2024-04-02 AF Daily Walk About

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Daily Walk About - Timika Hangar v 01

2 Apr 2024 / Base Superintendent Airfast Complete

Score 21 / 22 (95.46%) Flagged items 1 Actions 1

Site conducted Timika

Conducted on 02.04.2024 10:34 WIT

Prepared by Base Superintendent Airfast

Location Hangar

Flagged items & Actions 1 flagged, 1 action

Flagged items 1 flagged, 1 action

Safety Observation / Are tools , equipment and consumable product stored correctly / Are tools , equipment and
consumable product stored correctly 1

Equipment stored No

Eyewash hasn't been inspected

Photo 1

Done | Assignee: Safetytimika Airfast | Priority: Low | Due: 09.04.2024 10:35 WIT | Created
by: Safetytimika Airfast

Inform to BSO

Other actions 0 actions

Safety Observation 1 flagged, 1 action, 21 / 22 (95.46%)
Are the employees wearing appropriate PPE for the task. 5 / 5 (100%)
Are the employees wearing appropriate PPE for the task. 1 5 / 5 (100%)

Safety Shoes Yes

High Vix Vest Yes

Eye Protection Yes

Ear protection Yes

ID Yes
Are employees obeying fall protection rules 3 / 3 (100%)
Are employees obeying fall protection rules 1 3 / 3 (100%)

Helmut Yes

Fall platform Yes

Harness Yes
Are the facilities clean , tidy, clear of obstacles and slip hazards 7 / 7 (100%)
Are the facilities clean , tidy, clear of obstacles and slip hazards
7 / 7 (100%)

Offices Yes

Hangar Yes

Toilets Yes

Hangar surrounds Yes

Stores Yes

Walkways Yes

Rest areas Yes

Are tools , equipment and consumable product stored correctly 1 flagged, 1 action, 5 / 6 (83.33%)
Are tools , equipment and consumable product stored correctly 1 flagged, 1 action, 5 / 6 (83.33%)

DG materials Yes

Shelves stacked correctly Yes

Shadow boards complete Yes

Equipment stored No

Eyewash hasn't been inspected

Photo 1

Done | Assignee: Safetytimika Airfast | Priority: Low | Due: 09.04.2024 10:35 WIT | Created
by: Safetytimika Airfast

Inform to BSO

Spill kits available Yes

Gas bottles tethered Yes

Are employees following correct manual handling procedures 1 / 1 (100%)
Are employees following correct manual handling procedures 1 1 / 1 (100%)

Not lifting weights in excess of 15 kgs. Yes

Are employees observing CoVid 19 practices
Are employees observing CoVid 19 practices 1

Face mask N/A

Social distancing N/A

Have you observed any hazards or unsafe work practices

Media summary

Photo 1

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