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Master of Arts in Teaching Major in Science
Continuing Education
Dr. Jayson A. Fajardo

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty”. – Henry Ford

This quotation is mainly related to the out-of-school-youth in our community. The reason why
children are not able to attend school are the problems they are facing like lack of financial, child labor,
lack of interest, lack of parents support, teenage pregnancy, transportation, homelessness and peer

Focusing on lack of parental support, out-of-school youth/children here in the Philippines widen
especially in amidst of pandemic. People are focusing on the things on how they survive and support
their needs during pandemic. So instead of attending online class as an alternative way of learning they
stop and find a work to support their family needs.
I had an experience way back in senior high school, my friend did not pursue enrolling in college
because her parents did not support her. After completing senior high school she looked for a job and
become a sales lady in mall. My friend wants to continue but she needs to work hard to support her
family as a bread winner. Making history repeat itself, the parents of the students worked at a young age
instead of studying causing them to be more poor individuals. Generation to generation this is what
happens. It is just like a cycle, every generation has less parental support. Those who don’t attend
school, don’t study, or drop out students more likely to be unemployed. If so, the lack of education is
one of the causes of the biggest problems in our country today. Uneducated people lack the abilities and
self-assurance to speak up for themselves. Most individual assume that if lack of education you’re just a
low-life, worthless person. They will devalue and as a result they won’t respect you.

Children who did not continue their studies is old in a way that they are being stuck and trap to
where they are and become late to the changes made by the government in terms of learning techniques
and the new curriculum itself. Continuing Education has a great impact to each individual because it
helps us to develop our skills, to learn something new and to choose the right career for us. Also I
remember my teacher in senior high says that “never stop learning, when we stop learning we stop
growing”. So this saying inspired me to continue and pursue this master degree to learn new things and
become a great teacher after all.

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