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Method Name: Apple Juice W2024

Inst: Symbol, Wavelength, Analyte Name, and Function

Description : Apple Juice Analysis w2024

Element Wavelength Analyte Name Function

Ca 422.660 Ca 422.673 Analyte
Mn 257.607 Mn 257.610 Analyte
K 766.472 K 766.490 Analyte
Cu 324.748 Cu 324.752 Analyte
Y 371.024 Y 371.029 Internal Standard


Inst: Spectrometer, Read Time, Replicates

Spectral Profiling: Yes Resolution: Normal

Purge Gas Flow : High

Read Delay Time (sec) : 15

Replicates : 4
Read Time : Auto Min Time : 1.000 sec Max Time: 5.000 sec


Survey and Auto Integration Spectral Windows

Analyte Wavelength Survey Survey Auto Auto

(nm) Lower Upper Lower Upper
Ca 422.673 422.660 422.476 422.898 422.476 422.898
Mn 257.610 257.607 257.530 257.822 257.530 257.822
K 766.490 766.472 766.172 766.855 766.172 766.855
Cu 324.752 324.748 324.654 324.863 324.654 324.863
Y 371.029 371.024 370.915 371.154 370.915 371.154


Sampler: Plasma Parameters

Source Equilibration Delay : 15 sec

Monitor Nebulizer Back Pressure : No

Plasma Params: Variable

F'n Analyte Plas Aux Neb Power View Plasma

L/min L/min L/min Watts Dist View
A Ca 422.673 12 0.2 0.55 1400 15.0 Radial
A Mn 257.610 12 0.2 0.55 1400 15.0 Radial
A K 766.490 12 0.2 0.55 1400 15.0 Radial
A Cu 324.752 12 0.2 0.55 1400 15.0 Radial
IS Y 371.029 12 0.2 0.55 1400 15.0 Radial


Sampler: Peristaltic Pump Parameters

Sample Flow Rate : 1.50 mL/min

Sample Flush Time(sec) : 0


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Method Name: Apple Juice W2024

Sampler: Wash Parameters

Wash : Never
Wash Location : 0


Process: Peak Algorithms and Points/Peak

F'n Analyte Peak Pts/Peak

A Ca 422.673 Peak Area 11
A Mn 257.610 Peak Area 11
A K 766.490 Peak Area 11
A Cu 324.752 Peak Area 11
IS Y 371.029 Peak Area 11


Process: Spectral Overlap and Background Correction

F'n Analyte Overlap Background BGC1 BGC2

Correction Correction
A Ca 422.673 None 2-Point -0.084 0.084
A Mn 257.610 None 2-Point -0.024 0.024
A K 766.490 None 2-Point -0.115 0.136
A Cu 324.752 None 2-Point -0.030 0.030
IS Y 371.029 None 2-Point -0.034 0.034

IEC Table : None MSF Table : None


Process: Assign Internal Standards

Do Calib Blanks contain internal standards: Yes

Report apparent concentrations for internal standards: As a Percent

Analyte Internal Standard Conc Units

Ca 422.673 Y 371.029
Mn 257.610 Y 371.029
K 766.490 Y 371.029
Cu 324.752 Y 371.029


Process: Assign Internal Standards Check

Perform internal standards check: Yes

Analyte Enabled/Disabled Check Min(%) Check Max(%)

Y 371.029 Disabled 80 120

Action for internal standards lower limit failure:

reanalyze 0 times, then Continue
Action for internal standards upper limit failure:
reanalyze 0 times, then Continue


Calib: Blank and Standard IDs and Autosampler Locations

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Method Name: Apple Juice W2024

Method of Additions: No

ID A/S Location
Calib Blank 1 Calib Blank 1 1

ID A/S Location
Calib Std 1 Standard 1 2
Calib Std 2 Standard 2 3
Calib Std 3 Standard 3 4
Calib Std 4 Standard 4 5
Calib Std 5 Standard 5 6

Calib Std 5 Standard 5 6


Calib: Calibration Standard Units and Concentrations

Analyte Calib Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 Standard 4


Ca 422.673 mg/L 5.003 10.007 15.010 20.014

Mn 257.610 mg/L 2.004 4.007 8.015 12.022
K 766.490 mg/L 9.005 21.012 30.017 39.022
Cu 324.752 mg/L 1.994 3.999 5.998 7.998

Analyte Calib Standard 5


Ca 422.673 mg/L 25.017

Mn 257.610 mg/L 14.026
K 766.490 mg/L 51.029
Cu 324.752 mg/L 9.997


Calib: Calibration and Reagent Blank Usage

F'n Analyte Use Calib Subtract

Blank Reagent

A Ca 422.673 Calib Blank 1 n/a

A Mn 257.610 Calib Blank 1 n/a
A K 766.490 Calib Blank 1 n/a
A Cu 324.752 Calib Blank 1 n/a
IS Y 371.029 None n/a


Calib: Calibration Equation and Sample Units

F'n Analyte Calibration Sample Max Max

Equation Units Decimal Signif.
Places Figures
A Ca 422.673 Lin, Bracketing mg/L 3 4
A Mn 257.610 Lin, Bracketing mg/L 3 4
A K 766.490 Lin, Bracketing mg/L 3 4

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Method Name: Apple Juice W2024

A Cu 324.752 Lin, Bracketing mg/L 3 4

IS Y 371.029 mg/L 3 4


Calib: Initial Calibration Options

When opening this method manually :

Clear calibration curve(s) and construct a new calib curve.

When using this method in a multimethod sequence:

Start by constructing new calibration curves.


Calib : Multi Line Calibration

Not Enabled



Periodic recalibration is not enabled in this method.

Analyze standards at end of analysis is not enabled in this method.


Analyte Concentrations Added to Recovery Check Samples

Concentration Units : Sample

Analyte Conc Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery Recovery

Units Set1 Set2 Set3 Set4 Set5 Set6

Ca 422.673 mg/L
Mn 257.610 mg/L
K 766.490 mg/L
Cu 324.752 mg/L


Sample Limits

Not Enabled


QC Sample Definition

A/S Count as Subtract

QC Sample ID Loc Sample Reagent Blank


QC Sample Concentrations and Limits


Schedule for QC Analyses

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Method Name: Apple Juice W2024

After After
QC Sample ID Init Cal Recal Periodic Freq At End

Periodic Timing of Analyses

Frequency ... Same for all QC's : 1


Failure Actions for After-Calibration QC's

Times to When All Additional

QC Sample ID Retry QC Tries Fail Message

Failure Actions for Periodic QC's

Times to When All Additional

QC Sample ID Retry QC Tries Fail Message

Failure Actions for At-End QC's

Times to When All Additional

QC Sample ID Retry QC Tries Fail Message

Maximum Retries After QC Failure

After a group of standards or unknowns has been

reanalyzed 1 times, then Continue



Include in Results Display and Printed Log:

* Analytical Header
* Method Header (Short)
* Sample Header
Start each sample on a new page

Sample Data Items: Summary Items:

Replicate Data Analysis List
* Means and Statistics * Matrix Test Reports
Auto Integration Report * Calibration Summary
Over Calibration Message Detailed Calibration Summary

Save with Results:

* Spectral Data
Universal Data


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