, to go) ;
Adoperabile or Adoprabile; v. Adoperare. j. scorched. 2. dried up. 3. pers. thin. *i. stagi-

(leg.} tribunale, to apply to the

i. il Adorare ind. adoro; i. to adore, z. in a one -a, the hot season, ii. uomo -o, inhabitant of
court. 2. un' ereditk, to enter into technical sense, of the cardinals, to pay homage the tropics.
to the newly elected Pope.
Aerat-o ; carbonate. Calce -a, carbonate of
possession of an inheritance. Aff. Ador-abile, -abilita, -atore, -atora, -atrice, lime ; carbonic acid gas having formerly been called
-azione. Acido aereo
A'dito m. (A) (L. aditus] ; i. access. *Adorbare (L. orbits); i. to deprive, ii. to
A'ere ///. or f. (L. aer, v. Aria);
2. right of access. 3. fig. Dare ad un blind.
be well
*Adorezzare (It. rezzo, shade); to i. the air. 2. All' chiaro, by
errore libero di diffondersi in un shaded.
to make
day-time. 3. nero, cieco or spento,
popolo, to provide abundant opportunity Adornare
hid. adorno; i, to adorn.
suitable provision. d' esercito e d' armata lo evening, or night-time. 4. torbo, the
for a popular error to spread. with a
stato, to provide the state suitable army world of earth as opposed to heaven.
and fleet.
(B) (Gr. dSt/rov); (arch&ol.) the ady- cieco, the infernal regions, world
Aff. Adorn-abile, -amento, -atamente. 5.
tum of an ancient temple. Adorno (sync, for adornato) adorned. ;
of night. 6. disposition, temper.
Adivenirc; = Divenire, to become.
Adotare = Dotare, to endow.

* Adottare iiui. ad&tto (L. ad, optart, Optare Aeream^nto ///. aeration. ;

AdivenzioneyC; contrivance. Aer-em6to or -im6to m.\ whirlwind, tornado.

is vifreq. of ofiire, from ops provision, means; root
Adizidneyi; ?'. Ad ire (2). Aereo (Aerio); i. airy. 2. filled with air.
* Adizzare op or /, IL Copia); to adopt.
;= Aizzare, to incite. air. aerial (perspective). (pact.)
to re-name as if by adoption. Appione gram- resembling 4. 5.
Adnata f.\ (nnnt.) the conjunctiva of the eye. 3. *
Acido carbonic acid.
Adnato; i. (anaf.) adherent. 2. (bot.) adnate. matico nel nome d' Omero da tutte le citadi fu lofty (hill), ,

Aeredlito, Aerdlito or Arediito M. (Gr. iijp,

adottato, Appion the grammarian was given the
air; Ai'0o, stone); aerolite, stone fallen from the sky.
Adocchiare, or pop. Aocchiare, ind. adoptive name of Homer by every city. Aereonauta or Aeronauta m. (Gr. onjp, air;
Ajf. Adott-abile, -amento.
adocchio I. to eye attentively, to watch.
Adottivo; adoptive.
growing on a graft. wuiTTjs, sailor) ; aeronaut, balloonist.
Aereonautica or Aeronautica f. ; science of
2. to discover (something searched for *
Adovare to make egg-shaped. ;

Adoven-ire or -tare ;=Diventare, to become.

' ballooning or flying.
among many similar things, e.g. a par- Aereoplano tn,(Gr. a>jp-t-Fr. planer, to hover
*Adovrare; = Adoperare, to employ.
ticular person in a crowd). Adozidne/;; adoption. <.plan smooth t
i<. Piano); as E.
Aereostatica or Areostatica f. (G. i^p, air;
i. = Raffigurare, Riconoscere, to discover,
Adra-cne, -cnaor -ene./; i. strawberry-tree, to stand); aerostatics, science of
[i. fig. (TTariKos, causing
to receive impressions of external objects, in. tr.
A rbutus andracne. 2. the name is given by Soderini
Postulaca olerncea. used the equilibrium of gases.
to an herbaceous plant, the
to ogle. Aere6stato or Aredstato m.\ air balloon.
Adolesc6n-te, -za as E. (L, v. Skeat, sub
m salad.
',air;y(7rw(t, form); aeriform,
Adragant-e, tragacanth, a medicinal
-i /. ;
Adult). exuded by the Astragalus rents, one of the ,ISC(IUS,
gum Aerimetria f.\ i.q. Aerometria.
which grows in Asia Minor.
Adombr-are or Aombr-are ind. Leguminosae,
* *Aerino; airy. Colore sky Mite.
Adro; = Atro, black.
Aerocisti m.

adombro; I. to shade. 2. to darken. *Aduggere; i. to dry up. ii. =Aduggiarc. pi. (Gr. ajjp, air; JCVOTIS,
to swell); air cysts in leaves.
adumbrate La dove <KWW,
3. to shadow forth, ;
(Gr.); aerodynamics, science
armonizzando il ciel t' adombra, where Aduggi-are or Auggi-are (It. uggia); of the movement of gases.
heaven in its harmony shadows thee
1. by shutting off the
to injure (plants) AerofobiayC (Gr.); dread of fresh air.
light. Certe mamme col con-
2. fig.
forth, D. Purg. 31. 144. 4- (paint.) to Aerom&le m. (L. aer, air mel,
tinue brontolare aduggian 1' anima de'

shade in. As refl. -arsi 5. of horses, :

honey) honey-dew, manna, a sweet

bambini, some mothers cramp the

to be scared (usu. Prender ombra). exudation on the leaves of certain

6. to become suspicious.
growth of children's minds by constant
*to shade, to screen. plants.
scolding. Aff.
to symbolise, ii. intr. to be scared, Prw,
*1. Aerometria or Aerimetria f. (Gr.); science
nella biada, to be scared at seeing oats, i.e. to be
-ame'nto. of air measurement.

suspicious of what should be agreeable ne ragna- ;

AdugliayC ; (iar.) Un* di cavo, one turn or Aerbmetro or (Gr.); instrumentAreometro
teli, to be frightened
at cobwebs. coil of a cable. for measuring the specific gravity of gases.
Aff. Adombr-abile, -amento,
Adugliare ; (mar.) to coil (a cable) into a Aeropdsta in. (a hybrid word, L. atr+ Ital.
* Adon-are
(Adonire, Addonare) (It. a, dono, c/>. spiral. posta); pneumatic post (for letters).
Fr. $*adonner) ; i. to subdue, ii. -arsi, to surrender ; *Adugnare ;= Adunghiare, to seize. Aeroscdpico m. (Gr. aijp, air ; cncon-os, watcher);
Nostra virtu che di leggier s' adona non spermentar Adul-are ind. adulo (L. ad-itlari, to flatter, aeroscope, instrument for observing any condition of
con 1' antico avversario, let us not expose our virtue, orig. of dogs to fawn upon, viz. by wagging the tail. the air.
so ready to surrender, to a struggle with the ancient Akin to Sanskr. valas, hair of the tail; Zend. vara t
Aer6so ; i.a. Arioso, airy.
foe.D. Purg. ii. 20. tail Lith. valai, hair of a horse's tail); to flatter, Aeroterapia/ (Gr. o^p, air; 0paim', treat-
'Adonca (Adonche); = Dunque,

-arsi, to be conceited. ment); healing by air, air-cure.
Adoncino ;;/.; dim. Adone. Aff. Adul-abile, -atore, -atora, -atrice, -atona- Aescare; Adescare, to lure.
Adonew/. ; i. Adonis. 2. (bot.) pheasant's eye, mente", -atorio, -azionaccia pcgg., -azioncella dim.,
Aettte / (Gr. aero?, eagle); i.q. Etile, eagle
Adonis autumnalis. -azione. stone.
*Adonestare; i. to cover up the fault of. ii. to Adulter-are (Adolterare, Avolterare) /</. adiil- Aetusa or Etusa /; (bot.) fool's parsley,
make honest. * Aethttsa.
tero ; to adulterate. to commit adultery or tr. to
Adonide /.; rosso, (bat.) summer pheasant's commit adultery with, to dishonour.
eye, Adonis astivalis, also termed Occhio di pernice. AJf. Adulter-abile, -amento, -atore, -atcjra, Afa./ ; (Etym. unkn.) i. sultriness ;

Addnio ;
an Adonic verse consisting of a
-atrice, -azione. Mi fate , you are smothering me, i.e.
dactyl and spondee such as the fourth verse of a Adulterine born in
sapphic stanza, e.g. terruit orbem.
(* Avolterino)
2. false (key, money, etc.). *i. adulterous,
ii. adul-
; i.
boring me with silly remarks. 2. Aver-
Adonire;^ Adonare, to subdue, terated. sion esp. for eating; Certi cibi troppo
*Adonqua -e; = Dunque, so. Adulterio (Adolterio, Avolteno, Adultero,
spesso usati fanno some foods if ,

Avultero, Avoltero) t. ; adultery. *i. unchastity.

Adont-are (Aontare) ad-, onta) taken too often become nauseous.
(It. ; ii. sodomy, iii. rape. iv. contamination of sacred
ind. ad6nto, i. to reproach. 2. -arsi, things. A'faca (Aface, Afaga)/ (hot.) yellow vetch- ;

(L. ad, ulter v. Oltre, lit. therefore
to be offended. non parlargli de' A proceeding elsewhere) adj. or sb. ; adulterous.
ling, Lathyrits apkaca.
Afacciay^; pegg. Afa.
suoi scritti se n adonta, he is offended
"i. cuckold, ii. bastard, iii. incestuous, iv. false
A'face, A'faga/; i.q. Afaca.
if you do not talk to him about his (news). A'faney^; (bot.)Alckemillaaphanfs one of the t

Adulto (L. adulttts from adolescere)\ adult, of lady's mantle genus of Rosaceae.
writings. full age. Essere in un' arte, to be master of an Afanite,/; aphanite, a compact dark-coloured
*i. to find fault with unreasonably or to an un- art. stone used as a touch-stone.
reasonable degree, ii. intr. to be ashamed. Aff.
Adumiliare; i. to humiliate, ii. to appease. Afasia f. (Gr.); aphasia, using wrong words
-amento. from brain disease.
Adontoso i. shameful. ii. prone to take
Adun-are ;
to collect, unite. Aff.
Afato; i. of fruit, withered by ex-

offence, iii. prone to find fault. -abile, -amento ; -anza, assemblage ;

-atore. cessive heat, v. Afa. 2. pers. puny,

Adoper-are (Adoprare, Addoperare, wretched-looking.
Addoprare, Aoperare, Aoprare, Ado- Aduncare (L. uncus, v. Uncino) ;
Aff, Afat-iccio dint., -uccio dim. sfregg., sickly.
vrare) ind. adopero to employ, -arsi, ; to bend into a hook. Aftlio in. (Gr.); aphelion, the point in a plane-
to exert oneself, work hard. Prov. Chi *Adun-chc -qua, -que;=Dunque, so. tary orbit most remote from the sun.
Afcresi f. (Gr.); aphaeresis, clipping the be- Affannon-e ;., -a/ ; one who fusses (B) ind. affdtto (It. fdtta, slice) ; i. to
ginning of a word, e.g. Sandro for Alessandro. much about slice up. 2. to fold woollen
Afesi /. (Gr.); (mcti.) the going away of an
things. things into
Affann6s-o ; troubled (breathing), plaits. 3. un braccio, to slice it off.
Affabil-e(L.,<<K/,/ar<, v. Fato); as E. Ajff.
to cut -- le
-ita, -mente. oppressive (heat), wearisome (task). 4. up (old clothes). 5.
Affabulaz-io or -ioneyC; moral to cut up the curds, to do
Aff. -amdnte.
<>'":i fable. ricotte, lit.
routine work, every-day work. 6. -arsi
Affaccend-arsi ind. m' ai'faccdndo Affantocciare ind. affantoccio (It.
un dito, to cut a finger badly.
(It. faccenda) to busy oneself. Aff. ; fantoccio) to tie up the outer branches

of a plant so that it becomes like a doll. Affettatamdnte

-amento, -ucchiarsi spreg. ; affectedly.
Affaccettare; = Sfaccettare, to cut (a diamond). Affaraccio m.\ pegg. Affare.
Affettato; (A) (It. affettare, A);
Affacchin-arsi ind. m' affacchi'no ;
Affardellare ind. afifardello to tie ; i. m. affectation. 2. as adj. affected.
work hard, into a bundle, or intr. to pack up.
to lit. like a
porter, Facchino. up
(B) (It. affettare, B) m. slices of
intr. = -arsi. Affare m. ;
* -are to work (a man) hard.
: i. ii. (It. a, fare, cf>. E. to-do); affair,
Affacciamento ;. = Sfacciataggine, impu- ;
importance, wealth,
i. ii. Uomo di ham, sausage, etc.
dence or importunity. mal , man
of bad character.
Aff. Affar-etto dim., -ettucciaccio dim. pegg.,
Affett-at6re >., -atrice/; i. from
Affacci-are; i. to show (a .child) at -ino dim., -one augm., -uccio dim. spreg., -ucciaccio -are (A), an affected person. 2. from
dim. pcgg. -ucolo dim.
the window. 2. una difficolth, to ,
-are (B, 2), worker who folds woollen
Affario in. a lot of business going on all at

bring forward a difficulty un' ipotesi, ; once, a great bustle. goods into plaits.
to present an hypothesis. As refl. -arsi :
Affar-ista m. sham man of business. Aff. ;

ismo. Affett-atura/ ; vbsb. of -are (B).

to present oneself. 4. of trees in
Affarsi; = Confarsi,
to be suitable. Affettazi6n-e /. (L. affectatio); as E. Aff.
an avenue, to be opposite each other. * cella dim.
Affasciare to tie up.
5. to
learn a little of Ti sei mai -ato a ;

una storia d' Italia, did you ever address Affascinare (A) ind. affasci'no to ; ;
Affettivo; i. impressive. 2. re-
make (brushwood) up into faggots, ferring to the affections.
yourself to a history of Italy? 6. -arsi
a un incanto, to bid at an auction -arsi ;
Fascine. Aflett-o (A) m. (L. affectus, sb.) ;

a un impiego, to try for an appoint- (B) affascino (L. fascini/in,

ind. i. mind or heart, love,
affection of the
ment. 7. of a disease, to declare itself. charm, cp. Gr. /Sao-xaiVo), to fascinate, feeling (in a picture) Mozione degli ;

ii. = Sfaccettare, to throw a charm upon, root bha, whence -i, in an oration, that portion where the
* -arsi in uno, to meet him.

work (a hard stone) till it has smooth faces, = iii.

orator seeks to move the affections of
/3dfo), $11*1, etc.) to fascinate.
Offrirsi, to offer to do some piece of work. iv. to

meet, i.e. to fight, v. to fling in the face of, re- Aff. Affascin-amento, -atore, -atrice, -azione.
his hearers da quello odiare ogni
; e
proach with. Affastell-are ind. affastello deciso, no emotion of hate is possible
A'ffaga/; = Afaca, (It. fa-
vetchling. towards him (the First Cause), //'/. every
Affagianare ; to cook like a pheasant. stello) i.
properly to tie up (hay or
emotion (in the creature) is cut off from
Affagottare to make into a loose straw) into trusses. 2. to tie anything
hate of him (the Creator), D. Purg.
bundle. up into a parcel, or fig. to bring up a in. 2. (ined.)
parcel of arguments, notes, etc.
17. i.q. Affezione, affec-
Aff. morbid state.
Affagottato ; clumsily dressed. -amdnto. tion,
*Affaitarsi; i. to adorn oneself, ii. to model *i. (gram.) case. ii. the word is variously used
oneself. Affastellfo m. heap of ill-digested ; by old musical writers to express different kinds of
emotional or of playing,
Affaldare (It. falda) to fold (cloth) knowledge or ill-arranged arguments. passage, feeling, style
* iii. (iiiath.') property.
Affastidire ;= Infastidire, to vex.
into pleats. *
Affatappiare to bewitch, v. Fatappio. As
Affaldellare ; = Sfaldellare, to separate spun silk *Affatare; i. i.q. AfTaitare, to adorn,

ii. tft
(B) adj. (<L. affectus, part, of
into strands, v. Faldella. bewitch. afficere) ;
i. affected, seized (by an ill-
ness). 2. burdened (with debts); Casa
Affair-are ind. affamo i. to reduce ; Affaticanature m. spreg. physician. ;

-a da ipoteca, house encumbered with

(a besieged town) to hunger. 2. intr.
Affatic-are, ind. affatfco to fatigue.
a mortgage. 3. (math.) Una quantita
to hunger. Aff. -at6re. Aff. -amento. -a da un esponente, a quantity raised
Affamat-o ;
famished. Aff. -ello, Affaticatdre m. ;
strenuous worker. to a power expressed by an exponent.
dim. iron. AffaticheVole ; apt for hard work. 4. Bene, Male di uno, well or badly
Affangare ; to fill or cover with mud. *
Affaticoso = Faticoso, affected towards him.
; tiring.
Affann-are i. to distress, to cause Affatto (L. ad, factum) (C) sync. part, of Affettare (B), folded
quite. ;

suffering to. 2. -arsi, to exert oneself 2. sometimes elliptically for Niente into plaits.
to the point of distress, to take much not at like the Fr. dit tout for
all, point Affettu-are; *i. to influence. tii.=Effettu-
trouble. 3. to disquiet oneself. 4. -arsi du tout. are. *-arsi, to be disposed to mutual affection.
dietro a, to labour hard for. 5. Part.
Affettu6s-o; affectionate.
Aff. -amente, -ita
Affattucchiare (It. fattucchiera, witch); to Affezion-are ind. affeziono; to inspire affection
-ato,with difficulty in breathing. Aff. bewitch.
* -arsi a, to feel affection for. -arsi, to win the affec
-atamdnte. Affatturare ;
i. to bewitch, ii. to delude,
tion of.
iii. to adulterate, doctor (wine).
Aft. Affezion-abile(impressible), -abilita,-amento
Affazzonare(It. fazzone); = Abbellire, toadorn.
Affanno m. (Etym. unkn. The word Anezionat-o ; i. affectionate. a, fond of.

occurs with the same sense of great Affe -- di Also used as sb. E un vostro he is a friend of
(It. fe, faith); Bacco, 2.

al principe piu che mai dalla recente

exertion in Provenc,., Catalan, old Span., yours.
dell' occa, Afifeddiddio, Affeddedieci, sventura, more than ever attached to the prince by
and under the form of Allan in old Fr, etc., my word ! the recent misfortune. * i. regarded with affection,
v. Littrd, sub Ahan. The Genevan *
Affegatarsi; = Accorarsi, to grieve.
ii. d' ardente desiderio, affected by an ardent
desire, iii. suffering from mental affection, deranged.
affaner means to gain with difficulty. *Afferante; contributing.
Afferato = Efferato, cruel. Aff. -amente.
Old Fr. a/ma also means cultivation ;

Afferm-are ind. affermo; i. to affirm. 2. to Affezioncellayl; dim. Affezione.

and ahaner often means to cultivate confirm by speech or sign. Aff. -abile, -atamlnte, Affezidney?; i. affection, love. 2. (//.) dis-
-ativa sb. , -ativamente, -ativo, -atore, -atrice, -azione. order, illness. 3. (math.) property. 4. {grant.)
the ground. There is however nothing *Afferrante m. (old Fr. an/errant)', war-horse. inflection.
to show from what source the group
* Affiaccare = Fiaccare, to damnge.

Afferr-are ind. afferro (It. ferri, tools, Affiammatay:; a kind of red cloth.
springs); i. heavy breathing. 2. severe
exertion. exhaustion. so that the orig. meaning is to seize Affiat-are (It. fiato, breath) to train
3. 4. suffering, ;

with tools) to grasp. *i. to approach so as to work together, -arsi, to begin
(tned.) difficulty in breath-
6. Darsi orPrendersi di qualche (of a ship), ii. to take
(a road), iii. to
to be friends. Non solo non sono amico
take root. Aff. -amdnto, -atore, -atrice. ma non mi ci sono
cosa, to trouble oneself about it ; far di quella persona
venir 1' to bore (a person) to death.
Affetare = Affaitare, ; to adorn.
neanche affiatato mai, so far from my

*i. discomfort, ii.

(mar.) excessive Affett-are (A) ind. affetto (It. affetto, being a friend of that person there has
load. iii. di mente, scruple. affectation); to affect. never been so much as the beginning
of sympathy between us. So of a com- Affin-e (L. <ad, finis, boundary); sapore amaro per 1" dei fiumi, sea
pany of actors or chorus of singers, to 1. related by blood or marriage. 2. fig. water does not lose its bitterness for
begin to go well together. And of allied. Aff. -itk. the rivers that join it. 2. congestion,
animals, II cane si affiata subito con *Affin-ire; to refine, to perfect
; -irsi, to languish. determination of blood to the head, etc.
Affiocare Affiochire.
uomo, a dog very soon feels at home *
3. Abundance of commodities brought
Affioccarsi; to be crowded.
with a man. to a market. 4. Concourse of people ;

Affiato Affioch-ire ind. -isco (It. fioco) I. to

A Firenze dura sempre 1' de forestieri,
(It. fio, fee); i. enfeoffed, granted in

fee. rented,
ii. iii. the person who purchased an make hoarse, to weaken (the voice). the influx of foreigners to Florence never
enfeoffment. iv. vassal, v. tenant, vi. feudatory. 2. -irsi, to burn dim. Aff. -ime'nto. ceases.
Affibbi-are (It. fibbia L. fibula) < ;
* Affione
tion of opium, storax
nt. (Arabic word)
; (fiharm?) a prepara-
i. to buckle. 2. fig. to give a kick or
saffron. Afflu-ire ind. -isco ; to flow in, v.
other contemptuous or spiteful blow or Affioram^nto m. of a Affluenza.
; out-crop
insulting epithet. 3. to palm off a geological stratum. Afflussionato ;
with a cold in the
worthless article on a purchaser. Affiorato; I. flowered, having flowers head.
*i. = Accennare, to point out. As reft, -arsi: worked on it. 2. of bread, made of the
ii. la giornea, to put on a severs look. iii. le
finest flour.
AfflUBSO m. ; afflux (of blood to the
scarpette, to run away, escape, iv. Per chi e se 1'
Affissamento w. head, etc.).
affibbi, let him whom (the cap) fits put it on. ;
i. fixing, ii.
gazing, staring
iv. concentrated attention, * Aff ocaggine f.
rudely, iii. looking, Affogaggine. ;

v. = Fissazione, fixed idea.

Affibbi-atura i. v. -are. 2. set / ; Affoc-are iiut. afToco or affuoco; Infocare, to
of clasps or buckles on a dress. 3. the Affissare
heat in a fire, -arsi, fig. to get angry.
(It. affisso, part, of Affigg- *
i. to burn. ii. to set on fire. to scorch or
part of the dress along which the clasps ere); i. to gaze fixedly. 2. fig. to fix dazzle the eyes. iv. = Affogare. v. fig. to inflame
are placed. 4. clasp of a book. the mind upon. (the mind). Part, -ato : vi. heated by running,
* vii. purified fire. viii. enraged.
Afficcare ; Ficcare, to poke. * by
Affissi6ne/^ ; bill-posting (on walls, Affogaggine (Affocaggine, Affocagione)/;; v.
Affid-are; to confide. 2. to com-
i. Affogare.
mit (to memory).
etc.). Aff6gagliu6mini m. ; scherz. marriage broker.
3. to assure. 4. -arsi mural = Fissazione, water ox-eye,
*i. fixing (a tablet, etc.). ii. Affogapadre /. ; {bot.) fiu/ik-
a, to trust. *-arsi, to take courage. concentration of mind. thaltman aqnaticmn.
Aff6gapers6ne scherz, marriage broker.
*Affiebolare, -ire; to become enfeebled. ;//. ;

Affisso; i. part. Affiggere. As sb.:

Affien-are ;
to feed on hay. Aff. 2. placard, poster. 3. (gram.') affix, Affog-are ind. affogo (L. fauces,
-ata or -atura. **
such as mi, ti, si ; enclitic. through a form affocare) i. to ;

Affievol-ire ind. -isco to weaken. trade description of a Florentine citizen ac-

*i. smother. 2. to drown, or be drowned.
cording to the craft in which he was enrolled, e.g.
3. --la terra, to lose sight of land.
Aff. -ime'nto. Linaiolo, flax-dresser Vinattiere, vintner, ii. epithet,

iii. (of furniture) fixture, iv. surname or title, 4. to marry (a daughter) badly. Provs.
Afffgg-ere ind. affigo, perf. affissi, v. adj. attentive. in un bicchier d' acqua, to be deterred
affigge'sti, part, affisso (L., <ad, figere,
v. Figgere); i. to affix, post up in
Affittacamere m. indecl.; agent for by a trifle ;
il mugnaio, to drown the
pub- furnished apartments. miller, i.e. to put more water than flour
occhi, = Fissare,
lic 2. --
places. gli
= Fittaiuolo, tenant. in the pudding O here o affogare, to ;
to gaze at. As refi. -ersi :
3. to gaze Affittaiu61o in. ;
have the choice of drinking or drowning,
to give close attention to. Affittale lease, or as adj. leased.
fixedly at. 4. *
i.e. to be in a difficult position Non
Affittamente (It. fitto, close); anxiously. ;
*i. to nail up, fix. ii. fair, to adhere, iii. = Im- 1" ha affogato la balia, his nurse did not
pressionare, to impress, give form to. iv. -erst, to Affittare (A) (It. fitto, lease) to
stop, stand still.
drown him, of one who has lived to a
let, or by ext. to hire (a house, or land).
Affigur-are ;
= Raffigurare, to repre- *to farm out (tolls). great age (usu. Non e cascato di colla
produce an image
alia balia). Aff. -ame'nto.
sent, of. Aff. -ata- *(B)(It. fitto, close); to nail up.
m^nte. Ajj, AffUt-abile, -amento, -atore, -atora.
Affogatoio in. hot place.
; stiflingly
Affilarato m. a field with vines Affitter&llo m. dim. Affitto (2).
Affogliare ind. affbglio ;
to make a
set in rows. Affitt-ire ind. -isco (It. fitto, close) ; bed for (cattle).
to thicken, to increase the number of
Affil-are (A) (It. filo, edge); i. to
in a given space. Affoll-are ind. affollo ;
I. to crowd
sharpen. 2. to give a smooth face
round (a person). 2. fig. to wear (a
before stamping a coin in the mint. Affitto ;//. i. lease. 2. rent pay- ;

able under a lease of land; that for a person) out. 3. -arsi, to eat greedily.
3. -arsi, of the face, to be peaky, look
*i. to blow, with the bellows,
ill-nourished. 4. Naso -ato, a well-cut
house is Pigione, and for horse hire ii. il casso,
(the chest), to breathe quickly and hard. iii. to
nose. Fitto.
5. Lingua -ata, a sharp, bitter trample upon, to oppress.
Aff. -atamente.
tongue. *to incite, urge on. *i. payment to a club doctor. As adj. :
Affolt-are (It. folto). i. to squeeze together,
ii. = Fitto, thick, iii. = Affisso, nailed up. Jig. to oppress, to damage, to overcome
(B) (It. fila, file of troops); to draw
ii. iii.

(with emotion). L' uccello la cui bellezza m' -a, the

up troops in files. *to take up places Affittuari-0 m., -a/ ; tenant. bird whose beauty overcomes me. As rejl. -arsi ;
in file. Afflare = Soffiare, to breathe out.
iv. to rush on in a body (against the enemy), v. to
*Afflato tn. (L.); i. breath, ii. sacred eat or do anything in furious haste, esf. to speak so
Aff. Afnl-amento, -ata vbsbs., -atino, sharp, thin inspira-
tion, iii. as adj. inspired. fast as to be unable to articulate the words.
(face), -atura.

Affilett-are ind. affile'tto ;

i. to point Afflfggere (Affligere, Affriggere) ind. Affond-are ind. affondo (It. fondo);
a wall with the point and edge of the affliggo -gi, perf. afflissi -fligge'sti, part. I. send to the bottom. 2. to
to sink,
trowel. 2. to make
netting for catching
afflitto to afflict.; deepen (a ditch). 3.
- -
una pianta,
birds. Aff. -atura. Etym. l_j.<ad,Jligere, to dash; akin to Gothic 1" aratro, to
plant a flower deeper in the
bliggwan, O.H.G. bliwwati, to strike, v. Skeat, sub
Affili-are (Affigliare); to affiliate to some
society, Blow. ground, set a plough to plough deeper.
jw. a secret one. Aff. -azione. 4. (sculpt.) i
muscoli, to bring out
= Afflittivo, distressing. Pena -a, the muscles. when
Affin-are Raffinare, to refine i. 5. -arsi, to sink, e.g.
penalty not consisting in a

2. to refine (one's
fine, per- walking in soft ground or in snow, or
(metals). language). sonal punishment.
3. to sharpen (the intelligence, sight or
of a ship, to go to the bottom.
Afflizi6n-e./, -cella dim.; affliction.
hearing). 4. to work ground down to a i. to oppress, ii. to ruin. iii. to form founda-
fine tilth, break it up small. *to finish. Afflosc-ire ind. -isco (It. floscio) ;
to tions, iv. -arsi, to stop short in the middle of a
sentence, v. Prov. Quando il grano abbonda il
Aff. Affin-amento, -atoio refining-vessel, -atore,
become weak, lose strength. when corn is plentiful fish is down
pesce affonda,
Afflu&nte ;
as E. (in price).

Affinche in order that. Aff. Affond-amento, -atore, Bastimento -atore

Affluenza/.; i. concourse of waters; ship for ramming, -atrice, -atura.
Affondatoio tn. (mar.) slipper for slipping an
Affine di for the ;

; purpose of. le acque marine non perdono il lor anchor by letting go both stoppers together.
* a kind of vine with sweet
Affdndere per/, affusi -fondesti,/<ar/. Affricognola /. ; *Afratta/; Rhodian galley.
reddish-white grapes. Africano m.\ a kind of marble with red, white
affuso (c/iem.) to pour over.
; tAffriggere; = Affiiggere, to afflict. and purple blotches.
a fondo.
Africino (Africo) w.; = Libeccio, S.W. wind.
*Affondo; i. deep. ii. adv., i.q.
Affrittellare to fry. 2. scherz. *
; i. Afro sharp to the taste (cogn. Fr. ajffre, affrenx
iii. complete ruin, bankruptcy.

*Afforc-are; i. to hang. ii. (mar.) -arsi, to to kill. <O.H.G. enter, bristling). Aff. *Africogno.
moor by two anchors. *
Afrodisiaco as E. ;

Affronta./?; unpleasant meeting. AfroditayC; sea mouse, Aphrodita, aculea-ta,

Afforestier-are ;
= I nforestierare, to
;//. ; i. hostile encounter, Afronitro /.; saline incrustation esp. in a damp
ii. cave.
give a foreign appearance to. Aff. tAfrore m. {It. afro);
i. smell of fermentation,
Affront-are ind. affronto (It fronte) ;
ii. smell of burning charcoal.
* i. to stop (a man) for the purpose of Afta/ (Gr. o$0a) (med.) aphtha, white ulcer ;
Affornellare to fix the oars of a galley so as
in the mouth.
not to touch the water while the ship is under sail. insult or robbery. 2. to face (an enemy).
Aga m.; title of distinction, civil or military, in
Affortunato; fop. for Fortunate. 3. -arsi di, to be offended at. Turkey.
*Afforz-are; i. to provide with troops, ii. fig. tAgaidlo ;.; = Agoraio, needle-maker.
As *i. Fare -are = Far parlare, to make (a man)
to encourage, to fortify.
iii. reft, -arsi: iv. to
exert oneself, v. to persist. speak, ii. to accost, iii. battaglia, to join Agalloco m,; the so-called aloes wood, a soft
* battle, or absolutely to be the attacking party wood from the Excoecaria Agallocka^ a shrub of the
Afforzo /. i. power, ii. effort. ,
or tr. to attack, iv. =Confrontare, to put in com- Euphorbiaceous family which is used for the perfume
v. to be opposite to, as Spain to Africa,
itgives out when burnt. It has nothing to do with
Affoss-are ind. afifosso (It. fossa) ; parison,
the aloe plant. V. Calambucco.
or the night sky to the sun. As rejft. -arsi vi. to :

i. to trench, in agriculture or in military meet. vii. to present itself, viii. to correspond, to A'gamo (Gr. a /m'., yajuos, marriage); (pot.}
works. 2. of a waggon, to make deep be in apposition, as the parts of a graft when in cryptogamous, with no visible organs of fructifica-
proper apposition with the parts of the stock.
ruts in (a road). 3. in illness, to make Part, -ato: ix. Battaglia -ata = pitched battle.
hollows in (the face). -ato, sunken,
4. x. Pezzi -i, pieces whose ends meet but are not Aganippeo ; poetical, lit. relating
joined together by dovetails. to Aganippe, a fountain on Mt Helicon.
hollow ;
Pavimento -ato, floor that has *
Affronto m. insult, affront. i. battle, esp.
sunk in the middle. Aff. -ame'nto, the beginning of a ii.

in poetry, the occur-

battle, Agapanto m. blue tube-rose, one of the ',

African Liliaceae.
-atura. rence of the same vowel at the end of one word and
the beginning of the next. iii. Nel primp ,
at the A'gape f. (Greek word) ; the early Christian
Affranc-are franco) i. to libe- first meeting with a person, at first seeing how he
(It. ;

behaves, iv. comparison of documents in making

rate, enfranchise (a slave). 2. to free
Agarico m. (Gr. aydpiKov) agaric, ;

(a property) from a charge, esp. a ground t Affrucchiare = Frucchiare, to meddle.

a general term for numerous fungi, in-
t Affruciare ; = Abborracciare, to bungle.
rent. 3. to frank (a letter). 4. -arsi, cluding the common mushroom, but
to free oneself from some passion or more particularly meaning the fungous
Affruttato ; planted with fruit-trees.
vice. t Affuffignare ;
- Acciabattare, to cobble. excrescence that grows upon the trunks
-are = Sfranchire, to render (a pupil) free and
* Affum-are (Affummare); = Affumicare. ii.=
* i. of trees, and is used as touchwood or
quick in his work, 7'. Franco. Profumare, to perfume. -ato = Abietto, despicable. in medicine as a styptic and cathartic.
Aff. Affranc-abiie, -amento, -atore, -atrice,
-atura. -azione, execution of a legal deed of en-
Affumicare ind. affumico i. to ;
V. infra, Pioppino, Prataiolo.
franchisement. smoke. 2. to fumigate for disinfec- *
Agasellay?;^ Avelia, shrike.
Agassa./ = Gazza, magpie.
ind. af- tion. 3. to blacken, whether by smoke ;

Affrangere (Affragnere)
or other means also fig. to darken
frango, perf. affransi -frangdsti, part.
A'gata/ (A) (Oriental word through
affranto to break, esp. fig. to break
(the countenance). Gr. dxaTTjs); agate.
the spirit of. Aff. Affumic-amento, -ata, -atura.
t Anunghire;= Infunghire, to be mouldy. (B) Agata (It. ago, needle); needle-
Affranto i.
part. Affrangere, make spindle- full of twine.
Affus-are(lt.fuso) to ;

broken down. 2. adj. impotent, help- shaped, -ato, tapering. Agat-ato (*-oso) resembling agate. ;
Affusellare ind. affusello ; i.q. Agatizzato petrified (organic matter).

*Affrappare; i.=Trinciare, to tear to pieces, Agatologfa ,/ (Gr.); discussion of the good.

ii. = Frappare, to slash, q.T. Affusare. *Agatume m.; quantity of agate-like material.
Affratellamento HI. ; development of brotherly
brotherhood, ii. impertinent familiarity.
Affusi6ne/; (chem.) pouring liquid A'gave / ; the American aloe, also
Affratellare ind. aflratello; to join like brothers.
(over any materials). termed Pianta di cent' anni, and several
to be familiar with Non voglio gia che il ; Affuso part, of Affondere, to pour.
kindred species.
padrone s' anratelli CO '1 servitore che fra loro sia *
Agazza_/!; = Gazza, magpie.
poca differenza, I do not indeed desire that master Affusol-are ; i.q. Affusare, to make Agazzino m. Pruno gazzerino, evergreen
and servant should be as familiar as brothers, that
spindle-shaped. thorn, Crataegus Pyracantka.
there should be little difference between them.
Affratto in. ;=Anfratto, winding passage.
i. to beautify, ii. to set upright, iii. un *Agemina^ (L. ad, gemina); Lavori all' ,
steel inlaid with gold or silver wire.
rimbrotto ad uno, to tell him straight (what you
Affreddare tr. or intr., to cool. think of him). Part, -ato iv. straight as a spindle. :
v. in a straight line, without turning aside, vi. sharp, Agenda/ (L.): pocket diary.
Affren-are ind. freno); affre'no (It. thin. Agente ;.; agent. *adj, Gentile, kind.
Agenz-are = Ingentilire,
* to
q.v, -arsi, fig.
to bridle. to hold in with the ;
2. Affusto /. gun-carriage, v. Fusto.
; shine.
reins. 3. fig.
= Raffrenare, to restrain. *Affutare (L. fttgitare freq. of fxgert) ; to put Agenzfa./; i. agency. 2. administrative area
to flight. for collection of direct taxes. *i. = Ingerenza, inter-
Aff. -ame'nto. ference, =Azienda, business of any kind.

Affreschista m. Afide m. the aphis or green fly. Agerato m.\ (hot.) Achillea ageratum.
*Agertello w.; = Acertello, kestrel.

Etym. The word seems to have been invented

Affr^sco m. (It. fresco, new) fresco, ;
by Linnaeus the Swedish naturalist from Gr. a4>et>j?, *Agetto; = Abietto, abject.

a painting executed with colours, chiefly unsparing. He latinised this into Aphides, and then, ind. ageVolo; to facili-
regarding it as a plural, engineered a singular Aphis
Agevolare i.

consisting of natural earths, upon walls from it, with a genitive Aphid is. tate. 2. to lower prices. 3. to put in
covered with damp freshly laid plaster. Afille/ pL (Gr. o/w/., 4>v\\oi>, leaf); (hot.) order.
destitute of leaves, as the rush, garlic, etc., aphyllous. good
Affrettare ind. affre'tto to hasten, *Afio (Gr. a jtafa., <puw, to generate); a name
Ag^vol-e (bit. agibilis<L. agere)\
given to certain fish believed to be produced by
spontaneous action of the water. This belief still
i.easy to work, manage, or do. 2. mode-
Aff. ArTrett-abile, -amento, -atamente. lingers in parts of the Mediterranean littoral, where rate in price. 3. comfortable (dress).
the eggs of various fishes are offered for sale in large
Affricana a kind of pudding / 4. of intellect, quick. Aff. -e*zza, -fno
quantities, particularly those of the Latterino, also
with a "Zabaione" inside and a cover- called Nonnats (non nati). The word is specially tractable, -mdnte.
used for some species of the genera Gobio, Leuciscus
Aggaffare; = Acchiappare, to seize.
ing of chocolate. and Cyprinus. Fare to torment.
t Aggaiare ; ,

Affricanismo m. Afoniay". (Gr. afriv., #HOJ, voice); (med.) t Aggallarsi to come to the surface, Galla.
expression pe- ;
of speech.

culiar to the writings of St Augustine. Afor-ismo (Gr. a^opia^a. from an-d, off;
Aggallato m. floating island in a

Affrico (Africo, Affricino) m. = Libeccio, S.W. opt'^uj to form a boundary, bpo;) ;

aphorism, short

phrase. Aff. -isticamente, -istico. swamp.

* a hook,
Affricogno adj. (It. afro); i. of a kind of vine Agganciare to seize with
with sharp astringent grapes formerly grown for Af6sO; sultry, v. Afa. ;

* Afracciare = Abbracciare, to embrace. Gancio.

making "pergolati." ii. astringent, sharp tasting. ;

to dress smartly, i. to adjust, adapt, correct. 2. to put
Agganciatdio m. ; window-fastener. Agghind-are ;

dalla sete, to rage with thirst. -ame'nto. in order; di sale, di acqua, to add
tAggangato; al lavore, desperately hard at the right amount of salt or water. 3. to
work. la mira, to
satisfy (a creditor). 4.
Aggangherare ind. agginghero ;
to take a good aim. fede, to put
fasten with a clasp, Ganghero. faith in. 6. mazzocchio a uno, to
Aggiaccare; = Acciaccare,
to bend
i.e. recall him to
a graceful appearance
Aggarbare to give ; to.
to the ground, cause to lie flat. put his cap straight,
t Aggarugliarsi; Accapigliarsi, to fight.
fAggarzonarsi; to become a Garzone, q,v., a
his right senses. 7. il vento, to
bachelor. Aggiardinare ;
to make a garden of. receive the wind on the sails in the
Aggina f. ; portion of ground set aside as manner desired. 8. il cammino, to
Aggattigliarsi to fight like cats. pasture.
make out one's way on a map. 9. -arsi,
Aggattonare ind. aggattono ;
to A'ggio m. (A) (var. of Agio) pre- ; to stand beside. Part, -ato 10. ad- :

stalk like a cat. mium upon some kind of money which justed, ii. correct (quantity) for ob-
a person must pay if he requires money taining a certain effect. 12. pi. -ati,
Aggavettare ind. aggave"tto; to di-
of that particular kind, generally a pre- the Academy of Treviso.
vide the strings of a musical instrument
into bundles, Gavette.
mium upon gold over bank notes of the Aff. Aggiust-abile, -amento, -atamente, -atezza,
same nominal value. accurate adjustment, -atore esp. adjuster of coins in
Aggavignare; to seize, -j. Gavigna. a mint, -atura.
Aggecchirsi ; to humble oneself. *(B) (mlt. ataticnm, 11. Skeat, sub Age) ; i. age ;

In di piii di ottant' anni, being over eighty years

t Aggeggia/I; = Acceggia, woodcock. Aggiustata f. the pace to which a
of age. ii. date; Mille dugensettantaquattro 1' ,

ind. to in the year 1274. horse is trained.

Aggeggi-are agge"ggio ;

haggle about nothing O che -i, falla ; Aggiogare ind. aggi<5go (It. giogo) ; Agglomer-are iiid. agglomero ; as E. Aff.
-amento, -azione.
smessa, what are you haggling about, to put the yoke upon (oxen). Etym. L., < ad, glomns, ball, a Tar. of globtts,
get it done with. 2. -arsi, to trick one- Aff. Aggiog-abile, -amento, -atore, -atrice. v. Globo, Gleba.
self out (in finery). 3. with double accus., t Aggiogliarsi; i. to snooze, after food. ii. to Agglutin-are ind. aggliitino (L., v. Glutine) ;

wear a quantity of jewels. as E. Aff. -amento, -azione.

to arrange (a room) nicely. *
Aggiogliato (It. gioglio); of grain, mixed with Aggobbiare ind. aggobbio ; to shape like a
tares. gouge, v. Gobbia.
Aggggio m. (Etym. dub.) i. trifle. ; t Aggioglirsi ;
to be out of condition, ill.

ind. -isco (It. gobbo) to

2. thing whose name one cannot think ind. aggidrno (mlt. ad-
Aggobb-ire ;

Aggiornare make or become hunchbacked.

give me that
of; Datemi quell' ,
jnrnare furnus, V. Giorno) ; i. to to bend over one's books.
thing there. 3. tricky proceeding; Ci libri,
vuol altro che cotesti aggeggi per tirarsi adjourn (a debate). 2. to become day-
light Appena aggiorna, as soon as it
Aggocciolarsi ind. s' agg6cciola ;
avanti a questi giorni, something more to form drops, Goccioli.
is daylight.
than these tricks is wanted for getting *
*i. to fix a date (for a meeting, etc.). ii. to Aggolpacchiarsi; to be bewildered, T. Avvol-
on nowadays. 4. Mettersi attorno tanti illuminate, iii. to cite before a tribunal. pacchiare.
-i, to trick oneself out in a lot of finery. Aff. Aggiorn-abile, -amento, -atore, -atrice.
L' alba -atrice, dawn that ushers in the day. Aggomitol-are ind. aggomitolo to ;

Aggeggi6ne m., -ona / ; haggler.

Aggiotaggio m. ; dealings in the
wind upon a bobbin or into a ball,
*Aggel-are; to chill; -arsi, to freeze. Gomitolo. Aff. -atura.
Aggentilire; = Ingendlire, to beautify. money market.
Aggerare (L. <ad, gerere, to bring) to heap up. Aggott-are ind. aggotto (mar.) to
Aggerazione/:; sand-bank in a river.
Aggiotatdre m. ; exchange broker. ;

* bale out, v. Gotto. Aff. -atura.

Aggere (A)
(L.); ;.
(tail.) parapet, i. ii. (arch.)
Aggir-ame'nto m. i. v. -are.
ridge in the centre of an arch. (B) As vb. = Avere, ;

to have. 2. Aggiramenti di parole, beating Aggottat6io m. vessel used in salt ;

Aggestione/; heap, esp. sea-beach heaped up about the bush. works for transferring water from one
by the waves.
'Aggirandola f.; i. deception, ii. Catherine- pan to another.
Aggestivo thrown up by alluvial action.
*Aggetta f. a medical preparation of nature
wheel, 7'.
'Aggozzare; i. = Strozzare, to cut the throat of.
now unknown. ii.
Abbuzzire, to cram.
Aggir-are (It. giro); to move (a

Aggettare ind. aggetto (It. aggetto thing) in a circle. 2. fig. to deceive. Aggradare (Aggratare) ;
to please.
< L. adjectus < ad, jacio, to throw) ; 3. -arsi, to revolve. Only used in yd sing. pres. Fate come
-trice = Raggiratore, aggrada, do as
(arch.) to jut out from the face of a Aggirat6re in., ./. ; de- v' it
pleases you.
building, as a balcony or cornice. *
Aggironare to surround. ;
Aggrade" vol-e ; pop. for Gradevole.
Aggiucchire; = lngiucchire, to make or become
Aggettat6io m. ; projection. stupid. Aff. -mdnte.

Aggettiyo or Addiettivo si. or Aggiudic-are ;

to adjudicate. Aff. Aggradime'nto /;/. ; pop. for Gradi-
adj. adjective. Aff. Aggettiv- or Addi-
; -atdrio, person to whom a thing is ad- mento, pleasure.
ettiv-ame'nte ; -are, to put into the form judicated, -ativo, -azidne.
Aggrad-ire ind. -isco pop. for
of an adjective -azione, the application ;

Aggiung-ereaggiungo, perf. ind. Gradire, to or to be

of an adjective to a substantive. accept, intr.,
aggiunsi aggiunge"sti, part, aggiunto agreeable.
Aggetto m.; projection, v. Aggettare. (L. adjungere) to add. Aff. -ime'nto. ;
Aggraduirsi to win the favour of.

*=Abietto, abject. addition. *Aggraffare (Aggraffiare, Aggrafngnare) = Ag-

Aggiunta/ ;
granfiare, to seize.

*Agghermigliare; = Ghermire, to seize. *

Aggrampare; = Aggrappare, to clutch.
Aggiuntare to join two pieces of ;
*Aggranare; to convert (sugar, etc.)
i. into
Agghiacci-are ; i.q. Ghiacciare, to the same material together, esp. of a granular form. ii. to produce grain.
freeze. Aff. -ame'nto. shoemaker, to finish, to sew up the parts
of a shoe.
Aggranchiare or Aggranchire (Ag-
Agghiaccio ;;/.
(L. ad,jacere, to lie) ; gronchire) ind. aggranchio or aggran-
i. tiller. 2. Aff. Aggiunt-atora woman finisher, -atura.
(mar.) i.q. Addiaccio, q.v., *Aggiuntatore m. meddler, mischief-maker. ;
chisco ; to benumb.
sheep-fold. Aggiuntivo (gram.) adjunctive.;
Aggrancire = Grancire, to grapple.
Agghiad -are (Probably a variant from Agghiac- Aggrand-irehid. -isco (It. grande); i. to
ciare, but in sense iii. from L. gladius, sword); i. to Aggiunto ; i.
part. Aggiungere. enlarge. to exaggerate.
2. As rejl. -irsi ; 3. to
shiver with cold. ii. to shudder with horror, iii. tr. 2. sb. addition. aggrandise oneself. 4. to be self-important. Aff.
to run (a man) through, kill him. iv. -arsi
(of molten -imento.
metal), to curdle from insufficiency of heat. Aggiuntoche adv. besides which. \ Aggranellare ;= Raggranellare, to collect.
Aggiuntura /. = Aggiunta, addition. ;

Agghiaiare ; to cover with gravel, *

Aggiurare i. to exorcise, ii. to conspire.
; Aggranfiare ;
to seize in the claws,
Ghiaia. Granfie.
Aggiust-are (L. ad, j'uxta, near ;

Agghiaiato m. gravelly place. from roots///, to join, and sta, to stand) ; Aggranfignare pop. ; to rob cleverly.

Aggrapp-are : to grapple, -arsi, to to be a burden (on one's relatives). Aggruzzolare ind. aggruzzolo; =
hold on tight, or (of climbing plants) to *insult. Raggruzzolare, to save money.
hold on and climb up. Aggrazi-are ; to make (a dress) graceful or Agguadc* in. ', (Provencal word) deception.
i. = Graziare, Agguagliamento /. equinox.
(a medicine) pleasant. to pardon, ;

Aggrappolato ; clustered, as a -arsi ii.

: to become graceful, iii. to win the favour
Agguaglianza f. = Ugualianza, i. equality.

swarm of bees. of. Aff. -atamente, -atino.

ii. equity, equal distribution, iv. comparison.

v. Esser fuori d' to think too highly of oneself.


Aggraticci-are i. to twist (vine ; Aggred-ire ind. -isco (L. aggrediri) ;

vi. equable disposition.

stems, etc.) together into a sort of to attack. to

Agguagliare (L. aequalis) ; i.

grating, Graticcio. 2. = Ingraticciare, make of equal =

Aggreg-are ind. aggrego (L., v. size. 2. Uguagliare,
to fence in with wicker hurdles. As Gregge) i. to admit into an associa-
to match. 3. to make smooth or level.
reft, -arsi 3. of plants, to twist their
tion. 2. to associate (a temporary 4. to
compare. 5. to equal Dante ;

branches together round something up agguaglia se non supera Omero, Dante

assistant) with the regular officials.
which they are climbing. 4. of a per-
3. to unite (two sets of officials) into
is equal if not superior to Homer. 6. A
son, to scramble up a tree by its branches, one. As refl. -arsi to join (a male to i.e. to make
or of a child, to scramble up on to the
4. : ,
compare badly,
society). 5. of things, to become joined a somewhat strained comparison. 7.
shoulders of a man. 5. fig. of a mental al suolo, to level to the ground, pull
together. Aff. -ame'nto, -azidne.
habit, to take possession of a person. down. 8. (vet.) to be over seven years,
*Aggratigli-are; i. to imprison (lit, to put
Aggregate //. (hot.) plants with / ;
when the horse's age can no longer be
behind the bars), ii. fig. to capture Tu mi hai flowers so closely set as to appear one,
-ato il cuore colla tua ribeba, you have captured
told from his teeth. 9. in straw plaiting,
such as the scabious.
my heart with your lute (where there seems to be to sort out straws of equal thickness.
a play between the words Grata, grating, and Grato, Aggregativ-o i. Forza -a, cohesive * ii. to acquire.
; i. to distribute equally,
pleasing). force which keeps the molecules of a
* Aff. Agguagli-abile, -amento, -atamente.
Aggrato = Grato,
; agreeable. *
Agguagliatoio in. i. polisher, tool for polish-
2. Pillola -a, uni-
solid body together.
ing the interior of a cannon or arquebus, ii. sieve
Aggrav-ame'nto m. ; this word and versal pill efficacious in curing many for sorting gunpowder.
the part, -ato of -are are used esp. in different maladies.
Agguagli-at6ra f. straw sorter, v.
reference to the increase of a fever or ;

to the worse condition of the patient. Aggregate ;

i. v. Aggregare (2). -are (9).
2. an academical title. 3. assemblage, *
Agguagliatore m.; equator.
Aggrav-are ind. aggravo (It. grave) of houses. Agguagli-atura./; v. -are.
group, e.g. 4. amalgam (of
i. to overload. 2. to overburden (with *the world. Non
metals). Agguagli-o m. ; vbsb. of -are.
taxes). 3. un incolpato, of witnesses c' e fra que' due, those two are not
called for the defence, to make the case Aggreggiare ind. aggreggio ; to
assemble in a herd, Greggia. to be compared.
of the defendant worse una colpa, ;

Aggressi6n-ey?; -cellarf//.; Aggressore ;.; Agguantare to seize, v. Guanto.

of circumstances, to aggravate an of- ;

as E.
fence. - -
4. la penna su' conti, to Agguantatdra/ ; (mar.) vessel that
increase the amount of a bill; --la Aggrezz-are or ind. aggre"zzo -ire is faster than her companions.
-- lo or -isco (var. of Aggricciarsi) to be
pena, to increase the penalty

Agguato or Aguato (Aguaito) m.


stomaco, of indigestible food, to lie

numb with cold. ;

* ambush, v. Guato.
Aggricchiare; to curl up from cold.
heavy upon the stomach la mano, ;
'Aggricciarsi to turn cold from fear,
; v. Grinza. t Agguatt-are ;=Acquattare, to lay. -arsi, to
in writing, to press too heavily fig. of ; cower down, hide.
a judge, to give too severe sentences. Aggrinz-are or -ire ind. aggrinzo Agguettare gueffa);
(It. i. to wind (wool).
or -isco to wrinkle. ii. to add. iii. to grasp.
As reft, -arsi :
5. Non voglio aggra- *

varmi la coscienza, I will not burden Aggrommare; Aggrumare, to encrust,

Agguerr-ire ind. -isco (It. guerra);
t Aggronchire ; Aggranchire, to benumb. to inure to war.
my conscience further (by denying my Aff. -imdnto.
guilt, etc.). 6. of illness, to grow worse. Aggrondare ind. aggrondo (Cogn. Agguindato ;
i>. Agghindare.

7. II teatro si -a quasi tutto su colonne

Fr. grander, to grumble L. grundire, < Agguindolare ind. aggufndolo (It.
non fatte per sostenere quel peso, the to grunt as swine, of imit. origin); tr.
guindolo) to wind (wool) upon the
or tuff, to knit (the brows), to frown.
weight of the theatre falls almost entirely * = Aggruppare.
Aggroppare (Aggroppiare)
upon pillars not constructed to support *

Bindolare, to trick, deceive.

that weight. 8. Similarly of the
weight Aggrott-are ind. aggrotto i to . Aggustare to please. ;

Aghella^; = Airone, heron.

of a person, e.g. Sta' su, non t' aggravare, throw up (a bank), e.g. along the edge *
Agherbino w.; = Gherbino, S.W. wind.
che non sono il tuo appoggiatoio, stand of a ditch, v. Grotto (A, ii), to bank up. A'ghero = Agro (B), sour.

upright, do not rest your weight (upon 2. le ciglia, to frown. Aff. -ame'nto. Aghe'tta/; litharge, protoxide of
me), I am not your prop. 9. degli ind. aggrottdsco; to lead.
anni, to feel the weight of old age.
draw grotesquely. Aghettare to lace up.
10. di panni, to put more clothes on ;

one's bed or on oneself di cibi, to ; Aggrovigliarsi

(Aggrovigliolarsi) ;
Aghe'tto m. ; (dim. of Ago) i. boot-
eat too much. u. part, -ato, v. supra, of string, to twist into a kink; of a
lace, stay-lace, strictly the tag of the
sub Aggravamento. hide, to curl up, -v.
Grovigliolo. lace. 2. (mar.) lashing, lanyard, strictly
-are le membra, to stiffen the limbs, make them *
Aff. Aggrovigli-amento, -atura, -olatura. the pointed end of the rope with which
heavy, D. Purg. 19. n. Aff. -azione. Aggrucciare ; to raise the shoulders like a man
going on crutches, Gruccie.
the lashing is made, serving like the
Aggravezz-are ind. aggravdzzo; to tag of a boot-lace.
burden with taxes, Gravezze. Part, -ato Aggrum-are (Agrommare) (It. gru- *i. dim. Ago. ii. Puntale d' ,
the point of a
as sb. taxpayer, esp. the taxpayer in the mo, crust) ; to collect, -arsi, to coagu- tag as proverbial for nothing at all. iii. Bocchino
mouth for undoing laces,
late, to form a crust, esp. of wine.
da sciorre -i, little said of
Florentine republic who was not quali- Aff. women with their mouths screwed up to look
fied for public office. iv. (chein.) needle-shaped crystal, v. (jnil.) laces
on a uniform.
Aggrumolare ind. aggriimolo (It.
Aggravio m. i heavy burden, esp. . *Aghindare; (w/rtr.)=Ghindare, to hoist.
Aghirone m. (O.H.G. heigir)', i. = Airone,

grumolo) ;
of plants, to form a head, as
y^.oftaxesorincumbrances. 2. damage, lettuce. heron. 2. piccolo = Nonnotto, little bittern.
inconvenience. 3. injustice. 4.
imputa- 3. purpureo = Airone rosso, purple heron. 4.
stellare = Tarabuso, bittern.
tion Gli hanno fatto un
; dell' amicizia Aggrupp-are (Aggroppare, Aggropp- Agiagino ; pop. for Adagiuo, slow.
che ha col tale, his friendship with so iare) (It. gruppo); i. to collect into a *Agi-are, i. to lay down gently, ii. le sue

and so is made an imputation against bunch. to 2. loop (curtains) back. ricchezze, to make good investments, iii. a uno,
to be of advantage to him. -arsi iv. d' una cosa, :

him 5. Farsi di dire, to have a 3. (paint.) to group (a composition). to utilise it. v. to eat or drink at one's ease.
Agiatare = Adagiarsi, q.v.
scruple about saying. 6. Esser d' , Ajf. -amdnto. ;
Agiat-O; i. moderately rich. 2. de- Aj@. Agli-aio, bed of garlic or garlic seller; Ag6ne m. (A) (augm. of Ago);
-aro, garlic seller -ato, bread rubbed on garlic ; ;

liberate in one's movements. -ettino sub-dim., -etto dim. packing-needle.

*i. spacious, ii. convenient to hold. Hi. easy Aglip6rro in. OW.) rocambole, A Ilium scorodo- ;
(B) (Gr. aya>v, v. Agognare) ; i. cir-
also termed Aglio romano.
(courtesy) that sets people at ease. iv. Don prasum, 2. athletic or gladiatorial
Agna./; = Agnella, lamb. cus, arena.
Mr Sit-at-ease, if. Ermolao. v. -i, the Academicians
of Rovereto. *Agnascenza f.; derivative, i. ii. superfeta- competition in the circus. 3. by ext.
Aff. Agiat-amente, -ezza, -mo rather slow. poetical or other competition.
feasible. Agnaticp descending heirs. to male
'Agibile; ;

related on the father's side.

*Agiere ?/?.;
= Aria, air. Agnatizio ;
Agonfa, or pop. Angonia, / (L.,
Agil-e, -ita, -mente; as E. (L., v. Skeat,
sub Agile.) Agnato m. ; relation on the father's <Gr. dyuvia, v. Agognare); i. death
*Agina (Aina)y? (L. agere, cp. ruina<ntere); side. struggle. 2. vehement striving. 3. heavy
i. haste, ii. Avere to have the power. ,
Agnazi6neyC; relationship on the father's side. affliction. 4. (pop.) phthisical person.
A'gio (Asio) m. convenience, ;
I. Agnell-a / ewe-lamb, ;
-aio m. ;
Agonlstica / ;
ease. 2. plenty of time (for doing dealer in lambs or kids.
to be in the death
something). Ad slowly; A bell' , , Agnellatura f. ;
i. lambing. 2. lambing
in an easy-going fashion A mio , as ;
season. agony.
soon as I shall have leisure; A mio Agn&ll-o m. (L., dim. of agnus, v. *
Agopunturay ; (sitrg.) acupuncture.
Agora; of Ago, needle.
bell' as soon as I feel inclined. Agno) lamb.
AJf. -dtto dim., -fno
* needle-
Agoraio m.
Etym. iinkn. The Italian for money-brokerage dim. or as adj. of a lamb. ;

or Agio as it is sometimes called in English is Aggio, seller.

but both these words have the same origin, possibly Agnell6tt-o m. ;
i. well-grown lamb. *
Agoraiuolo m. = Agoraio. ;
As adj. needle-
a late L. asium, which is entered by Du Cange with 2. in pi. meat shaped.
-i, patties. *
the meaning of uncultivated ground. Littre under
dim. spreg. Agnello. Agostano ; (hay) made
August. in
the word ciise quotes Bressan eso, Franc-comtois Agnelluccio in. ;
a coin of Frederick II king of
Agnere Angere, to torment.
*Agostaro nt. ;

aze, Burgundian ase, Walloon tike, Namurois aitje, Naples.

*Agnimento tn.\ i.g. Agnizione. Order of
Provencal ais, old Catalan aisf, Portug. azo E. ease, t
Agninay:; lamb's fleece. Agostiniano ; of the Augustinian
Cornish ttizia, to set at ease, low Breton em, easy. monks.
He concludes that there was a root ad/i, nz ais, in Agnizi6ne f. recognition,
; esp. recognition
scene in ancient plays.
the Germanic and Celtic dialects which was the *
Agno in. (L. agnits, akin to Gr. d/irta, Welsh Agostlno; i. born in August. 2. of
origin of the Romance word.

oen, lamb, v. Skeat, sub Yean), i. lamb. ii. swell- a hen, good layer of eggs. 3. fig. scherz.
Agiografia y. (Gr.); hagiography.
Agiossilo m. (Gr. ayioc fi/Aoi*, holy wood,
ing in the groin, bubo Tagliarsi 1' ,
to take a bold ; of a woman, with many children. 4. of
whence the more pop. name Legno santo for this
resolution Tagliar 1' a, to take away beforehand
grapes, ripening in August.

all pretext for.

article); guaiacum wood, v. Gttaiaco.
Agdsto m. (L. augustus, akin to
Agire ind. agisco agisci agisce Lith. auksztas, Lettish augsts, high, L.
agiamo agite agiscono, per/, agii, tnat upon the name being Latimsea tne epitnet ol
augere, to increase, v. Skeat, sub Eke) ;
castus, chaste, was added) ; (bot.) chaste tree, Vitex
parts, agente agi'to (L., root ag, to do, August. La Madonna di mezz'
agnuscastus, a tall tree resembling a willow which ,

i>. Skeat, sub

Agent); I. to act; modo grows by the sides of ditches in Southern Europe, the Feast of the Assumption, frov.
d' , way to behave. 2. to give a also termed Vitice, Pepe de' monaci.
= Angiolo, angel, ii. Fare La prim' acqua d' pover" uomo ti
theatrical performance. *Agnolo ;;/. ; i. 1'

abbey angel, i.e. to be changeable

di badia, to be the conosco, with the first shower of August
Agit-are ind. Agito (L., freq. of ngert); to as a weather-cock, which was often in the shape of I recognise the
an angel, iii. Far .a uno la via dell'
poverty-stricken, i.e.
agitate, Ajff". -atore, -atrice, -azioncella dim., -azione. i.t. to let
him escape, iv. a French gold coin.
when the beginning of August is rainy
Agli; to the. This combination is *
Agnominazione f. = Annominazione, word- ; the warm weather is over and we have
used before Z, impure S, any vowel,
play. to remember the poor. Ferrare to ,

and the word Dei. Agli uomini, agli Agnusdei m. i. image of the Lamb ; have a merry party at the beginning of
Dei, to men, to the gods. in consecrated wax or other material. August, from the feriae augustales of
*Agliaia/:; = Ghiaia, gravel.
2. the part of the Mass which begins ancient Rome, which were on the first
with these words. 3. Fare or Parere of this month.
Agliata /^ garlic and vinegar sauce.
un to assume a humble attitude.
Far un' to chatter.
Agdtile m. ;=Nottolone, night-jar.
(L. acus, root ac, sharp) ;
in. Agottare to bale out a boat.

Agozzare; = Sgozzare, to kill.


A'glio m. (L. allium<Cr. a-yXis); i. needle; Infilare gli aghi al buio, to Agr-amente; v. -o (B).

(hot.) i. coltivato, common garlic, thread needles in the dark, i.e. talk of Agraria /. ; agricultural science.
Agrario (L., <.ager, field, ?'. Skeat, sub Acre);
Allinm sativum. 2. orsino, ran- what one does not understand. 2. sting as E.
soms, Alliumursinum. 3. pippolino, of an insect. 3. della bilancia, tongue *AgrestayT;
i. Agresto. ii. money.
crow garlic, A Ilium vineale. 4. ro- of a balance. 4. della toppa, stem Agrestare ;
i. to make sour. ii.
fig. to mortify
(the flesh).
mano, rocambole, v. Agliporro. 5. di of a lock. 5. dell' arpione, catch of
/ a
serpe or serpentine, A Ilium -victorialis. a gate-fastener. 6. della fibbia, pin Agrestata ; verjuice, liquid
of a buckle. della stadera, (a) made from sour grapes, crab apples,
Phrases: Esser verde come un 7.
etc. with sugar added.
i.e. to look ill. Mangiar or Roder 1' pointer of a steel-yard (b) bar on which ;

to swallow one's resentment. Far the moveable weight runs. 8. di Agr6ste(L.,7/. Agrario); wild, rude,

mangiar 1'
to annoy intensely. Mi stamperia, foot of the tongs used in rustic.
type-setting to lift a letter. 9. dello * sourness.
sa d' ,
it is annoying. Esser come Agrestezza^; i. rusticity, ii.

staio, iron bar across a bushel-basket.

gli agliche hanno il capo bianco e la
10. sea pike, gar-fish, Belone vulgaris.
Agrestino m. = Raspollo, little ;

buccia verde, to be like garlic with

1 1. or Albero, per bighe, leg grape formed after harvest, which never
white head and green peel, i.e. to be (mar.) ,
As dim. Agresto, rather
of a pair of shears. ripens. adj.,
vigorous in old age. Tanto e puzzar sharp.
d' unche d' una resta, it is the same Agobbio a town about 20 miles north of

Perugia, now Gubbio, D. Purg. ii. 80. Agresto m. (L., v. Agrario); i. sour
to smell of one garlic-bulb as of a string *
Agocchia y.;=Ago, needle.
of them, i.e. one who has committed a grape. juice of unripe grapes. 3. un-

fault may as well commit more.

Agognare ind. ag6gno (**agoniare fair profit; Far 1' a familiar expres-
<late L. agonia = Gr.
Quan- ayaivla, struggle sion used when an agent appropriates
t' uno as much as one
spicchio d'
clove of garlic, i.e. very little (of some-
< dyoiv, assembly, and so arena for to himself something which should have
combatants, root ag, to drive) ; to long
gone to his employer. 4. Bere il vino
thing to eat). for.
* Beccati quest'
in (usu. Mangiar la raccolta in erba,
Pigliati questa, take that !
fAgon = Aguglia,
Tenere il cappone dentro e gli agli fuori, i.e. to put
tit. ; gar-fish, lit. to eat the harvest while it is green),
t Ag6nay. = Alosa, shad.
to make debts on the strength of ex-
on a semblance of poverty. II mortaio sa sempre
, the mortar always smells of garlic, i.e. what
has been done leaves its traces. Non nocere un
belonging to the circus.
Agonal-e ;
not enough to damage a garlic plant (to bring out its
Feste or as sb. m. pi. -i, the ancient
-i *
i. Menar 1' a uno, to waste his time ;
smell), i.e. nothing. circus games held in January. 1' , to be doing nothing, ii. Render per uva
acerba, i.e. to return tit for tat. iii. Coglier 1' , to
i. needle, ii. pinnacle, iii. obelisk, iv. knitting- much talk with no result, a dog not
needle, v. compass needle, vi. sharpened pole for
As v. bitter.
adj. iv. Agreste.
m. pickles or any sharp tasting taking soundings in a harbour, vii. pintle, rudder-
being heavy enough to tread out the
7. And of a place where every-

food. pin, tviii. a dog-fish, v. Spinerolo. corn.

*(B) (L. aqtiila); i. eagle. ii. the ancient
body goes to pick up something it is
Agrett-fno dim. vezs., -o dim., of Roman standard representing an eagle.

*Agugli-accio; = Aguglia (B, ii). *-are; Aguc- said E come 1' diGhiandone (dove
(B). chiare. *-ata; = Gugliata, needleful. tutti ci andavano a it is like
Agretto itr. ;=Crescione, watercress. * *
-glino m. ;
Agu-gliana ; young eaglet.
i. young eagle, li. a coin worth about a penny, the threshing-floor of Gh., where every
Agrezza /; sharpness, v. Agro (B). * *
iii. adj. aquiline. -gliotto or -gino m. young ; one would go to do some threshing.
Agricola adj. (L. tiger, field ; cofo, to cultivate); eagle.
peasant. Aguglidtto m. ', (ntar.) del timone, rudder (B) governess, nurse-maid (v. Aio).

Agricolt-dre m., -ura/; as E. pintle. *:=AgugIino. (C) La ;

the Hague, in Holland. ,

t Aguluppare Avviluppare, to wrap.

flower-bed. of ground,
*i. =Aiuola,
Agumentare = Aumentare, to
(L. acri-folium; the in. * increase. strip
Agriffoglio *
iii. church-yard, iv. open space, v. halo in the
identity, however, of the tree so named *
Aguminay^; Gomena, cable.
vi. (math.) area.
salinare, salt-pan, vii.

with the aquifolium, the holly, is not *

Agura f. ;= Augurio. viii. path of an animal employed to turn machinery.

Agurioso ; believing in auguries. ix. Metier in to venture on an undertaking,,

certain) ; holly, Ilex aquifolium. Agut-ame; quantity of nails. *-are, to sharpen. x. Mettere stoppa in - - to put empty straw on the
Aguti ///.(native S. American word); agouti, ,

somewhat threshing-floor, i.e. to do something useless.

Agrigno; dim. Agro (B), Dasyprocta aguti. Aiace tit.', (hot.) larkspur, v. Erba(36).
Agiito in. a kind of long thin nail, French nail.

Agutoli tn. (bot.) a thorny shrub, Lyciuni

Aiapana /. (hot.) Eupatorittm ayapana, a ;

* ;
Brazilian plant said to be useful in cases of snake-
Agrimani (Fr. agrements); ornaments. Ettroptfum. bite.
Agrimensdre m. (L. ager-V metier, Aguzz-are or pop. Auzz-are (L. acu- Aiata the quantity of corn on
a form ** acutiare) I. to

perf. mensus sum) ; surveyor. Aff. tus, through \

the Aia.
Agrimensura. sharpen. In reference to sharpening or *
Aiato; Andare ,
to go about with the hands
Agrim6nia f. (L. argemone = Gr. apryf^tavrt, dressing the grinding grooves of a mill- in the pockets. Stare ,or aione, to be doing
which was a kind of poppy used to remove an ap-yejua,
or white spot, from the cornea of the eye this is
stone the word generally used is Auzzare. nothing.

from apydy, white, root nrg, whiteness); (hot.) - i suoi ferri or ferruzzi, to Aiduco in. (Hungarian hajduk,
sharpen pi.
agrimony, Agrimonia cupatoria. one's tools, i.e. to exert oneself to the of fiajdu, cow-herd); i. Bohemian or
Agrino ; dim. vezz. Agro (B), plea- utmost le ciglia, lit. to sharpen the
; Hungarian soldier, Haiduk. 2. Slavo-
santly sharp. eyebrows, i.e. to look closely, D. Inf. nian outlaw. 3. one of the bodyguard
15. 20. Part, -ato: 2. of the back, of the Grand Dukes of Tuscany.
Agribtta/ (Gr. aypios, wild, cp. Fr. bowed. 3. (herald.) of cross stripes, Aier-ay: or -e <.; = Aria, air.
griotte) ; a kind of bitter cherry. with azure extremities.
* Aierino ; blue.
Agripersa f. a species of marjoram. ;
Aietta /. ; i. flower-bed, ii. = Porca, ridge.
* * *
Agrippa (tued.) an ointment, so named from i. to grind (the teeth),
to encourage, iii. toii.
; Aiguayl;= Acqua,
its inventor. curl (the moustaches), iv. to compress (the lips), Ailant-e or -o m. (native Amboyna name
v. Aver -ato il molino, lit. to have ground the mill,
Agrippina f. ; long lounge-chair, presumably meaning tree of the gods); (bot.) Ailanthus, some-
so named from that of a well-known statue of the i.e. to be about to eat. vi. of the blood, to make it times called the tree of Heaven, Ailanthus glattdu-
Roman empress. liquid. losa.
Aff. Aguzz- or Auzz-amento, -ata, -atura. *
Ainarsi (It. agina); to exert oneself.
Agro (A) (L. ager, field, root ag,
tn. *Aguzzett-o ;., -a f.\ i.
interpreter, ii. go- *Ainino (of Germanic origin, v. Agno); of a
between, bad adviser,
Skeat, sub Acre) land round a city,
iii. iv. instigator. lamb. Carta
v. ; -a, parchment.
field. Aguzzfno m. (probably from the A'io m. (< Span, ayo, prob. Gothic <
(B) (L. acer, root ac, sharp, v. Skeat, Turkish Arabic al-vazir, vizier,
or hagjo, guardian, or O. H.G. hagan, to
sub Acrid.) i.
sharp, acid. 2. fig. overseer, through the Span, alguacil); surround, >
Germ, hegen, to cherish) ;

pungent. 3. very distasteful. 4. Aver 1. warder of galley slaves. 2. hard, tutor. Esser 1' -- nell' imbarazzo, to
dell' con uno, to have an open dis- task-master. be the tutor in a difficulty, i.e. to have
like of him. As sb. 5. juice of lemons, Aguzzo or pop. Auzzo to cover up the errors of one's sub-
(L. acutus);
etc., unsweetened. ordinates. Far P - addosso a un -

sharp- pointed.
*i. haughty, importunate, iii. deadly, iv. diffi-
Ahn pop, exclamation of satisfaction. autore, i.e. to convince an author of
cult ; Non fora a te si

(D. Purg. 25. 24), it would Aho error.

not be so difficult for thee. v. savage, vi. (metal.) ; pop. exclamation, certainly.
of iron, hard to work. vii. of other metals, brittle, Ai
prep, with art., to the. This
i. t = Aglio, garlic.
viii. of a soil, sour. ix. as sb. (metal.) lump of iron
is used before plurals, but before the Ai61a v. Aiuola.
not liquefied in the casting. ;

word Dei and words beginning with S Aiotfo ; Cantare ,

to blab out everything.
Agroddlce bitter-sweet. *Aion-e
impure or Z replaced by Agli. it is or -i
; i. adv. Andare
in salt
to ramble ,

about. sb. works, place for drying

2. Ne ai nfe bai, pop. nothing; Esce, or
icily ii.
Agronom-la / (L. ager, field + Gr. salt.

itn/j.0!, law) ; agricultural science. Aff. Entra senza dire nfe ai n& bai, without Aipa f.; Corsican gull, v. Gabbiano (rf).

-ico, -o. saying anything. Prov. Ai buai chi Afre m. (It. a + ire, to go); Prender
Agrostemma in. (hot.) corn-cockle, Agro- nasce matto non guarisce mai, truly a 1' ,
to make a start. Dare 1'
a, to
stemma gitftago. man who is born mad never recovers.
Agrdstide in. (Gr. a-ypw<rriO; (bot.) bent-grass, urge on.
as sb. the three-toed sloth, which
Agrostis. 3. Airdne m. (contr. of Aghirone, <
*Agrotto m. some large bird, perhaps a heron, utters the cry of Ai.
v. Grotto.

O.H.G. heigir with suffix -one, cp. old

Agrumi m. pl.\ dried pungent herbs.
Ala/ (A) (L. area, open
place root ; Fr. hairon>fr. Atfron); i. bianco
era, the threshing-floor in
earth); i.
maggiore, great white heron, v. Sgarza.
*Aguaito lit. = Agguato, ambush.
Aguale; adv. =AvaIe, now.
the open air Imbuinare 1' to dress
; , 2. cenerino, heron, Ardea cinerea,
Aguato tn. i.q. Agguato, ambush, fas adj.
; the earth with cow dung and tread it also termed Aghirone, Nonna, Sgarza.
hidden. down into a smooth surface for thresh- -- minore,
Aguazzeronare ; to form fringes, Guazzeroni. 3. Sgarzetta, little egret.
ing. 2. a similar space for putting 4. rosso, purple heron, Ardea pur-
Agucchia f. (L. acicula) ; knitting- materials out to dry. 3. Metier in , purea, also termed Aghirone purpureo,
needle. \v. Aguglia. to spread out the sheaves for threshing. Granocchiaia, Ranocchiaia.
Agucchiare ind. agiicchio; to sew 4. Rifarsi sull' to make it good on aid.
Aita/. (L. adjuvare), (poet.) ;
in a feeble manner, to toy with one's the threshing; viz. when a peasant has 2. favour.
needle. *
Cucire, to sew.
= a grievance against his landlord which *
Aitale similar.

Agucchi-arolo m. knitting-needle maker. ;

he makes good by securing more than
*-one m.; large pin. *-otto m. packing-needle. ;
his due share of the product of the
Aitante vigorous. ;

Aguccia /; a kind of stone with points like

needles. threshing. 5. Parere un' of a bed ,
Aitare pop. for Aiutare. ;

Agucella (Agugella)/.;=Punteruolo, punch. or any such article which is very large. Aiuga f. (dot.) common bugle, v.
Aguglia /
(A) (bit. acucula, dim. of L. acus,
6. Menar il can per 1' to lead the Erba (129, &).

v. Ago); garfish, Belone acus, locally termed Angusi- ,

gola, Agon, Becassino de mar, Agucchia, Ancugella. dog over the threshing-floor, i.e. to have tAiulayC; a species of bream, v. Pagello (3).
Aiu61a or Ai61a Aladentro t.\ (mar.) inhaul, rope for hauling Albasia yC;=Bonaccia, calm.
(dim. Aia) / ;
a trysail along the gaff towards the mast.
in Albastrello DI. redshank, Scolopax calidris,
place for spreading a net for birds. Alafu6ri m. (mar.) outhaul, v. Aladentro. ; also termed Piropiro gambe lunghe, Regina di mare.
2. flower-bed in a garden. Alagna; the birthplace of Pope Boniface VIII, Albatico ///.; a variety of blue grape.
now Anagni, in Latium, D. Par. 30. 148. Albato ;= Acchetato, quiet.
Aiublo or Aiblo m. ; net for catch- *Alaggio tn. (vbsb. of Alare); = Alzaia, tow-rope. A'lbatra f. arbutus berry. :

Alagi tn. (baf.) Hedysarum Alhagi, a legu- Albatrtllo >.; = AIberello(B, i).
ing birds.

minous plant of Arabia. Albatrino (wine) made of arbutus

; berries.
*Tirar_P : i. to gain a mean advantage, ii. pop. t Alalonga /. ; scalebreast, a sj>ecies of tunny,
to die. iii. Prov. Tirar 1'
to pick pockets.a una v. Tonno (2). A'lbatro m. (A) (L. arbutus) ; (hot.)
chiosa, /*'/. to draw the net
over a stain in a cloth, *
Alamanna f.\ i.q. Salamanna, a muscatel grape = Corbezzolo, arbutus tree.
i.e. to lose no opportunity for making a profit how- named from its introducer Ser Alamanno Salviati.
ever small. (B) (Span, nlcatraz, pelican, the term being
(mil.) adjutant.
;//. di campo,
; Alamaro (Span, alamar, m. < transferred in Italian to another large bird, as has
also occurred in Portuguese, where it means either
aide-de-camp, officer on the General's staff. mag- Arabic al, the, aindra, braid); i. braid- cormorant or albatross ; the Spanish word is< Arabic
giore, battalion adjutant.
ing on a uniform. 2. in pi. braided fas- al-qadus, bucket on a water-wheel, a name given to
the pelican because it carries water in its pouch);
Aint-are (L. adjuvare, v. Giovare) ; tenings, "frogs," oblong cloak buttons,
- - albatross, Diomedea extilaiis.
i . to help ;
la barca, to push a swelled out in the middle and covered t Albazzano m. ; lime-stone.
business along, to give assistance in an with silk, and with a tuft at each end. Albedine f. (L. albedo albus) < ; in alchemy,
affair. As refl. -arsi 2. of one who is :
The term may include the loops of the
ill, to take nourishment. con le Albeggi-are ind. albe"ggio; i. to be
3. fastenings as well as these buttons.
mani e coi piedi, to do one's utmost. *Alambico tn. = I>ambicco, alembic. ;
whitish. 2. to dawn. Aff. -amdnto.
Alamire in. an A scale in old hexachord music
Aff. -atore, -atrice. in which there were three tones

la, mi, re, and a

A'lbera or Alber&Lla (var. of /
Aiuto m. i. aid. 2. semitone. Albero) ; (hot.) aspen, Populus tremula.
; in//, (mil.) the loading dues levied in
Alberaggio tn. some
auxiliaries. 3. assistant (teacher). 4. Alano m. (Probably from Albano, ports.

di costa, extra payment beyond the the Albanian or Molossian dog, or from Alberaiay:; plantation of trees.
sum stipulated. the name of the Alani, a Sarmatian Alberante m. mast-maker. ;

Aizdon m. = Sem- people) bulldog. Also used as adj.

Alberare ind. dlbero; i. (mar.) to
(Gr. act, fyov) ;

spreg., of persons.
previvo, house leek. provide with masts. 2. to hoist, usu.
Alar-e (A) ///. (L. lares, the house- Inalberare. 3. to set upright, usu.
Aizzare or pop. Annizzare (Adiz- hold gods) usu. in pi.
; i. -i, Alzare.
zare) (O.H.G. hiza, cp. Germ. Hitze,
fire-dogs; Essere fra gli -i pignattino, Alberato; planted with trees.
heat); i. to set (a dog) on to attack to be a pipkin between the dogs, i.e. in
something. 2. to stimulate a person Alberatura /; i. the trees on a
to any vigorous action, to stir up a fire, great danger. 2. a kind of trestle.
property. the masts of 2. a ship.
etc. (B) adj. (L. ala); (anat.) Osso ,
3. timber for masts.
Aff. Aizz-amento, -atore, -atrice.
the sphenoid bone. Muscoli -i, the *
Albercocco ; v. Albicocco.
dilator muscles of the nose.
with //. Ale or Ali (L. ala
Ala/, Alber&lla / ; i.q. Albera, aspen.
for **acsla, akin to A.S. eaxl, shoulder; (C) vb.
(O.H.G. halon, to cp.
pull, Alber&llo m. (A) (bit. **alveolel/us,
O.H.G. ahsala, armpit, Germ. Achsel; > Span, halar, E. hale or haul) ;
to haul. dim. of L. alueolits, cell); I. small medi-
root ai?, to drive, cp. Skeat, sub Axis, Alario i. auxiliary, ii.
relating to the wing
cine bottle, usu. Barattolo. 2. kitchen
of an army.
Axle); i. (pi. Ali) wing. 2. (//. Ale) salt-box. 3. paint-pot; Imbiancar due
wing of a building, piece of anything Alata
f. ; blow with the wing. muri con un a translation of the Latin ,
prov. Duo parietes de eadem jidelia deal-
to eat, etc. Far Alateria f. (It. elaterio, elastic) ;= Molla, tongs.
3. ,(mil.) to ex-
Alatern-ayC, or -o m. (L. ahiternus, from Alatri
tend, or pop. to make room. 4. in a near Rome); (bot.} a species of buckthorn, Rhainnus bare, i.e. to kill two birds with one stone.
river, dam. Sputare un'
di pol- aliitcrnus, also termed Linterna.
Alato (It. ala); winged. (B) (dim. of It. albero); i. fungus
mone, lit. to spit out a piece of lung, that grows at the roots of poplars, Bo-
t Alazzire to weary.

i.e. to and vehemently.

speak long letus scaber, also termed Albatrello,
6. be on the point of
Stare sull' ali, to Alba / (L. albus, white, v. Alpe) ;
Pioppino. i.q. Alberella, aspen.
starting. in //., plough handles. dawn. dei tafani, dei mosconi or di
7. Alberese itt. i. the kind of lime-stone from
lunga, = Rondine di mare, tern.

8. Meino, i.e. a late hour in the morning. which mill-stones are made. 2. quarry of the same.

9. Ali di deriva o di scarroccio, lee-

Levarsi all' de' tafani, to get up at
Alberet-a / or less usu. -o m. ;
boards attached on either side of a mid-day. avenue of poplars. 2.
t Albacare Abbacare.
any plan-
flat-bottomed boat to prevent drifting. ; -u.
tation of trees.
Aver 1' ali piu grand! che il nido, i.e. to surpass
one's predecessors, ii. Dar dell* a uno, to get
Albagia / (etym. unkn.) ; pride, Alber6tto ;/;. i. dim. vezz. Albero. ;

rid of him. iii.
Quanto 1' occhio mio potea trar d' *
2. (mar.) royal, or top-gallant mast.
ale (D. Purg. 10. 25), as far as my eye could carry, Albagio HI. (m\i.albasiHm 1 <\J .
albits, v. Alba);
lit. could pull with its wings, white woollen rug. Albergare ind. albergo; to put
iv. Star desto sull' ali, up
to be on the watch, v. Batter ogni to rejoice, ,
*Albagioso; proud, vain. at an inn.
vi. contro uno, to take up a haughty
1' ali *Albaione ;. sand-hill, dune. ;
_Distender *
attitude towards him. vii. Impennare le ali a uno, Albana f.; a variety of white grape. Alberge f. peach. ;

to make him swift, viii. Ad ali stese, in haste. Albanella yT; i. hen harrier, Circus cyancits, Alberghetto ;//. i. trunnion ; hole, a socket in
Alabanda f.\ a marble from Alabanda in Asia also termed Albanella reale, Falco molinaro or an oblong cube of iron. 2. gilder's cushion.
Minor, also known as Lucullus' marble.
Alabandina f. (from Alabanda, its place of
pigargo. 2. chiara, bianca, dalmantina, mezzana,
pallida or siciliana, Swainson's harrier, Circus pal- Albergo m. (O.H.G. hariberga <
origin) Oriental garnet or spinel-ruby,
; 7>.
litius. 3. minore, Montagu's harrier, Circus harji, Germ. Heer, army bergen, to +
cincraceus, also termed Albanella piccola or rossiccia,
con il collare, = Falco di shelter, orig. therefore encampment) ;
Alabard-a / (M.H.G. helm-barte, Falcone cenericcio. 4.
palude, marsh harrier. i. hotel. 2. Cacciaall' , taking birds
lit.helmet splitter, < helm, helmet, and
Albanese; Albanian. when at roost. 3. shelter, lodging.
barte, broad axe) halberd, a weapon ;
*i. adventitious, foreign. Far 1' , to behave
as if one had not heard, as sb. light cavalry Aff. Alberg-atore inn-keeper, -atrice, -uccio dim.
something between a pike and a battle-

axe. Appoggiare, or Piantare 1' to ,
* Albano in.
; a variety of vine. *Alberino m. (Alberina, Alberite f.)\ i. young
be supported in idleness, as by marry- Anas poplar, ii. fiorentino, a kind of lime-stone, v.
Albardeola/t; spoon-bill, clypeata.
Alberese. iii. marking found in that stone.
ing a rich wife and living in her house. Albarello m. (hot.) silver poplar, v.
A'lbero (Albore) m. (L. arbor, root
Aff. -iere, halberdier. Pioppo.
Alabardata i. f. blow with a
halberd. as
ardh, to grow, to rise up, v. Arduo);
; 2. *Albaria/I; (arch.) a kind of distempering. i. tree. 2. poplar. When used alone
adj. (bot.) arrow-shaped (leaf).
Alabastr-aio m. ; seller of -o. -ino; white as A'lbaro m. (Span, albar < L. albtts, as a carpenter's or joiner's material,
-o. -ite/?; sham -o. -o m.; alabaster.
Etym. Gr. aAo/3acjTpos,<Oriental sources. referring to the whiteness of the leaves) ;
Albero means poplar-wood. 3. (mar.)
A'lacr-e (L. alacer) active. Aff. -emente, -ita. ;
black poplar, Populus nigra. mast; -- maestro, main-mast; di
di trinchetto, fore- 73. da sego, tallow tree, Croton sebtfentm. Alcangi or Alcanzt /. //. ; Turkish cavalry.
mezzana, mizen; della seta, silk pod plant, Gomphocarpus Alcaram m. ;= Alcorano, the Koran.
mast. 4. axle-tree. 5. in any piece
fruticosus. 75. da storace, gum storax tree, Alcarazas m. (Arabic al-kurraz, an earthen
of machinery, beam, shaft di carico, ;
v. Meluzzo. 76. del te, tea tree, Thea bphea. vessel without a handle); alcarraza, a porous vase
77. da trina, v. 78. da tulipani,
supra (51). for cooling water.
derrick. 6. (watchm.} barrel-arbour. tulip tree, tulipifera, also termed
- -
di famiglia, genealogical tree. della del veleno di Alee m. (L. alces^ Gr. a\K.^ elk;
7. Tuhpifera Virginia. 79.
Giava, upas tree, Antiaris toxicaria. 80, da
8. Stare sull' a cantare, ///. to stay
or del Chinese or cp. O.H.G. elaho and Gr. *Aa<or, stag,
vernice, cinese, Giappone, Japanese
on a tree and sing, i.e. of a seller of varnish tree, Rhus verniciflua. 81. del viaggia- v. Skeat, sub Elk) i. elk, Cervus alces. ;

something, to refuse any abatement tore, <?rdel viandante, Ravenala madagascariensis. 2. americano, moose.
82. della vita, arbor vitae or American white cedar,
of his price when he knows that the da zucche da frutti Alcea f.\ (bot.) i. hollyhock, Althaea rosea,
Thuja occidentalis. 83.
also termed Malvarosa. 2. marsh -mallow, Althaea
purchaser must give it in the end. 9. in rotondi, calabash tree, Crescentia cucurbit ina.
da zucche oval-fruited calabash tree,
alchemy, referring to the forms in which 84.
Crescentia cujete.
Alcedine f. (Gr. aA/cywi/); a genus of birds
crystallisation from solutions occurs ; including the kingfisher, Alcedo hispida^ v. Piom-
bino (8).
di Diana, crystallisations of silver di ;
Alber-6ne m. augm., -6tto m. dim., Alchechenge in. (Arabic word) (bot.) i. winter ;

Saturno, of lead; del ferro or di small mast, -uccio m. dim. spreg., of -o. cherry, Physalis alkekengi^ also termed Ciljegine,
di Giove, of tin. thick-head, dunce. Palloncine, Vescicarie. 2. sonnifero, somniferous
Marte, of iron ; t Alberto m.\ Capodi S. ,

winter cherry, Physalis somntfttra.

Trees named after some special characteristic: AlbiayC; the river Elbe, D. Purg. 7. 99. Alchemilla or Alchimilla /; (bot.) lady's
da aceto, smooth leaved sumach, RfuHgtofoXi mantle, Alchimilla vulgaris.
turbid, whitish (liquid).
Albiccio ; *
also termed Sommacco di America, n. d' ambra, Alchenna; v. Alcanna.
amber tree, Authospermum Acthwpicum. 12. *AIbicerato; i. wax coloured, ii. sb. a variety Alchermes m. (Arabic al, the 4- qirmiz, grub,
di amore, Judas tree, Cercis siliquastrum, also of fig. v. Chermes); a kind of sweet drink, coloured red
termed Albert) di Gmdea, Siliquastro. 13. with kermes dye.
d' argento del Capo di Buona Speranza, Cape silver Albicbcca (Bericocola)/ ; apricot. *
Alchiero nt.\ a measure, about half a bushel.
tree, Leucadendron nrgenteum. 14. bianco dell' Alchim-ia f. (Gr. vijM-t* with the Arabic
Australia, Australian white tree, blelaleitca leuca- Albicbcco (Albercocco) ;//. (L. prae- article, v. Chimica) i. alchemy. 2. Jig. art of

dendron. 15. da burro affricano, butter tree of

Sierra Leone, Pentadesma butyracea. 16. da eoqua, f. adj. early ripening, coquere, < deception. Aff. -ista.
v. Alchemilla.
burro nepalese, butter tree of Nepaul, Bassia buty- to cook, thie apricot having been re- * Alchorndco or Alcornoco m. (Span, alchor-
racea. del caffe, coffee tree, Coffea arabica.
17. garded by the Romans as an early ftt"/ui; cork); i. cork. ii. an American medicinal
da candela, Panama candle tree, Parmentiera bark from a species of Byrsonima.
Praecoqua was
cerifera. 19. della canfora, camphor tree, Lauras variety of peach. Alcibiadio or Alcibi6ne m. \ (bof.) viper's
camphora, also termed Lauro canfora. 20. della changed into late Gr. wpatKOKtov, which bugloss, Echium vttlgare.

passed into Arabic as harqftq, and this,

cannella, cinnamon tree, Laitrus cinnamomum, also Alcina /. ; a character in Orlando Furioso ;

termed Lauro cannella. 21. della cascariglia, hence, a seductive woman.

cascarilla bark tree, Croton cascarilla. 22. da with the article al prefixed, into Spanish,
catecu, catechu tree, Acacia, catechu. 23. della as albaricoque, whence Ital. albercocco, Alci6ne (A) m. (Gr. aXxuwv, king-
china, Peruvian bark tree, Cinchona ojfficinalis. i. sea-gull, king-fisher, or any
della cioccolata, cocoa tree, Meobronta cacao.
v. Skeat, sub Apricot) ; apricot-tree. fisher) ;

aquatic bird for which a poetic name

dei conciatori, tanners' tree, Coriaria tnyrti- *
25. Albiglio M.\ a kind of vine.
folia. 26. di corallo, West Indian coral tree, Albinaggio (Albinato) (L. alibi natus)\ in. is desired. 2. man bowed with age.
Erythrina corallodendrum. 27. di corallo orien- i. the right of the exchequer to escheat
the property
(B) f. ('AX*cu6i>i; in Greek mythology)
of a deceased foreigner. 2. law prohibiting aliens
tale, East Indian coral tree, Erythrina indica.
28. tree, Kalntia latifolia.
da cucchiari, spoon from succeeding to property. Halcyone, one of the Pleiades.
di ferro, (a) true iron tree, Metrosideros vera ; *
AlbinazzayC; a variety of white grape.
2g. Alcionei; i. m. pi. a class of polyps. 2. adj.\
(b) three-flowered iron tree, Sideroxylon ferreum, Albino m. person with white hair and pink
halcyon (days) of warm weather in winter.
also termed Legno ferreo. 30. di ferro bianco, eyes. Alcion&lla f.\ a species of fresh water polyp.
white iron-wood, Sideroxylon cinereum. 31. da *
Albio = Conca, basin. 11. = Trogolo,
;//. ;
Alcidrrio; i. m. a marine substance produced
filtrare, clearing nut tree, Strychnos potatoruw.
da American Andro-
trough. by polyps, formerly believed to be the substance
foglie acide, sour wood, *Albire m.\ a variant of Arbitrio.
meda arborea. 33. composing the nest of the Java swallow, v. Salan-
da fon tana. East Indian fount- Albis; Domenica in Sunday ,
after Easter;
gana. 2. adj. i.q. Alcioneo.;

ain tree, Phytocrena gigantea. 34. da frange, Settimana in Easter week. , Alcioniti m. pi. fossil polyps. ;

or da neve, snow flower, Chionanthus virginica. Albitro >.', v. *Arbitro. Alcmanio; Metro metre employed by the ,

35. da frecce, arrow wood, Viburnum dentatttm. Greek poet Alcman, viz. an iambic less the last
36. da garofani, or Garofano aromatico, clove Albo(L. albus) ; i. white (skin of syllable.
tree, Caryofihyllus aromaticus. 37. gigante della a 2. slightly drunk. 3. as A'lcool m. (Arabic word, meaning very fine
fig or plum).
California, Californian mammoth tree, Sequoia gi- for blackening the eye-lashes; the name was
di sb. album. powder
gantea. 38. Giudea, Judas tree, v. supra (12). given afterwards, but not in Arabic, to the spirit of
39. da gomma arabica, gum arable tree, v. Acacia *Albogreco m. dog's excrement, once used as ; wine on account of its fineness) alcohol. ;

(i). 40. da gomma elastica, India-rubber tree, a medicine when the dog was fed on nothing but Aff. Alcool-ico, -ismo, -izzare.
Siphonia. 41. da gomma guaiaco-, guaiacum bones. Alcorano m. (Arabical, the aurd t reading); ;

tree, v. Guaiaco. 42. da gomma lacca, lac tree, *Albone ;.; rug. i. the Koran. 2. tower annexed to mosques in
Aleuritfs laccifera. 43. da gutta percha, gutta- Albopale /. ; white opal. Persia.
percha tree, Isonandra gutta. 44. dell' incenso,
*Albora/; (;/.) leprosy, usit. Lebbra. * Alcornoco ;//. v. Alchornoco. ;

incense tree, Boswellia serrata, or Boswellia thu- Alcbrza f.; a compound burnt for the sake of
rata. 45. dell' incenso americano, incense wood Alb6re /.; twilight. *i. white of its
del latte, cow
ii. = Albero.
of Guiana, Idea gnyanensis. 46. Alc6va or Arcbva (Arcoa) f. (Arabic al, the;
tree, Galactodendrum tittle. 47. da legno roseo,
the eye.
gobb&h, dome); alcove.
pink wood tree, Dicypellium caryophyllatum. 48. Alborella/; bleak, v. Avola. *
Alcunamente; in no wise.
di Linneo, lime tree, v. Tiglio. 49. di mal di t Alboro m. little red sea-bream, ; PageUp (2). v.
Alcunche /.; a little bit.
denti, or odontalgico, toothache tree, Xantkoxylon. *Alborotarsi (Arabic borod, tumult); to rise m Alcuno (L. aliquis uttus); in sing, and with a
delle mani del Messico, hand-plant of Mexico, 1

negative, any; Non c c

50. rebellion. there is nobody here. ,

Cheiranthodendrum Pentaaactylon. 51. da * Albuccio m,; poplar tree. In pi. some.

merletto, or da trina, lace bark tree, Lagetta linte- Albuginey^; (////.) whiteness in the cornea of
*Alcuranio; an old lyric metre.
aria. 52. della mestizia, tree of sadness, Nyct- the eye.
Umore the vitreous
Aldace; = Audace, bold.
anthes arbor tristis^ also termed Gelsomino odoroso Albugineo i. ;
whitish. ,
*Aldia (Aldiana) / Aldio, (Aldione) m. (mlt.
di notte. della mirra, myrrh Bahamo- humour of the eye. 2. as;.; membrane.
53. tree,
atdius, cp. Germ, halten, E. hold); semi-slave, serf,
dendron myrrka. 54. da neve, snow flower, v. A'lbula /.; (vet.) cataract in the eyes of dogs in Lombardy in the middle ages.
supra (34). 55. da nitro russo, Russian nitre which have been allowed to stay by the fire. Aldino Aldine. Aldus Manutius was a Venetian
da olio di Croton, Albume white of egg. Prov. Valer
plant, Nitraria sckoberL 56. ;.; i.
who in 1490 invented the kind of type called
odontal- to be worth the yolk and the white; printer
Croton oil tree, v. Tiglio drastico. 57. torlo e ,
italics, from its dedication by Aldus to the states of
gico, v. supra (49). 58. da ostrache, black i.e. to be worth everything. 2. (oof.) perisperm.
mangrove tree, Rhizophora mangle. 59. delle Albumina/; (c/iem.) albumen. = Udire, to hear.
t Aldire;
pagode, banyan tree, v. Fico (6). 60. da palle Albuminato; albuminous. a word of no meaning in the phrase Ale
Ale ;
di cannone, cannon-ball tree, Couroupita guyanensis. Albumo m. (bet.) the outer and youngest fibres
ale Indovina quel ch' egli e, i.e. guess my riddle.
61. del pane, bread-fruit tree, Artocarpus tncisa. of the inner bark of trees.
62. del Paradiso, tree of Heaven, v. Ailanto. Alburno /. sap-wood. (leg.) con-
63. della pazienza, Indian lilac, -v. Perlaro. 64. Albutan a group of stars

in Aries. Alea/. (L. alea, die);


tingent risk. Corre the risk is

Alcayi; auk, A lea ititpennis.
da pentole, monkey's kettle-tree, Lecythis ollaria. ,

65. del pepe peruviano, Peruvian mastick tree, Alcaica /

(from Alcaeus the Greek poet); running. *dicing.
Schinus motle, 66. da pipa Indiana, tobacco- aiu uue.
alcaic ode.
pipe wood, Mabea pirini. 67. da poponi, papaw- A'lcal-i m. (Arabic al, the aa&, ashes of salt- ; Aled-tico pop. Leatico (Liatico) j

tree, Carica papaya. 68. da quaranta scudi, wort, which abounds in soda); (cAem.) alkali. Aff. name of a Tuscan grape and wine.
maiden-hair tree, Salisburia adiantifolia, 60. imetro, -IIIW, -izzare.
ICllU, -fno, -i/.idic.
da sangue di dragone, dragon tree, Dracana. araco. Alcanna (Alchenna)/ (Arabic al, the ftinna, ;

di Sant' Andrea, date plum,?'. Ermellino. 71. v. vera degli Arabi, henna plant, Aleatdrio relating to contingencies
70. Enne); (tot.) i.
di S.Tommaso, St Thomas's tree, Baukinia itarie- Lafwsonia alba. 2. spuria, dyers' bugloss, An- such as those making the business of
chusa tinctoria both plants are also termed
gata. 72. degli scogli dell' isola di Sant' Elena, ;
insurance, or even a simple bet.
rock plant of S. Helena, Petrobium arboreum. Arganetta.

Alece / (L. alec) fish-brine. ; spiralis. 3. lesimna, marsh quill wort, fsoetes Alimo M. (Gr. aflrtv., Atjuds, hunger); i. (hot.) A
Alef in. the Hebrew A.
lacustris. marina de' vetrai, glass wrack,
4. species of orache or sea purslane common in the
*Alefangino; aromatic. Zosfera marina, also termed Fieno marino. hedges of southern Europe, triplex kalimus, A
Alegazione f. = Legazione, embassy.
* 2. as adj., hunger-abating.
; *Algaria (AIgheria)_A; ostentation.
Algaz&lla./; the leucoryx antelope. AUmonia f.\ alimony, allowance decreed by a
ind. ala, A'lgebr-ayC (Arabic al-jebr, combination); asE. court for a wife separated from her husband.
Aleggiare aldggio (It.
to flutter. Aff. -icame"nte, -ico. *Alimurgia f. (It. alimento and Gr. epyoi/) ;
wing) ;
Algebrista m.\ algebraist.
Abbachista. operation of nutrient substances, or lecture thereon.
Ale*ggio m.- i. (w<w.) = Alleggio, Algedine f. (Gr. dAyeu/, to hurt); (med.) in-
flammation of the neck of the bladder. Alfna/ dim. vezz. Ala, wing.

lighter. Tappo, plug. Algente (L. algeo, to be cold); very cold.

Alemanda (Alemanna) / ;
a kind of dance and
Algere only found in *perf. alsi. I was cold.
; Alfnea/ (French word); I. inter-
dance -music. *Algerina f. small cape worn in the Middle
; lineation in the draft of a project of law.
Alemanno {Gothic word); German. Ages. 2. first verse of a poem.
* outlandish, 3. beginning
Alenayij-Lena, breath. *Algerino; i. Algerian, ii. iii. pi-
ratical. of a new paragraph.
Alenzdna the town Alengon, in *
Alinevoso (L. ala, niveus, snowy); with snow-
Alghe /
//. ; growing sea-weed, v.
white wings or sails.
Normandy. *
Alione m.; angm. Ala, wing.
*Alepardo /w = Leopardo. . ;
*Aliosso m. (L. alea, die; os, bone); knuckle-
*Aleppe m.\ the Hebrew A. *Algheriay;; i.g. Algaria, ostentation.
* bone used in a boys' game.
Aleppina/?; wool and cotton cloth, v. Orleans. Alghiero ?.', a measure, about half a bushel. *
Aliotto m. edging round the arm of a cassock.
*Alere (L., root al, to grow); to nourish.
Aleri6ne m. {herald.) an eagle disarmed, v. Algido; cold, esp. of the coldness *AIipardo m.
Leonardo, leopard.


of cholera. Alipede i. with winged feet. ii. As sb. horse.


Aliquot-o (L. aliquot, a few); i. Parte -a,

aliquot part, a fraction of a quantity which has unity
Ales-are ind. aldso (Fr. altser for Alg6re m. ; icy coldness. for its numerator, thus six shillings and eight pence
aliser,<.lis, smooth, v. Liscio); to bore *
Algorismo(Algoritrno) m. (Gr. dptfl/xo?, through is an aliquot part of a 2. (mus.) suoni -i,
out. an Arabic form); algebraical calculation. overtones concomitant)).
Aff. -atura.

Alessandrfno verse contain- i. ?;/. Algdso ; abounding in sea-weed. Alise-0 (cogn. Span, alisios^ prob. <.

old Fr. alis, smooth, v. Liscio). Venti -i,

ing twelve syllables, probably so called All 7/. ;
from a French poem in this metre on trade winds.
Alibare; to lighten, v. Allibbo.
the life of Alexander the Great. As Alism-ay^ or -o /. ; water-plantain, v. Pian-
A'libi m. (leg-) alibi, proof of innocence by

adj.: 2. Alexandrian. 3. dull (writings). showing that the accused was elsewhere at the time *Aliso w.\ i. = Fioraliso, lily. ii. =Alisso.
4. name of a kind of velvet. when the offence was committed.
* Alica
Alisso /.(L. alysson<.Gr. a\vtr<rov a. priz>., <
* Alessifarmaco m. f.\= Alga, sea-weed. Aiifoj,to hiccup); (bot.) rock mad-wort, Alyssitm
(Gr. aAe'f to, to defend ; <Jdp- *
Aliccio m. (etym. dub, perhaps L. licium, saxatile, also termed Cestino d' oro.
Ij.aKor. drug); antidote. helmet-strap.
* ointment used girdle);
Alessiterio m, (Gr. aAef^TTjpior) Alice f. (etym. dub. perhaps < L. alec, fish-
Alitare ind. alito to breathe gently,
as an antidote to poison. ;

brine);i. Acciuga, anchovy. 2. (med.) the pimple or of the wind, to blow softly.
which precedes the formation of the pustules of
Ale'tta ^<?/. Alietta,/ (dim. of Ala)
i. fin. 2. iron brace or clam p. 3. (anat.)
*Alicetta f.\ \. dim. Alice. ii. a kind of
Alito ;;/. (L. halitus halare^ to <
side of the nose or flap of the ear. weapon. breathe, root an^ to blow); I. gentle
Alichino /.; a demon of Dante's Inferno, v. breeze. 2. breath. Lavoro fatto
4. (mar.} fashion-piece, one of the hind-
most timbers which terminate the *Alicorno w.; = Liocorno, unicorn. coll' , very fine work.
*AIidada f. (Arabic al-hadat, a sort of rule, *Sotto un riavere d' lit. with recovery of
breadth and form the shape of the from hadaj, to guide on the right way, >mlt. ali~

breath, i.e. continuously.

stern, (watckm.) Alietta della pira-
5. dado) alidade, index on an astronomical quadrant
Alitoso; with strong smelling breath.
* Aliuccia
mide, the check piece which stops the shewing the degrees cut off on the arc by the line of f.\ dim. Ala, wing.
sight. Aliuzza f. color bianco, fly-catcher, v.
winding when the watch is wound up.

Balia (2, a).

Alid-0 (L. aridus] i. of weather or *AIla /.
6. (mil.) small troop. 7. (mech.) tooth (A), (O.H.G. faffa, temple, cj>. Fr.

in the periphery of a wheel. 8. a cluster soil, dry. 2. Carne -a, tough fibrous Jialle, E. hall); a piazza or market-place. (B)(O.H.G.
elina, cp. Gothic aleina, L. ulna, Gr. wXe'nj, E. ell,
of fine feathers on the toe and behind meat.
elbow); the English measure, ell.
*j. of cattle, lean. ii. without money, iii. Pr&v.
the wings of a bird.
Quel che leva 1' 1' umido lo rende ma
quel che leva Allacci-are i. to fasten up with a ;

Alettato; (herald.) (fish) with fins of different 1' umido 1' non lo rende, the damage which drought
colour. does is repaired by rain but the damage done by rain
running knot, Laccio. 2. to tie up in
AlettoyC; one of the Furies, Alecto. Sonar la will not be repaired by dry weather. any way. 3. to lace up. 4. to catch
tromba d' to blow the trumpet of Alecto, i.e. * Alidorato
, to
(Ala, dorare); with gilded wings. with a lasso, but not with a snare, which
arouse discord.
Alett6ne ;.; -i di rollio (tar.\ wash-boards. Alid6re m. is Accalappiare. 5. le acque, to col-
(It. alido); drought.
Alfa f.\ i. the Greek A. *Monsiu the , lect water by water-works. 6. una
Grand Duke. z. esparto grass, v. Giunco (9, a A'lie f. pi. ; pop. for Ali, wings. i.
and 19). fune, to lengthen a rope by tying another
2. a species of fish. 3. di quadri,
Alfabet-o in. (L.<the first two letters of the to it. 7. to tie up (the branches of a
Greek alphabet); alphabet. Perderl' to lose the folding panels to cover a painting. 8. fig. to en-
vine), to tie (an artery).

thread of one's argument. Aff. -icamente, -ico.

*Alfana/! (Span, alfatta from Arabic al, the; Alieggiare ind. alidggio, frequent. snare, deceive. 9. (skoem.} il
fannan, wild ass); i. steed, ii. Arab horse, iii. (iron.) of Aleggiare to keep on fluttering, or ; to sew so that the thread is superim-
ambling, clumsy horse, iv. tall, thin woman.
*Alfanetta (Alfanica)_/; an African hawk. fluttering round the same place. posed over the two ends of the knot.
*Alfasi m. (the word may have been invented by Alienare
ind. alicno(L.); to alienate. 10. (mar.} to lash. ii. to hold in a
Tasso from amphisboena, Gr. a/u<>i, both /JaiVw, to ; Aff. Alien-abile, -abilita, -atSrio, person to whom leash. 12. to connect (railway lines)
go, the Libyan serpent which could move either head property is alienated, -atore, -azlone.
or tail foremost); algente, cold snake. Alienate mad. ; by shunting lines. As refl. 13. to
-arsi :

Alfenite m.\ a composition of copper, zinc and Alieno (L. < alius, another) ;
i. disinclined ; lace up (one's shoes, etc.). -arsela
nickel, invented by Halphen in 1850 to imitate silver. no inclination for politics;
dalla politica, with
Non son accord arglielo, I am not disinclined
dall' alta, sc. la giornea, lit. to lace one's robe
Alfiere (Alfido, Alfino, Alifido) m. to do it 2. fig. alien (to the matter under
for him.
high, i.e. to think a great deal of oneself,
In the literal sense of alien, foreign,
(Span, alfereS) from Arabic al-faris^ discussion).
Alieno is obsolete, the modern word being Straniero
to be proud. 15. -arsela al dito, i.e. to
rider) I. standard-bearer. 2. (mar.)
; or Forestiero. impress upon one's memory.
midshipman, sub-lieutenant. 3. at chess,
Alietta/; v. Aletta. *i. to secure a building with ties. ii. verso
AlieuticayC (Gr. aAievriK^); poetry describing una cosa, i.e. to run to it with great eagerness.
knight. the art of fishing.
Aff. Allacci-am6nto, -ante esp. in sense (5), -atore,
Alfieriano in imitation of Alfieri. *AHfante m.\ \. elephant, ii. a musical wind-
Alfine ;
adv. finally.
A'liga/:; -v. Alga. Allacciatura /. ;
i. v. Allacciare.
*Alfino ?^.; = Alfiere, knight at chess. Aligusta or Arigusta/ (Gr. aXwKos-, 2. flannel belt for the abdomen (usu.
AlfonsinayC; astronomical table. crayfish, through a bit.
salt, -r-aoraKos-, Brachiere).
* Alfonsino m. a Neapolitan coin worth two

carlini, or about a shilling. **afycasta}\ lobster. Allag-are ;

to form into a lake, Lago.
Alga or A'liga f, (L.); (bat.) i. sea-weed Alim6nto m. (L. alimentum<alere, to nourish);
thrown up on shore, v. Alghe. 2. di Chiana, food. Aff. -amdnto.
or cornicolata, water tape grass, Vallisneria Aff. Aliment-are vb. or adj., -ario, -atore, -atrice. y:; silicate of manganese.

Allamare (It. lama, swamp); of ground, to sink with the several origins, though some a rope, etc., to become slack. 6. to go
and become swampy. more
are plain enough); i. to adduce, bring slowly. 7. (med.) to rupture one-
Allampanato (It. lampana, lantern, up (witnesses, excuses, etc.). 2. to alloy self, to have a loop of intestine descend
the skin being imagined to be like the (metals). 3. of a fruit, to develop into the scrotum or thigh. Aff. -ame'nto.
membranes which used to be employed properly when the flower drops off, to *
Allentaturay:; i.q. Allentagione.
Allenzare (It. lenza); to bandage.
for lanterns) ; terribly thin. set. Intr. 4. to adhere, e.g. when the
"Alleonarsi to take the form of a
(It. leone) ;

to rage with or blade of a knife or pair of scissors sticks lion. Alleonati, an expression used of a thing which
Allainpare ; hunger desired should assume a particular shape. The
to an article which it is desired to cut. it is
allusion is to the story of a painter who cried out to
Etym. From seems to be
the form of the word it 5. to take root and flourish. 6. tr. or his sketch intended for that of a lion, Alleonati, Be
<It. l.uitpo, lightning, account but it is difficult to intr. or Fare denti, to set the i likea lion and however much he touched and re-

satisfactorily for the transition in touched it and ordered it to be like a lion it remained
meaning. teeth on edge by eating sour grapes or unlike one. and B.)
Allantbide f. (Gr. oAAai/roei$Tj, sausage (T.
shaped) (until.) one of the foetal membranes.
; hearing the squeaking of a slate pencil, *Alleppare; i.q. Leppare.
Allappare to set (the teeth) on edge.
; etc. tAlleprarsi; to take a nap.
Etyin. The modern Romans use the word Lappo Alleruinc (Alerione) m. (/urald.) an eagle ;
*i. to tie up. ii. to prove, t>. supra iii. i
for sharp wine ; cp. L.
lappago, a plant stated by
disarmed, i.e. without beaks or claws, with its wings
denti, to feel hungry, iv. to be suitable: Fava e
Pliny to have very sour juice. 1 outspread.
t Allappicarsi ; to take a nap. mela coll acqua allega, beans and apples with water *
AHessare (old L. lixa, water); to boil.
* is a suitable thing.
Allappolare, frequent, of Allappare; to set
(the teeth) very much on edge. Aff. Alleg-abile, -agione, v. Allegare (3), -amento. Allesso or lesso adv.; boiled, v. A
Allare (It. alia, ell); to measure. Allegata y^; enclosure accompanying a letter. Lesso. Prov. Chi la vuole e chi
Allarg-are (It. largo, wide); i. to AUegato m. document accompany- ; arrosto, one likes it boiled and another
ing another. roasted, i.e. tastes differ.
enlarge (a dress), widen (a street), etc. *ally.
2. to extend, spread out. to relax Allest-ire ind. -isco
3. Allegazidne / ;
i. assemblage of (It. lesto) ;
i. to
(the severity of a rule); la mano, to
proofs. 2. allegation. prepare, get a thing ready in all its
be liberal, or to spend too much il ; details. 2. il
passo, to walk quicker,
cuore, to rejoice the heart la bocca, Allegger-ire ind. -isco (It. leggiero) ;
; usit. Allungare il passo.
Aff. -imento. . .

to promise too much. 4. (mus.) to slow. lighten (a load) by removing part * Alletamare
(It. letame); to spread manure.
intr. to spread, become wider. of it. 2. fig. to relieve, e.g. a troubled *
Allettaiuolo nt. ; decoy-bird.
As nelle spese, or
conscience, to lighten (taxation), etc.
reft, -arsi: 6. Allett-are ind. alletto (A) (It. letto,
3. la mano, to press less heavily (in
simply Allargarsi, to increase one's ex- bed); to lay down in bed, or of wind,
writing) or fig- to treat with less severity.
penditure. 7. of a group of people, to to lay growing crops on the ground.
4. to train (a horse) to
be light in its
spread themselves out. 8. to take a Part, -ato, bed-ridden.
movements. As refl. -irsi 5. to be :

larger house. 9. (mar.) to put out to 6. to put on lighter clothes. (B) (L. ad-lectare<lacio, to entice,
sea. 10. of the sky when overcast, to
7. -ito di mente, crazy. v. Laccio) ; to allure.
begin looking brighter, n. il
pol- *to cherish. Ond' esta ottracotanza in yoi s al-

mone, to expand one's lungs (with purer Alleggio m. or

(mar.) Aleggio letta, why is this insolence to be found in you ?

air). Part. -ato. 12. copious. 13. (her- lighter, for discharging vessels which D. Inf. 9. 93.
cannot go alongside of the wharf. Aff. -amento, -ativa attractiveness, -ativo at-
ald.} expanded (lily), with buds rising tractive.
from its flowers. fAlleghire; v. Allegare (5) and (6).
Allegoria f. (Gr. oAAiryopi'a from aAAos, other, Alletterato (It. lettera); well-edu-
= Allontanare, ii. = Diffondere, to
i. to remove, *
diffuse, (mar.) to spread (the sails), iv.
iii. la ayopeuto, to speak) ; allegory. Allegazione. cated.
Aff. Allegor-icamente, -ico, -ista, -iziare.
coscienza, to lose consciousness of right and wrong.
As re/I, -arsi v. to give oneself up (to pleasures).
t Aliegrire v. Allegare ; (6). Allev-are (Allievare) ind. allevo (It.
vi. con uno, to open oneself to him. viL to Fr. alaigre, Pro- a, levare) to rear.
Allegro (cogn. old ;

separate (from an associate). viii. to lose con-

sciousness of right, V. supra (iv). venc,.alegre L. < alacer, v. Alacre) ; -atura.
Aff. -am6nto, -ata, bringing up animals by hand,
Aff. Allarg-amento, -ata, slight and hasty en- 1. contented, cheerful. 2. merry from Allevi-are ind. allevio (L., v. Lieve); as E.
largement -atina, dim. of -ata -at6io, enlarging ;
Aff. -amento.
wine. 3. (mus.) quick, lively.
tool, esp. for giving the exact dimensions to the *Allevime m. = Allevata,
barrel of a gun, -atore, -atrice, -atura.
; rearing.
Aff. Allegr-amente, -amento, -are, to cheer (HSU. *
Allezzare (It. lezzo); to stink.
Allarm-are, -e, -ista: as E. (from the soldier's rallegrare), -etto dim., in music, less quick than
Alliaria/ (liot.) Jack-in-the-hedge, Erysimuni
call, All* arme, to arms !).

allegro, -ezza or -ia sb., -occio dim., -onaccio or alliaria.

Allasc-are; to slacken, -ato =FoIle, loose. -one, a kind of cheerful booby, -uccio dim. Allibare; (/wr.)=Libare, to lighten.
- close Alleluia X; i. a Hebrew word introduced into
Allato adv. beside. Latin S. Jerome, meaning Praise God; Vecchio
by Allibb-ire or Allib-ire ind. -isco
beside. quanto 1' i.e. very old; Fino al giorno dell'
through some form **ad-
, ,

for ever. 2. sorrel, Oxalis acetosetla, so called from (L. lividus

Allatt-are (It. latte); to suckle. the fact that it blossoms at Easter time. lividare) ;
to be astounded.
Per 1' at Easter. L' ogni mal fuia, i.e.
Aff. -ame'nto, -atura. ,

Allibbo HI. lightening a ship, v. Allibare.

spring drives trouble away. Auguri dell* ,

Allibrare (It. libro); to enter in a book.
t Allazzerire of meat when being cooked, to be
greetings. *
touched by the fire. *Allemanda _/. i. a piece of solemn music,
i. to put a valuation on. ii. to enter in the list
Allazzire to be tired, to be surprised. of ratepayers.
t ; i. ii. ii. a certain German dance tune formerly in vogue.
Alticciare; to arrange the warp- lines, Licci.

alliance. to wind the warp. lines on the weaving staff, v.

Alleanza/ ; Allen-are ind. alteno; (A) (It. lena,
Liccio. 3. to set the teeth of a saw with the saw-
Allearsi (Fr. allier<L. ad-ligare); breath); to train (a horse) for a race.
i. wrest (licciaiola) so that the alternate teeth may turn
a little outwards from each other; this is also termed
to be allied. 2. to invigorate. 3. intr. to gain en-
Far la strada alia sega, to make a path for the saw.
* Allebbiare to contaminate. durance. tto go straight away, go away quickly.

t Alleccolo <.j = Leccornia, tit-bit. *

AlHcere only in 3rd sing, allice, (he) entices.
lene); to lose vigour.
(B) (It. Aff. *
Allichisarsi ;=Lisciarsi, to clean oneself up.
AUeccornire (t Alleccorire) (It. lec- -ame'nto. * Allidere
perf. allisi, part, alliso i. to smite. ;

to stimulate (the appetite) with ii. to run aground.

cornia) ;
Allen-ire ind. -isco (It. lene, mild); Allietare ind. allieto (It. lieto); to cheer up.
delicacies. *
i. to soften. 2. -irsi, to be tired, slack. AlUevare;=Allevare, to bring up.
Alleficare to cultivate (plants).

Allegacciare; to bind strongly. Allentagione/; rupture, v. Allent- Alliev-0 m., -& f.; i. nursling.
are (7).
2. pupil. 3. sucking calf or foal.
Allegare ( Alligare) ind. allego. (The
Alligare. = Allegare.
word has three sources ist, Allent-are ind. allento (L. lentus) Alligatdre m. (Sp. el lagarto, the lizard, <L.

for the further etymology of which v. i. to slacken (a rope or bandage), to lacerta, which is prob. < lacertus, arm, root lac to t

Legge, 2nd It. a + Lega, alloy, Lega, v. loosen (one's clothes), to reduce the curve); as E.
Alligazione f. (L.alligatio, tying together);
3rd L. ad-ltgare, to tie, which is akin speed or intensity of. 2. la vena (tnatk.) i. medial alligation, teaching the method of
to a Sanskr. root lingh, to embrace ; it (med.), to bleed to a slight extent. 3. to finding the price or quality of a mixture of several
is not quite clear how all the various ingredients whose prices and qualities are known.
deliver (a blow). As refl. -arsi 4. of a :
ii. alternate alligation, teaching the amount of each

meanings of the word are connected steep road, to become less steep. 5. of ingredient which is to be employed so as to produce

.1mixture of given price or quality. The rule is Allontan-are (It. lontano); i. to *i. =Aocchiare, q.v. ii. to set fire to, to light la
named from the method of connecting together the
candle). iii. Jig. le candele, to be boastful.
terms by certain ligature-like signs. send far away. 2. to inspire with dis- iv. (mil.) to fire. of a strong light, to dull the
like, e.g. for lessons. Aff. -ame'nto. eyes, so that on going into a dark place one can
Allignare (It. legno, therefore orig. hardly see.
to into wood) of plants, to do well. Allopatia f. (Gr. iAAon-aflifc, influenced by
grow ;
another); (tued.) allopathy. Aff. Allopatico.
Allignamento m. \. doing well. ii. making ;
Allume m. (L. alumeri) ; alum.
a new settlement into a permanent city. Alloppi-are ind. alloppio (It. oppio) ; di rocca, native alum.
fAllillare; = Far dei daddoli, v. Daddolo. 1. to put opium into. As refl. -arsi :

*Allimbicco m. = Lambicco, alembic. Allumi&ra/ ;

go to sleep. 3. to stay instead of
AlluminayC; alumina, oxide of aluminium.
Allindare (It. Undo, neat) to adorn, ; going away when the matter in hand is 2. silicate of alumina, china clay.
esp. of a writer, to make neat phrases. finished.
Allumin-are ind. allumino (A) =
Alline-are *Alloppicarsi; = Allpppiarsi. ;

(It. linea); to set in line. t Alloppio ;.; Illuminare. a bird, sighted, as

-ato, of
Oppio, opium.
Aff. -ame'nto.
* Alldra adv. (It. all' ora,<L. ad opposed to one that has been blinded.
Allirare to assess to the tax known as Lira.

Alliscare (It. Hsca, the coarse part of flax); to illam horanf); i. then. 2. D' (B) to treat with alum.
just ,

roughen the step of a carriage. *i. to restore sight to (the blind), ii. to kindle (a

Aliiscatoio m. a kind of gouge for roughening

now, lately; Latte munto d' milk ,
fire), iii. Miniare, to .illuminate (a book), iv. to

carriage steps. just drawn. 3. D' in poi, thereafter, adulterate (wine) with alum. v. as sb. - Luminaria,
Allisione/. (It. allidere); i. knocking together, from thenceforward. 4. Per for illumination.
hiatus of two vowels like that of the a's in " pucka
the time being. 5.
Di qui from Alluminatura/ ; treating with alum.
appointment." ,

Alliso fart. Allidere. now till then. 6. Fin d' ,
so long Alluminio m.; aluminium.
*Allistare(Allistrare); i. to ornament, esp. with
ii. of a
ago as that. 7. Ora per now for ,
fringes or ribbons, v. Lista. beard, to fall as
Ve lo dico ora Allumin6so containing alum.
it were in ribbons
upon the chest. then, i.e. beforehand ;

* Allumite
Allitare (L. litus, shore) to go on shore. I tell you beforehand. 8. Allora, alum-stone, a mineral found in
per ,
the trachytic tufa of Tolfa and Monte Dora, con-
Allitterazidne/ (It. lettera); i. al- allora, only just this moment. 9. taining large quantities of alum.
literation. 2. a pun. 3. punning trans- come , just exactly then. 10. si; Allunazioney:; (mar.) the hollow of a ship's
position of letters, such as Donna danno. Se lo contradice si che si ostina, if
Allunga f.\ i. glass vessel used in distilling.
he is contradicted, he only gets more 2. (com.) atlonge, slip of paper pasted on at the foot
Allivell-are z'w^.allivello (It. livello); of a bill of exchange to make room for further
(leg.} to let at a ground-rent. Aff. endorsements.
-azi6ne. Allorchd or Allorquando adv. ;

when, at the time when. Allung-are (It. lungo); i. to pro-

Allivid-ire ind. -isco 2. to mix water with any other
(It. livido) ;
Allorinayl; the name of a variety of olive. long.
to turn pale. Allorino adj. or dim. sb.\ v. Alloro. drink. 3. il
collo, to be kept waiting.
to be dumb.
tAllocchire; A116ro m. (L. laurus); i. bay tree, 4. le mani, to reach out the hands.
AUocc-0 m., -a / (bit. uhtcus, v. Laurus nobilis, also termed Alloro degli 5. il
viso, to have a long face.
or de' poeti, Orbaco. 2. Intr. 6. of the hair, to grow
Ululare) i. long-eared owl, Strix ofus,
; eroi spinoso
longer ;

also termed Gufo selvatico, Strige = Agrifoglio, holly. 3.

- -
of a boy, to grow taller. 7. i
allocco. 2. bianco = Barbagianni, Benzoin odorifcrum. 4.
-- d' India, pop. to die. 8. -arsi, to stretch oneself
white owl. 3. di palude = Gufo di oleander. 5. tino, laurustinus, Vi- out. Aff. -ame'nto, -atura.
palude, short-eared owl. burnum tinus, also termed Lentaggine, *Allungiare; to remove.
Aff. Allocc-accio pegg., -herello dim. -one augm. , Legnolano. 6. as adj. name of a variety Allungo m.; (sliaem.) strip of leather placed at
AUocut6re m. (L. loqitor, v. Loquela); public the heel of a last to raise it or to lengthen the boot.
of pear.
speaker. Ajf. Allocuzion-e, -cella dim.
A116di-o m. (mlt. allodium, < O.H.G. al, all,
Allotta adv.;- Allora, then, v. Otta. Allup-are (It. lupo); i. to be as
and <W=A.S. end, possession, cp. the E. termination hungry as a wolf. Part. -ato. 2. of a
-head, -hood, which also appears in modem Germ.
Allottare ind. allotto; to sell in a
Klfinod, gem, lit. small possession); (leg.) land lottery, v. Lotto. horse, bitten by a wolf. 3. of skins
held in absolute ownership, not a feoffment or feu hung up to dry, gnawed (by wild ani-
held under some lord paramount. Aff. -ale, -alita. Allucchettare ;
to padlock, ?/. Luc-
Ailddola or
mals). Aff. -atura, gnawing.
f.\ i. , maggiore=LodoIa, chetto.
lark. 2. dei prati = Tottavilla, wood-lark. Allus-i6ne, -ivo, as E.; -apart, of Alludere.
Allogamdnto m. ; letting, v. Allogare (2).
Allucciolato; bespangled, "glace"" (silk), v.
*AIlutare; = Lutare, to lute.
Allogare hid. al!6go or alluogo (It. Alluvi6n-e
Alluciare (It. luce) ; to gaze eagerly. f. (L. illuvies, inunda-
luogo, logo); i. to cure, to tion
place; lucre, root low, to wash, v.
take pains, fatiche, to take trouble ; Allucignol-are ind. allucignolo (It. Skeat, ed. 1910, p. 755); flood. Terra
una figliola, to give a daughter in lucignolo, wick) ; to crumple up a cur- d' alluvial ground.
a coat,
, Aff. -ale.
marriage. 2. to let to a tenant. tain, etc., like the wick of a
3. to
place out at interest. 4. to commission lamp, -arsi, of clothes, to be crushed Alma/ ; ,
out of all shape.
(for a work of art). Almage'sto m. (Arabic al-jnadschisti, which is
Gr. /leyt'cmj with the article, from Ptolemy's 2vrais
Allogazi6ne^:; i. i.q. Allogamento. 2. com- Allucinare (It. luce); to dazzle, to ^<ryi'cmj, which was translated into Arabic) ; almagest,
missioning, ?'. Allogare (4). deceive. the treatise on geometry and astronomy, composed
Alloggi-are ;
tr. or intr. to lodge, v. Aff. Allucin-atore, -azione hallucination. by Ptolemy.
-o. Aff. -ame'nto. Alluday! (L. aluta, leather dressed with alum); Almanacc-are i. to
tawed leather, white kid, prepared from lamb, kid, indulge in fan- ;

A116ggio ;. or even sheep skin, by dressing in alum, cj>. Aluta. tastical dreams.
to puzzle one's head. 2.
logium, v. Loggia) ; (bit.
Alliidere per/, allusi, fart, alluso (L. allude);
lodging, quarters. Prov. La bottega to allude.
Aff. -hio, dreaming; -one, dreamer.
non vuole a shop does not want
Almanacco m. (elym. vnkn.)\ almanack.
Alluraacare ind. allumaco (It. fop. for Almeno.
(to be) lodgings, does not want its cus- * Almancp

lumaca) i. of a snail, to leave the Almandino m. =Alabandina, garnet.

tomers to stay after they have done ;
Almansore m. (Arabic word for defender);
mark of its slime where it has been ruler. del centro, ruler of hell, i.e. Satan.
their buying. *
2. to make Almea f. (Arabic
creeping. any shiny mark. dancer or singer.
a' limeh, trained) ; Egyptian
Allogliato (It. loglio) i. full of
tares. 2.
Allumacatura /; i. mark of a
(med.) poisoned by eating snail. 2. fig. a dubious kind of Alm^no adv. at least.
tares. stupid.
tation as a poet. 3. mark left on Alrno (L. almus, kind; root
al, to
Allogorare; to train (a hawk) to come back to
clothes which have been imperfectly
the lure, Logoro. nourish, lit. therefore nutrient); (poet.}
pressed to remove their shininess. glorious, renowned.
Allombato (It. lombo); of a horse,
strong in the loins. Allumare (A) (It. lume); to illu- 'Almuziay: (bit. almutimn, cp. Proven9. al-
minate. mussa, Fr. aumusse, cap, Skeat, sui Amice, no. 2) ;
tAllondrito; = Agghindato,
well-dressed. (B)(It. allume); to treat leather fur cap,one of the four articles distinguishing the
Allongare = Allontanare.
; in alum, v. Alluda. canons of a cathedral.

Alno m. (L. alntts); i.

= Ontano, altar. maggiore, high altar.
i. -
Italy, Asia, etc., i.e. above the level of
alder. 2. - - nero = Frangola, buck- 2. or gli altarini, v. Al-
Scoprir gli -i the sea. 8. of a river, the upper parts
thorn. tarino. 3. Scoprire un per ricoprirne of its course; L' Nilo, the upper
*Alo ;;/.; = Alone, halo. un altro, to uncover one altar and cover Nile. 9. of the moveable Feasts of the
A16 adv.; i. Hullo! the call on the telephone.
up another, i.e. pay off a debt by in- Church, late; Quest' anno il carnevale
2. pop. prov. Sant' Alu che prima mori e poi s' am- Fare un con- e Carnival falls late this year.
inaK>, who died first and was ill afterwards, said curring another. 4. ,

when things occur at the wrong time.

ruin an enterprise by
tr altare, to try to 10. Far cascare da fig. to exagge- ,

Aloe m. (Gr. aXorf, from the Semitic languages) ;

starting a rival one. 5. d' una cal- rate the difficulty of obtaining ; La
1. (tot.) aloe, of any species. 2. ('/.) aloes, the

inspissated juice of the same. Ajf. Aloitico. daia, fire-bridge in the combustion- grazia e stata finalmente accordata, ma
Aloe m, (hot.) aloes-wood. This is a tree, the
; chamber of a boiler, also termed 1' han fatta cascar da pardon was ,

Excoecaria Agalloca, and has nothing to do with

the aloe, the plant.
Muretto del forno. granted at last but they made a great
Aldgeno m. (Gr. aXs, sea, yeVe<rt, breeding); a deal of difficulty about it. ii. Rifarsi
(B) (Arabic al-tair, the flyer);
(chfm.) halogen, i.e. chlorine, bromine, or iodine. da to be done again from the be-
star in the constellation Aquila. ,

Alone m. (A) (L. halus, Gr. a\u>s, ginning. 12. Levarsi in fig. to ,
i. dim. Altare.
in. 2. ar-
sun's disc, further etym. un-
become proud. 13. Guardare alcuno
orig. the
halo in the sky.
rangement of sacred figures in a private d' in basso, to look down upon, to
known); room. 3. Scoprire gli -i or gli altari,
regard with a patronising air. 14. Fare
(B) (It. ala, wing); (mil.) i. lunette, to show up secret intrigues carried on - e basso, to give the orders, assume
or detached bastion in fortifications. by a man, e.g. with his employer's ene- the principal authority Molti critici ;
2. the part of a gun-carriage which mies if altarino is the word used it
tedeschi fanno e basso degli autori
bears the gun. may refer to trivialities. 4. Far gli -i,
classici, e mutano e tagliano e aggiun-
of children, to play at church-going.
Alopecia f. (Gr. aAcuireicia, orig. manginess in gono a loro capriccio, many German
a fox, oAwirij producing bare patches in its fur) ; Altarista in. canon in charge of the High
critics deal with the classical authors

falling off of the hair from the head. Altar at the church of SS. Peter and Paul.
codalunga, long-tailed shark or just as they please, changing, cutting
Alopia /.; Altauro m. high wind from the mountains.

sea-fox, Squalus vitlpes, locally termed Volpe, Pesce * Altazzaso

(Altezzoso); proud. out or putting in according to their
Pesce bandiera, Pei ratu. Altea f. (Gr. oAftu'o) ; mallow, Althaea
*Alore m. = Odore, smell.
officinalis. fancy. 15. Alto alto, about; Di qui a
Aldsa / (L. alausa, cp. Germ. Else, Ahe); Firenze ci saranno venti miglia,
shad, Alosa vulgaris, a smalt river fish. Local Alter-are ind. altero (bit. alterare
it is about twenty miles from here to
synonyms: Sardena, Ceppa, Cheppia, Agona.
*Aloscia f. (Spanish word); lemonade with
< L. alter, another, < alius, different,
Florence. Ad alta voce, aloud.
suffix ter = Gr.
honey. and the comparative
17.Avere degli -i e bassi, to have ups
Alpaca (Paco) m. (the Peruvian name paco, Tfpos, Goth, thar, Sanskr. tara, which
with the Arabic article al, passed into Italian through and downs.
Spanish); the alpaca goat. gave Goth, anthar, Sanskr. antara,
equivalents of the Latin alter cp. E. ;
(B) (Germ. halt<halten, to hold);
Alpe Alpes, prob. akin to
/ (L. another) i. to alter. 2.
; Quel puzzo halt stop ! !

albus, white, v. Skeat, sub Alp); i. high m' -a lo stomaco, that smell turns my
i. e basso, irregularly, ii. Fare e basso, to
mountain. 2. in//, the Alps. 3. Esser do completely, iii. Fare lieva, to run away.
stomach. As refl. -arsi 3. to get angry. :

sceso dell' alpe, to be from the moun- Altolocato

4. to get drunk. (L. altus, locus); highly
tains, i.e. of unpolished manners. Aff. Alter-abile, -abilita, -amentp, -ativo (wed.) placed (personage).
Aff. Alp-estre or -igiano ; i. Alpine. 2. rough alterative, -atore, -atrice, -azione, -azioncella dim.
in manners; -iniimo, -inista, -ino. Altopascio m. ; i. (geogr.) a place
Alterc-are ind. alterco (L. < alter); in Tuscany near lake Bientina. 2. a
Alquanto (L. aliquantus, i.e. alins to have an altercation.
Aff. -azi6ne, great eater. 3. Morir di fame in ,

qiiantus) ;
-o, vbsbs. to be a lazy-bones.
Alsi; perf. of Algere, to be cold. the virtue of pride. =
* Aid
; Alfred, likewise. Alter&za/ ;
*Al-tore m., -trice./; i. =Autore, -trice, ii.

Alimentatore, -trice feeder.

A'lsinayC; (bat.) star-wort, Stellaria. * = Aiuto,
Altaforte the castle of Hautefort, in the
Alterigia/; haughtiness. *
Altorio (Alturio) m. ; help.
Altern-amente, -ame'nto, -are, -atamnte, Altreri ;= lerl' altro, the day before yesterday.
modern department of Dordogne, which belonged to
the troubadour Bertrand de Born. D. Inf. 29. 29. -ativa, -ativamente, -ativo, -o, as E.
Altresl adv. ; likewise, also.
Alt6r-o or Alti6r-o
Altale"n-a / (corr. of L. -altus + (It. alto); proud.
Altrettanto just as much.
sweep, < tollere, to raise, cp. Aff. -amdnte.

Alte'tto; i. dim. Alto. 2. v. Al- Altri indef. pron. indecl.; \. any
Altalevo) i. swing-board, swinging

on a fulcrum at its middle point. 2. fig. ticcio. one, some people Noi Inglesi, we ;

changeableness, ups and downs. Aff. Alt6zza i. 2. fig. lofti- English. 2. with pron. following, ex-
f.; height.
-are, to swing. ness of thought. 3. as a title, Highness.
cept Chi avrebbe saputoaltri che io...?

'Altaleno m. {mil.) i. a kind of swing-board

4. thickness (of a book). 5. breadth Who, except me, could...? *myself.
used for hoisting soldiers to a level with the top of a
wall. ii. catapult. (of a roll of cloth). 6. depth viva, ;
Altrimfjnti (Altrimente) otherwise. ;

Altalevo m. "sweep," pole swinging on a
depth of running water; morta, depth A.ltr-o(L. alter, v. Alterare); i. other;
fulcrum for drawing water in a bucket out of a well.
of still water. Essere all' - dei
7. Se avviene, if something new hap-
Altam^nte ;
7/. Alto. Lo disapprove tempi, to be up to the level of the pens L' giorno, the other day L' al-
; ;

I tell do not ap-
you distinctly I times. 8. (geogr.) latitude. 1
tr anno, about a year ago ; Quest'

prove of it. Sentire di se, to have Alticcio ; merry, from drinking. anno, next year. 2. yes, with emphasis ;

a keen sense of personal duty and Altiero Vi siete divertito? Altro!, did you enjoy
; i.q. Altero, proud.
dignity. Altimetr-o (L. <x//ws, + Gr. jueVpof); instrument yourself? Yes, rather!, i.e. immensely.
Altana/ high); open gallery on the 3. Non e, Non sara there is an end
(It. alto, for measuring heights. Aff. -ia.
roof of a house. *Altino ;. west wind.
m. southerly wind.
of it, there will be no more of it ; Di
*Altano; i. ii. adj. high
up, not blowing near the ground. Altipiano m. ; lofty plateau. nulla nulla piglia subito fuoco ma vol-
Altanto w.; = altrettanto, the like number. *
Altire ;
to rise. tati in la, non e he fires up at nothing ,
Altisonante; resounding. at all but it is soon over and there is
Altar-e m. (A) (L. altare, altar, vie. Altitonante in Homeric translation, high
an end of it. 4. Non ne far

as the structure on which the burnt thundering (Jupiter). ,

to drop;

offerings were laid. Altare is from a Altitudme/; height. Aveva incominciato a trattare la vendita
root ale, to burn, cp. Sanskr. alatam, Alto (A) (L.attus) ;
high. 2. deep. della villa e poi non ne fece he had ,

fire-brand, L. ad-ol-ere, to burn sacri- 3. Mare high sea, high waves. 4. in

, begun to see about selling the place and
fices, the a of the root changing in mare, on the high seas. 5. of a book, then gave up the idea. 5. Oh questa !

Latin into o, as in ad-olesco<roo\. al, thick. 6. of a roll of cloth, wide. 7. e P -a, this is quite a different matter.
to nourish. V. Walde, sub Adoleo) ; Italia, Asia, etc., the higher parts of 6. All' -a, another (minute, or another
step, etc., and we were done for, or in mantice, to fill the bellows with air. Amarantino; amaranth coloured, crimson.
for it, etc.) ; All' -a casco, another Amarant6ide/T; i. globosa (bot.), i.q. Ama-
step 7. stand up, esp. to get up out
-arsi, to rantini. 2. a variety of cherry.
and I must have fallen All' ;
-a gli of bed of trees, to grow tall
of the ;

lascio andare un ceffone, on the Amarasco (Marasco, Amarino) m.

slight- sun, to rise; also of the wind. 8. part.
est further provocation shall hit him. (L. amarus, bitter); the egriot or sour
-ato, of clothes, tucked up.
7. Per however. 8. Se non at cherry tree, Prunus cerasus marasca.
, , Aff. Alz-amento, -atore (server, v. -are 3), -atura.
Its fruit is that from which Maraschino
any rate. 9. ler 1' the day before
Alzata f.; i. raising. 2. raised made.
yesterday. 10. Senz' anyhow, with-
bank. 3. height (of a wall). 4. d'
out waiting for anything else.
- Aff. Amarasc-a the fruit, -ato (wine)
ingegno, cunning device. 5. di -
made from the fruit, -hino the liqueur
Altr6nde; i. D' or pop.,
spalla or di spalle, shrug of the shoul-
on the other hand. 2. elsewhere. Maraschino.
ders. 6. d' insegne, sudden call to
Amare (L., v. Amore); to love.
Altr6ve ; elsewhere. arms. 7. di scudi, fig. declaration *i. d' amore or per amore, with an impure
Altriii one's neigh- of war by a political party. 8. (arch.) love. ii. di bando, without return.
(bit. altro-huic) ;

bour; seldom in nominative. used elevation of a building, design of its

It is Amareggi-are (Amarezzare) ind.
without the article. La roba other exterior walls (usu. Alzato). throw
9. amare'ggio (It. amaro); to embitter,
Senza giovare of a piston.
people's property. , -arsi, to feel bitter.
without benefiting one's neighbour. heap. ii. Piombar
i. le -e, to plumb a wall, test tAmare'ggipla /; = Amarella.
its uprightness.
*as sb. pi. winds from the mountains, blowing
high up, not on the ground. Alzato m. ; (arch.) elevation, v. Amarella / (It. amaro); common
Alzata fever-few, Matricaria parthenium.
Altura / ; high ground. (8).
*Amarena yl; = Marena, lemonade made with
*i. top of a building, ii. bodily height, iii. (gtogr.) Alzavola f. ; teal, v. Arzavola. Maraschino.
latitude, iv. pride, v. Persona di grande engaged Alzo
in important business,

= (shoem.) in pi. the flat bits of

in. ; i.
Amare'tto or Amarino (It. amaro);
vi. position, wealth, vii.
leather inserted in the sole of a boot. 2, sight of a
Foia, lust.
gun. 3. (print.) a kind of riser placed inside or i.m. macaroon. 2. as adj., dim. of
Alturio ?.; = Altorio, help.
Alun-are (It. luna); (mar.) to cut the lower
outside a frisket, ?'. Fraschetta, to keep the sheet Amaro.
which is being printed at a uniform level, underlay.
side of a sail into a crescent shape. Aff. -amento,
Amabil-e ; i. amiable. 2. lovable. Aff. -ita,
Ainar-ezza / ;
v. -o.

Alunnato m. the time during which Amac hammock. Amarezzare (A); = Amareggiare.
one was a
Amaca/ or m. ;

Etym. A native American word through Spanish (B) ;
= Marezzare, to marble (paper,
Ahmn-o /., -a f. (L. alumnus < aniahaca. Littre prefers derivation Dutch hang- < etc.).
inat or litingmak, from Germ, hangen, to bang, and
alo); pupil. Matte, mat, but the Dutch word is only a corruption Amaricante m. ;
(med.) a bitter
Alula/ i. a kind of shoe. ii. dressed
(L.); of the American, v. Skeat, ed. 1910, sub Hammock. in pi. bitters.
tonic. 2.
goat-skin. Aluda.
*Amadeisti m. pi.', a congregation of the Fran-
t Aluzzitielli m. sand-eel, v. Ammodite.
; ciscan Order. *Amariglio; yellowish.
* Alvano
= Orno, mountain ash. *Amadigi in. ; an imaginary body of several Amarilli / ; i. (bat.) Amaryllis, a family of
animals joined together. plants including daffodils and snowdrops. 2. shep-
Alveare m. (L. alvearium); bee- *
Amadotta f. ',
a kind of pear ripening in herdess, from the Amaryllis of Virgil's Kclogues.
hive (usu. Arnia). October. 'Amarinayi; v. Amarena.
Amarino; i.q. Amaretto. *= Amarasco.
as vb. = Incanalare, to bring (water) back to its Amadrfad-aor -e f. (Gr. <5/z8pu<i9, Amar-itudine /; scherz. for Amarezza.
channel. from ap.a, together, Spvs, oak) i. Hama- ;

Amaro bitter. sale, excessively

A'lveo m. dryad, a nymph whose life lasted during
(L. alveus);
Mutazione d' in a river that of an oak-tree which she inhabited.
salt. Un giorno fa minestra sciocca, la
, (leg.) change
e un altro la fa amara
sale, one day she
bed, with the result that the riparian 2. a species of African ape. 3. a species
owner suffers a loss of, or gains an ac- of poisonous snake.
will make the soup insipid and the next
far too salt.
cession to his property. *Amaggio w.; = Amore.
* = Magione, house. Etym. Cogn. Provenc. amars, Fr. amer, Span.
*i. sea-bottom, ii. channel, iii. water conduit, * Amagipney^; **
iv. bottom of a well. v.= Alveare, bee-hive. Amagliare to beat flax with the Gramola,
; amargo (<** amaricits),<\i. amartts for amasus,
flax-breaker. bitter, akin to Gr. u/io;, raw, Sanskr. amas, raw,
Alveole m. alveolus, a small (L. Amalgam-a in. ory. (L. malagtna, Gr. /xoAay- amlas, acid, O.H.G. ampher, bitter, < Germ. Am-
/ia, poultice, < /xaAatrtrw, to soften) i. amalgam, pfer, sorrel.
cavity); i. socket of a tooth.
2. cell mixture of mercury with another metal. 2. mixture Amar-6gnolo; dim. of-o.
in a honey-comb. 3. seed-vessel of a of any kind. Aff. -are vb.
flower. Amalogo in. ; a kind of Malabar pepper. Amarr-a /; (mar.) cable. Aff.
Amandola/7; = Mandorla, almond.
in //. apertures which conducted hot air to a *Amandolata f. a drink made up with i.
-are, to moor.

Roman bath. almonds, ii. any kind of emulsion. Etym. Fr. amarre, vbsb. of a-marrer, to moor,
*Amandorla/:; = Mandorla, almond. < Dutch maaren, to fasten, ?'. Skeat, sub Mar,
Alvernia./! ; (geogr.) Auvergne. tAmanime m. = Ammannimento, preparation. ;
Moor vb.
Amante m.; i. lover. 2. in bad sense, para- Amarume /.; bitter stuff.
Alvino; (med) abdominal. mour. 3. (mar.) runner, tye, the length of chain or *Amasi-o m., -a/7; = Ganz-o, -a, lover.
Alvo m. (L.); (med.) i. abdomen. rope used to transmit the effort of a tackle to a yard ;
Amatist-a or Ametista/7 (Ametisto w.)(Gr.
Amante-taglia, runner and tackle Amante d' un <a prtv.t juefo'w, to be drunk, the stone
2. womb. pennone gabbia, topsail tye ; Amante di pan-
; a^e'^uo-TOs
having been credited with the virtue of preventing
*i. =Alveo. ii. centre, inside. occhetto, fore topsail tye ; Amante di portelli, port- drunkenness) amethyst. Aff.
; -ino, amethyst
Alzaia j. (L. helciarius, hauler, < helcium, = pendant Amante di terzaruolo d' una vela, reeftackle
Amatita/?; = Ernatita,
Gr. e'Xxtoi', breast-collar, < t AKW, to pull, v. Solco) ; pendant. haematite.
tow-line. (mar.) to top (a yard) with
Amantigliare ;
Amatito /.;
= Cinabro, cinnabar.
Alzana f.
(var. of Alzaia); (mar.) hawser. tackle extending from the yard arm to the mast Amato (It. auto, hook);~Uncinato, hooked.
Alzanella/:; i. (mar.) dim. Alzana, small head, to place (a yard) in an oblique position.
tow-line. 2. = Zanella, gutter along the side of a Amantilla f. garden valerian, Valeriatia ;
Amat-(5re;. ;
i. connoisseur. 2. lover,
road. phtt, also termed Valeriana de' giardini. in a general sense, of country life, v.
Amanuense m. (L.); secretary.
(L. altus, through bit. **al- *Amanza/T; love. i. ii. mistress, iii. desire. Amante, Dilettante. Aff. -orio.
tiare); to raise;
\. le vele, to hoist
Amanzo m. swain.; Amattare ; (mar.) to signal or shout for
the sails, set sail ; Amaracciola/7 (L. amartts, bitter); Spanish assistance.
gomito, to drink ; broom, Spartivm scoparium, 7'. Ginestra. t Amatupire ;
to crush by blows, to bruise.
mazzi, to go away ; il bollore, of a Amarac-o m. (Oriental word through Gr. Amaur-osiy: (Gr.); (med.) blindness through
ijiapaKOv) wild marjoram, v. Erba disease in the retina, the appearance of the eye,
kettle, to begin to boil; le carte, to
made with marjoram.
; (5). Aff. -ino,
except to the ophthalmoscope, being normal. This
cut the cards; il
fante, to cut the Amaramente; bitterly. form of blindness was formerly known in Italian as
knave. 2. to clear the table. in Amarantini m. pi. ; (bot.) globe everlasting, (iutta serena and in English as Drop serene. Aff.
v. Perpetuino (f). -6tico.
playing at ball, to serve. 4. intr. to Amaranto m. (L. amarantus, Gr. a priv.,
Amazione f.\ love shewn by behaviour, not by
rise; of birds, to be flying high. 5. at /xapat'cto, to decay); i. love-lies-bleeding, agarden words.
billiards, Quanto -a la palla, how far is flower, Amarantlnts caudatus, v. Fiocco (8), or Amarzone
f. (Gr. 'A/ia^w**, a priv., juatjoc,
other species of amaranth. 2. erbaceo, Virginian breast, from the fable that the Amazons got rid of
the ball from the cushion ? 6. il
poke-weed, T. Erba (7). the right breast that it might not interfere with the
use of the bow ; in works of art the right breast is but the places they occupy in the draw- Ametistina f.\ (hot.) a plant with bright blue
usually hidden); i. Amazon. 2. lady's riding habit,
flowers, Ametkystea corymbosa.
t Ambacare; = Abbacare, to be dreamy. ing. As the numbers to be drawn range
Ametrlayi (Gr. ojuerpi'a); want of symmetry.
from i to 90 this is about an eight Amezzare to cut in two.
Ambagi / ambages, ambi
pi. (L. < thousand to one chance. Non ci si

Amfibio ;- Antibio, amphibian.

= Gr. d/i^>/, about, a prep, only used in leva un said of a person who does
* =
Amfibplo w.; Anfibolo (3).
, Amfizidni m. pl,\ = Anfizioni, Amphictyons.
compound words, + ago^ to act) cir- ;
not reply clearly to the question of Amianto m. (Gr. a^uacros, undefiled, an epithet
cumlocution. of the sea; the mineral may have been so termed
what his opinion is about some matter. from its a greenish kind of asbestos.
Ambarvale (L. ambi. v. Ambagi, and arvum, 2. Un bel a nice pair, i.e. of rogues. Arnica v. Amico.

2. (bot.)
i. di notte
the purpose of for , /.;
field); Sacrifizio sacrifice
tuberose, v. Tuberosa.
obtaining a good harvest. Gli -i, the sacrifices Ambdne in. (Gr. a^aiv, hill); I. one Amico m. (L. atnirus, root am, to love) friend. ;

aforesaid, corresponding to the Christian Rogations.

A bascena f. ; = Ambasciata. of the two pulpits of the early Christian Cesare, friend Caesar, i.e. anybody. CHiegia,
basilica. 2. platform for the performers /./. Cesare, but more scherz.^ or more ironically,
v. Ciliegia. Cosa dall' , a first-rate article, worthy

Ambascia/; i. difficulty of breath- at a concert. to be a gift from a friend.

ing. 2. distress. Aff, Amic-a, -arsi, -heVole, -hevolezza, -hevol-
** Ambra/ (Arabic 'anbar) ;
i. amber- mente, -one.
Etym. unkn. The suggestions are: (i) am- -izia,

bactia < L. Ambasciatore v. gris, a waxy substance found floating in Amidina f.\ dextrine, the product of the action
ambactus, servant, ;
of diastase upon starch.
(2) **awfl/iasia<.(jr. a<acria (3) L. antbi' +an.rins ; t
tropical seas, valued for its perfume.
> **ambiaxia > Ambascia. The second of these It is a morbid secretion from the sperm in. (L. ainyhi ;// = Gr. a/ivXov,
seems to be preferred by Korttng.
Ambasciata f.\ i. = Imbasciata, commission, whale. 2. amber, a yellow resin found not ground at the mill. It is prepared
message. 2. embassy. as a fossil or on the sea shore. 3. Ambra by washing and sifting, not by grinding) ;
Ambasciatdre m.\ i. ambassador. 2. bearer
of a message. liquida, a sweet scented liquid resin, starch.
** ambactiator <
Etym. ambactus, vassal, L.
liquidambar or liquid storax which ex- AmigdalayC (Gr. a^iuyfioAea, almond); (anat.)
dependent upon a lord apparently borrowed from ;
udes from the Liquidambra sfyraciflua, the lower part of the cerebellum.
a Celtic word for slave, which also furnished Gothic tonsils.
andbahts and O.H.G. ambaht> slave (>O.H.G. or sweet-gum of America. Amjgdale/;//.;
*Amineay^; a kind of vine.
ampkti, service, > Germ. Amt, office), -u., sub *
Ambracane m. (L. ambrvm canum); amber- *Amissi6neyl (L.); loss.
Ambassador. Amistay^; Amicizia, friendship.
Ambasci-atrice, or pop. -atora /?; ambassa- * Ambrare ;
i. to smell of ambergris, ii. to make Amitto (Ammitto) m, (L. amictus)\ amice, a
dor's wife.
a scent by burning it. sijuare linen cloth which a priest ties about his neck,
*Ambass-i or -o m. (L. ambi; both, asso, 4- It.
Ambretta i. (hot.) (a) musk seed plant, hanging down behind, under the alb, when saying
/. ',

ace) double aces.

; Fare in fondo, to squander
Hibiscus abelmoschits, also termed Semi d' ambra, mass.
one's property. t Ammacacciare to yield to squeezing.
Ibisco muschiato, Grano moscato. (F) gialla, yellow ;

Sultan, Centaurea moschata. (c) de' campi, field

Ambediie (L. ambo> duo}\ both. scabious, 7'. Gallina (10). (d) selvatica, common Ammacc-are (v. Macco); i. to dent
Ambeli te f. a bituminous ;
earth formerly used avens, v. Erba (122). 2. a variety o_f pear which or bruise a hard body La tazza d* ;
to dye the hair. ripens in October. 3. a skin scented with ambergris.
*Ambiare(It. ambio); to amble. 4. a genus of shell-molluscs. argento e cascata e s' -ata, the silver
cup has fallen down and got dented;
Ambiatura / = Ambio,
; ambling. small cube of mar-
f. ;
Fu colto da una
palla stracca e n' ebbe
Lasciare il trotto per 1' to go from ble or other substance for mosaic work,
petto soltanto -ato, he was hit by a
trotting to ambling, i.e. to change for presumably from Ambrogio, the name
the worse. of some one noted for the use of it. spent ball and only got his chest bruised.
2. to pound or grind roots, etc., for
Ambidestro (L. ambo, dextrd) i. ambidex- Ambrogino m. ; an old coin.
making medicinal

trous. 2. fig. crafty. Ambrosia /. (Gr. a/jt^poo-ta) ; i. the food of preparations.

the gods. 2. wood germander or wood sage, Teucrium -aturina
Aff. Ammacc-abile, -amnto, -atura,
Ambient-e m. (L. ambi-, round, v. scorodonia \ the same name, ambrosia, has also been dim.
given to one of the goose-foots, Chenopodimn bottys, *
Ambagi, and ire, to go) i. surrounding ;
or oak of Jerusalem. run wild, go
; to hide in the woods,
i. ii. to

out of cultivation. t=Macchiare, to

atmosphere. 2. fig. surroundings, Fr. Inno stain.
milieu. 3. circumference; II campo ha Ambrosiano ; of St Ambrose.
un di mezzo chilometro, the field is ,
the Te Deum. As sb., Un buon , Ammaestrare (It. maestro) ; to
half a kilometer round. 4. room; Casa a good Milanese, St A. having been train, to instruct.
di dieci -i, a ten-roomed house. bishop of Milan. Aff. Ammaestr-dbile, -amento, -atore, -atrice.

Ambigu-o adj. or adv. (L. ambi., round, v. Ambucc-io m. pegg. of Ambo. A ;

Ammagli-are (It. maglia) i. to ;

Ambagi, and ago, to act) ; i. ambiguous or am- forza d' quello sciocco ha rovinato la
cord up a package so that it appears
biguously. 2. untrustworthy. Aff. -amente, -ita.
famiglia, that fool has ruined his family
A'mbio m. with those wretched lottery prizes.
wrapped in a net. 2. to have a white
(L. ambulare, shortened
** amb' spot formed on the cornea of the eye.
to tare) ; ambling pace. Dar Ambulante; walking. Biblioteca , walking to place a wire net-work round a
P to send away. to library, i.e. very learned man.
glass the interior of which is under high
, 1'
AmbulanzayC (Fr. ambulance); ambulance.
go away. Ambulare ind. ambulo (L.); to walk off, only
pressure. 4. (mar.) to shackle.
Amb-ire ind. -isco (L., < ambi-, used scherz. Dare 1'
ambulo, to dismiss.
ti. up and seal a bale for passing to
to cord
round, v. Ambagi, and ire, to go, to go Amburgh^se ;
of Hamburg. another custom-house, ii. (from maglio) to beat
round asking) to be ambitious for with a mallet. *iii. -arsi, to be caught in a net.
; *Amburo;
Ambustioney^ (L.); scalding. Aff. Ammagli-atnra, *-ata, netting.
fame of any kind. *Amebeo (L. amoebaeus from Gr. afttifita, to *Ammaiare (It. Maio); to decorate with green
A'mbito m. (L. ambitus); i. cir- change); alternately answering. boughs.
2. intriguing for an
Amedano m.',~ Ontano, alder. ammaino
cuit. appointment. Amello in. (L. amellus); Italian star-wort, Aminainare ind. (cogn.
3. parapet of an ancient war-chariot. Aster ameltits, also termed Astro de' fossi. old Fr. amainer, > Fr. amener, Span.
4. (mus.) compass.
Amen ;
v. Ammen. amainar <, L. ad, minare, to drive)
* Amenare ;
(L. tttitw, to threaten ; hence to drive,
Ambizi6ney; (L. ambitio); \. ambition. z. in with threatening cries) ; i. to bring, ii. to strike, i. to furl. 2. to strike (the flag).
women, desire to be smart. fe una buona donna ma iii. to threaten.
- - le vele, fig. to retire from an
ha troppa she is a good woman but has too much
t Amendolo m.; a small fish, v. Menola (i).
ambition for being smartly dressed. *Amendue (Amenduni, Amenduoi, etc.); both. undertaking.
Ajf. Ambizi-oncella dint., -oncina dim. sfreg., Ammal-are ind. ammalo (It. male);
-osaccio pegg., -osamente, -oselto, -osino, -osello Amen-o; pleasant. Aff. -amdnte,
dims., -oso. -ita. to make (a person) ill. -arsi, to fall ill.
Ambligomo(Gr. ifi/SWt, obtuse yom'a, angle) ; ;
Etym. L. amoenus for **<ui-fnoenis near the
Ammali-are ind. ammalio ammalii
walls, suburban, civilised ; for the meaning cp. Germ.
Ambliopiay: (Or. d|i0Ai, obtuse; uifi, eye); hfibsck, pf&.\.yi<**kiibesch = h8Jisch<Hofy court;
amm^lia (It. malia); to bewitch. Aff.
dull vision.
v. Walde, sub Amoenus. -amdnto, -at<5re, -atrice.
Ambo 111. (L. ambo); \. double in Amentaceo ; (hot.) with catkins, belonging to
the State lottery, the naming of two
the Amentaceae. Ammalincon-ire ind. -isco (It.
*Amentare; = Scemare, to turn silly.
numbers beforehand out of the five that Amento in. (L. amentum thong); catkin. t
malinconia); to sadden.
are drawn, v. Lotto; American-o; as E. Vele all' -a or alia Porto- Ammalizz-ire ind. -isco (It.malizia);
dichiarato, is ghesc, sliding gunter sails, see Paasch, plate 105.
to name not only two of the numbers Ametista/^; = Amatista, amethyst. to teach (children) mischief, or tntr., of
make amends make
-ito, know- a confused heap. a amendare); to for. to
children, to learn mischief,
i. ii.
collection); i. 2.
ing, cunning, esp. of birds which have quantity, esp. fig., e.g. of lies. 3. (min.) Ammenne; v. Ammen.
once been caught, v. Accivettare. deposits of minerals found amongst Ammennicolo (Amminicolo) m. (L.
*Ammaltare; = Smaltare, to glaze. rocks of a different nature.
adminiculuin, vine-pole, from ad and
Ammammol-arsi ind, m' ammam- Ammatass-are (It. matassa) ;
to minor, to project) I. paltry reason to ;

molo; to fall asleep in one's chair, -ati,

wind into a skein, -arsi, fig. of thoughts, support a bad case. 2. straw-splitting
of eyes, heavy with sleep. to become confused. argument.
Etyin. Either < It. mamma, ///. to fall asleep at tAmmattare; to rig (a ship). Aff. Ammennic-otare, -olio frcij. sb., -olone,
the breast, as a baby, or for Abbambolarsi, as it were -olona.
to turn oneself into a baby.
Ammattime'nto m. ; very laborious
task. E un is to drive
Ammensare ind. ammenso (L. ad,
Ammandorlat-o = Mandor- ,
it enough
i. ;//.
one mad. mcnsa) to annex to a bishop's revenues.

lato, lattice-work. As adj. : 2. opera -a, 'Ammentare (I,, nii, mentem); to recall.
a stone wall built Ammatt-ire ind. -isco (It. matto) ;
Ammenticare (L. al>, mentem); to forget.
''''opus reticiilattitn," *Ammesare (L. </, metisis); to pay by the
1. to go mad. 2. Fare to drive
so as to shew an end of each stone, the ,
ends being square and the stones laid (one) mad. 3. to rack one's brains. Ammesso ; part. Ammettere.
on one edge so that the diagonals of Ammatton-are (It. tomattone) ; Ammest-are ind. ammesto (It. mest-
the ends are vertical and horizontal. pave with bricks. Aff. -ame'nto, -atura. are); to lord it, stronger than Mestare.
3. of any kind of work, diamond shaped. Ammattonato m.; i. brick floor. Aff. -one, -6na.
Ammandriare (It. mandra); to col- 2. brick pavement. Restare or Lasciare Amme'ttere perf. ammisi, /terA am-
lect in droves. sull' , i.y. sul lastrico, i.e. destitute. messo (L. admittere) i. to admit. 2. to ;

Prov. E' c' e le non s' attaccano, assume.

Ammanett-are ind. amman<5tto (It.
, allow. 3. to 4. to incite.
this is hard ground, they do not take
manette) ; to handcuff. Aff. -atore. Ammezz-are ind. ammezzo (It.
hold i.e. marvellous stories find no
Ammanier-are ind. ammaniero (It. credence here. mezzo, half); I. to half-finish. 2. to
maniera); to cause affectation. -ato = half-fill or half-empty (a vessel). 3. to
tAmmattura f.; all the masts and rigging of a
Manierato, affected. *-ato, trained ship. clip (words). 4. to cut into two.
(hawk). Aff. -ame'nto. worthless gun 5. Tovaglia -ata, table-cloth that has
Ammazzagatti HI. ;
been used once or twice since being
Ammanire; v. Ammannire. or pistol.
Ammannaiare (It. mannaia) ; to + Ammazzamariti tit. ; long hat-pin. *
i. to half-consume, ii. to reduce to the proper
behead. Ammazz-are (A) proportion, to share, iv. la via a uno, to go
mazza); i. to
half-way to meet him.
Ammann-are (It. manna); to make kill bestie e cristiani, to kill animals

up into sheaves, -a che lego, make i' and men, of one who seems in a violent Animezzato ;;/. ; two-seated brough-
up the sheaf and I will tie, an expres- am.
rage but which soon passes off; Non 1'
sion used to one who is telling tall ha -ato la balia, his nurse did not kill *Ammezz-ire ind. -isco (It. mezzo, over-ripe);
* = Ammannire. tr. or reji. to become over-ripe.
stories. him, said of a very old man Quel che ;

non -a ingrassa, it fattens unless it kills, Ammicc-are (L. ad, tnicare, to

Ammannellare ind. ammanello ;
to wink. 2. to make a
make up Mannelle, of one who eats everything indiscrimi- twinkle) ;
skeins of silk, small =
bundles of straw, etc. 2. at cards, to beat with a better sign. 3. at cards, Accennare, to an-
nounce (the holding of a certain card).
Ammann-ire ind. -isco (either a var. Aff. -o sb.
of Ammannare or < Mano, hand) to *(B) (It. mazzo) to collect in a bunch.
Ajff. -amento. Amminicolo m. Ammennicolo,
get ready, make up ready for storing,

etc. Aff. -ime'nto, -itore. Ammazzasette m. braggart. straw-splitting.

Arnmazz-at6io m. Amministr-are (L. administrare)

Ammans-are ind. -o, or -ire ind. ;
i. slaughter-
as E.

-isco (It. manso); to tame, -arsi reft., yard. 2. tiresome affair. As adj.: 3.
Aff. -ativamente, -ativo.
or -ire intr., to recover one's temper. tiresome. Aff. -atore, -atrice, -atura Aniministratore m. ;
i. as E.
slaughterer's wages. 2. (com.} director. delegato, manag-
Ammantare (It. manto); to cover
with a cloak, esp. Jig. to cover (vice)
Ammazzer-are = Mazzerare ; i. to throw (a ing director.
man) into the sea with hands and feet tied, or with
with a cloak (of virtue). a weight tied to him. ii. to beat paste with the /^Amministr-atora, -atrice, -azione.
Mazzero, rolling-pin. Part. -ato. saturated
Ammantellare ind. ammantello (It. with water, iv. caked on the surface.
Ammiragli-O m. (mlt. admiralius,
mantello); i. to cover with a mantle. *
Ammazzocchiare to tie up Indian corn into ;
from Arabic amir, chief, with the article,
2. fig. to disguise (a fault).
bunches, Mazzocchi. al-amir); admiral. As adj. Nave -a,
Ammazzolare ind. ammazzolo (It. admiral's ship, flag-ship.
Ammanto ;//. ; poet, for Manto,
mantle. mazzo) to make bunches of flowers.
Aff. Ammiragliato. Isole dell' ,
the Admiralty
islands in the Pacific.
* *i. to pick (flowers), to execute (criminals) by *Ammirante
Ammarcire; = Marcire, to rot. ;. (Arabic al-amir); leader.

* Ammir-are
Ammarezzare; = Marezzare, to marble. clubbing.
Ammelmare or Ammemmare ind. ammelmo (L. admiror) to admire, ; -ato,
Ammaricare = Rammaricare, to grieve.;
Ammarinare (mar.) to man (a prize). ;
(?rammemo(It. melma); to make, or become muddy. Aff. Ammir-abile, -abilmente, -atore, -atrice.
Ammartellare; = Martellare, to hammer, Ammirativo; i. expressing admiration Atto
ii. Jig. to torment.
Animen, Amen or Ammenne (He- gesture of admiration.
, 2. Punto note of ,

Ammascare; i. = Masticare, to chew. ii. = In- brew word) ;

amen. Prov. II troppo exclamation (!).
tendere, to understand.
*Ammascherare; = Mascherare, to mask.
guasta la messa, too much amen spoils Ammiser-ire ind. -isco; = Immiser-
the Mass, i.e. it is possible to have too
ire, to impoverish.
Ammass-are ;
to pile up, v. Am- much of a good thing. In un In
masso. Aff. -ame'nto. men d' un i.e. in an instant.
Ammiss-ione/(L.); admission. Aff.
* -ibile.
Ammassellare = Ammontichiare, to pile up,

Ammenare ind. amme'no ; pop. for *

Ammistioneyt (L. admixtio); mixture.
Ammassicci-are ;
= Massicciare, to Menare ;
un pugno, to give a blow Ammitto m. = Amitto, amice.

put the coarse stones on a road which with the fist. Ammobili-are (It. mobile); to furn-
are afterwards covered with finer metal-
Ammenc-ire ind. -isco (It. mencio); ish. Aff. -ame'nto.
ling or gravel. to make, or become, *Ammodare = Moderate, to moderate.
* flabby. Ammodernare to modernise.

-arsi i. to become solid, to become inured ;

to hardships,
iii. to learn

by hard experience. Ammenda / (v. Ammendare); i. a

adv. (dim. ammodo)
fine. 2. amends. 3. correction. ;

Ammasso m. (From the same root *

Ammendare(L. cmeHdare<e^rejc +tnendut t )
gently be careful !, said to one who is

as Massa with the prefix a- indicating fault, altered very early as in Fr. and Provenc. into being indiscreet, or rough.
termed Lussi,
in.; sand-eel, Anutwdytts tooiattus,
Ammortare (It.
to weaken
morte) ; i. to put out (a flame),
or to wither (a plant), iii. to pacify
Amo m., *pl-f. Amora (L. hamus
locally Aluzzitielli, Cicirelli. ii.
Gr. x aP s root kamp,
> to bend); fish-
Ammddo or A mbdo; i.
(a tumult).
hook. Rimanere all' ,
to be caught.
2. yes, emphatically. 3. Uomo or Ammortime'nto m. ;
i. (med.) gan- *the turned up toe once given to shoes.
a modo e a verso, a man of tact and grene. 2. total loss of sensation. 3. v. Amoirre m. ;=Moerre, watered silk.
discretion. Ammortire. tAmoiare;
to depress the ears, to give way.
Amola / (L. hamula, liama = Gr. a>ii|) ;

Ammogli-are ind. ammoglio; to Ammort-ire ind. -isco (It. morte) ;


find a wife for. of a man, to i. of cold, to weaken. 2. to tone down Amdmo HI. (L. amomum Gr. a/xto/iop, <
-arsi, Arabic /uirttamd,</tamrna to warm); (hot.) a genus t

marry. (colours). 3. to deaden (a blow) ;

Gli of tropical with heating or pungent properties,
*Ammoinare (Ammuinare) to ha dato un colpo che se non 1' ammor- including the cardamom, etc.
(It. moina); i. *
Amora f.\ old plural of Amo.
fondle, ii. to lull to sleep, iii. to enervate, iv. to tiva col bastone..., he gave him such a *
Amoraccia / ;= Ramolaccio, horse-radish.
be tiresome to.
blow that if he had not deadened it by
Ammoll-are/W.ammollo(It.rnolle); Amorazzo m. love, in bad sense
interposing his stick....
; ;

-- il amour.
1. dip in water;
to bucato, in
Ammortizz-are (bit. admortiare) *
Amorca./; = Morchia, dregs of oil.
washing, to dip the things in cold water

to pay off a debt, esp. a public debt, by Am6r-e m. (L. amor); love. Farunacosad'
before putting them in hot. 2. to to do a thing by common consent. Star sugli -i, to

instalments. Aff. -ame'nto, -azi6ne.

slacken (a cable). 3. to pass off (a be a lover of the fair sex. Perfetto a species of

bad article) as good. 4. Vibrare (un Ammorvidire = Ammorbidire, ;

to Rosolio, or spiced drink.
to be in season.
Andare in
Conoscere d'
of animals,
or Intendersi d'

colpo), to strike (a blow). 5. -arsi = soften. con, to have carnal knowledge of. Prov. del tarlo
rode crocifissi, the love of the boring-worm gnaws a
Bagnarsi, to get wet. 6. Proi>. Ogni

Ammorzare ind. ammorzo (corr. of crucifix, said of a selfish love. Erba d'
acqua lo -a, every shower wets him, i.e.
(bot.) ,

Ammortare<It. morte); i. = Smorzare, common bird's foot, Ortiittiopus perpitsillits, also

any difficulty alarms him. *to soften. diminish (anger,
termed Piede d' uccello.
to extinguish. 2. fig. to
Ammoll-ire ind. -isco (It. molle);
to soften. Aff. -imento, -itivo.
Ammolsare; to mix with Molsa, q.v. Ammpsc-ire ind. -isco ( Ammosciare) angin., clumsily affectionate.
Amdrfo (Gr. a/iop^o?) amorphous.
Ammoncellare (It. moncello); to pile moscio); to become flabby.

(sheaves (It.
of corn) into a heap.
Ammone; Corno o" Ammonite.
, v. Ammost-are ind. ammosto (It.
Amorfno m. Cupid, pretty boy. ; i.

Ammoniaca f. (<Ammon, sal ammoniac hav- i. to tread out in a 2. mignonette, Reseda odorata. 3. twisted
ing been obtained near the temple of Jupiter
mosto) ; grapes
Ammon in an oasis in the desert of Libya, by 2. to press down grapes, sofa, shaped like an oa.
vat, Bigoncio.
burning camels' Hung) ; ammonia. with the Ammostatoio, a kind of wooden Amor6s-o ; i. 2. amorous.
Aff. Ammoniac-ale, -ato. of an animal, affectionate to its master. 4. of
spade, when the bubbles produced by
Ammoniaco (Armoniaco) m.
ammoniacum, a ; music, soft. As s/>.: 5. sweetheart. 6. (thfat.) actor
resin used in medicine. It is stated by Pliny to be the fermentation make them float up of a lox-er's part. Aff. -amente, -ino dim.
an exudation from a tree near the temple of Jupiter to the surface of the must. Amoruccio m.; dint, spreg., silly love affair.
Ammon. The ammoniacum of the present day is 3. intr. to
Amoscino, Moscino, or Muscfno m. (either
exuded from the Dorcnia ammoniacum and comes produce must Quest' anno 1' uva am- ; <L. damascinum or<Arabic al-mesmas, cp. Portug.
from Persia. mosta moltissimo, the grapes are yield- ameixa); Damascene plum, Primus domestica.
Amostante m. (Arabic al-musteesu); the title
Ammon-ire ind. -isco (Ammunire) ing a great quantity of must this year. of an A rabian governor.
Amotinare; = Ammucchiare,
(L. admonere); \. to admonish. 2. to Aff. -atore, -atura. to heap up.
forbid a person from being out of doors Ammostatoio trt. ; v. Ammostare (2). Amovlbil-e removable.
Ammotinare v. Ammutinarsi. ;Aff. -ita.
at certain hours or from being in certain ;
Ammottamento in, (It. motta) ;
= Smotta- Ampelidacee f. pi. the vine genus of plants. ;
in the Florentine republic, =
places. 3. mento, land-slip. Ampelide (Ampelione) m. Frosone, bull- ;

to disqualify for office. t Ammottito; = Acciocchito, fast asleep. finch.

Aff. -ime'nto, *
Ammozzare (It. mozzo); tr. or intr. of ground, Ampeli6ne /. v. Ampelide. ;

to hard clods. Ampelite f.\ a black argillaceous schist con-

dry into
Ammonite /.;
ammonite, a fossil shell so called *Ammozzicare (It. mozzicare); to cut to pieces. taining pyrites.
*Ammozzolarsi (It. mozzo); to form lumps.
from resemblance to the horns on the statue of
its Ampelopraso in. ; a kind of wild leek, v.
Jupiter Ammon, worshipped as a ram. Porrandello.
Ammucchi-are ; to pile up. Aff. Ampere (from the name of the French
Ammont-are (It. monte) i. to
heap ;
-ame'nto. savant); the unit of quantity of the electric current.
up. 2. intr. to amount. Aff. -ame'nto. Ampio, Amplio, or Amplo (L. ampins);
Ammucid-ire ind. -isco (It. mucido); ample, large. Chiesa ampia, large church. Pauni
Ammonticchi-are (Ammonticare) ampi, too large clothes.
to collect in little
of meat, to be musty, tainted, almost Aff. Ampi-amente, -ezza, Ampl-amente, Ampli-
(It. monte) ;
heaps. bad. -are to enlarge, -amento, -ativo, -azione, -ficare to
2. intr. to be crowded together. Aff. amplify, -ficatore, -ficatora, -ficatrice, -ficazidne.
-amento. Ammuff-ire ind. -isco (Ammuffare) tAmpiscicay; (akin to Appiccicare) suck-fish, ;

become mouldy. v. Echeneide (2).

Ammonticellare (It. muffa); to Amplesso ?;/. (L. amplexus from ambi,fllecto,
(It. monticello); *
Ammuinare = Ammoinare. root plec, to bend, cp. Gr. n-Aexaj, L. plico, O.H.G.
to heap up.

flaktoH, Germ. JJecnten, E. plait); setters, for Ab-

Ammorbare ind. ammorbo (It.
Ammulinare ind. ammulfno (It. braccio, embrace.
of the wind, to t Amplio; liberal-minded.
morbo); to make (the air) unwhole- mulino); tr. or intr.
Ampoi adv. - Poi, afterwards.
i. ; *
raise a whirlwind
of dust, etc., to rise

some. 2. to make ill with

stench ;

Puzza che ammorba, it stinks so as to in a whirlwind. Amp611-a/ ampulla, dim. of am- (L.
make one ill. 3. fig. to corrupt the *Ammuricare (It. muro); to heap up a wall of phora, from ambi,ferre, jug to be carried
morals of.
Ammusarsi i. of ants, to rub their
by two handles); i. ancient glass de-
(It. muso); canter. 2. in pi. cruets for oil and
*i. to fall ill. ii. to infect. snouts together, ii. = Fare il broncio, to be surly.
vinegar. 3. bubble made in water by
and morally * Ammusire
Ammorbatello; fig. mentally ; to become surly.
diseased. a large rain-drop. 4. inflated form of
Ammutin-arsi (Ammotinarsi) ind.
words. 5. Aver il diavolo nell'
Ammorbid-are, Ammorbid-ire or m' ammutino to mutiny.
to ,

Ammorvid-ire (It. morbido) to ; Aff. -ame'nto. have the devil in the jug, i.e. to have
pop. ;
Etym. bit. movitinare, freq. of L. mover*,
soften, /// or fig. Aff. -ime'nto. v. Skeat, sub Mutiny. things going well. 6. Parer il diavolo
*Ammorchiato (It. morchia); of wine or oil, delle -e, i.e. to be loaded with tools.
thick, muddy. Ammut- or Ammutol-ire ind. -isco ; 7. (med.") water-blister from rubbing the
Ammorire of the sun, I. to become dumb. 2. fig. of vines, to skin. 8. (herald.) an Order said to have
(It. moro);
to colour brown. suffer from the cold, to be stunted in been founded by Clodovis in honour of
Ammors-are (L. admordeo); to bite at. -ato, growth. 3. tr. to put to silence. a phial of balsam preserved in the
of a wall, with the toothings left.
A'mnio m. (Gr. a^pio?); (anat.) the membrane church of St Remigius at Reims, which
that contains the foetus.
Ammorsellato m. ; dish of minced Amnisti-a or Annisti-a/: (Gr. iiunprloL, for- was miraculously carried there by a
meat. getting); amnesty. Aff. -are. dove for his baptism in 496.

* D.
As pron. Per for others, Inf. 21. 39.
Ampoll^tta / ;
i. air-bubble in Analfab6t-a or -o m. (Gr.) ; person ,

glass. 2. in pi. the bulbs of an hour- unable to read or write. Anch^tta/ ;

blow on the hip.
AnalisiyC (Gr. ai-oAvo-is); analysis. t Anchiana ; AH' = Alia carlona, carelessly.
AJf. Anal-ista, -itica science
of mathematical
cruet-stand. Anchilopc/. (Gr. <iyy/Au>\//); sore at the inner
Ampollifcra/ ; analysis, -iticamente, -itico (a mind) analytically corner of the eye.
constituted, -izzare, -izzatore.
Ampollina i. dim. Ampolla. / ;
Analog-o (Gr.) ; as E. Aff. -ame'nte, -ia,
Anchil6si or Ancil&si f. (Gr. iyKiiXoiercs) ;
anchylosis, stiff joint from bony union after injury.
2. in pi. the vessels containing wine 1. analogy, 2. proportion, ratio, icame'nte, -ico, Anchilotomia /. the operation for tongue-tie. ;

and water for the priest when saying -ismo.

Analto m. duchy of Anchlna (from the name Nankin);

mass. (geogr.) the
3. sand-glass. ;

v. Anhalt. nankeen stuff, originally made at Nan-

Ampoll6s-o; Ampolla (4). Aff.
kin of cotton from the Gossypium re-
-ame'nte, -ita. Anam6rfosiy^ (Gr.); i. a certain optical dis-

*!Ampomelle w.;=Lampone, raspberry.

tortion of a figure. 2. a change of form in a ligiosum, which is naturally of a yellow
cryptogamous plant consequent on change in its colour quite indestructible.
*Ampressay: (Fr. empressement)\ eagerness. surroundings.
fAmpro; liberal-minded. Anchini which the
in. pi. {innr.) the ropes tie
Amput-are ind. amputo (L.<antbi, and puto,

Ananasso m. (from nanas, the native yard to the mast by means of the collars.
to prune, root/w, to clean); as E. Aff. -azione. A'ncia y? (Fr. anche, reed for a wind instru-
Amuerre/I;=Moerre, watered silk. Peruvian name of the fruit) pine-apple. ;
ment, from O.H.G. anc/ui, the tibial bone of the
Amuleto m. (L.,<Arabic hainalet); as E. Anap6st-o /. (Gr. dvairanrroO anapaest, a leg, which passed into French with the sense of

Amurca/^Morchia, dregs of oil. foot in versification consisting of two short syllables
pipe) reed for the mouthpiece of a flute or clarionet.
*An interj. (L. an); eh?, isn't it? followed by a long one. Aff. -ico. *

Ancidere (Ancidare) perf. ancisi, part, anciso

Ana (A) adv. ; Gr. ava, throughout, used by *Anappo w.; = Nappo, drinking-cup. (L. incidere) ; i. to kill. ii. to torment.
Hippocrates to mean with equal quantities
of each Anarch -ia / (Gr.); as E. Aff. -icamente, Ancile tit. (L. ancile, prob. Gr, o-yKvAo?, <
drug, whence the modern medical usage,
or its -ista.
crooked) the small sacred curved shield of the
*Anare m. oryi; = Narice,
abbreviation a. a. or ad ana with the same sense. nostril.
ancient Romans.
*(B)*& (Arabic ana, effort); effort. without money,
*Anargiro (Gr. avdpyvpos)', i.
tAnciolo m.; i. = Angiolo, v. Angelo(n). ii. grey
Anabattista m. (Gr. avaftairrtfa, to dip re- ii. title given to SS. Cosmo and Damian who prac-
shark, v. Eptanco.
peatedly); anabaptist, one who
denies the efficacy tised without fee. t Anciovu Pesce grey shark, it. Eptanco.
; ,

of infant baptism. Ana-sarca or -ssarca/I (Gr. ava, ffdp, flesh);

Anacamptico (Gr.); relating to echoes. Ancipite
the cashew, Anacardium
dropsy. (L. anceps,<ambi, capu()\
Anacardo m.\ (bot.) Anastatica /
(Gr. acao-rao-ts, resurrection);
i. dubious. 2. amphibious. 3. two-
occidentale, a West Indian and South American
tree Anastatica kierockuntica,
(hot.) the rose of Jericho,
of the same family as the sumach or Rhus. A kind a flower which after being dried will expand in water. edged.
of wine can be made from the fruit and an edible nut Anastomdsiy^ (Gr.) anastomosis, the inter- ; *
Anciscocolo m. = Altalena, swing-board. ;

grows at the apex of the same. V. Accagiu. communication of arteries or of tbe vessels of a plant. * Ancistro in. (Gr. ayKurrpoi') (surg-.) hook.
A'nac-e or A'nac-io (Anice) m. (Gr. O.VKTOV or Anastrofey! (Gr.); the transposition of words,

con me. Anciuga_/;=Acciuga, anchovy.

avyQov, from Arabic anisun) ; (hot.) anise, Pimpinella e.g. meco for
Anatema Anatema anathema. pop. for Anche.
anisum. -\ in camicia, sweetmeats containing anise, or m. (Gr.); i. *
(L. hanc hodie) i.
to-day, : ii. at the
also termed Pizzicata. stellato, star anise, the 2. excommunication. 3. accursed thing. Aff.
fruit of the Illicium anisatnm, or aniseed tree of Anatemizzare. present day.
Ancola_/; = Ancora, anchor.
China. Anatocismo m. (Gr. ai-aToici.avj.os from TOKOS,
Anaci-ato; Savoured with anise. Acqua vite
interest); compound interest. Anc6na f. (Gr. dyica', bend, orig.
-ata, spirits so flavoured, anisette. Anatomia/! Parer un pezzo
(Gr.); anatomy.
Anaciclo m. ; (bot.) Spanish pellitory, A nthemis d' ,
to seem an anatomical specimen, i.e. to be bent elbow); i. altar picture rounded
pyrethrunt. very thin. or pointed at the top. 2. niche for a
Anacino m. HSU. in //., little comfits with Aff, Anatom-icame'nte, -ico, -ista, -izzare.
statue of a saint.
anise seed inside.
Anaciasi/ (Gr.); refraction of light. A'natr-a or A'nitr-a / ;
i. duck, *Ancone tn. (Gr. ayiaav); elbow, thick i. ii.

Anacoluto m. (Gr. a^aicoAoutfos, from av priv. t Anas domestica\ Trarre alle -e, to be part of the thigh.
aKoXovflos, follower); (gram.) anacoluthon, want of in great danger, or to die. 2. colom- Ancontano m. ;
a coin of the isth century.
coherent sequence in a sentence.
Anaconda tn. ',
the great South American baccia, = Oca colombaccia, brent goose. A'ncora /. (L.,
= Gr. Hyxvpa, root
3. dal piumino, = Eider, eider duck. ank, to bend); anchor; di cor- I.
Etyin. Cingalese kenakandaya, which however coda lunga, Codone, pintail.
is not one of the boas but a long whip snake; the 4. di rente, stream anchor; galleggiante,
name is lit. lightning-stem, hena^ lightning, -f < 5. d' inverno, = Gobbo rug-ginoso, v. driving anchor, drag-sail di para- ;

kanda, stem, with suffix -ya denoting the masculine

nominal termination.
Gobbo (ii). 6. marina, = Moretta, sartie or tdi bancaccia, sheet anchor;
Anacoret-a tn. (Gr. ivaxwpt'w, to retire); her- tufted duck. 7. querquedula,
= Al- di poppa, stern anchor; di posta,
mit, anchorite. Aff. -ico. zavola, teal. 8. salvatica, Germano, = bower anchor; if there are two bower
Anacre6ntico; in the manner of Anacreon. =
Orco marino,
Anacronismo m. (Gr.); as E. wild duck. 9. vera, anchors, prima best bovver, seconda ,

Anadipldsi/ (Gr.); repetition, the beginning velvet scoter. small bower;

di rispetto, spare
a sentence with the last word of the preceding one. Akin di speranza, waist anchor;
Anafora f. (Gr.) ; the repetition of the same Etyiu. L. anat-em with intrusive r. to anchor;
O.H.G. amtt (>Germ. Ente)
tartaruga, mud or mushroom anchor
Gr. KTJero-a, for VTJTTCL, t
words in several successive lines or sentences. all meaning duck, Sanskr.
Lith. antfs, A.S. oened^
Anafbrico i. ?'. Anafora. 2. (med) emetic.
. . . .
Mezz' con una patta, or t di
atis, a water bird, and perhaps indirectly to E.
3. in //.,
who spit blood.
persons drake, v. Skeat, sub Drake. corpo morto), blind anchor, one-armed
m. (Gr.)
Anagallide .... ,--,, (bot.) pimpernel, v. ;

Erba (60). Anatraia/ ; duck-pen. anchor. 2. di orologio, a part of the

Anagiri f. (Gr.); (bot.) stinking bean-trefoil,
A nagyrisfoetida, also termed Fagiolodella Madonna. Anatrfnoi.
duckling, /;/. ;
i* fig- escapement of a watch, also absolutely
Anaglifo m. (Gr.); anaglyph, ornament in low for watch Un' che va benissimo,
crooked, ricketty child. ;

relief. Aff. Anaglittica. *

Anatrire ;-Nitrire, to whinny.
a watch that goes very well. 3. the
Anagndst-e or -a M. (Gr.); reader, slave em-
ployed in ancient Rome for reading aloud. Anatr6tto keeper of a horse-shoe magnet. 4. hook
Anatrbccolo or ;//. ;
used by a butcher for hanging up meat.
Anagog-ia f. (Gr.); i. mystical interpretation
of a hidden meaning in the words of Scripture. young duck. 5. in building, cramp-iron.
2. elevation of the spirit to God. Aff. -icamente,
Anca f. (O.H.G. ancha, leg-bone, Ancdra adv. hanc
(L. horani)
(Gr.); municipal register. v. Skeat, sub Haunch, and infra, Ancia); ;

Anagramma m. (Gr.); as E. Aff. Anagram- 1. again; Torn! a farlo piangere?

mat-icam^nte, -ico, -ismo, -ista, -izzare.
hip. 2. leg of a chicken. 3. (mar.) are you again going to make him cry?
side of a ship, quarter.
Analda/; (geogr.) the province of 2. yet; Non era stanco di soffrire?
*i. waist, ii. Dare d' anche, to escape, run off;
Hainault. Battersi 1' , to be grieved. was he not yet tired of suffering ?
Anale (It. ano); (anat.) anal. *Ancacciuto; with strong hips. 3. still; Vive ? is he still alive?
Analemma tn. (L. analemma, a sun-dial on a *Ancaione; Andare to hobble.
more; -- un poco, a more.

4. little
pedestal,<Gr. afaATj^jna, support); i. a projection Ancare of a horse, to heave in
of the celestial sphere on the plane of the meridian. ;
5. too, also ;
Ne vuoi do you
tu ?

2. an instrument consisting of this projection with breathing. want some too ? 6. una volta, once
an horizon fitted to it for solving problems of the
time of the sun's rising and setting, etc. 3. a mark
Ancella/. (L. ancilla)\ handmaid. more. 7. (doubled, for emphasis) Non
usually in the shape of the figure 8 depicted on a Anche
adv. (L. hanc horani) still, si va via?
- no are we not going , ;

terrestrial globe tabulating the sun's declination on

any day in the year.
even. as yet. Ne , neither.
Per , away ? Oh no not yet. 8. to empha- !

Analessiay; (Gr. d^oAvn/fis); (med.) recovery. Quando even if. Ce n' e there
, ,
size other adverbs of time oggi se ;

Analetti m. pi. (Gr. ayoAeKTos) collection of ;

is more left. E e and plenty ne ricordano, even now people remem-
fragments of the writings of ancient or little known ,

authors. more. Non not yet. ,

now ; Tanto che non so che mi fare, so
Etym. of andare unknown. Many
tra' cavoli, or a rincalzar i cavoli, to die.
that just now 1 do not know what to do. ii. al-
together ; Fiaccar si possa il collo his neck ,
conjectures have been made, e.g. L. ad- 22. A
tutt' andare, in great quantities ;
may be altogether broken. nare or mlt. anare, to swim towards, Piove a
tutt' andare, it is raining hard.
cp. arrivare from ad-ripare; L. ad-itare 23. Va
e sta, of one who does not stop
Ancoraggio ;//. ;
2. port-dues for being allowed to changing into andttare, cp. andito from in one place Fa il conduttore e va e ;
** amb-itare sta da Milano a Firenze, he is a guard
anchor. aditus; freq. of L. ambire;
** ant-are <
L. ante, cp. avanzare < and moves between Milan and Florence.
Ancoraquando ; i.q. Ancorche. **avantiare, i.e. ab-ante-are. Or it may Andare all' incontro, to go to
be a northern word, cp. Germ, wandem, meet. 25. Andar dietro, to follow.
Anoor-are ind. ancoro, to anchor; E. wander, wend. Vado is of course Andare a seconda, to go with the
(Croce) with the ends of the
L. vado, to walk, root ba, cp. Gr. ftaivn
branches turned back in a semicircle. ; stream. 27. Andar sotto, of the sun,
ito from L. root i.
ire, to go, to set. 28. Andar di brigata, to go
Ancorch.6; although, even if. i. to
go. 2. to go well ; La salute non together. 29. Al peggio andare, at the
Ancoressa^I; old worn-out anchor. va, my health is poor. 3. Andare a ruba, worst. 30. Andare altero, to be proud.
or come il pepe, i.e. to sell like wild-fire, 31. Andare in sementa, to run to seed.
Ancorbtto m. ; kedge anchor.
t Ancroia /. (possibly conn, with croio, q.v.); go off quick. 4. of coin, to be current. 32. Andare in amore, of animals, to
ugly old crone. 5. to be agreeable ; Le famose ceche rut. 33. Andare a monte, of a party
di Pisanon mi sono mai andate, I never of pleasure, to be put off.
Ancudine or Incudine (Ancude)/
liked those famous lampreys of Pisa. - -

(L. incus<.in, cut/ere, to strike, v. Skeat,

As sb. 34. gait.
35. All' or
6. of a dress, to be suitable
sub Hew) ; i. anvil. 2. (anat.) the incus, Quest' ; Sull' , di,
in the style of, in imitation
abito non mi va, this dress does not Di vanno tutte le cose in
one of the bones of the internal ear. of; questo
suit me (the expression is used in two
t Ancugella_/?; = Aguglia, sea-pike. quella famiglia, this is how everything
Ancusa /. (L. ancftusa = Gr. ay^oucra); (tfft.) senses, as in English). 7. Andar del
goes in that family. 36. pathway, walk.
alkanet, Anchusa officinalis, one of the borage tribe.
Its roots contain a colouring matter, more abundant
corpo, (med.) to be purged. Andar-8.
37. A
lungo after a long time, or ,

in another species, the A tinctoria, which is the

sene, to go away. 9. Andarne, to be (more usu.) in the long run. 38. A
origin of the English name through Spanish from

at stake Ne va la vita,
; my life is at
grand' with giant strides.
the Arabic el-canna. "A solution of spermaceti in stake. 10. Andar via lo stomaco, la *
There are many obsolete forms, amongst which
sulphurous ether tinged with Alkanet root which
solidities at 50 Fahr. and melts and boils with the testa, to have a feeling of pain or languor are the following Anda for Andate. ii. the/r.
: i.

in the stomach or head Datemi un po' formed nearly regularly Ando andi anda andamo
heat of the hand is supposed lo be the substance ;
anda andano. iii. znd pres. subj. Andi. iv. perf.
which is used at Naples when the blood of St Januarius di brodo perchfe mi sento andar via lo Andei andiei andetti or andiedi andesti ande andie
melts spontaneously and boils over the vessel which
contains it ( Beckmann, quoted by A. Pratt, Flower- stomaco, let me have a little broth be- andette or andiede andemmo andeste anderono
andierono andettero or andiedero. v. /ut. An-
ing plants of Great Britain, vol. 4, p. 51). cause my stomach does not feel very
draggio or Andrajo. vi. inf. Andre, vii. imperat.
Andayl; pop. for Moto, movement. comfortable. Andare al di sotto, to
1 1. Vai.
'Andacoca/;; the Egyptian lotus. *
Andarino fond of travelling, =
Andaluso (geogr. ) of Andalusia in
Spain. make a Andare col secolo,
loss. 12. ;
i. ii. as sb.
Vialiuo, narrow path.
to be of the same age as the years of Andarivello >.; Andrivello.
Andaluzzo in. Andalusian horse. i.q.
the century. 13. Andar di Ii, to carry

a business through.
Andata A ;
entrance, as opposed
Andamento m. ; rate, e.g. of a chro- pu6 andar 14. Si to exit. 2. e ritorno,
fin Ii, i.e. there is no getting beyond
Biglietto per
nometer. return ticket. di corpo, (med.)
it, either for good or bad una villa ;
Andana/; i.
rope-walk. 2. path magnifica si puo andar fin Ii, it is a

down an avenue of trees. tier. *i. journey, ii. Dar 1' of water, to make it ,
magnificent place, it cannot be im- run freely, remove obstructions to its flow. iii. La
4. (mar.} line of vessels moored one proved Si puo andar fin 11, ma uno
ben -- = Mancia, a "tip."
behind the other along a quay or in a Andataccia yC; pegg. of Andata di corpo, loose
piu sbarazzino di lui impossibile tro- motion.
varlo, you may do your
utmost, but will
done of meat,
Andante never find a more hopeless ne'er-do- Andato; i. for. 2.
smoothly. moving gone bad.
2. current (coin). 3. Persona , easy-
weel than he is. 15. Andare with the
*Andattalo (Andattero) m. i.
participle of another verb takes the

going, not close in his expenditure, or ii. date.

sense of that which ought to have been
difficult to deal with. 4. Messe, Anno ;
*Far to
current month, year, etc. (usu. cor- La cosa andava fatta diversamente, the Andatura/; gait. 1' ,

thing ought to have been done differ- go on foot.

rente). 5. Colore , continuous, uni-
form colouring. 6. Lavoro ently. 16. Vada, let it go, i.e. be settled Andazzo m. ;
\. fashion of a tran-
steady ,

work, not at high pressure. 7. Muro

at that; Gli offro dieci lire, me lo dk?, sient kind ; Ora c' e di scimiottar 1'

wall with uniform unbroken face.

I will give you ten francs for it, will i
tedeschi, mimicking the Germans is
you let me have it? all the fashion now. 2.
8. Prezzo price of an article when
Vada, all right. (med.) preva-
reduced for taking a quantity. 9. Roba 17. Come va va, or Come vanno vanno, lence, e.g. of influenza.
every-day clothes or other things.
anyhow, higgledy-piggledy. Uomo
Andi///.; (geogr.) the Andes.
10. (mus.) slow. ii. as adv. = Andante- or Cosa come va, very good Un ;

sonatore come va, a capital Andirivi^ni m. i.

going and com-
mente Leggere il
Greco, to read player ;

ing, cross currents of people.


Greek fluently.
Una villetta come va, a charming
2. intri-

ando cate passages.

labyrinth of
L' stette, an
little place. 19. la 3. fig.
Ajf. Andant-eme'nte, -dzza affability. confused remarks, twisted-up words.
expression used when a speaker gets involved in his discourse and reaches A'ndito m. anditus); passage,
; (mus.) rather slow. (bit.
no conclusion the same idea is ex-
; corridor.
Andare vo or vado vai va
ind. pressed by using the phrase Cesti e *i. stair-landing, ii. access, iii. fishing ground
andiamo andate vanno perf. andai ; canestri, hampers and baskets, v. Cesto.
for anchovies.

andasti and6 andammo andaste an- A]f. Andit-mo dim., -uccio dim. spreg.
20. The word Andare punningly used is
fAndbne m. \. a push or shove, ii. tottering

darono fut. andro or andero -ai -a

; with the names of
Andare a places, as movement.
-dmo -e'te -anno imperat. va andate Andosia f. a kind of cloth.
Campi for campare, Andare a Lodi for
; ;
Andracne f. (Gr.); (&;/.)= Erba porcellana,
subj. vada vada vada andiamo andiate lodare, Andare a Piacenza for piacere, purslain.
vadano; imperf. subj. andassi andassi Andare a Legnaia for esser bastonato, Andrienne^/?; a
sort of tea-gown. The word
dates from the time when a play of that name, in
andasse andassimo andaste andassero ; Andare a Volterra or a Terracina for imitation of the Andria of Terence, was acted in
cond. andrei or anderei -dsti -ebbc morire, Andare in Piccardia for esser Paris (1703), the dress worn on that occasion by one
-<5mmo -dste -ebbero pres. part, an- of the actresses having subsequently been copied.
; impiccato, Andare all' Accattolica for Andri61o in. ; a kind of hard grain, Triticum
dando past part, andato or fam. -ito.
; andareaccattando, and soon. 21. Andar turgidnm or Triticum hybernum.

Andrivell-o m. or -a /. (Andarivello) ; (mar.) AnerdideyC (Gr. it.
priv., vrjpos, wet); aneroid a kind of medicine. Pera -a, a kind of
whip, a small tackle with a single rope for hoisting barometer.
Ancora d' anchor for warping, Anest-esiayC(Gr.); anaesthesia. Aff. -etico. pear.
light weights. ,
*i. I* -a tromba, the Last Judgment, ii. Angelici,
*Andrivieni; v. Andirivieni. Anet-0 m. (Gr. avrjBov) ; (bot.) dill, the disciples of Sabellius. iii. monks of St Basil,
tFar sect who held that the world was created by
Andrdceo m. (Gr. a.vr)p, O'KOS); (bat.) verticil, Anetkum graveolens. gli aneti,

one of the components of a mode of inflorescence in angels.

which the flowers surround the stem in a kind of ring. to show unwillingness. Aff. -ino. Angelino ;
v. Angiolino.
*Androclade tn. (Gr. aiojp, <, to break); the Aneurism-a m. (Gr. ayeupv<j><.6s, avevpvvta, to
6srd year of a man's life, considered amongst the open up,<eupus, wide); (tned.) aneurism, dilatation
A'ngel-o or pop. A'ngiolo (Agnolo)
Egyptians the beginning of senility. of an artery. Aff. -atico. m. (L. <
Gr. ayyeXo?, messenger of ;

*Androdama/ (L.); a kind of blood-stone. Persian origin. Akin to Sanskr. an-

Andrdforo m. "(Gr. ac^p, <j>e'p<)> (bot.) bundle Anfanare anfano (a variant of
of stamens united by filaments.
i. to ramble aimlessly
giras, divine messenger) i.
angel ;

Andrdgino m. (Gr. a-trfp, man; yvvr), woman); Afifannare, q.v.) ;

2. to talk nonsense a secco, Theology places angels in three groups

hermaphrodite, individual of both sexes. As adj. about.
and Troni
first, Serafini, Cherubini

i. (bot.) androgynous, bearing both staminiferous

to talk as if drunk without having drunk

and pistiliferous flowers on the same root. 2. in second, Dominazioni, Virtu, Potenze ;

zoology, hermaphrodite, uniting both sexes, as

at all. 3. to busy oneself about other
occurs in worms, snails, etc. affairs.
third, Principati,Arcangeli and Angeli.
AndrdmedayC; i. a constellation, named after -i custodi, guardian angels, or scherz.
the heroine of Greek mythology. 2. a genus of Aff. Anfan-amento, -atore. the police. Festa degli -i custodi, the
plants with flowers resembling those of heaths.
Anfaneggiare ind. anfane"ggio (freq. 2nd of October. 2. colle corna, or
Andrdne m. (Gr. dv&pav, originally of Anfanare); to deceive people with nero, devil or fig. bad wife. 3. di
therefore the men's part of the house) ; elaborate tales. Aff. Anfam'a. fogna, very ugly person, or ill-bred.
2. path or alley in a
i. entrance-hall. Anfesibena f. (Gr. dju.<ur|3aii/a) the fabled ; 4. Angiolo or Angiolino, dead baby.
vineyard between rows of trees with Libyan serpent which could move backwards or 5. Regina degli -i, the Madonna.
vines trained upon them. Amfibio 6. Pane degli -i, the communion bread.
Anfibio or (Gr,); i. amphibious.
Andropdgone ;. (Gr. airjp, ir<aytav t beard); 2. fig. Uomo , untrustworthy. Naturale , 7. -i, sculptured heads in a church.
(bot,) a genus of grasses from the roots of one species uncertain character.
of which brooms are made. Anfibolo (Amfibolo) fromin. (Gr.
8. Color d' light pink. 9. Piscio
Androsace/I (Gr. diTjp, 0-0*09, shield); a genus a/j.e/)i, both; aAAw, to throw); i. word capable of d' -i, an exquisite liqueur, or scherz.
of reeds with large peltate leaves. being understood in two senses. 2. bird with two rain. 10. Acqua d' -i, scented water.
AndrosellayC; a genus of plants of the order claws of each foot pointing forwards and two back-
Primulaceae. wards. 3. (tnin.) hornblende.
1 1. Pesce angelo, the angel fish, a
Andros^mo m. (Gr. ac>Jp, al/na, blood); (bot.) Anfibolog-ia f. (Gr.); ambiguity. Aff. -ica- species of shark intermediate between
tutsan, Hypericum androsaemum. mente, -ico. the Sharks and Rays, Squatina tcievis,
Aneddot-o m. (Gr. ai/eVSoros); anecdote. Ajj. Annbraco tn. (Gr. a^i, /Span's, short); am-
-ico. phibrach, foot consisting of a long syllable between also termed Reina, Squadro, Squadro-
two short ones, like habere. lino pelle nera, Squalena. It takes its
Anelare ind, anelo (L. anhelare, *
AnfilayC; = Anfora, jar.
root rt, to breathe) to long for. *i. to *Anfimacro m. (Gr. o/xtfn', j*ajcpd, long); am- name of angel from its broad pectoral

ii. to breathe out phimacer, foot consisting of a short syllable between fins, which are white, strongly in con-
pant. two long ones, like castitds. trast with the bluish shade of the back.
*Anfione m. opium. ;

An&lito#;.; panting,hard breathing. Anfiteatro in. (Gr.); amphitheatre, a complete It is a Mediterranean fish, but some-
Anellare; = lnanellare, to provide with a ring,
* circus or oval as opposed to a Greek theatre which times occurs on the British coasts.
to curl. was a semicircle.
12. Far T to faint. an old
* Anellamento w.; = Sposalizio, wedding. Anntri6ne or Amntridne m.\ i. Amphitryon, 13. ,

Anellati m. pi.; animals of the ringed class, a Theban prince, husband of Alcmena, now often French gold coin worth about seventeen
Annelida. synonymous fur host, entertainer, from his part in satin
Moliere's comedy. 2. fig. gourmand. 3. fig. cuck- shillings. 14. Legno , wood,
*Anellatura_/:; curly hair,
Anellide nt. animal of the ringed
\ class, An- old, from Alcmena having become the mother of
v. Rasare (4). 15. (mar.) d' una
Hercules by Jupiter.
Annzioni nt. pi. (Gr. the Am- randa, tack tricing line.
ift^icflkvvf); *
m. (L. anellus, dim. of anulus,
phictyons of ancient Greece, who in early times the principal standard or ensign of the Western

akin to ancus,o\d form ofuncits, hooked, assembled in the spring at Delphi and in the autumn emperors, ii. a kind of projectile, chain-shot.
at Thermopylae to discuss matters of common Hell- "Angelotto tn. ; an English gold coin coined
root ank, to bend) i. ring; Dare, Pren- ; enic interest. The name was from dju,0t, round, and under Henry VIII, worth about ten shillings.
der 1' to marry or be married Giorno ; KTt^ta, to dwell. Angelus Domini; a prayer beginning thus
recited at mid-day and at nightfall.
Aff. Anfizion-ato, office of an Amphictyon, -ico.
delP wedding day. 2. link in fig.
, A'nfora f. (L. <
Gr. a/*<optuy) ancient vase ;

sense. 3. thimble. 4. thimble as a with tall handles. Angherla (Angaria) / (v. Angari-
measure of silk-worms' eggs. 5. ring- are) ; oppression, severities.
Anfratto (AfYratto) m. (L. anfractus
let of hair. 6. Innesto a Anghiere nt,\ boat-hook.
with a ring of sappy bark of the culti-
< ambi^ actusy part, of agere, the r
Angiarro m.\ large Turkish knife.
vated variety of fruit on the wild stock.
being intruded under the influence of
Angln-a (L. angere, cp. Gr. yx w
frangere)\ I. intricate winding passage.

7. (anat.) sphincter. 8. the mark or ring root agk, to constrict); quinsy, inflam-
2. land-slip, T/. Frana. 3. remote spot.
on the bodies of worms. 9. mi' mation of the tonsils. Aff. -oso.
4. (anat.) small cavity in an internal

= Giuoco di pegnOj game of forfeits. t Angio Pesce grey shark, v. Eptanco.

organ of the body. ; ,

*i. link of a chain, itsu. Maglia. ii. hoop round Angiocarpo nt. (Gr. dyyeioy, cup icapTro?, ;

Aff. Anfrattu-osita, -oso. i. a fruit enveloped by an external organ

a column, trunk of a tree, etc. usu. Cerchio. , *
Angariay^; = Angheria, oppression.
such as that of the Coniferae. 2. a division of the
iii. swelling round a branch in consequence of con-
striction, usu. Cercine. iv. della radice, the fungus family where the spores are enclosed in a
Angari-are ind. angario (L. angari-
place where the root passes into the stem of a plant. "peridium."
v. del pescatore, Papal seal, so called from the are<,Gi. ayyapos, a Persian word mean- Angioino of the house of Anjou.

figure of St Peter engraved thereon, vi. Correre

ing a courier impressed into the public
all' to tilt at the ring. A'ngiol-a / ; pop. for Angela. Aff.
service) ; to oppress, torment.
* Anelo sb. or Aff.
adj. panting. ;
-e*tta, dim.
Anem-ia f. (Gr. a priv., aljua, blood); as E. -amdnto, -at<5re, -atrice.
Aff. -ico. Angiol6tto m.\ i. dim. of Angelo.
*Angarico; i. oppressive, ii. due as a feudal
Anemocbrdo m. (Gr. m>f/*or, wind service. 2. gurnard, v. Capone (5; c t e).
; *
A'ngela f.\ a kind of white grape. female
Xp$fy chord) ;
Aeolian harp. Angiolin-0 angel; Star
///. ;
i. little
Anemo-grafia f,\ description of the winds, Angelica y!; (bot.) Angelica sihestris. come -i, i.e. to be living together in
a metre employed by Stesichorus. ii. a kind
-logiayi; science of the same; -metro tn. as E. ;
peace. 2. fig. dead baby. 3. di
Etym. (of anemo-) Gr. oVe/Ao?, wind; root an, of lute. iii. a dance at Greek banquets.
to blow. Lucca, or di stucco, Lucca being a
Anemone or Anemplo m. (Gr. ave^vrf) ; the Angelic-0 angelic. Salutazione -a,
place where plaster figures of angels
flower, A nemone coronaria, the Ave Maria or Angelus Domini. are made a handsome woman but of
Anem6nio m.\ sea anemone. ;

Anemosc6pio m. (Gr. avquof, oxon-eic); in-

Inno the Gloria.
Dottore St , cold manner. 4. Gli -i, the police (at
strument for observing whether there is a perceptible Thomas Aquinas, also often referred Florence). 5. a kind of soup.
wind. to simply as I' angelico. Voce -a, one A'ngiolo m.; pop. for Angelo.
Anepfgrafo (Gr.) (manuscript) without any ;

of the stops in an organ. Acqua -a, AngioldnayC; a kind of autumn pear.

Angiosperme f, pi. (Gr. ayyttor, cup (rn-e'p/Aa, ;

for,i.e. to kill, or to eat, etc. Un vec- ; the bone or wooden core of a cloth
seed); (bot.) plants witn a pericarp distinct from the
seed -coverings. chio si vantava d' essersi messi all' button. 28. canne, the tool delle
Ajf. Angiospermio ;
the class of angiuspermous dodici giacobini al tempo della rivo- which forms the tube of a gun barrel
plants. luzione francese, there was an old man or the empty space of the barrel itself;
Angiporto m. (L.<angere, to con- who boasted of having laid upon his -
rigata, rifled bore. 29.
- - delle
strict ; portus, port) ;
blind alley. conscience twelve jacobins at the time canne da organo, the tongue or reed
Anglican-o; as E. Ajf. -ismo. of the French Revolution A colazione ;
which by the air passing over it pro-
Anglicismp in. (mlt. Angls)\ Anglicism. e capace di mettersi all' un mezzo duces the sound when the organ is
Anglomania _/C (Anglus and Gr. /iaria); craze
for English things.
capretto arrosto e un fiasco di vino, he played. 30. a strengthening piece be-
Angola yl; magnetic needle. is a fellow who will be responsible for tween the back and front pieces of a
A'ngolo in. (L. angttlus, Gt. ayicuAo?, crooked,
root ank, to bend) angle. half a roast kid and a bottle of wine at violin, under the bridge. 31. breast-

Aff. Angol-are, -arita, -armente comerwise, -oso, his lunch Un membro della quondam
; plate in old armour.
* famosa Giunta Esaminatrice si
gloriava Animaccina./; pegg. vezz. Anima. It is used
Angone (A)(L. atigere); (med.') lump in the
as an exclamation partly in kindness,
throat felt in hysteria. (B) (Fr. angon); (herald.) d' essersi messi all' in una notte partly scolding,
such as a mother might say to a little boy who has
a sort of spearhead like the lily of the French arms.
It was the arms of the Franks under the first dynasty.
cinque cento componimenti latini:.figu- hurt her.
riamoci che razza di giudizi avra dati, Animale sfi. or adj. (L., v. Anima); animal.
Angonia f. ; pop. for Agonia.
nero, the pig.
a member of the quondam famous
town in Asia Aff. Animal-accio /cf., -escamente, -esco, -etto
Angdra/; (geogr.} a Examination Board boasted of having dim., -ettucciaccio dim. pegg., -ino dim. vezz., -ita.
* got through five hundred Latin compo- Anim-are give ind. animo i. to
Angordo ;= Ingordo, greedy. sitions in one night: one can imagine

*Angore in. pain. ; i. ii. anxious wish. life to. 2. to animate. 3. to provide
what sort of judgment he made upon with a core Bastone -ato, sword-stick.
(L. angustia, root angh,
Angbscia/ them. 7. Rimetterci un tanto d' ,
Aff. Anim-atamente, -atore, -atrice, -azione.
to constrict) ; anguish. to have one's sense of right and wrong A'nime / (the native American name); anime,
*i. distressed breathing, ii. Darsi ,
to take
blunted A star con quell' arnese ci
a resin exuded from the stem of a large American
pains. tree, Hyntoiaen coitrbaril.
rimetto un tanto d' e non fo altro,
AJf. Angosci-are to distress, -osamente, -oso.
by being in that fellow's company I Animdll-a / i. sweet-bread, the ;

Angue ;//.
(L. anguis, snake) ;
I. the know my conscience loses some of its thymus gland of a calf; -e briache,
name of a constellation, Draco. 2. {poet.} 8. Dannarsi 1' sweet-breads cooked with wine. 2. valve
delicacy. , referring
snake. Non to stop or permit the
to an intolerable nuisance ; lo passage of air or
tAnguella/:; fish, v. Latterino (2).
atherine a kind of button.
Angugineyl;=Ancudine, anvil.
voglio tener piu questo cane, mi fa water. 3.
dannar 1' I cannot keep this dog
, Animellata f. part of the neck of ;

AngTiilla / (L. anguilla, dim. of

any longer, he is such an intolerable a calf near the sweet-bread and sold
anguis} ; eel. nuisance Con questo lavoro mi danno
; with it.
1' this work is excessively wearisome.
Anguillaia/ eel-fishing ground. ; ,
Anime'tta/! ; i. dim. Anima. 2. ar-
9. Anima dannata, like the French Ame mour either in the shape of a breast-
Anguillare m. long straight row
damne'e, is used in the sense of tool,

of vines. plate or coat of mail to cover the chest

one who hands himself over to another and loins. 3. a linen cover for the
Anguina/:; a kind of melon.
to do whatever villainy may be required.
sacred chalice (usu. Palla). 4. the
Anguinaia (Anguinaglia) / (L. in- 10. Passar 1' to affect deeply; La
dentine or internal part of a tooth.
guinalid); I. the groin. 2. tumour in morte di quel giovane mi ha passato
the groin, bubo. Animina/I; dim. vezz. Anima.
proprio 1'
the death of that young Animismo m. (It. anima); animism, the doc-
*Anguistara/:; = Carafra, glass jug. fellow has affected me very much. trine taught by Stahl that the soul is the proper
t Anguria f. - Cocomero, water-melon. principle of life and development in the body.
Similarly of an

tAngusigola /; i. garfish, v. Aguglia. ii.

insult, Quella parola
selvadiga, () sea-adder fish, v. Nerofide (b) shorter ;
m' ha passato that insult affected
A'nimo m. (L., root an, to blow);
pipe-fish, v. Sifonostomo. me deeply, ii. Girarsi 1' , (a) to be i. mind, spirit Mai ill-will. ;2. pre- ,

Angustia / ; poverty. In sing.,

in a bad temper, (b) as in the follow- sentiment; Me lo diceva un che la
mental poverty in pi. poor cir- ing: Chiedere un piacere a lui Non ! sarebbe andata cosi, I had a presenti-
esp. ;

cumstances. so se ti gira 1' ask a favour of him

! ment that it would go thus. 3. Pigliare
are you in your senses? 12. Romper addosso, or sopra ad uno, to assume
Angusto (L.) ;
i. narrow, tight. 1' ad alcuno, to bore him with ques- a certain authority over him. 4. Ad
2. close, stingy. tions or the like. 13. Brillar 1' to , scarico, impartially. 5. Ad ,
Per ,
Aff. Angust-amente, -iare to impoverish, to be extremely pleased. 14. Reggerl' or Sopr 1
in a fit of temper. 6. Prov.
burden with care and anxiety for the future, -ioso ,

full of cares. co' denti, to hold on to life by your e cera vivanda vera, i.e. a good heart
Angustura the bark of the Bfmtplandia and cheerful face make up
teeth, i.e. be very ill.
f.; for short
15. Beversi,
trifoliata of South America. There is another kind
known as false Angostura which is the bark of the Giocarsi, etc. 1" to be a desperate ,
Nux vomica. drinker, gambler, etc. 16. Stato d' -e,
Ani ani short for Anitra, a call to ducks to Animosita/; i.
pre-conceived idea,
come and be fed.
the parish register; Fare lo stato d' -e, 2.
prejudice. animosity.
Anice (Anicio) m.; Anace, anise. to take the register of the population of
Anigella /. ; (tot.) love-in-the-mist, f. Scapi- a parish. 17. di Messer Domineddio,
Anim6s-o; courageous. -4$f-amdnte.
a gentle, innocent soul. Animucci-a f., -o m. dim. spreg. ;

Anile f A) m. (Arabic anrtil for al- Material senses: 18. kernel of a of Anim-a, timid disposition.
nil< a/, the, nil, blue < Persian nil, fruit-stone. 19. Prender 1' said of Anis^ttayi; spiced drink, flavoured

blue, or the indigo plant, cp. Sanskr. a chestnut flower, when it develops a with anise.
nila, blue, nili, indigo plant); (dot.} chestnut. 20. core of a root. 21. frame
A'nitr-a/ ; i.q. Anatra, duck -aia/ ;
indigo plant, Indigofera tinctoria. of a door. 22. filling of the sole of a
*(B) (L. anilii); old. boot. 23. piece of cardboard at the
Anilinay; (Span, anil, blue, v. Anile); as E.
Anitrina ; Erba , (&>/.) duck-weed, Lemna.
back of the binding of a book to
A'nim-a Anitrfno m. duckling.
/. (L. anima, root an, to strengthen it. 24. della statua, the *
Anitrire;=Nitrire, to whinny.
blow) ;
i. soul. 2. fig. heart, con- core or internal mould which forms the
science. 3. Uomo d' , conscientious hollow of a casting. 25. della scala, Anitr-6cco, -bccolo m. i.
young ;

man. 4. Aver sull' to have on one's the walling in of a staircase which holds duck. 2. fig. = Nachero, bow-legged

conscience. 5. Darsi all' to give , the steps. 26. del candeliere, del boy.
oneself up to spiritual life. 6. Mettersi lampadario, the internal framework of Annacqu-are (It. a, acqua) i. to ;

pop. scherz. to be responsible a chandelier. -- d' un add water to. 2. water down (a
all' , 27. bottone, fig. to
strong statement) ;
Riso -ato, an insin- by interweaving, as the ends of two -arsi, to burst, when the branch is too
cere smile. ropes. 4. sul secco, to wander away strongly twisted.
from the point of a discussion. to make a seton with Erba nocca, hellebore.
Aff. Annacqu-ame'nto ; -ata, i. ad- *
Annocciolare (It. a, nocciolo) to form ;
dition of a little water. 2. short shower Aff. -amento vaccination, -atore, -atura, -o vbsbs. kernel.
of rain ; -aticcio, mixed with water ; Annettere perf. annessi annette'sti, annodo
Annod-are ind. (It. a, nodo);
part, annesso (L. annectere) i. to an- ; 1. to tie in a knot.
to join on. 3. to 2.
Annacquavfno m. ; person who al- nex. 2. to enclose, with a covering fix up (a matter), settle it definitely ;
ways waters his wine. letter. 3.
= Allegare, to tie up (papers). also intr. E' non annoda, he brings
Annaffiare or Inaffiare (L. afflare,
Annetto m., dim. scherz. of Anno; a year nothing to a conclusion. As refl. -arsi :

more or less.
for ad-flare with prefix in- or, with the *Annibbiare to 4. to get in a tangle. 5. -arsi la lingua
(It. a, nibbio, hawk); enlist,
in bocca, to become embarrassed when
change of vowel common where the take service.
accent does not fall, an-. For flare v. Annicchiare to
speaking. *of fruit, Allegare, to de-
(It. a, nicchia) ;

to water (usu. flowers, but it Aff. -atura.

Fiato) ;
place in a niche. velop.
might be said of a light rain which Annichil-are ind. anmchilo (L. ad,
ind. annoio (It. a, noia) ;
hardly wets the roads), lit. to blow to annoy, -ato, sated, Fr. bias/?,
nihil) ;
to annihilate. Aff. -ame'nto. -arsi,
(water) over. to be bored. Aff. -ame'nto, -at6re.
a single Annid-are (L. ad, nidus, nest); to
Aff. Annaffi-amento, -ata * Annominazione /; catching phrase, ii.
-arsi, of
entertain, e.g. evil thoughts,
watering, -atina dim., -at6io watering- anagram.
birds, rats, etc., to establish themselves.
pot, -atura. Ann6n-a/ (L.,prot.<annus~); pro-
Annal-i m. (L., v. Anno); annals. Ajj.
Annient-are ind. anniento (It. a,
pi. vision of victuals for a city. Aff. -4rio.
-ista. niente); to annihilate, -arsi, to humiliate
Annarello m.; i.g. Annerello, q.v. oneself completely. Aff. -ame'nto. Annonia; Hainault in Flanders.
tAnnasare; i. to sniff, ii. to make trial of a
iii. to contend with. iv. to investigate, *
AnnifTare; to look cross. t Annosare = Annusare.
to be agreeable to. vi. il cielo, of cattle, to Annistia; v. Amnistia.
sniff the air.
* Annitrire ;=Nitrire, to whinny. Annoso ; old, esp. of trees. *of
Anniversario m. (L. annus, verto); i. anni- suitable age.
Annaspare (It. a, aspo with n added versary. 2. (eccl.) anniversary service. ind. annoto (It. a, nota); to anno-
for i. to wind (thread) upon Annizzare; = Aizzare, to incite. Annotare
euphony); tate.
a gesticulate wildly.
2. 3. to Ann-o m. *i. to note. ii. to register, iii. to attribute.
year. (L.) ;

think confusedly, puzzle oneself. Idioms: Aff. Annot-atore, -atrice, -azione.

santo, properly the
*Annotino; a year old. As sb. Easter, so called
Aff. Annasp-ame'nto, -icare
to ges- Jubilee year, every 25th year, often used because neophytes baptised at Easter presented offer-
ticulate very wildly, -fo continual ges- to denote a long time; Mi tocca aspett- ings at the following Easter.

ticulation. are un santo, I shall have to wait for Annottare ind. annotta (It. a,notte);
reel. ever. 2. for L' passato. Anno to become night.
Annaspo in. ;
i. i.q. Aspo,
andai a' non posso, last
scherz. deformed person. bagni, quest'
2. Annottolare ind. annottolo (It. a,
year I went to the baths this year I ;
to fasten with a latch.
Annasp6n-e in., -a, /.; i. busybody. cannot go. 3. di Ik, the year before nottola) ;

2. inconclusive person. *in old kinds of clothworking, to fix part of the

last. 4. Tredici mesi dell' i.e. with- ,
apparatus with a soil of strap.
/. (A); i. a year's time.
Annat-a out intermission. 5. II prim' che
2. a year's yield of produce. 3. a year's non e nebbia, the first year without Annover-are ind. annovero (It. a,
revenue to an individual. 4. year's never. 6. Non e said novero, pop. for numero) to enumerate.
mist, i.e. 1'

taxes. Aff. -ina dim. iron., -ona augm. of things which are too good to be true ; Aff. -ame'nto.
(B) (L. adnatd); (anal.} conjunctiva. Sai, quel tale ha detto finalmenteuna Annual- e, -me' nte; asE. -ita, annual
ind. anndbbio (It. a,
Annebbi-are verita ! Non
do you know, so fe 1'
, provision.
and so has actually spoken the truth Annuario m.
nebbia) i. to cloud. 2._//f. to obscure.

; ; year-book.
dark complexioned. You say so!, lit. it is not the
don't * Annubilare = Annuvolare.
3. to blight. 4. -ato, ;

Aff. -ame'nto. year (when such a thing could occur). Annuccio tir. spreg. of Anno. ;

drown. 7. Parer mill' -i, to desire greatly; Mi Annu-ire ind. -isco to assent.
Anneg-are ind. anni?go; to ; Aff.
par mill' -i di abbracciarlo, I
long to -enza.
Aff. -ame'nto. embrace him. d' New-
8. Capo ,
Etyin. L. annuo to nod, akin to uuweu, will of
Etym. Cogn. Fr. noyer, Proven^, negar, Span.
** adnecare <L. Finire
anegar, Roumanian inficcd, <blt. year ; also, New-year's gift. 9. a divinity expressed by a nod, Gr. vfvia, to nod.
ad necare to
t kill, root nee (or perhaps anec, v. Walde, gli -i, to have one's birthday; II sedici Annull-are (L.); as E. Aff. -amento, -ativo,
sub Necare). -atore.
di Marzo finisco gli
birthday is -i, my Annul6si in. ringed class of animals,
pi. ;

v. on March -
Annegazi6ne/ ; Abnegazione. 16.
embolismale, 10. -
arthropods and worms.

Anneghitt-ire ind. -isco; to make thirteen lunar months, n. emer-

Annunzi-are (L., v. Nunzio) ;
to an-
indolent, inert (neghittoso). gente, epoch from which years are nounce. Aff. -ame'nto, -atore, -atrice,
Anner&ll-o or Annarello ;;/. ;
dim. reckoned, e.g. the foundation of Rome. -azi6ne the Feast of the Annunciation,
Innanzi gli -i, before the proper
Anno, i/su. iron. Ha i suoi
-i, i.e. he -o announcement.
is of an advanced age. time, precociously. 13. Aver -i quanto
Noe, quant' il prezzemolo, parsley, Annunziata / ;
i. the Madonna.
Anner-ire ind. -isco (Annerare);
quant' il Tantum ergo, various expres-
2. picture of the Annunciation. 3. fes-
to blacken. 2. of the weather, to of name
sions for old age. 14. Senza contare tival o,the Annunciation. 4.
become dark. Aff. -ime'nto, -itura. the highest Italian Order. was in- It
quelli della balia, or della culla, without
Annessi6ne / (It. annettere) an- stituted in 1362 by Amedeo VI of Savoy,
counting those of your nursery days,
nexation. an expression used to one who under- and renewed in 1515.
Anness-0 m. annex; -i e con-
i. states the years of his age. 1
5. Entrar
Annuo annual. ;

nessi, all the things which are connected nell' nuovo, to eat something for the Annus-are ind. annuso (Annasare,
with some 2. scherz. the first time in the year; Guardache belle i. to hold to naso);
possession. Annosare) (It. a,
annoyances in connection with some- Voglio entrare nell'
albicocche !
the nose ; una presa,
to take a pinch
I must
thing. nuovo, what lovely apricots !
of snuff. 2. fig. to sniff out, discover.

Annest-are annesto (var. of ind. have my first for this year. 3. Fare il
pugno a uno, to shake
AnnoCC-are ind. annocco (It. a, one's fist in his face. la fiera, to
Innestare; for the change of vowel cp. 4.

Annaffiare) ;
i. to graft. 2. to inoculate ; nocca) to bend down a branch to the
; go and see what prices are current at
il vaiolo, to vaccinate. 3. to unite ground for the purpose of layering. the fair. Aff. -ata, -o, vbsbs.
Annuvolare ind. annuvolo (It. a, *Ansula./ (L. ansula); curtain-hook. AntibaliayC; woman who takes the place of a
Anta the termination of numbers from 40 to 90.
; nurse.
nuvola) ; to cloud. Prov. Dagli anta in la mi dol qui e mi dol la, from Anttbcco in. ; triangular prolongation up-
Ano w. (L.); (anat.) the anus. forty upwards I feel pain here and there. stream of the piles of a bridge.
Anobio m.\ a genus of beetles among which is Antagon-ista m. (Gr.); as E. Aff. -ismo. Antibussanti m. pi. \ scherz. = Quattrini,
the "Death-watch," Anobium tessellaturn. Antanaclasi / (Gr. cn^ravajf\a<rtv, bending money, fees.
Andde or Anddo m. (Gr. ava., 666s) ; anode, back and breaking) ; using the same word
the point where an electric current enters a body. in different senses in one sentence or repetition of Antica-gHa/ (It. antico) worn out, ;

a commencing phrase after its interruption by a or out-of-date thing. *in pi. antiquities.
Anodino (Gr. dpudvyo?, < d priv. y parenthesis.
Anticamera f,\ ante-chamber.
soothing, anodyne. i. Antanagdge f. (Gr. airi, against; amywyTJ,
O&VVTJ, pain) ;
leading up); retorting against an accuser the same Antich^tto; dim. Antico, rather old.
Antichita f. (It. antico); antiquity. di
2. inefficacious, tedious remedy. accusation.
Antarie f, pi. (war.) = Sartie, shrouds. Brescia, fig. t a very old person.
(Gr. a.priv., 66ous, odtfirof, tooth);
Antartico (Gr.); antarctic.

a genus of fresh-water mussel with no teeth at the Anticip-are ind. anticipo i. to

*Antea; a word used in the exclamation Poffar (L.) ;

hinge. to fix the date or time

Anomalistico ; (astr.) Anno the time re-
1' , by heaven !
anticipate. 2.
Anteceddnte sb. or adj. as E. of a meeting earlier than usual.
quired for a planet to return from one aphelion to 3. to

An6mal-o (Gr. avttttiaXos, a. #rt'v., o/xaAo?, < Ante-c&dere perf. antecedei or an- pay in advance. 4. to arrive earlier
even); i. anomalous. 2. (gram.) irregular. AJf.-ia, tecedetti -cede'sti, part, anleceduto or than usual. 5. -arsi, to make haste.
An6nay? (from its Malay name); (bot.) custard- *antecesso; to precede. -4^T-atame'nte, -azioncella <>//., -azione.
apple. Species: i. americana, Virginian cus-
Antecess6r-e w., -a/ predecessor. Antfc-o (L. arttiijuus) ancient, -a madre,
tard-apple, Anona triloba.
2. aspera, sour-sop ;

custard -apple, Anoiui muricata. 3. del Peru, Italy. La gran madre -a ( the Earth. Aff.
Peruvian custard -apple, Anona cherimolia. 4.
*Antedestra; coming from the right, i.e. of -amente.
Anona reticulata.
good augury, in ancient divination. Anticole>ico efficacious against cholera.
reticolata, bullock's heart, 5. *Antefiss-a _/;, -o m. (L.); little earthenware
custard -apple, Anona sgua-
Anticon6sc-ere; to foreknow. Aff. -enza.
squamosa, sweet-sop ornaments affixed to the frieze of an ancient temple
mosa. or house.
Anonacee f. pi. a genus of plants, one of Anticdrte/ ; court-yard.
Ant^layC; (bot.) i. the umbel of a flower when
which, the Uvaria odorata of the Molucca islands, Anticostituzionale
simple, such as that of garlic. 2. bunch of long ; unconstitu-
furnishes the Macassar oil.
branches on a short stem such as that of rushes.
(bot.) rest-harrow, v. Ononide. tional.
Anbnide/;; Antelice./; (anat.) the anti-helix of the ex-
An6nim-o (Gr. at-wfu/tios, < a. pri-v., avo^a, ternal ear. Anticrist-o ;. Antichrist, who according to;

name) anonymous. Societa -a, joint-stock company.

Antelio m. (Gr. airi, against; ^Aios, sun); one tradition is to be born of an old nun. Hence
Andrchide(Gr. i/rrr/,, op\i<;, testicle); without anthelion or ring round the shadow of a spectator's a popular expression, Kara 1* when a woman ,
testicles. becomes pregnant at an unusually advanced age.
own head projected on a cloud or on some opposite
Anoressia f.
(Gr. a.vopia. <ia. firiv., ope'yw, to Aff. -iano.
fog- bank.

reach out); (nted.) loss of appetite.

Antelmia f.\ (bot.) Spigelia anthelmintica. AnticruscayT; the work of P. Beni against the
Antelmintico (Gr. iiri, against eAfup?,
Anormal-e (Fr.,< L. anormis)\ ab- worm) vermifuge.

Anticuccio; dim. spregj. Antico.

normal. Aff. -ita. Anticudre m.\ tumour in horses near the heart.
Antelucdn-o (L.) ; i.
preceding Antidata /.; false date when a deed is ante-

^ (Gr. a^r/i'., 6w, to smell); loss of dated.

dawn. 2. Giorni -i, the three days Antidattilo ///.; anapaest.
preceding full moon. Antidemoniaci; Lutherans who denied
Ansa handle of a vase.
/. (L.); i. *
Anteludio (L.); prelude to public games. the existence of demons.
2. fig. Dare, Prendere to furnish, *
new Antidesma w. ; a fruit-tree of Malabar, the
, Antelunar-e; Giorni -I, the three days of
leaves of which have a repute against snake-bite.
or to make a handle for some proceed- moon. *
Antemide An- Antididascolo /.; one who teaches by contra-
f. (Gr. p, flower); (hot.)
ing- 3- P?* (^str.) the extremities of themis. dicting.
Saturn's rings. 4. hook on the rim of Antidiluviano (L. ante, diluvium flood); as E.
an ancient war-chariot. 5. (anat.) loop. Antemurale m. (L.) ;
i. outwork. Antidot-o in. (Gr.); as E. Aff. -ario, book of
2. sea-wall.
6. (arch.) Volto, Arco ad , elliptic Antifarmaco m. (Gr.); antidote.
vault or arch. 7. shoe-buckle. Antendto m. (mlt. antenattis}\ an-' Antifato ;.; (&y.)~Soprad<Iote o.v.
cestor. Antifebbrile; as E.
Ansalone; Absalom, D. Inf. 28. 137. Antiferna f. i.q. Antifato.;

Antenna / (L.); i. beam of a Antifona_/C (Gr. ii'n'^wi'oy); i. antiphon, short

Ans-are (bit. anxiare, from L. anxius, 2. (mar.) yard on a lateen-
verse sung before a psalm. 2. Jig.
scaffolding. remark prior to something unpleasant. 3. Non fa
root angh, to squeeze); to pant. Aff. che ripetere la stessa
-amdnto. rigged ship. 3. antenna of an insect he always has the same ,

tale to tell.
or crustacean. Antifonario m.\ \. antiphouary, service-book,
Ansedtico (O.H.G. and Goth, han- *
i. lance, spear, n. in //. sails. compiled by Gregory the Great, containing all the
sa, troop); The Hanseatic
Hanseatic. Antennale ;. (mar.) ; i. head-rope, also termed antiphons, responses, collects and whatever is said
Gratile d' inferitura. 2. di armatura di servizio, or sung in the choir except the lessons. 2. the
league comprised Liibeck, Hamburg, shore of a stage. chorister singing the antiphon.
Bremen, Frankfort and other places AntennettayC; dim. Antenna. Antifonia f. mutual responses of treble and

which associated themselves for the Antendra / (from Antenor, a Tro-

bass voices.
Antifdssp ;//. ditch dug in front of another.
protection of commerce as early as the

jan who was universally, in the Middle Antifrasi f. use of a word in a sense opposite

1 2th century. to its proper meaning.

Ages, held to have betrayed Troy to the Antfgrado /.; (Germ, hist.) landgrave.
*Ansera,/ (L. anstr, akin to Germ. Cans, Gr. Greeks) the place of traitors in Dante's
; Antlgrafo ;.; transcribed from another MS.
\w)\ goose. Inferno. Antigustare; to take a preliminary taste of.
'Anseri m. pl.\ chestnuts, boiled and dried for Antilogia /.; in //., contradictory statements
Anten6ri; In grembo agli Antenori, m the made by the same author.
Anserin-o; Pelle -a, goose-skin, a febrile con- Paduan territory.
dition of the skin.
used by Eustathius of Antioch for some kind of
Anteporre (Aritiporre) ind. ante- quadruped. Origin unknown); antelope.
A'nsia/ (L. anxius,<angere root %
pongo -poni -pongono, perf. -posi -po- Antilucrezio m. a poem by Melchiorre Po- ;

to squeeze) ; eager desire. lignac against Lucretius.

fut. -porro, part, -posto (L. ante-
ne'sti, AntiluterAno non-Lutheran protestant.
Ansiare = Ansimare, to pant. to to *

Antimaglio m.; a kind of fishing and fowling

ponere) ; give precedence, prefer.
Ansiftray?; (war.) hawser. net.
f. (Gr. dvdqpor, flowery) ; Antimeridiano; of the morning.
Ansietk/ ; anxiety.
(bot.) anther of a flower, the part of the Antimdni-o ///. (l-'.tym. dub. Litir6 quotes
word in mlt. form antimonittm from a physician of
A'nsim-a / ; shortness of breath. stamen which holds the pollen. Salerno, who wrote about the end of the nth century,
Aff. -are, to pant. Anteridip m. (Gr. ac0o$, flower e*8o?, likeness); ; and gives as its probable derivation the Arabic
> asima, with added n antheridium, the part of an acotyledonous plant
(bot.) aihntoud or itlimid. Athnwitd would readily be-
Etym. It. asma, for
m. anmonum.
come thee mlt. antimonium. Again
which serves the function of the anthers. gan tethe proper
Anteri6r-e (I,, anterior, a comparative formed Arabic form is itktnid, which is the Greek OTI'WU,
Ansids-o from the prep, ante)', as E. Aff. -ita, -m^nte. from which the L. stibium is derived, so that by a
; anxious. Aff. -amdnte. Antesignano ttt. (L.); i. in //., in the Roman
Ansito m. ;-Ansima, q.-v. legion, soldiers who guarded the ensigns and fought
A'nsolay! (L. ansula <ansa); hook t
for attach- in the front rank. 2. Jig. leader of a movement.

ing the clapper of a bell. Antiaride f. (from the native word in Java); .

t Ansonico the name of a kind of white grape

; (bot.) the upas tree, Antiaris toxicaria. Antimuro m. \ outwork.
in the island of Elba. Antibacchico ; (foot) consisting of two long Antinato ; older. *as sb. right of primo-
*Ansoria,/; a kind of grape. syllables and one short one. geniture.
Ansoao; breathless. Antibagno /;/.; ante-chamber of the bath-room. Antinazionale ; antinational.
Antinervino; remedial in nerve disease.
Antivenire to prevent, in the old sense of
; and the fountain Aganippe. Aonie so-
Antinomla f.\ apparent contradiction to some going beforehand to render assistance. relle, the Muses.
natural law. AntivigiliayC; the day before the vigil.
Antinomiani or Antindmu M. pi. ; Anti- A'ntlia f. (Gr. dirAia, L. ant/ta, pump); the *Aontare ;=Adontare, to find fault with.
Aoprare = Adoperare, to employ.
more *
nomian heretics; the term has been applied to proboscis of insects. ;

than one sect. Antddto m. (Gr. av9os, flower; 6Sos, road); *Aorare; to pray.
Antipallage f. (Or. aim, vira.\\a.y7}, inter- (bat.) the common
calyx of a composite flower. *Aorbare; to blind.
change); (rhct.) exchange of cases as in Virgil's Antofillite /
(Gr. a^os, ^wAAois leaf); a
*Aorcare; i. to hang. ii. II Diavolo t' aorchi,
Tellum ... quod ...gerebat ... huic natam ... ittiplicat^ Norwegian variety of horn-blende. may the Devil take you! (In the first sense cp.
where hoc natae would be expected. Antdfilo m. (Gr. av9o>>, <fx'Xos); flower lover. Span, korca, L. furca, gallows; in the second the
Antipapa anti-pope.
*.; Antologia/ (Gr. ap0o$, A<Syos); anthology. derivation is from Oreo, L. orcus, hell.)
Aorist-o m. (Gr.); aorist. Aff. -icamente, -ico.
Antiparte f.
z>. Antiperistasi.

(leg.) the portion which goes to

Antonio ;//. ;
i. Un sant' ,a term *
Aormare (It. orma); to tract.
a particular heir before the general distribution of a applied to a horse with hidden defects. Aorta/?; the aorta, the great artery from the
property. 2. Un certo Sant' ,
an expression heart.
Etym. Gr. < aet'pw, to hang up. The word was
Antipassat-o ;
before the last. Ci used of a man who is original so that used orig. in the //. for the bronchial tubes.
Aortare ; of animals, to abort.
venne la settimana -a, he came here you hardly know how to take him. 'Aov-are (It. ovo); to make oval, -arsi, to
the week before last. 3. Troppa grazia
Sant' said when a , crouch down for the purpose of laying an egg.
thing is given us in too great abundance,
Apa /!; = Ape, bee.
Antipasto m. course served after ;
and the further saw may be added :
Apalato (L. paltiin); manifest.
the meat. Per due franchi si ha mi- ApallageyC (Gr.) digression, parenthesis. ;

Disse quello che ribalto dalF altra Aparfne tn. (Gr.); (bot.) goose-grass, v. Ap-
nestra, antipasto, e frutla, for
lesso, man
parte nel montar a cavallo, as the
two francs you get soup, boiled meat, Aparten6re v.
said who was thrown over the other
*Apartia, Aparzia f.\ Tramontana, north
pudding, and dessert. side in being helped to mount his horse. 'ind.

preliminaries to dinner, hors d'ceuvres, now God and ApatiayC(Gr. iv^Afta); apathy.
4. Dio ti protegga e Sant'
termed Principii. ii. food, generally.
Apatista m. i. apathetic person. 2. one of

Antipat-e or -o /.; a kind of black coral. St Antony save you, said to one who the Apatisti, an Academy of that name,
t Apatocchiato asleep.
Antipat-fay:(Gr.); antipathy. Aff. -icamente, saying or doing something dis-
ico. Ape m. (L. apis); bee.
Antipato; Antipate.
i>. gusting. Apeliot-a /., *-e m. (Gr. dmj^twTTjs) ; east
Anti-pensare toforethink. -penultimo; asE. wind.
Antonomasia f.
(Gr. avri, 5fo/ia); (rhet.) the *
Antiperfstasi or Antiparistasi f. (Or. avri, instead of the regular term, Apenari m. pl.\ gladiators who fought to the
use of a descriptive title
last. actors who took the part of gods.
against; Trepitrrao'is, standing round); increase by
e.g. II re
galantuomo, instead of Vittorio Emanuele,
opposition, as when quicklime is heated by the or conversely the use of a proper name instead^of a Apergolato; (vet.) a term applied to the neck
addition of cold water or fever excited by exposure of a horse when it is concave above instead of being
descriptive phrase as when a man is called a Cicero
to cold. arched.
instead of an eloquent speaker.
Antipestilenziale remedial against plague. ;
-ico. Aperitive; (vied.) aperient.
Aff. Antonomast-icame'nte,
Antipetto in. tumour on a horse's chest.
; Aconitum anthora, ApertayC; i. in straw-plaiting, a length equal
Ant6rayl; (bot.)
to the outstretched arms. Ad di
Antipodi m, pi. the antipodes. Stare agli
; ,
2. opening.

to be far apart. libro, the page that presents itself on opening a

Antossanto ;//. (Gr. ft/dor, ai/06>, book.
Antipoetico; i. unpoetica!. 2. fig. common- sweet-scented vernal
place. yellow) (bot.) ; Apertam6nte; openly.
f. (Gr. avri, ujro, <'p*u) (rket.) grass, Anthoxanthnm odoratum. Apertis; In the Latin phrase Apertis verbis t

antihypophora, refuting an objection or answering

a frankly.
Antrace in. (Gr. avOpaf, coal) (med.) malignant
question raised by the orator himself.

Antipolitico; impolitic. pustule, anthrax. Ap6rt-0; i. part. Apr ire. 2. as ndj.

v. Ante-. Antra-cite or -oolite/; anthracite coal.
Antiporre; open.
Antro ni. (L. antrum, Gr. avrpov', root in or
ana, and comparative suffix ter); cave. t = Altro. *
Antip6rt-a/, -o m. i. space be- ;
Antrop6fag-o (Gr.); cannibal. Aff. -fa.
i. open (to rebuke), ii. ruptured, iii. batta-
tween the outer and inner doors or ;lia -a, pitched battle, iv. the high (seas), v. of
Antropdfora f. (Gr. ardpwTrof, <e'pa)); (bat.) colours, light, vi. of drawing, clear, vii. Nave -a,
2. outwork
gates of a house or city. green man orchis, Ophrys anthropofera. undecked vessel, viii. (utetallurg.) Pani -i, cakes of
to protect a gate in a fortified city. Antropo-logfa, -logo, -morfismo; as E. alloy which after the fusion remain honeycombed.
As sb. ix. =Apertura, opening, x. empty space in
3. blank leaf preceding
the title-page Anulare (L., t>. Anello) i. Dito ; , a furnace, xi. embrasure in a fortification, xii. dis-
of a book. the fourth or ring-finger. 2. ring-shaped. location of a bone.
Apertura./; opening. di mente, ready in-
Antipsorico; remedial against psoriasis. 3. for use in a ring.
As sb. stone set in Prezzo d'
telligence. upset price. ,

Antiptosi/ (Gr. atm, TTTWO-IS, falling); (grain.) a ring. Apetalo; (bot.) without petals.
substitution of one case for another.
*AnuIo ;;/.; = Anello, ring. *Apiaio ///. (L. apis); bee-keeper.
Antiquari-a/;; antiquarian lore. Apiario /.; place for beehives, apiary.
Antiquario m, (L.); as E. *i. scribe, ii. mu-
seum. Anvfcrsa/. (geogr.) Antwerp.
A'pice ///. (L. apex] I. apex. 2. dash
* ;
Antiquato ; antiquated. inveterate.
Antirachitico; remedial against rickets. Anzitf^z/.; i. rather. 2. even. 3. on placed to a letter in algebra as x'. 3. bar
Ant|religi6so; anti-religious. the contrary. over a vowel to indicate that it is long,
Antireumatico remedial against rheumatism.

Antirrfno /;/. (Gr.); (bot.) Antirrhinum, v. *

prep. i. before, ii. in the presence of. as Roma.
Bocca di leone, sub Bocca (i), GalKnacci, Scotton- Etym. Probably <L. anted previously, <ante t
a pointed piece of wood surrounded at the
ello. ed. Antea would regularly become anza but the t
base with wool at the top of the cap worn by the
Antisala/^; ante-chamber. final a being an unusual ending for adverbs be-
Flamines and Salii of ancient Rome. ii. minute
Anti-scorbutico, -scrofuloso; as E. came i.
portion, jot,
Apicio m. Three persons of the name of
Antisettico antiseptic. Anzian-0 (mlt. antianus] ;
i. rather \

Rome were famous for gluttony,

Apicius in ancient

Anti-sifilitico, -sociale, -spasmodico; as E. old. 2. retired (official). 3. (hist.} mem- and the name now signifies a person skilled in

Antispastico (Gr. aim, an-aw, to pull); re- ber of the supreme council in some of matters of cookery.
medial by drawing morbid action in a different Apicolo m. dim. Apice. ;

the Italian republics. Aff. -ita, -otto Api-cult6re tn.; bee-keeper. Aff. -cultura.
Antispodio tn.\ counterfeit Spodio, ivory ashes, dim. A pio (Appio) m.' t (bot.) celery, Apium grave-
made with ashes of bones and vegetables. olens, usu. Sedano.
Antist-a, -e or -ite m.\ head, director, Anzid&tto; aforesaid. Apiolina or Appiolin_/C; (hot.') Erba com- ,
Antistenco remedy against hysteria. mon chamomile, A nthemis nobilis.
tAnzoletto m. i. gurnard, -u, Capone (5). Apioriso m,; v. Appioriso.
AntistrofeyT; the choral song in a Greek play

della Madonna, rochet fish, z. Peristedione.

sung as the chorus moved from left to right after
Apireni (Gr. a priv., irvpyv, fruit-stone); of
Aocchiare; i. pop. for Adocchiare, to watch. without pips.
they had sung the strophe from right to left. 2. in brick-making, to break up the earth with the
* Apiressiayi (Gr. a/nw., irupefis, fever); inter-
Antisuoceray^; mother-in-law's mother-in-law,
mother-in-law of the second generation. eye of the hoe. mission of fever.
Antitesiy: (Gr. antithesis.
Aognato = Augnato, cut obliquely.
A'piro (Gr. a/r/c'., irup, fire); incombustible or,
iiri, 0c<ri$) ;
Aoliato = OHato, (salad) dressed with oil.
; of minerals, infusible.
Aff. Antitet-icamente, -ico. *
Greek church, the Eu- Aombr-are; Adombrare, to shadow out. Aff. Apistico; relating to bees.
Antitipo m. ; in the am6nto.
charist. Aplanatico (Gr. a Pri7>. t ir^avata, to wander);
Aomiliare = Umiliare, to humiliate.
of the object-glass of an optical instrument, free
Antitisico ; remedial against phthisis.
as when the tAoncare; to retch. from spherical aberration.
Antjtrbpo (bat.) antitropous, * Aoncinare Uncinare, to bend into a hook.

embryo is at the extremity most remote from the

*Aploida f. (Gr. an-Aois); vest anciently worn
tAonco nt.\ effect of retching. under the tunic.
hilum, or when the radicle is inverted with respect *
Aonestare = Coonestare, to palliate, to cloak.
to the seed, as in the Polygonums.
Apldma (Gr. airAo?, simple) ; a variety of garnet
Antivedere ; to foresee. Aff. Antiveggenza. marked with fine streaks.
Antivendemmiat6re m. ; a bright star in Abnia/ ; (geogr.) a part of Boeotia Aplustre m. (L.); a carved ornament on the
Virgo. which contained the Aonian mountains upper part of the stern of a ship.
Apnea f. (Gr. air?oia) (wed.) difficulty in Maesta the Emperor of Austria. 4. Predicare,
hedge-hog or wood-louse, to
1 roll up
breathing. Vestire all -a, to preach, or to dress carelessly.
Apo m. (L. the constellation known as
/j); 5. Chiesa -a, church founded by an Apostle. into a ball.
Apus or bird of Paradise in the southern hemisphere. *
i. as s6. the Pope. ii. Eta -a, the age in which *-arsi: i. of the tongue, when a speaker is
*Apoca f. (L. apoc/ta Gr. a.iro\^); i. written
the Apostles lived, iii. Corona -a, apostolic, i.e. hesitating, to curl up. ii. of clouds, to form masses.
contract, ii. receipt for a debt paid. episcopal crown, iv. Notaio in every diocese, ,
Appalmato ; (herald.) with the hand open,
Apocaliss-e or -i f, (Gr. an-oKciAui/fts) ; the the title of the registrar of ecclesiastical proceedings. t Appalparellarsi ; to take a nap.
Apocalypse or Book of Revelation. Cavalieri dell' Apostolicone m. ; an ointment, so called from
a religious sect at Rome in t'i; i/th century. being composed of twelve ingredients. to a
Appalt-are ; let contract.
Apocarpi m. pi. ; (&>/.) fruits Bringing from a -atdre /., contractor.
simple pistil (Lindley), or fruits entirely or partially Apbstolo m. (Gr. dn-d, or/AXco, to
separate as the carpels of a compound pistil (De
CandoIIe). send); i.
apostle; Far 1'
to stand Appalto m. (etym. unkn. the mlt. ;

Apocatarsi f. (Gr. OTTO, Ko.0a.po-i>;, cleaning); like a statue; Mani e piedi d' , very forms apaltus, appaltus seem to be only
large hands and feet; Diti d' , puff Latinised Italian); i. contract with a
Appcatastasi f, (Gr. an-6, Kara, arao-is); -{kg.)
i. re-trial of a convict. 2. (oj/r.)(rt) one complete pastry with cream inside. 2. in //., government, usu. a local government,
revolution of the equinoxes, which takes about 25
(mar.) a pair of bitts near the bows, to maintain some service, or to farm
years (fi) one revolution of a planet in its orbit.

Apocinee /://.; (&/.) the periwinkle tribe of knight heads. some tax, etc. Dare, Prendere in ,

plants, Apocyneae, It includes trees, shrubs and Apostrofare iiid. apostrofo ; i. to mark with to grant, or take such a contract. 2. the
herbaceous plants, one of which is the common peri- an apostrophe. 2. to apostrophise, to turn from the office where the disposal of these con-
winkle, It. pervinca. actual hearer and address an imaginary one.
Ap6cino *. (bot.) i. fly trap of N. America,
; Ap6strofe f. (Gr. airo0rpo4>7j) ;
v. Apostro- tracts is managed, excise office. 3. shop
Apocynum atidrosae mifolium also termed Chiappa ^
fare (2). for the sale of tobacco or salt, these
mosche, Piglia moschc, Strozzacane. 2. dc' Apdstrofo m. (Gr. airo<rrpo<fros) apostrophe, ;
commodities being sold under govern-
Veneziani, Venetian dug's bane, Apocynum Vene- mark denoting that a word is contracted.
tian, also termed Esula veneziana. 3. serpeggi- Apotecio m. (Gr. a7ro0vj7, receptacle) (bot.) a ;
ment licence. 4. Aver 1' di una
ante, Syrian silk plant, Periploca graeca, also termed case of spore-cells in lichens, apothecium.
cosa, to have it in abundance. 5. Esser
Topo. Apotegma or Apotemma (Apoftegma, Apof-
Apdcope _/Icutting a word
(Gr. a.iroitoinj') temma) /. (Gr. aTro^dryfia) ; i. Apothegm, terse puntuale come un to pay very ,

punctually. 6. = Abbonamento, season


short, as Gua' for Guarda, Po' for Poco. precept. 2. i. q. Apotema.

Apdcrifo (Gr. arocpups) apocrypha!. Apotelesrnatico (leg.) a term relating to

ticket, or some equivalent arrangement,
; ;

*Apocrisario or Apocrisiario m. ; messenger

ge judicial decisions in regard to birth.
from the Pope to the Emperor. Apotema in. i. perpendicular dropped from at a theatre. *
x -

the centre of a regular polygon to one of its sides.

e.g. monopoly.
Apocrisi/ ( part Appaltonato adj. (It. paltone, mendicant);
of the Roman Catholic lituri
liturgy. 2. height of one of the triangles enclosing a
regular beggarly.
Apodemia /, (Gr. OTTO, ;S>j/xo$, people); home- pyramid. 3. (flttarm.) the extractive residue after
sickness. evaporating a solution or tincture.
Appaltdne m. (from Appalto in the
Apoditerio m. (Gr. airo&vniptov) dressing- ; Apote6si f. (Gr. aTrofle'axris) ; apotheosis. sense of one who gives himself the airs
room of a Roman bath. 1' d' uno, to praise him up to the skies.
Apodittico (Gr. aTro5et(CTi*c6s) self-evident. ; Apdtesiy: (Gr.); = Apodosi. of a government contractor, or who
A'podo(Gr. a fn'v. irovs, iro&Qs, foot); without t Apotome m. (Gr. airo, cutting); i. (math.) ran obtains a contract by making himself
feet, or, of fishes, without fins. the difference between two quantities incommensur-
Apodosiy?(Gr. affdiotns) ; the conclusion of a able with each other, as the side and diagonal of a out to be better than he is) = Ciaccione, ;

conditional sentence, the first part of which is the square, ii. (WMJ.) the remaining part of a whole one who talks very big ; meddling, self-
protasis. tone after a major semitone has been subtracted
Ap6fisiyi (Gr, airoi^vcriO i. (iittat.) apophysis, ;
from it. consequent person, coxcomb.
bony prominence. 2. (bot.) the enlargement at the Apozzema or Apozzima /. (Gr. airo, few, to t Appalugarsi ; to take a nap.
base of the spore-case in some of the mosses. boil); a sweetened decoction of a powerful drug. *Appamondo ;.;=Mappamondo.
Apoflemmatismo m. (Gr. an-d, <^Aey/ia,
phlegm) expectorant drug.
; Appaccare (It. pacco); to pack up. Appanare ind. appano (A) (It.
Apoforeti m. pi. (Gr. an-6, presents$cpu) ;
pane) ; to form cakes (of sulphur, paint,
given for guests to take away at the Roman Satur- Appacchettare ind. appacchdtto
nalia. to make up in packets. sugar, etc.).
(It. pacchetto) ;
Apoftegma or Apoftemma m.; v. Apotegma. *(B) (L. pamis, thread wound upon a bobbin;
Apogeo m. (Gr. area, y<ua, earth); apogee, *Appaciare pace); to restore peace.
cp. Gr. Tr^i/05, Hi}vf\6ireta) to wind the thread upon

maximum distance of the moon from the earth. ^Appacificare ind. appacifico (It. pacifico) ; to tne bobbin, the
opposite of Dipanare.
adj., of wind, blowing along the ground as pacify. Appancacciarsi (It. pancaccia, bench); to sit
opposed to Altano. Appadiglion-are ind. appadigliono (It. padi- doing nothing.
Apdgrafo glione); to arrange like a tent, -arsi, of an army, to
(Gr. OTTO, ypa<w) ;
copied from an set up the tents.
original document or inscription. Appanciollarsi ;
///. to lie Apan-
*As sl>. //., officials of the Senate at Athens. Appadron-are ind. appadrono (It. padrone); with the stomach, Pancia, in
i. to appropriate that for which no owner is forth- ciolle, i.e.
Apdll-ine m. Stare in
; to live
i. Apollo. the air
in luxury (from the dining-room of Lucullus the
coming. Part, -ato: 2. adjudged by legal process. ;
to lie stretched out at ease.
Roman epicure which was dedicated to Apollo) 3. of a slave, belonging to some owner.

Aff. -meo.
Appanettare ind. appane'tto; to
Apollo m.\ i. Apollo. 2. the name of a species Appag-are (It. pago) ; to satisfy. make little cakes, Panetti, e.g. of choco-
of butterfly. 3. a genus of conchiferous molluscs. Aff. -abile, -ame"nto. late, butter, etc.
Applloniana (math) an adj. used to describe

the ordinary conic section, as distinguished from a Appagliaiare pagliaio) to stack

curve of higher order ; from Apollonius of Perga, an
(It. ;
Appanicare ind. appanfco; to ac-
early writer on conic sections.
(hay). custom birds to feed on panico, millet-
Apologia/ (Gr.); apology, defence, esp. of Appai-are Prov. to pair. seed.
the Christian religion. (It. paio) ;

used of a married couple who have de- m.

Aff. Apolog-etica apologetics, -etico, -ista. Appannaggio (mlt. apanare,
Apdlog-o m. (Gr.); apologue, fable. Aff. fects in common, esp. physical defects.
dim. apanagium, from L. fanis, bread) ;
= Fuco, = Lampone, Da Montelupo si vede Capraia, Iddio i. appanage or portion of land
*Apone; i. drone. ii.
rasp- assigned
berry. fa le persone e poi 1'
appaia. Aff. by a sovereign prince for the subsistence
Aponeurdsi or Aponevrdsi/(Gr. an-6, vevpw, -atura. of his younger sons. 2. allowance,
sinew); (anat) aponeurosis, the expanded tendon in
which some of the muscles terminate. Appaiat6io m.\ cage for birds to pair in. generally, of this kind (usu. Piatto).
Apopl-esaia/ Appalancare (It. palanca); to enclose with a
(Gr.); apoplexy. Aff. -ettico. allowance of any kind for the main-
Apoponaco m. = Opoponaco ; q.v., a gum palisade. 3.
= tenance of any person of distinction.
'Aporisma m. (Gr. a friv. t Tropos, passage);
Appalesare ; Palesare, to make
insoluble problem.
4- fig- prerogative.
(mat A.) public.
*Aporrea/ (Gr. OTTO, pVw, to flow); i. running t Appaligginarsi ; to take a nap. Appann-are (It. panno, cloth; in
sore. ii.
falling off of the hair. some of the senses, however, it would
Aposiopesi f. (Gr. in-o, atwrn^trtv, silence); make up
(rfut) abrupt stoppage in the middle of a sentence.
Appallare (It. palla); to be referable rather to Panna, cream) ;
Apostasia /
(Gr. i^on^u, to stand away) ; into a ball. i. to form a film such as that on a
Aff. Apost-ata, -atare. Appallott-are or Appallottol-are polished silver cup which contains iced
Apostema M. (Gr. affd<7T>j^i<i) ; i. abscess. ind. appal!6tt-o, -ottolo (It. pallotta) ;
water. 2. to dim the clearness of the
2. vomica, abscess in the lungs.
* to make into balls or lumps, -arsi, to eye, or Jig. of the mental vision. 3. to
Apostjccio m. ',
Apoatillay:;=Postilla, marginal note. form lumps, e.g. when the iron in smelt- draw in the net for catching birds.
Apoatol-icaminte; v. -ico. -ato m.\ apostle-
ing partly cools into lumps in the 4. gli uccelli, to entangle birds, after
Apostdlic-o; i. apostolic. 2. with authority furnace, or when the stuffing of a they have entered the decoy, in a net
derived from the Pope ; Bulla -a, Papal bull. 3. Sua mattress forms lumps, etc. also of a
so that they can be caught by the hand.
H. 6
5. intr. nella sua ragna, to be Apparso ; part. Apparire. App&ndere/W/. appdsi, part, appdso
entangled in one's own net, caught in
Appartame'nto m. lodgings, rooms. ;
(L.); to hang up.
one's own
trap. 6. part, -ato, of a distance between two objects.
*i. to weigh, ii. intr. to hang over, be im-
person's salary or of the provision for Appendices;
a meal, abundant, ample. Appart-are (It. parte); to put on appendix.

* cover with a cloth, ii. jfiff. Tappezzare.

one side, -arsi, to go away, separate Appendicista m. ;
writer of tales
Un seggio erboso o di verde muschio -ato, a grassy oneself. Luogo -ato, out-of-the-way such as are given at the foot of many
seat or one covered with green moss. iii. to measure
As reft, -arsi iv. of milk, to form the place. newspapers.
(cloth). :

surface layer of cream, or of boiled milk to form

the skim on the surface, v. of the eyes, to become
Appartatam^nte, separately. Appendlzie/ pi. sundries, such as ;

sleepy. Part, -ato : vi. of wine, crusted, vii. of Apparten6nz-a / i. belongings. ;

eggs and fowls, supplied by a tenant to
covered with bloom, not knocked about. in pi. L' -e del his landlord.
fruit, 2. I'
anno, the festivals
Appannatoio tit.; I. cloth drawn and other events of a year which are Appennecchiare ind. appenne"cchio
over a horse's eyes when it will not entered in a calendar. (It. pennecchio); to arrange the wool
otherwise stand still. 2. cloth for giving i. physical property, e.g. of a diamond, ii. ac- or cotton, etc. upon the distaff for
the final rubbing to a horse's coat. spinning.
Appar-ten^re (Apartenere) ind. ap- Appennecchino in. the person who makes up ;

Appannatfctto ; plump. the Pennecchi, bunches of woo! or cotton.

Appann-atura^C; vbsb, of -are. partengo -tieni -teni&mo -tengono, perf. Appennino ;.; the chain of mountains of this
Appannume m. nitrifying plants employed to
; appart?nni -tene'sti, fut. apparterro name. Par venuto dall' he seems to be from the ,

enrich the such as lupins. i.e. he is rough, uncouth.

(L. ad-pertinere) i. to belong. 2. to ;
Apparamento m. ;=Paramento, vestment. t Appensamento m. clever idea.
be related. 3. Questo non m' appar-

*Appar-are (L.); i. to put on (vestments). Appensare ; to think over.
iii. = Imparare, to learn.
ii. to get (a place) ready, tiene, this does not concern me. one who has his wits
iv. to prepare, v. -arsi, to meet. * = Passare, Appensat-o ;

* Appassa re i. v. Appassire. ii. to

about him. Aff. -amente.
Apparaticcio ; ill-digested (knowledge).
pass away.
Apparato m.; Appesire (It. peso); to gain in weight.
get-up, prepara-
Appassimento m. ; v. Appassire.
tions for a requisites for an
festival, Appe'so ; part. Appendere.
Appassion-are ind. appassiono (It.
army, fittings for a stage in a theatre, etc. Appest-are ind. appesto (It. peste)
passione); to impassion, -arsi, to be
2. apparatus for an experiment or for
i. to infect. 2. to make (a place) stink
a surgical operation. 3. (agr.) covering deeply affected, to have a passion for.
or, intr., to stink ; -ato, plague-stricken.
placed over a wound in a tree to keep Ajf. -ame"nto, -atame'nte, -ate"zza. *
to spread plague or, intr., be seized with it.
the air from it.
Appassionirsi to be easily affected. ;

Appet-ire ind. -isco (L. appetere) ;

Apparatdre m. attendant, esp. one \ Appass-ire or -irsi ind. -isco (L. i. to desire. 2. to stimulate the appetite.
who decorates a church on festival-days. passus, v. Passo adj.) of flowers, to ;
* Aff. Appet-ente (usu. -itoso), -enza, capable
Apparatorio (mlt. apfitiratorium'} m. place ; for wither; of fruit, to shrivel. *of vision, of being desired.
making the preparations for a burial. Appetito tn. (L.
to be dulled. appetitus)\ appetite.
Apparatura f. = Paratura, ornamentation.
Aff. Appetit-osamente, -oso appetizing.
Appassonare (It. passone); to tie up cattle in
Appareccbiareind. apparecchio the stall. Appettare ind. appetto (It. petto) ;

*Appast-are pasta); knead, ii. -arsi,

(It. i. to
of a horse, to pull well. 2. of a wall,
(mlt. pariculus, dim. of L. par, so that to condense, as fumes of a smoky flame on a wall.

the orig. meaning of Apparecchiare was *

pastello); to make to bulge. 3. sellers, of a woman to
Appastellare (It. pellets.
to pair, to match); i. tr. to get ready. have a fine breast.
Appastellarsi ind. m' appastello, to
2. intr. to lay the table for dinner, etc.
form little lumps, as copal varnish when
*i. to impute as an accusation. ii. to match.

*i. to provide, ii. to suggest, iii. to match.

it is not laid on properly. Appetto or A p6tto, prep. ;
I. in

Apparecchio m. i. outfit. 2. dinner- ; Appazz-ire ind. -isco (It. pazzo);=Impazzire, comparison with. 2. A a side ,

service. 3. arrangement of a dinner-

to go mad. by side. 3. opposite.
Appedare(L. pes, pedis)\ to take mounted men
table. apparatus, gear. 5. requisites
4. off their horses. Appezzamento m. isolated piece ;

for any kind of action. 6. indication of property.

Appellare ind. appello (L., v. Skeat,
of a good harvest in the appearance
sub Appeal) ; i. to name,
used/s/. only Appezz-are ind.
of the crops at their early stages. appezzo (It. pezzo) ;

in the prov. Guelfo non son, ne ; to piece together. *to cut up. Aff.
7. (paint.') priming, ground colour, v. Ghibellin m' appello: Chi mi da da -atura.
Imprimitura. 8. (mar.} purchase.
*i. ii. order, in
mangiar tengo da quello, I am no *
Appia the name of a kind of apple.

pastry, disposition, iii.

Guelph, nor call myself Ghibelline tAppiaccicare; Appiccicare, to affix, stick on.
I :
ready, iv. (tued.) sintomatologico,, the symptoms
of an illness taken together, v. (arch.} cutting stones
tting st am for the man who finds me in food. Appiacevol-ire ind. -isco (It. pia-
to the desired shape for building.
buildin lustrous
rface given to table-cloths, etc.
to appeal. 3. to find cause for cevole) to ;
make agreeable or endurable.
Appareggiare; = Pareggiare, to m criticism.
match. *Appiallare;=Piallare, to plane.
* *
Apparegliare ; ?. Apparecchiare, i. to accuse, ii. a battaglia, to challenge. Appiamento; v. Appiare.
Apparent-are (It. parente) ; i. to behave with Aff. Appell-abile, -abilita, -ante appellant, -ativo, Appian-amento ;. v. -are. ;

the familiarity of a relation, ii. -arsi, to become -atorio in relation to appeals, -azione.
related by marriage (usu. Imparentarsi). Appianare (It. piano) ;
to smooth
Appello m. nominale, ;
i. roll-call ; away difficulties.
Apparigliare (It. pariglia); to make
a pair. taking the votes of members of an *
i. to smooth, ii. to work gently,
iii. to level

assembly, one by one Contr to stroke caressingly.


taking ; ,
(a ditch) by filling it. iv.

who Appianatdia f. plasterer's smoothing board,

Apparire ind. appaio or apparisco, the votes of those did not vote the "float."

appariorapparisci, appare or apparisce, first time.

appeal for help. 3. (leg.)
Appianatoio ;;/.
large stone roller.
appaiamo (not commonly used), apparite, per abuso, appeal from the

appeal ;
reduction of acurved surface
appaiono or appariscono, is\.pers.perf. spiritual to the temporal authorities on
to a plane one in giving measurements of its area.
apparii, apparsi or apparvi, part, ap- the ground that the former have ex- 'Appiare; to give opium.
parso or apparito (L. apparere); to ceeded their province; Qui non c' e ,
Appiastrare i. to
(It. piastra) ;

appear. this cannot be gainsaid; Senz' ,

in- 2. fig. to form close union.
Aff. Appar-ente, -enteme"nte, -enza, disputably.
the starting-point in the game Appiastricci-are ; i.q. Appiastrare.
-imdnto, -iscente conspicuous, -iscenza, *i. challenge.

-ita first
of Pallamaglio. iii. Saper una cosa per e per Aff. -amdnto.
appearance. appunto, to know it exactly.
Appiastriccicare freq of Appias- .

Apparizidne / i.
apparition, esp.
Appe'na (It. a + pena); scarcely. tricciare.

of a ghost. 2. (astr.) rising of a star. *

Appen-are ; to torment, -arsi, to exert oneself, Appiastro m. ; (bot.) lemon-scented verbena.
presentation of a bill for acceptance. ato, fined. v. Erba (28).

Appiatt-are ;
= Rimpiattare, to hide. Appicciol-are ind. appicciolo; i. to Appioriso or Apioriso m. (tat.) celery-leaved ;

* crowfoot, Ranunculus sceleratus.

-arsi : i. of a place, to be solitary.
to cower, ii.
spread out to dry, v. Picciuolo. 2. part. *
Appiso ; v. Appeso.
Aff. Appiatt-amento, -atamente.
-ato, in silk-working, damasked, orna-
Appiccagnolo m. pretext, lit. peg mented with a raised pattern. Appisolarsi ind. m' appfsolo (It.
pisolo) to doze.
for hanging things upon.

Appicciol-ire ind. -isco; =Impic-

Appiccamani Galium t Appitto (money) in large coins as opposed to
f.; (hot.) goose-grass,
aparine, also termed Aparine, Asprella, Attaccavesti, ciolire, to make smaller. small change.

Speronella. tAppittuito; foppishly dressed.

Appicco ///. (It. appiccare); pretext. Appiudla ; v. Appiola.
Appicc-are (L. ad, picare from pix, *i. Appuntamento, appointment, ii. =Addentel- t Appizzare to sharpen stakes. ;

Applacid-ire ind. -isco (It. placido); to soothe.

pitch) ; i. to fasten tightly together. lato y.v., something to catch on to. *
2. to hang up. 3. Impiccare, to hang = ind. -isco (It. piccolo);
Applanare ;=Salire, to climb.
Applaud-ire ind. applaudo or -isco, applaudi
by the neck. 4. fuoco, to set fire to. = Impiccolire, to reduce in size.
or -isci -isce, applaudiamo -ite -iscono, perf.
plaudii, part, -ito (L. ad, plaudert, further etym.
5. Appiccarla ad uno, to make a person
believe some absurdity. 6. to begin Apple or A pi6; at the foot. Ri- dub.)\ to applaud. Ajj. -itore.
Applauso m. (L. applausHS) applause. ;

manere a piedi, to fail in one's purpose. Applic-are ind. applico (L.); to apply.
(some serious affair). 7. un' amicizia, la
messa, to read mass as directed. Aff. -abile, -abilita,
to form a friendship. As reft, -arsi : *Appiedare; to take mounted troops off their
horses. -atamente, -atore.
8. of contagious disease, to attack. ApplicazioneyT; i. as E. 2. (cam.) "declara-
Appieghettare = Pieghettare, to tion," in respect to a floating policy of insurance, of
9. of a graft, to take, do well.
the name of the ship.
*i. to unite, to stick, ii. Appiccala al muro *Appo (L. apud)\ i. near, by, with, in com-
codesta, put that up as a notice, said to one who parison with. ii. after, iii.afterwards.
is telling impossible lies. iii. baci, to kiss ;
Appieno; completely.
ferri, to slander gli scartocci, lit. to put a
; Appigherarsi (It. pighero for pigro);=Impi- Appoder-are ind. appodeVo (It. po-
fool's cap upon, i.e. to jeer at il sonaglio, to ; grirsi, to be idle.
to bring land into a state fit for
spread bad reports (about a person) la battaglia ;
dere) ;

con uno, to assault him ; pesche senza nocciuolo, Appigion-are ind. appigiono (It. letting, -arsi, to settle on a farm. *to
or coccole, lit. to fasten peaches without stones, or subdue. Aff. -ame'nto, -azidne.
berries, i.e. to strike, so as to raise a bruise ; sonno,
pigione); to let. Aff. -ame'nto.
to go to sleep; una taccia, to make an imputation; " Appodiare podium) (leg.) to enfeoff.
As reji. -arsi: iv. to begin a Appigionasi m. ; the notice To (mlt. ;

zana, to deceive.
discourse, v. to conclude, come to agreement. Appodiatdre m. ; feudal overlord
to hold on to, grasp ; Tener il filo -ato, to
continue the proceeding. Appigli-arsi (It. pigliare); i. to to whom a quit rent was payable.
Appicca-ticcio or *-tivo; sticky. choose one's course of action, or one's enfeoffment.
Appiccat6i-o m., -a /.', = Appiccagnolo. 2. to seize, catch hold of.
Appodiazidne/ ;

party. 3. of
Appiccatura place of tran- / ;
plants, to strike root. Appoggiacapo m. ;
i. head-rest for
sition in a statue from part to part. *
i. a uno, to attach oneself to him. ii. of fire, keeping a person steady when being
2. fastening. 3. joint. *hook for to take hold. iii. of the blood, to curdle, iv. to photographed, etc. 2. cover for the
begin, v. to participate, vi. to dispose oneself, end of a sofa where a person will lay
hanging things up. to intend, vii. fart, -ato, surrounded.
his head, antimacassar.
Appicciare (It. piccia); i. to couple
Appfglio m. ; excuse, pretext.
figs or loaves of bread, etc., in strings, Appillottarsi (It. pillotta); i. to fasten oneself
Appoggi-are ind. appoggio (mlt.
or lines, v. Piccia. 2. i
ceri, to burn (on some one), ii. to plant oneself down. apodiare <podium, a parapet or balcony
off the end of the wick of a candle not next the arena where distinguished
Appinz-are; =Pinzare, to sting.
previously lit, so that it shall light persons sat); i. to lean; una scala
when wanted for use. Aff. -atura. a un muro, to lean a ladder against
i. to stick, ii. of fruit, to set. Appinzo m.; i.
sting, i.e. the act a wall. 2. 1'
alabarda, to live at some-
of stinging. 2. sour taste that beer body else's expense. la voce, in
Appicciatura Appicciare. / ;
i. v.
when kept too long.
una nota, in
2. fee paid for fixing up a new Torcetto, gets, singing, to lay stress;
bundle of candles, and for the wax tthe sting, i.e. the part of the wasp which stings. music, to place a subordinate note,
Appio m. = Apio, un
Appoggiatura, before a note. 4.

consumed in the Torcetto that has been Appidla/l; a kind of apple, v. Appiolo.
in use the candle merchant does not
Appiolina /. ;
= Camomilla, common chamo- colpo, to strike a blow. 5. fig. to sup-
port a motion, in an assembly. 6. -arsi
charge for the wax unconsurhed and Appi6Io m. (fat.} the rennet apple-tree, Pyrus
returned to him, v. Torcetto. mains apiana.
a uno, to depend upon him for pro-
Appiombagginare (It. piombaggine) ; to cover tection.
Appiccic-are ind. appiccico i./rey., ; with plumbago for electro-plating a non-conducting
*i. il al desco, to lean upon the table,
but with the effect of a dim., of Ap- surface.
/.'- sit down
to dine, or to go up to a counter to be
picciare, to stick on but not securely; Appiombare ind. appi6mbo, to test paid something, ii. to join ; Tanti con loro se ne
the meaning is conveyed more clearly with a plumb-line. appoggiarono, so many people of the place went to
bear them company, iii. -ato Adagiato, stretched =
in the fuller phrase, collo sputo, to * out at ease.
Appiombatoio m.; (mil.) loop-hole in a para-
stick with saliva. 2. -ato collo sputo, pet, v. Piombatoio. Aff. Appoggi-amento prop, -ata leaning, -atore,
fig. of a person whose tenure of his Appi6mbo or A
pi6mbo; perpen-
office is insecure. 3. -ato, or -ato d' dicular. Un ballerino ha un bell' ,
Appoggiatdio m. i. support, prop. ;

intorno, of a person who never quits a dancer is a good equilibrist, viz. when 2. balustrade of a flight of steps.
some house. 4. uno schiaffo, to slap. he alights after a great jump in a
una off a bad article
Appoggiatura /; i.
support. 2.
5. cosa, to palm position of equilibrium and maintains it.
as good.
(tnus.) appoggiatura, passing tone.
Aff. -atura.
Appiopp-are ind.
Appiccicaticcio sticky. As si.:
appi6ppo (It. Appbgglo m. ;
support. 2. fig. pro-
secondary senses how-
in the

i. 2.
pioppo ; tection. Dare, Comprare 1'
3. ,
patchwork, hotch-potch. clumsy ever of the word, which are those in
grant or buy the right of supporting a
compilation. which it is now current, Caix prefers house against its neighbour.
Appiccichino m. person who will derivation from appropiare for appro-
Appoiare = Appoggiarsi, to lean,
; *

not leave you. i. to hit with a good hard blow t Appoidso tiresome.
priare) ; ;

t Fare appiccichino or a piccichino ; of two of the fist, or a stick, etc. 2. to say

Appollaiarsi i. to go to
gamesters who, having game of four players,
lost in a home truths in plain language. 3. to (It. polio);
play each other in a pair game, to decide who shall
off an inferior article as of roost. 2. fig. to make oneself at home,
pay the losses of both. palm good take up one's abode.
quality -arsi in un luogo, to
; take up a
Appiccicdso; sticky. \i.q. Ap- *
Appomiciare (It. pomice) to rub with pumice.
position and stay there when causes ;
Appontonare (It. ponte) = Puntellare, to prop. ;

annoyance. Appoppare ind. appoppo (It. poppa) to weigh ;

Appiccin-ire ind. -isco (It. piccino) ;

*i. to train vines upon poplars, ii. to plant with down the stern of a ship.
to belittle (usu. Impiccinire). poplars, t -arsi, to be fast asleep. Apporcare to cultivate in furrows, Porche.

Appo-rre ind. appongo -poni -p6n- to make pools in a court-yard, etc. -isco (It. profondo); i. to deepen.
gono, per/, apposi ap- -pone'sti, fut. -arsi, to load (the stomach) with water. 2. Jig. to fathom (the depths of science,
porro, part. app<5sto (L. apponere); *to dip into a well, Pozzo. etc.).
i. to affix, e.g. a signature. 2. to im- Aff. Approfond-amento, -imento.
Apprat-ire ind. -isco (It. prato);
pute (some fault or crime). 3. to find i. to lay (land) down in grass. 2. intr. ind.
al sale che non sala, lit. to
Approntare appronto (It. pron-
fault; of a of young make
field corn, to look like to); to ready.
criticise salt for not salting, i.e. to cen- *
grass. Appropinquarsi (L. propinyuus from
sure what is not censurable. Also, with to approach.
near) ;

the same meaning, alle Pandette, al Appr6nd-ere perf. appresi apprend-

sole, al Credo, al Paternostro. 4. -rsi,
^sti, part, appre'so (L. apprehendere) ;
Appropri-are or pop. Appropiare
or -rsi al vero, to guess the answer to i.
=Imparare, to learn. 2. to be appre- ind. approprio (It. proprio); I. to adapt
a puzzle. Prov. I piu matti di casa a hensive of, to fear. with propriety. 2. to compare; Gli
*i. to to teach, to be afraid. antichi
volte s' appongono, i.e. it may be the ii.grasp, iii.

As refl. -ersi : iv. of fire or fig of love, to be

appropriavano 1' avarizia al

fool of the family who is right. kindled ; Amor che ... ratio s' apprende, love which rospo, the ancients compared avarice to
* to appose or superpose,
i. ii. to add ; Se non
is quickly kindled, D. Inf. 10. too. v. =Rapprend- a toad ; -arsi, to appropriate. *to assert,
s' appon di die in die, unless there be something ersi, to stiffen. affirm.
added day by day, D. Par. 16. 8. iii. to assign. Aff. Apprend-ibile, -iinento.
iv. (arith.) to divide, v. code in code, to spin Aff. Appropri-dbile, -amdnto, -ata-
out an affair, vi. Prov. Donna e popone, beato chi Apprendist-a ;. ; apprentice. Aff.
me'nte, -atore, -azione.
se n' appone, woman and melon, lucky is he who -ato, apprenticeship.
guesses right. tApponti, bella!, settle, beauty!, a Approrato (It. prora); (war.) down by the
child's cry to a butterfly he is running after. Apprensi6n-e / ; apprehension, a- bow, v. Appruato.
larm. Aff. -irsi. Approssim-are ind. approssimo (L.) ;
to ap
Apportare ind. apporto (A) (L. ad, proximate. Aff. -amento, -ativamente, -ativo, -azione.
to bring. Apprensiva/ power ; of perception. Approv-are ind. appruvo (L. approbare <
portare) ;
pivliits, just, root pro, forward) ; to approve. Aff.
*(B) (It. porto) to come ; into port. Apprensivo; I.
quick to see. 2. timid.
-abile, -ativo, -atore, -atrice, -azione.
Aff. Apport-atore, -atrice. Approvatdri tn. pi.; officials in the Florentine
Appresellare ind. appresello (It. republic who reported on the sureties offered by
Appositamnte (L. appositus') ; presella); to divide land into allotments, candidates for public office.
i. suitably. 2. on purpose. v. Presella. *Approveccio in. /.</. *Proveccip, profit.

* =A v.
Appresentare i. to present, ii. to represent. Approvvigion-areorApprovyision-arezW.
propositOj Proposito. ;
approvigiono approvisiono (It. provvigione, -isione);
*'Apposi-ticcio, -tivo or -tizio = Posticcio.
; to provision. Aff. -amento.
Appr^so; part. Apprendere. Appruato (Apruato), (It. prua) (mar.) i.q. ;

Appbsito (L. appositus) ; expressly ind. appresso (It. pres- Approrato, down by the bow, overweighted forward.
made for its purpose. Appress-are Appulcrare ( beautify.
pukher); Qual
so) ; to bring near. Aff. -ame"nto. ella ski, parole non ci appulcro, I will not mince
Apposizione / (It. apporre); the
Appresso/rc/. or adv. (It. a,presso);
words in depicting it, D. Irif. 7. 60.
*Appulso (L. appulsus); \. pulsating impulse.
affixing, e.g. a signature.
i. after; IIthe following ii.(<ixtr.) arrival of a heavenly body at some deter-
giorno ,
minate point resulting in occultation, transit or eclipse.
Apposolare ind. apposolo (It. po- 2. - -
a poco,
day. approximately.
sola) ; to impose (a serious task). 3. near. 4. before, in the presence of. Appuntabile ; faulty, full of mis-
Appbsta or A pbsta adv. ;
i . on 5. in the hands of. 6. thereupon, D. takes.
2. for the sake of; Inf. 23. 145. 7. In shortly after-
purpose, expressly. ,
Appuntamdnte ; precisely.
di due non mette conte dirgli
soldi wards, in the sequel, thereupon.
di n6, for the sake of a penny it is
Appressoche as soon as. ;
Appuntamento m. ; i.
salary. 2. ap-
not worth while to refuse him. 3. A ind.
pointment to be at a certain place at
Apprest-are appresto (It. a certain time.
farlo (a) by a strange coincidence,
presto) to prepare.
; Aff. -amdnto.
as if Fortune had been doing something *
Appresto; sync, of Apprestato. As sb., pre- Appunt-are (A) (It. punta); i. to
on purpose, (b) On the contrary, instead paration.
sharpen, a pencil. 2. to place, to
of which Volevano que' messeri che Appreziativo Giudizio comparative judg-
plant, e.g. the knees on the ground,
; ,
io spendessi la mia firma, ma a farlo usu. Puntare, q.i>. 3. to pin up, e.g. a
la mia firma non hanno davvero, those Apprezzabile valuable.
1' ;
ribbon on a dress. 4. piedi al i

gentlemen wanted my signature, but Apprezzamfsnto m. ; appraisement. muro, to put one's back (lit. feet) against
my signature on the contrary is just Apprezz-are ind. apprezzo (mlt. the wall, i.e. to be obstinate. 5. to
what they have not got Ti dicono che wound with the point of some weapon.
appretiare from L. pretinm, v. Prezzo)
e facile e a farlo e uno dei pezzi piu 6. Prov. Sopporta e appunta un mal
to appreciate. *to appraise. -<4^-at6re.
difficili, they tell you it is easy, instead chi non vuol giunta, he supports and
of which it is precisely one of the most Apprezzazibne/ (Fr. appreciation) stands firm to meet misfortune who
pieces that there is Neanche
difficult ; explanatory criticism. does not desire an addition to it.
a farlo gli potevi dir meglio, you Approcciare ind. approccio (Fr. 7. gli occhi, gli orecchi, to look, or
could not have given him a better
approcker from prache, L. propius) ; listen, attentively.
answer if it had been arranged before- (mi!.) to make approaches in attacking
hand. suitable for the occasion
As reft, -arsi 8. to grow at the :

4. a fort.
9. to be fixed in something by
Mi ci vuol un cavallo I want a
Aff. Approcci-ame'nto, -o
approach the point, e.g. a spear in a shield,
horse to suit my particular requirements.
work. io. to attach oneself (to some one for
5. Caffe coffee made separately for
ii. fig. to be attached;
each customer, v. Posta. 6. A farlo !
ind. approdo (A) (It.
Approdare protection),
reach the shore. 2. tr, to
i. to Perchti s' appuntano i vostri desiri Dove
as an emphatic refusal, No, and I will proda);
bank up the sides of a field. 3. to plant per compagnia parte si scema, since
take care of that !

vines along these banks. your desires are fixed where shares are
Appost-are ind. apposto (It. posta); diminished by partnership, D. Purg.
wait for, in watch (B) (It. a, pro, v. Pro); i. to be
to lie for. Aff. 15. 49. 12. to come to a point; Questo
useful. 2. usu. with neg., of plants, to
-amdnto, -atamdnte. cielo in cui 1' ombra s'
appunta, this
* = Posticcio. flourish.
Apposticcio; i. ii. provisional. *
heaven which the shadow comes to
Appostilla/;;=PostiIla, note. i. to acquire, ii. to profit.
a point, i.e. which is just within the
App6sto part. Apporre. ; Apprbdo m. ;
landing, reaching range of the cone of the earth's shadow,
* to be lying in wait. the shore. 2.
landing-place. D. Par. 9. 1 1 8.
Appostolare ;
* when
Appoventa All' there is no wind. Approfittare (It. profitto); to profit.
; ,
(B) (It. punto); I. to sew up. 2. to
Appozz-are ind. appozzo (It. pozza); Approfond-are or -ire ind. -o or mark a particular spot. 3. to direct (a

shot). 4. to appoint (a time or place), with pencil or brush. 7. an observation Arabico

; i. Arabian. 2. fig. queer, fantastic ;

come Scritto writing difficult to read.

to to a determination.

5. to find of blame. 8. promissory note. Arabilev. Arare.


mistakes a person's writings, conduct

in *As adv., scarcely. As sb.: \. Punto, the precise Arabina /. ; the soluble basis of gum arabic,
or manner
of speaking; or generally, to point of space or time. ii.= Appuntamento, appoint- and other kinds of gum.
ment, iii. Mettersi in to get quite ready, Arabista ;//.; Arabic scholar.
to make written
find fault with. 6. iv. L' non si pu6 dire, an exact statement cannot A'rab-o Arabian. L' -a fenice, the phoenix as

notes. 7. to put down (a purchase) to be given. type of a thing hard to find. As sb., Arabic.
*Appuntonare puntone);=Appuntellare, to Arac m. (Arabic nrtiq, juice); arrack, an
a customer's account Va' dal Corsini ;
Oriental liquor.
per il caffe e digli che lo appunti, go to Aracee/C pi.', the arum family of plants.
Corsini's for your coffee and tell him to Appurare (It. puro) to clear up, by ; AracnideyC; pea-nut, produced by the Arachis
put it down
me. 8. to come to an to separating the false from the true. i
Aracnidi m.
pi.', (Gr. apa^c?], spider's web) the
conti, to verify bills. un patrimonio,
agreement; Fu dato commissione agli spider class of animals.
Oratori nostri di appuntare col Vicere to clear off the debts of a deceased Aracnitey^; v. Aracnoidite.
AracnoideyC; (anat.) i. capsule enclosing the
ad ogni modo, our Orators were in- eye. 2. the serous membrane of the brain.

structed to come to an agreement with *Apputid-are or -ire ;

= Appuzzare. Aracnoidite /. (med.) inflammation of the ;

the Viceroy on any terms. 9. to mark Appuzzare (It. puzzo); to make (a Aragaico (Gr. a intens., jjayuw, to tear);
out on a map. 10. to put a bad mark (vet.) a disease in horses, colic.
place) stink. Aragnare; = Accapigliarsi, q.v., to fight; the
against an official's name. u. (mil.) to *
Appuz zolare = Appuzzare. ;
metaphor is taken from the movements of a spider's
point a cannon. 12. un saliscendi, *Aprico (L. apricus)\ i. sunny, ii. of animals, legs in spinning her web.
i. = Ragno, spider, ii. =
fond of the sun. *
to fasten up the latch so that the door Aragno m. ; Ragna, net.
Aprilante; In the prov. Terzo quaranta di Araldic-ay;; heraldry, v. Pezza (2). Aff. -a.
may be freely opened. durante, as the third of April so will the next forty
days be. Arald-o m., -a,/, (mlt. Aera/dus, per-
As refl. -arsi: 13. to stop, come to
Aprile m. (L. Aprilis);
an end lo ho visto Dove
April. haps from O.H.G. hario-walt, army-
; 1'
appunta s'
manager, z/. Skeat, sub Herald); herald,
Aprire ind. apro, perf. aprii or
ogni ubi ed ogni quando, have seen I
apersi apristi apri or aperse, aprirono public crier.
it where all where and is at an all when
or apersero, pres. part, aprente, perf. Araliaceey:^.; the arum family of plants.
end, i.e. in that point of light wherein *
Aramatizzare a corruption of Anatemizzare,
part, aperto; i. to open; Comune a-

all where is here and all when is ?tow,

to excommunicate.
D. Par. perto, a place with no town dues on
29. 12. 14. (geom.) of a point, merchandise. 2. = Bracciare Arancia or Melarancia /
orange. ;
to upon a given point. 15. to be
sotto vento, to brace up. forte, Seville
orange, bitter orange.
focussed Ove s' appunta 1' anima tua,
sanguigna, Maltese orange, blood
where your heart is focussed, D. Par. Etym. L. root ve r, to move,
, cp. Lith. at-veriu,
to open, uz-veriu, to shut ; Sanskr. afa-vemoti, orange.
26. 7. covers. To this root with the oppo-
opens, vernoti, Aranciaio m. orange seller.
site prefixes fip- (=Gr. an-d, off), op- ( = Gr. rt, on)

Appuntatame'nte with precision. are to be traced L. ap-erire, to open, op*eririt to Aranciata orangeade, a drink.
/! ;

Appuntatf na / = Quattro punti.

shut. F. Skeat, sub Aperient.
Aff. Apri-tore, -trice. Aranciera f. orange-house, where ;

Appunta tino; dim. vezz. of Ap- *Apro m. (L. aper); wild boar.
*Aprone m.\ bramble, v. Rovo. orange plants are stored in winter.
puntato, rather affected. *Apruato; v.
* Arancina/ ;
dim. Arancia.
Appuntato; Apside/;=Abside, apse.
sharp-pointed. 2. i.
precise in speech; Parlare to speak *
(Gr.); wingless. t Arancfno m. dim. Arancio. As
, Apua (Gr. ou^uij) ; anchovy.

affectedly ; Scrivere, Leggere ,

to Aquario m. ; i. Aquarius, the zodiacal sign. adj.: i.
referring to a kind of melon, or
2. aquarium. 2. to a kind of mulberry. 3. of an
write, or read, with accuracy. Aquidernare; = Acquidernare, to fold.
Aquifoglio >.; = Agrifoglio, artist, mediocre.
Appunt-atore ;. ; i. v. Appuntare. 2. in a holly.
glass-works, glass-blower. Aff. -atora, -atrice. Aquila f. (L.); e un' i.he is
eagle; Non
no genius. Species
Arancio or Melarancio m. (Melar-
(a) anatraia, Aquila clanga.

Appuntatura / ; i. v. Appuntare. (b) di mare, osprey, Aquila haliaetus, also termed ancio is simply Melo arancio, orange-
3. note made against
2. fig.censure. Valeria, Aquila comune, nera, rapace, reale, or tos- coloured apple, i.e. orange arancio is ;
cana. (c) imperiale, royal eagle, Aquila imperialis.
the name of a priest who has failed to (d) reale, (a) osprey, i: supra (t), (/3) golden probably the Persian ndreitg passed into
take a service. 4. fine inflicted for eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, also termed Falco dorato. Arabic narang and Spanish naranja;
2. a fish, a species of ray, v. Miliobate. 3. the U.S.
breach of discipline. 5. bundle of soiled v. Skeat, sub Orange); orange tree.
coin of ten dollars. 4. the ancient Roman standard.
linen sewn, or pinned up, ready to go 5. a southern constellation. 6. Legno d' , eagle-
Varieties i
dolce, common orange-
: .

to the wash. 6. the noting of a dis- wood, 7'. Calambucco. tree, Citrus auranfium, also termed
*(c^w.)sublimate, especially corrosive sublimate,
honoured bill of exchange. which was termed aquila alba. Portogallo. 2. pompelmo, shaddock,
Appuntell-are ind. AquilaniayC; eagle-stone,?'. Etite. Citrus decumana, also termed Pompa
appuntello (It.
Aquilaria/; (hot.) eagle-wood, Aquilaria.
puntello) ; to prop up. Aff. -atura. Aquilastro m. ; osprey, v. Falco (15).
di Genova. 3. mandarino, mandarin
Appuntellata /. a small prop, ;
Aquilegia/; (hot.) columbine, Aquilegia vul* orange tree, Citrus nobilis. 4. forte,
garis. Seville orange tree, Citrus vulgaris.
e.g. to keep a door open. Aquilin-o; i. as E. 2. Pietra -a, eagle-stone,
* v. Etite. As s&., i. young eagle, ii. an old Pisan Arancidne
Appuntezza f.\ favourable moment. ; deep orange-coloured.
coin worth 33 denari.
* Araneo; (tncd.) thready, very weak (pulse). m. I. dim. Appunto. Aquilo tn.'t north wind, v. Ventavolo.
A'quilon m.\ Cerptto d' , diachylon plaster. *Aranza./; = Arancia.
2. short dated bill of exchange. 3. re- m. A'rara^; the Carolina parrot, or macaw.
Aquiline (Acquilone) (A) (L. aquilo)\
ceipt for payment of a debt. 4. Ser ,
i. north wind. 2. north.
Arare (L., v. Skeat, sub Ear vb.)
Mr Find-fault with everybody. As adv., (B>)(aug7n. of It. aquila)', i. boy's kite; this is the ;

term in Tuscany; in Lombardy it is Cometa, in the i. to plough. 2. (mar.) to drag the

very precisely. Emilia, Drago. a species of ray, v. Miliobate.
Appuntito of a ; face, pointed.
Aquil6tto (Agughno, Agugliotto, Agulino) .; 1

young eagle. Ajff Ar-dbile, -ativo (or -atio) i.q. arabile, -atdre,

Appunto adv. Aquimanale m. (L.); silver ewer for washing -at6rio, -atura.
(It. punto) ; i.
exactly. the hands before eating. Aratolo m. pop. ; for Aratro, plough.
2. emphasizing a calamity; Ci mancava Aquinate adj. or sb. ; S. Thomas Aquinas,
whose father was Aratro m.
aratrum) I. plough. (L.
questa, this was the only thing lord of Aquino.
- ;

wanted (to make the ruin complete) sementino, a plough that serves for
; Aquisgrana /; (geogr.) Aix-la-
Giusto non so come fare, I cannot sowing, used in Tuscany; Sull' ,
think what I am to do. 3. expressing ploughed land, as opposed to spade
opportuneness Bravo te splendid ; ! ! !
(A) (L. ard] \ i, altar. 2. con- cultivation. 2. the constellation of the
stellation of the southern hemisphere.
it is you 4. Yes, certainly.
! Per Plough, which is part of the Great Bear.
1' most assuredly, t Vivere per 1'
(B) (Fr. are)\ area of 10 metres square. Arazzerfa f. ; collection of Arras or
, ,
to make a bare As sb.:
halo round the sun or moon. ii. = Aia, thresh-
Gobelins tapestry.
living. 6. hasty ing-floor, iii. = Aria, air. iv. pig-sty.
note, either in writing, or by an artist Arabesco in. Arabesque, ornament.
Arazziere m. maker of tapestry. ;
Arazzo m. tapestry, so named from
tArbro m. ;
little red sea-bream, ?/. Pagello (2). Archeggio m. ; i. fiddle-scraping, i.e. either
Arbucello m, = Arboscello. tuning many fiddles, or playing them but indiffer-
the town of Arras in Flanders where it ;

tArbugliare; to vomit. ently. 2. retching.

was first made. Vi sta come un ,
he *Arbusco;. (Arbuscol-o, -a); i.=Arbusto. ii. - ArcheografiayC (Gr.); archaeological writings.
stands there like a tapestry figure, i.e. Abrostine, wild grape. Archeolog-iayC (Gr.); as E. Aff. -icamente,
Arbustin-o Vite -a, the wild grape.
; -ico, -o.
takes no part in the conversation. Archetipo m, (Gr. a.px*l> TVJTOS, stamp, <TUTTTW,
Arbaggio ;.; strip of cloth for protecting the
Arbusto m. (L. arbustum)\ shrub. to strike); archetype, original pattern. As adj.,
skin in rope-making similar to the Struscia used in
plantation. typical.
spinning wool. *Arbuto (Arbutello) m. (L. = Cor- *Archettay!; i. dim. Area. ii. little jewel-case.
* arbutus) ;
Arbalestriere ;.; Balestriere, cross-bowman. bezzolo, the strawberry tree.
*Arbascio m. coarse cloth,
Arch^tt-o m. (dim. Arco); i.
* Arbatr-ella
f. arbutus berry,
; -o m. ;=A1- Area / (L., v. Skeat, sub Ark) ;
trap for catching birds; a cruel trap,
batro. in the shape of a
stone chest.
tomb, its use is forbidden in Italy; Parer
A'rbitra;yC of Arbitro.
2. ark ; santa, the Ark of the Covenant. preso all' ,
to seem uncomfortably
Arbitraggio m. i. arbitrage, buying 3. chest for keeping money locked up. dressed. 2. (surg.) cradle to
keep the

in one place what you are selling in di scienza, person of wide know-
4. bed-clothes off a broken bone. 3. a kind
another. 2. = Arbitrate, q.v, ledge. 5. a genus of mussels, Arcadae, of file on a curved handle used by lock-
the ark shells. They have numerous smiths and mosaic workers, drill-bow.
Arbitrale ; pronounced by an arbi-
trator. teeth connected with the hinge. fiddle-bow.
*i. coffin, ii. corn-bin, iii. jewel-case, desk,
Arbitrate ind. Arbitro i. to assume iv. Esser fra 1* uscio el* to be between the door
*In mo' d' -i, a reply given when one does not

and the chest, i.e. squeezed against the chest, or in

wish to say how a thing was done. fTirar gli -i,
authority, to act without the owner's to die.
a tight place.
instructions. 2. to arbitrate. Archi- or Arci- prefix of excellence in words
Arcacci t. pl.\ v. Area (5).

of Greek origin, equivalent to E. arch-, cp. Gr. apxj,

to think, form a mental
*i. judgment, ii. to Arcaccia
f. (mar.) stern frame, the lower

part of the face of a ship's stern from the keel to

beginning; ap^os, chief.
compute, iii. to conjecture. *Archiacuto; Gothic
the level of the lower deck. (architecture).
Arbitrariam^nte without being t Arcacciare;=Ricacciare, to repress.
Archibiigio or Archibuso (Arco-

authorized. A'rcade m. i. member of the Arcadia, a


Roman political society founded in 1690. It de- bugio) m. arquebus, an old form of

Arbitrari-o; i. generated into puerilities and has long ceased to musket. da rampo, a large arquebus
arbitrary, illegal (act exist. 2. a writer of elegant trash, or politician of
of power). arbitrary, unfounded
2, the same sort. which was supported upon a forked
(opinion). 3. arbitrary (title), taken Arcad-ia f.\ v. Arcade (i). Aff. -icamente, rest when in use. The shot fired from
without any right. 4. arbitrary (sen- Arca-ico (Gr.,<apx7j, beginning); as E. an arquebus was about two ounces in
tence), one not restrained by law, dis- -ismo. weight. a vento, charged with com-
cretionary on the part of the judge. Arcale m. (It. arco); i. arch of a pressed air.
*i.doubtful, as between two possibles; Opinione doorway. 2. any piece of the centering Etym. account of the word is as fol-
-a, opinion which may be one of two possible views, lows. Walloon Burgundian aittjuebutte,
ii. of a person, one who makes up his mtnd and then
which supports an arch while under liarkibiise,
It has been
Span, arcabuz, bit. arcus busus.
unmakes it, wobbler. construction. 3. rafter of a roof. derived from the Italian Arco, bow, Bugio, hollow,
the hollow bow, and Ariosto certainly gives the
Arbitrate) ;//. I. arbitration L' ar- 4. (anat.} ensiform appendage of the
; ; name of Ferro bugio, hollow iron, to the arquebus
breast-bone. in the ninth canto of Orlando Furioso.
bitrate nella questione dell' Alabama But, con-
*Arcalif or Arcaliffo m.\ High Caliph of the tinues Littre, if the old French name is
era presieduto dal conte Sclopis, the Mahometans. of which he quotes an example dating from the
arbitration in the Alabama case was *
Arcaliffa f,\ ugly old woman, the foreign word i5th century, the Italian word is probably an altera-
under the presidency of Count Sclopis being used to express contempt or dislike. tion of this French word, which it subsequently dis-
*Arcame nf. ;
= Carcame, carcass. placed from the French language. Haquebute is the
Assumere to go to arbitration.
, Arcangelo or Arcangiolo m. (Gr.); archangel. German Hakeaintcftse^ Flemish kaak-bus, meaning
2. office of an arbitrator. 3. decision
hooked arquebuse, from Haken, hook, and B&ck$e t
Arcan-o (L., v. Area); mysterious. gun, the hook being the forked rest on which the
of an arbitrator. 4. in the Florentine
Aff. -amdnte. weapon was supported. Haken is a word common
Republic, court which attended to the *Arcare; i. to shoot with a bow. ii. to arch,
to the northern languages Biickse is from the L. ;

drafting or codification of laws. to bend into an arch. iii. = Frecciare, to cheat, pyxis, Gr. irvfi's, a box, of which an equally great
Jig. alteration gave rise to the French bolte.
Arbitr-io m. Ajff. Archibugi-one augm.^ -ata shot fired from
judgment, discre- i. *
Arcana./; fraud.
an arquebus.
tion; Faccia a su' do as you judge ,
*Arcario m. (L. arcarins)\ custodian. Archibusare to shoot with an arquebus.

best. 2. hastily formed judgment ; Arcat-aone of the arches of i ArchibuaeriayT troops armed with arquebuses. ;
f. ;
Archibustera f. loophole.
Avete a guardare che non si prenda a bridge or other building. 2. one Archibusiere ///. i.

maker of arquebuses, ;

di questi -ii, you must take care not to draw of the bow across a violin Aver ;
2. soldier armed therewith.
form these hasty conclusions. 3. Libero Archibuso m, i.q. Archibugio.
una buona to be a good player. , Archicello m.

dim. Arco, small arch.
in philosophy, free will. Tirar delle -e, to ask crafty questions * Archicembalo m. a particular kind of large
3. ;

*an income tax levied in Florence in 1508. so as to elicit information without having harpsichord invented in the i7th century.
Archiera_/C; loophole.
much to go upon, or to hint at a request *Archifogfio m.\ Galena, lead sulphide.
(Albitro) m. (L. arbiter,
A'rbitro *
without exactly making one. 4. di Archigallo /.; Gaulish high-priest.
from ad-bi-ter, where bi is from the root Archiginnasio m.\ university (of Bologna or
stomaco, retching.
ba, to go, so that the meaning is one Rome).
the space of a bow-shot, ii. (mil.) Dare un'
*i. ArchiUo in. (prob. a var. of Arcilo); piece of
who goes up ;
Pott however connects
to elevate the gun so as to get the maximum lumber.
it with the Zend vitara, Germ, wider, range, iii. Soffiare in ,
to blow away with a Archilochio the metres employed by Archi-

breath, referring to something as being very delicate. lochus, one of the most agreeable of which is that
against); I. in, arbitrator. 2. di,
ArcatinayC; dim. Arcata. exemplified by Horace's Solvititr acris hiems gratd
master of, having power to dispose of; vice veris et Favoni.
L' uso e della lingua, usage deals as Arcato; Colmo i.
heaped up, , Archimagiro in. (Gr. ap^os, ^ayeipos); chief
it with * viz. when a dish is so full that its con- cook.
pleases language. watcher, Archimandrita m. (Gr.); i. head of a mon-
tents are arched up in the middle. 2. of
overseer. astery or religious Order in the Greek Church.
a horse, bow-legged in its front legs, 2. head of a school.
*Arbo; sync, for Acerbo in sense of bold. " Archimedeo; Archimedean, belonging to or
*Arborare; i. to plant trees, ii. of a horse, to run over."
invented by Archimedes the Greek mathematician.
rear, *
i. arched, ii. resting on arches. Archipenzol-are v. -o. ;
*Arbore; i.=Albero, tree. ii. (chem.) tree-like *
Arcatore >n. i. archer, ii. cheat.
crystallisation of metals.
Archipenzolo or Archipendolo m. (It. arco,
*Arcavol-o m., -a f.\ great -great-grand parent. pendolo); i. mason's level. 2. (herald.) a bent line
Arbbreo (L. arborens)\ tree-like.
of shrubs, growing up almost
*ArceyC (L. arx) citadel. ; like the Greek letter A.
Arboresc^nte; i. *
Arceuto m. (Gr. afMceu0os); = Ginepro, juniper. Archipdmpa,/;; pump-well.
w.; = Archeggio.
like trees. 2. of crystallisation, tree-shaped.
Arborescenza f. ; tendency to tree-shaped Archeggiam^nto Archi- or Arci-smagdgo in. (Gr.); ruler of a
Archeggiare ind. archeggio; to draw the bow synagogue.
crystallisation. across a violin. *to bend into a curve, t lo
Arborizzato ;
of a stone, veined like a tree.
stomaco, to retch. Archit&tto m. (L., Gr. apx-V <
Arbosc&llo (Arbuscella, -o) m. (prob. Archeggiato curved. ;
i. 2. built TCOV,root tek) if. Testo, for the prefix v.
an altered dim. of Arbusto) ;
small tree. with several tiers of arches. Archi-); architect.

Aff. Architett-ame'nto, -are to design, abdomen where she puts the honey. Arcopt6si f. (Gr. op^oc, the anus; nra><ris,
fall); (surg.) frolapsvs ani.
-onicamdnte, -onico. 4. rockers of a baby's cradle.
"Arcora; oldyT//. of Arco.
Arcipelago m. chief sea, the Aegean, Arcoreggiarc to retch violently.
Architettura / ;
i. architecture. (lit.
thence any sea studded with islands as the Aegean
ArcoseTlo tn. dim. Arco. ;

2. secret design. 3. Fuor d' ,

of a is) ; archipelago. Arcosiringa/: (Gr. ap\6s, the anus; irvpiyf,
tArcipresso ;. pipe); (surg.) fistula in ano.
joint, dislocated. ; Cipresso, cypress.
Arcostrafe (It. arco, strale); epithet of Apollo
as the Sun ; archer and arrow at once.
Architravata / ; arrangement of Arcipr&te m. ;
there is no position Arcova /. pop. for Alcova. ;

the architrave. in English or Scottish churches

the *
Arcovata f. ; series of arches for an aqueduct.
corresponding to that of an Arciprete Arcoverare ;= Ricoverare.
Architravato i.
provided with an
; *
Arcovolto m. arch across a street.
it is a dignity existing in certain Cathe-

architrave. 2. Cornice i.e. where

Arcuato; bowed.
dral Chapters and in certain parishes
the cornice rests directly upon the
architrave without any frieze between. in Italy the word might be transferred
; Arcuazidne f. curvature, bowing ;

into English as arch-priest. of the bones.

Architravatura/ i.q. ; Architravata.
Arcubalista./; some kind of cross-bow.
Arcipretura / ;
office or stipend of
Architrave in. (prefix archi- and It.
an Arciprete. Arcuccio m. i. dim. spreg. Arco ; ;

trave) (arch.) \. architrave, epistyle,

; Pare un of a baby with bow legs.
Arciraggiunto; extremely fat. ,
the lower division of an entablature, or Arcispedale m. chief hospital. 2. a wicker frame to
protect a baby
that part which rests immediately on
Arciv^SCOVO in. archbishop. against being overlaid by its mother
the abacus of the column. 2. less ;

whilst asleep, or a similar cradle

properly, the moulding over the lintel Aff. Arcivescov-ado archbishop's over a corpse.
of a doorway. palace, -ato territory of an arch- 'Arculay;; dim. Area, chest.
* *
Architriclino m. (Gr.); ruler of the feast. bishopric, -ile. Arcuto ;= Arcuato, arched, bowed.
Archivio tit. (bit. archhium < Gr. dpvecof) ; A'rdea_X (L.); = Airone, heron.
archive, place of custody of historical documents. Arco
in. (L. arcus) i. arc of a
Aff. Archiv-iare to lay up in the archives, -ista
or other curve. -
Ard&nne / pi. ; the Ardennes dis-
circle 2. (arch.)
custodian of archives. in
trict, Belgium.
Archivdlto m. (prefix archi-, It. volto); (arch.) mono, arch buried in a wall ro- ;

archivolt, the inner contour of an arch, or band vescio or supino, inverted arch Ard6nt-e; i. ardent, glowing (in
adorned with mouldings running over the faces of
the arch-stones and bearing upon the imposts. zoppo, resting on pillars of unequal
all senses) Bocca of a horse, when
; ,

a rottura, arched opening it is excited and flares

Arci-, a prefix, Gr. ap^i-; v. Archi-. height ; up at the least
Arci-beato, -bello, -bestiale very happy, ;
made in a wall after it is built. 3. jerk given to the bit. 2. (zr.) = Orziero,
beautiful, bestial.
- -
Arcibra /. = Algebra. ; celeste, rainbow. 4. di stomaco, q.v. Aff. -eme'nte, Ardenza.
Arcibriccone m. arch-rogue. A'rdere perf. arsi ardesti arse (or *ardeo)
effort of vomiting. 5. Con 1' della

Arcicancelliere nt.\ high chancellor. ard-dmmo -este arsero, part, arso (L.
ardere, to
Arcicappellano m. ; director of the chapel schiena, or dell' osso, with all one's blaze, lit. to blaze like dry <nood,<arittus, v. Arido) ;
royal under the Carolingian kings of France. might. 6. del lucchetto, ring of a to burn, intr.
Arcicmbalo m. v. Archicembalo. ;
*i. to make red-hot, ii. to shine.
Arcic6nsol-o m. title of the president of the ;
padlock. 7. implement beating Ardesia y. ;=Lavagna, slate.
Accademia della Crusca at Florence. Aff. -ato, his wool. fiddle-bow, fig. violin player.
8. Etym. Copt. Fr. ardoise, of unknown origin ;

9. bow for shooting. Littre, however, quotes Welsh aritdu nrd-wn, very
10. delle ciglia,
Arcicontento very glad. ; dark, ardentia the dark forest in Gaul, 7'iz. the
tArcideclino m. person who superintends the ;
arch of the eyebrows, n. C-spring Ardennes Belgium, arduina, a surname of Diana
table. of a carriage. 12. Prov. -- soriano in a Gaulish inscription, and the Norman
Arcidiacon-o m. archdeacon. Aff. -ato. blue cornflower. He suggests that these indicate a
lira agli amici e a' nemici, a Syrian

Arcidiavolo m. ; i. arch-devil. 2. (hot.) = Celtic root meaning dark-coloured.

Bagolaro, f].v.
bow shoots at friend and foe, i.e. a.
Arcidiocesi/;; archbishop's diocese or province. slanderer spares no one L' arco e di Ardiglidne m. ; tongue of a buckle.
Arcidu-ca m.\ archduke, title of the younger ;

Etym. Cogn. Fr. ardillan, Proven9. ardalho,

children of the Austrian emperor. Aff. -cale, -cato, fico, the bow is of fig-wood, said when in old Fr. hardillon, which is prob. a dim. of
chessa. some support, lit. m fig., gives way. stick, of unknown origin.
alternative, by Menage An
ArcoayT; = Alcova,
i. female archer. 2. loop- q.v.
Arcobaleno m. ; rainbow, lit. flash-
Arciere arco) i. archer./.
(It. ; ing arch, v. Balenare; Passar sotto 1' , Ardime"nt-o m. ; boldness. Aff.
2. the constellation Sagittarius.
3. in to do the impossible, esp. to change sex. -osame'nte, -oso.
pi. royal guards. Far veder 1' i.e. to grieve a person.
Ard-ire ind.
-isco ;
to dare. As si/.,
i. swindler, ii. he-goat. hardihood.
Arciero m.; a variety of wolf.
Arcobaldstro (Arcobalista) m. (It.
Etym. Germanic **/mrr/aw,>O.H.G.
arco, balestro ; cp. Fr. arbaftte) ; cross- tiertatt,
Arcifallito utterly bankrupt.
to harden, karti, hard (>Germ. hart), cp. Fr. hardi,
bow. E. hardy; v. Skeat, sitb Hardy, Hard.
Arcifanfano m. ; great boaster. Arcobugio, Arcobuso ///.; v. Archibugio. Ardisiay? (Gr. dp<5i?, arrow-head) (hot.) a genus ;

t Arcdcchio w.; = Arcuccio. of plants, natives of China.

Arcigiullare m. ; great juggler. Arditello; dim. spreg. Ardito. Kagazzo ,

Arcolaio m. (prob. from L. arculum, foolhardy boy.

Arcigno surly. *i. sour-tasting. Arditetto; dim. Ardito, rather bold.
a sort of hoop, dim. of arcus) winder, ;
ii. bent (bow). Ardft-0
a circular revolving frame to hold a ;
i. part. Ardire. 2. as
Etym. A
metathesis from Fr. rechignt, which
skein of wool for convenience of wind- adj., bold. Aff. -am^nte.
Littre refers to re-chigtier or guigtitr, It. ghignare,
Ardit6tto augrn. Ardito, overbold, or of weight
<O.H.G. kttuin, to smile. Another derivation has ing into a ball. Prov. Girar come un or measure, very

been suggested, viz. by metathesis from Acrigno. full, handsomely measured out.

to turn quickly this way and that,
tArcigogoIare;=Arzigogolare, trifle.
-ardo a suffix of Germanic
t Arcile m. \. flour-bin,
\ ii. anonymous sonnet.
to bustle about a room. L' quanto ;
Arcimeasere m. scfurz. most respected sir! meaning of such character, cp. E.
piii e vecchio
; e meglio gira, the older like,
Arcimidaico (from Midas); arch-fool.
Arciola /; = Frullino, jack snipe. the winder the better it spins, i.e. the hard, in such phrases as Hard by, He
is hard upon seventy.

crazes of old people are the worst. V. Skeat, sub

Arci6n-e m. (bit. arcit>,<L. arcus) Esser un to be fantastic. Hard.
, Aggirare
I. saddle-bow or the corresponding uno come un , to confuse
Arddre /. (L.); ardour.
him, puzzle Ardu-o sub Arduous); as E.
part of a saddle behind the rider; him. Mettersi in capo 1' to take a
(L., v. Skeat,
Aff. -am6nte.
Primo , saddle-bow. 2. less properly, lot of nonsense into one's head. Far A'reayl (L. area); 2. field of a seal,i, area.
the saddle itself; Inforcare Ii suo' -i, the flat surface for the engraving. 3. roas ting-place
arcolai, to build castles in the air. ina metal refinery.
to bestride her (Italy's) saddle, D.
*i. some kind of war catapult, ii. in /*/., crazes. *i. Christian
ii. =*Aia, salt-pan.

Purg. 6. 99, i.e. to subdue and put *

Arcomensare = Ricominciare. ;
Areca f, (the native Malabar word); (bat.) a
an end to Italy's intestine wars and
Arcomperare = Ricomprare. : genus of palms including the Areca catechu or betel
Arconcello nt. dim. Arco.
nut palm of India and the Areca oleracea or cabbage
feuds. 3. in //., the places in a bee's Arc6nt-e m. (Gr.) Athenian archon. Aff.
; -ato. palm of Jamaica, v. Betel.
*Arefatto (L. are/actus); dried up. of silver. 2. pancia all' Buttare, Mandare, etc.,
Argenteo; i. silvery ;

*Aregarc; = Arrecare, to produce. in colour. all' to throw into confusion, or to

*Arellay; (dim. L. hara)\ pig-sty.
A'rem m. (Arabic haram^ forbidden); Turkish silver plate.
blow up by gunpowder; A mezz' at ,

harem. Argenterla/ ;
a medium height
combined with Segare il grano a ;

Arenas/I (L. arena, sand); i. theatre open to Argentico ; (ckem.) silver,

mezz' to cut the corn at a medium
the sky, or with a glass roof arena, circus. 2. {poet.) ; argentic. ,

sand. ArgentieV-a/^ silver mine, ;

-e in. ;
height Parlare a mezz'
; to hint , ;

*i. sea-shore, ii. Oriuol d' hour-glass. Argentifero; argentiferous,


Intendere a mezz' to understand a ,
Aff. Aren-aceo, -osita, -oso. t Argentin ///.; fish, v. Lepidopo.
*Arenamento m.\ silting up. Argentina f.\ i. silver-fish, Argentina $j>hy- hint Per aria, of a part of a building,

raetia. 2. (bet.) (a) silver-weed, v. Piede (18, o, /3);

sandstone. a flying, suspended in the air. 2. in paint-
Arenaria/; i. 2. (&) satin-flower or honesty, v. Erba (79). 3. a white

a genus of variety of mica. tSpada scabbard fish, v. ing, atmosphere, depth. 3. Jig. weather
genus of wading birds. ,

Lepidopo. as used fig. in E. Gli volevo parlar di ;
Argentine; silvery. As sb., bleak quell' affare ma vidi che non era ,

Arenari-o sandy. Grotta -a, Cimi- ;

Leuciscus alburnus. I should have liked to speak to him
tero catacomb. In//, as sb^ gladi-
, about that matter but I saw it was not
ators. Argento ;. (L. argentum^ root argy the weather for it. 4. as an order of
to shine, cp. Gr. apyos, bright) I. silver;
Arenazi6ne f.\ (tned.) embedding a patient in ;
dismissal like Via or Largo ra- ! !

warm sand. Bianco d' silver white, a preparation

gazzi, e ciascuno a casa sua, be off

ArenellayC; fine sand.

of white lead, used by painters Doppi-
you boys and each of you go home.
Arengay^; (bet.) one of the sago palms, Arenga
ato d' ,
a metallic composition, i'.
5. mien, appearance, expression of face,
Arenicola/;; lob-worm. Placche vivo, quicksilver ; dei
Arenile m. strand.

esp. in painting ;
Nella satira d' Orazio
filato, silver wire in

Areola f, gatti, talc vede tutta

small area. flower-bed. della commedia, the
; ;
i. ; 2. si 1'

3. (anat.) areola round the nipple. lama, flattened silver wire, silver tape ; satires of Horace have just the air of
Aredlito /.; = Aereolito, aerolite. Farsi d' to turn grey, grow old;
Aredmetro Aerometro. t. ; i>.

di Pontorno, terra cotta vases. 2. the

light comedy Le pitture dell' Angelico

Areopagft-a m. (Gr. Ape ion-ay m??) judge ;

sono principalmente ammirabili per 1
belonging to the Areopagus at Athens. Aff". -ico. amalgam used for silvering mirrors.
Areopago m. (Gr. "Apt)?, n-a-yos, hill); i. Areo- dei volti, the great beauty of Fra
pagus, the chief court of ancient Athens. 2. Jig. any Argent6ne m. ; German silver, v, Angelico's painting is in the expression
tribunal which decides important matters.
Panfo. of his figures. 6. Stare in con al-
Areostatico v. Aereostatico. ;
Are6stato m. v. Aereostato, air balloon.
; Argeste ///. ; west wind. cuno, to be reserved towards him.
Areostilo m. (Gr. opouocrryAos) *Argiere in. Acero, maple. de' sorbetti, an air
air, in music
interspace ; ;
7. ;
between columns equal to four times the breadth
of their capitals, as specified by Vitruvius. Argilla/ (L. argilla) ; clay. sung by an inferior performer, lit. air
*Areotico (Gr. apaios, thin); (med.) dispersive
A{f. Argill-aceo, -oso, the former being a geo- of ices, when the audience quit the
logical term, the latter agricultural. auditorium for the bar; A (to play ,
*Arestayi; i>.
Argillito m. argillaceous schist. ;

*Areticare (It. eretico); i. to curse and swear, or sing) by ear (itsu. a orecchio, as in
to be disquieted.
A'rgine m. (L. agger, from ad,gerd] In the game of Minchiate,
English). 8.

Aretfno; (geogr.} of Arezzo. As embankment to prevent floods, leve'e. each of the five top cards or Tarocchi,
*i. entrenchment, glacis, slope before a fort, viz. the Sole, Luna, Tromba,
sb., the reference would be to P. Aretino,
any shelter more or less like a dam, e.g. the
a writer of the i6th century.

sides of a cart.
and Mondo, is called Aria, and counts
Aff. Argin-ale a long embankment, -amento, ten.
Aretusa _/C; (hot.) a genus of orchids.
Arfasatt-o m. \frob. from the biblical Ar- -are, -atura, -azione, -ello dim., e.g. the raised edges *I. soda, air of reserve in a person, ii. Esser
of a salt-pan, -etto dim. vezz., -ino dim., -one augm., in not to be determined, iii. Andar in to get
phaxad); snob, little cad. AJf. -eria. , ,

* -uccio dim. spreg.

Arfiare to get, to clutch.
; angry, iv. Far , to put on
airs of pride, v. Esser
t Argagno m. (var. of Argano) = Apparecchio, un poco d' to be good-looking, vi. Di buon'

Argo m. ;
i. the mythical Argus in

good temper, gracious, vii. -Esser di buon'


Argaldo M. large rough cloak.
with the hundred eyes. 2. hence fig. to be in good spirits, viii. Espresse 1' de' tempi
Argali m.; the moufflon, Ovis Argali. suoi, he expressed the feelings and customs of his
spy, or 3. custodian. 4. the mythical
time. ix. (mus.) Strumenti colle corde in with
tArgan-ayC;=-o. ,

ship Argo. 5. a constellation in the the strings upright, when the instrument is played.
Arganello m, ;
I . dim. Argano. southern hemisphere. 6. the Argus x. Rendere a uno, to resemble him.
2. the electric mill which,
turnstile. fAriale m.\ facial appearance.
3. pheasant. AriannayC; Ariadne. Filo d' ,
the thread
upon being electrified, revolves like a *
Argogliarsi; = Inorgoglire, to wax arrogant. which forms a clue to lead one out of a difficulty.
windmill, ^(niar.) davit, of a launch. Argoletto argoulet, further etym.
vi. (Fr. Ariano; i. Arian (heresy). 2. Aryan race.
unknown); a light cavalry soldier in the i6th and Aricalco ;//.

Oricalco, brass. ;

i. the root of several iyth centuries in France. A'rid-o; dry, sterile. AJf. -amente, -ezza, -ita.
Argane'tta/; *
Argolico belonging to the ship Argo. Etym. L. aridtts <arere, to be parched, which
plants of the borage family, used in
; t

Argom^nto m. (L., v. Arguire); i. argument. probably represents an original **asere', for s>r
dyeing, v. Alcanna, Ancusa. 2. di 2. reason. 3. summary (of a poem or play). cp. L. lares <o\A L. tases, E. hare
= Germ. Hase,
*i. means, resource, weapon, machinery of v. Skeat, sub Hare, see also Skeat, sub Was. Thus
Costantinopolij henna plant, Lawsonia

war. iii. means of prevention, iv. Dalle dieci the root of aridns is as, to burn or glow, cp. E.
inermis. corna ebbe guided herself by the Ten Command-
ments, D. Inf. 19. no, see Vernon's note.
Argane*tto dim. Argano. m. i.
Arieggiare ind. arieggio; i. to re-
Aff. Argoment-abile, -are, -alore, -azione, -uccio
2. idraulico, hydraulic turbine which dim. spreg. semble. 2. to air (a room).
works by the pressure of water upon Argon&uta m. (Gr.); i. an Argonaut, one of *
Ariento w.; = Argento, silver.
Jason's crew on the Argo. 2. the nautilus, a shell
its vanes, as in a turbine steam-engine. mollusc the female of which appears in vast numbers *Arieri (Fr. arriere)\ back.
on the surface of the Mediterranean.
* Aliete m. (L. aries}\ i. = Montone,
A'rgan-o m. (prob. a var. of Organo) ; Argu-ire ind. -isco; to infer. to reprove.
Tirare cogli -i, to Etym. L. argttere, to make plain, root arg,
ram. 2. the constellation Aries. 3. bat-
capstan, windlass.
induce by great persuasion, ///. to pull
v. Argento. tering ram. 4. (mar.) ram. 5. idraulico,
A'rgulo m. (dim. from Gr. dpyos, idle) ; a crus-
with windlasses. tacean parasite on the tadpole. hydraulic ram.
Arieto = Addietro, backwards.

Argante ;.; the Pagan hero in Tasso's Jeru-

Arguto (L., v. Arguire) ; quick- Ari^tola ./.; a genus of small beetles, Leptura.
tArgeggiare; = Aggeggiare, to haggle.
Argemone m.\ (fot.) i. a genus of plants of the *i. slim. ii. sharp, iii. shrill, iv. sharp-tasting. Arietta/; dim. Aria, light musical
order Papaveraceae. 2. del Messico or Papavero Aff. Argut-amente, -zza, Argiizia. air.

Arigusta/; = Aligusta,
messicano, Argemone Mexicana, the prickly poppy, tArguvire; to attend to.
devil's fig, or yellow thistle. lobster.
A'ria f. (L. aer, Gr. aijp, root va or Arillo arillus, dry grape); (hot.) aril,
tii. (bit.
Argentano m. an imitation of the exterior coat of certain seeds.
ua, to blow) i. air; colata, the close
ArimmeticayC; = Aritmetica, arithmetic.

silver, German silver, v. Panfo. air of a narrow alley Colpo d' cold, ; ,

Argent-are = Inargentare, ;
to plate. catarrh; A , approximately, but v. Aringa/ (O.H.G. harinc)\ herring,
Aff. -atura. infra (7) ; face upwards, in the
All' , Clupea harengus.
ArgentariayC; (bot,}Jacea Ragnsina. phrases Stare, Essere, or Dormire a *=Arringa, harangue.

*Aringo t. i. =Arringa. ii. oratorical pulpit, *i. ii. = Armeria,yM>. iii. arsenal, *i. Strada d' --, space between the houses and
iii. arena. iv. troops ready for war. v. Fare , to take up the walls of a fortified city. ii. -i
cappate, selected
Ariolo m. (L. hariolus,v. Aruspice); soothsayer. arms. vi. = Armadura (v). weapons, iii. certa alia bandiera, the best men
*Arione w. = Airone, heron.
Armanere = Rimanere, ; to remain. should be round the flag. iv. -i inarcate, levelled

point-blank at the mark (HSU. spianate). v. a

Aribs-0(It. aria); well-aired; L' e -a, Armare
(L. armare) ; I. to arm volonta, or A
genio a word of command directing

it is airy, i.e. that is a long journey; (soldiers). 2. to fix (bayonets). 3. to troops to march at ease. vi. Esecuzione dell' -i,
meeting of hostile forces, ad
vii. Andareto
said to one who is going far away, esp. full-cock (a gun). 4. to arm for war,

rebel Andare in
; , Far
to take the field,

up in the mountains. generally. 5. equip (a machine) to d' to take part in a tournament; Fare
, to be ,

Arisaro m. a species of arum. with the working parts to fit out (a ;

campaigning, ix. Aver 1' di Siena, i.t. to be
very hungry.
chine of pork. ship). 6. to put up scaffoldings, cen- *
ArmeggeriayC: military spectacle.
A'rista/ ; (L.)
terings, for an arch, etc. 7. to strengthen
Armeggevole v. Armeggiare.

'Arista (Aresta)yC; = Resta, beard (of corn). Armeggiadore m. = Ormeggiatore, tracker.

Aristarco m. I. Aristarchus, the Alexandrine
a part of a coat by placing an extra :

critic. 2. Jig. pedantic critic. piece of cloth underneath it. 8. to get Armeggiam^nto m. ; sham fight as
Aristocr-atico(Gr.); as E. Aff. -azia.
Aristolochia or Aristologia f. (Gr. apurro- ready (the mould of a statue) for the a public spectacle.
Ao^eta); (bol.) birth-wort, a genus of shrubs or casting. Armeggi-are ind. armeggio; i. to
herbaceous plants some species of which are used Armario m.; Armadio, q.v. fumble over a thing, to rummage about.
in medicine.
Aristula /.: i. dim. A'rista. 2. fig. prick, Armata f. the land and sea forces ;
2. to become confused in a speech.
sharp pain. of a country, or any specified portion
Aritmet-ica *i. to practise sword exercise, ii. to take part
or (Gr.); as E.
thereof. in a tournament, to fight. Aff. -atore.
prattca or
. iii.
ragionata, commercial arithmetic. Aff.
-icamente, -ico. Armat-o armed. AJj. -ame"nte.
tArizzari; roots of madder.
Armegg-io m. \ continual fumbling,
Armat6re m. merchant who ;
etc., v. -are.
Arlecchinata / i. act of a harle- out a ship fora commercial voyage.
Armeggio///.; i. armament. 2. = Or-
quin. 2. reversal of opinion, volte-face. 2. privateer, free-booter.
meggio, all the tackle for mooring a
Arlecchln-o m. (Elym. unknown. armour. 2. arma-
ArmaturayC; i.
It may be connected
with the O. Fr. ture of a magnet, etc. ; anything that
hellequin, spectre, a dim. of O.H.G. is used for mounting or putting into Armeggi6ne m. ; fumbler, v. Ar-
helle, hell it is the Alichino of Dante) meggiare.

working order any article or apparatus,
harlequin, an old Italian mask," v. v. Armare A'rmel m. (Arabic hartttala); Syrian rue, a
; di servizio, scaffolding.
plant of the Russian steppes, Pegantim hanttala.
Maschera, representing a Bergamese 3. net used for catching ducks which *Armella./; i.q. Armilla.
servant. Aff. -e'sco. have entered a decoy.
Arli; the town of Aries in Provence. D. Inf. = armamentr-, Armellfno m.\ i. = Ermellino, er-
*i. q.v. ii. engine of war. iii. scaf-
9. 112. folding.
mine. 2.
=Albicocco, apricot-tree.
Arliquay?; = ReIiquia,
Arm-e/! (L. anna, pi.} ;
weapon, *Armena f. a friable stone something
; like

(A) the name of a

Arlotto m. ;
bianca, steel weapon as opposed to
lapis lazuli.
Armen e t. basilisk, a fabled animal with
priest of the loth century famed for

da fuoco, fire-arm corta, dagger ; poisonous breath.

his wit and for his untidy dress, pre- or pistol, often fig. for treacherous
sumably a nickname adapted from Armenfaca f. a small variety of
weapon ; da tiro, weapon for throw-

Arlotto (B). Provs. Pare il apricot.

piovano ,
ing missiles ;
in asta, lance.
said of a dirty, untidy-looking person. Armenic-o, Pesca -a, = Pesca spiccaggine,
2. Military words of command :
peach which readily separates from its stone, op-
Pare piovano il che non sapeva Bilanc arm, trail arms Brace arm,- ! posed to Pesca duracine, the pulp of which adheres
leggere che sul suo libro, who could shoulder arms closely to the stone.
Ispezion arm, port !

only read his own book, said of an ill- arms Pied arm, order arms
! Pre- ! Armento m. (L. armentum, root ar,
educated priest barely able to read. sentat arm, present arms to plough, the ploughing animal) herd.
Spall arm, !

*(B) (earn. Provenc. arlot, vagabond, v. Skeat,

sub Harlot); stupid, dirty fellow. slope arms Terr arm, ground arms
! !
Armerfa f. ; armoury.
3. -i
pi., soldiers; Le prime -i, *Armiero m.; squire, attending on a knight in
Anna/.; i. v. Arme. 2. arm, in
a tournament.
first campaign ; Fatto d' , skirmish ;
the sense of class of troops; di
Piazza -i, or Campo di Marte, mili-
cavalleria, the cavalry arm ;
del Armfgero (L. armiger) warlike. ;

tary exercise ground Viso dell' or ; ,

genio, corps of engineers. dell' -i, stern
Armilla or Armella/. (L. armilla<
* expression dotte, ;

i. (herald.) arms. ii. (Rowan kist.) armour. armus, the upper arm, root ar, to at-
iii. an instrument used in navigation, iv. = Anima. scientific corps, viz. engineers and ar- i. bracelet worn by the ancient
Armacollo /. ; Ad , slung across Roman 2. ring of the
soldiers. gladia-
4. Historical phrases: Gente d' ,
the shoulders. torial cestus. dog-collar. 4. circle
ancient mounted militia; Re d' , her-
of an astronomical instrument to mark
gorget, neck -armour. ii. anything slung

across the shoulders. ald, bearing a challenge ; Uomo d' ,

the equator, ecliptic, etc.
Armadillo m. (Span, armaditla, dim. of ar- man-at-arms, esp. mounted man, fully
mada, armed) armadillo. ;
accoutred knight Uomini d' a Armillare; Sfera sphere with ,
, ;

Armadio m. (L. armarium through mounted militia of the middle ages brass circles showing the relations of
the solar syste*n.
the form Armario) ; cupboard. composed of men of good birth.
Aft. Armadi-etto (not so small as -no), -no dim., Idioms -Passar per le -i, to :
Armista m. register of armorial bearings of

5. the different families of a city.

-olo dim., -one augm.
*Armaduray!; i. armour, ii. weapons, iii. train- execute by shooting, a phrase dating Armistizio m. (<.armi, and, on the analogy
ing. iv, all the accessories of a ship. v. scaffolding from the time when the condemned of other derivatives of Latin words ending in -stitium,
of a building or centering of anarch, vi. preservative L. sis ft), to place) ; armistice.
man had to walk between two files of *
m. (A) (L. armus, v. Armilla); Omero,
against poison.
pikemen who killed him; Render 1' -i a shoulder. (B); (mar.) = Armamento, but refers
Armaiblo or Armaiublo /. ar- principally to the crew of a boat.
Giove, to give up all pretension to fight-

r moge /. (Gr.
ipnoyij) (faint.) gradation of ;

ing, esp. fig., in the field of love. colours.

Armalinay^ armel); extract of wild rue. Armone m. augm. Armo, shoulder.
6. (herald?) arms; II giglio el'- ;

Armenia f. (Gr. ap/uofi'a, root ar, to fit) ;

Armamentario m. (L. armamen- del Comune di Firenze, the arms
of harmony.
tarium) store for surgical instruments Florence are a lily Abbassare le -i, of ;
Armoniaco m.', v. Ammoniaco.
in a hospital. Armdnica f.\ i. harmonica, a musical instru-
chirurgico, the instru- an ambassador on withdrawing at a ment in which the tones are produced by rubbing
ments themselves. declaration of war, to take down his glasses with a wet finger, or striking them with a
Arinamento ///.; i. arming, v. Armare. 2. the cork hammer. 2. a manticino, accordion.
country's coat of arms from the front
requisites for arming. 3. equipment of a ship, for- of his house Portar 1' harmonious. Piano
tress, etc. 4. crew of a gun. 5. in//., preparations
alia sepoltura,
; Arm6nic-o; i. 2.

for war. of one who is the last of his family. ,

the sounding-board of a pianoforte.
H. 7
3. Capo =
Capameno, merry rogue.
, Arpa / i. harp. 2. frame where
Arrabbi-are rabbia);
(It. i. of
4. (math.} harmonic (proportion), that cocoons are placed for the silkworms animals, to become rabid. 2. of man,

to become moths. fame, to be furiously

- -
of a series whose reciprocals are in fig. della
arithmetical progression. Aff. -ame'nte. Etym. The word occurs in several of the hungry. 3. as an exclamation, Ch'

Romance languages, but in the sense of claw, whilst arrabbi, or Arrabbia! which might be
Arm6ni-o m. harmonium, -oso, -osamente, ; the mil. harpa meant harp, and may be the O. H.G.
as E. translated Blazes but there is no really
harpha, old Scandinavian harpa, A.S. hearpt. Diez

Armonista m. student of harmony. *musician.

Armonizzare; to harmonise.
thinks that in this sense also the word may be derived analogous English expression. 4. Una
from the hooked shape of the musical instrument.
Armoraccio in. = Ramolaccio, horse-radish. ;
The Romance arpa, claw, Fr. karpe, which means pietanza che arrabbia dal sale, a dish
Armotbma/; (Gr. ap^os, joining ;
TOUT}, section both harp and claw, as does the Proveng. arpa, is uneatable from saltness, lit. rabid with
from its mode of splitting into conjoined prisms): from the O.H.G. karfan, to seize; cp. Gr. apirdfa, saltness. of food, to be dried or
harmotome, cross-stone, a hydrous silicate of alumina to seize, apjnj, hook, L. harpagare, and also rapere,
and baryta occurring in milky white cruciform to snatch v. Skeat, ed. ipto, sub Harp, Harpoon.
burnt from being cooked without enough
crystals. Arpagone m. (L. harpago) i. (mar.) grappling liquid. 6. of crops, to be parched by
*Arna w.; = Arnia, beehive. hook for boarding, ii. hook used by the ancients to

damage the enemy's works in land warfare. drought.

Arnaglbssa (Arnoglossa -o) / (Or. *
Arpanetta f.\ an old form ot harp. As refl. -arsi J. to fly into a passion, :

apvas, lamb's, yXwcrtrn, tongue) (tot.) ; Arpare (L. harpagarc, from Gr. apird^o) to ;
more or less intentionally. 8. dietro
steal, t to snatch up.
plantain, Plantago lanceolata. a game in which
Arpasto in. (Gr. apn-a^w) ;
una cosa, to work at it furiously.
Arnaiuolo m.\ some sort of receptacle; etytn, players snatched the ball from their opponents. As part, -ato: 9. rabid. 10. Pietanza
and precise meaning both doubtful. *Arpe f.\ i. i.q. Arpa. ii. the scimitar, dpmj,
Arnauto m. Turkish tax-collector ; in Albania. with which Mercury slew Argus or that with which -ata, v. supra (4). \\.fig. enraged, des-
Arnesaccio m.; pegg. Arnese, q.v. Perseus slew Medusa, iii. a species of vulture.
* perate, frantic. 12. Musica -ata, played
Arnesare;=Mettere finimenti, to harness. i

Arnesario m. scene-shifter in an ancient Arpeggi-are ind. arpeggio; i. to at a frantic pace. 13. Cotto , hastily

Roman cooked. 14. Following an adj., -ato

play the harp. 2. to play an arpeggio,

Arn6e m. ;
i. tool. 2. style of broken chord, upon the piano. 3. (vet.) gives the force of a superlative, Secco
dress. -- di of a horse, to throw up the hind feet to frantically thin.
, 15. (hist.} Gli -ati,
3. blackguard; polizia,
the party opposed to Savonarola's re-
an extraordinary degree and jerk them
police spy.
outwards when trotting. 4. to pass ligious reforms in Florence. 16. Ter-
*i. suit of armour, ii. cuirass, ill. thigh-piece.
iv - fig- fortress, v. baggage, vi. Mettersi in ,
the fingers over the strings of any in- reno , ground very badly prepared for
to prepare; Mettersi in d' una cosa, to provide
strument. Aff. -ame'nto.
its crop, worked in wrong time and way.
oneself with it. vii. Rimettere in ,
to provide
Arrabbi. amento, -atamente, -atello dim.
with new clothes. Ajfjf.

A Arpeggio m.; i.
playing the harp. spreg. impotently enraged, -atuccio -atura.
Etym. Celtic word, spread into the Romance ditrt.,

languages from the English and French harness,

2. testing an instrument by sounding
karnais, which originated in the word for iron, as chords upon it. 3. arpeggio in playing, Arrabbiaticcio m. ground spoilt ;

seen in Breton karftez, Welsh haiarn, Irish inran.

sounding the tones of a chord suc- by bad management, i>. Arrabbiare (16).
The E. iron, Germ. Eisett, O. H.G. isarn, are from *Arrabone m. ; v. Arra.
the same root. The modern Germ. Hamisrh is cessively. Arracacha or Arracaccia /?; (hot.) a genus of
from the Romance word. The original meaning *
Arpento m. ; the Fr. arpent or acre, but the South American plants, order Utnbelliferae. The
isthat of the old sense of E. harness and Fr. kamais, area intended was of very various extent both in A. esculenta has an edible root like a potato.
a complete suit of armour. French and Italian. It was a hundred square
perches, but the perch varied. Arracanarsi = Stracanarsi, to fa-
A'rnia f. (cogn. bk. arna, of unkn. *
Arpese in. (L. harpago) \ (arch.) clamp.

bee- tigue oneself.

orig. perhaps akin to Arnese)
; ;
Gk. apwvm, root rap,
hive. Arpla/ (L. tArracchare; to hug.
sub Harpy) I harpy.
to seize, v. Skeat, ;
Arraffare to snatch.
(It. raffio)
Arniaio m, shed or stand for bee-

; 2. harpy eagle of Mexico, Harpyia *Arraguare ;

to scuffle.
hives. destructor. * Arraia A;=Rabbia,
3. lammergeier vulture, rage.
A'rnica f. (Gr. irrapntKjj, from irraipw, to
Gypaetus barbatus, also termed Av- Arramacci-are ( 1 1. ramaccia) = Ab-
sneeze); (hot.) Arnica montana, a corymbiferous ;

voltoio barbuto, Gipeto barbuto. 4.=

plant sometimes called mountain tobacco. borracciare, to do (work) hurriedly.
Falco pescatore, osprey.
*to drag down on a sledge, Ramaccia. -ato giu
Arnigiano of the Arno. ;
col lit. dragged
Arpicare ind. arpico i. to ; scramble falcione, put together haphazard,
Arni6n-e m. (from renionem, an down with the hedge-bill.
up, 2. to rack one's brains.
amplification of L. ren, renes, cp. Gr. Arramaccio m. careless, hasty
Ety^m. The word is from a form arpa which

<ppfves) kidney of an animal killed for

; occurs in several of the Romance languages, mean- work. * turmoil.
food. Aver -i
grossi, i.e. to be rich. ing a claw, so that the orig. meaning is to scramble Arramatare (It. ramata); = Ramatare, to
gli i.
up by using the claws. I'. Arpa. knock down birds with the Ramata. ii. = Bastonare,
Arno m. (geogr.) the river in Tus-
*Arpignone m.; Arpagone, grappling-iron.
to beat.
*Arpinate; ofArpinum. sb., Cicero. Arram-
cany. Tu caschi or cascassi in a *Arrambaggio in. ; (war.) boarding, v.
sort of gentle imprecation, as of a mother Arpidn-e m. (Romance arpa, v. *Arrambare (It. rampo) ;
i. to seize, ii. to
to a tiresome child. Prov. non in- Arpa); i. hook for hanging things up. clamber up. iii. (mar.) to board an enemy's ship.
2. hook for adjustment of a ring thereto, V. Arrembare.
grossa d' acqua chiara, the Arno does
not go in flood from clear water, /.<. so as to form a loose hinge. 3. Attaccare Arrampicarsi ind. m' arrampico (It.
sudden riches are not honestly got. una voglia all' to hang up a wish on
rainpa) to climb up. ;

C' e piii fondo in there is a better ,

the hook, i.e. to abandon the idea. *
Arrampignare to steal, ;
seize by robbery.
foundation in the Arno, said of a person 4. badly shaped letter in handwriting.
Arranc-are ranco); i. of a (It.
who cannot be depended upon. The 5. fish-spear, harpoon. Aff. -are vb.,
word is used in Italian without the dims. cripple, to hobble along quickly. 2. Ar-
-cello, -cino
ranca imperat., an order to one's boat-

definite article. Arpionismo w.\ ratchet with catch.

man to bring the boat to the bank.
Arnogl6ss-a./, -o m.; i.f. Arnaglossa. Arpista m. ; harpist. 3. Arranca, arranca, gli riusci d' arri-
Arnbtto m. a species of roach; Arpone
harpoon. m. ;
varci, by making great exertions he
found in the Arno. managed to get there. 4. (mar.) (a) to
Arra f.
(L. arrha, shortened from row at full claw off
speed (t) -arsi, to
Aro m. (A) (Fr. are)
; ; a hundred arrhabo, Gr. appafiav, a Phoenician from a lee shore.

square metres. (B) (L. arum, Gr. word for deposit paid on a contract for
*-arsi: i. to use great exertions, ii. of a person's

apov); (bot.) lords-and-ladies, wake- purchase) ; pledge, guarantee. energy or courage, to break down. iii. Ii capelli,

robin, or cuckoo-pint, rum maculatum. A *i. earnest money. ii. payment in advance.
of Dido, in the Aeneid, to tear out her hair.
halo. iii. extra payment; Per into the bargain, ArrancatayT; a vigorous stroke with the oar.
*i. ii. =Ara, altar. ,

Ar6m-a m. (Gr.) as E.
iv. piece of information, D. Inf. 15. 94.
Ajg. -atico, -iziare, to Arrandell-are (Arrendellare) ind.
give out an aroma.
t Aroncigliarsi = Aggrovigliarsi, to v.
Arrabattarsi (etym. wikn.) to work ; arrandello (It. randello); i. to throw
; kink,
Arroocigliare. very hard. away, as a useless piece of lumber.

to sell below market value, throw Piu fine e piu si arrenJe, the Arrischio m. pop. for Risdiio,
2. il
panno e Arrisicare v. Arrischiare.
; risk.

away. 3. to tighten a cord by twisting finer the cloth the more supple it is.

it up with a bar which has been passed

-ere; i. = Rendere (generally), ii. to surrender, tr. Arriso part. Arridere.

rrend-evole pliable, -evolezza, -evolme'nte. Arristiare pop. for Arrischiare.

underneath it. *

Arritornare; i. to shear, shave, ii. to round

*Poco largo d' un ramo di la dal fosso un
piii Arr6so part. Arrendere. ; off.
ponte egli arrandella, sopra il quale ella passa sola, Arritorzolato; twisted.
a bridge little wider than an oar doth he throw over Arrestabue m. (tot.) rest-harrow, ; Arrivamento .; i. = Arrivo, arrival, ii. as-
the foss, over which she passeth alone. Fortig. Ononis arvensis. The name, as in E. sembly, iii. Grande ,
= Buona comparsa, good
Ricciard. 28. 78. -arsi in cintura (<z) of a woman, :

to lace in her waist tightly (6) fig. to put on a ;

and in Fr. Arrtle-basuf, is taken from appearance.
reserved and dignified bearing. the resistance which the long roots of Arriv-are (It. riva, so that the orig.
t Arranfiare ; = Aggranfiare, to seize. this plant offer to the plough. meaning was "to approach" or "bring to
Arrangi-are(Fr. arranger); \.
pop. Arrest-are (L. ad, restore); to arrest. la the shore"); I. to arrive. 2. to be big
catena, to stopper the chain.
scherz. to thrash (a person). 2. to
-o sb.
to sequestrate. Aff. enough, strong enough, etc. La giubba
adjust. 3. to arrange, -arsi, to arrange gli starebbe ma le maniche non arrivano,
a mutual compromise. Arret-are ind. arre"to (It rete); to the jacket would do but the sleeves are
* catch in a net. not long enough Dovrebbero esser
Arrangol-are or -arsi (freq. of It. Arrancare);

to take much trouble. Lavoro -ato, laborious work. -ato, presenting an appearance of network. mille lire ma non arrivano, there ought
Arrante; Cavaliere = C. errante, knight-
errant. Arretr-arsi ind. m' arretro (It.
to be a thousand francs but they are
retro) to retire, -ato, behindhand. short Non ci arrivo, I have not the
Arrapin-arsi ind. m' arrapmo (It.

Gli arretrati, arrears, outstandings. means for

Si pu6 fin Ii, try
rapina, fury) to struggle hard.

stimulate, -arsi, to grow angry.

*-are: i. to withdraw, tr. ii. to repel. your utmost; un ladro matricolato eE
-are, to
and *Arretrosito; going backwards. si puo fin 11, he is a regular thief, I
*Arrappare (Germanic, v. Rapare, A, *Arrettivo (Arrettizio Arretto), (L- arripere
Raspo) ;
i. to snatch, ii. to cheat, iii. intr. or
say it emphatically Si puo fin Ii ma
arreptus) possessed by evil spirits.
to climb up. ;
* Arrezzare (It. rezzo); to put in the shade. un galantuomo piu di lui e impossibile
*Arraspare (It. raspa); i. scrape, ii. to
pilfer. Arri (Arro)! (O.H.G. hare, hero, trovarlo, search as you may, you will
"ArratayC; v. Arra. never find a more thorough gentleman.
*Arrazzare razzo, for raggio, ray); i. to
this way, this side, cp. Old Fr. haro,
to catch up Lo arriv6 alia
stop! harier, to urge on) Gee up
shine, ii. as if from Razzo, rocket, as an impreca- ! 4. tr. ;

tion, Ch' i' arrazzi may 1 go off like a rocket! !

, svoltata e lo picchio di santa ragione,
if, etc. Arri.ccb.-ire ind. -isco (It. ricco); to he caught him up at the turning and
Arrec-are ind. arreco Re- enrich, or intr. to grow rich. Aff.
(intens. gave him a good drubbing ;
Chi mi
to bring, -ime'nto.
care,! ; produce. passa arrivo, those who pass me I catch
to induce, to prove, a nulla, to of a
Arricci-are; i. to curl. 2. (afterwards). 5. to reach Scendimi
i. ii. iii.

reckon as nothing. As refl. -arsi: iv. to limit one- up ;

self, v. to accommodate oneself, vi. to betake dog, bird, etc., to bristle up (his hair), quel libro perchfe io non lo arrivo, hand
oneself; a vergogna, to feel ashamed a cattivo ; curl up (his lips), ruffle up (its feathers). me down that book, I cannot reach it
augurio die... to reckon it a bad omen, that...
3. to groove a plastered wall for white- troppo una vivanda, to
, ;
myself. 6.
a lode, to take credit for a Ventura, to con- ;

sider oneself fortunate, vii. -arsela da uno, to be washing. hold it too near the fire ; Si arriva, it is
offended at his conduct; -arsi da uno un torto, to *
be affronted at his conduct ; -arsi uno in contrario,
i. la fronte, or -arsi tutto, to scowl, ii. intr. being scorched, may be said, e.g. of
or of the hair, to stand on end. iii. -arsi, to linen too near the fire. 7. to be equal
to take a dislike for him. rise in rebellion, iv. to be horrified.
tArrecavo m. ; (ar.)=Dormiente, fixed end. Etym. The primary meaning is that of No. (2) to, to rival; Non 1' arriva n6 in bellezza
Arredare ind. arredo to fit out. above,<C**rt</-rrtr//orY, v. Rizzare, whilst some of ne in bonta ne in altro, she is not her
the other senses are presumably a later development
under the influence of Riccio, curl. equal in beauty or in goodness or any-
Arredo m. of a
thing else. 8. Non gli arriva a legar le
; fittings, esp.
Aff. Arricci-am^nto, -atura.
Arricciato m. \. ;
wall with the scarpe, to describe great inferiority,
Etym. Cogn. Span, arreo, Provens, arrei, old he
Fr. arroi >E.. array, t <Low Germ, rede, v. Skeat, plaster grooved for whitewashing. corresp. to the E. not tit to is

sub Array, Ready, and infra Corredo. 2. brocade. black his boots. 9. sopra, or addosso
a uno, i.e. with aggressive intentions.
Arrembaggio m. ; vbsb. of Arrem- Anicci-0 m. ; i.q. -ato (i). 10. to strike, beat L arrivo con una :

bare. ;

Arricciol-are ind. arricciolo; to sassata, he hit him with a stone; Se ti

Arremb-are ind. arrembo (var. of vede il babbo, t' arriva, if your daddy
curl (a child's hair). Aff. -amdnto.
Arrambare) i.
(mar.) to board (an ;
*Arricobello w. T. Arrigobello. ; sees you, he will beat you. ii. to
enemy's ship). Part, -ato 2. jaded, : Arricordare pop. fur Ricordare. ;
deliver (a blow) Gli arriv6 una basto- ;
lit. hooked on to
something so as to be Arridatdio m. ; (mar.) a vite, nata, he hit him with a cudgel. 12. -arsi
pulled along. 3. of a horse, lame
stretching-screw. con un cut oneself, e.g. in
ferro, to
through distortion of the feet or bowed a of cutting
knees. Arridere per/, arrisi -riddsti, part. cutting 13. pencil.
-arsi to lean against,
arriso (It. ridere) ; to smile upon. language; Tali parole arrivano prima
i. ii. to go lame, v. -ato.
osso che alia pelle, such words

Arridott6re compounded of Arri, Dottore, a

Arrembatura / ; i. exhaustion of fool of a doctor. reach the bone before the skin, an
a man or horse. 2. lameness of a Arrieto ; pop. for Addietro, behind.
*Arriffare (It. riffa); to put up for expressive way of saying that they
sale at a
horse. raffle. wound deeply. 14. to go somewhere
Arren-are ind. arrdno (L. arena); Arrigato ; scored with scratches. for a short time Arrivo al cafte e ;

to run aground. Aff. -amdnto. ArrlgO ;. ; Henry. torno, I am just going out to the coffee-
Arrendamento nt. = Appalto, *
Arrigobello m. ; clown employed to collect house and shall be back directly ;
; letting.
Arrendellare; v. Arrandellare. people for games. Arriva qui appalto a prendermi de'

Arringa (Aringa) / francobolli, just go out to the office

perf. m' arrdsi -rende'sti, (O.H.G. hring,
arrdso or * arrenduto ; arena, cp. E. rink, ring) close by and get me some stamps.
part, (intens. ; harangue.
Rendere); i. to surrender. 2. of a Aff. Arring-am^nto, -are, -at5re. 15. -arsi, of a horse, to strike the hind
branch or any and fore feet together in trotting.
material, to yield under ArringO (Aringo, Arengo) m. ring, *
to go or send (the boat) towards the shore.
pressure without breaking. a uno, i.

3. arena. 11. to go ashore Aver buon ; to have a good ,

to obey him
willingly. Prov. Chi ha
i. to approach the bank. ii. for landing-place.
bisogno si arrenda, those who ask Abripare, to run down from the hill. iii. -arsi for
Arrivato; i. Ben welcome. 2. of ,
favours must not be proud Chi e piu Abriparsi, to form a compact mass.
food, overdone, too much cooked.
gentile e piu arrende, a courteous per- si Arrischi-are pop. Arrisicare or
hit, -v. Arrivare (io).
son is ready to give way, which is also Arristiare (It rischio); to risk, -arsi, Arrivatura in composing for the press,
f. ;

the sentiment expressed./^, by ihcfirov. to venture. Aff. -atame'nte. that piece of composing which reaches a place in
the copy where the composing had already been to drive away (any unpleasant As
object). refl. Arroventare ind. arrovento (It. ro-
-arsi : iii. to wave one s arms about or to swing
Arrive m. arrival. ; one's weapon round in self-defence, iv. to hurry, vente) ;
to make red hot
Arrizzare ;=Rizzare, to raise, bristle up. v. to exert oneself, vi. in a translation of Virgil, of
Aff. Arrovent-atura, -ire to become red hot,
Arro v. Arri.
; a bird, to fly round and round. -ime'nto.
*Arrobata or Arrombata f.\ a defensive *
Arrosticciana f. slice of roast pork.
Arrovesciare; = Rovesciare,

parapet on ships. to turn

"Arrobbiare; to dye with Robbia, madder. Arrost-ire i mi. -isco (O.H.G. rostan
upside down.
*Arrocare; = Arrochire, to grow hoarse. v. Skeat, sub Roast, with prefix = L. ad) ;
Aff. Arrovesci-ame'nto, -atura.
to roast. 2. to toast. 3. also of cold
place on the to i.
Arrocc-are; i.

distaff the material to be spun. 2. at wind, to shrivel (plants). 4. fig. to Arrov6scio or A rov&scio; oppo-
chess, to castle.
-ato, fortified.
"roast" by borrowing money from a sitely, contrary. Andar ,
to go badly.
friend without any intention of repaying. Arrozzire ind. -isco (It. rozzo); to
Arrocchi-are (It. rocchio); i. to cut
5. to talk nonsense. AJjf. -itura. become wild and rough.
up into blocks, Rocchi. 2. un pezzo
di cuoio, to make a roll of leather.
Arrbsto m. (sync, for Arrostito,
to make (a person) be, or appear to be, rough.
*Arrubinare (It. rubino); to make red like a
3. fig.
Abborracciare, to work hastily. part.oi Arrostire); roast meat. morto, ruby.
* una without gravy. Proverbs: Chi la vuole t Arruciol-are (It. truciolo); to move a thing
i. to pick
up haphazard, without care. ii.
causa, to handle it without method. allesso e chi some prefer boiled, ,
by turning it over and over, -arsi, to be turned over.
Aff. Arrocchidne, v. -are (3).
*Arrud-are (It. rude); to become rough, -ato,
others roast, i.e. opinions differ. stiffened (by cold, etc.).
Arroch-ire ind. -isco (It. roco) to ; meglio aspettar 1' - - che trovar il
diavolo nel catino, it is better to wait Arruffa m. arruffare) disturber.
make, or become hoarse. Aff. -ime'nto. (It. ;

as E. for the roast than find the devil in the 11 sor Arruffa, Mr Upsetter of every-
Arrogant-e (L. ndrogans) ; Aff. -accio
pegg., -ello dim., -eme'nte adv., -<5ne augni., Arro- dish, i.e. to come too soon and have to thing.
ind. arrogo (L. adrogare)', (leg.) to wait than too late and find the dinner Arruff-are (It. ruffa); I. to make
adopt (a person not under the patria fotestas of all gone. (the hair) untidy. 2. generally, to make
another), -arsi, to arrogate to oneself. of animals,
*i. to claim without right, ii. = Presumere. SS" The word is also used as an untidy. 3. il
pelo, to
iii. = Abrogare. adv. with the force of an adj. Piccioni bristle up the hair. 4. le matasse,
Aff. Arrog-ato adopted son, -attire, -azidne. to act as a go-between in love affairs.
arrosto, roasted pigeons.
Arrbgere perf. arrosi, part, arroso *Ha il color d' allesso e d' ,
he has the colour 5. -arsi, to get in a tangle. 6. -ato, v.
of boiled and roast, his hair is streaked with
or arroto (modified from L. adrogare) ;
a defective verb nearly obsolete, to add. 'Arrotay:; i.q. Arroto, adjunct. Aff. Arruff-amatasse mischief-maker, -amento,
The imperative, arrogi, is now occasion-
-apbpoli demagogue, agitator, -atamente, -io freq.
Arrotafbrbice m. indecl. ; scissors- A/'., -one.
ally used to mean Besides, in addition grinder.
to what I have said. The part, arroto untidy, lit. and fig.
Arruffat-0 ; ;

Arrot-are ind. arr&to (It. rota); Scrittore careless untidy writer;

is further explained below. ,
to sharpen on the grindstone. 2. to
prov. La matassa quanto e piu -a e
*Arrogiare ;=Bagnare, to wet, v. Rugiada.
*Arrogimento m. ; addition. grind to a smooth surface. 3. in driving meglio, s' accommoda, the worse the
a carriage, to run into the wheels of
Arrolare ind. arrolo tangle the better it is for putting right,
(Arruolare) another carriage. to wear out
ruolo); to enrol.
4. i.e. the greater the
difficulty the more
(It. clothes. 5. --la lingua, to grumble. easily is the requisite resolution sum-
Aff. Arrol-amnto, -atdre. -
Arrombata f. v. Arrobata. 6. i
coltelli, to plan treachery. moned up for putting it right. Eredita
Arromp-ere = Rompere,
; i. to break, ii. il 7. i
ferri, to sharpen the tools, i.e. go inheritance encumbered with debts,
sangue, to burst the blood-vessels. As rejl. -ersi: to work.
iii. to break out. iv. to break away.
8. i
denti, to gnash with lawsuits, etc.
Arronc-are (It. ronca); i. to cut with a hedge- the teeth. *
Arruffellare dim. to throw into slight dis-
to weed.
bill, ii. iii. to clear away stumps, roots
of trees, etc. iv. -ato, with a wrinkled face.
As refl. -arsi :
9. to work hard. order.
- intorno ad
t Arronchiare; = Rattrarre or Aggranchire, to
10. uno, to try by all Arruffian-are ind. arruffiano (It.
contract (the muscles) with cramp or cold. manner of means to ingratiate oneself ruffiano) to cover up the faults
; of.

Arroncigli-are (Arruncigliare) (It. with him. Denaro money, disgraceful

-ato, the
ronciglio); I. to seize with a hook. Part, -ato, of a horse, marked with origin of which is concealed: a low
2. to seize, generally. 3. to curl up. white spots. Leardo -ato, a horse word.
4. of a cat, to arch its back, -arsi, to whose spots are radiating like a wheel,
Arniff-fo, -i<5ne mischief-making, ;
writhe. as distinguished from Leardo pomellato,
-maker, v. Arruffare.
Arronsinarsi ;= Arronzinarsi. whose spots are more or less round. to wrinkle or become
*Arrugare (It. ruga);
to put to death by "breaking on the wheel."
Arronz-arsi ind. m' arr6nzo, or wrinkled.
11.Pietra -ante, grindstone.
-inarsi ind. m' arronzino (Arronsinarsi) Arruggere ;=Ruggere, to roar.
; AJj. Arrot-abile, -am^nto, -atura sharpening or Arruggin-ire ind. -isco (It. ruggine); i. to
to work very hard, lit. like a hack, payment
therefor, -10 continued grinding. become rusty, lit. and Jig. 2. of the teeth, = Alle-
Arroteare (It. rota); to whirl round. gare, to set on edge.
Ronzino. * = Arrozzire, to train (boys) to be wild.
*Arronzinato (The meaning seems to preclude
Arrotlno m. knife-grinder. ; = Arrochire, to make hoarse.
derivation from Arronzinare and to suggest that of
Aoncinare with the double r inserted for euphony)
Arrbto in. (part, of arrogere used Arrugiadare (It. rugiada); i. to bedew, ii. to
hooked back, describing a particular kind of Cappuc-
as sb.); in pi. i. at Florence the *
Arruncigliare Arroncigliare, ; q.v.
hood. branch offices of the Monte dei prestiti, *
Arruolare Arrolare. ;

Arrorare (L. adrorare) to sprinkle *

like dew. Arruotare ;= Arrotare.
municipal loan office.

Arrosare (L. ros, cp. Fr. arroser); to sprinkle

2. assistant
like dew. magistrates in medieval Florence, esp. Arnibto in. = Arroto.

ArroSellare or = Ro- those who assisted the six principal *

Arm vidare = Arruvidire.
Arrosolire ;

solare, to roast. magistrates, the Priori. adjunct. AlTUVid-ire ind. -isco (It. ruvido);
Arrosi, Arroso ; v. Arrogere. Arrotolare ind. arrotolo (It. rotolo) ; to roughen. Aff. -ime'nto.
to roll up. *
Arruzzare ;=Ruzzare, to play.
Arrossare (It. rosso); i. tr. to
redden. 2. intr. to become Arrotondare (It. rotondo) ; to round Arruzzolare ind. arruzzolo; = Ruz-
* to blush.
red, by off.
chemical action. zolare, to roll headlong.
Arrossicare (freq. Arrossare) ; to redden, esp. Arrovell-are ind. arrovello (It. ro- Arsella f. the edible mussel, Mytilus
; edulis.
by shedding of blood. vello); i. to enrage. As refl. -arsi: Arsenale /. (It.
darsena, dock, from an ad-
2. to be jectival derivative of which, darsenale, the d was
Arross-ire ind. -isco (It. rosso) to enraged. 3. to work hard.
; dropped, v. Skeat, sub Arsenal); arsenal.
blush. Aff. -ime'nto. 4. The part, is used to intensify any t Arsenaldtto worker in the Venice arsenal.

Arseni-co tn. (L. arsenicum, Gr. aptrcccKoi',

*Arrost-are (It. rosta); to drive away (flies) i. adj. Brutto -ato, excessively ugly. Aff. from appi}f, apo-ijy, male, on account of its virulence);
with a fan. ii. to msve (a thing) about like a -ame'nto.
fan, arsenic. Aff. -cale, -cato, -<5so, -uro.
Arsi _/ (Gr. dpuis, from alpw, to raise) arsis, Arvali m. pi. the Arval brothers, a fraternity
Articolat-o (gram.) of a pre-
i. ;

emphasis on some syllable, v. Tesi. described by Varro, who offered sacrifices at stated
'Arsiccia/:; Fare or * Arsicciare, = Addeb- , position, joined to the article as al or periods for the success of agriculture.
bare, to burn for mammal purposes. del, etc. 2. articulate (sounds), such as
Arzagogo i. descriptive of some species of

kite. worthless (person).

Arslcc-io of -iare); make definite words. As sb. 3. the :

(sync. part,
i. scorched. 2. parched with thirst.
series of the articles of a law, govern- Arzagola, Arzavola, or Alzavola
*i. sunburnt, ii. in love. iii. (beard) curled by
ment contract, etc. 4. in pi. -i, the f. ; Anas crtcca, also termed Anatra
singeing, iv. half-burnt (torch). articulate class of animals. querquedula, Baruzzola, Cercevolo,
Arsigio Arsiccio.
Garganello, Sartella.

Arsile m. carcase of a ship.

Articolazibne / ; i. v. Articolare,
Etym. unJsn. It is probably a corruption from
; hull, vb. 2. articulation, joint.
Arsi6ne_/C (L. arsio) ; burning thirst. Articolista m. ; writer of newspaper
burning, ii.
very hot weather. articles, esp. leading articles. Span, cerceta, Portug. zarzeta, names for the same
Arsi vo caustic. bird.
Articolo m. (L. articulus, dim. of artus,
ArzanayI; = Arsenale,
limb, *
root ar, to join)
article in various senses, as in E. q.v.
Arso ; part, ardere.

*i. joint, articulation, Arzavola, v. Arzagola.

ii. integral part. iii. in
*i. partly burnt
di necessita, in case of necessity, iv. Arzeglio; of a horse, with the off hind foot
(candle). ii.
poor, indigent, moment, ". Balzano.
ill. as sb., coke. exact instant, v. circumstances of place ; Guarda white,
che m' ha condotto la fortuna, see into what Arzente = Ardente. Acqua alcohol.
Arsore; burner of the dead, as transl. of L. a_
; ,

ustor. circumstances fortune has brought me. vi. circum- tArzentin m. scabbard-fish, v. Lepidopo.

stance of time; L' della persecuzione, the time of

* Arzentino
m. = Argentine, ii. = Maldicente.
; i.

a Arzica f.: a yellow used by miniature painters.

Arsura/; i.
spell of very hot the persecution,
articulo mortis.
vii. In sull' della morte, in
weather. 2.
burning thirst. Arzigbgolo m. ; sophistical quibble,
* Aff. Articoletto dim. Also, in the journalistic
Mettere ad
i. to burn. ii. burning of spices, , sense, Articol-ino dim. vezz. neat little article, -ista intended to confuse the issue, fiddle-
iii. parching heat, from fever, iv. de' piedi, v. supra, in loco, -<5ne augm.
important article, faddle.
inflammation of the feet in dogs. v. poverty. ucciaccio dim. spreg. fegg. wretched little
uccino dim. vezz. modest little article, -uccio dim. Etym. Prob, by involved metatheses from It
Artaccia/ pegg. ; Arte, unprofitable spreg. paltry article. giro+rigare, whence (i) Girigorp, confused set of
trade. lines,/*% confused reasoning; this may have given
Arti^re m. (2) **rigigogoU> and (3) "argigogolo, whence Ar-
* (It. arte); artisan.
Artagoticamente iron, wonderfully, a word ; cigogolare and Arzigogolo.
coined by Boccaccio from Arte and Gotico. Artificio or Artiflzio m. (L. arti- Aff. Arzigogol-eria quibbling, -one quibbler.
Artanftay:; i. (bot.) cyclamen, Alpine violet, Arzilla /.; i. rossina, rough ray (fish),
Cyclamen Europaeum. i. a kind of ointment made ficiuni); \. artifice. 2.
cunning; Fuochi Dasybatis asterias, locally termed Rasa, Raseta
, fireworks.
therefrom. d' Baracola, Arzilla comune, Arzilla di rena. 2. chio-
*Artare (L. artare); to constrain. *i. data, thornback, Dasybatis clavata, locally termed
skill, workmanship, ii. practice of a skilled
*Artato(It. arte); artful. trade. Rasa, Rasa spinosa, Kazza di scoglio, Arzilla petrosa,
Aff. Artificer Pigara petrosa. 3. scardasso, fuller, white horse,
(L. ars,artis); I. art. Ad
Artifizi-)-aie artificial, -almente,
Arte/ -osamente, -dso studied, tricky.
or gullet, Uasybatis fullonica,
locally termed Raseta,
= Apposta, expressly. 2. (hist.) Le -i,
Artifiziuccio m. dim. spreg. Artifizio, con-
Baracola. 4. monaca = Razza monaca, white
artifice. skate, V. Razza (A, 4).
the Arts, or rather, the Guilds of temptible
Florence of which there were seven Artigian-0 m., -a artisan. Arzillo; pungent, sprightly. Vino
/. ;
Aff. * ,

major and fourteen minor, v. Maggiore -ello spreg., -e"sco. slightly sparkling. slightly drunk.
(ii). They were instituted by Giano Artigliare; i. to seize in the claws, ii.
fig = Etym. dub. but doubtless Latin. The suggested
della but their number sub- to be a robber. sources are (i) It. arso with s changed to z
Bella, Allacciare, q.v. iii. perhaps
under the influence of the word Arzente, (2) a form
sequently varied. - - the Artighato(A); provided with claws. (B); pro-
3. bianca, vided with artillery. **arditillo, dim. of Ardito, contracted to **ard'tillo
baker's trade. 4. Far 1' di Michel- Artigliere m. artilleryman. ;

do nothing but Arzinche or Arzinghe a kind

accio, to Chi ha eat. 5.
Artiglieria /, (mlt. artillare, to provide war- f. pi.; of
- ha like engines, from attillum, dim. of L. grooved tongs used in the mint.
parte, a master of his art can ars, artis,
cp. Proven5. artilka, trench, orig. engine of war; Arzuccolare; to prune vine-cuttings, Maglioli.
Asaldire; = Esaudire, to hear.
always find a living. 6. Non avere ne the formation of artillum from artem is confirmed
ne parte, to have no means of getting by that of old Fr. artilleux, artificial, from the Asaltare; i. =Esaltare. ii. =Assaltare.
same source); modern or Asapo m. ; i. Turkish cavalry soldier, ii. in-
artillery, ancient.
one's living, lit. neither art nor share fantry soldier in a garrison.
of wealth. in bad Artfglio m. (L. articulus, v. Arti- Asarabacca/.; (bot.) i. del Canada, Cana-
7. sense, art, artful- dian snake root, Asarum (Sartaderise. 3.
claw. europea,
ness; Per e per inganno Si vive mezzo colo) ;
hazelwort, Asarum Europaeum.
T anno, E per inganno ed Si vive
Artiglioso provided with, or, resembling claws.
A'saro m. (Gr.); v. Asarabacca.
Asbergo ;. = Usbergo, hauberk.
*Artim6ne m. (Gr. aprVpui>, from
P altra parte, by cunning and deceit one aprau, to be

hanging, root ar, to fit); one of the principal sails of Asbesto (Abesto) m. (Gr. a priv., av3Vi/vp.i,
may live for half the year, and by deceit a ship. Chi terzeruolo ed artimon rintoppa, one to quench, therefore unquenched);
asbestos, a
and cunning the other half. man will be mending a small sail and (another fibrous mineral, a variety of hornblende.
doing) one of the larger ones. D. Inf. ai. 15. *Ascarano m. ; = Scherano, assassin.
astronomy, physics, geography or astrology.
Art 1st a _._(It arte); i. artist. 2. fop. artisan.
magna, alchemy, iii. priraa, grammar. Aff. Artist-icamme, -ico, -uzzo spreg. to jump); a genus of intestinal worms.
*v. = Contabilita, work of
di note, an accountant, *Ascar-o m., -a /.; v. Aschero.
v. Gettar 1' to throw magical spells. Arto

Artefare; to adulterate, falsify.

(L. artus); narrow. As sb.: Ascarubla/; (bot.) prickly lettuce, Lactuca
Artefatto; Fatturato, artificial.
joint, articulation. 2. Orso, the = scariola.

Great Bear. 3. the north. Asce f. ;

= Ascia, axe.
Artifice m. (L. artifex); artisan.
Artocarpo m. (tat.) a genus of trees of which
II sommo God. , the bread-fruit tree is one, Arlacarfus ir/cisa.
Ascdll-a f. (L. axilla, v. Ala) ; arm-
* Artofilace m. (Gr. apToc, the con- Aff. -are.
Arteggiare to use artifices habitually.
; cpiiXaf); pit.
Artemisia /.; i. (bat.) mugwort or wormwood, stellation Bootes.
A rtemisia^ vulgaris or A . absinthttm. 2. absinth.
Ar-trite or -tritide /. (Gr. tppov);
Ascendentale ; Linea , line of
Arteri-a f. (Gr. ipmpi'a, inflammation of the joints. Ajf. Artritico.
orig. the windpipe, ancestors.
< aetpw, to hang up) ; artery. Aff. -dso.
Artropodi m.pi. (Gr. ipflpoi', jroik); the
Arteriotomfa /.; anatomy of the arteries. arthropods, insects, spiders, crustaceans and myria- Ascendente t. ancestor.
Artesiano artesian (well), from Artois
; in pods.
Artu; King Arthur of Britain. D. Inf. 32. 62. *i. in
astrology, that zodiacal sign which was
France where wells of this kind were first sunk
Arturo m. (L. arctunis, Gr. opirrot, bear, rising on the horizon when the subject was born and
Artetica/ (Gr. &pepov); (tned.) arthritis.
under whose ascendant he therefore was. ii. Jig.
*Artezza_/C (It. arto); narrowness.
oipo?, guard, from its situation near the tail of the
* Great Bear); i.
Arcturus, the brightest star in influence.
Articella/; dim. Arte, paltry art.
Bootes. 2. fig. guide. 3. Arthur.
A'rtico (L. arcticus from arctos, the *Arula/; hearth. Ascend^nza/. ancestors ; in a direct
Arundeliani m. pi. the Arundel marbles line.
Great Bear); arctic. brought from Greece by Sir

W. Petty at the cost

Articolare; i.
of the Earl of Arundel in 1627 ;
part of the collection Ascendere perf. ascdsi -scende'sti,
articular, relating to is now at Oxford.
the joints. AST/*.: 2. to move
(a limb).
part, ad, and scandere,
ascdso (L. <
3. to articulate (words). 4. to specify Aruspic-e m. (L. haruspex < hara, which in its compounds is -scendere;
gut, spicere, to look at, v. Corda); for scandere, -v. infra Scendere); I. to
ancient Roman soothsayer. Aff. -ina, ascend. 2. of expenses, to amount.
Articolatame'nte art of soothsaying.
articulately. 3. pop. for Scendere, to descend.
Ascensi6ne /; I. ascent, rising. Asciugatoio m.\ i. bath-towel. Aslmmetr-0 ;
I. of animal form,
2. ascension. 2. cloth spread over the bed of a person unsymmetrical. 2. (math.) incommen-
Ascensivo seeking ; to ascend. receiving the Viaticum. surable. Aff. -ia.
*i. cloth placed on a pillow to keep it clean Asinaccio (Asinastro) m. ; i. v. Asino. 2. a
Ascens6re m. ;
where a person's head comes, ii. drying-place for variety of fig.

Asc^sa/i ;
= Salita, ascent. clothes.
Asciu61o m. an axe of peculiar shape used by
(Gr. a. priv., trvvStu, to connect);
disconnected (speaking).

millers for shaping the necks of the Bossoli. Asindeto m. {gram.) omission of the copula,
Ascesi the town of ; Assisi, D. Par.

Dicentia tacenda locutus (Horace).

ii- S3- Asciutt-o ( L. exsuctus, from sugere,
Asin^llo m.; i. ass's colt or small
to suck) dry. Secondary meanings :
Ascfiso ; part. Ascendere. ;
ass. 2. fig. body. 3. a the human
i. with little or no gravy. 2. Rimanere
Ascesso m. (L. abscessus, from ab, species of fish, v. Asello. 4. foundation
a denti -i, i.e.have tried without
cedo) abscess. stone in a sewer. 5. horizontal
result. 3. of wine, strong, such as to
in the ridge of a roof, to which the other
Ascet-a m. (Gr. ao-Kni-r/s, one who leave the mouth dry. 4. of writings,
rafters are nailed at their upper ends.
performs exercises) ; ascetic. Aff. -ico, poor, paltry. 5. reserved in manner.
-is mo. 6. impoverished, ruined. 7. thin. Asino m. (L. asinus, cp. Gr. ovos
unattractive, frank (advice), Uomo for acrvos, orig. a Semitic word); ass,
Asce'tta/ ;
dim. Ascia, adze. *i. ii. iii.

che ha le narici -e, man with dry nostrils, i.e. who Equus asinus. selvaggio, the wild
t Aschero (Ascaro) m. (Ascara, Ascherezza f.) ; will form a good judgment, iv. =mal concio, in evil
1. grief, regret,
ii. vexation at something one hears case. v. unknown, without imitators, vi. obscure. ass, Onager.
said. iii. longing desire. vii. A dente hungry. Phrases: i. Dare dell' to call
Etym. uncertain. Perhaps < Gothic **aisk6n, =

AJf. Asciutt-are Asciugare, -ezza, -ino dim.


(a man) an ass. 2. Toccare dell'

akin to A.S. ascian, O.H.G. eitkdn (> Germ. ,

heischen, to require), i>. Skeat, sub Ask. Asciuttdre m. ; drought. to be called an ass. 3. A schiena d' ,
A'schio m. ; pop. for Astio, envy. *
Ascizio sync, for Ascitizio.
of the shape of a road, hog-backed.
Ascia or Asce/ (L. ascia, akin to Asclepiade /. ; (bot.) Syrian swallow-wort, 4. Ponte dell' the pans asinorum, ,
Asclepias Syriaca, sometimes called wild cotton
E. axe, v. Skeat, sub Axe) adze. Fatto ; to the order Asciepiadaceae there the fifth proposition of Euclid. 5.
plant, belonging ;

coll' made with an adze, i.e. clumsily.

is no British species.
Specchio d Muscovy glass, v. Scag- ,

Asclepiadeo m. Asclepiad verse, Mae-

Unasentenza coll' a judgment given lioliola. Proverb: 6. Qui mi cadde 1'
cenas a farts edite regibvs (Horace, Od. I. l). ,

haphazard. Maestro d' shipwright, , *Ascolta/;; i. listening, ii. sentinel, iii. Andare i.e. here came the difficulty, here I came
of a nun, to consult her superior.
risalito, bardato or in
ship's carpenter. , to grief. 7.
Asciali in. pl.\ two long pieces of wood which Ascolt-are ind. ascolto i. to listen
; gualdrappa, i.e. nouveau riche, without
flank the pole of a harrow. manners. 8. Andare dietro al suo
Ascialbne ;.; r. wooden carrier bolted to a to. 2. (/*</.) as E. Aff. -at6re, -atrice. ,

a movable to pursue one's way regardless of what

scaffold pole to
support a putlog. 2.
Etym. L. ausculto<**aus, ear, **cttltare, to
piece for making the pressure of a vice fall where bend where aits is the base of L. auris, v. precchio,
others say. 9. Arare col bue e coll' ,

required, v. Sergente. and cHltarc is for "clitare, akin to "cliaare, to

i.e. to use every possible means.
lean, v. Skeat, sub Incline, so that the ///. sense is
Asciare to chip (a pole) with an ; to bend down the ear. 10. Cercar e esserci a cavallo, to
adze so as to reduce its siae. le Ascoltazi6ne (Oscultazione) f. ; (nud.) aus- seek abroad what we have better at
botti, to clean the interior of a cask by home. ii. Far conto che ragli un ,

chipping it. Asc61t-o m. ;

Dare ,
to listen. to regard as little as an ass's bray, i.e. to
* Part.
sync, for -ato. i. heard, ii. dismissed ; disregard completely. 12. C' e 1' -
Asciata f. blow with an adze. ;
i .
Essere to have no more to do. iii. as sli., sen-
, alia lira, a translation of the Latin
judgment given without considera- tinel.
asinus ad lyram, when a man undertakes
tion. settlement of a dispute in a Ascond-arello m. hiding-place. * -ere (L.

abscondere), to hide. 'Asconsivo, hidden. what he knows nothing about. 13. Fare
rough and ready way. Ascortare; to shorten.
Ascoso; part. Ascondere.
come 1' del pentolaio, to be like the
Ascidiate (Gr. ar6s, wine-skin); Foglie ,
which assume the shape and function of Ascosto ;=Nascosto. potter's donkey (which stops at every
(hot.) leaves
Ascreo of Ascra in Boeotia, the birthplace of
water-bottles, as in the pitcher-plant, Nepenthes.
door), i.e. to gossip with everybody.
Ascidie ./ //. (Gr. daxoc, wine-skin, t6os, ap- * or Legar 1' a buona
Ascrittizio (L. ascripticius); i. enrolled on a 1
4. Legar 1'
pearance); ascidians, the tunicated class of animals. it. of a slave, attached
Ascidio (?'. Ascidiate); the leaf of the pitcher- listas citizen, colonist, etc.
caviglia, to tie the ass to a stout peg,
to the soil and sold with the estate, iii. reservist of
the Roman army. iv. god made by apotheosis.
i.e. go fast asleep. 1
5. Lego 1' dove
*Ascio (A) titij. (Gr. i priv., trcta); without
shadow, referring to a person who has the sun ex-
vuole il
padrone, only obeying i.e. 1 am
Ascritto part. Ascrivere.
actly at his zenith. (B) sb, ;=Agio, ease. ;
my orders. 16. Metier 1' a cavallo,
Asciogliere i. = Sciogliere, to dissolve, ii. to
Ascrivere per/, ascrissi -scrive'sti, i.e. to put a bad thing on the top of a
liberate, iii. to absolve.
Asciolvere (Sciolvere)(L.solvent, in the phrase part, ascritto (L. ascribere); to ascribe. good one, e.g. to wear an old dress-body
solvere jejutiid)', to breakfast. Also as sb. t break-
Aseita/ (L. a se); self-existence, the property
and a new skirt. 17. Gli sta meglio
fast, period of
ii. time sufficient for breakfast,
iii. a small matter, small sum of money, iv. Dar of God. che il basto all' ,
i.e. his punishment
Asello dim. of asinus, the colour of the
IK. (L.,
18. E' va piii d' un
1' ultimo to kill. is well deserved.
i. a fish of the cod
fish being like that of an ass)
Ascissa /I (L. abscissas); (ninth.) abscissa.

al is indispensable. no one
Ascite/; (Gr. a<7<c<fc, wine-skin) ascites, dropsy ;
family. 2. a genus of isopod crustaceans or _wood- mercato, i.e.

the abdomen. lice, some of which are aquatic, others terrestrial.

Aff. -accio pegg., -aggine
*Ascitizio (L. adscittcius<.scire) adventitious, *Asembrarc; to assemble.
stupid action, -aia' stable for donkeys,
* to represent.
extra, borrowed. *
Asemprare to copy. ; i. ii.

* Asc iugaberrett e m. one who ;

steals Berrette, Asequio nt. ;= Esequie, obsequies. -aio donkey-driver, -ata ride on a
Asfalt-o m. (Gr. ia^oAros, a foreign word);
asphalt. Ajff. -ico. donkey, -eria ignorance of good breed-
Asciugamauo (Sciugamano) m. ; ing, -escamdnte, -dsco ill-bred, -mo
Asfissfa /
(Gr. do-(/>ui'a, cessation
stupid, -ita stupidity, -one augm.
of the pulse, <
a priv., <r<f>vta, to throb) ; Asintote f. or -o m. (Gr.); (matk.) asymptote.
Asciugapenne m. ; penwiper. asphyxia, death by suffocation. Asintdtico Spazio the space between a
; ,

curve and its

Asciugare (L. exsucare); i. tr. or Asfodelo m. (Gr. a<r<J.66cAo!, an Oriental word) ; *
(hot.) asphodel, Aspkodclus rajnosus, also termed
Asip m. Agio.
; v.
t'ntr.,to dry; Asciugategli il sudore, As' iso m. a kind of sizing placed upon paper to
Asta regia.
be gilded.
dry up his sweat, iron., with the occa- tAsia or Asial nt. ;
a species of dog-fish, r.

sional addition, con una granata, with a Spinerolo.

Asm-a /. (Gr. <"o-#/ia, v. Skeat, sub
Asiatico; i. Asiatic. 2. Stile
broom, said to one who thinks he has Far venire

Morbo cholera. Asthma) ;

asthma. 1'
style. 3.
accomplished much but has really done
= Seccare, to bore. Pianta dell'

nothing. (vet.) 2. un cavallo, to cure

Asflo m. (L. < Gr. oo-uXov < a priv., (bot.) asthma plant, Psychotria offici-

him of glanders. <ri>\T], right of seizure, cp. <ruXd, to nalis. Aff. -atico.
draw up (water from the sea by evaporation), strip) asylum. ;
i. to
Asolare ind. asolo (altered from
ii. piaghe, to alleviate sorrows. *Asim-a /:; = Asma, asthma. *-; to work
Esalare< l^.exhalare, root an to breathe,
Aff, Asciug-amento, -atura. hard.
v. Ahto) ; i. of the wind, to sough. reel. Non far ne un ne un arcolaio, d' ,
vedrai che non dura, he has taken
2. to hang out (clothes) to air. to make neither a reel nor a winder,
up too violently, you will see that it
Asoliere m. trouser-belt, v. Usoliere. i.e. to fail to do two things at won't
by trying last.
A'solo m.; light breeze. Dare once. Credere di far un e fare un
, AJ}. Assalt-abile, -are, -atore.
to air (clothes). arcolaio, i.e. to do oneself harm instead *
Assannare = Azzannare,; to grind the teeth.

of good.
Mare Sea of Assapor-are ind. sa-
As6pa ; (geogr.) d' ,
assaporo (It.
Azo Aspone m. ; (mar.) bar of the bilge pore); to keep (a thing) in the mouth
ways. so as to get its taste. *to flavour.
Aspa f. ; (>rtr.)=ManoveI!a, bar. t=Aspo,
Aff. -amdnto.
'Aspaldo /.;
= Spaldo, rampart.
Asportare ind. asporto (L.< ab, par-
tare); to carry off, clear away after
i. Assaporire; to flavour.
Aspata / ; reel-full of silk.
an auction. 2. (surg.) to extirpate (a Assappo in. Turkish infantry soldier.

Aspe m. I. tAssaro m. withy for basket-making.

; (mar.) capstan-bar. tumour). Assassino m. (Arabic hasciscin, one who when
=Aspide, asp. *
Aff. Asport-dbile, -atore, -azione. drugged with hashish would commit any crime
Asperarteria f. (L. aspera arteria, v. Arteria) ;
Asprarmonioso ; in rugged harmony. desired of him) assassin. As adj., murderous.

the trachea, windpipe. Aff. Assassin-amento, -are, -escamente, -esco,

Aspreggiare ind. asprdggio ;
to treat -inio (i.g. -amento).
Asperella or Asprella /; (tot.) roughly. Assaurire ind. -isco (corr. of Assavorare); in
mare's-tail, v. Coda (19, b). tanning, to take a hide out of the bath and examine
Asprella f. ; i.q. Asperella, mare's- its colour.
Aspergere perf. aspersi tail. Assavorare = Assaporare, ; to taste.
part, asperso (L. aspergere); to be- Asse (A)/, with
Aspro rough. As sb.,
(L. asper); Asse corresp. pi.
sprinkle. a Turkish coin worth about a halfpenny. toan old sing. * Assa (L. assis) board.
Aff. Asper-ges (Latin word, = Asper- Aff. Aspr-amente, -ettmo (dim. -etto), -e"tto Esser fra due asse, i.e. in a tight place.
sorio), -sione, -s6rio holy- water sprinkler, slightly rough, -ezza, -igno rather acid, -ino dim.
pleasantly acid (wine); these two also as sbs. -igno ;
(B) m. (L. axis, axle-tree, cp. Sanskr.
aspergill. a certain acidity, -ino an agreeable acidity. aksa wheel, Gr. a^iav, O.H.G. ahsa,
Aspergillo m. i. the watering-pot shell, a
Germ. Achsel, axle); i. axle; a
genus of bivalve molluscs, family Gastfrockaenidae. Aspr6ne m. ; a black kind of tufa
2. a genus of
fungi one of which, the Asftrgillus stone. manovella, crank axle. 2. (math.) axis.
glaucus, is the blue mould of cheese. 3. nella rota, wheel and axle, one
'Aspergine tn. ;
= Aspersione, sprinkling.
Assa f.
(mlt. asa, an Oriental word,
of the five " simple machines." 4.
= Aspersorio, d'
*Aspergolo in. ;
sprinkler. cp. Persian aza, mastic, Arabic asd,
Asperifdlie f. pi. ; (tat.) the rough-leaved class un quadrante, hand of a dial. 5. (anat.)
of plants. healing); i. dolce, benzoin. 2.
the second cervical vertebra, the axis.
fetida, assafoetida, the inspissated juice
Aspers-idne, Aspergere. -o, -orio, v. of the Ferula assafoetida. (C) m. (L. as); i. the ancient Roman
Aspett-are ind. aspetto (L. ad- coin. 2.
patrimoniale, (leg.) inherit-
Assaccia f. pegg. of Asse (A).
spectare or ex-spectare) to wait for. ;
Assaccomannare ;
to plunder. ance. 3. ecclesiastico, salary paid
-arsf, to expect. - a gloria, to expect Assaett-are ind. assadtto ( 1 1. saetta) ;
by the State to a priest.
eagerly. la Providenza, to wait upon to be excessively unpleasant. Un caldo, Asseccare (It. secco) to dry up. ii. to ; i.

Providence (and do nothing for our- Un puzzo che -a, an overpowering heat,
selves). Ti ci -o, a sort of threat. Hai a fearful stink. - dalla fame, dalla Assecch-ire ind. -isco (It. secco) ;
avuto un santo dalla tua; ma non sete, to be terribly hungry, thirsty, etc. become thin.
pensare se non e oggi, e domani, ti ci
Ch' assaetti, a common form of swear-
Assecondare /<y*. for Secondare, to support.

aspetto, you have had the best of it this to work very hard, Assedere, for conjug. v. Sedere (L. assidere) ;
ing, -arsi, Aff. to seat, to place, ii. to be seated or placed,
time, but don't imagine it is over, I shall
-amdnto. iii. to besiege.
be keeping a look-out for you, and one
Assafetida v. Assa (2). Assedi-are ind. assedio assedi (bit.
of these days I shall serve you out. Chi ;

ha tempo non aspetti tempo, if you have Assaggi-are i. to taste, **sediare, var. of L. sedere, with prefix
(It. saggio); a- = L. ad); to besiege.
an opportunity, do not wait for .one. to sample. 2.
fig. to taste a beating. Aff. -atore,
3. to assay (metals), to test (the fer-
Aff. Aspett-ativa expectations, -o --
tility of a soil). Aff. -atore, -atura, -o Assedio m. ; i. siege; largo,
waiting. blockade. 2. fig.
Aspettazidne J. i. anxious expectation.
sample. importunity. 3. fig.
crowd, or crowd of things.

i. (keraU.) Tavola d' shield of one uniform , Assai adv. (L. satis); i. plenty;
tint, as it were, waiting for some feat to be com- *Asseggersi; to sit.
memorated. Del pane ce n' e there is plenty of ,

bread Ora ho parlato ; I have now Assegname'nto m. \. v. Assegnare. ;

Aspetto m. (A) ;
v. Aspettare.
2. annual, or other allowance, whether
spoken quite enough. 2. very. 3. with
(B) (L. aspectus); i.
(facial) appear- Essere or Parere, a great deal E - voluntary or secured. 3. dependence ;

ance; Aprimo ,
at first sight. 2. view che si sia degnato di rispondere, it is
Fare ,
to rely.
(of a landscape).
* = Consegna q. v.
charge upon public revenue
3. aspect. 4. (astr.) a great thing that he has been good to meet the interest of an Accatto, forced loan,

aspect, relative position of the planets enough to answer; Mi pare che tu iii. expedient, resource.
and stars. 5. (paperm.) a kind of abbia venduto quella bell' opera, I Ajf. Assegnamentuccio dim. spreg.
crutch where the wet sheets are hung wonder at your selling that beautiful Assegn-are ind. assdgno (L. as-
up to dry. work. 4. Averne d' una cosa, to be signare); i. to assign; spese -ate,
Aspettdne m. ; waylayer, assassin sick of it; Ne ho di questi esami, charges forward. 2. to prescribe, de-
in ambush. I am sick of these examinations. termine. 3. to attribute. *to consign.
Assaldire ;~Esaudire.
A'spide CAspe)/ (Or. do-); asp. *
Assale .; = Sala, axle. Aff. Assegn-eibile, -atamente thriftily,
-atdzza care, economy, -atino (dim. -ato),
Aspirare ind. aspi'ro (L. spirare, root Assal-ire ind. assalgo (or pop. as- -ato careful, esp. about expense, -at6re,
spis); I. to draw the breath in. 2. to salisco) assali assale,...assalgono, perf. -azione.
aspirate. 3. intr. to aspire. 4. of a assalii (or *assalsi) -salisti, part, as-
pump, to produce a vacuum. salito (L. satire); to assail.
Assign o m. ;
i.q. Assegnamento
Aff. Aspir-atame'nte, -ativo, -azioncella (dim. (2). 2. (com.) Contro , by cash on
Ajf. AssaMme'nto, -tt6re, -itrice.
-azione), -azione. delivery.
Asplcno or Asplenio tn. ; (tat.) splcenwort, a Assalt-o m. (mlt. assallus < L. as- *
Asseguire ; etc., v. Conseguire, etc.
genus of ferns, Asplenium. t Assemare
sultus<ad, saltare); assault. Pigliar (It. seme) ; to scatter seed. .

Aspo. Annaspo, or Naspo m. d' or Pigliar di petto, to take (a Assembl^a as-

f. (Fr. assetnbUe) ;

(O.H.G. haspa, cp. Germ. Haspel); thing) up violently. L' ha presa troppo sembly of deputies.
Assimilare ind. assimilo (L. assiinilare); i. to
Assembram^nto m. concourse of 2. (arch.) settlement, of a heavy building, assimilate (food), convert it into tissue. 2. (gram.)

people. assembly. to change the first of two consonants into the other,
eg. change enigma into enimma.
Assembrare ind. asse'mbro (A) (Fr. Assett-are ind. assetto (A) (L. ad- Ajfr. Assimil-abile, -ativo, -atore, -azione.
assembler <**assimulare L. ad, simul, < sectare) ; to caponize (fowls). (B) (L. ad,
Assindeto; v.
Assinicarsi = Assenicarsi, to do one's utmost.

together); to assemble. *to meet in sedeo, through some form

adseditare') ;
Assinitey; (Gr. auo7, axe); (min.) axinite, a
battle. i. to trim (an altar), to put (a house, etc.) double silicate of alumina, lime and iron, occurring
il veggio, to fill the warming- in sharp crystals somewhat like an axe.
*(B) (It. a, sembrare) ; i. to resemble, ji. to tidy ;
pan. As refl. -arsi 2. to take one's
Assi61o, or Assiuolo m. (dim. of
Assemprare variant of Esemplare, to copy.
seat. 3. to make oneself tidy. 4. -arsi
L. asius, probably meaning Asiatic);
Assenicarsi ( Assinicarsi) ;
- -
al il capo, to do one's hair.
little horned owl, Scops Aldrovandi,
lavoro, to work oneself to death. *i. to set (ona seat), ii. to adjust (a difficulty). also termed Alloccherello, Chiu, Chiuino,
* to correct
Assennare (It. senno, good sense) to teach. iii. in cooking, to season properly, iv.
Civettino, Usciolo.

(a faulty text), v. to fortify, vi. Assettando i

Assennato ; sensible, prudent. vicari per le terre a pacificare i discordant!, dis- Assidm-a m. ; (Gr.) axiom. Ajf. -aticamente,
tributing his vicars amongst the villages to pacify -atico. >

Ajft. Assennat-amente, -ezza, -ino dim. vezz, to find a husband for a girl,
Assenso in. assent. disputes. vii. Assidmetro m. (mar.) ;
tell-tale shewing to the
viil. (mar.) to stow (a ship's hold),
ix. to load man at the wheel the position of the
*Assent-are (L. assentari, var. of assentiri< x. -arsi, of a heavy building, or of
(a cannon),
ad, sentio) ; to flatter, by always assenting to a loose ground, to settle.
man's opinion, -arsi : i. to enlist, ii. to sit down. Assfsa/i (Fr. assise, part, of asseoir,

Assent-are active Ajf. Assett-atura, -atuzzo dim. spreg.

< L. adsidere to sit, originally the sitting
assente), (It.
of a feudal tribunal, then the session of
mood obsolete, v. infra ; -arsi, to absent smartly dressed, -fno person who trims
the altars, dresser. an assembly of lords and the imposition
oneself. *-are, to expel (from school).
Assetto m.; i. good order. 2. church thereby of a tax, and also the dress
Assente (L. abscns, from ab and worn there); I. uniform or livery of any
the obsolete participle of esse); decoration for a festival. 3. (mar.) trim
sens, kind, whether civil, military, eccle-
absent. of a vessel.
siastical or domestic. 2. \npl., (a) courts
*l. Amor...che solo in gioia ave P love whose
Assent-ire ind. assento, pres. part.
of assize, (b) (hist.) assembly of feudal
seat is only where there is joy. ii. Male in
assenziente (L. assentire); I. to assent. controdi noi, badly disposed towards us. iii. Mettere lords.
in to rebuild (a ruined place), iv. Non cavarsi *
2. (mar.) of a mast, to give way, without

di bocca to have the mouth always pursed up

Assiso; i. fart. Assidere, seated, ii. besieged,
iii.closely fitting (dress), iv. (revenue) derived from
breaking entirely, w. Consentire. Part. to look pretty.
Assevare (It. sevo) i. = Rassegarsi, of melted
-ito: 3. cautious, wary; Andare ,
fat, to solidify, ii. fig. to feel greedy.

of a train, to proceed cautiously. 4. pop. Asseverare iitd. assevero(L. stverus); as E. Assistente m. I. assistant. 2. per- ;

son attending but not taking part in

for Massiccio, big. Ajf. -imdnto. Aff. Assever-anteme"nte, -anza, -ativo.
any function. 3. overseer of workmen.
Assenza / ;
absence. A'ssia/; (geogr.) Hesse. Medico doctor in attendance.
* 4. ,
Assiare ;-=Sciare, to back water.
Assenziente; part. Assentire. 5. in a hospital, house physician or

Assenzio m. (Gr. atyivBwv) (bot.) ;

Assibilare ; to whisper together. surgeon, Fr. Interne.
wormwood, Artemisia absinthium. Assicella f. ;
dim. Asse, little board, Assist-e're or pop. Assistire, perf.
Assere m. (L. asser, a beam) ; a sort of naval lath. assisted or pop. assistetti, part, assistito
battering-ram. i. to assist. 2. of a
Assicina / ; dim. Asse, tiny little (L. assistere) ;
Asserella/ dim. Asse, small board, ;
board, shingle. doctor, to attend. 3. a, to attend
esp. of a bedstead. (a lecture), witness (an accident), etc.
Assicur-are ind. assiciiro ('It. sicuro);
ind. -isco, perf. asserii Aff. -enza.
i. to assure, secure. 2. to insure, take
(L. ad-serere; serere is akin to Sanskr. out an insurance. 3. un cavallo, to Assit-are ind. assi'to (It. sito, bad
root si to bind, cp. Gr. (ipa>) ; to assert. cure him of shying con- smell) i. of a dog, to scent (the
; -arsi, to feel ; quarry).
Ajf. -itdre. fidence. 2. fig. to be well acquainted with.
Asserpolarsi ind. m' asserpolo (L. serpula);
Assicur-abile, -amento, -atamente, -ato>e, 3. to infect with a bad smell. As refl.
to twist up like a serpent. Ajft.

Asserragliare to barricade. -atrice, -azione. -arsi :

4. to become accustomed to
AssidenzayC; = Assistenza,
; *
Asserrio ;;/. that kind of barking in a dog
presence. a place, lit. to know its smells. Part.
which accompanies a bite.
Assider-arezW.assfdero(L..rz'<i<?ra77', -ato: 5. scented, esp. by the passage of
Assertdrio; (leg.) Giuramento confirmatory ,

oath. to look at stars) ; to benumb, or become a hare, fox, etc. 6. fig. of a shop, well
Asserzi6neyj; as E.
Assessorato ;;/.; assessorship. numbed, by cold. Ajf. -amdnto, -azione. known, much frequented. *-arsi, to
settle down.
Assid-ere perf. assisi assiddsti, part.
Assess6re m. (L. assessor); assistant Assito m.
assiso (L. assidere}, active mood ob- (It. asse); flooring, par-
judge or other officer, esp. one of those solete, v. infra, -ersi to take tition, hoarding.
who, with the Sindaco, mayor, con- one's seat.
stitute the Giunta municipale, local Assiublo m. ; i.q. Assiolo, owl.
*i. to seat. ii. to besiege, iii. to sit beside.
authority. As -ersi : iv. to be situated, v. to encamp, Ass-0 in. I . ace. 2. troublesome
refi. ; fig.
vi. to adopt (a name).
Assest-are ind. assesto (It. sesto); person that will not be got rid of. 3.
Assidu-o (L.); as E. Con vece -a, with a quick
to adjust, set in order. un colpo, to succession of changes. A$. -amente, -ita. 1'
heQuesto rosolio
is unique ;

deliver a blow where it was aimed, 1' this spiced water is tip-top;
Assieme (L. ad, simut) i.q. In-

-ato, as adj., well arranged. Sarebbe 1' would be the very

it ,

methodical person, accurate worker. sieme, together. Piii tristo de" tre -i, worse
-ata, thing. 4.
*-arsi, to agree. Assiep-are ind. assiepo (It. siepe); than the three aces, referring to the
Ajf. Assest-amento, -atamente, -atezza, -atino to hedge round. Ajf. -ame'nto. lowest throw at the game of Zara, q.v.
ciiin. vezz. of -ato.
Assile = Asse, board.
; 5. Lasciar in , to leave in the lurch,
Assesto m. good order. Assillabazi6ney:; iteration of a syllable, e.g. Germ, im Stick lassen.
Pietro Paolo pittor pinse pittura, or as in the line cp.
*Assetare ind. asse'to; to cause thirst. from Ennius O Tite tvte Tati tibi tanta tyranne Ktytn. Prob. < L. as, which from being the
tvlisti. word for the unit of several kinds of measure came
Assetato (A) (It. sete); thirsty. Assillare (A); = Ascellare, axillary. to meanthe single spot on a die or card as may be ;

(B) (It. seta) ;

of the silkworm, when it *(B): i. of cattle, to run about in torment from < Doric a!s=Gr. els, or it may be a form of aes
the flies, ii. tr. to torment. the coin as having originally been copper.
has made its cocoon and begun to cover t Assillito i. tormented by a gadfly, ii.
Assocciare ; in the cattle-rearing industry, lo
itself with silk. angry. hire out on certain terms, v. Soccio.
Associabil-e suitable to be associated witli

Assettamento m. \
i. v. Assettare. Assillo m. (L. asilus); gadfly. others. *=Socievole, sociable. Ajfl. -ita.

Associ-are ind, associo (L.); i. to Assorb-ire ind. -isco or -o, ferf. Assunzidne/. ; i. elevation to
associate (a person or thing) with others. assorbii (the jrd person may be met rank. 2. festival of the Assumption,
2. un morto, to attend a funeral. with as *assorse, *assorbe or *assor- August 15.
3. -arsi a, to join, subscribe to (a cir- bette formed from *assorbere), part. *
Assuolare = Assolare, to spread out in layers.

Part. assorbito or ass6rto (L. sorbere) i. to

Assurd-o (L. absurdus where surdus seems
culating library, newspaper, etc.). ;
to mean sounding, sur being a Sanskr. root for

-ato 4. subscriber. absorb. 2. to swallow up.

5. partner. sound, so that absurdus signifies incongruous in
un sound j cp. absonus which means discordant ; surdus,
*i. =Assocciare, q.v. ii. colpo, to strike a Assord-are or -ire ind. -o or -isco
blow. deaf, is a different word, v. infra Sordo) ; absurd.
(It. sordo) ;
tr. or intr. ; to deafen or Ajf. -amdnte, -ita.
Associat6re m. canvasser, tout. become deaf. Aff. -ame'nto, -ime'nto.
Asta f. (L. hasta); i. pole; di
Associazidne / ;
i. as E. 2. v. As-
perf. ass6rsi -sorge'sti,
Assdrgere bandiera, flagstaff. 2. lance. 3. auction;
sociare (2). part. ass6rto (L. assurgere); poet, for this meaning is from the ancient Roman

Assod-are ind. assodo (It. sodo); to Sorgere, to rise. practice of planting a spear in the
consolidate. - 1' to boil ground at public auctions. 4. arm of
ova, eggs Assprtime'nto m. ;
\. assortment.
a steel-yard. 5. any straight handle or
hard. Aff. -ame'nto. 2. sorting.
shaft. 6. stroke above or below the
Assoggettare ind. assoggetto Assort-ire ind. -isco (A)
(It. (It. sorta); line in writing, or straight stroke made
soggetto) to subdue. to sort. 2. to furnish (a shop), fit it
by a child in learning to write. 7. Bel-

Aff. Assoggett-abile, -amento. out (usu. Fornire or Corredare). di well-made woman.

donna, tall,
Assolaiat-o (It. solo) Campi -i d' u- ; *(B) sorte, L. sartirf);
(It. i. to choose by lot. 8. Coltello in ,
knife on a shaft, not
ii. to distribute.
live, fields covered with fallen olives. made to shut. 9. del tempo, regu-
Castagne -e, chestnuts fallen in such Assortito ; lucky (person). lator of a watch. 10. (mar.) boom, of
quantities as to cover the ground. Assortitore m.\ drawer of lots. ii. (fust.) di flocco, jib-boom.
an the republic of
official in

Lucca who drew the

any sail, e.g.
Aff. -ura. lots for councillors. A'staco m. (Gr. aaraxos ) crayfish. ;

Assol-are (A) ind. assolo (It. s61o, Assorto i . v. Assorbire. 2. v.

* As tallarsi ; to be lodged.

su61o) to spread out in layers.

Assorgere. Astante i. Medico ; doctor on ,

(B) ind. assolo (It. s61o); usu. as refl. Assottigli-are (It. sottile); i. to duty (at a certain time and place). 2. in
-arsi at cards, to leave a card un-
sharpen (a tool, or fig. the wits). 2. to pi., bystanders.
make thin in various senses, as in E. Astare (A)(L. adstare); to persevere. (B)(It.
to produce only each generation. one son in asta) to mount (a weapon) on a snaft.
la terra, to break the soil up fine. ;

*(C) (It. sole) = Soleggiare, to expose to the sun.

AstaregiajC; (bot.)v. Asfodelo.
-arsi, to be broad daylight. 4. to diminish in power or in quantity;
Assolat-f o warmed 1'
esercito, to reduce the strength of
Astato ;
i. armed with a lance.
; sunny. *-o;
the army. 5. -aria, to investigate mi-
2. (herald.) having a spear. 3. (bot.)
by the sun. the innermost, or youngest, stratum in
nutely, to subtilise. Prov. Chi troppo
Assolcare ind. ass61co solco); s' -a si scavezza, he who
goes too much vegetable cells.
to furrow.
into detail never concludes an affair, Asteggi-are ind. astdggio ; to write
ind. ass61do (It. soldo) ; v. Scavezzare. strokes, v. Asta Aff. -atura, -o.
to take into one's pay. -arsi, to enlist.
i. of wine, to lighten its character, ii. to weaken Astemio (L., <temetum, drink, v. Temulento);
Aj}. -ame'nto. (the eyes). teetotaler.
AJf. Assottigli-ata; -ativo (v. supra 2, in the Asten-ersi
ind. m' astengo t* astieni s' astiene
Ass61o m. (It. a, solo) ; (mus.) solo, medical sense of thinning the blood), -atore, -atura ci asteniamo vi astenete s astengono, perf. m' astenni,

(sharpening, etc., in a more general way than -nta, fut. m asterro, fart, astenuto (L. abstinere)\ to

properly instrumental solo. which is a single action). abstain. Aff. -sione.

Ass61to part. Assolvere. Assozzare (It. sozzo) ; Insozzare, to make Astenla f. (Gr. a<rdVto); (rned) asthenia,
dirty or disgusting. weakness.
Assolut-o ; as E. Ajfr. -amente, -ezza, -ismo, A'stere m. v. Astero.
ista. Assuefare ind. assuefo -fai -fa -facci- ;

A8SOlut6ri-0 (L. absolutorius) amo-fate -fanno, perf. assuefeci -face'sti, Astdrgere/^astersi -erge'sti,;ter/.
; (leg.) asterso (L. abstergere; tergere may be
Sentenza -a, verdict of not guilty. fut. assuefaro, part, assuefatto ;
to ac-
custom. from a root strig or trig, to rub; cp.
AssoluzioneyC; absolution. Aff. Assuefazione.
Assdlvere perf. assolvei or assblsiassolvetti Etym. L. assuefacere <
ad, sue(-tus), facere
O.H.G. trukanjan, Germ, trocknen, to
assolvesti assolvette assolve or ass61se assolvemmo where suetus is part, of sufscere, inchoative of dry, Gr. rpvytiv); I. to rub dry.
assolveste assolvettero assolverono or assolsero, part. sutre, to accustom, ///. to make one's own<fwj. 2. (med.) to clean (a festering surface).
assoluto or assolto (L. aftsolvere) \ to absolve.
Assomare (It. soma); to load. Assiimere perf. assunsi -sumdsti, Asteria f. (Gr. aanjp); i. star-fish, Asten'as.
part, assunto (L. assumere; sumere is a
2. (min.) a class of geometrically marked stones
Assomigliare (Assimigliare) (L. as- contraction of su-imere from sub, imere including madrepores. 3. star-stone, a variety of

simulare) to compare, liken. ;

sapphire shewing a six or eight-rayed star, when
for emere, v. Esempio); i. to assume. held up to the light.
AssomigH-amento, -anza resemblance. Asteriggio m. (war.) skylight.
Assommare (It. somma); i. to
complete, ii. to
2. to exalt Come puo laggiue Quel
Asterisco in. (dim. of Gr. aonjp) as E.

bring near completion, t to consolidate. che non puote, perche il ciel 1' assuma, little star.
D. Par. 21. 102, how can (the mind) do Asterismo m. star-cluster.
Assonan-te assonant, viz. when ;

A'ster-o or -e m. (Gr.) (bot.) China aster,

two words have the last accented vowel on earth below what it cannot do (even) Callistephvs sinensis, also termed Regina Mar-

and all the following vowels identical, by reason of being raised to heaven. gherita.
* Aster6ide m. (Gr.) ; i. as E. 2. shooting star.
to take as a text for a sermon, to sum up
e.g. pldtano, calamo; Aprile, dormire.
i. ii.

to take (the sacraments) into the

This sort of quasi-rhyme is chiefly met (evidence),
Asters-i6ne, -ivo ;
v. Astergere.
with in Spanish. AJf. -za. Astiare (It. astio) ;
to envy.
Assunta / ; Mary. i. the Virgin
Assonare i. of
same character,

different sounds, to be of the
v. Assonante.
2. festival of the Assumption, v. As- Asticcibla / (dim. Asta) ;
i . short
Assdn-e m., -&/.', aug-m. Asse, board. sunzione. 3. Titian's picture of the
spear. 2. pen or brush-holder. 3.
(arch.) tie-beam.
Assonnacchiato half asleep. Assumption.
*i. arrow, ii. rib of a parasol, iii. billiard cue.
Asson nare ; i. to lull to sleep, ii. to entrance, Assuntiv-o ; i. Giudizio , judg-
non to act vigorously. ment Astice m. (var. of Astaco) lobster,
iii. ,
resting upon extraneous circum- ;

Assonn-ato or stances. 2. Armi -e, armorial bearings Cancer gammarus.

-ito; i.
sleepy. = Arcolaio maneggevole.
2. fig. sleepy-headed. granted for some distinguished action. fAsticellay?;
Asticello m.; dim. Asta, shaft.
* Astiera
Assop-ire ind. -isco (L.
sopire) ; Assunto m. i. undertaking, task. ;
* Astierc
f. sheath for spears.

i. to be drowsy. 2. lr. = Sopire,

to 2. statement of which proof is under-
tn. spearman.
Astigiano; of

Asti. II tragico ,

allay (a quarrel, etc.). AJf. -ime'nto. taken. 3. part, of Assumere. (rf. .803).

H. 8
*Astile m. (L. kastilt)\ i. lance, ii. straight Atarassia/: (Gr. irapofin); calmness. Attacc-are (from a northern word
Atare = Aiutare, to aid.
v. Astenersi. Atassia/

(Gr. irofia); (med.) ataxy, a form

tac, cp. Span, atacar, Fr. attacker, Gaelic
Astin-ente, -enza; a hook, E. tack, v. Tacco); i. to
or pop, Aschio, m. envy,
A'stio, ; Atauto m. (Span, a taud< Arabic al-tatAt); hang up, fasten, paste up, attach. 2. to
aver Non bier, or coffin.
, to equal;
spite. Questa attack. 3. battaglia, to join battle ;

casa non ha alia vostra, this house AtaviSmo m. ; resemblance to an una lite, to commence an action at
is as big as yours. ancestor. law ; discorso, to begin a conversa-
Either akin to O.H.G. knsti, violent, Atav-o -a f. (L. atfivus, where at- is a
Etym. (tub. /., tion -arci il dente, to fasten one's teeth

71. Skeat, sub Haste, or a Gr. form **altr\iov based < particle meaning beyond, as Sanskr. ati, in Gr. Irt,
into it, implying that there is something
upon Gr. atoxos, shame. L. et-iam) ; great-great-grandfather, -mother.
Ate-ismo >. (Gr.) ; atheism. Aff. -ista, -istico. substantial to eat ; un morso, to bite;
Asti6s-o ; envious, spiteful. Atellan-o ; of Atella, in Campania. Farse -e, un urlo, to cry out ; il sonno, to
dim.vtn. the popular farces which the Romans adopted from
Aff. -vc&Qpegf., -amente, -ino to sleep un moccolo, to swear,
Astipolare to be of the same opinion.
the Oscans of Atella. go ;

Atene/; (geogr.) Athens. Cose da stancar ,


Astivamente (cogn. Fr. kAtif, v. Skeat, J* curse; di grosso, to use strong

thingssuch as would exhaust the eloquence of Athens.
Haste); hastily.
Astizzare to stir up. language. 4. intr. of gum, to hold,
(It. stizzo) ;
Ateneo m. (Gr. 'Afyvaiov) learned stick fast of a phrase, to come in well
*Asto/.; Ad ,deceitfully. ii. = Astio.

*Astola/; = Stola. society, or, in some places, university. with the context of a theory, to meet ;
Ast6ne m. (bet.) corn thistle, v, Scardic-

A'teo m. (Gr. adios) ;

atheist. with general acceptance; in speaking,
*i. = Guarnizione della corazza. it. aupnt. Asia. Aterinay: (Gr. iifo, spine); a genus of fishes, to stumble; of the rope of a well, to
Astore m. formed after Gr.
(L. astttr, prob. Alherina; they abound in the Mediterranean and stick. As refi. -arsi 5. of a disease, to :

goshawk, Astur
a<rrepi'as, bittern, lit. starry bird) ; i.
are salted and sold as sardines.
palnmbarius, also termed Girifalco, Sparviere da Aterdma (Gr. afhjpio/ia); sebaceous tumour.
be communicated; of plants, to strike
colombi or terzuolo, Terzolo. 2. Poiana, buzzard. Atezza f. (It. atare); vigour. root of a graft, to take; in cooking, to
tA'straco t. = Lastrico, pavement.

; Atimo (Gr. OTI/XOS); without function, without stick to the side or bottom of the vessel.
Astragalina / ; (bot.) villosa, yellowish honour.
mountain oxytropis, Oxytropis cain/>tstris. Part, -ato: 6. affectionate or grateful.
Atlante m. (Gr. ar\as, root tla, to
Astrd-galO m. (L. -CGr. dcrrpdyaXos ) ;
i. atlas. 2. (geogr.} Mt. Atlas.
7. stingy.
lift); to communicate (a bad habit),
*i. ii. ferro
i. ankle-bone. 2. (arch.) astragal, ring
3. the Atlas moth. 4. (anat.) the first addosso ad uno, to find some means of inculpating
round a column of the Ionic order near him. of a country, to border on. iv. -aria a uno,
cervical vertebra, the atlas. 5. (arch.')
a caldo, to
the capital or near the base. 3. ring to play him some unkind trick, v.
column sculptured into a colossal figure. solder, vi. -arsi alle funi del cielo, to hope when it
round a cannon near the mouth. 4. (hot.)
6. Le figliuole d' ,
the Pleiades. is hopeless.
a genus of Legiiminosae, one species of
Atlantico; i. Atlantic. 2. huge. Attaccatfccio i. 2. infec-
which produces the gum tragacanth. Atlet-a m. (Gr. iSAirnjt Z6\or, contr. of < ; sticky.
v. Aliosso. aiB^ov, contest for a prize, <aFte\on, akin to O.H.G. tious. a preparation of food
As sb.: 3.
5. knuckle-bone, a
tucdja. to compete, A.S. wtdd, pledge, ?'. Skeat, which has adhered to the dish. 4. in
Astragaldte m, a kind of alum. ;
sul- Athlete, Wed); as E. Aff. .icamente, -ico.
Astrale; as E. Atmid6metro or Atmometro m. (Gr. OTJII'S writing, several words running together.
Astranzia /.; (&>/.) maggiore, black master- or OTJIOS, steam, ^eVpoi'); apparatus for measuring
wort, Astrantia major*
evaporation. Attaccatura/ i.
place of junction. ;

Astrapea /; a genus of plants of the

Atmosfer-a /. (Gr. arjios, steam, oxfxupa, kissing-crust between loaves that
mallow family, Astrapaea.
sphere); atmosphere. Aff. -ico. have been touching in the oven. 3. farm
Ato (geogr.) Athos.
Astrarre(Astraere, Astraggere)

work done with the team. in writing,

Atociay: (Gr. iroKi'a); childlessness. 4.
ind, astraggo -trai -trae -traiamo or t Atoiare ; to exert oneself. the lines which join letter to letter.
Atollo m. (Malay word); atoll, ring-shaped
-tragghiamo -tradte -traggono, per/. coral inland. Attaccavesti m. ; (tot.) goose-grass, v. Ap-
astrassi -trae*sti, part, astratto (L. abs- Atomicita /.; (ckem.) relation between the piccamani.
trahere^ v. Trarre); to abstract. atomic weight and the chemical equivalent of a body.
Atomismo tit. theory that the world is com-
: Attacchino m. ;
i.q. Attaccalite.
Aff. Astratt-amente, -6zza, Astrazione.
Astrea f. ; (mytk.) Astraca, the daughter of posed of atoms. 2. bill-poster.
Aff. Atomista, believer in the theory.
Jupiter and Themis, symbol of law and justice. Atomisticayt; science of atoms.
Astrfngere fart, astretto
fierf. astrin-si -g6sti,
Attacco ;/v. i. attack. 2. turn-out,
A'tomo m. (Gr. <i >rrt/. + stem of n>vu, to ;

(L. adstringere) ; (wed,) to astringe. bind.

cut); atom. carriage and horses as a whole. 3. ac-
Astro w.(L. astrum); i. = Stella, star. a. (bot.)
1 Atonia f. (rned.) want of tone.
cessories, as a whole. 4. attack of
de fossi, (rt) rag-wort, v. Erba (125); (b) Italian Atorio tit. aid.

star-wort, v. Amello. Atrabil-e f. (a translation of ^AayjfoAi'a) ; illness.

Astrolabio m. (Gr. <
ourrpor, Aa/ijSarw, to i. (wed.) alteration in the bile. 2. fig. gloominess. *i.attachment, ii. Dare to furnish occasion. ,

take) ; astrolabe, an instrument formerly used for *

Aff. -iare adj. Attacconare; i,=Tacconare, to put the heel
observing the positions of the stars.
Atramento m.; black colour. on a shoe. ii. to attack rudely.
Astrolog-o m. (Gr.); astrologer. Aff, -are, -a, Atrebice or Atreplice; v. Atriplice. *
Attaco m. (Gr. aTTaKOs) ;
a kind of locust, a
(L. atrium, originally the chief room
fa, -icamente, A'trio Lev. xi. 21, and
tn. word used by the Septuagint in
tn. (Gr.); astronomer. Aff, -fa,
in a house, therefore blackened by smoke, Italianised from the Vulgate.
whence the name); hall.
*Attagliare; i. = Tagliare, to cut. ii. = Venire
Astrus-o (L. abstrustts<abstrudere, to thrust
Atriplice (Atrebice, Atreplice)/ (L. atripltx); a taglio, to be opportune.
away, root trud, to shove, v, Skeat, sub Intrude, (hot.) orache, a genus of A maranthaceae some of ;

Threat); abstruse. Aff. -aggine, ame'nte, -eria.

Astucc-iaio m. seller of -i.
the species are edible.
Attagli-arsi (It. taglio); i. to be
Atro (L. ater, root perhaps aidk, to burn); 2. to adapt one-
- black. suitable, convenient
Astncc-iow. i. pocket-case. ;
Atroc-e (L. atrox); atrocious. Aff. -emente, self.
di premibaderna, box, v. Premibaderna. -ita.
-are; i. to cut, adapt, ii. to
Atrof-tay: (Gr.); atrophy. Aff. -ico, -lizare. please, satisfy,
3. (mar.) in //., -i per tende, vele, ecc., iii. to determine, to cut short the difficulties.
A'tropa / (tot.) a genus of Solanacetu.
-arsi ; to combine, form a league.
covers for awnings, sails, etc. Aff. Atrop-ma, -ismo belladonna poisoning.

Cegn. Proven5- estius, tstug old Fr.

Etytn, Attaccabile ; v. Attaccare.
; t

Attagliolare ind. attagliolo to cut

estni(> Fr. (tut), Span, estucke^ < M.H.G. stucckf,

bark, shell, with meaningless prefix. Attaccabrfghe m. indecl.; quarrel-

up small.
Astula /!; (bot.) a name for two varieties of some fellow. *
Attalentare talento) to please.
(It. ;

asphodel, Aspkodelus luteus and rattwsus. *Attamo i.; = Attimo, instant.

AsturayC; ham-shell, v. Pinna (3). Attaccagnolo m. ;
peg. 2. fig.
Astut-o (L. astutns t <astus, craft); crafty.
Aff. ame'nte, -ezza.
pretext. Attanagliare ind. attandglio (It.
Astuzi-a_/I; astuteness. Aff. -6tta dim. Attaccalite m. indecl.; litigious tanaglia); i. to torture with red-hot
Astuzie f. pi. ; (bot.) nasturtium, v. Fiore fellow. 2. to seize with pincers, or
(16, vi.).
*Asuliere w.;=UsoHere, ribbon. Attacca-mano or -mani m. ;=Ap- quasi fig. to grasp firmly with the hands.
A'suro m.\ a grub which infests vines. *
Attanto in the mean time.
Atalanta_X; a species of butterfly. piccamani, goose-grass. ;

Atanasia Tanacttwn Attaccame'nto m. attachment, love,

f. ; tansy, i. (bot.) ; Attapin-arsi ind. m' attapino (v.
vulgare. 2. (nted.) an old electuary.
3. cotton-
weed, Diotis maritima. fastening. infra, Tapino); i. to exert oneself.
Etym. Gr. aBavcuria, immortality, probably from Attaccapanni m. ; clothes-stand, or 2. to lament. 3. to live in lonely misery.
its supposed virtue and actual use in medicine, v.

Skeat, sub Tansy. rack. AJf. -ame'nto.

Attappare (It. tappo): to cork up. Atteniibn-e/; attention. Aff. -cella dim. relation.
* At taran t at o bitten by a tarantula
; spider. Attepidire ind. -isco (It. tepido); to cool. Attin6nza_/ ; i. 2. in/>/.,
Attarparsi ; to lose heart. appurtenances or fig. friendships.
Attassare ; to tease. Atterello m. dim. Atto; i. nice

= Tastare, action. 2. short act in a play. Attlng-ere perf. attinsi -tinge"sti,

Attastare to feel.
part, attinto (L., ad, tangere, to touch,
Attatto in. (L. attactus); touch. Attergare ind. attergo (It. tergo); or by extension, to take); i. to draw
t Attavolettare; to stretch Hneii by wrapping it i. endorse (an answer, upon the
round a Tavoletta, little board.
back of a paper). 2. to turn one's back up (water) in a bucket, to draw (wine)
ttea /. (Gr. OXTC'O, elder-tree); (fat.) bane- out of a cask- 2. to obtain (information).
berry, Actaea spUtita. to.
3. -ersi, of a horse, to strike its feet
Attecch-ire ind. -isco (It. tecchire, Att^rige m. (Gr. a pri-v., nre'pu^, together in trotting.
q.v.); i. to flourish. 2. tr. Non at- wing) the wingless class of birds.
; *i. to reach, ii. to appertain, iii. of the wind,
tecchisce due parole, he never puts two to bring (rain), iv. to consume.
Atterr-are ind. atterro (It. terra);
words together properly. Aff. -ime'nto. 1. to throw down. 2. to humble. Attingi-tore m., -trice/; drawer of
*Attediare; = Tediare, to weary. *i. to run aground, ii. to silt up. water.

Atteggi-are ind. attdggio (connected Aff. -ame'nto. Attiniay! (Gr. dxris, sunbeam); sea
with L. actiiius, cp. Attuare and At- Atterr-ire ind. -isco (L. ad, terrere) ; anemone, Actinia.
tuire); to pose. Atteggia il viso a to terrify. Attinto m., or Attintura/.; bruise,
maraviglia, he has an extraordinary Atterz-are (It. terzo); Eran -ate le ore, four v. Attingersi.
command of facial expression. S' at- hours out of the twelve were gone. *
Attiraglio m. ;
all the accessories of artillery.
teggia a martire, he is posing as a Attesa f. expectation.
Attirare tirare); to attract.
martyr. *to act in dumb show. Aff.
Atte'so ; part. Attendere. Attitarc (L. iKtitare, freq. of ago)-. (Iff.) to
-ame'nto. *of a speaker, to use action.
proceed with.
* Attest-are ind. attesto (A)
(L. attes-
Atteggi-atore m.\ i. v. -are. ii. gymnast.
Attegnenza /; i.
relationship, ii. self-com- tari<testis, witness); to attest. Attitudine (L. aptitudd); i. apti-
mand. tude. 2. attitude.
Attel-are therefore to spread out
(It. tela, lit. (B) (It. testa); i. to join end to end.
cioth); i. to place in battle array, ii.
generally, to 2. to bring to a common front
e.g. in ;
Attivo (L. activus) ;
active. As sb.,
place ready, iii. -arsi, to take one's place.
building a wall with irregular stones; assets.
- le Aff. Attiv-amente, -are to put into action,
Attempato (It. tempo); somewhat pietre, to chisel the ends of the -ita.

advanced in years. stones which make the face of the wall, Attizz-are to
(It. tizzo, brand); i.

Aff. Attempat-ello, -etto, -otto, -uccio dims.

so as to give it a uniform surface; Due stir (a fire), put the logs
together. 2. fig.
quadri a olio che si possono insieme to stir men's passions. Aff. -ame'nto.
Attemper-are ind. attempero ; to e rappresentano la veduta di Livorno,
mitigate, temper. Medicamento Attizz-atbio m. I.
poker, v. -are
-ante, two oil paintings which on being joined ; (i).
cooling medicine. 2. bed of a furnace.
together at their edges make the view
Attend-arsi (It. tenda); to camp. of Leghorn. Similarly (mil.) to bring Attizz-atdre m., -atrice/ ; i v. -are. .

two divisions of a force into a common 2. in glass works, teaser, workman who
Aff. -ame'nto.
front. 3. to make a thing terminate in arranges the glass vessels in the an-
Att6ndere/<?r/: attdsi -ende"sti,/rtrA
some other; Bisogna nel borro tutte nealing arch.
att^so; pay attention i. to. 2. to
le fosse dei campi, all the field ditches
wait for, to expect. Attizzlno m. ;
v. Attizzare (2).
must be led into the water-course; La
; worthy of attention. Att-o m. (A) (L. actus); i.
strada che gli dalla destra mena ai
Attenenza i.
action Far 1' di contrizione,
; to make
/.; appurtenance. Duomo; quell' altra che con essa s' -a one's peace with heaven, a familiar
relationship. 6 una via che mena alle mura, the street way
Atten-e're ind. attengo -tieni -tiene on the right leads to the Cathedral the of expressing imminent danger; pas- A
sar di notte in quel luogo c' e da far 1'
-teni.lmo -tene'te -tengono, per/, at- other one which leads into it is a way
di contrizione, if the night is to be
tdnni -tene"sti, fut. atterro, part, at- to the city walls. *-arsi, to fight.
tenuto (L. attinere); i. to appertain. passed in that place we had better make
Attestato m. ; i. certificate. 2. evi- our peace with heaven first. 2. function,
2. to be related by
kinship. As refl. dence, token. exercise of official duties. 3. pose,
-ersi 3. to hold on tight.
4. to be an
adherent (of some party), to prefer, Attest-atura f. ; junction, v. -are appearance; La figura e rappresentata
(B) i. in di gladiatore, the figure is arranged
e.g. a certain wine. 5. to keep near to represent a gladiator.
Attestazidne 4. gesture in
(to some landmark in the course of a /. ; attestation.
speaking, action of a horse, etc. 5. sign;
journey). Atticciat-o (O.H.G. thik, cp. Germ. Mi fece col capo che andassi da lui,
i. to keep (a promise), ii. to obtain (payment). dick, E. thick) stout, strong. Aff. -ello,
; he made a sign to me with his head
As refl. -ersi : iii. to maintain one's
position, iv. to
-6tto dims. that I was to go up to him.
stop, stand still, v. to abstain. 6. in

Attent-are ind. attento to attempt A'ttico Attic. ; As sb., parapet wall pratico, practically. 7. Mettere in ,

an outrage, -arsi, to venture. *to en- concealing the roof, v. Skeat, sub Attic. to give effect to; Dare 1'
a, to set
deavour. Aff. Attic-ismo graceful writing, -ista, -izzare. going. 8. Nell' che, at the moment
when; Nell' or Sull' , instantly.
Attentato m. i. crime. 2. dis- Attiepid-ire ind. -isco (It. tiepido); Per

to cool. 9. di stima, in token of my

graceful act of any kind. esteem. 10. act of a play.
Attignere; v.
Attentatdrio criminal, unlawful. ;
Attigu-o (L. attiguus); adjacent. Aff. -ita. (B) (L. actum); i.
protocol, docu-
Att6nt-o ;
i. in close attention. Attillarsi to dress with an ex-
mentary evidence Mettere in -i, to ;

2. diligent. in //. Attention - un vestito, to present a document, to include it a-

aggerated neatness.
As mongst the papers of a legal case;
put a dress on with preciseness.
it. : i.
purpose, ii. expectation, something
hoped for. - costitutivo (com.), memorandum of
Aff. Attent-ame'nte, -ino attentive (child). Etym. Cogn. Provens, atilhar, old Fr. atillier, association. 2. d' accusa, the written
Span, atildar, of unknown origin; the Italian form
Attenu-are ind. attenuo (L.) i. to ;
may be borrowed from the Provencal. accusation read by the public prosecutor
belittle (a man's worth), to minimise
Aff. Attil-atamente, -atezza, -atfno (dim. of -ato), at the
beginning of a trial. 3. con-
(the difficulty of a job). 2. to extenuate ;
tract. 4. in //., memoirs Gli -i ;
Le A'ttimo ( Attamo) m. (corr. of Atomo) martiri, the Acts of the martyrs.
extenuating circumstances.
-anti, ;

3. (med.) to render the bodily secretions,

(0) as adj. (L. aptus) ; apt.
etc. more fluid. *to thin. Attininte *
Aff. -azi6ne. ; appertaining. nato, perfectly adapted.

= Attu-are
tAttofizzolare; Sgualcire, to crumple, cp.
road), usu. fig. as in E., to traverse (a (L. activus) ; to carry into
1' ancora, to stow
design). 3. (mar.) effect. -arsi, to apply oneself. Aff.
Attonare (Attuonare) attono ind. the anchor, i.e. to raise the flukes after -azi6ne.
(It. tono) to invigorate, give tone to. it has been hoisted, so that the shaft is
Attuariato m. ; registrarship.
Attbnito (L.); astonished. nearly horizontal. As refl. -arsi 4. to :

be broadside on. Attuario m. (L. actuarius) keeper

5. (mar.) to
Attopinarsi (It. topo); to hide like a rat. oppose.
of public records, registrar.
Attorare ind. attoro (It. toro); to Aff. -at6re. *
Attuccio m. (dim. of Atto, A) i. little bit of
Attra verso; i. across; of food, affectation, dim. spreg. poor act

a play.
put to the bull. ii. ,
stuck in the throat, or of drink, gone
Attbrcere ind. attorco, perf. attorsi Attuff-are (It. tuffare); to plunge.
the wrong way. 2. fig. badly Le cose ;

-torce'sti, part, attbrto (Attorciare), (It. mi vanno Aff. -amdnto, -atura.

, things are going badly
to twist up. tAttuffato; Luogo shaded.
torcere) ;
with me Prender ;
una cosa, to take Attuiare (var. of Atturare)

to obstruct.

Attorcigliare ; i.q. Attortigliare. a thing in bad part, in a bad spirit; D. Purg. 33. 48.

Rispondere to answer roughly.

Att6r-e m. (L. actor); I. actor. ,
Attu-ire ind. -isco (It. atto); i. to
* right through Lo passo in un
2. (leg.) agent. Aff. -ello
3. ;
induce (a person) to act as desired, to
dim. spreg., -uccio dim. spreg. pegg. duello, he ran him right through in a give (a boy) his training. 2.=Attutire,
Attorniare ind. att6rnio; to sur- q.v.
Attrazi6ne/ ; attraction.
round. Attuonare; to give tone, v. At-
Attr-azziare, -azzare or -ezziare; to fit out
round. Levarsi tonare.
Att6rno; about, (a galley).
d' to get rid of. Darsi short for *Attuoso (L. actitosus, full of activity); busy,
, , Attrazzo m. (var. of Attrezzo) ; in industrious.
Darsi le mani to use every possible ,
things little used in a house or ship, *
Atturare turare) ; to block up.
//., (It.
means. Mandare to give out (some , sundries. Attutare (L. ad, tutari, to ward off, tutus, <
safe); to quiet, to allay, ii. to extinguish.
a, to be

pretence, as true). Stare

Attrezz-are ind. attre^zo ; (mar.) to
engaged upon. Attut-ire ind. -isco (var. of Attu-
rig. Aff. -at6re, -atura. to quiet, to bid (a child) be silent.
Attorrare ind. att6rro tare) ;

to store (timber) in the shape of

(It. torre)
a tower.
Attre'zz-i m. pi. (either L. agere, < Au or Ahu (L. kau, excl. of pain) ; an ex-
Attorsare = Attorcere, to twist. ;
** aclricius, or L. attrectare, < clamation of emphatic assent.
Aucchiare = Agucchiare, to sew.
to handle, through **attrectio) ; utensils.
Aucuba/; (iW.)asE.
Attortigli-are Attorcigli-are Aff. -ucci dim. spreg.
(L. tortilis) to twist round and round, Auciipio m. (L. aucupium); bird-
Attrezzista m. ;
theatrical outfitter.
-arsi, to get into a tangle. Attribu-ire ind. -isco (L. <ad, tribwrt, to
Audac-e (Aldace) (L. audax] bold. A#.
Attbrto ; part. Attorcere. assign, lit. to divide, v. Tribu); to attribute. Aff.
-emente, -ia.

-ibile, -to sb.

Attoscanare ; to bring into Tuscan Auditorato m.
Attributive; Epiteto attribu- ,
; judgeship.
form or usage. one the use of which is
tive epithet, Auditdre m. (L.); i. judge belong-
Attosc-are; to poison. Puzzo che essential to prevent misunderstanding, certain title of
ing to tribunals. 2.
-a, poisonous stink. such as phrase
"laughing" in the certain other officials.
*Attoso; ungraceful, awkward. "laughing jackass," meaning the Aus- *i. hearer, ii.
iii. judge of pardons
tralian bird so called. under the Medici, iv. judge in the inferior courts
Attossic-are ind. attbssico (It. of the Venetian republic, v. di Camera, a high
Attribuzion-e / i. v. Attribuire. officialof the Roman court, vi. auditor of public
tossico) ; to poison. Aff. -atore, -atrice. ;

accounts, di Rota, a judge at Florence.

* Attrabaccare
(It. trabacca, tent); to encamp.
2. the rights and
duties of an office II ;
di guerra or niilitare, judge in a court
Attraccarsi ; (mar.) to haul alongside. prefetto di Roma ha un monte di -i, the martial.
tAttracco m. Dare 1' to board an enemy's
prefect of Rome has a number of multi-
; ,

farious duties to perform. A'uge/; (Span, auge < Arabic aug,
Attraente v. Attrarre. an astronomical term probably formed
t Attriccarsi (L. tried , mischief-maker); to scuffle.
tAttraggell-ire (cogn. Fr. tressaillir<\J trans-
from Gr. airayaiov, apogee, maximum
satire) to amaze,
', -irsi, to faint.

Attrice/ ; i. actress. 2. = Tutrice, distance of a planet from the earth, 7>.

Att raimento tn. i. attraction, ii. contraction.
protectress. Skeat, sub Ogee) maximum of felicity,

*Attrainato(Fr. train!); dragged along.
* Attramandare to throw down headlong. ; Attristare ;
= Rattristare, to sad- height of glory. Vivere in to live ,

*Attrapp-are; to seize, ii. fig. to steal.

den. *
like a lord. apogee of a planet.

iii. -arsi = Rattrapparsi, to be crippled.

Attrapperiay^; palsy. *Attritare; i. = Tritare, to rub. consume, Augello m. poet, for Uccello, bird.
iii. to depress, punish, defeat, iv. to trample on,

Attrapp-ire ind. -isco; of the fig. to oppress. Auggiare; i.q. Aduggiare, to over-
nerves, to wither, v. Rattrappire. Attrito m. (L. attritus) ; friction.

Attrarre As adj., contrite. Augg-ire ind. -isco; = Uggire, to

(Attraere, Attraggere,
ind. darken.
Attraire) attraggo attrai attrae Attrizi6ne/ ; contrition.
attragghiamo attrae'te attraggono, perf. tAttrottolare (It. trottola); to spin (like a top). Augnare (It. ugna, claw); i.=
attrassi parts.
-trae'sti, fut. attrarrb, Adunghiare, to seize. 2. to cut ob-
attr-aente -aendo -atto (L. attrahere) ;
Attrupp-arsi (It. truppa); to as-
semble in troops, crowd together. Aff. liquely, to mitre.
to attract.
-amdnto. Augnatura/ ; oblique cut.
i. to drag up. ii. to obtain, iii. (med.) to ab-
sorb, iv. to draw air (into the lungs), v. intr. Attuabil-e ; practicable. Aff. -ita. Augur-are ind. auguro ; i. to augur,
Uccelli che attraggon all' ellera, birds which like to foretell. to wish,
to be in ivy. Attuale actualis); i. actual.
2. -arsi, to hope.
Attrattevole (L. altrectare, to touch); soft, 2. (theol.) Grazia special grace , ; Aff. -at6re, -atrice.
yielding. Peccato our own, as opposed to
t Attrattire ; Attrappire, to wither.
Augurato; Bene , auspiciously
original sin. (med.)
3. Rimedio , begun.
Attrattiv-a/ attractiveness.
; Aff. prompt in its action. A'ugur-e m.(L. av-gur, where the first syllable
-o adj. corresponds to L. avis, bird, and the second to some
Attualita / ; actuality. Romanzo verb meaning
"to_ observe," v. Walde, svb Augur);
Attratto; i. v. Attrarre. 2. con- d' ,
novel dealing with the present as E. Aj[f. -ale, -io,
tracted by gout, etc.
day. Augur-6so, -osamente ; words only
Attravers-are (It. traverse); i. to Attualme'ute ; i. actually. 2. at used with Bene or Male. Ben augu-
cross. 2. to put a barricade across (a the present time. rosamente, auspiciously.

Augusta /. (geogr.) Augsburg in Auriga m. (L. <aureae,rems, +agere, Automatic-o; as E. -ame'nte. A.

Autonom-o (Gr. Oe'fiw, to distribute); as E.
Bavaria. in composition -igere, to drive. Aureae Aff. .(a.

Augustan-o of Augsburg, i.e.

is for oreae < as, arts, mouth) ;
i . chariot- *Autopiro m. (Gr. Trvpds, grain); bread made
entirely from corn.

eer. 2. the constellation Auriga.

Lutheran. La Confessione -a, the Autopsfayl; v. Autossia.

Confession of Augsburg (1530).

Aurio m. = Augurio.

tAuriou ;. = Scombro, mackerel.

Aut6re m. (L. auctor) ; author or
Auripimento m. = Orpimento.
Augusteo Augustan. *
; authoress.
Augusto (L., root aug, to grow, v. Ausiliare); * Aurito
(L.); Orecchiuto. =
asE. **
Auriray: (L., for ausosa, a primitive s be- Autore"vol-e ; authoritative. Aff.
Gr. aiAr/); I. court- coming r in L. between two vowels, root aus, to
A'ula/ (L., blaze, v. Skeat, sub Aurora, East); i. as E. 2. a -6zza, -me'nte.
yard of an ancient Roman house. yellow dye.
t Auroregio w.;=Alloro, bay tree. Autorita/.(L. auctoritas}; authority.
2. council chamber. 3. magna, public *
Aurugine f. ; yellowish green colour.
hall of a university, Senate house. *Ausa/i, or as / pi. of Auso; impudence. Autoritario; usurped, unauthorised
Auledo tft. v. Aulete. ;
*Ausare (A) (ft. uso); to accustom. (B) ;= (action by the executive).
*Aulet-e (Auledo) m. (Gr. aiXijnj!); player on
the auAos, a sort of pipe. Ausello (Ausgello) m. ; = Uccello, bird. Autorizz-are ; to authorise. Aff.
Aff. -ica, piping.
*Ausignuolo w.;=Usignolp, nightingale. -azi<5ne.
A'ulic-o i. Consiglio or Camera Ausili-are or -ario; auxiliary.
; ,

the Council of the Holy Roman Etyttt. L. <.aujcilium aid, root aug-s, an ac- t Autordne m. ;
augm. spreg.
-a, cessory to the primitive root aug to increase, cp. t

Autore, writervoluminous trash. of

Empire at Vienna by Maxi-
instituted Gr. aufe>, O. H.G. oukh5n, L. augeo, to increase,
milian I in 1501. The term used also Sanskr. ojas. strength, L. augustus. From other 2. augm. great writer. Autorone co'
grades of the same root are O.H.G. wuohkar
to be applied to the councils of several (>Germ. Wucher, usury), O.H.G. tvahsan (>Germ.
fiocchi, magnificent writer.
of the German states. 2. Lingua -a, wacfisen), A.S. weaxeti (>E. to wax), A.S. eacian Autoruccio m. dim. spreg. Autore, ;
(>E. to eke); v. Walde, sub Augeo. Skeat. sub with some idea of compassion implied.
courtly language, esp. with reference to Eke, Wax.
the aspirations of Dante. Ausiliatdre m. ; helper. i. 2. (leg.) accessory. Autoruzzo m.; dim. spreg. Autore.
Auso (L. ausus); bold. Autossia or Autopsia/!; autopsy.
*i. belonging to courts, generally. As sb. :

Aulifante m. elephant. ;
ii. a species of snake.
Ausbnia/ ; poet, for Italy. Autrice / ; authoress.
*Aulire (L. olere)\ to smell (intr.). Auspicale (L.) auspicious. ; Pietra Autunn-O m. (L. auctumnus); au-
A'ulo m. (A) (Gr. aiXof, pipe) I. a , foundation stone. Giorno ,
new tumn. Aff. -ale.

sort of flute or pipe used by the ancient year's day. Auzzapali ttt. stake sharpener, a term used

in contempt of one who does not know his trade.

Greeks. 2. razor-fish, a genus of Auspicate; auspicious. Male ,

marine molluscs, Solenidae. Auzzare, etc.; v. Aguzzare, to

*(B);=Avolo, ancestor. sharpen, etc.
A'uspice m. (L. auspex, <avis, bird,
Avayf; grandmother.
Aume'nto m. (L. < augere, v. Ausili- spicere, to look at) ;
soothsayer. *
Avacciare (contr. of Avivacciare) ; to hasten.

are); increase. 2. quasi Jig. patron ;

S. M. il re *Avaccio; speedy. As sb. speed. t

*Avale or Aguale (corr. of Eguale); now, at

Ajf. Aument-are, -ativo, -atore, -atrice. questi monumenti restaurarono, under once.
*Auna f. (Fr. aunt, from mlt. tiL-n,i, Gothic the patronage of His Majesty the King *Avallare; v. Avvallare.
aleina) ; elf.
these monuments were restored.
Aunare; = Adunare, to collect. Avambraccio m. ( 1 1. avanti, braccio);
Auncicare; to scrape together. Auspicio m., only in//.; auspices. forearm.
*Auspizio m. augury. ;

Auncinare ind. auncino uncino); *Avamporto m. outer harbour.

= Uncinare, to snatch.
AU8t6r-0 (L. <Gr. avo-rr/por < affa>,

to dry) ; austere, morose, poor (food), Avamp6sto m. outpost. ;

Aunghi-are, -atura ;
v. Augnare. sour (wine). Aff. -ame'nte, -ita. Avana m. (geogr.) Havana. ; As
Austo in. (L. haustus) water-drawing. adj., cigar-coloured, brown.
A'ura f. (L., root aue, to blow, v. *
Austorio .; a sacrificial vase.

Avancorpo (m.); (arch.) projection in the

Skeat, sub Wind) ; breeze. middle of the n^ade of a building, Fr. avant-corps.
breath of the
Australe ; southern.
i. vitale, life; Sant' Holy
Spirit, ii. report, hint. iii. any subtle, emanation

A'ustro m. (L. ausler); i. south Ayanguardia /. ; (mil.)

= Van-
of an invisible kind. iv. Dare a, to render
famous, v. (wM*.)=Scacciapensieri, Jew's harp. wind. 2. south. guardia, vanguard.
Aureay^; (tkeol.) reward of the good consisting *Auta^; for Avuta, receipt of a letter. Avania / (mod. Gr. dftavia, from a
in converse with God. *
Autare = Altare, altar.
Aurelia f. (Latinised form of chrysalis, v.
Turkish or Arabic source,^. Fr. avanie);
Crisalide) ; chrysalis. Autenti-ca
/ ; i. authentic proof. 1. orig. the harassing dues extracted
A'ure-0 (L.); golden.
2. in //., -che, the new constitutions
Le by the Turks from Christian merchants ;

* of Justinian collected by Irnerius. hence the present meaning, harassing

Catena -a, a patristic commentary on Scripture.

ii. Regola -a, (arith.) rule of three, iii. Casa -a, Autentic-are to authenticate. Copia .ata,
; and oppressive taxation or exactions.
Nero's palace. As sb. iv. gold coin. v. weight of certified copy. Ajf. -abile, -ame'nte, -atdre, -atrice, 2. fig. outrage or insult of
one drachma.

-azione. any kind.

Autentic-o (L. Gr. aufleVn^ = avro-eVn/s, <
(L.); i. nimbus round
Aureola/ one who does things with his own hand ; Gr. eWijs
for utvrifi is prab. allied to L. sons, v. Sontico) ;
the head of a saint in a picture. 2. (med.} as E. Aff. -ita. fellow.
dark circle round the nipple or round *
Auto ; for Avuto, part, of Avere.
ut o biografia f. ; autobiography. Avanti or (poet.) Avante prep, or
any spot formed in the skin. Autdcrat-e m. ; autocrat. Aff. -icame'nte, -ico, adv. (L. ah, ante); before, in front of.
Aureolo m. ; yellow-hammer, Em- Autocrazia.
Autodafe m. (Spanish word)
Per 1' formerly.
Da qui, or D' ora
; burning heretics.
beriza citrinella. in henceforward. L' anno
, the ,
Autografare to prepare a litho-
previous year. Andare
to go for-
Aur^tta/; dim. Aura.

graph of writing. ward, go on. Essere ,

of a work, to
Auria f.\~ Augurio, augury. Autografia /. La campagna e
Auricalco = Oricalco, brass.
preparation of ; be well advanced. ,

lithographs of writing. 2. genuineness


A'uriche /. //. (mar.) fore and aft sails.

the country is forward, the season is
Auricola f. (L.); i. (anat.) auricle of the of the writing of a document. early. Farsi ,
to come forward.
heart. 2. a genus of marine snails.

Autografic-0 Passare to overtake (one who is

autographic (tele- ;

Auricolare or Auriculare (L.); Macchina -a, hectograph. running away). Tirare to go on

graphy). ,
auricular. Testimone hearsay , with (a job), or intr. to go on. Si lira
Autbgrafo m.; autograph.
witness, usu. d' udito. Verme ,=For- per avvocato, he is studying for the
fecchia or Forbicina, earwig. Aut6ma m. (Gr. avrafuiToi **^i(ia>, < bar.
* to strive or to desire, v. Liddell and
Dito ,
little finger. *Non esser da niuna cosa pid (
to be in front
Aurifero (L. auri/er); as E. Scott, sub \ia.<o); automaton. of nothing, i.e. to be good for nothing.
Avantieri; = Ier
1' altro, the day before yester- like wash-basins or because little basins used to be falconiera, Velia. or Verla grossa. 4. piccola, red
day. placed as ornaments on tombs, Cic. de leg. 2. 26. backed shrike, Lanius cotturio, also termed Falcon-
ello, Lanciere collurione, Passera gazzera, Vastrica.
Avantr^no tn. ; (mil.) forepart of a Avemmarfa / i short prayer to
Averno m. (L.); i. the Pagan Hell. 2. mephitic
gun-carriage, limber.
the Madonna. time of sunset, usu.
2. exhalation.
Averroista m.; follower of Averrhoes.
Le ventiquattro. 3. sunset chimes. *
A versiera f. = Versiera, hobgoblin.
Avanz-am&nto m.\ i. vbsb. of -are. ;

4. in pi., the lesser beads of a rosary ; *Aversioneyl (A) (L. a for ab, verto, hence a
2. (mar.) wharf, jetty. word from Avversione, g.v.); turning the
the larger ones are called Paternostri.
mind away. (B); = Avversione.
Avanz-are (mlt. abantiare, from L. - Avertere (Avertire) part. Averso (Avertito)
to push forward. Av6na/; i.
=Vena, oats. 2.
to turn
salvatica =
al>, ante); I. 2. fig. (L.); away.
Saggina cannaiola, tall wild *
A verto; part. Avrire, to open.
to advance (certain arguments, etc.). * Averton-e or -o m.; skin for linings and belts.
to promote. to surpass. to
oats. 3. shepherd's pipe, or in S. Italy,
3. 4. 5. fAverustio ;.; Abrostine, wild grape.
be owed Avanzo due mila
lire da N.,
bagpipe. tAverzer; (/#r.) = Aprire, to brace up.

*Aventare; i. to thrive, ii. v. Avventare. *

Avetoso = Pulito, clean.
N. owes me
two thousand francs Che ;

fAvettare; to jump over, v. Avvettare.

-a qualcosa da me? do I owe him any- for conjugation the see *Avi; = Ebbi, I had.
*Aviay?; = Ava, ancestress.
thing? a common expression when one grammars (L. habere, root hab, cp. Gr.
Avia-tore, -zi6ne; as E.
** Germ,
is treated rudely. 6. to remain over; airr<o, L. apere, to seize, hafien, *Avicola_/I (L. ai'icula); small bird.
Di quel che ho me ne -a, what I have haben, E. have, and similar forms in A'vid-o (L.); eager, greedy. Aff* -amente,
is more than enough for me M e -ato ;
many northern languages) to have. ;
tAvina/;=Pispola, pipit or tit-lark.
tempo, lit. I have had more than time Most phrases in which the word *Avironare (bit. virare or It. virare,
q.v.~)\ to

enough, a not too courteous mode of occurs are explained under other heads; *Avirone m.\ circuit, i. ii. oar, Fr. aviron.
refusing something to eat or drink ; the following are all that seem to require *
Aviso; ?'. Avviso.
Prenda un caffe? Grazie, m' e -ato noting here: i. Averia con uno, to Avito (It. avo); ancestral.
tempo, will you take a cup of coffee? dislike him. 2. Chi ha avuto ha avuto, *
Avivacciato (participial adj.<\,, ad t vivacius,
Thanks, 1 have had one. M' -a il crederlo, a mode of saying that a matter is not to neut. comparat. ofvivax)', speedy.
I can well believe it. Tempo -ato, spare be discussed further. 3. Tu 1' avresti Avo or A'volo (Aulo) m. (L. at/us) ;

time. 7. -arsi, to project. a avere, an ironical way of saying You

grandfather; in//., ancestors.
will not get what you ask. L' ha
Avanzatetto ;
advanced in years. 4.
Avocare ind. avoco (Awocare) (L.
avuto il..., he has had..., something
Avanz-O m. a for ab % vocare) ; I. (leg.) to remove to
remains, residue;
from which advantage was expected
Far degli -i, to save, put by; D' , and the contrary has resulted O non
a higher court. 2. of a superior official,
more than enough Aver d' di qual-
to assume the decision of a matter
dubitare che 1' ho avuta la campagna!
che cosa, to be tired of it Creder d' instead of leaving it to a subordinate.
; ,
mi ci e morto un bambino, certainly I
to believe entirely. 2. profit, surplus,
have had some country air! and have Ayoc-azi6ne/ ;
i. v. -are. 2. =Av-
savings; Gli -i di Berta Ciliegia or di lost one of my children by it. 5. Chi vocazione.
Berto, the profits of Berto, i.e. losses le ha son sue, a mode of warning a boy Avocetta f.\ 7'. Avosetta.
from an ill-judged proceeding; di "AvocheriayT; profession of a barrister.
that if he persists in doing what he is *Avocolo, Avvocolo (L. ab, oculus, cp. Fr.
galera, residue of the galleys, i.e. rogue. forbidden he is likely to catch it in aveugle) blind.
= Metter

3. Mettere a -i, a conto d'

6. Averne to have *Avogadare; to be a barrister.
consequence. !
Avoira f.\ a palm from which palm oil is
utili, to put to the credit of profit and some! a way of answering a query as obtained.
loss ;
Mettere in ,
to save money, to the goodness of some article ; Guardi Avola /; bleak (fish), Albumus alborella,
termed Alborella. grandmother.
fig. to think it fortunate.
lei se e falso questo foglio? Averne !
tAvolicare; to use great exertions.
i. = Avanzamento, progress, *Avolio /,; = Avorio, ivory.
* ii. means, device.
will you examine whether this note is a
AJf. Avanz-aticcio spreg., leavings, -uccio dim. *Avolterare; v. Adulterare.
spreg., -uglio or -ugliolo dim., -ume spreg. forgery? Not a bit of it! it is perfectly *Avolto w.;~Avolo tuo.
Avaria (Averia) /. (Arabic avar, good; or in refusing a request, Che mi *Avoltoio w.;= Avvoltoio, vulture.
A voltrare = Adulterare.
presteresti venti franchi? Averne! caro

damaged goods); i. (mar.) ship's "ave- mio, could you lend me twenty francs? Av6rio (Avolio, Avoro) m.
(L. ebur^
rage" whether to ship or cargo, i.e. Don't you wish you may get it, my dear **eboreus^ cp. Sanskr. ibha^ elephant ;

damage caused by sea. 2. damage to fellow. 7. In the conditional mood a words believed to have been taken from
goods in transit by rail. 3. payment certain affirmation or supposition is a Coptic original, v. Elefante); ivory.
for the same. *=Avania, outrage. often implied, Avresti a dir bene, you Avbrnio, AvornSllo, or Avorntello
Avariare ; to damage. must have good news Avrebbe a esser m. laburnum
; (bot.) i. tree, v. Citiso.
*Avarnotto; lui, it must be he. 8. Aversi a male,
flowering ash, Fraxinus ornus^ also
AvaTO (L. avarus< avere, to pant to take offence at. 9. Avere a avere, termed Ornello.
after, which is akin to Gr. aa>, ava>, to or da avere, to be owed. to. Avere * Avoro
;.; = Avorio, ivory.
blow, breathe); avaricious. a..., with a verb, to be as near as Avosetta or Avocetta./?; a bird of the wader
Recurvirostra avocetta^ also termed
possible to...; Venne un tuono si forte
class, avocet,
Aff. Avar-accio
pegs-, -amente, -e^to dim,,
Monachina, Spinzago d' acqua.
-onaccio angm. spreg., -one aiigm. che ebbi a sbalordire, then came such *Avotare Awotare, to take a vow.

*Avazzo; speedily, v. Avaccio. a thunder clap that I was as nearly as *Avrire; = Aprire, to open.
tAveccare;=Avettare, to climb over.
Aveliay?; = Velia, shrike.
possible stunned. Avulso; part. *Avellere, torn away.
Avellan-a_/i, -0 m. (from the town of
As property. Voglio tutto il mio
s6., Avuta f. the first of a set of two

Avella in Campania) ; the fruit and tree avere e niente piu, I want all my rights
games, the second game being the
respectively of the cob-nut, filbert, or and nothing more. Hence ironically, Riavuta. Also called Vincita e rivincita.
other cultivated variety of the hazel. Ha avuto il suo avere, he has obtained
*Avellere perf. his deserts. In keeping accounts Avere t Avvalersi = Valersi,
avulsi, part, avulso (L.); to ; to avail oneself.
root up. is creditor, and Dare debtor.
= Avaria, damage.
Avvall-am^nto m*\ i . v. -are.
Avello m. tomb. Puzzar com' un *Averiay?; delle onde, trough of the
Averire = Avverare, to verify.
* 2.
to stink horribly. waves.
Averia, Avelia, Ghierla, Verla, Verlia, or
*i. Puzzar d i.e. to be old. ii. niche for a Velia f. (perhaps a corruption of L. aviculii, dim.

of avis, bird); i. capirossa, woodchat, Lanius

Awall-are (It. valle); i. to sink;
Etym. From L. lavare, to wash, was formed rufus, also termed Castrica testa rossa. Lanciere testa Quel pezzo di strada e -ato, that piece
lavabruM, whence labr-um, wash-basin (not to be rossa, Velia maggiore ferruginea, Velia rossa minore.
of road has sunk in; In questo letto ci
confused with labrum, lip). From labrutn came 2. cenerina, lesser grey shrike, Lanius minor,
the dim. labellum and thence It. lavello. This also termed Velia cenerina mezzana or minore, Ver- s' avvalla troppo, one sinks down too
suffered the loss of the initial /, through being taken lagazzina. 3. maggiore, great shrike, Lanius much in this bed. 2. to renew (a bill
for 1' avello, and avello took its meaning of tomb excubitor, also termed Castrica palombina, Falcon-
either because certain cinerary urns had been shaped ello, Gazza sparviera, Lanciere canericcio, Regestola of exchange), usu. Riavallare.
i. to swallow, ii. to lower, iii. to descend, reft, -irsi: vi. Troilo vi si avvenne, Troilus threw a candle for thefirst time lo strigato,
vi. Cima
iv. to fall, -arsi v. to be discouraged, : himself into the fray. vii. to be becoming, suitable,
di giudicio non s' avvalla, justice is not one whit in keeping with. As sb. yiii. Avvenenza, attract- :
to separate the threads of the warp
abased, D. Purg. 6. 37. iveness. As si. pi.: ix.. Gli avvenire, posterity. As where they are sticking together. 2. intr.
Aff. Avvallatura. adj. pi. x. Le cose avvenire, future things.
to begin ; Avvio a piovere, it began to
Awalor-are ind. avvaloro (It. va- Awent-are ind. avvento (A) (It. rain La pentola avvia a bollire, the

lore) ; to strengthen. Aff. -ame'nto. vento); i. to hurl; parole arrisicate, pot is beginning to boil ; Non ho da ,

Awamp-are (Avvampire, Abbamp- fig. to hurl out rash sayings. 2. Cosa i.e. I am penniless, -arsi :
3. to set out,
to blaze up. 2. to
che avventa, thing which makes a great start off. 4. (mar.) to gather way.
are) (It. vampa); i.
scorch (clothes, in ironing). 3. to set impression at first but does not keep it i. to send. ii. to get rid of, send away. iii.
la voga, to set the time to the rowers in a galley.
fire to. 4. -arsi, to turn red (with anger). up.
tSalsiccia -ata, salt pickle with air spaces in it, Awiatdra workwoman who
Aff. -ame'nto. which therefore does not keep properly. f. ;

*(B) (L. adventare) i. to succeed (in some stretches the warp and prepares the
Avvantaggi-are (It. vantaggio) ;

design), ii. of plants, to


come up, work for the weaver.

1. to improve, advantage, benefit. As
refl. -arsi : 2. to push forward, go Aff. Avvent-amento, All' -ata rashly, Avviatura/! ;
beginning of a job,
quicker. 3. to improve one's position. -ataggine rash, headstrong act, -ata- or the cost thereof. 2. a few glowing
me'nte very rashly, -atello (dim. of -ato), embers to start a fire with.
*to surpass. Aff. -ame'nto, -atamdnte. 3. initial
-at^zza rash proceeding (but less rash
more. use, e.g. of a church candle.
Awantaggio m. ; D' ,
than -ataggine), -ato rash.
Awedersi ind. m' avvedo or Avvicend-are ind. awicendo (It.
Awentfzio ; adventitious, accident- vicenda) to alternate. Aff. -ame'nto.
*-veggo, perf. m' avvidi -vedesti, fut.

ally present.
m' avvedrb, part, avveduto or avvisto Awicin-are (It. vicino); to put, or

(It. vedere) to perceive. Prov. Se ;

Awento m. ; Advent. be, near. Aff. -ame'nto.
n' avvedrebbe Cimabue che conosceva Awent6r-e m. (L. advenior, new-
al tasto, it is a thing which dim.
Awignare (It. vigna) ; to plant with
1" ortica comer); customer. Aff. -uccio vines.
Cimabue would recognise who (only) spreg. *i. to bring a neglected vineyard into order,
knew a nettle by the feel, said when Avventrinarsi (It. ventre); i. (.vet.) to have ii. = Awinghiare, to seize.
from unwholesome fodder.
something very obvious has escaped colic 2. {fers.) quasi
Awil-ire ind. -isco (It. vile); to
fig. to stuff oneself. i.
notice. Senza avvedersene, without
to lower, degrade ; to dis-
finding it out, i.e. easily, comfortably.
Awentura /(L. adventura, n. pi. cheapen ;

courage, depress. 2. intr., or -irsi, to

*to take thought. fut. part, of advenire, passed into mlt.
and Ital. as f. sing, sb.) ; adventure. be weak from hunger. Aff. -ime'nto.
Awedut-0; i.
part. Avvedere.
Per , by chance. Avvil-itivo; i. ?'. -ire. 2. (gram.)
as adj., wary. Aff. -ame'nte, -dzza.
i. good fortune, ii. Dire, Fare 1'
to practise = Spregiativo, derivative expressing
Avvegnache or Avvegnadioche; although. fortune telling, iii. Mettere in to risk.
Avvegnente = Avvenente,

; attractive. contempt.
Avvcfare; = Velare, to veil. Awenturare; to risk.
Avvilupp-are (It. viluppo); i. to
Awelen-are ind. aweWno (It. Awenturier-e m., -a/ ; adventurer. wrap. 2. to tangle. 3. Jig. to deceive.
veleno) ;
to poison. Aff. -ame'nto, Avventurinayl; aventurine, quartz. *i. la Spagna, to make a tangle of everything,
-at6re, -atrice. favourable. ad-
ii. frasche e viole, lit. to wrap up boughs and
Awenturdso; i. 2.
carnations, v. Frasca, i.e. tell upon lie. hi. -arsi,
*Avvellutato(It. velluto); velvety. venturous. fortunate. to stuff oneself.
* Avvenabile 3.
; pleasing.
Avvenamento m. Aff. .ame'nto, -atamente, -atore, -atrice, -atura.
*Avvenante m.
; stratification.
Awer-are ind. avveVo (Averire) (It.
; comparison, proportion.
vero) to verify.
; Aff. -ame'nto.
Avvin-are (It. vino); i. to prepare
adj., pleasing.
A vvenare ; (iar.) acqua, to teak, v. Vena. Avverbi-o m. (L. adverbiunt); as E. Aff.
a new cask for use by washing it with
*Avvenato; stratified.
-ale, -almente. wine so as to remove the woody odour.
Avvenente; attractive. *As s6., Awerd-ire ind. -isco (It. verde) to 2. scherz. Acqua -ata, wine much diluted

consequence. turn green. with water. 3. -ato, wine-coloured, usu.

Awen-^nza/ ; attractiveness. Aff. Awersat-o (It. verso) ; skilful, one
*-ato, half-drunk, usu. Awinazzato.
-eVole. who works "a modo e a verso," skil-
Avvenim^nto m. i. event. 2. ac- fully. Aff. -(no dim. vezz. Avvinazzare; to make half-drunk.

cession (to a throne).

Avversiera /.',== Versiera, hobgoblin. tAvvincare (It. vinco, withy); to bend.

*i. outcome, result, ii. arrival, iii. adaptation. Awers-O (L. adversus); adverse. Avvincere/Vr/iavvinsi ortavvincei,
Awen-ire ind. avvengo -vieni -viene Aff, Avvers-are to oppose, -ario, -ativo in op-
position, -atore, -atrice opponent, -idne as E., -ita.
part, avvinto ( L. vincire) to bind, ; tto
-venidmo -venite -vengono, convince.
perf. avven-
ni -venisti, fut. avverro, part, avvenuto Awertenteme'nte, needfully. Avvinchiare v. Awinghiare. ;

(L. advenire) ; i. to happen ; Se avven- Awertenza /; i. heed. 2. pre- Awincid-ire ind. -isco (It. vincido) ;

isse il caso che...* if it should happen face. 3. warning. to become flabby.

that... Se awenisse caso, if there *
Awertire ind. avverto (L. adver- Avvincigliare (It. vinciglio) ; to tie up with a
should be any occasion. As refl. -irsi :
2. to warn. withy.
tere); i. to inform. 3. to *
Avvincolarc (It. vincolo); to wind round.
2. Proprio gli si avviene, it just suits be careful. 4. to call attention to.
him ; Vorrebbe fare il grazioso ma non Awingni-are (Avvinchiare) (mlt.
Aff. Avvert-ime'nto, -itamente heedfully.
gli s' avviene, he is trying to be agree- *Awetrato (It. vetro); (ground) slightly frozen ad-vinculare,hom l^.vinculum); to clasp
able but the part does not suit him, or, so that it becomes brittle like glass.
= tight, -arsi, to cling.
Gli s' avviene come all' orso il ballare, tAvyettare (It. vetta) i. Accavalciare, to be- ;
stride, ii. to cross the ridge rapidly. Avvinghiata/^; armful. , (tree) as large
it is like a bear trying to dance. as can be embraced with the arms.
Awezzare ind. awfeo (It. vezzo,
3. Tutto le si avviene, everything that Avvinto
habit); to accustom. ; part. Awincere.
she does is well done. 4. -irsi in uno,
to happen to meet him. Aw^zzo
accustomed. ; Mai Avvfo m. ; i.q. Awiamento, begin-

As sb.\ L' the future, and as badly brought up. ning.

5. *
Avviottol-are or -arsi; = Avviarsi, to set
same meaning, Nel tempo *Asj3.: habit, rough boy.
adj. with the
i. ii.
*Avvirato (L. viri4s)\ poisoned.
in future time. Awiame'nto m. beginning, start. ; Avvisay^; M' e pure my opinion is. ,

*i. to arrive; Avvegna reame tuo, Thy kingdom

come. ii. to get on, prosper,

iii. to become, iv. Non

Awi-are ind. avvfo (It. via) i. to ; Awisaglia / ; skirmish, v. Avvis-
avviene, there is no occasion, v. to appertain. As give a start to ; una candela, to light arsi.
Awis-are (mlt. advisare) ; to give augm. i.e. of great reputation, -orio, A'zio m. ; (geogr.) Actium.
notice of, to inform. -uccio or -ucolo dim. spreg.
Azi6n-e f. (L. actio); \. action.
i. to be of opinion, ii, to observe, get a clear *Avvocatore w.; magistrate (at Venice).
view of. iii. to watch for (an opportunity); Awi-
2. action or right of action.
sando lor presa e lor vantaggio, watching for the Avvocatura/ ; profession of a bar- 3. share in a commercial undertaking ;

opportunity of a good grip, D. Inf. 16. 23. iv. m' av- rister. -i a portatore, bearer shares;
it seems to me. v. -arsi, to meet face to face
-i nominali,
in battle. Avvocolo = Avocolo, blind.
; registered shares.
*Avvogadore m.',= Avvocatore. *i. accusation in
Avvis-atdre m. i. v. -are. 2. mes- A vvoggolare = Avvolgolare.
* =Trans_azione, compromise, ii.

legal form. iii. speech of an advocate,

; iv. practice
*Avvogliare; = i.
Invogliare, to
senger in a theatre. entice,
(It. voglia),
= Avvolgere, to wrap up.
of a barrister, v. action of a horse.
Aff. Azion-accia fegg., -cilia dim., -ista share-
m. i. notice, information; ;
i. very desirous.
ho>lder, -uccia dim. spreg. dirty little trick.

Lettera d' letter of advice. 2. ad-

Ayyogliato ;

2. willing to work. Az6ieo (Gr. apriv., (<orj life) ; (geol.)
vertisement. 3. (mar.) despatch -boat. without fossils.
4. Stare sull" ,
to be upon one's guard; Aw61g-ere awolsi, part.
Secondo il mio ,
in my opinion.
avvolto (L. advolvere); I. to wrap Azbto m. (Fr. azote <Gr. d priv.^
*i. Esser ,
to be apparent; tacer mi fu
I! round, to entangle. 2. to furl (a flag). <oov, animal) ; nitrogen.
avviso il peggio, silence appeared to me the worse -ersi : i. to travel about, ii. to be deceived,
plan, D. Inf. 27. 107. ii. Opinion, mental calcu- Aztdco; Aztec.
lation. Awolgim^nto m. ; tortuosity. *diz- Azza (Accia)/ (O.H.G. Aacco, Germ.
AJf. Avvis-ino of -uccio dim. ziness.
*Avvistay. Stare in su la ; , to be on the Hacke, passed into It. through Fr.
look out. battle-axe.
Avvolgolare (Awoggolare) ind. hache) ;

Awistare ;
i. to estimate, judge at avvolgolo; to roll up.
Azzampato (It. zampa, paw); Bene
to give a Avvollare to wrap round, Jig. to deceive. or Male
first sight. 2. good display of *

to be mistaken.
of a sporting dog, with well
(goods to be sold) ; una bottega, to *Avvolpacchiarsi

(Jirob. corr. of Avvoltacchi- or badly shaped paws.

make a shop look well. 3. (mar.) to arsi); to give no clear account of oneself.
Azzannare to seize with
*Avvolpinare (It. volpe) ; to deceive. (It. zanna) ;

sight (land). the teeth, or, Jig. of a tiresome bore, to

Awistato; crafty, wide awake Awolsi ; perf. Avvolgere.
fasten on to (a person).
(man); of a woman, handsome and de- *AvvoltayC; whirl.
* AJJ. Azzann-amento, -ata a bite, -atura the place
Avvoltacchiare; to twist about. where the bite was given.
sirous of attracting attention to herself.
Ajft. Avvistatbtt-o vezz. Ragazza -a, nice-look- Awoltare ind. avvolto ; i.q. Avvolg- Azzard-0 m. (mlt. ad zardum, from
ing girl. ere, to wrap. Arabic zar, a die); i. hazard, risk.
Awisto ; part. Avvedere. Awolt-ata f. ;
act of wrapping. 2. impudence. Aff. -are, -oso.
Awitare Aff. -ati'na dim. Azzarblo = Melo
(It. vite, screw); to screw ; Lazzarolo. ,

up. Awoltaturay^ wrapping, band- ;

Neapolitan medlar, azarole, a species
Awiticchi-are (It. viticchio, con- age. 2. point at which wrapping has of hawthorn, Crataegus azarolus.
volvulus); to twine round. been put on.
Aff. -am^nto. Azzeccare (It. zecca, tick-insect;
Avyiticciare (It. viticcio, tendril); to twist Awolticchi-are quasi dim. Awolt- hence lit. to fasten upon) i. to bestow ;
round like a vine tendril.
are; to wind round and round, -arsi, (a kick, or abusive name) ; Gli azzecco
Avvit-ire ind.
-isco (It. vite, vine); to be slightly entangled. il titolo di ladro, he bestowed upon him
to plant with vines, or intr. to plant
Avvdlt-0 i.
the title of thief. 2. to guess, hit the
; part. Avvolgere.
vines. 2. Frittata omelette rolled up like mark ;
L' ha azzeccata, of an artist, he
has hit it oflF; Non ne azzecca una, he
Avvitolato ;
twisted like a vine stem. a pancake.
is never successful. 3. to obtain as it
Awiv-are (It. vivo); I. to vivify. Avvoltdio (Avoltoio) m. (**vul- were by chance Azzeccammo una giorn- ;
2. in gilding, to prepare the surface from L.
turius, vultur, v. Vellere) ;
ata di paradiso quando si fece quella
with acid and quicksilver. 3. -arsi, to vulture.
passeggiata, we hit upon a heavenly day
revive, usu. Ravvivarsi.
4. Prov. O ci do,
Aff. -ame'nto, Species: i. nero, nero lepraiolo, or simply for that excursion.
-atore, -atrice. Egyptian vulture, Vultur monachus. 2.
, bar-
buto=Arpia, lammergeier. 3. aquilino or bianco
o ci azzecco, I get into it somehow,
Avvivat6io t. copper pencil used in = =

*Avviziare (It. vizio); to train in vice.

gilding. Capovaccaio, q.v. 4. fulvo Grifone, griffon i.e. I am always unlucky.
Azzerblo, v. Azzarolo.
Avvizz-ire ind. -isco (It. vizzo); of Awoltolare awoltolo; i. to ind.
to *Azzic-are or -arsi
(Etym. dub.); to be only
fruit, shrivel, -ito, wizened. Aff. roll round and round. 2. to send rolling. just able to move.
-ime'nto. * A vvotare t Azzigatarsi ; to scuffle.
( Awotire, Avotare) (It. voto) ; to vow.
t Azzillare tr. or intr. to raise, or jump up,
*Avvocare; i. v. Avocare. ii. to be a barrister. ;

Azalea f. (Gr. ufaAe'os, dry, from its quickly.

Awocata f. ;
i. the Madonna. growing best in dry ground); (bot.) Azzima /. v. Azzimo.
2. lady barrister. i. azalea. 2. Svizzera, alpine rose,
Rhododendron ferrugineutn. Azzim-are (Diez derives this from
Awocateria / ; spreg. herd of bar- Proveng. azesmar, It. accismare, which
risters. Azedarac in.(Arabic word from Persian) ; (bot.)
Indian lilac, v. Perlaro (3). he traces to L. ad-aestimare with the
Awocat-e'sco spreg. of-o. Ragioni ; = Lazzerola, Neapolitan meaning Schuchhardt re-
of preparing.
Azerubla/. ;
-esche, special pleading, unfair argu- medlar.
fers itAccimare, mlt. aczimare, to

ments. Aff. -escame'nte. take the nap off cloth) to smooth, -arsi,
*Aziale m. = Acciaro, ; steel.

to tidy oneself, -ato, foppishly dressed.

Avvocat^ssa / ;
i. barrister's wife.
Azi&nda / (Span, hacienda, from *i. to adorn, to whitewash (offences).
2. woman who talks much in support hacer=L. facere); i. business, con-

of some opinion. Azzimella / ; Passover cake, v.

cern, factory. 2. mismanaged business,
Awocat-0 m. advo- muddle. Azzimo.
(L. advocatus) ;

cate, barrister. concistoriale, advo- A'zimut m. (Arabic as-samt, path) Azzimiiia f. intarsia work, metal ;
cate in the Papal courts. delle cause inlaid with gold or silver thread.
(astr.)azimuth, the angle between the
perse, advocate of hopeless cases or one meridian of the observer and a vertical A'zzimo (Gr. afufior, a priv.,
of no capacity. fvfii),
plane through the star observed; also ferment); unleavened. Gli -i, the Jewish
Aff. Avvocat-fno dim. i.e. short in the angle between the planes of any two Passover, viz. the seven days following
bodily stature, or young in years, -one geodesic lines. Easter.
It benedetto ,
the Host. ii. hard, indi- + Azzorare ; to go in a circle. Azzurro (mlt. lazur, lazulus, la-
iii. foolish (verses).
Azzorre m.; curium, from Persian laziiard, the lapis
Azzirone m. a kind ;

Azzitt-are or -ire (It. zitto); to quiet.

of large spade. (hot.) Jasminum Azori- lazuli I. azure blue. As sb.
* cum. stone); :

Azzoll-are (It. zolla); to kill (e.g. a snake) with 2. di Berlino, Prussian blue. 3.
clods of earth, -ato, ashard as a cln-I.
*Azzonzare (It. azonzo); to lounge. Azzuffarsi (It. zuffa) ;
to scuffle. oltremare, ultramarine blue.
*Azzuffino m.; policeman. AJf. Azzurr-eggiare to be blueish, -iccio dirty
Azzopp-ire ind. -isco -ire) (It. *Azzuolo (mlt. lazulus, v. Azzurro) ; deep blue, -ino clear blue, -ognolo blueish.
zoppo); to lame. blue.

B in. Bi. Abbrevia-
Babbusco; big. Bacce /. pi. ; Aver le , to be very busy.
; pronounced to Littre,
Babirussay^ (Malay word, according
tions: G.B., Giambattista. B., Beato. meaning pig-stag); Abyssinian hog, Sits babiritssa', Bacc&lla /. ; silly woman.
B.A., Belle Arti. B.M.,Buona memoriaor the animal, however, belongs to the Malay archi-
Baccellaio m. bean field. Padrone
pelago not to Abyssinia.

Benemerente. Somigliare un B., to be fat. del scherz. monarch of all he sur-

Baba Apporre alia Baba, or al B.A. Ba, to
Babdrdo m. (Germ.Backdord, Dutch
blame, scold.
t Babaidla f. = Bavaj-lio.
Hakboord, from Back, forecastle, and
Baccell6tto m. I. dim. Baccello.
Babano m. an insect that infests olive trees,
Bord, side, because the forecastle in the ;

t Babao T. Bausette.; old northern ships was on the left side) ;

2. (arch.) bean-shaped ornament.
Babau m. ; (for Baubau) bogey. (mar.) i. larboard, port. 2. Bastimento Baccellierato m. bachelor's degree. ;

Babbabigi m.; di or di basso , frigate, corvette,

7'. Babbagigi. ,
Baccellifere in. bachelor of arts. ;
Babbaccio m. ; pfgg. Babbo, careless father, etc., with only one tier of guns, as *
i. scholar who has
completed his course, ii. squire
Babbaccione m. opposed to Bastimento di alto two to a knight, wiseacre.
scktrz., said of a father. ,
; good peda_nt,
or three decker. Etym. Theword was formed from the
Babbagigi or Babbabigi m. (hot.) ;
Babusso m.; titlark, v. Pispola.
Fr. bachelier, baccalarius, cp. E. bachelor ; the

a species of Oriental rush the roots of etymology is discussed at length both by Littr6 and
tBaca/.; pod. in Murray's English Dictionary the primary sense ;

which produce edible tubers like al- Bacaccio m. pegg. Baco. ;

seems to have been that of "yeoman." Littre inclines
t Bacaficu m.; v. Gado minuto.
to a Celtic origin for the word, which was in several
monds, Cyperus esculentus also termed ; Bacai-o m. -&/.', dealer ,
in silkworms. of the Romance languages but not in those of Italy,
Dolzolimi, Zizzole terrestri, Mandorla *
Bacalare v. Baccalare.
and passed into Italian from French, as stated above.
Bacalieri v. Baccelliere.
di terra. *
Baccellina f. (bat.) dyer's weed, v. Gines-
Bacamento m. ; development of grubs in fruit.

BabbalA or Babbale ;
Alia , carelessly,
anyhow. Bacare; to be worm-eaten, v. Bacato. Baccellfno ; (plant) of a pod bearing
Babbaleo; silly, T. Babbo. Bacarello m. ; (tot.) wild service kind.
Babbalbcco (It. babbeo, allocco); tree, Pyrus torminalis. Bacc611-0 m. (Prod, either dim. from
Bacarozzo in. = Malandrino, ruffian. L. or It. bacca, or else from Arabic
dull, heavy. ;

Babbano;= Babbeo. Bacatfccio i. worm-eaten. baqelah, bean see also infra, 2) ; ;

slightly ;

Babble foolish, v. Babbo.

2. (pers.) not quite well.
1. bean,pod with its bean; Essere

tutto fiori e -i con uno, to be very cordial

Babbfno m. dim. vezz. Babbo. ; Bacato ; i. v. Bacare. 2. ill.
to him Esser fiori e -i, to be in ex-
Babbio ;= Babbeo. Una ghignata sul , a 3. maggotty (cheese). 4. sceptical. cellent health prov. Chi ha mangiato ;
burst of silly laughter, t As insulting laugh.
gusci, he who has eaten the
si'., *As sb., good yield of silk from the silkworm. -i
Bacatone taciturn, recluse.
spazzi i

Babbione m. ; dolt, v. Babbo. ;

beans should sweep up the pods, i.e. he
Bacat-uccio; dim. of -0(2).
Babbo in. ; father, daddy. who has had the enjoyment of something
Bacca/ (L.); berry. should be the one to take any trouble
Etym. Reduplicated from the syllable ba, one *i. ii. = Vacca, cow. ii Bacchante.
of the first uttered by babies, as papa from pa, pearl,
Or it may be from L. pappus,
Baccadeo of Bagdad. necessary to put things straight again;
cp. E, babe, baby.

old man, Gr. irairiros, but infantile words are formed -i

carob beans, v. Carrubbio.
Baccala m. (Dutch kabeljau-w)
The syllable ba took simpleton. This meaning is classed

spontaneously everywhere. 2.
the meaning of stammer, and from it were formed i. dried cod-fish. 2. scherz. sceptic.
L. babulus. It. babbio, babbione, babbeo, babbuasso,
in most dictionaries as a figurative use,
all of which, meaning orig. stammering old man, Baccalaraio m. ;
dealer in salt cod. but it would seem more natural to regard
have come to mean silly. From this natural sound Baccalare (Bacalare) ///. (v. Baccelliere); one the word in this sense as originating
ba come ba-l and ba-r, as in balbo, balbettare, bar-
bogio, barbottare, but this ba-r is not to be confounded
who thinks himself learned. from L. baceolus = Gr. ftanrjKos, stupid.
i. = Baccala.
ii. Baccelliere. iii. (mar.) \r\pl. ,

with the prefix bar-, v. Bar- . timbers for supporting the outside platform of a galley,
Babboccio m. ;= Bamboccio, big baby. A Baccell-6ne m. i. augm. of -o, ;
, T. Posticcia (ii, b).
at random. *
Baccalaria/7; stupidity. great fool. 2. as at/J., Cacio a kind ,

Babbole f. pi. (v. Babbo, etym.); nonsense. Baccalaro /.; i. attendant on a cab-rank at of salt cheese which is eaten with beans.
Babbolona f. adj. origin and meaning un- \ Florence, y. = Baccala, dried cod.
certain ; it is -either augm. from Babbo in sense of *
Baccale Bacchic.;
3. Pisello a large variety of pea.

huge, or else is connected with Imbambolare, to *

Baccaleria f. i. squirehood. ; ii. fussiness of
Baccheggiare (It. Bacco); to revel.
move to tears, and means pathetic. a self-important person. Bacchera _/?; ?' Baccara.
Babbori-vcggoli or -veggioli; Andare a , Baccan in. (mar. ; slang) skipper. Baccherini, Bacchirini ;. pi. (bat.) plough- ;

to die (tit. to go to See-daddy-again). Baccanale m.; i. feast inhonour of Bacchus, man's spikenard, Conyza squarrosn, also termed
Babbuass-o or any Bacchanalian orgy. (nuts.) a kind of
2. Lingua di leone, Tasso fa'so.
(v. Babbo) ; silly. Aff. musical composition to be sung without accompani- Baccherdne in. ; (bot.) sea-rocket, CakiUmari-
-Sggine. ment. tima, also termed Ravastrella maritima.
* Baccanaria
Babbiiccia (Pappuccia) /. (Persian
; painting of a Bacchanal pro- / Baccher6ni m. pi. ; (bot.) pig-nuts, Buttium
cession. bulbocastanum.
papoch, from pa foot,poch, to cover this Baccanella/.; i. uproar, ii.
Bacch6tt-a/ (dim. Bacchio); i. rod,
passed into Arabic, thence through Baccano m.; i. uproar. 2. up- drum-stick, ramrod, stick of a rocket,
Spanish babuchas into Italian); bedroom roarious assembly, or place where such staff of office (paint.} mahl-stick ; ;

slipper. are held. Comandare a to rule with severity; ,

Babbuino m. ; baboon. BaccanteyC; Bacchante. Passare sotto le -e, to run the gauntlet.
Baccara (Bacchera) f. (bot.) birthwort, As- ;

Zambaldi suggests derivation from the

Etynt. artitn 2. holder for knitting-needles.
syllable ba, v. Babbo
cp. Skeat, sub Baboon. ; Baccare to revel.
Littri derives the word from the same source as Baccarello

nt. ; (/><;/.) =- Sorbo torminale, wild Bacchettare ind. bacche'tto; i. to

Fr. baHne,
of a dog, etc., viz. the word b<if>f>r. service tree. beat. 2. una cosa, to sell it cheap.
snout, belonging to the old German dialects, so that Baccarina/1; (l>t>t.) pigmy cotton rose, Fitago
the primary meaning is thick-lipped. pigniaea. Bacchettata / blow with a stick. ;

H. 9
*(B);=Bacco. La citta di Thebes. t(C)
Bacchettina /. dim. -vezz. Bacchet- show of friendship. il fiasco, to take

(fogn. Fr. bac ferry-boat, also vat,
t bac, tray,
ta, wand. fatata, fairy's wand. Aver a deep drink. il chiavistello, to kiss v, Skeat, sub Bight, Bow) ;
canal boat, also termed
the door-bolt, i.e. (a) to discontinue (at Leghorn) Beco.
la fatata, to succeed in everything.
tBacoccay^;=Albicocca, apricot.
Bacchettino m. ; dim. Bacchetto. visiting a house, or (b) to turn a person *
Ba-coccio or -cocco m. \

somewhat out of one's house. Rima -ata, rhyme tBacochey; ^/.;

= Albicocche, apricots.
Bacche'tto m. stick, Bacola f.\ v. Baccola, bilberry.
between consecutive lines. Non da-

larger than Bacchetta. della frusta, Bacolino m. dim. Baco. Obsolete, except in

rebbe un Cristo a i.e. he is very phrase L amarino ammazza il


, the lit. bitter kills

whip-handle. avaricious. Bocca -ata non perde ven- grubs, a bitter tonic cures little ailments.
t = Bacchetta,
support for a knitting-needle. Bacolo HI. ; v. Baculo.
tura, i.e. kissing leaves no mark. A Bacologiayl; science of silkworm culture.
Baccb.ett6n-e m., -a/; i. ostenta- bocca or A man -ata, with the utmost *
Bacol-ogico, -ogo ; v. Bacologia.
tiously religious person. The term is A Bacoso vermifuge.
readiness. (mar.) in contact.
, Bacucco m. ; a kind of wrapper for covering
derived from a long bacchetta or rod the face, v. Imbacuccare.
Baciasanti m. bigot, devotee.
with which the priest used to touch the ;
'Bacuccola f.; hazel-nut.
Baciatura /. kissing-crust. Baculo or Bacolo in.(L. bacuhis); i. small
penitent at confession. 2. cleaning-rod ;
stick, ii. (fee/.) staff, iii. measuring-rod, iv.
of a gun. AJf.\o pegg., -cello dim. Bacicci m.\ (hot.) i. salt-wort, v. Salicornia(2). staff,
= Erba or pin, of a Balestriglia.
2. di S. Pietro, samphire, v. Erba (132 a).
Bacchetton-eriay:, -ismo m.; v. -one. Baciglio m. (0f.)= Bacicci (2). Badare. Stare orTenere
Bacchiare to knock down, v. Abbacchiare.
Bacigno 7.;=Bacio, kiss.
Bada/ ;
to kill. *Bacile HI. ;=Bacino, basin. a , to be, or
keep waiting, esp. to
Bacillo w bacillus. *small stick.
Bacchiata/; blow with a stick. i.
keep a possible enemy from taking
2. Jig. serious illness and consequent Bacinella /; i. copper kitchen- action.
vessel. 2. (cAem.) evaporating bath. *i. Tenersi a to delay, A
expense or
loss. delay. , di,
* under the charge of. iii. v. Abada.
N. which runs Bacinetta_/; v. Bacinella. *
Bacchigli6ne; a river of Italy m. state of expectation.
* Badag^io

through Vicenza. Bacine'tto ?. i. steel cap. 2. pan Bada-hchio, -lisco m. Basilisco. ; .

; *
Badaloccare v. Badaluccare.
Bacchilldne m. (Gr. /3ao;Aos, eunuch of a flint-lock musket. 3. (anat.) pelvis

priest of Cybele) ; great good for nothing of the kidney. Badaldne m. (It. badare. The orig.
fellow. sense was "lounger," from which the ad-
Bacfno m. (A) (Celtic hoc, cavity);
Bacchio basin. jectival meaning of "large" would seem
(L. baculus) stick, club. ;
1. 2. (ana/.) pelvis. 3. (mar.)
to have been derived; the word may then
Prendere al to take without examina- a forma, = Forma, dry dock. 4. (mus.)
have come to be used forchurch reading-
tion. cymbal. 5. oculare, small cup for
desk on account of its size) reading-
* i. young lamb. ii. in un
bacchip baleno, washing the eye. 6. fire-room, inner desk in the churches of Florence.

limed twig for snaring birds.

instantly, tiii.
Bacchirini v. Baccherini.
space of a furnace. 7. instrument for
; *As adj. i.
Perdigiorni, do-nothing, fine
blinding, v. Abbacinare. 8. lock or and large,
: ii.

tBaccinay:;=yitella, calf. iii. a variety of fig. iv. Andare or

*Baccinow.; i. = Bacino. ii. =Vaccino. iii. a sluice-chamber. 9. scale of a balance. Mandare al , i.e. to the devil.
vain and presumptuous person. 10. name of two stars in Libra.
Bacciola ;. Baccola. : Badaluccare (etym. unkn. possibly
Bacco .'.; Bacchus. (B); dim. Bacio, kiss. a metathesis oi**badaculare, dim. of bit.
stepping-stone over a stream, or gap from stone
to stone, or the jump necessary to pass it. ii. a very Bacio m. (A) (L. basium); kiss. badare, or <
It. badare -falloccare, the

long step. Mandare un ,

to blow a kiss. Bacio orig. meaning having been "to look at,"
Baccola, Bacciola or Bacola (Ba- bacio, kiss of two balls at bowls. alia whence the sb, Badalucco was derived.
gole, bilberry, Vac-
Bagule)/; (hot.) francese, pinching the cheek between The verb in the sense of skirmishing
cinium myrtillus, usu. Mirtillo di the first and second fingers. seems then to have been formed from
macchia, also termed Piuri (near the Bado the sb. in its secondary sense); i. to
(B) (\y\t.**opacivus); with a
Baths of Lucca) and Zuzain (in Lom- northern aspect, shady. skirmish. 2. to stand gaping.
t Bac i6cco HI. good-natured to besiege, assault.
bardy). ;

Bacheca from L. bacca, t Bacioccolo a sort of rustic cymbal used

in. ;
i. Badalucc-p >. ; (v. -are) i. amusement, toy.
f. (Prob. in Tuscany, ii. in//., kitchen vessels,
'.i. iii. Tenere a ,=Tenere a bada, to
pearl, with a termination borrowed from t Baciolo m. bass fish, v. Labrace.
amuse, i.e. to keep waiting, keep (the enemy) doing
Biblioteca, Pinacoteca, etc.); jewel- Baci6ne m. augm. Bacio, kiss.
Badanai, Badananai or Badanaio,
ler's show-case. any case of small 2.
Bacibzzo m. hearty kiss.
value ; Jig. person of no account.
also Tananai m. great noise of people ;

|Bacheray:; = Piattola, black-beetle. Baciucchi-are to give ; many kisses. chattering, similar to that made by Jews
Bacherello m. dim. Baco, grub. Aff. -amento. praying in a synagogue with constant
Baciucchio much repetition of the word Adonai, Lord,
in. ; kissing. Baciucchio,
Bacheriay".; place for rearing silkworms. Baciucco.
Baciucco or -ucchio in. sea samphire, pickled
the B or T being a loose popular prefix.
Bacher-bzzo, -bzzolo m. grub, esp.
; ;

; v. Bacicci (2). Bad-are or pop. Abbadare (etym.

for fishing with. Tirar a tutt' i -i, i.e.
to make Bacp m. (A) bacius, short for (bit. hazy, v. infra Baia, and Littre", sub

every possible
profit. bombacius <
Gr. /3o/<0v, silkworm); i. Bayer); i- to look at attentively, to
grub of any moth or butterfly, esp. the
attention, to look after. 2. to do

Bacb.icoltu.ra/ silkworm breeding. ; silkworm Mettere bachi, to hatch the
; i
nothing, stand gaping. 3. Bada da-
Bachiero (med.) vermifuge.
eggs; Andar i bachi alia frasca or In- vanti scherz. of a beautiful thing Un
tBachiocco m. - Baciocco, blockhead. ;
frascare i when they go to make vestito bada davanti a lovely dress. !

Baciabass-o m. deep bow with a ; their cocoons morto, the chrysalis

; 4. Badare a fare, stare, mangiare, ecc.,
kiss on the hand fig. humiliation. Far ; after the cocoon has been unwound. to keep on doing, persist in remaining,
to humiliate oneself. 2. in pi., intestinal worms.
-i, 3. grub in keep on eating, etc. 5. Fin' a a ire,
Baciamano m. ; i.
kissing the hand. fruit; Gianni, a name given to a for a long time; quanto durerk Ma
2. by bending in the fingers and
salute grub in pears or cherries. 4. fad. questa storia? Ce ne sark fin' a a ire,
then extending them towards the person 5. Non avere i bachi, Jig. pop., to be how long is this story going to last?
saluted. jolly ; Con questo solleone una villetta Oh, it will go on for a long time. 6. -arsi
sul lago di Como non avrebbe i bachi, da, to be careful about, i.e. watchful
Baciapile m. (lit. kisser of the holy would be jolly to have a cottage on
water vessel) or *Baciapolvere (kisser
against. Similarly -arsi, to be careful
lake Como now in this heat. 6. Aver not to. Mi badero bene, usu. Guardero,
of dust on church floors) hypocrite. ;
il ,
or Esserci il con uno, to have di fargli certe confidenze, there are some
Baci-are (Basciare) (L. basinre); to a secret dislike for him. 7. twist of delicate points which I will be careful
kiss. basso, to be very respectful. paste as an ornament for Ciambelle, not to mention to him.
- co' denti, to inflict an
injury with a buns. t Badarille /. //. ; the card game of Minchiate.
Badatore m. loiterer. ii. in i.
shooting, man posted on high ground
Bagaiay:; pop. for Biancospino, hawthorn.
to watch -arsi, to bathe,
-ato, wet. -ato e
where the birds settle.
Bagascia / ; strumpet. cimato, crafty and astute person, pre-
Badatura / watching vineyards ; at The suggestions are (i) Arabic
Etym. dub. pared at all points; the metaphor is
liAger, shameful, or tagt, prostitute, (2) a Celtic from the damping and shearing which
night. word such as Welsh baches, female, (3) bit. baga,
tBadendolare; i. = Tenere a bada, v. Bada. bundle, with the termination acca. Cp. Fr. bagasse, are the final stages in the manufacture
n. to waste time on trifles. iii. to deceive by Span, bagasa. of cloth. Piovere sul -ato, i.e. to have
fair words. Bagascio m. paramour. ;

'Baderella/:; idler, waster of time. Bagattell-a/; bagatelle, trifle.

trouble on trouble.
Baderlay?; silly coquette. *i. sleight of hand trick, ii. in pi., conjuring Cavaliere -ato, i. Knight of the Order of the
tBaderlare to loiter, to trifle.
apparatus, iii. Far le -e, to amuse oneself. Bath. n. one knighted with all due
Elym. dub. Diez takes it to be a dim. < including a ceremonial washing of the face.
Baddrna/ I. (mar.) sennit, a braid ; Parmesan bagata, a little property, and this to be Bagnarrena/; sand-bath; cp. Bagnomaria.
of "foxes,"smallstrandsof formed from the Lombard baga, wine-skin akin
rope, wrapped
round a cable at points where it is to E. bag,
v. Baga (B). Bagnasciiiga/ (mar.) i. motion of ;

Bagattellare = Scherzare, to jest. ; the ship placing the water line now
subject to friction. 2. tow or Bagattelleriay:; trifling ornamentation.
rags under water and now out of it. 2. water
placed round a piston to make it fit
"Bagattelliere m. juggler. ;

*Bagattello m.; a small four-wheeled carriage. line.

exactly, packing, gasket. Bagattin-o m.; i. a small Venetian copper
coin Pagar di -i, to go away without paying,
; Bagnata / ; a dip in the water.
Badernare to keckle, v. Baderna. ; n. worthless person.
Bagatto m. pop. for Bagolaro, nettle-tree.
Bagnatura course of baths. /.; i.
Bad^ssa (Abadessa, Abbadessa) / + Bagatt6ne in. ; =

2. bathing season.
Voltafaccia, turncoat.
(L. abbatissa, v. Abbate); abbess. Stare tBagneggio or Bagnio ;.; = Acquitrino, bog.
a to be comfortable. Fare a to
Baggdo (a derivative of Ba in the

take the lead.

sense of stammering, v. Babbo) simple, ;
Bagn-o m. (L. balneus, Gr. /3aXa- <
silly. vf'iov, bath the sense of prison is from

Ba,dfa (Abadia, Abbadia)

/ a bath establishment at
(mlt. 'Baggiana f. ; i. large bean. ii. = Fandonia, Constantinople
abbatia); \. monastery, esp. Benedictine. lie. in. in //., deceitful
which was converted into a
2- fig-i well-furnished house. the Baggianata./; silly action. i.
bath, bathing, bathing-place. 2. con-
name of a street in Florence. -
4. Baggiano m. (strengthened form of vict prison; --
galleggiante, convict
a spazzavento, unfurnished house. Baggeo); blockhead. hulk. Ridurre in un metallo,
3. to
5. (mar.) open roadstead. melt it in a furnace.
Aff. -e"tto dim.
*' Andar
Baggiolo in. (L. bajulus, porter);
.. Alticaggi, =Cascare, to fall. block placed under marble, or stone Bagndlo m. hot fomentation.
M. de mercanti cambiatori a Milano, the (-uolo) ;
place of the bankers' guild. slabs when balneum Mariae);
arranged for storage or Bagnomaria/ (L.
Badiale ; /am. or scherz. large. transport. "bain Marie" pan, an apparatus for
Badiano m. watcher of sheep or cattle,i.
Bagher or Baghero m. heating a thing by immersing the vessel

person living in the parish of a monastery,

in. (&>/.) = Anace Wagen); carriage. containing it in boiling water.
stellato, star anise, v. Anace.
tBadigia./; golden mullet, v. Muggine (i)
Baghero m. Bagnoregio; now Bagnorea, near Orvieto
; i.q. Bagattino, farthing. D. Par. 128.
*Badigliare; = Sbadigliare, to yawn.

Bagherdne m. a copper coin, worth Bagnucchiare ; freg. of Bagnare.

Badfle m. (mlt. batillus = L. vatillum, = Bagnolo. ii. = Fusa

about two pence. Bagnuolo ,,,; i.

horns of a cuckold.
cp. E. battels); shovel.
Bagola f- i. the fruit of the
Badino m.\ (wzar.) = SpalIiera a poppa della gi; (mar.) Far bige ,
to yaw, 2. = Baccola, bilberry. Bagolaro.
galea, first bench for
rowers, nearest the stern deviate from the course. Bagolaro m. ; (bat.) nettle-tree, Celtis
Badio Baio, bay (horse).
; ?/. also termed
Arcidiavolo, Bagatto, Fragiracolo Fras-
Baeria /. ;= Boria, vanity. tBagianay;; freshly shelled bean. signolo, Giracolo, Legno da racchette, Perlaro meri-
Bagio /.;=Bacio, kiss. dionale, Spaccasassi. It resembles an elm, but bears
tBafarella/;-Pisolino, nap.
Baff-a a word without meaning used for the tBagioggiolare;=Barcollare, to totter. a small sweet fruit.
tBagiogio m. tottering. ;
rhyme in the prov. Quel che vien di ruffe raffa se
Bagli ,.; v. Bali.
ne va di bufla in baffa, i.e.
ill-gotten gains do not Bagliatura /
dei ponti, (mar.) deck-
Bagole / //. ; Baccola, bilberry
prosper. Aff. -are, to sweep away. plant.
Baff-accio m., pegg., -ettino m., dim.
vezz., BagliStti nt. pi. (mar.) the smaller beams that t Bagolino m.
-etto or -mo m., dim.; v. Baffo.
worthless, untrustworthy person.
pass between the principal ones and with them serve
Baff-o m. (etym. unknown it may
to support the deck
also, the beams that carry the
; Bagordare imi. bagordo (Bigordare,
poop deck. Biordare); to revel riotously, v. Bagordo.
be from the same source as Babuino or
as Beffa, q. v.); moustache. The term is Bagl-io m. (mar.) one of the beams ; t
*i. to joust in a tournament, ii. to go out
riding smartly dressed and armed amusement
also applied to a
long blot of ink, or a spanning a ship transversely that carry and display.

the planking of the deck. a T con

fancy decoration of like shape, in a
book. tondino (bulbo), beam of bulbed T iron. Bagordo m. tavern, meeting-place
Co' -i, excellent. Un abito a T doppio, H iron beam. of riotous revellers.
proprio co' -i, a really tip-top coat. tubo- *
Ridere sotto lare, box beam. - maestro, spear or other weapon, the throwing of which

-i, i.e. to laugh in one'si midship constituted one of the contests at a tournament.
sleeve, di topo, short and
beam, -i di batteria, main-deck beams. n. tournament where the
scanty bagordo was thrown.
- di frontale del Etym. mlt. bu/urdum<U.H.G. hart, target
moustaches. casseretto, breast for throwing a
beam of the poop, spear or some such weapon, with a
-i di
coperta di prefix which may have referred to the
Baffdna / woman with a not un- weapon
thrown. More immediate derivatives are seen in
manovra, awning or hurricane deck
pleasing moustache. beams, -i di stiva
O.Fr. bouhour and Proven9. beiort. The
inferiore, orlop meaning therefore is as specified above, (i) and
Baffone m. ; man with big mous- beams. (ii),
from the latter of which the present use of the word
taches. was developed.
Baglionato; (herald.) of an animal, with a
stick or bone in its mouth. Biigule /.}!.; = Baccola, bilberry plant.
Baga /. (A) (Fr. bague, < L. bacca, pearl, Bai only m the phrase Senza dire ne ai ne bai
v. sub Bogus) jewel.
Littre, without saying a word.
(B) (mlt. baga, wine-skin, of Celtic origin, cp.
Bagli6re (Abbagliore) m. ;
Gael, bag, bundle, A.S. flash. dei ghiacci, ice-blink.
baelg, bag, Gothic balgs, Bai-a/; i.
bay, gulf. 2. trifle, jest ;
pouch, E. bag)
water-skin. ;

i. =
Etym. unkn. Among many suggested deriva- E una ,
non la creda, it is
only a little
/. Bagaglio.
; ii. inX=Cara- tions the least improbable is
perhaps that of corrup-
battolc one's belongings.
t=Spurghi di minerale, tion from a form **
bar-lucore, from luce with the
joke, do not believe it. 3. ridicule,
mineral refuse. prefix bar, v. Bis, as in Barlume, so that the
orig. chaff; Mi accorgo che Lei vuole la
meaning would be "uncertain light." de' fatti miei, I see you want to
Bagagli-fcre or -6ne m. ; baggage- *Baglioso; = Gagliardo, bold. laugh
master. at me ; Dare la , to chaff.

Bagnai61-o /., -a/ ; bath attendant. *i. merry meeting; Esser sulle le to be
Bagaglio m. (mlt. baga, v. Baga, B); playful; Far le -e, to play; Far le -e ad uno, to

baggage. Bagn-are; to wet; of the sea, etc., chaff him. ii. Metter in to hold up to contempt.
to wash (the shore).

Of a delicate per- tiii. (mar.) tub, bucket ; di combattimento, tub

Bagagliume m. spreg. collection of son Ogni acqua lo bagna, ready for putting out the beginning of a fire or tub
every shower
trunks. of ammunition for the guns di scandaglio, tub ;

wets him, i.e. the least thing makes him containing the sounding line and lead.

Etym. Cogn. Fr. bate, Span, and Provet^. Baioso
bahia, bay, Basque baya, bay (whence bay-ona, a
; waggish.
Baldanz-a/ boldness, pride, some- ;

*Baiuca^; times with an approach to insolence.

good harbour, the source of the name of the city *Bai-uccia or -ucola_/!; dim. Baia.
of Bayonne), Dutch baye, and in the sense of jest *Baiul-are; to carry. *-ia./; area of a lord's Far cosa a d' uno, to take courage
Span, and Portug. vaya, Fr. baie. Baia, bay, is or prelate's jurisdiction. *-O /.; porter. (L. baju-
the late L. baia, harbour ; Isidore (6th century) has lus.)
from having his support. Aff. -osa-
ffittic portuin iieteres a hajulandis tnercibus voca~ *Baiu-ola, *-zza; dims, of Baia. mdnte, -ose'tto dim., -oso.
bant baia" this port received the name of bay from
the transport of merchandise ; an etymology which Balacaro m. = Baccalaro, cab ; at- *Bald-erone, -irone m.; sheep-skin.
very convincing. The term may perhaps have
is not

originated, as Littr6 thinks, from the name of the

tendant Balde'zza / ; confidence, exultation.
Balagio m. = Balascio, ruby.
* t Baldicara /.; mullet, v.
city of Uaiii: near Naples, this being afterwards ;
Muggine (2).
generalised to mean any harbour. The origin of Balance m.or * Balandra/l = Palandra. ;
Baldigraro in. ; retailer of cloth.
the word in the sense of jest is also unknown, but Balanino ;.; i. nut-weevil, Balaninus. 2, as
is probably from the imitative syllable ba and akin adj., olio , oil of ben, v. Balano (2). Baldo (O.H.G. bald, bold); in good
to Fr. bnyer and Ital. badare, late Latin badeire, a < Balano m. (L.); i. sea-acorn, Le&as, a family spirits.
word given by Isidore as meaning " to yawn" it also of Crustacea, order Cirripedia. z. (bot.) horse-radish *
Baldore m.: joyful confidence.
appears as battare\ Battat geonath" is a gloss in tree, Moringa pterygosperma, which furnishes the
the Corpus Glossary of Latin and Anglo-Saxon ; oil of ben used by watchmakers.
3. (anat.) glans bonfire.
" he
On this Penis.
Bald6ria/ (It. baldo); i.
geonath is early A.S. for yawns.' 2.
shewing Baia would represent the gaping produced Balanofora f.\ (bat.) a parasitic plant, order Jig. spree.
" Balanopltoraceae ; some species have been used as
by the jester in his hearer, parce que celui qui donne *Baldosay?; some stringed instrument.
une baie fait bayer celui qui la re<joit" (Littre). In styptics. Baldovino in.; i. Baldwin. 2. ass.
the phrases Voler la baia and so on, the word would
rather seem to be connected with Abbaiare, which Balascio or Balasso (Balagio, Ba- Baldracca/; i.
strumpet. 2. brothel.
takes us back again to the syllable ba by a different lastro) m. (mlt. balascius, from the Per- Etym. From Baldacco or Baldracco, a cor-
route. Baia, in the marine sense of tub, is no doubt sian name of the place where the stone ruption of Bagdad, the ancient Babylon, a name
akin to Fr. bayer, to gape, so that the original sense given to a quarter in Florence frequented by loose
would be "yawning cavity." is found, near Samarcand) a pale ; women.
*Baiaccia/;/^|-. Baia. variety of ruby. Balduino ; asinine.
Baiaccone; ?'. Baioccone. *
Baiadera f, (Portug. bailadeira, dancer, < Balastro /.; v. Balascio. Bal4na/ (L. balaena); whale.
Portug. bailar, to dance, v. Ballare) Indian female
Balatro m.\ = Baratro, abyss.

*Balaust-a or * Balaustra _/, -ia f., -o m. Balenare ind. baldno; i. to flash;

t Baianella f.; a grape and wine of Elba. (Gr. /SaAauoTtoi') ; the dried flower of the wild pome- a secco, summer lightning, without
thunder. to reel.
baio); EH' e tra
Baiante ;;/.
e Ferrante, between the pair of
it lies Balaustrata / (Gr. ^aXavortov, **
Etym. Probably a contraction from some form
barlucinare, < bar- and luce, light, cp. Baluginare
them (lit. between dark bay and rusty pomegranate flower, ornaments of para- ~>.
infra Bar- in loco. The literal meaning would

brown), said of a pair of equally matched pets having been made in imitation therefore be " to shine imperfectly."
thereof); i. balustrade. 2. breastwork.
disputants or equally untrustworthy Baleniera / whaleboat. ;

rogues. A more usual expression with 3. (mar.) delle coffe, top fences.
Baleniere (Balniere, Baloniere) m.;
the same meaning is Da galeotto a 'Balaustrato m. i.q. Balaustrata. ii. as ; i.

adj., provided with a balustrade. whaler.

Baiardino m.\ Fare il Balaiistro m. i. baluster. small Balenfo m. continual flashing.
play the bravo. 2. \
Baiardo m.\ i, the name of Rmaldo's horse, balustrade. Balen-o m. (vbsb. of Balenare); flash.
ii. high-spirited horse, iii. as adj., flighty, ca-
Balbare; i. =Vagire, to cry. ii. to stammer, Dare ambio a' -i, to be, or think one-
Baiare 7'. Babbo. self to be, Jupiter. In un bacchio
; Abbaiare, to bark. ,

Baiata Balbett-are ind. balWtto (L. bal- for batti in an instant.

/ ; hooting or whistling in ,

butire < balbus, stammering, of imit.

disapproval. Balenbttera/ rorqual whale, razor- ;

*i. uproar, ii. jest. iii. trifle, iv. speech with- origin) to stammer.
; Aff. -amdnto, -10 back, Balaenoptera.
out head or tail. constant stammer.
Baiella f. ;
an old coin of various kinds. Balendtto m. ; young whale.
*Baietta_/; dim. Baia. ii. a kind of light Balbo (L. balbus, root ba, strength-
black cloth for mourning.
(L. balista<Gr. pdXXta,
ened to bal and doubled, v. Babbo); to throw); cross-bow or catapult of
Baiett6ne in. (It. baio, dark red); stammering. various kinds. 2. Dare, or Tirare il
lining cloth. Balbuzi-e / a stammer. pane colla to confer, or receive
* *
Baila, or Bailiay~.;= Balia, nurse. Aff. ;

-ente, v. Balbo. favours clumsily; Accarezzare colla ,

w. (Turkish bairam} ; up- tBalco m. (variant of Palco) i.
to injure with a pretence of befriending.
roar, v. Biliemme. = Posatoio, perch. 3. (print.') galley, the frame which re-

Balconcino m. dim. Balcone.

*BaiIare; to educate. ;
ceives the types from the composing-
Bailire Balire, to wield.
* Bailo
Balcone m. i. French window stick. 4. furlana, v. Furlana. 5. Ti-
(L. bajnlus, porter, as it were carrier
of children, v. Skeat, sub Bail, Bailiff); i. tutor, opening on to a balcony, but in cities rar di to draw the long bow, tell

administrator, title of various officials, esfi. of

not the balcony, which is Terrazzino or lies. 6. C-springof a
carnage. 7. (mar.)
the Venetian ambassadors in Turkey and Syria,
iii. Gran an office in the Byzantine court.
Poggiuolo see the note under Terrazzo.
; starting lever. 8. v. Affondatoio.
Bain^ttay".; pop. for Baionetta. In country houses however the word is *i. Balestra da bolzoni, a kind of
catapult for
Baio (L. hadins, it. Skeat, sub Bay); applied to a balcony in the English shooting arrows with a sort of head to them, termed
Bolzone, g.v. ii. Caricar la to eat enormously,
sense. 2. space immediately under the ,

bay (horse). *dark (cloth). iii. cross-bowman, iv. (mar.) Jacob's staff, a kind
Baibcco m. (so called from its colour, roof, and open all round. of astrolabe for observing the height of the sun.
v. ft. of Balestro.
*i. the sky, or the East, as window of heaven,
T>.Baio); i. a copper coin of the old stand for spectators at a show.
ii. iii. the five Balestrare ind. balestro; i. to shoot
Papal States, about a halfpenny. 2. fig.

points of the calyx of a rose. iv. (r/iar.) a covered

gallery near the stern of certain ships.
with the catapult; L' amico accenna e
worthless person.
Baiocc6ne Etym. In sense of window, perhaps a corrup- non balestra, i.e. a friend will correct
tn.; fool. tion Arabic bala-chaiitk, look-out place, of Persian
_of without offending. 2. Jig. to shoot
Bai6ne m. i. origin ; but in sense of balcony confused with It.
(It. baia) ; wag. palco< O.H.G. talc/to, v. Skeat, sub Balcony. (an official) into some distant locality.
2. augm. of Baia, jest. 3. Fare il a *
Baldacca f. ; v. Baldracca.
3. (mar.) to strain a rope tight by
uno, to exclaim at him, esp. at a child some purchase on
for some piece of naughtiness. 4. (mar.)
Baldacchlno m. (< Baldacco, Bag- getting it.

the jaws of a dredging apparatus. dad, whence fine cloth used to be *i. to harass, to deceive.

Balestratay:; shot from, or range of a cata-

Baionetta f. (from the town imported); canopy. Di fig. excel- , pult.
of Bayonne where
bayonets were first made, about 1650) bayonet. ;
lent, as if worthy of a canopy. Balestreriay:; place for catapults.
in canna, with fixed bayonet. Baionett cann!, *i. fine cloth, ii. sedan-chair. Balestriera/:; i. loophole, ii. fighting plat-
fix swords!. Crociat ett (for Baionett)!, charge form of a galley, v. Posticcia ii (t).
Baldacchin-uccio m.; dim. sfreg. of-o.
swords!. Levatt ett!, unfix swords!. *
Baldaccio m. Far la fine di Baldaccio, to fall
; Balestriere ( Balestrieri) m. i . cross-
tPatir la to suffer hunger. out of window to ruin one's reputation.

Baionettata f. stab with a bayonet. ;


Baldacco m. Babylon, in the Jig. sense of

bowman. 2. scherz. tall story-teller,
Baire ; Sbigottirsi, to lose courage, t>. Sbaire. powers of darkness. one who draws the long bow.

Balestriero m. maker of cross-bows. ;

Essere, or Andare di to have an ,
Ballettare ind. balle'tto; i. to walk
Bales t riglia / v. ' Balestra (iy). with a dancing action. 2.
understanding for some bad purpose.
; il valzer,
Balestrino m. Compasso inside callipers,
to waltz with a jumping action.
; ,

v. Compasso. Pigliar la ,
to get drunk.
Balestro m., with alternative pi. Balestra/ *i. = Palla, ballot -ball, vote; Esser part le -e, to
Ballia/; v. Balia.
1. cross-bow, ii. = Balestra,
large military catapult have unanimity, ii. cannon-ball. Ballino m. i. sacking in which bales of wool

Hi. bolt shot from a cross-bow Passar com' un ;

Ballabile i. Suono music for dancing.
; , are wrapped. 2. straw mattress.
to pass as swiftly as an arrow, iv. =Archetto, pole
As sb. 2. music for dancing, or a piece of .dance
: Ballipedio v. Balipedio. ;

trap for birds, v. Andar in sui balestri, to be bow music. a ballet in a play or opera.
legged. Balfacciay? ;/<?. Balla. Bailo m. (v. Ballare); i. dancing.
*Balestr-one m.\ a sort of
i. atigni. of-o. tii. *Ballacocc-o m., -a/; = Albicocc-o, -a, apricot 2. = Festa di bailo, a ball. theatrical
cake made at Arezzo of honey, walnuts and dried figs. 3.
tree, apricot.
^ Ballacocora f. = Albicocca, apricot. ballet. 4. Tornare or Venire in ,
Balestrucc-io m.

; i. house-martin, t Ballac6coro m. ; a sort of Aretine cake, come up for discussion or consideration ;

Hirundo urbica, also termed Ron- yt. Balestroue (ii).

Balladore m.\ (mar.) i. forecastle of the old Entrare in ,
to take a matter up.
dicchio, Rondine cittadina, Rondinella.
kinds of ship. ii. = Ballatoio, open gallery. Rendere il
*i. to invite to a dance in return
ripario or salvatico, sand-martin,
2. *
Ballamento m. i. dancing, ii. ball, dance, ; for an invitation received, ii. the troop of dancers,
v. short curved piece of iii. chattering of the teeth. iii. Tener la mano al con uno, to come to an
Topino. 3.
Ballanze in. (Fr. balancer) ; setting to one's
wood in a silk-winder over which the understanding with him.
partner. tBallocce /. pi., or Ballociori m. pi. chest- ;

silk passes. 4. Gambe a -i, bow legs ; Ballanzudla /!: part of the fittings of a net for nuts.
Dita a small fish. Ballococco m. Albicocco, apricot tree.
-i, fingers twisted by gout. ;

'some instrument for blood-letting. Ballare (late L.

to dance, ballare, Ball6dole pi. Le the name / ; ,

Bali (Bailo) i.

in certain orders of chivalry.

(L. bajulus, v. Bailo) ; Knight either <Gr. dance, or /3aAAtfo>, to
bit. < of a cemetery near Florence. Gli affari
balia, ball or game of ball, such games vanno alle i.e. the business is being

Balla/ through It. bailo,

(L. bajulus, having been accompanied both in an- ruined.
v. Bailo, i.) power, authority. ; i.
cient Greece and in the Middle Ages *
Ballonchio in. ; v. Ballonzolo.
2. bench of magistrates; In sua at ,
by songs and dances, v. Skeat, sub
his own choice ;
In della sorte, at the
Ball); i. to dance. 2. Far uno su Ball<5n-e m., -a (augm. Balla) / ;

bale. 2. (mar.) fender.

mercy of fortune. un quattrino, or sur un centesimo, i.e. to 1.
Ballonzare v. * Ballonzolare.
*i. force, ii. Fare, or Crear
to reform the state ; Otto di
to elect persons
the Florentine
make him do his duty, keep him in Ballonzolare v. Ballonzolo.


magistracy in criminal cases; Dieci di , the war order. 3. Far denti, to eat. 4. Vi i * dance awkwardly, ii. tr. to dandle.
Ballonzolo ;.; impromptu dance.
give oneself up topi, the rats dance there,
department, iii. Darsi in to ballano i
for lost.
Ballbta f. (L. baUota = C>r. 0oAAu)Tw, perhaps
i.e. the house
is empty. 5.
i denti < 0<iAAw to throw away on account of its smell

Balia f. (from the same origin as in bocca, to have one's teeth loose. causing cattle to refuse it); (bot.) stinking hore-
hound, v. Marrobbio (4).
Balia); i. wet-nurse; Tener a to , 6. Prov. Chi balia senza suono e un
keep (a thing) a long time without giving matto bell' e buono, i.e. he who works Ball6tta/ (A) (Span, bellota, chest-
it back to its owner Da che lo diedi ; without sufficient pay is crazy. 7. Si nut < Arabic ball&t, oak with edible
a ,
lo rivedo ora, (scherz.) lit. since balia secondo il suono, i.e. we work acorns, flourishing in northern Africa,
put him out to nurse I am now seeing according as we are paid. 8. to be cp. Persian sciak-ballut, chestnut-tree,
him again, i.e. I have never seen him tottering. //'/.
king's oak); i. boiled chestnut.
before. 2. (a) white-collared fly-catcher, Ballas m. ballast for a railway. ;
2. Naso a nose with a wide round ,

Muscicapa albicollis, also termed Aliuzza Ballata / ballad, orig song i . . at tip.
color bianco - - ;
nera, pied fly-
(B) (It. pallotta, altered under the
a dance. 2. a dance. Prov. Tal
Muscicapa also
catcher, atricapilla,
sonata, i.e. we get what we give. influence of Fr. balloter) ; ball used for
termed Moretta, Bucciaiola.
*i. intrigue, ii. Rimbeccar la ,
to answer in balloting or for drawing the numbers
Baliaccia/; pegg. Balia, bad nurse. rhyme. of a Tombola.
Baliaggio in. grade or office of a ; Ball, Ballat-ina or -ella/; dim. Ballata.
bailiwick. *i. pill or any kind of little ball. ii. a certain
Bali-are (It. balia); i. to rule. ii. to hand over; Ballatdio m. (bit. ** ballatorium for number of magistrates chosen by ballot from the
Mai -ato, ill-treated, knocked about. ** vallatorium < L. vallare, to form a whole bench, iii. cannon-ball.

Baliatico m. ;
nursing, or wage rampart); i. open gallery in a house or Ballottaggio m. second vote, taken ;

paid to the nurse. 2. nurse-child. church, see the note under Terrazzo. between two candidates who received
in pi., perches in bird-cages. the highest number on the first vote.
Baliato >n. ; grade or functions of a 2.

Ball or of a tutor. Ballatdre m. ;

dancer (unprofes- Ballott-are ind. ballotto ;
i. to ballot,
t Balingiero m. = Baleniere, whaler. ;
sional). for candidates for office. 2. = Sballott-
Balio m. ;
husband of a wet-nurse. Ballerina f.; i.
professional dancer. are, to dandle. 3. (mar.) to steer a
*i. tutor, ii. porter. iii. = Minchione, block- 2. (prnith.) (a) white wagtail, Motacilla ship irregularly. 4. -arsi, of molten
alba, also termed Batticoda, Biancola,
as a of honour,
head, iv. high bailiff, title v. in
metal, to congeal in irregular lumps.
some localities the foster parents apply the terms
ii. = Parteggiare, to take
Balio, Balia, to the natural parents.
Codatremola, Codetta, Cutrettola piom- * to put to the vote.

bina, Scodazzola; it closely resembles

Bali6na/. augm. ; Balia, nurse.
Balioso sturdy. the British pied wagtail, Morris being boiled chestnuts
Baliott a f.

: vczz. Balia, nurse.

Ballottata f. i. ;

in fact doubtful whether the two species eaten by a few friends together. 2. bal-
Balipedio or Ballipedio at. (Or. (3<iAAw, n-eit'oi',
plain) practising ground for artillery.

Baltre m. I. metathesis for Barile, barrel. As

are really distinct; (b) gialla, grey lotade, a special kind of jump by a horse,
wagtail, v. Cutrettola hip of the and

vb.: ii. to be a nurse, iii. to hand over. iv. to rule, (i). 3. hind fore feet being all raised
v. to wield. wild rose. 4. (hot.) mpl. "dancing girls," equally.
Balisco /.; an old kind of paper money. Mantisia saltatoria.
Balista f. (L. ballista) ancient Roman cata- Ballottazione/; voting.
* Baliott in o m. t. boy who drew the ballots at

pult for throwing large projectiles. Balleiini m. pi. wild rose, v. Rosa \

boy with a large nose, v. Ballotta (A),

Batiste m.\ garfish, Esox belone. Venice, ii.

(i, rf). iii. di Spagna, a variety of lemon.

Balistica /. ; ballistics, science of projectiles.
Balitore /.; v. Balire. Ball6tto m. (A) (bat.) edible oak tree, Quercus

Ballerlno m. professional dancer.

ballota, v. Ballotta (A). t= Ballotta (A, i), boiled
Baliuccia f. ; dim. spreg. Balia, nurse.
Balivo in.; a high bailiff in France, etc.
2. any good dancer. 3. (tot.) (a) green chestnut.
coagulated metal, v. Ballottare (4).
man orchis, Ophrys anthropophora ;
(B) ;

Ballovardo .;= Baluardo, bulwark.

Ball-a/. (O.H.G. balia, a ball) bale. ;
whitethorn berry v. Bal- Ballucciare ;=Tenere a bada, v. Bada.
(b) haw,
A -e, or A piene -e, in large quantities. lerini.
; (c)
Balneario (L., v. Bagno); bathing (establish-
A' segnali si conoscon le -e, a bale is a yento, ment).
*i. dancing master, ii. dancing Balniere >.; = Baleniere, whaler.
known by its marks, i.e. a man's actions puppet, effeminate
iii. person, iv. the gums. Baloardo .. Baluardo.

are the marks of his character. Questa v. scherz. loose teeth.

e la mostra e questa e la balia, this

Ballerinuccio m. dim. spreg. Ballerino. ;
Balocc-are ind. balbcco ; to amuse,
Balleronzolo m. ;=Ba)lonzolo.
sample is all that there is of the article Balletta/; dim. Balla, ball, 'small shot. -arsi, to trifle away the time.
Bal6cco m. (contr. of Badalucco); foot ;
da uno, da due, etc., according Bambagello m.
rag smeared with turnsole ;

* = Balordo. to the number of feet which have the for rougeing, Italian colouring-rag. Turnsole is a
toy. pigment in the form of a stiff pastemade from the
Balocc6n-e ;., -a/ ; waster of time streak. Prov. da uno, non lo dare concentrated dye of lichens, thickened with chalk,

in trifling.
a nessuno da due piu forte d' un bue,

or val meno d' un bue - - da

Bambagia / (mlt. bambasiiim,
tBalocio ;.; = Ballotta. tre, ; '<.*.

Balogia / = Ballotta. ;
cavallo da re, or tienlo per te da ; Baco, properly something obtained from
out of slack. quattro, cavallo da matto (a horse being silk, but used for cotton stuffs, v. Skeat,
Balogio; i. sorts,
supposed to be high-spirited in propor- sub Bombasine); i. cotton waste used
2. heavy, gloomy (weather). tion as his feet are white).
Cogti. Provenc. baluco
Etytn. ba- for bar- , <
2. (herald.} for candle wicks, etc. (Stomaco or ;

prefix, v.Bar- infra, in loco + tog- for luc-, stem (field) divided into two parts of different Salute) di , weak ;
Tener nella ,
of Luce, light ; lit. therefore, one whose eyes are colours, termed a di sopra, and a take the greatest care of Baston della ;

heavy. Cp. Baluginare. di sotto, respectively. a mild whipping. 2. (hot.) (a)

Baloniere in. ;
v. Baleniere. 3. (pers.) queer, ,

Balord-aggine f., -amente, -eria f., piece eccentric, capricious. coltivata, cotton plant, Gossypium her-
of stupidity, -iccio dim. ; v. Balordo. *
White-footed horses have been further distin- baceum; (6) salvatica, Erba della =
guished as follows i. Balzano delle due mani, on the
Bal6rdo **barlordo, from It. Madonna, a species of

(for two fore feet. ii. travato, on fore and hind foot
everlasting, v.
lordo, in its old sense of heavy, cp. Fr. of the same side. iii. di due piedi, on the two Erba (73, a).
hind feet. iv. trastravato, on the off fore and
lourd, with prefix as in Balogio) i. dull, ;
near hind foot, or vice versa, v. della briglia, on Bambagina/; i. cotton stuff, i>.

stupid. 2. unfortunate, poor (business). the near fore foot. vi. della lancia, on the off
Bambagia. 2. (bot.) (a) =Sagginella,
fore foot. vii. della staffa, on the near hind foot,
Balord6ne m.;
augm. Balordo. .
?'. Arzeglio. viit. moscato or armellino, when Yorkshire fog. (b) cudweed, v. Piede
2. Balordon, Balardoni, pretending to the white spot is dappled with another colour. (i 8, k).
be stupid. * = Capogiro, dizziness. ix. segnato, when there is only a small mark of
of cotton. As =
white on the heel. Bambag-ino ; sb.
Balotta, 71. Ballotta.
Balsaminayl ; (bot.) a genus of plants including Balzare (prob. < Gr. /SnXXifw, to
the balsams, Itnpatiens.
dance); I. of a ball, to bound bene
Bambagio = Bambagia, cotton stun".

Balsamino tn. ; (bot.) balsam-tree, Balsamo- ;

Bambagi6na f.; (bot.) meadow soft -grass or
dendron. o male, to bound in the right or wrong Yorkshire fog, Holcus ianatvs.
Balsamitey^; (bot.) costmary, v. Erba (73, c). direction. 2. (pers.) to jump down,
Bambagi6ne ;//. fat, lazy fellow.
Balsam o m. (L. < Gr. < Hebrew, v. fig. to rush with all speed ;
to jump out, ;

as robbers from a hiding-place Bambagidso

Skeat, sub Balm) i. balsam, the exuda- ; e.g. ; ; flabby.
tion of various trees. 2. quasi-fig. first- da sella, to fall from the saddle. a card
Bambara/ ; game resembling
class oil. 3. della Maddalena, mira- Balzellare ind. balzello; i. of a Primiera.
culous remedy like Tocca e sana, v. hare, to skip. 2. tr. -- una lepre, tBambarlla/:;=Barella, hand-barrow.
Toccare (
1 1
). v. Balzello (2); fig. -- uno, to wait Bambarinay^; dim., short game of Bambara.
* = Altalena, Bamber6ttolo m.; dim. vezz., guasi-s/>r<>ff.,
Balsico tn. ; swing-board. where he is expected to pass. of Bambino.
* Balso tn. ;
i. = Balzo. ii. = Covone, sheaf.
Balzello m. i a new tax. Bambina
Balta/ (v. Ribalta); Dar ,
of a
If the word
sense was formed in this
tax, esp.
/ ;
i. v. -ino. 2. vezz.
di Dar scherz. girl, even of marriageable age.
carriage, etc., to capsize. il
from Balza, was from regarding it
3. silliness; Far una to do a silly
cervello, to go out of one's mind. Ha the new tax as a fringe added to the

dato la , (of
a fever) it has passed the thing; Riuscire una to turn out a ,
old ones if from Balzo, as an addition
* jerked on, added Di balzo. 2. Andare Bambin-aggine/., babyish trick ; -aria f.,
Balteo m. (L.) ; i. sword-belt, ii. driving-belt a or Balzellare, to lie in wait for
of a machine. , nurse; -aio fond of babies. 2. as sb., registrar

(a hare) on its known line of going to in the Foundling hospital ; -ata/?, babyish remark ;
Baluardo (Baloardo) m. (Fr. boule- -eggiare; -ello tn. or -ella/I dim. vezz.; -erfayC,
feed. i.a. -aggine; -sco; -ettino tn. or -ettina/? dim. ;
vard, the Germ. Bollwerk, fortification, *
i. magistrate at Florence who superintended
-etto m. or -ettayl dim. vezz., quasi antipkr., i.e.
< Bohle, plank) ;
bulwark. the collection of the surtax, ii. dim. Balzo. boy or girl of twelve or so ; 7'. Bambino.

Baluginare ind. baliigino (prefix Balzell6ne i. m., augm. of Balzello, ; Bambino m. (dim. of Bambo, y.v.);
v. + * Balzello 2. as adv., by
bar, Bar-, It. luce, cp. Balogio, skip, v. (ii). 1.
baby or child up to eight years old;
etym.); to flash for a moment into view. skips. Addio iron, to a person whom we

Balusante (cp. Baluginare); short- t Balziculo tti. ; turning head over heels. do not believe and will not listen to.
sighted. Balz-o in. (A) (It. balzare); i. re- 2. Gesu wax figure of Jesus as a

Baluvaro tn. (var. of Baluardo) ; either of the bound Prendere la balla al
; to take ,
baby Pare un Gesu
; he is a beautiful ,

raised ends of the old sort of ship ; poop, or forecastle.

the ball on the hop, often fig. as in E. baby. 3. throw of an ace at dice.
2. Rimettere la palla, or il pallone, di 4. in pi. at the game of backgammon,
Balza/ (A) (vbsb. of Balzare) ; cliff, ,

off the bound, as opposed to di posta, double aces. 5. sack full of leaves
placed transversely between the two
(B) (bit. **baltea L. balteus, sword- < full pitch. 3. Tirar di to wait for
divisions of an under mattress, when
belt, of unknown origin E. belt, and the bound. 4. Andare a -i, to hop.

*Di this is constructed in two parts. 6. Man-

similar words in some other languages secondhand.,

are all borrowed from Latin, v. Skeat, i. = Balza (A), but on a smaller
gia-bambini, ogre, terrible fellow in
appearance but really harmless.

sub Belt) ; i. ledge on a mountain side ;

scale. 2. terrace, or dry wall supporting
in this sense the origin of the word may a terrace, for vines Vigna a terraced i. da Ravenna, trickster, ii. iron, for rogue.
; ,
Bambinuccio m. dim. sfreg., stunted child. ;

be the same as that of Balza (A). vineyard; so also Scala a ,

staircase *
Bambinolare; Abbambmare, to twist along.
2. flounce. 3. turn-up at the bottom with landings.
Bambo (formed from Bambolo, regarded as a
diminutive); silly.
of men's trousers, where the cloth is
(C) (L. balteus, v. Balza,
B); (mar.)
turned up inside. 4. ornamental band Bambocci-ata or -eria/; childish-
swinging chair, sling or seat, by which
along the upper border of the dado of a sailor may attach himself to the yard-
a room. arm. Bambdccio m. ;
large fat child.
(C) (v. Balzano) white streak on a ; tBalzolo ;. ; porter's knot on women's heads 2. silly person.
horse's foot. for carrying weights, usu. Cercine.
Bambace /. = Bambagia. ; Bamboccidna / ; fine girl but silly.
Balzana or Balzanatura f.; i. = Balza (C).
= Balzo. Bambola
of a lock.
3. (herald.) 7'. Balzano (2). 4. the box Bambagelle / pi. ; (hot.) i.
Chrys- f. ; i. doll dressed as a
anthemum coronarium, v. Fiore (16, grown up woman. 2. =Angiolino di
Balzano (Arabic piebald); balqd, xxv). 2. common field poppy, Paptivcr Lucca, woman of cold manners.
i. (horse) with a white streak in the rhoeas. *i. baby girl. ii. glass of a mirror.
Bambolo m.
( L. bambalio, stammerer,
il benefizio or Piantar il e i
burattini, Bander-61a or -udla / (dim. Ban-
cp. Gr. /3a/i/3aAiw, root 6a, v. Babbo) ; lit.
shop and business, or quit
to leave diera); streamer, i.
flag. 2. lit. or
scherz. for bambino, baby. counter and puppets, i.e. to have nothing weathercock.
t Bamboro m. = Bambolo. ;
more to do with an affair. 8. di
Bambu ;//.; i. (bot.) bamboo (plant). 2. bam- Lotto or del Lotto, lottery office. 9. at Bandiera/ (It. banda); i. flag;
boo cane. bianca rossa e verde, the Italian flag ;
Bammia f. ; (hot.) West Indian okro plant, certain games, (to keep) the bank, - bianca e rossa, that of the Grand
Hibiscus nsculttttus, also termed Chetunia comesti- all the other players.
playing against Dukes of Tuscany rotta fa onore al
bile, Ibisco comestibile. ;
10. commercial
counting-house office,
capitano, a torn flag is a credit to the

Banal-e (7r.,<bnn, v. Abbandon- the same as Banca

only banking if
business is done there, but Banco captain, usu. said fig. of a thing that
are); commonplace. Ajf. -ita.
Banano m. (bet.) i. banana palm, Musa gives evidence of a great deal of wear;
generally includes the business of a Portar la
paradisaica. 2. its fruit, banana. fig. to be pre-eminent;
forwarding agent, selling goods on

Banato m. ; district governed by a Ban in Voltar to change one's party.

Hungary. commission, etc. 1 1. (mar. geogr.) bank, 2. nazionale di
i.e. submarine elevation. 12. poppa, ensign.
Banca / (var. of Banco); bank. (mar.} in derno, waft, weft. stran-
3. 4.
Riscuoter alia di guardia, ship's bridge di voga,
del monchi, to get ;

golata, waft, signal of distress. Af-

thwart ot a boat. 13. bed (of a planing
paid at the cripples' bank, i.e. not at all. fermare or Confermare la to fire a
machine) frame (of a turning-bench)

military pay-office, ii. Passat la of sol-;
- da
; ;

gun under a ship's proper colours.

diers, to go for their pay. iii. meeting of the old velaio, sailmaker's bench. 14. 6. Aiutante di
men of a city. iv. Sotto secretly; Mandare flag-lieutenant. ,

sotto to disregard; Mettere sotto to defraud.

(mar.) thwart of a boat. Muta di -e da segnali, set of signal
, ,
* 7.
v. = Panca,bench. vi. = Banco,
a certain card game. ii. Essere a
i. of a
vii. bench of galley slaves.
judge, to be seated on the bench, iii. Far venire

flags. 8. di ,
bend (knot).
*Bancaccia /.; (mar.) i. sleeping berth for the a , to bring an action against, iv. Levar il , to 9. Vela of which the sheets
in ,
dismiss the audience, v. Riscotere al de' monchi,
captain of a galley, near the stern, ii. berth for fly loose. 10. scherz. remains of cloth
the Timonieri, steersmen, iii. = Pancona, q.v. iv. = v. Banca. tvi. = Panca, bench.
" which a tailor retains after making a
Subbio, q.v. t v. = Parasartia, channel."
Bancaccio m. i. pegg. Banco.
; 2. in alum Bancogiro m. transfer of a credit ; suit out of material supplied by his
works, the first charge of fuelgiven to the furnace. from one customer to another in the customer; Esser come la del pio-
Bancacciuolo m.\ (paperm.) a beam used for
same bank.
vano Arlotto, said of a thing pieced
Bancale m.\ i.. loth cover for a bench. Band-a together out of stolen scraps.
(cogn. Fr. bande, Span.,

Tappeto, carpet.
Bancario belonging to a Banca or Banco.
; Proven^, and mlt. banda, German and *i. lancer. ii.
troop. iii.
slatternly woman,
Non esser una cosa
Bancar6tta / (lit. broken bench,
E. band < O.H.G. bant, a bond, root
principal, chief. v.
uno, to be beyond his capacity, vi. Far of ,

i.e. broken bhend, to bind, Skeat, sub Band, Bind, it. a dog, to outrun the others, vii. Voltar to run ,
up business) bankruptcy, ;
and in ed. i. band (in away, be defeated, viii. Uomo a casual sort
fraudulent bankruptcy. 1910, p. 752) ;
of person, ix. Pazzo a = Re de' matti, perfect

esp. ,

Bancata /. i. space between the benches of a
every sense). 2. banner. 3. scherz. lunatic.

galley, ii. any appurtenance of a bench. tall hat. 4. leaf of a folding door or
Bancheare; to fit with benches, thwarts. shutter. sheet iron or thin plate of Bandieraio m. ; flag-maker.

Banch-ella /, -ino m. (dims, of any metal. 6. (herald^) band of a colour Bandierone m. augm. Bandiera.

different from that of the field running = Imbandigione, repast.

Banca, Banco) Prov. Piu povero della 'Bandigione nt. ;

-ella, or Piu cattivo del -ino, very poor,


obliquely across it, w.Sbarra. 7.

= Parte, t Bandile m.
; Bandolo.
side Dalla banda di fuori, on the Bandina/; a kind of jewel, v. Alabandina.
or tricky. ;

Bancher-otto or -ottolo >.; dim. of Banco, outside; Da on one side; Dalle -e , Bandinella/
(It. banda); i. roller
small money-changer's office. lateral), on the two sides Da tutte le ;
towel. cover for a church reading-
'Bancherozzo in. book-stall.
Mettere da
-e, from all directions desk. 3. hedge grown as a screen to

*Banchetta f.\ i. = Panchetta,

, ;
small bench.
ii. (mar.) stretcher for the rowers' feet in a galley. to put aside; Dall" altra on the ,
shelter a garden. 4. window-curtain
other hand, on the contrary; Da a of a carriage.
Banchettare ind. banchdtto to
from one side to the other. 8. (mar.) *
, Bandino in. a sort of quarter-deck at the
; i.
feast. stern of a galley for the officers, in pi. similar
freeboard Mettere alia ; to careen ,
ii. ,

places at the sides of the ship for the Consiglieri.

BancWtto m. (lit. small table, < It. a ship for the purpose of cleaning her
banco); banquet. hull. 9. Alia (mar.) Pipe! an order ,
Band-ire ind. -isco (cogn. Fr. bannir,
* to give out in church;
given when the crew are to muster for v. Bando);
bench for rowers. I.
Banchicino w. ; dim. Banco.
the reception of a visitor of high rank. quattro venti, to make universally

Banchier-e in. banker. ;

Ajf. -one 10. Capodi bulwark, n. Falsa , ,
known ;
oste, to declare war. 2. to
augm., -uccio dim. spreg. Far poggia banish. Corte bandita, said of a
lapside of a ship. 12. 3.
alia to veer, wear. 1
3. Mezza
house where a merry-making is going
Banchfglia / ; iceberg.
, ,

on. v. Bandito.
parliament keel. 4.
Banchina/. ;
i. slab, forming a seat. *i. region, ii. Passar ,
to change sides, go
Bandista m. bandsman.
2.(mar.) quay; Diritto di over to the opposite camp. iii. Lasciare a to
, ,

wharf dues. abandon, iv. Andare alia --, (a) to be ruined,

(If) to stagger; Ire alia to die. v. (Passare) ,
Bandita/; i.
grounds where no
raised piece of ground behind the parapet of
i. banda banda or A a = Da a right .
trespassing is allowed. 2. enclosed
a fort for firing from. ii. strip of land along an through. vi. stripe worn as a uniform by the
embanked river between the river and the embank- soldiers of any given leader.
pasture ground.
ment for greater security when the embankment is Bandana f. ; (bat.) pitcher plant, Nepentltfs,
* = Bando. ii. prohibition
i. ; Qui c' e per i

a high one. iii. (mar.) foot-board to which galley also termed Pianta da brocche. giornali, newspapers are not allowed here. iii. pre-
slaves were chained. *
Bandare i. to bandage, ii. to cover (a door) rogative Persona di
; ged person, iv. A
privileged ,

p ublicly, tv. = Pascolo riservato. Prmi. Guardati


with iron plates.

Banco m. (O.H.G. banch, v. Skcat, Bandeggiare (It. bando); to proclaim. d alla donna di festa e dalla di grazia, i.e. beware of
deceitful appearances, vi. ground without an owner,
sub Bank); i. slab. 2. writing-table. Band&la /
(dim. of Banda) ; metal at Siena and Volterra, and appropriated by certain
3. judge's desk in court Metier sotto ;
that bearing the ring into
strap, esp.
il un affare, to defer it indefinitely ;
which the pin of a hinge passes. Bandito; i.
part. Bandire. As sl>. :

Accomodar un affare sotto to arrange exiled person.

2. 3. bandit.

without proper publicity.

*i. any metal plate used for strengthening.
4. counter 11. clasp of a waist-band, iii. leaf of a folding
in a shop; Roba di sotto or sotto shutter. Banditore m.; i.
preacher (e.g. of

socialism). 2.
public crier. auction-
superior goods ; Notizie di sotto
, , Banderaio m. ; banner-maker. 3.
important information. 5. school-desk *i. standard-bearer, ii.
captain, leader.
either of teacher or pupil. *
6. de' rei, Banderese in. ; i. chieftain with the right to Band-o;. (mlt. bannuni, from O.H.G.
dock for prisoners on trial. 7. (Pagar) take the field under his own flag. ii. knight of a
particular corps, v. Banda (vi). iii. flag-bearer, * ban, proclamation, v. Abbandonare) ;

come un , promptly Lasciar il e ; one of the fourteen Caporioni of medieval Rome. i.

proclamation. 2. exile. 3. fig. ai
Baracc-uccia dim. -uzza dim.
complimenti, no compliments! 4. Romp- sclierz. ; v. Baracca.
spreg.^ spreg. Barattiere m. ;
i. swindler. 2. as
ere il to enter the prohibited locality.
, tBaracola^C; = Arzilla, fuller fish, Rajafulonica. adj., corrupt.
5. (mar.) In , (a) loose (ropes); (*) tBaracundia f.\~ Barabuffa, riot. *L trafficker in public appointments, corrupt
Baragane t.\ = v. Baracane. official, ii. = Rivendugliolo, small retailer.
amain, at once, suddenly. *
Baragone m. ornament on the sleeves of a

condemnation pronounced by a judge, ii. Git- military uvercoat.

to send away. iii. voluntary exile, iv.
Barattlna / ;
barter of a small
Poppi, useless, v. Pietra del stone from which ,
Baragbzzo ;. ; bargain of small
i. object.
proclamations were made. vi. Cadere in to fall
importance. 2. scherz. marriage re-
(cp. Old Fr. barateres,
Baratto m.

into disuse, vii. Tener segreti i -i, /*'/. to keep pro-

clamations secret, i.e. keep secret what is notorious, garded as a bargain. Far tutt' un 3.
= tutt'
deceiver, bnrater, bareter, to cheat,
viii. Far andare il con la sua tromba, lit. to pro- un affare, tomake one lump of Provenq. and old Span, baratar, mlt.
claim with his own trumpet, i.e. act as he chooses.
ix. Novissimo the last Judgment, x. Pagare
the lot, in concluding a bargain com- baratare, probably Celtic, v. Skeat, sub
i) to pay the fine imposed,
xi. Gittarsi in to , prising a variety of rubbishy articles. Barter); i. exchange. 2. in a narrow
4. fishing smack in the Adriatic.
flee from justice, become an outlaw, xii. Di

(rt) gratuitously, (/) at second hand. xiii. In


di street, room to pass Non c' e there ; ,

A Baralla a word without meaning in the phrase is not room for vehicles to
medesimo, out of one's mind. xiv. under
pass each
se di,
the penalty xv. to Tara baralla, i.e. anyhow, after all.
of. Riavere, Ricomprare il

be recalled, purchase one's recall, xvi. Andare a

other, v. Barattare (9).
to fly belter skelter.
Baradnda (Baraona)/ (prob. a corr. *i. = Baratteria. ii. = Bnrattiere. iii. contest,

of the Hebrew baruch adonai, blessed iv. corrupt treachery, v. = Aguato, ambush, vi. Di
Bandolier a f. (Span, bandolera, v.
be he that cometh, the Messiah, words ,
= In vece, instead of.

Banda); shoulder-belt, bandolier. A ,

which often recur in prayers, and the *Barattolay:;=Arzavola, teal.

across the shoulders.

phrase came to mean the confused noise
Barattol-0 dim. Fr. baratte, in. (a <
Bandoliero m. (Spanish bandollero, v. Bando); of many voices at once of unknown
origin) can, gallipot. ;
cp. Span. ;
brigand. Leccar i -i com' i topi degli speziali, //'/.
barahundii); confused medley of persons
Bandolo in. (dim. of Banda, referring going and coming, confused mass of
to lick jars like apothecaries' rats, i.e. to
to the little piece tied on to facilitate try in vain to obtain access somewhere.
papers, books, etc., hubbub of a noisy
finding); i. head of a skein of wool or Lettere da letters of the alphabet , in
party, hurly-burly.
silk ;
Trovare il alia matassa, fig. a box, tisu. Lettere di scatola.
to discover the key to the difficulty; Baraontere ;. (mar.) officer with ;
Barattuccio nt. ; dim. spreg. Baratto.
Ravviare a rough tongue.
, to put a il thing again in
the right way, in the right course. Barare (It. baro) to cheat at cards.
(A) (L., -v. Skeat, sub /
Beard); beard. 2. i.
fig. cunning,
2. thin rope not tightly twisted up for Barasciare to shuffle (cards).
3. down of birds.
+ Baratelle ///.;

= Bertelle, stocking suspenders. craft. 4. Carciofi

cording packages. old artichokes.
colla 5. in book-

Banddne in. ;
sheet iron (of greater Baratro (Balatro) in. (L. barathrum, binding, the rough edges when the
thickness than Latta). Gr. jiapaBpov, chasm, ///. devourer, akin leaves are not cut smooth. 6. root of
to flopd, food, root gwer, v. Skeat, sub
t Banfa f. Vnmpa, flame. ; a plant. 7. rossa, a variety of grape.
tBanneray^; russigna, onion fish, T. Cepola. Voracious); abyss, esp. that of Dante's
*Bannerese in. captain, leader. ;
Inferno. Phrases, in sense of beard 8. Alia :

*Bannire; ?'. Bandire. or In

a, a, in spite of. 9. Alia
Bano m. Ban, governor in Slavonic countries. Barattay:; contest, ii. trick, deceit.
10. E meglio
* Bansa
/: a variety of white grape. di, at the expense of.
Bao tn. Far bao bao, (rt) to yell after a "mask,"
Barattaio m. railway shunter. ; star sotto che sotto bava, it is better
Maschera to whisper, murmur (to a baby).
r'. ; (t>)
Baratt-are (Abbarattare) (It. bar- to have too old a master than too young.
Baonare ;= Brattare, to scull.
atto); I. to exchange, barter. 2. to 1 1. Aver la bianca, i.e. to be an old
a pejorative prefix, with a
Bar- Far
change fraudulently or accidentally (iii ; story. 1 2. la e il
coiitrappelo a,
variant Ber-, occurring e.g. in It. Bar-
portai ad accomodare un vezzo e lui me i.e. to be superior in ability to, or to be
lume, Fr. berlue, of unknown origin. lo baratto, I took him an ornament to a severe critic of (some person or book).
It hardly seems cognate to Bis-, though Fare la
be mended and he changed it. 3. E' 13. a, to shave Farsi la ; ,

its force is much the same. shave oneself, or to have oneself

va a -arsi, i.e. he is going to a fair. to
Bara/ (A) (O.H.G. bdra, root bhar, 4. una parola, una mezza parola, or shaved Farsi la ;da se, to shave
to carry, v. infra, -fero, in loco) ; bier. quattro parole con uno, to exchange a oneself. 14. In a, v. supra (8).
II morto e sulla ,
i.e. the fact is word with him. 5. le parole, not to 15. Stare in di niicio, to be in
evident, the case is clear. *litter, hand- abide by what one has said. 6. le clover, v. Micio. 16. Pelarsi la tit. ,

barrow. carte, to cheat at cards ; fig. le carte to tear out one's beard, i.e. feel very
of Baro in mano ad uno, to twist what he said vexed. 17. Prender Pietro per la
(B) / ;
female swindler.
into else. O to persist in denial. 18. Far la di

something 7. barattngli
Barabuffa/ (variant of It. baruffa);
quella lira, lit. change that franc for stoppa a uno, //'/. to give him a beard of
riot, scuffle. some -unpleasant
* him, said when someone persists in tow, i.e. play him trick.
Baraccame m. a kind
of cotton stuff for tents.
Prendere un Turco per
Baracane (Baragane)
i. (Arabic barrac&ti)\
senseless grumbling. As refl. -arsi :
19. la ,
barracan, a thick strong stuff made of goats' hair. 8. Fanno a -arsela (not quite so strong make Farla vedere
a good bargain. 20.
as Fanno a farsela), they are having a ad uno in i.e. to work his discom-
(mlt. barra,prob. of Celtic
Baraccayi fiture by doing what he declared we
origin, cp. orig. Breton ban; a branch ;
wordy battle, or trying to cheat each
therefore a log-house); i. booth, tent, other. 9. of two carriages, to pass; could not do.
In questa strada non si baratta, there Phrases, in sense of root
shanty ; Piantar e burattini i.q. Pian- : 21. Barba,
tar burattini, v. Banco (7).
il banco e i
is no passing in this street, i.e. either it for Barbabietola cotta, beet-root ready
2. fig. institution of short duration. is extremely wide or very narrow. cooked. 22. -- tnaestra, tap-root, or
3. things in general Mandar avanti ;
i. to take bribes, ii. to defraud, iii. to bring root of a tooth. 23. Metier-le -e, Ab- =
to naught, iv, to rout. As rejl. -arsi v. to make :

la ,
to shove things along. 4. Metter mistakes, vi. d' opinione, to change one's mind. barbicarsi, to strike root. 24. Perire or
su ,
to begin to quarrel. In this sense AJf. -amento, -atore, -atora. Rmnnare dalle -e, to be utterly ruined.
the word is probably of a different Baratterfa f. i. embezzlement of ;
25. Scoprire le -e, or Metter le -e al
origin, v. Sbaragliare. sole, to root up a plant, or to extract
public money or other corrupt act by
a public official. 2. (leg. mar.} barratry, a tooth. 26. Spiantato dalle -e, very
Baracc-are scherz. ; to make a row.
*to put up tents. fraud or wrong done to an owner by a poor, destitute.
*Baracchiere w.; Vivandiere, sutler. seaman. 3. any fraudulent breach of 27. (botC) (a) di agnello, sheep's beard, Uro-
spernnim. (/) di beccv, (a) purple goat's beard,
Baraccdne m. i. temporary shed ;
or salsify, Tragvpogon porrifolium, also termed
cunning, subtlety, ii. (.hist.') Provento della Sassefrica ; (/3) yellow meadow goat's beard, or go-
put up by a builder for his workmen

, income derived
from the licensed gaming houses to-bed-at-noon, Tragopogon pratcns?, alv> termed
and plant. 2. large bare room. of the republic of Lucca in the fourteenth century. Raponzolo salvatico, Salsifi de prati (y) old man's ;
beard, Geropogon glaber. (c) di cappuccino, Barbar-ia or -ie /; i. barbarity. 2. want of
Barbie-are ind. barbico
necklace moss, a species of lichen, Ustma barbata. civilisation. (It. barba) ;

(if) di capra, = Erba di S. Cristoforo, v. Erba Barbarismo /;/. ; i. barbarism of language. to strike root. Aff. -ame'nto, -azi<5ne.
(123). (e) caprina = Olmaria, meadow-sweet. 2. barbarity. *
Barbice f.\ = Berbice, ewe.
CO forte, *' Barbaforte. (g) gentile, = Cardo Barbarity /.; barbarity.
scolimo, Spanish golden thistle. (A) di Giove, * Barbarizzare ; i. = Barbareggiare. ii. of a Barbi-cella or-cfna/ (dim. Barba);
(a)=Semprevivo dei letti, house-leek; (j8) false in- language, to degenerate.
Barbaro (L., = Gr. J3apj3apo?, cp. Sanskr. oar- rootlet.
digo, Atnorphafruticosa, also termed Smorfia amo-
rosa. (i) sllvana, ?'. Barbasilvana. (_/') di paras, a foreigner); i. barbarous. 2. as so., bar- Barbicdne m. tap-root of a
vecchio, old man's beard, Ttllandsia usneoides. barian. * =
Barbero, Barbary horse. tree,
rope suitable for the rigging of ships, ii. = Barbar6ssa/I; a variety of grape and wine. v. Barba (A, 6).
Soffio di vento, a puff of wind. iii. Alia , as
an Barbasilvana A; i. = Piantaggine d' acqua,
oath. iv. Artiglieria in in barbette, i.e. elevated , water plantain. 2. = Erba saetta, arrowhead, v.
Barbiera /; wife of a barber.
so as to fire over the top of the parapet, not through Erba (n8rf). *i. female barber, ii. woman who demanded
embrasures; Battere in , to fire just over the top exorbitant prices.
of the parapet, v. Cader qualcosa nella d' uno, Barbassbro m. (corr. of It. valvas-
to return upon his head, to his hurt. vi. Con la Barbier-e m. (It. barba); barber,
vii. Dar di = Piccare il naso, to
soro,through Varvassoro, baron) ;
respectable, ,

barber-surgeon. Prov. Piano che il

meddle, viii. (mil.) -e dell' elnw, ear-caps of the consequent person.
helmet, ix. Far la ~ Far la testa, to ranno scotta, steady, barber, the lather
, decapitate. t Barbastrillo Pesce = Pesce rondine, flying
x. Prov. A folte rasoio molle, i.e. timid persons
; ,
is too hot, i.e. do not be so
hasty in
must be handled gently, xi. Stare in gurnard.
= di micio, v. supra (15). xii. (mar.) d_iin di your judgment. Fanno a farsela come
gatto, when a ship is moored between an anchor at
i. mass of a plant's
Barbat-a / ;
-i, they are trying to.cheat each other.
the- bows and one at the stern with the cable to each roots. layer of a plant usu. Barba-
Rifarsi del to get oneself up to look
stretched taut, so that she is in a straight line between
tella Far -e, to propagate mulberries
La rete del
them. xiii. Minuto di with a sparse beard, young. the barber's ,

by grafting near the foot of the stem


xiv. del naso, moustaches, xv. Parapetto in ,

net, as type of an occupation taken up
without embrasures, xvi. Prov. Alle -e de' pazzi it and subsequently layering the grafts. for lack of all others.
barbiere impara a radere, i.e. there are those who
suffer that others may learn, xvii. Soffiando nella Barbatella /; i. v. Barbata (2).
Co' sospiri, D. Inf. 23. 113, sighing with such
Barbierla/; barber's shop.
trembling as to agitate his beard. xviii. A 2. any kind of herb eaten as salad. 'Barbierotto m.; v. Barberotto.

spitnacciata, or sprimacciata, heedlessly. Barbatelllna /

*(B) (bit. barbas, barbanus,<\.. barba, the any small plant ;
Barbfgi m. pi.; scherz. moustaches.
bearded one, the uncle); uncle, D. Par. 19. 137. taken up with its roots for trans- Barbigli m. pi. barbels or beards of certain
; fish .

Barbabietola / (v. Bietola) ; (hot.) Barbfna/; lady's bonnet-string.
beet-root, Beta vulgaris. Barbazzale (Barbozzale) m. (It. bar-
Barbin-o m.; i. beard of a goat, or
bozza); curb-chain; fig. Non porto
like a goat's. 2. = Barbetto, razor-wiper.
Barbacane m. ;
i. buttress; muro a nessuno, no one shall restrain me
a sloping wall.
2. barbican, out- from saying what I please. 2. Catenella 3. fig. fool, or as adj. badly done fe -a, ;

work of a fortress. a small chain like a curb-chain, in it

unpleasant; Mi dice -a, at cards,

Riym. mlt. barbacatia, prob. a corruption of a watch.

I am being unlucky. *stingy.
the Eastern name bab-khanah, a term written on a Barbio ;. (from its quasi beard) barbel,
Barbeggia / = Marmeggia, maggot.
* ;
barbican at Cawnpore,< Arabic bob, gate, Persian + Barbera

i. = Santabarbara, powder maga-

Barbito HI. (Gr. j8apiTos) some sort of lyre. ;

tihanak, house, v. Skeat, ed. 1910, sub-uoc. /. ;

Barbitonsdre m.; scherz. = Barbiere.
zine on a ship. 2. a Piedmontese wine. 3. Prov.
Barbaccia/; fegg. Barba (A). Barbo m. pop. for Barbio.
* Santabarbara beata, said to one who fires and misses. ;

Barbachieppo m. simpleton. ;
* Barbocchi m. pi. root-stock of the common
Barbadoro m. a variety of lemon. Barberare i. of a boy's spinning top, to move ;


reed, Arundo doiinx.

Barbafbrte /.; = Rafanorusticano,horse-radish. in jerks, ii. of boys, to play and jump about,
Barbdcchio HI. = Cannocchio, reed.
Barbaggianni m. (mar.)=Gm di cappone, iii. of a ship, to move irregularly.

*Barbocciale w.;= Barbazzale, curb.
crane for the anchor, v. Cappone. Barberellay?; rootlet.
Barberesco m. stableman who attends to the
Barbagiayl; (geogr.)z wild district of Sardinia ;

= Barbero, Barbdgio (root ba, v. Babbo) senile.

to which Dante reproachfully compares Florence, Barberi. As adj. of Barbary. ;

Purg. 23. 94. BarberiayC; (geogr.) Barbary, often as a type Barbole; v. Barbule.
of an outlandish place. Rimasto nelle secche di
unable to get along

Barbolina / (It. barba) tiny rootlet.

Barbagiann-i m. (Fr. barbe-A-Jean, i.e.
ance. *
in one's speech or perform-
barber's shop or trade.

prob. < L. barba, beard + geria, cheek, Barbonaccia/:; (/.) =Bonagra, rest-harrow.

from the tuft on each side of the bird's Barbero m. race-horse, lit. Barbary ; Barbonato ; barbed like a fish hook,
beak); I. white owl, Strix flammea, horse, esp. one running riderless, as was v. Barbone (9).
also termed Allocco bianco. 2. until recently a common custom.
Barb6ne m. i.
long beard.
salvatico = Gufo reale, eagle owl.

Barberbtto (Barbierotto) m. (It.

2. poodle-dog ; Sproposito da can ,
AJjf. -eria flock of owls, -esco adj.
Barbagliare to stammer. ; barbiere) ; assistant surgeon. huge mistake. 3. large barbel. 4. (bat.)
Barbaglin-o /.; Venir i -i, to be enraged, /*'/,
short bryony. 5. an orchid, Lutyriutn hir-
be dazzled. Barbe'tta/ (dim. Barba); i.
cinum. 6. swollen glands in the neck,
beard, or man with a short beard.
Barbaglio m. (It.bagliore, with the 2. tuft behind a horse's fetlock.
scrofula. 7. (vet.) inflammatory tumour ;

3. (bot.) -
bufalino, a carbunculous tumour fn
prefix doubled); dazzle, dizziness, esp. rootlet. bristle at the end of the
that due to the passing of a number of the throat of young buffaloes. 8. a
similar objects before the eye. calyx of a cereal plant. 5. barb of an
disease in horses' throats. 9. as adj.,
arrow. 6. barbette, mound of earth Chiodo
* nail furnished with barbs so
Barbagrazia / In as a special favour.
for a gun, v. * Barba (iv). 7. (mar.) ,

Barbaia f. (It. barbo); net for catching barbel.


that it cannot be extracted. t Triglia

Barbaio m. beet-root seller (in Florence). painter, rope at the bow of a boat.
minore, red mullet.
Barbalacchio m. good-for-nothing. 8. rope for hoisting the skiff on board.

Barbandrocco m. simpleton, lazy fellow. (prod. carr.<Germ.

Barbottay; Wehr-boot "
9. rope for drawing the Cannone di
Barbano m. (n. Barba, B); uncle. <wehren, to defend); i. a kind of Venetian war-
I Barbantana f. ; drawing up the hair, as a corsia, bow-chaser, to the bow of the ship protected with leather and armed with a spur
mode of dressing it. for ramming, ii. a kind of river fishing-craft, esp.
Barbara Santa v. Santabarbara. ship. on the Po.
; ,

Barbottare; = Borbottare,
Barbe'tti m. pi.; i. the Fathers of to stam-
Barb-are barba, A); i. to take
the Order of St Vincent de Paul at
root. 2. tr. = Accoccare, to play a trick Florence.
2. inhabitants of certain
upon. 3. to push in. 4. to say, to tell. Barbbtto m. ; the under part of the
Part, -ato, (herald.) of a cock or valleys at the foot of the Piedmontese chin.
dolphin, when the wattles of the cock
Barbozzale . Barbazzale.
*Barbetticare; = Balbettare,
to stammer.
or mouth-appendages of the dolphin are Barb6zz-o in., -a /; i. the under
of a colour different from that of the Barbettfna/; i. dim. Barbetta(i).
= Barbabietola, part of a horse's lower lip where the
rest of the animal. 2. beet-root. curb goes. 2. (hist.) the part of a
Barbareggiare ;
to write barbarously.
Barbe'tto m. wiper for a razor. helmet which protected the chin and
Barbar-escamente adv., -esco quasi-dim. ;

of Barbara; -icamente adv., -iccia, the name of

Barbicaia /.; i. stem of a tree with all its roots
one of the devils in Dante's Inferno; -ico, barbaric. attached, full of roots. * Barbucino with a short patchy beard.
ii. place ;

H. 10
EtyiH. dub. At least three derivations seem Barellare ind. barello; I. to carry
Barbugli-are (root bit, v. Babbo) ; **
barcula, dim. of L. barca',
possible (i)<blt. on a hand-barrow. 2. to stagger. 3. to
to mumble, splutter. Aff. -ame'nto. (2) It. bara, litter, -t-cullare, to rock; (3)
It. prefix

to toss. vacillate in purpose. 4. of the eyes, to

bar-, v. Bar- in loco, -r crollare,
Barbuglidne in. ;
mumbler. *=Bar- reel.
bozzo. Barc-oll6ne or -ulldne ; staggering.
Barellata / ;
Barbule or Barbole/ pl.\ (vet.) inflammatory Barcdne m.; i. augm. Barca (A) Barelldn-e m. Esser
tubercles in a horse's mouth, also termed Ranule. ; staggering.
Barbutay?; i. a kind of helmet, ii. quasi fig. or (B). 2. large cloud. to be drunk.
iii. = Barbotta. iv. = Barbozza. *
della compagnia dei -i, i.e.
soldier, Barcoso in. some kind of old warship.
-i adv.

Barcott-ayr, -o m. ship of medium size. Aff.

bearded, or of a comet,

Barbuto ; *
Barculla /. = Basculla, weighbridge.
tBarena f.\ alluvial ground silted up in the
with a tail. Barcull-are, -one; v. Barcoll-are, -one. Venetian lagoons.
Baren-are to smooth the bore, e.g. of a gun.
fig. honest (man), ii. = Barbicato, rooted. ;
/. i. armour (of iron or AJf. -azione.
Barca / (A) (L. barca, prob. < Gr.
2. a kind Bareria f. (It. barare); cheating.
baked leather) for a horse. *
Bargagnare ; i. to dredge, ii. Jig. to bargain.

5pis,a word of Egyptian origin, through of long saddle made of coarse cloth Bargagno tit. ; dredger. bargaining.

**barica, v. Skeat, sub Barge, Bark) ;

stuffed and quilted. Prm>. Esser da Etym. A iibsb. of Bargagnare<blt. btircaitiare,
- v. Barca.
boat, launch, barge. per salpare, e da sella, (pers.) to be generally useful. Barganella / (mar.) one of the curved
anchor hoy. - bestia, =Nave goletta, 3.
= Bardatura. wooden supports for the

rim of a launch, futtock.

Bargano m. ;= Bargagno, dredger.
barquentine. Etym. As armour < O.H.G. bardi, shield, z>. Bargellay:; i. wife of a Bargello. 2. gossiping
Skeat, sub Barbed as saddle either from the same
(B) (L. brachium, cp. Span, abarcar, woman.

source or more probably Span, albarda, pack- < tBargellc//*/.; v. Barcella.

to embrace, lit. therefore, armful) heap, ;
saddle, which is< Arabic bardaat< Persian barzahet, * one of seven officers under
Bargellino in. i. ;

stack. saddle-cloth, with the Arabic article at, the. the Bargello. ii. an old Florentine coin of six denari.
* crew of a ship Bardaglio w.; saddle-cloth.
Fare armata, to reinforce the *Bardaiow.; horse-milliner, v. Barda. Bargello m.

as to have fewer (mlt. baragildus, origin

by drawing men from elsewhere so_ Bardana /; (tot.) i. maggiore, burdock,
ships but better manned, ii. Lasciarsi levare in ,
A rctium latyn, also termed Lappa bardana, Lappo- unknown); foreign officer command- i.
to allow oneself to be led by the nose.
lone, Cappellacci. 2. minore, clot bur, Xantkittm ing the troops necessary to keep order
strutHarrum, also termed Strappalana. in some of the Italian republics. 2. chief
Barcaccia /; spreg. i. old boat.
2. di Padova, promiscuous party or Bard-are to deck constable. 3. prison, properly
the Pa-
; (a horse), -ato,
assembly. 3. (theat.} one of the two caparisoned.
lazzo in which the prison was. 4. spy.
boxes on a level with the stage. 5. interfering busybody. Prov. Esser
Bardassa m. or f. (Span. bardaxeK. come la campana del -- che suona
t Barcaia Bica, pile.
f. ;
Arabic bardag, slave) I. urchin. 2.=
sempre a vitupero, i.e. to be always

Barcaiblo (Barcaruolo, Barcheruolo) Bardotto. *paramour.

m. finding fault; the bell of the Bargello
boatman, ferryman. Bardassudla/!; dim. Bardassa.

command a boat
used to be sounded at an execution or
Barcalai (mar.) a word of to
to come alongside.

Bardatura /; trappings of a horse. when someone was pilloried.

mi barcame'no Bargell6n-e m., -a mischievous
Barcamenarsi ind. Bardell-a/ cattle-drover's or ranch- f. \
; ;

to get through somehow (implying dis- man's saddle with large fore and hind gossiper.
Bargia f. (prob. from L. barba, corr. into
creditable means). saddle-bow. magra, worn-out saddle. barbia ;
and oggetto) ; i. = Giogaia, dew-
cp. obietto
Barcare Varcare, to cross. *stocking-suspender. tSeminar le .e, i.e. to have the appendage under the chin of a goat,
Barcareccio (Barcarizzo) w. (mar.) gangway ; one's stockings down at heel. ill. child's game of hide and seek.
to the lower deck, opening from the side of the ship.
Bardellone ;. i.
large saddle used Bargiglio m. (L. barba, v. Bargia) ;

barcarolle, Venetian the wattles of a cock or turkey. 2. =


Barcardla / ;
in breaking in young horses. 2. Ma-
= i.

gondolier's song.
cigno, a hard grit-stone. 3. the lowest Bargia (ii). 3.
= Bardiglio, streaked
Barcata boat-load. / ;
row of bricks in building an arch. marble.
a sort of basket
*Barcella/C; i. dim. Barca. ii.
Bardiglio or Bargiglio nt. ;
streaked marble. Bargigli-6ne m. (/'.<;. -o). -uto with BargigIL ; ;

to be filled with straw and fastened on the pack- "Inasmuch as the Fr. barde means Bargio ;. Admiralty barge. ;

saddle, iii. in pi. schtrz.

= Barelle, spectacles. Etytti.
it seems that Bargozzo; ".'. Bracozzo.
strip of bacon, that is, stripe, band, "
the word Bardiglio must be referred to Barda fBargullare;=Barcollare, to totter.
Barcheggi-are ind. barche'ggio; to Baricina f. dim. Bara.
go in a boat, -arsi Barcamenarsi,
but (Zambaldi).
Bardo m. (Celtic, v. Skeat, sub me.); as E. Barico v. Bario. ;

* Baride m.
Bardocucullo >.; bardic dress. transport vessel on the Nile.
with less offensive implication. Bariglioncino m. dim. Banglione.

Barchere'ccio m. a quantity of boats. Bardbsso bisdosso (to A =A Bariglione .; augm. Barile, barrel for gun-
wine cask. ii. = Poppe

bis- being powder or salted fish, etc. i.

Barcheruolo; v. Barcaiolo. ride) barebacked, the prefix vizze.

altered to bar-, probably under the in- Barilaia f. ;
store for empty casks.
Barcb.e'tt-a f. ; pleasure-boat. Barilame m. quantity of old casks.
fluence of Barda. ;

2. del solcometro, log-ship, v. Paasch, Baril-e m. (cogn. Fr. baril, Span, and
Diz. mar., plate 107, 4. Aff. -accia barda, cl oth saddle)
Bardbtto m. (1
Prevent;, barril, mlt. barillus of unkn.

pegg., -aiolo
boatman or boat-builder, i. animal ridden by a cattle driver or barrel.
orig.) ;

-ata boat-load, -ina dim. used to tow a barge. 2. hinny, bred *

i. beehive, ii. an old Florentine coin. iii. Prav.

2. = Bar- between a horse and she-ass. 3. ap- secchi, to solder dry casks, i.e. have a
Barcb.e'tt-O m.
barge. \. Ristagnar

4. (fam.} young
man. tough job.
chino, punt. Aff. -ino dim., -one augm., prentice.
Bariletta/; v. Barletta.
* to receive dinner without payment
-uccio dim. spreg. Passer per , Bari let to m. dim. Barile. ;

at the same inn as its Barilla f. (Spanish word); (&>/.)= Erba

(like the Bardotto taken in call
*Barchiere ?.; = Barcaiolo. owner and not separately charged for). coltivata, saltwort.
dim. Barca. Barilone in. ; i. augm. Barile. 2. Baione,
Barchina f. ;
Barege/. (Fr. barege, so called from jaws of a dredger.
Barchino m. ; punt for sporting Bareges, a town in the Pyrenees) ;
Barilbtto or Barilozzo m. i. cask,
barege, a kind of gauze. Alia ,
= rather smaller than Barile. 2. bull's-eye

tBarcia/; ship. Alia buona, in a rough and ready way. on a target.
tBarcile m. = Stollo, pole of a haystack.
Bareggiare (frequent, of Barare) to cheat. ;
Bario m.\ barium, a metal.
Barci6tto m. Maltese piratical ship. stream of running water used as

= Parco, park for animals, tBaregno m. ;

Barft-eyl; the oxide, barytes.
Barco ///. i. ii. sheep- a washing-place. Bariton-ale; adj. -eggiare ind. -eggio; to be

fold, tiii. ship.

nearly baritone, -o m. baritone voice or singer
Barella / (dim. Bara); i. hand-
t Barcocchiare ; of small boys or weakly persons,
(Gr. /Sapv'roi'os).
to hit, strike. * Barlacchio m.
barrow, stretcher. 2. in //., scherz., Barbalacchio, good-for-
tBarc6cola/; = Albicocca, apricot.
; i.q.

kind. nothing.
any kind. spectacles, esp. of the pince-nez
Barcolame m.; (tnar.) small craft of

Portare uno a to carry him Barlaccio (L. laxus with prefix, v.

Barcoll-are ind. barcbllo, or pop. 3. ,

to totter, about, one person holding his feet and Bar) I. Ovo ; ,
bad egg. 2. quasi fig.,
Barcullare stagger. Aff.

another his hands. Mi sento un po' ,

I do not feel very well.
-ame'ntoy -10 freq. sb.
Barlavent iare to tie-to, awaiting a fair wind.
husband, brave soldier, noble, feudal lord. Bar,<
occurs in Latin with the Barroceiaio m. I.carrier. 2.
Bartetta (Bariletta) / (It. barile) ;
meanings (r) dunce,
fVXfat d'armee, and believed to be of is
(2) camp
in a large shop. 3.

barrel-shaped flask to hang from a Gaulish origin Isidore assigns to it the
meaning of
traveller's girdle. 2. a bird, (a) the mercenary, accustomed to hard work. Amongst the Barrocciata/; cart-load.
Celtic group we find old Welsh
bar, hero. It is
orange-legged hobby, Falco vespertinus, objected that it is only in Latin and German that Barroccinaio m. i one who lets ;

also termed ceciata, cenerina, piom- nominative and accusative differ, but is our know- out carts.
ledge of old Celtic complete enough to enable us to
2. one who goes round
bina, or mjschia, Falco cuculo, Falcone
say that it had no such inflection and do we not selling with a cart.
coi piedi rossi, find in low Latin barus: barvm -vel

Falchetto, (6) hobby, feminam in the

Falco subluteo, also termed Lodolaio, law of the Germans? The word
fear, man also
Barroccfno m. (dim. Barroccio) ;

occurs in Cejtic, and in fact we find varones in i. hand-cart. 2. light cart with no back
Falchetto, Falco da uccelli. the texts which come from the
neighbourhood of the to the seat, for
oliata,./?^. girl with an illegitimate child. Pyrenees, and faranes in a very old author (see Du racing.
Barlettaio in.; maker of Barlette. Cange). Diez is disposed to refer baro to O. H.G.
t Barletto m. i. clamp to hold a piece of wood
Barrbccio (Baroccio, Biroccio) m.
; beran, Goth, bairan, to carry, so that the primary
for carving, ii. small barrel; Sgocciolare il to ,
meaning would be strong man and the other senses (L. birotus<bi-, rota); I. large two-
tell the whole developments from this. wheeled cart. 2. contents of the same.
story. Burguy also derives it
Bariione ,. = Bariletto, small barrel. ;
from bairan, to carry, but by another route
A.S :

beam, Frisian bent, a child, a human being: A.S. 3. (mar.) carling, carline.
beam, a grown-up man. These Germanic etymolo-
gies without being completely certain are
Barr6tto m. ; fire-bar.
half-blind. but it is also probable that the Celtic barprobable'
and per- Barriicolo m. a sort of two-wheeled
Barlonco in.
Barchetta, boat. ii. (mar.)
; i. = haps/twr have concurred in confirming and defining ;

conical wine-jar, so shaped that it should not the sense of the Germanic word and have left barrow without sides or end
the wine when the vessel rolled.
in tarns and
traces pieces.
mfaro. In old French we have Ii her Bartolomeo m. Prov. Se vuoi esser amico
Barlonzo m. = Sbalzo, a jump. ;
nomin. sing., from bdro with an accent on the a
meo, non mi far del cacio barca ne del pan Bartolomeo

*Barlonzolo tti. v. Ballotta. ;

le tarou accusative sing, from banSnem with the do not scoop out the last of the cheese nor make the
Barlotto >n. ;= Barletta. SollecitareorPettinare accent on the o; Ii baron nomin.
plur.; les barons bread look foolish by taking all its crust, said to one
to drink to excess.
, Ribaciare il , to return
accusative plur. The necessity of accounting for who
to driaking. ter aod karai by a moveable accent
is being
greedy, 11. Meo.
prevents us Bartol6ni m. pi.;
(print.) two stout
from paying any attention to vir which was pegs
formerly joining the drum to the type-case.
Barlozzo ;.; small barrel. proposed as the etymology."
The Italian Baro, cheat, with its
Barlume m. (L. lunun with prefix, augmentative
Barone, must be the Latin baro, though the meaning
Baruffa / (O.H.G. biraufan, v.
v. Bar-) of baro was not "cheat " but "dunce." The L. baro is Ruffa) quarrel.
glimmer. ;
not ihe same word as the mlt.
* baro, but itsetvmoloev Barugioli ,. fl.; Tra ugioli e told
Barluzzo A = A bruzzico, at dawn v.
; is unknown. 7'. Ugioli.
, all

Baron-eria;scoundrelism. -escamente Barult ; v. Barulle.
Barnabita ,.; monk of the Congregation of -esco, -essa, -essina, -etto the English title v
St Paul.
Barnaggio in. (mlt. baronagium) i. barony
*Baronevole; noble and brave.
Barulla/ (Prob. < bit. **bi-rotula,
double quarter-circle,
assembly of barons, iii. feat of arms.
Barnocco m. blow on the head. Baronia/; barony. i. a number of barons making the two
; or the barons of a district
band of halves of the centering); i.
Barnusso ///. a seaman's cape or cloak. collectively,
brave men. iii. pride, display.
for building an arch. 2. rim from
Baroscopio in. barometer. which
Baro m. (L. baro, dunce, -v. Barone, the dome of an oven
*Barozzayl; a kind of large wheelbarrow As springs.
sub fin.); cheat, swindler (at a measure of Barullare
cards). quantity, three thousand pounds or ;
to build the
centering for an arch.
ten Some.
Barocchio /.
Barulte or Barule /; the
Barocchismo w. ; v. Barocco. Barr-a /
(mlt. barra, perhaps from top of a
Celtic bar, bough, akin to L. stocking rolled down.
Barbccio m. ; (A) v. Barroccio, veru, pike ;

v. Skeat, sub
Bar) ; i. bar. 2. sand-bar Barullo m. spreg. (A) hawker, in
carriage. ;

before a harbour. 3.
game prisoner's
of which sense cp. Baro. See also Riven-
t(B) (It. baro); Monello, urchin. base. 4. = Sbarra, in dugliolo. (B) (mlt. baro, v. Barone);
q.v. 5. //., gaps
Bar6cco (Portug. barroco or Span. in a horse's teeth where the bit fool.
barrueco, pearl which is not round, 6.
(mar.) helm, tiller; Mettere la in Baruzzola/; = Alzavola, teal.

prob. from L. verruca, wart, possibly to Barzayl; a cask, one-fourth of a Barile.

mezzo, put the helm amidships, to
however from bis-roca, twisted right the helm.
stone) ;
In pi. 7. -e :
costiere, Barzeltett-a (dim. *Barzella for /
awkward, in bad taste, over-orna- trestle-trees. 8. cross-trees. *Barnella, from Span, barrica, cask, the
mented. jest accompanying the broaching of the
Barracuta / (Spanish, cp. Span.
*i. profit considered unfair. In this sense the
barmco, a boar, var. of cask) witticism. Aff. -are.
word may be connected with -verruca, v.
Baro, a cheat ii a
Basa/; i. = Base, base. a.
certain form of logical Verre); barracoot, a West Indian fe a sua fig. I
syllogism. fish, it is in that occupation that
Baroccolo = Barocco
* he feels at home
; (i).
Sphyratna baracuta. T Basacco m. sloven. ;

Basale .;=Base.
Baroccume m.; lot of bad things. Barraggio m.
* (Fr. barrage, Italian- Basalischio, -istio or -isco m.; v. Basilisco
Baroco ;.;= Barocco (ii). ised); dam. Basalt-e
or -o in. (L., from an African
Bar6metr-o in. (Gr.); barometer. Aft. -jco. basalt, a hard greenish black rock. -ico Aff.
Barona; Alia untidily, clumsily. , Barrare (A) to bar the passage Basamento
in.; i. footings of a wall up to the
Baronare to be a rogue, to cheat. ; of.
= Barare, damp course. 2. base ofa column or of a wall
*(B) ; to cheat. has a similar projecting base, HSU.
Baronata / ; dirty trick, piece of Basanp ; fop. for Sudicio, dirty.
Barrato ; crossed (cheque). Basapie m.
cheating. ; (hot.) prickly seeded caltrops
v. Ccccarello.
'Barreria/; Barare.
Baroncello m. = Birbaretla. little
cheating, -a.
Baiare (A); to base. *
(B) ;
= Baciare, to kiss.
Bascia = Pascia.
rascal. j- f --, di prova, sample Bascialatico in. Pashalic. ;

Baroncino m. son of a baron. ;

strips for testing. Bascialato in. office ofa Pasha. ;

Baroncio in. i. ugly deformed person,

ii. raga- Basciare;- Baciare, to kiss.
muffin. Barric-are ind. barrico; to bar up. *Basco; = Stupido.
Aff. -ata, barricade.
Barone ;. i. baron, as a title. ;
Basculla (Barculla) / (Fr. bascule) ;
2. a game played with dice. Barriera/:; barrier.
3. augm. weighbridge.
Baro, rascal; Baron cornuto or col- Barr-ire ind. -isco (L. < barrus, Base/ (L.<Gr., v. Skeat, sub vac.); base
effe, utter scoundrel. elephant, an Indian word) ;
of the Basella f.; (bot.) a tropical genus of Cheno-
*i. title given in reverence or
respect to saints elephant, to trumpet. Basello in. = Vasello,
and other personages, ii. man of valour, ; vase.
iii. bus. Barro m. (Span, word) ; j .
bole, a kind of odori- Baseo /. ;=Baggeo, dolt.
band, iv Mandare or Andare a! ferous clay used in
-, to obtain the making Buccheri, vases. 2 the
highest throw of the dice. v. Mandare uno al vase itself, v. Bucchero. Basette / //. (perhaps for Bamba-
to tell him to go to the devil. t Barrocchio in. ; knot of hair at the back of the
,' (from ''""=>
u1 f i.l3",*'
titr or tiers, accusative baron
Provtnc bar
(W, head. sette, v.
Bambagia); moustaches, strictly
the hair that joins up the beard and
accusative baron'. Span, varon. The
meaning of Barrocciabile ; (road) practicable for whiskers. delta spada, ornaments on
rfl in tne Romance
languages is strong man, carts.
a sword-hilt.
10 2
Basettine or -ini m. pi. dim. shallow (water). 4. narrow Bastaio m. ;
maker of Basti, pack-
f. pi., ; Egypt). 3.
Basette. (cloth). (vineyard) situated on flat
f.\ A
Bastalena with one's might.
ground. 6. of an instrument, tuned low.
Basettino m. ; bearded tit, v. Cinciallegra (7).

Basett6ne m. man with 7. Messa -a, low mass, without music. Bastantemente ; sufficiently.
; long
8. of the moveable feasts, early. A
moustaches. Bastanza/; , sufficiently.
humble (birth). 10. vulgar (lan- = Galea
Basilare ; (anat.) basilar, (bat.) basal.
guage), n. bad (money). 12. inferior
Bastard-a /
bastarda, a ;

galley of large mainsail of such size. 2.

Basitea/; (geogr.) Basle, in Switzer- (wine). 13. junior (official), inferior
land. a galley. 3. saucepan. 4. a coarse file,
(clergy), non-commissioned, petty (offi- tin pi. (mar.): i. -e delle sartie, sheer
cer); -a forza, the rank and file.
of the Order of St Basil.
14. -i
ratlines, ii. middle staysails.
Basilica / (L., Gr. /3a<nXiicij) < ; tempi, Middle ages. 15. -a Latinita,
Bastard-accio;/*^. of -p. -aggineyC; = -ume.
i. ancient Roman law-court. 2. church low Latin, v. Latinita. *
Bastardato ;= Imbastardito, degenerated.
on the same general plan, i.e. a plain Phrases 16. Farla -a, to hit the
oblong with a flat roof and an apse at
Bastardella i.
saucepan. 2. at / ;

target below the bull's eye. 17. Tenere Florence, an earthenware stewing pot.
one end. any cathedral or large uno a denari, to keep him short of
3. scherz. carriage or room where too
church, whatever its ground plan, but money. 18. Dar le carte -e, to deal
not of Gothic architecture. The term many people are packed in.
cards so that they cannot be seen. *i. a galley with a kind of divided poop. Alia
is applied to five great churches in
19. Far alto e Comandar a bac- ,
= (a ship) with a poop similar to that of a Bastardella.

Rome, -viz. those of St Peter, St John Baciar Bastardeilo m. \~ Trovatcllo, foundling.

chetta, to rule with severity ; *
register or day-book kept in public offices.
Lateran, St Paul beyond the city wall, ,
to be very respectful. Guardar 20. Bastardin-o m., -a/.', bastard baby. *(rtrrir.)
Sta. Maria Maggiore, and S. Lorenzo. d' alto in to look down upon with a = Artimone.

As adj. Vena ,,
the basilic vein along the
patronising air. 21. Far man -a, to Bastard-o; i. cross-bred. 2. bastard.
inner side of the arm.
steal. 22. there are
II tetto e ,
3. of plants, resembling a better species.
Basil icale adj. \ v. Basilica.
Basilico m.; <J>ot.) herb Basil, Ocimum basiti- children here, you must be careful what 4. false (idea), illegitimate (use of lan-
cum. of furniture, too large
you say. guage). 5. ;

Basilisco m. (Gr. jia<n\ia-Kos, little As lower part; Da

sb. at Letto bed too large for one and
23. ,

insufficient for two; Tenda -a, tent with

king); basilisk, i.e. I. a fabled animal the bottom of a house. 24. shoal, usu.
with poisonous breath and even poison- Basso fondo. 25. Alti e -i, ups and only one side. 6. Lingua, Modi -i, taken
ous glance. 2. a S. American lizard downs of an illness. from another language without any
26. in playing at
with a crest something like a crown, Pallone, Da ,
is the side receiving need. 7. Lima -a, bastard file, of
whence its name. 3. a large gun which the service, opposed to Dal tetto, the medium coarseness. 8. (print.) type

went into disuse from its unwieldiness. service side Quindici dal tetto e trenta cast with an extra deep bevel to obviate

*the star in Leo now known as Regulus. da fifteen to thirty, the server being the use of leads, as Long Primer face
Basiment o in. fainting fit. con- on Pica body. (arch.) Ordine
27. (miis.) the bass; 9.
fifteen. ,
Basina /; = Hazzottia. pottage. architecture of a mongrel description.
tinuo, a continuous or thorough bass.
Basin o m.
(Fr. basin for bombasin, 28. bass voice; -- profondo, a deep 10. mainsail of a galley, n. cannon of
bit. bombacinus, from L. bowbax, Gr. bass voice. 29. as an instrument short length in proportion to its calibre.
bombazine, a twilled was what is now termed Contrabbasso, 12. in pi., (mar.*) parrel-ropes by which
@6fi.f$v, silkworm) ;

fabric of which the warp is silk and the a yard is confined to its mast at the
double bass.
weft worsted. * il ciglio, to be ashamed,
young, ii. Porlar

Uomo di affare, of humble condition Gente fctyiii. mlt. bastardus or old Fr. bastard<\*.
Bas-ire ind. -isco (Celtic, cp. old iii. ;

bastum with the Germanic termination

poor intelligence and political status -ardits, r>.
di -a mano, of ;

Irish bds, dead); to tremble or faint Scrittore di -a mano, poor writer, iv. Far man -a, -ardo in loco bastitm, pack-saddle, here indicating

with fright, hunger, etc. to kill. v. late in the evening, vi. -i contempt ; baitardns. son of a pack-saddle, not of a
* tempi dell' anno, when the days are short, vii. Colla
Basdffia f. ; v. Bazzofna, pottage. lancia -a, with the lance in rest. viii. Fare il to
Basoffibne i.\ big fat man.
Bastard6ne m. i .
nugm. Bastardo.
pretend to be stupid.

Basolo m. ;= Appoggio, support. Etym. Cogn. Fr. and Prpvenc. bas, Span. 2. = Bastardume (4).
Basoso; = Stupido, wooden-headed.
* bajo. The origin of the word is prob, the Latin
Bassa f. i. a kind of dance for two or four
proper name Bassus explained by Papias as meaning Bastardume /. ;
spreg. i.
persons, ii.
low-lying ground. short in stature." Walde suggests that it may be of imitation things. 2. lot of bastard
< Gr. nao-erwi', comparative of TTC^VS, thick,
Bassa m. pasha. ; t Bass6io nt.\~ Vassoio, tray.
children. 3. illegitimacy. 4. (bol.)
'Bassadanza (wits.) music _/". ;
for a certain Bassolata_/^; mental agitation. sucker.
dance. Bassoliccio tn. material made on the low warp.

*Bassaridey7 (Gr. Bao-trapevs, one of the titles Bass6ne tn. i. strong and deep bass voice.
; Bastare (root bast, to carry, v. Basto,
of Bacchus, </3a<70-apa, fox-skin); Bacchante. 2. bassoon. hence to be sufficient to carry, to suffice);
Bassata f. ; low ground. Bassdra /.'; a kind of gum.
Bassorilievo ;//. ;
bas-relief. A , in low to suffice. The 3rd sing. Basta! is used
Bassetta / ; I. (a) broken wine relief. alone to mean, it is enough, i.e. Stop !

bottle, (6) bottle with its straw cover dim. *to last, hold out.
Bassbtto ;
i. Basso, rather
2. skin of a very young lamb. {mar.) = Attrazzi, ship's
torn. As thin paste for biscuits, Bastellame m. ;
short. sb. : 2.
3. basset, an old card game resembling etc.; in pi., the biscuits. *
Basterna J. (late L. supposed to be derived
Faro. from the name of the Basterni) ox-cart for travelling
3. dog of the Dachshund breed, basset ;

D. Purg.

* Fare Una to cause a person's death by

i. Jig. the chariot of the Church, 30. 16.
neglect or carelessness, ii. to break down in health ;
Una an unhealthy person, tiii. law-suit. Baste"vole; sufficient.
* Bassettare to cause death, T/. * Bassetta (i).
Basta or Bastia
(A) (Romance / *i. lasting, ii. endurable, tolerable.
root bast,v. Bastire, Imbastire); i. basted Bastevol-ezza, -mente; T'. Bastevole.

dim. Basso, usu. Bassino.

Bassetto Bastia f.;= Basta, f.v.
work, done with long stitches so as to
As sb. (t/nis.): i. a small double-bass. be readily undone. 2. tuck in a child's Bastia f. (It. bastita); i. stockade.
2. the lowest part when the bass is frock so that the frock can be lengthened 2. fort.
silent. 3. an 8 or 16 foot reed stop in as the child grows. *
Bastiere in. v. Bastaio.
the organ. 4. = Partimento breve, figured

tBasti-etta, -iettina/; dim. Bastia.

bass. (B) as adv., stop! enough!, T. Bas- Bastiglia f. (Fr.,<Proven9. bastida, part, of
tare. /astir, to build, v. Bastire); fortified prison, esp.
lowness. 2. the Bastille of Paris stormed in 1789.
Bass^zza/; i. poverty.
baseness. Bastabile ; possibly sufficient. Bastimento m. (O.Fr. or Proveng.
Bastaccone w.;=Mastaccone, lout. bastiment, v. Bastire; the Provenc..
Bass-o i. low, short (person).
; *
Bast agio HI. (root bast, T. Bastire) Facchino,
bastire and Fr. bAtir, having taken the

2. lower (i.e. nearer the sea, e.g. Lower porter.


special sense of building ships) ship, ;

Tirar di ,
to play at single-stick ; Battaglia /. (bit. balualia < L. batu-
or shipload. - cisterna, tank vessel Giocar di to flourish a stick,
della ; ere); battle.
bambagia, a mild, but sufficient, correc-
* main body of an army,
for carrying petroleum. i. troop of soldiers, ii.

field of battle.
3. perch in
tion. 2. marshal's baton.
Bastina / (It. basto); light pack-
a fowl-house. 4. handle of a broom. v.
?'., -ero; warlike, combative;
saddle without saddle-bows.
5. long thin piece of bread, sippet.
bastingue, from the 6. the name of one of the four suits in
Battaglino m. ; dim. Battaglio.
Bastinga f. (Fr.
same root as Bastire, q.v.) mattresses,
; a pack of cards for playing Minchiate Battaglio m. ; i.q. Batacchio, clapper
etc.,arranged on a ship as a shield or Tarocchi, see the note to Carta ; of a bell.
against musketry fire. Accennar coppe e dar -i, to say one *
Battagliola f.\ parapet. *
Battaglione m. attgiii. bat-
thing and do another, if. Accennare.
Battaglia (i),
Bastingagg-iow. hammock netting;

; talion.
Col all' acqua, gunwale to Formare ; 7. da Latinare, leather-dresser's rod tBattana /. ; skiff" on the Venetian lagoons.
for removing the wool from a sheep-
Battarella f.; = Nottolino, catch for holding
-i, to stow the seamen's hammocks
i in
the cogs of a cogwheel, etc.
the nettings. skin. 8. d' oro, (hot.) wallflower,
v. Violacciocca (2). 9. (mar.') Asia, = Batt611-o m. (dim. of * Batto, q.v.)
Bastion-are, -ata
v. Bastione.
boom ;
di fiamma, pennant staff; a boat, dinghy.
meda o segnale,
Basti6ne m. (bit. basttre, v.
Bastire) ;
beacon-boat. da traffico, ferry-boat.
bastion. 2. v.
gancio, boat-hook. 10. (arch.) astragal,
i. earthwork, Bastinga. a little round moulding at the top or da verdura, bumboat. Aff. -ata boat-
3- fig- P ers on of firm character. u. carpenter's plane boatman.
foot of a column, load, -duo dim., -iere
Bastire to build. Etym. Zambaldi connects
with a convex cutting edge, a plough-
Battello-porta /;/. ; caisson, floating
make gate of a dock.
Metter un legno su per un
*i. ,
i.e. to a
and It. *bastire, to build, and, in another, the It. 1m-
bjunder. ii. a kind of astrolabe, v. Balestra (iii). Battent-e in.; \. leaf of a folding
bastire, to join together by rough sewing, E. basting. iii. =Biffa, q.v. door or shutter. 2. the part of the
It seems, however, more natural to refer the words *
Bast oniere IK. ; i. mace-bearer, ii. iictor.
for sewing to O.H.G. beatan, to sew. Be this as it Bastorovescio v. Basto frame of a mirror, etc., where the glass
/.; (6).
may, it seems clear that in the Romance languages *
Bastracone in. ; "j. Bastaccone. fits into the frame di boccaporto,
there are two roots bast, one meaning "to sew" and ;

the other "to carry or to build," which may or may Bastr m.; I.
public dance of a low (mar.) coamings. 3. door-knocker.
not be fundamentally connected together.
class. 2. brothel. 4. flap of a desk. 5. fly or length of
*Bastitay^: palisade, fortification, bastion.
tBastrigay^; an arrangement of ropes for tying a flag. *Secolari -i, flagellants.
Bast-o in. (bit. bastum, Fr. bdl, Pro- a cask on to the back of an animal.
from the Romance root *Batacchiay!;=Bastonata, blow with a stick. Batt-ere perf. batt-ei -e"sti -e" -dnimo
veng. bast, bast,
to carry, v. Bastire) ; pack-saddle, fig. Batacchiare to beat.
-e"ste-drono, fut. batter&, parts, batt-

Phrases: i. Da e -endo -ente -uto (L. baluere); to strike,

heavy burden. Bataccbio m. (bit.
bataculum, <
da sella, serviceable in more ways than beat, to forge, to thresh with a flail, to
L. battiere, to beat) i
stick, pole.

one. 2. Non trovar che gli entri,

pound (meat) fine, to bring out clearly
2. clapper of a bell. 3. fig. dolt. in pronunciation, to fly (a il
never to be satisfied with his situation. *
Batalo m. 71. Batolo.
Gli sta meglio che il all' asino,

t Batalbne m. black fig.

mare, to keep the sea.
3. ;

i.e. it serves him right. 4. Chi non puo tBatanai /. ;-Badanai, uproar.
* Batassare
Phrases i. E batti, or E bada

(Gr. TraTatrtrw, to knock); to knock

dar all' asino da al ,
he who dare not shake
a ,
an exclamation of impatience
(a plant) about, it.

find fault in one direction will do so in *

Batasteo ?H. ; noisy dispute. when someone keeps on hammering at
5. Non portar
another. not to put ,
Batata sweet potato, Con- the same point. 2. Se e' battesse una
f. ; (bot.)
up with rude treatment. 6. rovescio, volvulus batatas. * = Patata, potato.
buona occasione comprerei volentieri
also termed Zanella or Risciacquo, a *
a variety of fig.
una villetta, I should like to buy a
Batignanese in. ;

paved channel in a road for carrying cottage in the country if a good oppor-
Batillo tn.\ a term of infamy, after Anacreon.
off water; A rovescio, of a hollow Batista (from its inventor Baptiste, tunity were to occur. 3. La batte Ii,
road where the water runs down the of Cambrai in Flanders) Tela ,
or giu di 11, that is about how it stands.
middle, opposed to A schiena d' asino,

4. Secondo dove, or Come la batte, or

hog-backed. *
Batisteo or Batistero m. T. Battistero.
Tutto sta dove la batte, it just depends

Secondary senses 7. trough : for

Batistini m. pi. ; Aver to tremble with
, upon how things may be. 5. -- la
Fare entrar a uno, to enrage him.
mixing the clay in brick-making. 8. at fright.
t Batocchiare ; to beat.
campagna, to travel commercially in
the country or, as a highwayman, to
the game of Ombre, the third card Batdcchio m. (variant of Batacchio); infest some district fig. to beat about
in value, the ace of clubs. 2. = Ba-

1. stick, esp. blind[man's stick. the bush. 6. --la capata, to knock

*i. Caricar a uno il to beat or abuse him.

it. Non portar ,

to be unmarried, iii. Rodere il tacchio. one's head or fig. and pop. to die or
a uno, to spread bad reports of one who has done m. to be ruined.
as much to us; Rodersi i -i, to find fault with each
Batolo (mlt. batulus, further 7. la diana, (mil.) to
other, iv. Serrare il addosso a uno, lit. to tighten etym. iinkn.); I. cowl, priest's mantle. sound the re'veille'e. 8. la febbre, to
his pack, i.e. to stimulate his activity. a
3. any broad band. have fever. 9.
2. doctor's hood. le gazzette, to shiver
rovescio, narrow valley between two mountains.
4. Mezzo worn by the inferior
that with cold. 10. un luogo, to frequent
Baston-are ;
i. to beat, to cudgel.
clergy. 5.
= Platea, subaqueous founda- it. u. tra mano, or sott' occhio, to
2. to sell cheap. 3. Andar a i
pesci, tion of a wall or pier. 6. (mar.) any turn up unexpectedly Rovistando le ; be sent to the galleys. 4. fig. to flat surface projecting outside the ship, carte di quell' archivio mi batte tra
do a job hastily, carelessly. Aff. -ata, also termed Bittalo. mano un documento importantissimo,
-at6re, -atura. Batdmetro in. bathymeter, any sounding ;
as I was rummaging the archives there
Bastoncello or Bastonce'tto ;;/. ;
apparatus other than that of simply heaving the a most important document turned up.
il naso a una
1. dim. Bastone. 2. sugar-stick with 12. persona, to meet
Bat6sta (considered by Caix a
f. him when not desired. 13. gli
compound Battere and Tostare)
of wink sott' occhio, v. supra
occhi, to

Bastoncino dim. Bastone.

in. i. ;
i. a severe shake to a person's health
2. a sort of rusk to be eaten after (ii). 14. at billiards, la palla, or
or to his financial position, from illness absol. to hit the adversary's ball
dipping in coffee, etc. 3. ribbed cloth. or misfortune. 2. dispute. * battle.

when he has played for safety. 15. at

4. (arch.) astragal. t Batostare to dispute noisily.
the game of Pallone, pallone, to
Bastonci6ne or Bastonciotto m. ; tiuffm. Batrachi or Batraci ///. //. (Gr. ^arpa^o?,
Bastone. frog); the frog class of animals. give the first hit and put the ball into
Romance Batrachio m. (tat.) kingcup, v. Piede (i8,/).
play, or absol. with the same mean-
Bast6n-e m.
( root bast, to Batraco /. tumour consisting of an obstructed

ing, T. Calcio. 16. Qui batte il punto,

support, i'. liastire); I. walking-stick; suhlingual salivary gland.
this is the point. il or il Batticrocetta/:; top-lining of the top-gallant Battitdiay"; (print.) planer, wooden block for
17. tacco,
sails, -v. Batticoflfa. forcing down the type in a form, and making the
taccone, to go away. surface even.
Of horses: 18. le castagnette, to Batticulo m. i. boys' game con-
valve of a force-
Battitoio m.\ i.
strike the hind and fore feet together sisting in bumping against the ground
pump. 2. rabbet of a door or window
in trotting. 19. fianchi, to heave
the boy who is being carried "a barella," which when shut is in contact with the
the flanks in breathing, either from v. Barella. 2. sclierz. swallow-tail jacket,
frame of the opening. Prov. Maggior
disease or fatigue. "bum-shaver." (mar.) studding-sail. i.e. the bigger a man
20. alia mano, 3.
porta maggior
4. (mil. hist.) the part of the armour

to toss the head up and down. the more timid he is, with a word-play
which protected the posterior.
-ersi 21. Non so dove
refl. : between Battitoio and Battito.
-ermi capo, I do not know which
il Batticubre; v. Batticore.
Battitor-e m. ; i. v. Battere.
way to turn (to get what I want). Battifianco m. partition bar be- ; 2. thresher (with a flail). at the
22. -ersela, to run away, take oneself tween horses in a stable where there game of Pallone, man who puts the ball
off. 23. I bilanci se la battono, income are no fixed partitions. workman
into play, server. 4. (print.)
and expenditure balance. 24. Ad anni
who spreads the ink on the types. 5. in
e' se la battono, they are of the same Battif-6co or -ubco m. the steel of
a flint and steel, T. Acciarino. //., -i or -i di strada (a) (mil.) scouts,

age. 25. -ersi con qualche cosa, to beaters for game.

Battifolle m. i. fortificatirtn, either for attack (b)
prefer it to everything else (referring to

or defence, ii. citadel. *i. ad arco, in the manufacture of wool, work-

articles of diet, or to amusements). F.tym. O.H.G. berg, hill, + to/tie, palisade, man who beats the wool in preparation for combing,
*i. Battendo, in haste, at full speed, ii. Insomnia bcr? being first changed into bert, and then altered ii. door-knocker, iii. hammer-man in a smithy,
ella e battuta : cosi vo' fare, well, the thing is settled : to balti under the influence of Battere. For Mile iv. (JHKS.) person who beats time.

this is what I will do ;

the metaphor may be from v. Skeat, sub Bole, Batti-trice./; i.fetn. of -tore. 2. macchioa ,

the game of Calcio, iii.

i>. a corda,
supra (15).
Battifondo m. a form of billiard-pool in which
; threshing-machine.
to resemble exactly, birba, to ask for
iv. la one player plays against several others successively,
something without any warrant, v. ta bfrra, to undertaking to beat them all.
Battitur-a/; i. v. Battere. 2. thresh-
Battifredo or Bettifredo m. (mlt. berfredits
shiver with cold. vi. le femu, to be hungry.
ing or season for threshing. 3. imprint
vii. Un castello batte quella strada, that road is com- or belfredns, from M. H.G. berc-vrit or btrcrit, tower
of defence, cp. berg-en in Albergo, ?'. Skeat, sub of the stroke of a hammer. 4. pile-
manded by a castle, viii. (mar.) bandiera, to fly
a flag. ix. teiian, to strike a tent, take it down, Belfry. Passing into Italian the word underwent driving. 5. in pi., the scourging of
x. -frsfia, to die. attraction from Battere, cp. Battifolle); i. watch- Christ. 6. flakes of metal struck off by
tower, ii. tower of defence, iii. moveable tower
Batteria/; I. battery. 2. (ait-ton.) of attack. hammering a plate Ossido delle -e, the ;

peculiar oxide of iron formed by heating
da cucina, 7'. Battifoco.
outfit of any apparatus, e.g. ;

t Battigie /. pi. (It. battere, from the kicking of

set of kitchen utensils. a it red hot and then striking it with a
3. striking the sufferer); i. epileptic fit. ii. convulsions in

mechanism of a clock. - baby. hammer.

4. (mat:)
Battilano or Battilana m. wool-carder.
affogata, low battery ; Nave che ha la punishment, ii. the grain to be threshed.
Battilocchio m., Batti-loglia /. or -loglio Battiurti m. pi. special pommels of a saddle
affogata, ship with her ports too low,
m. woman's bonnet er veil.
breaking in unruly animaK.
Battil6ro (Batteloro) w. gold beater.
too near the water coperta, decked Batto m. (mlt. &>//;< A. S. bat, v. Skeat, snb

grain threshed before

Battimanica/; a little
battery Seconda ; ,
on a three-decker, the genera! threshing. Boat);
Battocchio in. ;= Battaglio, bell-clapper.
main deck battery ; In !
Run out the
Batti-mano or -mani m. ; applause. Battola i.
guns! /. (It. battere); clapper
del tamburo, beating of a drum in_ particular
i. Battimare in. ; (mar.) wash-board of a mill. 2. rattle which street boys
ways as a mode of signalling, ii. breach in a fortifi. under the cheeks. make a noise with in Holy Week when
cation made by the *ire of a battery, iii. thr a< tunl
the church bells are not rung, v. Tabella.
firing of the guns. Battimazza blacksmith's mate.
t = Bargi-
3. fig. idiotic chatterbox,
Batte>i-dey:; bacterium. Aff. -ologta. *
Battimento HI. ; i. beating. ii. battering,
Battesim-o ///. (Or. j3o7rrio-/if) ; (med.) involuntary twitching of the upper eyelid,
iii. glioni, q.ii.
La non iv. beat of a bird's wings, v. (IHUS.) de' trilli, *
Battolare ~ Ciarlare, to chatter.
baptism. niorte guarda le ;

production of a shake.
fedi di ,
death does not look at Battologia / (Gr. ftarroXoyia, from
certificates, i.e. comes to the Battio m. ; prolonged clapping of Bon-os, king of Gyrene, famed for
young as well as the old. di sangue, stuttering) vain repetition in talking.

martyrdom. Questi quadri sono -i, i.e. Battipalle m. ;

head of a ramrod. tBatto!6n-e ;., -a/7; chatterbox.
these pictures are not genuine. di Battride f. (Gr. /SaitTpoc, stick) (bot.) a genus
Battipalo m. = Berta, rammer, pile- of palms, Boctris.

desiderio, moral baptism, when baptism


driver. Battura/7; (mar.) rabbet.

has been desired but could not be given. * i. v. Battere. 2. pulse-
Battiporto w. ; Boccaporto, hatchway. Battlit-a/;
Aff. -ale. beat. the blow received from a fall.
Battezz-are ind. battdzzo i. to bap- Battirame m. ; coppersmith.
4. the place where a bird has fallen upon

2. to hold a baby being baptised. Battisartia f. (mar.) shrouds tabling, cp.

being shot. 5. quantity of grain threshed

3. Jig. scherz. to
add water to wine. at one time. 6. at Pallone, the service
4. -ato in domenica, i.e. fool,
the ex- Battiscarpa; A , i.
hastily. da tetto, the service side of the

2. Andare a to go on foot
pression being taker, from the fact that ,
court, opposed to Ribattuta, the opposite
salt used not to be sold on Sundays, Battischermo in. (uir.) davit-chock (of a
side. 7. (ttius.) bar. 8. beat, marked
whilst salt is
figuratively synonymous Battisegolay^; (&>r".)=Ciano de' campi, corn- with the hand; A in time, (Jig.) a ,

with good sense.

propos, in regard to. 9. Contro
flower. v.
* ,

Ajf. Battezz-and.o candidate for baptism, -atore,

Battisoffia/ sudden fright.

Controbattuta. 10. d' aspetto, the

-aturio font, -iere priest whose turn it is to be taking
Battisoglio m.; 71. Battente.
the baptisms.
Battispiaggia /.; revenue cutter. beat during which a voice or instrument
* Battezzone ;.
; a Florentine coin, with the
Battistero (Batisteo, -tero, Battis- is silent. II. Non perder ,
to pay
image of the Baptist, worth about sixpence. close attention. In due or quattro 12.
terio)m. (Gr. (iaTrTiimjpwv) baptistery. ;

Battibaleno m.; In un in a -e, in a moment, in two twos. 13. at

lightning flash, a moment. billiards, the stuffing of the cushions.
Battistrada m. i. outrider, pre-
14. the striking of the ball against a
Battibe'cco ///.
wordy battle.
ceding a carriage. 2. guide. 3. fig.

Battibrdcche m. rivetter. cushion. 15. Lati di the top and ,

predecessor in a new line of research.

Battic6da /.; i. = Ballerina, white wagtail. bottom cushions of the table. 16. beaten
= Cutti,
grey headed wagtail.
* Battisuffola /; sudden
17. the run of a
2. gialla, fright.
Batticbffa/;; (mar.) the tabling or lining sewn Battisubcera/:; 7>. Battisegola. track, in all senses.
on to a topsail where it is liable to fray against the *
Battiticcio //;. Paglia -a, straw that ;
lias Iiccn hare or other animal. 18. -- d' un
threshed along with the grain.
top, top-lining. fiume, i.e. where the current runs against
Batticbre m. ; palpitation of the Battito m. ;
quickened pulse. the bank. 19. Accomodarsi alle -e, to
heart. 2. convulsive trembling. obey orders, without understanding

them. 20. in surveying, d' avanti, caused by excessively white

firing. 5. (B) (prob. < Lombard dial, basia,
fore-sight, posteriore, back-sight. insipid bread. di vento, puff of 6. vase, = Venetian basola, < L. vas, cp.
"i. Far la to surpass (a person),
ii. {nuts.) wind which ruffles the water for a Lombard and Venetian sea/a, long chin,
in = Nel tempo forte, at the marked beat of the moment or two in a dead calm. < bit. scaphium, vase) long chin, or
bar; A misura e with all the rules of music;

A tempo di ,
in proper measure, in. Far la a Bavagli-o in. ; i. bib. 2. gag. Aff. person with a long chin. 2. roll of iron
uno, to kill him. wire.
a bad service at the -no, -olfno, dims.
Battutacciayl; ptgg. i.

a difficult place in a *Bavalischio m. v. Basilisco. Bazzana

game of Pallone. (cogn. Fr. basa>ie< Span.
2. ;
(tints.) * /i
Bavara X; a Bavarian coin, about four shillings.
piece of music.
Battutella/; dim. BattutaO), light beat.
Bavareflo m. workman in floss silk, v. liava (2).
budana, dressed hide, Arabic bi- <
Battutina f. dim. Battuta, slight beating.
Bavar^se Bavarian. thanah, sheath, lining) ; sheepskin
(Baverese) ;
leather for bookbinding, wash-leather,
Battut-0 (part. Battere) ; I. threshed As sb., a drink of milk, chocolate and
* = or soft cowhide leather.
(grain). 2. frequented (road) ; Andare coffee mixed. Bavara.
per la -a, to follow the beaten track. t Bavecca v. Bavosa. ;
Bazzar (Bazar) m. (Persian word,
3. A spron plying the spur. , 4. as
Bavella f. thread removed from ;
meaning market ") bazaar. ;

sb., stuffing, force-meat. cocoons that have been placed in hot Bazzarrare to barter. ;

*i. addicted, ii. A voga -a, a quick stroke in

Bazzarro i. = Bazzar.
; ii. scratch or blow.
water, as a preliminary to taking off the
rowing. As sb., iii. mosaic pavement, iv. an old dim. of Bazza, cheap
Tuscan coin worth about a halfpenny, and known silk proper. Bazzecola/ (a
later as Duetto, v. in //., -i or Disciplinanti, an bargain); trifle.
Order of Flagellants.
Bavellina material made from / ;
Baizeo greenish. ;

Batucchieria f.; sophistical arguments. the Bavella or inferior silk. *

Bazzesco low, o:oarse.
; i. ii. Bassotto, low.
Batlifolo (Batuffo) in. (late L. tufa, BaverayC; lady's cape, pelerine. Bazzica / (It. bazza, luck); i. a
a plume, which is connected with It. Baverese m. v. Bavarese. ; card game, bdzique. 2. a sort of bottle
i. bundle of rags or pool or
Ciuffo, q.v.); Baverlna f.; lady's embroidered game at ninepins played on a
wool, a fat baby. 3.
etc. 2. in pi.,
collar. billiard table. At both these games
filling put under a woman's hair or thirty-one is a limiting number, to which
dress to improve her figure. 4. in //.,
Baver-o i. (It. bava, therefore orig.
the player gets as near as possible but
bits of Polenda made up with butter or baby's collar) collar of a coat or cape ;
is thrown out if he
of a great coat. Aff. -ino dim., -one passes it.
cheese, etc. *familiar, minion, vicious servant.
tBaturlare; of distant sounds, to rumble. augm.
tBatur!6ni; Andar to go along with the Bavetta i. unevennesses on a Bazzicare ind. bnzzico; i. to associ-
legs dangling anyhow. cast after it is withdrawn from the ate with, esp. with bad characters. 2. to

Bau I. dog's bark, bow-

m. (imit.); mould, ?'. Bava (2). 2. in//., paste for frequent (a locality).
wow. bogey to frighten naughty
2. soup in the shape of thin ribbons. *
Bazzicatura./; i.q. Bazzecola.
Bazzicheria / ; i.ij. Bazzecola.
children, iisit. babau Far bau bau, to ; Bavettfne / pi. dim. Bavetta (2), ;

frighten children by covering the face

Bazzicbtto m. three equal cards ;
i.e. in thinner ribbons.
with the hands; Essere il to be a held in one's hand at Bazzica counting ;

formidable person. Bavic611a/ ; light breeze. seven.

Baviera _/^ ; i. horse's under lip, ?'. Barlx>zzo.
Baucco m. Porre al ; ,
to make ridiculous, ii. visor of a helmet, iii. flap of a large woollen cap Bazzicottone ;//. ; four equal cards,
to chaff. for use as a
Baucia f. - Pastinaca, respirator.
counting fourteen.
; parsnip. Bav6sa_/; blenny, a genus of fishes. Species:
Baulaccio m. spreg. Baule. 1. cornuta, Blennius tetttacittaris. Bazzin-a /, -o dim.
; 2. occhiuta, tu. ; Bazza.
butterfly fish, Blennius tKellaris, locally known as
Baiil-e '//. l.
travelling trunk
; ; Far Lampusa, Gattarozula dall' occial, Bausa, Galletto,
piece of luck.
little 2.
person with
il ,
to pack up; Viaggiar comei
-i, to Bavecca, Bausa occhiuta. 3. blenny, a rather long chin.
Blenttius /Hilmiconiis, locally known as Strega,
travel without seeing anything; Partir
Gattarozola, Bausa, Bavecca. Bazzbffia (Basoffia)/ (O.H.G. sfif
dentro una cassa e tornar derrtro un
to go away in a box and come back in
, t=Razza monaca, white skate, sharp-nosed ray. > Germ. Satif, immoderate drinking,
Bavdso ;
slobbering. cp. It. zuppa, q.i>.; the prefix may be
a trunk, i.e. to travel and return more * the peggiorative bis, v. Bis-, or the
Bazar ; i. v. Bazzar. ii. v. Bezoar.
stupid than before. 2. Jig. sckerz. hunch- Germ, be-); i. strong thick soup. 2. fig.
back. Bazza/ (A) (M.H.G. bazze, profit,
M. H.G. bezzerti, Germ, long involved composition, heap of
Etyitt. Cogn. Span, f'utti, Portug. bahut, cp. bessern, to im-
papers, or confused mass of anything.
Genev. bahin, Provenc. 6nuc, Fr. I'aliul. These prove, E. better) ;
piece of good luck ;

forms are too divergent to allow of a plausible etym- a chi tocca, we shall see who is the
Bazzdn-e m.\ ttugm. Bazza (B), person with
ology.The suggestions are L. baiuhts, v. Baggiolo, prominent chin. Ajff. -accio pegg.
and M.H.G. oetmot, custody, bekut, magazine, lucky one this is used ; in several slightly
whence Germ, bekilten, to take care of. different senses, r>iz,(a) as above, (6) when Bazzbtto (corr. of Germ, besotteti) ;

Baul-etto or -ino m. dim. Baule, workbox. ' e gg) boiled just right, neither too
there is plenty of the thing desired, here (
tBausa; v. Bavosa.
hard nor too soft. 2. delicate, sickly.
is a piece of luck for anyone who wants
Bausette m.; i. childish word for
3. (student) not well up in his subject.
it, (c) as in the following, Tirare al muc-
Hai paura del
fright, v. Sette (4) ? ;
chio e a chi tocca, have a go at the 4. slightly drunk.
are you frightened of Bogey? 2. an + Bazzuccare of the wind, to bruise
bunch and let the result be as it may, ;

Bdellio m. (I,., from a Hebrew source); a gum

exclamation to startle a child with.
(d) equivalent to abbia, Chi se 1' ha se 1' resin from trees of the genus Balsamodendron..
Bavitta a Germanic word,
/. (prob. said when a number of persons are Be ititit. from the bleat of sheep.

Germ, v. Baule) black Be i. for Bcne. 2. for Bei or Belli.

behiiten, something and one of them is
cp. ;
trying for Beacione in. long willow branch used (or
mantle with a hood worn by way of a observed either to fail or to succeed. tying a vine to a poplar.

mask. 2. Aver di to obtain a thing in an

, Beare (L.) to make happy. ;

Bava f. (iii/., from the slobbering unexpected way; Aver to get a ,

Beata f. i. woman.
of babies as they begin to talk cp. Fr. ; thing cheaply; Perche se ben perdessi religious ;

have, Span. and Portug. baba); \. slobber; la giornata tu dei pensar che e' non
2. =Minchiona, blessed idiot.
Far venir la to enrage. Prov. E P arebbe, so that even if I lose the day Beatanza /.;= Potenza a render beato.

meglio star sotto barba che sotto bava, you may be sure it will cost him dear. Beat^ssa f. ; spreg. sanctimonious
i.e. under the rule of an old man rather 3. at cards, (a) at Calabresella, one
than of a very young one. 2. floss-silk, point, (b) at Trionfi, (a)a trick won Beatificare ind. beatffico of the ;
the weak silk which is carded and spun without a trump, (J3) the number of
Pope, to beatify, declare a deceased
like wool. 3. seam, fash, i.e. roughness cards won at each successive trick.
person to be amongst the Beati of
on a cast from cracks, etc., in the mould. 4. a good bargain, fortunate purchase, Heaven.
4. bulging at the mouth of a cannon v. supra (2). 'i. generally, to call a person happy, ii. to blss.
termed Rondine
Beatific-azione/:; v. -are. gull-billed tern,. Sterna nnglicn, also
di mare zampe nere.
quoted by Suetonius as of Gaulish
Beatlfic-o (tfteol.) blessing. Visione
origin ; speaking of one of the Antonines
the vision of God in Heaven by the Becc-are ind. becco (It. becco) ; i. to he says, Cut Tolosae nato cognomen in
to learn. scherz. to
Beati. peck. 2. fig. 3. pueritia becco fuerat, id valet gallinacd
Beatiglia f. ;
a kind of very fine muslin. eat, to win, to earn, also antiphr. to get rostrum, cp. Irish bacc, Welsh bach, a
something unpleasant. 4. -arsi in santa crook, a hook); i. beak of a bird, or,
Beatina very pious woman.
pace, to put up with in silence. Non by extension, of any object; in pi.,

Beatitudine/^ i. (theol.) condition ; beccare di ,

to have no knowledge of. becchi di un' ancora, the bills or points
of the Beati. 2.
happiness generally. 6. L'
-ato ha con un sasso, he hit him of an anchor; Affaticare il scherz. ,

3. Vostra ,
a title of the Pope. 4. in with a stone. 7. Tu non mi ci becchi, to eat; Battere il to chatter; Carne ,

pi., the beatitudes of the Gospel. you won't catch me at it. 8. -arsi il col birds; Dar di
, in, to eat;
i. one of the Spiriti beati. ii. title of a bishop cervello, to rack one's brains. 9. as Mettere il in molle, to drink or to
or other person in Holy Orders. s6., food, v. Becchime. utter uncalled for remarks or opinions ;

beatified, venerated all' oca, i.e. now the job

Beat-o (L.); i. i. to bite, in the proy. La biscia ha -ato il Ecco fatto il
ciarlatano, the snake has bitten the conjuror, know
by the Catholic church, but not canon-

iii. Ognun sel becca,

is done; Aver paglia in to ,
quistioni, to seek for quarrels,
ised, v. Beatificare. 2. blessed, applied everyone makes mistakes, or everyone has his own a secret; Dirizzare il agli sparvieri,
to anyone in heaven. tastes, iv. -arsi altro che grano, i.e. to catch it. to straighten hawks' beaks, do some-
3. generally
Beccati questo, or quell' aglio, = Beccati questa,
thing impossible A strappa
happy, blessed. 4. as s6., sanctimonious take that ! vi. Dar all' umore, to indulge in
a meta- ; ,

person. 5. Pur beato, an exclamation fancies.

phor from pulling a bird sold for food
= Manco male che, it is a good job *
Beccarello in. ; kid.
off the string upon which it is threaded,
Beccaro w.; = Beccaio, butcher.
that Aff, -amdnte. meaning either by selection or hastily,
Bebe f. term for sheep.
child's Beccastrlno m. graft, a narrow ;
Non aver il -- torto, to
Bebu in.; bleat of a sheep. bladed heavy spade for trenching. Naso drink heavily Dal vien 1' uovo, i.e.
Beca f. slut, v. Beco. a

long aquiline nose.


tBecar6tto in. ;=Bacherozzolo, grub. ,

the hen must be well fed to lay eggs,
tBecassino de' mar in. = Aguglia, garfish. Beccata I. 2. mouthful. fig. good work must be well paid.
f. ; peck.
Be'cca/ (etym. unkn.); i. =Cocca, *
Beccatella /.; a piece of meat thrown in
i. 2. mouth of a jug, usu. Beccuccio.
the air to the hawk when it hovered over the net. di civetta, (arch.) a member of a
corner of a handkerchief. 2. black silk 3.
ii. trifle.
scarf worn by the Priori of a university. cornice shaped like an owl's beak.
waistband or garter. 4. a form of Beccatello ///. ;
i. (arch.) bracket to 4. di grue, di pappagallo, ecc., an
carry a balcony, etc. 2. in pi., the instrument for extracting foreign bodies
guard in fencing. 5. fold made in the
= Beccherello,
page of a book to keep the place. pegs of a hat-stand. 3. from a wound di gru, instrument ;

per luce a
kid. for extracting teeth.
Beccabile adj. ; v. Beccare. 5.
Beccabungiay: (cogn. Fr., Span, and Portug. BeccatinayC; dint. Beccata.
gaz, gas-burner. 6. = Mazzapicchio,
becabunga < low Germ, beckebunge < beck, brook,
Beccatoio ;.; birds' feeding-trough.
+hmge, tuber, v. Skeat, sub Beck, Bung); (bot.)
mallet. 7. polacco, a sort of bagpipe.
i. brooklime, Scottish water-purpie, Veronica Becca- Beccatura i. 2. marks di un ponte, cutwater of a bridge.
f. ; pecking. 8.
bunga, generally found amongst watercress. 2. water from a peck. 3. schers. mark from the 9. di rondine, swallow's beak, a little
speedwell, Veronica anagallis. bite of a flea.
prominence which appears on the outer
Beccaccia/. (A) (It.becco); i. wood- ind. side of a horse's last incisor teeth in the
Beccheggiare beccheggio (freq.
cock, Scolopax rusticola, also termed of Beccare, as if the vessel was a bird animal's seventh year. 10. Becc' a
-- di
Acceggia, Ghega, Gheggia. 2. forbice, Beech' in croce, or Beccostorto,
pecking), or Beccheggiare-ficcare of ;
mare, oyster-catche'r, Haematopus os- a ship, to pitch. = Crociere, cross-bill. II. (bot.) (a)
tralegus, also termed Ostralega. 3. iron di grue grande, long stork's bill, Ero-
rod used in ironworks for ascertaining Becche"ggio in., or Beccheggio-fic- dium ciconium, (b) di mare, = Corno
how far a charge of mineral has sunk cata / i. (mar.) pitching. 2. of a
di ariete, elephant's trunk. 12. (ius.)
(B) = Spanish barcaza, horse, tossing its head up and
in the furnace. down.
* Beccherello or Beccatello mouthpiece.
a certain kind of open boat. iti.\ kid.

butcher's (B) (cogn. mlt. buccus, Fr. bouc,

Beccaccino m.\ \. reale, snipe, Beccheria/. (It. becco); i.
Proveng. and Catalan hoc, O.H.G. bok,
Scolopax gallinago, also termed Pizz- shop, shambles Esser carne di to ; ,
the o changing in Italian into e under
arda. 2. sordo or minore, jack-snipe, run a risk of being killed. 2. slaughter.
the influence of Becco, beak) i. goat. ;

Scolopax gallinula, also termed Frull- Becchetto in. i. kid. 2. small 2. cuckold. Fame, or Dime di
ino, Pinzacchio. 3.
maggiore, = beak. 3. anything ending in a point,
to do, or say, the queerest
pelli di ,

Croccolone, great snipe. e.g. battlements

of a wall, points of a
things. 4.
= Berta, monkey for pile-
Beccaccio m, pegg. Becco, goat. ; crown, etc. 4. flap of a lace-boot. driving. 5. the constellation Capri

a meal made off 5. bow

of a ship. 6. knife with its cornus. 6. Barba di salsify,
Beccaficata f. ;
(bot.) ,

Beccafichi. cutting edge at right angles to the shaft. v. Barba (27, b).
Becchiccbiare freq. of Beccare, to bee, small, v. Piccolo) in
Beccafico m. i garden-warbler or ; .
(C) (Celtic ;

fig-pecker, Sylvia hortensis. 2. di peck. the phrase Non avere il di un quat-

= Cannaiola, Becchic-o or Bechic-o (Gr. a
be penniless.
trino, to
rjf, ;3i)x<>!,
padule, or de' canneti, cough) Pillola -a, cough-pill.
canapino, = Cana-

reed-warbler. 3. Beccofrusone m. wax-wing, ; A mpelis ga.mi-

Becchime m. ;
bird-food. lus, also termed Galletto di bosco, Garrulo.
pino, sedge-warbler. Provenza, 4. *
Beccolare v. Beccuzzare.
= Magnanina, Dartford-warbler. 5. Becchino HI. ; grave-digger. The ;

rinocchio, = Lui giallo, willow-warbler.

word is Beccaio, the grave-
origin of the Beccdne m., augm. of Becco (B) ;

digger having been regarded as the fig. fool.

Beccaio m. ; butcher, lit. goat-seller. dresser of the dead, like the butcher of Beccost6rto in. = Crociere, cross-bill.

Beccalaglio m. ;
a kind of blind an animal again the word Beccaio
m. (It. becco, beak)
Beccuccio ;
man's buff. being popularly referred to Beccare mouth of a jug, burner of a gas-pipe,
Beccalite m. = Attaccalite, quarrelsome produced Beccamorti, i.e., person who
* fellow.
or the like.
Beccambrti m. ;
= Becchino, grave- pinched a body to ascertain that it was *
Beccume in. i. quantity of goat-skins, ii. v.
not alive. Becchime.
digger, q.v.
Beccamoschino m. a bird, Cisticolacursitans, Becchidn m.; (bot.) coltsfoot, ?'. Farfaro.
; *
Beccia f. she-goat. Beccuto ; beaked, treadywith an
Beccapsci m. i. Sandwich tern, Sterna ;

cantiaca, also termed Sterna mezzana. 2. answer.

= Rondine di mare maggiore, or Sterna maggi- B^cco m. (A)
(cogn. Fr. bee, Proven^.
ore, Caspian tern, Sterna caspia. 3. inglese, bees, Catalan bech, bit. beccus, a word < Beccuzzare freq. of Beccare. ;

to marry, iii. lay brother, one who adopted

Bellide/; (<W.) = Pratolina, daisy.
Be'cer-a / of -o.
friar's dress but took no vow. iv. as adj., grey
Belligerante; belligerent.
Becer-ata./ act of a ; cad, v. -o. (cloth).
BelHgero; warlike.
Begliudmini in. pi. (tat.) i. balsam, fin- ;

Be'cer-o m. (corr. of It. pecoro, ram) It is a native of India; the Bellimbusto m.

fatieni oa/samina. ; fop.
" juice is said to be used by the Japanese
to give a
low blackguard, cad." Aff. -<5ne, -6na to their nails, and from the leaves of tBellinddra/; butterfly.
pink tinge
augms., -ume parcel of ca'i >. another species the natives of Cochin-China make a
tn. v. Berlin-
hair-wash there seems to be nothing else to account Bellingbzzo cake,
tBecherino m. = Beverino.

for the name. 2. salvatici, = Erba impaziente,

Bechico; v. Becchico. gozzo.
yC = Beghina.
Bechina wild balsam.

Begnamino v. Beniamino. Bellino ;

dim. Bello. Con le belle
i. (prob. < L. pecus, ani-
Be'co m. ; Begolare (It. belare); to talk nonsense. belline, feigned submissiveness. II
2. short for Do-
Bei in.; governor, Bey. - sul
mal) rustic, boor.
Beidelbssa /: (tot.) Syrian silk plant, v. giorno di S. i.e. never. ,

menico. + = Navicello, canal boat, v.


Erba (8q). cassettone, or sul ciuco, said to a person

Baco Beilierayl; Turkish armed vessel provided by
(C). a Bey. trying to be funny and only making
tn. = CiufTo!otto, bullfinch.
Becdtto a fool of himself this may be nasalised
Bel . Bello. ;

*Bedano ;.; = Sciocco, fool.

Belandra - Palandra, monitor (ship). into 'n sul
Bedeguar m. (Arabic bad-Award); bedeguar
Beghigo! Beghigo ciugo !

or robin's cushion, the furry spongy excrescence Bel-are ind. belo (L. balare, of imit. *Bellirico in.; a variety of plum.
produced on dog-roses by an insect, Cynips rosae.
Also termed Spina bianca. origin) to bleat. ; Aff. -ato bleating, Bell-o (L. bellus for **benulus, dim.
*Bedello ;w.;=Betulla,birch.
-atore, -atrice. of **benus, a. variant of bonus, cp. bene.
tBedo m. ; A
boys' game at Pistoia consisting
in knocking an iron ball into a hole, the Bedo, with
Bclecchiare \freg. of Belare. The root is dve, strengthened to dven
Belennite / (Gr. fleAe/i^njs < p&iftmr, a
the feet.
dart); belemnite, a sharp-pointed fossil;
it is the and altered to ben, cp. helium for duel-
Bedolto in. - Betulla, birch.
internal bone of an extinct cephalopod. lum, bis for duis, etc., v. Buono) ;

with a hood, Belfiore in.; (tat.) a species of Pynthnim.

Beduina/ long cloak ;
Belgiui or Belgiuino v. Benzoino. ;
beautiful, fine. morto, quite i. Bell' e
used by ladies for going out to the *BeIingiere; v. Baleniera. dead. 2. Avere un bel fare or dire, ecc.,
theatre. to act or speak to an ample extent, but
Bello in. (It. belare); i. bleating.
with no result Vederne delle -e, to see
Bedulno m. ;
Bedouin. Pare un ,

2. crying. remarkable sights. 3. Farsi di, to

i.e. outlandishly dressed.
Been m.; (bat.) i. a species of campion, Silene
Bellad6nna f. (bot.) deadly night- ; be proud of. 4. Far -a la piazza, to
lehen. -2. sea lavender, r'. Limonio. shade, Atropa belladonna, also termed attract a crowd. 5. O questa e -a,
Solatro maggiore; the name is from iron, this is a pretty story! 6. Star su
Beerino m. light refreshment.
the use of the juices of the plant in

to stand upright.
, 7. Prov. in
Befana/ (corr. from Gr. eirt<j>dvfia) former times as a cosmetic, by Italian fascia brutto in piazza, beautiful in baby-
i. fairy visitor who brings presents for ladies. clothes ugly in the public square, i.e. a
children down the chimney on the eve Fare or to be
person may be beautiful as a child and
* la
Bellagamba m. or f. ;
il ,

of the Epiphany. 2. the present which idle.

yet not when grown up. 8. Fare
* il
Bellagiulia f. a species of hyacinth. ,
the child gets. 3. the Feast of the ;

Bellaminte gracefully. ; to go courting. 9. Fare il bellino,

Epiphany. 4. hag. Bellamontanara / (tot.) Turk's cap ; lily,
to be a humbug, v. Bellino. As sb. :

Lilium murtfigon.
Befanaccia/; peqe. Befana (4). 10. Nel suo u. II
Befania (Bifania)/; pop. for Epifania. Bellare; = Guerreggiare, to fight. in full beauty, ,

*i. = Befana. ii. Reame di a game, 11. Be- Bellavedova./; (tot.) Iris tubcrosa. ,
the best of it. 12. Che si fa di, or
Belled&nne./ pi.; (tot.) oleander, v. Oleandro.

fana (i). Che c' e di ?, how

are you getting on ?
Befano tn. ugly man, v. Befana ; (4). Bell^tta / (prob. an alteration
of 13. good opportunity.; Se mi capita

i. slime. 2. dregs. if I get a good chance Sul piu

Befan&tto m. sweetmeat made Melletta, q.v.); il ,
for , ;

Belle"tto m. (dim. < It. bello) rouge (z>o.)just at the wrong moment. 14. II
Epiphany. In pi., waits who sing in ;

bel di Roma or II piu bel di Roma,

the streets on the eve of Epiphany. or other paint for the face.
scherz.= II culo, the posterior, the Col-
Beff-a (Beffe) (vbsb. of Beffare, / Belle'zza/; i. beauty; Fare del osseum being the finest thing in Rome
which is akin to Fr. bafoncr, to flout, ben ,
to indulge in prodigal expendi- and often mispronounced Culiseo.
Norman baffer, to slap in the face, ture; della Nencia, dimple in the del ciuco, long ears. As adv.
15. II

Proveng. bafa, a scoff ; prob. < M.H.G. chin. 2. - -

di Geneva, (bat.) Jeru- 16. or e bene, beautifully. 17.
be/en, to scold, cp. baffen, to yelp, Dutch salem cherry, Solanum pseudocapsicum,

Bel cautiously, little by little.

of imit. origin, v. Skeat, sub Baffle) ;
also termed Corallo de' giardini, Solatro t Bell' e che although.
Farsi -e, to hold in no

derision, jest. d' India. Belldcchio in.; (>/. ) = Occhio di galto, cats-
eye, a variety of chrysoberyl.
There is a less prized
account, to laugh at. * Bellichina /. = Anagallide, pimpernel. which is a
variety known as Hungarian cat's-eye,

Beff-ardam^nte, -ardo bantering,

Bellico m. (L. umbilicus); I. navel; quartz.
Belloccino or Bell6ccio dim. vezz. Bello.
-are, -atdre, -atrice, -eggiam6nto, Tu non hai i.e. you are being silly, Bell6ne

, ; aitgm. Bello.
-eggiare (freq. of -are) ;
v. Beffa.
said to a child Che ti caschi il an ; , tBellora/; = Donnola, weasel.
* n. Stare
Bellosguardo m. the Fr. belle-vue.
Bega/. (etym.unkn., possibly O.H.G.

imprecation of a jesting kind;

Aver a to stand on the look-out.

baga, contest, or Fr. begue, stutterer) ;

rasciutto appena il or Aver 1' osso
Bellospfrito m.; Fare il to try
dispute, distasteful business.
nel i.e. to be inexperienced or
Bellino sub fin.
to seem clever.
Beghigo ;
wanting in judgment. 2. fig. centre. Belluino; of the nature of a great beast, v.
Beghina (Bechina, Bighina) / (Fr. 3. (herald.) middle third of the lower Belva.
b^guine, orig. belonging woman to the central part of the shield. Bellula/; = Donnola, weasel.

beghards or beguines, a thirteenth-cen- Bellico (L.); relating to war. Bellum6re m. ; witty person, v.
tury sect of heretics whose name is de- tBellic6coro; = Albicocco, apricot. Umore (3).
rived from the Flemish beggen, to beg, *
Belliconchio tn. umbilical cord. ;
Belludmo in.; flower of the Begliuomini,
on account of the life of poverty to which balsam.
Bellic6n-e m., -a/; I. fat person.
they devoted themselves, v. Littre, sub Belluria/ superficial beauty.
2. large drinking glass. ;

B/guard); i. member of the above- tBellicoro ;.:=Bellico, navel. Belo m. (It. belare); i. bleating, ii. crying.
mentioned sect. 2. =Pinzochera, de- Bellicdso warlike. Etym. L. <bellitm, variant
Bel6ne child that is always
votee, very religious woman but not
of duellum, cp. the Homeric locative 6ai, in the fight, ;

root is dav t to burn, from the

hostile. The
bound by any vows. 3. religious hypo- fiyji'os,
destructiveness of v. Prellwitz, Etym. Griech.
2. -
crite. Sprache, sub fiaiw. The source of the suffix in Belta (Bilta) /.; i. beauty.
Beghino or Bighino tn. (Fr. bcguin. -. duellum is not known ; it looks like an older form woman whose beauty has gone
Beghina); i.
= Pinzochero. very religious man. elom, altered by confusion with the diminutive suffix
off. of a sect of friars who permitted themselves -ello; v. Waide, sub Helium.

Beltre'sca/. ;
= :
Bertesca, battlement the best A andar or ;
andar A bad. Quanto ne puo un prete, a
tower. c' e da ripigliare i quattrini spesi, e very large number of anything.
fermi li, the best we can hope for is to Benedizione f.; blessing. Dar la to say
Beluga / ;
lesser whale, Physeter
get back our outlay and nothing more.
good-bye to a thing, to have nothing more to do

catodon. with it. Mandare cento -i aiitifhr., to curse;

5. Farci or Cavarsela to do , , similarly, Che ti venga Una .

tBelugan m. a species of gurnard, ;

well, e.g. in a newly opened shop. Benefatt6re m. benefactor. ;

v. Capone ($,/). Aff. Benefatt-ora, -rice, -orino dim.

6. Star , (a) Ti sta ,
it serves you Benefic-amente, -are, -enza; beneficently,
Belva f. (L. belua) savage beast. ; right; (i) Guarda se mi sta quest' etc.
Beneficiale relating to a benefice.
abito, look whether this coat fits me;

Belvedere m. i. look-out tower. Beneficiario; i.q. Beneficiale. As *. : i. bene.


Un fiore non sta in petto a tutti, :ed priest.
2. (cam.) payee.
(mar.) mizen-top-gallant 3. (hot.}
a flower in the button-hole (lit. on the i. feudatory, ii. relieved of military service.
broom Chenopodium scop-
chest) does not suit everybody Come
Beneficiata or Benefiziata /. thea- ;

stava col velo bianco in capo, how trical benefit, performance the profit of
Belzebu I. Beelzebub. 2. one of the
well she looked in her white veil; (c) Dal

spider monkeys, A teles Belzebulh, a native of which is for some charity or some actor.
male a trovarsi a star tutti ci si Beneficiato qualified for the Grand (/list.)
Belzuar m. orf.\ v. Bezoar.

adattono, everybody can adapt himself Council at Florence.

As st>., heir who takes a
property with benefizio d* inventario," v. Bene-
Belzilino m. benzoin, resin exuded ; to a change from penury to comfort ;
fizio (5).
by the Styrax benzoin, v. Benzoino. Non sta punto he is not at all well. , Benefic-io: v. Benefizio. -o; as E.
Bembe (contr. of bene bene); well. 7. Torttar (a) of a dress, to fit well , ; Benefiziata; -u. Beneficiata.
Bem611e v. Bimmolle. Benefiziato ;. beneficed priest.
(b) of an account, to be right

(c) fig. to
Benefizietto Mm. Benefizio. ;

Benaccetto ; acceptable. be worth while Se il conto ti torna ;

Benacci6ne ?. scherz. great advantage. Benefizi-o

(Beneficio) m. (L.)
adattati, if it is worth your while, put

Benaco ; ancient name of the Lago di Garda. 1. benefit. on a loan. 3. com-

2. interest
up with it Se ti tornerk ; poi but it !

Benallevato ;
well brought up. will prove in the end to have been
mission on sales. 4. del corpo, free
action of the bowels. di
Benalzato ; good morning ! worth your while 8. Trattar to ! ,
5. (leg.)
have good manners, or to behave with legge or d' inventario, the right of in-
Benamato ;
well beloved.
heriting a property without being liable
good manners to (one's subordinates).
Benandare m. to do oneself well in for the debts of the deceased beyond
permission to pro- ;
9. Trattarsi ,

ceed, given by a foreman after inspecting the way of eating and drinking. 10. Ve- the value of the inheritance. 6. (eccl.)
a man's work. der ,
to have an affection for. benefice semplice, sinecure Lasci-
; ;

are il banco e il v. Banco (7).

Benandata/; i. "tip" given to a u. Venir su , of a child, to be ,

Aff. -61o dim., -one augni.

servant by a departing guest. 2. v. promising well. 12. -uestito, decently Benemerente; meritorious.
Benuscita. dressed, but, Vestito , handsomely
Benemerenza /. ;
i. good service.
Benandato m. \ Dare il , as in 2. in ,
in recognition of good services.
the following, Se se ne va gli daremo di Assb. 13. good, in pi., goods.

i. deserving well of.

tutticuore il if he goes we will bid 14. quasi fig. prayers; Ha lasciato Benemerito;
3. Vita -a, use-

him a cordial good-bye, i.e. we shall be cento scudi per farsi dire tanto he ,
2. Emerito, retired.
has left a hundred crowns for masses ful life. As sir., merit or reward of
delighted to see him go. merit.
tBenarda_A; drinking-water cistern.
for his soul ; Sono stato in chiesa a fare
un po' di church ,
I have been in
Beneplacito >. approbation, con-
Benarrivato m. welcome. ;
saying a few prayers (for deceased sent. A d' uno, at his disposal.
Benaugurato auspicious. ;
friends). 15. tranquillity; Da poi che
Benessere m. comfort, well-being.
Benav^re m. Lasciatemi un ; po' ,
sono in questa casa non ho un' ora di ,

do let me have a little peace. since I have been in this house I have Benestante ; comfortably off.

not had one quiet hour. 16. Persona formal approval.

Benestare m.;
Benche; although. i.

per a good honest person Aversi ;

2. comfort, prosperity Gli e venuto a
Bencreato well bred. , ;

per di una cosa, to take it in good noia il he is tired of being well off,

Be"nd-a/ (O.H.G. binda, v. supra part. said of one who is compromising his
Banda); i. bandage over the eyes. Benedetta./; (bot.) i. avens, or herb Bennet,
2. (mar.) reef band. di mezzo Geutn urbannm, also termed Garofanata. 2. Water- position.
3. ; *
= Fortezza avens, Geunt rivale. Beneventano m. a variety of basil, v. Basilico.
di mezzo, belly band (of a *

tarred cloth wrapped

i. an old laxative electuary, ii. thunderbolt.
Beneviso = Benvenuto or Ben-
sail). 4. parcelling, ;

round a cable. Bened6tt-o blessed, holy; Man! ;

i. voluto.
-e, i.e. clever fingers ; Mandare segnato
*i. formerly worn by married
veil women and Benevol-o, -enza, -m6nte; benevolent, etc.
widows a white veil.
in the last case, ii. Sacre -e, e i.e. to send away for good and all.
; ,
Benfatto well made.
those of nuns. iii. reale, or Aurea monarch's Che vuoi, e un benedett' uomo, che ;
, 2.
diadem, t wicker basket. Bengila/; Bengal light.
non si sa come you see
pigliarlo, well, *
Bengiui m. z<. Benzoino.
Bend-are ind. bdndo to bandage, ;

; he is a little bit queer and one hardly Paese di

-atura/; vbsb. of -are. -ins,/. dim. -a, ; knows how to take him. Due scu- Bengbdi m. ,=della ;
bandage over one eye. laccioni bambini sono -i, one or two
a' cuccagna, land of plenty, v. Cuccagna.
Beniamino ;. i. Benjamin. 2. favourite
Bene (L., v. Bello) ;
adv. well, very. good smacks are very efficacious with son or favourite, generally.

Phrases: i. - - e la mattina era children. As sb., antiphr., slight con- (L.); kind, mild. AJf. -amentc.
Benign-o -ila.

morto, he seemed doing well and by vulsions in babies, usu. Mai del .
Benino dim. Bene
* pretty well. ;

the morning was dead, said fig. of a purgative medicine. Facciamo to a vendor, do not ask ,

thing which begins well but ends ill. Benedfcite /. ; grace before meals. too much. Far of children, to play ,
--- e non
2. male, a phrase of great together. Per nice. Tanto by
emphasis Ho dovuto faticare
; e non Benedfcola / ; spreg. church cere- all means.
, ,

mony of little
male, I had to work as hard as ever importance.
Beninte'so; of course.
I could. 3. Per ,
a phrase of rather Benedire benedico, v. Dire, ind.
less emphasis; Parla e scrive per Benna/ (L., from Celtic sources); a baskut.
, perf. benedissi, part, benedetto; to work carriage.
he speaks and writes very nicely. 4. A bless. Mandar uno a farsi to send ,
Bennato well born.
(a) probably; A andar
andar ,
- him to the devil. Avevo una stanzata ;

daranno la colpa a me, in all probability I had
Bennola f. prob. weasel.
d' uva, e an data tutta a farsi

they will lay the blame on me (6) at ; a room-full of grapes which are all gone Benone; augm. Bene.
Benportante (Fr. bienportanf) well ; character of the wine ; Dar buon ,
of corr. from Germ, aber nicht, or aber
preserved (old man). food, to be thus suitable. So fig. Quel noch, but not, but still); scherz. devil.
Benservlto m. certificate of char- ;
parlarsi fitto fitto tra loro non mi da Andar da to go to the devil.
, Far
acter. Dare il to dismiss. buon I don't like that way they have
e berlocche, to break one's word.

*i. good service, wages, iii. pension. of whispering together. 6. Andiamo,

Berliiia/ ; i. pillory. 2. a parlour
non 1' ho detto per farti ingiuria: bevici which one of the players sits
Bensl; i. emphasizing Ma, but. game in
2. still, however.
sopra, e finiamola, come, I did not say in the middle to be criticised. 3. berlin,
it to offend
you, so won't you pass it a kind of travelling carriage, so called
Bentornato to give a : Dare il , over and we need say no more about it. from having been first made at Berlin.
salutation to a person returned after an i.e. i danari, to spend one's *
7. Beverseli, i. open carriage for festal occasions, ii, gallows.
absence. Etym., in sense of pillory, itnkn. The sug-
money on eating and drinking. 8. Va'
gestions are (i) Fr. pilori, through a dim. (with
9. Non si

Benuscita / ; payment for giving a scherz. go to the devil.

metathesis) **pirolina, (2) bit. berlenghum, board,
up premises before the lease is expired, pu6 e fischiare, one cannot drink v. Berlan, referring to the stand on which the

and whistle, do two things at once. prisoner in the pillory was mounted, (3) It. barella,
also termed Benandata.
barrow, through contraction of a form **barellina,
10. Chi lo beve non lo mangia, i.e. il referring to the vehicle in which the prisoner was
*Benvenuta f.\ i. payment to a recruit on his
taken to the pillory. Of these derivations perhaps
reaching barracks, ii. Dare la ,
to welcome. campo, meaning that the same ground the third is the most likely.
will not produce both wine and corn. The origin of Fr. pilori (>E. pillory) is also
Benveduto; i. regarded with favour.
2. as s6., welcome.
1 1.
(mar.) to ship water over the gun- unknown KSrting is inclined to regard it as modified

wale. 12. of a horse, (d)

from Provenc. espitlori, pillory, under the influence
in bianco,
of pilier, pillar, and to endorse a derivation suggested
Benvisto ; i.g- Benveduto. to have white lips (b) la briglia or for **
; by Wedgwood viz. <blt.
espitlori, specularium,
Benvolere to love. il morso, to
push the bit too high up. peephole, referring to the hole where the prisoner's
head was confined by the neck.
/. ; benzine, a hydrocarbon derived 13. Chi piu beve meno beve, i.e. a
Berlingaccino m. Tuesday before Shrove ;

from benzoate of lime by heating. drinker does not live long. 14. Mi par Tuesday.
Benzoinay^; (cktm.) a body isomeric with the d' andare a i.e. it is a very simple
pure essence of bitter almonds.
Berling-accio or -accidne m. (It.
Benzoino (Belgiui, Belgiuino, Bengiui) m. ; affair. Date da al prete che il
15. berlengo, festal board, -viz. of Shrove
(&>/.) Styrajc benzoin, a tree, native of Sumatra, cherico ha sete, give the priest some-
which yields the resin, v. Bel/uino. Tuesday) ;
i. Shrove Tuesday. 2. fat,
thing to drink because the clerk is red-faced person.
Benzollna i.g. / ;
Benzina. a proverb quoted when receiving
thirsty, *
Berlingare to gossip after dinner.
* Beo = ; Bello, beautiful. a request ostensibly for a third person Berlinghiere m. great eater. ;

Beola or Bevola f. \
a schistic variety of Berlingozzay:; a kind of country dance.
from Bevera on Lago Maggiore, v. Serizzo.
but really for the benefit of the asker.
Berlingozzino del prati m. an edible fungus, ;
= Betulla, birch.
del fiascone, to drink vin ordinaire, ii. Agaricitsmurinus,3\solern\iil
Beone m. ; pop. for Bevone, drinker. alcuno, to insult him. iii. il primo cielo,
(it) to
draw one's first breath, (b) to return to one's native Berlingbzzo or pop. Belling6zzo m.;
Bebta m. ; heavy in mind, /*'/. air. iv. in un sorso uno, to surpass him. v. a large rich Ciambella, ring-cake.
Boeotian. paesi or a paesi, to judge wine by its name. vi. Bevilo
d' agosto, a phrase of derision for a silly act. tBerlo ;.; = Bioccolo, lock of wool.
t Berlocca /. hour for meals, time for resting.
Bebzia/; (geogr.) Boeotia. tBeretta/:; v. Bcrretta. ;

*Berf\a; Di , secretly. Berlocche; v. Berlicche.

Beqquadro v. Biqquadro.;
Berga/; dyke. Berma /. (Fr. ifr>Kt<M.H.G. trrimen, to
Ber w.; Giuggiolo, jujube tree. t=Bel. *
a kind of country dance, or border, cp, E. brim); berme, space between the
Berbena / = Verbena. Bergamasca f.\
music therefor. foot of the exterior slope of the parapet of a fort
Berberide/: (bat.) barberry, Herberts vulgaris. and the ditch, also termed Rilascio <
Bergamasco; belonging to Bergamo in Lom- Fr. relais.
Berbice f. (L. berbex) ; ewe, or lamb. Bernacla f. (mil. bernax, bernacula, which
= Pergamena, made Littre states to be from an Irish word); barnacle
Berciare (prob. < **berbiciare, < t
Bergamina f.; distaff of
goose, Bernicla leucopsis.
L. berbex, ewe) ; to screech. Bergamdtta f. ; i. the dried rind of the Bernecche (Pernecche) m. (prob. from L.
* Bergamot orange from which a delicious essence is ?pr*jjthrough ebronius, the parent of Fr. ivrogne,
Bercilocchio squinting. ;
and ** ebronicus) Essere in to be drunk.
extracted. 2. the essence itself, bergamot. ; ,

Bergam6tt-o (A) (Turkish beg ar madi, pear Berneggiare (Bernieggiare) to write like
Berc-io m. screeching ; ; -i6ne m. ;
for a lord) ; Pera -a, bergamot pear. As sb. the Berni.

screeching child. bergamot pear-tree. (B) bergamot orange, Citrus Berne'sco after Berni, jocose.
Berdesca f. = ; Bertesca, battlement, tower. Bergamia,
so named from the city of Bergamo. ;
Bergantino v. Brigantino. ; liato al ,
of a merry disposition.
Bergare = Albergare, to harbour.
Be're or Be"vere ind. beVo beVi beVe *
Berni was a humorous verse writer
or bde beviamo bevete beVono<?r be"ono, Berghinellayl; chattering woman.
Bergo in. a variety of white grape
; or vine. (14901536).
perf. beVvi or bevetti bevdsti beVve or
* = Albergo. *
* Berniay: (L. Hibernia) ; a kind of lady's cloak,
bevette bevdmmo beve'ste beVvero or *
Bergolare altered dim. of Berciare, to gossip.
made of Irish stuff.
Bergolinare to play a trick upon. ; *
Bernieggiare ;= Berneggiare.
bevettero, fill, bevero beverai bevera *
Bergolo m. i. fool. ii. chatterbox, gossip,
Bernocchio m. = Bernoccolo. ;

beverdmo bevere'te beveranno, or pop. iii. Rimanere to be tricked, iv. wicker basket.

berro berrai berra berre'mo berre'te ber- unsteady (boat).
adj. ,

Beriberi m. (Malabar word meaning "great Bern6ccol-p (Bernocchio) m. (It.

ranno, parts, bevendo bevente bevuto weakness"); an acute form of dropsy occurring in nocchio, knot in wood, with the pegg.
or beutp (L. bibere, root//, cp. Gr. jriVw); tropical climates. prefix her, v. Bis nocchio is < L. ;
Bericocola (Biricoccola)yC = Albicocca,
1. to drink; Uovaa soft-boiled eggs. * apricot.
Bericocolo (Berricocolo) t. honey-cake, so
nucleus, a dim. of nux); i. bump, pro-
, ;

2. of a person trying to swim, to go called from its resemblance in shape to an apricot. tuberance either on the rind of a fruit,
under the water;
Berillo m. (Gr. /SijpuAAo?, from Syriac bnrfil) such as a cucumber, or on a person's
p affogare, to be

ducked or drowned, said when choosing *
Beriolo in. ;
= Beverino, water-trough for a bird. head; fig. Aver il della musica, to
the less of two evils. 3. have the bump of music. 2. heavy
grosso, ///. Berlta /. ; (geogr.) Beyrout in Asia mass of wood or stone. *knuckle. Aff.
to drink without considering the cha-
racter of the wine. Hence fig. (a) to -dtto, -(no dims., -uto lumpy.
Berlan ;//. (bit. berlengkuin from Germ. Bretlin
swallow any tale that is told to one ; or Brettling, dim. of Brett, board, orig. therefore Bernusse m. ; burnous, large cloak
the board on which the game was played); pair-
(6) not to look into details. Degli abusi with a hood.
royal, a card-game in which it counts most to hold
in quell' uffizio ce n' e ; ma il superiore three equal cards, e.g. three kings. Beroe m. (Gr. one of the Ocean nymphs)
Btpo>j, ;

beve grosso, there are certainly some Berleffe m. (cogn. Fr. balafre, gash, lit. bad a genus of marine jellyfishes.
abuses in that office but the head of it lip,<O.H.G. leffur, lip, akin to O.H.G. Iqffat, to *Berovardo m. ;=Baluardo, rampart.
lap, v. Skeat, sub Lap, with pegg suffix, v. Bar-) .
does not look into matters closely. i. = Sberleffe, grimace, ii. scar on the face. Berre'tta /
(mlt. barretum, from L.
4. Bere or Bersi una cosa, to drink it Berlengo m. (bit, berlengkum, board, Ber- .
birrus, a cape) ; I cap rossa, car- . ;
lan); in thieves' slang, eating-place.
down, believe what is impossible ; Darla Berli m. pi. (bit. variola from L. varius, dinal's hat ; Aver il cervello sopra la ,

a , to make a false statement to a mottled); (vet.) painful dry cracks in the skin behind i.e. to lack judgment Far di ,
to ;

the head of an ox.

credulous person. 5. bene, to drink take off one's hat to, -v. Berretto.
with food suitable to bring out the Berlicche or Berlocche in. (perhaps 2. (bot.) (a) da prete,
= Fusaggine,
wood di prete, bishop's practical joke, which seems very far-fetched. Diez Bessare ; to stutter.
spindle ; (t>)
connects the word in this sense with old Fr. bertondre,
Besse/ (L. bes) eight-twelfths of a Roman as.

hat, Epimettium alpinum, also termed to shear clumsily,</<r>r, toshear,<L. tondere with
Besso or Bescio (bcstw, a dialectical tnasc. of
L. bestia)\ silly. The term was one which the
Cappello di vescovo. Pegg. prefix, z>. Bar-; cp, Fr. bretaitder^ to crop the
Florentines were fond of applying to the Siennese
*i. = Berretto, soldier's cap. ii. Forma della ,
or to things belonging there.
the head. iii. Meritar di , to be of high rank, (B) as proper name, i. in the /TWA
'Bestegna; v. Bestemmia.
worthy to be saluted, iv. Gli e corsa la he is a Non k piu tempo che filava, i.e. it is

person of no account, v. Aver la torta, to have

the cap awry, i.e. look angry, vi. Tirar giii to not as in the good old days. 2. Monna
Bestemmi-a / (Gr. /SXAO^uoj
pay respect to none. vii. I danari Stan semper

through old It. blasfemia, altered into
, anyone you please.
blastema, bestemmia)
colla mano, i.e. money
in is always ready to go. i
blasphemy ;

viii. (mil.) da prete, i.e. fortification with four Bertabello; v. Bertuello. II ben d' un anno se ne va in una ,

Bertacapra f.\ powerful pile-driver, t\ Berta the fruit of a year's work may be un-
Berrett-accia /, pegg. of Berretta and Capra.
a small Baccala
done in a moment. 2. false criticism
Berta-gnino or -gnbtto m.
or Berretto; -aio m., seller of caps; (dried cod).

in art or science ;
Teodoro Mommsen
-inaio ;., seller of men's caps Lavorar ;
= Sber- ha detto nella sua Storia Komana molte
Berteggiare ind, bertdggio
come un -aio or come un -inaio, to work ;

-e, Th. Mommsen has expressed many

tare, to chaff.
Bertella f. i. in v. Bretelle. opinions in his history of Rome which
; //., braces,
Berrett-fno m. ;
dim. of -o, esp. 2. a genus of mollusca. are completely false.
*Bertesca (Beltresca, Berdesca, Bertresca, Bret-
baby's cap. *as adj. bad, malignant, AJf. -are, to blaspheme; Bestemmia un po' di
tesca)yi (O.H.G. bret, a board); battlement tower, tedesco, he knows just enough German to be able
v. Berretta (v) and (vi). tower drawn by elephants, high seat, high platform to murder it; -atore, -atora, -atrice; -atorello dim.
for painting a roof. who
Berretto m. (mlt. barretum, v. Ber- * Berteecare spreg. \ -one, person is constantly swearing;
i. to build towers, ii. Jtg.=\r-
-m u.i dhil.
retta) i.
cap with a peak or tassel.
; meggiare, to fumble.
2. cardinal's hat. 3. frigio, Phrygian
Bertibcllo ; v. Bertuello.
Besti-a/ ; beast. Gran bestia, elk,
Bertjna/^;=Ghiandaia, jay, v. Berta (4, c). usu. written as one word. Andare in
cap, emblem of republicanism. 4. *Bertino; i. grey. ii. = Berrettino, adj. ,

da Bert6ccio m.\ (tnar.~) small wooden ball, parrel- to fly into a rage.
ducale, Doge's cap at Venice. 5. 7>. Trazza,
notte, nightcap. 6. Far di ,
v. Ber- t Bertdcco m. ; paper cap. Aff. -accia pegg., -accina pop. excL
retta ( i ). 7. turco, a species of gourd. t Bertoella f.', a metal plate turning on another of surprise, -aio dealer in animals, -ale,
plate round a pivot.
-alita, -alme'nte, -iame quantity of cattle,
Berrett-6ne m., augm. of -a, judge's, *Bertoello; v. Bertuello.
-iame minuto, quantity of sheep, etc.,
professor's, grenadier's cap, etc., -UCCia Bertbldo
simpleton, from the ;
-ario gladiator who fought with beasts.
/.,dim. spreg. of -a, -uccio ///., dim. name of a character in the comic poem
Etym. L. bestia, root dheues, to breathe, </.
spreg. of Berretto. Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Caccasenno, cp. />//<*/< root art, to breathe, v. Skeal, s?tb Deer.
* Berricocolo tn. P. Bericocolo. Berta (A) etym., sub Jin. From the same root are Gr. de'eiop, sulphur, and

Berro m. (v. Berrpviere); (mil.) Avantreno,

probably 0*6y for *dhusos, God, lit. breather, cp.
sheared cloth. There however, an alter-
fore part of a gun carriage. M.H.G.^r-rtcoj, spirit. is,
Berrovaglia./; quantity of police. *Bertolotto; Mangiare a ,
to be fed gratis; native derivation possible for Otos, viz. from the root
Berroviere i. armed policeman under the
; fig. to act unthinkingly. dhc, to do, ?'. Fena; ^e<S, thereiore, Creator.
orders of the Podesta in the medieval republics. Bertonci6ne m.\ Pegg. Bertone. Bestinara^; net for catching Bestini.
ii. = Birro, policeman, iii. ardent soldier. Bestino ; of wild nature. As sb., fish of inferior
Etym. The original meaning of the word is said Bert6ne ;//. (A) i. horse with ; quality, rays, cuttle-fish, etc.
to be "soldier belonging to the advanced guard," Besti-dla f.; dim. of -a. Aff. -oletta, -olina,
<Provenc. berravier or old Fr. berrvuier, meaning
cropped cars, v. Berta (A), etym. snb %
-uli'no or -oluccio dims. -onaccio augm. Pfgg. \ -one

2. paid
inhabitant of the Berry ; men of noted bravery front fin. paramour, augi>t.\ -uola i,q. -ula.
the Berry may have been employed on dangerous *(B) (<Britanma); English two-decker. *Bestricay. a thieves' word of uncertain mean-

t BertovellayC; = Cermera, hinge. \ng t prob. brothel.

expeditions. There is, however, another quite differ- *
ent derivation given, v. Birro and Birroviere. Bertovello v. Bertuello. ;
tBesugo w/.;
= Pagello rosso, red sea-bream.
Bertresca t'. Bertesca. ; Betel /.
(bot.) Piper betel, the leaves of which,

Bersagliare; to batter with artillery; together with the Areca or betel-nut and a little
Bertucci-a/ (It. berta, q.v.)\ i. Bar- shell-lime, are chewed in India.
fig. to torment. Beteleme /.; (gfog.) Bethlehem.
bary ape, Macacus Inuus. 2. quasi fig.
Betili m. pi. ; round stones believed by the
Bersagliere ;. sharpshooter.
i .
ugly gossiping person. 3. Dire il pater
ancients to be alive and worn as amulets.
2. in pi., the name of a corps of the noster, or 1' orazione, or \ Avemmaria Betillayi; an East Indian cotton fabric.
Italian della to mutter curses. Darsi Betizzare (It. ebete); i. to be dull. ii. v. Im-
army. , 4.

Bersaglio m. ; i. target; Metter

alle bertucce, to get into desperation. Betdnica; :-. Bettontca.
5. Pigliare
la to be drunk. 6. Con- tBetta; v. Vetta.
a to endanger. 2. practising ground,
Bette f. pl.\ (wr.)=Bitte, bitts.
or meeting for practising shooting, fondere i liofanti colle bertucce, ele- *Bettifredo ;//.; watch-tower, v. Battifredo.
phants and apes, i.e. to mix up things
Bettino m, = professional man of low status.
battle. ;

which do not belong together. 7. Pa-

Etym. OldFr. bersailj target,<old Fr. berser, Bettola/ (prob. contr. of **Bevett-
to shoot (with arrows), perhaps<L. versare freg. of rere una in zoccoli, an ape in clogs, tavern.
ola) ;
vertere> referring to the movements of aiming, cp. i.e. to look silly. As adj., the name of
It. berzare. of ta-
t Bersciare;= Berciare, to screech. a species of grasshopper. Bettpl-ante m.\ frequenter
verns, -idre m. tavern keeper, -uccia
Bersd /. ;= Fr. berceau, arbour. Aff. -ata foolish act, -na dirtt., -one augm.

Berccau originally meant cradle, cp.

Etym. Bertuellare ind. bertuello; to trap (a person). f. ;
dim. spreg. -io m. noisy talk. ;

bcrcer, to rock, a word referred by Hatzfeld and Bettdnica or Bet6nica/(L.) \(bot.) i. betony,
Darmstetter to bers cradle, of unknown origin.
Bertuello or Bertabello (Bert-oello, a genus of Labiatae formerly in great medicinal
Korting suggests that bercer is<L. vtrsare. -ibello, -ovello) m. (mlt. vertebolum, from repute. 2. de' monti, arnica, Arnica montana.
ram- L. vertere, to turn, through vertebra]
B&rta/ (A); i. pile-driver. 2. ;
Bdtula or Betulla (Bedello, Bidollo,
i. bow-net, eel-pot. 2. a similar con-
mer. 3. jest; Dar la to ,
ridicule. Biola, Beola) / (L. betula, a Celtic
trivance for catching birds. Welsh
4. (ornitk.) (a) maggiore, cinereous 3. fig.
word, cp. Irish
box tree,
mi- Essere il della gente, to be a birch tree, Betula*
shearwater, Puffinus Kuhli, (b] bedw, birch); (bot.}
nore, Manx shearwater, Puffinus anglo- laughing-stock. Betularia/;; poplar hawk-moth.
rum, (c] = Ghiandaia, jay. Beruseor Marasso palustre w.; the common Beucchiare; pop. for Bevucchiare.
viper, Petias berus.
Etym. unkn. Diez refers the word to the Bertha *
Ber-uzzo or -uzzolo m.\ field-labourer's break- Beuto; (pop.) part. Bere.
of Germanic legend who frightened children by fast.
trampling, and quotes in support of this view Fr.
Berza f. (M. H.G. versen, heel) ; leg, from knee B6va<f. ;
i. time when a wine is
demoiselle and Russian baba t woman, both used in to ankle.
fit to drink. 2.
Bevanda, beverage. =
the sense of rammer. Alternative derivations are Berzagallo ;.; poison.
* Essere nella sua to be in his
(i) O.H.G. bret, a board, (2) M.H.G. barten, to 3. ,
Berzaglio v, Bersaglio. ;
smite with a barta, battle-axe, (3) bit. **verritti$ t Berzare (for etym. v. Bersaglio); to hit with element.
irregular part, of L. vet~rere t to sweep along, which, an arrow or lance. absorbent.
* *Bevace;
however, fails to account for the meaning. Berzp m.;= Barbuta or Celata, helmet.
For the sense of jest K6rting suggests that the Bescio T. Besso.
Bevand-a/ ; beverage. Aff. -accia
phrase Dar la berta may have arisen from workmen Besigno m.\ natural son.
dim. vezz.
dropping rammers on each other's toes by way of a *Bessayi; silliness. pegg.-, -ina dim.) -uccia
Beveraggio m.\ i. drink, esp, ani- jingle, it has no obvious connection with Florence in 1300. ii. d' argento,
mal's, ttsit. Beverone. 2. drink-money. St Blaise, who was bishop of Ragusa, (paint!) shell white. 12. di balena,
Beverat6io i.; = Abbeveratoio, cattle-trough. and from the manner of his martyr- spermaceti. 13. di Venezia, (paint.)

Be"vere ;
v. Here. dom, torture with iron combs, has Venetian white. 14. di zinco, car-
become the patron saint of woolcombers. bonate of zinc. 15. -a ragione, plain
Bevere"ccio; agreeable to drink. Dare il S. to punish a person as he
reason. 16. Bisante silver byzant, ,

Beveria/ ; drinking-bout. deserves. Sapere a quanti di e S. ,

a coin Bisante -- saracinato, gold

to know when it will be St Blaise's day, byzant. 17. Caffe with milk.
Beverfno (Beverello) m.\\. drinking Terra

i.e. to know all about something; the 18. -a, vento, south
bare. 19.
vessel in a bird-cage. 2. cover to pro-
origin of the phrase is that in Florence wind. 20. (anat.) Canali -hi, the lym-
tect an oil jar from rats.
that day was a holiday for apprentices phatics. 21. Ulivo a variety of ,

Be'vero (Bivaro) m. (L.biber); beaver. of the silk craft, whose hall was near olive or the olive before it ripens to
Beverdne ;. I. oatmeal and water. ;
the church of St Blaise. La repubblica purple. 22. (mus.) a minim. 23. Voce
2. medicated drink. 3. Fare un ,
di S. = Venice, Ragusa having been
, -a, that of women or boys. 24. a disease
when bathing, a jump into the water.
under Venetian dominion. Credersi , in plants. 25. (med.) Riveder in ,

*i. = Mancia, "tip." ii. Dare il to give i.e. to believe one can impose upon to suffer from leucorrhcea. 26. (mar.)

poison. simple-minded people by pretended white, untarred. 27. 11. Bianca.

Bevfbile; drinkable. simplicity. Proverbs : II e il nero han fatto
Non tener su to be ricca Vinezia, Venice was enriched by
Bevicchiare = Sbeucchiare, to
tBiagiu61i in. pi. ;
i ,

; tip- dropping to sleep. her oriental trade (in pepper and cotton).
* Bianca/; ,
of a
i. Dormir la Passata la festa il pazzo in resta, when
Bevilacqua nt. or./; abstemious person.
*Bevirolo ;;/.; v. Beverino. silkworm, to take the of its four first the festive time is over the fool remains
Bevi-t6re in., -t6ra or -trice/I; drinker. chocolate
sleeps, v. Biancolina. 2. penniless.
BeVola./; v. Beola. with milk. 3. at billiards, white ball. *
Biancofiore m. a kind of dance
; for four
Bev6ne m. heavy drinker. ;
4. v. Bianchetta. '((mar.) bunt whip.
Biancolay:;= Ballerina, wagtail.
Bevucchiare = Sbeucchiare, ; to Biancastro ;
rather white. Biancolina /.; the second of the four sleeps of
the silkworm.
tipple. ind. t Biancolino m.; a variety of fig.
Biancheggi-are bianchdggio ;

Bevuta/; I. the act of drinking. to turn white. Biancomangiare m.; blancmange.

AJf. -ame'nto.
2. coffee or chocolate with milk.
Biancherla/ linen or cotton things, Biancone; very pale (complexion).
3. (med.) a passare, diuretic. ;

As sb. i. Parere il
: to have big ,
Bevutinayl; dim. Bevuta. limbs, ///. to appear to be the Biancone,
Bezidli m. pi.; false spectacles for curing a Biancheriuccia dim. spreg. Biancheria.

squint, made opaque with a little hole opposite the

Bianchetta /.; i. a white lining cloth, ii. a the colossal statue of Neptune in the
centre of each eye. variety of wheat. Piazza della Signoria at Florence. 2. a
Bezoar tn. (Persian word) bezoar stone, a tBianchetti m. fl.\ a sort of whitebait at Elba.
variety of grape and wine at Elba.

concretion of hair found in animals' stomachs, of

supposed medicinal virtue. Bianch^tto m. i. white enamel for ; 3. harrier eagle, Circaetus gallicus, Fr.
Bezugo v. Scorpena (2).
painting the face. 2. (paint.) Chinese Jean le tlanc, also termed Aquilotto,
tBezzera/; she-goat.
white. a variety of wheat. Falco aquilino bianco, Terzo
3. d' Aquila.
Bezzic-are ind. bdzzico (It. becco
Bianch-e'zza / ; whiteness, -iccio; Bianconellay;; a variety of white wine.
through **beccicare) to peck at. -arsi, ;
to quarrel about trifles. Biancospfno m.
(hot.) hawthorn or ;
Af. -ata,
-atura. Biancb.ime'nto m.; the bleaching
i. May Crataegus oxyacantha, also
B6zzo m. (Germ. Batzen, a small copper coin); of salt, sugar, etc. 2. removal of tarnish termed Spino bianco, Marruca bianca,
a Venetian coin, about half a farthing. from silver. Bagaia.
Biancozzo m. whitening made with flowers of
Biacca / (Germ, bleich, pale) ; Bianchfna / ;
v. Bianca ( i ). lime.

I. white lead. 2. carbonate of zinc.

Blanch-ire ind. -isco; to whiten, Biancuccio greyish white.
=Belletto, paint for the face. 4. Non
6 mal da i.e. there is no
bleach, to remove the tarnish from Biancume m. of white
, remedy for (silver).
; quantity
it. things.
Biacciucone = Bleso. ;
Bianc-0 (O.H.G. planch, white, v. *
Biante m. ; vagabond.
t Biacciucdso = Attaccaticcio,
; sticky. Skeat, sub Blank); i. white; Arma -a,
Biascia or Biascica/ (v. Biasciare);
Biacco in. (from a Germanic source, the bayonet. 2. blank Giornata -a, day
slobber; Aver la
1. to eat slobber-
cp. E. and Low Germ, black) a species on which nothing is earned. 3. whiten- ,

ingly, without appetite.

2. quasi fig.
of harmless snake, Coluber milo. Fischi- ing, forwhitewashing; Dare di (a) to ,
bread insufficiently risen.
are com' un to hiss like a snake, , whitewash, (b) to cancel (an intention),
i.e. have nothing to live (c) to exclude Nella sua antologia ha Biasci-amento m. vbsb. of ; -are.
upon. ;

tBiaccone; insincere. dato di al Manzoni, he has not in- Biasciamiddlle m. or /, indecl. ;

cluded anything by Manzoni in his scherz. toothless person.
Biada/ (Biado m.) (cogn. Fr. bit, anthology. 4. Porre il nero sul ,
Prevent;, blatz; either of Germanic to write. Biasciamoccoli m. indecl.; hypo-
5. Tirare nel at billiards
origin, v. Skeat, sub Blade, or < L. ab- Giuochi bene al biliardo ? Che, tiro al

critical bigot.
lata) ; corn for horses, etc.
Oh, I can aim at the white, i.e. I
, Biascianovene ;., or more usu. /.,
Biad-aiolo m. ; corn-dealer, -are, am a poor player. 6. Di punto in ,
indecl.; bigot.
to feed with corn. (a) point blank, referring to a white
* Biasciantfngoli m. indecl.; i. one
Biadetto (for Biavetto, dim. of Biavo);
blue carbonate of copper.
sky- spot in the centre of a black target, to who lisps. 2. good-for-nothing fellow.
aim at which gives no elevation to the
Biadora, old/X- of Biado; v. Biada.
Biadulim. >/.; stubble. gun, (b)
all of a sudden. 7. Cuocere il Biasciapaterndstri m. or/, indecl.;
Biadume m. pane in , white toast by
to make bigot.
; any kind of grain.
1 holding bread near the fire but not Biasciare or Biascicare (L. blaesus,
Biagiatay :; silliness.
near enough to colour. 8. Cucire di lisping, through a form **tlaesare, to
Biagio m. ; S. St Blaise. Adagio
, to sew shirts and other fine work.
lisp); i. to chew with the gums, or
, steady a bit, not too fast! said to 9. Eta -a, or Peli -hi, old age. 10. (hist.) with the teeth, but without appetite.
one who forms a hasty judgment: but
3. to murmur indistinctly,
Bianchi e Neri, the White and Black 2. to lisp.
the expression seems to be merely a formed amongst the Guelphs of -- una
parties mumble; lingua, to speak it
with pegg. prefix bis, v. Bis-. Pianigiani on the
with difficulty. 4. Biascicarla male, to Bicchierata/! wine-glassful or blow ;
other hand holds that the Italian word was adopted
do a thing unwillingly; E' la biascia, with a wine-glass. from the Spanish, which he considers to be of Ger-
he hesitates about doing it. 5. to give manic origin and cognate with It. bica, heap.
Bicchier-e m. (cogn.
( Bicchiero) Neither of these explanations, however, seems very
a wet kiss. O.H.G. behhAri) old Fr. pichier, Span. satisfactory.
Biasci-arosari bigot, a. -are. Bicdllo m. yoke a man to carry water-
bicarittm, which is prob.<,
/.; ; (for
Biasciasorbacerbe tit. indccl. Viso di ,
pichcl <.\h\.. buckets with).
Gr. i3iKo?, a word of Oriental origin,

wry face. Bicolbre (L.); of two colours.

Biascic-a, -amento, -are, -atura; v. Biascia, v. Skeat, sub Beaker, Pitcher); i. cup, Biconcio nt,; an old measure of quantity.
etc. Bic6n-e in., -A/, (augm. of Bica); very fat
beaker, wine-glass; II della staffa, and awkward person.
Biascicchiare; freq. and spreg. of ///. the stirrup-cup, the last toast at a Biconiugato; (bot.) biconjugate, of when each
Biasciare, to keep lisping, etc. dinner. 2. Culi di -i, bottoms of wine-
two secondary petioles bears a pair of leaflets.
Bicdrne or Bicdrno (L.); i. with two horns.
Biasci-c6ne, -c6na, -c6tto, -cott6ne i.e. sham diamonds. 3. a cut
; i.q.
Biasci-one, -ona, -otto, -ottone.
glasses, 2. forked.
from the rump of a carcase. 4. Potare Bicbrnia (Bicornea) /I; i. anvil with one horn
Biascino m. ; i. one who eats with- a to trim trees into the shape of a square and the other round. 2. bickern, small anvil
used by goldsmiths. an instrument used by
out appetite. 2. child who lisps.

5. calyx of certain lichens
leather-dressers to leather supple.
Biascion-accio, -accia/opg'. Biascione. sea-weeds. 6. in //., cupping glasses. Bicuspide (arch.) with two cusps. ;
Bidale m. light-armed soldier.
Biascioncin-o m., -a/T; dim.vezz. Biascione, ;

i.e. slobbering baby. 7. a pippio, glass with a spout. 8. Bide m. (Fr. bidet, v. Bidetto) bidet, little ;

bath for washing the body, when seated astride of it.

who armato, glass coated so as to be charge-
Biasci6n-e ;., -a / ; one
able with electricity which would give a Bidell-o m., from
slobbers or lisps badly. -a/ (mlt. bidellus,
* = Biasciare. shock to anyone trying to drink from it. O.H.G. peti^ messenger, cp. A.S. bydet^
Biasciottare ; i. ii. to pelt a person
with Biasciotti. 9. cilindrico, (chem.) test-tube with a Germ. Buttet)\ beadle.
foot to stand on. Bidentale m. (L.); ancient temple erected
Biascibtto m. i. person who lisps. ;
where a person had been
killed 2. in
by lightning.
2. piece of paper or crust, etc., that Bicchier^tto m. ; dim. Bicchiere.
//., the priests of the same.
has been chewed and spat out. Bicchierino i. dim. Bicchiere. Bidente m. i-
Biasciott6ne m. one who lisps badly.
(L.) ; two-pronged
- - de' a species of
2. prati, (bot.) fork for digging in hard ground, also
tBiasci-ucare or -ucolare; = Biasciare.
Biasciucchiare; = Biascicchiare but more spreg. fungus, Boletus coriaceus. 3. in pL, termed/*?/., Ubbidiente. 2. the sceptre
Biasimabile; open to comment. cup moss, Lichen pyxidatus, also termed of Pluto. 3. two-tooth sheep showing
Biasim-are ind. biasimo ;
to blame. Lichene da tazzette, Musco pissidato. it to be two years old. 4. (bot.) bur-
Bicchier6ne ;.; augm.
*-arsi, to complain. Ajf. -at6re, -atora.
Bicchierdtto /.; large
marigold, v. Forbicina.
glass of its kind, e.g.
Bidetto m. (Fr. bidet from a Celtic root bid,
Biasim6vol-e; culpable. Aff.-min\.t. large liqueur glass.
MS/I. Ronzino.
Bicchieruccio ttt.\ dim. spreg. Bicchiere. small); pony,
Biasimo m. (L. blasphe>niu>n<Gr. * Bid611o /.; OW.)=Betulla, birch.
Bicciacchia/I; a mere nothing. =Ga-
*Bid6ne/.; oil-can, in.
P\air<j>Tjii.[n < PXairrw, to injure, $r}/ii;,
Bicciacuto tn. a kind of battle-axe, twybill.
t Bicciare to butt. ;

vetta, mess-bowl.
(mar.)\. keg. ii.

speech) ; blame. * Biccicalla in the jingle, Biccicalla calla calla

Bi6-cp(L. obliquus)\ i. skew; Guar-

quante corna ha la cavalla? or similarly, biccicuccu,

BiaSim6n-e m:, -a / ; great fault- biccicuccu, quante corna sta quassii ? which is said dare cogli occhi -chi, to look askance at.
finder. placing a hand upon a boy's head and holding up 2.
fig. savage (eyes). 3. knavish (act).
one or more fingers. If the boy guesses right he is
free if not, it goes on, E se cinque, or whatever the 4. as adv,, savagely.

right number was, tu dicevi, la cavalla tu vincevi. *i. twisted (mouth), ii. purblind, in. as adv,
Playing in this
fashion is termed Salincerbio or A =A sbieco, obliquely.
Bfbbia /
(L. biblia, Gr. 0iXio, pi. Salmcervp.
Bieddne m.\ (^/.)=Blito, strawberry blite.

of jStjSXi'oi' <
/3u0Xoff, the Egyptian papy-
Biccico m.\ corn, lump in the skin.
+ Biccicdcca /; v. Biccicucca.
i Biegio ;
half starved, v. Viegio.

rus); i. bible. 2. scherz. long docu- t Biccicdngolo w.; = Buflfetto. (Fr. bietle of unkn. orig.} ;
ment. lever, connecting-rod. Aff. -dtta, link.
Bibbio w.;=Fischione, widgeon.
Biccicucca/. (<It. bicocca, by re-
Bielo nt. (mar.) fid, piece of hard wood tapered
Biberazzo m. di mare, Virginian venus
duplication of the first syllable, perhaps to a point.

shell, Venus virginea, also termed Caparon. under the influence of Picciolo, small) ; 'Bielta /C;=Beltk, beauty.
Biberon m.\ i. colorito, lisor, a species of little fortress or tumble-down place. Biennale i. lasting two years. 2. recurring

mussel, Mactra stultorutn. 2. di marina, spoon

* every two years.
shell, Mactra lactea. Biccicuccu v. Biccicalla. ;
Bienne student in his
i. (bot.) biennial. 2.
Bibia_/^; schtrz. wine, dregs of wine.
Biccicuco nt. enlargement in the barrel of ;
second year.

Bibinella or BipineliayC; = Salvastrella, salad pump. Biennio ///.; period of two years.
Biccing6ngolo /.; v. Biccicongolo. *
Biescio (L. bifax t v. Sbiescio) ;
= Sbieco,
Bicciughera i. tortoise, ii. restive animal.

Bfbita/; draught, 1.7}. of medicine. Bicefalo (L. bis, twice, and Gr. K*^aAii, head);
tola, beet.
Biblico; biblical. *
* Bichiacchi; v. Bichicchi. Bi^tola or Barbabtetola /; (bot.)
Biblide /.; \. a sort of rope made of papyrus,
*Bichiacchia/; silly talking.
a kind of collapsible boat. beet, Beta vutgaris\ C e come la
i 3
ii. 1.
BichiccheyC//.; cough-pills, v. Becchico.
Biblid-filo, -grafia, -graficamnte, -grafico,
Bichicchi; Un chicchi silly fellow who , bietola ne' tortelli, he is like beet-root
-grafo; bibliophile, bibliography, etc. comes fussing round merely to show that he is in
Bibliolite f,\ book-stone, stone split like a book. in a pie, i.e. he has a regular place in
Bibliologfa f. ; art of knowing the value of
books. tBiciancola./!; a kind of swingboard. his department but is not thought much
Biblidman-e /.; one mad upon books. Aff. -la. of, and is only there to fill up the number.
Bicictetta/ (dim. Biciclo, from L. A commoner
Bibliornanzia /,; divination by taking a text
of the Bible at random. to, twice, and Gr. KVK\OS, circle); bicycle. phrase is Come il prezze-
molo nelle polpette, like parsley in a
Bibltomappa ; atlas with explanatory text. Bicicl-ismo, -ista, -o; bicycling, etc.
Bibliote-ca/; (L.<Gr. fapMov, Apn), chest) *
Bicicli nt. pi, spectacles, pince-nez.
rissole. Mangiar bietole, to feel afraid.
acqua, = Lingua da acqua, pond-

library. Aff. -carlo librarian, -chetta dim., -china *Bicinio m. (L. bis, canere, to sing); (ius.) 2. d'
dim. vezz. t -cuccia dim. spreg. piece for two horns and two trumpets,
Biblorapto m. \ self-binding contrivance for t Bicioccolo m. = Bernoccolo, hump. ;
books. Bicipite (L. bis, capuf)\ two-headed. As Diefenbach derives the word from mlt.
i. Etym.
Bibromuro m.; (ckent.) double bromate. sb.: 2. (anat.) biceps muscle. 3. (poet.) Mt Par- bleta for L. beta', the usual deriv, is ** blitula., dim.
Bibulo; absorbent. nassus from its double peak. of blititm, Gr. /SAiroc, It. blito. The former is more
Bico i. = Bicco, slanting, ii. = Bica, heap. probable in the compound bar ba- bietola, meaning
Bica/. (O.H.G. biga^ heap; akin to

beet with filamentous roots, the L. beta\ the second

E. bing, v. Skeat, sub Bing); i. heap Bicbcca/; 2. any i. small castle. derivation more readily explains the meaning of silly
in the words Bietolone and Biedone, in correspond-
of sheaves placed ready for threshing. tumble-down hovel, esp. on a hill. ence with L. bliteu$i since blitum, though its leaves
heap of cow-dung. 3. look-out on the top of a house.
2. have a flavour like spinach, is an insipid fruit, T.
*i. Montare sulla ,
to fly into a rage. ii. A , Etym. obscure. Cogn. Span, bicoca, hovel, or Blito.
wholesale; Dire a , to tell roughly. group of hovels, also sentry box, Span, bicoquin or
Bicamerato (parliament) of two chambers.
a form of head-dress, Piedmontese bicochin, Bietolaggine/; stupidity.
Bicarbonato m. (chew.) bicarbonate. hat the Fr.
bicoyut is borrowed from

Bicarburo m. (c/iein.) bicarbonate of hydrogen,


According to Korting these forms are<blt.

Bietollna / ;
i. dim. Bietola.
benzine. **C(VCrt<L. conca, shell, v. infra Cocca, Conca, 2. dyer's rocket, v. Erba (55).
Bietolon-e m., -a / (v. Bietola, walk about listlessly, -aggine/; habit tBignoro /. i. bottle-necked glass jar. ii.

Pentolino, earthenware pot.

sub fin."} ; I.
booby. 2. (60 f.) rosso, of listlessness. -ata/ ; lazy excursion. Bigoli m. pi. (dint, of **Bigo, v. Bighero);
mountain spinach, orache, Atriplex
Bighell6ne m. (variant of Bigollone); Bigollino m. (dim. Bigollo orig. therefore
hortensis, also termed Atriplice rosso,

idler, lout. trader) ; coasting craft.

Spinacione. Bigollo tn. ; i.
=Pigollo spinning-top,
ii. hawk-
Bighelldni adv.; in idleness. er,
Bietone /. = Bietolone (2). *vagrant. **
* Bigollone m. (< bombycnlus, dim. of L.
Bigheraio m. ; buffoon, ii. v. Bigherinaio.
Bi6tt-a/ (Etym. unkn., perhaps <
bomby.r, silkworm, v. Baco, Bigio, Bambagia) ;

= Bighellone, loafer.
O.H.G. ties, a patch) I. wedge. ; Bigherato ;
trimmed with lace. Bigoncetta ; dim. Bigoncia.
2. quasifig. = Bazza, long chin. 3. Mala *Bigherello; v. Bigorello.

mischief-maker. 4. in a violin, bow- Bigherinaio in. ;

lace-seller. Big6ncia / (fani. of Bigoncio <

nut, for holding the fibres of the bow. **bi-congius L. congiits, a <
(dim. of Bighero)
measure, which may be connected with

5. (print.} wooden quoin. Aff. -ina, i. the ornamental stitching

lace. 2.
the same
-oh'na dims,, -one augm.
conca, shell); i. bucket. 2.
on the upper part of the back of a boot. used as a measure. 3. Essere in
ornamentation like lace worked
Bifere (L. bis,fero)\ flowering twice a year. in
3. to be in difficulties. 4. reading-desk
Biffa / (mlt. bijfa, prob. < Lombard *
in an academy; Montare in scherz. ,

from O.H.G. Bighero ;. (<**Bigo, formed by aphaeresis to pretend to lecture.

wtffa, boundary mark, from L. bombyx, v. Baco) i. lace. ri. (herald.*) ;
wifan, to weave); I. stake with a piece laced ornamentation.
Far tenere i pie nella to prevent a couple ,

of white paper at the top, used in Bighin-a_/;, -o w.;=Beghina or -o, devotee. from nudging each other under the table with their
Bighiotto; = Bigotto,
bigoted. feet.
surveying or taking levels Tirar le ; BigiayC; (ornitk.)i. grossa, Orphean warbler,
biffe, fig. to use every possible means Sylvia orphea, also termed Orfeo. 2. padovana, Bigon-cio ;;/. (?/. Bigoncia) large ;

Sylvia nisoria, also termed strisclata, Celega tub with two of the staves longer than
for attaining some purpose. 2. white
mark placed on a wall which is to be *
north wind; eft. Fr. bise, ?-. Bigio (B).
* the others and perforated for slinging
demolished. Bigiarella f. (omitk.~) lesser white-throat,

Sylvia curruca, also termed Pizzicamosche, Scatta-

on a pole. AM
-cioldtto small pail,
*i. purple, ii. (mil.) a kind of catapult. -ciolino tiny little pail, -ciolo or -ciuolo
rello, Scoperagnola rninore.

Biffare to stake out. Bigiccio greyish. ; pail, -ci6ne or -ciona augm.


*Bigone tn. ii. = Bigoncia, bucket.

Bifido; asE. Bigio (A) ; grey. Fame delle nere troop.
; i.

v. Bigoncia.
Biftlare Bilancia bifilar torsion balance

used in measuring small quantities of electricity.

e delle bige, to commit crimes of every tBigdma/I; revelry.
Bifolc-ay^; ploughman's wife, -heria/I; act degree. Non si grida al lupo che non tBigonzo /.;= Bigoncio. tub.

of a ploughman. Bigordare; v. *Bagordare.

sia can , one does not complain of a BigorellayC; (w<ir.) = Cucitura semplice, round
Bifolco (Bifulco) in. (L. bubulcus, person without some cause, lit. call him seam.
wolf unless he is a vicious dog. Saper Bigorello or Bigherello /. ; (mar.) doubling,
ox-driver, <
bo s) ; I. ploughman. 2. the
dal nero, to have
i.e.edge of a sail turned over twice and hemmed in,
distinguere il i.e. with a soft cord inside the fold.
constellation Bootes.
Bigdtt-a -o m. (Etynt. unkn.)', i. bigot.
Bifonchiare; = Bofonchiare, to grumble. good judgment. Also as adj., bigoted, a. (mar.) dead-eye, a kind
*i. evil -disposed, ii. as sb., II the Inquisition.
+ Bif6nchio m. hornet. ,
of block a canali, or a un occhio scanalato, heart
Etym. dub. The most probable derivation
; ;

Biforc-are bid. biforco; to bifurcate. Ajjf. with scores for the lanyard, the French ntoque
seems that < ** bombycius < L. bmitbyx, v, Baco ;
con girella, clump block.

-amento, -atura, -azipne.

the cognate forms, Provenc,. and Fr. bis, Span, bnzo,
Bif6rco ;. ;=Bidente, two-pronged fork. Bigotteriay^, or Bigottismo /. bigotry.
Portug. more or less support it, as well as the

Biforcuto; i. forked. 2. fig. double-minded. Bigott6ne m.\ augm. Bigotta.

Ital. bambagia the word seems originally to have
Biforme with two shapes. ;
tBigdzzo; v. Bigotta (i).
meant dark as in old Fr. azur-bis, vert-bis, dark

Bifronte i. double-faced. 2. double-topped

; *Bigrencioli m. pl.\ (hot.) heather, Erica vul-
blue, dark green, presumably because the imported
silk stuffs were dyed dark.
Bifulco; v. Bifolco.
M/,<O.H.G. north wind.
*(B)(c/>gn. Fr. l>isa)\
Bigi6gnolo greyish. Bigutta / (L. guttits, v. Gotto,
Biga / (L. <bi-juga); \. ancient '

Bigiolay;; black-cap, v. Capinero. with pegg. prefix, v. Bis-) ; i. iron

racing car. 2. four-wheeled dog-cart Bigiolino /.; ?'. Berlingozzino. a large quantity of
(/'/.) the a cooking pot. 2.
with two seats. 3. (mar.) or Capria, ,
Bigioldne ;K. ; Agaricits albellits,
thin soup.
fungus. 3. long tedious written
shears for raising heavy weights. 4. Bigiotterla f. (Fr.); jewellery. paper. 4. complicated affair.
da carena, beams to support the masts Bigidtto ttt. one who assumed a religious dress.

when a ship is careened, outriggers. Bigiu m.; Fr. bijou Italianised. Bigutt6n-e /., or -ayC; augm. Bigutta.
Biglia; v. Bilia. Blumcelle/.//. Pesca alle a sort of trawl-
; ,

tin//.,= Aghi, shear legs.

Bigliardo; i. v. Biliardo. 2. (mar.) a kind of ingby two fishing-boats with a net as it were slung
punch. between them.
Bigallo m. an orphanage and ;
Bilance"tta/; dim. Bilancia.
foundling hospital at Florence. Essere Bigliett-aio, -ario or -inaio /;/. ;

in sul , to be poor. ticket-clerk at a booking-office, -ino Bilancia / (L. bi-lanx^ adj. with
ticket. two plates); pair of scales; Darei.
Bigamia bigamy. f.\ ///.,

Bigamo (L. bigamus, twice married, < L. bis il tratto or il tracollo alia to give ,
and Gr. yo/te'w; the word is quoted by Isidore, sixth Bigltetto or Viglietto ///. r. short
a touch to the balance so as to incline
2. twice married (legally).
i. bigamous.
letter, note. 2. ticket. 3. di visita,
the scales, fig. to come to a decision
Bigarato; v. Bigherato.
Mai visiting card. 4. di banca, bank-note.
Bigato i. ; (coin) stamped with a car. 2.
upon a doubtful point Pesare colla ;

, evil-disposed. Etym. The source of the word is the I,, bullare delP orafo, with the jeweller's scales,
of imit. origin, from the bubbling of boiling water.
to be unnecessarily scrupulous
Bigattiera / ;
silkworm establish- From this came bulla, water-babble, which in Latin
was used for various rounded things and in mlt.

ment. Pesar colla dell Elba, with this

became the little leaden ball attached to the seal of
t Bigatto or Bigattolo /. (perhaps by aphaerests a document, and hence was taken for the document addition implied or expressed; che non
from ** bt>mbycatus,<\i. bombyx, silkworm); i. silk- itself which is the origin of the Papal "bull," &.
pesava che il
mille, which only weighed
worm. ii. Mai evil-disposed person; Ruon , Bolla. From bulla in the sense of document the E.
thousands, to give a broadly ex-

= Uomo assennato, good sensible man. iii. corn- in

word bill was developed, with the corresponding mean-
iv. concealed spiral spring in a toy, etc. ing which it still bears, as well as a similar Latinised pressed or an exaggerated opinion ;

Bigcllo m. coarse grey cloth. Dare scarlalto

: form billa, RO that in mlt. bulla and billa exist side Pesarsi colla Elba, to have dell'
(a) to give good service for inadequate pay, by side. From a dim. of billa came the Fr. billet,
a ponte, = Bas-
per ,

(b) to go where there is no scope for one's abilities. which, lastly, was Italianised into biplietto. great self-esteem. 2.
Bigeminato; (l>ot.)i.>j. Biconiugato. Bigliettuccio m.\ dim. sfireg. Biglietto.
culla, weighbridge. 3. square fishing-
Bigenere adj. mule. ; Bigliocco ;.;=Pitocco, beggar. Portar 1* arme
Bigerella./; V. Berlingoz/ino. *
Biglione tn.', base silver. The word occurs in net, v. Bilancelle. 4.
Fr., Proven^., etc., and is akin to F,. bullion, of a ,
to carry the rifle at the trail.
Biger6gnolo ; greyish, fig. bad. mixed origin, v. Skeat, ed. 1910, sub Bullion.
5. balance of a watch. 6. com-
Bignoniacee///. (from the name of the Abb<5
Big^ttO ; greyish. Bignon, Librarian to Louis XIV); (&?A)the trumpet- merciale, balance of trade. 7. splinter-
flower family including the genus Bignonia, one of bar of a carriage to which the traces
Bighellare ;
= Bighellonare. which, Bignonia radicans, is a handsome creeper. are fastened or the bar which is hooked
Another genus is the catalpa tree, of which there are
Bighellon-accio pegg. of -e. -are, to ; several species. on to the splinter-bar when an extra
horse is attached. 8. in pi., the con- its middle point) i.
unsteady equi- ;
Binrio (L.); i.
binary. 2, (mus.)
stellation Libra. librium Trovare il ;
to get the ,
in two or four time. 3. as sk, line of
*\. corsia, steel-yard, ii. In , in great balance; Portare in to carry some- rails on a railway, Le. a single track ;
gran ,

danger, iii. Stare in , of a com, to be of full

thing nicely poised. Similarly fig., Al Moncenisio ci son due binari, on the
Bilanci-amento, -are, -atamente, -atdre; Ouanto piu su salisse, piu in -- la M. Cenis railway the line is double.
7'. Bilancia.
caduta, (considering that) the higher Binascenza /; twin-birth.

he climbed the greater was the risk of Binat-o; i. (arch.) coupled (columns); Finestra
Bilanciere pendulum. tit. ;
i. 2. in -a, window divided into two by a column in the
a mint, a weighted lever which regulates a fall, or more literally, the more deli- middle. 2. adj. or s/>. , twin.

cately balanced was the question

the stamping of the coins. 3. balancing Binda
(A) (Germ. Winde) any / ;

whether he would fall (transl. from

pole of a gymnast. 4. brake, handle of kind of jack for lifting a great weight
a windlass, etc. 5. balance-spring of a Tacitus Ann. I.
26). II e in
Ministerp through a short space. Prov. Gira la
the ministry are on the brink of
watch. 6. accountant. 7. in pi., in
la trave va su, turn the jack and the
dipterous insects the rudiments of a
falling. 2. counterpoise of a heavy beam goes up, i.e. use the right means
gate, so as to relieve the strain
second pair of wings. 8. (mar.} gimbal- and you will succeed. a martinicca,
upon the hinges. 3. pivot of a balance. the screw-jack used by carriage builders,
rings of a compass.
4. fig. pivotal point S' armarono e ;
also termed Cricco.
Bilancina/; i.
apothecaries' bal- furono a casa gli Uberti che era il
ance. 2. v. Bilancino (3). della cittadinanza, they armed them- (B) (mar.) i>. Benda
; (2).

Bilancino m. i. extra horse at- selves and met at the house of the *
Bindella/; ribbon.
Binder-o in., -a/.', vezz. of Bimb-o, -a.
tached to a carriage at a steep hill. Uberti which was the pivotal point of Bindol-accio pegg., -are vb. -ata dodge, t

-eria dodge or dodginess, -esco (usu. da bindolo),

2. postilion who rides it. 3. bar to the city (lit. of the citizens). 5. in //.,
-ino dim. spreg.; v. Bindolo (3).
which the traces of the extra horse are the beams for raising and lowering a
fastened. 4. quasi fig. extra hand in drawbridge.
HI. (a variant of Guindolo,

any job.
* = Bellico,
i. navel, ii. centre, iii.button on a q.v.) chain-pump, an apparatus
; i.

knife so that it could be laid down without touching consisting of wheels and a drum with
m. (var. of Bilancia)
Bilancio ; the table-cloth. buckets attached for raising water for
i. equilibrium between income and *
Bilie/; fop.
for Bile, bile.
irrigation. 2. apparatus for making
m. (kist.) a nickname for the
expenditure. 2. preventive, budget "potenze" or companies in which the lower orders skeins of silk. 3. fig. trickster, person
estimates ; consuntivo, definitive or of Florence, living in the Camaldoli, were grouped ;
full of dodges to evade his obligations
actual budget balance- hence Jig. uproar, confusion. The word is probably, ;

Foglio di ; ,
like Bailanime, a corruption of the Turkish Bairam, Dice che se n' e scordato: il che ha
sheet di verificazione, trial balance the festival which closes the fasting time of Ramadan.
; ;

* addosso, he says he forgot that is just :

Fare il to write up one's accounts.

Biligo ; v. Bilico.
his dodge.
* Bilingue; i. bilingual. 2. double-tongued,
undulation; the undulating movement of a ship tricky. Bindol6ne m. augm. Bindolo (3).
in a calm sea. Bilione Billione)
(or m. (short for bi- t Bindondola f. ;= Minchioneria.
Bilaterale (mlt. bilateralis); mutual (contract). fop. *
milione) British, not
billion, in American, usage, Bino (L. bini)\ double, ii. twin. iii.
*Bilbire (L.); = GorgogIiare, to gurgle. asst>.,
; i.

i.e. a million millions. p:iir.

Bile (or pop. Bilie)>C (L., v. Skeat, sub voc.)\ *
bile. 2.
Biliorsa./; bogey. Bin6ccolo, Bindcolo, or Bin6culo/. (L. Hni,
1. Jig. anger. 3. sparsa, jaundice, Bili6so; bilious. octilus) ; opera-glass.
t Bilenco;=Sbilenco, crooked. Biliottato (herald.) covered with spots like Bindmio (A) (L. bi, Gr. 1-0^65, allotment);
* ;

Bilercio of a stick, big. ;

drops. (math.) binomial.
Billa y! ; housewife's name for calling to a hen. *(B) (from L. hi and It. nome); i. with two
Bili-a /
or Biglia (in Span. (A) names, ii. the sum of two quantities not com-
billa, etym. dub., possibly **pilea, from Billeray^ (etym. unkn.); boy's trick, mensurable with each other.
t Bibbba = Bobbia, slush. /
a ball see, however, Biliardo);
L. pila, ; hiding some piece of mischief or not
e.g. *

*Biocc-ay?; brooding hen. -are, to cluck.

pocket of a billiard table. Far , coming in at the proper time. tBidcciay;; fine, freezing rain.
to hole the adversary's ball. Far - Billed /.; (fot.) i. cuckoo flower, Cardaniitit- Bioccol-etto Jim., -ino dim., smaller than
-etto v. -o.
colla sua, to hole one's own ball, which praicnsis, also termed Viola de* pesci. a. rosso, ;

in Italian billiards counts against the

the Venus's looking-glass of English gardens, Specn-
iaria sfieculu?n.
Bioccol-o m. (a variant of Fiocco, <
striker. Billi tn. sing, or //.; i. game at ninepins, v. L. flocculus, dim. oifloccus, lock of wool ;

Birilli ; Essere il to count for nothing. 2. , root prob. the same as that of flaccus,
(B) (Fr. bille, log of wood, a Celtic i.q. Billebillel, v. Billa.
Billione pop. for Bilione. flabby); I. lock of wool. 2. lump of
word) i. short crooked stick for ;
wool tangled together in a skein or in a
twisting up the ropes of a pack; Aver = Tacchino, turkey-cock.
Billo m.
candle-dripping from a gutter-

le -e, to have crooked legs. 2. = Birillo. =

tBilloray?; Pillora, a large stone.
rug. 3.
ing candle. 4. Neve a.-i, in large flakes.
Biliard-aio m.\
billiard-table maker. Ajf. -ata t Billori\= Birilli, f.v.
tBillorone m.: lout. 5. Raccattare i
-i, (a) at the game of
a game of billiards, -etto dim. small billiard-table,
-iere billiard-marker, or billiard-table proprietor, -mo
Biloculare ; (hot.) (anthers or capsules) divided Berlina, pillory, to go round collecting
dim. vezz. Another term for billiard-marker is rJis- into two cavities.
the players' remarks, (6) to be eaves-
Bilottato; (herald.) covered with plinths.
t = Baggeo, simpleton.
Biliardo or Bigliardo Bilta/; beauty, -a. Bella. dropping,
;;/. ;
i. billiard-table.
2. billiards. billiard-room. Bilustre (L.); ten years old.
Fr. billard,<bille, v. Bilia (B), with 'Bimayl (L. bimus, two years old); young sow Bioccol-ume m. wool sweepings, :

Etym. which has never pigged and is not pregnant.

Germanic suffix, v. supra -ardo, in lnco, so that the -uto ; matted. Lana -uta, in the wool
original meaning was billiard-cue. Neve Neve a
Biliare ; bilious.
Bimb-o m., -a / (a variant of Bambo, trade, pieces.
-uta, i.q.
y.v.); i. little child. 2. as excl. of sur-
Bilic-are ind. bi'lico i . = Mettere or mio che piena oh my what Biodo 01 Biodolo flower-
in.; (hot.) i.
; ! !
prise, !,
Tenere put or maintain in
in bilico, to a flood! ing rush, lintomus umbellatus. 2. reed-
equilibrium, -arsi, to balance oneself. + Bimbolo ;//,; = Bocclo, bud, esp, rosebud, mace, Typha latifolia. 3. bulrush, viz.
Proi'. Chi troppo bilica sbilancia, he t
Bjmb6zzere f. //.;=Bambole, dolls. lake rush, Scirpus lacustris, or chair-
who balances too much overbalances, Bimembre (L.); i. with limbs in pairs. 2. of
= Sala,
double nature, e.g. a Centaur. maker's rush, Sc. paludosiis. 4.
i.e. he who tries to do a thing too well Bimestrale; bi-monthly. bur reed. *as adj., pale yellow.
does it less well than he might. 2. fig.
Bim&str-e m. (L.) ;
i. two months ;
Biograf-ia f. (Or.); biography. Far la
to balance in one's mind, to ponder. usu. Dime vita morte e miracoli, i.e. to
+ = Gingillare, to dally.
A -i, every two months. 2. two months'
d' u'no,
say what you know about a person, fsp. to his
wages. 3. Grano , grain that ripens discredit,
tiff, -icamente, -ico, -o.

Bilico (by aphaeresis (Biligo) ;//. in two months. Biola/ (<W.)= Betula, ; birch.
Biolog-iay: (Gr.); as E. Ajf. -ico, -o.
from L. umbilicus, in the sense of *
Bjmetallismo m.\ as E. " ;=Paravento, screen.
centre, cp. Bellico. The use of this Bimolle or Bimmdlle 7/1. \ (tuns.) the mark *BiondayC; i. yellow hair-dye, ii. silk lace.
of a flat, v. Biqquadro. Biondella /. (bot.) a variety of centaury,
word in relation to balancing is derived *

la zolfa per binimolle, scherz, to drink. Erythraca centatiruim, with yellow flowers, r.
from the poising of a plank, etc., about Binare (L. Hnt)\ to bear twins. Erba (54).

Biond-accio pegs- ugly blonde, -eggiare, Birbig6ni in. ;

a variety of white grape. Birrai-o m., -a f. ; brewer or seller
-<tto rather light, -ezza, -iccio inclined to be
-ino dim. vezz. fair-haired child, v. Biondo. Birbo m. a strengthened form of of beer.
light, ;

Bidndo (cogn. Fr. blond. Proven^, blon. Span. Birba, cunning scoundrel. Birr-O m. (for Birroviere, wearer of
blondo, < late L. blundvs, of unkn. origin) blonde,
fair-haired Jig. young.

Birb6n-e m., -a / augm. of Birbo, ;

a birro, mlt. birrus, L. burrus, red, <
Biond-dne augtn., -uccio dim. spreg.', v. -o.
cp. Gr. nvppos: the birrus was a red-
* rogue.
Biordare = Bagonlare, to revel.
dish collar or cape with a hood worn
Aff. -aggine roguery, -aia collection
Bi6scia A (It. bioscio, &pop. variant of scoundrels, -aio of by inferior police agents); i.
of floscio, y.v.); i. slushy snow. 2. fig. meeting-place
scoundrels or disorderly noise, -ata agent, spy, or quasi-fig. any persecuting
poor soup, weak coffee, etc. or obnoxious official or person Dire le
*Bioscio m. = Bioscia. As adv., A cross- scoundrelly action, -cello or -cella dim. ;

; ,
sue ragione ai -i, to speak to those who
wise. As adj. Bieco, skew.
, spreg. often scherz., -done or -ci6na
Biotto (mlt. blutart, to empty, from a Germanic
augm., usu. vezz. or scherz., -eggiare,
will not listen Fa adagio, non c' e i -i,

blutt, bare, cp. Germ, bloss, scarcely, Bldtwolle, wool don't walk so fast, there are no police
from a dead sheep) miserable. A = alia -eria (i.q. -ata), -escame'nte, -e'sco.
; peggio,

tBirchio m.; bastard. after you. Prov. potesta e messo,

Bipagliettata (hot.} (glume) with two sheath- tre persone e un stesso, constable,
Bircio (etym. unkn.} ; \. short-
ing scales.
Bipartibile; of certain fruits, bipartite. sighted, or with any ocular defect, in- mayor, and legate, three personages but
Bipart-ire ind. -isco (L.); to divide into two. all one and the same bully. 2. (mar.)
Bipede (L. tipes) biped.
ducing a habit of screwing up the eyes.
2. one who casts selvagee, an untwisted skein of rope-
Bipennata (bot.) bipinnate
the (leaf), when sidelong glances with
and secondary divisions of the leaf are the object of not being observed. yarn matted together.
both pinnated. * =
Biribara HI. Giuoco del Mozzetta, priest's collar or flap. As adj., grey.
game of confusion,
; ,

Germ. Wirrwarr, confusion.

Bip^nne/, with *irreg.f. pi. bipen- cp.
v. Bille bille.
Birrone m. ; augm. Birra, strong
na (L.) axe with two edges, battle-axe.
; beer.
Bipinella/; (bal.)= Bibinella, salad burnet.
Biribissaia black counter at the / ; *
Birroviere; i. police agent. ii. soldier.
Biqquadro or Beqquadro in.; lit. square b, game of Biribissi which gives all the Probably this word and Berroviere are, in the sense
originally in the Gregorian notation the German B of soldier, connected with the Provenc. and Old
(Italian SO of modern music it now means natural, ;
players' stakes to the Biribissaio. French terms, i>. Berroviere ; but in the sense of
the mark u, which cancels a preceding accidental Biribissaio m. i. at Biribissi, the ;
police agent originate from mlt. birrus, v. Birro.
Bis- a prefix which, together with the forms
sharp or flat. player who holds the bank. 2. uproar. ;

her-, bre-, bar-, occurs in the Romance languages

Biquadrato ; (math.'} raised to the 4th power. with a sense of twisting, deforming;, perverting, 7'.
Biribissi m. (Germ, vier-fiissig, four-
Biracchio m. (Germ. Brack, refuse) supra, Bar-, Bis- is a variant of Duis- (cp. L. bellum
footed, from the animals painted on the
as a variant of dueUuni), v. infra, Dis-, and must
rag, tatter. Biribissi board); a game where the have persisted in the spoken dialects from which
the Romance languages were developed in its
Birba / (A) (akin to E. bribe, players stake upon any of the 36 num- pejorative sense, though it only occurs in Latin in
Span, briba, idleness, Fr. bribe, hunch bered squares and the banker draws the sense of twice. Amongst Italian examples are
of bread, cp. Walloon brib, alms, briber, out of a bag one of similarly numbered Bislungo elongated, Bistondo oval, Berleffe grimace,
Barlume glimmer. Bis- has, of course, also the force
to quest for alms, the sense of laziness counters (or with an extra black counter, of twice, e.g. in Biscotto.
coming from the wandering about in v. Biribissaia), taking the stakes of Bis ; in provincial theatres, a call for the repe-
tition of the piece on the following night.
idleness of the quester) ;
i. lazy young those who are wrong and paying pro-
fellow, rascal,or of an older person, portionately highly those who are right,
Bisaccia (Bisacca) f. (cogn. Fr. be-
lazybones or worse. 2. as a mode teetotum. sace, Proveng. bissacs, Span, bezaza <
of repeating without quite endorsing tBirichicci; A =A cavalcioni, astride, ,
bit. bisaccia < L. bis, twice, saccus, bag,
a suggestion, Le birbe dicono, corre- t Birichiccolo HI. anything chewed by women ; v. Sacco); wallet, saddlebag.
when spinning to promote the flow of saliva. *
sponding to the E. they do say, or to Bisante m. ;
byzant, a gold coin of about
fifteen shillings minted at
the more usu. It. Le male lingue, or Birichin-o m., -a/ (for **bricchino, Byzantium, ii. little gold
or tinsel imitation coin as ornament on a dress Non ;

Le linguacce, dicono. Le birbe dicono dim. of *bricco, v. Briccone) impudent ; valere un , to be worthless.
che fa la spia, they do accuse him of boy or girl, street Arab. As adj., Occhi Bisarcavoli m. pi. ;
remote ancestors, v. Ar-

being a spy. 3. Far la = Fare il , -i, knowing

eyes. Aff. -accio pegg. or
t Bisatto ;. ;
= Anguilla, eel.

birichino, to live a thoughtless, gay sort pegg. scherz., -ata boyish trick.
* Bisav-o or -avol-o m., -a/; great
of life. Biri-coccola, -coccolaio v. Beri-. ;

* Viver di tBirigini; A astride. , grandfather or mother.

cunning, trickiness. , to live by one's t Birigiotto Portare a to carry a person on
wits, in bad sense.
; ,
Bisbfetico (Gr. a/*</>io-/3j/r<Kf> dis-
one's back.
(B); 'four-wheeled cart with two seats.
Birigndccolo m.; pop. for Bernoccolo, bump. putations, <dfi(t>ia-^rjTfia, to go asunder) ;

Birb-acchibla or -acchifclo dim., or Birill-o (A) m. (etym. unkn., perhaps queer, capricious, difficult to please.
dim. vezz., according to the intonation a var. of Pirolo, peg) ; one of five Anno year of capricious weather.
given, -accia pegg., usu. said of a boy, like small ninepins, placed in the middle v. sub
-acciola (i.g. -acchiola), -accione ot Bisbigli-are (imit., Skeat,
of a billiard table in the form of a cross,
-acciona augni., or if referring to older Whisper); to whisper. Aff. -amdnto.
which the player may knock down with
persons, augm. pegg. v. Birba (A). ;
his adversary's ball. The tallest one is Bisbiglio m. whisper. ; Bisbiglfo
m. continued whispering.
Birbant-aggine / i.q. -eria, but ; called Priore and stands in the middle. ;

used more of the habit than the act. Fare i

-i, to knock down the pins. Bisbigli6n-e /., -a / ; constant
Birbant-e (participial form to which (B); = Brillo, half drunk.
no verb) * Bisb&ccia f. (formed, with assimila-
there is rogue, often said Birfncello w.;=Brincello, scrap.
scherz. as in English. Aff. -ello dim.,

tBirindello m. Brindello, rag. :

tion, < Fr. dttauche, v. Skeat, sub De-
Biroccino m. = Barroccino, gig
bauch) =
for trotting
Ribotta, riotous revel.

-eria act or habit of roguery, often races.


scherz. as in English, -escame'nte, -e'sco. Bir6ccio m. = Barroccio, cart.

; Bisbocci-are ; to be debauched. Aff.
t Biroldo m. i. = Sanguinaccio, black pudding,
-6ne, debauchee.

Birbantina/ ; Batter la ,
to slap ii- fig. = Balordo, blockhead.
the arms across one's chest for warming Birra/ (Germ. Bier, origin unkn.);
Bisc-a /. (etym. dub., perhaps <
beer. O.H.G. disch, table, > Germ. Tisch, v.
Birb-arella or -erella/; dim. Birba.
Birracchio m. (bit. burraculust , dim. **
of L. Bischetto); gambling-hell. Giuocar a
Birbata /. ; roguish trick. hurra, shaggy coat, v. Borra) ; yearling bull. aperta, to be an open gambler. Aff.
Birberella; v. Birbarella. Birracchiblo m. ; dim. Birro. -accia pegg,
Birberia/; rascality, either act or habit.
Birraccio m. Biscaglia the province of Biscay
Birbesco; roguish. ; pegg. Birro. /. ;

in Spain.
Birbett-61a -u61a, -61o or udlo dims. ; Birraglia f. ; Sbirraglia, lot of *
Biscaglina /. ;
i. old large bore musket, or ball
of Birba. police. fired by it, made in Biscaglia. ii. Alia , (ship)
H. 12
= Buscalina, dim. Bisciolo (etym. dub.
Bislacco the first
owned by a group of subscribers, iii. Bisciolfno m. ; (2). ;

rope-ladder. syllable a pegg. prefix, v. Bis-

is the ;

Biscaino m. ; canister shot. Bisciolo m. bird-cherry ;
I. (hot.)
second part of the word may be either
tree, Prunus avium, also
termed Vi-
Biscaiblo m. frequenter of gam- from (i) It. lacca, ham, so that the
2. one who lisps, or as adj.,

sciolo. L.
bling hells. meaning would be lame, halt, (2)
'Biscalino m.; = Buscalina, rope-ladder. lisping. *=Fignolo, pimple.
variant of Visciolo, in
laxus, > It. lasco, > bi-lasco, bis-lacco,
*Biscante m. snatch of a song.
; Etym. In sense (i) a or (3) O.H.G. slak, slack); clownish,
sense (2) prob. akin to It. biscia, snake, as hissing
Biscantiere m. rafters in a
pi. ; animal. queer (person), clumsy (composition).
roof, v. Bracciolo (4). Bisciol6n-e -a f. ; augm. Bi- Bislacc6ne augm. Bislacco. ;

Biscanto m. canto, with prefix,

(It. sciolo (2). Bisleale; = Sleale, disloyal, double-
v. Bis-); i. double corner, corner with faced.
Bisci6ne ///.; I. augm. Biscia, snake.
the point cut off. 2. break in a straight 2. at Venice, eight-oared racing boat.
Bislec in. ;
= Bischenco, practical joke.
line. 3. fig. hiding-place. Bislessare ; to parboil.
BiscappayC; short cloak. Bisciu61a/;=Bfsciola (2).
Biscaro j.; = Bischero (i). + Bisc6cca /; Sghimbescio, crooked line. Bislingua /.; (bat.) leaf-under-leaf, Ruscus
nyfioglossum a south European plant bearing its
Biscondola / spol sheltered from the wind.

to frequent gambling
flowers on the upper side of the flattened branches
Biscott-are to bake like a biscuit. under a bract-like branchlet it is also termed Lingua ;

dens, v. Bisca. ;

well trained (horse). pagana, Lingua di cavallo, Linguella.

*-atoi. expert, ii.

BiscazziSre m. billiard marker.

Bislungo (It. lungo with prefix, v.
keeper of a Bisca.
Biscotteria / ; biscuit-shop.
Bis-); oblong. ;.
Biscazzo m. = Bischenco, practical
sugar-biscuit. Bismalva f. (It. malva with prefix, v. Bis-) ;
2. flip with the finger. (bot.) marsh-mallow, Altltaea officinalis.
joke. Bismuto.(Germ. Wismuth, through English,
Bisce / pi. (mar.} limber-holes, ;
Biscbtto m. (L. bis, cactus]; biscuit. further etytn. nnkn.)\ bismuth.
Imbarcarsi senza i.e. to set about a Bisnaga or Bisnagria /. ; (hot.) toothpick,
holes bored horizontally through the ,
Ammi visnaga, also termed Capo bianco, Pastric-
lowest points of the timbers which job with insufficient preparation. ciano, a species of the bishop-weed genus.
vessel in a salt works.
strengthen the hull, so as to allow Biscottiia/ the smaller
Bisnip6te m. or /.
; great-grand-
the bilge water to reach the well. Biscott6ne m.; augm. Biscotto. child.
Bisce f.;= Biscia. Biscr6ma f.\ (inns.) demi-semi-quaver.
Bisn6nn-0 m., -a f.; great-grand-
Biscb.e"nc-o m., -a/ (O.H.G. slinc,
Biscugfn-o m., -a/; second cousin. parent.
left, cp. Germ, link, with prefix, v. Bis- ; *
Biscurare (It. curare with prefix, v. Bis-); to t A = A bizzeffe, in abundance.
Bisddio ; ,

this gave bislinco, which was altered neglect.

Bis6gna / business, orig. the same
beccuta, buckler mustard, ;
into bischenco for the alteration of sgh Biscutella/ ;(&><.)
Biscvtella auriculata. word as Bisogno but distinct from it,
into si, cp. Sghengo from slinc, and Bisdomino m. = Vicedomino, vice-governor. from besoin.
like the Fr. besogne
Sghembo from slimb) joke, or practical ;
Bisddsso dosso with prefix, v.
(It. Bisogn-are ind. bisogno i. to need.
joke of an unpleasant kind.

Bis); i. A
(to ride) bareback. , 2. to be needed. 3. to be obliged ; -a,
Bischere"tto m. plug for closing a ; 2. (mar.} , A
with the yard of a we must.
wine-skin. lateen sail to windward of the mast, -ino m. dim. vet*.
in Bisogn-eyole, needful, ;

Bischeri^ra/ the place on a ;

violin consequently with the sail bellied iron., modest little requirement (meaning something
where the Bischeri are placed. two hollows fore and aft of the mast. indispensable).
Bisognini m. fl. (mar.) i. cords twisted up ;

Andare a to tack with things in m. (bit. pesctilum, peg, < , with the fingers, knittles. ii. awning-stops.
this position, a manoeuvre only for
L. pessulus, = Gr. TrdoxraXos for **wa- Bis6gno ;. ; need.
calm weather.
iciaXof, akin to nriyvvfu, to fix,
v. Skeat,
^B Cogn. Fr. besoin, Provenc. besonk, be-
zotlh, old Catalan oessorth, bit. titanium;
sub Pact) i. peg on a violin for screwing Bisdnicciolo; accented on the fourth word corresp. to Fr. sain, care, with a
represent a
E. legionary, It. an-
up the strings. 2. Denti a -i, teeth last syllable, e.g. prefix be of determinative character
as in E. be-set,

long and isolated. 3.

= Minchione, silly dandosene. v. Skeat, sub Be-. The other part of the word,
to care for, of
-sogno, is cognate with bit. soniare,
dolt without sense enough to mind being tBisegolo or Bisevolo m. (storm.) a tool ;
Germanic origin, cp. Gothic sunja, truth, v. Skeat,
taken in. 4. nursery term for membrum made of two truncated square pyramids united by sub Bezonian, Essoin.
their tops, with steps at the bases, serving to polish
puerile. 5. (mar.) belaying pin. the edges of the soles and heels. Bisogn-6so, needy, -uccio i. ;
Bischette /. fl.; = Bruschette. Bisellio tit. seat of honour for two persons at

ancient Roman spectacles. Bisogno.

Bische'tto m. (dim. Bisca) ;
low Bisessuale ; (bot.) bisexual, with stamens and Bisdnte m. (O.H.G. wisand, through L. bisoti
within the same envelope. or Gr. i. the European wild ox, aurochs,
table at which cobblers work. pistils |3t(rtt>i');
2. the American bison, Bos Americanus.
Bos bison.
Bischizzare ; i. to indulge in fancies, build BiSestare ;
to be leap year. *
Bisquadro (It. quadro with prefix, v. Bis-);
castles in the air. ii. to make puns. * = Dtssestare, to get out of order. i. nearly square, ii. (mas.) v. Biqquadro.
Bissa f. (native word); (bot.) an American
Biscia f. (etym. dub. among the ; Bisestile (In ancient Rome the 24th
genus of Tiliaceae, v. Orellana.
suggestions are L. bestia, beast, and of February was termed sextus kalendas t Bissa de maryl; sea-sna_ke, v. Ofisuro.
Lombard = Bissarizzo w.; = Misirizzi, toy tumbler made of
Martias, the sixth day counting back-
bisiare t
O.H.G. biz, bite, cp. a weighted cork.
Pungere, to sting); i. snake; A , wards from the Kalends, thus: March Bisso m. (L. from Egyptian sources through
Andarvi come la in- Gr.); i. fine linen used by the ancients. 2. byssus,
ist, Feb. 28th, 27th, 26th, 25th, 24th.
zigzag ;
a tuft of filaments in certain molluscs. 3. (tot.) a
canto, to go there like a snake to its
By the Julian calendar a day was inter- term formerly used to describe an early stage of
charm, i.e. unwillingly. 2. A ,
in calated every fourth year between Feb. fungoid growths of various kinds in cellars, etc.
tBissona/; i: Biscione
24th and 2jth and termed bis-sextus
abundance. 3. (mar.) bruma, boring- t Bistagliato ;
= Frastagliato, cut in pieces.
worm or groove made by it. 4. rope kalendas Martias, so that the bissextile *Bistant-e m. ;
In questo
i. , during

coiled on the flat. 5. in pi., v. supra, year gave 29 days to February)

Anno ; period,
ii. in -i, standing upright.
Bistarda f. ; some kind of vulture.
Bisce. , leap year.
tmatch for firing a mine. Bist^cca / ; the E. beef-steak
Bisestp m. space of four years. As
* Bisciabova
f. whirlwind, hurricane.
; ;
tBisciaccola /;=Biciancola, swing-board.
Biscio tn. (var. of Biscia) ; subcutaneous para- adj., i.q. bisestile. *Bistentare; to linger.
sitic worm. Bisezi6ne/; bisection. *Bistnto m
(it. stento with prefix, v. Bis-);
Bisfusa / (mus.) half of a semifusa.
; enforced idleness and discomfort.
Bfsciola f.; i. a. kind of cherry, v. *
Bisgenero ?. niece's husband.
Bisticciare (A) (for **bistenciare<

Bisgio = Bigio, grey.

Bisciolo. 2. liver fluke in sheep, Dis- ;

Bislllabo m. dissyllable. ** bis-tentiare, formed analogously to L.

tomum hepaticum, v. Cercaria. 3. a ;

dark colour in dyeing. Bislaccherfa/; clownishness. contentio, v. Contendere, but with a

different prefix, for which v. supra Bfvio m. (L. bimum) parting ; of the place from its communications) block- ;

Bis-) to wrangle.
; ways. ade. (0); at billiards, Far un to ,

*(B)(It. bisticcio); to play with word jingles. *Bivolco hole the adversary's ball.
Bisticcicare = Bisticciare. ;
;//.;= Bifolco, ploughman.
Blu m. (O.H.G. blao, v. Skeat, sub Blue); blue
Bisticcfo in. ; wrangling. Bizza /
(O.H.G. biszan, to bite); colour.
*Bluccolo m. ;=Baccello, simpleton.
momentary ill-temper. 2. whim.
Bistfccio(Bisticcico);. word jingle ; Blus-ey: (Fr. blouse, of ttnkn. origin); as E.
of similar sounds, e.g. Sono sano sino a Bizzar-am6nte, -ia; v. -o. Aff. -etta, -ettina, dims.
Bizzarr-o (Fr. bizarre from Spanish; it cannot
segno che..., I am so sanely sound that be from It. bizza, since -arro is not an Italian termi- B6a/. (A) (L.); i. boa, the snake.
nation; the Spanish word, viz. bizarro, means high-
minded and is either Basque or Arabic) queer,
2. lady's boa.
Etyttt. Not a vbsb. of Bisticciare but formed

independently either < L. bis twice, + dictum, or

eccentric, bizarre. (B) (Cogn. Fr. boufa, Span, boya, E.
angry, ii. courageous, iii. of
buoy <
*i. apt to
< L. disticum, v. Distico. In either case an inter- crack, iv. of grain, with much husk.
soil, L. //. boiae, a collar, v. Boia,
mediate ** disticium may be presumed. Ajj. -uccio
dim. referring to the fastening of the buoy) ;

Bistdndo (It. tondo, round, with (mar.} buoy, usu. Gavitello.

Bizz^ffe (Arabic bizzefr plentiful) ;
prefix, -v. Bis-) ; oval. tBoaio M.; Bovaro, ox-driver.
* Bis
tornare = Distornare, to pervert.
A ,
in abundance. *Boarda, Boccarda, or Bocchiarday;; = Boin-

Bizzina f., dim, Bizza child's fit of ill-temper. barda (i), mortar.
Bistorta/; (bat.) great snake-weed, Polygonum
; ;

bistorta. *Bizzioso; angry. BoarinayC;=Cutrettola, water-wagtail.

* Boario Foro the cattle-market near the
i. tortuous path. ii.
personal deformity. *Bizzocheriay?; bigotry. ; ,

Bizz6cco (Bizzocchero) m. (for deriv. v. Pinzo- Circus Maximus in ancient Rome.

Bistdrto; much twisted, v. Bis-. chero); bigot.
*Boaro w.;= Bovaro, ox-driver.
*Bizzoccone w.;=Scioccone, dullard.
Boas m. v. Boa. ;

Bistraccola./; in dyeing, a sort of horizontal

ladder on which to lay the things to dry. Boclto m. (L.) rumbling, roar.
Bizz6s-o ; irritable. Aff. -dtto, -fno,

Bistrattare (v. Bis-) ; to treat badly. dims. *(grain.) hiatus.

Boattiere m. ; cattle-dealer.
Bistro m. (low Germ, biester, dark, BiizucciayC; dim. Bizza. B6ba /. ; i. red gilt-head (fish), Box boofs,
tBizzuga snake, with a suffix
locally termed Bobba, Buga, Vopa.
bistre, a dark brown pig-
f. (It. biscia, 2.
frowning) ;
taken perhaps from Tartaruga); tortoise.
gold-line, Box salpa, locally termed Salpa, Sarpa.
ment extracted from the soot of wood. tBladay:; v. Obbiada.
A , upon a black ground, with deep Bland-amente, -ire ind. -isco to soothe, B6bbia (Bobba) (A) (prob. by /
black shadows. -izie/I //. blandishments; v. Blando.
Blando(L.); bland. redupl. <
L. bua, imit. of a baby's cry
Blasmarsi ;= Dolersi, to grieve. for drink); i. large quantity of slush,
Bisturi (Bistori, Bistorino) m. ;
Blasonat-o Gente -a, people who have a coat
; thick deposit in ink, or the like. 2. fig.
(surf.} bistoury, knife for making an of arms.
= Scienza long tedious document.
incision. Blasdne m.\ i. di ,
art of heraldry.

(B); = Bazza, long chin, or person

2. heraldic drawing of a coat of arms. 3. fig. nobility
Etym. mlt. Pistoriensis, i.e. of Pistoia, near of birth.
Florence, instruments made at that city having Etym. Cogn. Proven^, bkzo, blizo Fr. blason t t
with such chin.
formerly had a great reputation. Span, blason, Portug. brasdo. "Blason means shield tBdbo
;. ;=Babau, bogey.
Bisulcare = Solcare, to furrow. and arms painted on a shield secondly, but not now a measure of area, v. Bubulca.
"Bobolcay;; i.
used in this sense, praise or blame. According to D. Par.
23. 132 it is uncertain whether the
Bisulco; cloven-hoofed. Diez, from A.S. blase, torch, whence splendour,
meaning is "areas" or, as all the old commentators
ornamented shield others derive it from Germ. say, "tillers of the soil,"^ pi. of Bobolco.
Bisunto (v. Bis-) very greasy.

The primary meaning, is

blasen, to blow the" horn. *
Bobolco in. (var. of Bubulco) husbandman. ;

Biternato; (bat.) divided into three stalks each ornamented shield (Littrd). If from blasen it was
with three leaves. the blast of the horn with which the herald at a Bocca/
(L. bucca, cheek, as thing
Bitontana; a variety of pear. tournament proclaimed the validity of the creden-
Bitontbne a variety of fig. ; tials of a knight as shown by his shield, and so
puffed out for producing a sound, root
passed into meaning the painted shield itself, but buc, to roar, an extension of the imit.
Bitorzol-o (Bitorzo) m. (bit. **6is- the derivation given by Diez appears much more root bu, cp. Sanskr. bukfidra, to bark,
tortiare <
L. (or/us, with pegg. prefix, likely, though this too seems to need confirmation,
old Slavonic bitcati, to roar, Gr. /3u-f<u,
since the word in its earliest known use stands
v. Bis-) wart. Aff. -dtto dim. ; -uto,
simply for shield. to hoot, L. bucctna, trumpet) i. mouth ; ;
warty. Blasdnico adj.; v. Blasone.
to chatter, to "blather."
ardente, (horse) with a fidgety mouth,
Bittald m. *Blaterare(L.);

= Batolo
; (mar.) i. running bowsprit. v. ArdereBuona , (a) person with a
Bittare to bitt (a cable).
; Blatta/ (L.); i. cockroach. 2. a hearty appetite, not particular about his
Bittaturay^; turn of a cable round the bitts. kind of shell formerly burnt for its food (b) Lasciar uno con buona
; ,

Bitte (Bette) / pi. (prob. < E. bitts, perfume. with words of kindness after severity;
of Scandinavian origin, root bat, to bite, Blattaria/; (tot.) moth-mullein, Verbascum di dama, a kind of pastry made with
blattaria the names are from the dislike of cock-
v. Skeat, sub Bitts) ; bitts. - del ;

moths, etc., for its leaves. Also termed

eggs and pounded almonds An/uoco, ;
morinella, carrick bitts. di pazienza, Verbasco da tignole, Polline. cannon ; - - d' inferno, foul-mouthed
bitts round masts. - da fBlavie; v. Crenilabro.
speaker ; di
rimurchio, * lepre, spotted fly-catcher,
Blavo ; bright blue. v. Pigliamosche ;

towing bollards. Blecno m. (Gr. pAtjyiw) hard

del martello, the
; fern, Blechnum.
{saltni.) the ; mother-water after the Bleddne m.\ i.q. Blito. flat end of the head of a hammer ;

salt has crystallised out.

Bitt6ne m.
B16nda_/; (Germ,
lustre of the mineral)
btettden, to dazzle, from the
mozza, person who can eat anything;
; (war.) d' ormeggio, mooring ; blende, sulphide of zinc. - d' oro, conceited
bitt Blennorragiay; (Gr. 0AcVca, mucus, pTJywut, person part, ;

Bittonetto >,; bollard, boliard-head. to break) ; as E. one who speaks with affected precision ;
Bitumare or Bituminare to plaster with Blennorria/I; chronic urethra! irritation. Far la pari, to show annoyance ;

bitumen. Bleno nt. (Gr. /3AeVi/a, mucus, from the slime

Bitume m. (L. bitumen, origin unkn.); bitu- with which the fish is covered) ; blenny, butterfly-fish, scelta, fastidious. 2. (mar.) di una
men, mineral v. Bavosa.
pitch, petroleum. Greco, colophony, nave, extreme breadth of a ship di ;
dark resin.
*i. cement, ii. clay. B16so (L. blaesus = Gr. /3X(uo-dr) ;
lupo, nodo a di lupo, parbuckle, v.
Bitumin6so Bitume. ; v.
*Biturro m.\ Burro, butter. lisping.
Biucco m. a poisonous snake, Coluber cenchris, 3. Botanical terms (a) di ciuco,
; Blinde pi. (Germ, blind) (mar. field eryngo, a species of
*Biuta_/;; i. a greasy mixture used for polishing sea-holly,
a threshing-floor, ii. = Belletta. tiii. Bovina, cow- or mil.} blindages or blinds in tempo-
dung. rary defences, consisting of mats, mat-
Eryngium campestre, also termed Bot-
tone di camicia, Eringo montana, Eligio,
Bivaccare (Fr. bivac,v\& Fr. bivouac^ tresses, wooden shelters, etc.
Blito or Bledone Spini d' asino, Spini di S. Francesco;
from O.H.G. btwachty Germ. Beiwacht, in. (Gr. /3JuVoi<) ; (tot.) blite,
di leone, snap-dragon, Antirrhi-
ttlitum virgatum or other species of Blitum. (b)
extra sentinel); to bivouac. num majus; (c)
B16ccayl; (mar.) iron ring. di lupo, bastard
Bloccare ind. blocco ; to blockade.
Bivacco m.\ v. Bivaccare. balm, v. Melino.
Bivalvow. ; bivalve. Also as adj. B16cco m. (A) (Germ. Block) block ;
Phrases with A: 4. A ,
brim full.
Bivalvolata; (hot.) (anther) with two pores
of stone from a quarry. (B) (O.H.G. 5. Rimanere a asciutta, or a denti
closed by valves.
*Bivaro /.;=Bevero, beaver. block-Ms, small fort to cut off a besieged asciutti, to fail in one's attempt. 6. A
12 2
* a uno, to make faces at him.
Bocchi Far
or boccacce, (a) to make faces, (b) of

di flow or pour) in great le *

Bocchiarda v. Boarda.
barile, (to ;

abundance. A dolce, (to keep clothes, to gape or of shoes, to be ; 'Bocchiduro; hard-mouthed.

Bocchina/I; dim. vezz. Bocca.
suitors waiting) by continually holding split. Bocchin-accio m. pegg. of -o. -aio m. \ ',

out hopes. 8. A
e borsa, a dinner- *
= Bassetta, broken bottle.
a tissue made partly of Bam-
mouthpiece maker.
Boccaccino /.
where pays his share.

party everyone bagia, cotton stuff.

Bocchino m. (dim. vezz. Bocca);
9. A mezzo. by hints; A slretta,
Boccaccio ;//. ; a sort of blunderbuss, tsore 1. small mouth; Far il to try to ,
on the mouth.
(to speak) with ill-repressed impatience. look pretty. 2. cigar-holder, or mouth-
Boccadilupo m. (mar.) parbuckle, noose made ;

Other phrases: 10. Acqua in ,

by passing the two ends of a rope through a bight of piece of a pipe. 3. gentle slap. 4. mouth-
II. Andare per le bocche, to the same rope.
hush!. piece of a musical instrument. 5. nose-
be talked about, usu. in bad sense. Boccadbpera / ; (theat.) front part cap of a rifle. 6. mouthpiece of a hose,
12. Aprir begin speaking;
to of the stage, proscenium. filling hole of a shell, fuse-hole
of a
Aprir la of the Pope, at a con- rocket, etc.

a newly-created Boccaddrom. ("Chrysostom" Italian- = Luminello, socket of a candlestick.

sistory, to confer upon iron, loquacious person. 2. one t
ised) I. Bocchinuccio m. dim. sprtg. Bocchino.
Cardinal the right of speech. 13. Aver
; ;

open to bribes. an obtuse

la sulla bara, i.e. to have one foot * B6cc-ia/ (M.H.G. butze,
in the grave. 14. Battere nella ,
E Boccaglia /!;=Mattarozza. crushed thing, bump,<&fe^, to knock,
Boccaglio v. Bocchino. ;

tanto che batte quella casa nella a t Boccagnola /, ; metal or earthenware plate for v. Skeat, sub Butt); i. glass decanter.

questo e a quello, ma ancora

non ha closing an oven. 2. flower-bud. 3. soap-bubble; Far le
trovato uno che la voglia, that house m. (mlt. baucalis
Boccal-e Gr. < -e, to bubble up like soda-water when
has been offered to numbers of people or ^av/caXiov, imit. from the
fiavicaXis the bottle is opened, or milk when
but has not found a purchaser yet. gurgling of water poured out of a bottle, beginning to boil. 4. in pi., bowls ;

15. Bocca mia che

vo' tu, to express w. Liddell and Scott, jSauxaXaw); pint Partita alle -e, game at bowls. 5. fig.
wealth or other abundance In questa ; bottle or jug, or the contents thereof. scherz. head or big nose. 6. bowl (in
- - mia
biblioteca non c' e scarsita :
Scritto sui -i di Montelupo, i.e. ex- those tobacco-pipes which have a drain
che vo' tu, there is no lack of books in tremely well-known known of old, ;
for the oil). 7.
= Fandonia, lie. 8.
this library, to ask is to have. 16. Ca- from the old saws which used to be di Leida, Leyden jar.
varsi dalla ,
v. infra (19). 17. with written on the terra-cotta vases of *i. of grain, Venire
(chem.) alembic, still,

in to form the ear. iii. stem of a candlestick,

Fare: (a) Far ridere, to smile; da Montelupo. AJf. -accio spreg.

such as used to be made in the shape of a rosebud,

A quelle parole fece
da ridere e si
Boccalepre *.;
= Pigliamosche, fly-
iv. blister on the skin. v. delta rosa, hip of a

queto, on hearing this the child's face rose, after flowering.

catcher. Bocciare; (pop.) i. to be plucked at an exami-
relapsed into a smile and it was quiet ;
nation. 2. at bowls, to strike away the adversary's
(b) Fare la ,
to begin to cry,
Boccalbne m. person with a ;
i. bowl.
Bocciaro in.: maker of bowls.
Fare la a, to accustom one's large mouth. 2. child that is always
Bocciato (candle) placed in a
food), (y) Avevo fatto crying.
= Nottolone, goat-sucker. * Boccicata v. Bucctcata.
palate to (some 3. ;

la a que' pochi franchi a un ma Boccame m. (mar.) sheave-hole of a block, ;

Boccilano m. rose-hip. ;

etc. top-rope hole in the heel of a topmast. del

tratto andarono in fumo, I thought I

Bocclno m. ; i. at bowls, the jack.
was sure of those few francs but they Boccapfcrt-a/;, -o m.
(mar.) hatchway. ;
2. Jig. head. 3. small flower-bud.
Boccaportella f.\ (mar.) i. scuttle. 2. di *
suddenly vanished into smoke, (8) Fare visita, manhole. ,
i. calf. ii. as adj. bovine.

la fin' agli orecchi, to grin from ear Boccaportello (mar.) scuttle-hatch, cover, m ;
Bbccio m. ; a variant of Boccia,
to ear; (c) Far tanto di ,
to be fairly cap. flower-bud.
Boccaporto m.(mar.) hatchway. Guardia =
astonished. 18. Lavarsi la d' uno, di , or d' ostellaggio, searcher, custom-house in-
Boccino. ii. in , fig. green, young,
tiii. Bozzolo.
to speak in bad terms of him. 19. Le- spector of cargo shipped for exportation.
Bocciolato; (herald.) provided with Bocci as
to save on Boccarda v. Boarda.
varsi, or Cavarsi dalla the lily of the arms of Florence.
Boccare ~ Abboccare. ;
Boccidli m. pl.\ (not.) an edible fungus, Cla-
one's food ; Credono a tanti guadagni ;
se ha messo insieme qualcosa s' e levato Boccata/; mouthful. small bud. ii. pimple.
*Bocciolinay. ; i.

= Labbrata, slap.
they imagine he has made
* Non ne d' una Boccidlo -'. Bocciuolo.
dalla ,
i. ii.
saper *

cosa, to know nothing of it. in. mistake Fare Bocciolone m.', a variety of large chestnut.
such large profits if he has got any-

; una ,
to do a piece of bad business. Boccioloso; full of rosebuds.
thing saved up he has done it out of Boccatica A
* to satiety.
; ,

20. Menare per v. infra Boccatina f. dint. Boccata. Bocci6na / large decanter. ;
his food. ,

21. Nettarsi la di, to give up Boccidne ;;/. i. large vessel made

(22). Boccatura/; width of an opening. ;

all idea of something on finding it un- of dark glass Vin del ordinary
Boccellato; v Buccellato. ; ,

attainable. 22. Menare, or Portare per Boccerie / pi. (mar.) fore and ;
aft cartings, wine. 2. great liar.
timbers of a ship.
alcuno, to speak slightingly of him. Bocciu61a / small rosebud. ;

Non ricordarsi dalla al Bocc&tta i. medi-

23. naso, i.e. /. (dim. Boccia); Bocciu61o (Bocciolo) m. (It. boccio);
no memory. cine bottle. 2. = Bazzina, double chin.
to have 24. Rifarsi la ,
i. internode on a cane. 2. spout of a
to take away the taste of something Boccett-ina dim. -f no dim., smaller ; fountain. 3. top part of the shaft of a
25. Scioglier la al sacco,
nasty. than -ina, scent-bottle, v. Boccetta. needle-case, upon which the cap fits.
i.e. to say something one is boiling to *
blow on the mouth, = Boc- socket for a candle, pen, etc.
Boccetto ;. ;
i. ii. 4,
say. 26. Sferrar la a uno, to knock chino. measure of the charge of powder
his teeth out. Boccettuccia./; dim. spreg. Boccetta.
for a muzzle-loading rifle. 6. ring or
* to be stabbed, ii. di
i. Coder in di coltello,
Boccheggi-are ind. bocche'ggio; to tube of bark for a certain method of
cane di a tool for cutting coloured glass into
-ante with
grafting, also termed Innesto a cannello,
be on the of one's gasp, (herald?) (fish) its
squares, Correre
iii. in to tip ,

tongue, iv. A domandarlo a asking for the , mouth open. ad anelletto, or a bucinello. 7. stopper
utmost possible, v. Aver il alia i.e. to be
latte^ ,
*i. to eat secretly, ii. to be always eating of a wine-bottle to prevent rats from
still young and inexperienced, vi. di notte, at A = Portar bocca, to
viii. La something, tiii. per speak
IllgllUall. vii.
Vll. v.
dl fc^LC
V. VHjJrl.
supra \l*Jf.
pesce (10). I.

slightingly of. getting at the oil by which the air is

porta le gambe, i.e. food is necessary to keep up
Bocche vtiote
*Bocchello in. ; small spout. kept from the wine. 8. flower-bud.
10. (/<zr.) = Castagnola, cleat.
the system, ix. dead-heads, spectators ,

with tickets gratis. vase.

Bocch&tta f. i. small orifice, peep- ;
in the style of Boccaccio.
in an affected style with the hole. 2. narrow mountain pass. 3. lock-
1 1. in machinery, cam, slope, arm ;
di espansione, tappet.
sentences inverted like Latin. plate. tongue of a boot. 5. (mus.)
mouthpiece of an oboe, clarionet, etc. B6cco m. i. walnut or fruit-stone
Boccaccia/ pegg. Bocca fig. foul- ; ;

mouthed person. Far la of a child, ,

6. (mar.) square washer. 7. deck-plate used as a missile by boys playing at
to begin to cry. Aver to have a ,
for stanchions. Cappe impiombato, walnut weighted

Bocchetto m. = Mazzetto. with lead.

nasty taste in one's mouth. Far
2. good-for-nothing boy.
, ;

B6ccola /
(L. buccula, v. Buccola) ;
to Budello, q.v.\(a)< It. voto,
** votola botola > > ;
Boldrd, Buldrb, Buldrdcche, Bul-
(3><blt. bustula, chest, dim. of L. bustum.
nave-ring, ring placed round the Bodol-etta or -ina/I, -{no ;., dims, of -a. drbghe, Busdrd or Busdr6ghe i. m., :

axle-tree inside the nave of a wheel to angler-fish or sea-devil, v. Lofio. 2. as

Bodonian-o; after Bodoni, a Par-
assist the smooth running of the wheel. adj., Can , bull-dog.
mesan printer of the i8th century. * Bol drone
2. socket, box, metal lining to the m. (var. of Poltrone) fleece. ;

mortise in a door-post, etc. - -

di Legato alia -a, bound in stout paper, *
Bolea /. (Spanish word); i. Andare di to ,
which was Bodoni's habit. His name be in luck's way ; Di = Di volo, quickly, ii. a card

poppa, propeller-shaft stuffing box. game like Primiera.

is also attached to a certain form of type. *
Bolero m. a Spanish dance, or music therefor.
3. boss or buckle placed on harness ;

Bodriere m. = Budriere, sword-belt.

or on a shield for ornament. 4. = Buc-

Boemeria / (tot.) a genus of Urticaceae. ;

Bol&to m. (L.,v. Bulbo) ;(bot.) a genus
cola, ear-ring. 5. (mar.) deck-plate. From Bdhmeria nivea ramie fibre is made. of fungi including the common mush-
6. Boemo Bohemian.
room, Boletus esculentus. da morti,
lock-plate. *Boeta v. Buetta.

Boccolare m. blast-pipe, aperture ;

Bofferia /?; glass-blower's ladle for taking up a fungus common in orchards with a
molten glass. horrible smell, Clathrus cancellatus.
in a furnace for the pipe of the bellows.
Boffetta; v. Buffetto.
t B61fido ;~ Bolso, broken-winded.
Bocc6n-a /., -e m. augm. Bocca, ; I .
B6ffi Male in borgo e peggio in *Bolge/;; i. =Bolgia. ii. trunk, box.
mouth. 2. wad for a cannon. ; ,

said when of two possible courses each

Bocconcello m., dim. Boccone Bolgett-a/; postman's bag. Aff.
only seems worse than the other. -ina dim.
I. scrap. 2. in pi., bits of stone or
Bbffice (It. buffa, puff); puffy, soft. Bblgia/ (L. bulga, bag, v. Skeat,
brick used for rilling in spaces in
Pane , light bread. sub Bulge); i. large pocket. 2. baggy
Bocconcin-o m., dim. Boccone Boffici6n-e m., -a f. ; fat, puffy per- place in a dress. 3. the circles of
son. Dante's Inferno Malebolge, the ten ;
scrap di tempo, a spare moment
; ;
pits of the eighth circle.
del complimento, scrap left in the Bofonchiare or Bufonchiare ind. * = Bolgetta, bag.
large leather bottle. ii.

dish for manners ;

Fo questo lavoro bof6nchio ; to grumble, show ill-temper. *Bolgicchino m. Stivaletto, shoe. ;

a do this work bit 2. From tBolginello ;.;=Boncinello, hasp.

-i, I
by bit. pill. Etym. the i>it. base buf, v. Buffo, with *
Bolgione v. Bolcione. ;
suffix formed upon the Latin dim. suffix -uncttlus.
Bocconcione m. Bolicame; v. Bulicame.
augm. Boccone. ;
Bolide m. (Gr. 0oAt's); shooting star.
Bofonchino m. grumbler.
Bocc6n-e m. (It. bocca); i. mouth- ; Bolimacula / ;(bat.) prickly rest-harrow,
tBof6nchio m. i. bumble-bee, hornet or any Ononis spinosa, also termed Arrestabue.
ful; Aver il
alia gola, (a) to have kind of large bee. *Bolimia;
large white grub. v. Bulimia.
just finished eating, (6} to have a swollen
uvula or tonsils Dare, Avere il to B6ga a species of fish, sea-
/. ;
i. Bolln-a/ (Dutch boeglijn, v. Skeat,
; ,
sub voc.) (mar.) bowline,
bribe or be bribed; Lavorar a -i, or bream, Sparus box. 2. buoy. 3. in ;
rope fastened
arsenals, iron hoop or ring which holds to the edge of a square sail. Andare
a pezzi e -i, to work with interruptions
parts of some of the machinery, to sail on a bowline,

fgud- alia -e d' una

Mangiare un di pane e uno di ,

geon, v. Ghiozzo (2). *in pi., chains, tromba da vento, braces of a wind-sail.
veleno, lit. to eat one piece of bread
and one of poison, to have constant irons. *=Burina.
2. = Boccona, large mouth. Bolinare: to draw the
Bogara f. net for catching Boghe. bowlines
troubles. ;

Bdgheda ; v. Boveda.
3. de' preti, in a cooked fowl, the tight.
end bone, Pope's nose. 4. In due, or B6gia_/ (possibly < L. boiae, v. Boia, Bolinette /. pl.',= Boline di velaccio, top-gallant
sub Jin.) bowlines.
In tre -i, in a moment. 5. wad for a speck.

gun. 6. As adv., Bocconi, face down- = *

Boginayl; the constellationof the Little Bear. Boliniero m. ship that sails well

wards. Boglio m.(L. bolus, lump of anything, from when on a bowline, close-hauled to the
Gr. 0b>Aot, clod of earth) ; cake of chocolate.
i. large pill. ii. poisoned pill. iii. Spiccare i -i
Bogliolo stale (egg). Ha 1' uova -e, i.e. he is
d' uno, to call him bad names, iv. Prov Aver il Bolino; v. Bulino.
talking rot.
smaltito, ///. to have the enamelled, to have the pill Bolio m. (cketn.) ; bole, a kind of fine clay, v.
advantage of a thing without trouble, v. (mil.) B6ia
m., with plural also Boia; exe- Bolo.
Cogliere al ,
to surprise.
cutioner, t/, with plural Boie ; Gavi- = B611a f. (L. bulla, root bul, imit. of
Boccdni, or A ; face downwards. tello, buoy. the gurgling sound of the bubbles of
Boccuccia /., dim. vezz. . Bocca Etym. L. boiae, a collar of wood or iron, such boiling water) i. bubble. 2.
as those by which slaves were chained by the neck (met/.);

Far to turn up one's nose at, usu.

, to a wall for punishment it then came to mean ;
vesicle. 3. pop. for diphtheria. 4.
in disbelief of a story. thong for strangling and so passed in Italian into acquaiola, blister. 5. bulb of a ther-
the sense of hangman, whilst in late Latin it meant
Boce /: = Voce, ; voice. chain and so produced Fr. boute, E. buoy, and the
mometer. 6. papal or Imperial bull;
Bocellato ;= Buccellato, bun. Italian term Boia, used at Leghorn, as being a thing the word in this sense referred orig. to
Boceriayl; (mar.)v. Bozzeria. moored by a chain. The Latin boiae, as making a
*Bocia/:; = Bugia, lie. the seal, the L. bulla being used for a
mark upon the slave's neck, may have been the
*Bociacchiare; = Canticchiare, to hum. The resemblance of seal, as being round like a bubble.
origin of the It. bogia, speck.
boiae to Gr. /foet'a is probably accidental ; Walde
Boc-iare (old It. boce, for voce) ; to 7. (com.) bill of entry di merce ;

quotes with approval a surmise that the implement

bawl. was adopted by the Romans from the Boii and esente, entry for free goods; d' entrata,
*i. to defame, ii. to laugh at. iii. in fallo, to named accordingly, just as the Fr. cravatte was entry for home use ; d' accompagna-
speak without grounds, iv. of a wounded stag, to formed from the name of the Croats. mento in deposito, entry for warehousing.
groan. Ajf. -iatore, -10 bawling.
Boiardo m.; Boyar, a title in Hungary, etc.
i. = Borchia, stud.
Boiera/;; (war.) sloop. ii. seal or stamp, as a mark
Bocidne m. Boiessa j, hangman's wife, of the quality of cloth.
(It. boce); bawler. ;

Boi6ne m.; augm. Boia. Boll-accia^rgy., -uccia<//w., of -a.

tBodda/:;=Rospo, toad. *
Boito = Vuoto, empty. Bollandisti m. pi.; the writers who continued
Bodino; v. Budino. ;

the lives of the saints by Holland.

Bolare; of fuller's earth, v. Bolo.
Bbdola (Botola) /. i. opening in a Bolarmenico m. Armenian bole. ;
Bolbina/:; (bat.) a garden plant, Ixia bulbo-
Bollare ind. b611o (It. b611o); i. to
floor or pavement leading to a cellar. codium.
seal, esp. with a leaden seal, to stamp,
2. cover for the same, cellar-flap, trap- Bolcionare(BoIzonare); to batter with Bolcioni. to brand. to diddle
Bolcione, Bolzone or Bolgione m. (corn, old
2. ; Quel birbante
door. lo bol!6 di diecimila lire, that rogue got
Fr. boson, Provenc. bossos, bit. bulcis, <O.H.G.
Etym. nnkn. Probably<blt. bodula, a var. of botz, v. Skeat, sub Bolt) i. a sort of battering ; ten thousand francs from him by false
bondula, boundary, which agrees perfectly in form arrow, with a lump of lead taking the place of the
though not in meaning. The explanation appears point, ii. a kind of battering ram. iii. a tool used pretences.
to be that the meaning of boundary is a separate in stamping the letters- on medals, etc. iv. con- Bollario in.; collection of papal bulls.
development, which does not concern the Italian vexity made in a timber structure such as a bridge, Bollato; i. officially sealed. 2. (bat.) bullate,
word, the proper meaning being that of plug. hole or v. (mar.) In , (a square sail) with one or both puckered (leaves).
plug, preserved in Fr. bonde, Germ. Spund (where lower corners caught up so as to make a sort of bag. Garzon fellow fit for the galleys.

the * is a prefix = L. ex\<\^. functa, orifice, through *

Boldigraro tn. dealer in home-spuns. ;
Boll-at6re, -atura; v. Bollare.
a dim. **punctula, >bondula, 7>. Skeat, sub Bung. Boldone m. (L. ootttlus, sausage); black *BpIlentino m.; i. Pescare a to fish with a ,

Other suggestions are (i) that the word is akin pudding. line. ii. in //., = Roventini, black-pudding.
Boiler-are itid. bollero (It. bolla); in tanning, *
Bombaba in. drinkers' song. ; Bonavbglia /; i. unpaid hospital
to stir up the limewater with the Bollero, a sort of
Bombage f. = Bambagia, cotton waste.
doctor. 2. volunteer of the Misericordia.
shovel, so as to make it bubble. Aff. -atura. Bombaiarda
yC; a game.
B611ero m. v. supra. ; *Bombanza f. (Fr. bomba.rue)\ jollity, i.
3. iron, idle boy.
Bollitta and derivatives ; v. Bulletta, etc. ii. pomp. paid rower on a galley, not a convict.
Bolli bolli unrest. . ; Bonbraccio ;
v. Buonbraccio.
Bollicare ;= Brulicare, to swarm.
Bollic-iattola, -ina dims.; v. Bolla
Bombard-a / (mlt., v. Bomba) ; Boncia./:;
things by their
cat. Chiamar
wrong names.
la gatta , to call
(2). 1. (mil.) mortar. 2. two-masted vessel, *
Boncianay^; a sort of stuffed ball.
Boll-ire (Bullire) ind. bollo (L. bul- originally war-vessel, but later a mer-
lire,v. Bolla) I. to boil Farla e chant-ship. 3. (mus.) bombard, bass Bonciarella/ (prob. a nasalised dim.
mal cocere, i.e. to make great prepara-
; ;

reed-stop on the organ with 1 6-foot

< L. buccella, morsel, dim. of bucca, v.
tions and then not make anything of it. tone. Bocca) a kind of sweet omelette with
Aff. -ame'nto, -are, -at6re. ;

2. to weld. slices of apple.

AJjf. -imento, -fta. Bombardiera / ;
i. embrasure.
Boncin&llo (Buncinello) m. (cogn.
Bolliticcio w. sedimentfrom boiling. ; 2. vessel carrying artillery.
some Siennese dial. Bolginello a nasalisation
boiling for

Bollitura/; I.
Bombardiere m. ; artilleryman. of **Bolcinello, dim. of Bolcione) bolt-
time. 2. water in which something has *
Bombardier-o or -i bombardier,

staple, for fixing a bolt so that it cannot

tn.\ \. ii.
been boiled, usu. Scottatura. 3. scherz. drinker.
Bombardo in. (mus.) an instrument like the be shot back.
coffee, usu. Ribollitura. weld. ; i.
oboe. ii. drinker. *Bonciow. a fresh-water fish. ii. = Broncio.
B611o m. (L. bulla, v. Bolla, 6); Bombardone m. ; (mus.) a sort of enormous iii. master.
cornet. Boncristiano the Bonchretien pear.
1. seal, stamp a secco, mechanically ; * Bombare i. = to resound, ii. to drink to

impressed seal; a umido, that of a excess. Bondidla / (L. botulus, sausage,

rubber stamp, etc. ; - - della posta, v. Budello and Budino) Piedmontese
- -
di prova, proof-mark.
Bombasina/ ;
Bambagino, cotton ;

post-mark ;
bombazine. sausage.
2. = Francobollo, postage-stamp. 3. mark
* Boneggiare ; to think highly of.
Bomberaca, Bomeraca/;; gum arable. * Bonello m. sandbank
made by a seal, or quasi-fig. by a Bomberaia /. (It. bombero); socket for the ; island formed out of a
in a river.
missile. 4. iron. Fare un bel ,
i.e. to ploughshare.
Bomberale m. (It. bombero); the wood of the Bonetta
make a bad bargain. 5. a kind of rusk. f. (of Oriental origin, v.
plough on which the ploughshare fits.
Bomber-e or -o m. i. = Vomere, ploughshare, Skeat, sub Bonnet); i. wallet. 2. (mar.)
Boll6na / ; augm. Bolla.
ii. addle-pated ass.

bonnet, additional piece put on to a

Bollonare ind. bollono to bolt. Bombetta/I; globular lantern. sail. 3. in pi., spars placed transversely
* Bombettare to tipple.

Bolldne or Bulldne /. large nail, ; to keep a sail spread.

bolt Bdmbice m. L. bombyx) grub, esp. *
prigioniero, stud-bolt. ( ;
; Bonetto m. a sort of skull-cap. da prete,

silkworm. {fortif?) redoubt with three salients, also termed

Bolldre m. ;
boiling, strictly, the Forbice doppia, Coda di rondine doppia.
gurgling murmur of water beginning to Bombicfna; Carta silk paper. ,
Bongaro in.; a poisonous snake of India.
boil. 2. commotion. *Bombicino m. v. ; Bombasina.
fig. * Bombitare of bees, ;
to hum. Bongustaio m. ; connoisseur.
Boll-orino in. dim. -ore, short boiling. ; Bombo in. (itnit.); nursery word for drink. Bonicolay:; = Tottavilla, wood-lark.
Bollor-uccio m.; i. =-ino. i. fig. small dis- *(itnts.) repetition of, instead of holding a note. Bonifacia f.\ (&tf.)=Bislingua, Rusctts hyfo-
Bombola glassum.
Bolldiso ;
/ (It. bomba, from the Bonifacio m. ; (&>/.) =Lauro Alessandrino,
shape) ; metal water-jug, glass wine- broad-leaved pettygree.
Bolluccia /; dim. Bulla. t Bonifatoli in. pi. a kind of paste for soup.
t Bolluciolo m. heat-spot.
decanter. ;

*(w/V.) fire-ball. T opaque glass lamp-shade.

Bolluzza./; pimple. Bonificare ind. bonffico ;
to reclaim
Bombol-etta, -in* dims.; v. Bombola.
m. Gr. jSwAor, clod) (L.,
= by irrigation or drainage.
Bomb6ne m. ; liar, v. Bomba (2). *i. to improve, to
bole, a kind of fine clay formerly
i. ii. verify (an account), v.
*i. iron ball. ii. unskilled labourer in a wool Abbonare (2)^
used in medicine. 2. bolus, pill. 3. Do- warehouse, iii. drinker. Aff". Bonific-amenUv-azione.
rare a to gild upon an under-surface Bomboniera /. (Fr. bonbonntirc) sweetmeat
, ;
B6n-o Buono. -mo dim.
of bole, t = Bocco.
box. ; Aff.
Bomeraca v. Bomberaca.
Bologna the city of that name. Oro di
; che

*Bomere m. = Vomere, plough-share.

m.; i. easy-going, cre-
diventa rossa dalla vergogna, imitation gold which dulous person. 2. in //., (a) twelve
blushes for shame, viz. when the surface comes off Bomprfcsso or Bonpresso (Buom- men selected by the Signoria of Florence
and shows the red copper beneath. Fa come la m. of E. or
presso) (corr. bowsprit,
luna di che sta cent' anni e poi ritorna, said of a as councillors in the Republic; (^mana-
person who puts in a rare appearance at a place
Germ. Bugspriet); (mar.) bowsprit.
where he should constantly attend. gers of certain charitable institutions of
Bolognino ;. an old Bolognese copper coin. ;
Bonacce'vole ; light (breeze). the present day (c) I bonomini di San ;

Boloretina f.\ a resinous substance obtained

from the leaves of fir-trees. Bonaccia/ (based upon L. malacia, Martino, a charitable foundation at
= Gr. fiaXoK/a, the first syllable, with its
Florence for reduced gentlefolk. Aff.
Bolsaggine / v. Bolso. -la.
suggestion of male, bad, being altered

Bolso (L. pulsus, driven, E. to bon); \. a calm; Alia under the Bon-6ne augm. ;
cp. ,

2. = Bonarieta.
Bonpresso; --.
pursy); broken-winded. lee of the shore.
Bolza v. Bolcione.
Bonaccio or Bonaccidne; well-
Bonta (Bointa, Bonita) / ; good-
'Bolzon-a./; an old Tuscan coin, -agliayl; ness.
coppers. disposed.
Bolzone; v. Bolcione. *
Bonaccordo ;.; (mus.) harpsichord. Bontempone m. ; one who has a
B6n-aga or -agray!; (hot.) rest-harrow, Ononis time.
B6ma/ ; (mar.) boom; di maestra,
spinosa, also termed Arrestabue, Bulimaccola, Bar-
main boom. della randa di mezzana, bonaccia, Fermabue. Bonzo m. (forr. of Japanese word for pious
spanker boom. - di trinchetto delle man) ; bonze, Oriental priest. tailor's goose (made
Bonalana / (iron, from buona lana); of wood).
golette, fore boom. Cambiare la t B6nzola /. (var. of Bondiola); bladder.
to gybe. Filare la
contemptible scoundrel, but often said *
Bora tit. ; = Borea, north-east, or north-east
, to ease off the scherz. like E. rascal. wind.
spanker boom sheet.
Bonamano / tip to a waiter, etc.
Borace or Borrace m. (Arabic bftraq,
B6mba / bombus, = Gr.
(L. /3d>/3n ,

noise); i. bomb. 2. fig. lie, piece of Bonambrte / ; service of prayer for saltpetre) ; borax.
ball of pastry. a boys' holy dying. Bor-acera/T, or -acere m. borax-box, -accio

3. 4. or -ico, v. Borace.
game, prisoner's base, Bomba being Bonar-iamente, -ieta; i>. Bonario.
Borasso m.; coir rope, made from fibre off the
the base; Tornare a fig. to return , Bonario (It. bono) ; good-natured, rough husk of the cocoa-nut or from esparto grass.
Borbogliare (<imit. root */, by reduplication,
to the subject. candid, credulous. v. Bolla); of air in the intestines, to rumble.
i. 2. to
*home. Toccar to arrive and be off again.
, Bonasia yC;= Francolino di monte, ptarmigan. murmur, whisper.
Fare a toccar , to stay only a short time. Bonaso in. (L.); wild ox. Borbogl-io m. ; v. -iare. insurrection.

Borbdnico Bourbon. hut); i. brothel. 2. *Fare il Borghesfa^; the middle classes,

Borbora f.;= Burbera,

, crack jokes.
to bourgeoisie.
Borbott-are ind. borbotto (root 6a, *(B) (dim. <L. burdo, cp. Bordellina); i. stout Borghesuccio ;. dim. sprfg. Borghese. ;

v. Babbo); i. to mutter. 2. to speak (a young fellow. ii. anything of substantial size t Borgh6tta/!; = Bolgetta, post-bag.
*= amongst its own kind. Borgh-etto, -ettlno, or-icci61o dims. Borgo. ;

foreign language) badly. Borbogli- m., or -a/; dim. Bordello (B).

are (i). Aff. -ame'nto, -10 freq. sb. Una -a di quindici, a buxom lass of fifteen. Borghigian-o m., -a/ ; villager.
*BorghinelIayC; low woman.
Borbottfno m. borbottare, to (It. Borderd m. (Fr. bordereau); memo- *Borgiaio m.\ maker of leather bags.
gurgle) (cook.) dainty dish, prob. from
; randum of payment. *
Borgiano m. a ; variety of black grape.
the lengthy frizzling generally requisite *
Borgiotto Fico ; v. Brogiotto. ,

BordighierayT; crawl or kraal, pen for keeping Borgnola; Semenza blind verdict in favour ,

for good cooking. fish. of the wrong party. As j.,=Corbelleria, trick.

* *Bordigli-o or -one m. ; irregularity of thick-
one who speaks low. ii. long-necked bottle, B6rgo m.

such as gurgles
ness in silk fibres. (late L. burgus>< O.H.G.
in pouring out. *Bordizio w.; = Giostra, tournament.
burgi Gothic baurgs, castle); i. suburb,
Borbottone m. ; person always mut- Bordd m. (Fr. Bordeaux) claret. group of houses outside the city wall.

tering. 2. village. 3. at Florence, street orig*

Bordo m. (O.H.G. bort, orig. board, outside the walls, but when the wall

B6rchl-a /
buccula, v. (prob. < L. then ship's side, and so that which shuts
Buccola, etym.) i. metal disk, orna- was extended the name of Borgo was
in, outer margin, edge; cp. Fr. bord,

mental button, boss. 2. marble or stone retained, and some of the Borghi are
E. board, border); i. side of a ship.
disk in the centre of which the spout of now quite central.
2. fig. Persona d' alto important ,
a drinking fountain or the like is fixed. (geogr.} Burgundy if
personage. 3. Andar a to go on Borg6gna^ ; ;
Aff. -etta, -ettina, -na dims., -one or -ona augttt.
Borda yl; i. the second largest sail of a galley, board. 4. Carte di referring to wine it ismasc.* vino being
ship's papers. ,

v. Bastardo (i). ii. lining of a saddle, as adj., or di to alter the course, understood.
5. Girar
, ,
name of a certain kind of apple. *
Borgognone as sb. t
go about. 6. Franco
dirty, stingy, ii.
from Bordo); rabble. , free-board. ;

*Bordagliay; {lit. sailors, Borgognotta.

Bordame m. ; foot (of a sail). 7. Secondodi first officer. , 8. Lungo t=Ciuffblotto, bullfinch.
Bordare ind. bordo (A) (com.) free alongside. Borgognottayf; a certain make of steel cap.
(It. **bordo, ,
*Borgolino m.\ labourer's dress, ii. \.
the original form of bordone, staff) *i.border, ii. = Bordeggiare, tacking, iii. =
; villager.
i. to cudgel. 2. to work hard. 3. The
Borgomastro ;//. ; burgomaster, mayor, in
B6rdo adj. ;
Melo ,
a variety of apple, with
Germany, etc.
imperative, Borda means either Attend ! large dark fruit. *
Borgoro (^/. BorgorayT) w.;= Borgo, suburb.
to what you are about, or Leave off t Bordonale m.', principal rafter. Borg-uccio dim. -uzzo spreg., of -o. t

Bordonaro m. net used in tunny fishing.


interrupting me. Bordonata; (herald.) Croce with the ends ,

B6ria/ (O.H.G. burjan, to raise);
of the arms rounded as if the cross-piece was com-
bordo, side of a ship) i. Bor-
(B) (It. ; posed of two pilgrim's staves. vain-glory, self-conceit, ostentation, ar-
da! home, with the article named, e.g. Bordoncino m. dim. Bordone. ; rogance.
Borda i
trevi, sheets, fore and main Bord6n-e m. ; I.
pilgrim's staff;
Boriana / ; squall of wind.
home! 2. Bordare a segno, to sheet Prendere il suo ,
scherz. to move into Bori-arsi ind. mi borio; to swagger,
close home ; la randa di mezzana, to another district; Piantar il in un -ata, piece of swagger, v, Boria.
haul out the spanker le scotte dei *
posto, =Appiopparvisi, to outstay one'.s Boricco /. (L. burriciis, a sorry kind of horse,
trevi, to haul the sheets aft. 3. to fix welcome, v. Appioppare (3). 2. in pi., orig. shaggy horse, burra, rough stuff, cj>. Fr. <
the planks of a ship's sides on the bourrique)', i. donkey, ii. pea-jacket.
the feathers of a young bird before it *Borinay?; Burina. ii. v. Bolina.
i. v. iii. dim.
framework, v. infra, Bordato.
* Sci- = can fly Venire or Rizzarsi -i, to have
; i Bora. iv. fore-leech of a lug-sail.
acquare, to rinse. one's hair made to stand on end. Bori-6ne swaggerer, -osamdnte,
Bordat-a/; tack, board; (mar.) i. *i. pike or stake, ii. beam or plank, iii. counter -os6tto dim.) -osita, -6so; v. Boria.
of a shop. iv. five of the stars in Orion, viz. one of Erba
Cattiva ,
back board; -e corte, short the shoulders, one of the feet, and the three of the BorissayC; (t>of.) money-wort, v. (107).
BoriucciayC; dim. Boria.
boards or tacks favorevole, slant ;
belt. v. the downy hair on a young man's face.
Borlanda; v. Burlanda.
In music: vi. the bass. vii. or falso a sort *
tack ; in fuori e a terra, off and ,

of droning chant or undertone of many voices upon

Borni in. pi, (Fr. borne <.\&t. bodina, perhaps
on of Celtic origin, v. Skeat, sub Bound); curbstones.
; -e long and short
lunghe e corte, the same note. D. Purg. 28. 18. Che tenevan
*BorniayC (It. bornio); unlikely story.
alle sue rime, (the leaves) which (moved by the wind)
boards, tack and half tack; verso il Borniello ;//. ;
laburnum tree, v. Citiso.
were murmuring a low undertone of accompaniment * Bornio unkn.
largo, or del largo, tack out to sea, sea (fogn. Fr. borgne, of ort'g;); one-
to their (the birds') songs. The expression Tener
turn. 2. =Fiancata, broadside. was also used _/?. in the sense of being an accomplice eyed.
*Borniola/^ (It. bornio); wrong decision of an
in some bad action, viii. one of the lower strings of
Bordatlno or Bordato m. (It. bordo, umpire.
a lute. ix. register of an organ from the i6-foot pipe B6ro ;. (ckettt.) boron, the base of borax.

blue and white striped linen to the 32-foot. Bor6n m.\ augm. Bora,
border) ; strong north-easter.
Etyni. (A) In the sense of staff Bordone is from Bonos-ay^; (inetr.) line which fastens the upper
cloth. L. burdo, mule, the the name of mule
pilgrim giving angle of a sail to the top of the yard, head earing.
to the staff which helped him along. This metaphor
(part, of Bordare) (mar.) ; is not uncommon ; in Spanish muleta means either
di terzaruolo, reef earing, -e delle tende, ridge
a giustaposto, carvel built a mule or crutch and El cftbailo de S. Francisco, ropes.

labbro, clincher built, viz. when every

St Francis' horse, means the pilgrim's staff. (B) Bor- B6rra (L. burra, coat of coarse
doni sprouting wing.feathers is from O.H.G. brort
strake of planking or plating in a ship or prort, extremity, projecting corner. (C) in music stuff); clippings for stuffing a pack-

the origin is doubtful the cognate words are Fr. saddle. 2. worthless stuff, //'/. or fig.
except the lowermost garboard strake ;

bourdon, Provenc. and Span, bordon, Gaelic bnrdan, 3. pop. strength,

as we use the word
overlaps the upper edge of the strake E. burden, old E. bourdon; fro6. <late L. burdo,
next below it. drone-bee, of imit. origin ; v. Skeat, sub Burden. stuffing in English.
Bordonizzare to execute a melody accom- *i. Battere la to shiver with cold. ii. = Borro,
Bordato m.; i. = Bordatino. 2. plank- panied by a continued bass.


Borduray;; (herald.) border. 2. (mil.}

*Bore/T; a kind of round dance. Borraccia/; i.^^.Borra.
Bordeggiare ind. water-bottle.
bordeggio (It.
B6re-a in. (L.) north, or north wind. Borraccina f. i. dim. Borraccia. 2.
bordo, side of a ship)

to tack, beat ; (hot.)
Aff. -ale. (a) wood moss, Bryitm cusfiidatum. (b) igro-
against the wind. Borello m.\ (A) (war.) metrica, hygrometric moss, Mnium hygrometricum.
Bordella/; heifer. (c) lucida, shining moss, Hyfimtm splendens.
* *(B); (L. **6ureus, for durrus, red) a kind of senza stelo, stalkless moss, Pfuiscuttt cusfi-
Bordellena f. ; trifle.
coarse cloth. (ff)
Bordelletto m. something the name of which = Borgo. datum, (e) thatch moss, Bryum rurale.
not known

or not to be mentioned.
*Borgaggio .; i. ii. tribute.
Borraccio m. pegg. Borro.
is \

* *
Borrace m. ; 1. borax, ii. = Borraggine, borage.
Bordellinay; (dim. <V.. burdo, mule); i. young
heifer, it. plump girl.
Borg-ata / ; village. Aff. -atella
Borracidre m.\ box of borax powder.
Bordellino i. dress of Bordatino. ii. irritating dim. =

tBorgatclle/^/.; = Tigliate, boiled chestnuts.

Borraggine / ; (bot.) Borrana,
Bordello m. (A) (O.H.G. a Borghe'se i. middle-
bort, (It. borgo); Etym. Cogfi. Provenc.. barrages, Fr. bourache t

board, so that the orig. meaning was class. 2. civilian. Span, borraja, Portug. barragem, mlt. borago,frob.
Boschiero or Boschigno = Boschereccio,
Botora old/ pi. of Boto, vows.

< Arabic atu father of sweats, referring to

mshh, lit. ;

there is an tB6toroi.;=Bassetta.
the sudorific properties of the plant; sylvan. of goosefoot, LHeno-
* Boschiva f. dry leaves. B6tri m.; (hot.) a species
alternative derivation It. horra, wool-clippings, or < ;

podium totrys, also termed Pazienza.

which is the
L burra, shaggy garment, perhaps
to Boschivo planted with trees, wood- Botride/; mould-fungus.
source of the more usual term Borrana, referring
Botrite/ (Gr. Porpus, grape cluster); botryoid
the rough hairs on the stalks and leaves. land. deposit in a copper smelting
furnace of zinc or cobalt.

borage, Bo-
(hot.) i. Bbsco ;/;.
(cogn. Fr. bois, Span,
and B6tro m. (A) i. deep
Borrana/; (A) (v. Burrone) ;

also termed Borraggine, Provenc. bases, mlt.

rago officituilis, Portug. basque, ditch. 2. fig. greedy eater.
v 2 salvatica, (a) comfrey, v. Erba buscus or boscus ; orig. unkn., v. Skeat,
q_ . .
bunch of grapes.
(129,*); (*)
= Buglossavolgare, alkanet. sub Bush); wood, forest;
i. inglese, (B) (Gr. jSorpus) ;

*(B);=Borro, watercourse. shrubbery; Uomo da e da riviera,

B6tt-a/. (M.H.G. butze, an obtuse,
Borrare = Agghiacciare, to freeze. man forest or shore, i.e. handy man,

*Borrasca/;=Burrasca, tempest.
for crushed thing, bozen, to knock, v. Skeat,
* Borrevole suitable for stuffing.
; capable of various kinds of work ; Sugo sub Butt); i. toad. Provs. La che
di forest juice, scherz. for stick to non chiese non ebbe coda, the toad
B6rro in. (Borra/) (var. of Botro); ,

beat somebody with. 2. fig. Pare un , which did not ask got no tail, as an
deep ditch, watercourse. or E un a baccano, it is a mass of excuse for asking Come disse la al- ;

Borrdne m. = Burrone, ravine. ; confusion. So of writing which is all P erpice senza ritorno, as the toad said

alterations, E un 3. In silk culture, .

to the harrow, I don't want you back.
Borr6so; velvety.
the bundles, usu. of broom, where the 2. Ballo delle -e, dancing up and down
B6rs-a / (L. bursa = Gr. jSupo-a); silkworm after its third sleep retires to on one's heels when squatted down like
exchange; stock
i.purse. 2. pouch. 3. form its cocoon. a toad. 3. quasi-fig. dumpy little person.
La piccola meetings of dealers
, *i. firewood, ii. Trovala, !, when a thing
4. blow, or in fencing, lunge;
Una -
side the official hours. 4. the crutch" not to be found, Cavar la lepre dal i: Lepre.
iii. ,

vecchia, an old wound. 5. swelling

Boscone w.; = Macchione, thicket.
in which gold-beaters place the gold to from a blow. 6. stroke of a paint-
be beaten out. 5. (hist.)
Far le borse ;
Bosc6so; well-wooded. brush Dipingere a to paint in dabs ;
; ,
this referred to the bags in which, tBosega/;=Muggine, mullet. also quasi-fig. stroke of a pen in writing
B6s for o m. straits, esp. the straits of Con-
Florence, the names of candidates for ;

a story. 7. Picchiare una to have ,

the magistracy were placed for drawing. *
Bosima/; = Bozzima, weavers paste. a heavy fall. 8. discharge of a gun or
6. silk net for ladies' back hair. 7. bur- "Bosmano m. ;=Nostromo, boatswain. hit by the same. 9. Restar sulla
Boss-o wr. i. ~ Bossolo. ii. musical instrument

sary given by a commune

to support ;

made of boxwood. Aff. *-ino dim. (a) to die upon the spot, upon being hit,
a poor student at a University. 8. in with amazement.
Bossola i. = Boccola, nave-ring. (6) to be struck dumb
Turkish commerce, a money-unit of /. ;
10. quip, gibe, usu. Bottata; e ri-

amount equal to about $, or in Persia 2. = Brusca, horse-brush. 3. lath or

La e
sposta, attack and defence.
1 1.
thin board used on a ceiling in making A
about .25. (anal.) synovial sac; die is cast. 12. or
ita, i.e. the
9. ,

-e agli occhi, swell- a seating for the plaster, where this is

(meet.) abscess.
from age, or
not done by the use of rush matting.
A tutta proof against all assaults.

ing in the lower eyelid 13. Cogliere botta botta, or botto botto,
want of sleep, n. (eccl.) burse, the Bossolaro m. ;
worker in boxwood. to hit every time of firing, v. Botto (5).
v. Corporale.
wrapper for the Corporal, Bossolato ;
v Bossola
. (3).
*i. Dar la zampa delta , to ingratiate oneself
12. di past ore, (hot.) shepherd's purse, with, so that one will be refused nothing,

13. Prov. Sa-
tutta experienced
Capsella bursa pastoris. Bossol&tt-o in. dim. Bossolo. Dare, ;
scudellaia, tortoise, iii.

A from time to time.


iv. per
or Vendere -i, to give fair words and
(person). ,

bato non e, e la non c' 6, the reply v. Petto a , pistol-proof

leather jerkin, vi. A
given by a Jew when
asked if he would foul acts. di bomba, bomb proof vii. assault, battle, viii.
tern for hunting or fishing at night, ix. (mus.) a
redeem a purse on the Sabbath, and Bbssolo m. (bit. **buxulus < L. hard execution, x. (net.) di grascella, strain of
ngw said in reply to any question which buxus, = Gr. 7ruo9, box-tree in the ;
the hip joint in a horse, xi. in hydraulics, Far
= Far bpttaccio, to impound water for running a

does not require an immediate answer. sense of receptacle it may either come mill. xii. = Bottc.
-aiuolo pickpocket, from Gr. jrt^i'r, which however is itself
Aff. -accia /<#-.,
Bottaccia pegg. Botta.
or scherz. gambler on the Stock Ex- forms /. ;
from o9, through intermediary
change, -ale adj., -ata purse-full,
**biixida, **bussilo, or from buxus as Bottacciat-a/; the water impound-
money-purse, -etta dim., -ettina sub-dun., above) i box-tree, Buxus sempervirens,
ed in a mill-dam. A -e, intermittently.
-icchio pop. for -ellino, -iglio pocket- or its wood. 2. = Licio d' Affrica, Afri- m.
Bottaccino i. small cask. ;

money or small savings, -ina dim. can box thorn. 3. small box (properly 2. (arch.) = Bastoncino, moulding
on an
Bors6ne m. ; i. augm. Borsa; Far
made of boxwood, but also of other Ionic column, ^>. Astragalo.
make a lot of money. 2. (hot.) wood or of metal), such as a blind man's
to Bottaccio m. i. mill-pond. 2. bottle
tin cup for receiving alms, usu. Busso-
, ;

a fungus, Agaricus crassus. the of wine given to the carter for each
lotto. 4, in a flour-mill, wheel-box, Tordo
Borsotto ?. ; i. pouch for shot. ii. large purse.
material with barrel carted. 3. song-thrush, v.
Borsuccia/; dim. spreg. Borsa.
piece of timber or other
"Borzacchino m. (Dutch brosektn, dim. of a hole in the middle in which the beam (4)-
= Astragalo. the
half-high boot.
bnos, boot) small cask. ii. (arch.)
(anal.) socket
of the wheel turns.

Borzacchio; v. Bozzacchio. 5. buckets on a wheel for raising water.

B6sa/ ; (mar.) in//., bull's eye cringles, rings to of the hip joint. 6. ballot box. Prov.
Bottacci&lo m. i.q. Bottaccino.
which the bowline bridles are attached, Branca i.
La limosina si fa colla borsa e non col

Boscaccio m. pegg. Bosco. Un penculoso, about the

gumboil or other swelling

a dangerous wood. alms should be gifts, not voting 2.

face. *As adj., dwarf, squat.
Boscaglia / i. forest district. away other people's money.
Soffiar nel -
i (a) of a woman
= Lisciarsi ,
Bottaglia /. (Germanic batte, leather bottle,
2. fig. untidy hair. Fr. botte); in//, high boots.
molto, to be overdressed. (*) to make
mischief, cp.
Buscalina. ii. = Bussola, compass.
Bottagra v. Bottarga. ;

Boscaglina, Boscaina; v.
* Bottaio (Bottaro) m. cooper.
Bossolotto m. ; poor-box. ;

woodman. *
Bota or * Botacchiola ; silly woman. / Bo t tame m. quantity of casks.
Boscaiblo m. ; * Bottana /; a kind

of cotton doth.
Botanic-a/ (L.<Gr. florae, fodder); botany.
Boscalina ; t>. Buscalina. Bottarga, Buttarga, or Pottarga (Bottarica,
Botarga v. Bottarga. Bottagra, Buttaghera, Buttagra, Buttaraga)/ (Ara-
Boscherewio ; sylvan.

t Botazzo fit. = Battimare. . ;

. bic btthar-ka, said by Quatremere to be compounded
of old Coptic bu and Gr. ripixos, dried fish)
a sort
Boto m. (A)=Voto; prayer. 11. votive
* Boschettiere m. \ bird-catcher, v. Boschetto (2). i.vow,
offering, oath. iv. vote.
iii. (B) (akin to Botta, of caviar made from mullet, botargo.
i. dim. Bosco. orig. therefore
= obtuse) silly fellow. ;
Bottata /; i. gibe. 2.
v. Fras- = Bodola,
2. place for snaring birds, Bbtola /. ; cellar-flap. damage. 3. pretentious reply to
conaia. 3. the plants
which constitute an ex-
Bbtolo m. (dim. Boto, B) ; pug dog. question,esp. that of naming
a part of the snare. cessive price for something. *gunshot.
* Boachiere in.; = Boscaiolo.
tz'. Muggine (2).
Bottatrice /.; eel-pout or burbot, Lota vul- Botteg-6na f. auffm. Bottega. -6ne m. ; ;
Bott6n-e m. (cogn. Fr. bouton, Span,
fan's, locally termed Bottrisa. angm. Bottega, esp. meaning a large cafe, -uccia
Bottazzo in.; i. = Mola, sunfish. 2. v. Bot- f.\ ditti. spreg: Bottega. and Proveng. baton, Portug. botds, bit.
taccio. 3. (mar.) furrings of the timbers. Bottello ni. ; printed matter occupying only a
botonus, of Germanic origin but exact
small space, e.g. a motto on a half sheet of letter-
Botte/ (cogn. mlt. butta, M.H.G. derivation unknown, v. Skeat, sub But-
butte, Fr. botte, Proveng. and Span. bota, Botticellay:; dim. Botte. 'dim. Botta. ton, Bud); i. button; -i gemelli, sleeve-
v. Skeat, sub Boot the primary meaning Botticello m. dim. Botte, esp. a vessel ar- links.
; 2. scent-bottle. 3. flower-bud.
ranged for allowing water to drip on to a grindstone.
being vessel of leather) i. cask che ; ;
Botticina/:; i. dim. Botta. 2. dim. Botte. 4. ear-ring. 5. (surg.) cauterizing iron.
canta, empty muta, full La ; pu6 ; Botticino/.; i. dim. Botte. 2. Quello del , 6. (hot.) (a) d' argento, bachelor's
the best wine the phrase is used mainly in the
far querciola, the cask may stand on its ;
buttons, a cultivated double variety of
nursery rhyme Lucciola lucciola vien da me, Ti daro
head, i.e. is empty Dar un colpo al ; del
pan del re, E del cacio marzolino E del vin del Achillea Ptarmica, sneeze yarrow, v.
cerchio e uno alia ,
to give one blow botticino.
Erba (146); (<$) = Piede di cornacchia,
to the hoop and one i.e. to to the cask, Bottfgli-a / (mlt. buticula, dim. of silver buttons, v. Piede (18, e); (c)
manage two matters successfully or to bntica, v. Skeat, sub Bottle) ;
bottle. d" oro,buttercup, Ranunculus (d) da ;

contrive to hold both parties to a dispute Aff. -accia pegg. camice, = Bocca di ciuco, field eryngo.
to be in the right and so offend no one. *
Bottigliere m. ; i. butler, ii. wine-maker. 7. di una manivella, crank-pin.
2. culvert carried under a stream. *i. clasp, ii. enlargement in the middle of the
Bottiglieria f. i. wine-cellar.
3. (arch.} A mezza
(an arch) of a ,
2. wines.
stem of a chalice, iii. bulb of a thermometer,
half circle. 4. (mar.) crow's nest. 5. at 3. wine-shop. iv.
(surf.) boil. v. (fiharm.) vessel for boiling or
macerating, vi. in assaying, bead of silver which
Rome, hired carriage, fly. 6. scan- Bottigli-e'tta -na dims, (-na being remains in the cupel, vii. = Bottata, gibe. viii. Dar
the smaller), -ona augm., -uccia dim. to cross-question, fix. knot.
nellata, helmet shell, v. Porcella (2).
Bottonelle /. //.; filigree silver buttons fas-
*i. Alzare la , to be at the end of an affair, spreg. of -a. tened to the "paternoster" beads of a rosary.
ii. Fa che la make the cask spout, i.e. give
spilli, tBottinay?; gudgeon, 7'. Ghiozzo (2, a).
me deeds not words, iii. Fare il sedil di , to Bottinaio m. one who cleans out cesspools. ; BottonierayC i. row of buttons on ;
make the seat of a cask, i.e. work for others' benefit. *Bottinato; (Soldato) who has shared
iv. Farsi legname da to be callous to insult.
in the breast of a coat. 2. the line where
, the
spoil. the buttons go.
v. Stare p^er sedile di , i.e. to serve for making Bottiniere m. ; watchman of an aqueduct. 3. tool with hollows in
up a required number of persons. it on which to beat a metal
Bottfno m. (A) (It. botte); i. cess- plate into
Botte'g-a/ apotheca<Gr. airo-
2. any chamber for corresponding bosses. 4. (herald.} half
shop; La non vuol alloggio, pool. water, esp. moon with a notch on the concave
i.e.customers are not wanted to stay in precipitation chamber in an aqueduct border.
of drinking-water.
a shop when their business is done. t Bottrisa /.; v. Bottatrice.

qitasi-fig. painter's studio. 3. ware- (B) (Fr. butin, a word of Germanic *Boturo;.; bitumen.
tBoudroi m. angler fish, v. Lono.
house. 4. a vento, stall. 5. am- origin, cp. M.H.G. bitten, Germ. Beute,

Bovarfnay:; = Cutti, wagtail.

bulante or viva, hawker. 6. Bottega ! E. booty) booty. ;

the call for the waiter, in a cafe". 7. A *i. cistern of drinking water.
B6ve in., pi. bovi or buoi (L. bos) ;
, ii. aqueduct.
a call to a dog, esp. a butcher's dog, iii. sump in a mine. iv. receptacle for buttermilk. ox. Occhio di ,
bull's eye window.
boot. Mettere a to put in common *=
Boga. tPesce
v. vi.
that has run off. 8. Hai la
v. Notidano.
aperta, ownership.
scherz. your clothes are unbuttoned. *BovedayC; (arch.) a sort of chained ornament
B6tt-o m. (var.oi Botta); i. = Botta, on an arch.
9. Far to make a traffic in what Bovi m. pi., or
2. Fare un
blow, stroke. a, to have Bovey://. (L. boiat, v. Boia);
should be held sacred. 10. Tenere il chains.
a little game of..., lit. to have a knock
capo a to attend to what one is Bov-ile m.
at; Facciam due -i al biliardo, let us -fno as E.
; cattle-stall, ;
about, ii. Ferro or Ferraccio di ,
have a couple of knocks at billiards Bovina
police spy. 12. fern' di
, implements
/. ; cattle-dung.
Fare un a' pugni, to have a boxing
of a trade. 13. hnpiccia botteghe, idle B6vo in. (mar.) two-masted lateen-
match. The phrase, however, is not ;

gossiper. 14. Mettersi a to take to ,

rigged vessel with bowsprit or jib-boom
limited to games where there is hitting
a thing heartily. 15. Fare un ridosso a

Facciamo un alle carte, let us have used in the Mediterranean.

una to open a shop in competition
a little game at cards. 3. Di sud- B6zz-a_/T (a variant of Boccia, y.v.)
out of spite, as distinct from Far , ;

to denly. 4. In un , (a) in a moment; 1.

rough-hewn stone; Muro a -e, wall
concorrenza, compete legitimately. Non
16. Riiornare a = Tornare a bomba, (b) as in the following, discorrete with rough bosses at intervals. 2. boss
tutti in un do not all talk at once. , of metal. 3.
= Abbozzo, sketch. 4. in
to return to the subject. 17. Stancare
le botteghe, to try all businesses in turn. 5. (a) by repeated strokes,
, pi.,proof-sheets. 5. (mar.) stopper, a
(b) every time Chi fa a pugno con lui, short piece of rope used to secure some-
1 Star bene a
8. to be civil to cus- ;

terra, anyone who boxes

-, terra thing; di cappone, rope for second
tomers; Star di to keep a shop,
with him will be knocked down at once. catting the anchor.
v. Stare (7). 19. Sviar la ,
to disgust
Similarly, p'glia nel barilozzo, he *i. (sttrg.) swelling, foolish story, roll
customers. 20. Tornar di ,
to move of bread.
ii. lie, iii.

hits the bull's eye every time.

one's shop. 21. Stare a uscio e to , *
i. Dare il = Dar calci, to despise, ii. Dare un Bozzacchio, Bozzacchidne or pop.
be near neighbours. AJf. -accia /*,'. a una cosa, to take from

diminish it. iii. Fare

= un to come to a decision,
iv. = Botta or Rana,
Borzacchio m. (A) (It. borsa); swollen,
Bottega-io in.; Pizzicagnolo, \.
toad or frog.

withered plum.
provision dealer. 2. =Avventore, cus-
Bottola v. Ghiozzo *(B); = Abuzzago, buzzard.
tomer, esp. iron., person of no account. /. ; gudgeon,
Che bottegai of people who ask to see
! (2, ). Bozzacchiuto small and deformed. ;

everything and buy nothing; also of Bottonai-o m., -a/ ; button seller. Bozzaccia /
pegg. Bozza. ;

people who pester one for a loan. Ajf. Bottonato ; (herald?) unexpanded, in bud, like Bozz-ago or -agro ;.; Poiana, buzzard.
the Florentine lily, which is both Bottonato and
-ia /, -ino dim., -iuccio dim. spreg. * Bozzale m. dirty puddle.
Bocciolato. The rose is said to be Bottonata when Bozzaracchio m. = Ahavola, teal.
Bottegante m. shopkeeper. ; the nucleus of the centre is of a colour different from

Bottegh-e'tta or -{na / ;
dim. vezz. that of the rest of the petals.
Bottonatura v. Abbottonatura. Bozz-are; i. = Abbozzare, to sketch.

Bottega. = Bottoncino, but

2. to stopper, tie up with short ropes,
Bottoncello m. ;
Bozze. Muro -ato, wall with rough
;;/. dim. Bottega. ;
i . 3.
2. officeof the public lottery, usu. Banco larger. 2. (surg.) in pi., granulations. stones.
del lotto. 3. agent in the lottery office.
Bottoncino m. ;
i. dim. Bottone. tBozzatello rrt. ; dim. Bozzo.
Bozzaulo m. a species of hawk, frob. the
4- Far di cose sante, to traffic in 2. shirt-stud. 3. in //., small earrings.

holy buzzard.
4. di rosa, rosebud. 5. scent-bottle.
i. hawker, ii. <la rcni <!' un s;.nto, portable
6. large pimple.
Bozzell-o m. ; (nun:) block with one
shrine. i. (chem. ) bead. ii. instrument for blinding. or more pulleys. For the different
varieties of block v. Paasch, Diz. mar. 2. baby's diaper. 3. a leather protection Bracciare m. ;
i. escort, gentleman
Aff. -aio block-maker, -ame blocks,
-en'a in the form of breeches worn by well- giving his arm to a lady. 2. (hist.)

block-shed, -e"tto or -ino dim. sinkers, etc., when let down seated on squire, Cavaliere servente.
* the bight of a rope. 4. a lashing to Bracc-ino ;., with //. -ina f. or -ini ;//. ;

Bozzeria, Bocceria, or Briccieria/l; (war.) dim. vezz. Braccio.

large beam running from bow to stern beneath the hold decoy birds in their places. 5. piece
Corsia of a galley, v. Corsia. Braccio m. with //.
of gossip Star sulle brache, to spy out
; (L. brachium) ;

Bozzett-fno m. ; dim. of -o. *flower- one's neighbour's affairs in this sense ;

in sense or in that of a measure,

bud. the word is prob. for Bracchi, v. Bracco. braccia _/., in other senses bracci m. \

a low rampart at the foot 1. arm. Besides many uses analogous

6. Falsa
Bozzetto m. (It. bozza) ; sketch for ,

to similar uses in E. may be noted

of the outer wall of a fortification by :

a large work. Dar -- forte, to render assistance;

way of additional defence. 7. in book-
Bbzzima (Bosima) / (Gr. an-oft/ia, binding, a strip of paper pasted on so Dar to allow too great freedom,

as to mend a torn leaf.

-- di mare, straits;
decoction) i. weaver's paste for soften-
8. (mar.) e.g. to children;
del timone, rudder- - di terra, isthmus di ferro, trial
ing the web. 2. bran paste for fowls. (a) sling, (b) ;

3. spreg. soup, etc., spoilt,

cooked into chain. of strength between two people who
a paste. 4. fig. any confused jumble or *i. strengthening pieces of iron round the cart- lock hands and putting their elbows
ridge-cases of the old Petrieri and Organi. Aiu-
and together on a table try which can force
dull ill-written essay.
tare uno a brache calate, to the uttermost of one's
*BozzinayI; Di mala hard to cook. Trarsi or Levarsi le brache, = Pensar
the other down; Predicare a ex- ,
power, iii.
Bozzininingayl; rattlesnake. a' fatti suoi, to think of oneself, iv. Aver le brache
A 1
tempore preaching; Fare alle braccia, to
alle ginocchia, to be embarrassed, v. Prov. sot-
wrestle. as a measure, the length
(prob. a variant of
Bbzzo m. (A) tili cascan le brache, = Chi troppo s' assottiglia si
in different localities in Flor-
Botro, y.v.) ; pond, scherz. the sea. scavezza, v. Scavezzare Esser come le brache di ; varying ;

= Bozza, Burleo, i.e. to allow oneself to be humbugged by ence it was 0-58 metres. (mar.)
(B); i. = Abbozzo, sketch. 2. everybody.

Bracagna/; v. Bargagno. (a) brace, rope fastened to the end of

rough stone. a yard-arm (b) strengthening piece for
cuckold, fig. brought to shame,
Bracal6n-e m. i. sloven, lit. man the ribs of a ship, futtock; (c) = Passo,
*Bozzolay^; dim. Bozza, swelling.
with trousers slipping down. 2. large fathom.
Bozzolaccio m. cocoon from which ;
loose trousers worn over the others to
the moth has escaped. Bracciblo m. i. arm of a chair.
keep them clean. 3. as adj., slovenly.

2. banister rail on stairs. 3. (watckm.)

Bozzolaio m. ; dealer in cocoons. 4. A -i, negligently. one of the parts of a watch. 4. in //.,
v. Bozzolaro. Bracare to pry, or tr. pry into. rafters forming the angle of a ridged
Bozzolaraia/ ;

Bracato Grasso roof. 5. in shipbuilding,

knee del
Bozzolar-o m.,
** buccellarius < L.
-a (-aia) / (bit.
* = Imbracato,
; , very fat.
tagliamare, cheek of the head, v. Del-

buccella, morsel, i/. braced.

fine (3) cappuccino, standard of the
Buccellato); seller of sugared buns.

Bracca/. ;
v. Bracco. head.
B6zzol-o m. (A) (Gr. /36>/3u, silk- Braccare ;
i. to follow by scent. Bracc-ione ., with pi. -i6ni m. or -i6na/i;
** augm. Braccio, strong arm. -idttow. plump arm.
worm, through L. bombyx, bombucius, 2. fig. to seek after. *
Bracciuola f.; a variety of white grape.

whence old It. *boccio, *bozzo, and so Braccatdr-e ;., -ay!; v. Braccare. *
Bracciuolo m. i. = Bracciolo. ii. bracelet.

as dim. Bozzolo); i. cocoon of the silk- Braccetto ;//. i. A arm in arm. 2. (tnar.)
; , iii.measuring staff, v. Braccio (2). iv. channel for
/*/., topgallant and royal
in braces. water in a meadow, in constructions, brace,
worm or other grub; fig. Aver fatto il Braccheggi-are ind. bracchcggio freg. Brac- ; vi. a variety of vine.

suo have formed one's decision.

, to care. Ajff. -atore, -atora, -o. Bracciuto or Bracchiato (bot.) with branches :
wool or cotton. 3. lump in
in Braccheria/I; i. pack of hounds, ii. confusion at right angles to the trunk.
2. lump of voices.
flour, after mixing with water. 4. short Bracchetto tn. dim. Bracco. ; Bracco ;. (O.H.G. bracco, akin to
fat person. 5. in dyeing, a sort of spoon *
Bracchiato; i.q. Bracciuto. L. fragrare, v. Fragrante); i. setter,
Bracchiere in. huntsman.
in the shape of a half cocoon for taking

Bracciaddnne tn. ;
= Madreselva, honeysuckle. foxhound, any dog that hunts by scent.
colouring matters from the vat. 6. (bot.) Bracciaiuolay?; i. armlet, piece of armour for 2. fig. Bracchi del boia, spreg. po-
-i seta dei boschi, = Erba seta sal-
di the arm. ii. shield.
lice agents Tener bracchi alia coda

vatica, wild swallow-wort,^. Erba(i4i). Bracciale a toothed piece of in. ;

i .
d' uno, to have him watched.
*(B) (var. of Bozzpla); i. swelling, ii. measure wood fastened on the arm for playing * i. Sciorre i bracchi, (a) to speak without reserve,
used by a miller in withdrawing from the meal the at Pallone. 2. bar put against a door (^) to go mad. ii. travestito, good-for-nothing
quantity to be retained by him as his payment. person, iii. hangman's assistant.
Buscare pill che su* -i, i.e. to pay the penalty for from inside to keep it shut. Braccdtto v. Bracotto. ;

some wrong act. *i. handcuff, ii. bracelet.

(Bracia, Brage, Bragia,
Aff. -dtto or -ino dim., -one augm., Bracciale'tto m. bracelet.
Brascia) f. (cogn. Provenc.. and Span.

-6so lumpy, -uto slightly lumpy.

Braccialino m. ;
dim. Bracciale (i). brasa, Fr. braise; cp. O.H.G. bras, fire,
Bozz6ne m. (etym. unkn.) i. wether ; Bracciante tn. ;
labourer. brasen, to burn corresponding words ;

lamb of a certain age Quando suona ; - in occur in Icelandic, etc., v. Skeat, sub
Bracciare (mar.) to brace. small pieces
Brasier); i. embers.
campanone (for the feast of S. John, croce, to square the yards. a collo,

June 24) tutto 1' agnello gli e the of charcoal, fig. Come 1' e nera la ,
in faccia, addietro, or a poppa, to brace
lamb is no longer young enough to kill. how serious she looks Far le cose a , ;
aback. di punta, to brace sharp up. = alia peggio, to get
2. as adj., stupid, heavy.
in croce un pennone, to brace a yard
or Campare a ,

-bra, -bre, -brio, -bro terminations in panna, or in ralinga, to things done or to get along somehow.
square. = Braciere,
which correspond to L. -her, -bris, -bra, brace by. a destra, sinistra, to brace Bracare m. ;

-brium, -brum, with the meaning of to starboard, to port. avanti, or in Brache; i. Braca. 2. - di
v. -

instrumentality, cp. Germ, -bar, v. infra, vela, to brace up. *to embrace. Lanzo, (dot.) a variety of cabbage rose.
-bro. the rove-beetle genus of
Bracciat-a/ armful. Di ; ,
as big Brachelitri in. pi. ;

Brabanze'se ; Brabantine. round as a man can clasp. A -e, in

Brachesse; = Brache, breeches.
abundance. *embrace.
Braca/. (Gallo-Latin braca, akin to BracWtta(Braghetta)/; i. trouser-
O.H.G. bruoh, trouser, v. Skeat, sub Bracciatella / ; dim. Bracciata.
flap, when the trousers
are closed in
Breeches probably also akin to L.
*a kind of cake. front by a single piece buttoned on
fragrare, v. Walde, sub Braca, Fra- Bracciatdccia yC sckerz. between augm. and ;
either side at the hips. 2. little child's
dim. of Bracciata, a pretty good armful.
grare}; i. leg of a pair of breeches; drawers. 3. dim. Braca (7).
fig. Gli cascan le brache, he is afraid ; Bracciatura/ measurement. *loop ; *i. dim. Braca. ii. Prffv. II buon ufficiale deve
Calarsi le brache, to give the struggle. in a shield for the arm. aver due cose, niano larga e stretta, he who is to
rule others must neither be stingy nor a libertine.
Bragiuolo; v. Braciuolo.
iii. Aver uno nella = Averlo in tasca, to find him ,
Braglia /; (tot.) i. dyer's weed, Genista
BrancMa / ; i. in pi., gills. 2. fin.
a nuisance, iv. band tied round a ttnetoria. the term Branchino m, scherz. hand.
package, slighter 2. may sometimes refer to a \
than Imbracatura. Cercar a a to seek
v. species of pondweed, Potamogeton /items or to saw-
from door to door.

wort, Serratula tinctoria.

Brancic-are ind. brancico (It. bran-
*Brachetto w. breeches or drawers. Bragmano ;.; Brahmin. co) to feel a thing over.
; ;
Aff. -ame"nto
Brachett6n-e m. i. scherz. person Brago m. (cogn. Proveng. brae and old handling, -atura i. feeling, 2. finger-
with wide breeches. 2. (arch.} all the Fr. brai, mud, from Scandinavian mark, -hino fingerer, -hfo fingering,
brdk, -6ne augm. clumsy fingerer.
ornamental parts of an arch. 3. -i da tar owing to the similarity of the two

vasca, dressed stones which form the semi-liquid materials) mud, slime. ;
Branco m. (It. branca, orig. as much
edging of a reservoir. *coward. *
Bragone v. Bracone. as the hand can clutch) flock of
sheep, ;

Brachiale; (anat.) brachial. Bragdtto in. {mar.) topmast-stay.

etc., or quasi-fig. troop of persons.
t Bragozzo; v. Bracozzo.
Brachiato; v. Bracciuto.
Brancolare ind. brancolo (It. bran-
Brachieraio m. truss-maker. Brai m. (Fr. brai, v. Brago);
ca) to grope.

2. worthless person. grasso, asphalt purified by boiling in t Brancolito = Aggranchito, benumbed.

water. - ;

liquido, residue of the dis- Brancoldn-e or

Brachiere m. (It. braca); i. (med.) tillation of
-i adv.
by feeling. \

truss. 2. Uccelli col birds beginning minerale, a mixture

tar. *
Branconi crawling on all fours.
, of resin and tar for caulking Brancorsina (Brancaorsina)/: (mlt. branca ur-
to get out of sorts. tiresome person. ships,
= Sospensorio. secco, a mixture of colophony and black stna, bear's paw); (bot.) acanthus or brankursine,
4. v. Erba (75).
pitch or the resinous residuum of the Brancuccia/; dim. Branca.
Brachfna/ dim. Braca ; q.v. (i) and distillation of turpentine.
Braido (O. H.G. f/raiKL. paratus) active. Branda/ (etym. dub., perhaps from
brandone, regarded as an augmen-
BraierayC; Brayera antftelmintica, an Abys-
Brachln-o /., -a gossiper, v. sinian plant named after a French tative, v. Brandone);
Braca (6). Dr Brayer. Another name for it is Cusso. physician, i.
camp bed,
"Braire; to roar or scream, ?'. Sbraitare.
folding bed. 2.
(mar.) hammock.
Bracia; v. Brace.
*Braitare; = Sbraitare, to shout. ind.
Brandeggiare branddggio ; to
Braciaio m. train a *=
charcoal-cupboard. ;
Brama / (A) (prob. from O.H.G. gun. Brandire, to swing.
Braciaidla/ ashpit under a furnace. ; breman, to roar or bellow, cp. L. tatrare, Brande'ggio m.; Dar a, i. to
to bark, used by Lucretius in the sense train (a gun).
Braciaiudlo m. charcoal-burner. ;
(mar.) to ease (the
of seeking eagerly) strong desire. ; (helm).
Braciere (Bracere, Braziera) m. ;
(B) toothed gilt-head (fish), Spans castaneola, Brandell-o m. (dim. form cogn. with
brazier. locally termed Castagnolla, Occiada bastarda.
Bramangiere /. tit-bit. ;
Branda, q.v.); little piece, scrap. A_ff.
Bracln-0 m., -a/ (It. brace) i. char- ; Bramant6sco; after Bramante (d. 1514). -eato, -ino dims., -uccio dim. spreg.
Bramasangue; astxcl., death *
by retail. 2. fig. dirty, sulky,
coal-seller, !
Brandemborgo m. cloak with long sleeves ;

or underbred person. 3. bad artist. the term is from the German province where it was
Brameggiare ind. brame'ggio ; to formerly worn.
have licentious desires. Brand! m. pi.; dance music, v. Brando.
Bracibla/ (It. brace); i. fried slice
of meat, USH. of pork. 2. scherz. cut in Bramin-o in. Brahmin. Aj@. -ico.
; Brand-ire ind. -isco
Bramito m. (O.H.G. breman, to roar); bel-
(It. brando) ;

i. to brandish. 2. to
shaving. lowing. sway; Questo
Braciol-etta dim., -ina dim. -6na pavimento, a ballarci, brandisce, this
angm., -uccia spreg.; v. -a.
vezz., Bramos-o desirous. Aff. -fa or sways up and down when

floor it is
-ita sbs., -ino dim.
Bracidne m. charcoal in
danced upon.
; large
pieces. Branca/;
i. claw, clutch. 2. ten- Brandistocco m. ; (mar.) i. boarding pike,
tacle. line (of science). ii. in pi., arquebusiers guarding dangerous places.
3. 4. flight (of
Braciudlo (Bragiuolo) m. flat cake Branditdre m. v. Brandire.
stairs). 5. set of chains for galley- ;

baked in the embers. slaves belonging to one oar, or the Brando m. ; i.

(poet.) sword. 2. Dare
Bracmano v. Bramino. il to set (a machine or heavy
galley-slaves themselves. 6. branch (of ,
; it. Brago. in motion.
a tree, river, or coral); di fuoco,
Bracdn-e m. *a i7th century dance for two couples, also termed
; augm. Braca, inquisi- (vet.) touch with the cauterising iron.
tive person. Gagliarda. tpower derived by a man from beine
7. cleanser crab, Cancer depurator, lo- tall.
'!"' Braca, breeches, ii. = Bracalone, cally termed Brancua, Gambero del- Etym. In the sense of sword from O.H.G.
sloven, iii.
good-for-nothing person. Ajff. -accio P ala. 8. (mar.) in //., brant, firebrand, from the flashing of the sword,
pegg., -cino dim. bowline-bridles, cp. E. brand. In sense (2) it seems referable to
Bracdtto or Bracc6tto in. (mar.) pendant, a ;
short cords which attach the bowline Brandire, which is itself from Brando, sword, and
strong piece of rope attached at one end to the clew the name of the dance is also
to the leech of the sail. 9. hermit-crab, presumably from
of a staysail or jib and having a block at the other Brandire, expressing the swaying movements.
end through which a jib-sheet or staysail sheet is Cancer Bernhardus. Brandone m.; i.
scrap, ii. firebrand, iii. tongue
roved. *i. in //., = Branchine, gills, ii. a sort of Ciam- of flame.
tBracozzo (Bragozzo, Bargozzo) m. ; fishing- bella or flat cake, for children. O.H.G. brato augm. brSton, fleshy
smack in the Adriatic.
Etynt. Cogn. forms are Picard. branke, Bur- part, pulp, so that the orig. meaning was piece of
Bradilio; v. Bardiglio. gund. brainche, Provenc. braaca fern, and branc meat, which was extended to a piece of cloth. Out
Bradipo m. (Or. fptStnn); sloth, Bradypus masc., Fr. branchf, Wallachian brSnce, fore-paw, of Brandone the word Branda seems to have been
tridactylus. bit. branca leonis, lion's foot, a
plant, in a text of formed, as if Brandone had been its augmentative,
; of birds, to scream, v. Braire. the nth century. Diez observes that branca must meaning the strip of canvas stretched on a frame by
Brado(etym. unkn. ; perhaps a corr. of bravo, be a very old word and possibly belonged to Latin way of a hammock, and so to have obtained its
cp. bit. bravus, untamed ox
bos or possibly a ; since it is found in Wallachian, which was so present signification of camp-bed. The derivation
variant of Braido); of cattle, running wild. early of a few correlated words may be conveniently noted
an offshoot from Latin. He is disposed to connect
Bradone m. ; fold in the bosom or near the it with Celtic, cp. old Gaelic
brae, Cornish brech, here, viz. Brandello (with variants Brindello, Bren-
shoulder of a dress. meaning "arm"; the branches of a tree are its arms dolp) dim.
of Branda, little piece of cloth or of meat,
Bradume m. herd of wild cattle. ; v. Littre, sub Braitclte, Skeat, sub Branch.
whilst from Brindello the sub-dim. * Brindicello was
Braga f. \. Braca. ii. iron stirrup to hold
; formed, subsequently contracted to Brincello.
the cartridge case of a cannon or compound
musket, Brancamadre / ; leading branch. Braniay: (Span, brana, that which falls from
v. Organo (2) and Petriere. iii. a plate of metal to the trees); i. terraced ground on a hill, as it were
prevent a gun from being readily spiked, iv. (mar.)
Brancaorsina; v. Brancorsina.
Brancare to seize, ii. to get
caught in falling, ii. any strip of flat ground.
the breeching of a gun, to check its recoil. ; i.
by persistent
^Bragagna; Bargagno. -.
ing. iii. to put out branches. Bran-o (etym. unkn., perhaps cogn.
Brancarella or Brancherella /; (,,,., r.)
Brage Brace.
a small piece of rope worked into the bolt- to old Fr. braon, Proveng. bradon, scrap,
Bragerola/I ; artificial manna, v. Manna. sub
rope of a sail and containing a metal ring or thimble. v. Skeat, Brawn); scrap, shred.
Braggiato; fiery.
Braghesse ///.; = Brache, breeches. Brancat-a /; handful. -ina
Levare i -i di, to find great fault with.
Braghetta; v. Brachetta. Aff. Brant a = Bernacla, barnacle goose. The
Braghier-e or -o m. = Brachiere. = Cin- or -ella dims. f.\
; i. ii. term may be corr. from Branca, branch, so that
tura, girdle, (mar.) heel-rope of a topmast.
Brancherelle; v. Brancarelle. the orig. meaning would be tree-goose, cp. Germ.
Bragia f.; i. v. Brace; Stars! alia, to stand Branchettinay;; dim. Branca. Baumgans, Dutch bootngans the curious myth as ;

round the fire. ii. (chem.) a kind of artificial char- Branchett-o dim., -fno sitb-dim, of Branco, to the bird's development from the barnacle cirriped,
coal which produces an intense heat. herd Lepas atiati/era, having been widespread.

tBranzin = Labrace, bass fish. m. (Gr. /3pe'<f>os, T/>o<f>eIoi') ; found- Briacaccio pegg. Briaco. ;

;//.; Brefptrofio Briachella f.\ scherz. i. dim. Briaca. 2. as
Brasa f. ;
- lirace, embers. ling hospital.
'Breglia/:;=Briglia, bridle. if it were a proper name. Ecco qua il nostro bria-
Brasca / (A) (L. brassica) ; (hot.) t Bregliecare to stand gaping.
; chella, here our toper.
Briachello m. ;= Briachella, toper.
1. cabbage, Brassica oleracea, usu. Ca- Bregma m. (Gr.) the top of the ;
Breina/;; a kind of resin. Briachite f, scherz. drunkenness,
; lit. drink-
volo. pondweed, Potamogeton lucens.
= Meda- itis.
Breloc m. (Fr. brtloque) ;

(B) (Fr. brasque, which is from the Briac-o, for TJbriaco; i. drunk;
glioncino, trinket.
Milanese trasca, to kindle, cp. It. Brace, Voler la botte piena e la moglie -a,
y.v.); i. crucible lined with refractory Br6ma / ; (geogr.) Bremen. i.e. to want to eat your cake and have it.

material to stand high temperatures. Bremom. plaited cord of esparto fibres.

2. infatuated. 3. Animelle -he, sweet-
2. small charcoal, v. Ringrana. t Brenciolare = Sbrendo!are, to tear to tatters.
; breads cooked with wine.
tBrenciolo or Brendolo in. (v. Brandone,
t Braschette f. fl. small leaves of cabbage. Briac-one, -6na avgms. of Briaco.
*/?>.); = Sbrendolo, dirty rag.
; ;

Brianzolo; of Brianza, a district of Lombardy.

Braschfno m. boy employed in an Brenna old horse, Bricayl;= Briga, trouble.
f. (Slav word) ;
Bricca/ (A); she-ass. (B) (O.H.G. brechan,
jade. v. Breccia)
wild rocky place.
* Brascia Briccaldone
; v. Brace. in. ; low, dirty fellow.
Brasile;*.; i. Brazilian snuff. 2. Brazil-wood, Brent-a/. ;
wine keg. AJf. -fna dim. Bricche"tt-o dim. Bricco. Aff. -1110, sub-dim.

that of the Caesalpinia echinata, used to produce a Brentoli in. heather of any species.
; (bat.)
red dye. The name was given to the wood from its Brenuzio in. ; a Turkish garment. Briccica/ (var. of Briciola); trifle.
colour, the Portug. braza meaning ember, v. Brace,
and it is said that King Emanuel of Portugal gave Breniilecc-a /, -o m. person in Briccicare ind. bn'ccico; to waste
Brazil its name on account of its producing this
tatters. time on trifles.
wood. Also called Brasiletto, though this is strictly
the inferior product of other species of Caesalpinia. t Brescia yl; = Brezza, breeze. t Briccic6ccay^; = Biccicucca, half-ruined fort.
Brasiletto m.; v. Brasile (2). *BrescialdayT; woman of bad character. BriccieriayC; (mar.)~ Bozzeria, beam support-
Brasilianay. Brazilian topaz. ;
*Bresciana/;; i. thin iron stake, ii. sloven. ing the deck.
Brasilina f, extract of Brazil-wood.
; Bresciare to mend. ;

*BrattayC;=Morchia, oil dregs.

Brescidlda f.\ sloven. Bricco m. (A) (<Fr. brique,<'E..
Brattare (mar.) to ; scull (with one oar, over
brick, <
A.S. brice, fragment, root bhrag,
the stern of a boat).
Brattea/ (L. bractea); (bet.) bract.
Breslavia / ; (geogr.} Breslau, in
to break, v Skeat, sub Brick) .
squared ;
*Bratte-ato; i. (bot.) with bracts, ii. of bad stone for building.
money, overlaid (with gold or silver), iii. -ateyl 1. ; BressayC; Terreni della , certain freshwater
peculiar coins struck so as to stamp the impression deposits forming part of the sub-Apennine, which (B) (Arabic ibriq, phial) ;
on both sides, convex on one side, concave on the are mainly marine.
other they were used in Germany from the loth to
; t Bressanella f. \- Sanguinerola, minnow. coffee-pot.
the i4th century there is a collection of them in Bretagna/; (bat.) double hyacinth, p. Gia-
(0) (mlt. buricus< Gr. nvppixos, red-

the museum at Berlin. cinto (i, b).

*Bravayl; i. (hot.) a kind of vetch, ii. a dance, Bretdnico tn. ; the old Breton language. dish, <
7rO/>, fire,
a term extended in
or its music. Latin to all ponies of whatever colour,
Bret&lle///. (Fr. bretelle, cp. O.H.G.
m. = Bertelle, braces. and finally to donkeys, cp. Fr. bour-
Brav-acciata^ ;=-azzata. -accio :

brctlan, to squeeze) ;

pegg. of -o. -accione m. augm. pegg. rique); i.

donkey, mule, or old horse.
* Brettesca
/ = Bertesca,

of -o. -amfinte adv. -are i. to threaten. ; tower. 2. = Becco, fool.

Brettina/ (O.H.G. bnttil, bridle) = Redine,
2. to defy, -ata f. piece of bravado, ;
; *
Briccola /. (A) (cogn. bit. tricola, Span.
= Brullo, Fr. perhaps connected with the
piece of dis-
boast. 2. brigota, bricole,
-azzata/; i. *Bretto;
i. bare. ii. wretched, iii. stolid.
Germanic root brecfi, v. Breccia)
-azzdne m. iv. A iosa, in abundance. ; (mit.) catapult.
play, ; swaggerer. *
(B);= Bricca, she-ass.
Brettonicayl;~Betonica, betony.
Braveggiare ind. bravdggio; i. to Brevaiolo ;.; person sent to revise the statutes Briccon-accio pegg. but more or less
of a religious foundation.
bluster. 2. of a horse, to be frisky.
scherz., confounded rascal, -ata, -C^llo
Brav-eria (/.?. -ata), -etto<//m., v. Bravo. (L. brevis, root bragh, to dim. vezz. ; v. Briccone.
Braviere in. = Strilloz/o, corn bunting.
; break short); short. As sb. i. Papal :

Bravino; dim. Bravo. Bricc6n-e m., -a/ (etym. dub., per-

Bravio in. (Gr. flpapelov, through Lat.) prize brief. 2. a little make-up of embroi-
haps < O.H.G. breco, robber, cp. Germ.

in the circus games. dered silk, usu. oval; and used on festival
Brav-0 days to tie round a child's neck. Ver-brecher, sinner, root brech, to break);
(mlt. bravus^ further etyin. usu. scherz. unless emphasized
(mus.) breve. the statutes rascal,
unkn.; the primary meaning was "wild"; 3. 4. (hist.)
of a corporation. by an epithet.
Korting is disposed to refer the word to
L. barbarus); i. *i. letter from a prince, ii. amulet, iii. = Abitino, Bricconeiia f. piece of rascality.
capable, clever, fine; iv. = Brevetto.

Alia -a, with a few scapulary. v. registration book. '

skilful strokes. vi. strip of paper or parchment with an inscription Brici-ay^, -o in. (firob. Germanic, f'. Breccia);
2. as hired cut- on = Briciola, crumb.
courageous. 3. s6., it.
t Brief no w.;=Briciolino, scrap. Fare a
Brevemente; . Breve. , to
throat. be stingy.
*i. (animal) not broken in. ii. wild (scenery). Brevetto m.; i. decree of nomina-

Bravdne m. ; great boaster. tion military or sometimes other

to Bliciol-a (dim. Bricia); crumb. /
office. 2. Ha il he has a Tirar su uno a -e di pane, to bring him
patent ; ,
Brav-ura or -uria /; i. skill. up with all possible kindness, but for
patent, said of a person constantly run-
2. bravery. one's own ends.
ning risks but never getting into trouble.
Brazzera/T; coasting vessel in the Adriatic. *
Breviale in. = Breviario. ; Briciol-0 m. tiny piece. Aff. -ino ;

-bre suffix ;
v. -bra. Breviario >n. (L. breviariuiii, abridgment); dim.
breviary. * Brida = Briglia,
Breccia (Fr. breche /
O.H.G. < *i. summary, ii. compendium of Roman Law f.
machine used
ii.;a grappling

in sieges,
or a similar kind of machine
compiled by order of Alaric II. iii. place where
brechA, rocks in the bed of a torrent ; Brevi were kept. for dredging.
root brech, akin to E. break) I. breach
* i. little amulet, ii. limed twig Briettino in. ; sub-dim. Brio, vivacity.
; Breyicello ;;/.;
Brieve in. Breve, letter, note-
made in a wall. 2. the fragments made for catching birds.
; i. r-. ii. iii.

Breviloquenza_/;; conciseness.
in effecting a breach. 3. fig. Far to Bre vita f.\ *BriffaIda f. (akin to Birba, g.v.)\ woman of
, brevity.
make an bad character.
impression. 4. broken stones
for road-mending or lying in the bed of Bre'zza/ (cogn. Fr. brtse, Span, and
Briga (Brica) / (cogn. Fr. brigue,
a torrent, etc. 5. (geol.) breccia, rock Portug. brisa, of unkn. orig.) breeze. ;
and Span, brega, Portug. and
Brezz-etta, -ettfna, or -olinartVw. ?. Brezza.
composed of angular fragments firmly

*Brezzolone m.; i. strong wind. ii. = Infred- bit. briga; origin unkn.); trouble. At-
cemented together. datura, cold. taccar brighe, to pick quarrels. Non
Brezz6ne m.\ augm. Brezza. tchilly person. una
Brecciato; v. Breccia (5). * Brta f. Fuor = Fuor si piglia al mondo, i.e. he is a
Breccioldtto in. ; = Occhione, stone curlew. ; di , di misura, beyond
bounds. selfish fellow.
Brecci6so stony, v. Breccia (4).

Bredindino in. (mar.) = Paranco di stiva, * war Muovere a to battle, A =

drunkenness. Aver; la
i. ; ,

Sposare una
tackle for lowering things into the hold. Appena, scarcely, iii.
, to under-
Breee ; imit. from a person shivering. Jig. to be staggered with emotion. take an unpleasant business.

brigadier < brigade < It. Non com & fatta - i.e. I have
Brigadiere ///. (Fr.
joy. 5. il riso, to husk rice with signs ;
so ,
brigata); sergeant of police, or the like. As adj.,
Colonnello colonel commanding a brigade. the Brilla. never had a trump ;
Contare quanto il

*i. of the brain, to whirl, ii. to be Brillo, half due di quando 1' asso e in tavola,
Brigantaggio m. ; brigandage. drunk, iii. to fire (a mine). i.e. count for nothing. 2. in //.,
In the sense of shining, hovering, etc.
Brigante m. (It. brigare); brigand. the word seems
to be a contraction of
berillare, to blows; Giocare a ,
scherz. to hit,
intriguer, mercenary in the pay of a
ii. glitter likea beryl, v. Skeat, sub Brilliant. For the strike. Also fig. scherz. a good scold-
noble, iii. boon companion, iv. sedition-monger. rice-grinding, derivation has been suggested from a
form ** briculare, of Germanic origin, cp. Breccia, ing.

v. devil.
mischievous boy, -esco, and Bricco (A); ?'. supra Brilla.
Aff. -are to thrash, -ata game at
Brigant-ello, setters,
-essa, -6nertWw.; v. Brigante. Brill-atoio ;.; a wooden instrument for husk-
BrigantinayT; r. coat of mail. 2. (mar.) back- ing rice. -aturayC; the husking or the price paid Briscola, -ma or -mo dim. small trump,
sail, spanker, v. Randa (AX therefor. -6ne high trump, -6tto or -otta dim.
Brigantmo m. (It. brigante, therefore orig. a smallish trump, -uccia dim. spreg. poor
corsair); (mar.) brig, two-masted ship with square Brillo or Birillo (A) (L. e&rius,
rig. a palo, bark, three-masted ship, whose main through 2^ dim. **ebriolusQ\**ebrillus)\ trump.
and fore-masts are square-rigged, t In Italian
Austria, brigantine, ship with one square-rigged
i. half drunk. As sb. 2. Aver il ,
Etym. In sense of thrashing prob. <M.H.G.
and one schooner-rigged mast. when the ball at Pallone quivers in britze (> Germ. Pritsche, a harlequin's wooden
sword), possibly akin to O. H.G. bret^ a board.
the air, not having been truly struck. Briscola, as trump card, may have been so named
Brig-are (It. briga); to intrigue. as being that which thrashes the others.
*i. to employ, ii. to strive, iii. = Gestire t to 3. osier, v. Salcio (b). Brisura f. (fie raid.) a piece introduced into
*(B) = berillo, beryl.

make gestures, iv. to wage war; -arsi, to strive; arms borne by younger sons, or by bastards.
-arsi a, to attend to. Brividio ///. continued shivering.
Brina/ ; hoar-frost. venuta la ,

Brigat-a /; I.
party of friends. i.e. the hair isturning white. Brivido m. (etym. unkn.)' shivering. t
2. (mil.) brigade. 3. covey of birds. Etym. L. pruina for **firusina, root freus, to Brizay^; (bat.) quaking grass, Brisa-.
L. prurio,
Aff. -accia pegg. -ella or -ina dims.) %
prize, also to burn, cp. Gothicyr/Mj, frost,
to tingle, v. Skeat, sub Frost, Prurient.
Brizzatino m. a species of fungus. \

-uccia dim. spreg.

BrinaiudlayC; (bat.) stinking goosefoot, Cheno* Brizzolato **
(for briciolato) ;

podium vulvaria.
Brigatdre ///. speckled (lit. covered with Briciole,
; intriguer.
Brinare ;
to form hoar-frost. crumbs), t pock-marked.
Brigh&lla m. i.oneoftheMaschere, \

or character-masks, of the Italian

Brinc&ll-O (Birincello) ;//. (for
etym. Brizzolatura / speckled marking. ;

theatre, who speaks in the Brescian

v. Brandone) ; scrap. Aff. -uccio dim. -broor -brio, an instrumental suffix, = L. -brunt,
-brinm, corresponding to Indogerm. -dAtv,>Gr. -Opo,
dialect, u. Maschera. 2. person who spreg.
as oAeflpos, AoAijtfpo^ ; the sense is that of means, tool,
makes an ass of himself in trying to be Brinci-0 (prob. for **Frincio, ?>. thus Candelabrum holder for a candle, Tere-bra,

It may also be passive, = that

funny. 3 Non mi far il ,
don't play Frignare); Bocca -a, mouth ready to tool to bore with.
which is tooled, as in Sciavero.
me any tricks, keep your word to me. cry. *
Brobbio or Brobbrio in. ;
= Obbrobrio, re-
*Brigiare, *Brigidare; to smash. Brincolo in. ; some kind of game, t counter proach.
Brigid-inaio ;. seller of -ini. ; (at cards). Brocarday?; legal maxims compiled by Bur-
t Brindaccolay?; slatternly gossiping woman. chardt (Burcardus) bishop of Wurms in the eleventh
Brigidino m. small spiced cake, ;
century, cp. Fr. brocard.
orig, made by the nuns of S. Brigida. Brind&ll-O m. (for etym.v. Brandone); Brocardico; difficult (point).

2. cockade (in a footman's hat, the tatter. Seminar to be all in tatters. Pianta da brocche,
Br6cca/ ; jug.
cockade being like the cake in shape). Brindelldne ;//. i. (bot.) pitcher plant, Nepenthes^ also
; person untidily
*Brigidio m = Brividio, shudder. . ;
dressed. 2. tall but clumsily built termed Bandana.
Brigiolino m. a species of fungus.
person with awkward *i. spring shoot at the end of a branch or sucker

tBrigidtto; v. Brogiotto. gait.

* from the stock, ii. long cane split into several parts at
Brindezzare to drink healths.
Briglia / (O.H.G. the top, spreading out, for picking figs, etc, iii. centre

brittit) i. bridle.

Brfndisi m. (Germ, bringe dtfs, I of a target, iv. Dare in = Imbroccare, of a bird, ,

2.(med.) inflammatory fibres blocking to alight on the top of a tree. v. Andar di to ,

a duct. 3. (war.) del bombresso, bring it to you); I. toast, to a

person's go well. vi. stud on the cover of a book or on
health. 2. music, etc., in stuffed furniture, vii. Di ,=Di tratto, at once,
bobstay ; contro flocco,
di flocco, di accompani- da ribattere, rivet, fix.
at a glance, fviii.
jib (flying jib) martingale.
ment thereto.
per fodera di carena, (mar.) sheathing nail.
Ruzzare or Scherzare said of one who in ,
Brfndolo w.;=Brindello, tatter. <
Etym. Prob. mlt. broca, tap of a cask which
cither laments himself in prosperity or rejoices in the Brino m. short for Brigantino.
; may be akin to mlt. brocthae^ wooden stakes, and to
midst of adversity. Brinoso covered with hoar-frost.
; ].. broccus, pointed, v. Brocco, so that the literal
Brigliaddro m. ; orig. Roland's horse in the sense of Brocca would be that of ju with a spout.
poems of chivalry, hence generally, fine horse.
Brio m. ; vivacity, vigour. Cp. Skeat, sub Broach, Brooch and Littre, sub Broc,
Brigliett-a or -ina/; dims, of Briglia. Etym. dub. Kither<L. ebtius, or more probably ft roche. In some of the obsolete senses of Brocca it
BrigH6ne or Brigliozzo /. augms. of Briglia. ; <Celtic sources, cp. Irish brigh, substance, essence. would seem to belong directly to L. broccus.
Brigoso troublesome,
i. ii. litigious. Briofillo m. \ (hot.)
sprout-leaf, Bryophyllum *Broccaglio m.\ i. drill, boring tool. ii. iron
Brimowr.; dim. Brio. calycinum, a plant of the Indian archipelago. rod with two sharp points to stick into a material to
Brilla _/^; millstone made of marble with a cork Briologiay^ (Gr. ftpvof, moss); bryology, study be ruled with lines.
bottom, for grinding rice so as to remove the husk. of mosses. *Broccardo v. Brocarda.
As sb. straight t

Etytn. dub. It is not known whether Brilla is a Bri6ne ;//.; (war.) fore foot of a ship. shooting gun, v. Imbroccare.
vbsto. of Brillare, to husk rice, or vice versa. If the Bri6nia/i (Gr. ftpvu, to grow luxuriantly, root *Broccare (v. Brocca etym.); i. to spur. ii. to
former is the case the source of the term may be gru, to sprout, cp. O.H.G. chrut* >Germ. Kraut); embroider with gold and silver, iii. to sprout.
the same as that of Birillo or Pirolo, the millstone bianca, white-oerried bryony, Bryonia alba, also *Broccaroor Broccaio w.; maker of Brocche.
being named from its spinning round if on the ; termed Pianta delle fate, v. Pianta (4, b).
Broccata f.\ \. prick with a spur. ii.
other hand the verb is the primary form the word
probably Germanic, referring to the crushing of Brios-am6nte, -tto dim.) -fno dim. Broccatello m.\ i. a light kind of
the rice. brocade. 2. a variety of red marble
vezz,, -ita, -o; v. Brio.
*Brillamento ;. ; i. v. Mrillare. ii.
Brisato {herald,}, Capriolo
; broken, i.e. , speckled with other colours.
with the two pieces not meeting in the middle.
Brillant-are ;
i. to cut (a diamond).
Brisciamento m. ;=Tremito, Ribrezzo, shud- Broccatino m. i.q. Broccatello ; (i).
2. overlay sweetmeats with clear
to *
Brisciare = ScegUerc, ; to choose. Broccato m. (It. broccare, see also
sugar. 3. -ato, set with brilliants. Brocca efym.); gold or silver brocade.
Briscol-a/i i. a card game for two ;
*i. as tidj., brocaded.
Brillante m.\ i.
brilliant, cut dia- or four, three cards being dealt to each palisade, ii.

mond. 2. taking a gay part.
actor Broccetta f. jewel in the form of a stud.
player and one turned up which is the

as adj.) brilliant. * powerful (poison). Brocchettayi; dim. Brocca.

3. Briscola or trump; every card of that Brocchetto m.\ dim. Brocco.
Brillant-ino dim., -uccio dim. s of -e.
g., suit is also termed Briscola; chi-
Brocchi^re m. (bit. bucula, orig.
Brillare; i. to glitter. 2. to hover acchierina, the four-handed game when
cheek-piece of a helmet, then boss of a
quivering, as a lark. 3. fig. to be con- the partners may consult how to play shield with a spike
shield, v. Buccola)

spicuous; per la sua assenza, to be -

muta, when no consultation is al- in the centre, for attack or defence.
conspicuous by his absence. 4. Brilla lowed; Ammiccar to signal one's ,
BrocchinayC; dim. Brocca.
il core dalla
gioia, the heart dances for cards to one's partner by facial or bodily Brocchino m.; dim. Brocco.
*Broccia f, (A); i. fruit-picking implement, and is the best. di carru- move over one another; -e d' eccen-
i!. Brocca (ii). ii. bull's eye, v. Brocca (iii). pot first,

t(B) (probably of Germanic origin, for **brosa, cola, lit. broth of the wheel of the trico, eccentric brasses, cp. Bussola (8).
<O.H.G. freosan, v. Skeat, sub Freeze); fine cold well, i.e. very watery, t alterato,
= 2. cylinder of a brass musical instrument
= Broccare, to spur. Brodetto. in which the piston works.
* *a kind of gun. horse's bell.
Broccio m. spear. ;
*Brodocchino in. (Fr. brodequin, which is from t=Bubbolo,
tBrocciolare; = Brontolare, to grumble. It. Borzacchino, q.v.)\ half-high boot. Br6nz-p ;.; i. bronze; I sacri -i, church bells;
tBrocciolato tn. (It. broccia); drizzle. I -i
guerrieri, artillery, z. (mar.) in pi. = Ralle, V.
Brod-olfno /., -olina/; child that Ralla (2). Aff. -ino adj., -ista, worker in bronze.
Brbcciolo m. i. a softened form of Etym. L. aes Brundusinm, the town of Brindisi
splashes itself with its broth.
having given its name to bronze in the same way as
Broccolo, blockhead. 2. some small *Brodoloso; dirty, greasy. the island of Cyprus to copper.
* Brodone
fish. m. sleeve ornament. ; A -i, falling
t Brocciol6ne m.\ grumbler.
down anyhow. Brbscia/ ; poor thin soup or coffee,
tBroccione in. i. shepherd, Brod-osino dim. vezz. of -oso, -6so with plenty etc.
boor, lout.
; ii.
of broth, -uccio dim. spreg.', T. Broclo.
*Brocco w. (L. broccus, projecting, as teeth); Etym. Prob. < It. bioscia, which has the same
Broeggia./; (hot.) broom-rape, v. Erba (72).
1. projecting tooth, ii. shoot of a growing plant or meaning, the / being changed to r under the influ-
tree or the same when cut. iii. thorn, iv. riccio, m. ence of Brodo, or else the other way about, i.e. <
of thread which makes
Brbgio (for Ambrogio) ; fool,
Brodo altered through Bioscia.
ring the roughness of brocade,
v. any unevenness in a surface, vi. skewer or some
blockhead. tBr6to .;=Borro, ditch.
such implement for marking cloth, vii. small nail, Brozza/ (O.H.G. proz, M.H.G. btvz, seed);
viii. Dar nel to hit the mark exactly, ix. (for Brogibtto (Brugiotto) (Portug.borce- boil, pustule.
a variety of purple fig. * As s6.,

Blocco, g.v.) at billiards, Fare or Tirare il ,

Far jote) ; t Brozzare to go away, run ; off.
bilia di to hole the adversary's ball. x. Di *Brozzoloso; spotty .faced.
, ,
augm. of Brogio, fool. *
Bru in. ;
the sound of a gun.
Broccoltto m.; dint. Broccolo. BrucayC; shred of leather.
Broccoliere m. = Brocchiere, shield. Brogli-are ind. broglio ; to intrigue,

to make a stir. Brucamaglia/; quantity of grubs.

Br6ccolo m. (dim. Brocco); i. flower- *
Gli brogliava una spalla, he felt something Brucare (Brugare) i. to
(It. bruco);
stalk of a turnip. 2. Broccoli di Roma, moving on his shoulder. to be stirring up
strip the leaves off a shoot by passing

broccoli, Brassica oleracea asparagoides.

sedition, -arsi iii. to be moving
about, as a kitten
under a rug. the closed hand down it, lit. to strip it
3. blockhead. Brogliazzo m. (com.) waste-book. ; like a grub, Bruco. 2. of animals, to
Broccoluto in. with several flower stalks, run eat the leaves off a bough. 3. to pick

Brbglio in. (A) (etym. unkn.., perhaps

to seed.
tBroccule m. field of maize a contraction from **brodiglio, dim. of olives with the hand.
; stubble.
Broco = Bleso, lisping. *i. of a caterpillar, to eat. ii. to seek after.

Brocolo with sharp points brodo, q.v.}; intrigue, plot. to enfeeble.

; ; fig. biting. *
i. sedition, tumult, ii. place of meeting of an
Br6da/ (A) (O.H.G. brod, with the assembly, or the assembly itself.
Bruc-at6re m. olive-picker. Aff.
*(B); = Brolo, enclosure.

same meaning, v. Skeat, sub Broth, -atura.

Broilo tn. - Brolo. ;

Brew); i. water in which vegetables *

Brucello ;
?/. Bruscello.
have been boiled. 2. thin soup, weak Broiere m. (var. of Brughiera) ; (hot.}
heath, Erica arborea.
Bruc&nte ; scalding hot.
coffee, etc., or solid food which is too
Broilo; v. Brullo, bare. Brucett-accio, -ino or -o; dims, of Brucio,
watery. 3. muddy water after heavy * grub.
Brolo (Bruolo, Broilo) m. (A) (mlt. brolius for
5. Dare
rain. 4. fig. watery discourse. Bruciabile; v. Bruciare.
brogilus, from a Celtic root meaning land, cp. Welsh
la addosso a uno, to lay the blame l>ro, land) ; i. enclosure, garden, ii. melon, garland. Bruciacchiare (freq. of Bruciare);
(B)= Broglio, intrigue.
upon him. 6. Andare in to melt , ;
Bromatologfa /
(Or. (Spifia, food); science of
i. to scorch. 2. of frost, to blacken
Andare in di succiole, to show great food-stuffs.
Bromelia (bat.) the pine-apple family of
joy upon small occasion. 7. iron. Puro, f.; Bruciaculo m. i. raw on the seat from
or Innocente come la de' maccheroni, Brdmo tn. (A) (Gr. /ipi/ios, stench); (fhenl.)
etc. 2. (bot.) wild chamomile, v. Camomilla (3).
Brucia-fava f. (bot.) tonth-wort, Lat/iraea,
anything but pure.
terme_d Fuoco de' boschi.
(B) (Gr. po(ios, a kind of oats); (tot.) brome-
e non ceci, = Acqua
i. and hail
e ceci, rain tBruciaglia /; rubbish for burning.
grass, Brttmns.

e non tempesta, we want rain not a tempest, said by

a person apprehensive of matters going too fast, or *Bronca_/; i. vine-prop, ii. a variety of pear, Bruciam&ito m. ; fire, of a serious
iii. a variety of lemon.
too far; Che grido sent' io qua? e non ceci, what Br6nchi m. pi. (Gr. ^poyYla); bronchial tubes. kind, conflagration.
is all this noise? mind you do not come to blows,
Aff. Bronchi-ale, -le (pop. for -te), -te f.
ii.Pieno di ignorant. ,
t Brdnchio ;= Monco, maimed. Bruciapaglidccio m. ;
v. Bruciare (5).
(B);=Rialti di terra contornati di pietre, ecc.,
che si fanno lungo i nturi di un orto per ricevere
con maggior forza
Brdncio m. (prob. < mlt. broccus, Bruciapelo m. Tirare a to fire ; ,
raggi del sole (Sergent, Arti i
with protruding lips); grudge, ill-temper. at close range. Prendere a to take
e Mestieri) sheltered borders iu a garden.

Brodaiay:; thin broth. tBronciolare; = Brontolare, to grumble. by surprise.

Brodaio m. ;
i. seller of Broda. Brdnco m. ; stump, e.g. of a pollard Bruci-are (Brugiare) (bit. brusiare
2. Frate , spreg. monk who is em- tree. for **perustare, L. per-ustTis] ; i to < .

ployed only in the kitchen. Etym. dub. Prob. < O.H.G. brnck, fragment. burn. 2. to cauterise. 3. (fain.') to
discontinue play after winning one's
Brodai61-0 fig. -a ignoranza, utter ;
Broncbne m. ;
large bough of = Salare, to shirk.
a tree with branches. opponent's money. 4.
ignorance. many 2. stout -
pagliaccio a uno, to break an
* 5.
As sb. : i. person fond of Broda. ii. ignorant or vine-prop with cross-pieces. 3. vine
stupid person.
growing on such a prop. 4. appointment with him. 6. in playing
Brodettato; done in broth. at Pallone, to make the ball fly low.
Brodettino ;.; sub-dim. Brodo. indentation.
7. at hide and seek, to be hot.
t Bronfiare ;= Bofonchiare, to grumble.
Brod^tto m. broth with eggs beaten ;
Part, -ato : 8. Ora -ata, incon-
up in it and some slices of lemon. Brontol-are ind. brontolo (prob.<
venient hour. 9. Cavallo -ato, dark-
Antico Cjuanto il ,
i.e. as old as Adam. rimbrottare, through **rimbrottolare,
1 1.
coloured horse, io. of a pipe, cigarette-
*confusion. Andare a , to come to grief. **rimbrontolare); to mutter, grumble,
holder, etc., badly coloured.
Brodlcchio m. ;
poor, thin broth. groan of thunder, to rumble. Aff. -10

2. mud. freq. sb., -one grumbler. Aff. -ata roasted chestnut, -ataio
seller of Bruciate, -atina (dim. -ata),
Brodiere m. ',= Budriere, belt. Br6nza / (Germ. Brunst, heat?);
-atura, -aturaccia pegg., -aturina dim. of
Brod-iglia / = -icchio. ; -Ino m. ;
glowing heat of an oven, which has to -atura.
dim. vesz. of Brodo. cool a little to be ready for baking.
Bruciaticcio m. i. remains of a
Brbdo m. t=Rosolia, rash in babies. ;

(a variant of Broda); broth, thing burnt. 2. mark of burning. 3. Non

water in which meat has been boiled. Bronzare to impart a bronze colour.
saper d' una cosa ne puzzo ne
to ,

lungo, watery broth, fig. watery Bronzfn-a /; i. "bush," bronze know nothing about it; Non volerne
discourse. -
ristretto, good broth. plate in a piece of machinery to assist sapere ne puzzo ne to refuse to have ,

Primo ,
that which is taken out of the the smooth sliding of the parts that anything to do with it.
tBrucino in. = Tostino, coffee-roaster. Briiscoli m. pi.
Brucio m.; pop. for Bruco.
Brun-ire ind. -isco; to burnish. ; the first drops of a
* Part,
Brucio in. = Bruciore, a burn.
-ito, brown. Aff. -ime'nto. shower.
Bruciolato ; i. spoilt by grubs, ii. di, in
love with. Brun-itoio m. i. polishing stick. ;
Bruscolfno m. ; i. dim. Bruscolo.
grindstone for giving the last finish 2. small fault.
Bniciolo m. ; i.
grub. 2. a variety
in sharpening, e.g. a razor.
of olive tree. 3.
= Truciolo, shaving, Bruscolo m. (It. brusca); i. mote in

Brun-it6re, -itura; vbsbs. of -ire.
the eye. 2. slight suspicion ;
Ho un
Bruno I. brown. 2. dark. as certo - - sul conto suo, I have my
Brucione m. one who stops play on ;

suspicions about him Esser un


v. Bruciare
sb., mourning. negli ;
winning, (3). occhi a qualcuno, to raise his suspicions.
Etyin. O. H.G. brftn, which meant either brown
Bruci-6re m. ; burning sensation. or shining, r/. old Scandinav. brunt, fire. It is easy
tBrusey^;=I!luse, blouse.
to see how the same root might give bruit, darkened
Af. -ordtto dim., -orfno dim. vezz. by_ fire, and brutiir, to render brilliant like fire Brusio ///. (akin to Fr. and It. bruire,
(Littre). The Italian participle brunito now means
Bruco or pop. Brucio m. (L. bruclius polished but has had the meaning of brown, and the Proveng. bruzir, brugir,prob. strength-
= Gr. (SpoO^or, wingless locust) i. grub. ; French ^?-*>has both these meanings still. ened from L. rugire, or simply imit.} ;

As Brunotto or * Brunozzo dint. Bruno. confused noise of talking. 2. noise

adj., Ignudo miserably poor, //'/. ,
i.q. Brolo, garden.
naked as a grub. 2. little cylinder, also in Jig. sense, e.g. over a new book.
termed Pontanastri, to which are attach- Brusca / (A) (O.H.G. bitrste, v.
3. large quantity of things or persons.
ed the ribbons for marking the places in Skeat, sub
Bristle) ; i. horse-brush.
Bruss&lle / Brussels.
2. (bot.) horse-tail,
Eqitisetum arvense.
a missal. 3. chenille, a kind of trimming.
= Alamari, button-loops 3. (mar.) rubbish for burning against tBrusta/ (A) (L. per-ustus)\ embers. *(B); =
4. in//., Bruci, Rica mo.
or buttons. the side of a ship which is to be tarred, *
Brusto m. an old form of lady's dress.
5. paste for soup. 6. di ;
Brustolare = Abbrustolire, to singe.
mare, = Afrodita, sea mouse. so as to warm it, technically termed ;

Brut-ale, -alita, -almente v. Bruto.

ruler used in

Brucolo m. (" vtrrucola < L. verruca); boil, breaming. 4. segmented Bruto ;. (L. bnttus, heavy, akin to Gr. jSapu?) ;

* cutting out sails. brute.
Brugare ;
v. lirucare.
*(B);=Bruscolo, speck. Brutt-acchidlo dim.feim. of -o. -acchidtto; ;

t Bruscalina (war.) Scala = Scala biscaglina, dim. of -acchiolo. -accio/^g-., -ame'nte adv. of
Bruggia/ mould for sugar
; ,

; loaves. Jacob's ladder. -o. -are; to defile, -aretflo or -erellorf/;w. of -o.

As proper name, Bruges. Brusc-amente; v. -o. -6zza_/I; ugliness, -ino dim. vezz, of-o.

Bruscare (A) i. to prune, trim up. Brutt-0 (var. of Bruto); i. ugly.

Brugbi&ra/. (cogn. Fr. bruyere,< ;

brugaria < Gaulish bruga, cp. Welsh bream, v. Brusca (3). unpleasant, troubled; Pensate se a
bit. 2. to 2.

= Broiere, +(B)(z'<zr. of Bruciare) = Abbrustolire, to singe.

bru'g, thicket); i. moorland. 2. *
quella vista il pover uomo rimanesse ,
Bruscarella/^; Bruscolo, speck.
heather. tBruscellante; ?-. Bruscello (B). imagine how troubled the poor man
Brugiare = Bruciare, to burn.
tBruscello m. (A) (It. brusciare); ice or snow looked on seeing that; Alle -e, at the
frozen upon a plant, cp, Bruciacchiare (2).
Brugidtto ;= Brogiotto, purple (fig). worst Venire alle -e, to begin quarrel-
(B) (It. arboscello, shrub, the Bruscellanti being
Brugli61a_X; young bream.
tBnigliolo or Bruglioro in.; = Bolliciattola, compared to the May singers going round with ling.
branches and flowers, v. Maggiaiuolo); i. a kind of
rustic play performed in the streets, in the intervals Aff. -occino
-ino, -one augm. setters.,
tBrugn6ccolo m. ;= Hernoccolino, pimple. of which money is collected from the spectators for -w&or pop.
"Brugnolay:; wild plum. -uria, filth.
the performers, Bruscellanti. ii. the band of per-
m. (t>ot.)= Brusca, horse-tail.
formers themselves; Parer la vecchia del i.e. to
Bruum ; imit. of the noise of firing, etc.
Bruire; of the intestines, to rumble, v. Brusio. look dirty and ridiculous, tiresome chattering.

Brulasco = Bmllo, bare. iii.
Bruzzaglia/ (prob. Germanic, cp.
iv. Andare a
* , to go bird-hunting
at night with a
Brulazzo ; blear-eyed.
lantern, v. Frugnolo. It. brusca, brusco, tbruzzolo); i. rabble.
Brulic-are ind. brulico (originally 2. lot of little rubbish.
Bulicare, connected with L. bullire, to
Brusch^tte pi. (dim. of Brusche, /
v. Brusca); Fare alle a boys' game , Bruzzico or Bruzzolo /;/. ;
to crawl, as a number of grubs
boil) ;
of seeing who draws the longest straw Etym. L. tnx with fegg. prefix, v. supra bar-
together, to swarm. +to gairr a bare from a bunch. in loco, > ** bar-luce,
**barlucio, barluzzo dun. >
living. Aff. -ame, -hfo. **barluzzolo, with a variant barluzzico, contracted
Bruschetto ; dim. Brusco, rather sharp. into Bruzzolo, Bruzzico.
angry looking, H. as sb. Brusca, horse- *
Bruzzo ;.;= Bruzzico, dawn.
Brullo (Brollo) (prob. for *sbrullo, bnuh. + Bruzzolare ; to pull the loose pieces out of a
< **sbrullare, to strip off foliage, < Bruschin-are ;
to brush a horse, rope of twisted straw.
Brolo, garland, with s-flriv.); bare.
-ata, brushing. Bruzzolo m. (A) ;
v. supra Bruzzico.
Brulbtto m. (Fr. briilot); fire-ship.
Bruschino brusca); horse-
;;/. (A) (It. t(B) {prob. < O.H.G. burste, bristle, v. Brusca);
Brum m.; i. the E. brougham brush, leather-dresser's brush, washer-
i. wooden splinter, ii. loose piece of straw in a
phonetically spelt. 2. v. Bruum. woman's brush. *(B) dark red. Bua f. (L. boa, skin eruption); nursery word
Bruma /
Brusciare = Bruciare, to burn. for hurt, *{med.)
boil, pustule.
(A) (L. brevis, through *

Brusciolo m. = Truciolo, shaving.;

Buaccio m.\ Pegg. Bue, ox.
**brevissuma, **brevuma, **breuma) Buacciol -ata f. act or saying of a -o.

Brusco; i.
sharp (in taste), cloudy Buacciol-ino /., -inayi; dim. of-o, -a.
winter, originally the winter solstice.
(weather), brusque (manners) Fra il Buacci61-o m., dim. of Bue in
(B) (Gr. Ppvypa from fipirKta, to gnaw) lusco e il when it is neither day nor
-a/ ;
fig. sense, said esp, of boys, but with
borer-worm, Teredo navalis. night. 2. asj^., medicinaIe = Pungi-
Brumaio the Fr. bruHtaire; Oct. 23 to
pitying rather than contemptuous in-
topo, butcher's broom.
tit. ;

Nov. 21. tention. Quanti -i che fanno la critica

grandi, what a lot of silly
*i. Bruscolo, speck, ii. (surg-.) bone-rasper. ai
Brumale winter winter iii. fungoid growth on a plant, or pimple on the
; (adj.\
skin. dunces there are who criticise their
flowering. Etym. Littre" of the Fr. brusque elders.
" sneaking
*Brum-asto or -esto in. (L. butnastus Gr. writes : the word Is Italian, origin uncertain.
0ou/ua<rros) ;
i.a variety of vine with large gr;pe Diez finds in it the O.H.G. bntttisc contracted to Buaggine/ (It. bue); stupidity.
clusters, ii. as adj., violent. bwtt'sc, grim. Others refer it to a Celtic source, *
tBrumiggio; ground bait. Gael, brisg, Welsh brysg, brisk. Or it may be from Buassagginey^;= Buaggine.
Brumista m. driver of a brougham. Latin and be akin to oruscolo, brusca and brusco *Bubalo ;.; buffalo.
Bubanza f. bombance < L. bombns)

(cogn. Fr.
(mar.) = Ombrinalc,
Brunale m. ; scupper. (the plant); the radical meaning would be that of ;

t = Biscia, limber-hole. pricking." Other conjectures quoted by Zambaldt pomp.

Brunatay!;^ Brinata, hoar-frost. are mlt. labruscus uncouth, It. rustico, **rust'co, *Bubare; i. ]>ubbolare. ii. -Tubare, to coo.

and L. brnscum, excrescence on a maple tree. In

Bubbio i. = Buio, dark. ii. = Burbero, rough.

Brunella/; (bot.)= Prunella, self-heal. Bubbiolini

;//. corn poppy, v. Papa-

Brunello i. brownish, as the sense of butcher's broom, the word may reason- //. ; {bot.)
; ii. sb., prunella,
vero (2).
cloth. ably be referred to L. ruscum. Butler suggests that
Brun-etto dim., -ettino dint, vezz., of Bruno. rttscum was orig. an adj. meaning rough or prickly, fBubbo m. ;
i. bogey, ii. light clouds, iii. fire,

in which case brusco might have been formed from

iv. = Dindi, money.
Bruniccio; rather brown.
tBrunice /.; hot ashes. flen-uscus.
Brunino MI. a kind of burnt earth used in *Bruscola /; I. = Briciolo, scrap, ii. = Bussola,
Biibbola/ (A) (L. uj>uj>a,>**upu-
painting, forming a deep red colour. heather-brush for horses, v. Brusca. pula, **puppola) ; hoopoe (the bird),
Upupa epops, also termed Galletta di m. (hot.} snowdrop, Gal- ;
to have a tough constitution Riveder ;

bosco, di Maggio, di Marzo, or di mon- anthus nivalis, also termed Campanelle le bucce a uno, to criticize him severely;
tagna, Upupa, Cristella. Tremare come d' inverno, Galantino d' inverno, La- Sono tutti d' una , they are all of the
una , to shiver. grime delta Madonna, Fiore della Puri-^ same kidney.
ficazione. *i. At Pistoia, Buccia is the shell of a chestnut,
(B) (mlt. bubo, swelling in the groin, * and a grape-skin is not Bnccia but Guscio. ii. dew-
from Gr. /3ou/3o>v, groin, hence Jig. Bucapere m. ;=Mangiapere, grasshopper. lap of an ox. II suo saper fu his learning
Bucardo w.; = Cardio, cockle. iii.

was superficial, iv. Dare in bucce, to grow thin,


swollen statement) i. incredible story. ;

v. lace on a uniform.
Buc-are buca or buco) to make
2. trifle, nonsense. 3. name for several
(It. ; *
Bucciacchera f. ; loose piece of peel.
a hole in; of a wasp, to sting; of a Bucciai&la/;; pied fly-catcher, v. Balia (2, b\
species of fungus.
rough shirt, to prick to evade (a law) ; ;
Bucciata/!; Mi tiru una he threw a piece ,

of peel at me.
Bubbolare ind. bubbolo ;
i. of to shirk (a duty), to pass (in a race),
tBuccica./ ;= Buccia, bark, skin.
thunder, to growl ; of the sea, to roar. to make's one's way through (an ob-
2. to cheat. 3. to tremble.
struction); at Pallone, to miss the ball;
Buccicata / Non ; sapere di, to
*i. to carry off. ii. to waste.
of a sculptor, to work his chisel clumsily know nothing about.
Bucciere m.
Bubbolata / ; string of lies. so as to make hollows in the stone.
(Fr. boucher, butcher); cattle-

Pan -ato, light bread. Aver le mani

Bubboli&ra / ;
the place for a
Buccina / (L.); i.
trumpet. 2. v.
horse's bells. -ate, to be careless of money.
t Bubbolina yC;
convulsive cough. Bucarubla / ; ventilating brick or
to blow the trumpet.
///. //. (hot.) bladder campion, Siletie

Buccinare; i.
Bubbolino m. dim. Bubbolo.
2. fig. to trumpet abroad.
ti. Tremar il
Bucataio m. ; laundryman. *
to shiver with , fright, ii. the Buccinello w. i. a kind of small ; net. ii. In-
devil ; ha finito il vino e tombola la moglie, Bogey Bucatino m.
has finished his wine and is beating his wife, said to
; little things washed. nestare a
v. Bocciuolo (5).
in. whelk, Bucciiiuin.

children when it thunders, iii. -A kind of bun given Bucato m. I. bleaching. 2. wash; Buccintoro; . Bucintoro.
to children when teething.
Questa roba va data in these things ,
Buccio m. (var. of Buccia); I. the
Bubbolo m. (mlt. bubo, swelling, from are going to the wash Questa setti- ;
outer layer of a hide Levare il to
; ,
the swelled shape of the bell) bell for mana non fa il he is not having
; ,
kill; Mi preme il ,
I value my life.
horses' or dogs' collars.
anything washed this week Segnare il ; 2. slough of a snake.
gold beater's 3.
to mark the things for the wash;
Bubbol6n-e m., -a / ; great story-

clean Fare il in famiglia,

skin, the outer coat of a part of the
teller. , ;
intestine of an ox, v. Borsa (4).
fig. to wash dirty linen at home; Fare dim. Buccia.
Bubbdne m. (mlt. bubo, from Gr. un alia coscienza, to go to confession *
Bucciolo m.

i. scent-bottle, ii. = Bocciolo,

; ;

fiovfiiav, swelling in the groin ;
Lo scritto non si mette in a written internode of a cane. iii. tube. iv. dim. Bnccio.
v. = Bozzolo, cocoon.
or armpit.
Bubbonic-o Pestc -a, bubonic plague.
engagement will stand Ogni cencio ;
vuole andare in every rag wants to Bucci6so with a thick rind.
Bubo m. ; child's word for pigeon.
, ;

*Bubolare : to give the cry of an owl. go to the wash, said of a person who Bucciu61o ; v. Bocciuolo.
Bubdne = Bnbbone. a South African
pushes in where he is not wanted Non
in. i. 2.
Buccol-a ear-ring; Far le -e,
; I.
plant, i. owl. f. ;

Bub6nio Innla bubonium. si fece mai di notte che non s' as- of boys, to hang cherries over their ears.
m.; (hot.)
Bubreste ;
v. Bupreste. ciugasse di giorno, nothing was ever 2. in writing, the loop of the long stroke

Bu Bu; i. sound of a dog's bark; washed at night but what had to be of a b, g, or /.

Far to make an =Bolli dried by day, i.e. a fault committed in *
, outcry. 2. ring through which the arm was passed in

unrest beneath the surface. secret will come out sooner or later. holding a shield, ii. ringlet.
bolli, political
Akin to Bucare but not derived from it, Etym. Cogn. Fr. boncle, ring, Prevent;, bloca,
3. sound to imitate a person shivering Etyiti. boss of a shield, and similar words in several of the
t'. Buca; cognate words are Germ, bauchcn, E. buck,
with cold. both of which mean to bleach clothes in lye water ;
Romance dialects quoted by Littre, to which may be
* added the dialectical Italian bucculp. The origin of
Bubu m. ; the devil. the primary meaning therefore is bleaching in lye
all these is the Latin bitccula, diminutive of bucca,
Bubulay;; v. Bubbola. ii. = Fandonia, lie.
i. water, and that of clothes for, or from, the wash, is
Bubulca or Bubulcata f. (v. Bobolca); i. = cheek. Buccula meant (i) a part of the helmet
ii. as much Bucatuccio in. dim. spreg. Bucato. covering the cheek (2) a shield (3) a boss of a shield
; ; ;
Bifolca. ground as two oxen will plough ;
The history of the
in a day. Bucatur-a, -accia fegg., -ina dim.; a. Bu- "'.
Skeat, ed. 1910, sub Buckle.
transition from buccula to the French and Italian
Buca / (M.H.G. buck, cp. Germ. *BuccellayI; crust of bread, r>. Buccia. words meaning of ring or ear-ring is
in the further
Buccellato (Bocellato, Boccellato) m. unknown the simplest conjecture would be to trace
(L. buc~

Ranch, belly); cavity in the ground or them to buccula in the sense of boss regarded as
cellatitm, soldiers' biscuit, <lrucct:Un, morsel, dim.
in a wall, etc., narrow valley, cave, v. a sort of ring.
<bucca, mouth, originally cheek, v. Bocca); i. bis-
Buco. Buccoletta f. dim. Huccola.
hoop on a spar. tiii. a kind of sugared

cieca, pitfall. del suggeri- cuit, ii.

bun, shaped like a Ciambella. Bucc61icayC (L. from Gr. 0ovKo\iK(k); i. .pas-
tore, (theat.~) prompter's box. Fa le Buccbereide f.\ title of a poem on Buccheri. toral poetry. 2. sckcrz. eating.

buche nel viso, his face is getting hollow. Bucchero m. (Span, bitcard); i. a scented, Buccolico; bucolic.
red-coloured earth imported from Portugal or India, Buccolina f. dim. Buccola. ;

Bada, costi c' e una ,said to a late t Buccolo ;//. (L. bitccula, v. supra sub Buccola)
used for making water-cooling vases, etc. 2. water- ;

riser, as much
as to say he cannot yet cooler made therefrom. 3. deep red colour.
ringlet of hair.
tBuccolbtto m. dim. Buccolo, ringlet on the
be awake enough to see properly. - di tBucchi m. :=Sussi, q.r. ;

t Bucchia f.\ i. = Cnccia, bed. ii. impudence; temple.

San..., at Florence, underground ora- Far to pluck Bucconcello m. = Bocconcello, scrap.
, up courage. *
Buccula f.

tory of Saint.... Esser per le buche, to tBucchiare; i. to do a thing quickly, ii. i Pappagorgia, double chin.

with the comb reversed, Bucefalo nt. (from the horse of Alexander the
be hard up. Turar e far callaia, capelli, to curl up the hair
iii, to clear bundles of corn from the adherent grass. Great); sckerz. horse, esp. bad horse.
i.e. to pay a debt Bucello m. Giovenco, young ox.
by incurring a larger tBucchiaro m.', (pers.) nuisance. * Bucentoro
->. Bucintoro.

one. Far una to embezzle money. *Bucchio in. = Buccia, rind. ii.
; i. skin of an ;

onion, iv. = Bocciuolo. v. in un Bucero m. (Gr. Pous, ice'pas); hornbill, Bitceros.
*i. = Noia, trouble,
iii. egg-shell, *
ii. Fare alle buche, a game,
do a a moment. Bucetto tn. = Bozzolo, lump in a cloth.
thing)' in
(to *
?'. Buchetta. iii. Dare intorno alle buche a uno. to ,
Buche m. a kind of fishing boat. Catalano

extact his secrets, iv. Alle buche (sc. sepolcrali) ce a a sort of cape worn by Catalan
Buccia /. (etym. linkup;\.
peel, ,
n'avvedremo, we shall see the result in the end, said
of one who has undertaken what seems beyond his rind, bark, crust. F. unadi porro, it Bucherame m. (A) (cp. Fr. bougran,
means. is a mere trifle, lit. skin of a leek. In mlt. boquerannus, prob. from the city of
Bucacchiare to make many little holes.
Bucaccia /. pegg. Buca.
a nut or other seed Buccia is the skin Bokhara) buckram, linen stiffened with

tBucacu6ri m. lady-killer. :
of the fruit; the shell is Guscio and the glue.
Bucafdndi m. borer, for casks, esp. for forming
; husk Riccio, but v. infra (i). Innestare
holes in the heads into which to fit the staves.
a a certain method of grafting, v. (B) (It. bucherare) open wove cloth.

Bucafratti >.; = Re di macchia, wren. ,

Bucalamiera /.; a machine for punching rivet Corona (13). 2. slough of any creature Bucher-are ind. buchero (It. buco);
t Bucaletta / pitch pot. which sheds its skin. 3. scherz. human I. to pierce with holes. 2. to intrigue
by underhand

Bucaletto v. Bucioletto. ;
skin Far la ; ,
to kill Aver la dura, ;
for votes. 3. to penetrate
means, to sneak in. 4. part, -ato, full Buc6n-a/;, -e m. avgtn. of ; Buc-a, -o. Buffalaglio m.\ Beccalaglio, blind man's buff.
Bucranio m. (arch.) ox-skull sculptured as an t Buffardello m. bellows.
of holes. ornament.
; ;

Bucherattol-a/?, -o m. : dim. Buca, tiny hole. Bucuccio m. ; dim. spreg. Buco (3).
Buffare i. = Soffiare, to blow. ; 2. at
draughts, to huff one's opponent.
Bucher611-a / ;
i. small cavity. Buda/ ;
i. the city on the Danube. * i. to chatter foolishly, to throw away. to
2. bianca, morel, an edible
(bot.} Prov. Par che vada a pigliar he , break wind. iv. = Sbuffare,

to puff and blow.


fungus, Morchella esculenta, also termed seems to be in a great hurry. Gli par
Spugna buona, Tripetto. Ajf. -ina, -fno d' aver preso he seems to think he ,
Buffata / ; sudden squall of wind.
Buffatdre m. glass-blower.
dims. has done something wonderful. 2. loop
of a crupper passing under the horse's Buffe m. (Fr. buffet, of unkn. orig.};
Bucherell-are ; to make holes, -ato,
tail. 1.
ball-supper. 2. side-table.
full of holes.
t Budagiay; = Ombrina, bearded umber.
; *Buffetta/7; small improvised sail.
Bucher^llo in. small hole. a
i. = Sbuf-
I. 2.
Budare (Fr. bonder, v. Skeat, sub Buffettare ind. buffe'tto;
kind of fungus.
Pout); at dominoes, to be unable to fare, to puff and blow. 2. (mar.) to flap
Bucherottol-ayC, -o m. ; Jim. of Buc-a, -o.
about in the wind.
Buch6tt-a/ ;<#/. Buca, hole, cavity; Budellame m. entrails. Buffettata / ;
= Buffetto.

Fare, Giocare a or alle -e, a boys' = Erba Buffetteria the leather

Budellfna/; (bat.) j. gallinella, chick- /; (mil.}
game of pitching an iron ball into a weed. 2. acquatica, mudwort, Limosella aqua- belts collectively, for a soldier's arms
hole in the ground. Seminare a -e, to tica. 3. d' acqua, water mouse-ear chickweed,
Cerastittm aquaticum. 4. de' mtiri, procumbent and ammunition.
sow by drilling. pearl-wort, Sagina prociimbens.
Buchett-accio dim. spreg. Buco, -ina dim. of Budell-ino m.. with pi. -ine or -ina /: dim. Buffetto m. ;
flip with the finger.
Buchetta, -ino sub-dim. , -o dint, of Buco. Budello. 2. puff of wind. As adj., Pan , very
Buchin-a/i, -o in. dim. of Buc-a, -o.
Budell-o with pi. Budell-a or -e light bread.

Buci ;
hush !
f. (L. botellus, dim. of bo tit his, sausage) ;
i. side-table, ii. stroke of luck, either good or
* bad.
Buciacchio m. ; young ox. i. bowel; Avere il diritto, to eat
Bucicare ind. biicico (a parallel form much and often ; Veder le -a, i.e. to Buffettdne m. augm. Buffetto (i),
to Fr.bouger<lt. bulicare, v. Skeat, stab; Seminar le -a, to have been a good hard knock.
sub Budge) to move slightly, budge. stabbed, also quasi-fig. of a mattress, to
; Buffo; i. queer, ridiculous. As sb.\
have been ripped open. 2. Budelli di 2. buffoon, comic actor. 3. squall of
gallina (<W.), = Centocchio, chickweed.
Bucinarsi; to be rumoured.
Bucine m. (etym. unkn.} I. a conical *i. Dare in -a, to come to nothing, fail. ii. gullet.
Etym. From a base buf, imit. of the sound of

shaped fishing-net or similar net for Budell6n-e m., -&/. ; guzzler. blowing after puffing out the cheeks, cp. E. puff,
Fr. boitjfer, to puff out.
catching birds. 2. in //., Bucini, or Bud(Sse; of Buda.
Buffon-aggine or -atay?; buffoonery.
Bucioli, short pieces of cane for keeping Budino (Bodino) m. (cogn. Fr. bott- BurToncello in. \dirn. Buffbne.
open the framework of a distaff. din, of Germanic origin, v. Skeat, sub Buff6n-e m. (It. buffo); I. buffoon.
Bucinello m. ; v. Bocciuolo (6). *=
Pudding, Pout) ; pudding. 2. promise-breaker. Gotto, glass
Bucintbro (Buccintoro, Bucentoro) *
Brodiere in. (Fr.
Budriere, Bodriere, or vessel.
>n. (A) (Gr. ftoiis, KfVraupos ) bucentaur, ; baudrier, further etym. uncertain; cp. A.S. belt., Ajf. -eggiare, -eria, -escamente, -esco.
O. H.G. balz, L. balteus. Littre writes: "the Bufiera f. = Bufera, tempest.
a fabled monster, half ox half man. O.H.G. balderich. is derived from the A.S. belt,

Bufolante in. ; driver in a buffalo race, v. Bufa-

(B) the state barge of Venice used in
; E. belt, old Scandinavian betti, doubtless borrowed lata.
from the L. balteus"); sword-belt. *
going to the ceremony of espousing the Buffalo ; v. Bufalo.

Bue Bufonchiare, ecc.; v. Bofonchiare, to

Adriatic, v. Buciontoro. m., with irreg. pi. Buoi or pop. grumble.
Bucio m. (mar.) barge, hull of a
; ship. Boi (var. of Bove) ; ox. d' oro, a *Bufone m. (L.); toad.
Bucioletto m. dim. Bucio. :
rich but ignorant man. Aver del Buforanay:; large toad.
Buciolo v. Bucine (2). to ,
(ined.) swelling of the eye-ball.
have but little sense. Occhio di Buftaimo m. = Occhio di bue, a genus of
*Buciontoro ;. = Bucintoro, Vene-
, ; (bot.)

ox-eye daisy, v. Occhio (43). of the

(bot.} Compositae ox-eye daisy class, Bitphtlnilmum.
tian state barge. The term was prob. a * tBuga/I; v. Boba.
Bueggiare; to act like an ox. tBugadayl; (mar.) tar mixture for blackening
corruption of Bucio d' oro, gilt barge, Buessay:; cow. rigging.
from the richness of Buetta (Boeta) / packet of tobacco in sealed
its decoration, and ;
*Buganza/7; chilblain.
subsequently suffered alteration into
Bucintoro. The vessel was destroyed Bufal -a /.; she-buffalo. Esser come Buggera / (orig. meaning heresy,
from Bulgaro, since the Bulgarians had
le -e, to fear that the ground will sink
by the French in 1797 and its gilding a bad reputation for Manicheeism)
melted down into money. under one's feet. ;

i. blunder. 2. dodge.
Buco m. (var. of Buca, g.v.); I. pro- Bufalata/;
buffalo-race at Florence or poetry
written for that occasion.
Buggerare ind. buggero to humbug.
perly a small round hole through some-

thing. (mar.} del gatto, lubber's

Bufalo m. (L. < Gr. jSot^uXor) ;
buf- BuggiancayC; ill-temper.
3. dimple. 4. small room. 5. Non
hole. *mask of a buffalo head, for stalking birds. Bugfa/ (Buscia,
Busia) (A) (perhaps
cavare un ragno da un said of one ,
Bufal-6ne m., -6nay]; aiigm. of -o, -a. -Atto < O.H.G. worthless, cp.
bosi, paltry,
who is slow in working and never con- ;;/.; half-grown buffalo. Germ, bijse, bad) lie. (B) (from the ;

cludes anything. 6. Dare nel i.e. to ,

Bufare (It. buffo); to snow heavily, town of Bugi in Algeria, a noted source
hit the nail on the head Arrivare a ; ,
in a storm. of wax) flat candlestick, or oil lamp of
to come in the nick of time, just not too similar make.
Bufera/ (It. buffo); rain-squall.
late. 7. Buco \ti\pop. said to one who Bugi-accia f., pegg. of -a; -ale m., string of
is trying to take us in but whose
game Buffa /
(var. of Buffo, so that the lies.

tBugian-o; i. rustic, ignorant, ii. as sb., -a,

has been found out. 8. II buco nella orig. meaning would be that of No. vi. prostitute.
calza ci s' ha a vedere, prov. of one who below); I. hood thrown over the head, Bugiard-accio pegg., -amdnte adv., -ello
or even over the face, either as part of dim. of -o, -eria /I, pegg. wicked lie, -etto dim.,
betrays his humble origin. 9. Esser -ino dim. vezz. of -o.
al della gallina, in knitting a stocking, a religious habit, or as a protection
to come to the end of the sole. 10. Buchi whether against cold or the heat of a Bugiard-o; lying. Rimaner to ,

fire. 2. the lower part of the visor of fail inone's engagements. Pero a ,
di lupo, in fortification, pits with sharp-
ened stakes at the bottom. a helmet Buttar giii ; , to throw away
variety of pear whose fruit is good and
at billiard pool = Occhio, mark of a "life."
all disguise, all sense of decency. ripe whilst it appears unripe and no
H. launch belonging to a ship. tiii. Far to ,
* =
Dama, game of draughts,
i. ii. mockery, good. Aff. -61o dim., -6ne augm.
Bugiare = Bucare, to pierce.
* * to
shirk school. iii. trick, iv. jest, trifle, v. v. Balm. vi. pufi" of ; Bugl'are, lie.

Bucolin-a/, -o m. ; dim. of Buc-a, -o. wind. Bugietta./; dim. Bugia.

H. 14
dark Bulgaro Russia leather. Consue- Buonadama / good-King-Henry, v.
Bugi-gatto or -gattolo m.
tn. ; i. 2. ; (.bot.)
tudine di , (kg-) a certain restriction in a widow's Colabrina.
recess, poky hole. Buonaere ;.; Di
ownership. ; cheerfully.

*Bulghero m.; i. = Burbera. ii. = Bulgaro.

> Fr. bouge, closet, < L. hulga, Buonalancia m. skilled spearman.
Etym. bit. bugia ;

bag, 7.1.
Bolgia, -f It, gatto; lit. therefore hole for tBuli col granzo >.; = Paguro, hermit-crab. *Buona-mano, -morte, Buon-aria, -arita
a cat. Bulica / air-bubble in a crystal.
(It. bolla); or -arieta, -augurato, -cristiano; v. Bona-mano,
Bugi-inayC; dim. of -a, lie. Bulicame or Bolicame m. ; i. boiling spring -morte, etc.
v. Bugia); in the plain of Viterbo. ii. seething crowd of people, Buonbraccio (mar.) Andar di to sail with
*Bugio (A) (O.H.G. Ms/, worthless,
the wind on the quarter.
; ,

as =- tiii. at Florence, place where carcases of animals

empty. (B) sb., Buco, hole.

were thrown Andare al : , to be ruined.

Buondato ;.; abundance.
Bugfo m. *Bulicare (v. Brulicare); i. v. * Bulicame (i) Buondl adj. a variety of cherry.;
lying. Buon Enrico tn. (tot.) = Colabrina,
tin dito, = Formicolare, to tingle,
and (ii). ii. ; good-
iv. = Brulicare.
Bugi-61a / -6ne m.\
dim. of -a. iii. to boil.
Bulig6ne in. ; reticulated whelk, Nassa reticu-
Buonfatto m,; benefit.
great liar, -uccia or -uzza/ dims, of -a. ; lata. Buongiorno adv. good morning. ; *As sl>.,

'Bugliay!; i. concourse, crowd, ii. uproar, row. *Bulimay!; disorderly crowd. In , higgledy- heavy club.
Bugliare (var. of Bollire); i. to agitate, ii. to piggledy.
Bubn-o or B6n-o (L. bonus, anciently
throw down. Bulimaca, Bulimacola or Bulinacay; (?'!.)

Bugliente var. of Bollente, boiling.
rest-harrow, Ononis arvcnsis. dvoHits, root dve, be, cp. beare, btnc,
Bulimacola de' boschi f. (/W.)=Ginestradi
etc., -v. Skeat, sub Bounty) good, good-

Bugliblo (Buiuolo) m. ; bucket, pail, Germania, German broom.


t As adj.) drunk. Bulimia /., or Bulimo /.

(Gr. ^oOs, ox, Aifio;, natured, kind. Questo e il che...,
famine); (ttted.) insatiable appetite. Bulimo is also the best of it is that.... etre volte
Etym. It. **buglire for bollire, to boil, so that the name of a genus of snails, Bulimus.

lit. meaning would be vessel for boiling, cp.
*Bulinay^; v. Burina. extremely kind. S' intende esser buoni,
Buglione (iii). Bulinaca/!; ?'. Bulimaca. ma tre volte buoni poi no, I am pre-
Buglidne m. ; confused tangle or Bulinare ind. bulino ; to chisel. pared to be good-natured, but not to an
crowd. extreme degree. At games, Buono
i. broth, ii. fig. fiction, iii. = Ba rigl ion e. barrel. Bulino (Bolino, Burino) m. (O.H.G. means "
i.e. that a player has not
Etym. It. "buglire, v. Bugliolo; r/. Fr. bou- bora, borer, through a dim. **borino) ; scored anything.
illon < bouillir. 1.
graving tool. 2. cutter of a planing
Bugldssay^(L M <Gr. ftovs, ox, yAwo-tra, tongue,
from the roughness of the leaves); (bot.) i. volgare, tool. 3. a southern constellation.
Phrases: i. A ,
in good earnest,
common bugloss oralkanet, Anchitsa officinalis^ also heartily. 2. Alia -a, simply, without
termed Lingua di hue, Borrana salvatica. 2. borage, an ornament worn
Bulla/ 3. Aver
(L.); ceremony. in mano, to have
Borneo officinalis. 3. salvatica, vipers' bugloss,
by boys in ancient Rome. 2. = Bolla. 4. Aver di to have
v,Erba (160). ample proofs. ,

Bugna*/? CpAf*. Old Fr.bugne, Provens- bougno ,

Bull6tt-a or Bolle'tt-a (dim. of / a piece of luck. 5. Averla -a, to catch
swelling,< O.H.G. bungo, lump, v. Skeat, sub Bun- hot. 6. Colle -e, by gentleness.
ion); (arch.) projection, boss.
i. 2. {mar.) lower Bulla or Bolla) i.
any kind of short ;

corner of a square sail, clew. nail with a large head, hobnail, stud, 7. Copiare a ,
to make a fair copy.
basket, tclew-line, clew-garnet. 8. Giuocare di to play for money.
such as used in finishing certain kinds ,
Bugnamacola /; (bot.) a species of rush, v.
Erba (70, 6). of furniture, etc. -e del quattro, del sei, ; 9. Far di ,
to be serious, in good
Bugnato ; (arc/t.) studded with bosses. nails of size four, size six, etc. 2. ticket, earnest. 10. Oggi alle carte mi dice -a,
BugnericciayC; beehives, collectively. usu. mi dice bene, fortuna, fortune is
e.g. for an article lodged for safe custody
Bugno(either a var. of Bugna,
;//- or despatched by rail; Esser in ,
to being kind to me to-day with the cards.
or else of Celtic origin, cp. Welsh bon^ be very poor, //'/. to be on the ticket for ii. Essere. II sor Pietro e -- per
beehive. 2. con- cinquanta lire al giorno, master Peter
gratuitous relief; Avere la
tree-stump); fig. alia ca-
fined place. *urn for voting papers, micia, of a baby, to have its shirt dirty. can earn fifty francs a day. 12. Esserci
* tra un uomo e una donna, to be
cp. Bugna, basket. 3. in pi., a kind of ear-rings fixed in the
* meatus of the ears by a screw. 4. v. on affectionate terms. 13. Far to
Bugnol-a/ (dim. Bugna, basket);

plaited basket. 2. teacher's desk, Bolla (7). pass (an account) as right. 14.

3. dock for a prisoner in court. *i. passport, ii. balloting ticket, iii. Altro che buona, in a good temper. 15. Dio ce
-c e frasche, not a thing of small consequence. la tnandi -a, an expression used when
4. blacksmith's tool-box. Aff. -dtta,
-fna dints. Bullett-aio m. nail seller, -ame ;
apprehensive of some great misfortune.
16. In famiglia bisogna menar\\
Bugnolino tn. ; schoolboy's lunch basket, m. lot of nails,
; -ario m. book of ;
tacorn-husk. la pace, the members of a family must
tickets with counterfoils, -fna^; dim.
-inaio m.
be prepared to put up with something
Bugnolo in. (var. of Bugnola) ; small of -a. ticket-clerk. ;

basket from each other. 17. Saper di to ,

Bullettfno m.\ bulletin. II 28 , be agreeable, esp. of a scent. 18. Sul
Entrar nel
*i. to get angry; Esser nel
, ,
bulletin preceding a catastrophe, the della veglia, just when the fun is at
lobe deeply in love. ii. = Bugno, bee-hive, iii. husk

of an acorn. last bulletin of Napoleon I having borne its Una -a volta, some
highest. 19.
*Bugnonew.; thicket. this numbering. time or other.
Bugola or Bugulayi; (bot.) common bugle,
Erba (129, b). *i. short note, memorandum, magistrate's order,
Buiccio dint. Buio. ;
passport, etc. ii.
(surg.) dressing placed on a
As s6.20. commercial obligation,

Buicinay!; dint. Bua. wound. a Treasury bill. 21.

esp. coupon.
= Bovina, Bullettdna / augm. 22. warrant for delivery of goods.
Buina / ; ox-dung.
; Bulletta, big
nail for boots, tfat lazy woman. 23. ticket for relief from the Poor-law.
Biiio (L. burrus^ **burreus, deep Buondmini :. Bonomini. ;

Gr. irvpposj red, < Bullettdne m. augtn. Bulletta, large *
Buonotta f. = liuon' ora,
n-Op, fire); dark.
red, *

As j, scherz. prison. ornamental nail. *i. register of deeds, Buontempone; v. Uontempone.

ii. two species of fungus, tiii. fat lazy Bu6n u6mo r\ Bonomo. ;
* Buonuomo tn.
Buidse superintendent. ;\ (slang) prison. Buonvischio m. = Malvavischiu, marsh mal-
* person. ;
Buiuolo m. Bugliolo, tub. ; low..
t Bulbaro m. a name for a carp in the lake of *BulIire;= Bollire, to boil.
Bullo /.; i. maschio, thorny snipe head tBuosegay^; Mnggine, mullet.
Murex brattdanis, termed Garusa.
Buove f. pi. ',
chains for prisoners.
Bulb-o M. (L.<Gr. oA6); bulb. Aff. -ettino shell, locally
2. femmino, Murex trunculus. 3. grande
Bupalo tn. a genus of moths.

sub-dim., -ettorf/w., -iforme. Bupleuro tn. (Gr. jSous, ir\tvp6v, rib, from the
Bulbocastano m. Bnnium
di mare, helmet shell, v. Porcella.
\ (bot.) pig-nut, pllant being supposed to cause cattle to swell); (bot.)
Bulbocddio m. a bulbous plant, Bulbo-
Bullo'ne m. ;
= Bollone, large nail.
h are's ear or thorow-wax, Buptevrunt, a genus of
; (bot.)
codiutn, *
Bulsin-a_/i, -o (It. bolso); broken wind.
Bupreste ;//. (Gr. ouirp7)OTis, from /3ovs, ox,
BuIbomaniayC; a disease in plants consisting Bulzone /. ; beam for raising a drawbridge. to swell, a poisonous beetle which on being
in an extraordinary production of little bulbs. Bum imit. of the sound of an explosion ; also eaten by cattle in the grass caused them to swell up
Bul-bul m. Oriental name for the nightingale.
', said on hearing a prodigious lie. and die); a family of beetles, of brilliant metallic
tBulcantino, Bulcare m.\ T. Busc-antino, -are. Bumasto adj. of a variety of grape.
; colours.
t Buldria /. fidgetiness, boredom.; Buncinello m. r. Boncinello. ;
Bura./; f. Bure.
Buldriana f. = Baldracca, prostitute. ;
Bunografia f. (Gr. jSouro?, hill, yp<wf>w) ; de- t Bur-are; to smoulder. *-arsi, to be in error.
Bnldr-6, -bcche or -6ghe m. v. Boldr6, ; scription of hills.
Burasca f. = Burrasca,; tempest.
angler-fish. Buo* short for ; Bove or Buono.
Bulesi-ay: or -o m.\ fetlock joint. Buompresso m. = ;
Bompresso, bowsprit. Burato tn. (var. of Buratto); bunting.
Buratta m. = Burattaio, sifter.

Abburattare, to sift meal.

Buratta / (Fr. burette); (chem.)
Burroncello m.\ dim. Burrone.
Burattello m. i.
bolting-bag. ;2. bolting. graduated tube. Burrdne m. (for Borrone, augm. of
Buratteria /. in a powder-mill, place where Burga/; a conical frame
Borro) ; deep ravine.
the sifting implements are kept. i. dark forest, ii. Trarre dal to relieve from
clay, stones, etc., constructed as a pro- doubt,

in//. =Monaci, monks.

Burattin-aio m. puppet-showman, ;
tection for river banks. Burrbso
; buttery, v. Burro.
-ata/ puppet-show, or action like that
; Burgensatico; (kg.)= Allodiale. Burugliare of a stone forcibly thrown, to hum.

Burgravio. (Germ. Bvrggraf); i. burgrave, t Busa f. die for stamping.

of a puppet. -e'sco; puppet-like. ;

an old feudal title. 2. scherz. pretentious person, Busarday:; (mar.) breasthook, a strengthening
or one of the senior members of an assembly. piece towards the bows of a ship.
Burattfn-o m. (It. buratto, cloth); *
Busare (A) = Bucare, = Bugiare,
t Buriana f. (prob. < L. boreas, north wind) ;
; to pierce. (B) ;

puppet, orig. one made of cloth; i. tempest.
= Batosta,
shock, iii. severe catarrh.
to tell lies.

Castello dei -i, stand in which the Buriano m. a variety of wine. ; "Busb-accare; to deceive. Aff. *-acco (i.q.,
'Buriasso m. i. master of the ceremonies at a Busbo), *-eria, -ma dim., *-o, trickster, rogue.
showman is hidden, fig. (from the fra- tournament, prompter at a recitation, ii.

iii. one
gility of the puppet-stand) insecure who assisted a composer in making verses. Busca /
(A) (vbsb. of Buscare) ;
structure. 2. one who does not take
Buricchio m.;fatn. scherz. pussy. quest. Essere alia to be in search ,

of. Ire alia

anything in earnest and does not keep Buricco m. (mlt. burricus, sorry nag, , pop. to get oneself
his engagements. Far ballare thrashed. Andare alia of dogs, v.
cp. Fr. bourrique) fam. scherz. donkey. ,

= Metier su baracca, set the attacking

*i. =Casacca, long cloak,

Buscare. Gente di (mar.} pirates. ,

Buridano Come 1' asino di tra le due = =

forces in motion, esp. when the attack ;
(B); Bruscolo, speck. t(C); Buscola, olive
greppie, between the two mangers, or Come 1' asino basket.
is on personages of che
due monti di fieno mori di fame,
importance. 4. Bal- di tra like Buscacchiare (freq. of Buscare); to seek.
lare or Saltare come un the donkey between two bundles of hay. Buscalfana f.; poor thin horse, v. Alfana.
to dance

= Burigliolo m. = Bigonciolo, tub. ;

with rage. 5. as adj. Berrettino, mis- tBurima/:(var. of Bulima); crowd. Buscalfna (Boscaina, Boscalina,
chievous. Burina (Burrina)y:
(var. of Bolina); Andar di
i. = Burattaio. ii. dim. Buratto, cloth. ._
i. (mar.) to sail very fast. 2. Jig. to work Boscaglina, Biscaglina, Buscarina) ; /
rapidly. 3. scherz. to lean on one side in walking. (mar.) rope ladder for going on board.
BurattO m. (<**/>uratus < bit.
Burinatura /: = Ritagli che si fanno intagli- tBuscantino m. i. one who runs away with
bnra, ;
ando, the residual material after cutting a cameo.
dark cloth, < bit. burrus, v. Buio); *Burin-o m.; i. = Bolina. ii. = Bulino. iii. Via
some of the cargo he has been employed
stealer of chestnuts.
to dis-
on you go charge, ii.
bolting-cloth, sifter for bolting meal, -i, !

one who speaks indistinctly. Pare tBurist-o or -io m. ; black pudding, v. Sangui- Buscare (Span, buscar, properly to
fig. naccio, made by stuffing the gut of an ox. in
un he is a great gabbler; the meta-
, costola, using the small intestine of a pig. in go into the
woods^ bosqui, after game) ;

phor is from the noise made by the cuffia, using the stomach of a pig. 1.
dogs, to seek or hunt after.
bolting; similarly Gli e un he is an , Burla (**bnrrula, dim. of bit. / 2. generally, to procure, esp. to procure
inveterate grumbler. burra, v. Borra, and Skeat, sub Bur- oneself punishment, or blame. *to
light kind of cloth, ii. the posterior, rump, lesque); jest, harmless trick. Mettere pillage.
iii. a figure used as a target.
in to treat as a joke (what was in- 'Buscarina; v. Buscalina.
Burbale m. ; skip for hoisting material out of a

well, etc. tended for an insult). Mandare in Buschera

, f. ; ill-temper.
to pretend that a piece of rudeness was
Burbanz-a / (var. of Bubanza); Buscher-are ind. buschero (eu-
offensive vanity. intended as a joke. Ministro, Medico,
Aff. -osame'nte, -6so. phemism for Buggerare); i. to waste,
Professore, etc., da worthless.
Burbera (Borbora)/i; = Argano, windlass. ,

squander. 2. to throw away. 3. to

Burberaccio; pegg. vezz. Burbero. t Burlanda or BorlandayC; = Flemme, brewers'
Burberino m. perforated bar at the back of a grains. swindle. 4. scherz. to trifle. 5. pop.

waggon through the holes in which pegs can be Vatt' a far be off with you -ato
to make a fool of, intr. to

placed for twisting the bar so as to tighten the ropes

Burl-are ;
, ; !,
as a sort of oath, hang it all !
which secure the load. jest, -arsi di, to laugh at. Prov. Chi
-a si i.e. you pretend to be Buscherata /. pop. nonsense, lie.
Burbero (prob. redupl. of ana cpnfessa, ;

saying it in joke, but we know it is true. Also as an exclamation of surprise but

imit. bur, cp. Borbottare) scowling, ;
* = Rotolare, to roll down.
i. ii. to throw away, implying assent like the E. nonsense !

crusty. iii.

to squander.
Burchia / ; i. v. Burchio. ii. Alia ,=A Aff. -atdre, -escamente, -e'sco, -etta dim., -eVole
Buscherellare (freq. of Buscare);
vanvera, carelessly; Andare alia , to pirate other (i.q. -esco), -evolmente, -onaccio pegg. vezz., -one or to scrape together.
people's inventions. -ona, joker.
tBurchiare; v. Bucchiare, to do hastily.
Burneo for Eburneo, ivory.
Buscherinaio /.; scherz. for Buscherio.
Burchiella/; v. Hurchiello. Burnus m. burnous, Arab cloak.
Burchiell-eggiare ; to write like Burchiello, Buro m. French word, bureau,
Buscherio m.; i. noise, row. 2. large
; v, Burelle,
an early Florentine poet. Aff. -esco adj. etym. quantity.
Burchiell-etto or -ino; dim. Burchiello. *
Buro ; i. = Buio, dark. ii. as sb., cellar.
Burchiello dim. Burchio. ; Burocr-atico, -aticamente, -azia ; bureau- Buscherdne pop. prodigious, awful; ;

cratic, etc. sometimes spreg.

Burchio m. (var. with apheeresis of Burr-aceo; buttery (adj.). -aia f.; \. dairy.
Rimorchio); barge, tbaby. 2. dairy- woman, -aio m. dairyman. ; Buscheto Andare a ;to catch , it.
Buschettay;; v.71. Bruschette
Burddne m. (L.); mule. Burrasc-a (Borrasca, Burasca) *Buschia; = Nulla, nothing.
(**boreasca, from Gr. ftopeas, through *Buscia/;=Bugia, lie.

Bure/(L.); plough-handle.
Busciare = Bucare, to perforate.
Latin) storm also fig. e.g. for a bad
; ;

Buscio w.;=Busso, noise.

Bure adj. ; a yellowish variety of pear. * a kind illness, v. Batosta, or scherz. for a quick-
Buscione or Buscone at. = Macchione ;
of dance, or music therefor. thicket.
Bureggia f. = Balla, bale, ta kind of cloth. tempered person.

or -hina dim., -ona augm., -dso. t Busco m. ; i. = Bosco, wood. * ii. = Bruscolo,
tBureggio m. commotion, bustle. Aff. -are, -he'tta

Burrato (A);=Imburratp, cooked witn butter. speck.

Bureila /. (akin to It. buio) i. dungeon. t Buscola /; = Gabbia, the basket for crushed
narrow passage. subterranean

*(B); as sb. = Burrone, ravine.

ii. iii.
cage at *
Burrina v. olives.
Florence for wild animals, Burina. * *
piebald horse. iv. ;
Buscolino m.; dim. Busco, little
Burelle f. pi. ; (herald.) six, eight, or ten tBurrino;.; scoundrel. * speck.
Buscone m. v. Buscione. ;

parallel bands on the shield, each being of less width Busdr-6 or -6ghe m. i.q.,
than a Fascia. If they are five, seven, or nine in
(Butirro) m. (L. butyrum< ; Boldro, angler
number they arc termed Trangle. Gr. fiovrvpov, as if from /3or cow,
rvpos , ,

Etyni. Fr. burelle, with the same meaning,
burgle, marked with burelles, bureau, which < cheese, but if the use of butter was de- Busdcchi-a / (Busecchio m.} (akin
rived, as Pliny says, from the northern to Buzzo, q.v.); i.
tripe. 2. sausage-
formerly had the meaning now belonging to bure,
coarse cloth, bit,
< bura, L. burrus, dark red, < nations, the word may very probably be meat or sausage.
the cloth having been of this colour, <Gr. irvppts, *i. Pigliare alle to entice, a sort of girdle.
fiery red,<irOp, fire, v. Skeat, sub Fire. The bureau
of Scythian origin) butter. Una ;
-e, ii.

having been a striped cloth, burtlle took the meaning che e un a most delicious pear. ,
Busecchfna /. ;
Italian sausage.
of stripe. *
Burello m.: (A) (mar.) wooden pin or fid used cotto, butter which has been melted, Busecchio m. ; v. Busecchia.
strained, and cooled. augm. of -a.
in securing two loops of rope together. ;

Busia_/:;=Bugia, lie.
*(K)(cofn- Fr. bureau, v. Burelle, etym,); coarse Burrona; i. i.q., Spiccatoia, free-stone (peach). tBus(ca./; = Vescica.
cloth. 2. = Bure. *
Busignare ;= Pusignare, to sup late.


BuSilli or Busillis m. difficulty. ;

one made of box-wood. Giuochi de -i, 2. spot where birds settle. 3. at cards,
The story goes that an ignorant clerical student conjurer's tricks, fig. humbug. Gioca- the first card led. *blow.
reading the Breviary came to "/ die" at the foot tore di -i, thimble-rigger. Buttaterra f.\ in alum works, man who throws
of a page followed by "bus illis" at the top of the the paste into the cauldrons.
next, making up the phrase In dicbus iliis in those
*Bussone m. (wus.) an ancient wind instru-
*Buttavanti m.\ i. = Buttafuori, spar.
ii. a kind
It did not occur to him that diebus was one ment.
days. of spear.
word, and though he thought he saw the meaning of
In die, viz. India, he could make nothing of bus illis Busta/ (mlt. buxta^ which is either *Butterare; i. to mark with pock-marks, ii. in

which accordingly became a cant term for difficulty, < Gr. wvis, or L. buxus in either case ;
spinning tops,
top by hitting it
la trottola, to
with one's own.
mark another boy's

esp. in the phrase Qui sta il busillis, here lies the the orig. meaning is "box made of box-
wood," cp. Fr. boite) i.
paper case made Butterato ; pock-marked.
*Busina or Busnay^;
Buccina, trumpet. ;

*Busin-eri or -ieri m.\ trumpeter. of card-board. 2.

envelope. jewel- Biittero m. (A) (Arabic botor, pus-
*Busna; v. Busina. case.
Busnaga f. (Span, biznaga, from L. pastinaca, *
tule); scar from small-pox. (B) (prob.
parsnip); (hot.) tooth-pick bishop-weed, A mini vis-
Bustacone w.;=Bacchettone, bigot. < bit. **putulus, dim. of L. putus, boy);
naga. The rays or stalks of the main umbel of this
plant, after flowering, shrink and become so hard Bustaia/ ;
= Fascettaia, stay-maker. herdsman.
that they form convenient tooth-picks, for which Buttigay;;=Bottega, shop.
Bustaio m. ; seller or maker of stays. *
Buttiniere m,\ workman who
purpose they are accordingly used in Spain. cleans buttons.
* Buso /. i. = *
Buco, hole. As naj. ii. pierced.
: Bustello ///.; a measure of capacity. *Buttino >#.;=Bottino, q.v.
Hi. fig. useless. Busticino ;;/., Bustina f. dims, of Busto, ; *Butto; i. syncop. for Buttato. ii. Di ,
= Di
Bus one m.\ (mus.) some kind of wind instru- stays. botto, .suddenly.
ment. Bustinow?.; dim. Busto.
Buturo m. ;
i. = Burro, butter. ii. material
resembling pitch.
Buss-a /., obsolete except in pi. ; Busto ;;/. (var. of Busta) ;
i. bust. Buzecca; v. Buzzecca.
i. slap. 2. fig. Aver -e e corna, to lose 2. corset. Buzino m. (ntin.) a kind of tufa stone.

Buzzaccio m.\ Pegg. Buzzo.

and be laughed at for it. heavy the body. ii. corpse, iii. sepulchral monu-
*Buzzago m.; = Abuzzago, buzzard.
3. fig. *i.
ment, iv. waist of a dress.
loss at cards. * *Buzzame; v. Buzzo.
Bustola//,= Pustola, pustule. *Buzzecca or Buzecca f. ; Dare in , =Dare
Bussare (either < L. pulsare, cp. Fr. Bust6n-e m., -a f. augm. Busta, large ;
in ciampanelle, to talk nonsense.
pousser, or M.H.G. buchsen, to strike); envelope.
Bustorfio ///. sckerz. learned German. tBuzzeffe; A =Abizzeffe, in plenty.

to knock a door. * Bustrofedo old form of

Buzzettaccio ?.; sfreg. vezz. Buzzo, esp. of a
1. to slap. 2. at 3. fig. writing in which the
appeal to him
alia porta d' uno, to lines went alternately in opposite directions like the
Buzz6tt-ino, -o; dims. Buzzo.
furrows made in ploughing.
for help. *Butenfiare (?', Kutifione); to be cross. Buzzicare ind. buzzico; = Bucicare,
*i. to resound, ii. a formica di sorbo, i.e. to tButifi6ne or Budenfione /.; = Gonfione.
preach to empty benches, iii. to applaud, clap, Ety-m. Cogn. Lombard dial, hntafion or Imscnjl,
to stir. Prov. Tramontanin non buzzica,
iv. to drive birds into the net of a decoy by throwing Mantuan bodenfi, Roumanian bosinjJo, Proven^. se il marin non lo stuzzica, the north
clods of earth on the decoy-frame, v. to drive fish bondenfla, Fr. bour$oi4ffler to puff out (for**bond-
into a net by beating the water or throwing things <
root boa, to distend (cp. Fr. bander,
wind follows the sea wind, i.e. the S.W.
souffler), all
into it. v. Skeat, $nbBoudoir, Pout) + L. inflare or snfflarc, wind. And with the same meaning, Se
Bussata./; Batosta, serious damage. to inflate. scirocco non stuzzica, tramontan non
*i. v. Bussare. ii. unfair demand; Dare una Butirr-o m.\ Burro, butter. Aff. -oso.
a uno, to ask him for money unfairly. Butolayi; (hot.) Limonio, sea lavender.
buzzica. La buzzica, there is something
BussatinayC; dim. Bussata. tButolare (for Voltolare); to fall. stirring.
*Bussatoio m. pole for ; driving fish, r. Biitomo ;.; (hot.) the flowering rush, Butomtts. * = Bucinare, to be rumoured.
*Bussare (v). *Butriow.; a kind of bird-net. *Buzzichello m. ; i. slight noise, ii. fig. =
* Bussatore Bussare. ii. tiresome beggar.
i. v. tButtadori w.//.; saw-pit frame. Raggiro, plot.
Busseo (L. htxeus)\ of box-wood. *Buttafuoco m. match for a gun, linstock,
; i. *
Buzzichfo m.\ i. = Bucinio, continued whisper-
Bussetto m.\ (bootm.) stick for polishing soles = Mettimale, mischief-maker, iii. loophole for
ing of rumours,
ii. continued slight noise,
and heels. throwing melted lead on to an attacking force, *
Buzzico m.\ i. slight movement; Tirare a
tBussi; = Sussi.

to shoot on hearing a rustle, ii. Andare a to

fBussilo m.\ Bossolo, box-wood. Buttafu6ri m.\ i. (theat*) call-boy. hunt wolves by imitating their howl.

*Busso w. (A) (L.*wjrj); = Bossolo, box. (B)(It. 2. (mar.) (a) di briglia, dolphin- Buzzinow.; dim. Buzzo.
bussare); i. noise, ii. blow. iii. turmoil, iv. grum-
striker; di sartie di fiocco e
bling, t scolding. (b) Buzzo m. i.
paunch. 2. scherz.
contro fiocco, spritsail gaff; (<:) out- human stomach Fare il to eat
Bussola/ (var. of Bossolo) i. com- ; ,

rigger (d] bumkin.


3. (fiers.}one who is capable


pass-box, compass-needle, or compass. heartily.

*Buttaghera or Buttagra = Bottarga.
2. litter for the sick or wounded.
f.\ \.
of anything, in a bad sense. 4. Di
ii. =Ovaia, ovary.
3. horse-brush. 4. door of a room buono, with right good will. As adj. :

Buttala in. clothes-horse, ///. throw- of the weather, cloudy.

when made of a decorative character. it-there.
5. 6. (pers.)

5. screen to keep oft" the draught from

gloomy. 7. of an animal, ill.
a door. 6. Delia prima of the best Butt-are
(It. botta); i. to throw, to *i. Esser di buono, to be good-natured, ii. pin-
cushion, iii. beehive,
Bucio, ship's boat. iv. =
Delia quinta of poor pitch. to squander.
2. 3. giu, to
quality ; , Etym. Germanic, actual derivation un- but
quality. 7. name for the place occupied
swallow. 4. giu, fig. to swallow (an known. The lit. meaning appears to be that of
5. of plants, to shoot. 6. - rounded thing, and there are several sources which
by the Pope when hearing a preacher. insult).
may have formed the word, such as those indicated
8. = Bronzina, bush, the metal box or all' acqua, (mar.) to launch. As refl. above, sub Bozza, Bottone. Perhaps the most
lining of any cylinder in which an axle
-arsi 7. of birds, to settle.
: 8. -arsi a, probable is O. H.G. ^;iA>Germ. Bauch, belly.
to give oneself up to. 9. of the weather, tBuzzoIay^; (mar.) grummet.
works. 9. a southern constellation. Buzzonaccio m,\ pegg. Buzzone.
tBussolaiay?; box hedge. to settle down to. 10. -arsi giu, to take
to one's bed, fig. to lose heart. Buzzone
m. i.
augm. Buzzo. ;

Bussolante m.\ i. litter bearer. 2. man a large stomach

with and
*i. (arithm.)= Importare, to come to. ii. ;
2. servant of the v.
private Pope, cinque e tirar sei, i.e. to steal, vento iii. (war.) similarly Buzzona of a woman.
Bussola (7).
=Venir vento, of the wind, to get up. fiv. (mar.)
cross, of the weather, gloomy.
in sala, = Tracciare in sala, to lay off (a course on *h$>adj,\ i. ii.

*Bussolare ;=Strigliare, to curry (horses). the chart), v. -arsi, of wood, to be warped.

Buttarga (Buttaraga); -v. Bottarga.
Buzzuro ///.(possibly < Germ. Putzer,
Bussolata (a horse).
f.\ brushing Buttasella I. Swiss hawker of roast
f.\ (mil.) signal for saddling. cleaner) ;
*Bussolo /.; = Bossolo, box-wood vessel. fButtaseme /.; sower.
chestnuts, etc. 2. generally, rough
Bussol6tt-ow.; wooden cup; strictly, Buttata f.-,
i. of plants, shoot. fellow.

tCaccarello or Caccaro;
C in. or /., pronounced Ci ;
as a
tCaccherume in.; dirt in
v. Cacherello.
the ears.
standing at the back of a royal carriage.
Roman number, 100; with a bar above *Cacchiaccio in. ; Minchione, blockhead. 4. (mar.} bow-chaser. 5. hawk.

it,100,000. Abbreviations: G.C., Gesii bread made of the Cacciatorpediniera /. ; (mar.) torpedo-boat
Cacchiatellay^ ;
Cristo; A.C., Avanti Cristo; C.A., caro finest flour, used in for Cacciavitey;; screw.driver.
amico M.C., minore conventuale C.R.,
making pap *
Caccino v. Cavezzale.
; ;
babies. ;

Cacciu (Casciu) rn. gum

chierico regolare; C.D.G., della com- *
; catechu, from the
Cacchiatello m. ; grounds in chocolate or other Areca palm.
pagnia di Gesii S.M.C., sua Maesta ; liquor. Cacciucco m. a sort of spiced fish-soup.

Cacciunde *.; i.q., Cacciu.

cattolica, or cristianissima S.C., Senate ;
t Cacchiella./; Zuccotto, priest's cap,
*Cacchio in.; the first shoot from a vine-stock. Cacciuola J'. plasterer's trowel, ii.
; dim. i.
consulto R.C., regia consulta
; C/a, ; Cacchioncello m. ; dim. Cacchione. Caccia.
conto aperto C/C, conto corrente ; ; *CaccivaccayT; = Biccicucca, hovel.
C Cacchion-e (Cachione) m. (etym. Cacco m.; Cacus, the robber killed by Hercules.
c.s., come
sopra. I tre de' vecchi,
Prov.'. Piil ladro di a worse thief than Cacus.
viz. Catarro, Cascata, Cacarella or dub.}; i.
grub of the bee. 2. in pi., ,

ova of flies Aver -i, to be restless. i

(dim. of Caeca); I. dirt
Cacaiola. ;

3. young bird's first feathers. in the nose. dirt in sheep's wool 2.

*Ca'; i. = Casa. ii. = Capo.
tCaagghieri = Cavaliere. ;
*TJscir di , to have done with melancholy, or near the breech. 3. rheum in the eye.
Caama in. hartebeest, Acronottts caama. avarice. tin//., = Bordoni.
5. Caccole di S. Pietro,
4. in//., gossip.
Cdbal-a / (Hebrew kabalah, tradi- *Cacchioneria / = Castroneria
; or spreg. for the inferior clergy. Aff. -ina
tion); i. art of foretelling numbers in Spilorceria. dim.
the public lotteries Far le -e, to play Caccia /, with //. Cacce or Caccie Caccol6ne m. i. child
picking its ;

systematically in the lotteries. 2. in-

(bit. (ra(zrc,<**captiare, extended form nose. 2.
trigue, cabal. of L. capture, freq. of capio, v. Skeat,
traditional interpretation of the Scriptures. Caccoloso; dirty (nose), bleared
sub Catch, Heave); i. chase, hunting,
Aff. -are, -etta dim., -ista, -istico. (eyes).
Caballino; i. Fonte the fountain of Hippo- shooting; del toro, bull-fight 2. the
tCaccugnare; to make difficulties.
crene on Mt. Parnassus. 2. a variety of aloe.
game caught. 3. game-preserve, ^.(mar.) *
Cacefato m. obscene equivoque. ;

Cabaldne m. intriguer. chase; Prender to take to flight; ,

Cacetto in. dim. Cacio. ;
Cacherella f. = Cacarella, looseness of the

Cabina./ (E. cabin, v. Capanna); = Camerino, Mettere in to put to flight; Tiro in


cabin. chase shot. 5. game of ball, foot-

Cacher611-07. i.droppingsof sheep,
Cabotaggio m. (Fr. cabotage,
Sp;>an. < ball, etc. 6. poem on the chase. ;

rabbits, etc. 2. weakly

baby. 3. Son
cabo, promontory) coasting trade. Gran Cacciabdtte f. brassworker's chasing-hammer.

passate le capre, i -i fumano, said on


Cacciacavallo m. (mar.) fid, a bar which

, coasting
from headland to headland. ;

supports the weight of a top-mast when erected. observing boys smoking.

Piccolo coasting close in shore.
, Cacciachiavette m. punch for extracting a ; *i. scherz. egg. ii. as adj., aperient.
peg, etc., starting-punch. *
Cacheriuzzayl; silly affectation.
Cabottiere m. ; commander of a Cacciachiddo ;,; extractor for drawing a nail *
Cachero m. ; scherz. privy.
out of a horse's hoof when the head of the nail is
coasting vessel. broken. Cacher6so one who makes affected ;
Cabriole ; v. Capriole. CacciacornacchieyC; (mil.) mortar for throw-
Cacabfello m. ; a species of wild rose. ing stone projectiles, Cornacchi. compliments, tiresome.
Cacadispettiy?; spiteful woman. Cacciacristo; bad (wine).
Cacadubbi m.; undecided person. Cacciadiavoli m. exorciser. ;
Cachessla/(Gr. Kaxf|i'o); i. (med.}
Cacai61ay^; looseness of the bowls. Venir la Caccia febbrew/.; (&/.)=Centaurea, centaury. unsoundness. 2. in sheep, the rot. Aff.
, to
be in a great fright. (Calze 0rCa1zoni) a Cacciaffanni m. that which drives away care.
, ;
not fastened up, usu. a bracaloni. Cacciafu6ri m. (mar.) out-haul, rope for

*CacaIasche in.; a term of insult. hauling out the clew of a boom-sail.

Cachinno m. (L.); loud laugh.
Cacaleria/;; scfterz. for Cavalleria. *
Caccia fus to m. (mil.) engine for throwing ;
Cachidne 7'. Cacchione. ;

CacaliayC; a sub-tropical genus of Co inposiiae. darts.

"Cacalocchio excl. of astonishment. *Cacciagione f.
Caciaia / cheese-room or -maker. ;
game. ii. game-preserve,
*Cacaloro m. ;
scfterz. one who pretends to be iii. banishment. *straw cheese-cover.
rich. Caccialepre a species of hawkweed,
/.; (tot.)
Cacao or Caccao /. (Span. < Mexican cacaiiatl, Scorzonera picrioidcs, also termed Terra crepola. Caciaio m. cheese-maker. ;

thename of the tree) (hot.) chocolate tree, Theo- ; Cacciamdsche

broma cacao, or its fruit, from which chocolate is Caccianfuori m.
case-stake, a sort of gold
Caciai61-o m., -a / ; cheese-seller.
made. chaser's anvil.
Cacapensieri m. T. hesitating person. Cacciandci m. nut-driver.
Caciato ; sprinkled with cheese.
2. thoughtless. Cacciapassere m. scarecrow.
Cacapuzza/!; castor-oil
Cacico (Caziche) m. (native Haitian
plant. Cacciaperni m.; drive-bolt, drift, rivetting-
Cacare (L.); i. nurseryterm, to stool. 2. of setter. word) i.
cacique, chief of a tribe.

a pen, to drip. * le curatelle, to endure great toil.

2. crested Cassicus cristaius.
Cacci-are to oriole,
tCacarello; v. Cacherello.
pursue (game), to
Cacasangue m. ; dysentery. Also as excl, of hurl (a
missile). 2. to drive away. Cacimpero m. ; cheese and meat
angry astonishment.
Cacasego or Cacasevo ; excl. of astonishment, 3. -arsi, to intrude oneself. 4. -arsi sotto, omelette.
or as a mild oath. of a horse, to plunge. Caci-o m. (L. caseum}; cheese. Far
Cacasenno m.', conceited boy.
Cacasentenze m. or f. = Sputasentenze, silly CacciarellayT; pursuit of waterfowl.

Cacciarello m. (tot.) a fungus, Agaricus

del barca, v. Bartolommeo. II
caesareus. su' maccheroni, something arrived in
Cacasodo m. self-consequent fellow. ',
Cacastecchi m. dirty miser. Also as ; excl. tCacciascottey: />/.; (mar.) Pazienze, sheet- the nick of time. Esser pane e -, to
Rabbia !
be on intimate terms. Aff. -61a dim.,
Cacciaspolette ;. ; in gunnery, fuse-setter.
Cacata_/I; lump of excrement. -olina sub-dim., -6so.
Cacatamente; slowly and badly. of an eccen-
*Cacatessay^: bad woman. Cacciata/; throw, e.g. *Cacita _/. painful milk coagulation
; in the
Cacato; worthless (book). tric. breast.
Cacatbio m. privy. ;
Cacciato ; (paint.} hard.
*Cacivacca^; = 8iccicucca, hovel.
* Cacocerdo in.
tCacatreppola/; fright. (Gr. w6s, <>&>:) one ;
with ill-
Cacatura /.; insect's excrement. gotten gains.
Cacazeccnfni m. indecl.', toy figure from which
Cacciat6ia/.; i. punch. 2. (print.} *Cacochiliaf.\ bad digestion in the intestines.
counters drop. wedge for holding the types. *CacochimiayC; bad digestion in the stomach.
Caeca f.(vbtb. of Cacare); i. nursery term for Cacciat6ra / shooting-jacket. Cacofonia /.'; unpleasant sound.
excrement. 2. haughtiness. 3. rheum in the eye. Cacografiay^; bad spelling.
Caccubaldole / pi. (It. cacare + "to/Jala, Cacciatdre m.; \. sportsman Gran ;
Caconni in. pi. droppings ; of silkworms.
corr. of L. blandula) ; wheedling. Cac6n-e/., -a.f.;pop. i. person loose in the
Caccabelli m. pi.; dog-row.
, head-keeper to the king. 2. light bowels. 2. (fig.) timid person. 3. arrogant person.
Caccao, v. Cacao. infantry-man, skirmisher. 3. groom Cacozelo m. ;
bad imitation.
Urlare come un or Fare cain cain, to howl with
tangled mass one of the finest, ugliest, bravest, etc.

Cacri f.; i. rosemary flower, ii.

of trees.
Ogni bugiardo si mette in every liar , Caira/;=Carne, flesh.
Catto. "Cairo m.; extract of cocculus indicus.
Cacto, Also as adj., Un occhio

is very exact.
Cacuca/; a Spanish dance. tCaiza, Caizzoni; v. Calza, Calzoni.
Cacume m. (L.); top. . one eye only.
Cadari or Cadariti m. pi. ; heretics who did

The most probable explana-

L. caput. Gala/ (It. calare); i. inlet, bay.
not believe in the operation of the divine upon the Etym.
human meaning is that the word is from
tion of the present 2. ship's hold. 3. in ship-building,
the phrase nut caput aut naoim among Roman
Cadauno or Caduno (L. qitisqur, or usque, ad
bore the head of lining piece.
vnuni); each. boys in tossing up an as which
on the
Janus on one side and the beak of a ship Calaba/.; (M.) Calaphyllum calaba,
the bark

Cadaver-e m. (L., akin to cado,

to other. The change of / into would be due to / of which yields the Balsamo Maria.
the of the Germans, who were great Calabbasso m.; (mar.)=Caricabbasso, down-
fall); corpse. Aff. -erico. gamblers. haul rope.
Cafila/.; caravan. Cafabrache m. a card game for two.
Cadenza/; i. cadence. 2. (mus.)

Cafiso, Cafisso >. (Arabic words); weight, Calabrese m.; a wide-brimmed high-peaked
cadenza, a flourish given by a solo voice * As
adj. of a horse, constantly moving
measure. its
soft hat. ,

or instrument at the close of a move- Cafrio m. ;


ment. * = Desinenza, ending. Calabres&la/ or pop. Carabrisella;

Cafro; black.
Cadere or poet. Caggere, perf. caddi a card game for three, in which two
*Cafura/; = Canfora, camphor.
caddsti cadde cad-e'mmo -dste ciddero, Caggere ind. Caggo caggi.. caggiono, per/. play against one.
cadei cadesti cade, suhj. caggia, part, caggmto ;
* Calabria / low ground.
fut. cadrb, part, caduto (cogn. Span. poetical form of Cadere.

caer, Provenc.. chazer, Fr. f^oir,<L. *Cagiola/;=Gabbia, cage.

Calabr6ne (Crabrone) m. (L. crabro,
cadere, to fall, v. Skeat, sub Cadence) ;
Cagion-are ind. cagi6no ;
to cause. hornet); i. hornet or any large
to fall. sotto vento, (mar.) to fall off. bee. 2. (y?g-.) = Donnaiolo, lady's man.
Cagi6n-e/ (L. occasionem); cause.
Cad&tto m. (Fr. cadet, < mlt. capite- Aff. -cella dim.
Calafao or tCalafa; v. Calafato.

tum, dim. of L. caput, v. Capo) i younger ;


Cagion-^vole of delicate constitu- ; Calafatare (Calefatare) ind. calafato

son. cadet, t midshipman.
very delicate, -uccia, dim.
tion. -6so ;
(Arabic yaUaf, to solder); (mar.) to
Cadfce / ; the city of Cadiz. Cagione. caulk.
Caditano of Cadiz. Cagiu m. = Acagiu, cashew
; *
Caglia ;
v. Calere. Calafato (Calafao) m. ;

Cadit6ia/; i. portcullis. 2. hole to curdle. Calaguala / the root of the Polypodium

Cagliare ;

calaiuala, employed as a sudorific.

dropping stones on the enemy.
for * be afraid, ii. to give up pretensions. tinfoil for lining tea chests.
Caglio m. (L. caagulum); i. rennet or other Calaina/ Chinese ;

Cadmia yl; i. dei fornelli, a metallic soot, tCalamagna/;= Mela francesca, a vanety of
substance for curdling milk. a. (tat.) (a) giallo,
consisting chiefly of oxide of zinc, deposited also termed Pre- PP
yellow bed-straw, Galiitm vtrum,
smelting zinc ores. 2. naturale or fossile, a
suola zolfina ; (*) bianco, white bed-straw, Galiunt Calamagr6stide / ; (tot.) agenus of grasses.
mineral containing zinc along with other metals. Galium Calamai-accio><r., -etto, -inotiiius., of -o.
mollxgo ; (c) porporino, purple bed-straw,
3. d' arsenico, a white deposit formed upon the
arsenious acid of commerce. purpureum. Calam-aio or -arc m. (L. calamarius,
Cadmio m. (coined from Gr. Kafyieia, ?'. Cala- Cagna/C; bitch, t poor beagle fish, v. Lamna.
mina); (chem.) cadmium, a metal isolated in 1818,
Cagnacci-o m., -*f.; pegg. of Cane, Cigna. calamus, < Gr. xaXa/ioj, a reed) ; i.
Cagn-aia or -ara f. t. lit., dogs barking. colour under the
(fig.) dark

out of a mine of yellow zinc oxide. pot. 2.

2. uproar.
Cado m. (L.,>Gr. aaps);
Cagnato in.; disorderly conduct. eyes. 3. cuttle-fish, Sepia loligo, also
*Cadrega_/; royal chair. *
Cagnano m. ; a small river of Venetia, now the
Caduceo m. ; (mylhol.) the caduceus of Mercury.
termed Lolligine.
Cagnara; t>. Cagnaia. Calamaiuccio m. dim. Calamaio. ;

2. (leg.) in- a fine woollen fabric, used for

Caducita/ ;
i. frailty. -ina/; a screw for driving
Cagnard-ella or Calamandra/;
validity. 3. last period of active life.
sub-aqueous chamber,
air into a named after Cagnard ladies' slippers.
de la Tour, its inventor. Calamandr-ea or -ina /; = Camedno, wall
CaduCO (L.); i. short-lived. 2. Mai tCagnar61o m. noisy fellow. ; germander.
dim.; v. Calamaio (3).
Cagnazzo in. i. = Cagnaccio. n. as atij., Calamaretto in.
, epilepsy. livid with cold.
Calamaro m. v. Calamaio. ;

Caduno; v. Cadauno. *
Cagneggiare to be savage, cruel. ;
Calamba m. a scented Chinese wood. ;

Calambucco ;. also termed Legno d' aquila, ;

fault. one of two woods known as calambac, lign-aloes, or
Cadiita/; i. fall.
Cagn6sc-o dog-like, surly. Stare
(fig.) ;

(mar.) height, or depth of a sail.

con la morte, to be afraid of death. eagle-wood, of which the more valuable comes_from
3. ,
in a little known tree said to grow on the mountains of
Caendo = Cercando, seeking.
; Lettera -a, the letter R, as being difficult Cochin China and named Aloexylon Agallockum,
tCafaggiaio m. (mlt. cafaginm, enclosure?); the other is from the Aquilaria Agallocha.
to say. Aff. -ame'nte.
i. head forester, ii. name of a street in Florence, Calameggiare; i. to play the flute, ii. to be
iii. Far il to meddle. , Cagn-etto, -etta; dims, of Cane, Cagna. idle.
Cafagnare to dig holes for tree-planting.
; tCagnia/; i. = Selachio gigante, basking shark, Calamina/; = Giallamina, zinc ore.
Cafarnao m.; (ffeogr.) Capernaum. Andato in ii. grey shark, v. Eptanco. Etym. bit. calamituz, a corr. of L. cadmia = Gr.
Vo a
metier in I am going to supper. tCagnizza = Primodonte, blue been discovered
eaten. f. ; glauca, xaS/ifia, calamine, the ore having
= Ossirino, beagle fish, (/>) =
, ,

Cafetano m.; Turkish dress, caftan. shark. nasuta, (a) near the city of Thebes founded by Cadmus.
"Caffa/; v. Caffo. Lamna smeriglio, poor beagle fish. vera, = Car- Calaminta ; /
(tot.) i. the name of
carodonte, white shark. species of Melissa. 2. salvatica=Nepitella, cat-
Caffare to throw an odd number. mint.
Cagn-bla /. puppy. Aff. -olare to

< Arabic
; Calamistro m. (L.); curling-iron.
Caff-e m. (Turkish qnkueh, qahmah,
originally meaning wine) i. coffee, a. coffee-house.
whimper, -ole'sco puppy-like, -ole'tto or = Gr.

-olino dims. Calami ta f. (L. calamus a-

Aff. -eaccio/c^f., -eaos0r-eaus, summer-house, -eina
the alkaloid of coffee, -eino dim. vezz. -eista connois- ,
bow-legged because the magnetic needle
Xa/ioj, reed,
seur of coffee.
Cagnolo in.; pup. i. ii. (vet.)
horse. tul v. Scillio. iv. in //., in charcoal was floated on a straw); i. magnet.
burning, air-holes made in the covering of sods.
Caffetano ;
v. Cafetano. 2. fig. place of attraction.
Cagnbtto m. ; i. tool, hired bully, *
i. natural storax. ii. art of naviga-
Caffetti&r-a / ;
i. v. -e. 2. coffee-
hanger on. 2. euph. for Cazzotto. tion, iii.

mangiacame, a kind of stone for tombs.

pot. an iron wedge securing the
Calamita / (U, < old L. or Oscan cadamitas,
Cagnudlo m. :

by Sabine change of d to /, root cad, to damage, cp.

the beam from
Caffettifcre m. ;
coffee-house keeper. clamps of the carriers of a bell to Gr. KTJ&O, to damage, Sanskr. kadanam, destruction) ;

which they hang (Sergent, Arti e Mestieri).

Caffettlno m. dim. Caffetto. Cague m. Dutch canal boat. ;
Calamit -are ind. calamito ;
to magnetise. Aff.
Caicco m. ship's boat, a Turkish word.
Caffettista m. ; one on the look-out tCaide / //.; = Dande. Calamit6s-o; disastrous. Aff. -amente.
Caiendo; v. Caendo.
for Caffetti. Caieput m. (tot.) Mclaltuca Cajnpnti, whence
Calamo m. = Gr. xaXafwr, v.
oil of Cajeput. (L.,
Caff&tto m. i. piece of good luck. ; Caifasso; Caiaphas. Faccia di savage. ,
Skeat, sub Haulm); i. reed. 2. pipe

2. curious circumstance. Caimano m. (Carib word); cayman, Alligator of a reed or of a pen. 3. pen. 4. arrow.
traitor's place in Dante s Inferno. 5. branch
of a chandelier. 6. scrit-
Caffo m. odd (number). Buon Cainayi;

Cainca / bark of the Chiococca.
torio, (*oA) = Cannella, creeping reed-
stroke of good luck. il
Caino; Cain. e le spine, or nelle spine,

belli, dei brutti, dei bravi, etc., to be man in the moon Razza di quarrelling brothers.
; , grass.
Calanca or Calanchia f.; i. (mar.) *Calavrone; i>. Calabrone. Calce / (A) (L. calx, heel) in the
creek. 2. a kind of stamped cloth.
Calazia (Gr. /hail); (med.) a hard x^f, ;

transparent tumour in the eyelid. phrase In calce, at the foot of (the page,
Calbigia f. (bit. **galbicius< L. galtineits, * heel of a lance.
Calandra / (Gr. KaXdvfya, root cal, letter, etc.).
yellowish): a variety of wneat.
to call) ; i. crested lark, Alauda cristate, (B) (L. calx, from Gr. x a'^'f> gravel) ;

also termed Calandrone. 2. one of the Calca/ calcare); crowd, crush

spenta, slaked lime.
(It. lime. viva,
of people. Entrare nella a farsi
Curcultonidae, corn weevils. quick-lime.
= Calandrino, pigiare, (Jig.) to go where one has no *Calceamento ;. = Calzamento, shoe.
-o m.
Calandrell-a/, ;
business and suffer for it. A ,

Calceddnio (Carcedonio) m. (from the city of

short-toed lark.
plenty. Far di, to make a point of. Chalcedon); i. chalcedony. 2. chalcedony of Vol-
Calandriuo m.; i. simpleton, from terra, a kind of agate.
Esser di ,
to be a rogue. *
Calceggiare to kick. ;
a character in Boccaccio. 2. short-toed Calcabile good for treading.
Calcco m. (L.); shoe.
lark, Alauda
brachydactyla, also termed Calcab6tto ni. ;=Nottolone, goat-sucker. Calceolaria /.; (hot.) de' fioristi, wing-leaved
Calcabrina f.\ one of the devils in Dante's slipper flower, Calceolaria pinnata.
Calandrell-a,-o, Lodolino. 3. bevel, an Inferno. Calceolo m. ; a genus of fossil molluscs.
instrument opening like a pair of com- Calcacerchi in. driver, tool used by coopers, ;
Calcese in. (Gr. napxricriov)', (mar.) r. top of
or upon the hoops of a ship's mast. the mast of a lateen vessel or of a boat. 2. leading
passes and constituting a kind of ad- Calcachiddi m.; driving-bolt. block of a tackle.
justable carpenter's square formeasuring
angles. Calcafogli m. ; letter-weight. Calcestruzzo ;
v. Calcistruzzo.

Calandro m. i. rock pipit or ; Calcagnare; i. to take to one's Calce'tto in. (dim. It. calceo); slipper.
meadow-lark, Anthus campeslris, also heels. to spur.
2. Metier uno in un to silence him by ,

termed Corriere, Lodola dei campi, CalcagnatayC; kick with the heel. arguments, shut him up. In poesia Ii
Lodola piccola, Spioncella. 2. i.q. Cal- Calcagntto w.; = Tacco, heel. mette tutti in un he surpasses every- ,
Calcagnin-o m. i. dim. Calcagno. 2. i.q. ;

andrino (3). calender, hot-pressing

3. Calcagnetto. 3. Andare in -i, (a) to make a noise body in poetry.

apparatus, ta kind of instrument for by stamping, (/) of wine, to be very strong. *Calciamento in. ; i. shoe. ii. shoe-lace.

Calciante m. (It. calcio) football player.

taking levels. Calcagn-o m.; with//, m. or/ -i or -a.

to kick. - in
Calandrone m. ; i. a kind of flute. (L. calcaneum) I. heel; (Lavoro) fatto ; Calciare; le pelli,
2. v. Calandra colle calcagna, bungled; Battere il dye works, to tread (the skins) in water.
(i). ,

Calao/*/. i. a Chinese dignitary. 2. hornbill,

to run off; Menar le calcagna, to run *Calcicare; i. to kick. ii. to trample.
Buceros rhinoceros. Forza Calcidi m. pl.\ a family of lizards, Chalcidae.
away; calcagni, away with
Calappa f. a genus of marine crustaceans,
di cacio, hard part of cheese,
trunk crabs. you !
Calcina/ (It. calce); i. lime; Di-
near the rind. in
Calappidi; v. Calappa. 2.
typefounding, pingere a to whitewash
, cotta or ;

Calappio m. (O.H.G. klappa, trap, a certain notch in the matrix of a type.

viva, = Calce viva, quick-lime. 2. mor-
v. Chiappare) snare. ;
*i. prov. Quando duole 1' occhio
ungilp col , tar ;magra or grassa, with deficiency,
i.e. ifyour eyes are sore, do not rub them. ii. Tenero or abundance, of lime; dolce, weak
Calapranzi m. tray for bringing ;
di -a, readily falling in love. iii. Cascare i fegatelli
mortar di galla, flowers of lime
dalle -a, i.e. to be rolling in wealth, iv. Grattar le
dishes from the kitchen. ; ;

-a, to give useless consolations. Sentir la to have a presentiment of

Calare(L. chalo
= Gr. ^aXato, to Calcagndlo (Carcagnuolo) in. ; i. sculptor's

chisel with a notch in the middle. 2. (mar.) heel danger.

loosen); i. to lower. 2. of a ship, to of a ship's keel.
Calcinabile; calcinable.
draw (so many feet of water). 3. (intr.)
to go down, sink; (Moneta) calante, Calcalettere m. ;
letter-weight. Calcinaccio m. i. bit of old mortar ;
under the proper weight. Calcantp m. ; sulphate of copper. albo, or scraps of brick with adherent mortar.
sulphate of zinc.
Calasanziani in. pi. an Order founded by "
calcar oven formerly used in
" 2. Aver il mal del (a) of birds, to be
; CalcarayC; i. ,

constipated, (b) (pers.) to have a mania

Calasanzio. glass works for converting the materials into "frit,"
tCalascione m.; a kind of guitar. v. Fritta. 2. lime-kiln.
for building. 3. gouty deposit, chalk-
Calastr-a/; seating for a cask
i. Calc-are ;
i. to trample, tread, or by stone. 4. in pi., ruins of a fallen
or for a gun imbarcazione, boat-
d' ext. to press down in
any way; -ato, building.
chock. 2. Rifondere le -e, slang for crammed. 2. to trace the outline of Calcfna-cemento in. ;
Roman ce-
cutting the legs. a drawing upon paper placed under- ment.
Calastrello m. neath it by means of an ivory or metal-
transom, jointing- Calcinaio m. i. shallow pit for
piece, of a gun-carriage.
- di coda, pointed pencil. 3. of birds, to tread ;

to fecundate (eggs). slaking lime. 2. workman engaged in

transom. - 4. (mar.) to stop
trail di mira, middle that work.
transom. di testa, di volata, breast (an opening). 5. to drive hoops on to

transom. a mast, etc. As sb. : 6. limestone. Calcin-are ind. calci'no; i. to cal-

7. spur. cine, reduce to a friable condition by
Calastrino, Calastro v. Galestrino,
to dress (land) with lime.

Ktyiti, As vb. , < L. calcare, to trample. As heat. 2.

sb. in sense of spur,<L. calcar, both calcare and

calcar being < L. calx, heel. In sense of limestone

Aff. -atura, -azione.
Calat-a/; i.
lowering, fall, sinking. < L. calcari-a or -us<calx, lime, v. Calce (B). i. a
2. inclined plane, slope.
CalcineJlo in. species of shell- ;

3. landing- Calcare-o; calcareous. Pietra -a, limestone. blue in its lifetime, white after
Calcastbppa m. da calafato, caulking iron. fish,
place, quay d' operazione, dock.

Calcata^/.; trampling.
beaten track. death. 2. stone in mortar from lime
4. La dei barbari, the descent of the Calcatoia f.\ presser for pressing out creases not properly pounded.
barbarians into Italy. 5. Prov. Pigliare in a hat.
una cosa, or Pigliarsela, a quattro Calcino m. a disease of silkworms.
Calcatdio m. i. ivory-pointed pencil, ;

quattrini, or a un tanto, or a un soldo, v. Calcare (2). 2. rammer, for a muzzle- Calcin<5s-o charged with lime, or

la to do a thing in a leisurely fashion.

loading cannon, etc. having the appearance of lime. Aff.
6. Similarly, Fa tutte le sue cose a -e *
Ca ica t ore m. = Calcatoio. ii. v. Calcare (3).
i. -ita.

di cheppie, he takes everything very *

Calcatorio m. = Strettoio, press. ;

Calca-treppa or -treppolay^; (&>/.)
i. eryngo, Calcio
(A) (It. calce, A) ; i. kick ;
Eryngittm campestre. 2. star thistle, Centaurea Dar de' calci alia greppia, to kick the
Calatina calcitrapa, also termed Spina alba.
f. ; slight lowering of the manger, to return evil for kindness ;
voice. Far a' calci, to be incompatible. 2. butt
Calcatrice/; cockatrice, fabled to
Calato m. (fir. xaAatfos); funnel-shaped basket. be from a cock's egg hatched by a end of a shot-gun, or of a lance. 3. foot-
tCalatr6ne m. a kind of bucket.
4. the part of a branch nearest

Calaverne (Galaverne) /. pi. (mar.) battens serpent. ball.


(/it. icicles?, v. Calaverno) nailed on an oar where it Etym. Span, cocotriz, crocodile, < L. croco- the stem Piantar le viti a
to bend ,
works against the rowlock. the name of which was taken for that of a
Calaverno in. (perhaps<L.
fantastic animal.
down the young vine shoots into the
tjuilon, jelly,+zw-
Hitfti, wintry); icicle. Calcaturay:; v. Calcare. trench by their heels della paglia, ;
the grass that grows at the foot of a Calderugiay^; (bot.) r. arborea, groundsel Caless-ina or -ino dim,, -uccio dim. sfireg.\
tree, Baccharis halimifolia. a. Erba , groundsel,
v. -e.
crop of corn. v. Erba (19).
Calestro ?>. Galestro. ;

v. tCalderugio .; i. =
Calderino, warming-pan.
* Caletta f. = Fetta, slice. ;
(B) (L. calx^ lime, Calce, B); = Cardellino,
ii. goldfinch; Hogli messo il nella
(chem.} calcium. gabbia ;
ora sta s' e* lo sa pigliare, I have put his Calettare ind. caletto ( L. calx,
*i. Dare calci al rovaio, to kick the wind, i.e. to enemy in his power ; it remains for him to make ** calectare} a close joint ; i. to make
be hanged, ii. Tirar calci, to die. iii. foot of a himself master of him.
mountain. by dovetailing or otherwise, to key.
- 2. fig. of speaking or writing, to be well
Calcistmzzo or m. Calcestruzzo
Calderudla / ;
kettle. per la
colla, glue-pot. put together, to sound or read well.
(L. calcem, structum)\ concrete. Gettare Cald-etto dint., -ino dim. vezz.\ v. Caldo. Calettaturay:; close joint.
il ,
to concrete. tCaldiera/; = Caldaia. Cali .; saltwort, v. Erba (64).
Calia f. (A)for Anticaglia; i. old rubbish.
Calcitrare; ?-. Ricalcitrare. Cald-0 (L. calidus)
Calciu61o M. i. the straw in a sheaf below
; its warm, hot. ; 2. old-fashioned or tiresome person.
(B) (It. calare); chippings of gold or silver.
middle. 2. heel-plate, v. Calcio (2). Darne, or Averne una -a e una fredda, Far to make
, savings.
i.e. one piece of good news and one of Calibe m. (L. chalybs) {med.) steel, as a drug.
Calco m.\ i. take-off of a pencil \

bad. Non averci ne ne freddo, to be CalibrayC; calibrating instrument.

drawing by pressing it upon another Calibr-arc ind. calibro to calibrate, gauge.
indifferent on the subject. Mettere il ;

sheet, counter-drawing. 2. the impress Aff. -atoio.

- a letto, to warm the bed. As sb., tCalibrio nt.\ equilibrium.
of a relief made on wax, ?/. Calcare (2). Calibro m. (Arabic kalab^ mould); calibre.
i. an Athenian coin. ii. rogue. heat. bianco, white heat. ciliegia,
*Calica; v. Caliga.
Calcobdtto m. ;=Nottplone, goatsucker. cherry red heat. rosso vivo, red Calicanto ;. (bat.) i. americano, Carolina;
Calcdfono m. stone ringing like brass.
heat. heat allspice, Calycantltus floridus^ also termed Pompa-

Calcogr-afia/; (Gr. ^oAto?, ypa<o>); engraving sudante, welding


dura. 2. giapponico, Japan allspice, Calycanthus

on copper or workshop therefor. Aff. -afico. *i. lifted up with ii. eterno, hell.
pride, praecox or Cliintonanthus fragrans.
iil. di denari, rich. iv. red (complexion).
Calcbgrafo m.\ engraver on
i. v. Farsi ,
sollevarsi, to rebel. vi. Calde a Calice ;//. (L. calix) ;
i. chalice,
2. dealer in lesso, Calde arrosto, r. Caldallesso, Caldarrosto.
copper. copper engravings. goblet. 2.
(bot.) calyx.
vii. Dar a un negozio, to push it on. viii. A
Cilcola/ (It. calcare); treadle, in dj,
at the suggestion of. ix. pleasure; suo , at A Calic-ettoor -ino ;.; dim. Calice.
his pleasure, x. Non ha tanto che cuocia un ovo, Calicione ///.; large goblet.
weaving, etc.
i.e. he has no authority. *i. a kind of marchpane, ii. unleavened bread.
*Calcolaiuolo ;;/. weaver. ;
+ Cald6ni m. ^S.; = Alari, fire-dogs. Calic6 m.\ calico, so named from the town of
Calcol-are ind. calcolo; as E. Aff. -abile, *Caldoso; 7'. Calderno. Calicut.
-alore, -atrice. Bazza -atrice, stingy person. Cald-uccfno (/////. vezz., -uccio dim.; v. Caldo. Calidrayi; (omith.) sanderling, Caltdris are-
Calcoletto m.; dim. Calcolo. naria.

Calcolo ;;/.
(L.) ;
I. calculation ;
Caldura / ; heat of summer.
Caliere m.\ (mar.) one employed in the hold
of a ship, holder.
Gale; v. Calere. At D. Inf. 12. 27, cale-cali, *
Stare a , to be rigidly exact; Tenere from calare. *
Cahga or Calica/!; ancient sandal.

a to hold (a person) to strict account. Cale Calais. Passo di

; Straits of Dover. ,
Caligare to be dark. ;

Caleddni-o. Nebbie -e, obscure poetry, after
2. (math, or med.) calculus. Ossian.
Caligin-e f. (L.) ; mist, fog. Aff.
Calc6sa_/;; (slang)=Strada, road. =
CaldayC; (inetallurg.) heating. Calefatare ; Calafatare, to caulk. Caligo/.; sea-louse, fish-lou^e.
Caldaccio pegg. Caldo. ;
*CalefTare; to invigorate, ii. to chaff.
i. Caliornay.; (ntar.)& tackle, T. Calorna.
tCalgginey;; = Filiggine, soot. Calisea / a kind of cloth.

Caldai-a ; kettle, boiler, copper. Caleggiolo ///. reed, Arttndo donax, ;

Parere una ,
to have a terrible cold tCalegneiris ///.; i. = Ofidio barbato, bearded Calissa/, Calls or Calisse m. (Span.
in the chest. Avere una in corpo, or eel. ii. ?>.
Cepola (2). Cadiz, where it was first made) serge. ;

Caleidoscdpio m. kaleidoscope. ;

Bollire come una , to be always Calendario m. (L.); calendar. Non aver uno Calisto tn.; the Great Bear.
nel to have an uncomfortable feeling about him. Calittra/ (Gr. KaXunrw); (^.)calyptra, a little
grumbling. ausiliaria, donkey-boiler. ,

SarJl un bravo professore ma non ho nel mio hood covering each of the small flask-like bodies
- a - a forni 1'

gallerie, flue-boiler. he be a capital professor but somehow I don't

may which comprise the fertile flowers of mosses.
esterni (interni), dry (wet) bottom boiler. like him. Or more strongly, V ho nel mio a carte tCaliziney:;=Fuliggine, soot.
quarantotto, I simply cannot bear him.
Aff. -ata kettleful, -etta dim., -na Calende///. (L.); the first day of the month.
Calla /
(var. of Calle); i. sluice-
dim.) smaller than -etta, -no dyer's greche, prov. for a day which will never come. gate, or the water passing through it.
Calendimaggio m. festivities which used to a family of Orontiaceae^ arums.
heating vessel, -<5na or -ona augm., 2. (bot.)

esp. be held at Florence on the first of May.

meaning Hell, -uccia dim. spreg. Calendula/;; pot-marigold, Calendula ojffici- Callaia field path. / ;
* iialis, also termed Fiorrancio.
Caldalless-o m., -a_/I; boiled chestnut. iii. = Pescaia,
Calenz61i prov. vxlg. Aver la paga del
; un ,
*i. passage, ii. alley in a town.
nel culo e fori, i.e. to have one's services ill fish-dam, Ritornare alia
iv, to return to the
Caldame'nte ; warmly. pie
subject, v. Arrivare alia

, to come to the point.

** vi. Fare le -e, to interrupt a thing, vii. Essere alia
Caldana/; sudden heat i- in the Calenz61o m. (perhaps for Cadenzolo, <
Cadenza, for its sweet greenfinch,
to have finished.
singing); ?-. ,

face. 2. fig. sudden anger. Verdone. *Callaiola_/j; small net for catching hares, etc.,
Prendere una the earliest Latin dictionary, as they are running from the dogs.
*i. ?'. Caldura. ii.
(a) to catch Calepfno m.\ \.
*Callare /.; i.=Callaia. ii. = Calare;

fall in love. viz. that by A. Calepio in the sixteenth century. com

pleurisy, (b) to
2. by extension, any big book, un morto, to be silent.
tCaldanfclla,/; Cecia, warming pan. * = Callaia.
Callareccia / ,

Caldan-o m. warming pan. Aff. Cal6re (L. calere, to be hot); used

Calle m. (L.) path. Fare ritroso
only in yd sing., cale.
-fno, -uccio dims. Poco mi cale,
I do not care. Metter in non cale, to ,
to go back.
Caldar-ay;, -o .;=Caldaia.
*Caldarrost-a f. t -o m. = Bruciata, roast *Calletta /I; i. sluice, ii. gap in a hedge.

chestnut. disregard. Callett ino m. sub-dim. Callo, corn on the foot.


* Forms formerly used are Callic6cca /.; (bat.) the ipecacuanha plant.
Caldatore m. ; dam, dam-stone of a l)la>t calea, calse, calera,
furnace. caglia, calerebbe or carebbe, calesse, calendo, calente, *Callido(L.); crafty.
caluto. Calligraf-ia, -icamente, -ico, -o caligraphy, ;

Caldeggiare ind. calde'ggio; to ad-
vocate warmly. (var. of Calesse) ; two-
Cal^sce / Callidnimo m.
dragonet, gurnard or other ;

horse carriage with eight springs. species of Callionymus. dragoncello, Callionymus

dracunculus, locally termed Guatte, Lodra, Lambert,
Calderaio m. kettle-maker, boiler- a Cuccuma lira, yellow gurnard,
Calessabile; (road) suitable for Vilisu, grossa.
maker. Callionymus lyra, locally termed I.odrin.
carriage. Callidsside ;;/.; (bot.) Calliopsis.
*Calderata/; kettleful.
Callista ;//. corn-curer.
Calessaccio pegg. Calesse, (It. callo);
CalderinayC; {war.) donkey-boiler. ;

Calderino m.\ i.=Cardellino. 2. =Caldanino. Callo m. (L. callum) hard

Calessante m. ; fly proprietor. ; corn,
*Caldernay^;=Solatio, sun-heat.
tCalderno; with south aspect. place in the skin Fare il ;
a' rimpro-
tCalderbne m. cauldron. Esser come Calessata/ carriage-full of people. become hardened
veri, to to reproofs
; il
dell* Altopascio, of a thing in great abundance. Non avere unbe quite ready to;
Caless-e pop. -o m. (Slavonic or ,
Calder6tt-o m. copper kettle. Avere word, cp. Fr. cahche^ Germ. Kalesche, Non ci avrei mica un a presentanni
un --in corpo, to grumble greatly. E. calash, orig. from Polish and Russian al re ed informarlo di ,.., I should be
Aff. -fno dim. ) a wheel) ; one-horse carriage, gig. perfectly ready to go to the king and
tell him of... the callus 2. one kilogramme of ice-cold water one Aver le -e legate bene, to keep one's
which forms bone. round a broken degree centigrade. secrets well ; A
tempo che si tiravan su
of the leg le -e collecarrucole, in prehistoric times,
3. callus on the inner side
Calorico /. caloric. ;

Caloriferaio in. one who attends to Calorifen. v. Carrucola. 5. cloth funnel for filtering
of the horse. 4. in meat when cooked,

Calorifero /.; heating apparatus.

wine. 6. espulsiva, elastic stocking,
a piece of tendon. Calorino m. dim. vezz. Calore.;

Caldrn-a or Cali6rn-a f. (corr. of Carnale, for varicose veins. 7. piece of stuff tied
Call6ne ?. aperture left in a dam for barges

to pass through. o.v.); (mar.) a strong tackle; threefold purchase, to a bird's leg as a mark, or cloth for
e degli alberi maggiori, pendant tackles. di
Callos-o; callous. Aff. -ita.
tethering the feet of a decoy bird.
maestra, main tackle.
Call6tt-a (A) m. the French en- ;
Caloro or Calore m.; contr. of Calogero. 8. feathers on a bird's legs. 9. wick
graver Callot, who lived much at for a lamp. 10. Tu non avrai le -e,
Calor6s-o; i. heating, throwing out
Florence. Figura del grotesque. , a good heat. 2. fig. hot-tempered. Aff. you are bringing stale news, referring
Aff. -e"sco. -ita. to the old custom of giving a pair of
a sort new stockings to the bearer of good
CaUbtta, Calbtta (B)/; i.
Caloruccio m. ;
dim. Calore.
ii. Prov. II buco nella
news. ci
of cupola rising from a flight of steps.
2. internal casing or cover for the works
Cal&scia (Galoscia)/ (<c.galoche< s' ha veder
sempre, i.e. he shows where
Gr. icaAoTroSioK, through mlt. calopedia, he was brought up. 12. (walchm.) double
of a watch. 3. = Papalina, priest's cap.
wooden shoe, by the regular phonetic hollow shaft carrying the hands.
4. (geom.) a portion of a sphere or ** c **
changes alop'dja, calodja, ga- *i. a staffa, stocking ended at the heel. ii.
spheroid, whether less or greater than sgambata, larger than the leg of thewearer. iii. Farsi
the hemisphere. 5. (arch.) spherical or loche) galosh, clog.

trarre, or tirare, le -e, to make a favour of saying

Caloscio; feeble. something, iv. Legarsi le -e col salcio, to fasten
spheroidal vault. tCa!6stra /
(L.); i. the first milk of a mother, one's stockings with a withy, i.e. to be rustic, have
ii. milk of a pregnant woman.
Ktym. diib. The orig. meaning was "cap" ; cp. country manners, v. Aver le -e ben tirate, = legate
Fr. calotte, mlt. trrt/ote. possibly from Arabic kaluta Calotta v. Callotta (B).
bene, v. supra (4). vi. Nuova da -e, good news,
(B. and R.) or dim. of Fr. cole (Littre). *Calpacco; f. Carpacco. v. supra (9). vii. Fare -e e scuffioni d' uno, to ill-
Callottesco; v. Callotla (A). treat him Far -e e scarpe di, to use for menial
Calluto ; i. = Calloso. ii. = Bernoccoluto, lumpy. Calpest-are ind. calpdsto (for Calce-
purposes, viii. Tagliar le -e, to spread bad reports
Calma yC (Fr. caltne or Proven$. chaume, the ix. ribbon on a bagpipe, blown
time when the flocks rest in the heat of the day, pestare, v. Pesto); to trample upon. Aff. about a person,
about in playing, x. =Gorbia, iron point to a stick.
<Gr. (tav^xa, KCU'U, to burn); calm. * graft, v. -ame'nto, -atore, -atrice. xi. di armour for the foot. xii. in //.,
Calmo. Calpestio m.', noise of trampling. *trarapling. = Calzoni, breeches, xiii. pipe of an enema syringe.
Calmant-e .; soothing drug. Aff. -ino dim., Calpesto syncop. for Calpestato.
; xiv. In e berrettina, most accurately, most per-
Calpicciare = Calpestare.
uccio dim. spreg. *
Calpitare = Scalpitare, to stamp upon.
Calmare; to calm, v. Calma. *
Calzabraca / breeches and stockings in one.

Calmelea./; (hot.) mezereon, or spurge olive, tCalsavdta./; (bat.*) maple, Acer campestris. Calzaccia f.; pegg. Calza, esp. in sense (9).
Daphne mezcreum, also termed Camelea, Mezzereo, *
Calsiamento = Calzamento. ; Calzaio v. Calzare. ;

Olivella. Calta/; (bat.) king-cup, Caltha palustris. *Calzaiuolo ;. hosier. ;

* Calmel la f. dim. * Calma, graft.
Caltela./:;=Cautela, caution.
Calmeriay^; a dead calm. Calter-ire = Scalfire, to scratch, to injure.
; Calzante ;
suitable (argument).
Calmiere m. (L. calamus in the sense of Part. -ito. i. crushed (olives), ii. hardened (con-
measuring rod) ; price of provisions fixed by the science), iii. crafty. Calz-are vb.; i. to lace (boots)
magistrates. Calucchiare (dim. Calare) ; to go flat in
to provide with boots.
Calmo (A); calm. singing.
up tightly.
(B) Calmo or Calma (L. clema = Gr. itXiJ^a, vine-
*Caluco; = Caduco, drooping. 3.
-- un mobile, to place something
branch, but taking its form under the attraction of *Caluggine /.; down of young birds, boy's of under its feet to keep
it steady. 4. (intr.)
calamus); graft. woman's moustache, down upon leaves.
Calmolea Camelia. made to fit or fig., v. Calzante.
well, lit.
Caluma f. ; rope of grasses.
muffled up like a Kalmuck.
5. Asino -ato e vestito, ignorant silly
Calmucco; As*.,
coarse woollen cloth. Calumare, Calomare ind. calumo fellow. Part, -ato, (herald.) shield with
Calo m. (It. calare); i. loss, waste. (Etym. unkn.); i. to pay out (a cable). two straight lines, running one from
2. drop in price. 3. Prender a to ,
2. to tow slowly Calumarsi, to lower ;
each top corner, to meet at the bottom
hire an article such as a church candle oneself down. -ato ricurvo is the same with
and pay for the part of it which is Catamba./ (Columbo m.); the root of Cocculiis
curving instead of straight lines.
consumed. 4. lowering a fishing-net. palmatus, now called Jateorhiza palmata, a useful
tonic. = Ricalzare, to press the earth firmly down

when to ram home the charge of _a

5. waterfall. peso, shortage in 6. Calumete/K.
(hot.) Mabea, a genus of Euphor-
; planting, ii.

biaceae, from which pipes are made. gun. iii.of a cork, to close the bottle closely, -arsi :
weight, or for foreign matter such as Calumeto nt. (Fr. calumet, a corr. of chaltt. iv. to wrap oneself up ; Prov. Chi se ne calza non se
sand in sugar; Tolleranza per peso meau, from L. calamellus, dint, of calamus, reed) ; ne veste, i.e. ill-gotten wealth does not make one
2 %, no allowance for short weight calumet, American Indian pipe. happy, v. of fowls, to clog their feet. Part, -ato :

Calumo m.\ the length of cable by which a vi. v. Calza (7). vii. of horses, = Balzano, with a
under 2 "/.
ship rides to an anchor. white foot.
i. = Calata, slope, ii. Far tara e ,
= Far la Calunni-a f. (L. caliimnia); calumny. Aff.
tara, v. Tara. -abile, -are, -atore, -atora, -atrice, -osamente, -oso. Calzare m. ;
boots or shoes, usu.
* Calura
v. Caldura,
poet, except in the phrase
Andare col
Oalbcchia/ (corr. of cannocchia);
It. tCaluviay^; = Favilla, spark.
Calvariay;; cranium. di piombo, to walk with leaden shoes,
i. stake for vines. 2. handle of a flail.
Calvario m. Calvary. Parere un sckerz. i.e. with caution.
a coarse kind of ; ,

3. =Rocca, distaff. 4. to be covered with crosses and medals.

straw for hats. Calvello; Gran = Gran gentile, beardless , Calzatdia i. piece of wood or / ;

wheat. of a
Calocefalo in. ; (Gr.) sea dog or other species
Calvezza ;
v. Calvizie. paper, etc., placed under the leg
of seal. table to prevent its wobbling; wedge
a genus of Vcets,,Calophyllum.
Calvin-iano, -ismo; of Calvin, etc.
Calofillow. (fo/.) Calvinista in. Calvinist, scherz. bald person. to keep a cask steady. 2. shoe-horn.

Caldgero m. (Gr. *oA<is, ye'pwf); Greek monk.

*Calognay^;=Ca!unnia, calumny.
Calomare ;
v. Calumare.
Calvizie or Calvezza / ;
Calzatdio m. ; shoe-horn, or piece
Calvo (L.) ; bald. of leather for thesame purpose.
Calomelano m. (Gr. Ka\6v, /Xai>,
*As sb. : i. baldness, the forehead, as
Calzatura_/^ i. boots and shoes, or
ii. iii.
the word having been coined to express ;
adj., bare (hillside).
2. shoes and
a white body derived from a black one); style of making them.
Calz-a/ shoe, from calx,
calomel. (L. calcetts,
stockings combined into one.
heel, through **calcea; there is a '-one
Calonniayi; v. Calunnia, calumny. Calzer-ino m. ;
small stocking. Aff.
cea, but with the meaning "paved road," augm.
Cal6re m. (L.); i. heat. 2. (med.) whence chausste; as the parent word of in. child's sock.
heat-spot. 3. pimple. 4. v. Caloro. Calza it does not seem to be recorded)

Caloria (Caluria) / i. dressing a ;

i. stocking. Far la 2. knitting; ,
Calzerbtto m. i. short stocking, ;

fieldwith manure. 2. a field so dressed, to knit. weakened disfatta, the sock. 2. a kind of shooting-gaiter.
or one which has had a crop such as wool of unravelled knitting, fig. Di Calze'tt-a/ ;<##*. Calza, fine knitting.
maize and can be sown without manure. disfatta, not up to any fatigue. 4. Tirar the Far -e di
Tagliar le -e, i.e. to cut legs.

3. unit of heat, that requisite to raise su le -e a uno, to worm out his secrets ; contrabbando, to make love secretly.

Camarra or Gamarra/ leather strap passing 8. (mar.) di poppa, or del consiglio,
Calzettai-a/., -o m.

stocking seller.
from the girths to the nose-band of a horse. una lancia,
after-cabin, saloon di
Camato m. = Scamalo, pole.

Calzino m. ;
= Calzerotto. Tirar il ;
the stern sheets. 9. (ftydraul.) lock-
to die. Camauro m. camelau- (corr. of mlt. chamber.

Calzo m. style of shoemaking. Ha

cui=\a.te nap^avKiov, a cap, of
Gr. *i. Donna da = Cameriera. ii. Guardare la

doubtful origin); cap worn over the


un bel he makes shoes in good


La pelle di vitello ha un bel ,

head and ears by the Pope.
style. m = Cammellotto,
Cambelldtto camlet, a kind
calf skin makes a very good shoe.

of cloth. Tesoro. x. d' impero, the Ghibelline cities of

shoemaker. Cambiabile exchangeable. Tuscany. xi.comune, popular government.
Calzolai-o m., -a f. ;

subordinate place, colony, xiii. place of refuge.

Calzolaiuccio m.; dim. spreg. Calzolaio. Cambial-e / ;
bill of exchange, xiv. place of abode, xv. jfig. store-room (of lies),
di local bill. - a compdo, xvi. Far d' una cosa, to spend it profusely, xvii.
Calzoleria / ;
shoemaker's shop or piazza,
Nicchio, conch-shell.
accommodation bill. Aff. -e"tta, -ina, *
Cameraio m.; chamberlain.
-uccia dims.
Calzon-acci m. pl.\ i. spreg. -i. 2. tchen. Camerale ;
v. Camera (3).
pigeons with feathery legs.
Cambi-amento m.\ v. -are.
*Camerario; v. Cameriere segreto.
Calzon-cini m. pi. dim. vezz. -i, Cambiamon^te m. money-changer. ;
Camerata/; i.
group (of school-
knickerbockers. Cambiare, with a variant Cangiare, Far to chum
boys); , together.
Calzon-ci6ni m. pi. ; augm. of -i. q.v. (mlt. cambiare, L. cambiri, of Celtic 2. dormitory. 3. m. ;
trou- origin, cp. Irish cimb, tribute, gaimbin, *
i. division of soldiers or of artillery, ii. Signori
Calzdni ;//.
pi. (augm. Calza) ;
interest on a loan, gombeen man, money- di , privy councillors.
sers. -
corti, knee-breeches. Tirar
lender) to change, to exchange.
; Camerazzo m. household servant
(pr le calze) colle carrucole, to
su j

lit. to pull the trousers up Cambiari-o Legge -a, law relating at a Court.
be uncouth, ;

to bills of exchange. Camerfella^; i. dim. Camera. 2. (bot.) glume,

with pulleys, v. Calza (4). Farsela ne' shell containing the seed, in grasses.
or Empirsi i ,
lit. to make a mess Cambiatario in. ; (mar.) borrower on bottomry. *i. cell of a honey-comb, ii. bed-curtains.
in the trousers, fig. to be afraid. Da Cambiat6re m. ;
= Cambiamonete. Cameretta /. dim. Camera, esp. eupk. for

principio andava innanzi con granbal- Cambiatura
change. f.; Viaggiare a ,
ma poi sul piu bello se la fece change horses at every post. Camerier-a /. i. lady's maid.
danza ;

ne' he started off most bravely, but Cambiavalute m. 2. (mar.) stewardess.

, ; paper-money
right in the middle he could not contain changer.
Cameriere m. ;
i. man-servant.
himself for fear and gave it up. Portare *Cambievole = Scambievole, ;
mutual. 2. waiter. 3. (mar.) steward. 4.

i of a woman, to have her husband segreto, (a)a Court official, gentleman


Par Pimperi Cambio m. exchange, rate of ex-

(6) title of a bishop.
under her thumb. in ,
of the bed-chamber,
dressed change. Corso del current rate of
prov. of a silly-looking fellow Camerier-ina, -ino dims. v?zz., -6na augm.,

exchange. L' arte del or II the

-uccia, -uccio dims. spreg,\ v. -a or -e.
up so as to look still more silly.
, ,

guild of exchanges, one of the

Arti CamerinayC; dim. vezz. Camera.
Calzonucci m. ft.; dim. spreg. Calzoni.
Calzudlo m. i. leather socket for carrying
the minori of medieval Florence. Mettere Camerino m. i. (theai.) place for ;

butt of a flagstaff in a procession. 2. - Calzatoia (i). a ,

to put out (money) at interest. the actors when oflf the stage. 2. box-
Cam; i. Ham, the son of Noah. 2.=Can,khan. or manager's room.
f. a genus of molluscs, Chama.
; Cambise ;
Cambyses. office 3. (mar.)
*Camacco t. ;
cabin, state-room; di veglia, chart-
*Camacino m.; double-pointed lance. Cambista m. i. i.q. Cambiavalute. ;
Camaglio nt. close-meshed mail armour round 4. (euph.) privy.
(mar.) lender on bottomry.
the neck. Camerista f. lady-in-waiting ;
to a princess.
Camaldolare v. Camaldoli (3). ; Camb6gia /. (from the town of the same name tCamerlingo; z'. Camarlingo.
Camaldolense belonging to the Order founded ; in Ceylon) ;=Gommagotta, gamboge, a gum
Camer6n-a/l, -e m. augms. of Camera. ;

by S. Romoaldo of Camaldoli. derived from various species of plants. Camerdpo m. \apai, on the ground (Gr. ;

Camaldolese of the Camaldoli ;

at Florence. *
Cambra, Cambragio or Cambraia = Cambri. ;
peVu, to brush palm, Chamacrops
sink) ; (bot.)
httmilis; it is the only European species of palm.
Camaldoli m. i. a place in the ; Cambrl (from Cambrai in Flanders) Camerdtto m. i. = Cameretta. 2. (mar.) ;

Apennines, near Arezzo. 2. a suburb in. ;

cambric. captain's cabin-boy.
Camerucciay/, dim. spreg. Camera.
above Naples. 3. a low quarter on the Cambrigli6ne m. (Fr. cambrillon<cambrer l
Camice m. (eccl.) alb.
left bank of the Arno at Florence;
to bend, <
L. camera, vault, v. Camera) ; stiffening

piece at the back of a shoe, above

the heel. Camice'tta /. ; i. chemisette, gari-
whence Camaldolare, to talk Billings- Cambrdssene m.: (bot.)= Ligustro, privet,
baldi. 2. involucre.
gate. Cambusa./ (Dutch kombuis, through Fr. cam. (bot.)
Skeat, ed. 1910, sub Caboose); (mar.) cook's
Camicia/ (cogu. Fr. chemise, Pro-
Camaleonc ;.; i. T. Camaleonte. 2.=Car-
lina bianca, stalkless carline thistle. CamecSraso in. ; (bat.) a shrub, Lonicera venq. and Span, camisa, L. camisia, <
Camale-onte (-one) >., -ontessa /. (Gr.,
tatarica. in St Jerome, which is the oldest in-
v.Skeat, sub Chameleon) ; i. chameleon. 2.
Cameciparisso m. (Gr. x a Moi, on the ground ;

leonte verde, green manganate of potash.

virapi<7(r<K, cypress) ; (bot.) lavender cotton,
Saiito- stance of the word; more or less similar
Camamina or Camelinay:; (tot.) = Dorella, lina cknmaecyparissus. words occur in O.H.G. hamidi, Welsh
gold-of-pleasure. CamedafneyT; (bot.) Daphne laitreola.
Camedrio m. (Gr. xa/uoi, 5pv, oak); (<W.)= camse, and Arabic qamic, but whether
in. (for capo-mangiare,
Erba querciola, wall germander. any of these contains the origin of the
beginning of eating) herbs or other
//'/. ; Camelea v Calmelea. ;
Romance word is not known, v. Skeat,
Camelia/; giapponica, Camellia
things eaten as an accompaniment to
(bot.) i.
ed. 1910, sub Chemise, and p. 754, root
japonica, also termed Rosone del Giappone. 2.
food. della Madonna, Our Lady's camellia, Camellia Kam)\ i. shirt. 2. paper wrapper or
japonica alba jlore plena.
Camarillay: (Spanish word); clique, camarilla.
Camarlinga f.\ nun who acts as stewardess Camelinay!; i.o. Camamina. any other kind of cover. 3. La dei

in a convent.
maid of honour. Camelino, Camelo, etc.; v. Cammellino, etc. ceri, the external surface of wax candles.
Camelopardo m. (L.); = Giraffa. giraffe. a statue, plaster incrusta-
Camarlingato bursarship. iti.;
4. in casting
Camena/; Etruscan term for Musa, muse.
Camarlingherfay;; offices of a chamberlain.
tion upon the wax. di forza, strait
Camepizio m. (Gr. x"*-"", rm/j, P'ne) ; (bot.) 5.

Camarlingo (Camarlinga) m. ;
bur- Tencrium chamaepitys, germander.
jacket. 6. (bot.) eryngo, Eryngium
sar, v Ciamberlano.
Camera / (L., < Gr. KapApa, vault, campestre. 7. straw jacket to protect a
Cogn. Provenc. camarlenc, chamarlenc,
Etym. root cam, to bend); room. 2. treasury
i. beehive. 8. a scheletro, shirt trans-
Germ. Kammerling<O.H.G. chamarlinc. "The -
(of a State). chamber, representative versely ribbed. 9. Gente grande
syllable line which is Germanic proves that though 3.
the German Kammer comes from Latin the deriva- body. 4. Di ,
attached to the court corta, poor folk pretending to be rich.
tive ckambellanc and other forms have been borrowed Andar e la gonnella, lit. to
5. chamber
of a sovereign or the Pope. 10. tra la
by the Romance languages from Germanic forms" and the gown,
of a gun-barrel. 6. di premitrecce, go between the shirt
Camarlingone; tall.
stuffing box in a piece of machinery.
i.e. of food, to disagree, to do no good,
tCamarone in. old worn-out ox, or horse, or,
n. Aver la sudicia, to know one is
annealing arch in a glass works.

man. 7.
qvasi-jig. t
in fault.1 2. Aver la a rovescio, lit. Camminieray. ;
fire-guard. 2. wood- Campagnata /; wide extent of
to have one's shirt wrong side out, i.e. to bunker, for firewood. 3. chimney-glass. country.
have got out of bed the wrong side, be Campagnblo; Cam-
in a bad humour. the internal
Cammino or Camfno m. (A) (mlt.
rustic, v.
13. caminus=Gr. Kapivos); i. stove, either pagna. 2. v. Topo (10 and 1
pellicle of a chestnut. 14. (mar.) skin *
Campai-o or -aro m. country
with or without an oven ; C' e il gatto ; policeman.
of a sail.
nel as expression of poverty there
, ; Campale; i.
Battaglia pitched
Spogliarsi in
*i. , to strip to
one's shirt, make ,

every exertion, ii. Batterein ,

to loiter, iii. a kind being no fire because there is nothing battle. 2. fig. Giornata , heavy day,
of fortification. to be cooked. 2. chimney. *=Atrio, day of heavy work.
Camici-accia/:; pegg. -a. hall.
Camiciai-ayl, -o m.\ shirt-maker. Campamnto m. ; livelihood.
Camiciata/!; violent sweat, making a change 2.= *i. =Scampo, escape, ii. encamping.
of shirt necessary. (B); i. journey, journeying.
*(//.) night attack, when a white shirt was worn Strada, road, HSU. mfig. sense, e.g. Far Carnpan-a f. (for aera Campana,
over the armour, so that the soldiers were visible to to make progress (in one's studies,
, Campanian bronzes, bells having been
each other.
etc.). 3. (mar.) steerage way.
first made at Nola in Campania about
Camicf-na/ dim. Camicia. ; -no m. ; the 6th century); i. church
*i. Battere il , (V.)
to reconnoitre, ii. Rubare bell, esp.
dressing jacket. 2. lining of a fur- il , to be a highwayman. bell cinese, gong.
; 2. bell-glass for
nace. Cogii, Fr. ckemin, Span, caittino, mlt.
camituts, Provenc. cami, and similar words in several
plants, etc. 3. diving-bell. 4. Digiuno
*Camicio ;. = Camice, ;
Romance dialects quoted by Littr, who traces them delle -e, fast over the whole of Good
to a Celtic origin, comparing Welsh cant, step, when no
Camicibl-ayC ;
r. vest, flannel waist- Friday, bells are rung. 5. Aver
camen, road, Gaelic cant, step, Irish ceim, step; le -e grosse, to be rather deaf.
coat. false shirt-front, dicky. 3. strait
these seem to preclude derivation from Camminare 6. Far
waistcoat. 4. Far ,
at cards, to play as the primary and to show that cttmitius is cognate la tutta d' un pezzo, to do the whole
so as to lose on purpose. 5. Aver la with, rather than the origin of Cammino. once. Far come
tCammo; In .instead.
job at 7. le -e di
of a glass, to be dirty. Aff. -aio, maker *
Cammucca, Camocca f. a kind of cloth. ;
S. Ruffello (or S. Remigio), of a spend-
of -e, -ma dim. child's vest or very thin *Camo (A) (L. camus = Gr. KJJ/IOS, muzzle
thrift, to sell or
for a horse); check, restraint. (B) (cogii. with or pawn everything, v.
vest, -fno baby's vest, -6ne augm. possibly derived from It, catnoiardo or camoscio);
Ruffello. Sentire tutte le -e, to hear

Camici-one m., -6na/ augm. of ;

-a. a kind of cloth.
all sides of a question. 9. of A ,
Camocca; r. Camucca.
Camicibtto m. blouse. ; *Camoiardo in.: a kind of cloth. clothes, falling down in the shape of
Camolea / = Camelea. a 10. Fare la testa come una
Camici-uccia./; dim. sprtg. of -a.
Camomilla f. (L. ckamaemelon =
; ,

Cam-inare, -ino, ecc. ; if. Camm-. Gr. \anai- to be half stunned with too much noise
fj-rj^ov); (oot.) i. garden chamomile, Antkemis
= Cotula or overwork, ii. Far to put one's
Cami6ne m. (Fr. camion, further ttobilis, also termed Appiolina. 2. fetida, ,

small cart or two-wheeled fetida, mayweed, A

ntketnis cotula. 3. salvatica, hand to one's ear. 12. Tirar giu a -e
etym. unkn.) ;
corn feverfew, Matricaria ckamomilla, also termed
barrow. Fiore di Santa Anna, Bruciaculo. doppie, to beat soundly, fig. to speak
*Camisayt; = Camicia, shirt. badly of. 1 3. (arch.) bell of a Corinthian
Camiscia ./ i. = Camicia, shirt,
: ii. = Camice, Cambrra (prob. <It. camorro); / or composite capital. 14. (mar.) barrel
alb. iii. supporting wall of an earthwork. secret society in Southern Italy, much of the capstan. 15. the most remote
'Camiscio >. ;-Camice, alb.
-ico; of the race of Ham.
the same as the Mafia of Sicily, or the from the mouthpiece of the component
Cammei pi. of Cammello.
; Teppa of Milan. 2. quasi-fig. secret, pieces of a clarionet or bassoon.
Cammeino in. dim. Cammeo. ;
association of less lawless character, *i. Com' una monotonously, ii.
. di tocchi,
Cammeista m. cutter or con- " "
in a = Persona
; of, e.g. for log-rolling Parliamentary fallita. iii. Colare una a suo proposito,
noisseur in cameos. to do a thing for one's own advantage, iv. Roba
assembly. di
property derived from injuring the Church.

Cammell-aio or -ario m. ; camel- Camorrino m. ',

dint. Camorro. v. A
consiglio di matto, di legno, i.e. do not
Camorrista m. Camorra listen, vi. Sonar le -e (a) to dangle the
driver. ; v. (i). legs, (If) to
Camdrro in. (Portuguese ckamorro, with shaven pay no attention, vii. Fornir la , to succeed in
Cammelletto (.; small cannon.
head; from morra, skull, with a prefix which is pro- one's design, viii. Voler accordare un leuto e una
Cammelliere ///. camel-driver. bably a contraction < L. calvus, bald); i. person in i.e. to try to bring into concord two
, things which
failing health. 2. troublesome person, thing, or cannot agree.
Cammell-o m., -a jf. (L. < Gr. <i/i7|Ao5,
= condition of health. Campanaccia f. ; spreg. Campana, wretched
Hebrew gatnal or Arabic djamal)', i. camel. bell.
2. (war.) a contrivance for floating up a vessel Camosciaio m. ; dealer in chamois Campanaccio or Campano m. ; cow-bell,
wliich it is desired to move across a bar. sheep-bell.
skins. * = Campanone.
i. ii. fig, chatterer.
Cammellbtto m.; camlet, a stuff
made of wool and goat's hair. Camosciare; i. in goldsmith's work, Campanaio m. ;
to impart a fine grain or dull lustre to 2. bell-founder.
Etym. Corn. Fr. cametot, Span, camelote,
doubtless <
Arabic khamlat, meaning this kind of a metal surface by light hammering *Campanari-o ; i. relating to bell-founding,
stuff. Some authorities however, stating that camel's Scala -a, the graduations of a bell-shaped measur-
hair was formerly employed in making it, connect it
with a special tool. 2. to dress chamois ii.

ing glass.
with L. camelus. V. Skeat, ed. 1910, sui Camlet. skins, usu. Scamosciare.
Cammeo m. ; cameo, stone cut in relief. *
Campanell-a f. (dim. Campana);
Camoscino i. v. Camoscio. ii.
Jig. pliant. small
Etym. Cogn. mlt. canurus, camakttttts, cama- ;
i. bell. 2. (hot.) flower with a
htlus, old Fr. camaieu. Span, and Portug. cama/eu,
Diez conjectures an origin in ** com- Cambscio ;//. ;
i. chamois, Rupicapra bell-shaped corolla viz. (a) -e bianche, ;
matuium < Gr. itonna, a stamped coin. Littre tragus. 2. dressed chamois-skin, or the
= Vilucchio, bindweed; (b) -e d' estate,
connects it with Gr. a/Ltcw, to work. Hatzfeld mode of dressing used for these skins. summer snow-flake, Leucoium aestivum,
and Darmstetter assign it to **camateum,<Gr. *
=Camuso, snub-nosed. also termed Primestro d' estate (c) -e
xafiarewtp, to work. ;
Etym. Cogn. Fr. chamois < L. (sth century) Leu-
di primavera, spring snow-flake,
Camminare to camox gamttz (>Germ. Gentse), root cum,
(It. cammino, B); i.
to bend, referring to the recurved horns (?), v. Kluge, coium vernum, also termed Primestro
walk. 2. fig. to proceed. sub Gemse.
Camdzza /!; i. female chamois. 2. chamois primaticcio; (d) -e d' inverno, Buca =
IS" Conjugated with Avere. leather used by chemists for filtering mercury. neve, snowdrop; (e) -e da fiori celesti,
Cammin-ata / i. Fare una ; ,
to *i. dirty low-class woman,
ii. male chamois. blue climbing convolvulus, Pharbitis
go for a walk. 2. = Camminatura, Campacchiare to live in wretchedness.
hispida; (f) -e da pergola, trellis con-

passage, corridor, iii. = Cam- Campagna f. (L. campania < cam- volvulus, Ipomaea tuberosa ; (g) -e ram-
*i. sitting-room, ii.

mino, stove, iv. =Cammino, road

the whole length of a road.
d' Una strada, ;

pus); i.
open country. 2. (mil.) cam- picanti turchine, Rampichinoturchino, =
-atfna short walk, -atora, -atore, -atura gait,
paign. 3. Buttarsi alia become,
to dark blue convolvulus; (h) -e da tre
aturaccia/^f. a highwayman. 4. at dominoes, Man- colori, garden convolvulus, Convolvulus
Cammin^tt-o m.;dim. Cammino, i . dare in un doppione, to prevent the tricolor. 3. iron or brass ring for
small stove suitable for a sitting-room, adversary from playing a doublet, v. various purposes, e.g. as a door-knocker
not for cooking. 2. nipple for a per- Spasso (4). 5. (herald.) the lower third or ring to which to tie up a horse;
cussion cap. Aff. -accio pegg., -ino of the shield, when of one uniform tint, similar large rings attached to the walls
dim. vezz. v. Terrazzo. It is also termed Punta. of the old palaces such as that of the
Strozzi at Florence curtain-ring, nose- ;
Campanulato ;= Campaniforme. or measure for testing those used by
*Campanuzzo m.\ ipreg. Campanello, bell.
ring for a buffalo, etc. Also gold
earri ng, della notte, or della camera, curtain-lectures.
traders. 5. sample.
and in pi., ring-shaped bits of paste so that the
*i. da frode, unfair fighter, ii. lord, ruler,

for Attaccare i pensieri alia Campare (It. campo,

iii. model used in making casts.
soup. to encamp," which
meaning was Campire; to paint a background, to
i. ii.

dell' uscio, to one's thoughts on orig.

hang up led to the notion of safety) ; i. to obtain escape.
the door-knocker, to dismiss all care
i.e. Campitello m.; i. = Campicello. ii. court,
one's living, to live ; Campa sulle braccia, small space.
from one's mind ; Baciare la or il ,
he lives by the work of his hands; m. (L. campus);
chiavistello, to quit a house for good, or Campo I. field;
Campa perche mangia, ///. he lives Dal n' ha uscire la fossa, the ditch
fig. to abandon an
affair. 4. (arch.)
because he eats, i.e. he is useless, he leads out of the field, said when a tenant
bell-shaped ornaments under the tri-
can only eat. Prov. Piu che vecchi non farmer works a farm to death, or when
glyphs of a Doric cornice. si campa, one cannot live to be more
*i. Calze a -e, stockings not fastened but falling
an official makes an undue profit out of
over a high boot down to the knee. ii. a sort of bun than old. 2. tr. to save from danger. his office. 2. room or time for doing
to be at the
for babies, Stare a suono di to provide for, to maintain. 4. to -
franco, chiuso, or
iii. , -
3. something. 3.
beck and call of. iv. fig. Attaccare -e, bottoni, ecc., Se
to calumniate, v. Sonar la , to murmur, vi. (tints.) escape from, or intr. to escape ;
sicuro, a fair field for single combat;
= Campanello a kind of horse's bit. Cristo fa che campi, mai piu pesce che
franco,^f. liberty of action. 4. Venire
(2). vii.

Campanell-accio m.; fegg- -. horrid bell. canti, if I get off after this, fishes will in to turn up.
Campanell-etto m.; dim. -o, horse's bit. , 5. (mil.) manceuvring
cease to keep their mouths open, a 6. field of battle.
ground. camp. 7.
Campanellinayi dim. Campanella. ;
saying attributed to a peasant after
In botany, any flower with small bells
8. (herald.) field of a shield; Del ,

eating a tree-frog instead of an edible short for Dello stesso smalto del ,
such as lily of the valley, etc. hence said by anyone finding
frog; the same colour as the shield. 9. at chess,
Campanelllno m. dim. Campanello, ;
himself grievously deceived. 5. in art, either half of the board. 10. ground of
little hand-bell. to bring out the lights of a picture by a picture. 1 1. santo, v. Camposanto.
Campanell-o m. i. small bell ; ;
painting in the ground colour; il
12. (watchm.) Ruota di escapement. ,

Andare a tavola a suon di to live, ,

marmo spiccato, of a sculptor, to bring 13. Ballare in azzurro, i.e. to be
on one's means, or at other people's out the figures of abas-relief Campato ;
in the Venetian
hanged. 14. province
in aria, (a) of a stone or marble used to an area a little less than an acre,
expense; Tenere il to take the chief ,
ornament a building, deeply cut and
part of the talking, at a party, z. (tnus.) 38 hectares.
= Registro dell' organo dei soprani pierced so as to appear very light ;
Camporai61o m. ; tenant, on metayag_e, of fields
accordato all' unisono col principale, (b)fig. (argument) with no solid founda- without farm buildings. *As adj., growing in the
bell stop of an organ. 3. (butch.) a cut *Camporeccio v. Campereccio. ;

from the rump. Campare'ccio ; long-lived. *v. Cam- Camposant-lno ;//. dim. of-o. ;

Andar a suon to have an affair with the

*i. di ,
pereccio. Camposanto m. ;
i. churchyard.
magistrates, ii.
Appiccare or Attaccare altrui il
post-mortem room

to accuse him publicly of some fault, iii. L' acqua *Campareziayi; ?'. Faggia. 2. of a hospital.
thrown up by *Camparo m. ; i>. Campaio.
fa referring to the
*Campatello ;w.; = Campicello.
i bell-drops
Oamp-ucchiare or -iccbiare
rain. a kind of horse's bit. v. dellc ; to live
heavy iv.

lenzuola, fig. invitation, allurement of the bed-

*Campatico in. tax on land. ;
in poverty.
clothes ; Attaccare i -i, to seek the favour of the
Campeggiare ind. campdggio; i. C am puccio in. dim. spreg. Campo, field. ;
multitude, lit. to hang up bells as it were of in-
vitation to the public, vi. Chiacchierone tre- (mil.) to be encamped. 2. to show up Camucca^; a kind of Oriental cloth.
*Camuco in. a kind of silk cloth.
well, to be prominent amongst the other

(for Capo-muffare where

Campanell6na /; augm. Campa- parts of a design.

nella, curtain-ring. * besiege, ii. to paint the ground-work of a mi4jffare Germanic, v. Skeat, sub

*Campanellotta f. bell ornament of medium picture, iii. to accord (with). Muff, Muffle, so that Capo-muffare is to
*Campeggiato m. ground colour of a picture.

v. Campanella
muffle up the head); to muffle up, to
or -uzzo m.; Campeggio m. (from the name of its place of
= Campanaccio,
i. dim.spreg.
growth, Campeachy in
Mexico) (bot.} leg-wood, ; disguise. *to deceive, cheat.
of Campanello, door-bell, ii. sheep-
Haentatoxylitm campechiatiutti. It has been termed *Camuffo m. young thief. ;
in English also. *
Campeachy-wood Camurra f.; rustic gown.
Campellare = Campucchiare.
Campaniforme ; bell-shaped.

Campanil-accio m.\ pegg.

Camuso; snub-nosed.
Camp-er6ccio (-areccio, -oreccio);
Cogn. Proven^, and Fr. cttmus, prof>.<
Campanile m. ;
bell-tower. Idee or growing in the fields, wild. root cam, supra Camoscio, but precise
to bend, cp.
Amor di prejudices or ideas in-
, *Camperellare ;= Campellare. etym. unknown perhaps akin to or even derived

*CamperiayC; v. Faggia. from L. camur, curved the termination seems to ;

fluenced by the place of one's birth, be Ital. muso = Provens- nuts, v. Muso.
v. Campanilista. Prov. II non mig- Campfestre ;
of the country, rural. *Camuto in. ; v. Camuco.
liora la cornacchia, the tower does not *i. wild. ii. =Campale. iii. as sb., leather loin- Can m. ;
the Oriental title, Khan, taken by the
della Scala family of Verona in the I4th century.
improve the jackdaw, i.e. natural quali- Camp-ettino sub-ditn., -etto dint., of -o, ti. da denti, dog-fish, v. Galeo. ii. bianco, =
ties are not altered by circumstances. Campicchiare; = Campucchiare. Palombo, a species of shark.
*Cana/I; Canutezza, hoariness.
Campanil-etto or -ino m. dim. -e. ;
*Campiccio in. coppice. ;

Canabulo m. = Canapule, ; hemp-stalks.

Campanilista scherz. parochial-minded. Canaccio tn. pegg. Cane.
Campicello m. dim. Campo, field.
Campanil-6ne in. augm. of-e. ;

Campanina f.', dim. Campana. Campidbglio m. (L. capitoliiim); /; rabble (//'/. collection
Campanino; ringing. Marmo , Capitol. of dogs). Aff. -accia pegg., -ata black-
marble from Pietrasanta in Tuscany Campigiana f. (A); = Codone, pin-tail duck. guardly act, -e"sco, -one augm., utter
which rings when worked. (B) (from Campi, their place of production) ; a large- blackguard, -ume rabble.
sized tile.
Canaio ni. dog-keeper or breeder.
Campan-o m. i.q. Campanaccio, ;
Campigndlo nt. lycoperdon nut, a species of Canaidla /

(bat.) = Prezzemolo di padule,


cow-bell. As adj., Pera -a, bell-shaped truffle, Elaphomyces grannlatus. marsh milk parsley.
*Campio; belonging to, or like a field.
Canaidlo; adj. or sb. a variety of grape. In
pear. = Lupini,
Campan6 m. ; Fare , sclierz. = Fare uno Campionario m. ; pattern-book. //.,
wooden trough used by leather
f. ;

scampanio, to ring bells violently.

Campan6n-e m., -&/.; augm. Campana. Campionato m. championship. ;
dressers for conducting water, troof-gutter.
Canalaccio <.; the Grand Canal at Venice.
Campanul-a / (hot.) i.
Campioncino m. dim. Campione. *Canalare; Scanalare, to flute.
; grande,
Canterbury bell, Campanula medium, Campione m. (mlt. campio < L. cam- Candle m.
(L. canalis for cannalis<
also termed Viola Mariana, Campane pus, one who stood up in the field canna, reed, pipe) i. canal. 2. channel, ;

della Madonna, Giuliette. 2. -e turchine to fight); i.

ledger. 2. in all senses, as in English. 3. groove.
salvatiche, harebell, Campanula rotundi- 3. registry-book of properties, kept for 4. (vet.) biflesso, fossa in the coronet
folia. purposes of taxation. 4. standard weight of the hoof in sheep.

Canal^tto m. Canalino. severe scolding. 2. un- Cande'la/^ (L., <.candere, to shine, v. Skeat,
i.g- Canata/.; i.
sub Candid) ; i. candle ; Fino a estinsione di
2. (arch.) channel which is a quarter worthy action. vergine, till the candle goes out, a way of limiting
the time for bidding at an auction ; Farla vedere in
circle in section. Canatteria./; pack of hounds.
, to make a thing abundantly
i. = Canaio,
*Canattiere m. dog breeder. . (furg.)
regia, = Tasso

Canaliculate grooved. ; ii. prison warder. gum catheter or bougie. 3. (bot.)

Canal-ino dim., -uccio dim. spreg., of -e. Canavaccio w. = Canovaccio, kitchen
cloth. barbasso, great mullein.
Canavaio v. Canovaio.
Candelabro /;/.; chandelier.
Candel-aia or -ara./; Candlemas, the Feast
Canapa /
(L. cannabis}\ (bot.) Cancan /.; vulgar French dance.
-accio m.; pegg. of the Purification, Feb. 2.
1. hemp, Cannabis sativa. 2. d' ac- Cancell-abile; v. -are. -o.
Candel-e'tta f.; i. dim. of -a. 2. (mar.) in
qua, marigold, Bi~
double tooth-bur CancellareorScancellarejtocancel. pi., top burton tackles. Aff. -ettma sub-dim.
dens tripartite,, also termed Forbicina i.
to reel. ii.
fig. to hesitate, in allegiance. Candelier-e m. i. candlestick Una ;
to confound, confuse, to cross the arms.
d' acqua. acquatica, hemp agri-
muta di -i, a set of candlesticks for an
v. to close with a grating.
mony, Eupatorium cannabinum, also Etym. L. cnncella,re from cancellus, a grating altar; Metier uno sul to give him ,

termed Eupatorio canapino. 4. falsa, of iron in the form of network. Cancelhts is dim, of a great reputation Portare or Reggere
= Erba dell' invidia, hemp nettle, v. cancer, crab, the claws of which seem to have been
il to be an accomplice or inter-

considered to resemble interlacing lines, v. Caiicro.

Erba (63). 5. = Datisca cana- ,

gialla, The L. caftcellare was to cancel a writing by striking mediary, in bad sense ; Metter fuori i -i,
pina di Creta, Cretan hemp. it through with a cross hence also the use of the ;
to exhibit skinny arms ; Rubare il al
word as above (iv), as in the following : S. Francesco
Canapaccia f.\ i. Pegg- Canapa. 2. (bot.) cancello le braccia a modo di croce e pose la man i.e. to recover after being very
termed Assenzio prete,
mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris, also dritta sopra il capo di Fr. Bernardo e lasinistra sopra ill -i alia Raffaella, with the stem
delle siepi, Amarella. il capo di Fr. Elia, interlaced his arms cross-wise,

Canapaia f. ; i. ground planted with hemp. placing his right hand upon the head of Brother
carved in relief in the style of Raffaelle.
2. fig. tangle. Bernard, etc. 2. (mar.) stanchion ; a morsa, crutch,
Canapaio m. ; i. worker or dealer in hemp. For the sense of reeling cp. Fr. chanceler which
2. fig. tangk. isshort for the old Fr. eschanceler, representing a
forked rest for a spar. Aff. -{no dim.,
*Canapale ;.; i. halter. ii.=Canapaia. form ex-cancellare, to come away from the cancelli, -6ne augm., -uccio dim. spreg.
Canapar6Ia /. ; v. Canapino (4, b). the grating, to lose its support, v. Littre, sub Chan-
Candel-ina/l, -ino m.\ dims, of -a, -ino being
Canap^ (A) (altered from Con-
Scancellare is a strengthened form of the usual
the smaller.
*Candelizza powerful lifting tackle.
f.\ (fftttr.)
opio, L. conopium, mosquito curtain, kind, from L. ex in the sense of very much, com- Candell-iere and deriv.\ v. Candel-.
pletely, and cancellare.
orig. therefore, bed with mosquito Candel-6nayC, or -6ne, larger than -ona, m. \

Cancell-ata/^; railing (formed of upright bars 1. aufm. of -a. 2. OW.)=Biodo, flowering rush.
curtain); sofa. braced together at the top). Aff. -atina dim,) -ato Candel -6ra, pop. for -ara.
*(B); = Canapo, rope.
railing, larger than -ata.
CanapecchiayC ; (bot.)~ Crespolina, lavender- Cancell-at6re, -atrice, -atura, -aturina ; Candeldtto m. ;
i. short candle.
cotton. v. -are.
dim. Canape. 2. foot-rest. 2. in pi., a kind of Cannelloni, but
Canapeino m.\ i.

CanapetlayC; a variety of hemp. Canceller6sc-o, -am6nte; v. Ca'n- shorter, f = Ghiacciolo, icicle.

Canap-ello m.\ dim. of -o. cellaria. tCand6pola./:; = Ellera, ivy.
Canape6ne m. aug-m. scherz. of Canape.
Candi m. (Arabic qand, <Persian, v. Skeat, sub
Canapetta /; fine hemp fibres. Cancellerla f. ;
office of the Can-
Candy) crystalline sugar.
Canap-6tto m. dim. of-e.
celliere. Candia /. (var. of Candi); Zucchero di ,
Canapicchia/;;=:Tignamica, cudweed.
*Canapiendola,/C; = Altalena, swing.
sugar candy.
Cancellifcra /; wife of the Can- Candiarw.; Indian poisoned dagger.
Canapfglia f. gadwall duck, Anas strepera,
Candidamente; candidly.
also termed Cicalona, Pignola, Ridenna. celliere.
Candidate in. (L., from the white toga worn by
Canapina /.; {hot.) Indian hemp, Apocynnm Cancellierato m. candidates for office in ancient Rome); candidate.
canna&inum, also termed Piglia mosche. ; chancellorship.
*i. virgin, ii. adj. dressed in white, iii. purified.
Cancelliere m. (L. cancellarius, Candid-atura as E., -6zza, v. -o.
Canapino i.
hempen. As sb.

2. comber of hemp and flax. 3. (scherz.) door-keeper, then an officer who stood Candido (L., v. Skeat, sub Candid) ;

white-haired person. 4. (a) melodious near the screen before the judgment i. white. 2. candid.
willow-warbler, Sylvia hippolais\ (b) seat) ; chancellor, chief officer of the Cand-ire ind. -isco (It. candi); to
crown in matters of the administration
maggiore, sedge-warbler, Sylvia sali- candy (fruit).
caria^ also termed Beccafico canapino,
of justice, or, in some countries, prime
minister. Canddre M. i. whiteness. 2. can-
Canaparola, Cannevarola, Giallino.
Cancellieruccio m. sfrcg. inferior Court dour.
5. in//., pieces of cloth placed by tailors

under the breasts of a coat. *coarse Cancellino m. dim. Cancello.
Can-e m. (L., Sanskr. kuan, Gr.

cloth. <v<av, E. hound); dog; Aver

i. -i in i

Cancello m. (L. cancellus, v. Can- much pain ; Aver un

corpo, to suffer ,

Canapo m. strong hempen rope,

; cellare); i. barred gate or grating un certo somebody who
alle costole,
esp, that used to stop the horses in the formed of upright bars, with intervals is always watching one; Dare il a
old riderless races at Rome down the between, usually of iron iron gate.
uno, to laugh at him Si movesse un ;
Corso. Hence, Saltare il ,
to overstep 2. in//., railings of similar construction. short for Si movesse un
! in aiuto,
the proper bounds. 3. Vendere a -- chiuso, to sell a or a pieta, if only the slightest help
Canapdne m. i. old man with ;
property with all its contents. could be given Non c" e un ! che

*=Andito, passage. Tornare a to return to

lo guardi, he ; Per
lives absolutely alone
flowing white hair, esp. Leopold II of

the subject.
Tuscany. 2. (bot.) Canadian flea-bane, Cancer6so v. Cancro. ;
mantener la famiglia sta 11 a he ,

tCanchera f. (war.) Golfare a chiavarda, works very hard to keep his family;
Erigeron Canadense.

eye-bolt. Far come i can barboni che portano
Canapuglia /; = Canapule.
Cancher-o m.
i. Cancro. 2. nuis- ;
= i denari in bocca, i.e. to pay cash ;

Canapule ;.; hemp stalks stripped of the bark. ance. -accio
Aff, pegg,,
-mo dim., Vogliono quel libro; facciano come i
Canada f. ; i. canary seed, that of Pkalaris
-6ne augm., -6so, -uccio ditn. can barboni, o non glie lo do, if they
canariensis. 2. = Canarina, hen canary. 3. Canary *Cancher-usse, -uzzolo; bother! want that book they must pay cash
wine. Canch-igna, -itra = Capperi, Gracious! ;
down for it Piu -i che lepri, i.e. more
Etym. From
the name of the Grand Canary *Canciola; Curse! ;

island, L. insuta canaria, lit. dog island, <canis, tCancognare ; to be undecided. candidates than offices Cascar la coda ;

C a' -i, to be very cold. 2. tooth-extractor.
Canarino m. i. canary, Serinus catiariits, (Gr.
also termed Passe ra di Canaria. 2. fig. Merlo, 3. cock of a gun. 4. instrument used
tognaw) gangrene. Aff. -arsi, -oso.

fig. cunning fellow. 3. in pi., (6ot.) canary-bird

by coopers for pulling at the hoops,
nasturtium, Tropaeolum peregrinum. 4. as cuij.^ Cancro m.; i. cancer. 2. the Crab, Pesce
yellow. hoop-cramp. 5. dog-fish, ,

Canario m.; i.= Canarino (i). 2. largo,

one of the signs of the Zodiac. v. Galeo. 6. a title, v. Can. 7. (pot.)
mutton-fish, Anthias sneer, locally termed Sarpa- Etym. L. cancer^ which, like Sanskr. kankattis, (a)Dente di dog's tooth violet,
nanso, Monacedda. *a dance for two. coat of mail, is formed, by dissimilation of r into n, ,

Canar6ne m. i. an inferior variety of lemon.

from the root kar, hard, referring to the hard shell of Erythronium dens cams; (b) Lingua di
2. mutton-fish, Labrus anthias, t i. = Brenna, jade, the crab, v. Skeat, ed. 1910, sub Cancer. hound's tongue, Cynoglossum offi-
* ,
ii. (0/.)=Valeriana rossa, valerian. Cancugnare ; v. Cancognare.
tCanastrello ;.; scallop, Pcctfn glaber. *CandariayC; an instrument of witchcraft. cinale; (c) Capo di yellow foxglove, ,
Digitalis lutea. 8. (mar.') in //. -i or -a, horse-fly ; fig. tiresome bore. In Cannamusino m. ;
a kind of lady's dress.
Cannapiglia/I; v. Canapiglia.
Fantinetti, brackets of the head-rails. quasi-fig. sense, Rabbia -a, furious rage, Cannareccione m. thrush
nightingale, Sylvia ;

i. Fare a' -i, to see who can best escape, ii. khan, Fame -a, dog's hunger, tremendous ap- tnrdoides, also termed Cannaiolone da palude, Can-
pilgrim's hostel, iii. lowest throw of dice. iv. Far la naiola maggiore, Rossignolo rnarino, Silvia rossiccia.
petite. Aff. -ame'nte. Cannatayi; blow with a cane. *= Canniccio.
girata del grande, to go the longest way. v. Aver
lo spasso de' -i, to be beaten, vi. Esser come il Canita cruel act.
f. ;
del Babbonero, to live a hard life. vii. Fare come il
tCanizi ;. sea perch, v. Sciarrano. Canneggiare ind. canndggio to ;

di Batrione, to prefer the winning side. viii. Fare

measure land, v. Canna (3). *v. Canna
come il
ix. A
d' Esopo, to leave certainty for uncertainty.
bocca di half-closed (door or window).
Canizie / (L. canitia) ; gray hairs.
Canea./; = Cagnaia, uproar. Canizza/; i.
yelping of a pack of
tCaneggiola/; gullet. hounds. 2. in water, used Canneggiatdre m. ; assistant to an
CanepicchiayC (fat.) ground ; pine, Teucrinm dogs' dung engineer or surveyor in measuring.
chamaepitys. in preparing hides.
fCanizzale w.; = Canile, kennel. tCanniggiola/; a small reed from which the
Can&Stra Gr. Kavaa-rpa) / (L.,
= ; Spazzole di padule, cane-tuft brooms, are made.
1. fruit-basket.
basket-carriage. 2. Canna / (L., < Gr., from Semitic
sources) i. cane, Arundo Camilla/; (dim. Canna); i. small
Oanestr-accia pegg. Canestra. / ;

donax, also termed


da rocche, or
(hot.} (a)
tube, tap in a barrel, cannula of a funnel,
-accio m. pegg- Canestro. -ata f. ;
etc., also stick of sulphur, or coal, made
da vigne (b) fiorita, Indian shot,
contents of a basket. ;

up into a round billet; Ha levato la

v. Cannacoro; (c) fiorita grande, ,

Canestrello {mar.) grommet.

in. ; he has taken out the tap, i.e. he will
ti. di ferro per le vele, iron hank, ring. ii. = Canna gigantea (d) di padule, or ;
talkon without stopping Mettere una
Pettine, variegated scallop. palustre, marsh reed, Arundo phrag- ;

Canestr-ina^i, dim. of -a ; -ino m., dim. of -o.

termed Spazzole
to get into a bad habit. 2. (bot.)
mites, also
di padule,
Can6str-0 m. flower-basket. (a) or
aromatica, cinnamon-tree
; Ajf. Cannucce ; (e) piena, Sacchanim ,

-uccio dim. spreg. (the Italian name is from the way the
Ravennat, also termed Cannella di bark comes off in little tubes), Laurns
Canesu m. lace collar.
Ravenna, Canna sorda di Ravenna ;

Canett-accio dim. pegg., -ino sub-dim., -o

(f) da zucchero, sugar cane, Sac- cinnamomum, or the cinnamon there-
dim., -ucciaccio sub-dim, pegg., of Cane. from del Malabar, cinnamon from
Canevaccio in. ;~Canovaccio, kitchen cloth. charum officinarum, also termed Can- ;

Canfolo m. ; (chem.) a body isomeric with the Laurus cassia, a substance differing
di robbia, a product of fer-
namelle; (g) odorifera, sweet flag, from true cinnamon chiefly in the
Malay camphor. Acorus calamus, also termed Acoro
mentation from madder, it is identical with Malay
strength of its qualities; Cera di
which a crystalline body derived from aromatico, Erba cannella; (h) d' India
is ,
the Dryobalanops camphora, a tree growing in the a kind of oil from cinnamon seeds
(a) rattan cane, Calamus rotang, also

Malay peninsula and adjacent islands. di succino, Color reddish brown; (b) --da
a body isomeric with Malay camphor and obtained termed Giunco delle Indie, (/3) stalk, or ,

by the action of caustic potash upon yellow amber. scrivere, creeping reed-grass, Calam-
stem, of a bamboo. 2. ladra, a cane
Canforay^; camphor. The word is the Sanskrit agrpstis epigeus, also termed Calamo
kapur, which was borrowed by the languages of split into a cup at the top for picking
scrittorio, Cannucce (c) di Ravenna,
neighbouring countries including Arabic, from which 3. Povero in
it passed into Europe about the i6th century, with-
very poor (poor ,
= Canna piena, v. Canna (i, e); (d)
as a cane is bare). 4. pipe, e.g. of an
out much variation. The substance is the solidified
paleina, wood-reed, Arundo calam-
juice from different species of the genus Camphora, organ, barrel of a gun, etc. 5. the
esp. C. officiruirum.
Canforata f. (hot.) i. old name for several gullet; mangiare che non tocca la
i. = Cannuccia, small reed.
ii. Gittar

or la strozza, of a greedy eater. acqua per

species of A
rtemisia. 2. bastarda, Polycitemum , una to throw water through one pipe, i.e. to

arvense, a species of amaranth. 3. di Monpelieri, 6. as a measure of length, about 2\ have the same disposition (as another person), iii. =
Camphorosma moiispeliaca, a species of goosefoot. Cannello, weaver's reel. iv. tool for boring stones.
Canforat-o Erba -a dellc yards. 7. Prendersela a un tanto la = a garganella. fvi. rolling-pin for
; camphorated. v. Bere a
Canarie, {bot.) balm of Gilead, Dracocfphahtm or la calata, v. Calata. 8. Volerne
, making

Canariettse. vedere un tanto la to wish just to ,
Gang m. collar used by the Chinese like a m.
Cannellaio stand on which
have a look at the length of it, i.e. ;

pillory. Cannelli are placed ready for use.

Cangia/T; long narrow barge on the Nile. to understand the matter thoroughly.
Cangi-abile, -amento v. -are. *Cannellare; = Scanalare, to channel.
9. Non saper fare un O con una

*Cannellato; i. scented like cinnamon, ii. v.
changeable in colour,
Cangiante; i. or con una cannuccia, to be unable to Cannella (i) and (2). iii. V. Cannellare,
according to the point from which the read or write, io. = Gallina prataiola, Cannell-etta dim. Cannella, -etto dim. Can-
nello, -ina dim. Cannella, smaller than
ii. = Cannello, reel.
substance in question is looked at. -etta, -ino
lesser bustard. dim. Cannello.
2. variable (star). 3. as sb., change *i. = Zampogna,
bagpipe, ii. =stile, stylus or pen
in colouring. for writing, jii. split reed rattled to wake up the Cannell-o m. i. internode, joint of ;
nuns in a dormitory, iv. prov. Non e 1' ago ne la , a cane. 2. piece of the stalk of other
Cangiare (variant of Cambiare) to ;
ma e il cibo che t' inganna, i.e. it is hope that betrays,
not the craft of others, v. Fare la to bend in plants, such as elder, hemp, etc. 3. weav-
change. It is not used of money and

every direction, vi. vana, feeble man Avere ; er's reel Fare -i, to wind the thread
; i

rarely of clothes. Colore che cangia, uno per to hold him of no account, vii. Stare a
for the woof upon the reels. 4. pipette
v. badata, to be watching closely, as one watching
Cangiante. the measurement of a piece of cloth he has bought, for small quantities of
*to repay, D. Inf. 32. 138. transferring
viii. Giuoco delle -e, a kind of joust introduced into
Cangiarro m. i.q. Angiarro, Turkish ; knife. liquid. 5. pipe or of a goose quill
Italy by the Spaniards, ix. Non aver ne stadera ne
tCangiglio m.; a shell-fish. in casa, to possess no means of measuring, i.e. to shaft of a steel pen. 6.
Cangio adj. or sb.; = Cangiante. blow-pipe.
be a fool. x. A (a cut) made obliquely, in pruning, stem of a tobacco pipe, usu. Can-
Canguru or Cangoro m. ; kangaroo. xi. = Strale, arrow.
, 7.
Cani m. pi., or Fantinetti, (mar.) brackets of nuccia. 8. capillary tube or any kind
the head-rails. Cannabina./; brown resin of haschisch.
Caniccto and deriv.; v. Canniccio. Cannacdro m. (bot.) Indian shot or canna, a
of small pipe. 9. any small solid
genus of Maratitaceae, also termed Canna fiorita
Canicid-a m.; scherz. dog-killer. Ajfi. -io.
there is an eatable species,
cylinder, such as a pen-holder, stick
* Canicie f. - Canizie.
commestibile, Caritta
of sealing-wax, etc., which resembles

Canlcol-a/. (L.); i. dog-star, Sirius. Cannafdglia f. leaf of a Canna.

; a tube externally. 10. (arch.} the
Cannaio m. ; i. elbow-rest for weavers,
2. dog-days, July and August, when the ii. weaver's drawer containing spools of thread, cylindrical fillings of the lower parts
Sun and Sirius rise and set together. iii. shelf made of canes for drying fruit, iv. cane of the flutings of a column. 1 1.
Aver le -e, to be nervous. basket, v. eel-pot, vi. maker of Canne, pipes, in //., -i nelle ralle, grease channels.
3. Aff. -are. vii. = Canneto, cane-brake.
*Canido; = Candido, white. Cannaibla _/! ; i. a species of grasshopper. 12. Pesce- = Cannolicchio, razor-shell.

2. reed warbler, Sylvia antndiiiacea, also termed *i. = Cannone, pipe for a privy, ii. ferrumi-
Canile m. ; spreg. dog's kennel. minore or piccola, Beccafico de' canned or di =Rocchetto.
natorio, blow-pipe, iii.

Canina palude. 3. maggiore, = Cannareccione. 4.

Cagna, bitch-pup.
comune=Basettino, bearded tit. 5. Cannelldne m.
marsh warbler, Sylvia palustris,
verdognola, augm. Cannello. ;

Canin-o m.; pup. "As adj., canine. also termed Silvia

In //., paste for soup in the shape of
Tosse -a, severe cough. Whooping Cannaiolone m.; v. Cannareccione. tubes nearly as thick as a finger.
cough is termed Tosse canina, cavallina, Cannale m.\ del secondo fiocco, (mar.) jib-
i. = Doccione. ii. gullet.
or asinina, in different localities, the traveller. Cannell6so; of straw for plaiting, like a reed,
Cannamele m. or f.',
= Canna da zucchero, i.e. and coarse.
too large
Florentine term being Canina. Mosca sugar-cane. *Canneraiayi; some kind of fishing-tackle.

Canner^cchia/I; (bot.) a variety of millet. cannucce, fig. to keep one's legs with Britannica, article Breviary. 4. Casa
tCannereccidne M.; v. Cannareccione. = Cannella
*Cannerello ?. = (Janapule, hemp-stalks. difficulty. 7. (hot.) in //. (<z) -a, =Canonica, parsonage. 5. quasi-

Canneruolo m. a species of warbler. ; da scrivere, reed-grass, (b) = Canna di fig. regular, correct. 6. (math.) Formula
Cannevardla /; sedge-warbler, v. Canapino marsh reed, (c) di formula which covers several cases.
(4, y>.
padule, Ravenna, -a,
Cannibale ;. (Span, canil'al, a corruption of 7'. Canna (i f *). Canonista m. ; professor of canon
Caribal, a native of the Caribbean islands; the W. *
Esser sulla , of a book, to be on the point of
Indian word carib means brave) cannibal. ;
Cannicchio m. (prob. a contracted dim. of Cannucciaro in. builder's foreman.
Camino, stove, through a form ** caminicchio)
; i. to canonise. 2.
Cannutiglia; v. Canutiglia.
stone lining to a furnace. *Cano (L.); As
white hair. to approve, recognise, or to
hoary. so., quasi-fig.
Cannicciaia / shelf made of reeds Canoayl; i. =Canotto, canoe, ii. = Trogolo, authenticate. Aff. -azione.
used in drying chestnuts. Candcchia f. ;
i. v. Conocchia. 2. mantis Canope m. ;
= Canape, sofa.
crab, Squilla.
Cannicciata / i. tray-full of chest- ; Canocchiale; v. Cannocchiale. Canbpo in.a kind of Egyptian ;
Canocchio m. old-decaying vine-prop.
nuts, figs, etc. 2. palisade of canes. ;
mortuary vase. 2. the Egyptian god.
Cannlccio or Canfccio m.; i.
Canone m.; augm. Cane, fine dog. 3. the star, Canopus. *C4nopo, miner.
made of reeds. 2. floor for drying Canon-e m. (Gr. KUVOIV, ruler, rod, Can6ro (L.) harmonious. ;

chestnuts, v. Metato. 3.
= Canneto, <Kawa, v. Canna); i. canon law of
Canotiglia; v. Canutiglia.
cane-brake. the Church fig. law of ethics or art.
Can6tt-o ;. (Carib word); canoe.
2. canon of Scripture, the collection of
Cannocchial-e or Canocchiale m. Aff. -iere.
sacred books composing the Bible.
(It. canna + occhiale) ; telescope. Aff. Canova f. wine or
3. della messa, the prayers which (L. canaba, hut) ;
-etto, -ino dims.
follow the Preface and precede the provision shop.
Cannbcchio m. i root-stock of a;
Communion. 4. list of the saints. *i. = Appalto. ii. Abbondanziere. iii. store,
cane. 2. ear of maize after the grain cellar.
5. alessandrino, list of Greek poets
is gone. and writers drawn up in the schools of Canovaccio, Canavaccio or Cane-
Cannolicchio m.; razor-shell, Selen, locally Alexandria. vaccio m. (Ft. canwas<b\t. canabacius
6. (leg.) ground rent.
termed Pesce cannello, Manicaio siliqua, Capa lunga
colorita, o marina, Manico di colteilo, Tabachina. 7. annual instalment of purchase < L. cannabis, hemp); i. canvas for
tCannolo m.~, v. Sciarrano (4). money. 8. a musical composition in embroidery. 2. duster.
Cannonatay!; cannon shot,./??', great lie.
which the voices begin one after an-
Doccionata, system of water-pipes. Canovaio m. steward in a monas- ;

other at regular intervals, successively

Cannoncello m. i. small tery.
pipe. taking up the same subject; as each

2. small cannon. 3. in //. = Cannon- voice finishes, it commences anew, thus

*Canoviere in. ;
i. v. Canova (i). ii. sutler.

cetti, but smaller. Cans-are (L. campsare, to turn round,

forming a continued fugue; a round. root cam, to bend, cp. Gr. Ka/iTri-w, to
Cannonce'tti m. pi.; paste for soup 9. pasquale, table of the moveable
bend); i. to remove. 2. to avoid.
in the shape of pipes. feasts. 10. armonico, (tnus.) an in- * to erase from the memory, ii.
i. il latte, to
Cannoncfno m. small cannon. i.
strument used for discovering the re- wean a baby, or not to suckle it. -arsi : iii. of milk,

straw lations between musical intervals, n. to cease its now. iv. to run away, escape, v. -ato,
pipe or small tube of any
of vision, partly gone.
material. 3. gas jet. 4. in //., frills penitenziali, penances the fulfilment of
which readmitted the penitent to com- Cansat6i-o -a/; place of refuge.
upon a shirt front by way of ornament. /.,

munion. 12. (print.) canon type, the

5. a kind of horse's bit, made hollow.
= Cantabella / = Lastra di; pietra da
6. small telescope. first quills largest with a specific name. 13. fornace del ferro, stone slab.
7. in//., 1

of a young bird. 8. in //., paste for Ouattr occhi, golden-eye duck.

Cantabile; i. (verse) which can be
soup in the shape of pipes. .9. rain- Canbnica/i; i. parsonage. 2. mathe- sung. 2. melodious. 3. as sb., passage
water pipe. 10. stick (of sulphur). matics of the laws of musical sound.
of music peculiarly adapted for singing.
Cannoncidni m. pi.
= Cannelloni, *i.chapter-house of a cathedral, ii.
= Canoni- =
iii. revenue of a Canon, iv. canon law. v. Cantaccbiare ; Canterellare, to
paste for soup. chessa.
Canonicato m.; i. Cathedral chapter. 2. office
Cannoncibtti m. pi.; i.q. Cannon- or revenue of a Canon Jig. any well paid office.
; Cantafavola f. ; tiresome, improb-
cioni, but in short pieces. Canonichessa/!; a kind of lay sister. able story.
Canonicitayi; v. Canone (2).
Canndne m. (augm. Canna) ;
i. inter-
Cantafera /. = Cantilena.

Canbnic-o; i. canonical. 2. Im- *

Cantafola f. i.q. Cantafavola.
node, joint of a large cane. 2. reel for

winding wool. 3. water-pipe, or pipe of

pedimento impediment to a marriage
Cantaiolo; i. singing; Grillo ,
or to its dissolution, according to canon
a stove. 4. della gola, gullet del chirping cricket. As sb. 2. decoy bird. :

3. Ore canoniche, the Canonical

polmone, wind-pipe. 5. = Cannoncino 3. fig. the last coin left, in gambling.
Hours, i.e. the seven church services at
(4), shirt frill. 6. cannon. 7. cannon- 4. coin left by beggars in their box or
these times, viz. matins at midnight,
bone of a horse. pot, to rattle with.
i. Fare i -i, to deceive in love.
ii. case for a prime at sunrise, tierce at 9, sext at *
Cantalluscio ///. (Cant

all' uscio); street singer.

telescope, iii.
telescope, piece of cane placed iv. noon, nones at 3, vespers at sunset, and Cantalupo ;//. a sweet kind of gourd.

over asparagus to whiten it. v. Mostrar le cose compline at 9 p.m. If there was no t Cantaluzzo m. = Dorado, gilt-head. ;

per to be stingy of showing them. vi. a kind of

gaiter, vii.

organ-pipe, viii. nape of the neck, midnight service, matins and prime Cantambanc-o or Cantimbanco m.,
be. Mezzo , (mus.) an old wind-instrument. were said together at sunrise. The -a f. (for Cant' al banco); i. strolling
Cannoneggi-are iiid. cannone'ggio ; to can- times however at which tierce, nones 2. quasi-fig. =Appaltone.
nonade. AJf. -amento. player.
Cannonieray!; i. embrasure or (mar.) port-
and compline were said were reckoned t Cantann6cchia / = Cantafavola. ;

hole. 2. gun-boat. from sunrise and sunset in the old Cantarano; v. Canterano.
Cannoniere ;. i. gunner. 2. barrel forger Cantarata; v. Canterata.
manner, when an hour was a twelfth

or welder.
part of the period from sunrise to sun- Cantare kan, v. Skeat, sub
(L., root
Cannoso; reedy. set, or from sunset to sunrise, and was Cant, Hen); 2. per far
i. to sing.
to speak for the purpose of inducing
Oannuccia/ (dim. Canna); i. stem therefore identical with a twenty-fourth ,

of a tobacco-pipe. 2. pipe of a quill ; part of one day and night only at the a person to say something he knows.
Non saper fare un con una i.e. to O , equinoxes, v. Ora. The Hour of lauds 3. Far conto, or vista, che uno canti,
be unable to write. 3. fishing-rod. was part of matins, or might be said or Lasciarlo ,
to allow him to talk,

4. small glass tube. 5. piece of cane later, in which case there was one mid- to take no notice of what he says.
used instead of a reel for silk or cotton. Hour and seven day Hours. For 4. Stare sulP albero a v. Albero (8).
night ,

6. thin piece of cane Reggersi sulle ;

more information see Encyclopaedia 5. of a document, to witness, or 6. to
of bread, to
Canticello m. dim. Canto, corner. Cantoluto full of corners.
declare emphatically. 7.
; ;

Sistema or Leva viz. where

*Canticino m. dim. Canto, composition.
; *Cantonale; i. ,

make a crisp sound on being cut. 8. to a given district has to provide a given number of
A me tu la canti? are Cantico ?. i. canticle, hymn. 2. in soldiers, tii. as sf>., = Cantoniera, angle-iron.
chant. 9. you ;

finding fault with me ? implying, I did
the ancient Roman theatre, monologue. *Cantonare;
i. to parcel out. ii.

not do it. jo. of a bill, etc., to run (in Cantiere m. (L. canterius, rafter) ;
Cantonata exterior angle of a /
the name of A, when the right name

1. 2. socket of
ship-builder's yard. building. Prendere una of a carriage,
would be B). u. Canta maggio, di the capstan. 3. stone-mason's shed.

to strike against a corner; fig. to com-

lit. he chirps in May, i.e. he is a bad
* i. joiner's bench, ii. rafter.
mit a great blunder.
12. Cantar messa, of a priest,
poet. Cantilena i. cradle song.
/ (L.);
to say his first mass. 13. Prov. Carta
Cantdn-e m. (It. canto, corner) ;

2. oftrepeated song, old song, catch. 1. Lasciare in un to leave on one

canta e villan dorme, i.e. the peasant ,

3. long dull poem. 4. sing-song kind side, to disregard. 2. squared piece of

with a written agreement of lease can of intonation.
artificial stone, slab of concrete; Uomo
sleep. *i. (mits.) well modulated composition, ii. ac-
to to a song. iv. hawker's
a -i, cantankerous fellow. 3. Swiss
*i. fuor di coro, speak inopportunely, companiment iii. singing,

ii. = Incantare, to bewitch. cry. canton (regarded as the corner of a

* Cantare = Canto of a poem. v. Can- Cantimbanco v. Cantambanco.
4. (vet.) incisor tooth of an
;. i. ii. ;

t Cantarella f. ;
= Cantaride. Cantimpl&ra or pop. Cantinfl&ra / ;
animal. 5. (herald.) canton, a small
Cantarello w.
* = Canterello
; (bot.) chanterelle, Agaricus water-cooler. square figure generally placed at the
cantherellus. (ii).
Cantaritte or (mar.) stern fctytn. The word occurs in the same form in dexter chief of the shield.
Canterette./ pi.;
cabin windows. Spanish and with the same meaning, viz. tin or *i. Pigliarsi un in pagamento, to sneak off.
glass vessel for cooling water by plunging it into a ii. Lanciar -i, to tell lies. iii. quarter of the world.
Cantaride/ (Gr. xai/tfapor, beetle); larger vessel containing ice or snow. The French
ckantepleure, though a word of very similar form, Cantoniera/; i. corner cupboard.
Spanish fly. means a spout with a rose, but the dripping water- 2. angle-iron. 3. street-walker.
*Cantarino; v. Canterino. cooler may well have been named after the dripping
Cantario m. a kind of candlestick.
; chantepleitre. An ingenious guess is given by Caix Cantoniere m. road-man. * men-
Cantaro (Cantare) in. (A) (L. centenariuin); and accepted by Korting that the origin of both the
a quintal or hundredweight, more or less, according Italian and Spanish forms is the L. canna
dicant pedlar.
to locality. toria, but it seems more natural to trace chantepleure Cantonierinay. dim. Cantoniera. ;

(B); i. comune, black sea-bream, Cantharus to chanter, pleurer, and the Italian and Spanish *Cantonuto; angular.
vulgaris, locally termed Cantara, Occiada, Tanuda. words to this.
2. orbicolare, ox-eyed sea-bream, Cantharus Cantdra / ;
nun who sings in the
orbicularis, locally termed Occiada, Scprzone. Cantfn-a f. (prob. from the same choir. */ pi. of Canto.
ii. = Cantero. (scherz.) root as Canto and therefore orig. mean-
*i. iii.
regiment, crowd. Cantorato m. office of a chorister.
ing "a little corner" other suggestions

Cantast6rie >n. ; professional story- are ** Canovettina, and L. quintana, Cantdre m. singer, choir leader. ;

teller. sub Cantine) i. wine-

Cantat-a_/!; as E., poem set to music.
market, v. Littre", ; Cantoria / ;
gallery for a choir.
-accia pegg.
Aff. cellar or melon, wine therefrom, or quasi- 2. the Odeum at Athens.
Cantatfna./; i.=Cantata. 2. singing of birds. fig. cellar, as a dark place. 2. scherz.
Cantorino m. \. choir-book. 2. book \
Cant-at6re m., -at6ra or -atrice/; reciter. Tenore colla voce in tenor with a
*Cantazzare = Sberciare, to lampoon.
of the rules of Gregorian singing.
remarkably deep voice. 3. Pianger in

Cantoruccio m. dim. spreg. Cantore.

Canteo m. (L. canterius, v. Cantiere); to repent bitterly; Lo sposi di tuo
, Cantoruto angular. ;

small beam of bar across the frame of capriccio: poi andrai a pianger in ,
Cantucchiare; v. Canticchiare.
a sawpit for supporting the timber to you may marry him if you choose, but Cantucciaio m. \
biscuit seller or
be sawn. you will repent it bitterly afterwards. baker.
* cave. -accia
Cantera / ;
i. a kind of triangular AJf. pegg. Cantuccino m. dim. ;

gouge. 2. = Canterano. 'Cantinella/: ; i. tub. ii. shelf, iii. flexible

Cantliccio m. (dim. Canto); i. in-
ruler for drawing curves.
Canterale m. Canterano. Cantinetta f. ; i. dim. Cantina. 2. = Can- ternal corner, corner of a room. 2. corner
; i.g.

Canterano = Gr. timplora.

Cantinflora./; v. Cantimplora.
piece of bread, or cheese, with a large
(L. ca>ii/i<trns,
proportion of crust. 3. sugar biscuit.
Kavdapos, tankard, so that Canterano Cantiniere m. ; chief butler.
4. clove of garlic.
was orig. shelves for drinking-cups) ;
Cantinfna./; dim. vezz. Cantina. * Cantucciuto i. angular, ii. lumpy.

chest of drawers. Canucciaccio m. dim. pegg. Cane, cur.

Cantino m. (It. canto, singing) ;
Canuccio m. dim. spreg. Cane.

Canterella f. (variant of Cantaride, from at- ;

traction by cantare); i.q. Cantaride.

decoy par- treble string of a violin. Rompere il *Canutamente; warily.
- a uno, to harass, to bore him. Canutzzay?; i.y. Canizie.
Canterellare to hum. * to write *
Rompere il alia chitarra, i.e. to break off the Canutiglia or Cannutiglia (Cano-
bad verses. Cantin-6na_A -6ne m. augm., -uccia spreg.,
tiglia)/ (A) (Span, canutillo, cafittto,
of -a. internode of a reed, cafia, < L. canna) ;
Canterelllo in. continued humming. ;
1. minute glass tubules used in making
Canterello /.; i. = Orpello, tinsel, ii. dim. Cant-o ;//.
(A) (L., v. Cantare);
certain kinds of embroidery. 2. fringe
Cantero. iii. Cantaiolo. 1.
singing. 2. poem. 3. canto of a
Canterette ./!>/.; v. Cantarette. or braid of gold or silver twist, purl.
t Canteriera f. Comodino. ;

(B) scherz. (It. canuto); = Canizie.

Canterino (Cantarino); scherz. or (B) i. corner; vivo, sharp corner.
2. side Una noce a tre -i, lucky Canute (bit. ca>iu(us<L. canus);
spreg. for Cantante. Uccello
decoy ,

bird. Grille cricket. walnut, one with the shell divided into hoary.
, chirping

i. = Canterello (i) and (ii). ii. Orzo ,
a variety
three segments. 3. or Accanto, A ,
Canutola/!; (bot.) mountain germander, Teu-
crium polium, also termed Polio.
of barley. beside Levarsi da ; ,
to get rid of. *Canuzzo w.; = Canuccio.

of a 4. Da di padre, on the father's side ; Canzonacciay. pegg. Canzone. ;

Canterio in. (arch.) part

Dal mio for my part , ;
Dall' altro , Canzon-are ind. canzono ; to make
on the other hand. fun of; intr. to joke. AJf. -atore, -atora,
Cantero m. (L. canlharus from Gr. *Da , exactly. Per ,
across. Di in ,
-atrice, -atoriamdnte, -atorio, -atura.
on every side.
Kav6apos, drinking-cup) ; pan, night- Canzon-cinay, dim., -ci6ne ;., -ci6nay^.
* Etyin. mil. cantus, which is a Latinisation
stool. drinking-cup. either of Gr. KavSos or of a Celtic form, cp. Welsh augm. of-e.
Both the Greek and the Welsh word mean
Canterdne m. ; augm. Cantero.
inter alia the rim of a wheel, so that the original
Canzdne / (L. cantio<cano, v.
* Canteruto ; with sharp corners. meaning of the mlt. cantus would be edge, v. Skeat, Cantare); i.
lyric poetry, ballad.
quasi-fig. tiresome repetition. 3. Met-
Cantica^; poem. sub Cant No. 2. 2.
i. to sing gently. 2. to begin
= Canzonare, to jeer at ;
Cantofe'rmo m. Gregorian chant. tere in
learning to sing, to sing a little. ; ,
Una brutta , unpleasant announce- Capann-etta dim., -!na dim., smaller than
ment. -etta, -mo dim., of -a. Capecchio m. (L. capitutum, ending,
head of a plant); I. the rough
Capannisctfndersi m. part at
Canzonella / ; Mettere in , to ; game of hide each end of flax or hemp fibre, tow.
make and seek.
light of. 2. (hot.) Venetian
sumach, Rhus cotinus,
Canzon-etta dim., -ettaccia dim. pegg., Capanno m.
(var. of Capanna); also termed Scotano.
-ettuccia dim, spreg., of -e. hut for sheltering a bird-catcher or
Canzoniere m. poetry-book, song-book.
i. The meaning of the word accords with its deri-

Canzon-ista m. song-writer, -uccia dim. other watcher in the fields. 2. summer- vation, because tow is composed of fibre endings, and
the shrub has a remarkable
spreg., -ucciaccia dim. pegg., of -e. house, arbour. feathery inflorescence,
tCao M.; i. d' euggio = Capidolio,
resembling tow.
sperm Capeggiare v. Cappeggiare.
whale, ii. = Caos. iii. = Capo. iv. Bocca in Capanndnew.; ;

= Pesce prete, -'. Uranoscopo. , 2. large i.

hay-loft. tCapelan w.; = Gado minuto.
Caodinea /.; (tat.) green slime, Protococcus empty room, goods shed, the term etc. ;

viridis. is sometimes
applied to the cathedral at
Capella/ (L.) ; she-goat.
Caolino m. (Chinese word); kaolin, porcelain Florence. *ox-stall. Capellacci m. pi. i. pegg. Capelli.
Caone m.; (bat.) Capanndtto m. dim. Capanno. 2. meton. boy with untidy hair.
Daphne thymelta. \

Caorsa f. the city of Cahors in France, Capellame m.


formerly proverbial for usury. Capannuccia/; dint, spreg. Ca- i. ; quality, or colour of
Caorsino m. ; usurer. panna. 2. small pasteboard scene hair.
representing the Nativity of Christ. Capellamento =
Caps or Caosse m., with pi. Caos or
/. i. fine
; Capigliatura. ii.
root-fibres of a plant,
3. Far il hue alia irradiation of a bright
Caossi (Gr. ^oV, space) ; chaos. , i.e. to pretend to
tCaostello >.;= Muggine calamita, mullet.
know nothing of some matter. tCapellare w.;=Barhicella, root-fibre.
T Capa f. i. lunga, at da deo, sheath-razor Capellato hairy. As si., growth of hair.
Capannuccio m.

shell, Soltn vagina,


i. dim. spreg. ;

shell, v. Ghiandale (2).

ii. acorn
de palo, barnacle, v. iii.
le piere, lesser
Capanno. 2.
heap of brushwood for Capellatura / ; i. = Capigliatura.
Ghlandale (3). iv. de le galane, v. Ghiandale (4). 2. roots of a plant.
burning. 3. (arch.) lantern on the top
v. lunga colorita, or marina =Manico di coltello,
razor-shell, Solen silifua. vi.
of a dome. *Capellia/.; = Capiglia, fighting.
santa, Mediter-
ranean Pecten ituoteus. vii.
Capelheray:; = Capigliatura, hair. *wig.
tonda, Caparbi-o (It. capo)
common scallop,
cockle, v. Cardio. Cardium atu- self-willed. ;

leatum, a species of cockle, ix.

Capellino m. i. dim. Capello. ;
tonda di mare, Aff. -Kccmpegg,, -aggine, -ame"nte, -en'a,
thorny cockle, Cardium echitiatum. aim.
2. in
pi., a fine kind of vermicelli for
-eta, -e"tto
* soup. 3. in pi., (hot.) bent
Capacchiblo m. (dim. Capo) block- Capare ; v. Cappare, to choose. grass,
Caparello; Muggine gray mullet, v. Agrostis vulgaris.
head, dolt, headstrong fellow. Muggine (3).
As adj., chestnut coloured.
Capacchione m. ; bad mistake. tCaparon . ; Virginian Venus shell, Venus Capellizio ; v. Capillizio.
Capaccia/; i.
annoyance, ii. boar's head virgitiea.
with the tongue and brains, tCaparozzolo>.; Cornwall heart cockle, Vemts Capell-o m. (L. capillus, so that the
t Capacciaia y: = Capaccina. verrucosa. e is "shut"; v.

" Cappello, the e of which

is open
Capaccfna/ ; heaviness in the head. CaparrayC (L. cape arrham, v. Arra); ") ;
pi. Cap-elli, -egli or -ei.

caution-money, deposit on a contract.

i. hair; In -i, without a hat Fino a -i,
Capaccio m. (pegg. Capo); I. de- ;

formed head. 2. dull obtuse extremely Avere fino a' -i; d' una cosa,
person. Caparrare ; i.q. Accaparrare, to en- to be heartily tired of it;
3. man of bad character.
Essere, or
4. chamber gage. Fare a' -i, to be fighting Aver in diavolo
in connection with the blast of a furnace. *
Caparrone m. - (Japrone, = Appal-

; i.
goat. ii.
per to be in a great rage Tirarsi
pei ;

Capacciuto ; of a leek, etc., with a *Capassay:; = Ceppa, root-stock. -i, to spend a long time in
* bargaining.
large top. Capassone m. ; thick-head Prov. I -i ingrossano dopo cena, i.e.
wine heats the head.
Capac- (L.<cap, stem of
capio, to Capat-ayC; i. blow with or on the 2. irradiation
head; Battere una to strike one's of a bright light. 3. (tot.) (a)
receive, v. Skeat, sub Capacious) ; i. ca- Capel
di fontana, =

pacious. 2.
capable. head. 2. Batter la fig. (a) to die, Capelvenere, maidenhair
3. "possible. ,

convinced Dite quel clie volete, ma to be ruined, fern (b) -i del diavolo, greater
4. ; (<5) go bankrupt, (c) to quit ;
io non ne vo a high office; II ministero sta Cuscuta Europaea (f) -i di Venere, or
say what you will I , per ;

shall not be convinced. battere la the ministry are on the Barba di Cappuccino, fennel flower,
Aff. -mo dim. ,

vezz., -ita. point of falling. 3. Dare una in un Nigella damascena. 4. Capel d' an-
posto, have a glimpse there Dai
to giolo, v. Capelvenere (2). 5. (mar.) in
Capacit-are ind. capacito (It. ca- una in piazza e
= Parabordo fender.
pace) i. to convince. 2. to be
guarda se c' e un pi.,
accept- vetturino, just run into the square and Non essere in -i, to have no hair. ii. Essere
able to, to suit one's taste; .i, to be poor.
-arsi, to see if there is a cab there. 4. Fare alle
in iii. Avere lino sulla punta de' -i,=
conceive. Averlo in tasca, to dislike him.
* -e co' muriccioli, to run one's head Capelloso ; as thin as hair.
Capaguto m. sharp-pointed weapon. Capelluccio m.; dim.
against a wall.
spreg. Capello.

Capaia /; Tenere a to allow ,

salute with the head, bow.
i. ii. nod, or shake, Capelluto; i.
very hairy. 2. of a
several branches (of a vine) to of the head, for yes or no. iii. = Scapataggine, rash
grow. act. bird, crested.
Capalc m. head covering for a horse when it
Capatina^; dim. Capata.
Capazzo; v. Capaccio. Capelvenere (Capilvenere) m. i.

(hot.) maidenhair fern, Adiantum ca-

Capameno m. (It. capo, ameno); Cape 3rd sing, of Capdre, meaning,
pillus Veneris. 2. fine paste for soup,
wag. able to be contained in. II mondo
is made up in curls.
Capann-a /
(bit capanna, of unkn. e cos} grande che ci si tutti, the tCapercio ;=Caparbio, obstinate.
orig., Skeat, sub Cabin); hovel.
v. world is large enough for us all. Tutta Capere or Capere perf. Capei, jrd pi. *cap-
Festa delle -e, the Jewish feast of Taber- codesta roba in quella stanza non ci pion, part. *catto or *caputo, a variant of Capire
(L. capia) now only used in the 3rd sixg., pres. ind.,
nacles. Mettere in , scherz. to eat. , all these things cannot be got into v.
Corpo mio or Ventre mio, fatti lit. ,
that room. A
lui nel cervello non gli ci The original meaning of Capere was, to take,
- che tu hai but there remains no example of this in the material
oh my body, make yourself (as
ragione, the notion of The usage of the word by early writers is as
large sense.
as) a booth, said at the sight of a great your being right cannot be got into his follows :
Tetto a head. Se - as an operation of or
feast. siamo upon the mind, Questo
roof sloping in two ,
ci a -
quando mi capej or non mi
cape nell animo, nel gtudizio,
directions, ridged roof. A/, -accia pegg. Parigi si fa una scappata a Londra, nel penstero, ecc., meaning, I take
this, I judge this,
when we are in Paris we will just run etc., to be so and so, or I do not understand it, etc.;
Capannella /; i. dim. Capanna. another meaning of the same phrase is, this is, or
over to London, if it can be squeezed
Cappa (5).
in. The infinitive and other parts of
is not, readily
1' animo
intelligible to me. Secondo che nel
gli capea (Bocc. Nov. 56. 3), as it appeared
Capannello /. ;
group, coterie of the verb Cape"re are not used, v. Capere. to him. E pero nel mio giudicio cape tutte quelle
esser degne....(Bocc. Nov. 89. 4), accordingly, in my
persons. Capecchiaccio m. pegg. Capecchio. E
judgment they all merit.... quant' e '1 dolce male
Ne 'n pensier cape non che 'n verso, o in rima (Petr. Capitaneria f. ; i. coast region under a sea-
Son. 149), cannot be conceived far less expressed
sperm whale, cachalot, Physeter macro- officer's command. 2. officer's residence. 3. di
in verse or rhyme how
great is the sweet pain. Cose cephalus, also termed Balena sper- porto, harbour-master's office. 4. (geagr.) department
appena cappion nel mio pensiero, as soon as these maceta, Fisetere, Macrocefalo. (in Spain).
ideas suggest themselves (Firenzuola, Asino d' oro, *
leadership, ii. the men of a given corps.
257)- *Capieray^; antimacassar. Capitanessa / ; i.q. Capitana (i).
to contain.
ii. Maggtor salute maggior corpo *Capifedito wounded in the head.

cape (D. Par. 28. 68), a greater amount of wholesome

m. main
Capitano in. (mlt. capitaneus < ca-
influence is contained in a body of greater volume. Capifbsso (Capofosso) ;
del porto, harbour-
iii. to find room. Xante femmine concorsero ditch.
put) ;
i .
captain ;

ne! castello che appena vi capeano (Bocc. Nov. 60. master. 2. leader of an
army II gran ;

14), so many women assembled in the castle that *Capifrecciay:; quiver. a term by which Gonsalvo di Cordova
there was scarcely room for them. Tulto lo dificio *Capifupco = Alare, fire-dog,
t ;

insieme era di tanta larghezza che ci sarebbero caputi Capiglia, 'Capellia /; = Accapigliarsi, fight-
is usually intended. 3. (hist.) title of
forse ben cento uomini (Vit. SS. Pad. i. 128), the ing. certain magistrates in medieval Flo-
whole building was so large that a good hundred *Capigliai-a, -aray:; = CapigIiatura.
rence. 4. del popolo, commander of
men might have got into it.
iv. of a mental image, to occupy the mind of ;
Capigliatura f. ; hair, head of hair. the local militia in the Italian republics.
Perche...rm cappia (D. Purg. 21. 81), that I may be - di
ventura, soldier of fortune.
"Capiglio m. ; v. Capiglia. 5.
seized of the reason why... .
v. to live, to abide. Conveniva che Romulo
6. della terra, governor of a city
non capesse in Alba. ..a voter che diventasse Re di Capilargo ; larger at the top end. under the dominion of another city.
Roma (Mach. Princ. 34), it was unsuitable that
Romulus should live at Alba. ..since he wished to be
Capill-are ; capillary. Ajf. -arita. 7.
-- di
= Bargello, chief con-
made king of Rome. Similarly./?^. Volendo il popolo stable. 8. -- di Santa Chiesa, com-
Capillir^wf.; a kind of beverage.
vivere secondo le leggi e i potenti comandare a quelle *Capillizio in. ;
scalp, ii. irradiation round mander of the Papal army. 9. in
non e possibile capino insieme (Mach. Stor. 2. 302), a star.
if the people wish to live under the laws and their Capilvenere .;
= Capelvenere, maidenhair. Turkey, Capitan pascia, High Admiral,
rulers to be above the laws it is impossible that people Capinascente m.\ wig where the hair looks the second officer of the Turkish empire,
and rulers should get on together, ///. find room for growing. (o. de' lanzi, said of a dirty person
themselves together, v. supra (iii). Capino is here
irregularly used for Capano. Capin^r-o /., -a/; (ornith.) i. = Cin- or drinker, u. scherz. leader of a
vi. Non
capere in se stesso, nella pelle, ne' panni, ciallegra, great tit. 2. political faction.
to be unable to contain oneself, lit. not to find room
blackcap, Sylvia
for oneself, as supra (iii). This phrase, with the atricapilla, also termed Bigiola, Capo- i.
governor of a province, ii. del popolo,
word Capere replaced by Capire, is still used. An. nera d' edera. 3. -a piccola, = Cincia tribune of ancient Rome. iii. Capitale (2).
dava...tanto Heto che egli non capea nel cuojo (Bocc. Capitanuccio m.; dim. Capitano.
Nov. 85. 12), he was so delighted as to be almost mora, coal tit.
beside himself, lit. he could not find room in the
Capit-are ind. capito (It. capo, in
in his skin.
Capino m. dim. vezz. Capo. ; sense of Far capo, to come to an end,
vii. Non capervi, to find no place, to be im- Cap-ire ind. -isco v. viz. of a journey); i. to arrive. 2. with
Voile provar di far tra i due Re pace...
(L. capere,
Skeat, sub Capacious, di and an infin., to occur Se vi capita
Ma loro andata fu tutta fallace Perche pace tra lor Heave); i. to ;

non vi capeva (Ant. Puce. Centil. 31. 90), peace understand, v. Comprendere. 2. intr. d' you chance to meet
incontrarlo, if
between them being impossible. to find room for itself. him. 3.
in. = Capezzolo, This meaning bene, male, to meet with
tCaperello ; nipple.
only occurs lit. in the 3rd sing. pres. good, or bad, fortune; male, of a
Caper6zzolo m. dim. Capo, small ;
ind. or subj., v. Cape, and fig. in the girl, to lose her good name. 4. Tutte
rounded end of anything, pin's head, etc. -ano a me, it is always to me that (mis-
phrase, Non in se, or nella pelle, to
*Capessata./; = Scapaccione, slap. be overjoyed, ?. Capere (vi). fortunes) happen. 5. -ato, (hot.) (stigma)
Capestratura /. = Incapestratura.

Capi rosso or Capor6sso m. i. red-headed

with a little round head.
Capestreria/ ; freak, esp. in writing. shrike, Lattius ru/us. 2. red-crested duck, V. to conclude (a business). a mal tenore, to
Germane (4). bring to a bad end.

Cap6stro (Cavestro) m. (L. capistrum Capirbtto m. i. man with a broken ; Capitazi6ne / ; poll-tax.
head. 2. accident ward in a hospital. Capite; Latin word. Generale in
<capio); \. halter. 2. girdle of the
Franciscans. 3.
= Forca, scoundrel. 3. in //., waste, scraps.
,general-in-chief. Parola in ,
*Capestruzzo nt. ; dim. Capestro (3). Capi-st&o, -steio or -sterio m. (L. large print in a headline. Esser in
Capettaccio m. pegg. Capetto, but with nearly
the same meaning.

capisterium <
scaphisteriutn) i. sieve ;
libri, to rank first. Tra' miei nemici
for cleansing grain. 2. tray borne on quello e in libri, he is my chief
Capetto m. dim. Capo, but used ; in the head for carrying clothes from the enemy.
bad sense, naughty boy or girl. wash. 3. pan for washing Cader del ; Capitella / the end of the waxed

Capettucciaccio m. fegg. Capetto, very said of a baby, upon the arrival of

, thread used by shoemakers where the
*Capevole (It. capere); i. capable of receiving.
another baby. bristles are placed.
ii.apt, intelligent, iii. readily intelligible, iv. co*

pious, v. meritorious, vi. Esser di, to require.

Capitagna capitaneus) un- / (L. ; Capitdllom. (L.); i.
(arch.) capital.
Capezza/: i. =Cavezza. ii. the furrow next cultivated strip along the border of a 2. in
book-binding, the strip of leather
the border of a field.
field. inside the back of a book at top and
Capezzale m. (It. capo); I. bolster; Capitalaccio m.; pegg. Capitale (3).
bottom. 3. in glass manufacture, strong
Al at the point of death. 2. sand lye. 4. (chem.) receiving tube of a re-
Capital-e (L.); i.
capital. As sb.f.: = Capolino, the head of
bar deposited by a river or thrown up tort.
2. capital city. As sb. m. 3. in mer- :
5. (&?/.)
by the sea. 3. in mining, bed on or cantile sense, capital; Stare in to
a composite flower. 6. (mil.) cap to
against which the mineral vein rests.
protect the touch-hole of a gun. 7. re-
keep one's capital intact, make neither
Capezzana y: = Capitagna. ceiver to catch the oil as it drips from
profit nor loss; Far d'
uno, quasi- the strainer of the olives. 8. caustic.
*Capezzata /; (arch.) coping of a JKg. to rely upon him. 4. Un , Un = Capezzolo, nipple. 10. saw-handle.
wall. buon, or gran a merry wag, but ,
tCapitignoro m.;- Capezzolo, nipple.
Capezziera f. ; (mar.) clew of a hammock. often iron., i.e.
person of bad character ;
Capi ti no m. knob of a flail handle.
Capezzo in.
peggio -i della citta, all the riffraff of
; i.q. Capezza.
the town. Capito part.
Capire; often used
Capezzolino dim. Capezzolo.
alone for / understand.
Mettereil danaroa
m. (dim. Capezzo < L. del
in un affare, to make
, to loan it out.
a loss over it.
iii. Avere

capitium < caput) ; nipple. a , or Tenere in , to esteem highly, iv. Poco ,

person of no account.
'Capezzonchio /.; = Babbeo. Aff. -etto or -ino dim.; -ista, -izzare, -uccia dim.
Capezzone m.; v. Cavezzone. spreg. of -e (2) ; -uccio, dim. spreg. of -e (3) or (4).
Capibara nt. capybara, Hydrockoerus
capy- CapitanayT; i. scherz. captain's wife. 2. Nave
Capitolare adj. or sb.; i. capitular,
bara, a species of guinea-pig.
* admiral's ship, flag-ship. belonging to a Cathedral chapter;
Capicerio m. ;= Primicerio, headship.

Capitanare to command.
; Vicario vicar elected by the chapter

Capidbglio m. (It. capo, olio, the Capitanato m. i. rank or office ; of captain.

when the See is vacant, as distinguished
2. command.
district of a captain's
head of the whale furnishing the oil) ; Capitaneggiare i. f Capitanare. ;
. from the Vicar general chosen by the

Lettera letter setting out macchinista, engine-room storekeeper. star quifin' a domani tanto ci ho fatto
bishop ; ,

the canons of the council. 2. in pi., carico maestro d' ascia, carpenter in il
might stop over this all day, I

capitularies, assemblage of statutes charge of the carpentry stores, t have worked at it till I feel quite stupid.
passed by an assembly, or decreed by dettaglio, carico. = cannoniere 20. Filo a uno, due, tre, ecc., -i, thread
a king. 3. the tax books of France di prima classe, chief gunner. Secondo composed of one, two, three or more
under the early kings. 4. monk at- cannoniere, chief gunner's mate. separate fibres. 21. In -u.
supra (io). ,

tached to a Cathedral chapter. 5. (hist.) albero, captain of a mast. coffa, 22. Aver le mani in ad uno, to have
the poll tax of two drachmae levied by captain of a top. gabbiere, leading the mastery over him; Tener le mani
Vespasian from the Jews. seaman. gamella, caterer. in- in ad uno, to protect him. 23. Mettere,
6. as vb., to capitulate (originally, to
fenniere di prima classe, chief warrant or Tenere in to put or keep one's ,

officer of the medical department. Se- hat on, cappello being understood.
divide a document under different heads,
v. Capitolo, hence, to arrange the terms condo infermiere, sick berth steward. 24. per Gli ho risposto per

of an agreement, to surrender). macchinista principale, chief en- , answered him point by point
I ;

gineer. operaio, leading man. Metti tutto al suo luogo, per put ,

Capitolarme'nte by decree of a
palmetta, captain of the head. rancio, it all
away, each thing in its own place.
Cathedral chapter. 26. Tela a
captain of a mess. seria (t gruppo), 25. piede, upside down.
Capitolato m. ;
I. terms of sur- petty officer commanding a subdivision. un ecc., v. supra (17).
, 27. Tenere
render. 2. (leg.) v. Posizione. servizio, amministrativo, or Com- in v. supra (23).
28. Tra e

Capitolazi6ne /; i. capitulation.
missario squadra, accountant officer collo, v. Collo (7).

2. arrangement in settlement of a law-

of the fleet. voga, stroke oarsman. (tot.) (a)
29. bianco, Bisnaga,
= Dente
bishop-weed ; (6) di frate, di leone,
suit. 3. in pi., articles under which Secondary senses : 2. top of a dandelion ; (c) di Medusa, Euphorbia caput
Swiss mercenaries bound themselves to mountain, tree, flight of stairs, etc. Medusae; (d) rosso, Trifoglio de' prati, purple
clover (e) tondo, = Cardo pallottolino, little globe
some in modern di gunwale, of a

foreign states. 4. banda, (mar.) (a) thistle; (f) di scrpe, =Piantaggine lancifoglia,
times, privileges of Europeans in certain boat or ship; (b) head-rail, covering- ribwort.
*i. Aver il verde, to be a bishop or cardinal,
Oriental states. board of a ship (c) bulwark, also termed
ii. Dar per lo di becco, di ladro, ecc., to insult
Capitoleggiare; = Capitolare, to capitulate. Murata di coperta, v. Copertella. 3. (hot.) with the epithet of cad, etc. iii. Esser di suo ,
* be of his way of thinking, iv. Esser in
Capitolessa /. scherz. for Capitolu (2). bulb of certain plants, (b) sprout of a uno, to
Capitolitto m. dim. Capitolo. surprise, to overtake him. v. Far or Far

a vine, esp. one left when pruning. (
assemble a military force.
Capitolln-o; i. Capitolme; Fasti -i, grosso, ot di guerra, to
tablets found at Rome in 1547 containing the names 4. end Cosa fatta
; ha, what is done Capo a niscondere; v. Capanniscondersi.
of the Roman consuls from 250 to 765 A.U.C. 2. as is done di fune, fixed end of a rope,
sb. , dim. Capitolo. ;
Capobanda m. ; pi. capibanda ;
the free end is Coda either term might band-master. 2.
Capitolo /. (L. capitulum, dim. of
i. brigand chief.
be used of the ends of a rope lying
caput); i. chapter of a book, etc. loose. 5. in//., pigs of iron hammered Capobandfto m. ; pi. capibanditi;
2. poetical composition in terza rima. out into a sort of dumb-bell shape. brigand chief.
3. Cathedral chapter or chapter of 6. item Ho alia fiera molti Capobianco /.; (dot.) small hart-wort, Tordy-
; comprato liunt ojficinale.
monks, nuns, or, formerly, knights, to -i di roba, I bought a lot of different
hence the modern Capobrigante m.; pi. capibriganti; i.q. Capo-
pass regulations ;
things at the fair; Essere un bel ,
to bandito.
phrase Avere or Non avere voce in , be a fine piece, fine specimen of its
to have a voice, or no voice, in the Capocaccia m.;pl. capicaccia; head
class. 7. (geogr.) cape. 8. leader of
matter. keeper.
an expedition. 9. convenient oppor-
*i. Far loro , to accuse themselves of their own
tunity, v. infra (18).
Capocarcertere m. ; pi. capicar-
sins, ii. = Capitello (2). cerieri head warder.
Capitoluccio m. ; dim. spreg. Capitolo (2). Phrases 10. A or In
: al ,

(giorno), by the end of (the day) A

Capocassa m.; pi. capicassa; chief
Capit6mbol-o m. (It. capo, tombo- ;

2. a dive head al mese mette insieme parecchio, he
lare); i. headlong fall.
first into water. 3. Capitondolo. = will have saved something by the end Capbcchia / (var. of Capocchio) ;

Aff. -are vb. -one augm., -oni adv.

t of the month, n. Aver il sopra i head of a pin or nail.
capelli, or sopra il cappello, not to have *i. knob of a club. ii. = Capo, head.
Capitdndolo m. (variant of Capitom- '

Capocchietta /.; dim. Capocchia.

summersault. much sense Aver il a, to be fond of;
Capocchina dim. Capocchia. *
bolo) ; /. ; succory
Non ha il a' figliuoli, he does not top (as salad).
Capitdne m. (L. capita, big head, care for his children A^ler il con se, Capocchina m.; (tot.) Trifolium supinum.
< caput); i. a species of eel. 2. =Gobio, to have good sense. 12. Da from

Capdcchio m.
gudgeon. 3.
= Cavedone, carp. 4. un- the beginning, again.

d' anno,
(bit. **caputulus) ;

13. blockhead.
even, lumpy silk thread, tin pi., fire- New Year's day, beginning of the year.
dogs. Capocchi6n-a /; i. augm. Ca-
14. Dare al ,
of wine, oryf^. of praise,
* pocchia. 2. fern. augm. of
Capitorna / Capitozza. ; .
to get into one's head ; Dare sul Capocchio,
silly woman, -e m. augm. Capocchio.
*Capitorzolo m. (It. capo, torto); bigot, ;

Capitoso; headstrong. to sell for anything it may fetch.

- - ef entrata, separate item of Capbccia m. pi. capocci or ca- ;
Capit&zz-a/ (v. Tozzo); pollarded
revenue. 16. d' opera, (a)=Capo- poccia, both forms masculine (mlt.
Aff. -are. =
* lavoro, masterpiece (b) Capameno, ; caputium) i. head of a peasant house-
Capitudini /. pi. the consuls of the seven Arti
2. foreman.
7. Drappo, or Tela a un 3. scherz. head of

quiz. 1 or a hold.
maggiori at Florence. ,

Capi-volgere, -voltare; v. Capovolgere, ecc. due -i, one or with two show-
cloth with a city household. *As /, housewife.
Capivolto )n.\ iron hoop. ends. esser
18. Non
to be incon-
, 'Capoccio ;//. -. Capoccia. ;

= Caparbio, obstinate.
Cap-o m. head, either
(L. caput); \. venient ; Oggi non e ch' io gli parli, *Capocciuto;

lit. or in sense of leader. As food the 10 vedo assai turbato, I had better not
Capocenso ;//.; assessment.
Capocervo m. ; withers of a horse.
head of a calf or sheep is Testa, of a speak to him to-day, 1 see he is much tCapochiatto m. ;=Notidano, gray shark.
of a lamb, Testicciola. Of Far come Capochino m. bowing of the head.
pig, Capo, put out. a, to to ;
19. (a)
CapocintayT; (mar.) harping, the fore part of
live animals, the head of small creatures, an end ;fiumi fanno
Tutti al mare,
i the Cinta, wale, to strengthen tne hull where it

birds, and fishes, is Capo; of other all rivers end in the sea (6) Far ad ;
plunges into the sea in pitching.
animals, Testa. Marine terms Sot- :
uno, to present oneself before him for Capo-cbco or -cu6co m. head cook. ;

t' ufficiale carico, warrant officer in the purpose of asking a favour; (c) Far Capocbffa m. (mar.) captain ;
of a top.
charge of the stores of his department. in un luogo, to arrive there (d) Far ; Capocdllo in.; a preparation of the head and
neck of a
grosso, to work at
carico cannoniere, gunner in charge 11 or Fare il pig.
Capoc6mico in. ; pi. capicomici ; leading come-
of the gunnery stores. carico a thing until one is
quite stupid Potrei ; dian.

16 3
Capocon trada in. = Caporione.
; termed Gallinella imperiale, Capostanza m. senior of a set of
locally ;

Capoconv6glio m. war-ship escorting a ;

officials who are in the same room.
voy. Cuccu, Anzoletto; +(/3) v. Corifena;
Capocoppiere m. chief butler. ;
(e) organo, sea hen, Trigla lyra, Capostazione m. ;
pi. capistazione ;
*Capocorsale m.; pirate captain.
Capocr6ce m.; Crocicchio, cross-roads. locally termed Angioletto, Turchello, station-master.
Capoculare to dress a skin, from head to
tail. Organo, Gallina, Cappone coccio, Capostiva m. ; //. capistiva; (mar.) captain
Capocuoco ;
v. Capococo. Cuoccio, Furcata; (/)
- -
ubbriaco, of the hold.
streaked gurnard, Trigla lineala, locally *Capostorno m.\ Capogatto, staggers.
Capodopera m. ; pi. capidopera ;
Capostrada m.\ top of the street.
v. Capo (16). termed Muso duro, Imbriago, Ubbria- Capostr6gone m. //. capistregoni ; ;

Capoe ;.; cocoa paste for making chocolate. gon, Belugan, Corri-corri o Ubbriaco, sorcerer in chief.
Capotamburo tn. pi. capotamburi or capi-
Cappone corre-corre, Pesce papa.

tamburi drum-major.
Capofabbrica m. pi. capifabbrica ; ;

Capotasto tn. pi. capitasti ; saddle of a violin,

(tnar.)f; Boz/a di capone, cathead stopper,
ti. ;

manager of a factory. ii. di palude, marsh harrier, V. Falco (6). iii. a small piece of ebony or ivory at the end of the
selvatico, = Tarabuso, bittern. finger-board with little notches for the strings. In
Capofacchino m. ; foreman porter. conjunction with the bridge it determines the length
Capofamiglia m. Capon6r-a/; i.=Cinciallegra, tit. of the vibrating string.
; pi. capifamiglia ;
2. -- d' edera, = Capinera, blackcap. Capotavola m. ; head of the table, or person
head of a family. = Occhio-rosso, white- who sits there.

Capoficconi; v. Capofitto.
3. gentile, Capotimoniere m. (mar.) warrant officer in ;

throat. 4. frame of a gondola cover. charge of the navigating stores.

C apot 6ndo HI. a species of dog-fish.
Capoffla m. pi. capifila I. leading sacchi

Capotirto m. = Torcicollo, wryneck.

; ;
^(tttar.) i. hen-coop, ii. in //., -e per i
file. 2. (mar.} leading vessel of a dell' equipaggio, bag-racks. Capotruppa m.; pi. capitruppa; i. leader of a
Caponeria/!; obstinacy. troop. 2. ringleader.
squadron. Caponiera v. Capponiera.
tCapoun v. Pesce cappone, sub Cappone (4).
Capofitto; A ,
head downwards. Capopagina in. pi. capipagina;
tion at the top of a page.
; ornamenta-

m.', Egyptian vulture, Neophron

* percnopterus, also termed Avvoltoio aquilino or
Capofosso v. Capifosso.
Capopalmetta ;;/. ; seaman charged with
bianco, Vaccaia bigia or scura.
Capofucina ;//. pi. Capifucina; master smith.
cleaning the Palmetta, ship's head.
Capofudco >.; = Alare, fire-dog. fCapopiatto in. = Notidano, gray shark. Capovferso m. pi. capiversi; I. be-
Capogatto m. i. (vet.) staggers. 2. = Mar-

gotta. Capopiede; upside down. As sb., ginning of a verse, or in prose, beginning

*Capo-girlo or -girolo /. i. = Capogiro. ii. = of a paragraph. 2. paragraph.
great blunder.


*whim. Capopurgio ;.; pi. capipurgi ; medicine for Capovilla m. pi. capivilla ; leading
Capogiro m.
dizziness. the na-sal passages.

*Capoquattro HI. rear-guard.

man in a village.
Capoguardia m.; head of rural ;

police. Caporala / ; housekeeper in a hos- Capoyblgere or Capivolgere; to

turn upside down.
pital or public office.
Capolavbro m. ; i.q. Capo d' opera,
Caporal-accio in. ; pegg. of-e. Capovoltare or Capivoltare; i.q.
masterpiece. C a poralat o m. ;
rank of corporal.
Capolepre m.; bicolore, hare globe-fish, Capovolgere.
Lagocephalus Pennanti, Caporale m. (prob. a corruption of Capovdto m. ; i.=Faloppa, empty
Capoldtto m. hangings between ;
corporalis under the influence of Capo); cocoon. 2. = Scemo, fool.
i. corporal. 2. Tabacco shag.
the head of a bed and the wall. , *
Capozucca in.; great fool.
*i. principal, director, ii. general.
*i. = Parato, tapestry, generally, (Dormire)in ii.
Caporal-etto dim., -ino dim. vezz., -uccio
= Da capo.
, spreg. t of -e. Cappa / capio, as
(bit. capa<L.
*Capo-levare or -lievare ;
to throw or fall
*Caporano m. ; master, head. being an enveloping
thing, cp. Fr.
headlong. Caporeci A in the attitude of retching.
; ,
capable]; i. cloak, cover, hood; Sotto
Capolino w. dim. Capo. dot la del cielo, i.e. in this world. 2. -
-&f. (originally head
i . 2.
Capori6n-e HI.,
on an i. 3. Far ,
to peep. of a Rione, or region, in ancient Rome); magna, Cardinal's, or other state robe.
Prov. Per un punto Martino perse la
Capolista m. ; //. capilista ;
first ringleader. ,

name on a list.
said of a person who by a small mistake
Caporonda m. pi. capironda; con- ;
loses his chance; the story is that a
Capolubgo m. chief ductor of a patrol.
; pi. capiluoghi ; certain Friar Martin, who was likely to
town. Capor6sso v. Capirosso. ;
be made prior of his monastery, having
Caporotto m. whimsical person. ',

or Capomastro in. to write up over the gate the motto,

Cappmaestro ;

Caporovescio head downwards.

pi. capimaestri or capimastri master ;
; Porla patens esto, nulli claudatur
builder. *Caportolano m. head ; gardener. honesto, wrote up instead, Porta patens
Capomandria m.; pi. capimandrie ; herdsman. Caposaldo m. i. peg placed in the ;
esto nulli, claudatur honesto, and the
Capomastro ; *j. Capomaestro.
ground to indicate the level to which it transposition of the comma lost him
Capomazzo tn.\ top skin in a bale. the appointment. 3.
*Capomese m first day of the month.;
is to be raised or lowered. 2. Mettere del cammino,
Capomill6ne tn. ; (hot.) a species of chamomile, un to put a dated on an hood over the fire in a large old-
Anthtmis altissima. ,
fashioned fireplace. 4. scherz. nose.
Capomdrto sediment in a retort.
in. ;
account. 3. fig. to settle a dispute.
Cap6n-ay;, -accio or -accia spreg., -aggine 5. little pyramid of four nuts or walnuts
i.q. -eria ;
v. Capone (2).
Caposcala m., pi. capiscala, top of for boys playing at Nociolino or Nocino,
Caponare .ind. capdno; {mar.) to cat (an a staircase.
viz. by throwing a Bocco, another nut,
Caposcudla or Capisc61a m.\ pi. at the heap; the heap is also termed
Cap6ne m. i. augin. Capo, esp. in capiscola founder of a school of thought, Capannella, or if made of three nuts,

sense of tired head, v. Capo (19, d}. or of art. one balanced upon the other two, Gal-
2. obstinate person. 3. =Zuccone, stu-
Caposesto m.; (mar.} foremost frame letto. 6. (mar.} Alia lying to, in a ,

pid person. 4. (mar.} cat, v. Cappone (8). - -

of a ship. storm, v. Cappeggiare. 7.
5. gurnard (a) caviglia, red gurnard,
bussola, the little cavity in the centre of

Trigla milvus, locally termed Anzoletto, Caposetta m.; pi. capisetta; head a magnetic needle which rests on the
Caussano, Orghe, Caviglia, Cappone of a sect.
pivot about which the needle swings.
vero, comune, o liscio; (b} galhnella, m. 8. (mar.} Randa di storm trysail
Caposettario ; pi. capisettari ; , ;
tub fish, Trigla corax, locally termed
i.q. Caposetta. Vele di storm sails. 9. Diritto di
Lucerna, Gallinetta, Cappone panari- "hat money," v. Primaggio.
-- Caposoldo m.\ extra pay. ,
colo, Capomazzo ((} gorno, gray ;

Caposquadra m. pi. capisquadra *i. Uomo di spada e di layman, Uomo ,

gurnard, Trigla gurnardus, locally ; ;

piu di che di spada, i.e. peaceable, iii. Cavarne

termed Angioletto, Anzoleto, Grugnas, leader of a squad of workmen, police, etc. e mantello, i.e. to come to a conclusion, iv. Non

Tizieza; (d} imperiale, (a) common Caposquadrdne m. commander of ;

farsi stracciar la
, /.*-
to yield easily,
in politics, to turn one's coat. vi.
v. Rivoltar
di cielo,
or cuckoo gurnard, Trigla cuculus. a cavalry squadron.

di frati, a colour, perhaps

light blue cloth, vii.
dust colour (Benv. Cellini, Ore/. 34). tviii.
= Corvina locca, black umber fish. nera,
top of an umbrella. 3. toe-cap of Capperone m. (augm. Cappa with an adven-
titious R, cp. Acquerugiola) large waggoner's cap.
4. in pi., paste stuffed with

Cappa m. the letter K. ; stockings. *Capperottata./; meat with pickled capers.

Cappaccia./; pegg. Cappa. minced chicken, for soup. 5. a kind of Capperuccia / (It. cappa, v. Capperone);
Cappacismo in. ; profusion ofk's. = Cappuccio, hood. kind of cloak,
helmet, or Venetian cavalryman wearing sorry
Cappamagnayi; state robe, v. Cappa (2). iii. Andare una cosa in to pass without examina- ,

Cappapelley:; cloak lined with fur. it. 6. as a boys' game, coins having tion, iv. Mandare una cosa in to speak of it ,
*Cappare (Capare) (etym. dub.)', i. to choose. been shaken up and covered with a hat secretly, v. (anat.) the trapezius muscle.
to hit.
Capperuccio m.; = Cappuccio, hood.

Capparelli m.; Gnaphalium

a guess is made whether there are more
(tat.) everlasting, Capp-ctta dim., -ettlna sub-dim, of -a.
orientate. heads or more tails. 7. cover for a *Cappia/T; horse-shoe.
Cappasasso in. = Cappatore. ;
Cappi-ettino sub-dim., -etto dim. of -o.
*Cappata/; choice.
retort. 8. (bootm.) piece of leather
Cappin-ayC, *-o m., dim. Cappa.
Cappato (A); choice. (B); cloaked. which carries the upper. 9. (vet.)
Cappatdre in. in alum works, sorter.
tumour in a horse's hock. 10. (med.) Cappio m. (bit. capulum < L. capio,
Cappeggiare = Essere alia Cappa, to
; lie to in v. Skeat, sub Capacious); i.
a storm. guard for a cracked nipple, ii. spout slip-knot.
Cappei; //. of Cappello, hat. of terra cotta for water. 1 2. bucket of
2. =Fiocco, tassel. 3. as excl., hang it!

< a water-wheel. 13. -i di garofani, cloves,

* = Capestro.
Cappella/ (A)
(Fr. chapelle bit.
capella, dim. of capa, cloak, v. Cappa, //'/. nail-heads of cloves. 14. ful- Cappiottare ;=Cazzottare.
the original meaning having been that Cappit-a, -eritta, -erina; variants of Cap-
minante, percussion cap. peri.
of the shrine where St Martin's cloak, *i. = Pergamena. ii. turban, or its top-knot, Capp-itina, -izzi, t-odeddua; variants of
iii. = Capocchia, head of a nail. Capperi.
cappella, was kept as a relic) ; i. chapel; iv. a species of
Capponaccio m. =Tara-
hawk. TV. Metter un , to make an addition to a ; i. pegg. Cappone. 2.
Mettere, Stare in ,
i.e. in the
prison story. buso, heron, Ardea steilaris.

chapel as a preliminary to execution

hence to be in a very bad way.
Cappelliera / hat-box.
; Capponaia/ ; fatting coop.
2. ardente, Fr. chapelle ardente, Cappellfna Cappella, / (A) dim. ; Capponare ind. capp6no; i. to ca-

room where the body of a deceased shrine. (B) dim. Cappella (B, 3), small ponise (a fowl). 2. (mar.) to cat, v.
personage lies in state with burning straw hat worn by ladies at a masque- Cappone (8).
candles all round. 3. rade. Capponata /. = Scapponata, food made from
gentilizia, side-

* = capons.
chapel in a church belonging to a par- or night-cap,
i. cap, ii. Cappuccio, hood ;
Capponatura/;; = Accapponatura, castration.
Racconciare a uno la in i.e. to set his ideas
ticular family. capo, Cappon-cello, -cetto dims., -cino dim.vezz
4. chaplaincy. 5. choir. straight, iii.
=Cappelletto (5), helmet; Fante della of-e.
6. Perdere la e il benefizio, to lose , cunning knave, iv. =Cappelletto (ii).
all (by one's own heedlessness). 7.
Cappellinaio >.; hat-stand.
Cappellino m. dim. Cappello. ;
Capp6n-e m. (L. capo = Gr. icdirtov,
corale, foundation the revenues of which root sqap, to cut, to hack, cp. Lith.
provide payment for a choir. 8. (melon.) Cappello m. (dim. of Cappa, from skapoti, to slice, Gr. oxon-rca, to grub
choral service. the use of a cloak as a covering for the out, a-Kaneros or KaVfTos, trench, v.
head) i. hat. 2. (mar.} cover, e.g. Walde, sub Capo)
(B) (dim. Cappa); i. the top part
; i.
capon; Minestra ;
over a bearing, "keep." 3. head of a sul chicken broth. 2. as hist, allu-
of a mushroom. 2. head of a nail. ,
nail. top of a fungus, pileus.
4. 5. top sion; La voce d' un cappon fra tanti
3. lady's hat. of a retort. 6. head of a fermenting
i. gallery for the choir, ii. = Pavoncella, peacock. galli, i.e. of Pier Capponi when Florence
Cappellaccia/; crested lark, lauda cristata, A liquid. 7. introductory paragraph by was threatened by the French king.
also termed Cappellata, Lodolacappellutatfrcrestata. an editor of a newspaper prefacing an 3. Far venir la pelle di ,
to produce
article by a contributor. a cold shiver, v. Accapponare. 4. Pesce
Cappellacc-io m.; i.pegg. Cappello.
2. in
spinning a top Far when it Phrases : 8. a tre acque, v. hog-fish, Scorpoena scrofa, v. Scor-
; ,
Acqua ,

falls, instead of spinning. 3. Prendere (10). 9. Amico di , bowing acquaint- pena. a variety of white
5. Fagioli -i,
certi -i, to lose one's temper. 4.
person ance. 10. Roba da levarglisi il ,
or beans. a kind of dry
6. di galera,
with a bad hat. 5. in pl., = Bardana da farglisi di , i.e.' first-class. 1 1. Far pickle. 7. scherz. Farsi i.e. to take ,

maggiore, burdock. di ,
= Levarsi
to take off one's il ,
to music as a profession. 8. (mar.)
*i. fig. as excl., meaning, Let us begin again, hat; Far Capovolgersi, to capsize.
= = Capone, cat, tackle for raising the
ii. bad man. iii. tree covered with vines, iv. vine 12. Pigliare, or Prendere il
i.e. to anchor to the cat-head. 9.
trained on a tree and not pruned, scolding. v.
vi. Cavare un a uno, to invent something to his
lose one's temper. 13. Portare il macchia, rose-hip. 10. di palude,
discredit, vii. (in quarrying for aluminous rock) alto, i.e. to have nothing to blush for. heron, v. Capponaccio (2).
worthless stone.
Capponiera or Caponiera/; (mil.) trench.
Cappelldne m. ; \.
augm. Cappello. Capponuccio m. dim. spreg. Cappone.
Cappellai-o >., -a /; i. hatter. 2. scherz. in pi., the police.

3. augm.
2. in hawking, person who Capp6tta /.; mantle, woollen
managed Cappella. 4. in pi., (bot.) navelwort,

the hawk's hood. 3. a game of forfeits.

Cotyledon umbilicus. cap, or woman's hat. 2. straw shape
for a lady's hat.
Cappellan-ale adj., -ato m. or -la/; t Cappellora ; irrtg. fl. of Cappello.
Cappottaccio m.; pegg. Cappotto.
chaplaincy, v. -o.
Cappell-6tto or -6zzo m. i. Cappottfnay:; dim. Cappotta.
per- ;

Cappellano m. i.
chaplain, orig. cussion cap, also termed Cassula.
Capp6tto m.\i. man's cloak. 2. at
priest who had charge of the cope of 2. paste for soup,
resembling Agnellotti. cards, capot, winning all the tricks;
St Martin in time of peace and bore it 3. large-headed nail.
dichiarato, when a player declares to
as a protecting banner in war. 2. in Cappellucciay:; i. dim. Cappella. 2. revenue win a capot. 3. gag for a vicious horse.
of a chaplaincy.
Florence, the citizen charged with the Cappottuccio m. dim. spreg. Cappotto.
Cappell-ucciaccio/fc^-. spreg., -ucziosfrtf., *

cleanliness of the streets and with a of -o. Cappucci =Capperi. !

= Cappellaccia, crested lark. Cappuccina

duty of denouncing crimes. 3. popular *Cappelluta/;
* lata v.
f. ; i. Capuchin nun. 2. Insa-
name for one or two species of fish Cappelluto crested (bird, or snake).
; , Cappuccino (6). 3. (ornith.) marsh
Cappelluzzay:; = Cappelluccia (i). harrier, Circus atruginosus. 4. Capuchin monkey,
of the salmon or cod kind. Cappereto m. ground planted with capers. Cebus capitcinus.
Capperetto m. dim. vezz. Cappero. ;

Cappellanuccio ///. ;
dim. spreg. Cappuccfn-o m. (It. cappuccio) ;
Capperi! excl. gracious! with vari-
Cappellano. ants
I. Capuchin monk. 2. in pi., I -i,the
Cappita, Caspita and dims, of monastic buildings. 3. Son as a
Cappellata / ; i . blow with, or on these.
mode of refusing a loan, pretending

a hat. 2. hatfull.
Cappero m. (Pers. cabar, through poverty. 4. a boys' game. 5. figure
Cappelleria / ; hat-shop. L. and Gr. Kairnapis) i. (hot.) (a) caper, ; in a weather glass. 6. Barba di -i,

dim. Cappella. Capparis spinosa; Syrian (b) falso, (a) salad of small herbs, (b) paste
Cappelle"tta/ ;

beancaper, Zygpphyllum fabago, also cut up small for putting into soup.
Cappellett-O m.; I. dim. Cappello. termed Favaggine. 2. scherz. musical 7. Fior nasturtium, v. Fiore (16, vii).
2. covering piece of waxed cloth at the notes, from their shape. 8. (mar.) 11. Bracciolo (5).
Cappiiccio m. (dim. Cappa) I. hood ; Capriffcglio m.\ (hot.} I. honeysuckle, Carabina/; i. carbine. 2. marks-
of a cloak. Prov. e cotta sempre Lonicera periclymenum, also termed man ;Una buona ,
a good shot.
borbotta, i.e. monks and priests always Madreselva, Vincibosco, Abbraccia- Etym. Fr. carabtn, light cavalry soldier ; a
word of which two etymologies have been sug-
quarrel. 2. (bot.) enlarged head of a boschi. 2. dei giardini, garden
(i) According io Diez, it is <
gested, Proven^.
stamen covering the ovary. 3. as adj.) honeysuckle, Lonicera caprifolium. calabres, a word for engine of war, the names of
of cabbage, or lettuce, making a large -- delle arms passing readily from one kind to another.
3. macchie, fly honeysuckle,
head. 4. (hot.) (a) Fior Lonicera xylosteum. 4. (2) According to Du Cange, calabrinus meaning
larkspur, , alpino, Al- Calabrian produced Calabrins, which by an easy
z/. Erba (36); (b) Fior di campo, pine honeysuckle, Lonicera alpigena. alteration became cnrabins, so called because this
wild Fior kind of cavalry first came from Calabria. This last
larkspur, v.
Sperone (c) ; Caprigno; v. Caprino.
derivation seems the more probable ; v. Littre , sub

- "Caprile m.\
scempio, Venus's looking-glass, v. goat-stall.
Carabin. The Provenc., calabres is said to be a
Caprimulgo m.\= Nottolone, goat-sucker.
Specchio (6). CaprinayT; dim. Capra. corruption of mlt. cfiadabuUK^^ji jcarodoAtj, throw- '.

CaprinellayC; (bot.) i. = Piombaggine, Plum- ing down.

*i. a gote, hood for covering the cheeks,
clean your own hood, said to one bago Europaea. 2. =Dente canino, couch grass.
ii. Netlatiil , Carabiniere m. carbineer the word ; ;
who finds fault with others, iii. Onor di a bow,
salute, iv. friar, or profession of a friar, v. head,

Caprino ; i.
goat-like. As sb. : is now used chiefly of the police.
vi. = Cercine, porter's knot. 2. smell of a * Carabine m.\ light cavalryman.
vii. popular partisan goat. 3. goat's dung.
towards the close of the Florentine republic, viii.
dim. vezz. Capro, kid. Carabottmo /.; (inar.)= Grata, grating.
di Fuligno, = Forca. ix. Tirarsi il sugli occht, to
4. Caracal m. a species of lynx, Lynx caracul.

throw off all disguise, ///. to draw the hood up off

roe deer. Caracalla f.\ i. long ancient Roman tunic.
the eyes. Capribla/; boys i. 2.
2. dressing-gown. 3. (bot.) v. Caraco (3).
turning a wheel, turning a summersault Caracara ;//. native name for American vulture.

Capr-a/; i. she-goat or goat skin. sideways, or the turning of a child by

Caracca f. (Arabic word) large ship, carrack. ;

Prov. Salvar la e i cavoli, />. to Caracca m.\ cocoa from the Caracca coast.
an adult heels over head. 3. =Capi- Caraccsco in the style of the painter Caracci.
avoid both of two opposite dangers; tombolo, headlong fall, in fig. sense as Caraccio; Pegg. Caro.

Andar dove le -e non cozzano, i.e. to

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