Buckling Analysis of Cylindrical Shells With

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International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 38 (2003) 1119 – 1132

Buckling analysis of cylindrical shells with

random geometric imperfections
C.A. Schenk, G.I. Schu+eller ∗
Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Leopold-Franzens University, Technikerstr. 13, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria

In this paper the e,ect of random geometric imperfections on the limit loads of isotropic, thin-walled, cylindrical shells
under deterministic axial compression is presented. Therefore, a concept for the numerical prediction of the large scatter in
the limit load observed in experiments using direct Monte Carlo simulation technique in context with the Finite Element
method is introduced. Geometric imperfections are modeled as a two dimensional, Gaussian stochastic process with prescribed
second moment characteristics based on a data bank of measured imperfections. (The initial imperfection data bank at the
Delft University of Technology, Part 1. Technical Report LR-290, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University
of Technology). In order to generate realizations of geometric imperfections, the estimated covariance kernel is decomposed
into an orthogonal series in terms of eigenfunctions with corresponding uncorrelated Gaussian random variables, known as
the Karhunen–Lo:eve expansion. For the determination of the limit load a geometrically non-linear static analysis is carried
out using the general purpose code STAGS (STructural Analysis of General Shells, user manual, LMSC P032594, version
3.0, Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Co., Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA). As a result of the direct Monte Carlo simulation,
second moment characteristics of the limit load are presented. The numerically predicted statistics of the limit load coincide
reasonably well with the actual observations, particularly in view of the limited data available, which is re=ected in the
statistical estimators. ? 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Non-linear >nite element analysis; Buckling of cylindrical shells; Random geometric imperfections; Axial compression

1. Introduction observed in experimentally determined limit loads [1].

So far, the majority of the research carried out in
The problem of buckling of thin cylindrical shells this >eld concentrates on the e,ects of traditional, i.e.
under axial compression has received worldwide geometric imperfections on the buckling behavior of
attention among researchers, mainly due to a ma- cylindrical shells. However, also other sources of im-
jor discrepancy between experiments and classical perfections may have a strong e,ect on the limit load,
prediction. The combined e,ects of non-linearity such as thickness imperfections, non-perfect boundary
and imperfections, respectively, are the cause for conditions, misalignment in the loading, =uctuations
this discrepancy and, moreover, for the large scatter in material properties, etc. In this context—and already
at an early stage—measurements of geometric imper-

fections revealed that even shells from the same man-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +43-512-507-6841; fax: +43-
ufacturing process do di,er in shape and magnitude.
E-mail address: mechanik@uibk.ac.at (G.I. Schu+eller). It is this inherent randomness in geometric and also
URL: http://mechanik.uibk.ac.at other imperfections, introduced during the production

0020-7462/03/$ - see front matter ? 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 0 - 7 4 6 2 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 5 7 - 4
1120 C.A. Schenk, G.I. Schu.eller / International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 38 (2003) 1119 – 1132

and construction process, that reduces the evidence of analytical or semi-analytical procedures. This may
deterministic predictions of the limit load of cylindri- also be the reason for the stochastic representation
cal shells considerably. Therefore, the design of thin of geometric imperfections by means of a two-dimen-
shell structures at present based on either determin- sional Fourier series with random Fourier coeNcients,
istic classical, asymptotic or non-linear analysis, re- since an analytical buckling analysis of cylindrical
spectively, still needs to be corrected on the basis of shells yields a two-dimensional Fourier series repre-
experimental data by using empirical, so called ‘knock sentation of the critical modes. However, it is well
down’ factors, leading to potentially overly conser- known that severe shortcomings of analytical or
vative designs. This ‘lower bound concept’ may be semi-analytical approaches, respectively, for predict-
justi>ed in cases where the total weight of the shell ing buckling, are on one hand their limited capability
structure as well as the cost of the material do not in modeling more complex shell structures and on the
play a signi>cant role in the design process. In all other hand the implementation of a more general type
other cases a more general buckling analysis should of imperfections. Hence the >nite element method
be applied taking into account the stochastic nature has been chosen here for the determination of the
of the buckling analysis of shells. Nowadays highly limit load. For example, many practical applications
sophisticated numerical methods are available, which of cylindrical shells do require the presence of either
are capable to incorporate several sources of imperfec- reinforced or unreinforced large cutouts, which are
tions into the analysis. However, these imperfections in most cases not amenable for analytical solutions
are described by means of deterministic parameters, (see e.g. [9,10]). In addition, the application of the
and do not allow to predict the aforementioned scatter Finite Element (FE) method simpli>es considerably
in the limit load observed in experiments. Under this the incorporation of imperfections into the analysis,
point of view it seems to be a natural way to intro- which is a,ecting also the stochastic representation
duce a concept for a buckling analysis, which allows used for random imperfections. In this context, a rep-
to take into account the uncertainties in order to be resentation of the geometric imperfections in terms of
able to predict the complex buckling behavior of thin the Karhunen—Lo:eve expansion proves to be most
shell structures. It should be noted, that such an anal- instrumental for replacing the traditional Fourier se-
ysis should rest on the same sophisticated mechanical ries representation, whereby the latter is based on the
and mathematical formulations in structural stability concept of random trigonometric polynomials [11].
as its purely deterministic counterpart (e.g. in terms of For a more detailed description of the advantages of
worst case studies) and thus leading to more realistic using e.g. the Karhunen–Lo:eve expansion instead, it
results. is referred to Schenk [12].
A probabilistic approach in structural stability for A buckling analysis which takes into account uncer-
imperfection sensitive structures goes already back to tainties >nally leads to second moment characteristics
the late >fties (see e.g. [2]), followed by several other of the limit load, which can be used to form a sound
investigators, e.g. [3– 6]. However, due to the lack basis for a reliable shell analysis, providing the analyst
of experimental evidence about the type of imperfec- with valuable information for the theoretical veri>ca-
tions that may occur in practice, the aforementioned tion of the empirical ‘knock-down’ factors and hence
investigators had to work with some form of ideal- with a more rational basis for making design decisions.
ized, i.e assumed, distributions of imperfections. [7]
e.g. provides a numerical measure for the signi>cance 2. Method of analysis
of the various possible shapes of imperfections on the
buckling strength of a structure in terms of reliability 2.1. Stochastic modeling of geometric imperfections
analysis. Elishako, and Arbocz [8] treated the Fourier by the theory of random 7elds
coeNcients of measured imperfections as random 2.1.1. Representation by the Karhunen–Lo8eve
variables, whereby the histogram of the limit loads expansion
has been obtained either by Monte Carlo simulation or The theory of stochastic processes, in particular
approximate methods. Common to these approaches the theory of random >elds, can be applied most
is the determination of the limit load by means of advantageously in order to capture the inherent
C.A. Schenk, G.I. Schu.eller / International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 38 (2003) 1119 – 1132 1121

randomness of geometric imperfections of cylindrical the axis x and y is independent. This has been sub-
shells and other types of shell structures. In particu- stantiated by the data, so it is consistent to imply a
lar, the Karhunen–Lo:eve expansion of the covariance fully separable correlation structure of f(x). Under
matrix (see Appendix C) is applied for representing the assumption of zero mean and homogeneity the au-
these imperfections suNciently well by only a small tocorrelation function can then be expressed as follows
number of uncorrelated Gaussian, i.e. independent (see e.g. [14]):
random variables. Based on second moment char-
r(x ; y ) = 2 %x (x )%y (y ); (1)
acteristics estimated from a data bank of measured
imperfections (see Appendix A), geometric imperfec-
x = x2 − x1 ; y = y2 − y1 ; (2)
tions are modeled as a non-homogeneous, Gaussian
random >eld. where %x , %y are the correlation coeNcient functions
along the x, y axis, respectively. This implies that the
correlation structure of the geometric imperfections
2.1.2. Correlation structure can be split into two one-dimensional problems. In
As mentioned before, the measured geometric im- Fig. 1 the di,erent correlation coeNcients functions
perfections do form a non-homogeneous random >eld, for the axial and circumferential direction are shown.
implying that the correlation of two di,erent locations The shape of the correlation coeNcient function %y
on the surface of the cylinder is not only a function can be explained as follows. Its symmetry is due to
of the relative distance, but also depends on the ab- the fact, that the maximum lag y is the half of the
solute position of the locations under consideration. circumference, while the extremes are due to the low
The covariance matrix is capable to describe such a frequencies ruling the imperfections in the circumfer-
shift variant correlation structure without any simpli- ential direction.
>cations or assumptions, respectively. However, in Because of the fully separable correlation structure
applied stochastic mechanics the frequently used, so of the imperfections, the correlation length can now
called correlation length describes in a concise way be de>ned for the axial and the circumferential direc-
the correlation structure of a homogeneous random tion individually. According to the de>nition of the
>eld. It is the purpose of this section—by introducing correlation length mentioned before, one obtains for
only for a moment the assumption of homogeneity— the initial imperfections
to determine the correlation length for the A-shells Lcx ≈ 0:6L; Lcy ≈ 0:06(2R); (3)
(see Appendix A).
The correlation length Lc determines the decay of where Lcx and Lcy denote the correlation lengths in
the mutual in=uence of two di,erent random >eld lo- axial and circumferential direction, respectively. The
cations, e.g. f(x1 ) and f(x2 ), and is a measure for two-dimensional autocorrelation function r(x ; y ) of
the number of uncorrelated random variables which the imperfections according to (1) is shown in Fig. 2.
are required to describe the random >eld with a given A separable correlation structure assures a so-called
quality. The correlation length Lc is de>ned hereby quadrant symmetry, i.e. the autocorrelation function
when the auto correlation function r(x ; y ) takes on de>ned for positive lags x and y fully represents the
the value r = 2 =e, where e denotes the Euler number correlation structure of the imperfections f(x) [14].
and 2 the variance, respectively. According to this
de>nition, a correlation length tending towards in>n- 2.2. Non-linear static analysis
ity describes a fully correlated random >eld, which
means that all random variables representing the ran- 2.2.1. General remarks
dom >eld are linearly dependent. A correlation length According to Bushnell [16], the state of the art in
equal to zero describes an uncorrelated random >eld. the capability to predicting buckling failure refers to
For a discussion of the relative importance of the var- areas such as asymptotic analysis [17] and general
ious parameters it is referred to e.g. Schu+eller and non-linear analysis (see e.g. [18,19]), respectively.
Brenner [13]. From Fig. 14 (see Appendix A) it can be While the asymptotic analysis has contributed signif-
assumed that the variation of the imperfections along icant physical insight into the buckling process for a
1122 C.A. Schenk, G.I. Schu.eller / International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 38 (2003) 1119 – 1132

1.2 1.2

1 1
0.6 0.4

0.4 0.2
0.2 _ 0.2
0 _ 0.4
_ 0.2 _ 0.6
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
(a) ξx (b) ξy

Fig. 1. Correlation coeNcients of the A-shells [15] under the assumption of homogeneity and a fully separated correlation structure:
(a) axial direction (%x (x ); x = [0; L]), (b) circumferential direction (%y (y ); y = [0; 2R]). L and R denote the length and the radius
of the shell, respectively.



_ 0.3
0.75 1
0.5 0.75
0.25 0.25
L 0 0 2R π

Fig. 2. Two-dimensional autocorrelation function r(x ; y ) of the A-shells under the assumption of homogeneity and a fully separated
correlation structure.

certain class of perfect as well as for imperfect shell analysis takes into account non-linearities due to large
structures by expanding the solution into a power displacements and large rotations, but is restricted to
series (being asymptotically exact at the bifurcation small strains. The stress–strain relation is assumed
point) of the bifurcation modal amplitude, the general to be linear. STAGS is designed for general purpose
non-linear analysis allows to determine the equilib- analysis of shell structures of arbitrary shape and
rium path of arbitrary structures. However, it should complexity and proves to be most instrumental for
be mentioned that a non-linear static FE analysis of involved, non-linear shell problems. It is particularly
an isotropic cylindrical shell—despite of its simple suited for the use in context with automatized Monte
geometry—is from the computational point of view Carlo simulation (see Appendix D).
quite demanding. The non-linear equilibrium equations describing the
For the determination of the collapse load of behavior of the structure can be written as, see e.g.
the imperfect cylindrical shell a non-linear static Riks [20], Cris>eld [21],
FE analysis using STAGS, is carried out. The g(d; ) = qi (d) − qe = 0; (4)
C.A. Schenk, G.I. Schu.eller / International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 38 (2003) 1119 – 1132 1123

where g is a non-linear vector function of the nodal t

displacement d and the scalar , which denotes the R
load level parameter. Vector qi represents the internal 1
forces, whereas qe is the external load vector. In the y rv
STAGS code, solution control is achieved by the Riks x
arc-length control technique [22]. Thereby the equa-

2 4
tion system (4) is extended by
u rw
h(d; ) −  = 0; (5)
where h(·) is some scalar function and  is the path
parameter, replacing the incrementally applied load- 3
ing parameter by an arc-length along the solution path.
The Riks arc-length control technique allows traver- Fig. 3. FE model: Boundaries 1– 4; surface coordinates x; y; dis-
placement components u; v and w; rotation components ru; rv
sal of limit points as de>ned in (6), which e.g. for
and rw; t; L and R denote the thickness, length and radius of the
applying Monte Carlo simulation is signi>cant. shell, respectively.
=0 (6)
In general, the critical condition (collapse or buckling)
for conservative systems can be de>ned by the load
level , where the determinant of the tangent sti,ness
matrix Kt vanishes,
det(Kt ) = 0: (7)

2.2.2. Finite Element model

The FE Model is established by the assumed natural
strain (ANS) 9-node quadrilateral shell element [23]
with 5 degrees of freedom per node—as referred to
in Rankin et al. [24] as ‘480’ element—with 9 Gauss
integration points has been used. This element does
not show so-called ‘hourglass modes’ and performs
very well with regard to an accelerated convergence Fig. 4. FE model by STAGS, mesh 101 × 193 (∼ 100,000 dofs)
[25]. with simulated geometric imperfections using the Karhunen–Lo:eve
In general, geometrical imperfections are of- expansion.
ten modeled as ‘ideal’ or ‘modal’ shapes, i.e. as
a two-dimensional, truncated Fourier series. Using not considered here. Fig. 4 shows a FE model as used
this type of imperfections provides the possibility to in this study with simulated geometric imperfections.
model a subsection of the complete shell. Having On both edges ‘1’ and ‘3’ of the shell the classical
such symmetry planes in the imperfect shell model, SS-3 boundary condition is employed, i.e. Nx = v =
the computational e,ort can be reduced considerably. w = Mx = 0. Dimensions and material properties of the
However, in case of more realistic imperfections, no FE model are given in Table 3 obtained by averaging
symmetry planes do exist, implying that one is forced the corresponding parameters available in Arbocz and
to model the complete shell (see Fig. 3). Abramovich [15] and included in Table 2.
In this paper, geometric imperfections are de>ned
as nodal displacements in the w-direction representing 2.2.3. Buckling load of the perfect shell
perturbations of the idealized shell geometry, whereby In the following, all load levels are normalized by
higher-order strains, as e.g. used in Riks et al. [26], are the classical buckling load of an axially compressed
1124 C.A. Schenk, G.I. Schu.eller / International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 38 (2003) 1119 – 1132

Fig. 5. Axial trace of prebuckling deformation of the perfect shell by SDAS.

isotropic shell with SS-3 boundary condition on both according to Table 3, are
edges after Lorenz [27] and Timoshenko [28], ANILISA
sym = 0:844343 (n = 24);
2 −0:5 2 −1
Ncl = E(3(1 −  )) t R : (8) ANILISA
asym = 0:844343 (n = 24); (9)
Isotropic shells under axial compression do have the
where n denotes the number of circumferential
peculiarity that the non-uniformity and non-linearity
full-waves. The lowest buckling loads occur at a rela-
of the prebuckling state near the edges reduces the
tively high wave number (n = 24) in the circumferen-
predicted critical load considerably, moreover the
tial direction and do involve very short wave patterns
asymmetric bifurcation buckling is very close to
in the axial direction, close to the edges of the shell.
the symmetric buckling load (see, e.g. Bushnell [16]).
In Fig. 5 the characteristic prebuckling deformation of
Keeping this in mind, the two lowest eigenvalues ob-
the perfect shell as obtained by ANILISA is shown.
tained by a non-linear bifurcation analysis carried out
The symmetric buckling mode with respect to L=2 is
by STAGS together with their corresponding buck-
shown in Fig. 6. It is quite obvious, that the FE mesh
ling modes have been compared with semi-analytical
has to be rather >ne in order to be able to predict
results available.
the correct buckling behavior of the perfect shell. In
For this purpose the batch tool ANILISA [29] as
this regard, at least two elements or >ve grid points
part of SDAS [30], proves to be most instrumental.
should represent a half wave, yielding 193 grid points
ANILISA is based on Donnell type equations, where
for the circumferential direction.
>rst the symmetric non-linear prebuckling path of the
A convergence study (see Fig. 7), where the number
perfect shell is calculated. After a range of circum-
of nodes in both circumferential and axial direction
ferential wave numbers has been selected, load levels
is varied, revealed that the mesh 101 × 193 predicts
at which bifurcation occurs are calculated. This is
the correct behavior of the perfect shell with a rather
achieved by solving numerically the resulting eigen-
small discretization error (∼ 3%), i.e.
value problem, whereby the user selected boundary
conditions, in this case SS-3, are satis>ed rigor- sym = 0:873822 (n = 24);
ously. The two lowest bifurcation loads as obtained STAGS
by ANILISA for a cylindrical shell with dimensions asym = 0:873825 (n = 24): (10)
C.A. Schenk, G.I. Schu.eller / International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 38 (2003) 1119 – 1132 1125

Fig. 6. Axial trace of symmetric buckling mode of the perfect shell by SDAS.

0.94 STAGS 0.94 STAGS

0.92 0.92

0.9 71 × 241 0.9 221 × 161

101 × 241 221 × 193

0.88 221 × 241 0.88 221 × 241

0.86 0.86

0.84 0.84

0.82 0.82
(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Two-dimensional convergence study using STAGS, labels denote FE mesh (axial grid points × circumferential grid points):
(a) axial direction, (b) circumferential direction.

The prebuckling deformation as obtained by STAGS FE model, also non-uniformly meshes in axial direc-
is shown in Fig. 8, the symmetric buckling mode is tion, as proposed in Bushnell [31], were tested. Con-
shown in Fig. 9. As can be seen, these plots do agree trary to Bushnell [31], the size of an element has been
very well with the corresponding ANILISA plots. It continuously increased, with very small elements near
seems to be justi>ed to assume that the response of the the edges of the shell and a rather coarse mesh around
imperfect shell is also computed accurately by using L=2. However, while for the perfect shell the com-
this mesh. putational e,ort can indeed be reduced considerably,
It should be noted that the mesh 101 × 193 yields a for imperfect shells this approach leads to rather in-
FE model of approximately 100,000 dofs. Even nowa- accurate results. One of the reasons for this might be,
days, this is—particularly in context with direct Monte that for imperfect shells an isolated buckle may occur,
Carlo simulation—computationally quite demanding. governed by the shape of geometric imperfections, not
Therefore, in order to reduce the number of dofs of the only close to the edges of the shell but also in the
1126 C.A. Schenk, G.I. Schu.eller / International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 38 (2003) 1119 – 1132

x 10
2.3.2. Direct Monte Carlo simulation
As already mentioned above, a non-linear static FE
analysis with 100,000 dofs is a quite demanding task.
w [m]

2 In order to determine reliable second order charac-

teristics of the limit load by means of direct Monte
0 Carlo simulation, several FE analyses are necessary—
0 20 40 60 80 100
grid points _ axial the resulting computational e,orts are—no doubt—
enormous. It is clear that the feasibility of such an un-
Fig. 8. Axial trace of prebuckling deformation of the perfect shell dertaking depends on a number of factors, such as an
by STAGS. optimized solution control for the non-linear analysis,
an eNcient simulation procedure for generating re-
alizations of geometric imperfections, an appropriate
1 computer hardware and a fully automatized simulation
procedure allowing to connect the di,erent software
w (norm.)

packages needed without user interaction. In this con-
text, besides STAGS, also the codes STAR (STAGS
0 20 40 60 80 100 Acces Routines) [32], MATLAB [33] and PERL [34],
grid points _ axial
respectively, have been used for Monte Carlo simula-
1 tion. For a more detailed description it is referred to
Appendix D.
w (norm.)

0 5 10 15 20 3. Numerical results
grid points _ circumferential

Fig. 9. Symmetric buckling mode of the perfect shell by STAGS: 3.1. Non-linear static analysis

axial trace and circumferential trace (45 shell-segment), respec-
tively. It has been pointed out that a mesh of 101 × 193
for the FE model is required in order to reproduce
the critical buckling modes. The geometric imperfec-
region where the mesh is rather coarse. Thus the ac- tions have been measured with a mesh in the range of
tual buckling mode can obviously not be represented 15 × 49 and 31 × 49, which is considerably coarser
with such a coarse mesh. than the FE model. However, the mesh 15 × 49 of
simulated imperfections, has been mapped into the
FE mesh 101 × 193 by bicubic interpolation. In the
2.3. Response assessment presence of imperfections, the bifurcation point of a
perfect cylindrical shell may be replaced by the limit
2.3.1. General remarks point, i.e. failure occurs as a ‘snap-through’ when the
Due to the highly non-linear buckling behavior of load level  reaches the limit load. This limit load, also
imperfect, axially compressed cylindrical shells, direct often referred as collapse load, has been identi>ed in
Monte Carlo simulation seems to be the only possible the non-linear static analysis by (6).
approach in order to obtain reliable statistical charac- The starting load factor and starting load factor in-
teristics of the limit load. This is particularly true when crement for all non-linear static analyses carried out
several sources of imperfections are considered, since was 0:05Ncl and 0:1Ncl , respectively. After the >rst
their interaction is rather involved. Thus it is clear, two load steps the solution control was switched from
that variance reduction methods, e.g. importance sam- load control to arc-length control. For the solution of
pling, which themselves require information on the the non-linear equation system the modi>ed Newton–
region where failure is most likely to occur, cannot be Raphson scheme has been applied. A non-linear anal-
applied in an e,ective way. ysis was aborted when the maximum load level in
C.A. Schenk, G.I. Schu.eller / International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 38 (2003) 1119 – 1132 1127

Fig. 10. Prebuckling deformation for shell A-8 by STAGS.

Fig. 11. Deformation at the limit load for shell A-8 by STAGS.

the load-de=ection curve, i.e. the limit point, has been

reached. As mentioned in Rankin et al. [24], it is pos-
sible to gain some information about the size of the
margin of safety against collapse through the execu-
tion of an analysis of bifurcation from the non-linear
stress state corresponding to the limit load, in partic-
ular if diNculties in convergence do occur. The so
obtained eigenvalue represents an estimate of the lo-
cation of the limit point, the corresponding eigenmode
represents physically an estimate of the increment of
the deformations at the limit load.
Vicarious for all non-linear static analyses carried
out, the deformation of a shell with geometric imper-
fections according to shell A-8 [15] is shown. While
Fig. 10 represents the deformation of the shell in
the prebuckling state, Fig. 11 shows the deformation
pattern at the limit load. Fig. 12 represents the >rst
eigenmode mode belonging to the lowest eigen-
Fig. 12. First eigenmode for shell A-8 by STAGS at the limit load,
value obtained by a bifurcation analysis based on the representing the growth of the deformations at the limit load.
non-linear stress state at the limit load.

3.2. Monte Carlo simulation

The overall processing time (at least two analyses run
Monte Carlo simulation has been carried out for simultaneously) for these 250 non-linear and bifurca-
250 realizations of geometric imperfections generated tion analyses, respectively, was about 2 weeks. As a
by the simulation procedure described in Appendix >nal result the histogram of the calculated limit loads
C. One analysis, i.e. a non-linear and a bifurcation is presented in Fig. 13a, together with the histogram
analysis, respectively, took about 7000 CPU seconds. of the experimentally determined limit loads.
1128 C.A. Schenk, G.I. Schu.eller / International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 38 (2003) 1119 – 1132

class frequency


0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9
class frequency

0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9
(b) λ

Fig. 13. Histograms of the limit load: (a) STAGS (250 simulations), (b) experimental results (7 specimen).

4. Discussion of results 5. Concluding remarks

By comparing Fig. 13a with Fig. 13b it can be ob- In this investigation the Monte Carlo simulation
served, that the experimentally determined scatter in technique has been successfully applied in order to
the limit load can be predicted numerically. It should predict the scatter in the limit load observed in ex-
be noted that this was the major concern of this paper. periments. Due to the use of the theory of random
The coeNcient of variation of the limit load calcu- >elds, no idealization in terms of ‘modal’ imper-
lated by STAGS is VSTAGS = 0:0820, whereby for the fections has to be made, i.e. the imperfections are
A-shells the corresponding value is Vexp = 0:0867 (see modeled in a more realistic way. In this context, the
Table 1). The calculated mean value STAGS = 0:7793 Karhunen–Lo:eve expansion, which is capable to gen-
of the limit load is considerably higher when com- erate non-homogeneous imperfections, seems to be
pared with the experimentally determined counterpart an appropriate tool in context with Monte Carlo sim-
exp = 0:6430 (Table 1). This can be explained by ulation. Due to the extensive modeling capabilities of
the fact, that the test specimen of course do have in the Finite Element method, which has been applied
addition to geometric imperfections also thickness for the determination of the limit load, this concept
imperfections, varying material properties (Young’s can be extended to a more complex buckling analysis,
modulus), non-perfect boundary conditions and e.g. including additional sources of non-linearities
misalignments in the loading. However, in this in- as well as complex shell structures. A minor draw-
vestigation only geometric imperfections have been back in this approach is that the FE mesh for thin
considered, nevertheless, as shown, they do have cylindrical shells has to be rather >ne in order to re-
strong e,ects on the limit load of cylindrical shells. produce the shell response acceptably well, i.e. this
approach is computationally expensive. However, it
is the authors’ belief, that the fast continued evolution
Table 1 of digital computers will compensate this drawback
Mean  and coeNcient of variation V = =: (a) STAGS (250
simulations), (b) experimental results (7 specimen)
already in the immediate future.
Finally, this concept still needs improvement by in-
 V corporating all uncertainties contributing to the buck-
Fig. 13(a) 0.7793 0.0820 ling behavior of cylindrical shells, e.g. thickness and
Fig. 13(b) 0.6433 0.0867 boundary imperfections, etc. This, however, is subject
C.A. Schenk, G.I. Schu.eller / International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 38 (2003) 1119 – 1132 1129

Table 2
Dimensions, material properties and experimentally determined limit loads, respectively, of the seven A-shells [15]. Radius R, thickness
t, length L, Young’s modulus E, limit load P and normalized load level 

Shell R (m) t (m) L (m) E (N=m2 ) P (N) 

A-7 0:1016 0:000114 0:20320 1:0411 5145:18 0:5901
A-8 0:1016 0:000118 0:20320 1:0480 5539:72 0:6632
A-9 0:1016 0:000115 0:20320 1:0135 5123:67 0:7270
A-10 0:1016 0:000120 0:20320 1:0273 5663:03 0:5645
A-12 0:1016 0:000120 0:20955 1:0480 5777:14 0:6669
A-13 0:1016 0:000113 0:19685 1:0411 5037:43 0:6171
A-14 0:1016 0:000111 0:19685 1:0894 5104:25 0:6745



0.75 1
0.5 0.75
0.25 0.5
L 0.25
0 0 2R π

Fig. 14. Typical initial imperfections of electro-plated cylindrical shells, not to scale (shell A-8; [15]); radius R, length L and thickness t.

of further research. The approach as presented here Appendix A. Imperfection data bank
represents a step towards the quantitative safety as-
sessment of thin shell structures in terms of reliability In this paper a data bank [15] forms the ba-
based optimization. sis of analysis. It includes measured geometric
imperfections of di,erent cylindrical shells, measured
geometric and material properties, respectively, as
well as experimentally determined limit loads. Seven
Acknowledgements copper electro-plated, isotropic cylindrical shells, re-
ferred in Arbocz and Abramovich [15] as A-shells,
The numerical results presented in this paper could are statistically analyzed. Dimensions, material prop-
not have been obtained without the most excellent and erties and experimentally determined limit loads, re-
friendly cooperation of ir. J.M.A.M. Hol, member of spectively, of these laboratory scaled shells are given
the Department of Aerospace of Delft University of in Table 2. In Fig. 14 the initial imperfections are
Technology and Dr. C. Rankin, Senior Sta, Scientist unwound from the so-called ‘perfect cylinder’.
at Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space. Their help is
deeply appreciated. The authors are also indebted to
Prof. J. Arbocz and Prof. E. Riks for in-depth dis- Appendix B. Dimensions and material properties of
cussions. However, opinions, results, conclusions, the FE model
etc., are those of the authors. Finally thanks are due
Prof. J. Arbocz for providing the experimental data as The FE model used in this paper is based on the
well as the computational facilities. dimensions and material properties given in Table 3.
1130 C.A. Schenk, G.I. Schu.eller / International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 38 (2003) 1119 – 1132

Table 3 along the axial direction was utilized. The estimated

Averaged shell dimensions second moment characteristics do not show a shift in-
Radius R 0:1016 m variant structure, implying that the measured geomet-
Thickness t 0:00011597 m ric imperfections do form a non-stationary stochastic
Length L 0:2023 m process (non-homogeneous random >eld). Among
Young’s modulus E 1:0441 × 1011 N=m2 various decomposition methods of the covariance ker-
Poisson’s ratio  0.3
nel, the Karhunen–Lo:eve expansion [36] is de>ned by

Appendix C. Karhunen–Lo+eve expansion f(x) = (x) + i !i (x)i ; (C.5)
The theory of stochastic processes can be ap-
plied most advantageously in order to capture the where !i (x) are orthonormal functions, satisfying the
inherent randomness of geometric imperfections. relation
Geometric imperfections of a cylindrical shell are 1: i = j;
representing a two-dimensional, univariate stochastic !i (x)!j (x) dx = (C.6)
process f(x), whose >eld parameter is related to the D 0: i = j;
deviation of the real shell to the so-called perfect √
cylinder, i are real numbers and i are uncorrelated random
  coeNcients, respectively, satisfying
2 x 
f(x); x ∈ D ⊆ R ; x = : (C.1) 1: i = j;
E[i j ] = (C.7)
0: i = j:
The domain D de>ned in R2 is represented by the
surface of the shell. Under the viewpoint of generating The i ’s and !i (x)’s are representing the eigenvalues
samples of the stochastic process f(x), a parametric and eigenfunctions of the covariance kernel c(x1 ; x1 ).
representation in the form That is, they are the solution to the integral equation
f(x) = !(x; 1 ; 2 ; : : :); (C.2) 
c(x1 ; x2 )!i (x1 ) dx1 = i !i (x2 ): (C.8)
appears to be useful. Here, ! is a speci>ed determinis- D
tic function of x and {1 ; 2 ; : : :} is a countable set of
random variables. The probability law of f(x) is fully Measured imperfections represent a discretized
de>ned by the joint probability distribution of these stochastic process, i.e. (C.8) is replaced by the al-
random variables together with the functional form of gebraic eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance
! (see e.g. [35]). In case that f(x) is Gaussian, this matrix. The Karhunen–Lo:eve expansion provides the
process is fully de>ned by its second moment charac- basis for a powerful simulation procedure and leads
teristics, i.e. the mean function (x) and the autoco- to the smallest error in the approximation of (C.5),
variance function c(x1 ; x2 ), respectively, see e.g. [37]. In case that f(x) is Gaussian, the ran-
dom coeNcients i are independent Gaussian random
(x) = E[f(x)]; (C.3) variables with zero mean and unit variance.
After the generation of imperfections using (C.5),
c(x1 ; x2 )=E[(f(x1 )−(x1 ))(f(x2 )−(x2 ))]; (C.4)
the arbitrarily de>ned origin has to be randomly dis-
where E[ : : : ] denotes the expectation operator. For tributed within a reasonable range. This can be done
the estimation of the mean function (x) and the by introducing two random variables U and V ,
autocovariance function c(x1 ; x2 ), the origin of the 
coordinate system has to be de>ned. For this purpose, 1 upper edge;
U : p(U ) = u= (C.9)
the position of the largest imperfection of each shell 2 lower edge;
has been chosen to de>ne the origin of the shell in cir-
cumferential direction. To de>ne the upper edge of an 1
V: p(V ) = 0 6 v 6 2: (C.10)
individual shell the notably varying mean square value 2
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