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Introduction :

Maritime industry, especially in the transportation sector is one of the vital key in the
world economy and considered as the highest risk occupation. According to it, all aspect in
shipping industry are included as the top priority, such as the seafarers, cargo, and ships. For this
reasons, the seafarers are expected to master communication skills in English language through a
maritime English learning process. English for Special Purpose or ESP can be choosen, as ESP is
recognized as the program that can meet the needs of shipping or maritime industry in global
scale. Relevant to the acceptance of English language as the common language in the maritime

English for Spesific Purpose (ESP) is a teaching method of English language where the
material that given to the learner are spesified. For the example for students in vocational collage
level in maritime science education. They will meet Maritime English course, this is also the
same for other study program that realisticly will use English in their field. So the standart of
English language will be different from general English, such grammar, lexical, and function of
the English are classified to meet the needs of the learner.

English language in IMO (International Maritime Organization) Model Course, is

positioned as the means of communication about safety in the sea, both in spoken and writing
English. IMO model course also stated that mastering maritime terminology and English term in
maps and publications that related to nautical sciences are the minimum standard of English
mastery. In addition, communications about safety and operational between ships, ship and ports
are also use English as the main language.

Beside Marime English, there is also Standard Maritime Communication Phrase as the
ability that every maritime scholar must have. There is also explained the function of SMCP in
maritime learning:

1. Safety support when navigating and manuevering a ships

2. As the standard communication in the sea when navigating, approaching a ports, shipping
lanes, and communicating between ships and crew who have a language differences.
3. Assisting educational institutions to fulfil the required curriculum and outcomes in
maritime science department.
Summary :

Maritime English, is one of the study that taught for the maritime science students in
university. Because the posisition of English language are referred as foreign language in
Indonesia, many of the students are considered Maritime English as a “sourge” for their
studies. This phenomenon not only happened to the students only. In contrast to the students
who doesn’t competence in English language, there are a occurs English teacher who teach
maritime English doesn’t have knowledge about maritime science. This situation will surely
impact the result of the students in mastering maritime English.

The condition of the differences regulation in maritime science universities are often
causing this phenomenon, because bach universities has its regulation about the standard of
the teaching staff. Although, there is a regulation Law No.14 of 2005 that regulate the
standard of the teacher, there is few of the seafarers that has a willingness and passion to
become an educator. This is causing most of the teacher who taught maritime English doesn't
have a maritime science background. New problem arise from this situation, maritime
scientific material is a practical material that should presented by the teacher according to
their experience to the material, if the teacher isn’t from the maritime science background
they wouldn’t have the experience. The result is teaching and learning process of maritime
English will be impacted.

This article goals are to reveal the intention or the purpose of Maritime English, is
maritime English is English teaching solely for maritime science or maritime science
material who are taught using English language. Using International Maritime Organization
(IMO) Model course 3.17 whom are currently the source of learning module that used in the
most of maritime science university. This research uses qualitative descriptive method to
discover the desireable outcome.

The result of the research reveal that some of the teacher who teach maritime English is
actually never obtained a maritime science material. Altough not all of the material that
taught in maritime English are purely from maritime material, such grammar, reading, and
listening who surely the teacher has a competence in that field. Maritime English are the
subject that focused and intended to prepare the students to become a seafarers. So it is not
fair if we call that maritime English is English for professional purposes. But if we look from
the material such grammar, reading, and listening, maritime English can be categorized as
English for Special purpose. Meaning that Maritime English can be considered fullfil
definition as the English specific for the maritime science, and maritime sience taught by
used English.

Essential Information:
In maritime science major, knowledge are the absolute things for the maritime science
students, accordingly to the job they will apply considered as the most vital and dangerous
sector. To achieve the certain mastery of maritime science material, the Maritime English teacher
also must have the mastery to the maritime science material. But English education and maritime
science are really different major, that the source of the knowledge of each major are obtained
from different way. English education obtained from some majors that teach English such as
English education, English literature, Linguistic and Tarbiyah. As for the mastery of Maritime
English material only be achieved through experience it in maritime world.

The differences of those two are not without reason. Knowing that material of maritime
English need to know a lot of practical terminology of maritime science field. For the example of
the terminology of Maritime English material that must understanded are: Ship structure,
Advanced maritime science learning and maritime law, mastery and use of terminology related
to machinery ships and operating systems, Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP),
maritime management and ship inspections, terminology regarding deck and ship maneuvering,
and electrical ship and communication. All that’s terminology are must understanded in English
language. The teacher of the maritime English who doesn’t have maritime sciencifical
background will have difficulty if they are needed to teach these material. But some material of
Maritime English also obtained from learning English in general, such grammar, reading,
speaking, and listening skills. With that all differences of maritime English and English for
general, it will be very good if the ministry of education, culture, research, and technology, and
the ministry of transportation pay attention and improve the standard of the educators especially
in specific field major.

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