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interior design

Interior design | Assignment


In context of interior design, flooring refers to
the material or surface, or covering that is used
to finish and adorn the floor of a room or a
It is a fundamental design element that has
both functional and aesthetic significance with
interior spaces.

Flooring serves both practical and aesthetic
purposes in interior design.
Safety and Stability: It provides a stable
and even surface for walking and moving within
a space without the risk of accidents of falls.

Aesthetic enhancement: It sets the tone

for the design and style, impacting the visual
appeal and mood of the space.
Space definition: Different flooring
materials or patterns can define different zones
within a room.
Sound control: Certain flooring materials
and underlayment can help control and reduce
the transmission of sound, creating a relatively
quiet indoor environment.
Support: Flooring must support the
weight of the furniture, appliances and fixtures,
ensuring stability and durability.
Fire and heat safety: Resisting the
passage and spread of fire and providing
thermal insulation.


How was flooring done earlier?

In medieval times, natural flooring starting with earthen floors from soil were used. Marble,
granite, limestone and slate have been used for centuries. The romans used concrete (considered a
contemporary look now).
Hardwood started off as unfinished planks earlier but developed elegance during the Baroque era.
Earlier, natural materials and bare floors were quite common with a limited variety and labor
intensive maintenance.

How is flooring done now?

With the industrial revolution, the flooring industry saw a significant shift. Today's flooring
options encompass an extensive range of choices, from traditional hardwood and tile to innovative
materials like luxury vinyl tiles (LVT), engineered wood, and sustainable alternatives.
As the requirements changed over time, flooring is now not just used as a functional element but
also as d a design feature.
Technology played a vital role in creating intricate designs and simplifying installation.

Dirt or sand floors Ancient egyptians Cstles featured stone, Hardwood, rugs and Digital printing allowed
wood or earth floors. for highly realistic wood,
Animal hides and used mud bricks, carpets were commonly
stone and tile replicas.
stone, and reed mats wooden floorboards used.
woven reeds were later on linoleum and
luxury vinyl tiles
used as for flooring Renaissance era engineered wood flooring
vinyl flooring were a
rudimentary Romans introduced palaces had ornate cheaper option laminate flooring
coverings. mosaics and stone and marble matte flooring
terrazzo flooring also
decorative tiles floors with intricate emerged due to its
design. durabilty and ADHESIVES
ADHESIVES Terracotta tiles were versatality epoxy resin
ADHESIVES prssure sensitive adhesive
clay mud and clay mortar also a popular option
plant based reeds and plant ADHESIVES underlayment adhesives
substances like fibres ADHESIVES natural resins (foam or cork)
resin or tree sap. natural resins and lime based mortars pitch rsilient flooring adhesives
natural resins lime mortars acrylic based compounds
gums linseed oil-based glues water based adhesives
resilient flooring
Rocks and stones FIXTURES FIXTURES adhesives FIXTURES
Reed mats and Intricate mosaics of more ornate transition strips
animal hides stone or tiles (renaissance) FIXTURES edge profiles
stone or wooden moldings
Thatch and natural small pieces of stone tongue and groove
stair nosing
moldings wooden dowels
fibres or glass fitted flush mounts
together like a wooden pegs and tacking strips
puzzle nails (medieval) click and lock fixtures



• It serves as a foundation to your design and can ultimately impact its overall success.
• The flooring is often set the tone and feeling of a room either as the dominant feature or as
neutral setting for furnishing and decorating elements.
• Flooring is generally considered to be one of the last resorts in Interior Designing due to its
surface. People think more about the walls and other elements that need artistry. But if you
carefully look at all amazing designs, you will find that the flooring is done with perfection.
This is because of the large surface that has a major impact on its visual perspective and

• To bring in a formal effect to a room, the flooring material can
be delicate and glazed whereas a rough and uneven texture can
give a natural appearance.
• The effect of colors has a major impact on our moods and can
trigger our feelings.
• lighter colors help in augmenting the size of the space whereas
darker colors make the room look smaller.
• A floor design is a composition of patterns, scale work, colors
and texture. They form to become one element that dominates
the space.
• The color, pattern, and texture of the flooring defines how floor
will complement the other design elements in the space.

• Sustainable carpets made from natural fibres, such as organic
cotton, wool, jute or sisal can be used for flooring
• Linoleum rubber cork
• Bamboo cork
• These materials are renewable, biodegradable and free
from synthetic materials.
• Other Materials like cork, bamboo, reclaimed wood, and recycled tiles can also be used
• Broadloom and carpet tiles are sustainable options, though carpet tiles will cut down on
waste during maintenance and installation

• It refers to the manipulation of the size, pattern, and layout of flooring materials to
influence the perceived scale and proportions of a space.
• Using large-format tiles can visually expand a room.

• While larger and crowded pattern make the room to look smaller while smaller motif or
patterns make a room to look larger.
• Proportions can also be adjusted or maintained by certain flooring patterns, like , the use of
a horizontally oriented pattern can visually widen the space.
• Scale modulation can be used to define different zones within an open-plan area.
• Three-dimensional patterns or textures in flooring materials can create the illusion of depth
and dimension, giving the floor a tactile and sculptural quality.

• Different types of flooring can be better suited for different climates:
• Flooring choice for Humid climates:
o Tile flooring is a good option for hot and humid climates as it can withstand high
temperatures and moisture.
o Luxury vinyl flooring is also a good option as it is resistant to moisture and humidity.
• Flooring choice for Dry climates:
o Hardwood flooring is a good option for dry climates as it can withstand warping and
discoloration in the dry heat.
o Luxury vinyl flooring is also a good option as it is resistant to moisture and humidity.
• Flooring choice for cold climates:
o Luxury vinyl flooring is a good option for cold climates as it is comfortable for feet
and resistant to moisture from melted snow.
o Hardwood flooring is also a good option, but it is important to monitor the room's
relative humidity to prevent damage.

• The identity aspect refers to the role of flooring materials and designs in establishing and
reinforcing the identity of a space.
• Flooring can define the character, purpose, and brand of a place.
• It can give a cultural and regional identity, example, terracotta tiles in a Mediterranean-
style home or bamboo flooring in an Asian-themed restaurant establishes a cultursl
• The interior design of a room can have a significant impact on our emotions and
perceptions. The psychology of flooring patterns and colors explores the different meanings
and connotations that have a psychological effect.
• In a commercial setting, flooring can communicate the brand identity and values of a
business. Polished marble or hardwood flooring can convey luxury.

• Flooring material/pattern/color choice can impact the ambiance and cultural resonance of
an interior environment.
• Unique flooring traditions can reflect their history, customs and craftmannship. Example:
Oriental rugs are renowned for their intricate patterns and symbolism in many middle
eastern and Asian cultures.

• Moroccan design in known for its vibrant colors and geometric patterns, this can be
displayed through specific flooring tiles.
• Japanese culture often feature tatami mat flooring which compliments the low-sitting
furniture and minimalist design of theirs.
• Certain materials and patterns may be chosen to reflect religious beliefs and practices.
• Flooring can also be used to tell cultural stories or narratives. In some indigenous cultures,
the design and patterns on the floors can represent tribal histories and folklore.

• The emotional aspect refers to the influence of flooring materials, colors, patterns, and
textures on the emotions, moods, and psychological well-being of individuals within a
• Soft and plush flooring materials, such as carpet or cork, can evoke feelings of comfort,
warmth, and coziness (ex: bedroom, living spaces)
• Flooring with neutral colors and serene patterns can help create a peaceful and tranquil
environment, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. (ex: meditation rooms)
• Some flooring materials, such as reclaimed wood or vintage tiles, can evoke feelings of
nostalgia and sentimentality, connecting individuals to memories of the past.

• The economical aspect is related to the cost-effectiveness and long-term financial
implications. The ongoing costs and benefits must be balanced with the upfront expenses of
flooring materials and installations.
• The long-term economic viability of a flooring material is closely tied to its durability and
maintenance requirement.
• Replacement and renovation costs
cycle cost analysis (LCCA) should be done which is a comprehensive analysis that
involves evaluating the total cost of ownership over the life of the flooring material, taking
into account initial costs, maintenance, replacement, and other factors.

Factors to consider while choosing flooring materials:
Function of space Durability and longevity

Sound insulation Climate and environmental conditions
Budget constraints Foot traffic and wear and tear
Local building codes and regulations Personal preferences and lifestyle
Maintenance and cleanliness Aesthetic preference
Resale value (prospective buyers) Comfort and well-being

Types of flooring materials:

• Laminate flooring
Laminate flooring is a multilayer synthetic product with an outer layer
designed to mimic wood, tile, or stone. It is cost effective, easy to install,
and low maintenance
FUNCTIONS: Laminate flooring is reasonably durable, hygienic, and relatively
easy to maintain It is resistant to scratch, fade, and moisture. Laminate
flooring is also economical and offers a variety of styles.
• Hardwood flooring:
This type of flooring is made from solid wood, typically oak, maple, or cherry. Hardwood is
known for its durability, classic appearance, and the ability to be refinished multiple times.
FUNCTIONS: Hardwood floors add a touch of sophistication and elegance to any home.
Hardwood floors are easy to keep clean and maintain.
• Tile flooring
Tiles can be made of various materials, such as ceramic, porcelain,
or natural stone (marble, granite). They are durable, water
resistant and their design is versatile.
• Carpet flooring
Carpets consist of fibres, often synthetic (nylon, polyester) or
natural (wool). These offer warmth, comfort, and sound absorption.
FUNCTIONS: Unlike hard floors, carpet acts as a passive air filter, trapping dust, pollen,
and particles and removing them from the breathing zone.
Proper cleaning with CRI-approved vacuums effectively removes dust and allergens
from the carpet and keeps them out of the air we breathe.
• Vinyl flooring
• Vinyl flooring comes in sheet or tile form and is known for its water resistance and ease of
maintenance. Luxury Vinyl Tiles (LVT) is a premium variation
with more realistic designs
FUNCTIONS: Vinyl flooring is known for its durability and can
withstand heavy foot traffic. It is also resistant to scratches, dents,
and stains, making it an excellent choice for high-traffic areas.

Vinyl flooring is relatively easy to care for and requires minimal maintenance. It is also stain-
resistant and easy to clean, making it an excellent choice for busy households.
Vinyl flooring is an affordable flooring option that offers many benefits. It is less expensive
than many other flooring options and is easy to install, making it a popular choice for
homeowners on a budget.
• Concrete flooring
Concrete flooring, either polished or stained, offers an industrial and modern aesthetic. It is
extremely durable and can be customized with various finishes and designs.
FUNCTIONS: Concrete flooring is incredibly durable and can withstand heavy foot traffic,
making it an excellent choice for high-traffic areas. It is also resistant to scratches, dents, and
Concrete flooring is naturally porous, which means it can absorb chemicals, moisture, and
other substances.
• Linoleum flooring
Linoleum is a narutral and sustainable flooring material
made from linseed oil, cork dust, wood flour, and other
natural materials. It is eco-friendly and durability
FUNCTIONS:Linoleum flooring is an affordable flooring
option that offers many benefits. It is less expensive than
many other flooring options and is easy to install, making it a
popular choice for homeowners on a budget.
• Bamboo flooring
Bamboo flooring is an eco-friendly option made from
rapidly renewable bamboo grass. It is strong, durable and
has a unique appearance
FUNCTIONS:Bamboo is a renewable grass that can reach
maturity within five years, making it an excellent eco-
friendly and sustainable alternative to hardwood.
Once the bamboo plant has been harvested, the root
continues to grow so that it does not need replanting.
• Cork flooring
• Cork flooring is made from the bark of cork oak trees. It is a sustainable and renewable
material known for its natural insulation, softness underfoot, and sound-absorbing
FUNCTIONS: Cork flooring is an excellent natural thermal and acoustic insulator, which
means rooms with cork flooring are naturally warm and quiet. It is an especially good choice in
colder climates.
• Rubber flooring

Rubber flooring is a durable and resilient option often found
in high-traffic commercial spaces like gyms, hospitals and
schools. It offers excellent shock absorption, slip resistance,
and is easy to maintain.
FUNCTIONS: The sound absorption of rubber is particularly
useful in large open areas where there may be an empty echoic
sound. Rubber flooring is highly resistant to chemicals,
making it an excellent choice for industrial settings.
• Terazzo flooring
Terazzo is a composite material that typicallu consists of
chips of marble, quartz, granite, or glass set in concrete
or resin. It is renowned for its decorative and versatile
FUNCTIONS: Terrazzo flooring is incredibly durable and
can withstand heavy foot traffic, making it an excellent
choice for high-traffic areas.
• Epoxy flooring
Epoxy flooring is a seamless, resin-based material used
for its durability and chemical resistance. It provides high
gloss and smooth surface.
FUNCTIONS: Epoxy flooring offers many
beautiful colors, perfect for hotel lobbies or athletic
complexes. It can be used to create almost any design
imaginable, from minimalist or ornate to monochromatic
or colorful.
• Ceramic or Porcelain tile
These are popular for their strength, water resistance, and a
wide range of design options. They are suitable for areas with
exposure to moisture or heavy wear.
FUNCTIONS: Since it often feels cool, it's a good flooring
option in rooms that tend to get hot during warmer months.
Porcelain tile is harder than ceramic tile and is less prone to
cracking and other issues that are more common with ceramic tile. It is an excellent choice for
commercial environments or high-traffic locations.
• Stone flooring
Natural stone materials like marble, granite, limestone, and travertine are used for their
timeless beauty and elegance.
FUNCTIONS: Stone flooring is naturally moisture-resistant, making it an excellent option for
high-moisture areas such as bathrooms, laundry rooms, and kitchens. It is also easy to clean
and hygienic, requiring only a damp mop and normal cleaning products.

• Glass flooring
Glass flooring, usually in the form of glass tiles or panels, is utilized for its aesthetic appeal and
ability to allow light to pass through.
FUNCTIONS: Glass flooring is visually compatible with
many different materials and design schemes. It is neutral
enough to work in many different design schemes while
still being bold and intriguing enough to stand on its own.
Glass flooring allows light to filter through levels of a
home or business, creating an illusion of the space being
more open, airy, and large.
• Leather flooring
Leather flooring is a luxurious choice, made from treated
animal hides, often cowhide. It offers an elegant
appearance, comfort, and durability with proper care.
FUNCTIONS: Leather flooring is an excellent acoustic
insulator, reducing noise levels in a room. It can help to
absorb sound and reduce echoes, making it a great option
for music rooms, home theaters, and other spaces where
sound quality is important.

Design features are the aspects of pattern, texture or layout that are deliberately incorporated into
interior design to enhance the aesthetic appeal, functionality, and overall atmosphere of a space.
These design features are used to create visual interest, define the style, and contribute to the
character of the interior environment.
Key design features include:
Material Selection: Materials offer a wide range of textures, colors and visual qualities that
can set the foundation for the design style of the space
Color and Hue: Flooring color can enhance or compliment the color scheme of the walls and
furnishings. Bold and vibrant colors can make a statement while neutral and monochromatic tones
create a more subdued and sophisticated look.
Pattern and Motif: Patterns and motifs in flooring, such as herringbone, chevron or
geometric designs can be used to add visual interest and create focal points. It can be traditional or
contemporary depending on design goals.
Custom inlays and Borders: Customized inlays, medallions and border design can be added
to flooring for a unique, artistic touch. They creatae a sense of luxury and craftsmanship.
Mix of materials: Combining different flooring materials within a single space can create
visual constrast and define separate zones.
Reflectivity: The level of gloss or sheen in flooring materials can affect the reflection of light,
contributing to the overall atmosphere. High-gloss surfaces can make a space feel more vibrant,
while matte finishes create a more subtle ambience.
Embossing and 3D Effects: Embossed patterns or 3D effects can create a tactile and visually
dynamic quality.
Wayfinding elements: Flooring can be used to guide individuals through a space or provide
directional cues, especially in larger or complex environments.
Transitions and thresholds: Using transition strips or blending materials, can be a design

feature that enhances the flow and unity of a space.

Artistic expression: Floorring itself can become a canvas for aratistic expression, with hand
painted designs, murals or abstract art incorporated into the floor.


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