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Revision Test 2

Grade: IX
Max Marks 20
Answer all questions
1. State and explain parallelogram law of vector addition (2)
2. State Newton’s second, law of motion. Express it mathematically and hence obtain a relation
between force and acceleration.(2)
3. A train runs along an unbanked circular track of radius 30 m at a speed of 54 km/h.
The mass of the train is kg. What provides the centripetal force required for this
purpose - The engine or the rails? What is the angle of banking required to prevent
wearing out of the rail? (3)
4. A person drives a car along a circular track on a level ground. (3)
a) Derive an expression for the maximum safe speed of the car.
b) Why do we give banking to curved roads?
5. A child is sitting inside a lift in a multistoreyed building.(5)
a) What will happen to the weight of the child if?
i. The lift moves up with a constant speed?
ii. The lift moves up with a constant acceleration?
b) Write down expressions for the apparent weight felt by the child when the lift is:
i. ascending.
ii. Descending with a uniform acceleration.
c) If the child weighs 20kg and if the lift is moving down with a uniform acceleration of 5ms -
, what will be the apparent weight of the child? (g = 10ms-2)

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