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December 13 2022

Raja Sikander Mehmood

House No 48 / C
Farid Town
Mobile : +923227043348

Dear Mr.Raja

Your Policy No. 710982 / 698-PL1

Please refer to your above policy with us. May we express our gratitude to you for posing your trust in our
organisation and reiterate our commitment towards providing the best possible services to our esteemed client.

The Statement of Account for your policy is attached.

Please note that the Fund Values in attached Statement of Account are based on the unit prices as on the above
date. As the Bid price fluctuate every business day with the performance of the underlying investments in the EFU
MANAGED GROWTH FUND, the cash values of your policy will also fluctuate on subsequent dates. In order to
calculate the cash value on any particular date, all you need to do is to multiply the total number of units in the
policy with the Bid price of the Fund as of that date. You can find the latest prices on our website where they are
updated every business day.

We would be pleased to elaborate on the attached statement of your better understanding, should you feel the
need. All you would need to do is to call or write to us on the address mentioned in this letter and we would be glad
to respond at the earliest.

Your sincerely

Client Services Department
Encl: Unit Account Statement

Note: This is a system generated letter and does not require a signature.
Policy Number 710982 / 698-PL1
Name Raja Sikander Mehmood
Current Age 41
Total Policy Term Whole of Life
Total Premium Paying Term Whole of Life
Current Sum Assured 500,000
Total Basic Premium 50,000
Total Premium(Including Additional Benefit) 50,000
Premium Payment Mode Half_Yearly
Total Regular Units - Allocated - EFU MANAGED GROWTH FUND 290.34
Total Units Allocated 290.34
Current Bid Price - EFU MANAGED GROWTH FUND as on 12/12/2022 2,104.70
Current Cash Value 611,080


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Account value as at Basic Premuim Allocation Fund Mortality Net Offer Price No of New Admin ANF/ Paid- Tax charges Partial/Full Account Unit price on Cash value on
the beginning of the Allocated During Percentage Percentage Charges Investible Units charges Up charges withdrawal(Units), value(No of Allocation Allocation Date
period (Units) theperiod(Rs.) (%) (%) Value(NIV) Allocated if any Units Date
1 0 46,467 30 100 2,264 11,676 1,530.74 7.63 .41 0 0 0 7.22 1,454.20 10,499
2 7.22 46,467 30 100 2,250 11,690 1,667.71 7.01 0 0 0 0 14.23 1,584.32 22,545
3 14.23 46,467 80 100 2,323 34,851 1,841.95 18.92 .34 0 0 0 32.81 1,749.85 57,413
4 32.81 46,467 80 100 2,285 34,889 1,746.61 19.98 0 0 0 0 52.79 1,659.28 87,593
5 52.79 46,467 90 100 2,382 39,438 1,749.65 22.54 .36 0 0 0 74.97 1,662.16 124,612
6 74.97 46,467 90 100 2,334 39,486 1,713.41 23.05 0 0 0 0 98.02 1,627.74 159,551
7 98.02 46,467 100 100 2,438 44,029 1,666.76 26.42 .42 0 0 0 124.02 1,583.42 196,376
8 124.02 46,467 100 100 2,381 44,086 1,641.38 26.86 0 0 0 0 150.88 1,559.31 235,268
9 150.88 46,467 100 100 2,461 44,006 1,749.74 25.15 .4 0 0 0 175.63 1,662.25 291,941
10 175.63 46,467 100 100 2,342 44,125 1,945.16 22.68 0 0 0 0 198.31 1,847.90 366,457
11 198.31 46,467 103 100 2,388 45,473 2,021.24 22.5 .34 0 0 0 220.47 1,920.18 423,342
12 220.47 46,467 103 100 2,289 45,572 2,081.11 21.9 0 0 0 0 242.37 1,977.06 479,179
13 242.37 50,000 103 100 0 51,500 2,081.63 24.74 .33 0 0 0 266.78 1,977.55 527,571
14 266.78 50,000 103 100 0 51,500 2,186.10 23.56 0 0 0 0 290.34 2,076.80 602,978
Above statement does not include FAP units (If any)

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