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Code: DM008205-en Rev: 05

Date: 09/04/2015 Page 1 of 6

Wind turbine
Handling of chemical products
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. copyright laws free of any legal responsibility for errors or omissions. It is supplied in confidence and it must not be used without the express written consent of Gamesa Corporación
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• Product attributes

Model ALL
Operating voltage ALL
Frequency ALL
Temperature ALL
Dust ALL
Corrosion ALL
Power Converter ALL
Yaw system ALL

• Component attributes

PLC operation ALL


Rev. Author Date Description

04 JFV 31/05/13 • Content updated based on revision 6 on safe practices.
• The document is updated to make it generic and applicable to all plat-
forms. This document replaces the following list of existing documents
per platform
• G4X-000-31-00-00-00-0-310-3-F
• G5X-000-31-00-00-00-0-310-3-F
• G8X-G9X-31-00-00-00-0-310-3-F
• Sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 are deleted
05 JFV 09/04/15 Updated section 2

“The original language of this document is Spanish. In the event of discrepancy between a translation and the original, the document in Spanish takes preference.”
Code: DM008205-en Rev: 05
Date: 09/04/2015 Page 2 of 6

Wind turbine
Handling of chemical products


1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 3
2 HANDLING OF CHEMICAL PRODUCTS ............................................................................................... 3
2.2 SHIPMENT AND TRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS MATERIALS ...................................................... 5
2.2.1 AFFECTED DANGEROUS MATERIALS ............................................................................. 5
2.2.2 MERCHANDISE LOADING ............................................................................................. 5
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Date: 09/04/2015 Page 3 of 6

Wind turbine
Handling of chemical products

The purpose of this document is to describe the safety requirements for the handling of chemical products.
The required and recommended PPE for handling of chemical products are those specified in the Safety Data Sheets
in each case.

Prior to the use of any chemical product, the corresponding Safety Data Sheet must be read carefully. If said sheet
is not available, request it from the GCT Environment or Prevention Department.
The Safety Data Sheets of the chemical products must be available for workers at the wind farm for consultation
when needed.
Bear in mind the indications on the chemical product's packaging (pictogram, "R/H" phrases = risk and "S/P" phrases
= safety recommendations). If the label is worn out or illegible, replace it with a new one.

Figure 1: Example of a Chemical Product Label_1

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Date: 09/04/2015 Page 4 of 6

Wind turbine
Handling of chemical products

Figure 2: Example of a Chemical Product Label_2

Whenever the transferring from one container to another, keep all warning and safety information on the label on
the new container.
Maintain the product containers hermetically sealed, even when they are empty.
Use the minimum amount possible of chemical products.
Do not use chemical products to wash up.
Work/storage areas with chemical products must be correctly ventilated. In cases of deficient ventilation, localized
extraction or forced ventilation must be used.
In general, do not eat or drink in the working areas. Only do so in areas specifically for this and after having
removed one's protective equipment (clothes, gloves) and having washed up with soap and water.
In exceptional cases, when the performance of the operations does not allow stopping work, or when weather
conditions put the workers at risk due to the possibility of thermal stress, they can take food and drinks into the
nacelle, observing these conditions:
• Each worker must take his food and drinks in a personally identified closed container (bag, case, etc.), to
prevent it from being handled by a colleague by mistake or from coming into contact with chemical products,
shavings, suspended particles, etc., present in the wind turbine.
• Workers must have an instant antiseptic, so that they clean their hands from the possible dirt and remains
of chemical products before drinking or eating.
• Planning of tasks should be such that the those which generate suspended particles (both liquid and
solid) must be carried out at the end of the workday, thus avoiding that workers eat or drink under these
environmental conditions.
If leaks or spills have occurred, clean all the affected surfaces immediately before starting or continuing any work
in order to reduce the possibility of slipping or falls.
Discard all cloths/papers impregnated with chemical products in closed containers; in no case ever leave them
scattered about or in trash bags.
Always obey the ban on smoking or lighting fires.
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Wind turbine
Handling of chemical products

Maintain all product containers closed, stored in cool, ventilated areas and away from heat sources.
Store the products in an orderly fashion keeping them separate from each other to avoid mixtures which may cause
dangerous reactions.
When pouring products from one container to another, do so in a well-ventilated area. It is necessary to use:
• Single-piece goggles resistant to chemical products.
• Standardized work clothes.
• Long gloves made of PVC or nitrile.
• Safety shoes or boots resistant to chemical products.
• If there is a possibility of splashing, use an apron made of PVC.
The loading and transport of dangerous materials carried out by maintenance personnel using vehicles belonging
to Gamesa is exempt of complying with regulations on the transport of dangerous materials by road. Pursuant to
section c) of the ADR.
The following hazardous materials are normally shipped in vehicles belonging to Gamesa for use in repairs or
maintenance works:
• Gases: Nitrogen, oxygen and acetylene.
• Aerosols.
• Paints and solvents.
• Fuels: Gasoline and gas-oil.
• Adhesives.
• Resins and catalysts.
All chemical products to be handled and transported must be previously approved by the GCT Prevention Department
and the conditions and requirements to be complied with must be established.
General guidelines for safely loading dangerous merchandise:
• The motor must be turned off and the vehicle immobile while the merchandise is being loaded.
• Packages must be placed in vehicles so that they cannot overturn nor fall.
• Follow the handling instructions on the packaging labels and markings.
• Check whether packages are in good condition and are not leaking.
• It is prohibited to enter a vehicle with lighting devices which use flames.
• The driver's compartment must be furnished with a portable fire extinguisher with a minimum capacity of
2 kg of powder.
• Smoking near or within vehicles or containers is prohibited during handling.
• Covered vehicles must have adequate ventilation.
• Comply with the remaining obligations set forth in traffic regulations, such as the need for technical vehicle
inspection cards, reflective triangles, etc.
• Training of personnel participating in loading and transport of merchandise.
• It is forbidden to open packages containing hazardous materials. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES TO BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT DURING LOADING AND TRANSPORT
• Gas bottles must not be thrown nor be subject to blows.
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Wind turbine
Handling of chemical products

• Bottles which are sufficiently stable or which may be transported in adequate devices which protect them
from overturn may be placed upright.
• Bottles which are laid down must have footing or be tied or fastened in a safe and appropriate way so that
they remain immobile.
• Preferably, the containers will be transported in open or ventilated vehicles. When this is not possible, the
doors of unventilated, closed vehicles will be marked with a letter sized, at least, 25 mm in height, indicating
the lack of ventilation and the obligation of opening these with caution.
• In the event the materials leak while inside the vehicle, the vehicle may only be used again after a thorough
cleaning and, if applicable, disinfection or decontamination. The merchandise and objects transported in
the same vehicle will be inspected for possible contamination. TRANSPORTING MERCHANDISE

Drivers that transport dangerous materials in vehicles belonging to Gamesa should keep in mind the following
• All vehicles must be in a good maintenance condition.
• Drivers must obey all circulation, traffic and road safety rules.
• In the event an accident occurs, the following procedure must be followed, when possible:
• Stop the motor.
• Alert the emergency services (112) to inform of the situation.
• Communicate with one’s department to inform of the event.
• Protect the area where the accident occurred to avoid that other users of the road be affected.
• In the event the load is subject to inspection on behalf of the authorities, the agents must be presented
with the dangerous materials declaration or, if applicable, the document which indicates that the shipment
is being transported subject to the exception. UNLOADING OF MERCHANDISE

Merchandise will be unloaded by following the same general and specific guidelines with regards to handling as
indicated in the section on loading of merchandise.

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